Goes Without Saying - resets & seasonal depression: podmas #7

Episode Date: December 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. In the early 1980s, gay men started to get sick from AIDS. Here's a show that we recommend. And in the new season of my podcast, Resurrection, I tell the stories of heroes of the early AIDS movement.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Like the story of a cabaret singer and a sex worker who invented safe sex and saved millions and millions and millions of lives. Go check out Resurrection wherever you listen to podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. ACAST.com Take one. Take one of Podmas. Episode seven.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Cool, wow. We're caning through these. We're like Santa. We are. How did we get so many episodes out in one night? In one night? How did we reach so many episodes out in one night in one night how did we reach so many houses it's almost impossible it's almost like we don't exist wait it can't be real because one man
Starting point is 00:01:32 can't go he couldn't possibly every i've seen what men are capable of and it's definitely not that oh it's not that it's not that level see it must be a woman if anything if anything only a woman could cane through so many houses in one night delivering just whatever i wanted so perfectly that's what i was to lie and be like did you used to lie and be like i saw him in my room i saw him flying around in the sky i didn't no no i would lie and pretend that i still believed in him almost like to make my parents feel better. I would kind of go along with it. But no, I wouldn't say I saw him. Why were you seeing him?
Starting point is 00:02:09 Quote unquote. I was convinced once. This wasn't necessarily a lie. I used to be like, I saw him in my room last night. I mean, that would show. Imagine you're a mother and your daughter comes to you and says, I saw Santa in my room last night. I'd be like, do I need to? Yeah, but you're not worried if the kids like a little attention right bullshit okay you're not so worried i mean maybe i am maybe i am what else
Starting point is 00:02:29 are you feeding me but um i once was convinced that i saw him in the sky maybe you were right i think it was like a plane or something like a red light on a plane i mean yeah that makes sense but i was once absolutely like oh my god i'm happy you have that experience do you remember um the story the tale of me kind of writing out a legal document for santa to sign oh yeah what was that i wrote a thing out being like father christmas if you're real sign here on the dotted line like i've heard some things and like i don't want to believe it and like this is the you know this is the final straw this is our last shot santa yeah between you and i this is could you sign it did did your parents know because i kind of so it's quite cunning of
Starting point is 00:03:15 me you hid it i yeah i put it in a place that like they wouldn't know it was there the only father christmas yeah only he sees you when you're sleeping he knows when you're awake he knows the documents he needs to sign but a lot yeah he didn't he didn't and you know it was a bust yeah did you used to leave like um mince pies yeah i would leave out a can of fosters for my dad to drink oh my gosh it's a working class christmas it's really sad what would you leave out like cute things we didn't leave anything i really wasn't hungry it's a middle class family we're not we're not leaving any food out good for you guys what's behind the door today uh behind the door is what is this i can't remember what we're talking about today um we're talking about how to beat the seasonal depression don't worry guys we've got a cure on our hands oh we've got a thing
Starting point is 00:04:08 yeah that's basically it we're gonna solve all your worries no big deal i can't wait yeah yeah shrug what are your thoughts on that anything just to kick us off i definitely am struggling with the dark nights the dark nights yeah the cold the dark night the dark night yes i really um like for example now i'm looking out of my window it's just tipping tipping the verge of it's too dark to walk my dog it's definitely he is gonna get a walk i promise that dog still hasn't been walked hang on a minute this is quite the flex of my dog actually he's just turned he's turning nine this december and i don't think there have been maybe any days in his life where he hasn't had a walk he's a good boy and i mean off the lead walks i mean luxurious walks luxurious walks this one he's a countryside dog yeah are you just
Starting point is 00:05:05 saying this so that we know you're treating him well well also my mum listening because my mum's not here right now and she needs to hear that he's been taken really good care of yeah i bet he has um and he is but it is kind of tipping the verge of like i'm gonna have to risk my life that's the thing well it's me or the dog i know and i've got to my brother's ordering a curry right now um in the last episode he was saying he was like there's nothing to eat in the house because i'm looking after the dog but not him yeah well um so i need to get he's ordering a curry i need to go and get it for him and he said when i was rushing up to record he was like what do you want and i was like just get me one i can't believe you said that what is that because i don't really necessarily want a curry tonight but i want it
Starting point is 00:05:49 i'll have a poppadom yeah whilst i have my pasta yum um yeah yeah so you don't like the dark no it's definitely um it feels different to summer doesn't it it's undeniably different to summer yeah i don't know if anyone's ever addressed that before, but this is definitely feeling different. Different. Different to summer. Do you know what? It doesn't just feel different. It feels worse.
