Goes Without Saying - everyday sexism: grab 'em by the p*dcast

Episode Date: January 27, 2020

we're calling out the catcallers and cancelling the patriarchy once and for all. join us (sephy & wing) as we discuss everyday sexism and share our own experiences with catcalling, misogyny and "b...oys will be boys" culture. we're learning how to respond to catcalls and unwanted attention from the male gaze, but also how to stay safe in these streets. enjoy! speak your mind on our instagram! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's has a new breakfast deal. Mix and match two items of your choice for only $4. Breakfast wrap, biscuit or English muffin sandwiches, small seasoned potatoes or small hot coffee. Choose two for $4 at Wendy's. Available for a limited time at participating Wendy's in Canada. Taxes extra. Hello and welcome back to Higher Priestess.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I'm Erin. And I'm Stephanie. And today we're going to be talking all about our favourite thing in the world, catcalling. We just love it, we live for that shit. We hope, bye bye. So I wanted to discuss catcalling and like street harassment a bit because I mean both of us, I feel we've discussed this, have just been experiencing it way too much recently. We're obviously looking really good lately.
Starting point is 00:00:41 We're obviously looking our best. Better than ever. No I'm joking, that's not where this is gonna go no no but it's a bit crazy i've just moved to london and i think i've just been a bit shocked with the actual amount and i've lived in london before and i just wasn't experiencing it this amount i don't know what it is in this whole area i've just been getting them left right and center then you came to visit me and you're like god i just got off the train and yeah yeah it's happening you've had it twice today twice today yeah and it's only 2 p.m i've only been outside once well i honestly i've been here now for about a month i've had it
Starting point is 00:01:11 more times than i've had it my entire life added together that's crazy i mean some of the most crazy catcalls i've ever had of my life oh so can you tell me the one you had today okay so yeah today how funny on the way to record a catcalling podcast and I get catcalled twice, but it's fine. It's fine, we're getting over it. It doesn't matter, it's all right. So what happened was I was sat at the station and this guy who worked at the station
Starting point is 00:01:36 came up to me and said, hi, Viz on. Very official, he stomped over to me. I thought, oh, okay, he's gonna tell me something about the train. He's gonna tell me something important that I need to know. mean my ticket my rail card something's happened here yeah it makes sense pulled my earphones out first of all oh big mistake big mistake huge i even halfway through talking to him put one back it's like i'm half just to show i'm half listening anyway he came over and he said bit cold for that dress isn't't it? And I said, I said, sorry,
Starting point is 00:02:05 because I had my earphones in. He said, you're wearing a dress and it's freezing. And I said, it's all good already. It's horrific. And I said, oh, it's always summer over here in my kind of life, my bubble that I'm living. Yeah, nice. Just a brush under the carpet,
Starting point is 00:02:20 just like I'm going to pretend you didn't comment on my dress. Yeah, and then he said, what are your thoughts on the weather? Would you rather it to be sunny or snowy? And I thought, oh, oh, we're in this. Oh, I didn't realise I was in a sevener. I actually didn't realise that was how it was going, but okay.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I pulled out my notebook. What are my thoughts on the weather? I love a Chris Borton day. I'm just so glad you asked. Anyway, gave my answer. I won't go into it. Which one? Well, I said, I said, it depends.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I said, I quite like a blue sky. I said, I quite like it today. Blue sky, but like a bit cold. And he said, yeah, fresh. I said, yeah, fresh. Exactly. Best of both worlds. This is such a weird comment.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Then he started talking to me about his sister who cut her hair. Her hair used to be really really long and she cut it and she started crying when she cut it i thought god that's anyway then he asked me what do i do how old are you what's your name i thought god you've in quite a short amount of time you've accumulated quite a lot of info he's literally the guy from you literally what's your name yeah yeah he said oh i'm james nice to meet you well he sussed me out a bit because he goes what he thought was on brexit then after i told him that i did anthropology in history he was like oh fuck okay i think he kind of thought i think i'd come across a bit
Starting point is 00:03:33 dumbo no there's no i had though oh i'm just wearing my dress and you're like i love a blue sky i just love a blue sky it's just a fresh fresh i just love that word fresh like who's this dumbo? So then I thought, well, I've actually got a degree. I'm gonna let you know, because you're asking me what I'm doing. I did a degree. That's what I've been up to actually.
Starting point is 00:03:52 James. What have you been doing? Train, man. Driving trains. And then he said, so Boris Johnson, what are your thoughts on him? I thought, anything I say here, you're just repeating back to me.
Starting point is 00:04:03 You're a faker, James. You're a big fat faker. I was just like, well, if repeating back to me. You're a faker, James. You're a big faker. I was just like, well, if you want to look at my feed, we actually did make a lovely graphic about Boris Johnson. Exactly. About him being an absolute eaten mess. Anyway, we actually had quite a nice combo. He was genuinely curious about me and my life.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah. In terms of like a conversation, in the sense that I am a 23 year old woman and a man who is first of all in a position of authority not just by his job but by his uniform immediately my butt cheeks are clenching immediately i'm like on the edge of my seat one earphone still in ready to like make a run for it across the platform but why do you feel that he felt entitled to quiz you at one point his friend his pal his work work, his colleague,
Starting point is 00:04:46 kind of like nodded at him and he like kind of waved at him as if to say like, yeah, I'm busy like talking to this girl. And I kind of thought, you've obviously seen me walk past and kind of said to your pal, like, fuck it, I'm gonna do it. I just don't have the energy for that anymore. I literally don't have the energy to indulge every man that tries to start a conversation
