Goes Without Saying - aliens & conspiracies: podtober #7

Episode Date: October 31, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Shivers down my spine. You crack an egg on your head and the blood is running down. Spooky ghost. Spook-tacular. it's such a spooky day today welcome back to the spooktacular extravaganza bonanza to get them in the wrong way around if it's the spooky vibe extravaganza bonanza spectacular spooktacular oh it is so spectacular spooktacular it really is i'm excited for this
Starting point is 00:01:25 you've um you've been camping out for this one this has been the topic that we were just thinking like what do we want to record on and i was like i do want to do aliens before the week is done before the day is done i want it before the day is done before it's too late and before the week is up before podmas i've actually even i'm dumb, I've actually titled this file on my computer Podmas 7. What's wrong with you? I can't get it into my head that it's called Podtober. Podmas. I've actually called it Podmas 7.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I miss her, Podmas. She feels like yesterday, honestly. It's in a few months. Yeah, not even. Mere weeks to go until Podmas. Mere weeks away. The countdown begins. But right now it's podtober yes let's not and i didn't want to miss the opportunity to speak about aliens yeah okay so go on kick us off
Starting point is 00:02:12 then you've got nothing to say i've literally got nothing to say but i want i want basically to be told about them and i want to be informed about them well unfortunately you've come to the wrong place i can't do any i. Yeah, I thought I might have. But, so the thing that I think is going to go without saying, the kind of, the undercurrent, I think, of this conversation is that a lot of our conversations about aliens have revolved around my boyfriend's interest in aliens because they're kind of his thing.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Like, I would say my, like, spooky, my kind of thing that, like... Sorry, I'm dropping crystals. It's quite haunting. It's quite scary. Very. Is that a sign? it's almost like god what did i just do i looked at my hand it was a crystal i don't even know you're holding that um yeah like i feel like if i were to get scared of something in the night or like have a bad dream or like oh something something that to me would be it's immediately paranormal it's immediately a ghost. It's a ghost or a man. It could be a man.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Well, yeah. Yeah, it's awful. I hear a noise. It's like, is it a man in the house? If it's not, I'm like, it was a ghost. But for my boyfriend, I don't know if he hears a noise and thinks that's an alien, but he definitely has like a piqued interest in aliens. He's convinced that they're real, et cetera, et cetera. And I always say he was abducted
Starting point is 00:03:25 and all of this stuff anyway he definitely was it's a weird level of fear for sure he it's almost like he knows things about them that no one knows it's like how did you learn that it must have been from a real life experience that's from your lived experience also because it's so fascinating how scared he is of aliens i have quizzed him before and um he was like i was surprised at the reaction it wasn't like a funny thing no he's not joking it was like seffy stop talking about aliens stop please it's like oh my god it's like a real thing yeah no it's it's a real thing it's kind of like it's it's it's just it's his it's his it's like i would say to him like stop pretending to be a possessed little victorian child yeah exactly and i like get really serious about it it's nick
Starting point is 00:04:12 stop doing that stop being the sickly victorian ghost girl yeah um but he's so he's kind of piqued my interest more i guess in aliens because i've just kind of always been a bit wishy-washy like yeah i guess like i'm sure there is aliens sort of in like a zoomed out i imagine there is because i don't think that humans could be the be-all and end-all of like existence yeah but then i also do think and this was kind of just when you said can we speak about aliens and i was like well i've got nothing to say but i'll give you this this is one thing i've got it's nothing but i remember having a conversation with someone once when i was younger i must have been like 18 or something and she was talking about how she kind of had this idea of life that there are just kind of different kinds of people you know when you meet someone it's just like you get it you just get it
Starting point is 00:05:04 it's like yeah i see you we get it like there's a click there's something there's a magic there's a chemical something's happening you just get it and you're on the same wavelength but then sometimes you meet people and like even sometimes it's like on paper everything should be fine like you kind of you like the same musicians you've watched the same films like you grew up in a similar area maybe but it's just not clicking it's like clanking there's there's a friction so well it's just like it's grating it doesn't land it's not working you're incompatible and i remember this girl saying at the time yeah well that's what i'm gonna propose she was saying like i think there's just different kinds of people like
Starting point is 00:05:42 there's kind of like group a group b group c etc there are just different types of people like fundamentally and like you can change and grow but like bottom line is sometimes you're just different people yeah and i was kind of like okay that's interesting then when you said about aliens today i thought maybe not only are we different kinds of people but maybe we really are fundamentally made of different things. And that's all I've got for you. So I guess I'll leave it there. Okay, I love that. You like where I've taken that?
