Goes Without Saying - fortune, failure, & our tarot secrets: podtober #1

Episode Date: October 24, 2023

sephy & wing pathetically present... a spooktacular extravaganza bonanza, featuring sephy & wing, starring sephy & wing, brought to you by sephy & wing. assume the worst. join the conv...ersation every monday.shop our merch: sephyandwing.co.ukspeak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Welcome to Sephian Winds Spooktacular Bonanza Extravaganza Quite camp of us actually It is I was saying why don't we do a different Sort of spooky voice each time For each intro
Starting point is 00:01:19 So that was quite a ghoul energy That was a ghoul energy I wasn't necessarily expecting it You threw it on me I must say The ghoul energy i wasn't necessarily expecting it you threw it on me i must say the ghoul is the one that i first go to well i thought of a really funny one the other day but we'll do that in the next one but yes we'll do it in the next one we'll see where we'll see where it fit where it naturally where it naturally fits who knows we just might try and do like that was the ghoul um and the next one might be the alien off your bingo cards you've just met the ghoul the new character that's being introduced to the cinematic universe
Starting point is 00:01:50 the ghoul you might hear some more from the ghoul i'm so excited for this me too it's been a bit of a whirlwind to get here i have to say it has but she's here i mean wing is very ill so just round of applause for her for being here thank you i hate to drag us to the pits and be like guys i'm ill like give me a round of applause for recording a podcast like big work people do harder things but this is the hardest thing i've done people do harder things but it doesn't make it not hard to be ill like your throat is scratching too high that's the problem is it's like of all the things that i need to do it hurts to talk and it's like yeah i could do anything just not talk but you know what here i am talking my shit
Starting point is 00:02:32 we'll just see how we go exactly i'm also really excited for this now this is really excited i think this one we've both got a pack of tarot cards next to us which i mean and wing's got them in our hands she's shuffling listen to the shuffle now ready to go shuffling asmr i don't know if that's very asmr but it's just kind of it's just not great so wakey wakey guys telling you your future so maybe we should just talk a little bit about oh god listen to this coughing girl. And that's all getting cropped out. Honestly, the edit of the last one was quite bad. Really? Every now and then I would go, it's like, shut up. No, look, we've all been there.
Starting point is 00:03:13 We've all been there. Right. Well, that kind of makes it worse. It's like, well, we've all had a sore throat once again. No, we've all been there. We all know how bad it is. We can all empathise. I've also had about eight strepsils in the past, probably hour and a half're not supposed to have that many are you not do they make you shit um i don't
Starting point is 00:03:30 know if they make you shit but they're about to find out they definitely they've got like paracetamol in them don't they no what's the numbing agent then like should your throat be numbed eight times over in an hour it's not numbing it's not numbing honestly it just tastes like a willy wonka some sort of extravaganza bonanza yeah it just tastes like timothy charlotte are you excited for that movie by the way i am yeah good for him he's my son of course i am he's not my son he's my boyfriend he's your boy yeah he's my boyfriend 100 you're my daughter i'm kylie jenner and he's my boyfriend and you're stormy yeah good for you good okay okay nice um yeah no i think it looks good doesn't it but i'm not i'm actually i don't even know it does look good i just love willie
Starting point is 00:04:15 wonka he looks good he looks good in it does he though he looks good willie wonka isn't a hot energy i support no i like his name is willie i can't do that wonka's worse i think yeah no it's worse this is my boyfriend wonka wonka yeah it's bad this is my boyfriend he's a chocolateeer no that's cool that's so cool oh my god that's a dream job right should we get into this kind of spooky vibe yeah let's bring the bonanza so well the crux of these are their bonus episodes so you can't hold us to any sort of standard yeah exactly first things first let's get on the table but we enjoyed podmas so much and they were a whole heap of literally garbage and we loved it and everyone else seemed to love
Starting point is 00:05:03 it as well so yeah i mean i'm well up for doing the same thing again this is your podmas little extravaganza bonanza there will also be like accompanying little podtober sorry accompanying little treats will be found yes tricks and treats chocolate'll be dropping little chocolate treats there will be five golden tickets to be found on our instagram that would be fine if we did so good golden tickets that would be so fun well we've got we've got some little things made some little videos we've got some things up our sleeves so that will be a little reminder of what we look like and what we've been up to in this godforsaken world yeah we've been some things up our sleeves so that will be a little reminder of what we look like