Starting point is 00:05:02 with a big thing about my favourite type of weather. Well, that kind of to me to me is like oh you're bugging me because you're beating around the bush like you obviously want to talk to me because you're interested in me yeah you came to me trying to start a convo yeah so now i'm getting frustrated because you're beating around the bush and i would rather you just fully like come out with something worthwhile are you single are you interested in me can i have your number blah blah blah but then if you did that i would find that even worse and i'm actually quite grateful that i had that conversation so it's almost like i don't know what i would want from james obviously i want nothing but that's also he didn't do anything aggressive like that was not at all well he's at work it's not get your tits out or like yeah exactly exactly that's very different
Starting point is 00:05:36 you're in a safe train station yeah there's a man going i'm a bit cold for that dress yeah that's just a different thing yeah that is that's just a man feeling completely entitled to your time and also trying like i wonder if you were a man in your business suit would a woman who's working well absolutely not entitled to talk to him absolutely not but i did almost kind of think you know when you just know that someone's not being a dick because because they're 95% of the dickish yeah exactly that sounds like not catcalling just a lovely chat yeah it was quite a nice chat just with a hint of it started off as like i think he sounds dickish at all yeah exactly i think that sounds like not catcalling just a lovely chat yeah it was quite a nice chat also just with a hint of it started off as like i think he was all right as well because i kind of saw the flicker of fear before i told him how old i was i think he kind of thought oh fuck she might be she might be young and i fucked up yeah
Starting point is 00:06:18 but i saw that you know it just flashes across his eyes of like oh i'm at work yeah i'm a pedophile in the workplace it's like the worst place to be you're gonna be a pedophile at your it's like not only you're going to jail but you're going far so when i was thinking about sort of the idea of cat calling i started to like break it down in an english literature way cat calling no i genuinely was that was the second one that happened to me i had that whole convo with james and then i was walking down and i was like oh no no what god three times oh my god because as i as soon as i came out of the station this guy went hi miss can i please like you look lovely and i was like oh sorry i was like i'm
Starting point is 00:07:00 really in a rush what is wrong with this, I've had it up to here. James. James number two. Yeah, I just thought, I can't now. I was like, I'm so sorry. I'm really in a rush. And he goes, please, like, just a minute. It's like a bit weird.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I honestly have been thinking of doing the full Truman show, walking around him. Yeah. It's like every single person has never seen a girl before. Right, she's coming. Let's do this. Well, I told you. Three, two two, one, miss you look lovely today. Well, I told you about the crazy one I had. Walking down the street, someone actually comes up to me
Starting point is 00:07:32 and goes, hot damn, you're pretty. Which is the craziest thing. Yeah, it's hilarious. And when I told you, you were like, was it Bruno Mars? Honestly, like, if it's anyone, Kalizanski kind of popped his hat off to you. Like did a little jive but I've honestly
Starting point is 00:07:47 it's just like there's something about this place where it's just people just come up to you 24 7 it's kind of like there's an aphrodisiac in the air only for the men all the women are terrified I've been leaving the house in like full tracksuits no one's gonna I'm just trying to repel them
Starting point is 00:08:04 it's the middle of january it's the middle of january i'm scarf hat mittens oh damn you're pretty yeah yeah i'm having them 24 7 it's horrific but yeah cat calling the word yeah have you ever had that oh no i think i'd die like fully like the arm movements like not kitty kitty not the here kitty kitty but yeah when I was about 15 definitely more than once and they're like moving their fingers like you guys don't know what I'm doing yeah yeah rubbing the sorts
Starting point is 00:08:33 of fingers and thumbs together showing off that pose of all time you guys have cats you know what I'm doing but I was thinking about catcalling as a phrase and I was like that actually doesn't sum it up it's literal sexual harassment it's like why are we giving it this cute name oh my god he called me yeah no no you sexually harassed me or like street harassment yeah come on like let's just say what it is yeah it's always based on your physicality it's never he didn't start going
Starting point is 00:09:00 what your thoughts on brexit he started not the dress yeah always based on yeah something yeah to do with what you look like and it's harassment it's sexual harassment yeah purely like i just think cat calling kind of is almost like apologetic that you can make an apology for cat calling it's quite good because it kind of works in that like functionality of a word and that we say cat calling everyone here knows what we're talking about although i do think we are thankfully moving towards understanding that it is harassment because i actually think like in terms of generations i know looking back if we were 23 in like the 70s or the 80s yeah you're toast and obviously this is coming from a position of us both being in london currently you know being educated being relatively safe in our lives that there's a lot of privilege that both of us both being in london currently you know being educated being relatively safe in our lives
Starting point is 00:09:46 that there's a lot of privilege that both of us have access to that obviously isn't replicated worldwide yeah and whilst we you know take on even take joy in shouting down cat callers we totally get that's not what everyone has the position to do and it's down to your discretion if you feel that that's unsafe for you there's no shame there do you take them down because i don't i don't take them down yeah i don't i try i say i i have about a 70 success rate of shouting down there's the 30 where i'm not shouting down literally knocking them down into hell but i do the depths of hell but i there's that 30 i had it once in a petrol station and i thought no and i've had it many times where i've just thought no this is not safe like there was i had one the
Starting point is 00:10:33 other day i got off the tube don't tell you about this and there were two very tall men pinned me in this was horrific because they actually physically touched me like they got either side of me and pinned me in the like with their hands no no with their bodies like in the doorway and i like turned around i gave them a look and they went oh did you see her face she gave us such a dirty look and then i was like fuck you guys and i luckily there was a girl there and we both had like a bit of a moment of me and the girl yeah she like hovered for a minute i definitely was shaken up for about 10 minutes that was kind of if it was in the pitch black and you were on your own it Well, it was, it was dark. And I also very stupidly came out
Starting point is 00:11:07 kind of the wrong exit of the tube. So you had to walk all the way down. And I came out like the secluded exit. I was like, that was a dumb move. Yeah. It's a dumb move to just walk these days. Oh, you can't walk. What a dumb move.
