Goes Without Saying - how to stop procrastinating: her job is just Bedrot!

Episode Date: January 22, 2024

podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on productivity anxiety, motivation, procrastination, pressure and perfectionism, the myth of laziness, the fear of mediocrity, and the bedrot ph...enomenon. it's the trenches. ✷shop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.ukhear more ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwingwatch more ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwing Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Goes Without Saying. You're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Wing. And I'm Sefi. And we're in a studio talking about motivation, how to find it, is it a myth, are we just lazy pieces of shit? Who knows? Either way it's fine, we're all in this together, very nice, cosy, up close and personal air, lovely little like life hacks
Starting point is 00:01:19 that are definitely going to completely change your life. You're going to wake up to a whole new person just because you listened to this one episode of Sephie and Wing. Enjoy. I'm being sarcastic, but I still hope you enjoy. Where the hell are we? Bloody, and where the hell have we been? Honestly. This is what our...
Starting point is 00:01:38 We... This is our fourth take. Something like that. Third or fourth. Jesus Christ. Yeah. This is a little something i like to call our fourth take so sing along if you know it if you know the words so right now if you might hear
Starting point is 00:01:57 the audio quality sounding absolutely hopefully impeccably divine i mean that would be a nice plus it'll be something because the pros and cons list at the moment is slipping into the cons basically we're in a beautiful studio yeah it's everything is perfect it's dudley special day everything's amazing we're just coming in with weird energy the weirdest and we can't for the life of us get a full ep down we get about nine mins in and then we're like scrap the lot we can't get crazy so just bear with yeah so we are right now so a cast you might be aware of them they are the people that host podcasts they're incredible they're amazing we love them they host us for example yeah um and they have very kindlessly kindly kindly kindlessly mercilessly dastardly they have kindly let us
Starting point is 00:02:52 into their studio um which they are all working next door they're in their office they're doing their daily business and we're just very much made ourselves at home we have we've just come into this room they've got microphones a table everything everything set up for us. People were making us coffees. Well, they weren't. They were finding us milk. They were trying to help her. I mean, we were going around like headless chickens. We didn't know what was embarrassing. We have been here once before. This is where, this is the scene of the crime.
Starting point is 00:03:15 This is where Sefi and Jamie Lang had their first kiss. And you. I was 13. But he kissed us on the cheek in this very venue. Four kisses each on each cheek. On each cheek. Joking. And now we're just going to, what did we say we were going to talk about?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Oh, yes. Motivation. Which is an interesting topic. Yeah, so I was digging around on the Instagram because basically we don't know what we're doing here, as we've discussed. Also, you should follow us on Instagram if you honestly want to make us really happy. Yeah, genuinely. That would actually be really nice. Follow us on Instagram, follow us on Instagram if you honestly want to make us really happy. That would actually be really nice. Follow us on Instagram, follow us on TikTok. But those are the best places to let us know what we should talk about.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Tell us what's on your mind. It's really like Regina George's mum coming in and being like, you girls keep me young. Genuinely. This is keeping me on my toes. I know what's going i know the combo yeah i know the dialogue so you guys keep me young you girls keep me young do you need a condom yeah right yeah this was i was digging way back on the instagram and someone had spoken about motivation and i thought that's it bingo topic topic that's the crux today so we'll just see what happens here i wouldn't say we're
Starting point is 00:04:26 the experts on motivation no in some ways i think we're so unmotivated but in some ways we're so motivated in all the wrong ways yeah although okay so at the moment i'm being really um i wouldn't call it okay so no going you you take us off, you take us off. You've got something to say. Look at that. It's on the tip of your tongue. It is, but I feel a bit shy. No, go on. Because it's so dumb and it's so like...