Starting point is 00:05:45 and what we've been up to in this godforsaken world yeah we've been up to some weird things yeah maybe we should even talk about one of the weird things because i think that that will be accompanying this episode potentially maybe not but soon um a funny thing that we did recently we had a meeting with a tarot reader yeah which is pretty the standard thing to do but this one wasn't standard in that wing had rung up a tarot reader look i went through trials and tribulations to get this working and i mean you'll see what you see we won't say you'll see what comes out yeah but it was strange i tried my hardest we basically what we wanted was so it was a essentially a couple's reading but wing had said can we do
Starting point is 00:06:32 one with the business partners yeah um and it was quite funny what came out like it it wasn't didn't go quite as planned i think it didn't quite scratch the itch that we um yeah wanted because there were a lot of things that said like oh your business is gonna be amazing it's just gonna be so thriving and we kind of wanted to hear like you know look out for the girl with the red hair yeah that's i wanted to know something specific but it was a lot of i knew that first of all it wasn't going to go to plan when the first thing was you guys are very compatible. Great communicators.
Starting point is 00:07:08 When she knew we had a podcast. You're good at communicating on a global scale. It's like you know we have a podcast. You'll see the video. We're going to round up some of the highlights for you which I think will be quite funny. One of the best bits was one of the things that she said that was specific was um that someone wants to get into my knickers do you remember that oh yeah that was a good bit i like that it's someone from my past is trying to get into my knickers trying to come back which i didn't like the sound of i loved it i thought it was funny no yeah it's funny but i don't like the sound of this person um an older man or something she said but um then we went for the same day we've never done this
Starting point is 00:07:50 sort of thing before because this was mental because it didn't scratch the itch and we'd spent collectively 100 pounds on this reading we then were like oh shit we need another tarot reading we both went and got another tarot reading and that was amazing it did really really scratch the it was incredible i have to say yeah i've actually got a recording oh come on do you want to play some little bits maybe maybe i'll insert them yeah insert a little bit here's a little bit from winged tarot reading i'll pick all the bits where she's being really nice where she's like you're amazing yeah yeah go on play a little clip here it is yeah and i feel a bit more as if there's a bit more creativity in your job in a way you know it's not sort of just same old same old it seems like there's a bit of interest
Starting point is 00:08:38 a bit more interest there yeah yeah and it feels like a real relief a real like oh thank god for that yeah because i feel like you're trusted yeah and you work hard and you know you're someone that people believe in and you've got wisdom beyond your years really i feel like you know if your age you you're quite a far ahead of like most people your age thank you are you interested in healing because I feel like later on there's a bit of that coming in okay and I feel like you've got a really good heart and you're really sincere with people and that really helps and it's like you and I feel like you're really generous with your spirit you know you you help people you stop you know you stop and help people you don't just rush past kind of thing there's a kindness there thank you and I feel like you're going to extend that into sort of doing some healing work.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Do you like dancing? You've got my dancer card. Yay! And this card is all about dancing yourself up into power and integration and feeling your strength. Because you're just coming up for your saturn return have you heard yeah i am yeah thanks for reminding me yeah okay right you getting all right with your mom no she can be a bit of a cool character i feel a bit distant in some ways not very effusive or tells you she loves you all the time a bit of a tough i don't know if we've got time for that okay yeah there's something going
Starting point is 00:10:37 on there yeah there is yeah she is proud of you we've got the peacock there yeah yeah does she suffer from anxiety or fear or something yes yeah and it just it's a shame because it's just keeping her away from like warmth and and people that would love and support her it just keeps them at a distance but we've got so much new exciting things for you and a bit of a change you know and it feels like you're ready for it yeah you're ready for this change and yeah maybe we'll just keep an open mind about that yeah but it's not anything coming up in the future. This is sort of saying it's sort of now-ish. Okay. So, yeah. But really like an end of one chapter and on to the next sort of thing. That's exactly what I want because we've got the zero card here, an ace here.
