Goes Without Saying - off the record: boobs, life lessons & secret talents

Episode Date: August 7, 2022

she's a 10 but she has to re-record her podcast episodes because she's convinced they had "bad vibes"...join the conversation every monday.shop our merch: sephyandwing.comcome and chat in our book clu...b!speak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram!you’re invited to our discord group chat: https://discord.gg/zuPH7gyeGp Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Goes Without Saying. You're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Wing. And I'm Sefi.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yes, she is. This is everything that follows. I need you to take it with a pinch of salt. Some may say it's off the record. This is really, really prime peak Saffian Wind content, I think, in the sense that the large majority of it makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Yeah. Take from it what you will. I definitely had a good time. Had a good time. Definitely. I think that's safe to say. Sure. All right, take it away
Starting point is 00:01:47 take one one technically like take four yeah take 1.1 oh guys we've just deleted a whole episode for some reason we're gonna start again literally we're 40 minutes in and we just thought no no that's not right it's giving bad vibes to all of the above so here's what you missed on glue how did we start um here's where it went wrong right at the beginning i asked you what march sister you'd be from thingy great question by the way have you sent that in yeah perfect question thanks guys i just knew from that moment oh this isn't gonna be good this is a stinker it went down like a lead balloon it was stiff as a board to be honest we were um what did we say we were talking about oscar from the office we were talking about communication there were some good bits in there so sorry about that i said that i'm dressed all in black today
Starting point is 00:02:38 and it's brighton pride which feels like hate crime i said it's homophobic it is homophobic yeah um what else that's about it really we were saying that we're not groundbreaking but we're ground shifting which is very important i'm sure you all agree to be honest doesn't even need explaining i'm sure you hear a sentence like that and you think oh i completely get what that means completely normal thing to say about your own podcast we would never dare to say it's groundbreaking but we're not breaking the ground shifting but i think i explained last time it's if you imagine us with the little kids version of like a little shovel and spade and we're just slightly kind of picking up a tiny bit of soil from one side we're moving it slightly over to the left the soil was being shifted we're in holes
Starting point is 00:03:24 we're in holes we're digging around we're digging around nobody over to the left the soil was being shifted we're in holes we're in holes we're digging around we're digging around nobody said rather be oh god camp green lake i don't know and we did also say i'm just going to get this straight in a podcast that is absolutely groundbreaking and lots of you do ask for podcast recommendations recommendations and i never know what to say because i don't have a go-to podcast at the moment since the last episode of bobo and flex came out my life just hasn't been the same you have to listen to Bobo and Flex if you haven't yet and I even said there are two types of people in this world people who love and listen to Bobo and Flex and people who haven't listened to Bobo and Flex yet it is
Starting point is 00:03:57 absolutely the podcast for you it is totally groundbreaking it destroyed the ground and turned it into floating atoms in the universe they absolutely annihilate any other podcast there's nothing else like them go and listen don't bother listening to the rest of this god knows where we're gonna go from here honestly right we're all up today we're caught up i think we're up today immediately feels better do you feel better yeah i feel loads better great okay um right now what questions have we not done we were actually powering through quite a lot of questions as well that's the problem we've we've covered a lot of ground it's now been deleted we still got it
Starting point is 00:04:39 it could go somewhere let us know if you would want that as like a kind of like you're digging through our recycling bin that's quite a fun vibe like here's what you find in the archives and the recycling bin like here's what you find in the depths of the sephian wing they just don't know what they're saying okay right what have we not done i'm just going through a question that i do want to ask you that we have already done but i still think it's important to have to chat about because i'm never done chatting about it someone so kindly asked what's our favorite piece of merch that we oh boy i said this one was tacky to answer but let's be tacky um but amazing of you to ask so thank you so much and thank you we did even say to everyone who's even just perused the merch let alone buying it that's insane yeah oh just thank you we did even say to everyone who's even just perused the merch let alone buying it
Starting point is 00:05:25 that's insane yeah oh just thank you so much um your favorite i'll go first happily my favorite piece of the merch hands fucking down actually it's not hands down it's kind of hands up it's all for taking my favorite one though i think just by a tiny bit, is the green and pink Nobody's Coming Harry tote bag. Yeah. It's a great choice. My roommate has the blue one and I love that as well so much. Another great choice. And I also love all of the phone cases a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Yeah, perfect. I love the mugs and I fucking love the hoodies. So not much then. I love it all. I literally love it all. So not much then. I love it. I literally love it all. What's your favourite piece? My favourite, my most,