Starting point is 00:04:53 It's so funny because this is exactly... This has really made a positive impact on the past five days of my life. It's nothing new to me, even though it's a new behaviour that I'm doing. God, what is this? I've done it before, but it's really helping me over the past week. And I feel like if I would have heard it two weeks ago, if future me came to me and said,
Starting point is 00:05:15 oh, this is what you should do, I would have been like. God, what the hell is this? Honestly, rubbed my eyes out of town. Just been like, that's the most boring thing I've ever heard. Shut the fuck up. Drink more water. Turn it off and on again. What is this? So basically, in in the morning should I actually show you oh my phone's all the way over there I can't be bothered
Starting point is 00:05:31 but in the more or like in the night before basically I plan out my day stunning right boring yeah genius work here so profound plan out your day and I put this is where it gets weird this is the way that I have to trick my brain into like being excited about something. I quite like emojis. Yeah, you do like emojis. I like finding cute emojis. Do you know what? There are some hidden gems in there.
Starting point is 00:05:54 There really are. When you see the mirror, the ladder. The little candle I like. The detail. Yeah, the candle is melting. Yeah. Very nice. The detail on these things.
Starting point is 00:06:05 That candle is kind of giving the energy of the studio right now. Definitely. That would be a perfect fit for this room. So that's the vibe. That's what you need to keep in mind. If you can't quite picture where we are right now. Picture that melting candle. Picture that melted candle emoji.
Starting point is 00:06:16 The really cute one. Okay, so I pick out. This is so embarrassing. The emojis to fit your day. Yeah. So I'll choose seven emojis. I'm really hooked on the number seven at the moment. Because of Jack's tattoo.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah, but also just... In life. In life. Because my lucky number is 14. Yes, yeah. Not relevant. I knew that because when we hit number 14 on the charts... Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I said, what a surprise. That's my lucky number. That's crazy. I mean, it was pretty crazy. No, no, it was mental. It was mental. Out of nowhere we were never no we were never even not to our knowledge we were zero we're nothing then 14 then nothing
Starting point is 00:06:51 again and then we were stars i'm a star i'm a star so i do little emojis because before i'd like write the date and it's like boring yeah i'm gonna pick emojis so i just do little emojis little bubbles candle whatever cute whatever, cute. Yeah. And then I will literally write, wash face, brush teeth, skincare, coffee. Then on the note of seven, I'm doing this thing called, I'm calling it now, lucky sevens, which is basically. So I'm writing out everything. It's essentially gratefulness.
Starting point is 00:07:22 It's my gratitude. It's everything I'm grateful for. I'll pick seven nice, seven things I'm happy about. Yeah about yeah I like the idea of it being my lucky sevens like if I think about seven things that I like I'll keep getting more that's lucky it'll bring me luck like it's lucky that I have that that sort of thing so I call it my lucky sevens is a little casino emoji next to it oh yeah yeah I know the one. You know the one. Yeah. How to use emojis, maybe. Yeah. And then just, I feel like having my next action planned out takes the choice out of my mind.
Starting point is 00:07:56 You just look like such a podcaster right now. It's actually just absolutely hit me with the mic. Yeah, go on. So do you, I have to say. It's actually quite mental. Yeah. I just kind of saw you like, what the fuck? But it's true.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah. I love that. I feel like taking the, so basically, I kind of get in like, the worst thing that could happen to me is I have a lull. And I'm like, oh, what now? And we know that lulls last. And the lulls come creeping. And I am not mentally stable enough to handle not knowing what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:08:25 And also the hard bit is when the lull is lulling quite deep and you've got to climb out of the lull. No, impossible. That's like, that takes... That was just us a minute ago, actually. Yeah, it was. I said, do you want to do some jumping jacks? And I really didn't want to, but I thought, no, yeah. And they did save us.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I guess they've saved the day. They did, actually. I mean, we're eight minutes in nearly, so we'll see how this goes. Coming up to the nine minute mark. that's it's really like the nine minute club it's really like we die nine minutes is fast approaching see what happens um i really like that though yeah i think that sounds really nice just being really specific and like if i don't tick everything off big deal like it's it's fine but like having like really detailed guidance of where i want and it's mostly for my morning to be honest it's mostly like just the morning routine and then
