Goes Without Saying - Sad Girl Autumn: having a hard time adjusting...

Episode Date: September 11, 2024

podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on the harsh realities of the dark months, struggling to get dressed in the seasonal identity crisis, and losing sunlight and your sense of self.... ✷see more ✷ www.youtube.com/@sephyandwing ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwing ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwingshop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.uk Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's the episode about? Goes Without Saying, you're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Sefi. And I'm Wing. And this is a very cosy episode, it's perfect for the people that are looking forward to autumn. We're talking about the change of season, saying goodbye to summer, we're bouncing off some of the things that you responded to on our Instagram. It's just a very chilled, cosy, autumnal chat so enjoy.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Hello. Hello. This is really, I want a nice, clean game from all of you. From all of you. Mainly from us two though, the two seekers. Mainly from me and you. Malfoy and Harry, we're fighting it out for a stage. Well we're on great form personally I would say but individually I felt terrible. We're both kind of absolutely going through it right now. On a physical level. Yeah go on take it away. No you start you start. Well Sefi's not well.
Starting point is 00:00:58 And Wing hasn't slept. You start. Well Sefi's not well. But Sefi's not well. But Sefi isn't well and she was gonna troop through like coming out and like, I can't even remember what we were supposed to be doing the other day. We're going to a screening which I wish we could have fucking gone to. Oh shit. Yes. Although it didn't start until 9.
Starting point is 00:01:19 These screenings are the most fun things in the world. That would have been our third screening. Is it third? In like a month. Potentially that would have been our third screening. is it third? in like a month or something. potentially fourth screening. yeah fourth. fourth screening. i thought it was so screeners. we literally. nothing. whenever and we've also been to the theatre. through you guys. you guys have got us through
Starting point is 00:01:36 this. like it's absolutely nuts. and i don't.. it's honestly with a heavy heart that i can't attend these things. like it's a free cinema experience. Yeah. But it didn't start until nine, which I know is a normal time. No, it's like a 9.25. That's the middle of the night. That was my concern.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I was like, that last train to Brighton gets canceled and I'm done for. Yeah, you're fucked. Absolutely fuckeroonied. So anyway, and I haven't been sleeping. Sefi's not well, I've not been sleeping. So God knows what you're gonna get today. It's not, and I haven't been sleeping, Sefi's not well, I've not been sleeping, so God knows what you're gonna get today. Well, it's not that you just haven't been sleeping,
Starting point is 00:02:08 I think you should say the time that you woke up. Okay, so last night, guys. It's bad. I woke up at 2 a.m. on the dot, and guess what? The night before that, I also woke up at 2 a.m. on the dot. And it's not just that I'm awake for an hour, I was awake like the whole night. The sun comes up and I'm still awake.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And then my boyfriend goes to work and I go to sleep for one hour. And then I wake up. Oh God, it's a terrible routine. It's absolutely awful. It's here the past two days. I'm just a little bit like, oh, I'm on terrible form. Like, God forgive me.
Starting point is 00:02:41 God knows what I'm gonna say. Like I just- God forgive you. Honestly. It's like, wait, what I'm gonna say. Like I just- God forgive me. Honestly. It's like wait what's happened? Jesus. God forgive me. I just, I can't be trusted with the microphone.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Also why is it a little bit 2 22 a ghost story of you to wake up at 2, two nights in a row? On the dot. I'm really hoping that tonight is the ending of that streak because tomorrow we're going to casper lee's house no we're not it's like it's nowhere it's another mve like we're going into the office basically who are we gonna see everyone well you're gonna be there yeah i'll be there so you'll see me and i'll see you but that's nothing new not particularly so maybe we should
Starting point is 00:03:21 get food before oh is i actually think we have to get food before. Also, the thing we really need to do is, we have been saying for about, I genuinely think it's coming up to around a month sort of situation. That was, I was gonna say two months, so yeah. Yeah, I was actually gonna say two, I thought I'm being silly.