Starting point is 00:11:39 You know, it's really a new chapter for you. And it's sort of saying, look out, because this is like, wow. Okay. You know, you're going into turbo power. You've got the strength card and you're going to need it. Yeah. Yeah. And it's almost as if you might get that imposter syndrome a bit in the beginning. You think, oh, I'm not good enough to do this.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Why are they picking me? Kind of thing. Yeah. But you really are. You really are the right person for the job and do you write yeah yeah i think hmm let that brew let that brew because i feel that there's something in that in the future and it may you know you may re-edit it you may change the focus of it or you know creative projects go through many incarnations don't they um
Starting point is 00:12:46 but in the future there's something very strong in that okay that's good that wants to come out yeah yeah that's really let's pull another card about ah look and lots of good ideas yay yes okay you are meant to be doing this and i'm seeing that eagle on the top of the ladder there this is going to take you do you do you engage with social media yeah because i've got that a lot as well that that's going that's going to be part of it yeah so you know just get things out there getting people to know your voice yeah because i feel like you've got quite a unique and clear voice yeah you're very observant you notice things and you've got a way with words that you can be quite you're almost like a surgeon you can make exactly the right word. Quite precise. Yes. That's nice, thank you. And a really nice, yeah, a really nice relatable voice, I feel.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And it's going to be heartfelt and transformative. Yeah. We've got the eagle there. You're definitely meant to be a leader and to show people the way. And I feel like it is through you. And it's healing you yeah as you go yeah a little star so you know be a star in your own life that's what it's about thank you so much all right thank you thank you lovely to meet you and you thank you bye bye and did you enjoy that
Starting point is 00:14:22 clip see wasn't that nice was that nice i haven't even heard i've just had the roundup yeah i didn't actually play it for you but she was really actually she was really blowing smoke up my ass actually and i loved it loved every second yeah it was great it was actually quite incredible she was she was great there was one crazy bit in mind where she she scattered these like gems over the the cards which she did for both of us but one of them over like what you should be doing sort of with your body or something was a fucking badminton racket well that is like you crazy right now she's been listening yeah you got a badminton racket come on like that's too specific okay but yeah so tarot so people know about our higher priestess roots don't they yeah so
Starting point is 00:15:06 basically the roots of our friendship by the way it's something there's something weird that happens when we like stick a name on it and call it a little mini series or something all of a sudden the energy just feels really like care to join us we'll just be here chatting care to join us do you know what i mean i do you know what i think they're my favorite episodes because they feel so like a real conversation which they always are a real conversation but sometimes the pressure creeps in and all of the stuff and just like the self-critique comes in i feel no critique on these for some reason even though they go to the same place same audience same fucking stuff how much can you critique it when you've come in with a ghoulish voice it's an extravaganza exactly you can't hate
Starting point is 00:15:51 ghouls we've really set the tone with these ones so yeah the history of sephian wing back in the day our original podcast called higher priestess based on the tarot card famously high priestess she's a divine being she's a high priest in our third year of uni when this whole extravaganza bonanza really started for us we were obsessed with the tarot cards i'm holding in my hand right now that exact deck which is crazy exact deck which was a gift from our friend elena thanks elena thank you elena um she really oh she didn't know what she was doing big mistake poor girl yeah she really created a monster with that and um
Starting point is 00:16:32 oh my boyfriend just said i've made you a tea biscuits with some honey oh god this is his nickname for you i made you a tea biscuit it's kind of animal crossing yes please i'll just say yes god i want some he said i've made you a tea with some honey can i bring it in this is what complaining gets you thank you so much oh god he's not working on jack get back to work bye what the fuck why did you do that in the middle of a meeting it's like i say thank you and he's like don't talk to me i'm on a call are you joking right anyway sorry live on air um now i've got tea and biscuits which is gonna be even more annoying probably than this strepsil but anyway no that's stunning what biscuits are they um they are digestive chocolate digestive biscuits just the milk chocolate digestive milk
Starting point is 00:17:30 chocolate what are your thoughts on that i'm getting a bad vibe i just don't like milk chocolate but i do but i know it's an annoying thing at all well since i stopped eating milk now now i've introduced milk back in again a little bit it's too milk i can taste milk from a mile off so like anything that anything that you'll actually see it in one of these reels i made a little reel of me getting wings birthday present um i try to in that thing and god you can see on my face in that video i am repulsed it is a funny clip it is a funny clip actually yeah so we've got quite a history with tarot and i want to make this clear as much as it's fun
