Goes Without Saying - coronavirus: you gotta throw the whole year away

Episode Date: March 23, 2020

the apocalypse is upon us and we’re ready to talk about it. join us (sephy & wing) as we discuss the only thing anybody can talk about right now: coronavirus. whether you’re quarantining, self...-isolating or social distancing, we’re here to get you through the pandemic with your sanity. in this episode of Goes Without Saying, we explore COVID-19 and the social changes we're already seeing. from toilet paper to vanessa hudgens' weird instagram live, we're ready to embrace the downfall of capitalism! speak your mind on our instagram! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to Higher Priestess. This is the podcast where we restructure self-perceptions. This is smart girl internet. We challenge our insecurities and talk absolute shit. I am Persephone. And I'm Erin. I cannot fucking wait. Me neither. This is again a quarantine episode, a quarantine special. A quarantine diaries. No, honestly, day one, I ate super noodles. noodles day two i ate them again literally that as if that's not different from my everyday life yeah we were just saying it's like the awkward moment when you find out that your daily normal life is called quarantine to other people hysterical it's not
Starting point is 00:00:40 good it's not going well so we're currently kind of on sort of FaceTime, sort of Skype. We're doing the weirdest situation to make this work, but it's working so far. It's working really well. I'm recording on voice notes. I mean, we'll see how this goes. This is it. Okay. I was going to say a friend we all know and love, but it's really not, but it's kind of the unavoidable topic at this point coronavirus yeah we hate we hate her but she just she just wants to be in the gang so she won't leave us alone she's desperate as fuck we've been like you can't sit with us but she's been like bitch she's scooting over whatever i am also there so we don't actually know whether we have coronavirus
Starting point is 00:01:23 i don't think anyone fucking knows whether they have coronavirus because they're not handing out fucking tests no i mean unless you're rich and famous then you know even if you've got no symptoms you know neither of us are showing any symptoms i don't think are you showing symptoms i've got a sore throat but who doesn't my whole house is coughing like mania yeah. So we're self-isolating. But I think that is what I want to get the chat out of you about self-isolating because I'm finding it fascinating and it's absolutely hysterical. It's the weirdest kind of discourse I've ever been a part of. Like everyone taking this thing upon themselves.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah, it's just one of the most interesting discourses I've ever been a part of. And like the fact that Twitter is just constant everyone is talking about it like i was literally going through like i wonder if i can find one tweet that isn't about coronavirus well now is the time of all the jokes i make about you not being on twitter now is the time to not be on twitter i'd say yeah it's like honestly everyone log off it's a lot it is crazy it has this other there's a weird discourse in on both of them as well and facebook there's a whole other thing going on because it's almost like god i wouldn't dare and go there yeah it's like the rural parents almost
Starting point is 00:02:35 like the 50 year olds that are like living in their villages and like shit we've got to get that toilet roll we've got to get that new roll before it sells out like everyone's going mad twitter's like twitter's kind of like making jokes about like oh this is my normal life anyway like i love like i've been waiting for death since i was born like yeah and then instagram's like cute like isolation photo like selfie um quarantine otd yeah it's just so funny seeing the different things facebook don't don't you dare go i haven't looked on it i don't really have facebook i know because i fucking sent you a facebook messenger this morning and i thought oh for fuck's sake yeah i'll tell you what it was though it was actually funny it was you know that app called calm yeah that's like it's like yeah
Starting point is 00:03:21 yeah station app it came up as like sponsored obvs because nice yeah um and it was a story read by no one no one other but then bron oh amazing and it was a picture wait have i not sent that to you at some point definitely i've definitely seen it before it was such a big picture of bron he was like the like, the windy castle. Episode one. I was reading this thing. It was so good. Oh my God. You know who has coronavirus? Who?
Starting point is 00:03:50 Tormund. No. Yes. And to make it even, well, to make it better, no less than Sir Davos Seaworth commented saying,
Starting point is 00:04:00 get well soon, my friend X. Isn't that so fucking cute? Get well soon, my friend x isn't that so fucking cute get well soon my friend my friend it's i'm really hearing it in your voice like get well soon my friend not the voice so sweet that's really cute i think sir davos is probably one of my fave characters i'm really i've honestly that second time around when i watched it with you confirmed for me that he really is a great guy he's the true um hero of the show yeah he kind of is the good guy the only purely good guy yeah he's got no ego like john's got a bit of an ego also funny that he's a total like scam artist and we're like he's the only good guy so i don't mind that he scams that's kind of my aesthetic oh I'm pro scammer 100% we'll have
Starting point is 00:04:47 to get into that on a later date because so do you want to talk about so your isolation like where you've been like what you're doing right okay but I want to hear it all I'm just having a great time over here just chilling out I really am though are you yeah i really really am feeling quite good i'm obviously i'm definitely like um apprehensive to the ramifications of like work my work life absolutely that's the that's the fear isn't it that's the terrifying bit for us because we're privileged to be healthy yeah um that the fear is like oh shit where's my money coming from well isn't it crazy i was gonna say to you earlier that we literally love capitalism so much that when we there's a literal pandemic and you still want to go back to work like people are lying about their um symptoms so they can stay at work go home and this was another thing i was saying too, is like, God, you fucking hate yourself so much
Starting point is 00:05:45 that you literally can't stomach the thought of spending some time alone with yourself. Like you're that terrified to like confront your own state of mind. Like you cannot bear your own company that much that you would rather go out and get coronavirus and spread coronavirus. Because you just need the distraction of work.