Starting point is 00:03:39 We keep saying we need to have a meeting, we need to reignite the higher fire, which if you are- The thing is I feel like the fire is burning, it's burning away for me personally. I think it could just do with some stoking, of course it's burning for us, but we need to just get onto the like... I've almost forgotten what the fire looks like, that's more it for me. Exactly, what do you mean? The fire is always burning, it's an eternal flame.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It's hat hat hat in here. Bit hot in here. It's always burning. But we don't know what we're doing with eternal flame. It's hot, hot, hot in here. It is, it's a bit hot in here. It's always burning. But we don't know what we're doing with the flame. No, no. There's no good just having a flame with no fucking plan. So much so, this kind of summarizes it. Sefi, I don't know if you saw this.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah. It's a bit embarrassing. It's not that embarrassing, it's just like literally just completely epitomizes this whole thing that we've just been saying, like we don't know what we're doing. So we've been talking about this survey, talking about this survey, right?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Oh yeah. So then yesterday, was it yesterday? It must have been, I can't remember guys. I said to you, should I put this survey up? You're like, yeah, yeah, it's done. So I put this survey up. So basically in the meantime, I checked it once, checked it was working, put some fake answers through,
Starting point is 00:04:42 whatever, perfect. I was like, let me just check it again, put second time. Put some fake- why are you fucking scanning your own survey? What? I just wanted to see- I wanted to see the user experience. I wanted to make sure it worked. Well I accidentally fucked it up. I felt really bad because you sent it to me and what do you think of the survey? And I immediately did it and I just put like dots in all of the boxes. Oh yeah. Just to move through to the next round. And then I I knew it I'd actually pressed submit and I thought how dare I? Wings just created this amazing survey and the first thing I do is just skew the numbers.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Just fuck it up. Well I'd already done all of that. You can delete the responses so I deleted them and also the one that I sent you I then amended something in it. I can't remember what it was. I think I just like deleted a title, like an end card or something that like linked to the company or something. I was like, yep, don't need to advertise you guys. The company? What type? Type form. Yeah, take that out. So I put through two fake
Starting point is 00:05:34 clip responses just checking it was working and I was like, right, put it on the story. Lovely. Harry, I now speak directly to you. Everybody, come on down. Great. Yesterday. Thank you to everyone who answered it. Thank you so much, you guys really came in, thick and fast, eight of you, and then I was refreshing, refreshing, and I was like, okay, we're having a bit of a quiet moment, okay, let them come through, let them come through, refresh again, refresh again, nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So what the fuck, the eight of them come through within like two minutes, and then it kinda goes quiet, I thought, hmm, that's intriguing, and then I checked my emails, and we got 10 free responses in the month. We'd used them up because I'd done two, you guys did eight. And I did one.
Starting point is 00:06:11 So then that was it. So then we'd run out of responses. So now we have to pay 25 quid. So I was gonna ask you, do you wanna pay? Shut the fuck up. Yeah, so I was gonna have to have a conversation with you and be like, are we doing that? Or like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Do you know what I hate? The fact that we are doing it, obviously we have to do that. Which is so annoying. We could find a different thing. Like we could find a different. I absolutely, what about Survey Monkey? When I worked at a thing, or Chimp Survey or something
Starting point is 00:06:37 it's called, when I worked at that wedding magazine I always did surveys on there. It was like Survey Monkey, I can't remember if that's right though. Just type from it, it's so nice and it was like survey monkey I can't remember if that's right though. it was so nice and it had like a nice pink purple background if you're one of the people who like filled it out congrats on you. or should we just base the whole next year of everything we do on those eight people? on those eight people that's what I was thinking to be honest.
Starting point is 00:06:59 that was more my tempo. I hate that. you got eight people. I hate hate hate a hidden cost. it really was a hidden cost. do you know what it reminds me of? the way i was refreshing refreshing. this reminds me of me and you when we went to thawpark fright night. iconic times. yeah. we got there we were riding all the coasters. we were going past. we were yeah. we, we were absolutely riding all the roller coasters. And then there was like, okay, time for the mazes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Surprise, surprise. Never used to be this. Hidden cost of like 25 extra quid each to go on the mazes. Was it each? What, each per person or each maze? Oh no, cause we had to choose the mazes. So I think we paid for access to four mazes. And I think that was £25.
