Goes Without Saying - resets, ruts, & the 'new year' slump: 2024 starter pack

Episode Date: January 1, 2024

podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on 'new year' anxiety, perfectionism, procrastination, and the 'january slump'. an exaggerated social discourse on milestones and achievements, r...egrets, disappointments, underachieving, failure, ambition, and the passing of time? oh... we are so back. shop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.ukhear more ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwing watch more ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwing Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Goes without saying, you're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sethi and Wing. I'm Wing. And I'm Sethi. And we're back for a whole new year. Same season, actually. I was going to say whole new year, new season, but I guess we're sticking with the same season. I'm Wing. And I'm Safi. And we're back for a whole new year. Same season actually. I was going to say whole new year, new season, but I guess we're sticking with the same season. I think same season. Who knows? Who knows what we're doing? Yeah, let's see what happens on the other side of
Starting point is 00:01:13 this episode. Yeah. This is a really nice new year catch up. We're talking about the pressure that comes with the kind of overwhelming slump of january and what that means for who we are and where we're going and how we can fight against the overwhelm try and feel a bit of a reset try and ditch some of the pressure we have a nice catch-up in the first 10 minutes so it'd be nice to see you there nice to show your faces um see how you've been feeling and then we get into i would say some tips on how to cope with the ruts and the slumps and the funks and the pressure of the new year how to set healthy goals and feel good in yourself because obviously we're the experts love you lots see you soon
Starting point is 00:01:53 take one take one first step of the new year wow and look at us we look so different god what have we done to ourselves take a look at it who am i who are these girls so hopefully it's all kind of updated and hopefully that has worked yeah wing has designed a new logo she's outdone herself i really have outdone myself this time if i do say so myself it's incredible thank you it's so good the detail the level of detail on this i can't wait for the time to inevitably come when i hate it it will come as it comes with all of the others yes that's what happens they time and time again they come they try they do there are also some easter eggs in this if you can find it i saw some people in the comments actually so we posted this new little
Starting point is 00:02:45 cover on instagram did you see this effie that people were like yeah people were like what what does that number plate mean and like some people knew people are figuring it out um so i didn't know i had to be told what it meant but i was also tired when you told me and you said you would know if you weren't tired yes i think you were too overwhelmed because basically what happened was... Should we actually talk about that? I can't remember what it is. The experience of us sitting down and looking at the new cover for the first time. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Oh my god. It all happened quite quickly, I would say. It happened so quickly. Too quickly, maybe. Yeah, it was almost like... But also, it was one of those things that whenever we get a new sort of look and we kind of go through that process of being like we want to change it wing designing a thing her showing it to me all of that just the overwhelm every single time i think i struggle with the change of it and i'm like no oh god no i just don't know if i'm
Starting point is 00:03:39 ready for the change but this one as soon as i saw it i was like yes love instantly i knew you knew so we it was kind of like you were like basically i'm going out in an hour and i had said right i've got some things to show you just you know a little just some show your workings yeah and i hadn't necessarily said it's a new cover or anything i just said you said it's some fun things so i didn't even know what i was annoying person to be around like what is wrong with me no i love it and then you were like well i'm going out in an hour and i was like well then i guess we have to do this now now yeah um and that was what and it was all very quick and it was it was a lot of like it was quick and it was high energy and i think the adrenaline um
Starting point is 00:04:23 shook you from being able to get your detective work out and assess what the number plate might be yeah although we have seen from your riddling that you're very good you're very good at working out uh riddles if you haven't seen there's a video of wing giving me my birthday present which is this box it was full of riddles also can we just talk about this briefly so I had gone I was blonde before and I had dyed my hair brown my sister dyed my hair brown and she said I've missed a spot on the back um but just do that later and I was like yeah no no it'll be fine it'll be fine like I'll just do it later and then she saw me about a week later and she was like I told you to touch up that spot on the back and I was like yeah but it's fine no one can even see it and oh my god that whole video is the back
Starting point is 00:05:14 of your head I think it just looks like the light coming in from the window that's what I said to Lizzie because she was like I fucking told you I told you you should do that I was like I think it just looks like the light and she was like no it looks like she said she actually said it looks like you've got no friends to tell you that you've got a blonde bit on the back of your head i was like thanks lizzie that was on my birthday she said that i was like thanks lizzie that's really nice that's really nice you look like a fucking loser you've been walking around with blonde a little blonde streak on the back no i think to the untrained eye because i would have thought it was just the light but then i remembered you told me that you had a spot it was like a blood so basically i've just like missed i didn't my
