Goes Without Saying - surviving Ruts & Funks: is the flop era in the room with us rn?

Episode Date: October 12, 2023

if you don't love us in our flop era you don't deserve us in the harvest szn !!!!join the conversation every monday.shop our merch: sephyandwing.co.ukspeak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram. Ho...sted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Goes Without Saying. You're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Wing. And I'm Sefi. This is such a good episode. If you are feeling like you're not necessarily thriving right now and you're needing a little bit of self-acceptance. How do we do that?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Does that exist? Is that possible or am I destined to just hate myself through every waking hour of my life? We are here for you to tell you that you are actually doing all right believe it or not. You might not believe us but here you've got 40 ish minutes of us being on your side being on your team very nice cozy episode bit of a mess as always but we're all good enjoy all right okay all right i can do this yeah yeah i can do this yeah i could do this we should be so lucky oh we should be so lucky um any updates for us i actually do have an update which i haven't told you about yet oh god um i'm really into astrology no sorry astronomy
Starting point is 00:02:00 that was the one that i didn't want to do i didn't want to do that you really had me on the edge of my seat okay go on tell me more um i'm just really into astronomy at the moment i'm really into how so space stuff like that so last night and tonight there was a meteor shower oh wow went out looking last night with my binoculars out at the meteors did you yeah did you really fun yeah did i really did you really i went up onto the top of the hill looked at the meteors and then tonight i'm gonna do the same but from my garden i think with my binoculars good i've been really thinking about getting a telescope maybe that sounds like really suddenly into very don lothario and i have been thinking do i just play the sims and like meet an alien all of that shit like is that yeah but you could do it in real life too but i have
Starting point is 00:02:52 yeah i'm just really really into astronomy at the moment that's really fun um and there's a lecture near my house um that i might go to that's called women in astronomy like you know who you're gonna see there who Boris Johnson oh no he wouldn't be a woman in astronomy he might you never know where that little snail is gonna turn up he's showing up in spaces he shouldn't be but that's my only update at the moment that's a lovely update it's really nice actually in my just in my kind of um illness over the last week that's what i've been into um how are you what's any updates with you loving chocolate muffins oh are you yeah a lot um that's about it yeah yeah um honestly what kind of chocolate muffins are we talking are
Starting point is 00:03:42 we talking about like shop bought or are you like going to bought which here's the thing yeah that's it because they're never that chocolatey well oh okay here we go oh no crashed airpods they're gonna die how long have we got we're two minutes in i don't know well anyway let me tell you about the muffins really quickly basically i said the other day muffins were offered to me and i was like meh muffins like they're gonna be dry they're gonna be dry chocolate muffins like how good are they gonna be i'm like no they're really good cut them in half and they're like gooey in the middle that's that is gooey chocolate gooey louis that's gooey louis hey god so yeah that's changed me there's not That is what you need. Gooey, looey. Wow. That's what you need. Gooey, looey, hey? God, that's changed me.
Starting point is 00:04:27 There's not really much else. Because my association with muffins is dry, dry. No, well, that's what I thought. Sort of fine. That's what I thought. These muffins have been, they're not in their flop era anymore. What shop are you getting these from? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:39 What do you mean you don't know? Where are you going? As in, I know, but i don't know what the supply i don't know how i could recommend them without giving away my precise location oh they're not so they're not um they're not like see this is what i was picturing i was picturing supermarket you know when they come in a box sort of thing but i have faith that tesco could could do one for us um to be honest my update is i've kind of been enjoying the last dregs of summer yeah it's really and it does feel like dregs it really is like every day
Starting point is 00:05:11 it's like here we go again last day of summer well it's kind of weird i it to me it kind of concerns me just in my um climate nature at the moment this is my astronomer ways kind of does concern me of just like god climate change is actually really um turning up the heat right now with this summer but i have no choice but to enjoy sit back and relax i'm enjoying but with a tinge of anxiety oh there's always anxiety goes without saying um do you need to change the headphones now i don't know what to suggest okay right let's just go i've got no choice what about your headset i think we begin at the beginning with what you um said about emma watson emma watson is everything starts and ends with emma watson to be honest
Starting point is 00:05:56 she said the other day and i will butcher it something about something along the lines of not being harvesting all the time sometimes you're just planting seeds sowing seeds watering your garden you can't always be harvesting because it's actually impossible in the seasons of life it's not everyday harvest festival it's some days easter it's some days christmas day it can't be harvest festival every day there's not that much to harvest in my life because it gives it's giving harvest moon it's giving stardew valley it's giving my farming life um so i love it which is not every day harvest festival but it could be the town square racing festivities you know it could be something else sure it could be but it could it could be you
