Goes Without Saying - bad girls & witchy women: podtober #2

Episode Date: October 25, 2023

sephy & wing pathetically present... a spooktacular extravaganza bonanza, featuring sephy & wing, starring sephy & wing, brought to you by sephy & wing. assume the worst.join the conve...rsation every monday.shop our merch: sephyandwing.co.ukspeak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Okay. Oh, uh, welcome. Should I do the funny one? Welcome. Okay, we'll do it together. Three, two, one, go. Welcome to Sephian Vines. know should i do the funny one yeah welcome okay we'll do it together three two one go that was the vampire you've met the new the vampire vampire check that off your bingo
Starting point is 00:01:26 um i came up with that in the car i just thought it would be really funny to say in the car i was driving i thought really funny to say sephie and ving it's miley cyrus writing malibu what did she come up with that in the car yeah just heard i say i you know i wrote that in the car on the way to the voice honestly i write a lot of stuff in the car on the way to the voice true on the way to just sainsbury's i write do you remember i wrote that in the car on the way to the voice honestly i write a lot of stuff in the car on the way yeah it's true on the way to just sainsbury's i write do you remember i wrote that poem i can't remember what it was now but we used to say it a lot at uni yeah and i wrote that in the car it's quite long you used to say it was a long poem but i memorized the whole thing and i wrote that it was saying it was like if you wanted requirement it was like yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:02:03 it wasn't really like a well-written poem it was just a mantra almost but you was long you did used to pull it out at dinner time sometimes it would be like say the poem say the poem and then it had like two stanzas yeah it was a long one like part but what was it was quite a beautiful sentiment obviously as you would imagine yeah but i don't i can't remember now it's like if you if you just think a little bit it was like if you need it was think a little bit it was like if you need it was kind of if you never bleed you're never gonna grow it was kind of that but anyway anyway um welcome back to the second episode of you've made it spectacular bonanza extravaganza
Starting point is 00:02:41 aka podtober the first podtober yeah you survived the first round what lies ahead danger have your wits about turn back now not for the faint of heart turn back no but i think this will be good i'm excited for this one i really loved the last episode as well same so different energy from us like really like if you ever respected us you we just i enjoyed it i had a good time yeah same i hope you did as well still sick which is a bummer yeah anyway well for us it's only about 10 minutes after so it'd be an absolute miracle if you're better by now sucks um we're talking about i think the way that we just discussed this you said a phrase that i fucking loved you said our personal spiritual law yes which that the making of the
Starting point is 00:03:41 making of behind the scenes of the spiritual law i love anything with the word law in hence why i like folklore so much the only album i like actually that's actually not true anymore because me and went to go and see the taylor swift film we have to dedicate like a proper sit down conversation yeah we do and i cried the whole way through. She actually was sobbing her eyes out. I don't know this girl, Taylor Swift. I was crying my eyes out to a weird level. I felt so good. Yeah, no, I felt so good. At one point we got up to the front of the cinema screen and we're dancing.
Starting point is 00:04:15 We kind of led the charge of all these teenage girls to the front of the cinema screen. We got bracelets given to us. Huh? We got bracelets exchanged. Yeah. There's a really funny video to us huh we've got bracelets exchanged yeah there's a really funny video of i don't know if we should post a video of that actually yeah of the one of me clapping at the front where it's like what the hell like i was high on something almost high on taylor okay maybe maybe that's our little go and check our social media go and check her seven wing instagram and TikTok. There might be a weird reel.