Starting point is 00:11:17 You can't walk anywhere. Isn't that hilarious? Yeah. I feel like I always like never, I just never cared if it was safe or not. If anything, I remember saying to people like, this is when I was like 14 probably. people be like you need to be careful because you might say something to the wrong person and i'm like no they said something to the wrong person
Starting point is 00:11:32 me if i die for this i'm a martyr i'm not i don't care i'm not dying for someone saying hot damn you pretty i'm not no i'm not dying for that i'm dying for my right to say fuck you don't fucking talk to me no i'd rather just walk down just whatever you enjoy it no i enjoy it when it's safe i've got a bit of a chip on my shoulder in there i'm not aggressive at all right no you're not not at all you're kind of the least aggressive yeah i'm very like late i am actually really laid back it does take quite a lot to get me well you've never ever ever raised your voice at me and there's been many a time imagine you raised your voice but you've never you've like i thought i'm your my sort of husband in the 30s i'm scared of you
Starting point is 00:12:14 he doesn't raise my voice you'll regret that when we get up keep your mouth shut but i think i mean we know each other very well but we've never had a disagreement no i think you're very much um i'm quite rational very rational yeah but i i think i do have a bit of a i'm kind of waiting for that perfect moment to get to shout at a man and it to be justified yeah yeah i am a bit i do have a natural thing of like well i'm it's almost my libra justice is served yeah it is it's educate it's let me let me fucking educate you on why you're not allowed to say that to me i'm really glad that i did that even from a young age obviously i made it out alive to tell the tale but i think i don't i'm
Starting point is 00:12:55 i'm not the person that would be like that i'm very much i think you you think of me now but i think if someone like you didn't know me when i was like 15 or even like 17 etc before i don't know obviously as you age you grow and change i'm not inherently an outspoken person no so i think it's quite nice in a way obviously i was cackled loads when i was a child literally a child that's quite great i've got some stats on this like in my fucking school uniform yeah and i would be full-on middle finger fuck you well yeah leave me alone i'm a child i definitely did that in my school uniform because i'd be in a pack of people yeah and let someone go well it's broad daylight oh you're so fit whatever yeah and yeah it's middle finger fuck off yeah when you're a child you kind of have no fear you don't know that they might shove you in the back of the van well i i did know that i just i just didn't care yeah i guess i just didn't care but
Starting point is 00:13:48 now i think now i think i'm so aware i think maybe i've seen too many horror films i'm so aware that like sex trafficking is a thing yeah like i'm not gonna risk my life down a dark street and go what did you say to me there's no way it's definitely context i'm just i'm getting my phone out i'm brisk walking yeah i've got my keys in between my knuckles oh i hate that i hate that we've had to like um appropriate household objects we'd have in our bag into weapons yeah how bleak is that our keys are now a thing that we put in between i thought the other day this is unrelated i guess to cat calling but maybe it says something about a woman being at home on her own i thought that i fuck there's someone in the house and it's not there's not someone who lives here there's
Starting point is 00:14:27 someone in the house for sure and i was looking around the room and i thought okay i've got a glass of water next to me i could smash that on my bedside table and then i've got a good old piece of glass i could slip that i was kind of i feel like that's something from like the simpsons no no no but smash the glass over not on them exactly oh my god that is that but i think that's so depressing just thinking about like oh what weapons do i have in my handbag yeah and like what weapons do i have in my bedroom it's not nice is it are men thinking of it not in their fucking bags what do i have in my rucksack that's gonna my hideous rucksack my just do it rucksack okay so give me the stats here are the stats sexual harassment or street harassment there was the biggest study ever done a while ago um i think this is like two years ago and it happens
Starting point is 00:15:15 mostly to women aged 11 to 17 and i was called barrack that's wizards dress don't say that's women that's girls like that's not the time. Don't say that's women, that's girls. Yeah that's children. Most women aged 11, no that's a little child. That's a child who's only gone through puberty mate. So yeah, the largest ever study found that 84% of women have experienced some form of street harassment before the age of 17. And the figure is even higher in the UK. And there is no specific law preventing street harassment.
Starting point is 00:15:44 No. There are loads of ones that like more specific so like gina martin's amazing law yeah um upskirting if you don't know who gina martin is quickly google her yeah and there are also like no laws against stalking at all yeah stalking is incredibly difficult it's legal yeah it's crazy yeah because it's almost like how do you it's difficult to measure it's difficult to um like enforce like restraining laws and things anecdotal a lot of it yeah it's kind of like it's almost a feeling oh it's horrific like a lot of i think a lot of like catcalling and harassment and like violence on the streets against women bruise from a feeling that i think
Starting point is 00:16:20 only women can or people that have ever experienced something being made to feel pretty small exactly because also it's like if i quoted my so hot damn you're pretty didn't offend me i did laugh but it's also like if i quoted that to someone and said mr policeman some man said to me on the street hot damn you're pretty and it made me feel really scared he'd go what's wrong with that there wasn't aggressive he made no threat to you but you know by the way they looked at you like a piece of meat and that they were very demeaning well that's the thing there definitely needs to be like structural change because at the moment from so many different angles it's perceived to be just an everyday part of life which we've spoken about laura bates before who obviously
Starting point is 00:16:57 started the everyday sexism turned into a whole movement and she talks a lot about how she faced three forms of sexual harassment in a week and she says actually she talks a lot about how she faced three forms of sexual harassment in a week and she says actually she has a ted talk um which was about four or five years ago now so might be a bit late but go and listen to it anyway and she says if it had happened on the odd occasion kind of like six months apart i wouldn't have thought the only thing that made me question was that it built up over a week it's like i know i'm not getting any prettier like it's not about it's not about me this is just the the state of my society at the moment yeah and i'm gonna talk to others and understand if that's happening to everyone else and it was happening to everybody else and
Starting point is 00:17:32 she obviously started this thing everyday sexism where she had no like funding behind it all like she didn't publish it in any way um and it grew into like this huge i mean like thousands upon thousands upon thousands like huge thing of like women men coming together talking about like even the most minute details of like sexual harassment or even like inequality i love that huge things i love that she said about how it's not to do with what you look look like yeah because it's so isn't i think yeah if you haven't been catcalled it's not because you're getting any uglier no well it's nothing it's nothing to do with looks. It's literally to do with power. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:06 I've always thought, well, I remember having a conversation with my mum about this when I was about 13. Rape and sexual assault and sexual harassment are nothing to do... It's not because you're attractive. It's nothing to do with appearance or sexuality. But it's literally a power dynamic.
Starting point is 00:18:20 It's literally trying to assert power. And that goes through history. You might feel like you are you your experience can't be equated to the likes of like rape and concentration camps or white men raping black women and like murdering their husbands but it very much is that thing of this man knows he is superior to you and more powerful than you and has everything over you there's no fear there he can do whatever he wants to yeah it's 100 and that isn't going away no doesn't look like it
Starting point is 00:18:51 from what's and that's the podcast over thanks for listening bye bye now let's all just go to lock the doors so like every so cat calling kind of comes under the broad umbrella of everyday sexism i think and everyday sexism i feel is like i just had that so much when i was working at a pub that's like oh my god for me that's like the epitome of everyday sexism love darling babe every two seconds i had one time i was being cocktail waitress in this bar pub thing and upstairs there was a cocktail place and someone literally shouted across the room can i see your vagina so loudly everyone obviously looks at me and they got him like taken out or something but it's just like that should not happen to me oh yeah one was can i see your vagina that
