Goes Without Saying - fun & self-celebration: podmas #12

Episode Date: December 24, 2022

on the 12th day of podmas sephy & wing gave to me... unapologetic, shameless self-celebration. join the conversation every monday.shop our merch: sephyandwing.co.ukcome and chat in our book club.s...peak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. In the early 1980s, gay men started to get sick from AIDS. Years before ACT UP, before HIV was discovered, before the history you know, there were people on the front lines of the fight against AIDS. Joe Sonnabit. Michael Callen. Bobby Campbell.
Starting point is 00:00:24 I'm Dane Stewart, and in the new season of my podcast, Resurrection, I tell the stories of heroes of the early AIDS movement. Like the story of a cabaret singer and a sex worker who invented safe sex and saved millions and millions and millions of lives. Go check out Resurrection
Starting point is 00:00:40 wherever you listen to podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com On the twelfth day of PODmas, Sephia and we gave to me a roundup of everything we've done. Yay! It doesn't rhyme. Thank God we made it. I cannot believe we've done yay it doesn't work thank god we made it i cannot believe we've done it by the skin of our tea the last day of podmas the 12th day we've made it to the 12th
Starting point is 00:01:13 day technically we've done 13 days of editing i mean recording editing and uploading in a row that's because we had the monday episode so actually, we've given you an unlucky 30. Yeah, surely. Surely we deserve a spot in the book. Of most consistent Seffian wing. Best Seffian wing era. Congratulations. Congratulations. Congratulations on the Podmas.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And congrats on you. Congrats on you. Congrats on me. Congrats on us. That is fucking great. Look at us. It is. Look at us.
Starting point is 00:01:42 What's been your favourite part of Podmas so far? Oh my God. great look at us it is look at us what's that you've been your favorite part of podmas so far oh my god i honestly feel so much closer to you i guess and also mainly i was gonna say the listener like i feel so much closer to everyone and i feel like it's just really brought us all like we've just we've kept each other company and yeah i agree i think that's been one of the things i definitely feel yeah it's exactly that closer like everyone i know what's going on they know what's going on like it's almost daily updates feels crazy and i think it's also shown us you actually have an amazing analogy about a tampon that really sums this up it's genius oh yeah okay so the tampon was this is just this wasn't planned i want to make it i didn't write this up it's genius oh yeah okay so the tampon was this is just this wasn't planned i want to make it i didn't write this down it was just off the top of my head just in my voice but
Starting point is 00:02:31 it's great okay thanks it was basically obviously like we struggle with consistency i don't know if you guys noticed i don't think we do though i don't think we do no no no you don't either i don't think we do i think we put ourselves down people that have podcasts like big podcasts take two month breaks yeah you don't do that reason yeah maybe we should i don't think we struggle with consistency though personally we're pretty consistent 13 days speak for themselves um yeah but i think i okay i think i struggle with getting overwhelmed by the space and feeling like i can't perform um in the way that i want to and all of those things and actually i don't know if anyone anyone with vaginas anyone with a period has ever had the experience of when i first was trying to use tampons for like the first year of my period
Starting point is 00:03:19 probably like the first yeah the first few tries of trying to use a tampon and not being able to i remember i was at this is really weird but i was at it's not that weird it's kind of boring but to me it's really weird because i feel like i'm back there and i'm like 11 years old back in like this random person's house but i was with my dad it was just me and my dad and i'd come on my period at one of his friend's houses so is it my dad's friend's house so bad so it's me two kind of 40 year old men and also the of course my dad's friend had a daughter who was a lot older and i think a son who was a lot older and there was another guy there so they were kind of i thought they were like so old and cool they were probably like 14 or 15 or something. And I was like scared.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And I went into the bathroom and I was like rummaging around like, surely, surely there's something that can stop me like bleeding all over this barbecue. Horrific. Sorry, guys. Welcome to Podmas. Anyway, I found a tampon. I was like, let's give this a go. It's our only shot.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Kind of looking in the mirror like, you can do this. Come on. We're going to fucking do this. Yeah. Yeah. And i couldn't do it it's painful first few times i wasn't getting it and the crux here is that i for some reason i can see why i thought this but i kind of thought to myself okay it really hurts trying to put it up in there maybe what i'll do is if i just put it in a little bit just the tear that might make it hurt less anyone who has ever done that before will know if you have a tampon kind of sticking out of you like half sticking into you fucking out once it's in