Starting point is 00:07:45 yeah yeah yeah. and I'm not over it. no no I was actually weird I was thinking about that I can't remember when it was because my whole life is a blur these days did I mention I was up at 2 a.m. I was thinking about those remember those two women that we met there? yes! do you remember that? they could have easily... i think that was right at the back of my memory and now that i've remembered it you've kind of renewed the memory. that was about to slip out of the door. yeah do you remember that? what was weird about that? we had fast track and we didn't want them to know because they wanted to queue with us. yeah we didn't want to make them feel bad and And we had to like skip away from them.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And we said, oh my God, we need the toilet. And then they came to the toilet with us. It was two absolute random people that we made a queue. They were lovely. But it was just really like, they were so nice, but it was almost embarrassing that we had fast track. You don't want to be like, you've got five.
Starting point is 00:08:38 It's like, oh God, I feel like such an asshole. Cause we were just talking about like the queue times. And then it's like, all right, should we about like the cue times and then it's like alright should we go to the next ride and it's like oh we can't cue with you because we're absolute assholes it's not fast track. it's like we've all been saying like god cueing all this time yeah it's not good is it yeah it's not good is it little do they know we've not cued at all. we haven't cued all day and we don't plan on it. anyway that was really bad. well that brings us nicely into a seasonal little moment.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Well it actually does, because also it was something that I thought today. I saw a photo of a pumpkin on the street and it triggered this whole thing for me. I thought we have, have, have to go to Tully's farm this year. I'd love to. Like, we actually have to. I'd really, really love to. How fun would that be? It would be so fun.
Starting point is 00:09:26 It would be so fun. It would be kind of, maybe we should, tomorrow when we go into MVE, owned by Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee, maybe we should start talking loudly about Tully's farm and hope that they... Yeah, I know Joe Sugg's family are a big fan of Tully's farm. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:41 And if someone in his family that's a big fan. Yeah. Maybe we can go whilst we're at it. They can surprise us. We could go maybe to Black Gang Chyne. Exactly! I'd love to! Because I know they've just been there. More than anything I'd love to. Alright, should we just crack in to whatever? Also, on the last step, you said about Molly May's video, I watched it, loved it oh queen queen so have you seen that people are talking about maybe it being a pr stunt which surely it can't be
Starting point is 00:10:09 yeah i have seen that but i think it cannot be that yeah it's the world's worst pr for tommy i did see something weird though go on that her new shop maybe maybe amazing name amazing name they put a tiktok up using that sound from love island where she's like we don't even know all the amazing dreams that we've got coming or whatever blah blah blah. you know at the end of love island where they do those speeches to each other? yeah. there's a tiktok audio of them, tomi doing his and molly doing hers to him and she's like i just feel like i've never been loved like this by anybody before I just love you so much da da da yeah maybe use that audio over like footage of Molly May today I think.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Well that is quite strange. And in it she says I'm the luckiest girl in the world so then all the comments were like oh it's like nice that you're repurposing this audio to be like about yourself and your career and like all of this stuff. Yeah I like that if that's what's going on. I just thought it was an intriguing little choice. It is a little bit scandalous if it is a PR stunt and I'll say that much. It can't be. There's a baby involved. No it actually can't be and I do have enough faith in her as a person with judgement that she wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Like that is a crazy move. I mean that would be absolutely freaking mental. I just don't think it can be but i've heard i've heard the whispers but i've been i've been shutting them down on her behalf. well agreed because i also think people like i do think people most people generally are quite naive when it comes to pr they don't really know what that means. yeah they're watching everything i do really. do you know what i mean a pr stunt it's like describe it to me quickly quickly describe it to me. i, quickly. Describe it to me. I think most people just think like, oh, that's fake for a story or whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And generally don't know what that would look like in the real world of like these public figures and how they move through. And also if the PR is all about public reception, it's not really great reception that he'd be getting. And I'm sure he'd have to consent to the stunt. I mean it's terrible reception for him. it's terrible. I mean he's never looked worse in my eyes anyway. I couldn't believe he did a YouTube video anyway. right. it's something about running. I don't know I haven't looked. it's like come on a run with me. it's not