Starting point is 00:06:14 Yeah? I love it so much. So what are you proposing? I'm not really getting your... I love what she's saying. I'm not so much getting your add-on. Okay, okay, okay. Well, I'm thinking maybe in the way that we see
Starting point is 00:06:27 different things we are different things we think different things there are incompatibilities yeah between humans what if it's something more than just different biology or different experience what if there's something else because i do kind of like the idea of like aliens walking living amongst living among i love it right just in the sense of like what so we've all descended from the same you know like we what we can all be pinned back to the same thing maybe not i love it so much i'm desperate to be one of the aliens that's for sure i think you are i think i feel more often that i'm the person that is jarring people more than i'm jarring that people are jarring i feel often that everyone else seems to be operating on rules that i don't seem to like kind of get i hear you
Starting point is 00:07:19 so i wouldn't be surprised if if your theory was true i would maybe think that i would be i don't know if it's necessarily my theory but it's just something i've decided you know it's a theory for some reason um no i agree with you because i as well like i think in the kind of mental heal way have felt loads like oh i'm just not cut out for this living experience so why can everyone else handle things that i can't like why is everyone else handle things that I can't? Like, why is everyone else just getting on with this life? Everyone else seems to just kind of, yeah, be all right. Yeah, they're just fine.
Starting point is 00:07:51 It's like, what? Everyone else is just fine. But it's like, so what's wrong? It's kind of like, I look down at my hands and they're like green, like puckered, like. Yeah, they've got suckers on them. It's like, what's wrong with me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:02 But that's how it feels sometimes, I think, to just be like a young woman in this world yeah maybe that is just the experience is you end up on a podcast saying am i an alien i think i'm an alien guys this contober's gone on way too long i do find aliens fascinating especially like i got into a bit of an internet hole with the whole like sort of there was an idea that it's like the government have announced there are aliens yeah when actually it was kind of one man government announces aliens alien reveal kind of stuff that was happening a few months ago and it's probably still ongoing but i'm just not really all the time i think yeah there's always
Starting point is 00:08:41 weirdos coming out being like oh my god guys believe me joe rogan listen to me yeah literally please joe someone needs to platform me yeah it is just fascinating like i was and then there was i got into a bit of a thing i don't know if this was like a mainstream kind of bit of conversation around this video but for some reason my tiktok feed was like showing me a lot of this probably because i was watching them all as it as we know that it works like that. Yeah. But you remember that video of the girl being like,
Starting point is 00:09:09 that motherfucker is not real. It's not real. Yeah. There was so many videos that I was lapping up. And in quite an insane way. Like I was like, God, these people are nuts.
Starting point is 00:09:20 But I'm starting to like believe them. You get into it. I know. Just in the crazy way that we know how to just do we know how these things work it's crazy guys i know um and a lot of people are saying like oh my god there was someone there it was an alien yeah like these here's what she saw other people confirmed it this man here no one saw his face about it and stuff yeah because she's like a working woman or something i don't know
Starting point is 00:09:45 and then when she did the video of her like saying like hey guys like i'm all right like the blah blah everyone was like that's not her see that she has this freckle that wasn't there and like just crazy shit you know what reminds me of actually the kind of um i guess it's just the classic conspiracy theory life of like the Britney Spears, the kind of Avril Lavigne, etc. Yeah, the clone situation. Yeah. Or that she's been replaced. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:10:11 It kind of, oh, I don't know. It's just, I find, yeah, I don't know. I have nothing to say. It is interesting though. It is. It's so interesting. I find the whole like conspiracy theory like rabbit hole of the internet not that i'm saying you've gone down it i'm just saying generally oh no it's terrifying yeah i find it
