Goes Without Saying - off the record: feeling 'off', eras outfits, & alcohol

Episode Date: March 25, 2024

podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on bella goth, the eras tour, the normalisation of alcoholism, feeling 'off', friendship, and self-care routines. ✷shop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co....ukhear more ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwingwatch more ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwing Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com We don't do intros for Off The Record, we just jump straight on in. Oh god, we don't, do we? Which always unnerves me. Because it's like, if you're new here, this is the first thing you're hearing. It's like, hey, I guess. It's like, let us represent ourselves. I mean, representing us, we are not in the best place emotionally. We're not, but which is annoying because we're always doing this now.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Are we? I feel like we're always like, we're depressed. No, I don't think so. I think we've actually been on such good form for the past like nine months. We've had actually a good year. We've had a really good year. Like I, the other week, did I, was it me? Yeah, I think we, you answered FaceTime. So if you don't know, we record these mostly on FaceTime. And Sophie literally, or like one of us answered the FaceTime and I just immediately started crying. i hadn't even said hi or anything which has happened many a time but it hasn't happened and i was gonna do a thing of like you know the dunder mifflin thing of like zero days since last
Starting point is 00:01:54 incident or whatever i was gonna do like zero days since last facetime and cry since last crying during recording sort of thing but i wonder how many days it's been since actually during a recording that's the thing is we haven't cried in an episode in a really long time probably a year maybe more yeah we're doing well so but i think we're kind of missing that pizzazz maybe we are so do you reckon you can turn on the water i don't think so do you do you think you've got that in you today no no i would be able to if i wasn't on such heavy antidepressants such a high dose yeah of my medication that's the only reason um but generally basically we came on facetime today and i was like i'm just feeling annoyed everything's annoying me and then sephie said oh well actually thing is
Starting point is 00:02:44 actually you weren't like that because yeah i'm in portugal at the moment i had my little sister on facetime so i didn't kind of um she warned me it didn't warn you there would be a nine-year-old i really came into it i kind of answered it like hi and then i was like oh my god your sister's here we've got lemonade we've just made lemonade so i packed myselfked myself up. She perked me up. She's so cute. Yeah, she's so sweet. She did make some lemonade, which I must say is very, very, very sour.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I really want it. My FaceTime just did a thumbs down and I didn't do a thumbs down. This is what I was trying to say to you the other day. I think your FaceTime is listening to you. There's a ghost around me doing thumbs down. Okay, so don't move your hands, but say, that is not good. That is not good. No.
Starting point is 00:03:31 That is a thumbs down situation. This situation calls for a thumbs down. Nothing. This situation is bad. No. Okay, so maybe it's not listening then. All right. It just thought I did a thumbs down.
Starting point is 00:03:44 God knows. Okay, fair enough. Anyway. But then I was saying was saying i was like i think i felt that earlier yeah but then it transferred so i've kind of come out of it now but i was in that thing where i was like no clothes are feeling right like everything's just like i hate that and i was like i feel um hormonal like premenstrual yeah yeah but wing just inform me it's because i'm ovulating today which i know because i like to keep up to date on your affairs of your insides but i was like why do my boobs hurt why do i feel like angry just the final note of this kind of like dreadful way of starting an
Starting point is 00:04:17 episode i hate how i was really laughing the other day because i was i was basically saying that there we were on the episode being like well the princess is with diana now and all of these jokes yeah i thought this i know so i thought we need to actually address what we've done no i don't think so i think we can just say if anyone out there is actually legitimately struggling with um cancer i hope you guys are okay yeah that's all i want to say about that to be honest big time i was shocked and i did straight away think oh god why would we have to be like where is she because everybody did and it was funny and i actually can't be fucked to get into the fucking discourse and actually the last thing i'm going to do is look
Starting point is 00:05:03 a fucking king in the eye and say i'm sorry no i'm not you won't be touching me do that well he actually owes quite a few apologies um worldwide absolutely no he literally owes me directly an apology yeah anyway he does right so just anyway it's all going on um yeah off the record because that's all we've got that's all we've got up the record, because that's all we've got. That's all we've got. I'm not throwing up the record. I think that sounds good. I'm also, I'm scared that this is going to be quite echoey stuff. I'm at my dad's farm in Portugal,