Starting point is 00:09:10 my day just unfolds like i'm out and about or whatever like i've moved on i don't need to remind myself how to live how to function yeah but i feel like when you're at that point especially when say like your um i don't know like say it's like your revising period or like what do you mean almost like when it's down to you to structure your life and your days like if you're a student or if you're working in a job where like you've got all of these tasks to do but there's no one telling you okay monday is when you're gonna do this that's this day yeah or like your timetable uh-huh i my therapist told me a thing this was quite a random one i think i've spoken about this on the podcast before just did like a one-off session which we're talking about
Starting point is 00:09:51 like how to structure your days where you don't have a plan um and it was like she was like always keep three things in mind like these are the three things people need for like oh yeah to be sort of content in a day yeah and it was like so schedule like she was like kind of what you just said of like write down like wash hair all of the stuff definitely do that if you want to be happy god just do it i had that today with my friend just like i won't watch my friend just like just fucking do it you'll be thinking about it all day honestly do something and i did thank god that she's like you filthy little disgusting little cockroach um so just do it and she was like it's either it's um pleasure so something for fun so
Starting point is 00:10:32 i'll literally write pleasure in my thing and i'll be like watch funny video and i was like that's my to-do list is that what you're right yeah the other day i watched um uh james acaster and ed gamble doing um snack wars and i was very Acast, very on-prime. Very Acast. He could be here, honestly. He could be here, yeah. He's actually not affiliated. He's just got a similar surname.
Starting point is 00:10:52 No, but isn't there podcast? Yeah, no, I think it is. But I don't know why he would specifically be here. Isn't there podcast with Acast? James Acaster. Yeah, it is. So he really could be here. But I watched them doing a Snack Wars.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Hilarious. Had a great time. that was literally on my list to do well if you put a to-do list watch funny video do you seek out a new video or do you know no i went through my life so i on my youtube i like loads of videos that make me laugh like they go back years they go back to when i liked fucking like shane dawson like that's the archives people that are on there show how young i was i was 14 show how problematic it was 14 year old girl obsessed with shane dawson i'm so sorry um there's another there's a pleasure what is it called connection connection and so it'll be like text a friend um record the podcast was one the other day oh that's my connection connection frog in my throat is embarrassing little frog in my throat don't mind me that's why i don't want to happen at cambridge no honestly i'll be so
Starting point is 00:12:00 embarrassed when's this coming out what do you mean is this coming out on cambridge it might be we might be at cambridge now uh is it tuesday the 23rd is it tuesday um it will come out maybe the day before wow yeah so did we see you there did we are you coming yeah are you gonna be there was it fun look on our instagram if you want to come we'll probably have the dates up yeah and there's there's a sign up link on our instagram yeah sign up there that's how you get in we'd love to see you cambridge uni um that was the weirdest anyway these two absolute freaks are speaking at cambridge uni in a few days you heard that right i can't even say i have a podcast about frogging out frogging out
Starting point is 00:12:46 yeah let's cut that um and the other one was accomplishment that was the one i was looking for so it'll be like a thing that did you just do a sound effect because i haven't got my headphones on was it what i want what aren't you oh what what what are you back you can't i've got no round of applause round of applause for me please all right and the crowd goes wild oh there they go that's everyone at cambridge they love her we took that audio from Cambridge that's a good one that's enough that's um the sandbox that we have have also in the room if you didn't we haven't addressed what that is yet um we're in the studio we're in a studio have we mentioned accomplishment was the other one so it's like yeah if you've got kind of pleasure
