Goes Without Saying - how to manifest your dreams: girlboss, but make it spirituality

Episode Date: December 6, 2021

was #MaNiFeSTiNg the get-happiness-quick scheme we needed all along? in this episode of Goes Without Saying, sephy & wing share their most cringe-worthy manifestation rituals and reflect on how th...e flawed discourse might not be ~all~ bad news. join the conversation every monday.speak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram!you’re invited to our discord group chat: https://discord.gg/DwxFc6CVkz Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Goes Without Saying. You're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Wing. And I'm Sefi.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And this is yet another podcast episode on the internet about manifesting. This episode is chaotic like all the others. We go on some rambles, we go on some tangents. I think they're pretty funny, but my ego is the size of a whale. So I would think they're pretty funny, but I think stay tuned through that because then you get some nice insights. You get some wholesome kind of motivational speaking from us, which I always love. I feel like this is a good episode to put you in a good mindset to tackle your shit, bring yourself closer to where you want to be. And I think you might come away from this episode feeling good.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Oh, that's nice. So listen away, do your worst. Hello, hello, hello. Hello, hello, hello. How are you? They would have just heard the intro though. I know. I don't know why I'm saying hello. Double hello. How are you? I'm have just heard the intro though. I know. I don't know why I'm saying hello. Double hello. How are you?
Starting point is 00:02:06 I'm good today. I actually feel really peaceful today. Yesterday I felt like shit, absolute shit. But today I feel good. Good. Yeah, we were supposed to record yesterday and I even put on the story saying recording. That was while I was still waiting for Sefi and then I thought that's probably cursed. And then it was cursed. And then I just said I'm not doing this today rightly so what would you even call that like kind of I would say one it was just exhaustion and two I would say like an insecurity attack oh lack of lack of confidence attack kind of a panic
Starting point is 00:02:38 attack but just like get me out get me out oh my god no I can't do it can't do it yeah but I'm fine now I watched succession yeah oh that's what she needs i need some kieran in my life uh-huh just what the doctor ordered oh and i've got a new crush but it's actually quite embarrassing go on tell them they want to know no no let's cut it let's cut it really it's too much i think he's too far cousin greg no because i don't think it's relatable in the kieran way i'm not really sure i haven't really seen the internet discourse on cousinousin Greg. I reckon people think Cousin Greg's hot. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Let me literally just, let me honestly just tweet it one, like. Yeah. It'll be like, is it weird of me to think Cousin Greg's a bit fit? But mine's not so much Cousin Greg. It's the actor that plays Cousin Greg. Right, of course. He's like six foot seven or something like that uh cousin greg is so hot okay cool i will die on this hill someone said i'll die with you cousin greg is so hot like
Starting point is 00:03:33 okay okay cool there we go so yeah i've got a new crush this can all go in now socially acceptable okay but i still am on the kieran hype it's kind of what everyone does of like i like this podcast but i don't want to say because it's embarrassing i don't think anyone really likes them i don't think anyone's really heard of them and then it's like oh no no yeah i like goes without saying a few people have been talking about it now i can say i like goes without saying it's only acceptable to say it once you know you're not the minority the only one yeah it's like i like this guy everyone's like oh that's disgusting oh god no i was only joking i mean if you listen to us you still kind of are in the minority like this tiny shitty little thing oh absolutely um well how are you good i i'm a bit of a blank canvas really that's nice yeah a bit
Starting point is 00:04:16 of a tabula rasa hey in what way pull your mess all over me not that you're all mess but you know come and destroy me but just kind of like i don't know i'm just feeling quite free quite fluid just ready to hear whatever you have to say just excited to chat yeah i'm ready to hear what you have to say as well oh god okay i think we should say right at the beginning right yes take it away go on that when we said that we were going to talk about manifesting um we wanted to do a conversation on manifesting that isn't really centered so much around privilege and stuff because we've had that conversation before a hundred times over everyone's bored i think so you can go and find all of our hours and hours of conversation on manifesting and privilege in the kind of archives of sephie and wayne goes about saying in the
Starting point is 00:04:58 archives in our repertoire yeah because everyone was coming through saying oh i think it's white privilege it's pretty privilege oh it only works if you're a white man yeah yeah no we 100 agree one honestly goes about saying we 100 agree 100 so you know it goes without saying um but we also just wanted to have a bit of a fun spooky chat today so that's what this is for the sake of a fun combo because i also kind of think like so for us i almost think just the term manifesting more so for me is just something i'm just like i'm not writing anything down six nine three times i'm not putting stuff under my pillow i'm not saying things in the shower i'm not singing songs i'm not performing rituals but it's a nice way of it's like a kind of tool it's a mindset it's yeah and it's all about mindset