Starting point is 00:04:46 If we've been in our eras, maybe that's waiting for you on this one. Also, then I got my period the next day and I thought, oh, that's why I cried the whole way through that movie. Like, that makes so much sense. Yeah. Also, if you can hear some kind of chainsaw situation going on, it's because there's a chainsaw outside. There's high quality sound effects actually there is a man with a chainsaw outside my door right now um because someone's chopping down a tree at the worst moment possible i'm so sorry fair enough not my tree not my tree not my problem not your president someone's true i'm thinking this episode is we're in our willow we're summoning
Starting point is 00:05:26 oh you know that bit you liked that yeah i think i cried the whole way through yeah you i mean you were sobbing you know so weird but i felt so good i'm not gonna i loved it every tear you were dropping i was like take them take them i wanted to just bottle them up and take them to the yes i've done it i've converted another one another man down it was weird though because i was crying and i was like this feels like my period's due but it's not due for weeks like god i just i didn't know how much i was moved by this like yeah i'm really moved i was really moved you were going through like it was like now we got bad blood i'm crying it's like this is an emotional i actually thought i was gonna pass out at one point yeah no i was getting sick because it was It was like, now we got bad blood. I'm crying. It's like, this is so emotional.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I actually thought I was going to pass out at one point. Yeah, no, I was getting sick. Because it was really hot in there. And I was screaming. And to be honest, that's why I've lost my voice, I think. That's what's made me ill. And it's been 10 days since I'm still ill. Because we actually saw it. I want to make this very clear.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Like, the true Swifties that we are. We saw it on the first ever screening in brighton yeah on the 13th of october and it was absolutely packed i wasn't expecting because i thought obviously i didn't really know what it was she didn't know what she was in for i thought it was like a behind the scenes a bit of a miss americana energy which we love absolutely not i was hooked and i didn't think i'd be hooked by that but bloody hell i was beyond hurt i mean you know what it was it was an extravaganza bonanza emporium stimuli for the for the soul it was stimuli it absolutely was filled with stimuli and i've been recovering ever since yeah no i mentally have i've been really adjusting my
Starting point is 00:07:01 um identity i guess as now I'm somebody who really, really loves and would defend Taylor Swift. Yes. I would always defend her against any man that ever spoke ill of her name. Absolutely. To be honest, I would defend her just in general, just in the way that I feel like I would defend most women who get hated on to the same level. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:22 But now I'm almost to a point of like god i dread to bring it up because i know that i'm gonna get met with oh you like her sort of blah blah blah and it's like oh now i will fight you for it i almost think that oh you like her sort of thing i think it is waning because at this point in certain circles but not in others i hate to say no but generally it's waning because before it would be in every circle and now it's just still in those circles do you know i think i've just been shocked with um because i really haven't been listening to any of the taylor swift discourse i've been shocked at when i say i went to see the taylor swift film and i really loved it the amount of people that kind of are weird about it i'm not really it's really annoying actually and now it upsets me
Starting point is 00:08:11 well look i hate to say it but it's misogyny like it's actually misogyny there's literally that's why it's so boring because it's like there's actually not much more to say apart from just you hate women and she just is a symbol of as well particularly young women yeah young women enjoying themselves young women being annoying and being screechy and loud and like cringy she's such a uh symbol all of that yes she really is um that's almost one of the things i think i was most moved by actually yeah i think i was moved by her ownership i think there was a real like um yeah an ownership and like a pride in i mean she's obviously like divinely yeah she's a beautiful woman um and so there's an undeniable dorkiness
Starting point is 00:09:02 about her like when she performs like a beautiful fucking stunning song that i'm weeping the whole way through and then halfway through the concert she goes i'm just a millennial with my cats and i'm covered in cat hair and it's like oh my god i forget you're so human and like quite that's quite lame thing to say like i'm a millennial covered in cat hair and it's like i'm quite moved by i wasn't my period was imminent at this moment but i was very moved by the awkwardness of it all stand by it yeah oh 100 on that note yeah should we get this a bit spooky let's get spooky not too spooky not like misogyny level scary but no i'm not looking to be scared i'm looking to be spooked okay so i'm so sorry
Starting point is 00:09:45 about this chainsaw as well everyone like if you can i can't hear it which is a good sign that is a good sign i might just recline slightly yeah do you want to kick us off oh no what god what no it's this boy oh what's he saying he the last message he sent was 32 minutes ago i didn't reply and he's just sent more saying this is a song you'd like it's like that's a bit much actually oh i mean that's sent a shiver down my spine god speak of scary oh god okay i'll deal with that okay good luck with that yeah um yeah do you want to kick us off um okay so personal law i think you actually have a thing about personal like you have a piece of personal law to share well the one that this was originally gonna be are we doing a separate one