Starting point is 00:05:57 sister and obviously i went over it straight away goodness as soon as because it got to the point where i was she was like look you actually have soon as because it got to the point where i was she was like look you actually have to dye your hair and i was like because i can just be so like um what happens on the back of my head scene of the crime she's walked oh we're oh thank you we're just we're recording now we're just talking about the blonde bit on the back of my head that is the one to blame right there are you fucking she's probably out you have to tell her that you're outing her right go on anyway anyway yeah so if you want to see that that's on the instagram it's actually a really
Starting point is 00:06:29 wholesome video it's such a cute video i watched it so many times i was literally smiling my head i keep watching it i was laughing my nut off editing it and my boyfriend's sister's husband was like are you what are you laughing at because i was like sat really unsociably on my laptop while everyone was like talking or whatever with my headphones in and i was dying with after going really minding my own business watching it and i and my sister said it's funny that you're watching of just laughing at a video of yourself it's enjoyable it's an exactly and i was thinking about what a good time we had we did we had such a good time one of my favorite bits right the beginning is when you is when i say well maybe
Starting point is 00:07:09 there's riddles or something and you go what you're like let me get i love it i love anything like that i love it it was so it's so fun so yeah there's stuff going on on instagram anyway um we brought that up because maybe of the easter egg in the car some people in the easter egg so the number plate if you can decode that in the number plate let us know it that really means we've infiltrated your brain in quite a deep in a deep way um kind of scary way i also think there's just it's not even an easter egg but the evolution of the lightning bolt the iconic light so lightning always been on she's been following us around she's chasing our tail there's always there's always a storm there's a
Starting point is 00:07:50 storm coming the lightning on this one because usually it's quite like a harry potter style just a nod to the lightning bolt so true this one it's like god it's taking on a life of his own i can hear it i can feel it crackling the ground is rumbling there was a really um dramatic video dramatic video of the new cover on instagram oh my god i was like it's giving succession it's so dramatic i love the drama um anyway not sure if i said everything i wanted to say there but oh and also match oh here's the biggest thing well one of the biggest things the merch guys the merch there's iconic things are back like the things that were in popular demand of hoodies everything but all and nobody's coming harry stuff which i thought was really popular this is the worst stuff and then wing has also
Starting point is 00:08:42 designed really new pieces i also love the new assume the worst like spray stuff i think that's why my face is the worst spray paint isn't it cool that's i think that's what i want on a mug uh i think i got a mug with that i think yeah so what have you ordered so you've ordered some things sorry i haven't ordered anything yet i just went off without you because i text you saying sorry i don't know how listenable this is but i text you saying i'm gonna get some mercy and then i looked at my phone i was like oh i meant merch because you did because i also didn't see it for a few hours so i just got one that said um i'm gonna get some mercy then two hours later or something i mean merch it's like yeah no i would have known so were you worrying for the two hours i mean i mean so embarrassing
Starting point is 00:09:29 oh my god um yes i can't remember what i got oh should i tell you yeah all right don't keep it secret i got keep it secret i got okay so i got something quite exciting which by the way thank you for everyone perusing oh yeah peruse away there's a link on our instagram it's just sephinewing.co.uk because we're english because what because we're english because we're proud english girls well we used to have sephinewing.com but then we got confused and lost it somehow yeah it's really sad we misplaced it we were into so now yeah now we're fucking proud we're like the nigel farage right so the first thing i got i got this seasonal sweater which is really cool so basically i had this thought that we should do every season we
Starting point is 00:10:25 could do like a springtime one so it says gws season and she's the little pink car and she's kind of skiing in the alps i've never been skiing but i love the pink car it's cute yeah me too i love the pink car i think i want the pink car tarot card one with the spray paint on it goes saying over it i also got a black so really cool actually one thing i will say and this i'm going on now and i apologize no it's fine but these totes the totes that we've got now are like thick sturdy durable totes they're not like the thin um kind of light cotton ones these are like which i think we could still do if you wanted like a lighter my nobody's coming tote that i got
Starting point is 00:11:05 in our first ever merch that we ever did green nobody's coming harry tote and my friend actually has the blue one and my other friend has the goes out saying one and all of them doing so well yeah mine's i did spill a pen all over mine but but this is like quality is good so basically you have that like a normal tote but then this is they call it a shopper tote. So it's like a thick structured wider. It's just bigger. It looks better. There are just some fun things going on. I would love to hear what everyone thinks.