Starting point is 00:18:09 it's also not a joke to us no i would think is i don't actually know i think i fluctuate in my level of jokingness about tarot like half of the time i'm like i think if i was to actually describe it like in an actual real conversation that isn't with you and us being nuts and sort of running about madly yeah what are your actual genuine like real thoughts like die on the hill sort of thing what are your actual let me i don't know if i have any die on the hill thoughts but what are my thoughts because the other day i was talking to my mom about it and she was like oh you know it's a bit of fun like it's just a great way to make decisions like it's a great thing like it can help you make decisions it's like a fun thing it's just a load
Starting point is 00:18:52 of bullshit basically but I love it and I was like I don't think so though like in so many ways I do think it's a load of shit but I also I can almost feel myself apologizing to the cards that are right next to me whilst i say i'm like but you're not though you're not though like i do think some crazy shit has come out of them and i do love it and i think also my my draw towards the spooky things in life does kind of pull me towards loving things like that and believing things like fucking ghosts and tarot and weird spooky things and i do believe there are weird there's weird shit going on and i love it but i also am hesitant to say that because i know that it's absolutely fucking mental at the same time and the people that say that if i hear them on a video talking about it i roll my eyes totally
Starting point is 00:19:40 but i do also think like let's hold it lightly as you were saying in the last episode let's take a leaf out of penelope's book my mom's name yeah i do also think it's kind of about the intention behind it like some people definitely go into all sorts of things like spirituality religion even with very bad warped intentions and like just use kind of whatever like um stories or like narratives that that like like the cards or the religion holds they use that to just like make themselves money or make people feel bad or have control over people i feel like there are definitely weird people who take advantage of it and like and make a joke out of it but i do think if it's being used in like a sincere way if you sit down and sincerely get some sort of whether it's entertainment or like
Starting point is 00:20:40 some sense of um comfort from the cards that's really case closed, I think, in the fact that they've acted, they've given something that you wouldn't have had without them. Yeah, no, I completely agree. And I do wonder, actually, if we never had the cards, I've never really thought about this,
Starting point is 00:20:56 but imagine we never had these cards that we used in third year. Well, our friendship, it was where our friendship really flourished. We wouldn't have even started the podcast. We wouldn't have really had anything to do with each other we would have been ships in the night passing each other in the hallway i don't know this girl but wouldn't that be weird like we wouldn't have started the podcast without the cards i think there are two things we wouldn't have started the podcast without one is the cards and two is bobo and flex oh my god i think those two things and the opportunity to live with each other
Starting point is 00:21:29 yeah but i have just like an obscene amount of spare time to spend looking at cards and talking about bobo and flex not gonna lie but we were having some great conversations bobo and flex and cards aside we were no we absolutely were but i think that like the cards gave the thing of like oh what are we doing what's our destiny that like the cards gave the thing of like oh what are we doing what's our destiny blah blah and bobo and flex was like oh my god there's a thing called a podcast where two girls can do it those things the cards and bobo and flex which is another podcast by the way which i know we've spoken about it before but just in case you're confused what we're saying bobo and flex you should go and listen to it it's not it's now
Starting point is 00:22:01 defunct yeah no but you should go and revisit and listen to the old episodes they're so good but they both have their own podcast as well separately now that you can listen to bobos which is bobos void and flex and frooms which is another one so they're both stunning love that they're still active but their joint endeavor is no more at the moment but the boba and flex podcast and the tarot cards i think both in a way allowed us to really live in that delusion like they were two kind of things that we were two topics of interest at that time yeah that allowed us to like really be silly and like be excited and like be really confident optimistic as well yeah i think it gave us a lot of optimism and like
Starting point is 00:22:48 faith in our futures in our joint future um almost a narrative to hold on to i think we were always looking for signs at that point as well which is one of the things that i love like apple pie i mean i'm always looking for like i'm still one of those people that I love. My teeth taste like apple pie. I mean, I'm always looking for, like, I'm still one of those people that, I'm not really superstitious, but like yesterday I saw four magpies. You thought I am a little stitious. I am a little stitious. Wow. I saw four magpies.