Starting point is 00:06:10 It does feel worse. It feels worse than summer. I feel colder in my bones. I'm cold. My skin is kind of sore when I leave the house. It's like, ah. That's not nice. It gets red and I hate it.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Oh, you get kind of a is inside i get i am quite flushed the english rose got really like rosy cheeks yeah she's a cutie pie um like someone needs to move on baby immediately she was so beautiful she didn't even know it the way her cheeks flushed in the cold but you know that that's my main takeaway so far of december has been this is like summer but okay all right i'm not sure what to make of that in terms of like a response for a podcast but i definitely feel fair enough yeah i definitely hear you how are you um coping with the um dark night i mean i'm all right i'm just not i'm i'm not going out if i don't have to and i think that might start to be a problem that might start to pose some issues because i think as we say in
Starting point is 00:07:10 summer that that distant memory of summer i'm much easier to it's easier to get me going like i look outside i wake up it's kind of barbie land blue sky and i think yeah i'll have some of that i can do that and now i'm really feeling the like why on earth would i put myself through a blistering wind and scorching desert why would i do that to myself so i'm doing things like for example i have pilates classes booked like i keep missing them sometimes yeah little things like that where i'm like if i could miss it i am missing it which isn't i think that won't be good for my mental health long term i think i'll keep you updated on that it's just
Starting point is 00:07:53 kind of colder sadder darker it's not it is objectively not as nice it's taking a lot more effort yeah but you can also you know we lean into the the kind of um the festivities of it that's the that's the crux that's the bit that's nice perspective yeah because it's like okay if you're gonna miss that gym class you've booked the least you can do is like get hot chocolate going kick back and relax and enjoy your evening it truly is the least you can do it's the least you can do are you having hot chocolates often at the moment often often yes often because i have a big bag of marshmallows to use so i'm using them it's the least i can do put it to good use it really is i think i'm
Starting point is 00:08:38 going to get a big bag of vegan marshmallows tomorrow because at the community cafe that i work in they said um we've just got a big delivery of vegan marshmallows and because at the community cafe that i work in they said um we've just got a big delivery of vegan marshmallows and you can have them because we don't like them oh that's good because it's surplus food as i have mentioned that would have all been in landfill someone was gonna landfill these vegan marshmallows is that yeah i'm gonna get them i think okay can i actually no i don't even know if i can be bothered to say that it's so boring go on what was that i was just gonna say have a fucking shower boring like it is nice no it is nice and like i would love to so let's actually maybe do some actual well that's the thing that i wanted tangible things but no let's do that like what are some things that you can do to make your life inside because
Starting point is 00:09:20 we are all in that kind of hibernation inside you stay at the moment unless you live in australia in which you're thriving yeah but in what ways can you make your kind of cozy life not actually say something before we get into that i would like to announce if you're part of the australian community can you make yourself known because i feel like our australian audience used to be when we were when we were growing up yeah it was one of our biggest demographics and now i think the americans have taken over classic oh they really really have yeah you guys came in thick and fast i don't really know why or how why are you here yeah so grateful we love everybody but i just almost would like to give a moment for the australians just come through and say a little i mean dare i say good day just give us a little something just a little nod in the
Starting point is 00:10:08 back just so that we know you're here um it'd be nice to hear from you guys um yeah so what are we doing i would say a shower what would you say why don't you kick us off wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment and not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Nature. I've got a gay ro we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer. And we are a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. ACAST.com
Starting point is 00:11:26 I think it's a whole routine. Oh, I love the sound of a routine. Let's make it a third time lucky on this podcast. I once again discovered the magical powers of timing. Wow. Whatever it is. I discovered it the other day, and I knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. Yeah it was coming yeah my room was getting messier beyond a tip like i it was one of those things where a week has gone by and then a week has gone by and you're kind of like oh god
Starting point is 00:11:54 i've just been kind of shoving everything under the desk like which is where i shove everything just like it's all on a chair it's all kind of piling up against the wall almost and i was like ah everything's terrible and then i was like you know what you need to do rediscover the magical power you know what you need to do life-changing magic of tidying up she's only gone and forgotten the magic i am that was so life-changing it's supposed to be life-changing you would assume that life could only be changed a handful of times so i don't know how many times every time yeah because i do little tidies every now and then i kind of put all my clothes away and blah blah blah i do my washing put them away again it's fucking endless cycle of shit but when i do the thing where i hoover my room i get everything out i get all my earrings that i've kind of shoved somewhere put them back