Starting point is 00:11:34 And thank you so much. Love you. Love you. Love you. Love you so much. And thank you. Just, I'm excited for just like the new era,
Starting point is 00:11:42 the new year, everything. I'm so, I'm hoping everyone's like excited to come along i feel fresh as a daisy honestly that's i mean that's the episode really yeah yeah okay so shall we get in then yeah let's do it end of year start of a new one end of year also you've just had a lot from us a lot about no pressure if you um no pressure if you couldn't keep up with that i appreciate that um i feel every day is a lot to us every day is a lot and i almost think if i came
Starting point is 00:12:11 back to my podcast and i saw all these new titles i'd be like shit oh my god where are we i've fucking missed out but you haven't missed anything interesting guys don't worry no i think i feel like podmas is its own thing so it's like you can either kind of dip in and out but like if you want to come along on the podmas ride iconic and if you don't i mean you don't have it's just like a sort of it's a seasonal special agreed agreed and with every episode but also thank you so much for everybody that listened oh goes without saying because it i mean from where i'm looking it looked like a lot of people listened so thank you so much for coming along with that mental ride i feel like all of our episodes are just standalone things don't worry about it we're always coming in with something new and weird
Starting point is 00:12:47 you couldn't possibly keep up even if you tried no but people do that's the crazy thing but they do yeah so how are you feeling at the end of this year i'm feeling good actually so i'm 27 now 10 27 congratulations two days ago on the 27th congratulations my champagne birthday famously famously um famously um so i'm feeling like i feel like because i have christmas my birthday and then the new it's new year's eve today on the day that we're recording this i think for you it's new year's day when you're listening on the day it comes out um and so because i kind of have all my christmases at once i have everything yeah my birthday and everything i feel like it's kind of have all my Christmases at once, I have everything. Yeah. My birthday and everything. I feel like it's kind of new year and I get a new age at the same time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:28 So like every year is like, this is my 27, my year of being 27. Then the next year of being 20. Like I feel really, I'm due the like fresh start feeling, I think. Yeah. And I feel like I'm gearing up to it. That's a really overwhelming time though. It feels like, good for you for um good for you for dealing with that your whole life hey that's so great but actually though thank you so much that feels like a recipe
Starting point is 00:13:51 for you know but if not a recipe for disaster at least a recipe for overwhelm because i feel like the end of year is just overwhelming generally if you add your birthday into that then you you've got christmas new year and your birthday it literally is like you said all your christmas has come at once it's like god that really is i could see in the space of what how many days christmas day literally a week what's that it's a week eight days yes christmas day boxing day my birthday my great uncle's birthday 29 30 yeah in seven days everything i have every event possible known to mankind every event in my life is in those days which is a lot and then you've got someone calling you being like oh look at this new cover you look different now it's too much yes it's too much so i agree with you i do get the right so i was kind of saying
Starting point is 00:14:39 before we started recording this that i feel like i crave crave crave crave everybody knows that blank slate blank space tabula rasa feeling of like i need that fresh start i want to like really capitalize on feeling like i can just be a new person for a bit but obviously set myself up for failure every time every day something new some some new failure happens that i have to deal with and i have a habit and i am i know it's quite normal like most people do this but i really shoot myself in the foot by being like like it would literally get to like 10 a.m on the first day of the year and i'm like oh i've already ruined it didn't do that thing yeah so now i've ruined it or like oh i was gonna do that at 6 p.m oh well it's 6 30 now so i can't
Starting point is 00:15:20 do it oh well blah blah blah everything's ruined and i hate that feeling of like oh i've been given the luxurious gift of a fresh start and i've already fucked it up like i've already but it's like i have the pressure and the guilt of like not taking advantage of it enough but you are you're not someone to not take advantage of a fresh start you literally are the lover of fresh fresh start oh thank you so much um identity well this is why i think it's the year of kicking the pressure so i just want anyone who's also feeling that pressure of like oh shit i had all these hopes and dreams they've already been um squashed yeah let's just come in with some perspective like there's still tomorrow you can do it i believe in you it's fine as soon as there's a whole year there's a fresh start literally in a few hours you'll be in bed don't worry about it yeah yeah no true you're right go to sleep now you'll wake