Starting point is 00:04:58 you all up in there you'll be okay you can't feel it it's fine but jesus christ it hurts when it's just sticking out bear with me bear with me okay the crux is coming so in my head i thought okay if i just put the tip in and kind of keep it at a distance keep it kind of kind of hanging out yeah it will hurt less actually so i was sorry just to go back take us back to the barbecue i'm waddling around 11 years old with this piece of cotton hanging out of my tiny vagina and it's so painful and i remember trying to like be calm and normal like with the other like older kids and it was just mortifying anyway he didn't tell my dad blah blah blah i mean like he's just got a divorce i don't want to scar him even more tell him that i'm bleeding he won't know what to do it's just not gonna happen wasn't gonna happen these weren't feminist times so anyway for some
Starting point is 00:05:48 reason i thought if i just put in the tip it will hurt less and actually i think we had a similar mindset with the podcast for a bit you see you see where i was going what actually little did you know that actually when you lean into it more, just commit and put it all the way in there, go in deep. It actually feels in a way like a relief. Because I think where we were doing the podcast once a week, sometimes, you know, the episode goes out on the Monday, you build up the pressure throughout the week of like, what am I going to say?
Starting point is 00:06:21 And, you know, everyone's waiting on me. And do I have anything of value? And it feels obviously so much more special um but that adds so much more pressure almost like you've got one shot to say everything you thought for that week exactly and you're kind of holding it more at a distance so it's kind of all hanging out of your vagina and actually if you would have just gone all in it feels amazing i wouldn't go so far as to say amazing it with a tampon i do think they're quite horrendous but it really yeah i think yeah i agree with you i think it's really shown us in in the tampon analogy that when we lean all in and we just come in it can be really rewarding
Starting point is 00:06:58 and nice and actually be way less painful you can soak up all that blood yeah yeah enjoy the bar we can do our job perfect perfect what an amazing analogy thank you i've also got some good news for you for the final oh my god yeah you said this yeah something i hope makes you feel good cheers you up yeah i'm in a bit of a sad mood today but she's we did all i was actually thinking for a moment we're not getting the 12th day out oh well i well when i started crying i've been crying this i cried like probably about half an hour ago yeah i'm feeling then i said can we just talk about movies tell me about you watched christmas office party um and i said tell me about that that'll cheer me up and i actually really did okay good well this is really gonna cheer you up i don't want to talk about it for too long because i know the
Starting point is 00:07:43 listener probably won't care so we can talk about it much more okay off of the podcast okay do you know where i'm going with this am i getting a puppy i fucking wish you were getting a puppy i wish i was but i do have stardew valley have you have you gone on it like what's going on oh my god oh my god tell me everything what's your yeah tell me where you are what's going on what the fuck i actually went on it and i thought to myself what the fuck seffy like no warning i was just like what the dying granddad is this no i like that bit i love that yeah but then the bit where i actually had to like hoe around on my farm, I was like, oh my God, I'm not capable.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Hoe around as in you have a hoe and you're digging around. I have a hoe. She's not been real. And it's festive. Ho, ho, ho. Yeah, you don't like that bit? I've just, I found it a real adjustment. I don't find it to be very user-friendly.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I think it's quite hard to get in, like hard to get your head around. That's so interesting. You will get your head around it. But I think I gonna be obsessed you 100% are it's kind of you're in that stage at the moment you know the beginning of animal crossing where it's like you live in a little tent you're gonna picking up you're trying to make little bits of money through selling little coconuts things like that you're in that bit right now like all you can sell is like the dirt from your farm at the moment like you've got no fishing rod yeah i assume i have a fishing you've been speaking to willie's name willie yeah yeah he gave me a fishing rod um yeah oh my god
Starting point is 00:09:13 so fun who are you liking so far who have you spoken to well originally i thought i'm gonna go for harvey the doctor oh my god he'll bore you to death well then he said that he's struggling to make ends meet and i thought oh, you're not the man for me. Look, we can't have two of us. So am I, mate. I used to be a kept woman. Yeah, I'm not. Harvey, all he ever does is tell you to wear, like, sun cream and things.