Starting point is 00:23:12 It's like a boy. Four for a boy. Then I saw another one. It's like silver. And I saw another one. It's like gold. Oh, shit. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:17 It's like. Did you really see that many? I saw, I saw, I count them throughout the day. So I saw four in one group, which I never see. That's a lot. Usually that I'm seeing twos, ones or tw um but then i saw then there another and another so i saw six in one day i count them through the day and then i start again at zero at midnight so what is that then is that silver and gold yeah and then seven's a secret never to be told was it
Starting point is 00:23:40 were they paid actors with for zoe suck it what's that it was zoella promo for her books duh the magpie society i haven't magpie society it sounds like i'm gonna be like this section of the episode is brought to you by audible i am currently listening to the magpie society but i'm not but shout out zoe shout out zoe yeah no but so i think i look i love little things like that even though like i obviously am here being like oh my god i don't believe it at the same time but i'm also looking around my desk and i'm clutching a fucking handful of crystals like most episodes like with because they're just on my desk but also i do kind of love shit like that yeah i think we're also the kind of people where like we like to make jokes ourselves but
Starting point is 00:24:22 i don't think we like to get laughed out of town. Correct me if I'm wrong. I really don't like the sound of it. I don't. I think almost. I think we're both quite confident in like our intelligence and like our kind of ability to like logic through life and keep our heads screwed on. Like I don't think we would consider ourselves to be silly like dumb unintelligent women and so i think there's a there's a part of us that likes to do that kind
Starting point is 00:24:52 of disclaimer of like look take it with a pinch of salt like it's fucking it's cards whatever blah blah blah but then also i think let's just be unapologetic do you know what it is it's sometimes when i meet people that are into it like for example one of the tarot readings we had you'll know which one i mean when you see it but there was an element of like oh i don't believe the same things as you believe i don't think like i'm not getting necessarily a similarity in like how we view these things maybe so i think i have a desire to almost like distance from like the people when you go on um youtube and type in tarot reading or like um crystal healing blah blah blah and it's like a load of what would be generally considered to be like nutcases or people like this isn't giving
Starting point is 00:25:39 yeah sanity maybe um like maybe it's not so i do think i have a desire to be like i'm doing it with a bit more of a nod uh-huh we're not like other girls with it yeah i'm doing this with like a bit of a um a joke i'm doing a twist but also there's a bit of it where i'll go into a fucking crystal shop and i will spend my money there so oh totally i'm just as nuts as the rest of them yeah yeah this is nice it's really nice what's the craziest thing a tarot reader's ever said to you oh that's a good question i mean i had one that was quite groundbreaking where she was groundbreaking it was where she was it was shifting ground for me i was probably 18 or 19 at the time and i think it might have been the first reading i ever had and i went with
Starting point is 00:26:26 my stepsister and my cousin iconic trio yeah and um it was this older woman i think she was i think she was from northern ireland actually she was a little bit on the elderly side and we went to her home and it was like dark and we drove there i think it was like an enfield somewhere and i parked outside and kind of went in and it was it was very um she was she was in the podtober she was in the she was in the vibes for sure she was in the vibes she's in her spooktacular bonanza there were kind of statues of angels everywhere and she would talk about like some sort of angel i don't know who she was talking about but she summoned them all down anyway that's what i don't like when it gets a bit angel heavy well look whatever anyone's
Starting point is 00:27:15 believe whatever whatever words you call the protection i can get yeah like it's like if you're bringing in good things if you want to call them angels hey i'll take it like yeah give me the good people on my side i don't know when it gets too wrapped up with things like christianity and things it just starts to lose me a little bit well anyway this woman started telling me some really really quite specific details about one of my grandparents who had died and like really quite specific things like you know how much i want to say but maybe i'll just say oh i might have even said this before on here um but my granddad was an alcoholic and before he died he died of alcoholism it like ruined his liver and stuff yeah not your granddad dying but i remember you knew him i remember when he was
