Goes Without Saying - fear of the future: *a message from ur fairy podmothers*

Episode Date: May 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com It goes without saying you're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. And I'm Sefi. And I'm Wing. Oh, bit of a throat gurgle, sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:20 And I'm Wing. And that's Wing. And you might be thinking, what are we doing here today it's a Thursday and we're putting out an episode but surprise we're here this is a really nice episode like I think a very very nice comforting wholesome beautiful uplifting episode where we kind of talk about the idea that like what if it's all okay which might not seem that revolutionary you might just be like that's a load of bollocks but i think for us that was that's just been really hitting us in our lives just give us just hear us out guys
Starting point is 00:01:53 don't get so aggressive first thing with us please we're back what are we doing here like we never left it's a thursday it's a fucking thursday why are you here i did make the joke earlier who summoned us fairy godmothers have arrived it feels weird that we're here right it does should we do some explaining or should we just let it all go unsaid no no no this does not go without saying go on let it let it be said let the bells ring the girls that like us will be happy to know that we are going to be here twice a week for a while whoa until we that crashes and burns yeah exactly i think it will be nice we after podmas we've spoken about this a lot but we feel really good in the podcast the more that we're here which is a good sign because it means that we love it we start to feel weird sometimes when we have taken
Starting point is 00:02:56 a break or we're not here for a while we start to feel like oh god what are we doing so i think we decided let's just be here they all hate me i can't come back they all hate me and coincidentally we hate ourselves so i think it's like look let's just be here more because we love to be here more so let's just try and ignore the pending doom yeah i think look we're here we're here twice a week now so thursdays is a new goes about saying day as well so i hope that makes you happy we asked on the story ages ago yeah how often would you like us to record and some people said like every day some people said stay at once a week but the vast majority said twice a week so i hope that makes you excited and it doesn't make you feel
Starting point is 00:03:40 like god get out of my fucking eardrums too much too much i mean if it's too much too much just stick with the mondays you can always turn us off it's just more of the same more of us more of the same chatting their shit yeah yeah and i'm really excited to be here i don't know about you are you actually really i really am yeah i really really really yeah oh that's good that's good are you not um yeah of course i am yeah i am i am i'm never better in fact yeah you're feeling good i'm feeling so good to the point where i almost can't even speak about it because i just don't even know how to put into words maybe it should be said you know later down the line i'm sure I'll feed back on what's going on but I'm feeling pretty good which is nice it is very nice I'm loving it what we're going to chat about today we are coming in with a message for you I guess yeah that quick little PSA how are I now speak directly directly to you we were kind of thinking about what we should record and we were talking
Starting point is 00:04:43 earlier as we always are talking earlier apparently according to these episodes which we literally always are yeah always like we had a great conversation about an hour ago you just missed it but we were talking about the idea like great don't get too excited guys but we were kind of talking about the idea that it's like what if it's all gonna be okay like what if it works in the last episode? Was that when you said that? I don't think we did say it.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah, you said you saw a thing. No, that was just to you, I think. No, no, you said it on the podcast. You said you saw a thing on Pinterest. I don't think I said that on the podcast. I think that was just between you and I. It wasn't just today. You've said it before today.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Yeah, yeah, no. But I don't think that was recorded. I don't know why. Really? Yeah, but we were just talking. Maybe it wasn't. I i don't think it was i think that was just me and you oh okay that's a shame well we're giving it the airtime now yeah go on take it away it's so not good well it's good it's changing your it's blowing your mind isn't it well you know how we always say like sometimes something really basic just hits yes and something really basic did just hit and i think it's hitting for you as well in it yeah just this message in a different
Starting point is 00:05:50 way yeah yeah yeah in a different way not in the way you're about to say no not in this awful not not in this nonsensical way no this is perfect well it was just i see how this is hitting you and almost something i don't know what's happening with me guys something almost quite spiritual something i think god's been speaking to me oh definitely i'm joking i'm i'm fully joking i feel like some people will be like oh she's going through a spiritual awakening like let's give her the space to go through that and then she'll feedback it's nothing of the sort she's just hearing voices i'm just having a good time basically even in the wisdom world hearing voices is not a good sign she's right you know go on take it away we're desperate to hear um so i was browsing around on pinterest making my vision board for the summer as you do as you do anything