Starting point is 00:13:41 connection accomplishment in your day that kind of is a basic recipe for a semi-decent day lovely and i think yeah those are things i always want to bring in i always come back to those like pillars of my day at the moment i find it really hard to like access you know when you're i guess it's literally just like the habits of your day or just a mindset or a perspective thing but I find it I feel like I really swing like when I'm good I'm like really having a great time yeah and then I can feel at the same time this awareness that when I'm bad all of the advice that I would give myself from this like happier perspective won't hit me yeah so I really always try and think about like okay but what would help me get through yeah what will get through or like if you're listening and you're feeling shit and it's like okay how do
Starting point is 00:14:28 I find some motivation right now there's something about like the acceptance of not feeling it in the moment and like just allowing yeah I do think that's one of the main things like one of the worst things I think I've ever done for myself really and I think I used to do it a lot when I was younger is when things would be like when i'd be feeling shit and then i'd rather than watching a funny video i'd watch some kind of like motivational video or like how to how to get out of a fucking slump how to get out of a rut or go through our fucking yeah ruts funks we've seen yeah that's such a good name that was a good name yeah um and look at all these things like how to get out of this thing it's like you're not ready yet you're just not ready yet you've got to go through
Starting point is 00:15:09 it you'll know when you want to start going outside or you'll know when you want to start seeing your friends you'll know when you want to start revising but it's like if you actually physically can't you're like in a flood of tears yeah the time not the time it's time to watch snack wars so whatever that is so most of the time i think It's time to watch Snack Wars. So true. Whatever that is. Most of the time, I think it's time to watch Snack Wars. Yeah, I think it is. However, when the time comes to turn off Snack Wars. Yeah, it does come and it comes hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:35 It comes really hard. It comes really hard. It comes hard for me. It comes honestly all over you. It comes hard. Sorry, I didn't realise. It comes everywhere. Thoughts? I'm liking this. Yeah, me too. We got past it. Guys, we survived nine realise. It comes everywhere. Thoughts?
Starting point is 00:15:45 I'm liking this. Yeah, me too. We got past it. Guys, we survived nine minutes. We're at 15. We survived the nine minute curse. No, no. No, no, it's perfect.
Starting point is 00:15:53 It's fine. 15 minute curse. Yep, no, no. We're all good. No, no, 15 minute blessing. Play the music. The amazing music. Pinky.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Pinky, yeah. Pinky. Yeah. The pink button. Pink. Pinky, yeah. Pinky, yeahy. Yeah. The pink button. Pinky. Pinky. Yeah. Pinky.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yeah. Oh, pinky. Oh, my back hurts. Really? My head hurts. Oh, God. We're not cut for this. We were saying earlier, we were like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Talk about lack of motivation. We were like, we honestly are so tired. We're not cut out for a day of work. And we're like, no, an hour of about lack of motivation we were like we honestly it's so tired we're not cut out for day of work and we're like no an hour of work it hasn't it hadn't even been an hour it'd be 45 minutes we spent an hour turning the room upside down laying out our items making it look nice moving the plant around acas powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson, and this is a field guide to gay animals.
Starting point is 00:17:08 A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts. Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com They're going to come in and say, why have you moved everything around? No, they won't. Why have you hung a bag off the wall?
Starting point is 00:17:46 This has assumed the worst. Our merch, buy it now. It's iconic. Sephianwing.co.uk You can't argue with that. No, you can't. Right, do you remember the other day I said to you I've been listening to Boba and Flex? Yeah, I remember.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah, you did say that. And I said, I don't know if I said this on the podcast i know i said it to you that it was really holding up yeah boy oh boy i mean this is a vintage conversation they were having they were talking about what do you want to leave behind in 2019 crazy like i couldn't actually believe the words i was yeah 2019 like well what what what what what dude what you can tell i'm actually so tired that's like five years ago so say there's a 20 year old listening to this now they would have been 15 at the time jesus that's actually crazy that's fucked up no that's horrid that's wild that's horrible well anyway in my old age i was listening to boo and Flex and it was really holding up.
