Goes Without Saying - off the record: body dysmorphia, family trauma & scary movies

Episode Date: November 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Goes Without Saying. You're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Wing. And I'm Sefi.
Starting point is 00:01:16 This episode has been a fucking pain in the ass. And I really, really hope you get just honestly an ounce of enjoyment from it and it can just be a nice chilled sunday afternoon with us wherever whenever you're listening to it we speak about a ton of different shit and i'm very glad that we can see the back of it now i hope this can keep you company put us on in the background enjoy your day love you so much um merch i'm holding you hostage a bit whoa on the edge of your seat why we're going straight in this is exciting i think so well look guys we've got real stuff kind of bubbling away and i feel like we could either not talk about it on the podcast or question mark or just talk about it why would we not yeah we've got some
Starting point is 00:02:02 i feel like there's this weird like talk about kind of assumption that it's like you're not allowed to like talk about things that like haven't come out yet or like things you like haven't put out yet but it's like but why we're excited you should be excited it's almost like you're trying to mimic a launch of like an exciting thing of like there's a drop like you guys we have to keep it secret i've got my my exciting thing coming it's like it's fucking much we all know it's merch and why on earth would we not talk about it i'm really excited that you just did that actually i wasn't expecting that just blowing the whole lid off the operation and a youtube channel and a fucking youtube channel let's blow the whole lid let's blow this thing to smithereens that's really exciting okay so let's talk about yeah we've got new hopefully guys
Starting point is 00:02:46 yeah and we've got a whole new fucking website new provider we're we're shaking it up and it looks fucking good we've got our meeting with them tomorrow really excited about it hopefully it goes well and fucking youtube any um i would love to know like people's thoughts on like a youtube vibe really and merch i guess okay actually should we call this like there's something like a secret like oh like secret i don't know but let's do a post on the instagram be like this is the secret oh post comment your what you would want for merch comment what you would want for the youtube sort of thing yeah i'd love to know what video sort of stuff people would want because we've been going um we've been talking about it for fucking since the beginning of this that we want to do video stuff together because i just think we're just wasted on just
Starting point is 00:03:34 being two little voices in the void and we're too pretty to just have a podcast you're joking we're not a face we haven't got faces for radio guys we've got faces for the big screen um we've got amazing style let's not go into all the body image issues that it's been giving us just even starting you wouldn't believe god and my therapy is finished now last night was actually um we're in the danger zone literally an a big struggle is an understatement um but but that all aside it's fucking amazing i'm really excited i had so much fun filming with you the other day as well which is really fun so i'm really excited for all of that but i would love to know like what people because yeah we've been coming up with
Starting point is 00:04:16 that words of like what we want this to be and like what we want to do um but yeah i'd love to know what people want from us yeah what do you want from us just tell me what do you want from me what do you want from me um so how are you in your life then your therapy's done my therapy's done i i definitely um my therapy ended like a week ago and yeah a couple months maybe last monday and it was definitely like it was really emotional like last session i was so scared i was like i'm actually i'm scared to end this and i i was like i actually want to ask you a question like can anyone do you know any cases of anyone actually like recovering from um body dysmorphia and she was talking about like well it's not really about like what would you count as like recovery and all of this stuff and i was like i just want this fucking out of my life um but it was one of those
Starting point is 00:05:04 things i do feel quite hopeful for like i can see the progress that i've made and i feel like i have actual tools of stuff i can use now but fucking hell it's just knackering like yesterday i was knackered from um i had a bit of a turn and after seeing a photo and it just knackers me out it's just like oh a video actually of the youtube yeah it was a photo of me in one of these videos and it's just exhausting it's like i said it bodes well for the video more to come but i just think i i'm at the point now where it's just i can't be fucking ass with this i'm really wanting to like challenge it at every yeah level i want to be really hands on with it and i have been so yeah you have been well done how i think it is something that um
Starting point is 00:05:56 you can progress from so much i hope so surely it is no i know there i know it i just don't know i think there's always i i think there's always but i think there's always lapses back into things just because life throws its ups and downs at you but i definitely know it to be true that you can turn your mind into a different space yeah i just i hope there is like with everything as well it's like there i know people that have recovered from anxiety and depression and would say like i don't think i have these things anymore but i think with like um body stuff it's like how do you do that but i think i just don't know any cases of it but they're definitely okay if anyone has any cases