Starting point is 00:06:35 of note on there um i want to go camping that's one of the things that's on there i would love to go camping you're such a camper you're a happy camper such a camper i'm thinking i want a fire i want marshmallows looking in the eye no yeah i think i'm doing that this weekend not camping but i think i'm doing marshmallows on a fire this weekend it's my favorite thing but i want camping that's my vision board will you do marshmallows because the last time we were together well they do have gelatine in so i don't know if i will because that isn't just not being vegan that's like meat but i'm gonna get vegan marshmallows oh okay i'll get some normal marshmallows for the non-vegans but i i think gelatine's too far for me okay fair enough um it's hooves did you know that anyway anyway anyway anything did you know that it's hooves
Starting point is 00:07:20 though um i didn't think it was hooves. I thought it was like something equally gross. I think that gelatine is made of pigs and like horses hooves. Here's the thing is I don't care. No, no, I'm not trying to stop you. That's the problem. I'm not trying to stop you. No, but I almost think there's no difference to me between like a chicken wing and a fish's eye and a cow's foot sort of thing there's just no difference no i completely see that i'm more mean in the way that it's like yes yes i know i think i would i'm closer
Starting point is 00:07:52 to eating an egg than i am to eating a marshmallow even though that seems although yes it does seem that does but it does but one is meat and one is not meat yeah but is an egg not meat um not according to the vegan way of life but i haven't i know i haven't eaten an egg yet but i've had things anyway what is right hell yeah sorry sorry i just started screaming the word hooves down the microphone hooves it's hooves who hooves of hooville um right what the fuck i was on pinterest share your wisdom share your camping blah blah blah um but something popped up and it was just like the smallest little thing i don't know who the girl was in the little graphic it was like a girl's face it could have easily it could easily
Starting point is 00:08:34 be like emma chamberlain sort of that sort of vibe like in a sort of hood drinking a coffee she's got sunglasses it could easily be emma who knows it's just one of the girls and it literally just said the words what if everything works out and the most simple message of all time someone edited that up on canva i know yeah good for them yeah good for them and i just thought for you now god what if everything works out and i kind of like it in the way of it like that no i hadn't because i think the message you get a lot in this world is like it will all be okay it will all be okay and there's a bit of me that's like well we don't know the timeline we
Starting point is 00:09:11 don't have it written down so what i like about that is it's like just be willing to the open to the idea that what if everything works out i just really like that it's like okay well if i'm thinking oh my god nothing is gonna work out it's all gonna be doomed in a minute well let's just flip it what if everything works out and i just thought oh my god what if it does what if it does can i ask you a question can i ask you a question can i ask you a question what would that look like for you if things worked out what if things worked out what would that mean i think it means like i think the image that i get of that is like getting to my deathbed whatever this bed may be i look forward to it and i'm like 100 years old or whatever
Starting point is 00:09:57 and there were no like major disasters that i've been plotting in my mind it's like oh my god like you've been plotting like nothing none of the things that i've been plotting in my mind it's like oh my god like you've been plotting like nothing none of the things that i've worried about came to fruition right i thought you meant like all the crimes you were planning you ended up not taking part no those went exceptionally oh the heists went amazing everything ran like work my children will be inheriting a large sum yes nice this is the generational wealth I'm looking for. Yeah. No, I think it just means like all of those like disasters that like you imagine time and time again, like they never happened.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Like you, everyone is safe. Kind of. You had fun. You had a good time. You got a lot of things that you wanted. You learned from your mistakes. It doesn't mean you lived a perfect pain-free existence but i think it's like what if it all works out like it just none of that shit that you were scared of and all this stuff none of that even happened what if yeah you just
Starting point is 00:10:56 like okay you have a good time wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment and not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:11:50 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Hi. Let's pose another, I hate to say it. Can I ask you a question once again?
