Goes Without Saying - champagne plane problems: what if we just called taylor up?

Episode Date: July 31, 2024

THE SUMMER BONANZA BEGINS. podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on Things Going Wrong!, entitlement and frustration, sephy's dogsitting bonanza and the Global IT Crash. ✷see mor...e ✷ www.youtube.com/@sephyandwing ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwing ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwingshop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.uk Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 so I have a question for you and I'm sorry for the listeners that this thing keeps getting bought up but it does relate to the Wacken Mamas event that we went to about two weeks ago now yeah um have you tried so we got as a gift a Malaysian hot spice thing no I haven't have you just had some and it was the spiciest thing ever I wonder. I wonder if you... I was not expecting it. I was like I can handle this but I was like oh my god. okay so no I'll have to go and get I'll have to get back to you on that. like I like it but I was like this is at my... do you know what? it's my upper level of tolerant. it's hitting the top.
Starting point is 00:00:41 it's not unbearable. okay okay interesting. what about... but it's on my upper level. what. It's hitting the top. Okay, okay, interesting. What about the one that we made ourselves? I haven't tried the one the chef made. I haven't tried it yet. I don't know why. I haven't poured the oil in. Oh I did. I poured it out before. I saw that you had but I couldn't open it. I wanted to try it in your fridge. Why couldn't you open it? Too weak. No way! I just could not open it. You're joking! I didn't try that hard I had wet hands at the time as well. Okay yeah. I was like and I slipped on a banana peel. Why did you have wet hands? You set yourself up. Okay well I'm glad you asked me that that's interesting I had not thought about those in a while. Yeah I just saw it in my cupboard Yeah, I was like I want to try that okay that kind of makes me want to be like this is the first episode
Starting point is 00:01:28 We've done in a while. I've seen since I've since been on holiday. You were dog-sitting Ozzy. Thank you so much Yeah, it was so nice. And I was in the global IT crash, which makes me think maybe this episode should be like something else Something else because stuff going wrong. something else. because that went wrong. guys we actually have to tell that story. i don't know why we've gone in with any other idea of like we were gonna talk about Katniss. it's a big old story. it's a full-on day. this was insane actually. let's actually talk through the day. the entire day. okay so sephi's on her way to me. i got her up at fucking 5 in the morning
Starting point is 00:02:06 So she could- No it wasn't, it was 6 in the morning. My train was at half 6 which is at my- Safi, it's not good. I'm so- It's at my limit, but I'll do it for you. It's not good for you. I'll do it for you. It's not good. I enjoyed it. It's bad for your health. No, but it was necessary because you were leaving yours at 10am to go to the airport. Which I underestimated how early I would be leaving. I thought I'd be leaving way later sort of thing. Anyway, we were leaving at 10am so Sefi had to get to ours at 10am so that she could be with the dog.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah. Anyway, so Sefi's on her way, blah blah blah, how's things? Good, fine, whatever. And then you said... got new breaking news alert Well, first of all, I got that about six in the morning. I thought I'm not gonna yeah Yeah, it was like breaking news Microsoft. Well, they didn't know it's Microsoft at the time Yeah planes are not like taking off like global because also I tried to buy something. Yeah the station They said card only and I was like cash
Starting point is 00:03:05 at the station they said card only and I was like cash only oh god cash only and I was like fuck this and it was really sad it was five pounds and 20p and I only had a fiver and I was like please and they were like no what were you trying to buy just a coffee and this little thing oh so did you get half did you get like just the coffee or just the thing no I was just like you just said fuck it all yeah I don't know why I said no to everything I was just I can't do this that is really annoying about the 20p it's almost like give me half an hour I'll come back with 20p like from the floor even. I was just I was in too much of a rush. I know it's just a bummer isn't it? Breaking news all of the stuff's going on. I won't say anything to wing yet because I'm sure she's seen it and
Starting point is 00:03:38 This is stressful. Yeah, and then. Did I get to your house? No, no, then you did text me didn't you? saying have you seen this stuff about the plane? well a few hours passed and I thought I've got to let her know yeah yeah there's some shit going on and I did know and the same thing in the shop had happened to me and I thought intriguing and then I was kind of like look we'll see what happens like it it's been whatever, like a couple of hours. We'll just see how it goes. Sefi's here, hey, here's my ratty dog and my key.