Starting point is 00:06:04 You would honestly rather die than be alone. alone yeah and this is the crux of this episode i think why are we so filled with absolute self-hatred and like a denial of ourselves that we physically the thought of quarantine the thought of being on our own we're like right okay netflix i've got that thank god okay well now i need to get enough food i'm distracted okay well i also need to get um a playlist and i'm gonna tweet about it I'm gonna do Instagram and I need to grow my business in this time it's like no no fucking chill guys just chill out you're just on your own you're with you're with yourself all the time there's no difference you're just not distracted now I find it so fascinating as well with the rise of the hatred of others obviously
Starting point is 00:06:41 at the beginning the beginning and the turn of coronavirus it's a very i'm doing quote marks chinese virus etc that whole rhetoric as much as you will hate the chinese you hate yourself more because you don't want to fucking sit at home with yourself you're terrified you're shaking in your boots you're absolutely shaking at the idea of oh god i've got a quarantine and i think that's part of the twitter discourse i've seen loads i think yeah 100 i think what i find really interesting is the kind of different narratives that are pushed about isolating etc so as we say there's the instagrammable like just chill out like log off of socials like do your breathing exercises and like maybe get some fresh air if you can keep your routine keep your routine because
Starting point is 00:07:25 that's the most important thing it's a bit like look okay you still want to keep your capitalist roots and yeah fuck the routine we're anarchists now like burn the rich we'll fucking take the system back fuck off with your fucking routine literally that you want to keep your 90 you want to wake up early get into your work uniform and slave away and then you're happy because everything's just normal and if not that if not go back to work or get why didn't you bring your laptop home with you you need to get simulate that system yeah simulate that if not you need to find a new avenue to delve into oh that thing you've always wanted to do now's the perfect time that book you've always been meaning to read now's the perfect time that skill that hobby you wanted to pick up now's the perfect time it's like you actually can't just keep quiet for like
Starting point is 00:08:09 two weeks you can't just let yourself play sims for two weeks it's insane like honestly what would be the worst case scenario if you bought yourself a nintendo switch and played animal crossing for two weeks stunning months i mean my worst scenario would be those things are expensive that would be my worst case scenario because i haven't been working it's like i can't afford a nintendo switch but okay you you steal a nintendo switch you go looting well that's what i think is really interesting is the discourse around like keeping busy and or like enjoying like romanticizing quarantine is very much amongst the privileged yeah and or the privileged is very much amongst the privileged that it's so hilarious the the way the it's really hilarious to watch what we do to self-soothe totally let's just mimic the
Starting point is 00:09:00 system i've been in my entire life which is grind grind grind it's like look we're in a fucking global pandemic you don't need to write a book now you don't need to do an online course on something you don't need to you don't need to learn a language for goodness sake if you survive this the language will still be there for you to learn don't worry about this is why i think it's interesting because people are having to face the fact that they could die and it's almost like okay and we're still pushing for capitalism you could die and you're still pushing for this really that's how attached you are well thinking about it quarantine if you're self-isolating it really is the perfect time to like learn a new language and blah blah
Starting point is 00:09:33 blah and i can almost guarantee the amount of people that are talking about picking up new skills or like engaging in fun things that they don't get the time to do because they're working 24 7 is not mirrored by the amount of people that are actually doing that and i was gonna or like engaging in fun things that they don't get the time to do because they're working 24 seven is not mirrored by the amount of people that are actually doing that. And I was going to ask you, why do we hate to grow? Like, why do we hate actually putting in the time
Starting point is 00:09:56 to like work on something and build like a new hobby and like indulge in, do you know what I mean? The kind of practices that better us as people. I don't think people do hate it. I think're too tired to i genuinely think people are fucking exhausted they've been at work all day they've been love that take they literally are it's like okay yeah well i'd love to do it the fact we are constantly pushing towards oh yeah i should write this book i should do this i should revamp my entire wardrobe blah blah blah blah i should learn a language you clearly have the desire to do that we have the desire to keep growing and evolving and learning as humans but i'm fucking tired
Starting point is 00:10:28 i've got three kids bars that is amazing i do think that's it though it's like yeah i'd love to but you know what netflix is here and i actually do need to just chill so the idea of quarantine is like okay brilliant so i actually now won't be exhausted and i can do that so i get the appeal of like okay right now i can focus on my passions in quotes well that's what i was gonna say in quotes because i also think it's a case of oh she's got it i'm going down one one one um not that's the uk number for um like a natural health service um i think it's also a case beyond being tired of you don't actually want to read a book that's performative you don't actually want to learn a language that's a lie like i think we deceive ourselves yeah with the projections of what is like aesthetic and what
Starting point is 00:11:19 um how we how much we can romanticize development and self-growth in quote do you want to read a book or do you want to post the picture of you reading the book on Instagram? There you go. Do you want to read the first 10 pages and be like, love this book, never pick it up again? Honestly, I'm shaking my head. Big time shaking the head. So how's your self-isolating going? Are you self-isolating? Are you social distancing?