Starting point is 00:18:45 They're obviously genius. And there was something that Flex said, actually, that I was saying to you that really hit me at the time. Just in the way that she said it almost like so casually, like she just casually. Just rolled off the top. Literally casually came out with the most groundbreaking thing I've ever heard in my life. It's like, have you processed the fact that you're a genius, guys? Like, it was crazy to me. It was just so casual the way she said it and she said I won't leave you hanging any longer she said oh no she said oh no um right she said sometimes people would ask her like how do I do this how do I become a this flex you're this how do i do that blah blah
Starting point is 00:19:25 you're this how do i do that and she said sometimes you think you're finding a shortcut in life but actually if you start cutting corners it will take you so much longer to get to that destination in the in the end like you think you're taking the shortcut but you're actually taking the long way around like by putting off the things that you think you you the things that you know you need to do but you can't be bothered yeah you're making it so much longer for yourself it's actually really counterintuitive honestly and that's a genius i think that's such a common issue actually oh my god yeah god there's nothing like them really no there's nothing like them honestly you'll listen to them you'll never ever listen to us you'll literally pick pick us up today you'll put down stephanie and wick for life so quick you'll never come back to us honestly and i honestly like
Starting point is 00:20:14 loved having you here but i'll wave you off like oh no like i'm sending my kid off to university like off you go my love they deserve every lesson they're in so much safer hands oh my god definitely they also they haven't put out an episode in like it's it's stopped it's defunct it's a defunct podcast but honestly what i would give to have those two back talking bobo and flex that was like a cosmic gift gift incredible to women everywhere and a cosmic connection between them both yeah they had the sephian wing model we have the bobo and flex model of two people who are balancing each other really nicely yeah just giving a good vibe anyway that said the thing with the shortcut it was really hitting me and i feel like i'm using that a lot at the moment like if i know there's something i need to do
Starting point is 00:20:59 like literally the other day i like peeled a sticker off something that i'd bought and i thought to myself to just put it down in front of me and then i was like but if i turn around two feet the bin is right there yeah but you think you're creating a shortcut but actually then you'll remember in the kitchen and you have to go in get the thing and it's like no it's 10 times longer making my life so much you'll start putting all your other rubbish on that one little spit stick this is what i do in life i collect piles of shit no yeah everywhere i go i move through the world just like a snowball just picking up i'm like a big magnet
Starting point is 00:21:34 honestly that's actually one of my biggest fears in life is like being somewhere like i remember once i was at uni and i put my hand in my pocket and i had my bra in my pocket because i'd taken it off on the night on the walk home the night before and that is my biggest fear is like that's fine but like going somewhere and like not knowing that you've got kind of a thong like attached to the bottom of your coat that's bad that's the fear in me do you know what i mean well some people are so paranoid like one of my friends is really paranoid about every time she leaves the toilet
Starting point is 00:22:08 she's like checking her feet that she's like not stood in toilet roll I think she must have seen a film or something where that happened yeah it's kind of I don't think that's that bad it's a banana skin thing yeah but toilet roll on the foot when you walk out this is not
Starting point is 00:22:19 oh no I should have just played it through it's actually really bad it's not ideal no I just played it through as if it happened here and I was really embarrassed. But like, I don't think it's that bad. Like of all the things, I don't think toilet roll on the foot is that bad.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I think I must've seen the same thing as a kid because I remember once being with someone as a kid and they had toilet roll on their foot and I took it off of them and I was like, I really remember thinking like, I've really saved you there. I've saved them. Yeah, I've saved your skin.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Saved your bacon. I mean, I wouldn't want to honestly save the bacon i wouldn't want it but it doesn't look like you've just done a shit and then walked out well if it's got shit all over that's a different story yeah that's a different story but i think that's the embarrassment that it's like you've done a shit and then you've walked out it's the acknowledgement of humans need to go to the wipe their asses yeah it's like yeah it's like being embarrassed to buy toilet roll in public yeah it's like yeah it's like being embarrassed to buy toilet roll in public yeah it's just acknowledging yeah oh yeah that thing that we do where we shit
Starting point is 00:23:11 which is embarrassing which is like it's vulnerable yeah it is anyway because we're all thinking it um i hope they're all having a good work day out there bloody hell honestly dark outside now it is it's nice and cosy though it's really nice
Starting point is 00:23:30 I'm getting into it now good two hours isn't enough is it we're past our time limit now it's not what are they going to do come and kick us out someone might have booked it at five
Starting point is 00:23:37 you can't I think it's really okay because they probably all start leaving and what are we going to do locked in ACOS for the night imagine a night in the museum i would kill myself all the podcasts start coming to life oh my god that's a fucking nightmare that would be crazy ricky gervais is there oh my god is he