Starting point is 00:04:10 See you in a week sort of thing. We leave the house, whatever. I was relieved that the trains were like running as normal from Brighton, like we could easily get to Gatwick, got to Gatwick. I had just been through Gatwick and I was like, it all looked normal. Yeah, you were like, they all looked fine, the staff did not seem stressed
Starting point is 00:04:28 at all, it seemed great. It seemed fine from the outside. We actually had a funny moment where I think you thought I was like being held hostage or something because my boyfriend left the room to like go do something and I said to Sefi immediately in his absence I kind of whispered like do you think like but do you think we're gonna get on the plate like do you think it's gonna be okay but you obviously didn't hear what I said and it kind of looked like I was saying like please please don't leave me I was like wait blink yeah literally like what's going on it was really nice anyway I was like, literally, what's going on? It was really nuts. Anyway, I was like, what is going on? Why are you whispering to me when Jack leaves the room?
Starting point is 00:05:08 Oh my God, I didn't want to have a communal conversation about like, this isn't gonna happen sort of thing. I wanted it to be me and him having a conversation, me and you having a separate conversation. You and him could have a separate conversation. But I thought the three of us together, indulging in the idea that this might not happen was just a bit devastating. It just was a bit fate-tempting for me Yeah, just thought let's just not even go there. Well, it did panic me. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah. Well anyway, so then we left
Starting point is 00:05:38 The trains are running. It's fine. We get to Gatwick fine Dad, did I did I walking into the bit where you go to like check in. As soon as we walked into Gatwick I thought this isn't great. Packed full of people with nowhere to check in, nowhere to drop your bag, no staff anywhere. Like, at that point so far the hottest day of the year and also the busiest day of travel in Europe of the year, I don't know, it was just a big big day, a big day out, it was a big bonanza. You don't want all this to happen on the hottest day of the year. No no no.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And the busiest day in Gatwick regardless of an IT crash or whatever. Oh god it actually makes me sick. There was a lot coming together to make this day happen the way that it did. So anyway, god guys, the friends I made, the communities I found on that day in Gatwick, we were making friends left and right. We were having, honestly, a great time. We were in such a good mood pretty much the whole day.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So we get into Gatwick, there's nowhere to check in, there's nowhere to drop your bag. There's nowhere telling you, there was kind of no hope in hell really. So we kind of joined this queue of like, this is the queue for like when, I'll name the company, Vuelling, whoever that is. We've had, that's been quite the name of like how do you say that?