Starting point is 00:11:40 I am social distancing at the Mo. Nice. That's what we like to hear but it's been very recent i think for both of us because our job doing high priestess has for a long time required us to be we're in the public domain like we would at a festival we're doing events blah blah blah we had to be with people and then this whole thing here and we were talking about this but all our work is just being cancelled any freelancer knows or anyone who's doing something similar, everything you have coming up has just all been cancelled.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And it's for the foreseeable. Like it's just indefinitely, it's just a big open space now of a calendar. Yeah. Which as kids who have only been brought up and indoctrinated by capitalism, there's nothing else we could compare this to. So I think the fear actually of financial stability obviously has so many problematic ties to the way that we place our worth and our value on our productivity but beyond that if this does all blow over at some point which I'm obviously
Starting point is 00:12:37 hoping that it will yeah we are going to need to pay rent and live and survive and you need money to live and survive so it is definitely a worthwhile issue well that's why we're so lucky in the sense that our we're not like stand-up comedians do you know what i mean like our thing doesn't rely on us being on stage night after night i was trying to think about who would need the like stage every night we're not actors well my friend's a hairdresser yeah exactly but i was talking about what you go around and visit everybody for example yeah exactly well yeah she's self-employed oh shit yeah yeah so she's going house to house but i'm in like the terms of freelancing as in like yeah
Starting point is 00:13:14 i was just trying to think of people that would be in large rooms yeah yeah um anyone self-employed totally but not but uh we're quite lucky in the sense that ours is on is an online community so we can keep doing these and we've worked out a way that we can do this podcast like not face to face we don't need to go on trains and blah blah blah but we don't need to get down to the studio to carry on working a lot of people don't have that reality we're so lucky that we have an online audience but it is still the thing of like shit okay we do need to like re-evaluate how we can keep this going and like make it sustainable for how god knows how long well i had someone saying to me the other day you know at some point a lot of servers are gonna are gonna be going down because
Starting point is 00:13:55 people won't physically be there to keep them going exactly so even the online um could be hanging by a thread it really is the most existential that's not even like money though at that point that's like society crumbles which i'm looking i'm looking forward to the day and also i mean i'm looking forward to it but i'm also thinking fuck i did not know i love society so much i'm a bit scared for that i thought i'd be celebrating i didn't know i love my life so much but it's almost like oh i didn't know i wanted society to keep going because it's like oh shit okay well because also when the so when the servers go what so our phones go we can't contact anyone that's like okay so civilization is
Starting point is 00:14:32 dead what i was thinking yeah on a personal level i've been calling my nan like me and my nan have been speaking on the phone every day which i normally speak to her often anyway but every single day checking in on her she'll text me in the morning etc um she's obviously an elderly woman and she has an underlying condition anyway so she's she's asking for yeah it's not looking good but that's the thing that's why this and I was thinking yesterday what a blessing to be able to have a phone and I can ring her like a lot so many people and it's obviously such it's just a white issue is you don't understand your life isn't the default experience yeah totally it's interesting because i've been saying for so long society is fucking bullshit i fucking hate society look at
Starting point is 00:15:15 the state of it blah blah blah but the second it's like the cheek of it is set up for us the second that is a tiny little um crumble inconvenience if it starts to crumble i'm panicking my fucking ass off i'm going oh shit shit shit i'm gonna lose the privilege that i have which shows the absolute horror of society we want our bubble to stay intact it's terrifying it's hilarious that anybody in our position could be like oh my god i fuck this i can't wait to die etc etc obviously but i think the um just the innate dissatisfaction of someone in a position of privilege can project onto the world so blindly and it's so tone deaf completely i keep saying all the time so glaring you missed them up like honestly you missed it
Starting point is 00:16:01 like you're not yeah what's going on here read the room read the fucking room yeah read the room when people are there going people are dying and now just because they look like you you can't find the like aestheticization of quarantine so particularly like distasteful because it's like okay so i'm i'm gonna make my playlist of quarantine songs like kim people are dying it's like people are literally dying from this like people are losing their jobs from this business is going out and you're at home with your like comfy salary make your playlist yeah because i'm gonna have a laugh when i die like you are if this is the end you are but it's also i completely agree i think it is distasteful but i also think it's the reality of like dealing with any struggle in life and i saw something before all this coronavirus stuff