Starting point is 00:19:35 was completely ignored by everyone the second one was do you like anal shouted out and then he got kicked out and then the next week he tried to get in again so he had he had to come up and apologize to me it was quite good yeah that was like a good moment no not accepted um that's really good yeah i was like absolutely it's not good enough but it's good from like a personal like i would love to have been you in that moment it was great it was literally like why did what made you feel and this goes like not just for catcalling but kind of whenever anyone does anything a bit questionable it's quite a good thing to say why did you think that was acceptable to do that to me yeah that's it i want to know the why and then they kind of struggle
Starting point is 00:20:08 to answer you no explain it to me it was a joke explain the joke i want to hear it because the only answer is oh i thought it's more powerful than i thought i'd get away with it that's the only i thought it was funny but why did you think that's funny because you thought that you were in the position of it's like explain it to me and they straight away the answer is the patriarchy yeah exactly and they're like the who the poo poo poo the poo poo pee pee that they don't ever heard of it before they don't fucking get it yeah literally that but i think working in a pub where everyone's drunk but also just like any form and a male dominated space as well where you're serving men in any way it just jumps out it just jumps that pub in particular is definitely a hub for gross gammon
Starting point is 00:20:51 men gammon no they look they're like it's a white man older so he looks pink wrinkly like gammon oh 100% there yes 100 that's quite a good response okay gammon okay boomer well i developed actually quite a genius technique where they'd be like, oh, can you get that for me, darling? And I'd be like, oh, sure thing, darling. Exactly. I'd just repeat what they said. And one time someone said,
Starting point is 00:21:12 oh, can I have that treacle? And I went, oh yeah, of course, treacle. And then he was like, what did you just say? What did you just say, treacle? And I was like, you just said it. And then it's like, yeah, it's ridiculous, isn't it? Do you see how insane it is to have someone you don't know treacle like it's like your cat's name come on treacle it's like yeah a crazy thing to say to someone that's literally at work yeah treacle treacle bad
Starting point is 00:21:36 it's making me a bit hungry it's like i actually kind of want some treacle it's a beautiful word actually treacle treacle i just don't want to be called it by some weird man okay what's this thing you're going to show me so basically on twitter i saw this thing and i saw this program you go on twitter no this was a long time ago and he was like do you go on twitter on the daily but i found this thing and someone had shared it and it had like a hundred thousand retweets and stuff and it was someone saying every girl should know these but it's a photo of a piece of paper yeah two pieces of paper and it says written by a cop and i just feel like there's problematic things in the fact this is being shared to girls not to men and also it's a
Starting point is 00:22:22 sad state of affairs that we need this but exactly and this has been shared as useful information by the people but i'm kind of showing what the hell yeah so tip from number one from taekwondo the elbow is the strongest point of your body if you're close use it yeah it's crazy there's one that's like toss your coin wallet it says to the robber run like mad in the other direction this one's horrible number three is if you're ever thrown into the trunk of a car kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out and wave like crazy don't have your hair in a ponytail yeah this one shocks me as well women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping eating working etc and sit doing their lists it's like you don't know women do not do this the predator will be watching you and this is a perfect opportunity to get in
Starting point is 00:23:03 the passenger side put a gun to your head and tell you where to go and it's just like there's so many of them there's absolutely crazy things i think the problem is as well that we're facing at the moment not all men because immediately everyone is dismissing and disregarding actual information that everybody should hear well this should be taught to men and women exactly and i think there's because it's a reality the not all men discussion is just so difficult because it's like yes obviously not all men yeah it goes without saying literally goes without saying that not every man is going to rape you but the problem is what was that statistic so that everyone knows someone that's being raped but not every man knows a rapist exactly yeah every woman knows someone who has experienced sexual harassment but conveniently not every man knows a rapist
Starting point is 00:23:47 exactly so it's like the math isn't adding up so don't come with come at me and not all men shit well it's also like you've had privilege for so long that you think equality is oppression yeah oh my god you just have no scope that's it yeah fuck that yeah fuck you guys i just thought that list is fuck all men on the record and you can print that i just think that what a sad state of affairs that that's going around twitter and all these girls like oh my god amazing i won't sit in my passenger seat well i do think that is true because it's like we you know do a fucking self-defense class like do whatever you can in this world to survive yeah i was googling self defense yesterday exactly i was like i actually need to learn some stuff actually being here
Starting point is 00:24:28 and i have had a lot of weird situations recently if i had gone out the back end of my station and there were those two men there yeah what am i doing oh they just got me now but it seems to be the conversation is so much more about um like self-defense rather than just preventative measures teach men education yeah and teach everyone how to fucking treat people in this world what's wrong with you what the men aren't getting a list saying don't make a list saying don't make lists in your heart like that's crazy or one of them this story has always shaken me up a moment and yeah it's got me shook and it has since i was about 15 when i heard it but people put play like babies crying
Starting point is 00:25:04 noises outside the house. So women go and look and play on like maternal instincts. Yeah. Just being a decent fucking human. Leave a kind of baby seat on the side of the road. To draw you in. Because men would be more likely to drive past. And it's just like playing on human or maternal instincts.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And I think the problem is as well. But also that could just be a urban myth again to instill fear in women no it's true is it yeah but is it just something we've heard no it's true it's true i've seen cases where it's happened oh i hate that they still do it it's horrific but i almost feel like all the stories create more fear because it makes it encouraged to like not do things don't leave the house at this time well yeah it's exactly that it stops you from living your life and the night just becomes a space where men are allowed and women are just encouraged to like once it's dark because god forbid you're in that space and it ends up being
Starting point is 00:25:53 not safe for you it's well why did she do that why was she wearing that why was she there why was she out and i why was she on her own yeah well that case of that girl that was raped and she was wearing red lacy underwear and then the judge said she was asking for and they used it yeah in the initial court case and it's like oh well sorry that i left my house wearing red underwear yeah oh i deserve the whole thing then yeah what an idiot of me yeah it's just like so dark oh it actually just like infuriating yeah i'm getting the anger yeah i'm getting a bit sad i'm almost like i need a nap yeah it's like oh i won't leave the house don't tell me this is my world please
Starting point is 00:26:25 tell me i'm going to another one this is a dream okay well here's a story oh i love it are we all sitting comfortably this was when we were back in brighton nice oh the happy days a good old day getting cat called getting cat called in brighton they really were the good old days i'd rather be cat called in brighton oh than anywhere else in the world i've got to be cat called everywhere yeah i'm picking brighton yeah i'll be cat called there by the sea by the sea by an ice cream shop yeah come on can't be cat called by an ice cream shop goodness me um walking down the street building site here we go here we go yeah workmen everywhere a prime location honestly what is your cat calling hot spot
Starting point is 00:27:05 honestly a hot spot never walk by a building site on your own no with your hair up and your elbows out and your keys and your hands is that a wrist have you got your wrists out god wearing red underwear literally okay walking down the street in brighton workman says hello sausage why the names why the name and i said sausage and he said all right sausage wink he winked at me nice and i said i think my granddad was about your age when he died it's such a shutdown and all of I mean, he was kind of like, he must be like the boss of the workmen and the kind of younger workmen who are about my age kind of look like.