Starting point is 00:16:09 up make it minutes just be just going to bed just go to bed honey yeah no and also it's it's a weird thing because it feels like then if you're wanting this fresh start feeling to kind of last and it be perfect you're waiting for this moment of it fucking up you're never gonna have a perfect year so you're just kind of setting yourself up whether that comes in a week or a few days or a few minutes or whatever a month even second amazing january and february you fuck it all up it's like it's completely unsustainable it really is it really is it really is unsustainable and it's also the idea of like wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment and not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh canadian dairy it's also refreshingly cheap just 99 cents until july 14th it's a treat for you and your wallet
Starting point is 00:16:58 acas powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. In the early 1980s, gay men started to get sick from AIDS. Years before ACT UP, before HIV was discovered, before the history you know, there were people on the front lines of the fight against AIDS. Joe Sonnabit. Michael Callen. Bobby Campbell. I'm Dane Stewart, and in the new season of my podcast, Resurrection,
Starting point is 00:17:27 I tell the stories of heroes of the early AIDS movement. Like the story of a cabaret singer and a sex worker who invented safe sex and saved millions and millions and millions of lives. Go check out Resurrection wherever you listen to podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere a cast.com something we talk about is i almost think you can emulate that fresh start feeling so that obviously the idea the social kind of construct of a year coming to an end and you're being given a new one and it's a new day and it's like a fresh by the way how nice monday the first of the year that's very
Starting point is 00:18:10 good to me yeah that is really feeling good hi happy monday first of the year happy monday yeah so good they should do that every year no honestly just start with somebody should write this down and take notes you know what really bothers me when people start the week with a sunday oh i had a teacher that would do that it's like oh what's wrong with you i don't like it sunday monday are you like sunday it's like i'm winding down teaching children this stuff yes honestly it was um corrupting the minds of our youth honestly telling them it starts with sunday um but yeah you can i feel like so i feel like something we say a lot and so we talk about a lot and something i think we're always looking for is like cutting through that like overwhelming feeling of like shit that life throws at you by emulating that fresh start new perspective fresh eyes new day feeling i do that by a few
Starting point is 00:19:08 things having a shower i know i know you know it but like getting some hot water on me wow come out like a whole new girl who is that yeah i don't know who i'm sorry for what i said half an hour ago i don't know what i was saying what came over me no i just need to wash my hair yeah yeah when i'm in a bad fucking mood chances are let me look in the mirror my hair is greasy i actually have a whole thing about this because i really got into a bit of a thing i feel like my hair looked its best when i was washing it less because like basically over lockdown not even looked at its best but like it was its healthiest i didn't even particularly love it because it was too long in my opinion um but it was really healthy because i was
Starting point is 00:19:44 like trying not to wash it so much getting a good like sort of schedule with it doing like like we were really oiling up all the time and oiling it and i was just like it looked so healthy but that the horrible bit of that is that you have to go through a lot of your days of greasy hair yeah and actually my hair right now is not as healthy as obviously because it was being blonde for like two years. Well, yeah, probably about two years. And this is just brown on top of it. But it's like I'm actually prioritizing the feeling of having clean hair.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Yeah. And not just powering through my day with greasy hair because it's the feeling of being like I have greasy hair and I feel dirty and grotty and i don't like how i look is not worth my hair which actually impact impacts my health in no way my hair being healthy is the least important thing to me on my body to be healthy almost yeah yeah no offense but like yeah yeah i don't care about you guys it's just always like i like it when it looks nice but i like it when it feels clean more yeah i think as well like if getting ready is an issue for you guys this might be this might ring true you've probably already figured it out but it
Starting point is 00:20:56 literally took me up until the age of probably 25 to be like oh if my hair is dirty i feel bad dot dot dot like it's harder for me to get ready it's harder for me to leave the house it's like yeah because you're trying to leave you're trying to put yourself together and leave the house with greasy hair what's wrong with you yeah and it doesn't feel good duh goes without saying oh i'm being delivered a coffee thank you so much does it have baileys in it yes it does good she's become an alcoholic in the last few days no i actually have hasn't got baileys in yeah it does it does oh my god also so nice that we've just both been delivered a coffee cheers that god life of luxury cheers love having these people i'm already one bailey's coffee down