Starting point is 00:10:38 on jealousy and oh maybe we should yeah yeah maybe let's keep that for a separate thing even though i'd love to talk about now i think it's its own piece well then i don't really know what to say because there is so much but okay so here's what kind of gets me with this and it's kind of similar to what we were saying in yesterday's episode which i would highly recommend if you haven't heard it thanks for listening um is that it is is it look yeah we're really putting ourselves out here it's embarrassing things to to say that these things and're really putting ourselves out here it's embarrassing things to say that these things and stand by yeah on a podcast is embarrassing so i'm feeling a little bit you know shy cover my breasts yeah as i said in the other one i feel like i'm scurrying
Starting point is 00:11:16 around wet naked from the shower and i'm like guys don't look at me quickly while i just confess i'm gonna do this my spiritual law though sorry to block the microphone is it really that bad it's just a fucking chainsaw like so i've just put like a cushion next to the microphone that kind of blocks it i feel like i have quite a lot i've quite um i'm quite steeped in a rich spiritual law i feel like both of my like both sides of my families are quite spooky yeah i definitely have very strong um nans like both of my um my dad's mom and my mom's mom are very i think strong and i think quite spooky and like almost like universal kind of i feel like they are the mover like i feel like they are like there's something they're just larger than life women like there's something very they just have
Starting point is 00:12:13 wits about them that i feel like a lot of people don't have like that i don't see a lot um and i feel like it comes with a lot of it's a very like passionate kind of that like grandmother thing of it's like very fierce it's like a lot about like protection and protection of like the people that they love that's quite stunning yeah i feel like both my like grandmothers are very spooky almost like witchy women i mean i love nothing more than a witchy woman so my nan on my on my mom's side is very much like we'll predict the future sort of thing or like we'll say things about people 10 years before it happens or like is always kind of seeing the dead and like just saying weird things and like being mental my dad's mom is very kind of similar but like she'll do things like she'll
Starting point is 00:13:02 burn like the um olive leaves like after we eat and like take it round and make us kind of similar but like she'll do things like she'll burn like the um olive leaves like after we eat and like take it round and make us kind of save ourselves out yeah things like that and she'll do like the tea leaves like the readings with the tea cups and stuff honestly the grim i need it i need it the grim uh-huh maybe i actually leaves together oh i'd love to i had one once um with my dad's side of the family actually and it was it was like in a creepy like little kind of village out in the sticks of the middle east like kind of it was the light started flickering and like it was it was weird god yeah it was weird and she was she was she was being like you're so depressed you're so depressed why and i was like i'm fine but i was obviously
Starting point is 00:13:50 she knew she knew what was going on yeah i love that i love like the family history of spookiness like there is so much and i never meet someone that's interested in this whose parents and especially grandparents weren't kind of the catalysts of them being interested in it yeah well my nans both of them they're mental both of them absolutely nuts crazy women love them so much absolutely mental women and i just feel like it's so powerful it's almost like this sense of knowing of like just a defiance yeah of like being handed things that are like um mundane and logical and being like no i'm gonna make it some sort of divine feminine weird it's a feminine act witchy it's so strange i love it as much as i kind of hate i will not even hate i resist the terms of
Starting point is 00:14:42 like masculine and feminine energy in so many ways but i do think there's something so womanly about that side of the of like i don't know introspective and like it's so much more than surface level and i think that's why i like it because there's whether or not it's fucking bullshit there's a willingness there to like explore what's not plain to see to the untrained eye and that's why i like it like it's a real like start you're really taking a stand of i'm i'm seeing the world in front of me and i'm actually going to put myself out there enough to declare that i'm looking for more. I'm looking deeper. I want to go under the surface. I want something richer than just like the flesh and bone that's in front of me. I want something deeper than like skin, deeper than
Starting point is 00:15:37 superficial surface level. I want to go in deep, take me to the depths of hell. I also think it's like if you think about the best thing to ever think about the classic zoom out of the planet we're a speck of dust in an endless infinite not even void bustling community of other specks of dust it's mental i've been watching some videos about in my astronomy yeah i'm just big time into it and it is insane like we all know that it's insane but when you think about infinity and like the universe and all the stuff it's like it is absolutely without sounding like brad from married at first sight the universe the universe yeah you actually think about like the like actual scientific universe it is absolutely
Starting point is 00:16:24 mind-blowing so i think there's something i see the connection between like yeah that and this kind of thinking of like the ways in which we operate on earth are so detached from like the reality of what we are which is fucking an insane thing that has happened on an insane like almost the chances of it all are so minute but also so abundant at the same time it's actually like incomprehensible yeah i i actually see it as very connected like there's almost an idea that there's on one hand there's science and on one hand there's like a spirituality sort of angle and actually the more i look into astronomy and space and science and like especially space travel
Starting point is 00:17:13 i'm very interested in the moment unfortunately elon musk is in all the fucking documentaries fuck off i don't know your face um he's unfortunately the kind of god of space he's the poster child it's very very unfortunate but like there's actually so much more of a connection than you'd think yeah no 100% 100% ACAST powers the world's best podcasts
Starting point is 00:17:43 here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this?