Starting point is 00:05:42 because i don't think sorry no go on well i was just gonna say my mindset is out to destroy me so i'll take any last hope i can get if you want to call it manifesting cool i'm down whatever you can do i'm about to try succession to be honest i'll do anything to change the mindset literally um yeah i think that's it because i think people get the idea of oh you're talking about the secret it's like we are not talking about the secret we've done that chat no and I also think we've moved on yeah you know what's interesting my friend was was working for this company and she was basically she was kind of talking about like the this insight of like everyone hates vegans and ever and like vegans vegans vegans like everyone always talks about vegans vegans vegans everyone hates them so she had to look for some like things online like just mean discourse towards
Starting point is 00:06:29 vegans and she really couldn't find what she was looking for like yeah like people slander vegans all the time but not it not as much as you'd think or like not in the way that you think she'd have to go back to 2014 right yeah and i was saying it's kind of one of those interesting things where the conversation around a topic actually like supersedes the topic itself it's like that's not even the reality anymore it's just everyone thinks we're in this big discourse of x y and z or manifesting or hating vegans or whatever but the reality is more so like no one's really talking about that no one really cares we're just talking about talking about it do you know what that reminds me of kind of at the moment taylor swift red being a huge topic all too well or kind of i'm still we're a bit of a week late is even kind of going now oh
Starting point is 00:07:16 it's still going for sure is it okay i'm not listening to anything else it's red season to be honest it's a red life so true well i think people say oh people that don't like taylor swift it's like actually i don't really know if anyone is really saying they don't like taylor swift in that way i've heard more people saying i don't like people that don't like taylor swift yeah people that don't like taylor swift maybe that's my echo shame because i'm friends with people that do like taylor swift yeah but i have heard a lot of people all these people slagging off taylor swift it's like okay well i'm sure if i went on twitter of course i'd be able to find a bunch of shit i actually think i'd find more people defending how dare everyone slag off
Starting point is 00:07:53 taylor swift oh my god infinitely well too right how dare they how dare open your ears um open your ears which is a ridiculous thing to say open your ears honestly pry those ear holes open um but that's kind of the con i kind of feel like the conversation around manifesting is just a bit far from like my day-to-day personally and i almost just feel like there's a million podcast episodes i'm sure on manifesting and blah blah blah blah so let's just talk about whatever and they'll be great and i think that's it's just not the combo we wanted to have today we might want to have it again we've had it many times in the past absolutely but i would much rather just get into some spookster stuff right now we didn't do a halloween episode so no we didn't sorry i wanted to kill myself it wasn't a great time for wing at
Starting point is 00:08:39 the time it wasn't good i'm so sorry we can do it now i remember we thought oh yeah should we go live and i was like well we have to do it in costumes we have to do it in costumes we can't do a halloween thing because i'm quite obsessed with halloween we can't possibly do a halloween live not in costumes i'm sorry i really let you down and wing was like can we make it our sephian wing anniversary it's like we can't do that on halloween night do sephian wing anniversary i was like i'm so sorry like i don't want to be in costume it's like I don't think I can face myself in costume right now and honestly I don't blame you because I was like we can be tethered we can be tethered we can be tethered no I was gonna say don't say your idea but oh well I wanted
Starting point is 00:09:16 us to be two tethered people in red jumpsuits holding scissors yeah in our joint life but I don't blame wing at all that she didn't want to come out of her depression hole to come and dress in a red jumpsuit with me that's fine i mean i wanted to with all my might but i couldn't i didn't have the perspective and this is kind of why i wanted to do this episode as well because i'm like for once i'm in a good i'm in a good perspective and it's like the mindset is good the man it's just take when i say the word manifesting just take with a pinch of salt take to be honest when i say any words at all please take that with a spoonful of salt every time yeah it's so true because i don't know what i'm doing no god no maybe we should address that at some point that we don't know
Starting point is 00:09:56 what we're doing yeah not necessarily in this episode but just like just the general tone of these episodes is always you don't know what you're doing that's a really niche that's fred and george yeah when they announce that the in goblet of fire that they announce that the game has to be over the age of 17 and they go you don't know what you're doing it's really the director was like just protect be outraged just say anything outrage absolutely outraged guys yeah you're outraged. Absolutely outraged, guys. Yeah. You're angry. You don't know what you're doing. And Steffi and Wing don't know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Okay, this first message I liked. Oh, sorry, did you have one? I have one, but we can use it after. I don't think it's a starter anyway. Okay. It's a second course. Okay, nice. Well, I'm starved, so I'll go all the way.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah. This person said, we asked, obviously, as usual, thoughts were manifesting before every episode, we asked for your thoughts. You came in and it was resounding, as we said, about privilege, but I scoured for all the other bits. Thank you to everyone who sent a message.