Starting point is 00:05:33 so I'm in quite like, it's quite a personal hotspot sort of situation. It sounds divine. Echoey room. My dad's farm in Portugal. It's like, that just sounds so good. No, it's so nice. It's so, so nice.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I know, I know. Like we just made lemonade from the lemons in the trees. Wow, God. in portugal it's like that just sounds so good yeah no it's so nice it's so so nice i know like we just made lemonade from the lemons in the trees wow god also it's my heaven because everyone knows my favorite food is extra virgin olive oil he makes his own i just had some divine what's going on over there i'm reading their things getting the silent treatment no i'm reading their things did you hear me can you hear me yeah yeah good good good perfectly this whole time okay good okay can we start with this on a fun note yeah in capitals this person said what are you wearing two eras oh my god which can i actually say i don't know if i've said this on the podcast but i think i've had two or three maybe three or four nightmares about my god like being in the queue and still not knowing what i'm wearing like literally being outside the stadium and not knowing what i'm wearing like really really bad like it's really bothering it's been an issue for me i think i know
Starting point is 00:06:42 god this is stressful i didn't really realize what i was getting myself oh yeah no we're going in i think or like in a fun way like i've seen a few things but is it like a thing that kind of in the way no no don't be stressed because we can do it we can come to get the plan will come together it's heavy and wing for god's sake when does it not i think i know what i want to be yeah you're gonna be in well one-legged oh really the one-legged leotard perfect yeah okay i assume that's what i would do i assume yeah i assume so too what did you think i knew it would be something reputation but i didn't know exactly not that i know any songs from reputation but you do you know um your favorite line what we made me do yeah um look at you go but go on what's so i know
Starting point is 00:07:27 i know what yours is your outfit no no you don't and you can't say okay but i do know it do you yeah i'll say tick tock round the clock that's scary that's from hunger games to catch and fire but i can't just in case i don't use it but also we'll just see what happens but i yeah okay so i don't i'm not sure but i here's the thing is i want to do something um like not obvious but like yeah obvious enough yeah or like kind of if you get it you get it yeah but like kind of iconic enough i don't know god yeah i know no no it's not stressful it's so fun think of the other day did we talk about the princess peach event i know we did yeah i think and we oh well i thought you meant me and you we did we did
Starting point is 00:08:16 i don't know if we spoke about on there i think it came up on the pod um but on the day it didn't it it didn't work out but we wanted to to wear pink for Princess Peach to honour her. To honour her? It's that kind of vibe. I think we're getting in the spirit and we're honouring. You honour. You honour the moment. And you honour just the iconic thing of being able to look back and be like,
Starting point is 00:08:35 that's so funny. Look at us in our 20s looking so cute. Do you know what I mean? One of the biggest shows of all time. It'll be so fun. Okay, I can't wait. It'll be iconic. But I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:08:45 i'm excited but i just what i want to make clear there is my stress yeah well i think it's coming through okay good i as always i didn't realize it was a thing to be stressed about but i'm it's not i'm fully gonna embrace it's a thing to be fun but i just bring stress as usual well on our instagram there's all these videos sort of thing about you showing me the taylor swift music the music music honestly alien yeah what the taylor swift music yeah you were showing me that and you're showing me that i'm a bit ill still like oh so true i'm just not really in my brain sorry guys give us a break give us this is really hard this is really hard for us i can't even say this is really hard we
Starting point is 00:09:34 just wanted to say hi go on truly take it away so i think by the time that that sort of series is done that i will know more about taylor and i'll be able to make an informed decision on what's iconic what i want to be what i want to align with what speaks to me yeah but at the moment i don't really know that much all i know is i saw a one-legged outfit and i thought and reputation is iconic i saw it i thought i like it that's all i know so far and you know what you did know as well which has is not it would have been even more relevant to you previously but one thing we were loving together when i was kind of showing you and we were going through the looks of taylor was the bleachella
Starting point is 00:10:11 vibes when she has her yeah when she's like white blonde i love that iconic vogue she was she's like she kind of looks a bit grungy and oh wow wow wow yeah we were she looks amazing incredible and with your bleach it would have been iconic because you've kind of got that length now but anyway if you guys are gonna go be there too please let us know what you're wearing oh my god i would love to know yeah i would love to know oh i like this one as well um this person said do you take each other's advice oh okay i think so yeah i was so i saw this question a second ago just before i went for a week and then when i went for a week i was thinking about do we take each other's advice and i thought yes and also more than just your advice is like i really am always wanting your opinion and your perspective on things yeah always and it