Starting point is 00:06:39 please send them case studies i'd love to see this is maybe a bit of a spanner in the works when i first was going to therapy when i was like 15 that was my well maybe i was about 14 actually the most like i would say maybe 50 60 percent of the sessions were like body dysmorphia style sessions god because that was how my shit would come out because it's such a control thing yeah yeah and that would be a huge thing for me like I wouldn't go to school I wouldn't go anywhere I wouldn't do anything I didn't want to look at myself blah blah blah because I was convinced that I was absolutely horrific but actually it was about something deeper always yeah and it always well lots of things are but it was definitely you have no awareness of what you look like and I definitely think I got to a place that was really really different from that
Starting point is 00:07:32 albeit like sometimes I'm still really not good with things like that but I did get to a really good place where I was like I'm obviously seeing something that isn't I'm not seeing the whole truth here like I have to take a moment also what her answer was which I quite liked was like I'm obviously seeing something that isn't I'm not seeing the whole truth here like I have to take a moment also what her answer was which I quite liked was like there's a like almost there's the normalized thing of like having insecurities and like something that oh that doesn't look good but when it's getting in the way of your life and it's like a compulsion exactly I definitely can see ways in which I'm moving out of like a compulsive that's the thing it's like you can be recovered and still be kind of someone who thinks oh i don't like the way i look in this dress today
Starting point is 00:08:10 and just kind of move on exactly but when it's ruling your life that's when it's the issue and yeah that's just the exhausting and when it's like we were having this conversation before um we started recording about how yeah it rules your life and it changes who you are in your head it ruins your relationships you don't trust anybody you don't trust yourself and you're fucking fuming no you just walk around angry yeah oh god it's like an evil feeling it's really evil but i think as well what i think is so evil is that it's it can be really common in young women because there's so much emphasis placed on the way that you look that whenever any mental issue comes up any sort of like emotional struggle imbalance whatever it can be really um like the
Starting point is 00:09:04 first thing to go can be like your relationship to yourself and your body and blah blah blah yeah and that's coming to also loads of things for me like i was thinking the other day and i know i've said this time and time again and it's a bit like i'm still like not really doing anything about it but it kind of got me into a bad place with even like i wouldn't go to the doctors if i knew there was something wrong with me because i just thought i don't value this body like things can really cross over and get really fucked up god i mean it's not easy being a woman is it because also like if you're told that your whole worth is on your body and the way you look and um that's being confirmed kind of at every turn throughout your development and throughout like
Starting point is 00:09:45 literally life it's no wonder that like you have a bad day and that would be the first thing to go because it's like oh you what the feeling is is worthless you feel shit because you've had a bad day and the feeling is like down right at the bottom is like worthless and then your mind kind of connects the dots of like oh well what makes a woman worth something is her body so that must be fucking exactly it's her beauty also makes a woman um worthless is like if she isn't like popular okay well that's gonna fucking go your social shit's gonna go and then like your academic success that all of that shit everything that makes like this real well-rounded like human essentially it's like no wonder we find all these areas and actually right at the crux of it all is like you feel um scared not good enough yeah and you're just gonna connect the dots of
Starting point is 00:10:31 whatever you think makes a worthy human and i don't think there's enough i think it goes without saying but it needs to be said there's not enough support there for it's kind of what we always apparently say all the time now which is like if for example like if you um are not going to school because you're convinced that everyone is seeing this like ugly embarrassingly ugly thing that is not normal and that isn't something that you need to live with and it's not just like a normal like no um oh you're just a teenage girl being insecure and blah blah blah it's not um like you don't need to live like this no how are you anyway well how are you um well i'll keep us in the dark for a bit i
Starting point is 00:11:12 had a huge i had honestly i was screaming crying at someone down the phone yesterday um being like you can't treat me like this sort of things just family stuff just like um i am a fucking incredible daughter and it's insane like you are yeah honestly shakes head why is every like just sometimes it's like god every aspect of life is like hard i've been in a real stinky mood recently have i said this already no i think you said that in the last take that you told me you were in a stinky mood. Well, I need to fucking say it. And I think it ended with me saying,
Starting point is 00:11:49 I think this is the stinky mood talking and then it cut out. Because I was talking about not being vegan anymore and I was celebrating my new lifestyle. And I was like, I think this is actually just the stinky mood. Because you actually loved tofu, sorry. I've been in a stinky mood recently and i've just been like oh like what is it i've been really irritable like not sleeping right blah blah blah and then i was like i think it's because i have something to say to somebody and i need to fucking say and i need to let it out and i'm entitled to
Starting point is 00:12:22 have my voice heard and um yeah i feel better for it that's really good i think yeah sometimes it's like you yeah it's always that you can feel low for ages and it's like okay i think there is there needs to be an explosion you're holding on to something and you got it out which is amazing also it's like you're fucking right you're in you're objectively in the right yeah so you know this situation oh you're objectively in the fucking right there's no question you guys that's acas powers the world's best podcasts here's a show that we recommend recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson.