Starting point is 00:21:36 um so wait what have you got you've got bailey's and what milk in there it's coffee yeah yeah yeah oh my god that's crazy it's so good and i would normally have before midday yeah i wake up and have this that is i couldn't stomach that you could trust me you could it's so delicious it's so good and the other day i had it i was in such i was on a seat i was being moody moody moody but moody and then within half an hour i was like god i've i've really perked up good for me god i'm really trying really working hard at this yeah like mental health it gets better and i was like no no you've just you're drunk so i do i'm seeing how it well to be honest whatever gets you through christmas i love it yeah but i think oh no go oh no you're gonna be boring i'm just on my black
Starting point is 00:22:19 coffee life at the moment oh yeah you are i'm just off milk in all ways well like oat milk and stuff um shame i just have black coffee now which i just feel like is so with my little bob now you need a cigarette i'm so french it's almost like i need to have a cigarette i just said have a cigarette sorry i think there's a delay there must be a delay or like luckily we have the exact same um sort of mind so it's just we're just why do we even bother doing this actually because we're just gonna say the same thing anyway yeah i think having it i think if it's like look you're listening to this on the 6th of jan you're already like fuck me i fucked it up big mistake guess i have to wait for 2025 i've been there get in the shower or or the equivalent
Starting point is 00:23:01 have a fucking glass of water maybe like do something that feels like, oh, that won't affect me because I'm a medical anomaly and things that are good for human beings don't actually affect me because my brain is much more complex than the average Joe. No, not true. Not true. All of these simple things like getting outside,
Starting point is 00:23:18 getting some fresh air, having a glass of water, having a shower, you know it. They make you feel better. Is that something you feel like you did in the year that's just passed do you feel like you've been taking care of yourself in that way so yeah i think something i spoke about the end of last year was that i want to start just like taking care of myself more as a human being yeah um and i do feel like i've made
Starting point is 00:23:40 leaps and bounds i've come along such a long way. I do feel much more like a human. I really think you have as well. Really? In what way? Go on, compliment me. Well, I just think, actually, I think we underplay, actually, the growth in this year for you, specifically.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Oh, thank you so much. Okay. Congratulations. I do think you've come. Oh, thanks. In terms of looking after yourself and like existing just your mental health yeah i think like it is you've come so far yeah no it's astronomical actually yeah yeah i can't really put into words so congratulations thank you so much
Starting point is 00:24:17 truly an achievement i know i feel bad to all the like if you're really really really struggling like you're on the brink and it's like oh god i had wing with me and now she's like over there with the people who say things like it gets better and trust me you can do this but it's true it does get weird i don't know i don't know what to say about it i think it must just be um the medication honestly i think it's loads of things i think it's loads of things but when you were in therapy yeah was that the beginning of the year yeah i think by the end of that yeah you were in a different place i really was i really was because i started going to therapy being like shit i've nothing i'm wasting my sessions this is bad yeah poor rachel she was great so great she was really great hey sorry did i derail you a bit oh i'm
Starting point is 00:25:02 saying no i would always take a compliment no i was just gonna say like do the thing like do the thing that you know you need to do because i think sometimes when i'm feeling shit i know that what i need to do i remember saying this before but sometimes what i need to do is the thing that i want to do the least yeah because that's the thing that i'm putting off or that's the thing that i'm like using to like add loads of pressure it's like oh if you know like you need to sit down and plan that essay i'm so sorry to bring it up oh the essay is so boring but that might be the thing that it would probably make you feel loads better and that's what i want for you guys i'm sorry to do the tough love thing but like i want you to feel better and if kind of sitting down and figuring out how you're going to pay your rent this month and like figuring out where you're going to get that money for your bills is coming
Starting point is 00:25:47 from if that's going to make you feel better you're probably going to have to do that I'm so sorry yeah but those are the things that get you down in life yeah and it can go the other way if like if the the thing if you know that you've got a tendency to kind of I hate the word procrastinate or like not be kind of lazy, whatever, which I love for you. I love it. Then you know, then it's like the thing that you're putting off is probably the work. But if you have a tendency to like overwork, probably the thing that you're putting off
Starting point is 00:26:14 is the rest. Like you will know the thing that you have the issue with. Yeah. And because it's the thing that, yeah, that you find hard. And I do think rest is actually something that our society has. Rest is very hard. Because we live in a capitalist, horrible world. It tells us not to rest and it tells us to like grind, grind, grind.