Starting point is 00:06:11 apart from the phone case, which I'm obviously using all the time and the mug, goes without saying. Yeah. Got both right here now. I'm always in just the very, very boring,
Starting point is 00:06:20 basic black, goes without saying, sweatshirt. Again, a homophobic move from me. Of course she is homophobic move from me same joke second time around oh god um yeah i'm just living in it at the moment there's chocolate all over it as you guys know i'm in well i'm actually you know what i'm in a really good place today
Starting point is 00:06:38 oh i also here's what you missed on glee i've slept for probably about three hours last night but i'm sure you gathered that without me even saying it. You could probably tell that was just a Florida given. So I'm living in the black sweatshirt because most of the time I'm not getting dressed. I'm just miserable. But when I am dressed, also I'm feeling quite good. I don't know, the good days are getting more frequent.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Do you know what i mean we're starting to shift the balance again i can feel that i can feel the i'm not surprised how bad was i to be honest you were really bad yeah you were really bad and i said to my boyfriend yesterday he was like i've seen such a change in you like blah blah blah being really good and i was like when i actually think about it and i because i also i was thinking oh also something we haven't said is that the back of the last episode this kind of feels like the hungover debrief of the night out that happened last week's episode was quite um i called it our taylor swift it was our all too well 10 minute version we didn't know but that was our what's it called like our magnum opus or something yeah everyone suddenly was like this is
Starting point is 00:07:48 my favorite one really and I we did say after we recorded it that felt special the crunchiest thing you've ever had but it is special anyway um but I'm almost quite shocked by people being like wow I thank you for sharing that's a generous insight in your daily life i can't believe you were really struggling but it's like i almost couldn't picture to me i feel like this podcast is all we ever say is like i'm in a really bad place you're in a really bad place i almost didn't think that was news to you guys so i just want to make clear and i was saying to my boyfriend yesterday think about how i was i was literally i had the sofa bed out which i do have the sofa bed up currently and i was under a blanket every day not sleeping at all couldn't stomach anything apart from um literally marshmallows
Starting point is 00:08:37 and chicken nuggets and the marshmallow phase yeah you're coming out of that now i haven't i don't have a bag of them to hand unfortunately if i had them around i'd be eating them but like i don't have any um cycling through all the different harry potters obviously goes without saying on the tv and literally glued to my animal crossing scared to look up literally just glued to my switch not wanting to look around and just hoping that i would fall asleep and come back that was all i was doing nothing else not replying to anyone not looking on my phone not going outside not doing anything so i just wanted to start this off with a bang um but i'm also i'm not feeling like that today and i haven't been feeling like that less often i haven't felt like that for a bit so it feels good and it's nice as well because i feel like just from witnessing your amazing presence it's almost like you can
Starting point is 00:09:32 dip back in but you can come out a lot easier that's what i've noticed yeah well it's almost not like once you go in you're not stuck in the depths of hell you can come out for a bit and then you go back in you can come out yeah longer truly the depths of hell is not even like i just almost i was a bit surprised that oh maybe i haven't made it clear to you guys it's when i say like oh if you don't hear from me seem the best i'm not fucking around i really really mean it like there have been bad vibes from me um which just making that clear. Because I don't love the idea of anyone thinking, like, they're just, they're perfect and she's just blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Do you know what I mean? Well, we have had a few things like that recently. Yeah, and it shocks me that you guys could be shocked that I could be not feeling great. That really, really surprises me. Because I almost feel like, God, what more could I give to tell you that I hate myself? Do you know what I mean? You know how i feel about that anyway anyway um there's also one other thing that i just we mentioned about the merch um oh yeah
Starting point is 00:10:37 we're gonna cycle back to that yeah she's not quite as tacky but i just feel like i really liked it when you said it in the last take that's now deleted um you said about the phone cases there's a hidden message on the colored one of course there is blue and the green if you have either of those phone cases take it out take a little look around yeah what's going on there there's a little handwritten message but it's not on the black and white one no it's not sorry about that but yes i'm sorry didn't get the hidden message um and i have a sample so my hidden message doesn't really work right shall we let we shall let's do it we shall oh let's get this out of the way what are each of your big three? What's your sun,
Starting point is 00:11:26 your moon, your rising, all of that? And I also, a lot of people want to know what we studied at uni, but I always said that information needs to be behind a paywall, the amount of people that are honestly in the dark about what we studied at uni and want to know. So could you just clear that up for us? Yeah. Here's the the faq section do you want to go first yep i'll go first libra sun libra rising pisces moon nobody's shocked and then i also thought interesting point of my chart my leo i have leo in my mars and venus both my mars and venus in leo which i think is quite crazy um and i studied anthropology and history at uni mine are capricorn sun i'm an alcoholic it's really like what is this introduction and i don't know this is when it gets stiff to me when we just go