Starting point is 00:11:08 kind of feeds into the thing that i always say i'm like you kind of need seffy in your life like you need that sort of perspective you need someone to bring that no but it's true because you bring something specific that you can't just get from anybody you bring like an energy that i need as well kind of in the way that we you you know, we just balance each other out. We're just a great duo. I would say the exact same for you. Oh, do you think? Yeah, I think it's sometimes the exact perspective that I need.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I think it's just the bit. I think we both have. Blind spot. The bit that the other one lacks. Yes. It's almost like the bit that I'm struggling with, you can always see clearly in that bit. Blind spot.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Blind spot, yeah. We cover each other's blind spots yeah we haven't put that terminology to it before but i do like it because it's true that's what you give me is you're able to see things in a way that i just can't like i and even if i tried like i wouldn't know how to get there like what comes quite naturally to you is something that my brain wouldn't even know that it could do that sort of thing like sometimes you say things to me and i'm like god that's crazy i never would have thought that or like we'll come out of a situation and i'll be like didn't you just think like blah blah they hated us and seve's like no they didn't hate us
Starting point is 00:12:22 they loved us or whatever like we often bring sometimes it's weirdly reversed like yeah i'm always just two different bits but i just think sometimes i'm so shocked at the bits where i think that we'll think it is a certain way and actually it's just completely like god we you just can't predict what you can't how each of us are gonna think you can't but it's always the opposite that's what i love it's always a new we rarely i don't know agree really feeling the same and like we rarely but we do agree that's what's the weird thing like we agree i think we appreciate coming from different angles yeah it's fucking fascinating it's so weird it's just always the the bit that i didn't think of like it's just it just works perfectly it really does and taking each other's advice because i haven't really
Starting point is 00:13:12 thought of it in that yeah oh no go on i know i agree with you i've never thought of it that way but i think i always take your advice or like you're someone whose advice i really respect thank you and i think sorry i can i feel like i sound very ill in this i'm very sorry for everybody's ears right now don't apologize it's i'm more sorry for you no no i think one one good night's sleep and i'll be and you'll be cured right as rain i have been thinking that for a few nights now but i'm thinking tomorrow but i think advice is something that i take quite seriously like i feel like it's so offensive when you give someone advice that you take time out of your day to give someone advice
Starting point is 00:13:50 and they just fucking ignore it and I think 100% you're in your rights to not take someone's advice that's um your autonomy as a human being yeah but I think once you start asking people for advice and then not taking it, you have to accept that they're going to be less willing to give you advice the next time around, the next time around, blah, blah, blah. So I think when I'm asking someone for advice, I really, it's not just a space to play out like, will you validate my decisions? It's like actually opening myself up to someone like disagreeing with me and like having to actually like consider that and take that on board. It's not just like a flippant little what do you think about this it's like i'm actually going to consider your opinion
Starting point is 00:14:27 and make like informed decisions from it agreed i think in a way as well because we share in so many ways a joint life like there's so much of our situations that are obviously combined in this the same i think that then adds to just the general thing that we have anyway of being genuinely invested in each other's happiness and success and like feeling good in life like i wouldn't not that i would really tell anyone something that if i thought it was bad advice like just to just to say it or whatever but i think we take quite seriously just like each other's advice we give each other yeah like i wouldn't yeah like i and almost like where you're going and like how you
Starting point is 00:15:10 feel like it's really important to me definitely like where you're at that's why i know when you're ovulating because it's important to me because i just wake up with painful boobs and think this is a joke what the hell yeah and then it's like oh no there's reasons i do really yeah that you can see the reasons i can and i can even see it in your eyes can you not when you're ovulating but when you're coming on your period i can see it in your eyes yeah you wait what can you see in my eyes when you're coming on your period can you yeah honestly blood in the eyes yeah i think it's almost like am i your boyfriend like i do feel a bit like that because i kind of think she's coming on her yeah i think it's almost like am i your boyfriend like i do feel a bit like that because i kind of think she's coming on her period i think i wonder if that's