Starting point is 00:07:06 it's the name of the moment. view-elling. view-elling? this was like the allegedly this was the cue that you get in to end up hopefully at the view-elling check-in bit. so we kind of definitely just called it view-ling. well that's what I was saying view-ling and then I got corrected. oh my god. and then I knew and then actually on the thing they say view Elling Does not have a ring. I thought it was a view Elling like fueling So I was saying I famously thought it was fueling like Julie Yeah famously, but I was saying fueling fueling fueling and then everyone was like what what I was like fueling fueling and they were like
Starting point is 00:07:40 Oh You mean view Elling? Fucking hate this existence on this planet. Get me out of here. Right, so we're in this big old queue, and I was like, just give me a second. You stay here in the queue, and I'm gonna run down
Starting point is 00:07:54 and see what the end of this queue is going to, because what the fuck is going on? And we were kind of being pushed into this, like, British Airways gang. It was kind of like, there were loads of British Airways folk, and then a few stragglers of view-elling people. And occasionally, someone would be like,
Starting point is 00:08:10 yeah, no, this is the right place for view-elling. This is where you check in. Every now and then, someone would have an idea of like, yeah, I think so, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, queue, queue, queue, queue, queue for about maybe an hour and a half. No, maybe about two and a half hours. Oh, Thought Park. Yeah, with no, and two and a half hours. Ugh, thought park.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yeah, with no, and it was a rollercoaster but it wasn't... But not in a good way, it wasn't. We get closer to what looks like a check-in desk and then we hear a whisper from one of our new friends in the queue who's... Ian and Jacob. Ian and Jacob and Kat. And it was from, this info was from Kat, the mother and Jacob and cats and it was from this info was from cat the the mother and wife and woman in her own right human being and
Starting point is 00:08:51 cat had been told mother made and crying why was I gonna say like like kind of what's her name something Aaron like kind of Jane Aaron. Lady of the Veil. Yeah. What's her name? I don't know. But she kind of was given Lady of the Veil. She came back anyway. The mother of Robin Aaron. Robin Aaron. Yeah, wife. Widow. Lysa Aaron. Yeah, Lysa Aaron. Of John Aaron. R.I.P. Yeah, RIP. Then later Little finger. And then dead. Horrific. So Kat comes over and she's like, we need to go to zone H now. And it was a bit like, this doesn't sound good because-
Starting point is 00:09:32 Don't send me that. We've been kind of told time and time again, we're queuing in this queue and this is the right queue and two and a half hours. And by this point, we'd had notifications come through that our flight was being delayed. So it was being pushed back, like it was supposed to be not 1 p.m
Starting point is 00:09:46 It was now gonna be 5 p.m And then it was gonna be 4 p.m And then it was gonna be half 5 and then it was gonna be 4 28 p.m Like all of this. Yeah, it was just a bit strange, but I was really happy to see that like I was like Okay, if you're delaying it, you're not canceling it. Yeah, like whatever like we're still we're on the run still we're fine Yeah in the queue cat says we now have to move to zone H. I thought oh Kat don't give me this bad news Kat. I don't believe you Kat.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Well that's what I thought. Unfortunately it's like god new friends and here we are already faced with our first conundrum. I don't know if I trust Kat. Let's have a vote. I don't know. Do I trust my new friend Kat? So we were like let's just stay here for a sec and I was like let me just go and find somebody else some sort of like...
Starting point is 00:10:30 yeah let's get a second opinion. Let's get a second opinion. Preferably in a high-vis jacket. Well I walked straight up to literally the most horrific man in a high-vis who was shouting at everyone saying you are not flying today you are not flying today it was horrible and I I get this an absolutely yeah it was I met another lovely girl beautiful girl she had lovely blonde hair she was really short and she was trying to go to Barcelona I think oh I've heard about no no you haven't that's a different girl. Oh okay. So many folks that day trying to get to Barcelona and I hope they all ended up there. She was trying to get to
Starting point is 00:11:11 Barcelona and I said how's it going what's the gist like what's the news from here and she was like my flight's been cancelled blah blah blah like it has yours and I was like oh no not yet fingers crossed blah blah blah and she was like no one's telling me what to do they're just kind of like moving me from place to place and i was like are you on your own she was like no no i'm with my friend i was like okay good we had a lovely little moment of like we locked eyes and it was like i would look out for you and you would look out for me and we're here with other people so we don't have to but it's okay. You're allies in the arena. We were so allies in that moment and then i came back to the queue and i said I just spoke to this little blonde girl and my boyfriend was like oh yeah she was
