Goes Without Saying - end of year overwhelm (frazzled english woman): podmas #4

Episode Date: December 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. In the early 1980s, gay men started to get sick from AIDS. Here's a show that we recommend. And in the new season of my podcast, Resurrection, I tell the stories of heroes of the early AIDS movement.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Like the story of a cabaret singer and a sex worker who invented safe sex and saved millions and millions and millions of lives. Go check out Resurrection wherever you listen to podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. ACAST.com Ho ho ho! Ho ho ho! Ho ho ho!
Starting point is 00:01:14 Merry Podmas! What was the thing we had about the Crocs? The Crocs, not the Crocs. What about those Crocs? What was the thing about the Crocs? Merry Crocsmas! Merry Crocsmas. Merry Crocsmas. We did get some love on the
Starting point is 00:01:30 if you don't hear from us, assume we slayed too hard out of town. So I think that might have to stay. I don't like it. That might have to stay. Assume we slayed so hard. We couldn't come back. it doesn't make any sense
Starting point is 00:01:47 we slayed out of town okay yeah let's let's stick with it why not we just we until we find something better yeah i think we just let's just let's throw everything out there to be honest we've got 24 days yeah we've still got a lot to go we're on the fourth this is the fourth day of podmas we've got 20 more who knows what will happen in that time honestly i have no clue i don't know where we can go from here i'm feeling you know what someone said which i think would actually be just a lovely way to fit us into your routine because someone was saying to us recently like maybe it's a lot of content people might feel overwhelmed with the amount of you that there is all of a sudden yes once you feel all behind do you feel like you're behind i was their short episode so hopefully they're not like an hour a day it's literally like 20
Starting point is 00:02:32 minutes 25 minutes just us popping in being like hi yes just thinking of you just sharing the love maybe a nice way to fit us into your daily routine is well perfect way is a walk but someone said that they um are going to every time they open their advent calendar they're like pairing their advent chocolate with us delicious i like that idea of like almost you've opened the door okay what do you get today it's misogyny and the patriarchy let's discuss like that's quite fun it's kind of just see it as we're little looping right now being like eat this it helps well then i thought quite good because i don't know if we've actually said this on the podcast we haven't mentioned it yet we have a new dream about being chocolatiers and if you can make our dreams come true get in contact join us on the journey we really really
Starting point is 00:03:20 want to be chocolatiers i think we will be chocolatiers there's no reason why we wouldn't i know because i was almost using candy curtains as the pip. Yeah, exactly. Proof it's possible. If anyone famously remembers Lucy Sheridan, the world's first comparison coach. She has this thing about pip. Proof it's possible. Like an example of someone who's doing something.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Yeah, an example of a pip. What's a pip? It's just an example of a pip. No yeah an example of of a pip what's a pip it's just an example of a pip no an example of so say you want to um write a book then um sally rooney could be a pip oh she's proof it's possible proof it's possible yes nice say you want to start a chocolate company willie wonka timmy james lang yeah james started a sweet company yeah candy kittens we think we can do it i mean he is kind of heir to the mcvitty's throne isn't he i think it's quality street oh is it oh no maybe that's millie mcintosh oh they've all got you know they've all got like i don't know dynasties look if they can do it it. I think. Kind of. Even if we have a failed chocolate business,
Starting point is 00:04:26 I'm happy to have a failed one with no chocolate business. Well, it would be nice to advent. A chocolatier. It's like, what are you? A podcaster and a chocolatier? Podcaster, chocolatier. Well, this is,
Starting point is 00:04:35 I remember when we had this conversation, I then went home and I was talking to my boyfriend about it and he was saying like, you're so on brand, like you're so Barbies. It's like, okay, I'm podcaster Barbie. Chocolatier Barbie. Chocolatier Barbiebies it's like okay i'm podcaster barbie chocolate barbie it's like we just decide we're gonna do something and then do it like and i do actually
Starting point is 00:04:51 just reflecting on the year actually i feel like this year i have been a bit more um i don't know if proactive is the right word but i almost think like the freedom that i've had in like accepting that i can do things badly and i don't have to like wait until i'm amazing at something until i can like admit that i can do it to myself yeah i'm just much more like pick things up just try it just you know spend my time as a human on this planet just enjoy the fine wares of planet earth just peruse just perusing just browsing yeah the emporium of earth something we also wanted to add to our emporium we want to maybe have a crisp company as well yeah well i think they can kind of go hand in hand if you're american chips chips you want to have chips moment i would also like to do drinks i mean
Starting point is 00:05:37 it's just a little brainstorm yeah yeah basically i want it all i want the world i want the whole world i want a bean feast i want to feast we were talking willy wonka's been a big inspiration for the chocolatier dream as you might imagine he would be wouldn't he wouldn't he's is the pip to be honest he's the ultimate pip he really is the original pip and we haven't seen the new movie yet no i haven't anyway yeah have you seen it the the last few days? No. No, I really want to, but I think it comes out on... The 6th or 7th?