Starting point is 00:12:13 off loading up people need to know okay capricorn sun leo moon i think that's pretty dominant in my chart tbh and go start saying a libra rising and I studied English literature and film and a fun fact about me two truths and a lie give us a fun fact about you if you don't mind um oh you know what I was gonna ask you and no one asked this question I was just thinking it when we had a little break what's I don't know why I want to ask you this um just almost feel like let's give you the space to come forward if you feel like you want to share it um no pressure but what's a skill you have that the listener would be surprised to know about okay okay no pressure because and also it goes without saying there are an abundance of skills that you have that we would know nothing about so you're a very skilled person that goes without
Starting point is 00:13:09 saying so there's no pressure on picking a specific thing it could just be an offhand thing yeah it's not a defining feature but just like should i tell you what made me think it okay go on well i've got it i can knit go for it go for it oh perfect oh my god she can knit well that's stunning i can sew i was quite the textiles she's quite handy she's quite the material lady perfect that's really so i can knit all of the fucking shit love it and are you currently knitting anything of interest um no i got really into knit no no i don't i don't knit basically but i but right i i can also ice skate it's in your universe i've got it all i've got them all in the bag you can she can really skate she's really good you should see me move you should see her on the skates she's incredible i can ice skate i can
Starting point is 00:13:58 fly around that ring she should go glider all over the place but i'm a sugar glider honestly that's for the book club people you're in our book club another tacky plug go to our book club it's amazing um and i don't know what i was gonna say oh but i wish i could do like um do you know a skill i don't have which i wish i wish i wish i could do this i wish i could do like a cartwheel or like even better a round off i'm surprised you can't i can't i've never kind of imagined you the kid bouncing around the room no i wish you can learn it's never too late to learn i need to i need to do one it's one of my big life goals i think i've always kind of
Starting point is 00:14:39 wanted to be the girl that can do around around correct i mean that's that's what i've always wanted to do where you land facing like the front round off is a dramatic move you pull that on a night out oh my god the crowd goes wild goes wild because i was saying that's groundbreaking the cartwheel i think is ground shifting agreed but i want to break ground with my gymnastics i don't want to hell okay well what's your skill um i don't know got loads of skills really nothing really shocking little thing i can do this weird thing with my lip look god oh my god that is weird wait let me try and do it you can't no one can do it no no no that is impossible
Starting point is 00:15:29 i thought everyone could do it it's a mexican wave with the bottom lip that is so interesting what yeah it's cool right how do you have enough lip to do that i don't know i don't have massive i might have enough lip to do that? I don't know. I don't have massive... I have a small lip. My lips just come out of nowhere to do that. Sometimes I... What is I keeping them? They just come out the back.
Starting point is 00:15:54 God. I can do a weird thing with my finger that someone showed me at school. No, we've already had yours. Sorry. No, no. Do you think that's weird though? Oh, you're kind of like letting it hang
Starting point is 00:16:05 aren't you no you like dislocate it and then you flick that bit around like a little willy someone showed yeah it's like a little willy someone showed me that um i probably wasn't listening in like maths or something and someone said if you do this with your finger you can dislocate it i thought fuck your gcse maths i'll learn to do that perfect all right let's go what how do you drink your iced coffee i think we get a similar thing at the moment we get really similar an iced americano with oat milk mysdcaf goes without saying i don't feel like vomiting and caffeine makes me sick okay caffeine makes me insane but i still have it to be honest the more insane vibes we can get from you the merrier no but it's not good for me like i already feel like i'm quite uh my energy is naturally on the upper end of energies i would
Starting point is 00:17:00 say i'm just um almost always willing to scream or something and potentially um the word was that was used about me quite a lot as a child was hyper which is an annoying child i would say um so caffeine i don't think is a good thing for me to be having but i do just have all the time you're an adult you're not driving go i have recently switched my coffee order used to be um iced latte with oat milk until i saw that and until i saw how that was made and i just saw it was a cup of milk which is a cup of milk yeah i can't be doing that i need a cup of water yeah with a drop of milk if you're all i say dash oh that's how they order it okay what sorry dash oat so i would say i go in there every day and i say can i please get