Starting point is 00:12:18 getting my view. excuse me? you've not got some priorities here mate. okay we asked on the story. on the story. seph and wing. what do you love slash hate about the change of seasons? like i wouldn't mind being positive and doing all the stuff we love but realistically it will go into the hatred zone won't it? well there's so much to hate. there really is. there is. yeah should we get that out of the way first? there is. yeah. I have seen so much, I saw a video of London in the rain. It was a TikTok that really blew up and then it was doing rounds on Twitter
Starting point is 00:12:52 and someone had quoted it and been like, you know the state of things is bad when they're romanticising Lewisham on TikTok. And it was really like- In the rain as well. In the rain, in the pitch black rain. I mean it was really like in the rain as well in the rain in the pitch black like rain I Mean it looked really stunning and I don't necessarily think it was Louis and but it's just funny And I do think it emphasizes the idea of like the romantic
Starting point is 00:13:17 Perspective is so lovely but also yeah, the shit days are rude. There's a harsh reality There is a real harsh reality to winter and especially winter in the UK. also I feel like we're only like a few days into like what everyone's been quite quick to jump to autumn. I mean autumn hasn't even started. it still is technically summer. it's summer. but we're only a few days into like the cold weather like the sun has sort of gone and we're I mean it's been a blue sky day today but the the rain very much started a few days ago and I feel like I've already experienced both the love and the hate for this season.
Starting point is 00:13:49 The last few days I've been feeling the cosiness, then I was like no it's fucking bleak, it's awful, why is it pitch black already? And then today I opened my curtains this morning, blue sky, and I was like oh my god I remember the feeling of a crisp day with the sun and there's nothing better but I feel like you can only romanticise the cold and the grey and the rain for so long until it inevitably is like I would kind of love the fucking sun on my skin. I'd love to walk to the shop without getting soaked for example. Easy to romanticise from your bed with a candle on. Exactly and also like I think the big kicker of that is if most people are spending the majority for example. And even as well. Easy to romanticise from your bed with a candle on. Exactly. With a hot water bottle.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And also like, I think the big kicker of that is if most people are spending the majority of their hours at work, and when they're not at work, they're sleeping, the time that you have off of work, then if it's raining, it's like, yeah, it's all well and good to enjoy and romanticise autumn by staying in and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:14:43 But then you feel the pressure to go out and maximise your time because you've spent your whole life in work so now you don't feel like you can, do you know what I mean? You feel like you're wasting ... You don't want to sit inside. Exactly, yes. Thank you for helping me out there. You just definitely don't. Which I think that also, like today, it has literally been what, like three days of rain so far and then today the Sun has come back out today and the way I have been like yes finally the Sun my malnourished body must touch the Sun
Starting point is 00:15:14 I literally have been like standing in the road like sort of sunbathing like trying to get the Sun on my face like God it's been three days like you are not cut out for what the winter actually is yeah like how god it's been three days like you are not cut out for what the winter actually is. yeah. like already felt deficient in everything. and we definitely are. definitely. which is why it's that classic thing of like, oh all those things that they say about like drinking water and getting some sun, like they really help. but it's just like in direct opposition with the lifestyle that the majority of people are living in winter. yeah how are you supposed to get sun? it's like i've been working for you. do you know what I mean? but the sun?
Starting point is 00:15:46 it's not present. yeah it's not here. it's literally not present. yeah it's fucked up actually. so I think it's time to get out those lamps again. vitamin whatever lamps. oh yeah. I don't know what they are.