Starting point is 00:12:15 Yeah, you can. In the idea that, like, oh, what happens if it does work out for you? What if it does work out? And it's really nice to think like really long term of like the deathbed she's elderly yeah she's like hobbling down the stairs yeah eating vegan marshmallows it's the time of her life right no like extreme ailments like she's you know she got what she deserved yeah yeah she got what's coming for her yeah rightfully fucking so yeah i think that in a way is easier to think about sometimes than thinking about what it might look like if things work out in the next year in the next like month
Starting point is 00:12:52 yeah then it's like i agree because that feels so fresh and raw and um the investment is so present and it's easier it's almost like oh by the time i'm elderly on my deathbed i won't give a shit and well it's a you're picturing everything being okay for a version of you that like is may never exist touch wood yeah but also um is literally decades away decades away decades away it's incomprehensible it is it's inconceivable it's like god knows what's going on by that point so yeah i can imagine her feeling like feeling like oh it's all worked out and it's kind of the idea of like like i always would do this i'd be like oh i'd probably like i won't write a book until i'm like in my 40s that's probably when i'll write my book and it's like why did i do that why did i say that to myself
Starting point is 00:13:35 yeah that's because well it's like the idea of doing something when you're 40 50 you just imagine that you'll have a sense of security that i obviously wasn't feeling at the time yeah do you know i mean and sometimes it's kind of um the kind of arrival fallacy thing that we've spoken about before of having an idea of someone in the future that you think is you but is also this completely new version of you that doesn't exist yet and kind of banking on getting to her yeah in my case or whatever their pronoun may be getting to this person making no real move to get towards her if anything she's getting further and further away from me um and i'm just banking on the idea of suddenly turning into this kind of grown woman who is ready to do all the things that i want to do because she's not scared anymore instead of working on the fear in my present day yeah so can i ask you a question what would it look like if things worked out
Starting point is 00:14:28 in the next two months oh my god mama mia oh my goodness two months i thought you were gonna say two years five years no no we're taking it close to home that's crazy because the things that i want right now with the things that i'm like in right now for those things to work out yes it's so tangible like i can literally um i don't know that's a bit crazy because they're things that are kind of in their stages now like there's not things that like oh yeah when i'm 40 i will have written a book exactly an oscar-winning screenplay for example i think yeah but sure i don't be the doctor who sidekick and if i don't i'm a failure you're a fucking failure if anyone knows that reference you've been here for a long time or you've been binging all our old episodes which i will condemn you for yeah i apologize if you get that reference i'm sorry um what did you say what was what will it look like if things work out for you in the next two months so what's going on for you in the next two months maybe let us into like some fears you might be having or you know
Starting point is 00:15:38 you don't have to go into too much detail i'm seeing a rather mischievous looking smirk going on here there are some mischievous there are some things what's the word mischievous looking smirk going on here. There are some mischievous things going on. There are. There are some happenings. Well, nothing mischievous. But like... No, nothing mischievous. No, only good.