Starting point is 00:17:46 if i'm getting this i do have a few variations i get an iced decaf americano with a dash of oat milk and sometimes i'll say and i get an iced decaf vanilla americano with a dash of oat milk that's a rarity for me but i do sometimes i've tried i've tried that from you but didn't you have a sweet milk one didn't you no it was oat milk it's always that was oat milk i had yeah i had yours it was too sweet for me same fun a fun fact about me i don't like sugar ideally i would say i wouldn't go that sweet one pump of vanilla or half a pump of vanilla but if i'm already saying ice decaf americano with a dash of oat milk and a tiny pump of vanilla it's a bit like just like see yourself out and i've got my little chihuahua rat running a riot in the show i'm already making a
Starting point is 00:18:31 scene it's too much it's too much sometimes i get an oat vanilla matcha hot i'm still on my mission to like matcha i'm off iced matcha at the moment i don't want iced matcha i find if it's gritty like if they haven't mixed it properly it's more obvious it's less forgiving if it's iced in my opinion uh really and that's about it and if maybe i'll get an just a normal decaf americano dash oh like not iced if you guys want to buy us a coffee anytime i would also if i was going to get hot is our order i'm a bit more simple than that i'm not i'm not messing around is anyone going to the shop can i also use your toilet can i get this and can i also use your toilet guys if you ever need a wee in brighton feel
Starting point is 00:19:21 free to come around mine but you could also go to the pret on the main pret the big pret it's one three seven nine that's the code to get in don't waste your money on a coffee it's a secret code yeah um that goes for all genders because gender neutral it is gender neutral yeah it's a huge toilet in there it's fucking huge in there i remember being blown away when i went in there for the first time it's actually not that big but i remember but but almost like now even if i didn't yeah even if i didn't need to go to the toilet i'd almost be like well i need to see them make a trip down trip to the seaside so i can go and see these toilets if i was gonna get a hot coffee yeah i would get a cappuccino no i would get a cappuccino for a day yeah yeah i would get
Starting point is 00:20:06 that choice i i wouldn't get just like an americano i'd get a hot cappuccino oat milk coffee and cold um yeah i'm not just pretty much yeah coffee can be cool nice um this is the one we're gonna put out bear in mind this episode we've cut all of the other stuff and we're putting that out we're like that was good that's hilarious that's the best thing i've ever had this is yeah with everything considered all things considered this is the one that we chose this is good to you guys this this is so much more detail do you want this is so good in comparison. Oh my god, so much better. Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment.
Starting point is 00:20:51 And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson, and this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:21:34 The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts. Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Um, what's this about? How did Sefi's bra finding mission go? You were looking for a bra.
Starting point is 00:22:04 I haven't seen that. It went down a went down a storm what are you talking about so basically i i don't know if you saw this i put on the story a while ago probably two months ago um being like i am really struggling with bras as in i haven't been wearing a bra i've been wearing bikini tops mental for the last year essentially maybe more as soon as the pandemic hit i just thought i'm not buying another bra um big mistake though like it just i have just felt uncomfortable without even you know when you're kind of um you don't even realize how uncomfortable you've been until you basically think about it until you realize yeah yeah i but i've always kind of
Starting point is 00:22:45 struggled in the way that when i first grew boobs my mom was like these are gonna be a bravissimo situation so it took me straight to kind of the big boob um department but i don't really think my boobs are big enough for the bravissimo kind of vibe but i was proved completely wrong with by all of this um so i put on the story being like oh wow the mission went well the mission one of my most successful missions nothing like my trying to like match a mission it was gone down a storm oh my god um i think i'm doing it sorry sorry of course no no no please tell me what more you want no no no no um so i was like i want i put on the story being like does anyone know any good like brands shops whatever specific
Starting point is 00:23:35 i bet they came through any information for boobs of a size that are big but not huge i would say nice big but not huge i don't know what i said um god like people came through in hordes i was absolutely swarmed i don't doubt it was amazing everyone had all of these things a girl from bravissimo emailed us saying i can do all you if you want god did you not see this we got an email don't tell me you went you kept it secret no no i didn't it was like an online fitting please tell me did you the names of the people that work and of course i replied okay i'm not a cunt don't tell me you're still waiting for me to reply yeah um but one that was coming through a lot was like everyone was like don't judge this but m&s don't
Starting point is 00:24:26 judge this but that's what i was gonna say m&s they're incredible like so i was like i'm just gonna try did you never get your bra fitted at m&s i did but i had bad experiences okay like i've never had i've had my bra my bras fitted so many times like but i always feel like they measure you as like you're an f and it's not um it's not it's hardly an exact science is it well exactly so i was like i'm gonna go to oxford street and i'm gonna go to basically i'd made a list of all of the fucking shops everyone said but i was like i'm gonna start eminence that feels so vintage that's so cool it was so nice honestly a list of all the shops you were gonna start m&s that feels so vintage that's so cool it was so nice honestly