Starting point is 00:15:49 like what a boyfriend would think if she's coming on no they definitely wouldn't think that they've got no idea what's going on they might sometimes what wait what do my eyes look like when i'm about to go my period just like you're hiding something just like you're up to something just yeah just there's something more going on in there there's like just there's an egg on the loose yeah exactly that there's an unfertilized egg on the loose humpty dumpty yeah that's quite weird it's just something i also like i know the timing yeah you've got it written down i've got which probably helps i don't have your i don't have your data written down just to be but you essentially do because you have i've got mine down and i know we say you're just the opposite yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:16:37 so you kind of know where i am based on you this is so fun yeah i love doing i love an off the record i hope everyone else likes an off the record because they do feel weirdly self-indulgent but isn't this whole thing self-indulgent exactly it's like it's like just kind of owning it i don't know if we're gonna hi rosie rosie but yeah yeah this i just it just made me laugh the way that they phrased it because they've really said like they basically said don't give us the same fucking answer that you always give they said can you describe your relax self-care slash skincare routine because it will relax me laughing face obviously clean room it's like yeah fine we won't say clean your fucking room okay sorry that that's not where everyone's here but it is the truest thing of all time it's true um first thing
Starting point is 00:17:25 i did here i got the hoover out my dad was like what is it not tidy enough i was like no it is so tidy i just am weird you need the hoover out fair enough which is a new trait let's be real like i'm not a clean person but it gives a sense of control i think it is i think is it when i feel i think it's honestly when i feel like a child i have to do an adult task which is been has been the problem of moving home that it's like it can be infantilizing so then i start like i'm like i have everything has to be tidy yeah yeah of the space but anyway that's not the question you are no but it's an interesting um it's interesting relax i mean i'm not gonna lie like i love like if i know i've got an evening to myself and it's
Starting point is 00:18:05 just like candle food some sort of tv like the lights are dim that's my dream yeah situation it's a watching situation it's watching and it's like it's smelling good it's like you're so you've done the shout like you're you're so clean and fresh and you smell amazing and you're so comfortable and your pajamas are clean you know what else i really love even more than clean socks is new socks and i was actually thinking oh if i was like a millionaire i would probably ruin the planet because was it justin b i feel like i heard something about justin b once that was like he would just buy it not buy he would wear a new pair of boxers every day and then just like throw them away and then just wear a new pair every day like brand new find i sometimes wash new things before not socks not socks i love the feeling
Starting point is 00:19:03 of like us going where a foot has never gone before it just feels but it can be a bit hard i like that almost your i don't know this is definitely not relaxing i love that the question was like it will relax me if you tell me what you do to relax it's like i will stick my foot into a really tight yeah into a sock and almost you feel like the fabric kind of opening around your your sensitive it's just really nice it's just so smooth and soft like you've sold it oh i love it wow new socks i also think socks is probably things that people don't buy and like or don't have enough enough of yeah it's like you're wearing scabby old i don't think i ever yeah i i feel like that's one of those things i always think of like
Starting point is 00:19:50 underwear socks bras it's like when you get to the point that you like especially bras i didn't feel like i only ever have two bras on the go at one time and i've been the same size since i was about 12 let's bear that in mind yeah and i will i probably always have about one or two bras on the go but it's like why don't you just get because they're fucking expensive that's why but why don't you just get five bras and then you can choose which one you want to wear that day rather than just like wearing them until they're like shreds but bras have some sort of emotional when you get into it's almost i'm quite monogamous with a bra it's like when'm quite monogamous with a bra
Starting point is 00:20:25 it's like when i get into a swing of a bra it's like well i only want you now honey you're my till death do we part and literally you will die you will die on my body you'll have to be torn from me yeah you have to be cut away from me like why is it when you get into the swing of one bra it's like well this is the bra for me one bra to rule at all in the darkness the wires start coming out i've never had that where it's like the wires popping out and stabbing you and i'll still wear it yeah but i'll just take them out and be like still no i'm committed i'm in a lifelong monogamous relationship with this one bra a hundred percent weird it would be so nice to be like wendy's small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy.
Starting point is 00:21:12 It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay.