Starting point is 00:11:46 trying to go to Barcelona and then Ian our other friend who we met at Gatwick was like oh yeah that short girl it's like we'd all spoken to this girl. What the hell. Anyway but I had had it confirmed then it was like yes you need to go to Zone H because they're doing the check-ins manually And what I mean by that folks is the computers are off, turned off, power off, log off, and we have our analogue pen and paper writing out everyone's first name, surname, flight number, location, bag details, this, that, everything by hand on a little scrap of paper, and then you're sticking a sticker by hand onto my luggage that's apparently gonna turn up where I'm going. Yeah, right. No, no. No,
Starting point is 00:12:29 no, no. But anyway, QQQ for another probably three hours. We get through, finally. Get the little scrap of paper with the handwritten Erin Amarali. Lovely, perfect. Never been so happy to see such a thing. It really felt like i'm in the airport in 1973 like it was like yeah oh my god i am i'm kind of i'm a 70s starlet for some i'm i'm back in time it's not that's a good way to look at it because i'm looking at that and thinking i'm not so much feeling 70s starlet i'm more thinking this is a bit fast like i'm'm not going on the test. Well we were feeling great. You're more someone at Gatwick airport in a queue. Being pushed around like sardines, hottest day of the year did I mention.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Anyway we finally, we give over our bags and it's like right, now you go through, go through security, security wasn't bad, we got through quickly, whatever, da da da. And then we went to Nando's and that was really nice. And there was a leak in Nando's and it kept splatting, I feel like it splat on my shoulder. And I looked at it and I was like,
Starting point is 00:13:29 leak, question mark. This is horrific. I'm sorry, this is horrendous. But then I sat down and I had Nando's, which was great. And then on the board it kept saying, gate is not announced yet. Gate is not announced yet, gate is not announced yet. We were supposed to be flying in like an hour's time at this point. which by the way we hadn't heard a single peep from view ailing. not a peep. not a nothing. no sign of life
Starting point is 00:13:56 from them. which is fine i get it. it's a big day. it's a bonanza of a day and i understand. checking the like board that says your gate. nothing there, nothing there, we're like, okay, come back, just double check it, blah, blah, blah. Everything was glitching, it was not looking good on that board. Then finally, finally, gate is announced at 13 past four. 13 minutes past four.
Starting point is 00:14:23 But I'm not sure, oh God, she'd been there for hours. I've been there for hours by that point, which is fine. I just had an Ando, so I was feeling quite refreshed. And I- It's famously refreshing. Yeah, it was so refreshing. It was really like my stamina had gone right up. I'd had the antidote, my potion had fueled me,
Starting point is 00:14:41 and I was ready to go, had fueled me, if you will. I was ready to go had fueled me if you will. I was so ready 413 pops up go to gate 100 gate closes at for 15 No, I can't 10 minutes away So we are running running. Yeah quite fast To the gate get to the gate get to the gate get to the gate we get to the gate guys your flight is delayed for another hour so just wait here but you just told me the gate was closing like five minutes ago what's going on we're waiting around we're waiting around in a room where the aircon is broken and
Starting point is 00:15:20 there are huge windows so it's big greenhouse vibes. Greenhouse. Oh my god I actually like, it was crazy. I'm feeling like stressed out and like itchy like get me out of here and I'm not even there. The whole time I have to say guys I'm laughing, I'm having an absolute whale of a time. You were like almost quite deranged happy. So yeah I'll get to that. Yeah. Okay, so I pulled You know like those if you have been to an airport gate before sometimes that couple gates in one So it'll be like 13 14 15 for example, and we were at one of them and on the next one There was no one there yet. So I took and it was a British Airways thing ready to go and I took the British Airways thing ready to go and I took the wheelie office chair that they have behind the little gate thing. I stow- I wheeled it around my stow- because there was no seats left in the gate
Starting point is 00:16:12 and I stole the little British Airways spinny chair to sit on it because I thought I've absolutely had enough here and I see a chair and I think what because you're behind a tiny barrier I wouldn't take it. Also I think when you've got your boarding pass written by hand in like by-ro you know it's like all the rules are off today. And I look to the side and I see the woman behind the desk at our gate printing off about eight sheets of A4 paper that I later found out saw with my own very eyes.. had everyone's names on it written in hand. tiny tiny tiny names written in hand. one by one by one by one by one. literally like two meters worth of names that they had to go through one by one to board everyone. so we're waiting there.