Starting point is 00:06:10 8th? 9th? 9th? Who knows? 10th? Could be any of those. What was I going to say about that? Willy Wonka.
Starting point is 00:06:18 You just... We love him. King. No, that's something else about... Capitalist King. Yeah, he's the Pip. I can't remember what I was going to say. We want to do snacks. We want to going to say. We want to do snacks.
Starting point is 00:06:26 We want to do crisps. We want to do drinks. I haven't seen Willy Wonka. Who knows where my brain's going these days. I'm just knackered. No, you can find it, though, somewhere in there. We want to do snacks. We want to do drinks.
Starting point is 00:06:39 We haven't seen it yet. Willy Wonka. What a load of shit. Honestly. Right, let's move on before because i actually don't know where that was going but i had a point but who knows well that's why i want you to find it um no i think it's lost in the chocolate river just keep let's keep going in the chocolate stuck in the pipes that was it that was perfect i found it i found it in the pipes yeah we were obsessed with well we were really interested in that song from the original i want to feast and then we're like what is a bean feast i want to bean feast because it's like it sounds kind of good what is it and then
Starting point is 00:07:20 we googled it and what was it yeah and and it's like a celebration or like work party. And it's like, okay. I'll have a bean feast. I've always seen that as a baked bean feast. Which is also somehow very on brand for us once again. We are a bean feast.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah, I want a feast. I want a bean feast. I want the world. Yeah, I want the whole world now now icon she's a pip oh god
Starting point is 00:07:49 don't ask don't get but not in the second movie she's not really a pip in the second movie she's going daddy I want a pony oh yeah
Starting point is 00:07:56 she'll say daddy I want a pony I like it when she's more like I want a feast I want a bean feast bean feast sort of energy and what's her song
Starting point is 00:08:03 in the new one new one 2005 the one that goes we are Veruca's new found friends I want a bean feast bean feast sort of energy and what's her song in the new one new one 2005 the one that goes we are Veruca's new found friends oh yeah and it's like about
Starting point is 00:08:10 the squirrels and the nuts okay and then someone goes a fish bone for example oh dear god look at this
Starting point is 00:08:19 quality content this is this is great everyone's so happy we did Podmas yeah well look what are we talking about we find ourselves at the end of the year we do we find somehow i hate to say it but this one
Starting point is 00:08:32 actually did i hate to say it flew by for me i feel like this year yeah yeah like it feels like just yesterday your mother and father are in here buying their first ones it feels like literally just yesterday we were doing podmas for the first time yeah that's crazy it's really crazy i feel like we i just got podmas out of my hair and now she's back off my hair do you know what i mean rid myself of the memories of podmas yeah no it does feel weird um so we're just going to do a bit of nice peaceful reflecting and just feeling good i also um thought i don't know if this is another thing i don't know if we said on the pod but i know we said it behind the pod's back yeah we said it behind your back actually that we had a nice little idea um similarly to what we did in pod toba about doing a bit of an on the cards and i think it
Starting point is 00:09:25 would be nice to do a bit of a tarot reading not necessarily right now but like before the new year should we all gather are you guys free at some point we can gather here no worries if you can't put it into time don't worry if you can't make it i completely get it but it'd be nice to see you there if you would be really nice if you can make it if we could do some sort of reading because i actually loved people being like basically if you didn't listen to that one episode good for you honestly yeah yeah there were a few we had like we did a little tarot reading where we picked a couple of different cards and we said right this is the card on the left here's what's up with you here's the card on the right does this resonate with you and we got quite a few messages from people being like whoa