Starting point is 00:10:57 We should have said in the thing, not about privilege. I know, yeah. But then it's like, you look like a fucking arsehole. Well, we kind of do already. Guys, can you just not acknowledge my privilege for one second please this person said about manifesting it works exclamation point i don't care if it's a placebo because the proof is in my results and i kind of feel like the gist of life as i say like i'll take what i can get it's like i don't care what's a placebo what you can do some research into what you can call this what you can call that if it's making me if it's helping
Starting point is 00:11:25 me get through my days i will take what i can take i'll go for it yes absolutely and obviously like goes without saying we've acknowledged the privilege but i'll take what i can fucking get do you mean after i've commented on the privilege i've done probably about three episodes on that and then yeah yeah now it's time to take what you can get now it's time to have some fun now you burn it yeah yeah i think that the argument around placebo is quite funny anyway right because i used to i used to be quite funny with like medicine in general i still am a bit like i don't really take any medicine all right anti-vaxxer well i'm vaccinated don't worry but for example i'm quite funny with like um paracetamol
Starting point is 00:12:06 yeah you are same here to be honest i'd rather not take it but i also is that because we're funny about medicine or is it just because our egos are out of control and we're like i can fucking handle it all right how dare you tiny tablet think that you have any power over me i think it's just from coming from a bit of an au naturel family that's a bit like right only organic only vegan only no medicine sort of thing no alcohol no cigarettes that sort of thing your parents won't drink side night my mum doesn't drink really like she quite cool actually of her she said when my parents split up and she realized she's gonna be a single mom she made like a thing with herself saying i'm never gonna drink on my
Starting point is 00:12:42 own i'm never gonna have like a glass of wine with dinner things like that and she didn't and i actually think really good decision from her made things a lot easier for us also she used to eat dinner every day with us at like sort of 5 p.m so it's a bit weird to be drinking alcohol then um but she doesn't really drink my granddad was an alcoholic and he died it's this taylor's oldest time honestly anyway but yeah with medicine i i would always take like half a paracetamol if i was going to take a paracetamol i had period like period pains and usually i would just like suffer through the period pains but now i'm getting a bit better at just being like maybe i could alleviate this sorry oh i'm so sorry i completely forgot jack you've ruined everything i'm so sorry his face is home alone yeah go go go wait are you going now go yeah go and say bye go and say goodbye i'm gonna have to
Starting point is 00:13:34 hang up i said text me i'm sorry she was literally mid-sentence no i'm just talking about shitty paracetamol go go go yes i'm recording right now you're on the episode no jack say some words go go go yes i'm recording right now you're on the episode no jack say some words right okay no i'm hanging up she's hung up okay biggest apologies i'm back so sorry i have no idea what you're saying i'm so sorry i honestly have no idea what i'm saying but it probably wasn't that good you were talking about medicine and i was talking about my granddad who was an alcoholic did i mention i'm irish i think i was talking about the idea of placebo and yeah so with paracetamol i would always take a tiny bit and then once i had really bad period pains my friend was like take some like take two take two and i was like oh god i've never taken two before jesus
Starting point is 00:14:14 and they were like oh it's a placebo anyway then i was obviously i'm quite a dramatic person you might can be able to tell i started shaking no way i started shaking being like oh my god oh my god it's so much i've never had this much in my body before and i think i also hadn't eaten on my period taking two paracetamols right oh you would be shaking yeah obviously quite dramatic response for now that i see taking two paracetamols is kind of the standard thing you should take yeah and everyone was saying it's a placebo anyway it's a placebo anyway yeah so my thing is i don't really care about the idea of placebo because it does something well it's working yeah something is happening a placebo still works yeah why do we think that the mind
Starting point is 00:14:55 isn't why do we discredit the mind doing the work literally surely that should be the biggest that's the crux i'll say it's just a weird thing like oh it's placebo anyway it's just a trick of the mind anyway it's like oh amazing then fucking hell if it's a fucking placebo that's the best news i've ever fucking heard yeah let's celebrate eureka grandpa joe but it's funny because the definition of placebo is that it works out of the power of belief exactly so it works then yes the mind is a crazy place to be oh it's crazy so that's why i love that this person said whether it's a placebo or not it works and my life for whatever is the proof so stunning stunning stunning stunning to be honest who am i to take that away from you
Starting point is 00:15:37 i would never no and i also have been thinking recently because also everyone sharing their spotify wrapped was like the biggest day of my life and i'm still in like i'm still doing this reeling all too well short film i'm in the reeling i'm tossing and turning side to side in my bed in jake gyllenhaal's clothes that's my favorite bit actually when she looks bright red and her phone is lighting up when she's lying in bed oh my god the crying and i can feel every sensation she has in her body she's such a talented actress the crying is good crying yeah i can feel every tear yeah stunning it's like i've seen myself in that state i've seen every single one of my friends in that state and i know that state inside out and it is now forever called the reeling it's it's a guttural sob yeah it's literally like you can't breathe you're gonna die yeah it's me after having two paracetamol
Starting point is 00:16:31 oh my god well anyway yeah i'm still in the reeling of the wrapped because we've been looking forward to wrapped like all year since since since the last one because we were like oh my god imagine next year yeah we had our fingers crossed. And I honestly, never in a million years, could have imagined how many people were sharing us on this podcast. I am so grateful. I could scream and drown and die. Ding!
