Goes Without Saying - 2023 time-capsule love letters: podmas #20

Episode Date: December 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho. I'm nervous. This is different. This is going to be different, guys.
Starting point is 00:01:18 This is a first goes without saying, I would say. We're going to play back a little bit of one of our old episodes. Of last year. So we had a lovely message um we asked on the instagram any you know final call for podmas what do we need for passengers for the podmas flight yeah um and this person said have you listened back to your messages to your future selves from podmas 2022 and then they so kindly put brackets episode 12 thank you so much we literally would have had not hope in hell i even said that's really cool of them that they've
Starting point is 00:01:50 actually no it is cool of them thank you so helpful because we honestly have no clue what we're saying like when we've said anything so thank you no it literally would have gone straight down the drain yeah i would have no idea so thank you because i've been listening back to this now and i'm like i don't recognize these guys like it's so weird so this is gonna be quite self-indulgent but isn't it so we're reflecting on last year we had these predictions or hopes i don't know we're yet to hear what we say i feel really nervous um so we're gonna take it back a year hear what we wanted to say to today's selves the question was if there were what was the thing about knock on the door so i say to you if in 20 minutes time you know you're going to get a knock on the door from you 2024 version so it's you from this time next year what are you going to say to her you
Starting point is 00:02:37 know what's the conversation what do you hope she says to you what you're going to ask her that sort of thing oh my god and then i guess we'll do the same for for the following year yeah let's see what they have to say for themselves oh i feel so sick i also at the beginning of this episode i do the tampon thing for the first time the tampon analogy that went down i just caught myself red-handed yeah it went down with us i don't know if anyone else no it's amazing i love it okay ready so i'm gonna play this and hopefully you know i'll be all right as you should i just think i'm not that bad like it's okay i'm not immediately cringe it's actually painful to listen to this
Starting point is 00:03:17 if there was one thing you would ask yourself this time next year if you could speak to her if you knew okay in 20 minutes time there's gonna be a knock on your door yeah and the end of 2023 sephie is gonna knock on the door what would you say to her i hope you've done this did we manage to blah blah blah what have you done tell me everything what colors my hair like tell me everything you knew god i'm nervous what are you gonna say wow ready i would be so nosy although i wouldn't i wouldn't want any spoilers like i'm quite excited for i feel like i'm in a real period of embarking on the unknown right now I'm really kind of Frodo about to leave the Shire with my little stick
Starting point is 00:04:08 if I take one step further it's the focus I've got that's genuinely how I feel so I definitely think I'm I wouldn't ask for any spoilers but I would love to know what would I love to fucking know I think I would just be like
Starting point is 00:04:24 am I happy, am I content what's think I would just be like am I happy am I content like what's like what's my vibe what's my general vibe I'm giving what's my aesthetic fair enough I'd want to know if I was happy I think that's just I think that's pretty much as simple I genuinely think I'm as simple as that at the moment like there is nothing more important like am I happy am I content and that's pretty much all I want for my next year what if she said to you back are you happy I would say yes I would say I'm happy within myself there's so much that I would change I do a really we don't have time to get into the I would change some things genuinely I genuinely do feel really um confident in myself and like um comfortable with myself as
Starting point is 00:05:07 well like I feel really um yeah like I like do you know what I think I really trust myself at the moment and I think that was a thing for me a few maybe even a year ago where I was like I don't know almost when I was coming to terms with like autism and all of these things I think that was a period where I was like things I do are read differently from other people like i don't know if i trust myself yeah i definitely trust that i have like a good heart yeah and i want the best for everyone and that actually i i come in peace like genuine like genuinely i come in the most peace um little alien coming down but that's how i feel actually i think sometimes i do feel like a little alien that's come down and it's like actually i trust that i'm a nice little martian i'm not fucking evil shit right now i'm just nice i'm just here to make sure i have a good time and everyone else has a good