Starting point is 00:21:33 These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:21:50 The animal kingdom is queer. And we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. a cast helps creators launch grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere a cast.com to have a normal amount of bras i mean i do have a collection i just ignore them all i just have my go-to right no because that's why i bought when i was a kid mine aren't even cheap i just i just have my go-to it's because that's why i bought when i was a kid mine aren't even cheap i just i just have my go-to it's just there's something specific about almost it's like the way that you want to be
Starting point is 00:22:30 held i also think i go and get measured sometimes and they're like you're wearing the wrong size well exactly it's like oh let me just rearrange my whole life i never see any of these ever again i also think like look you can't put a number on something like that you just can't you just can't like a breast a human breast there is you got that it's an abstract it's not it's art it's subjective it can't be it's not quantum physics i don't know like it's not like they've made it physics and i want the answers i want but i don't think it is i don't think we're there yet well what can we do then because it's not just about it's like i about, it's like shape and like, and fall and, do you know what I mean? F-A-L-L.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Well, what can we do then? And are we going to do bras, do you think? Well, I just want something that's like really nice. I feel like bras are going to be so nice, but they're all just, they're just always slightly wrong, I think. Well, that's, I think that's because they're not made in an... Like, how many sizes is a bra going to be offered in? Even if it's like 20. It's not enough.
Starting point is 00:23:32 No, nowhere near. Do you know what I mean? They need to be made to measure. They really do. And that's when I know I've made it. That I'm having my bras homemade. And buying a new pair of socks every day. Not homemade.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Joking, I would never do that. Homemade. Homemade. Wait, what did you say? What was your joke? I said I'll have a new pair of socks every day. i would never do that homemade homemade wait what did you say what were you what was your i said i'll have a new pair of socks every day and then i said joking because i don't want people to think that i would actually ruin the planet like that well thing is do you know what also the truth is you don't know what you'd do i think none of us we do not know what we would fucking do like these people that have money a lot of them are
Starting point is 00:24:00 terrible people some of them are not terrible people but they still behave in terrible ways yeah you do not know who you'd be what you would do because you're fucking broke just a reminder guys we're fucking skin us collectively here you don't know what you'll do if you're poor 100 not to let them off the hood like we know how i feel about this shit but it does scare me sometimes i'm like okay if i suddenly i'm like okay if i became a billionaire i'll probably behave like the other arsehole billionaires yeah maybe but also let there's bigger issues than becoming a billionaire also let there be light do you ever just think like do you know what i mean just let there be light yeah god okay this is quite nice literary character you most relate to and why oh okay that's i feel like you're gonna have some really good ones no i don't i don't have any oh you don't have anything's coming to mind that's why i'm really suddenly the panic has started
Starting point is 00:25:03 yeah or just maybe character in general let's really open it up let's do a real big stretch yeah let's yeah let's make this everything literally everything like i'm kind of thinking like sims i'm like am i bella goth i do disappear does she disappear what happens to bella goth that's a good question that's the age-old question funny you should ask what happened to bella goth did you not know that what happened she did disappear she was in sims 2 yes the law well i didn't really know the law that she disappeared but i remember playing as her then she disappeared what happened to her that's the question but what did happen what's the answer to the question um i could be bella goth but i'm not because i would never marry mortimer no over my dead body um but maybe it is over your dead body oh god that's
Starting point is 00:25:57 pretty horrific so wait that's what comes to your mind you'd be bella goth bella goth maybe okay i go on i don't want to be so boring but i i was thinking about this in terms of we saw we're talking about hunger games and you were like i just do not relate to katniss i just don't relate to her no i was like that's so fascinating because i feel like why i love her is because i do relate to her like not i'm not a huntress we know i'm not not yet you're not not with that i actually stand very firmly against this stuff i'm a literal always been vegetarian you're a woodland girl you're you could be a forager i am very very very i was such a forager yeah i definitely am very comfortable in a woodland environment definitely a vole little mole character in some sort of life um but i do think it's like