Starting point is 00:10:00 you read my life the right was me that was so me the left that was so me i like that we give the bit of choice in there it's like pick a left or yeah i don't know i think that sort of thing would get me oh it'd get in my head yeah i'd be like i meant to hear that yeah yeah do you know i mean that was just meant for me i like a bit of choice i like a bit of choice and i like a bit of like almost like um kind of the invisible string that brought you to that episode yeah i like that what oops what my car no it's not a big deal my cousin just messaged me saying hey like did you get a thank you card from me for his wedding oh god um and now and i did no well i did get one i just didn't say thank you for it but why are you thank you i mean it was
Starting point is 00:10:45 a really sweet card but it's just funny you don't need to double thanks i don't think no but it's really funny that he said i was just wondering if you got a thank you card we posted some a while ago but no one said anything i'm like yes i'm so sorry i did get your thank you card and it was really nice i don't know if that's repliable i mean it would if i had my shit together i would have replied but anyway who knows i don't know nice i don't know if that's repliable well i mean it would if i had my shit together i would have replied but anyway who knows i don't know i literally don't know the wedding etiquette in any way i can't wait for our wedding i can't wait either i didn't know it's happening you proposed that was a proposal yeah that was my formal proposal um yeah i why
Starting point is 00:11:23 does it make such sense that i would be the one proposing to you? I think in a lot of ways I am... Oh, it's weird, actually. Go on. Well, just in a lot of ways I would be the one proposing, but then in a lot of ways I'm also like... Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah, no, I would see that for us. Yeah. I would see you proposing. Yeah, I bet you would. I would get it together to... I think I would be quite i would get down on one knee what i want is i'd have quite specific i want a feast i want a bean feast like well that's what i propose i propose shall we have a bean feast yeah i would say yes to honor
Starting point is 00:11:57 the joint union and we get rings with a baked bean on that's cute that's really i did actually this is a funny insider moment that the other day at the spotify event which we are going to do like a proper episode on like oh my god just giving some sort of debrief of like almost like it's the morning after obviously i think i actually just need the debrief because also no we need this event and we haven't seen each other since and we've just been talking for a bit before recording this yeah and i was like i feel so much better after speaking to you because i think i just got naturally overwhelmed who doesn't feel better after speaking to me exactly i would i think i just it was a shock to the system i think it really was i think i saw some bleak things
Starting point is 00:12:36 that i can't wait to get away from everyone honestly i also saw some cool things but i think i saw things i don't want that doesn't get cooler than that yeah um but there was just a funny moment just in relation to our upcoming bean feast wedding there was a moment just in the sense that I would be the one proposing there was a moment at the spotify event that I said to Sefi I know you don't want to but I am asking for a hug we did hug in the middle of the VIP lounge yeah in the middle of the lounge we were dominating the space yeah
Starting point is 00:13:07 we needed to hug I think in that moment yeah I think it was important and so we got some dirty looks I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure
Starting point is 00:13:15 we got some people going who and how among other things Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment and not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy.
