Goes Without Saying - ROT girl summer: fomo, anxiety, & the summer scaries

Episode Date: May 19, 2024

podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on social pressures in summer, anxiety, the fear of missing out, catcalling, and everyday sexism. ✷shop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.ukhear more ✷... www.instagram.com/sephyandwingwatch more ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwing Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com It goes without saying you're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Sefi. And I'm Wing. And this episode is all about summer which I mean is right around the corner guys so get ready. She's here. We're talking about summer anxieties, pressure to like be busy and do stuff. We don't really touch on body image but we will at some point. We're coming back to that. We will, we promise. We talk about cat calling and all the shit that women have to deal with in summer so enjoy hi hi take
Starting point is 00:01:28 bloody well take a thousand i'm sorry we should be used to this by now but we're not um immediately off the top there's something we need to get off our chests yeah this is not paid but we are really excited to share something with you guys we have kind of been in communication with breast cancer uk you might know this week starting today is breast cancer prevention week and breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the uk um and there are small changes that you can make in your life that can reduce your chance of getting breast cancer sephora you can tell us a little bit about that because i believe you know oh i know something interesting yeah go on so part of the campaign birds and boobs they sent us two t-shirts one for me one for wing two little girls want two
Starting point is 00:02:17 little t-shirts my one cleverly had two i don't know it's very james a custer of you a voice i don't really know mine had two blue tits over the tits which i like beautiful yeah it's gorgeous and very fun in the box when it arrived there was a qr code and i was sitting in my bed nothing better to do around and i thought oh let me do scan this code let me do a quiz online that was like all the things you can change in your lifestyle to prevent breast cancer and some of them were kind of things you'd expect it's like okay so reducing smoking reducing alcohol intake reducing red meat um exercising more kind of all the things you kind of think of but there was one that i was kind of quite shocked by that was um perfumes i can't remember the actual name of the chemical endocrine disrupting chemicals edc yeah found in perfumes
Starting point is 00:03:17 um body the body lotions anything with sort of sense and all the things i love all the nice things in life i was like oh shit i really did not um want that to be true i hear that breast cancer uk thanks very much yeah so go and do the test it's birds and boobs yeah thank you breast cancer uk for i mean more importantly thanks for all your hard work yeah and um thanks for telling us all this to us really important information really important yeah stunning second bit of news that we have news this is really important guys save the dates you're cordially invited to the wedding of it's the wedding of sephie and wing and youtube and you and you tube we go on no you go you go you go okay so save the freaking date people
Starting point is 00:04:13 first of july you heard it here first if you're not sat down so comfy in your bed with a hot tea and snack ready to go laptop open open ready and waiting to receive a video from us then i'll personally be quite gutted it would be really nice to see you there first of july we're gonna be on youtube and i hope you are so you know that we've been teasing this for ages like we keep talking about oh yeah we want to start we're filming episodes oh my god when we ask a a question we've been doing quite a lot of the records recently we're struggling a lot of the the questions people ask are when's the youtube when's the youtube yeah when's it gonna happen we what's going on wanting to do it literally for years we filmed videos we've been filming videos for a long time. We have lost all the footage. We got an amazing moment with a death eater. I might, like, surely I can track that down.