Starting point is 00:10:31 i find it actually um really it put it like triggers something deep in my soul just because i think it's like it really i think epitomizes that feeling of like when you're trying to get someone to hear you and like you really can't see eye to eye with someone and for whatever reason you know someone just like can't um just you know when someone's like just completely lost in like the brainwashing they're just lost they're just really they're stuck and it's like you can't get them back out of this unclean place like it's like no matter what you say you can't get through to people sometimes yeah so i find it there's a part there's a huge part of it actually that like really upsets me
Starting point is 00:11:09 it is really obsessed no i i actually completely agree because i completely know the feeling of being like you're wrong and here are the reasons i'm laying out the evidence but they also have already come to the conclusion and they're also then being fed that conclusion back to themselves exactly in their echo chamber a million times over and it just confirms it and you love so true it's yeah no it's horrific it's like loving someone who's like lost down a weird conspiracy rabbit hole i'm sure most of us can relate in some way especially like post-covid with covid etc it's just and just polarizing political shit exactly just at the moment it's i mean it's easy to get really upset all the time with some of the things yeah all the time all the time because
Starting point is 00:11:51 certain things just feel so obvious i think to a big majority of us and definitely us here in this portion of the internet but anyway i watched one of the weird conspiracy um videos this is kind of what got me out of the whole of it because i was like look you're actually kind of associating yourself with morons right now you need to get yeah me i'm watching the kind of that's the lived experience of everyone listening to this podcast it's like i need to stop because i'm associating myself just being associated with sepia wing is too much but like the one that got me the nail in the coffin it was like all these conspiracy shit that i was watching and then it just for literally for fun but then you do start to be oh yeah that one was a bit mad though you feel
Starting point is 00:12:35 yourself getting sucked yeah you're just quick it comes quick and i knew i had to stop when i saw one it was this guy being like it was like were, were giants real? And the guy was like, was Disney trying to tell us something? Oh my God. And it was a clip of this mountain. It was like a Disney Pixar movie. I don't know which one it was, but I'm sure I've seen it. It's kind of the lava one or something where there's a big fucking mountain and it comes alive and it's a person.
Starting point is 00:12:59 It's a Disney movie. And then someone- Maybe it is Moana. At the end with that big thing i have i never got to the end of moana i always turn it off with that crab it always grosses me out so much really i like i'm like i can't do this i think you are that crab a little bit that is like so offensive in the glamorous way in the glamorous way he's not glamorous he's got like loads of shit on him he's glamorous he's a beauty queen he's a glamorous i've. He is glamorous. He freaks me out quite a bit, that crab. He's a beauty queen. You're joking. He's a glow-a-puss.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I've turned it off at that point like two or three times now. I'm like, ugh. It's because you see yourself in it. No, I don't. That's actually so rude. I'm joking, I'm joking, I'm joking. I don't think that's rude.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I can't deal with that crab. I literally can't deal with it. He collects multicoloured shiny things that are so you. It's shiny. Yeah, it's shiny. It's fun. It's my favourite part of the film.
Starting point is 00:13:44 So it's a big compliment, actually, coming from me. Okay, okay. It's my favorite part of the film so it's a big compliment actually coming from me okay okay my favorite part of that movie is maui that is just so good yeah it's everyone's everyone's favorite bit no tomato soup sorry i'm just getting updates from the shop. Oh, no. Ow. And just the comment on that video, just to end it, where someone said, bro really cited a Disney movie. Yeah, that really just made me laugh.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I had to report back. Yeah, it was almost like, oh. He's been cited, he's been cited. He's been cited, he's been cited. It just really made me laugh. I'm like, yeah, let's get out of it like this is truly not it's like i just need to take a seat but like you can't use that was disney but it was like it was deadly serious like were giants it was just like oh my god it's not only deadly serious it's like really from a place of like false righteousness. It's like looking down on all of these sheeple who refuse to believe what's in front of them, i.e. Moana.