Starting point is 00:15:55 But just you have a face that makes everything mischievous. I've got a cheeky face. She's cheeky, Gonzalez. A hundred percent. Always have a cheeky face. She is, yeah. Which is very cheeky. Cheekster. Cheeky Nando's. Honestly, so cheeky Gonzalez. A hundred percent. Always have a cheeky face. Which is very cheeky. Cheekster.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Cheeky Nando's. Honestly, so cheeky Nando's. She's a cheeky vegan Nando's. That's what they call you. The great imitator. I mean, it was great for me. I haven't had the great imitator because I don't get that in Nando's anymore. I think it might be too great of an imitation for you.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah, no, I think I don't. I just get the chickpea one because it's again i don't like anything that tastes like chicken freaks me right now yeah i've gone right off chickpeas surprise surprise yeah no i don't blame you anyway anyway yes go on make the most of the i don't know why i keep throwing all these stuff i keep like you keep going on a nice you know telling your story going through your journey and then every two seconds i'm like vegan i keep saying weird things so i'm just gonna let you have your mind no not at all sorry about that i mean i don't know what the hell i'm gonna say i think if everything works out in the space of the next two
Starting point is 00:16:52 months so it's summer hopefully i will go camping in those in those months that's something i do want to do but like i think i mean a huge one is me and you like I hope that for everything to work out a huge thing I think about and have not really but like a desire for it to go well is this podcast and I feel like we're in a phase at the moment I don't know whether we're saying anything not on this Thursday you may get something on Monday or next Thursday who knows but yeah who knows who knows what we say on this thing but like we're in a kind of an unprecedented time if everyone's not sick we're still easing into the new normal god these phrases give me anxiety but we're definitely um in an adjustment phase at the moment i think that like things are
Starting point is 00:17:38 happening things are growing and i think for everything to work out feels like a sense of comfort within this and ourselves and a routine i'm loving the idea of we're still doing this every thursday you know we're just doing our thing that would feel like everything has gone well i think also well plot twist if we're not doing this anymore fuck i mean that would be i'm touching some serious that's unprecedented times that is the new normal jesus wow but i think that would feel good i'm touching some serious that's unprecedented times that is the new normal wow but i think that would feel good i'm also going on like a few holidays things like that i would love those to go well i've got some fun things going on in my life i would like these things to go well and be exciting and everything and nice i think it would just be a sense of like the same but always elevating kind of always your lips but better you know yeah exactly your lips yeah just me but new experiences new fun
Starting point is 00:18:33 things always learning do you think you a month ago would have said that like this past month has gone well unprecedentedly so oh great would you not think but i'm talking about us i'm sorry i'm more i'm more mean in terms of us i can't be for us without a doubt but like if you think about where we were two months ago where we are now months ago huh where were we two months ago i was in seattle i mean like metaphorically like symbolically if you were on that sofa yeah if you were thinking like what's different from a month ago i might be like guys you seem the same as a month ago we probably do i think we are the same and to me that means we've done well like i don't particularly feel like some grand change in us is needed for us to be doing well i think like i think us a few months
Starting point is 00:19:23 ago there was still like an idea of confusion which there still is and things like that but i think we i mean if you think actually two months ago we hadn't been on the apple home page yet we were taking those photos and like stressing trying to put them together and all of this stuff we did like a little panicked reshoot of them all of this sort of thing i mean if anyone has seen which i'm sure you have the focus i'm putting them everywhere you must be sick of this photo of us everywhere there's a photo of us that they used oh motorbike holy hell i actually really have an issue with motorbikes too loud you say motorboating do not motorboat me um what were you saying yeah if
Starting point is 00:20:10 you haven't seen these photos oh i don't know what i'm saying if you haven't seen these photos of us on apple which you definitely have you must be sick of them and we had a whole thing where we needed them like without the background and sephi was in seattle and like in quite a chaotic house as well like it wasn't a house that had like a white wall a backdrop it was every like that photo that's of me and way if you unedit the background i would love to post we can't it's the most chaotic site you've more than you can imagine whatever you're imagining times five billion triple it's not what you're imagining it's not just like oh it's like a kooky quirky room it's like i'm in a library of everything it gives me the vibe of um did anyone watch i don't know if this is even true but you remember out of the box i do remember that do you