Starting point is 00:27:55 going through that i remember that when he was going through that he was really struggling no i remember this story yeah and um she she started saying all these things like okay there's an older man here a grandfather figure i'm being pulled right into his liver i'm seeing like he's gone completely yellow you know he's blah blah and it was just really really strong like almost weird something me and sephie were saying when we were having these tarot readings something one of our findings i think in our research was like regardless of the act or whatever you're trying to do you need to take risks yeah you need to be a risk just for the arts of reading the cards do you know what i mean it's like look this is your profession yeah so it's like pull some random shit out the bag and we'll see what lands. See if it sticks.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And this woman, this Irish, Northern Irish lady, her name was Marion, I think. She was taking risks. Yeah, she was really taking risks. And they really did land with me. And weird things like 2008 and like she was giving me numbers and names. Give me colours. She was really into it actually she gave me like um yeah people in my family's names and weird things like that that's incredible big risks big risks and also one thing i thought was interesting actually yeah definitely reading
Starting point is 00:29:17 the room and she didn't really know anything about me to my knowledge um and as a northern irish elderly lady she was saying interesting things that almost felt like they were quite out of her world like we were actually having a conversation just before we started talking about um just before we started recording about our families and like what our uncles and aunties are called yeah we just ran through all the names of our aunties and uncles because i said like i just want to know what your aunties and uncles are called but anyway yeah and i want to know and now i do know but she was saying names that almost would be completely foreign to her like she was saying things in a different language sort of thing like she was
Starting point is 00:29:53 saying things she was taking risks yeah old marion so that's the vibe i like yeah wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts. Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com I really love the name Marion. That's so stunning. Do you?
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah, I think that's stunning. You should name someone Marion. What's the craziest thing a tarot reader's ever said to you? I think it was, I'd never been to a tarot reading until i met you like it wasn't something that i was seeking but also it was something that i've been interested in like my mum does this thing where she like she'll take she's kind of i don't know what where the fuck she's got this from she has a thing it's kind of a joke called the lentils of destiny which okay really just sums up my family like she takes it to parties like normal parties that kind of middle-aged women have she takes this big bowl
Starting point is 00:31:51 of lentils and she puts charms in it and people pick them out and then she's like oh this means that this is coming for you like you picked the baby i think i would quite like to spend an evening with your mum oh you'd honestly get on like house on fire you definitely would yeah no you would you would i have met your mom before you have but like she would like i would like to really yeah i'd love to really have her in her element the letters the letters of destiny is just like i can't even when i see her going to party carrying a big box of big like mixing bowl of lentils it's like i can't i just don't know what's going on why don't you like that because it's not you're not going to like a weird party you're going to like a normal
Starting point is 00:32:29 like people are there with their husbands and their kids and she's going with a big bowl of friends let her live i don't know i find it weird i mean you're her daughter so you would wouldn't you but like so like i'm i'm in a kind of weird family world. But I'd never been to like a specific, I'm going to have like my fortune read. I'd never been to that, even though fucking fascinated. Love it. Love.