Starting point is 00:16:57 You don't know that, but anyway. It's a Taylor Swift song. We were on the topic, so. Yeah. But I could sink and drown and die. Ding! Anyway. I don't know it but ding but i really could die over it so it's really put me in a good mood because and it put me in a manifesting mood because i was thinking cut to last year cut to like a couple years ago when we
Starting point is 00:17:18 were starting this shitty little thing it was so unrealistic to think of anyone finding this podcast and listening and it was just so unrealistic to think of anyone listening to be on a chart or to be to have ads whatever it was unrealistic as fuck to think that no i'm not gonna say that it was just beyond unrealistic what you don't want unrealistic as fucked as fuck you don't want that no no i was gonna say something else so sorry i was gonna say something else oh okay you do want that yeah that can go in i thought you just didn't like that you said as fuck and i was like why you don't like swearing oh yeah it's onto myself no no it was honestly unrealistic as cunting fuck yeah literally um yeah it was completely unrealistic to us and now it's apparently real which goes saying, abundance and privilege has worked
Starting point is 00:18:05 to get it to where it is. But also we did it. And it was a mindset thing. It was like for that half an hour that we sat down and made an account, we were in a manifesting mindset. We were in a, our perspective had flipped and we caught that fire and ran with it.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Do you know what I mean? Like you're in that flicker of fuck. Maybe my life doesn't have to be shit. Honestly, hope. It's a moment, a fleeting moment of hope. It's absolute flicker. Yes. And if you don't catch it.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And it's so hard to hold on to. Yeah, because then that's the thing. We were kind of talking about this before, before we started recording. But there's something so easy and natural about sitting down every week it's not even a conscious decision to sit down oh we're going to record this week it's obvious it goes without saying that every week we're doing it but the actual the hardest bit and it's something yoga with adrian always says she says the hardest bit is just coming to the mat so true and the hardest bit it was clicking the account yeah it was the hardest bit was saying shall i mortify myself publicly yes the hardest bit is telling your friends guys i'm doing something
Starting point is 00:19:09 really embarrassing i'm starting something i'm gonna try something so embarrassing the hardest bit is the initial step and then the wheel is turning and all the cogs are rolling it's fine before you know it spotify rapt is coming out and apparently there's quite a lot of people that were the top thing what fucking crazy but also like that is kind of why i know we said we wouldn't talk about privilege and every other sentence for me is privilege privilege but it's kind of why you can't separate privilege from the convo because when society and like systemic issues are working against you in every way or they're racking up the points are racking up against you you know how hard it is toacking up the points are racking up against you
Starting point is 00:19:45 you know how hard it is to find a flicker of hope it's like you're not thinking about hope you're thinking about like paying your rent or feeding your kids or being abused or all of this shit do you know what i mean like you're not thinking about flicker of hope and being on podcasting charts so it does immediately exclude like the majority of people from the conversation to be honest because hope is a ridiculous thing to have in this world in a hopeless world yeah exactly yeah yeah but i do think that's why those moments when it's like they are so fucking rare where you literally have lit i honestly think a 10 minute window before the dream fucking fades so true where both of us were
Starting point is 00:20:22 aligned or like where you are aligned and your laptop is there and you've got time and you can write or whatever i was looking in your eyes like we're in it yeah they're so small that your um kind of passion your hope for the future and your literal schedule aligns so small hold on for dear life that's why you just have to fucking ride like literally ride. Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th.
Starting point is 00:20:59 It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. In the early 1980s, gay men started to get sick from AIDS. Years before ACT UP, before HIV was discovered, before the history you know, there were people on the front lines of the fight against AIDS. Joe Sonnabit. Michael Callen. Bobby Campbell.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I'm Dane Stewart, and in the new season of my podcast, Resurrection, I tell the stories of heroes of the early AIDS movement. Like the story of a cabaret singer and a sex worker who invented safe sex and saved millions and millions and millions of lives. Go check out Resurrection wherever you listen to podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts. Everywhere. Acast.com.
Starting point is 00:21:54 You know what else put me in a manifesting mood? Reading Will Smith's book, which I know no one wants to know about. Of course, Will Smith's book that you spoke about. I love Will Smith. I love him my king king of my heart body and soul jesus like i love him we have the same birthday go on tell us what tell us a bit from the book that you loved um i mean this is not a manifesting thing but when he talks about his first son being born no one cares immediately no one cares um but when he talks about his first son is this the first son that you're now in love with no don't go spreading this nonsense yeah a
Starting point is 00:22:31 little bit only a little bit only a little bit yeah um it's only basically because will smith to be honest will smith in men in black one and two and two and three and just will smith in general is my dream man but will smith i robot will smith that is perfect human to me just like and such a sensitive soul but anyway it's not important so funny so charming but anyway i can't remember what i was saying but yeah will smith's book i would honestly highly recommend it when his first son was born when his first son was born you have to read it because it's really beautiful or listen to the audiobooks i imagine that's really well is he reading it well i started the audio book but then i ended up reading the actual physical book and i literally read it within a day i read like this is not normal for me i'm not gonna pretend this is not a lot i read like six books that week which
Starting point is 00:23:18 is crazy jesus i know it's a lot what did you? Mostly shit books. I also read Emily Ratajkowski's My Body which I did like. I'm sure lots of people have read that. What else did I read? Oh I also read the one that I enjoyed. I read Beach Read by Emily Henry which I obviously wanted to read in summer. It's just a cutesy little thing. You'd probably quite like it I reckon. I've never heard of it. It's about, no one cares, it's it's about no go on it was really big in summer I just didn't get around to reading it so I read it in November but it's about two kind of writers who end up like living next door to each other in these kind of like summer houses and they're enemies obviously enemies to lovers is it brewing enemies to lovers yeah and the whole