Starting point is 00:14:51 And just almost like looking for the evil and everything. It's like, yeah, okay, so you, oh, I don't know. It's like, it's also kind of the victim-y thing, isn't it? Massively. Yeah, massively. What soup are you getting? Well. If there's no tomato tomato i'm getting a different tomato one just not the tomato one that i had before it's gutting i did have oh no oh no it's fine
Starting point is 00:15:14 um i actually showed sephia picture earlier because it's just been so important to me i've been having in my ill state which guys oh my god i'm feeling so much better and i have to report back it's fucking it's laryngitis and a chest infection you're joking that's insane laryngitis like the one thing you shouldn't do is talk and i'm like oh i've only been recording podcasts every day no big deal that is not good just stay on i also forgot what it was called yes i've been on vocal rest yeah yeah um i forgot what it was called and i was like i forgot what you have like tuberculosis or something and it's like no it's not um and yeah this soup and like cheese toasty combo the grilling of a thick cheese and dipping the cheese toasty into this like rich tomato soup it's been life-changing for me it's been really life-changing
Starting point is 00:16:05 for me and i'm holding on to it i'm gonna keep it going i think it looks great it was the perfect amount of grillage i would say good so so good so yeah i'm not really a soup lover no no not really okay no i don't really like soup that much but i do think like with a cheese toasty that makes it quite delicious you know what's good with a soup is almost like you know i think you'd be into this you like like a dal situation when you have like rice i was gonna say other than dal but i don't really have it that soupy yeah but like when you have a almost like have some like fresh rice piping hot yum and then pour the soup over it just to give an extra bit of something because then it almost it becomes like
Starting point is 00:16:55 oh it's like a curry it's like a british carbonara you know exactly yeah exactly yeah i just feel like soup is just a bit nothingy i get that i wouldn't have it do you know what as a soul i associate soup i associate so i associate soup with like dieting a little bit so i think i have a bit of an ick towards it yeah it's just an ick food of like i associate eat something if you love food so much yeah no i get that i associate soup with like um kind of my nan giving it to me it's like a warm exactly it's almost like yeah there's like a table full of food there's like so much to choose from and you've also got your soup make sure you have your soup it's almost like yeah i can deal with it as a starter yeah you need it just alongside yeah exactly i just i sort of is this the spooky thing i know no it's not it's horrid
Starting point is 00:17:47 it's horrid um all right well we can pull this back yeah aliens and conspiracies by the way it's great acas powers the world's best podcasts here's a show that we recommend. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson, and this is a Field Guide to Gay Animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find a Field Guide to Gay Animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Can I actually speak?
Starting point is 00:18:53 And I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but I'm sure it's fine because it's old. One of my favorite films ever is actually a trilogy. But one of my favorites and my favorite of the trilogy is men in black too oh my god of course you're a men in black i really am it's so important to me which i've never seen it's so i might dress up as men in black actually that's fun that's really good one with the kind of sunglasses and just like some little stick um oh my god so wait why do they have sticks the neuralyzer famously you remember yeah how did you forget yeah it's just so men in black 2 is the classic thing that i like because it's like it's a bit weird it's kind of camp it's perfect it's so good
Starting point is 00:19:39 will smith in his prime everyone's it's heartfelt it's just it's stunning yeah um and that's the vibe that i like is almost like aliens are walking among us and there's a whole organization oh is that the part aliens are among us and there's a whole organization of people the men in black who run without us we've never even heard of them because we're being neuralized we have our memories blocked out i don't know why i'm selling a movie that came out literally like 20 years ago. I don't know why I'm so sold. Well, it's silly. It's goofy.
Starting point is 00:20:11 But it's stunning. I do like that though. Yeah, they're walking among us and then there's this kind of organisation of agents who are keeping us safe from like the mean ones without us knowing. Oh my God, I love it. And it's Will Smith and who? And that guy,mmy lee jones no and tessa thompson she's in men in black three yeah and emma thompson really is in the last
Starting point is 00:20:33 oh who is it though tessa and who who's the other person oh chris hemsworth oh that's why i wouldn't be interested oh no no no no no. This isn't Men in Black. This is Men in Black Worldwide or something. It's not the trilogy. That's like a spin-off. Okay, because that's almost what I've seen. I've seen... Liam Neeson. I've seen Queen Tessa just looking great.