Starting point is 00:13:28 It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. He's so gay. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts. Everywhere. ACAST.com Acast helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Okay, so end of the year, how are you feeling? And like, do you feel, is there stress building up at the end of the year for you? Are you feeling busy? Are you feeling like, what's going on with you? I think it's kind of a weird thing because it's kind of a hibernation period but then there are some things that i've got to do as well okay christmas always feels like a peak
Starting point is 00:14:49 um but also as i said in another episode my birthday is the 27th of december so two days after so look it's just everything all at once yeah um everything everywhere all at once it's just a lot i feel it in my vagina that one what's that it's cardi cardi b i think oh yeah yeah yeah i i know she's like i'm i'm nervous i feel it i feel it in my vagina or something yeah i don't necessarily but i but you know what someone told me i'm saying this early because i find this funny my friend told me that it's my i'm 27 on the 27th of december and he said to me it's your champagne birthday okay but it made me laugh because his birthday is the 27th of february so he's obviously planning for that here's his champagne birthday well happy birthday to him okay so that's why
Starting point is 00:15:38 you know that because i didn't know champagne birthday but i think it was a champagne birthday but i remember it being a thing of like the year that you turn the date of your birthday if that makes sense yeah i'm excited i've always had a good thing about 27 because my mum's birthday also is the 27th of february that's nice 27th of february is going on yeah and i'm quite so i'm quite like um excited the 27th of december to be 27 i'm really excited for you i think yeah i am excited but yeah i feel good at the end of the year i think i like winter i like all the months i like yeah good for you good i'm glad this world is made for you thanks so much we made this just for you it feels just like it um yeah it's quite to your liking how do you feel about the planet is it quite to your liking
Starting point is 00:16:24 it's always quite funny when you die someone being like how did you find that like was how was everything it wasn't to my liking it wasn't some elements are to my liking yeah some are not quite to my taste not quite there yet but we've got time we've got time to work on it yeah i'm feeling quite good i'm feeling yeah like the busyness is creeping up not to be like i'm busy i'm busy i win i'm busy but i'm definitely i'm feeling the busyness i'm feeling the fluster i'm feeling the english frazzled woman yeah oh god that really is the look at the moment it is the life um i'm constantly feeling like i've got my big coat on and my bag slipping down and my scarf is kind of a bit too hot and suffocating yeah yeah feeling the sweatiness
Starting point is 00:17:10 and it's always the combination between outside you're too cold inside you're too hot it's horrific so painful if that's you right now to shivering we're right there with you we're right there with you it's actually like girls shouldn't have to deal with that level of discomfort no and someone needs to do something about it someone please not me because i'm too tired but someone needs to sort that out um i yeah i feel like almost i think the fact that it's december is quite crept up on me i like to really start planning out like i'm a bit like i feel a real sense of relief at the end of the year of almost a fresh start i can be someone new i can eradicate all the shit that i did wrong like i've got a whole new opportunity to like try again and nail it and all of this stuff and i get sometimes a bit drunk on the idea of like this is it like 2024 like new year like this is the season finale
Starting point is 00:17:59 like i'm gonna crack down and it ends up being a bit like oh the writers rushed it and like yeah um but we'll see i feel like i need to make sure i have like a few more like my trees up which i'm loving is it oh my god it's actually been up for a while um yeah we did it when did we do it can i actually check i know no one cares but like that's so funny that he said did you get a thank you card that's really embarrassing because i literally thought to myself he's gonna think i bet she didn't get it but i'm just a fucking rude bitch we did it i think it was last weekend it was still november wow god that is early but i just think i want to i want to make the most of it yeah and when it gets to january i do i get i want the fresh start feeling. Yeah. I think I only start feeling Christmassy by about the 15th of December.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Jesus effing fuck. Oh my goodness. Yeah. I mean, I get that. But then don't you think the sooner... I almost think it's a trickery of the mind. It's like when the naked eye is confronted with a Christmas tree. You can't help but hear the jingle jangle.