Starting point is 00:21:01 am i bringing you back something about out of the box i don't know if they were necessarily in a place that looked like that room but it kind of gives me that energy of like there's some wood and like it was very wooden there's some pieces of paper and like do you know what i mean yeah no there's some piece of paper no one knows it was crazy it was like every cd there was like um every cd in existence it was archival and then also there was a bed above me as well like there was like a bunk bed suspended in there it was painted red and blue like the photo that they use on apple is so now that's on apple the apple had to edit that all out is hilarious like i was definitely staying in one of the weirdest and i loved it one of the
Starting point is 00:21:41 kookiest crazy houses i've ever been in in seattle yeah can i ask you yeah go on could you explain your um your relationship with the it's gonna be okay kind of messaging at the moment there is a messaging like we're literally just like making this up the message that you've got given to you in a harry i speak directly to you way um what my actual thing that i was telling you earlier or yeah i think so i think that's okay if you want to share that because that was one of the like reasons that we were going to do this all of the reasons that was relevant yeah i'm in a just before i get into it i'm in a weird thing at the moment where i'm like really apprehensive to speak on my own podcast
Starting point is 00:22:19 and i'm trying to the choir yeah i know but like to the point where i'm always like can i ask you a question and i bounce everything back and i'm like just give a little bit of something for once do you know what i mean well you don't need to give you literally don't need to give a thing but you're also by you even being here you're giving everything oh thanks i just feel like i do myself a disservice by just being quiet or like i don't think you're quiet no i don't think i'm quiet i think i talk over you the whole time but no you don't at all but oh i don't know anyway yeah i keep having this thing at the moment guys where like i don't know if it's hearing a voice or i'm no i'm dressing that up to be funny uh i'm not hearing a voice it's my own just subconscious thoughts that i'm having
Starting point is 00:23:00 where have you ever had a have you ever had a dream you know that a dream and then the dream and the do you know that doesn't matter is this look is really cute this kid is like have you ever had a dream in the in the in the dream and have you ever um oh that's one of the things i can't stand with kids it's like come on repetition come on let's focus let's get it out let's get well that's what i feel like I'm doing on this episode. Not at all. Anyway. Yeah, I keep having, you know, when you have like a passing kind of thought and you're
Starting point is 00:23:32 like, oh, is that like an idea for something? Is that an idea for my book? Or what was that like kind of floating by? Like, is that an episode title? Like, should I write that down? Like, just sometimes you get these little thoughts. Probably more like significant thoughts than, is this an episode title? should i write it down like that's significant as hell it's significant to me i live and breathe it i also have never had that the every title on this is wing i do not have
Starting point is 00:23:56 the punny brain that wing has a punny brain you have a punny memeing word smith of sort i do 100 well thank you so much yeah it's ruining my life my brain only works now in episode titles which is perfect for for your life yeah you're gonna have a great two months yeah exactly yeah you know when you get like a little passing thought or just like a little something i kept having this thought and i was like is that an idea like do i need to write it down like is this a something that I'm going to use for something kind of um I'll give you everything but the bagel seasoning yes just a little something that it's like what is that meet me behind the mall like oh let's hold on to that sort of thing it's like oh that will come back around I'll use it somewhere yeah and I kept having this thing come into my brain of I think
Starting point is 00:24:44 it will all be okay. It just kept floating around my mind. It just kept passing through like, whoosh, I think it will all be okay. And I was like, who said that? Yeah. Harry, I now speak directly to you. I was like, what was that? I think it will all be okay.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And then it kept kind of coming back like every now and then. And I wasn't actively thinking it. It was a subconscious thought. And then over the past couple of days, I've been f fathoming I've been realizing it's not an idea yeah although I guess it kind of is because now we're using it in the episode yeah but it wasn't an idea it was my mindset shifting from unconscious subconscious thoughts that were really really negative to for the first time in my memory having a subconscious unconscious whatever subconscious thought that was kind of
Starting point is 00:25:31 hopeful it's like the new pathway forming it's a new neurological pathway yeah it really is a new neurological pathway and when we're talking about the analogy of like a physical pathway in a field kind of um kind of robert frost you're walking through a pathway you're walking through a field you're walking through a forest whatever and there aren't two roads there are just one there's just one little path going down the road whatever and then slowly but surely this kind of new path as more and more people kind of tread off the beaten track they start treading in this new path and that's what i guess most of us are trying to do with our brains is like tread through new pathways to build in better habits and make our minds a little bit more positive maybe or a little bit less destructive or self-critical and all of these things and having this passing thought of i think it's all