Starting point is 00:23:59 there yeah does he have a podcast no but louis throughs definitely oh yeah the jonas brothers are they in it they're in um maybe like one of them like the second one or the third one i don't know like the museum too maybe i had a weird night once when i was ill um i had like the flu or something and i woke up at about two in the morning and i went downstairs because i just can't sleep and i watched night in the museum one and two back to back of night in the museum and then went back up to bed at about seven in the morning it was like what the fuck was that and this is the person that we're taking how to find motivation advice from jesus christ um anything else i think it's about as well like oh i know it's so boring it's so like woo woo woo cringe now but like just don't be a dick to yourself like how many times i have to tell you guys all we want to do is like be
Starting point is 00:25:02 annoyed ourselves yeah so serious so deep everything's so angry like you're not doing bad no god you're convinced you're doing bad you're not doing that motivation i don't it's my same issue that i have with um procrastination as a term as a word which i think i just said wrong procrast procrastination you said it very thoroughly procrastination i don't like it as a word okay to say all the meaning because it kind of implies there's a laziness and that just is never ever ever really the case if there's something that you're putting off oh yeah i don't ever think really that it's going to be for no reason oh you're just lazy and you can't be bothered when we said that actually that was actually quite ground shifting i think we said this in one in
Starting point is 00:25:48 an episode once that we were like if there's something you're putting off there's probably a reason definitely yeah and like there's nothing and that's okay because our cba yeah there's always a bigger issue at hand there's always a crux to be found somewhere and it's probably like if it's like something for work or like something like some sort of um deadline you need to do or whatever i feel like you don't feel good enough yeah you don't feel good enough to do it and you're scared that if you do it it's not going to live up to what you need it to and that's going to make you feel shit so you'd rather put it off and not deal with it yeah and it's uncomfortable to struggle it's uncomfortable to sit there at a laptop and acknowledge your mediocrity yeah and
Starting point is 00:26:26 be like i'm finding this i'm finding it hard shit maybe i'm not clever enough maybe i can't do this oh god why have i done this blah blah i've left it the last minute ah there will be a reason yeah why you're not finding your face finding yourself doing it and it won't be that you're just a lazy piece of shit just definitely not such an isolating experience as well yeah that feeling of like oh fuck i've left it to the last minute oh that's bad that's nightmare that is nightmare and it's also like i don't know why i was convinced in those situations that i was the only person on the planet who had ever left something to the last minute like because no one talks about it everyone has the thing of either of like yeah no i submitted it days ago or which i can't stand
Starting point is 00:27:07 or they have the thing of like yeah i'll probably just do it to the leave i probably just like take the light late penalty or whatever oh no i'm not doing that red but no offense if you have no but i do think it's like look if this is an if it's an education that you're paying for and is like a lucky thing to get don't take the late penalty like do it don't take the late penalty like just because you can't be bothered you're too cool for school yeah no i but that was definitely a thing that was always like um coolified normalized or kind of like coolified yeah it is coolified that
Starting point is 00:27:49 it would be kind of a cool laid back kind of the gasification of the late penalty fuck that no like there will be a reason why oh look that it's just procrastination is not a thing you think i think it's not a thing in the way that our society views it it's not that simple if if i knew you were putting something off that was due tomorrow you're putting off putting off
Starting point is 00:28:17 putting off it's not it's very clearly wouldn't be because you cBA to do the thing. No, it would be, you don't want to do it. It's an emotional turmoil. Something bad's going on there. Anyone, whenever I've been in the position where I'm not, okay, so yeah, I can't bother to wash my hair,
Starting point is 00:28:34 whatever the fucking shit is. It's not because, oh, I CBA to wash my hair. Yeah. It's like my bed's really tight, cozy right now. And I've had a really long day.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I'm in the spiral of not taking care a really long day i'm in the spiral of not taking care of myself like i'm in the spiral of just like there's context about and yeah not feeling i'm starving hungry that's on my priority list i'm gonna do that i can't be bothered to do that and there's a reason why because i've been overworking myself i'm burnt out whatever i do feel like the minute you take the pressure off you suddenly feel more you open the door inclined yeah to do the thing that's how god that actually took me two minutes i've been putting off for six months there is that thing isn't there of like i think it's actually called swallow the frog you heard of this uh talking frog in the throat yeah go on where it's like at the beginning of your day do the thing
Starting point is 00:29:23 swallow the frog it's called there's like it which i don't particularly like it's not. Where it's like at the beginning of your day, do the thing, swallow the frog. It's called, it's like, which I don't particularly like. It's not very vegan. It's not very vegan. And it reminds me of like the Chimpan Paradox and just like all of these things that like therapy term sort of thing. Yeah. Like psychology vibes, I don't know. I don't really know anything about them, so I might like them.