Starting point is 00:25:05 i wrote a list of all the shops you were gonna actually visit irl that is so cool yeah on my phone so not that i didn't have it on paper it wasn't a receipt or something my mum would do with a load of like doodles on it it was on my phone i wasn't walking around with a map and a piece of paper and a compass yeah i'm kind of picturing you with a magnifying glass and a hiking bag i will find the bra um but i and i was like i'm just gonna go into them and i was changing rooms and i'm gonna fucking take as much time as i need and i was like i'm not perfect because i just made a day of it i boy did i make a day of it but actually it didn't turn out to be too much of a day because i i was going in and out with all these bras i took so many until i was like oh right maybe i'll go down half a cup maybe i'll do that like i was trying
Starting point is 00:25:48 all the fucking different types all this nonsense and all i wanted i wanted one everyday bra yeah i wanted one slightly nicer bra and when i say slightly i mean ever so slightly sexier bra i really don't like lace love the adjective sexier that's so good oh it needs to be a bit sexier but only just like i don't want a sec i'm not here looking for a kind of bondage bra i do think that oh go on go on sorry i'm interrupting this mission time and time again not at all go on well i was just gonna say i kind of think even this is gonna it almost sounds problematic but i almost think even the most basic like smooth black bra there's something inherently sexy to me about it do you know i mean it's almost like maybe it doesn't even matter what
Starting point is 00:26:36 the bra is when you're wearing it it's like oh god look at you go it's on boobs it's yeah exactly on your boobs it's obviously gonna be hot yeah go on take it away but i wanted to say but just almost saying like it's like stop sexualizing us wing diamond but i'm not no but almost saying it's inherently sexy but i think it is inherently it is of course they are i personally think yeah woman how could it not that's what i'm saying yeah that's my crux how could it not be um so i found them i found one that was essentially just like a black black t-shirt bra wearing it right now and oh my god i've never felt anything comfier my sister even recently pinged my bra strap and was like what's this m&s it's like i think it's perfect but the body range or something like that oh that sounds good 15 quid i'm not joking when i say 15 wow
Starting point is 00:27:22 i've been paying fucking 40 quid for bras yeah i was gonna say i do think probably there are amazing bras for like 40 quid but i was getting expensive expensive bras that just weren't right for you they weren't right for me they have a huge band around the bottom problem yeah and i just wanted something i i wasn't anti-wires i've i've i have always always always worn wired bras in my life and then in my last few years i've been like oh why have i been wearing wired bras but these two were the comfiest ones i found and they actually both were wired yeah and the other one is like my favorite cut of bra a balconette bra oh god that's the saying most flattering bras you could wear what
Starting point is 00:28:01 an experience like a kind of a milkmaid who's you're back in little women offering that's why they're just all not they're just up they're just oh it's there it's a beautiful shape best cut of a bra i think yeah stunning so good they're just so just milkmaid vibes to me yeah such a maiden and i got them and it was the cheapest fucking bra shop i've ever done and that's crazy i couldn't recommend it enough and they're still great and the other one was 18 so cheap yeah and i was actually shocked so my bra mission has gone so well i will be returning in two years when these have worn to shreds amazing i mean what an amazing mission i'm so glad it's one of my most successful missions of late ever i mean you can't really top that most of the bras
Starting point is 00:28:52 i've worn in my life and also it was i always feel like i'm misfitted by kind of like a 70 year old woman being like oh you need this i always think it's like a young woman i've always had kind of old women doing it and they just want it to be like baggy this i always think it's like a young woman i've always had kind of old women doing it and they just want it to be like baggy on you almost and it's like can it just be like a fitted bra can it just fit me right that's hilarious i was like that's gonna be too tight or i've gone shopping for bras before with my grandma who just wants me to wear like kind of a beige sack and things like that god i've been going through it oh my god i honestly feel like if like from an early age because i had big boobs from like an
Starting point is 00:29:32 early age it becomes almost like the mission of all the women in the family to be like right this this 12 year old in this giant so i used to borrow though my mum's bras I remember oh my god I couldn't do that my mum has massive boobs it's crazy that was when I found them it was absolutely great so if you kind of have a similar size boobs to me from what you can see but not even I don't even think it's about a similar size boob to you I just think it's just the experience of having boobs and living in a patriarchy and it's i just think the whole industry has gone wrong it's just not it's not giving me 2022 it's not giving me what it needs to give no it's not really about comfort or what works i think it's just a bit outdated and i think also there'll be the next person who will have to win us the exact same boobs as you
Starting point is 00:30:25 could wear your bra tomorrow and it wouldn't work it's just to be honest it's more about the mission I guess it's all about the journey guys entirely oh I can't believe that was such a success it was such a success we've really done every single question on this list. I know. This is interesting. Thoughts on Snapchat culture. What's Snapchat culture? We're too old for it. I don't know the culture.