Starting point is 00:13:19 And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer. And we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple,
Starting point is 00:13:32 or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. ACAST.com. Hi, Anne. I'm not going to lie, I'm quite liking the body image. It was a good start.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I agree. I feel like it was a bad start, but I don't know where I'm at with... I always think it's the most boring thing in the whole world for everyone. But if you think that was good, I trust it. I think it's... I don't know. Yeah, I think it's the most boring thing in the whole world for everyone but but if that was if you think that was good i trust it i think it's i don't know yeah i think it's good i just i feel okay with that but i don't want to push it too far no i don't either i'm just i'm just wanted to check that when you were saying it was dark are you okay with it and happy to keep going i'm i'm fine with that i just don't want to keep going because i don't i'm no not keep going but just have to keep going with this episode rather than yeah to keep going with that.
Starting point is 00:14:25 If you think that was good and normal, I trust it. In my head, that's like, God, that is so embarrassing, blah, blah, blah, blah. But I almost like, I trust it. If you think it's good, that's fine. I don't think, yeah, no. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Should we just not do an episode? We have to do an episode. This would be our worst episode. I think that first 15 minutes would have really helped me when i was fucking 15 and body dysmorphia was my life that would have been the most helpful thing i just don't know did we make any jokes can i ask you a question can i ask you a question steven barlatt style um what is a scary movie that you've watched recently you just know how to this is so calculated you're so calculated i'm a mastermind and now you're mine i can't believe you've just done this
Starting point is 00:15:15 to me just off the record quickly we were just saying she was like this is objectively our worst episode we've ever done we have to stop we have to stop i was like we have to keep this i was like we we have to do an episode yeah yeah go on scary movie and you are just such a little for bringing this up that you know right how do we get some energy out of this girl look how happy you are look at your face i'm thrilled oh i've walked straight into the trap i've walked straight into the trap. I've walked straight in. I'm thrilled. The trap. Brilliant. Oh, okay. Let me really pass my mind around.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Get the juices flowing. The scariest movie. I've actually got some questions for you as well that I was asking people. Okay. I've been asking people these things. But let me just start off with the scariest movie. Just while you're thinking of your scariest movie,
Starting point is 00:16:00 can I also throw out there, maybe we do a YouTube video kind of scary movie. Not like we direct our own scary movie we watch the film scary movie we we watch a scary movie or something we get a bit spooky you know i'm i'm yeah i'm completely down i've got my answer as well the other day i watched the film x oh yes so you did and I really didn't like it. I really, really, really didn't like it. Give us the premise quickly. The premise is a group of people, one of the cast being Mia Goth, one of the cast being Brittany Snow. If we are knowing these actresses,
Starting point is 00:16:36 Brittany Snow from Pitch Perfect. Mia Goth, a bit more niche, but queen. They are going to this sort of house to direct porn, to be in like a porn thing they're making and there's also these old people also played by mia goth the main stunning girl and the old creepy woman are both played by the same actress so fucking cool and they've got this weird parallel between each other but the old woman is like weirdly sexual and it was really actually disgusting me like and you didn't enjoy it i didn't enjoy it actually at all i
Starting point is 00:17:05 didn't think it was half as clever as it thought it was because there's a film coming out the the old woman is called pearl and there's a film coming out i think it might actually already be out called pearl and then the other character is called maxine and there's another film coming out that's a so that one's a prequel and then a sequel is coming out called maxine and i just don't think it's smart enough to deserve a trilogy honestly a full trilogy i would have liked the set that's a prequel and then a sequel is coming out called maxine and i just don't think it's smart enough to deserve a trilogy honestly a full trilogy i would have liked the set that's a full set it's too much and i for a lot i didn't particularly enjoy and i didn't think was particularly smart kind of the trailer was better than the film it was just almost like it it really thought it was like a very um doing something groundbreaking clever film right but it was just ground shifting it was just just like us it wasn't it wasn't anything to me what are the questions you've
Starting point is 00:17:50 been asking people the question i've been asking people is what is your film of the year oh wow like what's your what's your film of of the year like what has been the best film you've watched this year and that's come out this year i think as well cast my mind can you talk me through some films what ones have you got what are some of the big the top players that you've had response wise what is the kind of if it was like pointless or whatever it is films people have said in the responses people have said don't worry darling um people have said turning red nobody has said my policeman because stinker um um people have said nope that person was me um really it's your favorite of the year it has to be it has to be fair enough um not even in um content but in impact i would say no um let me see what other people have said