Starting point is 00:27:51 That is hilarious. I didn't know my grandad was your age when he died. So death is coming up for you, yeah? It's like, oh, this is because you're worried about your death. You're lashing out because you're worried you might only have three more years left on this planet with me. Exactly, yeah. yeah you're lashing out because you've worried you might only have three more years left on this planet with me exactly you're lashing out that's perfectly understandable to be jealous of the years and i think if you're in a space honestly sausage if you're in a space where you can belittle them it really is the way to go because you've turned a
Starting point is 00:28:17 situation that is belittling for you into something that's like a bit of a comedy yeah it's like really empowering and just quite funny i think 100 yes yes yes lover i just don't want people that are listening to this going oh my god yes yes i'm gonna fight back and then in the moment when it's not safe someone goes you're right sausage 100 they were just gonna leave it at that new time and go sausage and now you're engaged with them and now it's an eye contact moment like no no exactly if you have to walk on by walk on by exactly and that doesn't make you any less of a feminist wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment and not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh canadian dairy it's also refreshingly cheap just 99 cents
Starting point is 00:29:03 until july 14th it's a treat for you and your wallet no i think that it took me a long time to come to that because i personally don't engage yeah well i say 70 success rate i do mostly engage even if it's just a look i liked it i'm gonna give away now the ultimate response to cat calling that i feel has been the most successful and this was developed by my friend and i think it's the most genius thing ever and i would say this is my biggest success one very simple and it's just a yawn a fake big fat fake yawn but do not let them know it's fake make it a genuine it's even when someone like revs their car at you yeah it's like it's kind of like me or i'm thinking about it no
Starting point is 00:29:45 because you're an empire yeah but it's literally just like oh i'm not even you're not even on my radar because the main thing with catcalling it's power and it's also just like see me it's like notice me it's like yeah it's a cry for help in a way yeah so it's a bit of like you're not even on my radar i'm not gonna say what you didn't even it doesn't offend me like you're not even in my life 100 and i've seen people get boring angry at that yeah like their faces go a bit red yeah so i had it the other day when someone shouted like you're right love something like that and i just did a very like look at my phone kind of yawn and i kind of noticed his mate like getting a bit like laughy at him like fully 100 because it's embarrassing it's mortifying to shout something at someone you're right love yeah she doesn't
Starting point is 00:30:29 respond she doesn't even notice you're so irrelevant i always had one with my friend yeah so i was walking back with there were three of us this is a bad one this is really horrific and we're walking down the street and it would just come up from the cinema so full kind of hoodies no makeup kind of just walking down the street you think you're safe from the male gaze oh no you're not even in bin bags you're not safe we're walking down the street there were two men that approached us and they literally as they walked past went seven two six like literally raided us and my friend was obviously really upset because she was like in the middle yeah you were all like who's the two like what yeah and she was like i was in the middle but it's just like no let's not even like there's no like why are we comparing ourselves now we're walking on the street
Starting point is 00:31:07 coming up from the fucking cinema like fuck that yeah and now we're there thinking who's the who's the ugly one yeah exactly according to according to these ugly fucking 50 odd men yeah who were both just like gross men yeah who were both married with children our age exactly that they're my granddad's age when he died oh now we're all thinking i was the time the ugly one yeah according to what it's literally just such bollocks and then but the other one that i was thinking of yeah that was a bad one and that that kind of had my friend yeah thinking for a while but the one that i was thinking of was that i think there were about four of us walking down the street also in brighton and there were these men's outside a pub and it was like hot hot summer
Starting point is 00:31:47 so my friend was wearing very very short shorts she didn't hear this but the men we were walking just behind her went oh what a dog and it's like you said that and I it doesn't change anything but she's one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen who is it oh yeah of course it's like literally one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen and these weird old men are calling her a dog they feel invited or entitled to talk about her yeah she didn't even notice them they're so nothing so infuriating this is also a crazy one i'm sorry i'm really no no i'm loving it it's getting me a bit fumed i hope everyone's getting angry honestly they're coming at me now like they're just flowing well that was what laura bates said in her ted talk i'm sure she says this in her ted talk if not she says it somewhere
Starting point is 00:32:27 that a woman contacted her and said this one time she um sorry i've just completely interrupted your story but it's this moment where yeah this guy asked her for directions he was driving and she came over to the car she gave him the directions politely and then he put both hands out of his car window and grabbed her boobs hard hurt her and she normally would just be like oh my god she's so embarrassed she's physically hurt like she's in pain she's just mortified yeah it's horrific so violated and she said to laura in that moment i felt every woman man anyone who had ever come forward for everyday sexism behind her yeah for everyone standing behind her ready to fight with her and enough that
Starting point is 00:33:06 she took down the number plate and eventually he got caught and taken in and things like that fucking mad that i got that's what i think is freezing cold oh my god like i feel all the women inside me they're getting possessed they're all behind us yeah obviously but it is that thing that's it's important for everyone to be angry together yeah and it is fucking angering someone reaching out and grabbing your boobs is the most violating it's horrific go on with your story so this is one sorry these are just these are the everyday sexism ones exactly these aren't even notable these aren't when men have followed me home or things like that those are when those get fucking horrendous and i've had fucking crazy situations like that yeah and i don't wish those on anyone because those are you think you're fearing for your life you think
Starting point is 00:33:47 you're dead at that 100 you're fearing for your life when someone is following you i think someone went a cut someone crossed the street i crossed they crossed again and i crossed again and they they followed me every time and i started legging it i was probably like i was gonna say 15 but i probably would have been about 13 it was me and my friend and then she went into her house walking along they followed me literally everywhere i went into a shop they waited outside i came out well at that point you honestly think i'm dead i'm toast i'm dead yeah i don't know why we don't find 999 in that you almost because you think it's ridiculous it's almost not even valid there's someone actually they're going to kill you they're going to rape you basically given the chance they're following
Starting point is 00:34:21 yeah they're following you they're going to attack you i think that's safe to assume but that's the thing because it's all about that brewing feeling yeah and a feeling is very hard to hand over to the police or to an authority a feeling it's valid yeah and it should be different but the case at the moment is that we feel like embarrassed almost to think that you're under a threat when everyone else is just going about their day how appalling is that because you fucking know you've had ones where you think someone's behind you and you go oh no they're not i mean you're so doubting yourself but you fucking know yeah when that person has been behind you for too long or a car is following you down a weird road you just fucking know it or a man looks at you weird or a man is taking a photo up your skirt like you just know you just fucking know it but
Starting point is 00:35:03 the oh yeah this is really now very seems very light but that's the thing some of them are yeah but these are just this is an everyday one but my two friends were on a bus together i wasn't present but i've heard this story many times my two friends were on a bus there were lots and lots of boys on the bottom floor of the bus it's like a double decker i was gonna say as well we keep saying i was here in brighton i was doing this in brighton brighton's not like a really bad place it's just because obviously we've spent a lot of time yeah we were just young girls in brighton in brighton exactly you can't be a young girl anywhere without having experiencing something also as i've said i've had more in the last month than i've had in my entire life exactly yeah um they're on a bus they're on a bus they're walking down the stairs came off the
Starting point is 00:35:41 bus these boys that were at the front went oh she's fit as one of them got off and then as the other one got off went oh she's not and it's just one of those things that's like oh so now i was just getting off the bus with my friend and now i feel appalling and you felt entitled to comment on my looks when you put me against my friend yeah you put me next to my friend so now what i'm thinking about my grim feeling and also it's like i wouldn't have even noticed you how dare you yeah how dare you comment who do you think you are in my life what the hell yeah and now the bus has driven off and you've just got on with your day i'm left with that feeling how horrific is that really gross she's
Starting point is 00:36:15 fit she's not fuck off yeah fuck off literally fuck off go fuck yourself yeah i couldn't cope when i heard that i was like angry for days. I'm still angry. I'm angry. I want to be there. That's the thing. It's like, I need to be there to serve the justice. Well, I want to say to all his friends, oh, guys, did you just hear this guy say that? You're all fucking ugly, by the way.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Well, you're just nothing. Yeah. I didn't even see you. Yeah, that's how nothing you are. That's the bit that's so annoying. Them saying to my friend, you're not fit, or them saying to my friend, you're a dog, or them saying to my friend, you're a two.