Starting point is 00:15:58 my brother has one. oh yeah. they're quite nice. I might get one this year. yeah. you should. sort of I do think I'm gonna be absolutely shocked with the like not, or maybe I should just go on holiday, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Yeah, no, you should do both. But I love the Molly May of it all. I love the Molly May of it all. I love the Harry Potter of it all, I love the Molly May of it all, I love the Tully's Farm of it all. Me too. I love the warmth and the moodiness of it all so much yeah that
Starting point is 00:16:27 we had our fire on last night we watching that um chaos have you seen that on Netflix? I feel like I've seen the thing of it with a K yeah maybe Jeff Goldblum and it's about the Greek God so I really like it I have seen that there's a procession in it obviously. But we had the fire on whilst we were watching that with a cup of tea and I was like oh my god like there is something so undeniably like amazing about this. Yeah. But I'm still miserable so what's going on? Can I say something so weird that I haven't really processed? I, I was just thinking when you were saying that about like you've got the fire on
Starting point is 00:17:06 you're watching TV with a cup of tea I'm having the thing at the moment and this is the thing that I'm having with autumn of like it's too good for words like I can't articulate it and I something happened to me like a couple of weeks ago and I haven't said it but I had this meal and I literally took a bite and it actually brought me to tears it was so good. Oh my god love. and that's never happened to me ever. it's never happened to me before in my life. I don't know what it was. instantly I have to know everything tell me the place. okay so I'd actually got it from foodilic one of my favourite places. instantly a tear to my eye. it's a real tear jug at that place. but and I got my favorite thing that they do ever is the
Starting point is 00:17:47 giant couscous and then I also love they do what they call it but it has like green beans and some sort of nut in it and like an orange I don't know but it's really good. it's one of these places where you can like, you pick a main and you pick like loads of salads to go with it. It's so fucking good. And like potatoes, whoa. And I got chicken.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Broccoli salad, I love. It's so good. And the grilled vegetables, just like literally like a bucket of oil, it's so good. Which is everything. It's amazing. But I literally took a bite of this chicken and I was, I actually started crying
Starting point is 00:18:26 this has never happened to me before in my life like did you take it home yeah I was eating it in the comfort of my own home yeah god forbid I'm sat outside on the fucking side of the street crying into my chicken that's what I was wondering I have never had that before and this is kind of what I'm having when you're saying about sitting watching TV with a cup of tea. It just feels too good like it's a bit beyond words like I can't really articulate and I just felt that so strongly. It like actually moved me so much you know when a perfume like really makes you think of a certain time or like it was just this chicken was really taking me back to like being eight years old I don't know what it was. it actually like moved me so much.
Starting point is 00:19:05 like i just started sobbing. so that's new for me. and it hasn't happened since. i'm touching wood and i don't want it to happen again. it was a once in a lifetime experience. but i just thought that's a bit much. i absolutely love that. i actually.. it's never happened to me. and i don't think that's ever happened to me either. It moved me. Weird. It is a moving thing though. It is moving, yeah. I love food.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I'm at the moment in the like, we've spoke about this before, but like I'm not pre-period yet, but I'm in my luteal phase. But like, I don't know if this is, I've tried to speak to some people about this and they really get it as well. But other people have been like,
Starting point is 00:19:43 I don't think I have that. But I think you have it. Well, like you have a week where like food tastes like, like absolutely fucking insane. And like, you just can't get full. And you're insatiable. And it's like, and then as soon as like the period hits or whatever, like as soon as the period's over,
Starting point is 00:19:59 food's just like back to fine again. Or like, oh yeah, some things are nice, some things are not like just normal. But there's just like this week that I have before my period where it's just like back to fine again or like oh yeah some things are nice some things are not like just normal but there's just like this week that i have before my period where it's just like everything is like insane. i can eat everything inside. earlier i literally just had like sourdough with classic olive oil all over it and then i got a big tomato and grated it. have you ever seen this where people grate the tomato and then with like salt and pepper, basil, blah, blah, blah. And I was literally like, this is like such a basic meal. Like it's a basic nothingness,
Starting point is 00:20:29 but it was absolutely insane. Like I'm gonna have it for dinner as well. Like it was absolutely insane. You know what I'm loving about that is the texture of the bread. Exactly. The crunch. It's the oil.