Starting point is 00:05:10 If we can find that footage, that will obviously be going on there as something bonus. But it was my mattress-soaked laptop, if anyone remembers that. Oh, terrible times. I was thinking about that the other day. I was like, I can't believe I had essentially a new laptop. And I covered it in iced matcha. And then had to just had essentially a new laptop and i covered it in ice matcha and then had to get a new laptop again so devastating guys that was i that was honestly the last thing i needed that was quite a blow it was really a blow yeah handled it so well
Starting point is 00:05:37 anyway terrible anyway so yeah we've we've really wanted to do this for like ages and ages and ages but we've been just trying to wait um for the proper moment to do it and do it right yeah yeah and i think now is the moment i think now it's time because also with the brighton summer that is coming up pending yes coming up we'll be in person we've been thinking about many things really but i think first of july videos are starting and please please please don't not let them flop like we'll be so devastated if they flop i won't be devastated if they flop i'm happy to just make them and and be here i am as well but i would also like to not have the embarrassment of like 30 views underneath the video there will be 30 views at some point
Starting point is 00:06:22 well no yeah but i kind of hope that's for like three seconds well we'll see what happens you have to see i mean first of july it's fine but please only time will tell protect us from it because that's the nice thing about podcasts it's like you can start from zero no one knows youtube is a brave move because you can see everyone can see it yeah you're out in plain sight well but yeah so that's the news really so get excited and there will be the filmed episodes will be going up on that channel as well so yeah so basically nothing is changing here if you like the audio still i mean it's literally not same old shit yeah get used to it honey just extras all right beautiful
Starting point is 00:07:02 shall we um have a real conversation yeah because it feels stiff it felt like that was an advert somehow well it took a while for us to get in i think we're not used to um it's funny it's like we're getting used to filming in the studio and then we record at home we're getting used to record at home i feel like we're just a little bit out of practice in a way yeah and it feels early in the morning even though it's not it's literally about to turn 10 yeah but my alarm went off at eight this morning and i was like oh my god why does it feel like it's five in the morning that's a shame i think it is because i stayed up late oh you stayed up watching the boxing watching tyson fury so people might know might not know your boxing law but i think they should know yeah no I guess no one really does know my boxing law but
Starting point is 00:07:45 um would you let us in or oh well it's um so I am very much she's a boxer I'm personally not a boxer but my no um my family so my dad's side has always been super super super into boxing my granddad was a boxer oh really my dad yeah and then my grand and then my dad his i mean his life is boxing yeah he has a boxing app you may be able to find this on the app store but i'm not gonna say he's like he has he's a got a game you know yeah boxing boxing man um it's crazy your dad has an app it's so wild yeah and he's been designing it since oh my god um literally since i was a baby it would always be the boxing game he's working on this boxing game and it's evolved and evolved and evolved but so boxing's always been like a huge thing my middle name here we go this is the big
Starting point is 00:08:36 hitter this is my middle name you no one will know who this is ketchel which i don't like because it sounds i mean it sounds scary to kept scary close to catch up but is the name of a boxer but very cool and I had like little dolls called Tyson and shit when I was a kid really cool like little girl dolls called Tyson aren't we all just understanding you in a whole new way it's really brought you into a new life it's like a weird it really just makes perfect sense it's a really weird aspect of my personality because it really doesn't go with my mum's side of the family at all but then last night me my sister and brother stayed up and we watched the like the usic and so far which was great so i feel knackered now well look it's only a podcast episode do you know what i mean it's hardly um
Starting point is 00:09:23 oh it's hardly hardly working hard or hardly working some may say so true how are you you had a lovely flowery day yesterday I really did I hate to hate to bring it up but I really had a great time I love to bring it up bring it up I went to Sefi would have been there but she was um she was she had prior arrangements prior engagements engagements which I wish I could have been there but I know well part of the so She had prior arrangements. I had prior engagements. Engagements. Which I wish I could have been there, but next time I can be there. Well, part of the... So it was a whole event set up by a brand,
Starting point is 00:09:53 which I think a lot of people would really get a lot out of. It's called Beebody. You can find them on Instagram. Beebody underscore, I think. Beebody underscore underscore. Interesting to end on underscores. I kind of thought they had to be in the middle in the middle yeah and there was flower arrangements there was a nice
Starting point is 00:10:11 meditative workout but I was saying the whole time when we were doing the flower arrangements I was like this is really Sefi's bag like you're such a forager yeah I just feel like you would be a great flower arranger I've never done it before um do you know a very simple rule I don't know if everyone knows but there should always be odd numbers of each flower yeah if you've got odd numbers you can kind of do like a triangle try and separate them it's like three five yeah yeah like it jars the eye for it to be like do you want to see my arrangement yeah I'd love to see oh my god I can't believe i haven't seen it yet yeah well it's because you're right in front of it oh okay god it's heavy gonzalez and i brought this back all the way my flowers haven't bloomed yet but