Starting point is 00:19:03 You hear the jingle jangle. confronted with the christmas tree you can't help but hear the jingle jangle you hear the jingle jangle cruxmas kicks in and before you know it you're starting to feel some level of like christmas christmas magic christmas day yesterday like quite christmas market oh nice which is really nice that's really nice so that was quite good but i i don't know i always i'm like i get out don't feel christmassy yet yeah I get that yeah and it's like okay but you're not nine years old anymore we get it I know it's like I'm sorry that this life is so shit someone just put a story up on Instagram which was really nice saying um it's officially Christmas Effie and Wing Podmas is happening I love you they put it more eloquently
Starting point is 00:19:39 than that though they put it quite nicely yeah um which I liked so it's like okay this doing this is already making me feel more christmas that's good i think i associate the feeling of christmas with like a feeling of overwhelming joy of christmas childhood like it like almost like oh my god it's home alone too like we're going up yeah and actually since i've been about probably over the age of like 14 it hasn't been like that and it's been stressful and normal life sort of thing and it's like kind of halfway through christmas day you're like i can't believe today's like actually christmas day like yeah this is christmas now and then why am i on my phone then like what it's so weird isn't it it should be insane the whole day um like i should be playing with my new hot wheels at some
Starting point is 00:20:26 point but i didn't get any hot wheels this year i got like a new bra and things i mean still that's a bit fun it's kind of is i don't know it's just different it is just different i think different it's completely different but i think i'm still chasing the childhood feeling of christmas i think i had a weird thing where as we have discussed many times on the pod i'm sure and also behind the pods back i don't know why i'm using that phrase it's actually really tickling me like behind the pods back it's like what does that even mean it's mental um i had a like the christmas was so bad for me for like a while like i had these really beautiful childhood christmases and then everything in my life went to shit yeah and i feel like then for a period i was like living almost like christmas was really just only was
Starting point is 00:21:19 serving as a reminder of like the loss of the things that I didn't have anymore yeah in like a really just like yeah really horrible like actually just pure heartbreaking horrific like unlivable sadness level of stuff yeah now I find myself like older and actually like I think this is just a broader topic or like point of interest for me at the moment anyway that just generally in life i'm finding so many like new ways of um owning my own life as i get older one of the ways is christmas or one of the things that is kind of like making me reflect on it is the idea that like it's i'm an adult now and i have the freedom to create events and moments and experiences and relationships that i want yeah new traditions and
Starting point is 00:22:05 like almost it kind of calls back to something we used to say before which is like um actually wasn't originally ours as most things isn't everything everything you once desired from others you can give it to yourself now and it's like if you're sat around waiting for yeah my childhood christmas to come back i'm so sorry the old taylor can't come to the phone right now like father christmas is dead like it's a new the only choice you've got is either like but for me personally the only choice i had was to keep being miserable every christmas or accept that things were going to be different and actually like it's so much easier now because i feel like with age i've accessed a new level of privilege that comes with like having stable relationships and like my own place and like just happiness that I didn't have access to when I was a kid
Starting point is 00:22:51 and like almost my stability was dependent on adults that were supposed to be taking care of me yeah like I think the empowerment that I feel being like a young woman with her own life and like the ability to like go out and do things that i want to do just because i purely want to do them and i deserve to it's something i'm enjoying so i feel like christmas is a time where i am i'm owning it i'm really redefining yeah yeah and trying to like what's some new traditions you're bringing in i think i'm just really into quality time i almost think as well like i can get a bit funny sometimes like even with tradition i'm like i didn't do it i didn't i'm supposed to do it every year i didn't do it like i kind of i am really the kind of person where like if i set myself like it's literally supposed to be a nice thing erin like calm down yeah something to tick off every
Starting point is 00:23:39 year it i think i lean into i'm quite the person who i have a tendency to be like you didn't get that done and it's a hang on a minute do you know what i mean like i like the whole point it really does so there aren't any i mean it's just general stuff just quality time with people that i love um i'm liking that we're being out and about and like i'm loving it kind of pretend that we have like christmas work drinks and stuff christmas work being feasts that sort of vibe christmas work drinks yeah we do which is obviously we haven't had in years like no doing this podcast we have not had we haven't been in an office at all no we haven't been doing christmas work i've never worked in an office i don't think i've worked in i've only ever had like bad jobs i have had so many jobs in my life i do you know what i counted the other day i've had 23