Starting point is 00:20:41 With then the little spiky salt. Just so good. Exactly. It's the Maldon. Something kind ofon. It's got to be Maldon. Whoa. Yeah. Yum. I've just been craving that for days as well. I saw a video of it on, you know, Zoe. Oh my god. Tim Spector, polyphenol king. Yeah. Microbiome. Why were you on there? Zoe. I just followed them. And they posted a picture of a grated tomato on toast and I was like fucking hell. I do love tomatoes. Let's get this microbiome absolutely popping. In covid my dad was growing tomatoes and I remember he gave me like so many tomatoes and I'd have them on every like
Starting point is 00:21:16 literally like on like um like poppy seed bagel loads of oil. God that sounds insane. Yeah it's so good. Poppy seed bagel that just got me I think this is my favourite as well. I love a poppy seed bagel. I also love a sesame bagel. Yeah same I love a poppy seed cupcake. Same. Lemon and poppy seed. Yeah at the community cafe when I was working there. We made lemon and poppy seed like biscuits like short bread biscuits that would go like with a tea for free sort of thing if anyone ordered like a coffee or tea like just go on the um saucer. that's my favourite is when i order a drink and it comes with a little biscuit. yeah homemade it was like. how did you know? yeah. how did you guys know that that's really what i wanted? I quite like that this person
Starting point is 00:22:06 said this. I never feel prepared for it, like autumn, like the change of season. It always surprises me. Brackets too early or too late. Like my period. Dot dot dot. But I do hate the thing of feeling like you're getting swept away. Like everyone else is on a different ah shit, I'm out of the rhythm of what everyone else is on a different ah shit i'm out of the rhythm of what everyone else is doing or talking about. i think it's like i forget the feeling of it like every single time it's almost like you know when you're hungry you can't picture being full or when you're cold you can't picture being hot yeah or maybe other people can and i'm just fucking moron but i literally am like i could not picture being cold right now. I kind of have the thing like if I have a stomach
Starting point is 00:22:48 ache it's like I can't remember what my stomach felt like when it wasn't hurting. Totally. It's almost like in winter, it's like the other day I was thinking like okay so like I cannot picture what it's gonna be like getting dark early. Yes. It's like god I'm not ready for that in the way, I literally cannot picture it. I weirdly sometimes want it when I am knackered in the evenings and I'm just so done with the day and then I'm like, oh, I've got to walk this dog. I'm like, I could really do with it being a little bit of a more of a flattering light right now. Just like, I wouldn't want it being so scolding light on kind of my slippers that I'm walking around the streets in. Totally. I wouldn't mind it being so sculding light on kind of my slippers that I'm walking around the streets in.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Totally. I wouldn't mind it a little, just dim the lights slightly. Yeah, I get that. Turning that down a little bit or like, it's just a different vibe. Sometimes I feel like I can't match the summer energy. Yeah, totally. Also, my mum was saying the other day, she was like, I just don't feel ready for it to be winter. Like she's definitely like an autumn winter person so it kind of
Starting point is 00:23:49 did surprise me. But she was like, I just don't feel ready, like I just want like one more week of summer and then I'll be like ready for it. It's like, yeah, it does kind of feel a bit like, it just feels a bit premature. Like it is, on the day that we're recording this, it's the 11th of September, but today really today really really really feels like a sort of October day like it's got that sort of crisp autumn thing and September I mean it's still summer and it feels September can be like a hot month in Indian summer famously and it just really really really feels like you know summer's done. I think in England as well it's quite hard to settle into anything because I feel like the past year has been really like a turbulent time for the weather.