Starting point is 00:16:43 that i thought was hilarious like it was a joke on Twitter and it was like yeah I'm gonna romanticize my depression because otherwise I'll die like it was supposed to be funny and it is hilarious but it's like this is how people cope like and I don't think that is I don't think that should be undermined either like I think the reality is so many people um will have to make jokes and like make a light out of the reality of isolating, for example. Because yeah, if I'm gonna say, for example, I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna make my quarantine playlist, and I'm gonna put on my quarantine OOTD and Instagram it and I'm gonna make some hilarious jokes on a podcast, etc, etc, etc. Well, meanwhile, you know, my nan's in a vulnerable position. So I
Starting point is 00:17:21 could be crying over that. Like, I think there's definitely i think obviously it's insane but i think that is beyond coronavirus i think we are constantly making jokes out of the worst parts of society because if you don't laugh you'll cry i agree for the most part i think absolutely i know you agree for the most part i think yeah it's it's of course it's necessary to look after your mental health all of these things when you're in literal isolation like we're not used to this position sure but I also think there's something just like a little bit it doesn't quite like sit with me right it is just like how are you making a global pandemic where we are the people that are surviving this and lots of people below on the like social hierarchy are gonna fucking die from this lose their jobs lose all their money lose their houses how are we making this an aesthetic thing like that to me doesn't sit quite right i know it's
Starting point is 00:18:09 all about personally trying to make your experience funny making light of it but it's also like we are kind of the ones that are winning in this situation well that's the thing i think if people are winning in this situation then that's their own kind of that sounds like a you problem like that's their own prerogative however they're going to like if they're exploiting coronavirus that's going to kill people for as a means of like making jokes on their social media or whatever like that is if that sits well with them and their karma then that that sounds like a you problem that's nothing to do with me yeah um i think what's important is a lot of the jokes and like the hilarity of coronavirus all over social media is largely dominated by the working class scottish twitter black twitter people who aren't necessarily the heroes i think
Starting point is 00:18:53 most of the tweets i've seen are white people in their homes being like guys we've got to look after our own mental health in this scenario i think the reality is the the trends as in the social media trending moments and the memes and the jokes are largely from the everyday kids who are going into school every day and meeting 400 other kids that probably have coronavirus and then they're going to their uncle's house and i think i don't think we should take away like um so i don't think we should take away comedy no never but it's not comedy it's not funny what i'm saying it's not comedy i absolutely think a joke i think a large part of it is hilarious like people are making funny jokes and obviously um i think i think it's
Starting point is 00:19:37 that ricky gervais thing that we both always talk about is the intent behind the joke and the understanding and the context of who the comedian is versus what their understanding is of well it's it's more than that though because it's like the subject of the joke and the joke the subject of the joke may not be funny but the joke is funny which i think this falls into that category of like this is the joke coronavirus is the subject of the joke which is not funny but the joke may be funny but i'm not seeing jokes on social media i'm seeing selfies well i am but those are all the jokes on social media. I'm seeing selfies. Are you not? Well, I am, but those are the ones that are fine.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Who are you seeing selfies from? Because also what I think is interesting, I actually think a lot of the influencers and like social media influencers and actually celebrities too I've seen and what we did actually on socials is say, what do you want from us? Because I don't want to be tone deaf
Starting point is 00:20:22 and ignore the fact that there's a literal pandemic and people are dying. But I also, also a i have ads to put out like i have contracts to follow through with in the upcoming week and b i understand that social media is used to make light of situations and to like help people out so i actually think what i've seen is the a lot of people i think have stepped up and i've actually been impressed with the way that they've dealt with it because they're not the people basically that I would be um cautious of making jokes haven't and I think that is really important interesting I just have seen people almost loving it like absolutely loving that they've had like a bit of time to kind of
Starting point is 00:21:01 aesthetically pretend they're reading a book got Got you. Yeah, but I think that's yeah, yeah, complete. But I also think that it's actually really interesting. Both of us know the messages and the discourse, the social messaging, the discourse, the narrative that follows a situation in so many cases actually, like pervades what that situation ever was, the narrative becomes way bigger than the reality wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment and not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh canadian dairy it's also refreshingly cheap just 99 cents until july 14th it's a treat for you and your wallet until July 14th.