Starting point is 00:24:26 jobs in my life that is a lot insane and they're not just one day as god i have had jobs one day as they are jobs that i have done i have done every job i could just never get an office job like i would they never i've only done it once but i went back there um twice i went back there at some point i'll be living my dundama flynn dream um yeah yeah it is a dream it is a dream and i did but the thing that you get from that that office politics stuff is so fascinating i feel like i live vicariously through my boyfriend a lot like i'm always eavesdropping on his calls and like i know a lot of the people that he works with i know by name and they like have no idea that i exist and i like
Starting point is 00:25:04 i know a lot i know the ins and outs which makes you know what's going on you know about what's going on i do yeah yeah i'm really into but yeah i feel like little things like that just make i just feel like i'm at a point where i'm really embracing like just the choice and the ownership that i have over like my life and my time and that is not something that i think we can take for granted when like so much of life is doomed and for so many people in so many different ways it's like the things that i have access to now that i didn't used to as a kid or like for whatever reason growing up i'm not going to take it for granted now i'm going to make the most of it and that is delightful isn't it just and that's a christmas miracle, guys. And that's the Christmas crux-mas, I would say. And that, you know what, that is the Christmas crux-mas.
Starting point is 00:25:47 The Christmas crux-mas. I was also thinking, with the Christmas fairy podmothers? You like a Christmas fairy? I'm so up for the Christmas fairy podmothers. I'll sit down and do some brainstorming, I think. The thing is, a Christmas fairy podmother isn't really a thing, it's kind of an angel. No, but you have a Christmas fairy, right? you i think you could tell i think you're thinking bunny right christmas fairy i've never heard of christmas fairy but doesn't that roll off the
Starting point is 00:26:16 tongue yeah it does but why what is it i can't i don't know because it's never been an idea that fairies come and do anything can i search christmas yeah they're quite it's never been an idea that fairies come and do anything. Can I search Christmas fairy? It's quite... It's a bit vague. It's elves, really. Well, it is elves. Christmas fairy! So who is this girl? Oh, she's sweet.
Starting point is 00:26:34 She's like a little Tinkerbell. Let me Google her vibe. Christmas fairy. What's the meaning of the fairy and Christmas? Oh, they can help you get pregnant. What's she doing? A Christmas fairy. Is Santa an elf or help get pregnant what's she doing a christmas fairy is santa an elf or a fairy it's embarrassing guys he's a dude in other cultures santa is considered an elf
Starting point is 00:26:55 do you know what that's giving that's kind of giving dwight shrewd being like um will you be nice or impish i think we're christmas impish ghouls oh we're so impish we are it's not nice or impish it's are you impish or are you amiable that's us that's us okay your rules you've got to learn if you don't you'll be eaten in your in your sleep nice i don't know if that's in the second episode though well that's lovely yeah that is lovely what a lovely episode of podmas all right let's set the scene yeah paint me a picture i don't know it's the festive season yeah okay you can see it now it's overwhelming it's chaotic it's divine but i'll speak for myself i might need a little
Starting point is 00:27:47 bit of a break every now and then do you agree yeah i can feel the tension brewing and a fight is going to break out any moment in my house oh god oh dear so i don't know about you but i would love somewhere to retreat to during the christmas period well look i've got just the place do you tell me more i've got such an exciting this is an amazing announcement oh my god go on this episode is brought to you by costa coffee the sponsors of this episode and the home of the sticky toffee latte our favorite god that sounds divine and i know for a fact that i can see one in your hands right now so please tell me how it tastes go on she's sipping she's sipping a big old slurp it's divine it's a picture of the classic sticky toffee pudding
Starting point is 00:28:31 it's exactly what i'm looking for like and i want to drink it as well 24 7 especially at christmas when i feel like it's actually a really easy way to get into the festive spirit because i feel like it's a gorgeous time but it's also quite testing massively it's emotional and it's exhausting and i feel like taking a little moment to just slip off just quickly retreat somewhere take your hot girl walk over to costa pick up a little festive drink actually really can get you through the day and i would highly recommend the sticky toffee latte because it's really giving me all the festive. It's pumping me up with the festive spirit. I feel like Santa. I can see you.