Starting point is 00:36:42 You're fit, or whatever. It's like, we didn't even see you. No, yeah did i did i ask because i say guys can you just rate me on a scale from one to ten next to my friends please we'll line up could you just rate us all on a scale from one to ten it's fucking insane what did it fucking we're literally going back from seeing um probably some horror film like we're literally on the way back from the cinema filled with popcorn we're having a great time. Seven, two, six. Horrific. Oh, thank you so much. I was actually just wondering what we were
Starting point is 00:37:08 on a scale of one to ten. It's horrific. It's awful. It's so angering because there's no way my friends would all meet, anyone, anyone, any girl would feel entitled to walk past two men and say audibly to their face, three, one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Because that's what you are. And there's no way that it's not about power yeah it fully is also when i was looking well i did you know a little quick scan and i remembered this thing that i saw on twitter from a male had tweeted it a boy a man had tweeted like i was with my friend a girl she got catcalled then when they realized that she was with me they apologized to me because your property yeah more it's more valid that your male property yeah i'm saying sorry i've got a boyfriend that's the only thing that i'll accept yeah because it's now when i was working in this pub i was working there kind of two months ago and a man came in and said oh can i get your number
Starting point is 00:37:59 you're really cute i remember him saying he kept calling me cute and i thought funny choice of adjective because it's all rooted in power even yeah you're so cute you're so cute please can i get your number please can i get number i was like no no sorry i'm not interested like absolutely not he would not leave like i was packing up i was closing the bar he would not leave until i said i had a boyfriend and i don't and then he goes oh right sorry yeah and he's like oh my god i'm so sorry and i had literally rejected him about five times exactly Exactly, yeah. It only takes- It only means something. It needs a man's stamp of approval.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Of approval, yeah, exactly. Of like, she's actually someone else's. Yeah, someone got there first. Someone cackled her before you. It's like, you can't disrespect a man. But I also think it's about power, because I've seen people do it to Jack, in a way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Or even before, I mean, more than, there was one time when I was really young, because I wasn't with Jack, I was with somebody else. Yeah, I wasn't even with Jack at one time when i was really young because i wasn't with jack i was with somebody else yeah i wasn't even with jack at the time it was with this other guy i was literally a child i was about 13 14 yeah and we were walking through london and this guy said to him this guy was busking i'm doing air guitar right now he's busking away and we were walking along and there's kind of a few other people walking along. Some couples and, you know, whatever. Older people, families.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And the guy stopped his song and we walked on and he said, and the award for the guy with the best looking girlfriend is that guy there. Blah, blah, blah. My boy. Literally that feeling as like a 13 year old girl. I mean, I looked older. Now that I'm 23, I just look my age, I think. Maybe even a bit younger.
Starting point is 00:39:24 But at 13, and I think maybe even a bit younger but at 13 and I think this is kind of like an epidemic of our generation yeah we look so much older than we actually were and definitely now I think that's carrying on but even so as like a 13 year old then with my boyfriend now my boyfriend's kind of like feeling a bit jilted by this like by this yeah by this man yeah who's like Ed Shean i think timing was it kind of kind of we're an angel um and then another time this was more recently maybe with jack and someone literally took jack aside and said can i shake your hand like that's incredible like it's awful but also then i'm like oh now my boyfriend's feeling a bit like what like now not only do i have to experience this my loved one is going through this too and now i know that we all it's
Starting point is 00:40:09 just where does this end where what why do you do why are you doing that why why did you think it was acceptable to do that explain it to me just doesn't mean anything living in a 21st century to a 7 meter that's power by Kanye West we're not putting that in but so do you not think in the way going oh clap clap clap here's the best looking girl in the world let me shake your hand
Starting point is 00:40:36 is there room for feeling some kind of flattery in there because I think that we would be naive as a society to assume that women we get a validation from the male gaze a lot of the time yeah generally speaking obviously we're trying to fight everything we do at higher the world is set up that way at least yeah do you think that there is any space to when someone says clap clap clap who's the best looking girl in the world you feel scared if you're
Starting point is 00:41:01 on your own you feel absolutely that's fucking. Is there a room that you're kind of going, oh, okay, I'm pretty. I feel validated. I think with catcalling, with anything like with sexism, but specifically something like catcalling and like just harassment, it's very much down to the discretion of that situation. And as long as, or if we can assume
Starting point is 00:41:20 that whatever the candidate is not outsourcing their validation from external parties and they're just all right in themselves then you can feel a genuine compliment if james comes up to you on the train station talks to you about politics for a bit says he likes your hair and your dress and then sends you on your way and hopes you have a nice day that's quite you've had a nice interaction that's fine but there's a difference between that absolute difference and someone saying oh you're right, get your tits out, or ice sausage,
Starting point is 00:41:47 or as what we were talking about, oh, she's fit, she's not. Exactly that. The friend that said they're fit now feels good. It's all about that brewing feeling, I think. It's about the brewing feeling. And also that it only takes a fine line between starting off with, oh, you're right, love,
Starting point is 00:41:58 to I'm going to follow a girl down the street. Like I wonder how big a jump that really is. You already feel entitled to speak to me, then you feel entitled to speak to me then you feel entitled to touch me like those men yeah where are we where are we drawing the line are you next following me i've only got to capture in the right moment and also then i think it is also about i mean it's just there should be just some sort of code of conduct overall as any human being man woman whatever that you know how to treat other human beings with respect yeah but it is also a subjective
Starting point is 00:42:27 and like personal like train of thought that you have when someone comes to you with something that you could take as a compliment or you could take it the completely other way based on your experiences your perspective i mean your outlook your understanding of yourself your self-esteem all of those things will come together to create how you perceive that because obviously he's perceiving it in a very different way he's perceiving it as a big big old joke he's just perceiving it as oh she'll love it she'll love it she just won't care whatever yeah i just want to say my wife won't care i actually don't think nothing about you at all it's just i want to say it exactly yeah he's just having a laugh it's ego it's just completely i want to say oh look i just
Starting point is 00:43:00 said it yeah and then never think about it again i do think there is some innocence in men who catackle not all of them but some of them i think there is yeah in the sense that we're all born into this patriarchal society if i'm told and i've seen enough of all my pals my dad might his dad before him and his dad before him speak to women in a kind of jokey you're right sausage i'm gonna do the same thing and until that 18 year old girl turned around and said okay well my granddad was your age when he died. I'm not really going to question it. I'm not going to question it. And that's not because I don't,