Starting point is 00:26:54 the decision she makes i really get which is so funny because every single one of her decisions and every single one of her actions i'm like why is she doing that i would never do that like she's stubborn as fuck which i don't think i'm stubborn because i actually just like stubborn it's like it's she's she's quite she hasn't there's a harshness i think to katniss yeah there is massively which is what i don't but she's trying to fight against it all the time yeah all right i think she is soft no i think she's a soft person of course of course but she has like and i get why you relate to her but not to call you harsh but i get i get that energy well i think she's quite complex that is like yeah and i don't i don't see it in all ways but i think it's like she is soft but there's this like the world has created this really harsh
Starting point is 00:27:39 environment for her so she's trying to basically do like a really basically just trying to provide for her family and like keep them safe which i mean who can't just relate to that in every way yeah yeah yeah but she just throwed into this horrendous thing but then it's like the decision she makes within that i'm just like i i think the same as this girl no but this is why i take your advice and this is why i'm always curious to hear your perspective because it's like i would watch hunger games and be like intrigued as to how my response would be so different so fascinating and that's why i needed yours and that's why like when we watched um ballad of songbirds and snakes yeah yeah well that's when it came up and i was fascinated that you didn't relate to her yeah because i was like
Starting point is 00:28:19 lucy gray bed whatever her name is is way more relatable to me personally and i would be like yeah get my fucking guitar out let's go let's play do a song and like let's for the capital yeah because that to me is like and i'll fuck i could know while i'm at it yeah well i'll yeah absolutely i'll take you off of that and i won't go away but what i couldn't stand about that or like the way that i not even couldn't stand but i couldn't relate to it it's like i'm not gonna sing for these people and that's the bit that i was loved i am she's not gonna perform for them and it's like i'll sing for my supper and it's like even when she's doing girl on fire it's like you know the hatred in her eyes and that's what people respond to it's like i fucking love it we're just so different in the best way so i'm not gonna sit there my freedom oh i am to the fucking capital and they're all
Starting point is 00:29:06 crying hell no if i burn you burn with me with us yeah and i honor you by doing your little curtsy yeah and i on and i honor straight back thank you feels good to be honored that's nice i mean that's not necessarily my art i wouldn't say oh look at the literary character i relate to no lucy gray bear or bella goth or katniss i'm embarrassed by all of them i also think um oh i don't know go on you can do i have been reading pride and prejudice recently so this is very literary it is yeah and that's i do think yeah lizzie bennett yeah i i get it the anger like the like the the thing that she has the like skepticism i feel like i could play her i'll put it that way i mean in a heartbeat you could play i feel like i could play her i thought you were gonna say more so kind
Starting point is 00:30:05 of in the little women angle of like we don't see enough women to be able to relate to what and it was also kind of like how do you think well i almost think everyone is just divergent so how could we relate and feel comfortable in relating totally you know i mean to one but that's why i love um characters and like tropes because they just um hone into different areas like realistically of course you're tris prior you're diverge but it's like i love that's why i think narrative stuff is just so comforting because it's like okay i can see the um katniss holds so much of this certain bit of me so of course yeah she's like literally i wouldn't call her one dimensional but it is a character there's only so much they can hold she's yeah she's definitely
Starting point is 00:30:49 not one dimensional but she's definitely a she's definitely strong like she's a trope yeah yeah she has a lot of trope too yeah dystopian heroine my dissertation yeah yeah you call actually on tris prior and katniss lame so no. So stunning. No, no. Excuse you. How dare you? God. I didn't say that about my friend's dissertation. No, you know how I feel about my dissertation. I love it.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I feel positively about it. No, I, yeah, I'm so, I literally love that title more than anything. Jesus. Lots of questions about Eros tour outfits, which. What? That's kind of stressing me out. Oh God, it's making me a bit stressed. I didn't realize it's a bit of a random one but we've never really spoken about it well not really but someone said
Starting point is 00:31:32 what's our relationship with alcohol like i just feel like that's interesting that's absolutely fascinating yeah because i feel like i was thinking about this no i've been thinking about my relationship recently go on give me yours my personal take on my own relationship with alcohol is i think i've got such a fucking healthy relationship with her i was literally thinking this the other day oh my god isn't that mad i was literally thinking you know what i've nailed we both do actually the relationship to alcohol bizarre same because i think i not to say my family member stuff but my mum does not drink really she'll have like one glass of sort of champagne a year and think that's crazy my dad will drink that every