Starting point is 00:10:55 it's absolutely stunning yeah the guy did really help me a lot oh my god i love the big um purple pom-pom yeah they're cool They're part of the onion family. Oh, no. It kind of actually looks like a chive. Yeah. When they go purple and fluffy. But I'm still waiting for them to bloom. These are all going to be huge peonies, which I'm really excited for. Oh, my God, that's stunning.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It's a huge thing in a big glass vase that I had to lug back to Brighton. Oh, my God. Yeah, but I had a great time and i went to the british museum after um what did you see we saw the roman thing it's like legion roman it's very roman empire um another love of my life and i but i had to put it in the cloakroom i paid two pound fifty to check my flowers into the cloakroom i paid £2.50 to check my flowers into the cloakroom i was getting a lot of looks and some woman literally had me stopped in the street to take a picture of me in the flowers which i thought was quite crazy oh god that's so nice
Starting point is 00:11:53 yeah yeah it caught me off but yes it was really nice i was in the sun so i get it yeah exactly it wasn't personal it wasn't about me it was about the sun and the flowers it's different in the sun and also it kind of gives me the vibe of one of the people that's on sort of you see on sort of instagram being like hey can i just stop you for a second could i take your photo please here's my portfolio by the way you're already being filmed it's like it's like please get these cameras out my face and it's like oh you just i love your style it's like oh don't talk to me oh well anyway but yeah had a really nice time um and i do feel very refreshed and i feel to tie us in very ready for summer oh boy do i do you yeah yeah good very ready for summer
Starting point is 00:12:39 yeah i think my holiday really put me in the mood. New lease of life. That was like my first taste of it. I just went to Spain. I don't know if I've spoken to you guys since then. So we haven't done that since Spain. Yeah. But yeah, I think that was the thing that I was like, right, okay. Now that's my first, that's my summer holiday as they've started. Like I've been in the sun.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I also got burnt when I was in Brighton with you. Like I'm sort of, you i'm yeah you know did that burn heal okay yeah it just it did turn to town straight away but oh it was actually a bit of a dumb move for me guys like this is a bit lavish but um you you know this is you were there so don't you're doing a shocked face but you know oh i know what you're gonna say all right lavish move so we were sitting but we were sitting by a pool we were crazy we had such a nice day it was so nice we were like eating burgers in a pool in a pool in a pool my dream yeah um and then i you know my back my bloody bloody back problems honestly shoes not nice the tension in my shoulders guys is not normal so i was like right i'm gonna go and get a massage which is lavish life of luxury
Starting point is 00:13:46 honestly i must say to everybody so insanely needed i went to this woman's house in brighton i might go to her you should you should actually go to her it was just in a house but it was really nice i i was actually meaning to say to you were you fully naked uh just pants your pants yeah my pants yeah yeah okay yeah so kind of yeah normal massage vibes yeah but no it wasn't like right pants off kind of like well sometimes i just you know i want they have different yeah no it was just just knickers yeah nice um and then she obviously covered me in loads of oil and then i walked along the seafront back to meet witting and in that time oh my goodness i got sober because it was like i'm covered in like coconut oil in the sun yeah horrific yeah but yeah so that was the start of
Starting point is 00:14:37 summer oh i mean it's not a bad one hey it's really not a bad one it's a great one um all right well how are you feeling about it in general? I'm feeling incredibly excited. I'm also feeling like it's overdue. Like I feel like last year was so amazing and long and it just felt like summer lasted from summer started in like March and just like continued until like the early, the late hours of the year. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:15:06 So this year it feels like, fucking come on then like i'm looking outside now and it's gray as anything really yeah oh my god it's gray sky it's almost like brown sky oh god it's like bright blue sky here oh this is why i'm moving to brighton brighton summer yeah yeah come on down yeah i do feel like it gets this point of the year i feel like can kind of hit people because you're really slogging through like that kind of new year vibe is out the freaking window god new year yeah and it's lost you're in the dust and it's just like oh shit here i go again i'm down the drain yeah but yet we're still slogging for summer i feel like as well when i was at school i used to
Starting point is 00:15:45 really feel like this point of the year i always used to have a bit of a thing around may oh okay what what about it used to be like may is really just tough may yeah i think we've had this conversation on the pod but i love it now may great year great mom i only it's my brother's birthday tomorrow so i associate may charles's birthday with him so cute but i don't really know anything about may otherwise like i someone told me the day may spring yeah may is spring may is spring yeah summer hasn't started i didn't know that i thought we were like i i don't really know my months very well but i genuinely thought may was like mid-summer right well i do in vibe wise she has the energy of summer but yeah she is spring
Starting point is 00:16:31 technically i did not know that september is summer i sorry yeah until the end that's insane like the 22nd or something september is so autumnal yeah i can't believe that i do think they're kind of coming into kind of on the note of what you were saying about like i felt like may was like midway through summer like blah blah i do feel like the whole narrative around summer i know we've spoken about it before but it is kind of that thing of there's so much pressure around like making the most of it and are you doing enough and yeah are you um almost like the time is slipping through your fingers all the time it's just running past you and you can't keep up or like you can't it's really hard i think to like not always feel like you're behind or like you're missing out on something yeah that is the nature
Starting point is 00:17:18 of summer really because i feel like december well i say december what i mean is winter yeah but i just only talk about my birthday month um it's like that's the only one that matters yeah winter there's oh god there's the pressure is just off really everyone it kind of everyone goes into that pandemic mindset of like posing we're all in this together like just take care of your mental health. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals.