Starting point is 00:43:30 I may not have any malintent towards that girl, but I've inadvertently created some. And so I think it's about how the men deal with the consequences of that and how they then respond to you. Do you know what I mean? How they're, how willing they are to understand what they've done.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Well, I think a lot of it comes down- Because there's a lot of ignorance. Yeah, I would say ignorance rather than innocence. i would say yeah it's a it's a lack of education yeah but i feel like it's down to men have been hearing from for generations now that women saying don't do that i think it just does now come down to men calling out their friends i think a lot of it needs to be if you're the guy in the group that here's your mate go right love go why did you do that and obviously and obviously we this is personal because it's who we it's like this is not a fair test yeah because we're obviously a very small sample size of who we've got surrounding us but I can't really think of really any men that I know that I would think
Starting point is 00:44:19 yeah you would do that you would cackle people do you remember when we were in a convo with one of our friends who was a boy and they out of nowhere just throw out uh boys will be boys yeah i wasn't there but yeah oh you weren't there well i was there in the building but i wasn't in that conversation well i was in the conversation yeah and literally watched me say nothing like yeah i didn't know what to say yeah i think i said oh let's end that right there yeah yeah let's not get into that no i don't i think i was like right i think he definitely knew oh 100 i remember you saying he knew you know what he was yeah i could not be bothered to fucking educate it's not the day i'm tired well that's the thing and that's like a huge that's a bigger discussion of
Starting point is 00:44:59 do we whose job is it yeah exactly and like do we be friends with people who love boris johnson like where are you drawing the line like do we be friends with people who love boris johnson like where are you drawing the line like do you know i mean there's so much that comes to build a person well that's the thing it's like yeah exactly and his whole personality is not boys will be boys exactly but it 100 took me off guard and 100 if i was in a different mood that day i would have gone in or if you didn't know him i would have written him off if you didn't know him at all and the you'd first you'd first met and within two minutes he says hi my name is blah blah blah what do you think of this boys will be boys you fill
Starting point is 00:45:31 in the blanks of the rest of their personality and think well he's a dick fuck you yeah sexist yeah and you think i'm not gonna waste my time but it's when you've built up an image of someone being a really decent guy that a decent guy can then come out with boys will be boys 100% which is overrides the whole thing 100% and you have so many people you've known for years and years and years and you kind of slowly watch them take this kind of right right of center position yeah and they're a bit kind of hateful sometimes and at what point do you forget how nice they were in year five and do you know what i mean like when do you start to you know but i know his mom and well definitely that was like hearing things well hearing that to me that's almost a write-off that's like exactly i can't be friends with someone that would say boys with boys that is
Starting point is 00:46:13 an insane thing i couldn't be friends with someone who sexually harasses people on the street no it's not it's not an option yeah it's not even yeah you've gone way over the criteria you're not even close to make the bill yeah you're not even final 100 mate sorry you're not even close to make the bill yeah you're not even final 100 mate no exactly but in that moment it was a choice of oh do i go into a big conversation you get into sort of the i start do i risk kind of embarrassing myself in front of like it's like making the power dynamics about it exactly the whole night then becomes education it's like i need to take you back so far i need to take you and are you willing yeah and are you gonna are you willing to listen are you gonna get in my
Starting point is 00:46:50 time machine with me yeah exactly probably not because it's comfortable here for you oh it's great you're having a laugh because boys will be boys boys will be boys for you wouldn't it be great to be a boy yeah play that football shower girl yeah boys we boys love it girls will be girls does this all fit into this large topic of rape culture yes agreed and that's the end of that but i just found something because i was gonna look at for so while it was the time that i got cackled in the petrol station that i referred to earlier and i put a thing on the story saying i've just been cackled blah blah and i'd also been spoken to in a derogatory way the night before when i was out at a club um and a man was talking to me about like the prince andrew thing and he like really used like rhetoric of like boys
Starting point is 00:47:34 will be boys kind of thing yeah and then i was cackled the next day so i thought fuck this so i posted a thing and it was like the pyramid of rape culture so it starts at the very much the bottom which is like the normalized things which like locker room banter rape jokes boys with boys and it goes up slightly to like cat calling unwanted sexual touching dick pics flashing stalking at the very top it's like revenge porn stealthing which is when you take the condom off for anyone that doesn't know during sex horrific that is rape um molestation drugging and at the very top is rape i just think that kind of sums up so cat calling is at near the bottom of this larger yeah thing but that doesn't mean it's insignificant no it means it feeds into an incredibly pervasive issue yeah and that's the that's the thing of like people saying oh well what's wrong with saying oh you look nice today
Starting point is 00:48:19 to a girl don't be naive don't be naive to the significance of that well that's kind of the thing that you were saying at the beginning of the podcast about this guy james yeah yeah it's like as a singular act yeah between james and me erin that's fine yeah in a larger system of men that are allowed to just talk to you when you want and aren't reading the room if you literally have a headphone in you're literally two headphones two headphones and you're not there to be his entertainment no it's just like yeah look at the larger picture here exactly yeah yeah so i opened the question up to everyone else saying it's months ago you may be involved yeah this could be you it might be you i'm just so i said it's so difficult to call people out on this shit but
Starting point is 00:49:01 it's so important if it's safe and then said, what are the worst boys will be boys statements you've heard? Oh my God, I remember this. And these people, you guys came up with the best thing ever. These people? It's you. So the classic, give us a smile. It's just male instinct. You should feel grateful that I want to touch you.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Some guys wouldn't. Someone said that to someone. Someone said that to someone. That's a real thing that has been said, yeah. You can't expect us not to touch you when you wear something like that nuts it is yeah it's almost just like okay well i'm speechless which i get that isn't good for a podcast but that's kind of all i've got left yeah i really as i just think encourage the conversation and make some real change because this is so so unfortunate yeah it's awful so and then i also said to everyone what's the worst cat calls you've had and so i said we've spoken about out in the
Starting point is 00:49:50 past about cat calling and how this is not flattering it's just aggressive and we want to hear your experiences so you guys wrote in so we've got classic show me your tits and then a refusal followed with fuck you with two women sitting with him laughing which is just like come on women honestly women we've all been come on women i've got a jungle down there do you want to see it brackets i was 12 it's bad isn't it you sexy asian i'm so glad and then she said i'm so glad my involuntary physical traits suit your fetishes and preference oh it's so something that you ask like other women or people who've experienced it. Everyone has the same like feeling