Starting point is 00:18:49 um where the crawdad's saying please god these are quite weak i think it hasn't really been a great year for film no it hasn't really has it what else is there do you like the film mother no it's not of this year you didn't like it no no why not tell me why um this give us the premise and then you tell us why i genuinely think i didn't enjoy what did you say i said give us the premise and then tell us why like i'm really getting into jennifer lawrence is in a house and javier bardem shows up what's he doing there i don't know just people keep arriving at her house but i did you know that someone told me recently it's an allegory allegory allegory yeah allegory yeah allegory for like mother nature yeah i thought that was the whole point doesn't it
Starting point is 00:19:39 doesn't impress right that don't impress me much do you see how you've shifted my energy just from a simple question oh do i see it i'm all over it simple person i think you're pretty one-dimensional you're not at all say you're not at all what's your favorite film and i changed my entire personality i've become like a chihuahua or something i'm like oh my god my favorite annoying what are you most excited for for like new merch oh my god i'm do you know what i'm really excited about i'm really excited about our meeting tomorrow where we're gonna find out i want to know a little bit about this company because i've heard some good things about and i'm not just saying this to sound like a good person but i'm not virtue signaling because i actually don't know if it's very virtuous tomato tomato it's actually not too virtuous but like i think that there's they've the company has spoken quite
Starting point is 00:20:43 a lot about like how the things are made and the sustainability of the company and i am quite excited to be able to sleep at night with like being happy with like okay i'm really confident in our provider that they are doing these steps and they're doing everything they can to make sure this is a sustainable thing and to trust the product um yeah i have a lot of faith in these are fucking made well the people were paid fairly this isn't destroying the planet and there's a fucking amazing recyclable element of the clothes that they make potential match which that is what i'm most excited about but i'm that's nice vibe and everything what about you yeah that's a very
Starting point is 00:21:22 wholesome response and what are you most excited about youtube wise oh i'm excited to to spend more time with you in that way like to actually like we're gonna have more excuses to like meet up and do like fun silly things i'm excited for that me too what are you excited for i'm excited for that as well obviously goes without saying but i also think it'll be really nice to hopefully like bring people in to like our lives a bit more and like let you kind of come into the show that we've created yeah yeah but kind of like universe yeah bring everybody into the cinematic universe because i feel like it's i think it would be nice you know if you just feel safe to put us on in the background and like just keep you company and just enjoy the vibes i think it would be really nice to like offer people more of us in a way of like i just i always want the podcast to be there if someone needs us like in in a shitty moment like last night taking a turn it's like just go
Starting point is 00:22:24 to your and we're not going to be that i'm sure for the majority of people will just come by this podcast and probably never return to it and it just is what it is and blah blah blah but i know there'll be people out there who really in some ways rely on it some may say and i think like your face charles people do rely. People do rely on it. But I think it will just be really nice to give people more of like what our lives look like and just bring people in in a new way.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I think that's one of the main things that I love about the podcast is that I think audio content has been like a big thing. It's what I turn to essentially. Like if I'm, because when I'm going to sleep, things like that, I always have things like podcast playing. And I think there was a big, the biggest compliment that I think,
Starting point is 00:23:17 one of the biggest compliments I think I've ever received about this is someone said to me, oh, I listened to your podcast to go to sleep to. And my mum was there and she was like they're so boring and I was like you are not gen z bitch you're not knowing what that means you don't know what that means yeah you just showed your age because to listen to a podcast to go to sleep that tells me that you feel safe with us that you yeah you win we're like a safe thing for you and that's just everything that is beyond everything what a
Starting point is 00:23:52 rare thing to find i've only found like three things that i feel safe in content wise that i can turn to reliably and that's why i love the office so much what honestly an honor an honor honor of a lifetime and that's why i think from here so much what honestly an honor an honor honor of a lifetime and that's why i think from here on out it's like if the youtube has two people subscribed to it and it's me and you then it's already been beyond an honor like everything we've had up until this point has just been honestly more than i ever could have actually thought that we could ever get or do it's kind of thank you mom for everything for everything i don't think i've been cancelled for that yet by the way i don't think you deserve