Starting point is 00:17:00 time's passing time's passing. probably another couple of hours and then it's like right we're boarding. everyone starts getting up. we're getting on the. Okay, so it's looking up. Wow, we're getting on a plane. This is the best day ever Oh my god. Woohoo. Who's excited? I am We get on the plane. Everyone's like fuck. I think we've done it like yes We're going I'm fucking yeah, thank fucking freaking God for that Yeah sat down spirits are spirits are way up high in the sky pilot speaking. We're about to take off Thanks for the people sharing and stuff People were definitely cheering and applauding in the airport like almost whenever a group would get through security or like whenever like a Flight would be announced or like whenever
Starting point is 00:17:46 stuff was happening there would be like a loud commotion of like there's a group there's like a collective happiness. There was such a collective there was just there was a consensus among us. I felt really united with my fellow folk in that moment. Passengers. Yeah so we're on the plane by this point pilot speaking hey guys we're about to take off. Hope everyone's feeling good Thanks for the patience. Whatever. Thank you for flying with blue ailing And then they play the automated thing ding-dong your flight whatever blah blah blah We're about to take off. I text sephi saying about to take off text everyone saying we're about to take off. Whatever Bye bye. Bye. Bye everybody airplane mode, see ya, waiting
Starting point is 00:18:25 around, waiting around, waiting around, everyone's looking out the window, why are they taking our suitcases off of the plane? No don't say. Looking out the window, why are they taking our luggage off of the plane? I know what's going on here. And I, dummy, was like wait why are they doing that? My boyfriend was like because we're obviously not flying it's obviously cancelled and I was like ahhh and I at that point I was a little bit like uh oh I think I've lost him because he'd been so positive all day like we've been in the best mood and then when it was like this flight is obviously cancelled it was like oh god we're literally on the plane it is a bit devastating after there's quite it's quite like
Starting point is 00:19:05 there were so many stages. yeah there's you've jumped for a lot of hoops and like there's been so many points we've thought okay maybe not to be on the plane you think surely. yeah. surely. this is the final one. i mean i it's kind of getting through to the finals of x factor. i feel so bad for all those people working in gatwick and like for example that woman specifically who had like printed out loads of the paper and then had to write down everyone's name on it by hand and then find us all one by one to board us on a flight that never took off like the amount of instances that that would have happened over that day is just really and I do in a political sense I hate that it's like there are these normal working folk and they
Starting point is 00:19:45 have to be the face of view ailing or gatwick airport for a day when like everyone's fuming it's just really horrible it's really a day where you would consider like do i need this job literally also i dated a guy that works in the airport and I thought of him on that day oh my god I would love I'm never going to but I well I don't know I'm never going to I don't want to message him but I if ever it was the time I would love to know the ins and outs of like working in the airport that day well I was having a chat with one of the there was like an old man working in Gatwick who was quite sweet. This was right before we were like checking in manually and he was like look, you know, if you work in the airport industry, anyone who works in the airport industry will know. And I thought of the guy that you dated that time, I thought, oh god, he would know. He would know.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Oh my god, and I bet there's stories to tell. I know there is. I think he told me about just the general airport industry famously. God, I would love to know, he was like, when you put your bag, you check your bag into the blah blah blah. Yeah, there's not really much of a chance of it getting to you.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Yeah. He was like, I would never do that as someone that is the person that moves the bags around. It's like, oh, that's not great. Yeah. So anyway. I still do it, it's never gone wrong. I do. Touch wood bags around it's like oh that's not great. yeah yeah so anyway i still do it it's never gone wrong. i do. touch wood. maybe it's different you know. so yeah we're on the plane everyone's looking out the window like they're taking our fucking luggage