Starting point is 00:32:11 night portuguese style sort of you know he'll have a bit of wine every night but and i was like god i really because i've come here and i'm back in i'm having a bit of wine blah blah we went for a five course meal yesterday yeah it's good for you and there was a lot of wine at this meal and i just how i like it and i was like god this is hitting me because i probably have had like i had like a half pint of beer in the last month like that's probably all i've had and i really fluctuate between like like basically it's completely how i feel in that circumstantial moment and it's so i was just really thinking about it like i'm so glad i just truly have a very healthy attitude with it wait i literally was having this thought the other day i was literally like you know what i've really got
Starting point is 00:32:57 going good for me a relationship to alcohol but interestingly yeah no it is great and it is subject to change so you know let's yeah we're thankful but again as well not to sell my family out but i kind of some of my law growing up l-o-r-e my mum's dad died a year before i was born and he was an alcoholic and it killed him and so yeah and i feel like that um kind of story around that made me think don't be an alcoholic yeah which obviously is a really nice idea for a kid just amazing yeah i just want to do that that sounds good yeah cool um and obviously we're not equipped to handle this conversation but sending a lot of love to people who are feeling like they're struggling with their relationship to alcohol because Because especially in the UK, I know everyone says it, but unhealthy relationships with alcohol is kind of the culture.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Totally. It's so beyond normalised. It's insane. Yeah. It's so, so insane. It's almost like you get shamed for not drinking. Oh, 100%. Growing up, there was such a thing of like, fun fact about me hate fizzy drinks you must know this i don't really like sweet things
Starting point is 00:34:09 this is why there's lemonade this lemonade is untouched i must say and it's not fizzy even um just sweet um just has the echoes of something that you wouldn't like that's just i just i just don't know can't be be entertained. Yeah. And I remember, like, at parties, everyone's got, like, Lamborghini, like, WKD, all of this stuff. WKD, that was, yeah, nice. Smirnoff Ice. My hell. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Oh, my hell, my hell, my hell. My heaven. My heaven. Oh, God. See me in heaven with a blue WKD. Oh, God. That's awful. And I remember the thing of being like,
Starting point is 00:34:42 God, I just kind of wish I liked this because, like, there's so much pressure, like, chug, chug, chug, drink this stuff. It's like, it's not even alcohol. So what would you be drinking then? um and i remember the thing of being like god i just kind of wish i liked this because like there's so much pressure like chug chug chug drink this stuff it's like it's not what would you be drinking then i would be basically sipping that like but i hated it every mouthful i hated so but it was just so part of the culture growing up like that you had to everything was about um going out and drinking i remember like having to go pour it away down the sink like pretending that i was drinking it i know just because you didn't like it just vile flavor my drink of choice what's your drink of choice vibes for ages and i actually i have two actually no i can't be bothered um no let's be bothered two drinks let's go okay so my my first one and i remember i got there the first
Starting point is 00:35:27 time i had this was when i was 18 and i was like i'm gonna i had obviously been drinking before which is quite common in the uk as we've discussed yeah um but then when i was 18 i was like oh i'm gonna treat myself and buy something expensive which i don't know now oh my god what was it and it was alize which it says on the bottle like how's that yeah literally what the hell is that it says mix it with other alcohol but i didn't i used to mix it with lemonade um and i loved it and i haven't had it in years alize alize yeah i'm pretty sure the weekend mentions it in a song that's why i wouldn't know it um but i loved it and then saint germain followed that up which is like an elderflower gin i think i've had that which i loved again would mix with lemonade classic i mean i'm a big lemonade fan hell no this is why
Starting point is 00:36:20 when i discovered gin and tonic i was so happy because even though it's fizzy it's the closest drink to water you can get that's alcoholic yuck you know what i don't like that's good tonic soda water i like it's just water sorry i shouldn't gag just in case people are sensitive to that sort of noise which is totally respectable it's not really what you want um yeah i could have a drink right now right now my drink is spicy margarita i had a margarita yesterday that was before our meal this is what i mean about the portuguese culture i don't know if anyone's maybe i don't know but yeah you get a cocktail like i don't know this is part of this at this restaurant before your meal we had a cocktail i had a margarita before my dinner then with every course it was a different wine sort of thing oh god i'd be out