Starting point is 00:09:33 He's so boring. He's really taken his doctor persona too seriously. It's, yeah, I'm not into it. As soon as he said he was poor, I thought, look, no. Why not doing that? Yeah, I think I'm going to steal your man you're gonna go for shane no never shane he's making me ill yeah maybe the thing is you're gonna like alex at the beginning because objectively he's the hottest in the town i think he is he is but he's talking about seeing
Starting point is 00:09:57 me in a bikini as well and i thought all right is he do that he's got a bit of a thing going on with hayley that i don't love as well so i do see them i thought i could be friends with her hayley she's quite shallow but you'll see how you'll see how it progresses i'll fit right in with her um and also who else did i like i like the idea of sebastian but i don't like his look i hate his hair i hate his hair yeah it's a big old 2009 side for him yeah i'm abigail she's someone that i have considered going for i'm not into any of the girls really so yeah i just find them like i almost think in a game unless it's like the sims and i can like really customize what i look like i feel like if i'm going for a
Starting point is 00:10:36 sapphic girl girl situation i need it to look a certain way i kind of get that i think abigail is the closest to that i would also people hate the character designs in Stardew Valley. Yeah, I do. They mod them out. I really don't like them. I think, look, he was learning when he was designing them. And a lot of people mod them,
Starting point is 00:10:53 but you can't mod them on a Switch. On a Switch, no. A lot of people change them because they are, I think the characters, the only hot guy is Alex, for sure. Hot guy. He's like a tiny pixelated little fucking guy. He's like tiny pixelated little fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:11:06 He's like smaller than my fingernail. He's tiny. He's literally tiny. He's made of about 10 pixels. I need like a magnifying glass to see if he's hot or not. The only hot guy. Wendy's Small Frosty
Starting point is 00:11:21 is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. Kaplan-Levinson, and this is A Field Guide to Gay Animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom
Starting point is 00:12:07 is queer, and we are a part. Find A Field Guide to Gay Animals on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com
Starting point is 00:12:27 Okay, can I ask you a question? Yeah. I know you said yesterday you'd made some big progress this year. And I think... I agree. I think you've made huge progress this year and I'm so proud of you. What is one thing that you would celebrate about yourself at this time oh okay let me have a think at this point in the year even today like just who you
Starting point is 00:12:51 are i think i have a huge capacity for like enjoying myself and that's something that i obviously want to lean into more as much as possible and I think whenever things are shit which I'm in a bit of a shit situation period right now um or just like a bit of a difficult one um I think it makes me realize that anytime that things aren't hard I want to really lean into like enjoying myself and not let shit get in the way of anything yeah um and I yeah i think i just have a huge love for fun and as you always say like and like funny things and having a good time and really really just doing it like sort of interesting different things and i want to just really do as much as yeah i think i can be quite light and i really want to just do as much of that as possible next year and i want to find the moments in every day that i can
Starting point is 00:13:47 just have a little bit of like a laugh you it's all you deserve only amazing things i can do i can do is look for something to be fun something to laugh about i also think as well i'm so happy that you have this space to like share your thoughts share your amazing mindset and just like but I think we're really lucky to get to hear from you every week even because I just think when I actually sit and think about it I'm like there's a reason why you have a podcast and it's because you're a genius and you're hilarious and you have amazing things to say so congratulations on the promise it's true I think the exact same for you to be honest I think it makes perfect sense for you thank you
Starting point is 00:14:29 and you're yeah genius amazing best thing ever what's your favorite thing that's happened this year for you well I wanted to hear what you're going to celebrate yourself for I think I'm going to celebrate myself kind of off the back of what I just said to you I think I'm going to celebrate myself for being winged from Stephanie and Wing I think it's just such a huge achievement and like i just never ever thought really i don't think that we would like be able to have people that listen and like really do something and i just honestly like it's actually the most i just i feel really lucky that i actually feel very fulfilled like i feel creatively fulfilled i feel emotionally fulfilled and i feel like fulfilled feel like my purpose is very i just feel very aligned with my