Starting point is 00:21:14 off blah blah blah so the commotions are happening ask the like person working on the plane they're giving no answers they're like no idea sorry no idea sorry and then all of a sudden this one woman kind of stood up like like the Messiah and was like I've just had an email from Vueling and the flights been cancelled and it was like no like but no one else had an email it was just this one the chosen one what the hell? and then we had to wait for like another hour to get off the plane that's the that it that must have been the worst bit then we had to wait for like another hour to get off the plane. that's the- that must have been the worst bit. then we get off the plane, go back through passport control, go back through baggage claim. maybe that's the worst bit. that's the crazy bit. it's like literally i've moved maybe
Starting point is 00:21:57 like a hundred yards. i've literally- i've gone five minutes down the road and you think that i need passport control once again, pick up the bags. What do you possibly think has happened on that plane? And then we just essentially got kicked out of the airport and we had not heard a peep from the airline, nothing. We had not had a cancellation email, nothing. It was just like, I guess we go home then.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And I texted Stephanie and I said, I guess we're coming home then. And she was like, what? She was eating a cow there. Yeah, cut two. This is what's going on on the other side. On the other side. For me, Wynk had left in the morning.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And I thought, perfect. Finneas and Ferb. Got to this dog sitting. Got the whole place to myself. One thing that did happen, I walked down the road. I was walking Ozzy. Immediately a lovely girl came up to me and said, are you Sefi? And she said, is this Wynk's dog? And I was walking Ozzy immediately a lovely girl came up to me and said are you Sefi and she said is this Wings dog and I was
Starting point is 00:22:48 like yeah I'm dog sitting and I honestly just think this is so amazing I was like I'm dog sitting for Ozzy and she was like yeah I know and it's like this whole thing is so so crazy and so thank you so much for talking to me yeah thank you so much for talking to me. Yeah, thank you so much for the... I wish I was there. Yeah, I wish you were there. Yeah, I'd had an amazing day. I'd gone and bought a vegan camembert. That was the thing that I was like, right, okay, I'm gonna have that this evening. Cannot wait. Had a whole day in Brighton.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Sat down with my vegan camembert, baked it, just was sitting down. Oh my god, delicious. Ring ring? Who's calling me? Ding ding. it's wing saying we're on the train. we'll be about half an hour. i'm looking around like i've got quite i've only been here for like six hours. there's quite a lot of dishes that are piled up. there's like my clothes are kind of everywhere. it's like okay let's hold the camembert for a minute. like you need to tidy this up before they get back. well i had texted you and there was no answer and I thought I need to call her because I can't just come on home unannounced.
Starting point is 00:23:50 She needs to have some sort of fair warning. I would have been eating a vegan camembert, it's just an embarrassing thing to get caught for doing. It's not hard at all! Immediately. I felt really bad, it's like you got up at 6am for me to come home that night which is gutting. Oh I don't mind. I don't mind at all. I'm having a nice day. Yeah. The following day was very nice. Yeah and then I went back to we had to rebook our flight but anyway blah blah blah. We were left to fend for ourselves and we just booked new flights and I need I'm gonna have a
Starting point is 00:24:20 whole emailing process guys don't you worry. But yeah that was it and then I was away have a whole emailing process guys, don't you worry. But yeah, that was it. And then I was away for a week and I had the best time. Sefi was getting mangled by my dog every day and I apologise. No, he doesn't manhandle me. He just, the thing with him is he shocks me. That's what happens. He's so, so nice and then you're going to put his collar on and he'll get you. Oh my god!
Starting point is 00:24:43 What? Jax just come in with him in a fucking towel. I have to show you this. Ozzy he looks so cute. oh my god. okay show me. can you pass him to me? Ozzy doogle you look absolutely mental. oh my god. oh my god I have to take a photo. Bloody actually Yoda. Aussie! God that's... that's quite a crazy sight. My baby! I've never seen him look more like a Chihuahua.