Starting point is 00:21:43 It's a treat for you and your wallet. And I think what is interesting from that social messaging of people supposedly enjoying their quarantine and things like that, or like basking in the self-isolation and being super self-indulgent, I think on one side is beneficial in that it is essentially advertising.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It's free propaganda for people to understand that if they are in a position that they can self-isolate, they should do so. And I think that's really, really powerful. I mean, we know the power of influence. I think that is something that cannot be understated. And I think the more you see self-isolation, if you're in a position to do it you're gonna do it which is really really good but obviously then beyond that i think what's really important is what we touched on earlier the reality and what is actually going on behind someone's um instagram pictures because it's very easy to take a picture of a book cover um but if you're not actually using your time in self
Starting point is 00:22:43 isolation to become a better person that's on you like yeah yeah fully fully fully I think what's really interesting is to try and investigate people's intentions with coronavirus because I completely agree like not everyone has either I mean no one has the full education behind them but no one has a lot of people don't have the full understanding of the weight of the virus but I also think a lot of people don't have the full understanding of the weight of the virus. But I also think a lot of people, I have seen actually people really pull together. And I found it really, really interesting. You've seen people pull together?
Starting point is 00:23:15 100%. I've seen people be more divided than they've ever been. Completely agree. I've seen people being just more divided than ever. For example, the toilet roll situation, the stock stockpiling all of that has just proven to me that people have just been absolutely i've never seen people be more out for themselves to me it's just heightened everyone's individualism it has no in no way have i seen people banding together other than a tiny bit of guys let's all not be selfish let's stay indoors and it's like yes absolutely we should 100% do that but that is also it's kind of the easiest thing you could do is do nothing
Starting point is 00:23:49 I haven't seen people going out to volunteer at the fucking NHS blah blah blah I've seen people do the most simple thing guys let's just stay home watch Netflix it's not particularly like inspiring I completely agree I've seen so much hatred and that is kind of what I would expect with the pandemic so what I've been really um like almost reassured like I don't want to say impressed because I kind of expect every human being to be a bit decent but there are so many movements on you expect every human being to be a bit decent no I don't as in like I expect that from you I don't expect that from you do you get what I mean like I expect you to fucking clean your room like I don't expect you to actually do it do you get what i want you to so i expect people to be like a fucking decent
Starting point is 00:24:28 like i'm expecting you to be decent yeah um what i saw a lot of the other day which i should have sent you which is really really nice there's a um a group in for example there's a group in east london who are going from like barking to dagenham etc and visiting they're quarantining themselves and setting up a service where they will go and um keep people company and drop them like deliver them like anything they need basically like produce and like they're literally spreading it from barking to dagenham no but as in they're like quarantined groups of people how are they quarantined but they're going around how is that happening well they're self they're isolated completely and they're they're solitary they're completely alone yeah and they are um
Starting point is 00:25:18 test like tested people and they can go for so it's said on the thing you can take them it's just groups like that, basically, that are isolated groups, quarantine groups that are stepping forward to like care homes, hostels, places like that. People who are particularly vulnerable, who have been forgotten, are actually being understood in that case. And I wouldn't have expected,
Starting point is 00:25:42 it was kind of like working class men from East London and I would never have expected that social group to step up in a pandemic is one example yeah I love that yeah it's something that I think is really nice people are hiring temporary work um for like people who have lost so many people have lost their jobs which obviously just like it's just so it's devastating for so many people in so many avenues i think that we wouldn't have just expected from a virus beyond getting ill people's lives are being completely shaken well that's the thing because it's like it's not even the virus in itself that's terrifying it's the downfall of capitalism which is i think shaking people because with the downfall of capitalism the virus will spread further and then more people will be affected it's gonna the whole
Starting point is 00:26:29 fucking recession and everything that's gonna happen yeah and that's the bit that's terrifying it's like the absolute hysteria of everything that we know i entire capitalist society the bricks are falling changing one by one 100 um there are care home groups in london that they have clubs that they normally go to to socialize the clubs obviously aren't running because you don't want like 50 elderly people in one place going traveling there and traveling home so they've set up honestly recipes for disaster so they've set up um like traveling food services where every day they get sent like a lunch and a dinner etc people are passing around books for others to read like um on mailing services um loads of little things like