Starting point is 00:30:54 It doesn't include us. No, I can't remember the last. I deleted Snapchat about four years ago. Oh, streaks. I was very reluctant to get Snapchat. i remember when i first heard of it i was like oh so it's for nudes and everyone's like no and i'm like yeah it is it's for all the but things bad and well not even nude but it's for essentially children to get bullied on it's for it's just horrific for old men to stalk where children are exactly oh god that's the
Starting point is 00:31:22 about whose number is higher oh god yeah that sounds horrible but it's just about communication guys it's just about fast communication no it's not liars you're a liar and you're an actress don't quote them back to me i'll die my king all right this is a nice one i need your advice on this as well i'll go on how do you push yourself out of stagnant phases in life what what comes to mind when you hear something like that um that you need like i don't know what comes to mind is like all the times i felt like that where it's like oh why is there just something not hitting but i always feel like what you thought i've always needed in those is just almost the smallest change yeah can go such a long way like i genuinely think in a time where
Starting point is 00:32:14 i felt completely stagnant like nothing will help me right now like i need a huge life change i just need to move country i just need to buy a camper van all of the crazy shit in my life that was a great phase i still want it i need a camper van phase i think it's been eclipsed by that i need a cat phase which i don't think will ever die but i don't need a cat i can't do that right now i don't need a cat it will just tie me down i do not need a cat right now i do want to yeah but i don't need a cat i need a camper van more than i need a cat it will just tie me down i do not need a cat right now i do want to have a leg yeah but i don't need a cat i need a camper van more than i need a cat but before i do any of that so let's not there are bigger things um but i always feel like if you just do a small thing like if i've been in that phase yeah what's that phase look like what's the reality of that what
Starting point is 00:33:02 does that actually look what's the day-to-day of that phase feeling super shit how though like what just almost like you don't want to get dressed you just like do the same fucking thing every day you just want to watch tv all day can't really be asked to even like shower do just like stagnant shit or even if you're in the cycle of like you're going to work but you're not seeing anyone after it you're just going to work again you're having dinner you're going to work like the same shit you just feel like god i can't remember the last time i felt excited yeah but i almost feel like all you need to do there have been times when i felt like that for fucking weeks and then i'll just be like why don't i just message that friend who i haven't seen in um seven months and you do something out of your routine or maybe i should go
Starting point is 00:33:46 and it's not just take a different trip to work go a different way that shit's not gonna help you use your left hand to brush your teeth yeah this is not gonna work there's no like little hack but i do think if you go and see someone or you go to the theater you go see a comic some comedy like i have a thing anyway where it's like i try and laugh every day like because i remember there'd be a period in my life where it's like oh my god i wasn't laughing in that time i wasn't fucking laughing it's such a big thing like then i was like i'm gonna laugh make sure i have a hysterical belly big laugh every day hysterical it's not hard to come by there's funny life is fucking ridiculous it's so funny like there's funny shit but like i do think all you need is like a break in the routine that's like an exciting thing
Starting point is 00:34:38 what's yours what's the thing that was has broken the routine for you last do you know i mean when was the last time you broke out of a stagnant i think it's seeing friends i haven't seen in a while yeah that's good being like or like i would always say a thing that if i feel kind of stagnant in or like obsessed with um kind of this phase of my life like i've got no perspective and i almost feel like the situation i'm in right now is all consuming quite self-critical yeah it's always like see your old friends see your friends that you knew when you were two you'll see that all your fucking issues that you have now are bullshit because you've got the same fucking people around lovely all right next question no no no no your answer i don't have an answer you've given everything i wanted i wanted here
Starting point is 00:35:23 i don't even have an answer i'm everything i wanted i wanted here i don't even have an answer i'm just i'm drawing blank question mark question mark how do you push yourself out of stagnant phase at night how would i know that sounds great though i'm taking notes okay biggest lesson this year someone said i love this person's name i'm not gonna say a full name but i love the name mimi oh my god so stunning beautiful it gives me kiki vibes which i love because of kiki's delivery service perfect anyone knows that film it's amazing uh biggest lesson this year what's fucking hell what's happened this year it's been a big year it feels like i'm literally going through my calendar just looking at the dates memories yeah just like what was i doing on that day and it's
Starting point is 00:36:06 just like recording biggest lesson maybe biggest lesson recently of recent years recent times i don't know if this is like dumb just go for it i think no never done my biggest lesson and it ties it ties into what i was saying at the very end of last episode where i said something along the lines it's politically oh yes enjoy yourself and i genuinely think my biggest lesson i've learned recently is like life can be and kind of should be fun like it should be a fun experience like you're here this should be fun for you why are you making it hell right and also like it can be fun like i almost think it's like it can be like there are so many situations but situations which i have just ruined did i just say situation kind of this is incredible i reminded myself of