Starting point is 00:26:26 gonna be okay has never happened to me before and i've never ever i can't remember another time of having an unconscious i keep saying unconscious but it's subconscious a thought that i didn't actively try and have of like it's not me sitting there being like it's gonna be all right you're gonna be okay it's not an effort it's just coming to me that i think it will be okay really specifically i think it will be okay not even actually you know what it is which is actually maybe a bit psychotic is when we start splitting off into oh hearing voice isn't a good sign it's quote unquote insane as they say yeah is i think the the quote that i'm quoting yeah is i think we will be okay i mean that does take it does take it to who's we the collective who's we and let's just say
Starting point is 00:27:15 you know for any psychologists out there i think it's you know just baby me maybe older me maybe the i'm on your deathbed we're in a deathbed together grandpa joe me me just yeah exactly just an extended version of me saying i think we will be okay i think that's beautiful i've always wondered about the we thing i actually remember speaking to you about that once being like is that normal to be like um so what are we gonna do today in your don't ask me well i don't it must have been a moment of desperation but that thing of like oh we're a bit hungry aren't we it's like who the fuck are we talking to in here it's a bit northern yeah no maybe it is which i like i definitely think that's normal
Starting point is 00:28:02 to be like we but i i do wonder what that's all about well I also I'm quite into the separation at the moment of I'm thinking this is a bit of an obvious thing for everyone else but me it's taken a while for this to hit me unfortunately I'm still learning the idea that when you think something that doesn't make it like inherently true or yeah just because you have like a passing thought it doesn't mean it doesn't mean that's your reality it's not true it's not true that is revolutionary like i remember my dad telling me that when i was kind of young but it's never hit me before never because he would always be like you are not your thoughts you are not your thoughts what the fuck is that supposed to mean
Starting point is 00:28:39 i obviously fucking am or like that doesn't change the fact that I just thought that blah, blah, blah hates me. That means they definitely do. I can't even fathom you are not your thoughts. Yeah, I used to think it because also like when I was really young or like not even really young, but when I was like 13, 14, my family were really telling me to meditate. Like my dad especially was like, you need to meditate. Like you need, you're an... What a luxury.
Starting point is 00:29:00 That's divine. Literally. My dad was really pushing to me like headspace. Before headspace was a known thing. My dad was like dad was really pushing to me like headspace before headspace was yeah a known thing my dad was like you need to get on this headspace thing because you're nuts like you need to like thank literally like you just need to sit down fucking chill out for a fucking second um as a teenager hormonal mess says a lot about where we were yeah a hundred percent it's like look the others are fine but you need to sit down for a fucking moment yeah yeah um and i remember him all like andy back in the day on andy from headspace there
Starting point is 00:29:31 would be like an animation that plays and i think they use it now where it's like there's all these clouds going on if each cloud is a thought just look at all the clouds each one each one could be you're fucking ugly one could be blah blah hates you one could be like i need to do my homework they're all the thoughts how did you know how did you know how did you know go do your homework but above all of these thoughts above all of the clouds is the big blue sky which is just like your vast self peace all of the stuff and no matter how many clouds are there if you don't focus on them you kind of get to this blue sky sort of thing. And I remember that kind of hitting me when I was a kid of like, oh, so they are just thoughts.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Like if you don't focus on the thought, the thought then goes away. Like it will just, as a cloud does, pass on by. He also does another analogy about on a motorway, but it's not really peaceful. Yeah, on the cars. Yeah, it's not peaceful. It's beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. A bit more accurate maybe. Let's make them clouds.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Let's make the clouds. Yeah, the clouds is nice yeah but then i also when i was having therapy um kind of recently um when i was in my like nhs body dysmorphia therapy great times i want to go back to them yeah or i want to get new therapy yeah yeah um but you know yeah yeah we don't want the need no no but i i but hit and miss you know you know yeah we want the therapy back yeah we don't want the need no no but i i but you do need it i do need it and i want to get that yeah yeah so mild so mild but then i remember my therapist saying to me like you just had a thought that doesn't make it true which is like a huge fucking thing that they try and teach you in like cbt therapy i