Starting point is 00:25:16 When he's had a haircut he looks like... Pfft! Doogal! He almost looks like a stuffed animal he looks like what's it called when an animal dies and you stuff them taxidermy yeah thank you so much I love that you're not saying anything he just zipped his lips. I love how people do get really nervous when someone walks into the room and it's like go and say something it's like yeah people act like it's like couldn't possibly get caught saying like as if we wouldn't edit it out.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I don't even think about this fucking microphone anymore it's like if you don't if you don't if you say something you don't like we'll just cut it out but they almost don't trust us. Will it kind of live? You don't want to have to do that do you? it's almost worse to be like please can you cut that? it's like oh i fucked up my thing. oh my god but it's also it's just like okay so i don't know it's just funny it's like my family that obviously would be like just cut that out. oh my god it goes out soon. they'll walk in and be like oh sorry sorry sorry. yeah. jesus christ. yeah. nuts. they think it's going live to the name live as we speak
Starting point is 00:26:26 Well, that was that anyway. Yeah, Ozzy is really nice until he's a little rat and that's that But sometimes things don't work out guys, but I was feeling insanely positive That's what this and the crux of that was I was texting sephi during the day There's a specific reference that we have but I can't give it but it's it's basically about being like god lives amazing I was kind of like I was a big safe I think that was the biggest thing is I I really and also just I what your holiday is gonna be a bit delayed Poor you. Yeah, I genuinely didn't feel That bad like there were just so many instances where I was like we're not we're going on a nice holiday
Starting point is 00:27:04 This is just a bonus in life. This is not guaranteed It's purely a bonus and even like look travel generally for most people. I'm like, yeah unless it's like I'm flying for Fucking funeral. I need to get somewhere Blah blah blah something horrific is happening Generally, I'm I'm not it's not serious to me it just emphasized how lucky we are on a day to day yeah and I yeah I just felt very aware of like well at least we're safe like it just felt very possible that we couldn't we could have not said when you're in sort of when you're watching a system that seems
Starting point is 00:27:42 so established breakdown and like the chaos that comes from. What should be a small thing of like the boarding passes don't work, that you would kind of assume, I don't know, it's like when you see that without the internet we're fucked, it shows you the fragility of things. It's like, it could be a lot worse.
Starting point is 00:28:01 It could have been a lot worse. And I actually was like, I came away from it feeling like I really learned something about myself. I like i am great in a crisis to the point where ian our new friend that we made in the in the line at gatwick we exchanged numbers at a very intriguing point because i kind of thought i had said to my boyfriend like we need to stay in touch with him at some point there was a great moment basically when we moved to zone H Do you guys remember that? They had obviously gone ahead and I was like look, let's just quickly find out life That's actually what we're supposed to do sort of thing
Starting point is 00:28:32 So it was all this whispers and it was like, you know You don't want to go to the wrong place and then some people make it and you don't and whatever blah blah blah When we got confirmed, yeah You should go to zone H when we walked back there a bit of tail between our legs and we saw them, Ian and Kat and Jacob in the line and as we Jacob who I've heard is gonna get his braces soon. He's getting braces! So happy for him. Really sweet boy. And as we walked up we were walking up to the queue, walking up to the queue and Ian immediately said come on guys and pulled us into the thing and didn't even make it a thing of like,
Starting point is 00:29:06 didn't give anyone a chance to be like, wait, are you guys not together? Like just made it look so like we are together and just got really cut us in. And he just didn't have to do that. It was just nice to have a friendly face, an ally in the space. So was he going to the same place as you?