Starting point is 00:18:01 I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. a cast helps creators launch grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere a cast.com i also think it kind of comes back to taylor swift as all things do
Starting point is 00:18:38 and the kind of like mad women like every woman who's kind of been like exiled from society for like being some sort of witchy woman but it's just like she spoke up one time or like stood up for herself one time or etc etc yeah i murdered for it i murdered for it you were actually quite into the we then after the eras tour we went home and watched the reputation stadium tour at home and you were quite loving when she says um in she does a beautiful twist on i did something bad classic smash hit from i don't know which reputation and she says um light me up like they're burning all the witches even if you aren't one you were loving that bit you were like light me up you were kind of really getting into it i thought i knew i always knew did i not always say you would be a reputation girl through and through i am no i know that i am and you are and i've heard that i've seen the aesthetics it no like in the era's
Starting point is 00:19:42 tour film yes each one starts with like almost like a moment a title card that like introduces each era like almost it just says like fucking what's it called not redemption speak now reputation reputation big things as reputation instantly i was like this is for me i get the rattle of the snake it was so good oh i've actually just got shivers thinking about it it was like okay this is my favorite and i know it is going to be my favorite can you talk to me about that because you do like the kind of darker side of life like some sort of cunningness some sort of like ambition in women like there is some pull there oh big time can you can you explore that for us
Starting point is 00:20:22 i'm just into it i think i like villains quite a lot you do you're quite villainous yeah no i think i'm really drawn to like the power of a villain like especially a female villain like i really love it like and you always have him from a young age oh 100 yeah very cool i just think that i don't know you know what i think it is like you're obviously a free spirit but i also think you actually i don't think i've ever said this out loud but i have thought it a few times you're quite um something kind of innately rebellious about you you do turn to rebellion a lot yeah like you like to defy authority or almost you'd like to question things and you you know you we were kind of saying in thought park you were like i just don't think about
Starting point is 00:21:10 questioning authority enough and i was like but i do think you're someone who you have a critical eye towards like authority and you don't necessarily strive to follow rules no i think you are someone who you're quite headstrong and like you do things your own way which is powerful in itself but as a woman it just takes the power to another level as we know i know i i definitely think it's something i really admire in women that that the good news is you've got it yourself well i think it's because i admire those people and i have like yeah i don't know learn from them yeah i definitely love um it doesn't even have to be the villain but i think for example being a hardcore fiction watcher reader you know i love my um fictional worlds I definitely think I'm always always always drawn to
Starting point is 00:22:06 not necessarily the like for example watching Harry Potter for the first time with my younger sister my really young sister my eight-year-old sister not my other one she's obviously been with me every step of the way watching it um but like she's very very drawn to Hermione and I find it interesting because as much as Hermione is the queen like literally couldn't love her more like of course we all see ourselves as her she was never the one like when growing up we'd all want to play characters like we'd play our Harry Potter games at school I was I never wanted to play Hermione all the girls would be fighting for hermione some poor girl would be i'm gonna be ginny blah blah blah i would always want to be like i don't know like not even necessarily the villains but like i would either be fred and george both of them like they're my kids i love them you're actually a weirdo i love this so much i'll be rebellious
Starting point is 00:23:04 who cheeky cheeky yes you're rebell quite rebellious boys or i would be i would often be speaking of spooky i'd be professor trelawney quite a lot i was really okay okay which is like it's not necessarily the villains but i think i would always go for like i think i like a dark there needs to be something i don't necessarily always want to... I don't admire... No, I do admire it. I just don't think I'm necessarily drawn to it. I don't see myself so much in Hermione, I think. I think there's something about purity and goodness