Starting point is 00:37:08 yeah no i'd be i'd be gone i cannot cope with this like i'm really i hate being hung over as well two drinks also i shouldn't something i shouldn't drink but i also do love a paloma if you don't like a spicy margarita i would say a paloma is a good my favorite drink of all time and i think this is i mean it's gone down in the history books as one of the best drinks of all time red wine red red wine is the best food of all time not food that's dinner really healthy delicious soup i love that we were like sorry for struggling with your relationship with alcohol here are some recommendations of drinks that we like just to get everyone in the mood we're just not we're totally not equipped and like we're not no that's it's not anyone that starts the conversation we've both got really healthy
Starting point is 00:37:56 attitudes of it isn't definitely not equipped to be talking about um no no no how to the sort of i mean i've seen the destruction that it can cause and i yeah i think as well what's um underrepresented is having the conversation of like struggles with alcohol for young women yeah like for women in general and then especially for young women someone who talks about or has spoken about i don't want to put words into her mouth but i know she's spoken about her relationship to alcohol a few times on the internet. It's Lucy Moon. So maybe go over there if there's... You love Lucy Moon.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I love Lucy Moon. You love Lucy Moon. I do love Lucy Moon. I have a lot of respect for Lucy Moon. She's so good. She makes good stuff. She's very thoughtful with the stuff that she makes. She walked out of our event, but she didn't.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Well, it wasn't really our event i don't even that's also the most twisted version of events she didn't walk out of our event we were doing a weird thing and we saw that lucy moon was there oh my god lucy moon is here and then lucy moon and then she left just before we went on so she left okay lucy moon's not here lucy moon's gone so she definitely didn't it's not like we were speaking and she left but she would have no idea oh no she's absolutely but to be honest i barely have an idea what was that yeah no i had no idea literally what was that in general okay well cool you know what that's actually really spruced me up a bit good good what about you have i dragged you down to the pits of hell no i just think i i think i'm just writing off the day a little bit i hate a day where i don't feel comfortable in my clothes and just whatever i'm changing
Starting point is 00:39:33 to it's not right and it's like i hate that feeling so much so i'm almost writing it off but i'm going for dinner in a bit so that'll be really nice yeah i'm excited i think i'm gonna get a chinese oh yum yeah i was thinking i haven't had one of those in one of those like a takeaway chinese takeaway chinese takeaway yeah in probably since with you at uni it is the kind of thing i would get you to do it's just like not a thing i would get because i'd always either get a curry or a pizza takeaway there's a really really good chinese here in brighton that we used to order from that everything they do they also do a vegan version yum oh my god please can we get that when i'm next yeah at yours yeah because i honestly have a takeaway vibe it's probably been four or five years yeah let's do it oh my god i love that
Starting point is 00:40:24 it's done all right that's fine what are you gonna get do you still get curry sauce oh it's like you get chips and curry sauce you do like me sometimes when you remember i take your advice on orders because i didn't know what to get and you said get chips and curry sauce and i was like that sounds rank and then you were like get it i loved it yeah it's a good vegan option chips curry sauce and i was like that sounds rank and then you were like get it i loved it yeah it's a good vegan option chips curry sauce which i was vegan at the time i would still entertain the chips and curry sauce now and i would definitely still entertain chips but i've gone back to my sweet and sour roots because i love sweet and sour sauce like bright pink red like fake just like
Starting point is 00:41:01 cheap oh yeah i love the conversation sorry i know we need to go but i love the conversation around like the chinese um takeaway discourse there was like a huge conversation about like a uk quote unquote yeah yeah takeaway and like what it was and like americans being like that is so weird blah blah blah anyway yeah but everything that happens in england is just quite weird i would say it's absolutely it's just so weird so weird it's just like off in every way it's so not right my advice if you're not from britain and you want to come to britain it's just like don't really don't come i would say come and i would say if you can bank on a sunny day you should come to brighton come
Starting point is 00:41:40 and say hi yeah brighton is nice but i would say they're edinburgh huh edinburgh i would recommend i would recommend all these places but i also think just don't get too attached to england because it's a crazy place no don't and i would what what is this right um okay right enough enough is enough cool if you don't hear from us assume the worst stunning thank you wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet.

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