Starting point is 00:27:12 that that i wouldn't have expected yeah i would have expected but not expected you get what i mean and i think it is obviously i think at this point it goes without saying anything that makes people feel threatened will always pull back to race will always pull back to class there was a huge war amongst humans at every point in history today is no different and coronavirus 100 amplifies that but i also think i've seen people react to a pandemic in a way that i could have only I never would have expected because I don't think yeah humans obviously it brings out the worst in people so I think there have been so many elements of society beyond just the jokes on Twitter or people just staying in bed that have
Starting point is 00:27:55 actually been really really nice and heartwarming to see but I think the problem is as you say you haven't seen them and I think that's what's really damaging is it's very easy some things like that but I think the majority so from going through Instagram and Twitter yeah I think the majority is really the majority I would say the majority is the reason why people are like get off your social media don't do any of this stuff but also that stuff is all amazing absolutely and you do see some things like this like someone standing outside a nursing home with a sign I saw something like that like blah blah yeah really nice and it makes you feel like oh yeah great there are some nice things that are happening but when you step outside the door and you go to asda or something like that which i did two days ago and i'm not going again um
Starting point is 00:28:37 it's absolutely once is enough yeah i'm never going again i'll make do with the fucking rice i have for two months but it's literally like you do just see what happens to humans when they're put under pressure because it literally is all law and order just disintegrates and you before you know it there's not a queue for the self-checkouts it's people scrambling and it's it's crazy to watch it because it happens way quicker than you would think i believe believe. Yeah, it's complete chaos. But I think that's why social media, it's, you don't have to go looking for the bad news. No, you don't have to go looking for the bad stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:13 That's why it's so scary. Which is why I think people are like, get off social media because it's like, well, you don't need more of it. You step out your door and you see it. You literally, you can look out your window. You step outside, you see it. You scroll on Twitter, you see it.
Starting point is 00:29:23 So if you want to make a quarantine playlist, that's all right by me. make yeah make your quarantine playlist but also have some bit in your mind that is just checking the fact that whilst you're making your quarantine playlist whilst you're working from some people have never had the privilege of making a playlist is that you've got a spotify account you've got a spotify account so you've got something some people have just been made redundant some people are going to lose their homes some people have got kids that are going to die and you're there like cute spotify playlist it's like okay come on come on yeah there's i think there's totally layers to it that yes you can try and make your own situation as comfortable as possible but you
Starting point is 00:29:58 have the luxury of trying to make it as comfortable as possible because for a lot of people it's going to be literally like a living hell for like yeah foreseeable future or just this this is your standard life interrupted with a living hell yeah everyday life their standard life is a living hell in your mind in your perspective it's a living hell interrupted by like an unliving hell yeah it's not good is it should we talk about vanessa hudgens okay yeah because that's just light like light fun um i saw some again something hilarious someone commented on that saying um it just reeks of privilege like she can only see as far as the last place she left her hair straightness yeah literally and it's like yeah it's honestly you couldn't see beyond your yeah your nintendo switch honestly get me one please if
Starting point is 00:30:45 anyone wants to um send me yeah oh my god sponsor us at nintendo sponsor us sponsored by switch i would love that yeah so vanessa hudgens we put it on the story last night but if you haven't seen vanessa ann hudgens otherwise known as gabriella montez or the princess switch whatever that film was oh my god did we watch that together, The Princess Switch? Yeah. She's done another one. What? She did another Christmas film this Christmas
Starting point is 00:31:10 called The Night Before Christmas, but Night as in Night and Shining Armour. Yeah, it's really... What's she doing? It's an interesting thing, what's going on there. I have no idea. She could get better roles, couldn't she? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Like, what is that business model? Every year Netflix Christmas movie. The worst film we've had seen. It's really strange. But with the narrative of... better roles i have no idea like what is that business model every year netflix christmas really strange but with the narrative of so the princess switch was literally the narrative of the parent trap but they're a princess yeah it's just two two vanessas it's just like what is happening here i don't understand it's monte carlo it's the exact lizzie mcguire movie we've seen it before like come on so come on but with no amazing musical montage at the end yeah hey now hey now and it's got no sing to me paulo moment i mean i'm not i can't yeah i'm not i'm not gonna have it from vanessa and hudgens with no um cartoon in a monologue no that can't happen
Starting point is 00:31:58 on did you ever love who did you love from lizzie muire? Gordo. Did you? Yeah. Do you remember Ethan? The bad boy. I don't know. He was kind of the bad boy. Oh, I remember them saying Ethan. Ethan is the one Lizzie fancied. Quite loved him. Yeah, I was going to say, I can hear it coming from them as like, oh my God, Ethan's there. Is Ethan a hot boy name?