Starting point is 00:15:12 purpose like on this planet like and i think sometimes i'm a bit like embarrassed to say that because i can imagine some people think it's very superficial to like just talk shit on the internet but i don't see it like that at all i think it's so much deeper and i feel like well i have the dms to prove it like i know that for a small yeah for a small group of people this podcast is really a special part of their day and i just feel so lucky to have that and i feel really proud of myself that i've like committed to that and like given myself the chance to like work at that and it just feels very aligned to my soul yeah I just feel very lucky I think that's amazing I definitely agree I think I think both of us at the moment feel very very close to like what we're supposed to be doing and like what we've always wanted to be doing
Starting point is 00:16:01 which is really nice it's amazing it's really nice to witness you kind of coming to that understanding yeah yeah so stunning 100 well i think like when i think about um like even i said a few episodes ago like my parents never would have this was obviously it wasn't even a job when i was a kid because i'm so old grandma but like do you actually remember like at school people saying like the teachers yeah most of the jobs you guys are going to do don't exist you know god like robot yeah yeah i'm gonna be fixing the robot yeah yeah and it's like actually they were right yeah definitely definitely but even like especially as well doing something that is perceived as like fun or frivolous or even like creative or kind of unconventional to some degree it just i don't think i ever would have been my
Starting point is 00:16:52 parents were very supportive for me growing up but it just was never realistic so i just feel very happy that this is where we're at right now same it's so nice it's so fucking great is that do you think the best thing that's happened to you this year or what would you say is the best thing that's happened to you this year actually do you know what this aside because i don't want you to say yeah yeah boring bore off guys um this this sounds really cliche and like abstract but definitely the best thing to happen to me this year kind of i made it sorry i was just rolling around um but kind of the best thing to happen to me this year kind of I made it sorry I was just rolling around um but kind of the best thing to happen to me I kind of made it happen to myself which has just been my relationship to myself and I know that sounds kind of weird and I almost don't know how
Starting point is 00:17:37 to put it into words but I just feel like I've made a huge I just I feel like I've made huge progress you have in my mind and like in my day-to-day life and I just honestly I know I said it the other day but I just feel like I like myself so much more as you should I just think I'm not that bad like it's okay you're really not I'm not I'm not that bad in fact I would say great oh thank thanks regardless of what my dream self said to you the other day yeah i know amazing if there was one thing you would ask yourself this time next year if you could speak to her if you knew okay in 20 minutes time knock on your door yeah and the end of 2023 sephie is gonna knock on the door what would you say to her i hope you've done this did we manage to blah blah blah what have you done tell me everything what what colors
Starting point is 00:18:32 my hair like tell me everything i would be so nosy although i wouldn't i wouldn't want any spoilers like i'm quite excited for i feel like i'm in a real period of embarking on the unknown right now I'm really kind of Frodo about to leave the Shire with my little stick if I take one step further it's the furthest I've gone that's genuinely how I feel so I definitely think I'm I wouldn't ask for any spoilers but I would love to know oh what would I love to fucking know I don't I think I would just be like am I happy am I content like what's like what's my vibe what's my general vibe I'm giving what's my aesthetic fair enough I'd want to know if I was happy I think that's just but I think that's pretty much as simple I genuinely think I'm as simple as that at the moment like there is nothing more important
Starting point is 00:19:21 like am I happy am I content and that's pretty much all i want for my next year what if she said to you back are you happy i would say yes i would say i'm happy within myself there's so much that i would change i do a rearrangement of a lot of things we don't have time to get into the list i would change some things genuinely i genuinely do feel really um confident in myself and like um comfortable with myself as well like i feel really um like i like do you know what i think i really trust myself at the moment and i think that was a thing for me a few maybe even a year ago where i was like i don't know almost when i was coming to terms with like autism and all of these things i think there was a period where i was like things i do are read differently from other people like i don't know if i trust myself yeah i definitely trust that i