Starting point is 00:24:31 it no you don't want to be cancelled for that okay that doesn't if there's anything that i deserve to be cancelled for what do you think it is that's a good question if if you deserve to be cancelled i think it would be hard for you to go down without me as in i think we've been so tethered in this whole thing but what if i did go down what but like almost in my personal life what do you think is my cancelable offense oh wow okay um well i'm cancelling you for eating all these sausages oh come off it um they're beef sausages i want to say they're what it doesn't matter what did you say say that to my fucking face i said they're fucking delicious juicy beef sausages beef yeah i didn't know they did my boyfriend doesn't really eat pork interesting i didn't
Starting point is 00:25:21 know they did beef sausage they do any kind of sausage really if they do plastic vegan sausages then they do normal i think you'll find it's more along the lines of cardboard i remember i got um the waggers um vigatsu and it's like seitan which i like they've changed i did like oh really they've changed the recipe i had a wagamama the other night and they've changed the recipe for the vigatsu to what it's way less stodgy this it's still seitan i think but they've moved they've changed the type or they've done something well i was gonna say i remember me and my dad went once and i got the vigatsu which i used to get all the time well i used to actually get pad thai all the time but anyway and my dad tried it and he was like it's fucking toast
Starting point is 00:26:08 it's like you're eating rice and toast with sauce that was really dense seitan that they used to use they've really fluffed it up so much so that's good a couple months ago you were nervous out and i said this is the chicken one i know the vegansu this is chicken and they were like it's literally not and i was like it literally is and then they were like no it's literally not pointed on the on the thing refreshed recipe and i was like i beg your pardon i am so so so sorry that is really bad did i tell you about the time i got a delivery i'm not gonna say of what but it was it's a chicken place in brighton and they do really good vegan like tenders and stuff and I ordered them and when they came I was like this is a fucking joke they've sent me fucking chicken like
Starting point is 00:26:50 this is and I'd been waiting for ages I was so hungry and I just I'm emotional and I'm already hanging on a tiny thread I'm ready to blow over at any moment and that was my final straw I was like they've sent me fucking chicken now I can't eat it all i've got is like chips for dinner is this a joke oh so upset took a picture said like you've sent me fucking chicken they gave me a full refund my boyfriend came home and was like that's vegan it's devastating do you know what it is it's really humbling when you've kicked up a fuss it's so humbling it is vegan it's actually um good for you guys well i should have given you i should have tipped you rather than give me a
Starting point is 00:27:28 refund the technology almost yeah sorry i did not realize how accurate you guys could be yeah i get scared this is one of my annoying traits that i get really when someone eats i'm like try my vegan food whatever it is then someone will be like oh my god it tastes just like chicken suddenly i've lost my appetite i can't eat it um and it's a really annoying thing actually because people are like isn't that what you want and the answer for me is no but it's almost like i don't know it's just almost i always find that weird that it's like if someone's like oh my god that tastes just like um pork and they want that to be a real compliment suddenly my stomach's turning i'm feeling kind of homesick too much something and i'm nervous and the taxi man turns on the radio and he's like it goes without saying um yeah what are you looking forward to over the next year because
Starting point is 00:28:19 i feel like we're getting to this point where it's like we're winding down for this year we're closing off the year though i think i'm yet to watch it really yeah i'm yet to find it you haven't watched anything you like this year i've watched loads of things i like but i know i'm gonna it's not film of the year for me bless his soul but like it's not film of the year no do you know what i mean who would i be if i said oh yeah film in the year is black panther you'd be like what i haven't seen i've never seen it we should go black that i actually i was i actually was in the cinema thinking i think sephie would actually like this i think i would as well how often do you think about me oh my god i think about you all the time i would say an obscene amount like i honestly go through life and i'm like seph would like that seph would
Starting point is 00:29:05 like that that's why i'm always buying things for you yeah wing always messaged me saying that i've got your present and i get obviously really excited because she knows how to turn my moods around um and then she says it's just tat and i get so excited because i love that kind of thing um i think about you so much like i think if i think of a funny thing i make a note in my head like remember to tell her pass that on yeah nice or just like in general like that's something that she'll like yeah yeah would you it's a weird thing it's definitely weird isn't it yeah i like to think of you Think of you often It's almost like I'll pass something and just think