Starting point is 00:24:03 time they're like writing their books alongside one another and they slowly kind of get to know each other and the story unfolds from there do their books kind of start interweaving as well like it's kind of a story within a story the books are kind of yeah the books so yeah oh i like where it's going yeah i think you would like it i don't know though um but yeah but i'm i'm generally really unimpressed i would to be honest i really enjoyed it i would rate it probably three out of five god okay and I really enjoyed it I'm I don't enjoy a lot but like why don't you enjoy them I just I think I'm really hot like I don't know really I think I'm always looking for something else yeah even Will Smith's book
Starting point is 00:24:41 one of the best books Oprah said it was her the best memoir she's ever read in her life trustworthy source as well which if you're gonna take anyone's word for it yeah i'm sure you'll take oprah's i would rate it four out of five god best book i've ever read from the love of my life four out of five what is the best what would you rate five stars maybe i'm yet to find it to be honest like to me five stars it's like it has to be a perfect piece it's kind of like it's a classic it's like your book like if you wrote a book it would be five stars it has to be like another level of meaningful do you know what i mean no pressure yeah yeah yeah um would you rate any media five stars like any shows and stuff like yeah right is there anything that you're watching you're like five fucking stars yeah i'm i'm easier to books i'm hard to impress because i feel like books are
Starting point is 00:25:23 very intimate experience. And it's slow. Like you have to take time. It's not like, oh yeah, I'm rating that TikTok five stars. Yeah. I'm rating that book, that 500 word, 500 page book. Exactly. It's like, there were some bits I'd change. Yeah, I don't know why really.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Whilst we're on the topic of recommendations. Yeah, oh, take it away. I've got a little recommendation for everyone uh-huh probably everyone's already seen it and i don't want any spoilers someone's just found this show i've just started watching it well i'm on season two now but i'm only midway through hopefully by the time this comes out i'll be further through but if you spoil anything for me i will personally hunt you down i just hope you don't go off it do you know what i mean yeah i don't want this to be like a crazy ending it's like god i didn't mean to recommend
Starting point is 00:26:08 that like horrific ending the oa on netflix i have never seen anything like it i'm absolutely shocked by it at every turn the this is absolutely no spoilers but like every episode it feels like you're watching a different show. The fucking culmination of the whole story in season one is one of my favourite endings ever. It's one of those things where you're like, what is going on the whole way through? And at the very end, it just all makes sense.
Starting point is 00:26:36 It's like every scrap came together. So stunning. Nice. I'm now obsessed with the lead actress and she's's also the co-writer i'm obsessed i'm obsessed i'm obsessed first thing i did this morning i sat bolt right up in bed and thought i need to go on her instagram and i did what a treat such a genius nice and i can't recommend it enough stunning someone said to me because i put it on my story that i was watching it and someone said wait till you get to the octopus oh i thought
Starting point is 00:27:05 how on earth would an octopus fit into this show wow how on earth would an octopus come into this show and it did and it was insane made perfect sense like you don't even question it though or like it's obviously weird but it's like it works it somehow fits like it's one of those things where anything could literally happen wow and i could that's five stars for me so far god but i kind of write rate everything five stars kind of home alone two is also five stars me too yeah yeah well i'm so glad you're enjoying that because it does give you like a gives you a bit of a boost in life doesn't it i think i'm really i always need something that i'm loving in life yeah i always need to be
Starting point is 00:27:47 slightly obsessed with something fictional this is why i think if you had wattpad i would probably never hear from you again you'd be a god oh my goodness i think i made a conscious decision actually when i was about 14 to not get into fan fiction avoid i think it would be the last time i see you to be honest you would just come into my room and it's just pictures of like john snow fred and george there's no i mean you can't not be in a hole yeah anyway will smith hey manifesting oh god yeah what the fuck i've got a question okay go on um well it was just something some someone wrote that i actually thought would be an interesting conversation uh-huh they said can you manifest a person? Okay. And I just thought that's quite interesting
Starting point is 00:28:26 because my instant reaction is like, no, you can't manifest anything specific. It needs to be like more of a feeling. It's a vibe. It's a vague thing. Actually, I kind of think you can. Should we start off by saying like, what's your definition of manifesting?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Is that to me or is that just an open? Yeah, just to you and just like a well there's no one else here well i thought it's like should we leave that on the floor just the two of us no i think you take it away i've rolled it out on the floor and you're gonna roll it up back up i think my definition pass it around pass the parcel of what our definitions of manifesting are i was thinking more like in a weed sense but yeah oh no i was thinking pass the parcel when the music stops you did pass the parcel it's quite a loose definition i think it kind of changes but i don't think i uh-huh i won't hold you to it yeah it will change throughout the course of the episode we're taking it with all the salt oh buy some um yeah whatever
Starting point is 00:29:21 i completely get you just like not a good joke just don't even put that out there you know it's just like i'm wasting my fucking breath speaking just don't even go there embarrassing to say that joke yeah i saw it all over your face just like oh don't even go shut up you idiot finding the line isn't it it really is i think i don't really subscribe to the idea of like you can necessarily plan things like yeah scripting things into existence and with the tools that you see how to manifest how to manifest a specific text from a person any of that i'm not into i kind of think that is to be honest to be harsh not necessarily to be honest but to be harsh could be categorized as