Starting point is 00:32:53 But I think we went to one that was, it wasn't a tarot reading, but it was like a psychic reading in Brighton. It wasn't in Two Feathers. It was in another one. Did she not read our tarot? She didn't do my tarot. She was picking out thin air. two feathers it was in another one did she not read our tarot she didn't do my tarot she was
Starting point is 00:33:05 she was like picking out thin air oh i think i had someone called tara and you had someone else and she spoke to you about um no was his name is that the one you're thinking of was that she was speaking about a guy yeah yeah yeah that that's the one that's the same one uh-huh she actually spoke to me about two different guys in that one i don't and it was quite embarrassing actually that i was speaking to her because i recorded the whole thing and for some reason i wanted just to see what vibe she would give me but she was picking up on quite i think she wanted to go down a romantic angle so then she's like i was i ended up speaking to her about these like random guys that i'd been on dates with at uni it was just it would just went
Starting point is 00:33:41 quite a random direction it was like god what if they these poor boys knew that i was talking about them in a psychic reading it's quite embarrassing yeah like just awful but the thing that i thought was crazy was that she um she said she was like i'm getting two names one of them is chris which was my granddad's name who was alive at the time and i was like yeah my granddad and yeah and then she said another name i'm not even going to say this person's name but she was like um i'm getting this name like said the specific name and i'm getting it associated with like autism and like and it was like i don't know how that is you have got mind-blowing to say two names one's my granddad one is someone else that's so close to me and it's just like shit like that is like oh i'll die on the hill and also we had done quite a clever thing
Starting point is 00:34:29 we had switched tarot readers at the last yeah the last minute so they couldn't scam us we're conniving we do quite test people we're weird you think you can get inside my brain we'll strike you at the last moment oh it's also they cut to it's like we're opening our wallets to pound over our student loan to pay for it it's like at the end of the day we still pay for it well now if you would do us the honors we're gonna pick some cards for you maybe harry harry we speak directly for you to you this is for you should we how should we go about this should we pick two and then say do you want to pick two and then so basically yeah we're gonna pick two cards and then we'll say left and right and you harry either choose left and right so that you have some agency autonomy in this situation
Starting point is 00:35:15 and then we will also just you know with your consent we'll do this feel free to back out at any moment just to honor your agency but just so it's not just like oh so you've got the um page of wands yeah it's like look you can choose left or right right do you want to tell me when to start okay yeah and i'll take them god you're taking a leaf out of the book of the tarot reader we had the other day well i just think you know okay to incorporate so wing shuffling and stop okay and then i'm gonna do one more for the other one okay so we'll do left one of them is done now i think that's the right has been shuffled your fate has been sealed if you're picking right so pick now in your mind left or right left or right left or right where are you left or right okay stop okay just for us let's show them oh oh oh they're strong cards guys
Starting point is 00:36:14 they really are look at you with your futures wow okay so okay so first of all so this is when we start to go this is when we start to go mad. This is when we start to go mad. Okay, let's start with the people that picked right. Yeah? Yeah. Just because we picked that one first. Okay, so little righties. You have, what's that? The king of diamonds?
Starting point is 00:36:34 Five of diamonds? I think that's Major Arcana. I don't know the Hierophant. No. Yeah. Oh my god. Let me check. I don't know Wings cards.
Starting point is 00:36:43 They look quite weird to me because they've got like diamonds and stuff on. They've got like card things. I'm going to try and find it on my deck as well. They're really cool actually. They're the Caitlin Keegan Illuminated Tarot Deck. And I just have the classic Rider Waite Tarot Deck. Okay. So ready?