Starting point is 00:32:18 Ethan. Ethan. Yeah, I think it was. I mean, Gordo's definitely not. Gordo. Gordo. Gordo's so bad. Oh my God, imagine. I just think he looks like. You know they cancelled that what do you mean they were doing the lizzie mcguire reboot obs oh i didn't know that they were trying to do a that's a raven situation they were going to
Starting point is 00:32:35 reboot it yeah really amazingly but then hillary duff has stepped out and said it's not working because we're capped by i think it was going to be on disney plus correct me if i'm wrong and she said in her statement she said um lizzie needs to be lizzie can't be held back by a family-friendly glass ceiling the realities of a 30 30s year old woman is like dating culture and all of those bigger stories and narratives that won't be told so yeah we put her on the story vanessa ann hudgens gabriella montez and it was her sort of talking about coronavirus i'm assuming it was like an instagram live yeah it was an instagram live yeah that went very very badly it couldn't have gone worse i don't know what the
Starting point is 00:33:21 hell she was thinking my favorite bit was when she was like people are gonna die but and it's just like the way you said that she's like but it's inevitable yeah she doesn't know what she's saying she's like reading a script and she's like it's inevitable like is that what you wanted me to say she obviously wasn't thinking i actually think that's why instagram live is the a danger in the wrong hands, just when you're not thinking straight. And she was like, I obviously like respect it, but I kind of think till July is like a bunch of bullshit. And it's like, she was like,
Starting point is 00:33:55 I mean, July is a bunch of bullshit. Like, I know it's a virus. I get it. I respect it. And she kind of tosses her hair. She like scrunches her hair and like tosses it as she says like i respect it it's like oh gabriella what were you thinking yeah i just think she wasn't thinking but people have really come after her which is i mean cancel culture is is a thing it's real
Starting point is 00:34:17 it's like coronavirus isn't killing her but it's killing her career yeah big time what was the other thing also at the end i thought it was interesting because she says oh i shouldn't be doing this right now so i think she was high oh yeah i remember you said that i think she was high because she's like i really shouldn't be doing this right now and she looked i think people think that she's high all the time because also remembering that she did a video with ashley tisdale where they sang x's and o's i remember and all of the comments are like oh my god is she high is she high is she high is she high etc um yeah literally yeah exactly i think she did look high though or she looked out of it in some way because she was literally like oh my god i shouldn't be doing this right now and the whole way through i was thinking yeah you're high as fuck and then she
Starting point is 00:35:00 when she said that i was like okay she knows she's talking shit it's almost that moment i think when you realize you've gone off on a tangent you're like oh shit i think yeah when you're if you do anything in the public eye and i think social media people will get this loads and even just now when you are like navigating in 2020 everything you say will go wrong somewhere like it just could yeah and obviously we just live with the best intentions and this is not a safe space we are constantly educating but we are also not cunts um and i think it's just a risk you have to take with opening your mouth but also but what would possess you like i think we're acutely aware like sometimes people are dumb yeah but
Starting point is 00:35:43 sometimes people are dumb that's just it what level of dumb are we operating on like yeah people can be a bit dumb people can be dumb sure but to be to make an instagram live complaining about the fact that coachella is cancelled and that you're saying i just think that's a bunch of bullshit that obviously it's various and then when she literally says so obviously people are gonna die did you talk about coachella being cancelled in that's what it was about apparently well that's what started the combo yeah about coachella and that's why she wants it oh yeah because she's the coachella queen yeah but it's like i love how you literally can't see beyond your privilege in the fact that an event you like to go to that's thousands of pounds
Starting point is 00:36:19 to go to is cancelled whereas people are coachella is a thing in itself we should do a episode on Coachella because it's hysterical so we've got that to look forward to in October. What Coachella being cancelled is it October? It's being postponed to October. Oh okay. So everyone's like a scoop a spooky Coachella oh my god. Oh are people saying that that's quite fun. Yeah. I'm already excited for October. I love October. If you make it. If our fingers crossed I make it. Oh my god so many people will dress up as coronavirus won't they? Like a corona beer. Oh my god. A corona beer
Starting point is 00:36:51 with like germs all over it. I'm calling it now. That's going to be the costume. That's what people will be. And people will be like you're appropriating. Yeah and then people will kick off. Yeah. The internet's funny isn't it? Like people. Yeah. You just get a bit of everything. Did you also see the thing I posted that my flatmate showed me? That was like that guy on off. Yeah. The internet's funny, isn't it? Like people. Yeah. You just get a bit of everything. Did you also see the thing I posted that my flatmate showed me?