Starting point is 00:50:25 like everyone's got a story or 20. Yeah. But ask a man about it and suddenly they've got nothing to say. Oh, I've never done that. I've never seen anyone do that. Or almost the stories just seem like statistics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:36 It's not, they can't feel the tragedy. But it's like the fact we've been able to talk for, I don't know how long this podcast is going to be. Yeah. An hour around of just stories mainly. Like we genuinely have. I can just rail off so many. and not stop i'm not even you have to step in yeah you have to scratch the surface of this week exactly exactly yeah it's only thursday yeah like honestly i there have just been so many things like or i haven't even mentioned the ones that have terrified
Starting point is 00:51:02 me that's the thing yeah there's so many these are the funny ones yeah exactly these are the like comedy ones yeah exactly always um as you do send us your stories as well because we always you know if you want to vent about anything yeah any cat calling that you've experienced we are here in the dms ready to listen ready to feel your fury and oh and we're feeling it i'm feeling like a bit sick yeah i'm on edge right now i don't know what it is when i talk about this this is one of the topics i just think we face this genuinely every day i just think it's so yeah it's just so disgusting like you don't even tell people when you know like you literally just internalize that and just walk on with your life yeah because you don't want to sound like someone that's moaning or you don't want to sound almost there's an idea
Starting point is 00:51:43 that you're arrogant yeah i'm saying guys it happens to me all the time it's because i'm so hot no genuinely it happens to everyone and all the time nothing nothing but men a lot of men don't i've had like male family members be like fuck like i i don't know if i can walk around with you like really yeah because you're getting because yeah because it's too much i remember my cousin even being like do you see everyone looking and i'm like yeah i see it but it's a part of life like isn't that weird because that would sound i think to someone that doesn't know yeah what's going on that you're saying oh i'm beautiful yeah i'm breathtaking yeah honestly you can't walk down the street with me it's not that but that's the reality yeah exactly it's not my cousin was actually like i'm getting i'm getting fumed like this is
Starting point is 00:52:22 yeah and you're wearing normal yeah he was like people are with their like wives and partners they're with their daughters there's no boundary it's crazy i remember once i was wearing a wetsuit i was 12 years old i was wearing a wetsuit and i walked down the beach and my mum was just behind me and this old man looked at my bum or something as i walked past and my mum saw him do it and she went up to him and said you know she's 12 yeah right and he was like 40 i remember i was going to the hospital once and i was five years old and my mum was carrying me and i was in a dress and as she was she was carrying me into the hospital as we parked up or ever walking in i'm in her arms and this guy's just staring up my dress as a five-year-old and i'm five years old. She's like, she's five years old. Like had this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Yeah. Five years old and you're already, you're going to the hospital because I'm ill. Oh my God. The world is nuts. Like you're already like, as soon as you bring a life into the world and immediately you think, fuck, she's got a vagina.
Starting point is 00:53:19 We're fucked. Yeah, we're completely fucked. We're fucked, we're gonna have to keep an eye on this. Yeah, it's like, we may have a situation here. This might go wrong. Yeah. This could go severely wrong. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:28 But how horrendous is that? It's literally like, you're not even safe anymore. It's like, oh, parenting. I've accidentally put it from intermediate mode to expert. Yeah. Shit. I've never played this before. The difficulty level is out of control.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yeah, the difficulty level has now gone out of control. Yeah. She can't go to the hospital without a man looking up her five-year-old dress. At five years old. That's why I find that statistic about the young... So it's not about how attractive you are by the way because i was five yeah she was a fit five-year-old looking good honestly this is this is the whole thing it's nothing nothing nothing to do with you it's nothing to view it's about the fact that men so socially speaking feel entitled even invited by your just your presence to comment on you the
Starting point is 00:54:04 only role that you have to play is for all of us to be able to come together and feed that fury into something meaningful and powerful yeah and gain some momentum and actually garner change out of it yeah that's your only role this is not about you and your flaws and your you know looking great looking bad whatever it's not a personal issue she's fit she's not situation they weren't she whatever. It's not a personal issue. This isn't a she's fit, she's not situation. They weren't she's fit, she's not. That wasn't what happened there. What happened is a man wanted to speak.
Starting point is 00:54:31 That's all that happened. And the world has let him so far. Yeah, and so far, no problem there. Probably still doing it. Probably says that every time he gets off a bus. She's fit, she's not. Even when there's no one on the bus. There's no one on the bus.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Some cats get off the bus. She's fit, She's not. Oh, guys. I hope you've enjoyed this. I'm feeling angry. I'm hoping you're feeling angry too. Yeah, I hope you're feeling something. I think actually you need the fucking anger.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Yeah. Like, what is there to not be angry about? Because it breaks the mundane. Because we're just so ingrained in our lives. It's not normal. And I hope if you're a guy that's listening to this, you're feeling fucking angry too. And I think send this to your male friends. friends like get your male friends to listen to this because i think it's remember that movement that emma watson was like head up like he for she
Starting point is 00:55:12 yeah i was with the un yeah i think it's actually really important for men to understand yeah to know about this to know that it's like oh every time someone says oh you're fit oh babe darling and it's harnessing that power that they already have. You have such a power and a social presence if you are male already. Capitalise on that and use it for good. Yeah. But I had someone say to me, oh, what's wrong with someone calling you darling or babe? It's nice.
Starting point is 00:55:36 It's like, you can tell the difference. I can't even begin to describe how you can tell the difference between someone going, oh, come on, love. And they love you. It's a different thing. Someone going, oh, get me that love. And it's demeaning. someone going oh get me that love and it's demeaning there's just an inherent difference and it's like it's that feeling you just fucking know the difference and love is instantly telling me that i'm less powerful than you yeah which we all fucking know yeah because we're only a step away from you
Starting point is 00:55:57 following me home murdering me yeah we all know this we've all had tv yeah we've all had history books come on oh there we go guys goodness me that's cat calling 101 oh in a nutshell in a nutshell god if a delicious the biggest nutshell of all time the biggest old peanut well thanks so much and all of our other podcasts are just very just fun amazing well i think this is i love these convos because they really sat me on fire like you're on fire harry potter reference there i thought we weren't going to squeeze it in but we did how we every time managed to put a weird old reference right i think we're ending this here guys so get out of here yeah leave a review on apple if you're using apple share this to your story share it with your friends send it to people that are being catcalled, need some catcalling chat.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Let us know what you think. And send us your stories. Thank you so much, guys. Hope you never get catcalled ever again. Yeah, I wish you just safe walks in the dark. Many lonely walks in the dark. That's the dream. Yeah, enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Enjoy, guys. Bye. See you later. Bye. See you later. Bye.

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