Starting point is 00:26:30 But actually, I think that's the thing people struggle with the most, more than actually. Agreed. Working. Working's the fucking easy bit, almost. Intentional rest is the hardest thing ever. Because it's also like, I'm sure there are times when you're just sat there kind of numbing your brain by accident and you're not necessarily working but you're definitely cannot call that resting guys no no not at all spare me you're gonna call that resting
Starting point is 00:26:54 yourself yeah it's it's just it's disgusting what's happening over there i can see you and it's not looking good i think also if you're watching tv and you have your phone in your hand and you're also scrolling doesn't count are you relaxing yeah are you because actually you're watching tv and you have your phone in your hand and you're also scrolling doesn't count are you relaxing yeah are you because actually you're overwhelming your brain in a in quite a big way in a scary way what do you do to relax i would love to know what are some things you're going to do to relax this year that'd be nice well i think i have realized that um kind of meditating just like in the morning so i what i do is like as soon as i wake up i kind of put on a meditation so i'm kind of half sort of sleeping and meditating
Starting point is 00:27:32 but it's just like a positive way to start the day sort of thing or like if i just take 10 minutes to like actually really focus on my breathing and like actually sort of get into my body a bit more rather than being like oh i just need to fucking chill out put on michael scott the office straight away in my brain i just got my phone blah blah blah like or like even i'll go for a walk that'll rest me it's like actually no just like sit down and like actually tune in with how you feel that is that's definitely been a thing that's been missing from my rest in every way like i'll either be asleep watching something walking and those are what yeah those will be like my restful zones or even doing yoga it's like you're still moving around like you're tuning into your body but you're tuning into like the new thing that you're doing
Starting point is 00:28:15 to your body of like stretching and stuff rather than being like wait right in this moment i'm like hyperventilating or like oh god i could just feel really tense blah blah so i think that actually stopping and like sitting still and not picking up my phone and actually just sitting there is a huge thing that has helped me and i definitely definitely want to continue doing that for like the rest of my life really stunning stunning real thing oh how do you actually feel yeah you've been talking about a lot how are you actually feeling like where are your feelings in your body like what is this feeling that you're feeling and like acknowledging it and like taking the time to feel it instead of like moving through it yeah and being like oh i'm hungry i'm actually i can feel the hunger like i can feel that oh i'm gonna go
Starting point is 00:28:58 eat something and being like driven from my insides rather than whatever i just happen to see or do next this is the thing though similarly with the greasy hair thing surprise surprise believe it or not but it's like you just needed to notice and acknowledge that it was because of your hair being dirty and you need you want to wash your hair like that's going to make you feel better it's like i think the way we move through life just on autopilot is like just push through it just get through it just do it whatever blah blah blah oh i feel whatever blah blah but when you actually stop it can be something really simple of like oh i just needed to wash my hair i just wanted to sit down with a cup of tea i just
Starting point is 00:29:32 wanted to sit down for a sec and acknowledge that i'm feeling stressed out that's it yeah and often it's quite deep like acknowledging you've got dirty hair is connected to ideas of like oh i feel dirty i feel unattractive i feel lazy i feel um like a piece of shit hot yeah it actually goes quite deep like it's not just like oh i need to wash my hair it's like actually when you connect to the feeling like the feelings and the thoughts that you're having yeah your hair all unconscious like you'll be eating your breakfast you'll like it's all unconscious but so much is going on it's like if you actually stop and think it's like oh i feel dirty i feel disgusting it's like oh god like that's actually not a good thing just to be feeling in the background just feeling disgusting actually i feel like really filthy that's not nice that's not a nice feeling it's terrible