Starting point is 00:31:04 guess it's like just because you had that thought like is there evidence thing that they try and teach you in like cbt therapy i guess it's like just because you had that thought like is there evidence that that is true or not and all of this stuff so clearly this stuff it hits you throughout your whole life like i was told i was introduced to that idea that you want all your thoughts when i was like a young teenager and i'm i'm 26 now and every time i hear it i'm still it's still hitting like oh my god i need reminders even the other day you were like oh and then like i was in the shower and it just hit me like obviously that's gonna go wrong and i was like did it hit you or did you just have a bit of a scared thought you just had an anxious thought a moment of anxiety yeah yeah i remember saying
Starting point is 00:31:39 that yeah being like oh god and then it all hit me it's all the truth yeah i realized yeah and it's like no that wasn't clarity that was just you a bad thought being a bit mental it just hit me like everything's gonna go wrong and that's why what if it all works out what if it all works out i hope it does work out for everyone involved but what if i think that is the thing what if it does what if it does have you ever imagined what that's going to look like? Yeah, here and there. And it's the only reason I'm doing this podcast, I think. That's another thing I'm thinking at the moment is just,
Starting point is 00:32:12 I've spoken about the clarity before that I'm having of like being able to kind of see for the first time like how bad my brain was and that I wasn't just choosing to like be annoying or whatever. It's like, no, like you're really going through something quite extreme and painful and all of these things the fact that I've been able to do this something that I love so much we've created something so amazing like I get to have so much fun with you despite how hard getting out of bed has been for me my whole life yeah I'm so proud of myself like on another level and i think i only had the only thing that i think really used to cut through that like real low like hopelessness
Starting point is 00:32:52 emptiness of life there's no point sort of thing the only thing that would cut through that was the moment of i think we would call it delusion but also what if it all works out that's the only thing kind of optimism you're just a little flash of it just little moments of it here and there were enough to kind of grab onto it through carry through yeah oh i hope everyone's doing well guys i hope everyone's doing well oh 100 i think also we were going to talk about we were going to go through some things people have said um we were and kind of be like this is going to go through some things people have said. We were. And kind of be like, this is going to work out.
Starting point is 00:33:27 But I just think we should revisit that in a big, chunky episode. Yeah, same. Yeah, go in deep. I think the general message is just like, be willing to believe. Yes. Or be willing to contemplate the idea, colon. Yes. What if it all works out?
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yeah, colon. A dissertation by Safi and me. Yeah. Nice. Well, that was fun. All right. That was really nice. Oh, it's Thursday now. Yeah, go on. A dissertation by Safi and me. Yeah. Nice. Well, that was fun. All right. That was really nice. Oh, it's Thursday now.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Okay, well, happy Thursday, everyone. Yeah. Going for, like, after work drinks. Is that what we're doing on Thursday? Yeah, I bet they are. Yeah. What else are they doing on Thursday? We should have done Orange Wednesdays, but Wednesday's too close to Monday.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Orange Wednesdays. You don't remember Orange Wednesdays? I do, but why is that what we should have done? Oh, I just miss them. I was never on Orange, so I never got it i'm still on ee now so you get to the cinema yeah yeah we used to go to the cinema all the time i never was i never was on it you got to the cinema for free with a friend every wednesday it's two for one orange wednesdays that is insane how much i want that no me too and then i couldn't believe it when they cancelled it then the meal deal suddenly
Starting point is 00:34:29 isn't two pound fifty it's three pound then it's three pound fifty of freddo's fucking yeah and then we get into the disaster people making money off of podcasting quote unquote whatever that means it's a sick joke abomination state of the world um love you guys yeah thanks so much for being here and i hope you have a good fucking weekend yeah i hope everyone's all right if you're listening to this in the future like i hope things have worked out from the moment that we recorded this yeah yeah the moment that you're reading it i hope it's been a smooth journey getting to you and i hope we leave you now um on kind of a good ascent yeah. We're now manifesting for everyone that's listening
Starting point is 00:35:05 from this moment at half past two on a Tuesday that from now on, what if it all works out for you all? What if it all works out? Stunning. Well, if you don't hear from us. Now the most counter... Yeah. Just eradicate all that.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Immediately redacted. Yeah. And if you don't hear from us... If you don't hear from us, assume the worst. Assume the worst. It's a ridiculous way to end it And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th.
Starting point is 00:35:51 It's a treat for you and your wallet.

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