Starting point is 00:05:52 time i'm a nice little martian that's what i have to say i'm a nice little martian not evil shit you're not evil no you're right you're not god that's so weird listening back that's really weird it's a weird message to get from the past i think i'm a nice little martian not evil shit you were saying some nice things you trust yourself i do trust myself yeah and you wanted to know are you happy yeah and i am happy at the moment yeah and i think i feel I'm happy at the moment yeah and I think I feel it's funny because I hearing my past self a year ago be like I trust myself I'm confident and blah blah I feel so much more confident in myself and so much more I don't even have trust myself as a concept now of like that doesn't feel new like I 100% trust my decisions and trust myself like I feel so much more confident i think than that
Starting point is 00:06:46 than i did a year ago so it's funny to hear myself say that then because i think i look back and thank god i made decisions maybe that weren't um brimming with confidence or i made just i just i don't think i viewed myself in the same way that i view myself now and so fucking much has happened this year this year for me i think since that little martian came to this little martian yeah i said that she was a martian yeah oh and i said i was frodo at the front of the front of the shire and that's how i feel now actually that if that was frodo in fellowship he was at this purpose if i take one more step there'll be the furthest i've ever been or whatever a little sam i definitely feel in my return of the king era that or i'm in my
Starting point is 00:07:31 two towers i'm in my two towers okay i'm in the midst of my journey but i do feel like if i've returned back to the shot at the end of the thing it's like yeah i do feel changed i feel different i feel like i a lot has happened this year I've learned so goddamn much and it's funny to hear that I kind of felt happy and content all of those stuff back then because I really do feel it now is there like one thing like the biggest thing you've learned this year that you think would shock like that past self version of you i think i've learned a lot about um like romantic relationships this year and i think that is something that i wasn't expecting it wasn't on my agenda at all for the year like it wasn't in my thing but i think i've learned a lot about like um um men and
Starting point is 00:08:20 what i want from them how to kind of deal with that feeling of liking someone and wanting that sort of thing would be like and the idea of then rejecting it and being like no just learning things and taking everything and just learning learning learning learning learning stunning and having so much fun doing it yeah stunning the biggest thing I think I've learned this year because that was really unexpected and it's taken up fucking all year. We're always learning. It never stops, in fact. Yeah, yeah. Shall I keep playing?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Let's hear yours. I feel sick. Hopefully I don't answer. No, you, oh boy, you will. If I know when, you should answer. Would you say you're happy at the moment? Yeah, I would. I think I can feel it from you thanks which i don't say lightly i must say no no no i almost feel like i don't know i was kind of thinking is this relevant no let's go to um your message nice to hear that you're happy
Starting point is 00:09:16 everyday celebrations day what do you think is the biggest thing this podcast has taught you just god i'm just quizzing you yeah no let's get to the good bit there's nothing else the best version of us yeah it's not guaranteed the more you try enjoying it right now it really feels like hours at the moment yeah and that's really cute yeah that's cute kind of a communal hour it's like not just all out this christmas i think there might not be no there has to be there has to be right no you've got to find it why did you not do it i don't think i answered you must have answered right let's go back to directly after great is that do you think the best thing that's happened to you this year or what would you say is the best thing that's happened to you this year okay
Starting point is 00:10:03 maybe that's what i asked instead which is a worse question i'm so sorry i don't what's the best thing that's happened to me i don't care yeah what was the best thing that happened to me last year let me find let me see if there's anything i don't think you do it i don't answer oh my goodness i didn't do the homework shall we do it for next year then yeah let's do it for now okay so right so if you get a knock on the door from from the 2024 version of end of next year me what would you ask her okay let me actually think wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment and not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh canadian dairy it's also refreshingly cheap just 99 cents until july 14th it's a treat for you and your wallet
Starting point is 00:10:56 acas powers the world's best podcasts Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this?