Starting point is 00:29:48 She'd like that Just even if it's like An interesting conversation I ever heard It's like we more like to hear about that And then you don't and I just bore you with someone else's conversation No I love it Whenever I ever turn down an update from you I would never
Starting point is 00:30:03 I just gave you a couple before this. Yeah, they were great. I actually have a list of funny things I want to tell you. I was like, number one, this one's funny. Number two, you'll like this one. And three, this one. And I did. I ate them up.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I found out that a guy that I used to date, someone saw him recently and he had greasy hair. Dreamy. And not in a nice way. No, no, not in a cool way. Oh, it's music to my fucking ears it's what you deserve honestly i know um well why don't i ask you something the other question i was gonna ask okay just the other questions that i was asking people i just feel like i was doing a bit of a yearly roundup and i was asking people what the album of the year was but let's not um
Starting point is 00:30:41 spoil our video we all know what our wings are going to be. Yeah, right. But also, what's your TV series of the year? Like, what's something that you've... Well, you're going to love this. Recently, guys, I put Sefi out of her misery and I've finally been watching New Girl. Oh, Nick Miller, Nick Miller. Honestly. Oh, and you're in love with him.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Really? Yeah, I'm really in love with them as a duo actually yeah and um it really wasn't tickling me yesterday honestly i had a hard day it was exhausting and i was drained i was emotional i've been not feeling good as i've said stinky my nude and i was actually fucking laughing out loud so much and i actually had to pause it and rewind it and go back and watch it again because i was laughing so much i don't want to write minor spoiler for season two of new girl which came out literally i think 10 years ago like 100 years ago when i was doing my gcses i think it was when they're all sitting in the in the in the living room winston and schmidt and jess
Starting point is 00:31:52 are sitting in the living room and they're like i was gonna say huffing balloons they're taking balloons to the helium and they're talking to each other and then nick comes in and they've all been swallowing the helium like going talking he comes in super serious guys i've just had some bad news my dad is dead yeah and they all stand up and they're like oh my god they look so sad like keeping their mouths tight together like and he's like are you not gonna say anything and then they were like and he's like what and i was actually laughing belly laughing so much and i watched it two times objectively amazing it's such a good show actually like i just i literally i go through phases of which characters i like the most has winston got a cat yet no because when he gets a cat he became my favorite character um spoilers spoiler that winston's cat is called ferguson um but i really go through phases like i
Starting point is 00:32:55 do now think of i've really like distilled the show and like i i know it in its essence now i've watched it so many times through and i do think the best character is schmidt i'm like the most unique character there's no one like i was thinking yeah exactly that's what i was thinking yesterday i was like he's so good but you know what i always wonder with new girl is it's one of the shows in my buttons in my chutney and i like mango chutney really any kind of chutney oh i love him it's so good i always think like i wonder how it's almost chicken or egg what came first the the description of the characters of the actors like how much improvisation and like feedback were the actors able to have on the characters oh my god because i feel like schmidt's essence could not be written like that actor must have chutney isn't in the
Starting point is 00:33:42 script surely not he has clearly had so much impact on that character who that is yeah generic douche and he came in with this almost like i don't even know how to describe it um snobby insecure yeah loving compassionate sweet he's so funny fancy like he loves like the finer things which i love oh my god i just love him and nick oh my god there's no one like dreamy beautiful white man she said yesterday he's so divine um if you could eat one thing right now what would it be and then i'm gonna have noodles um nice but i've been really craving avocados oh yeah just want i just literally want like avocado on toast at the moment you know what is really good and you won't be having them with prawns or shrimp little like kind of halfway hard halfway soft like halfway crunchy halfway
Starting point is 00:34:40 soft mostly i like mostly soft prawn tacos i was gonna get avocado actually i think actually um with tofu it'll be really good like season up the tofu make it super juicy and like oh la la yum yeah is that really yum delicious dinner food three two one it's in front of you what would you get maybe like a huge like a thick cookie oh not a millie's cookie i want a cookie that says no i want like a really fat like gooey with like a bit of a soft inside yes yeah yeah i would i would have that yeah i wouldn't say no no i wouldn't say no but i think i I would have that.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah, I wouldn't say no. No, I wouldn't say no. But I think I... Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:49 No, I was going to go on. Oh, go on. go on i was just gonna say catch us on the big screen yeah catch on the big screen catch on the big screen cool if you don't hear from us oh yeah if you don't hear from us assume the worst you

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