Starting point is 00:29:08 I feel like a little Christmas elf. She's blowing up like a balloon. Violet, you're turning violet. You're turning into a sticky toffee latte. It's kind of a thing in my house on Christmas Day where we all kind of fight for who's going to walk the dog. It will be kind of chaos is brewing. He's already had his long walk of the day and then it becomes a bit of a thing like who gets to have those kind of 20 minutes to let him kind of stretch his legs to get out of the house and i
Starting point is 00:29:33 think this year i'm gonna fight for it and i'm gonna stop by costa on the way you definitely should it's like it's so comforting it's so cozy like i'm an adult and i can make adult decisions in my christmas and i'm going to choose it to go and buy coffee and not just any coffee sticky toffee latte coffee these are the decisions i want to be making as an adult would you say that sticky toffee pudding is one of your favorite desserts even i would say it i would say it loud and proud i would shout it from the rooftops in fact i would say it on a podcast i I would shout it from the rooftops. In fact, I would say it on a podcast. I think as well, important to mention that your Costa specifically to you in your hometown
Starting point is 00:30:11 has been like a legendary place. Yeah, no, it is. For us to like retreat to. Sorry, I'm just going back in for more. No, go on. This sponsorship from Costa is actually quite a big one because yeah Costa so I live in a small town and Costa was one of the first sort of cafes to open really that wasn't like a tiny little thing and we would go after school and get our coolers from there and yeah and now I'm back in my hometown
Starting point is 00:30:38 it is so nice to be able to go and retreat somewhere that is I don't know so familiar so cozy and especially during the winter period it is so nice to be able to go and retreat somewhere that is i don't know so familiar so cozy and especially during the winter period it is so nice to be able to go there and like just kind of bundle up take your book go and sit down oh my god there's nothing better tell us one more time how it's so good i would really recommend it guys i just i hope everyone gets a little moment to like sneak away and just have the moment to yourselves like enjoy your festive drink in your local costa because it's so important during such an overwhelming time have time for yourself to chill out there's no pressure and i think also christmas is one of those moments where i kind of feel a bit like you're having to put all of your needs on the back seat and it's almost like
Starting point is 00:31:18 you lose a bit of control you're not really making decisions for yourself you're making kind of collective decisions just having sort of 10 minutes even yeah to drive through and go through and just get a few moments that are in your control i completely agree with you because it's so the time where it's like you're constantly doing things for everyone else you're doing what everyone else wants of you and actually i would say if you can do us a favor and do what sephie and wing are telling you to do we're telling you to just sneak off to your local costa make your Christmas a little better with the Sticky Toffee Latte from Costa Coffee. It's available now. Festive drinks subject to availability, available for a limited period only. Thank you, Costa. Thank you so much, Costa. We'll see you there, guys. Yeah. Enjoy. Enjoy.
Starting point is 00:32:01 No, not enjoy. Yeah, assume we slayed too hard maybe what are some other festive things um like almost nutcracker like nutcracker where the nut cracks us or um almost like almost if we do something political we can we can be a bit snowflake we're in our snowflake era yeah as usual um santa no no are we naughty or nice something rain we're rain rain rain yeah i want to get one though tree Tree? Tree. Bethlehem? Bethlehem. That works. Bethlehem. That's perfect. That's how we end it. I think that's it.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Bethlehem. Three, two, one. Bethlehem. Gorgeous. Perfect. Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th.
Starting point is 00:33:26 It's a treat for you and your wallet.

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