Starting point is 00:37:07 That was like that guy on Facebook. Yeah, that was on Florence Givens' story. I was going to say, did you get it from Florence's story? It wasn't on Florence Givens' story. No way. Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was. No, Jack sent it.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Someone that Jack followed. No, I get that Jack sent it to you, but also it was on Florence Givens' story. It can't have been. Because she said it's heterifying. It was. No, it can't have been. It literally can't can't have been. Because she said it's heterifying. It was. It can't have been. It literally can't have been. Sefi. That's Jack's old football coach. It was. It might be on there. It's a huge thing. It was all over Twitter. Just coming back on
Starting point is 00:37:34 and this is making it into the podcast. I just proved Sefi wrong and she's really upset about it. Take it. I'm happy to learn. Happy to learn. It's all good. Daily internet lessons. Yeah. Should we leave with some like um recommendations of what we think what we would advise people to do if you are able to social distance and isolate maybe we should say read validated yeah read our ebook maybe we should say like i'm literally like the privilege of reading a book yeah exactly but i think a lot of
Starting point is 00:38:06 people will struggle for obviously so many reasons beyond like getting ill with the virus there are obviously so many capitalist issues being pushed on us right now as a reality and i think maybe we should discuss some ways to try and avoid that so i do think avoiding facebook is a huge thing because the type of content you're going to get on facebook is not chances are not going to be like that that geezer that i just spoke about but also my main advice is chill the fuck out for the first time in your life you may not have to deal with capitalism on a daily basis yes we're struggling with money and all of this stuff that everyone is struggling with at the moment and it's all uncertain but you literally are not having to show up to your job for a few months few weeks it's going to cause other issues but we're not coming face to face with capitalism
Starting point is 00:38:52 for a few weeks so chill the fuck out try and like accept that it's okay to be in your own company yeah you don't have to distract yourself from yourself. You can just enjoy being you on your own. And also you don't have to be productive. I think that's also one of the crucial bits. Literally like it's a global pandemic and we're being encouraged to like create stuff. It's like what? No, you can come out of this with nothing
Starting point is 00:39:19 other than your health. Yeah. You don't need your own new fresh manuscript. Like you don't need to come out of this own new fresh manuscript like you don't need to come out of this with anything you can come out of this with a three generation family on the sims and great health stunning that's perfect right that's what you can come out with love it and you've gained a stone that's fine you can come out with that yeah it doesn't need to be everyday home workout no you don't want it to be no you
Starting point is 00:39:45 honestly don't you don't have to keep up with any of the stuff you really don't i think this is a really good opportunity to unlearn everything that capitalism taught you if you are able to do so and relearn that it's okay to just be yourself and do nothing just be yourself in your purest form and like fill your day with something that you actually want to do, not something that is just going to distract you from your own mind. It's like, God, you actually want to get out of your mind
Starting point is 00:40:13 that badly that you can't deal with two weeks on your own in peace and quiet. Scary thought. Yeah. Honestly, yeah. You don't need to run away from yourself. And also turns out you can't run away from yourself. Everywhere you go, you bring yourself.
Starting point is 00:40:26 That's not a lie. Lana Del Rey once said. Honestly, stunning lyric. But yeah, and obviously for those of you that are struggling, thank you so, so much for listening. And truly, we are thinking of you and sending you. And also truly, you are not, you're not on your own in this. Like, I think this is as much as it is kind of,
Starting point is 00:40:45 there's this like individual ideology coming through of like, we need to just like protect what is ours. There is also an understanding of like every single person right now is feeling a little bit like, oh fuck, like what is happening? Everyone has some sort of connection to the virus. You're going to feel, yeah, you're going to feel connected to like, oh fuck, everyone is struggling here well thank you so so much for listening i hope i hope quarantine finds you well i hope you've enjoyed
Starting point is 00:41:11 this if you're listening to this in like the months down the line or this has made it into like some time capsule of the coronavirus and then it's like post-apocalypse and like the new new life form have found this podcast the burning rubble yeah yeah honestly they find this amongst the rubble on playing on someone's iphone stunning oh my god imagine it's just under a load of dirt and they're like what's that noise i can hear it they're like higher priestess and then like this was their religion yeah this was their religion this is what the humans studied amen to that yeah cool right maybe they'll think this is a human though they'll find a phone with us talking i think this is a human voice speaking there's two
Starting point is 00:41:58 the phone is the human they think oh this is a organism. I was kind of thinking the phone is playing High Priestess from Under Some Rocks and they're like, oh my God, there's two girls under there. They save it. No, I think the aliens find it and they're like, this phone is like a sentient being. This is our God.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Because it's like speaking. And it's just a weird parallel to what we have now where the iPhone is our God, but in a different way. That's a Black Mirror episode. This iPhone is our God. Oh, and we're living it black mirror episode this iphone is our god oh and we're living it day by day iconic we're living that cool well let's carry on worshipping apple our one true god and following the high priestess religion yeah our secondary god and also we're going to try and up the content i think during this period because we're all going
Starting point is 00:42:43 to be needing podcast after podcast to keep us sane so you can enjoy much more to come thank you so so much for listening and i hope you're all well and safe and sound thanks guys thank you bye bye

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