Starting point is 00:12:40 in the little pot that i keep them in yeah and do all of the stuff and i dust it and all of the stuff and i change my sheets which let's be real were overdue for a change i love change make it all nice put all my cushions up on my bed put my little cuddly toy dogger he's called on the cushion so he can see the room so he can admire the view yeah i don't him suffocating no he can look around yeah look around get some fresh air dogger water my plants nice maybe buy some flowers oh that's nice do all of the stuff it and then maybe light a candle do all of this up that to me has changed changed changed changing my life just hearing about it so far life-changing magic of tidying up it really does it's changed the thing of like for example i couldn't
Starting point is 00:13:25 record yesterday we were recording yesterday yes as we always like i was like can we push it back an hour can we push it back an hour because i got back into my room i went and got a coffee with my sister came back to my room and i was like i can't sit in this room it's fair for a second it's actually freaking like freaking me out almost it's making me want to get out yeah i did all of that stuff that i just said and then i could record in there today it's been so nice woke up in my room it's so nice nice and a thing that i've heard on tiktok i think it might be an old thing because i've been on tiktok in about a month so it's at least a month old could even be older where people have been saying a month ago um they were saying
Starting point is 00:14:06 put in um like a closing shift have you seen this yes yeah i really like that like what is it who closed last night it's a place a mess it's a tip who left this place looking like yeah but to because the every night before bed kind of take my mugs every night before bed shift kind of take my mugs every night before bed kind of take my mugs downstairs i've kind of accumulated here in the day wipe every all the fucking spilled tea everywhere wipe that off kind of put my straighteners that i've got out you're cleaning my brain when you're saying these things it's making me feel really good i hope it's making you guys feel good listening it's almost like am i am i in a car wash right now i feel like i'm being cleaned like i'm kind of i'm starfishing out and i'm having my skin kind of buffed it's kind of um a time lapse
Starting point is 00:14:55 clean my apartment with me video yum delightful absolutely delightful i love that and that's what it is and that and then it's like okay so you've done all of that before you go to bed and then you get to wake up and guess what it is is what you just said it's barbie land yes barbie land it's wake up in the morning or whatever that song is yeah when i wake up yeah that one yeah in my something something wow and it's all nice and instead it's not like when i wake up in this fucking shithole i've dumped all my clothes in my own feel my floor it's horrible etc yeah you know and that i think is a crucial thing especially for the winter yeah making the inside nice i agree because if you're going to spend time there i think as well for a lot of people that inside like there have been lots of times in my
Starting point is 00:15:45 life i know there have been times in your life and i'm sure you listening have had times in your life you might be living it right now where you feel like where you're at physically is not very nice for your mind like for whatever reason your living situation is not ideal and i think whatever like however um like to whatever scale this means to you making where you're at physically more livable can only be a good thing it could be yeah cleaning out your whole room and like making your whole room nice or like maybe you've got a whole place to clean good luck like good for you maybe it literally is the only thing you have is your bed and you can just change the sheets yeah and feel good like maybe that's the only thing that's yours right now own it do you know what it sometimes is the only thing that is yours is your body and it's like treating that with some respect the least we could that really
Starting point is 00:16:42 is which brings me back to the most important thing yeah hot water i'm so boring like why is it literally the gift of a microphone and i sit down all i want to say every time is hot water guys like no hot water though i kind of either want to say hot water or hot chocolate those are kind of the only things i really came up it's like once you've heard one you've heard them all they were either talking about hot chocolate or hot water like you don't need to listen to more than one episode to get the gist of what we were on about but doesn't that make an amazing night yeah you have a hot shower then you have a hot chocolate it's incredibly with i can't even begin to fathom how nice this would make it a hot water bottle i was actually thinking
Starting point is 00:17:24 oh i've got one on the go right now as we speak yeah i mean there's one in my bed right um for dogger yeah he's warming up he's got a scarf on that i knitted that's so fucking cute me and my grandma knitted it when i was like seven sweet little boy and he's got a stripy scarf on love him um one thing i was gonna say and this is, in a sense, it could be viewed as personal admin that should be done outside of the podcast or behind the podcast back. But I wouldn't mind.