Starting point is 00:23:34 that icks you a little bit. I think it sometimes is a bit dry. I think it bores me a little bit. Yeah, it does bore you. I didn't want to say that. I think it's actually boring, even though I think it's been instilled in me from an early age and I truly believe that the most important thing you can be is like a kind person in this world but I also think I have a real distaste for women being told
Starting point is 00:23:58 to be like good girls be well behaved to be nice I think there is something really sexist and disgusting about it and i think there should be so much room for like women to be all the things that men are um um sort of rewarded for being like ambitious and um cunning and rebellious and yeah and like um thinking for themselves and i just think there's not enough pushing women to do that oh goes without saying yeah love it not rewarded at all you're condemned oh no you're bad at the stage there's no reward there's not enough rewards are in this life to go around honestly oh there aren't enough but also i do also think hermione should be rewarded like i think the jinnies of this world queens they're my queens i love them absolutely that was nice thank you for sharing that yeah i think that's interesting because i think it is i'm also trying not to be i feel like
Starting point is 00:24:52 there's inherent in that is like there's a bit of a like not like other girls energy in it yeah i also feel like at the moment i'm having a bit of a distaste for that phrase even i feel like it's just a new way to be sexist towards women like i feel like the phrase not like other girls as much as it's so valuable for not shitting on women i think there's also a new element of it that is being told that any woman that speaks or has any kind of interests in any way is told that they're not like other girls and it's actually just a new way to be sexist and hate women of course yeah well you know we've said that from the start like it's it literally is just the more you say as a woman the more reasons you give everyone to hate you um it's quite a political one i like it you're very different to the last one who knows what you're going to get with unlucky dip as they say honestly unlucky dip unlucky dip okay well this is quite a swifty vibe one but i like it yeah okay it's
Starting point is 00:25:51 quite taylor swift um which is almost not what you'd expect she's carrying us through she's the invisible string carrying us carrying me through my life to be honest now i even know what that means which is nice good i'm glad i also think just last thing i was gonna say just to tie us off when you talk about like villainous women it actually also kind of reminds me of both of my grandmothers i and i was thinking i wonder if i'm drawn to you because you remind me of my nan yeah it's quite strange but i wonder sometimes i mean i think i honestly i really do believe that we're drawn to different people because they give us something that connects to something that we learned when we were like three years old about like love and
Starting point is 00:26:36 stability in life exactly at that time like yes there's so many people now that i think that was exactly what i needed that i needed to learn that thing we as the tarot reader famously said we are like yin and yang we are the tarot reader did say that in all her divine wisdom she did yeah she did say and i you know what she's fucking right she just saw one of us had blonde hair one of us had brown hair like you're yin and yang but i do think we are really balanced with one another. No, we are so balanced. I really agree. On that note.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yeah. You've survived. You've survived. This time. The second level of Spooktacular Bonanza. Will you pass through to the next level? Who knows? Only time will tell.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Only time will tell. Carry on next time. Seal your fate. Keep your arms and legs inside the carriage. Inside the moving vehicle at all times. At all times. All right. Thanks for that.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Not too spooky. Not too scary. Not too spooky scary. Quite bizarre even. Well, it is famously a bizarre of spooky stimuli exactly spooky stimuli is all you're gonna get from us fuck it actually hurts my brain it's weird okay bye see you next time oh my gosh

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