Starting point is 00:18:11 A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer. And we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com. It's so dark outside, like early nights, like everyone sort of, there's a softness to it,
Starting point is 00:18:53 but almost in summer there seems no excuse for um yeah also what i i think i really struggle with this because i absolutely actually need to watch something every day like every single day i must watch an hour not even an hour half an hour of something like i feel completely um overwhelmed if i don't be honest yesterday was quite a sunny day um i just got back from a walk and i was like right here it's sunny outside but i really really really wanted to watch dawn of the planet of the apes jesus christ god is coming at me from all angles yeah his boyfriend is obsessed with it he actually got me he got you into it for fuck's sake but also i watched um with so yeah jack got me into it jack mentioned planet of the apes and i thought fuck i haven't watched planet of the apes in a while so when i was dog sitting aussie i watched the original
Starting point is 00:19:42 planet of the apes um not the first time aussies watched it probably yeah kind of to honor jack i thought in his home i must watch this and then with my friend jack who might be listening he's telling me he's listening now so hey jack if you're listening hey um shout out to the jacks um i watched with him the other day we watched rise so many of them. We watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes together. And I thought, okay, I need to get into the sort of dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I need to really assess what's going on here. Because Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is out now. Oh, is it out now?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah, and I would love to go see it. Well, why don't you and my boyfriend go? Because he's desperate to go. He said we were going to the cinema once. And I thought, you know what? I would. Oh, well, why don't you? my boyfriend go? Because he's desperate to go. He said we were going to the cinema once and I thought, you know what? I would. Oh, well, why don't you? I knew, well, I would.
Starting point is 00:20:28 He said you were going to the cinema. When? When did he say that? What the fuck? It was when, I think it was about Planet of the Apes. It probably was. It was when,
Starting point is 00:20:37 I can't remember what was happening. He was walking Aussie and we sort of walked over and then we said we'd go to the cinema, but it was like a bit of a joke. Oh. I can't remember. But why don't we all go and see Kingdom of the said we'd go to the cinema, but it was like a bit of a joke. Oh. I can't remember. But why don't we all go and see Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes?
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah, sure. I would love to be there. Have you seen all of those ones then? No, probably not. I've seen like bits and pieces. I can't help but see things. They are quite good. They actually are quite good.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Well, look, I'll do it then. I would never ever ever turn down the cinema really for many like i would go see anything with the reason i just think it's like what i've heard okay what i've heard from about kingdom of the planet ibs which really gets me is that um people are saying that it really loops back to that first one like it kind of the old old old the old one where they're like in a spaceship and they're going they're astronauts but like and people are saying it links back to that which that to me i love a cycle i love something that's neat and they've
Starting point is 00:21:36 thought it through they're not just throwing out messy you're coming back to the first verse yeah i whatever that is yeah well you know that when she ends how she began sort of thing she'll say like exactly yeah you know i love it it's just one of the best things it's a little nod it's quite a um like difficult one to link back to because it's kind of a prequel but also kind of a sequel like these um okay it's really you're losing me it's just you know it's the past is the future it's a lot going on there um so i'm interested to see how they're going to do it so i need to watch three movies before like next week okay perfect so but my point is my point is that isn't encouraged in the summer in the summer it feels
Starting point is 00:22:22 guilty it feels wrong there's a blue sky outside but why am i watching out of apes on a tv yeah which is fair enough it feels like i would be in trouble for that and it feels like people would be like oh you're wasting things but that is what i want to do and what is the point i've just come out from the outside world but for some reason i'm encouraged to kind of be in it for like hours and hours and hours a day but all i want to do is be in a dark room stay out yeah i don't get out and stay out yeah that is the energy it is the energy i which is nice sometimes it is nice you do want to watch you know caesar do his thing i also think yeah sure i also think i used to this is going to take us down so sorry about that but okay she can't help it i whenever i would be feeling really bad mentally if the sun then came out it would be
Starting point is 00:23:13 like amazing thanks for that just make me feel so much worse mr sun like perfect that's what i needed to feel extra guilt about how shit i'm feeling feeling yeah like almost wow look at everyone else frolicking and i'm just rotting away feeling so sad and i can't enjoy it and blah blah blah would it not lift you up a bit or would it it could but when it when you're feeling like yeah sure when you wake up and you see the sun it's like lovely no reason to live but a lack sometimes when you wake up and you feel so bad and then it's a blue sky outside it's kind of hot and it's like it's yeah it doesn't nurture that kind of cozy like look after yourself sort of vibe it feels like there's an extra pressure of like