Starting point is 00:29:39 But it's like at the beginning of your day, do the hardest thing that you want to do least. I assume no one wants to swallow frogs, but the frog could be send that email that you don't want to send. Like at the beginning of your day, do the hardest thing. I don't take that advice though. I think find the thing that works for you.
Starting point is 00:29:54 I think a good bit of advice, like one of those little chimp paradox things is saying to yourself, like say there's something you need to do. Like say for example, we needed to record an episode, which is such a luxury. So I don't even want to use an example,
Starting point is 00:30:04 but like- I think we might've done it. we've done it let's go we've really hit our stride there and yeah we did yeah well done thank you congratulations to you congratulations um do you have a sound effect for that let's have the crowd going wild thank you so much guys that was nice that was nice that was sweet we really felt the love there yeah yeah thank you um why does it feel nice though it does feel nice and this one i like look at us we're having such a good time that makes me feel like that makes us me feel like we're kind of Matt LeBlanc. That's the reaction we're getting.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Matt LeBlanc. Matt LeBlanc. Famously. And Ron Gellert. The advice that I like, that I think is so good, say for example it's the thing of like, oh you need to write a report by tomorrow. That's okay, you can do it.
Starting point is 00:31:01 What if you just spent two minutes writing the report? And then it's like, what if you spent three, minutes writing exactly and then it's like what if you spent three you're only allowed to spend three minutes doing it you just start it and by like 90 seconds in you're like oh actually i've got a sentence i could probably keep going here and then suddenly you don't want to stop because it's like oh shit i'm only allowed and then it's like okay next i'll do 10 minutes yeah i can push yeah or like i'm just gonna clean my room for two minutes that's what i do i do good one things like um a just gonna clean my room for two minutes that's what i do i do good one things like um alexa set a timer for seven minutes oh that's like here we go look at
Starting point is 00:31:32 us iconic me and alexa suddenly it's a team yeah alexa shuffle goes without saying podcast on spotify for seven minutes um all right okay well this is a yeah this has been nice this is absolutely usable content it is and that is a relief which is yeah because we were quite concerned because not even concerned but we thought it'd be a dud it definitely is a transition from us staring into um laptops and talking to each other pixelated eyes rather than your actual i'm actually looking at actual eyes listening yeah yeah and it does feel different but it's not permanent by the way we should make that clear oh yeah no we're not trying to transition our if you haven't liked this either then don't worry don't get used
Starting point is 00:32:15 to it yeah no but i think it would be useful for us to be able to function in this yeah it's a lovely space it's so nice i do love like this microphone's beautiful it's so nice also i think the more that we do things like this the more accessible we are to you in the ways that's like there will be videos there might be things more often it will all look nice at all of the stuff as much as i love the intimacy of the vibe i would only ever consider doing it more like this if we could keep that intimacy. Oh, goes without saying. 100%. That is the crux.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Goes without saying. Definitely. And we just want you as close as possible to us. Definitely. Yeah. I hope you don't mind. I wonder if we squeeze a little closer. Everybody sitting there? A little shuffle in.
Starting point is 00:32:58 All right. Cool. That was lovely. Really nice. I hope everyone's feeling pumped, ready for the day. Yeah. Okay. Let's go. Episode ready for the day. Yeah. Okay. Let's go. Episode done.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Lots of love. And if you don't hear from us, assume the worst. That was crazy saying that. In person, yeah.

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