Starting point is 00:24:28 So trying to like settle into anything, like I feel like normally as well, I very much will settle into like a uniform of like I'm rotating these like five outfits for the next five weeks or whatever. And I just can't help but I just settle into like the same thing. But because of like literally at the moment
Starting point is 00:24:46 in the UK, like the past few months it's literally being like you'll step outside, it's boiling hot, prepared to get rained on, prepared to get sweaty, prepared to be freezing, you need a layer, you need a jacket, but you're gonna be really hot, you're gonna be lugging it around, you're gonna be sweating, it's gonna be packed, it's a giant, I mean like you have to have,
Starting point is 00:25:02 be prepared for all scenarios and I feel like that is just fucking annoying. The idea of being like okay so I'm gonna be wearing trousers shocks me a little bit. Like I really really really have been like shorts I'm just so not a trouser person anyway really but like I always am wearing like skirts basically or dresses and but recently I'm wearing shorts yeah and the thought of being like hot trousers like other than like literally joggers I don't like what jeans have I got to wear. It's kind of blowing my mind because I'm like what trousers have you been wearing recently like I don't wear trousers
Starting point is 00:25:38 I don't wear trousers. I can't remember the last time you were in like a trouser. I mean I wear joggers now you can see. But apart from joggers leggings that's it that's the only other thing I can't remember the last time you were in like a trouser. I mean I'm wearing joggers now if you can see. But apart from joggers, leggings, that's it. That's the only other thing I can picture. In what? Like picture you in leggings, that's it. Yeah, I will wear leggings on a walk or something. But yeah, I don't wear trousers.
Starting point is 00:25:57 The only trousers of yours that come to my mind are those purple ones. Which I don't think, I mean, have you seen me wear those in the last few? No, I haven't, but you should. I've been asking you to wear them, they the last? No, I haven't but you should I've been asking You to wear them. They look great. No, they're ridiculous What that absurd they're literally bright purple cord flares They were just a cool they were cool they were like a lockdown purchase, but they were just a cool, they were cool trousers. they were like a lockdown purchase. yeah but they were cool, you got a lot of wear out of them. no i didn't. i literally wore them probably like twice around the house.
Starting point is 00:26:33 they're way too long for me, that's the problem with them, they literally go over my feet by like, probably like three inches. okay right. well that's all i've got. or i wear like pajama trousers, that's the sort of thing. But like I really don't, trousers is not really my thing. No it's not, because jeans isn't you. No. But although I was considering purchasing a pair of jeans. You should. Yeah, I really, I have a specific image in mind for jeans, but yeah I'm not a trouser
Starting point is 00:26:57 person but I was like my legs are gonna be fucking cold. And it's almost remembering. I feel like six months, if you think of like, I know there's four seasons but in kind of England there's sort of aren't. There's like very much two seasons that sort of fluctuate the whole time. Or there's one, there's winter and you get a peep at summer. Like six months is kind of the perfect amount of time to completely forget and sort of begin to hate everything that you owned before. Is that my whole wardrobe within six months? God, my whole wardrobe within six months?
Starting point is 00:27:25 God, my winter wardrobe from last year, that's a different fucking person that was wearing that. I don't know how to make myself presentable to leave the house anymore. Like I don't know how, do you know what I mean? Like it's a big adjustment working out. Who am I then in winter, in autumn? And it's based on someone that you were last year.
Starting point is 00:27:43 It's like, I don't like her style. I don't like her decisions. I don't like that girl. Well it's just I've moved on but I'm it's almost like oh it's the fucking problem with clothes. It's too expensive to have good style. Yeah and I also I have to settle back into things. I just have to settle back into the it's the identity of like, I, yeah, it's fucking weird, I don't know. It's like I get real, I have like a real fixation. I do the same thing with food. Like I'll love something and be like,
Starting point is 00:28:14 that's all I wanna eat now for the next eight weeks. And then after eight weeks, I'm like, bleh, never look at me again until I come back. You guys know. And I feel like I do a similar thing with clothes where I'm like, oh, wear this every day for the next six months and then can't look at it anymore. Or like just really go like love hate.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I'm a bit nuts maybe. I think it's natural and also I think it's the fast fashion bullshit. Like the things that, it is truly the problem. Like even when you feel like you're buying with your style in mind, all of it is actually informed by the fashion cycles and it is inevitable that the things that were popular last year, last winter, do now feel ridiculous to wear or just like,
Starting point is 00:28:56 oh I don't really want to wear that now, there's new things that I want now. I feel like there are even things that are still like, I would still buy them, like I still like them. I feel like it just takes me a second to put back into perspective. Like, I like it the same off the hanger, on the hanger, whatever. It's just understanding me in these clothes. Like, it feels so new and weird.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Like, it's like, what? Like, I still like the clothes. And I don't want, I definitely don't need new clothes. It's the last freaking thing I need. I just need a new brain. I just need to help want, I definitely don't need new clothes. It's the last freaking thing I need. I just need a new brain. I just need to help myself, how I think. I don't know. I think I want new clothes.