Starting point is 00:23:57 and almost an extra emphasis on how much of a failure you are for like not feeling good enough to participate in human life yeah and also what people perceive as the best bit of human life like it's almost like this is the bit that people look forward to especially in england you get like literally a couple months of it and that's it and it's like oh god i can't do the thing it's almost being sad at thought park it's like oh my god i'm not even enjoying i also when we were kind of talking about talking about summer the first thing that came to my mind was something we've spoken about a hundred times over and something we speak about all the
Starting point is 00:24:37 time but just existing on this planet and being in public and it's summer and you're maybe in like a dress or whatever someone can see your ankles and all of a sudden everyone's got something to say it's crazy it's crazy when they start coming out what was the thing the guy said to us the other day walking down the street he stopped in his tracks do you remember that we're walking to that house viewing that i had and we said that's the first that's like okay it's starting yes he seemed quite young did you think that yeah he seemed like he's kind of 21 it's like oh honey no but usually it happens from old men he said i adore you yeah he said it really sincerely he really was looking in the eye he said he kind of was laughing to himself god i adore you really strange so we literally looked at each other and we're like it's starting
Starting point is 00:25:36 i laughed in his face which is a bit mean i couldn't help it but i mean if you stop i adore you you must be putting yourself out there for some laughs like you know you got a giggle but they really do and also it's the bank holidays are happening it's that everybody also in brighton is bad and it's the the stags are out and i'm on the run i'm i'm prey it's terrifying i do yeah it is actually i was shocked actually when i first moved to brighton in that yeah basically i'd never really encountered that sort of stag do culture but i guess everyone goes there at the weekends and shit and it oh my god it's actually scary
Starting point is 00:26:15 it's just like topless men running around with like beers and having oh yeah and that's what seph was in for this summer oh it's hard it's actually the worst thing in the world if you can't beat him you see me running around with the stags god it is horrific it is a lot it is a lot but just ignore ignore ignore and stay safe the thing is there's only so much you can ignore i remember there was a horrific cat basically i'm i'm just cat calling in general i don't know whether this was in summer um but this was one of the worst ones that I've ever encountered. This was on the way back from the sacred place,
Starting point is 00:26:50 the cinema as well. There were three of us. I can't remember which one of my friends it was. It wasn't me. It wasn't you. I think it was in first year, so it was before, or second year maybe. It was before my time.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yeah, it was before my time with you. There were three of us walking in a line. I know who it was before or second year maybe before my time yeah it's before my time with you um there were three of us walking in a line i know who it was you've told me before do you yeah it was kind of the classic three no stellar and brit oh wow okay interesting mix i think brit was there or was it evie oh i literally have no idea i don't know um and there was like a group of men there that we didn't even notice really we're walking home probably like literally like bundled up sort of thing um and these men just went four seven three or something like that just threw some numbers out it was like oh my god that's really mental and it's like sorry we truly did not even notice your presence and i'm gonna give you your scores now one one zero zero zero surely we can use zeros i didn't know whether they would count as a
Starting point is 00:27:52 numerical value which i didn't use them but yes i'm sure they do zero zero zero um it's just like i didn't even notice you yet you feel so entitled to give these scores and also the worst thing about that one i think is the like turning friend on friend like the competitive and like comparative um nature of that one is so bad of like oh well now you've just made us think who's the seven and like that is probably the most evil thing you can have friends thinking among each like among a group of seven it's like you've given us low but then ones that are kind of like oh it's absolutely horrible it's it's it's evil around yeah and it was like we just come from a sacred space we just actually come from church as if any of your sevens like be real three and four please i actually can't
Starting point is 00:28:44 remember the numbers but they i remember it i remember you saying no no one kind of it was like sorry like why have you done this it was absolutely horrible so i just think i mean we know that cat calling is the worst thing in the world and i think obviously it comes out so much more in summer but I don't know there's kind of a bit of me that wants to speak back but I think it's just always prioritize your safety always prioritize your safety and like if you can be funny and cute in a public place and stay safe then live your life yeah and like I've had my fair share of um smash hits when it comes to like going back but also I think I'm just i think i'm just getting