Starting point is 00:36:59 Yeah, go on. What is it? So people on the right, people on the right hand side, the right wingers. That was all a trick to get you to admit that you're tori the hierophant oh my god is your card okay go on so in this little caitlin keegan book she's written tradition spiritual authority and deception and i do feel like when i look at this hierophant card he has the keys to his future but i feel like there is someone kind of the girl with red hair
Starting point is 00:37:34 there's someone cunning in the there's a snake in your boots i'm feeling we used to say for this card there was someone specific when we when i used to pull the hierophant at uni there was someone specific that we used to kind of see that as and i always see the hierophant as someone maybe that's at an institution with you i.e a uni a workplace potentially like older man a figure potentially like a crush someone that you kind of admire intellectually maybe it's like a traditional man figure i'm feeling like you've been kind of like you've come to the end of a chapter you've been given like maybe you've been given your grades or like you're leaving your job like you're leaving your current situation you're moving on you've moved on to something new but you're still feeling a little bit unsure like you have the key to your future
Starting point is 00:38:30 but there's just something one more little thing holding you back yeah like i feel like you've done the things like you've been given the grades or like you've been given the clap clap like okay you've made it through something but like there's just something not right at the moment i feel like there's something not right in the immediate surroundings someone we're not a fan of that's the vibe it's a very masculine card this one as well like it's very um it's almost like new it's like tapping into like a masculine energy as well like new like academic chapter sort of energy new um sort of like masculine energy blah blah blah endeavor so like starting a new job trying to make money a bit of a hustle vibe as well
Starting point is 00:39:19 yeah i think it's a reminder to like think about the things that you've learned and know how to put it into action like don't repeat the same mistakes try not to learn from your lessons like you've been through highs and lows this is mental it is mental but look he's got the keys yeah he's got the keys they're tucked away in his little beard yeah why are you not using your keys and it's like you should take a photo of these two to go up with the app as well yeah so that the right wingers and the left wingers know where they look green-eyed monster green eyes this is crucial i don't know i just almost feel like you're moving into a new thing when the hurdles come up stay true to yourself don't get lost in the mess of things that don't align with you people who you disagree with like stay
Starting point is 00:40:06 true to yourself as well i would say that okay right wingers have you got that locked in right wing no left wingers this is for you left wingers yeah this is a nice one this is such a stunning card what is this one on your so on wings card it looks like two little buddhas i remember we used to be quite happy with pentacles what is it the king of pentacles yeah of coins it's two little kind of buddhas that are like reflected into each other very natural stunning looking card i remember being quite happy with this one but is it what does this one mean like i don't abundance let me have a look at it on my um yeah set my deck because i know mine better than this one king of pentacles yeah i found the knight of pentacles
Starting point is 00:40:55 oh here he is oh he looks scary on mine yeah he's kind of um he's in bellatrix la stranger's vault it's like he can't move the gemini curse everything he touches it's just duplicating it's multiplying the thing everything you touch right at the back there's a lot there's a lot coming your way i would say pentacles is is often called coins as well so it's like money yeah yeah well that's nice well lines kicking in is your bellatrix's vote is can't yeah you're in bellatrix's vote that's the vibe this gives me what do you think the lefties need to hear i think that's like abundance is around you notice it notice the stuff that you've got kind of a um a moment of appreciation a peaceful card i don't think it's like a push forward moment
Starting point is 00:41:45 it's like a take stock sort of energy yeah be grateful for what you do have sort of thing what does it say in the little book for that one i think it says generosity and abundance generosity and happiness happiness and happiness happiness found in nature or spirituality oh stunning it's a very nice card you put the righties to shame a great time yeah no they are they're great cards they're great cards should we pick one for us yeah yeah go on just to close yeah yeah this insane little moment i like this yeah i'm loving this spectacular bonanza Extravaganza so far. Me too. It's been a real Bonanza Extravaganza.
Starting point is 00:42:29 It has. Tell me when. This is the card for us. For me and you. Yeah, for what the listener wants to tell us. Okay, this is your chance to speak to us now. Put your energy in now. Channel your vessel through the cards.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Just think for a moment. What do you want to tell Safian Wang? Stop. Temperance. your vessel through the cards just think for a moment what do you want to tell saffian wing stop temperance temperance a little give and take moment oh that's nice that's so nice because the like image of temperance is like someone pouring from like two cups water going in between two cups it's kind of like the two of us like flowing communication between the two balance yeah i really also it's a really beautiful caitlin keegan you've really outdone yourself with this one it's a pink and orange and green moment she looks gorgeous i love that one the giving of love pouring your own cup you know i see temperance for us i do actually as well do you see how nuts we are now guys like when we say oh, we can be nuts, it's like... I've really enjoyed myself, I have to say.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Big time. I would be curious, I would love to know if those little messages that we pulled out of our arses have any... Do they ring true? Do they, yeah, do they resonate with you in any way? Would love to know. I would love that. And with that, we'll see you tomorrow, I guess. We'll see you tomorrow.
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