Starting point is 00:30:05 a form of mental illness like that is seffy i didn't think you were gonna say that fucking out all right yeah go on when it gets to the point and to be honest i have been there i've been there i'm not counting myself as the unmentally ill i forget that like if you're saying it's harsh it's gonna be fucking harsh harsh it's gonna be harsh jesus but i i've been there where it's like oh i'm gonna manifest a specific text from a person all of that shit but i do think then you have to admit we are being deluded there so i don't necessarily count that as mental illness i count that as um wrong strange incorrect okay what do you count what i do think is manifesting yeah what do you count as good what I not even right
Starting point is 00:30:45 but how I would be like oh I'm in a manifesting mood is when I feel that my mindset has shifted away from viewing the negative and yeah more geared towards viewing the positive slash the reality of things more open to things going well yeah when I'm feeling hopeful that's when I'm like okay I'm actually like manifesting if you think that what actually manifesting means it means to be creating things it means to be like cultivating things and bringing things manifesting things into your reality into your life bringing things from your imagination into the world it's like that is basically a state of creation and a state of hope that's kind of what i think it is yeah what about you i agree with you i think um for me it's all about perspective as i said at the beginning do i mean it just is about mindset and just where i'm at i actually
Starting point is 00:31:31 wanted to talk about um okay i wanted to talk about like a little tactic i know we just said it's all about perspective and just gentle kind of mindset stuff but let's get into the tools the practical tools yeah or kind of like goal setting nice do you know what i mean like thinking about how you're going to bring things into your life thinking about how you're going to move towards where you want to be i think that's fair to say 100 i how do you feel about a vision board i enjoy them do you have any on the go currently i have recently semi-recently discovered kind of pinterest right in like a proper way like okay i'm kind of understand you're getting into it i understand what it is because i always kind
Starting point is 00:32:12 of thought not really for me but actually i do think god it's the fucking place to be i think i thought the aesthetic wasn't for me but actually i do understand that there are a whole world of aesthetics uh-huh so yeah i do have a vision board on the go the one that i said i've um you feature within so sweet but i've i've been updating and stuff because i do wanna do you know what i saw this in em and lauren's vlog we're gonna mention them again oh some some people said what did you mention like how did you say they were like what and lauren what is it it's m here we go again it's a real in-depth trial isn't it em space and and space lauren don't miss out i'm telling you yeah you got it
Starting point is 00:32:52 god twice in a row jesus they're great they're absolutely great yeah go on um i was watching their vlog and i just don't want to seem like a fucking weirdo but anyway that's what i'm going are we scaring them that's my only fear yeah i'll shout you out until the cows come home i just want to seem normal i want you to feel safe basically just a couple of fans that talk about you every day lauren was making a vision board a vision board she did a stunning kind of screen record of what she was doing on pinterest and then she put it on canva on our favorite website honestly we used to use canva a lot highly recommend bring that back to higher priestess stunning i honestly would highly recommend it sorry go on 100 very user-friendly and she was setting it as her phone background and i thought oh i do like the sound of
Starting point is 00:33:42 that so i thought oh i'm gonna do that as well actually just influenced by Evan Lawrence right yeah well this is what I was gonna say is that I feel like my vision board tactics where were you done yeah way done okay nice nice finished about two miles ago keep up I was gonna say just turn your mic off then that's what I'll take it from here I just didn't want to have stepped on your what you were saying um so my little thing that i'm sure everyone does is i'll have one where it's like a phone background or like not even a phone background but there's one that i can refer to yeah i'm looking at it it's quite specific there might be some numbers very like full of images that make me the emotive it gives you a wave of like ah a worse eureka yeah grandpa joe i'm inspired yeah
Starting point is 00:34:26 and then there's another one that i like to make and i made one i think this is more of like a yearly thing but i like to make like for example coming to the end of the year like what do i want the next year to look like which quite topical convo really considering we're coming to the end of the year and i'll put loads of shit in there and it's basically just for the purpose of revisiting it once the year is through there and it's basically just for the purpose of revisiting it once the year is through and seeing it's new year's resolutions basically a visual new year's resolutions yeah and seeing what happened and lots of things come true i have to say really well i mean well i i feel like whenever people say like oh i manifested this blog on they give an example
Starting point is 00:35:02 everyone is just like cringe like this person's delusional seffy saying they've got a mental illness that sort of thing i don't want people to take the piss out of me no no i agree no no no it was funny it was funny don't just just let it be doubting my doubting it should be cut it you said you were gonna be harsh you came through it's fine and one of the pictures i had for example was i had a picture of a very specific but also very generic i'm lying if i say it's specific i I had a picture of a very specific but also very generic I'm lying if I say it's specific I just had a picture of a fireplace because I was like I would love to be in somewhere with like a really nice fireplace like this like just in the general vibe and it's exactly like the ornate detailing of the fireplace that I've got in the living room right now and it
Starting point is 00:35:38 was just a really nice moment even if it's just the placebo of like I'm just doing this so that in a year's time I might click on this and be very disappointed or there might be some funny little things that I can attribute to certain moments that I've had I got the fireplace that I wanted exactly yeah yeah so I like having two running alongside one another do you know I mean like something that you completely let go of and then more um focused goals that you're really actively working on i think i make the mistake of not revisiting it i view it as a real like i'm gonna make a really stunning um vision board you let go a bit too much and then i just literally leave it and i never look at it again you don't put in any