Starting point is 00:11:20 I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere a cast.com jesus i don't know i would say how much money have you got honestly
Starting point is 00:11:58 and i would love to know that too because that's how much i've got god jesus well i would say no go on what are you gonna say is that you kind of being like do you think we're gonna be rich next year not necessarily but i think um i almost think like in terms of like there's just there's so much in my life that i'm content with yeah although that said my tarot reading a while ago that i actually put a bit of in in one of the pod tobers i think in that tarot i went to four not four thieves what's it called two feathers i used to work in a pub called four thieves two feathers two feathers there was a woman who did my tarot cards and she was really good um i can't remember what her name was unfortunately to recommend me neither um so sorry about that but they've all
Starting point is 00:12:54 been pretty good in two feathers i would say we like two feathers we're two feathers stands if you come to brighton pop in and be like why have stephanie wing sent me here honestly just go into two feathers and just have a smit have a sniff smell yes just inhale um but she said my saturn return was going to be quite crazy and i am in my saturn return like this is happening for me so i feel like over the next year i am apprehensive like if there are any like huge shifts or like endings re you know new stuff that sort of thing like i do feel um because right now i feel so good in like most areas of my life there are obviously like a few things that are you know they're just my lifelong chronic issues yeah but like generally i feel good in my life in most areas so it'd be hard for me to identify like okay did i sort x y and z out yeah um yeah i would love to know how much money we have
Starting point is 00:13:51 and i i think i would just yeah i would want to know how she's getting on that okay so maybe i don't know this feels a bit much but it's true i would say the main thing that kind of bugs me in my day-to-day life is my relationship with one of my parents and i would love to know how that's faring on me emotionally at the end of next year like i would love was that that's going to really piss me off listening back to that next year i'm gonna be like oh why did you bring that now i have to go into it like now my next year self has to answer that question so sorry in advance hey hey guys by the way um but yeah I would love to know how I'm feeling about that because I feel like at the moment it's the main thing that like kind of
Starting point is 00:14:40 just makes me I'm just quite exhausted by it and i wonder like if i'm finding some level of peace or like i'm just um just getting on with it i guess yeah any developments i mean i dare and ask but i would love to know it's a scary question to ask that's the only thing that i'm oh sorry lizzie um no we're in quite a crucial moment of the episode. Hey, Lizzie. But yeah, go on. What are you getting? From the shops.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Hi. Hey, I was going to say, say I said hi. But what's up? Said hi. Sorry about that. She says, what's up? What are you getting?
Starting point is 00:15:23 I don't know. I'm asking if you want anything. What should I get from the shops? one poppadom that's a throwback and he ordered me one poppadom he got a curry I did ask for it I don't know what I fancy why don't you get some crisps or something
Starting point is 00:15:39 yeah some crisps we don't want them so don't get them we're quite obsessed with these flaming hot watsits at the moment. I love them. They're good, aren't they? They're disgusting. But they do make you feel sick. They make you feel sick. They're repellent.
Starting point is 00:15:56 But they're so good. No, I don't want them. Get me something nice, though. Something festive. A festive treat. Do you know what i want i want squirty cream to put on a hot chocolate vegan oh yeah a hot chocolate thanks love cheers now back to now back to this trauma yeah that's all i would ask i think like that's the only thing that i'm like what can i like i wonder because i trust myself with everything else i trust that in every area of my life i like i'm on it i'm feeling good that's
Starting point is 00:16:30 the one thing that i think i guess how i'd put it into words i feel a little bit out of sorts with that like i almost just i don't know what i'm doing like it almost is brushed to the back of my mind and like every time it comes up which is every day i'm like oh what do i do with this like it's something that's kind of just like nagging me every day that i'm like how oh, what do I do with this? Like, it's something that's kind of just, like, nagging me every day. That I'm like, how am I going to solve this? And I can't solve it, necessarily. So, just curious any coping strategies I've got there on the other side of 2024. But apart from that, yeah, I just hope she's okay. I hope I've had fun.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Like, I hope I've been, like, maybe on, like, been somewhere hot. That's all, really. I hope I'm feeling good. I hope my dog's okay jesus that's gonna kill me that'll be painful to listen to next year that will be bad to listen to what about you what would you say to next year um i don't think i have i have no plan for the year yeah i've got no image of what this year is going to look like, which is in a way often what leads to my favourite times. But if she came a-knocking now, 2024, Sefi,
Starting point is 00:17:31 I think I would say, oh, I'd say dish the dirt. What's going on? Tell me everything. Yeah, give me the updates. I would also hope for her just... I think it's basically I come back to the same thing. I think my core thing that i want for everyone is happiness i would be like have you had fun yeah same things are you feeling good within yourself yeah i think actually when i strip it away from like the narrative of my life of like
Starting point is 00:17:59 what is going on and all of this stuff it's like if i actually get a chance to talk to myself in a year it's like i don't really give a shit what you've done i just hope you're happy he's always like why are you here i don't give a shit about you why are you here stop bugging me why do you keep coming back leave me alone yeah but i think it's like are you happy but i would i would love to know what i've done like any scandals any fun you know tell me the thing oh god i'd love to know what I've done. Any scandals, any fun. Tell me the thing. God, I'd love to know. Yes, I would. Who knows what she'll get up to. Okay, stop it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yeah. Okay, weird different episode. Yeah, I like it. I'm happy with that. It's giving podmas, I think. It definitely feels end of the year. I feel a bit existential. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I would also love to know how much money we have. Just before you go. Before you wait one last thing how much money do we have she's like no i won't lend you a tenner still nothing all right if you don't hear from us assume we slayed too hard. We'll see you next time.

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