Starting point is 00:37:08 that what's his name dash situation situations yeah um where things remember dash yeah i used to want to be him so bad um you give Dash energy yeah I wanted to be Violet as well but like Dash I think I just wanted his power so bad yeah it's a good one it's also giving me Kardashian's vibe
Starting point is 00:37:36 Dash oh that's bad just going to work at Dash yeah go on I love The Incredibles one of my favourite films um side note yeah go on i love the incredible is one of my favorite films um side note life can be fun life can be great i'm surprised that that's a recent lesson that you're saying because can i tell you something interesting always actually it's objectively uninteresting but it's just i'm gonna say it yeah i have always been quite um
Starting point is 00:38:08 fascinated let's say i've always been intrigued by you you didn't think i was gonna say that i was like by the incredibles yeah by you i'll tell you why and this is why i'm surprised that this is apparently a recent lesson i'm almost not buying it i think one of my first kind of when i was first really really getting to know you and just processing you as a human just kind of understanding what it is to be i always don't understand why I'm constantly fathoming it yeah no I'm constantly trying. I'm someone that people need to process. It's like a worrying thing. I'm still processing her. I'm still making sense of that. So worrying. But when I was first getting to know you it became apparent to me that you really. god that was my void water it popped out of the mug you really prioritize fun
Starting point is 00:39:09 and to me you are someone please correct me if i'm wrong to put words in your mouth it seems to me that one one fun is one of your kind of the founding fathers of your life it's one of your cruxes i think of like things that you live by fun is something that's quite important to you just as a concept yeah no definitely definitely i will not correct that it's completely right processing tick correct and why that fascinates me is because i feel like that's not not i do think i am fun i do absolutely however i would never take it to be one of my i would never would have even considered it to have been a crux my crux no one will be surprised i would have immediately gone
Starting point is 00:40:01 for i just would have found more value or just didn't even have the awareness that there could be people would value fun in the way that i would value like something very deep and maybe even quite melancholy which i do think is interesting because i don't think i'm a, like, obviously I'm a sad person, but like. You're not though. I don't think you would meet me and be like, God, she's fucking miserable and she drains the life out of me and blah, blah, blah. I think you'd meet me and think she's a fun girl, she's whatever, she's normal, whatever. just life experiences in my relations with other people in my in my goings on i would always for example when ariana grande is giving me no tears left to cry as much as seven rings has a
Starting point is 00:40:54 time and a place it cannot compete with something like no tears left to cry like i i always just immediately has value yeah 100 is why taylor swift is giving me everything because she's giving me yeah your tears are ricocheting all over me jesus god rain down on me jesus christ my mouth is open i'm taking the tears from you um i just to me where your crux would where i saw your crux being fun i thought goodness my crux is like something sad and nostalgic and deep which is interesting i'm not mad at the options no no definitely not but you give the options of seven rings or no tears left to cry i'm going seven rings every fucking day every day seven rings no tears left to cry you're joking oh my god no tears have to
Starting point is 00:41:48 cry it's a fucking i get it i like it do we agree on god is a woman or would you still go seven rings god is a woman come on you're joking oh i'm sorry i'm not a huge arry fan but i god is a woman god is a woman beautiful beautiful beautiful everything but say i had to perform a dance i'm talking if i had to go for something that i have to put my stamp on it but i'm doing my rendition if i had to perform a dance because i yeah yeah i think it is yeah which isn't a bad thing it's fun it's a fun way to go through life if i was doing a dance what would be the funniest dance yeah i'm doing seven whereas i think as someone who did dance as well i did dances about fucking the seven deadly sins and 9-11 and like horrible things like i i did want to do a dance about
Starting point is 00:42:35 terrorism i mean who hasn't performed it if you've been through the uk secondary education system yeah totally you've you've done a dance or you've done some sort of performance about terrorism for some reason yeah um but i just think that's an interesting thing i think you can tell it with us as well you say this often what do you mean you say it often that it's like you can tell it you can tell it like whatever like i don't i don't see it is known i don't know i don't see a big discrepancy between my attitude to fun and your attitude to fun to be honest like it's not about our attitudes to fun it's our attitudes to life do you see that yeah i do i do see i don't i think to you it goes without saying which is perfect it was it was a shock to me to process you
Starting point is 00:43:31 yeah people need to sit down after me and go all right so let me just take because you want for fun i think that's amazing yeah no no i like that i do and also i so see it like it is one of my main yeah um things it just 100 undeniably i like things that are like funny fun loud chaotic kind of jumping all over the place just a bit absurd i love it yeah i think that's no it's totally like it's the furthest thing from a problem it's more so and i don't even want it to be a problem about me it's just more so like it's really something that i processed because in the way as well of like going off what we were saying in the last episode i think meeting you and getting to know you and maybe even living with you as well was quite a stark um it gave me it was quite a