Starting point is 00:36:16 effort basically i completely forget about it because when we were moving i remember putting i was i'm gonna make a vision board to try and like be like okay that will be nice kind of like the fireplace thing I didn't know about that but to be like oh yeah we got that thing yeah I really wanted a house in London that has the quite like Victorian black and white um checkered entrance yes I really wanted one we don't have one but that was I was like putting them everywhere like we're gonna get one we're gonna get one of those like yeah we don't live in one of those but I was really thinking that everywhere. Like we're going to get one. We're going to get one of those. Like we don't live in one of those. But I was really thinking that would be so nice to look back on. Funny enough.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah. Well, that's kind of the vibe. It is the vibe. Okay. And something else I wanted to say was this was actually something that I said to you just in a passing comment. I hadn't even really thought it through. And I said, I'm going to mention that on the podcast because it's funny, basically. And it was when we, as we do, we're having a self-indulgent conversation about like oh my god this is so amazing blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:37:11 and i was kind of saying i basically just off the top of my head just in my voice um had this that's so niche today no no i think just with my voice just in my voice just in my voice that's known smash fat lady come on people know this come on password what is the password um it's like sherbet lemons but it's not that obviously capus draconis or is that different maybe i have no clue no that's the okay no it doesn't matter i don't i don't want to be exposed for like having too much knowledge gaps in my knowledge yeah exactly oh i don't want to be exposed for having too much knowledge it's like yeah to be honest either or you want to sit in the happy medium and i think we do surpass the happy medium and step into weird territory yeah we're nowhere near the happy medium yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:37:58 we've taken yeah that level anyway that happy medium is long we can't even see the happy medium anymore yeah um it was oh fucking hell right let me think it was when we were having a really self-indulgent combo and we were talking about like this is so great and blah blah blah and i kind of just off the top of my head just in my voice came up with this analogy of it's kind of christmas i love this if you don't celebrate christmas again i've wiped you out with privilege there you go you're not going to be able to relate i'm so sorry excluded i actually didn't have i didn't have christmas for a long time so i'm just trying to get out of that anyway
Starting point is 00:38:32 i just justified my joke um the analogy was basically you're a kid on christmas christmas eve all you have to worry about is putting your nice clean pajamas on all you have to worry about is making sure you've washed your face all you have to worry about is making sure you get a good night's rest because someone is downstairs wrapping presents for you as we speak stunning it is being handled take your own responsibilities of what you can do brush your teeth wash your face get yourself all tucked in it all nice do your little things and know that your parents are downstairs wrapping up your new bike as you sleep you don't need to worry you've done your bit it's being handled we've got it coming for you it's coming this is
Starting point is 00:39:18 so great as well for realizing it's like you don't need to stress about your new promotion you don't need to stress about your new promotion you don't need to stress about your dream boyfriend you don't need to stress about yeah oh god i'm not um any of these fucking shit any other shit you don't need to stress about any of that all you need to do is turn up tomorrow all you need to do is do the next day and the next day do all your tiny little jobs you have your breakfast you get dressed that's all you need to do the good things are coming the universe whatever you want to call it it's handled it yeah handling it it's all coming you relinquish all control and trust the timing of life yeah a wise woman once said it's true though right all you have to do is just sit back and relax enjoy the ride and also like do your bit and but the bits are small the bits are small it's finding the balance isn't it yeah yeah and the big bits come when they come there's no point in thinking there's no point in in worrying about
Starting point is 00:40:10 the huge bits when actually all you've got to do today is fucking put your socks on and go for a walk uh-huh it's kind of like what we always say or i keep saying at the moment is like nowhere to push yeah so there are times where you can be pushing yourself gently out of your comfort zone and there are times when you need to take a step back someone actually sent a message i can't remember when this was i can't remember what for i think it was an old episode it was just a like passing message they had said like how basically how do you deal with like oh we're in a patriarchy but like i still shave so what like what do i do yeah i saw this did you and I just kind of thought really interesting it is really interesting but I think at least for me and right now it's like I know where to push
Starting point is 00:40:50 like so for me personally look I'm perry as fuck like I'm like that is just how it goes and that is a big is a big thing for me it's like god you see me in person it's like god the fuck is that but like like i'm normal guys hygrids walking towards you yeah but i know where to push it's like i know that i can live under all of these systemic issues and so i might be able to do something so for example i will make a podcast and i will speak about how i do xyz and xyz and i'm i can do that not only for myself but for the people who can't do that right now and i expect all the other so for example a white girl blonde white girl with hairy armpits is a different experience for her to be doing that than it is for me and she's picking that up for me it's like we're picking up each other's slack it's like i know where to push
Starting point is 00:41:40 if i start growing out my armpit hair right now i'm in for a year of fucking trauma and to be honest i'm not taking that on right now i would like to fit in with patriarchy in certain ways and reap the benefits as i should i think you know where to push like don't drive yourself crazy trying to do everything do you know what i mean or like fit every box or chain do you know what i mean yeah be gentle with yourself because the answer isn't always the like correct answer that makes sense the answer isn't always be perfect do everything right well we know that the fact we have to shave our armpits is fucked we know that's fucked that but that goes honestly without saying there's layers to it uh-huh it's not as simple as i like the way it feels no it's just not that simple oh
Starting point is 00:42:22 i just think it looks bad why we know it we know it we know it but it also doesn't make the girl that doesn't shave her armpit or it doesn't make the girl that shaves her armpits a bad person and it doesn't make the girl that doesn't shave her armpits performative right it's a whole just trying fucking thing yeah we're all just trying and also armpits is such a it's such a thing of i'm not like a victim of the patriarchy because i have hairy armpits it's actually like there are so many ways in which we're all complicit in the patriarchy and fucked up by the patriarchy in the same thing armpits is not really where i'm going to draw the line at whether i'm oppressed or not maybe one day i'll do it but i just i know i know