Starting point is 00:30:22 i feel like i'm not taking care of myself horrible i feel like it's like god this isn't nice like actually maybe we should do something about that yeah no it's not nice and when you actually listen to what your body and like your actual like internal world is telling you often it is it's driving you towards like good things like it will it's all programmed pre-programmed all of this stuff to like help you and we just like numb it out the whole time don't listen don't listen do what the world wants me to do and it's actually your body's kind of telling you how to take care of yourself like you don't really need much more than that yeah yeah yeah follow your cue I think that's been a big thing for me over the past few months is like even not necessarily like um i'm not even learning it yet but i'm just acknowledged
Starting point is 00:31:09 acknowledging that it's something that i need to learn is getting better at reading the cues of like my body and my feelings yeah of like noticing that i'm being a fucking bitch and the i don't want to say bitch noticing that i'm being an arsehole in the car yeah and being like oh it's because i'm hungry it's not because i'm annoyed with x y and z person or whatever it's like oh no yeah it's like this is a me problem it's because it's like two hours ago i thought i annoyed someone yeah and i thought they looked at me in a bit of annoyed way and i haven't acknowledged it because i've just like had to move on with my day wait no something that if i just felt it for two seconds stop the car oh i feel anxiety at the idea of being annoying or whatever yeah yeah no no it's actually that's okay those are normal emotions to feel embarrassed or whatever
Starting point is 00:31:54 it's like oh no i can move on i can forgive that i can deal with that yeah should we all just take a moment now just to like actually be like are we hungry are we sad are we stressed are we like powering through something how are you feeling right now me yeah let me tune let me tune yeah go on give us a tune um i feel i'm definitely hungry okay i'm feeling like i've got an awareness say because i'm getting i'm gonna drive to bristol in a few hours i haven't packed i can feeling like i've got an awareness say because i'm getting i'm gonna drive to bristol in a few hours i haven't packed i can feel like a restless nurse blub and like that sort of thing um like i can feel an awareness of time that sort of thing but i feel kind of good other than that that's good i feel yeah i'm feeling at the moment like the past week i've really felt
Starting point is 00:32:41 big appreciation for this like i feel very like i wake up with a lot of like excitement and i also feel quite at peace with it like i feel like when there are things burning in the background of like oh you need to do this or like shit you need to fix this like knowing that okay the cover's looking good like everything's rolling over like i feel nice and fresh i feel like we're in alignment with it that makes me feel like you know when it's like you're just you're moving through life feeling like you've got things you know when it's like you're just you're moving through life feeling like you've got things to do and it's like I do still feel like I've got things to do but like I feel like I've cleaned up the space does it feel peaceful to you that um does what bit feel peaceful like almost the idea of it all being kind of um like it feels
Starting point is 00:33:20 fresh it feels in alignment because I feel like what I get from that is like oh it kind of felt messy and now I feel quite like at peace yes totally yeah it feels like everything is as it should be all was well it's just everything just comes to an end everything's just falling into place yeah it feels like okay we've we've crossed our t's and dotted our i's sort of thing just feels nice yeah um and i feel the i feel so grateful like i just feel so like oh my god ah that's so crazy like what this is so weird like i just i feel really grateful really excited and i just i really really really hope that everyone feels like you might not even like us that much but i hope you feel like we're sending you love yeah you might really you might just like who are these
Starting point is 00:34:09 girls but these girls are sending me a lot of love jesus god they can't get enough they can't stop going on yeah they go on and on but i just hope you feel um supported in your life and yeah i hope you feel like you've i hope you feel the awareness of even if things aren't great right now, there are good things coming to you. Just I hope you have some trust that there are some good things coming your way. Yeah. You've got this. It's cool. Honestly, you're killing it.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah, you've got this. You've got this. All right, well, let's get out of here. Cool. Well, oh my God, we're going to get to say the actual intro. Yeah, and the intro. Oh God, and we've got to see the fucking intro afterwards. Okay. If you don't hear from us,
Starting point is 00:34:49 assume the worst. Iconic. Can you do the intro? I actually haven't got it in me. Yeah. Okay. Thank you.

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