Starting point is 00:44:23 realization for me of oh god people aren't depressed that isn't normal living with someone who isn't depressed it's like oh yeah not normal no i mean i'm i'm glad i could be a weird fucking person that came into it's not even about weird it's just about different priorities and different different tendencies i think we just lean to different things yeah i see that it's fucking fascinating i think yeah i know it is mad okay i find people fascinating oh let's end on that on like a nice little quick yeah um do you have any um i'm going through them right now there were so many good ones it's our fault guys not yours no there's totally on us you're in the clear guys it's all on us oh my god maybe we could do this i don't know what the
Starting point is 00:45:11 fuck i would say but um someone said any new embarrassing ringtones this came up actually quite a bit people are quite liking the embarrassing ringtone content i saw yeah which we haven't spoken about embarrassing ringtones in a moment but it used to be like so it's quite worrying that it comes up yeah like i feel like it's old content from us but like what is the most embarrassing ringtone someone could have let me have a think for me they're quite specific though it can't just be oh it's fucking baby shark like it's not just no no not at all that's actually quite iconic. It has to be something that is just fading from like relevancy to me. Just off.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Yeah. Just something slightly eerie about it almost. It's almost like, oh, that was like eight months too late or something. It's almost like, work, work, work, work, work, work. Oh God, that's awful. It's like just slightly like a few summers ago.
Starting point is 00:46:04 It was quite a while ago now but it just needs to be honest most i think i've said this before most things are embarrassing ringtones it's like just get your phone on vibrate what's wrong with you just put it on the normal thing is why have you got fucking you're disrespectful put your phone on silence stop being obnoxious to the group i almost feel like this is controversial not controversial but i love it but this is just about the thing of like it's fading in its moment go on to have for example as it was as your ringtone i think that's quite bad in this specific moment of time like it will come back round and it'll be fine again but in this specific moment it's too big to handle
Starting point is 00:46:43 just um it's just had its moment and it's just leaving a big one and it's your fine again but in this specific moment it's too big to handle just um it's just had its moment and it's just leaving a big one and it's your ringtone it that would be bad just been kicked off the number one yeah but whereas music for a sushi restaurant i still think because that the album came out later than the single i think that's funny yeah that would be quite cool almost that would stress me the fuck out i just could you imagine me ever having my phone on loud no no never never never it weirds me out i don't want to be notified like how about don't notify me but there's something about like because some some people i know some people in my life have their phone permanently on loud and these are people that get texts a lot of texts i think it's
Starting point is 00:47:25 quite a boy thing as well boys are quite like watching videos on loud on the train and in your face and look at me i'm listening to it do you know what i mean bloody hell honestly the amount i just have to hear my brother's ipad out loud i cannot bear to watch someone else's secondhand youtube video no why do i why am i listening to that listening to someone else go through tiktok no i'm literally looking through songs but i mean it's all about ed sheeran that is absolutely diabolical without saying like what the fuck are you doing i think anything kind of arctic monkeys would be quite bad as well like that's almost like you were cool like you thought that was almost like you think you're doing something that we think you're doing something quite different oh that's awful
Starting point is 00:48:09 that's really bad hamilton is bad as much as i love it no i think hamilton could be cool in my mind hamilton is so close like pardon me are you aaron burroughs so that's kind of cool i could go is it is it it has to be ironic i think i almost think if you're choosing something to be a ringtone it needs but what could be unironic as a ringtone i think the fact it's inherently ironic to have a ringtone in 2022 oh yeah exactly but you need to pick it well then if you're going to do it like if you've got to have a ringtone but people do i hear these people on the fucking tube and it's fucking moves like jagger answer the phone hi well that that almost is ironic that's almost come so far back around that it works because i'm happy club along oh my god that's quite good um what's that one we
Starting point is 00:48:57 heard the other day that's justin timberlake and it's the sound of the trolls movie yeah that's quite bad i think we're done here i can't personally give yeah no i'm 100% done they're all bad okay yeah the final answer is the crux is they're all bad just either on silent it's not looking good for ringtones with the official apple ringtone no other options perfect cool this is a one-hit wonder this is a one-hit wonder well it's kind of a two-hit wonder well yeah it's literally the opposite of a one-hit wonder definitely two-hit one what i mean by that is we normally stop in between a couple of times and stop recording and take like a two-minute break and let things send but this is all in our take one but technically this is all the second okay right let's go then
Starting point is 00:49:47 right well thanks guys i just really really appreciate everyone so much just just fucking thank you for being here just thank you for the whole lot i'll take the lot all right let's go cool if you don't hear from us i seem the worst

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