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah, we were going to the same place. But I just, he then texted her. Oh yeah, so then at an interesting point point I had said to my boyfriend we need to stay in touch like I don't want Jacob to go about his life and I never get to do you know what I mean I just yeah just something I need to hear some sort I need to have access I wouldn't like them to just be lost in the ether it's not the fucking 1940s I can keep in touch surely and an interesting it was it I thought at some point someone's got a break and say by the way this is my Facebook or whatever
Starting point is 00:29:50 and Ian took on for the team when we were in the gate he was like I'm gonna go and stand in some aircon is it okay if I give you my number so you can text us like if anything interesting happens. It was like yeah, well done Ian That's a funny way to ask for the number Yeah, well done slid in and then after Like when we were going away and everyone had kind of rebooked their own stuff and whatever da da da Ian text saying I just wanted to let you guys know how great it was to meet you yesterday And you really were a huge positive impact on a really difficult day Blah blah blah And then I can't remember what happened but I was feeling really
Starting point is 00:30:25 shit one day I think we're on holiday I just had a moment of I'm really tired I was like bit sulky and I said to my boyfriend can you read me that text that Ian sent the other day to cheer me up and he read it out and I was like, we were a positive impact on an otherwise really shitty day. But I thought to myself, I learnt, like, I'm actually good in a crisis, I was really calm and also, like, I'm not an arsehole. Like, I was really like, what came naturally to me was to feel really grateful for my life and to be really nice to the staff and my instinct wasn't to be a dick and even though.. god well imagine that would be a crazy.. well people were being really people were really upset and like people were really angry and annoyed and they have their rights
Starting point is 00:31:15 to be but yeah it just felt nice to be like.. i think you have your rights to be annoyed at the company in some way of like oh well that is annoying that my the thing that i've booked isn't happening but i feel like you have to just as a human have the awareness of like these other... first of all this whole thing was kind of unavoidable anyway from what i hear. i don't know what it was. fucking microsoft. i don't know. but to blame sort of individuals that work in an airport and like it's the classic thing people always say of like if you're rude to a waiter it shows you've never worked in anything like that. It shows you're just an arsehole.
Starting point is 00:31:49 It really shows like um it i don't know. It's just the classic thing. It shows you cannot empathise with it and you have no understanding of the fact that that person does not represent that company. Every company i've ever worked for yeah i do not fucking represent that shit like i'm not the face of this thing that you can just berate. Yeah yeah yeah you didn't like your food you don't have to berate the person you didn't like absolutely not also like it's just you've never had any hardship in your life that's why you're finding this difficult like this can surely as workers but even just the
Starting point is 00:32:17 experience in general it's like it can surely only affect you to a certain degree if you've never actually experienced anything properly difficult. i mean how challenging is it being kind of moved around an airport a little bit and then it's frustrating like i do also think like when you were telling me about it i was like god i do not know how people that are autistic yeah hoped with that like that would children like there were people were sobbing it was it was not nice to see yeah you know so if you were in that Jesus Christ like yeah I was too and Lily Allen was too apparently that's what Stephanie said. That was one of the first things she said to me when I came back you were like guess who was at
Starting point is 00:32:56 Gatwick with you? Well she was involved in I was involved her podcast which god I have so much intrigue over I don't know if I necessarily recommend it but I'm definitely intrigued. And she was saying she was involved in it all. Yeah. Sometimes you just, these things happen. You only learn more about yourself. That's all life is really, surely. That's the crux. Exactly. There's nothing more to offer. Yeah. Okay well I hope you found that interesting. Sorry about that guys. I went through it so now you have to as well I experienced that so now you all have to experience it too well to be honest that was I mean the fact you were there for that long is
Starting point is 00:33:32 yeah you left at 10 and you got back at about 11 yeah and then went back the next day I was there for three consecutive days also bearing in mind my boyfriend had only got back from a flight yeah was there for three days in a row I guess because you stayed there the night before. But you were only staying in the hotel there. Uh, yeah but because our flight was so late in the morning we had to go straight back. And also my boyfriend was there the day before getting off the flight. He'd been there for like four days in a row or something, nuts. That is absolutely horrific.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Anyway. Cool. If you don't, Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Yeah yeah I always did that as well. Summer Summer Summer Summer you

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