Starting point is 00:29:35 No, I'm joking. I really just, I really am trying to purchase more, like, I've been trying for years, and I do think I do purchase quite like mindfully, with like trying to like not buy it into like micro trend shit. Yeah. But it is so difficult. Like I really do like the things that I think of, oh my god, these are my pieces that I really fucking love.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Unfortunately, are either the pieces that I've spent a lot of money on and being like, I know this is an investment or they're things that I have found, I hate to be the person, in charity shops that are like random fucking things that have caught my attention. They're not the things, they're not these things from fucking online shop. They're just not.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I think that's the thing as well with like micro trends. It's hard to not be looking at micro trends because everything that online shops is a micro trend at the moment. Everything is a micro trend. Totally, and that is the problem as we all know with the fashion industry like it is actually a fucking joke at the moment like or it's just heading down more of a joke lane. it's just become really really bad and really evil to be honest. it's really really crazy. we're also big vintage fans. a
Starting point is 00:30:43 hundred percent. and that's that. I'm a really really really crazy. We're also big vintage fans. 100% And that's that. I'm a really really really big fan of going to charity shops I really think like God like yeah, I actually don't even need to say anymore We all agree. No, but it's the kind of thing I actually think charity shopping is a good or terminal activity as well because it feels I always feel like it's like a museum and of terminal activity as well, because it feels, I always feel like it's like a museum. And it's why they're a bit dangerous, because it's like everything in that shop now feels like it was seeking me out.
Starting point is 00:31:11 So now it has like this sentimental thing of like, almost like I have the, like I need to pay the respects to this item, like it can't just be here in the charity shop. It feels rare to find something. I need to give it a life. It feels like you earned it. It really does, like it feels like on the way to Eris, I was stressing, stressing, stressing, couldn't find an outfit and I literally looked around every fucking one of the fast fashion shops. I literally went up through every fucking high street shop and couldn't
Starting point is 00:31:39 find anything and on my way, literally an hour before we had to leave basically, walked past the charity shop and it was just the most it was the most midnight dress I've ever seen. It was. Just sort of hanging there and I was like god you actually things you find in these places if I'd found that in fucking Zara would have meant nothing it would have felt like a piece that was created for the era's talk coming to London. And you probably would have walked past it honestly. It would just be like yeah everywhere the fucking girl will be in that same dress. It felt like, God, how the fuck has this dress found you come to me?
Starting point is 00:32:11 Like it actually just felt a bit insane, which is what I think is so special about charity shops, vintage, thrift shops, you might call them if you're from the US. Also, you can watch Sefi do a little bit of customizing to that beautiful piece for the aerosol on our Instagram. The problem was it didn't fit me. That's the only problem with it.
Starting point is 00:32:31 The only problem was it didn't fucking fit. It came straight to me with some minor alteration. On our Instagram, you should watch that. It's a really great video. Actually, it's really cute. It's us chatting for ages. Thank you for being here. Hope you're having a lovely September. Thank you for being here. Thank you, Wing, for being here, honestly. Thank you, Sefi you for being here. Hope you're having a lovely September.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Thank you Wing for being here. Honestly. Thank you, Sefi for being here. Against your will. No, against your will. It's kind of against both of our wills, but also very much. It's for the will.
Starting point is 00:32:55 It took a lot of will power, I must say, for us to both be here. I can just feel my words leaving my body, so. I think we've done a great episode. I've enjoyed this, even though I can feel my voice is a bit of a shit bag right now like I do think it's been a good app. I've enjoyed the chat. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Okay. Well if you don't hear from us... Assume the worst. you

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