Starting point is 00:42:59 when to choose my battles and that's not the battle that I'm fighting right now because then I was also thinking about I say this now if I touch wood like have a daughter one day and she is insecure about hairy armpits and yada yada yada god the yarders but if she's insecure about hairy armpits maybe I would have wished that I could have done more to reject it in myself and shifted it more for her but also I'm take i take on responsibility for other women i'm happy to see other women take on responsibility for me do you i mean it kind of feels like a bit of a team i just feel like it has to be a team effort like it kind of is it's a nice way of thinking about it in the sense of like when miley grew out her armpit hair she kind of did that for me oh i love that she didn't but do you know what i mean like she kind of did that for
Starting point is 00:43:42 me well she did well she kind of did and i'll do something for you and blah blah blah in the way that miley had a has a choice in some way whether she wants to be a symbol of the disney channel disney channel star that grew up and did everything pristine and perfect throughout her life or she could be herself she chose herself uh-huh that is for everyone that is a symbol but also adele saying um it's not my job to make other people feel good about their bodies it's like too right it's not and adele's had a whole history with her body and a whole history with the media that if other women can pick up the slack of body image etc that would be nice for adele it would be nice for all of us know where you know what you can give like know
Starting point is 00:44:21 when to push stunning know where to push know when to push people absolutely mental am i i think in another life i was like a preacher or something all that's missing is a hallelujah what what is this like why yeah why this why are we so insane we're just kind of smiling at each other now a bit weirdly um shall we end then yeah nice nice so i hope you all enjoyed this manifestation little chat yeah if you want more there's a whole fucking backlog of shit that you can traipse through if you want but i highly don't recommend it so advise it do whatever you want i would highly recommend either reading will smith's autobiography or watching the oa five stars and a four star review for you that it is a five star it's a beautiful book but anyway and also my body emily ratajkowski yeah i think everyone would have
Starting point is 00:45:14 already read it yeah and also em and lauren should we throw them in again they're terrified they're literally shaking now we look nuts okay so we're gonna see you in the next episode then hopefully oh we have to leave it on something wholesome fuck oh it's your turn it's your turn because you introduced this shit um well i don't know i just did that whole no interpush thing nobody to hold something can i take that back and cash it out now is there a quote i'm gonna do what you did to me is there a little quote or thing potentially from will smith's autobiography what about the christmas thing what about christmas eve that was a good one no no no the whole point is you give a whole stunning episode then at the end someone springs it on you do a nice thing say something good say something clever um just when you think you're wrapping up
Starting point is 00:46:00 shit okay my wholesome thing and this is just where i'm at at the moment is just a lot of what this is helping my helping me manifest i guess in a in a ronderburn the secret kind of way i'm feeling very grateful at the moment and that is because everyone's listening like that's the impact of everyone being so nice yeah so i just kind of want to say thank you and that i honestly carry the listener with me in my waking life. Every moment of my life I'm thinking, hope you guys are okay. Wishing you well. Can't wait to see all the good things coming your way.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Do you not feel you carry the listener with you in like strange settings? Because I went to go see, I went to the cinema thing. It was very stunning. To see Home Alone 2. And the whole way through I was kind of running this weird commentary in my head about human nature that i was planning on saying to like the listener and it's a bit like yeah yeah i mean i can't even not be a podcaster in the cinema anymore we've taken delusion to another level it's like you're sat in the cinema with an imaginary friend i'm like right well it's funny that all the children are laughing at all the pain says so commentary
Starting point is 00:47:03 on human nature actually not being very good yeah and it's like the listener is literally in my head now i was saying to sephie before we started recording like i know i know what it means still not just men i know what it means for me when i watch when i'm yeah when i'm watching like someone who's making content i've watched for a long time and i'm like in tune with what they're saying and I'm hanging on their every word and I'm just checking up on them and blah blah blah I know how I feel about them so it means a lot to me to feel that kind of vibe just just even like a flicker of that from one of you listening is just the nicest thing I honestly I'm just eternally pissed off I just can't articulate how grateful i am i think that's the frustration because it's not only i can't articulate it when someone says i love you
Starting point is 00:47:51 guys i i don't believe it which is so fucked i literally don't believe it i'm literally like no you don't know you don't i really got no clue yeah but then i just have to i'm trying to in at the moment get into the headspace of how i feel about the people i love on the internet and i genuinely do love them yeah so it's that weird thing of oh my god maybe people actually do mean what they say like they obviously know what they're saying no i think it's a real connection it's a real exchange yeah amongst humans i know that i feel it i know that the listener feels that i know that i feel it when i'm watching x y and z person i know that they're feeling it back from me do you know it's a mutual exchange it's the best thing honestly i just really hope that you know no one's listening at this point they're all turned off i hope you
Starting point is 00:48:33 know that i am rooting for you with all my might yeah someone in the world at all points has you i've got you in good faith in my mind i'm sending you love totally yeah yeah i i want your success yeah rooting for it you're never on your own in this world ever well that is so fucking stunning see i could go more wholesome but i'll leave it there anyway i think that is pretty much wholesome overload so let's leave these poor people alone cringe okay let's go well if you don't hear from us? Assume the worst. Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment.
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