Starting point is 00:20:08 have like a good heart yeah and i want the best for everyone and that actually i i come in peace like genuine like genuinely i come in the most peace um little alien coming down but that's how i feel actually i think sometimes i do feel like a little alien that's come down and it's like actually i trust that i'm a nice little martian i'm not fucking evil shit right now i'm just nice i'm just here to make sure i have a good time and everyone else has a good time well i think you're doing that in fact i know you are you are i really hope so do would you say you're happy at the moment yeah i would i think i can feel it from you thanks which i don't say lightly i must must say. No, no, no. I almost feel like, I don't know, I was kind of thinking yesterday, like when I'm happy,
Starting point is 00:20:49 it has to be a bit of a song and dance. Like it's almost like, wait, are you guys seeing this? You're going to catch it whilst it's here. Yeah, I think I'm happy today. Oh my God. That's everything. I think more people should live like that, to be honest. Me too.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Celebrations. Congratulations on you. Oh, it's everyday celebrations day yeah what do you think is the biggest thing this podcast has taught you just doing this like almost that there's nothing more you can give than yourself there's no point trying to kind of curate the version of you that you'd want to be because spoiler alert you can't fucking do it like you're coming out no matter what you're saying it's like there's nothing more valuable you can give and also there's nothing else you can give yeah like you've
Starting point is 00:21:29 literally got no other option but to fucking be yourself i think that's what about you i agree i think that's a big part of it like i always would be like the desire is to give the funniest smartest most amazing shittiest hilarious just the best version of us yeah and it's like you're never you just you can never do that the only version i know i can give is the honest one that's the only one that i can't fail at just being myself yeah all of the other shit is i can't do it like also you'll hate it the more you try and push yourself into this mold the more you hate it because you can't keep up with it so you might as well enjoy it yeah yeah and then you can keep fucking doing it i'm enjoying this at the moment aren't you not that we ever haven't really enjoyed
Starting point is 00:22:15 it we've always enjoyed this but i'm really enjoying it right now it really feels like hours at the moment yeah and and kind of a communal hours like not just me and seffy but like it feels like a shared thing that we're yeah 100 doing having the combo merry christmas merry christmas guys congratulations you're also kind of dressed like um mrs course yeah i've been all out this christmas i have to say i've gone really like red and green everything tinsel everywhere i think this might be the christmas i felt least christmassy but podmas i feel very podmasy that's good that's the thing is i was feeling so christmassy and then podmas came along and it's like who's christmas never heard of her but i definitely agree with you i feel podmasy i feel so podmasy whatever the
Starting point is 00:23:00 fuck that is i hope you've enjoyed these 12 days me too i think you have because i think we're about to hit 2 million downloads which i think we're gonna get it on christmas day i think the clock's gonna strike midnight and we're gonna get it genuinely the numbers look like they're going that way it's not gonna be like dinner time tomorrow it's gonna be literally at midnight no it's gonna be the next time that it rolls over santa's gonna be coming down the chimney we're gonna be at partying oh my god congratulations congratulations to every to everyone no one cares they're like i don't they're like what a shame this episode was i was really looking forward to the final episode and it's just i just randomly clicked on this random thing my friend recommended they're just saying congratulations the whole time thank you, for honestly making it the most fun thing to do.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Most fun pod-miss I've ever had. Ever had. Genuinely. It's the pod-miss of the little girl's dreams. Honestly, I'll see you next year. Oh. 100%. It seems worse if you don't hear from me next year.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Oh, God, yeah. 100%. Well, I hope you all have a good actual Christmas day. Yeah. I really do. Congratulations on the progress. Thanks. It's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th.
Starting point is 00:24:28 It's a treat for you and your wallet.

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