Starting point is 00:29:27 tired i think i'm getting old and tired yeah it's knackering it's knackering to be walking down the street be kind of accosted by someone and then have to say oh here's a witty comeback for you that is safe and won't damage your ego but also will show you that i'm damaged it's gonna damage your ego but like you're i trust that you're not going to pull anything right now or like there are enough eyes on me right now exactly i'm safe it's like no i'm not willing to make those sort of assessments in my daily life something else i was actually hearing the other day or just yesterday actually from my self-defense expert basically at the event that i went to there was a girl that i didn't i didn't even get her name i'm so sorry um but she was absolutely fascinating yeah it was really
Starting point is 00:30:09 interesting she was talking about self-defense basically like she knows a lot about self-defense like her dad had taught her a lot about self-defense and she was saying one of the things which i have heard before but it's almost what i was really liking is i was really taking her and her dad through her as a real voice of like authority or like okay you really know your stuff it's not just like kind of fables it's not just yeah it's not just little rumors that we're saying to each other like oh try this or do this or whatever it's not whispers it's like legitimized in some way because it's come from a man who knows what he's doing exactly he was in the military i hear something like that wow something like that so then she had said which i remember thinking this as a kid i remember hearing it and i kind
Starting point is 00:30:51 of hadn't thought about it in a while yeah but she said if you're ever in a situation where for example as we were saying if your comeback doesn't necessarily land very well if you're ever in a situation basically where you're actually like legitimately in danger um don't scream help scream fire immediately yeah and don't wait a minute like don't try and keep it civil for as long as possible call for help call for fire immediately because the longer you take to hold it off the longer like the higher chance you're already in a car kind of bundled up to the middle of nowhere sort of thing yeah oh god i know so sorry to bring that up guys i know it's summer is really interesting like because people want to take a look there's a curiosity to fire of like but help what people turn away from help is like i'm
Starting point is 00:31:40 not getting involved in that god that is so much about human nature yeah it's like a kind of conformity or like yeah it's a social and fire is kind of phenomenon socially acceptable form of danger of like totally no sort of um that's like a sort of community yeah but like we all help to do this thing whereas it's like okay there's a girl being attacked it's like well what was she wearing what was she wearing and almost well i don't want to you know i don't want to get on the wrong side of him so i'll leave it yeah yeah because everyone knows man or bear man or fire everyone knows they're not gonna yeah it's not worth risking it with a man they're the ultimate villain killer yeah truly so scary oh god i would love to just come in just quickly and just have a little moment where we really take the time to say like i hope you can
Starting point is 00:32:37 be easy on yourself this summer yeah um like i hope you give yourself time to enjoy yourself and don't like snow yourself under with like obligations in your own life like things you have to do and before you know it you've like got nothing left to give for yourself do you know i mean i hope you're just taking some time for yourself i hope you're um feeling good when you look in the mirror i hope you're feeling good when you're laying down we didn't even touch on that but that's i reckon let's do like a whole episode on like body image because that is fucking hell i'm hearing but that yeah i mean god with you there that's like an insane insane minefield of shit just you know we're sending love guys yeah always stay safe stay safe out there keep your sun cream on check your boobs drink water drink drink your boobs july 1st july 1st sephian wing youtube
Starting point is 00:33:37 it's a sephian wing summer okay i'm so ready for that same that sounds actually so good yeah we recorded a thing and it fucked up guys it was so gutting i don't even know if we should say that because it's just so sad but i think it's like look there are more to come of this oh okay okay we recorded a thing that was so good we literally sat on the beach and we had mics and we recorded basically an absolute corker of an episode a bloody cracker it was honestly amazing well it wasn't even it was just like a funny episode the vibes were just great flowing between us yeah um at the sunset on the beach and we were thinking we can do like a bit of a sun sephian wing sundown
Starting point is 00:34:16 it's sephian sunset time once we work up the technology and it isn't crackle galore that was really sad we listened back immediately and it was like actually devastation it was almost like not a normal level of crackle guys like not like voice note level no it was like it was actually like there was a level of distortion on our voices that made us sound like old men do you know what i mean like it was like really like quite it was almost like we were possessed by demons. It's horrible. It was that sort of voice. Yeah, it's quite gutting. But it was quite scary. It's just really nice.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I'm excited to be like sitting on the beach, sunset with you. We've got our drinks. We've got like some desserts. Yeah, desserts I think is not that sure. We've got our microphones and we're just having a little chat. Stunning. All right, well, I'll see you there. See you there.
Starting point is 00:35:01 July 1st. If you don't hear from us, assume the last.

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