Starting point is 00:20:55 But I don't really know anything other than that. Yeah, no, that's a spin-off. Shake's head. Shake's head. Neuralise. Neuralise. Consider me neuralised. shakes head shakes head neuralize neuralize oh do you know what my i think my fascination i'm quite fascinated by aliens in just like okay nice for you to tell us yeah yeah quite late i am quite fascinated in them but yeah you're just in the way that i
Starting point is 00:21:25 i am very fascinated by space as yes as it exists it's just an insane thing it's mental yeah and it's oh it's just insane i love it but i am also obsessed with like the like anecdotal stories of aliens of like people that have been abducted and things like that which i believe less but i enjoy more potentially and i can comprehend them more and there is a dvd i'll show you now i've mentioned this before on this very podcast here we go yeah and you can tell how long ago it was because it's on dvd And who owns a DVD player these days? Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World. Famously. Mysterious World. Which was probably one of the first things I watched.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I found this at my dad's house when I was like 10 or 12 or something. And I was like, what is this? Who is this weird old man? Arthur C. Clarke. And just to give you an idea of the episodes, it says on the back of here, Ancient Wisdom, The Missing Ape Man, Giants for the Gods, and just to give you an idea of the episodes it says on the back of here ancient wisdom the missing ape man giants for the gods the monsters of the lakes and the one i love the most ufos stunning famous absolutely stunning and there's also one called strange you'll always be famous
Starting point is 00:22:39 oh you're great and there's one called strange skies as well love oh yeah that sounds good it's just divine there's two discs i'm highly selling this sales people all of a sudden but i was also gonna say oh sorry just this is similar to what you're saying since you're wearing louis through yeah i am that reminds me of his alien thing when he had the they're truly mental though those people well that's kind of what i thought you were gonna they're people that like yeah the louis through like i think that's a weird not is that a weird weekends one where he goes i think it's like early early louis through and he goes and like hangs out with people that like track ufos and stuff and it's like a bit area 51 is it yeah 51 um but this one in the arthur c clark one what i remember
Starting point is 00:23:27 being so fascinated by is it's kind of quite normal or i wouldn't maybe not call them normal but like they're people with like not like they're like functioning members of society sort of thing they're not people that like have dedicated their lives to finding aliens they're people that have had kind of quote-unquote experiences i remember the one that kind of sticks in my head is this woman that lived in this farmhouse and she says that this thing landed on top of the farmhouse and she looked at the the like guy in the ship and she was like he was he was bright blue and he had the hair of an old king and i was like that is so strange that i can't help but love it that's insane the hair of an old king it's like wow but that gives me look i don't know anything on this so i'm just going to speak on it without well you can objectively say why
Starting point is 00:24:19 does it look like a human old king like what like it's almost like your vision of an alien's pretty human and old king like what like it's almost like your vision of an alien is pretty weak to be honest yeah and kind of like it wasn't like oh he had he had long hair kind of like he had long like i'm picturing like an old kid i'm picturing well it's almost you write your fan fiction and then he dragged me into his ship and we made sweet sweet love but it's kind of like if i if someone described you and they were like um instead of saying blonde hair they were like she had like miley cyrus hair yeah it's like okay but you're putting a you're putting your imagination on it well exactly exactly it sounds like she's writing fanfic so it sounds like it's come from your imagination rather than something that you saw
Starting point is 00:25:02 with your eyes totally but i remember it hooking me of just like oh that's quite an interesting it is an interesting character yeah exactly yeah but yeah i wasn't there believing her even at that young no i'm sure but it peaked my interest for sure yeah but that's why i love the film arrival so much because which one's that it's got amy adams in yeah it's really it's an amazing film if you haven't seen arrival god i highly recommend it it's like insanely good but you have to watch the whole fucking thing that's like my rule if you're watching it can you summarize for me so she is like translating what these aliens are saying so this big kind of egg lands yes i remember
Starting point is 00:25:41 just it like appears and she's translating it but what i really like about that is the creativity of the aliens it's not using our dumbo like it was a blue man or it's a green gray man with big eyes and a big head like it was et it's it's so inhuman and they communicate in these like rings of smoke and it's really cool and it's like these patterns made of rings and that's their like language and i think she like is a interpreter or something. So she's like learning their language. And it's just like, yeah, that is so much more. It's like looking at looking at sort of the universe and thinking like, why on earth would they have two eyes? Why would they have eyes?
Starting point is 00:26:22 Why do they need to see what? Why would they have the concept of smell like all of these things like yeah oh it's just fascinating also reminds me of nope the best thing ever famously um i'm due a watch of nope i think are you i was gonna watch get out the other day um someone suggested and i was like i'm like i will always watch get out but i was like my i'm really craving nope nope oh so good i hope you've enjoyed this yeah god knows yeah i mean weird fun little ride yeah fun little ride in the spaceship yeah all aboard all right we're nearly at the end we're so nearly at the end it's actually crazy i've loved portober
Starting point is 00:27:06 fun little journey i hope everyone's liked it i think they have and if you have just keep it to yourselves love you so much see you next time thank you actually let's do an alien survived so far. Wow. Thank you for listening to the podcast. Oh, ick, ick, ick. Yeah, bye. and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet.

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