Starting point is 00:17:52 It could be viewed as that. It could be viewed as that. But let's see how you do it. Why don't you just sit back and listen and see what you think? I was thinking, so basically, guys, on, is it Thursday? We have a, we're going to call it our bean feast our christmas party oh my god are we calling it i think we should call it a bean feast yeah it's funny christmas bean we have this i want it's basically like a podcast um like our podcast platform are
Starting point is 00:18:20 having their like their it's essentially their work drinks and we've been invited isn't that wednesday oh is it yeah it's that's wednesday yeah wednesday night then so you're gonna come back here correct yeah i'll come back to yours and then on thursday i thought we're having another bean we are we're gonna go see salt burn right yeah i was looking earlier because i had a bit of a vision of us watching salt burn at the dukes at commedia the cinema in the lanes because i thought that would be really nice but there's it will be there's only one quite early or quite late but then i was thinking it'd be quite good to go quite early early go quite early and then we can like have food after um yeah how nice would that be that we have our bean face and then the next day
Starting point is 00:19:01 we almost have a bit of a hungover morning and then go and see salt burn i'm so excited to see salt burn like it's really bugging me that people have seen it and i haven't seen it yet i'm seeing some things as well now yeah me too and i'm trying to keep my eyes shut but it's hard i know and i'm hearing people's opinions exactly and i'm la la la la i'm plugging my ears i don't want to hear it yet no no no no i don't want to hear it yet okay so wednesday we just got to make it to no no thursday okay we're gonna make it a few more days that's fine but that's fine to tie that back in and you guys might have thought that that was irrelevant but I think it's relevant because you're all invited and also that is genuinely gonna make me feel good and it will be cold but I will be happy I think making time to do things that are really sort of valuable to you and I feel like the thing
Starting point is 00:19:45 in winter that kind of slips is the sort of social connection with everyone so if you can do some things that make you feel connected to people that to me is the thing that's usually missing for me in the winter and the things that make you feel connected to people are not always just talking to someone like texting your friend yeah is a great way to do something to connect to someone but so is watching something that you feel like sort of um gives you the feeling or like kind of expresses something you want to express within yourself yeah i would say listening to a podcast is a really great way to do that i was literally thinking the other day might have been yesterday when i was thinking about us watching salt burn i was thinking it's actually one of my
Starting point is 00:20:22 favorite things to do with you it's not just like watch a film with you but almost like we've watched a film and then we come away and talk about the film whilst eating something like it's my favorite thing to do in the world it's just almost like the lights are off and it's just we're in the dungeon and it's just chilled that i think and that is truly the happiest place on earth. It really is. It really is. Once you've seen a film and now you're eating, thinking and talking about the film. That's the happiest thing you can do in life.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Doesn't get better than that. Yeah. Okay. We could better have that, I think. Put a ribbon on it. If you don't hear from us. Assume we slayed too hard. Assume we slayed too bloody hard.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Slayed all the way out of town. Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because We'll see you next time.

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