Starting point is 00:06:45 know in bed watching a married at first sight ill oh and it has been and it has been you know this time to place i have been thinking about this in my week of illness which it's the classic thing of why no one talks to me when i'm ill because i am unbearable although this time i haven't been too bad i don't think no you haven't you haven't which makes me concerned for your well-being yeah no yeah no i i agree i agree i usually people are like god if she's ill don't if she's got like definitely famously a mouth ulcer no one talks to me because i shut up about it yeah just irritating um yeah i've been thinking about it a lot like go on sorry i'm just i just suddenly got embarrassed
Starting point is 00:07:25 because my kind i'm sitting on a plastic chair and my like kind of sweaty foot like squeaked along it like that and i thought did it sound like i thought i heard it but i just took it in i didn't i didn't think it was like almost yeah yeah okay well i'm leaving that in yeah i've just been thinking about it a lot because it's felt like a flop era intensely floppage and i've been like yeah okay this is a flop era and i've been really last week was so the week before i was in lisbon then i've been in margay then it was like ill like ill week not getting out of bed and then next week it's very busy i'm busy every day different plans going around sort of week so i'm i was i'm just very aware of like the seasons of life life it's like oh my god like it was weirdly just perfect timing to be ill but also i was just in the thing of like let's not
Starting point is 00:08:12 beat yourself up and have a terrible time even though it's undeniable you can have a bit of a bad time because it's like it just the ebbs and flows of like you last week you weren't um critiquing your life when you were having fun. So I wonder why now you're lying in bed watching Married at First Sight. Everything seems bad. But actually all that's bad is that you have COVID. Like that's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah. It's really hard not to try and resist the natural ebbs and flows yeah like it's hard to not sometimes try and enforce your own narrative on like what you're going through and i think the tendency for a lot of us is to be like the story today is i'm a piece of shit yeah what's new um i'm shit everything's shit but sometimes it doesn't have to be shit it can just be like there's not a lot going on and there's no shame in that or like okay maybe things haven't gone well there's no shame in that yeah what you laughing at what no continue i need to know no just my foot did it again um yeah there can't always be something going on but i do think we find it quite hard not to
Starting point is 00:09:25 um over inflate that and turn it into something that it isn't god you're still going you can tell i haven't had like a human interaction in a while god it's giving me delirious okay i'm so sorry no absolutely god why is that so funny to me continue sorry there's nothing more to say to be honest i need a response um just almost like sometimes it doesn't also like sometimes the story is more than what it is do you need a minute yeah i don't know why i'm laughing let's take a set god it's like socially deprived the thing that isn't good is that i'm not laughing so i'm weird like a weird thing to do for sure like like i'm not what's wrong with me i need to i need to laugh to support
Starting point is 00:10:14 no you don't you don't don't encourage this shit okay childish childish games okay my foot squeaks against the chair and i find that funny it's like god you need to go you're disrupting the lesson well next week is gonna hit you like a ton of bricks i know this is do you know what is actually kind of relevant of just like i have been quite aware of like the fact that i'm gonna need energy for next week which is actually quite ridiculous but it's because just quite a normal week but it's i've got something every day which is a contrast to this week a sharp contrast where there's been nothing other than married at first sight thank god um and I think I've been very aware of like almost you're going to feel tired during that week so let's try and like build up your energy now because at this point you're in
Starting point is 00:11:01 no state to be doing anything and i think it's almost like even on the social level it's like god one week of an ebb hits you hard it does well you suddenly you start writing it into your whole existence it's like i've never done anything meaningful in my life it's like jesus suddenly you're laughing that your foot squeaked on the chair it's like god you need to get your sense of humor back because soon you're going to be in conversation with people. With real-life human beings. And that sort of shit doesn't fly. It's not going to land well. It doesn't land.
Starting point is 00:11:30 It's weird. It's true. You're acting weird, but honestly, one week of social isolation and you turn really weird. Should we see some of the things they've said? Yeah. Ooh. Okay, let me actually ask you something can i ask you a question yeah of course are there certain um let me think can i actually i think i'm in a bit of a flop era
Starting point is 00:11:58 are you can i confide in you yeah you can confide i just i keep coming to these episodes and i keep thinking like i've got nothing these episodes and i keep thinking like i've got nothing to say and like my mind like there's just empty like it's just crickets and it's just tumbleweeds over here and i feel bad because i'm like i've got nothing to give but i don't think that's true i'm just being a bit of a bore i'm just an empty canvas at the moment but that makes me think that you are in a flop era because oh right i'm seeing from these responses i'm going i've got something with this okay what i'm seeing from these responses is it doesn't seem to be anything actually going on in your life but it seems to be like the mindset
Starting point is 00:12:34 is off and that's what that's um suggesting to me from what you just said of like there to me from my perspective there seems to be nothing off but you're in the same conversation being like i'm a blank canvas i've got nothing to say yeah blah blah blah it's like god it is all in the mind then the flop era i guess i guess i'll take your word for it but you're not the most reliable no no don't don't use the word unreliable narrator but you know what i mean sometimes you just go through ebbs and flows of like oh i'll just say it all who cares i feel like at the moment i'm going through a thing of like let me turn the volume down a little bit on this microphone like almost you know in what way just almost like there's nothing of value here to be said or like i feel a little bit like i just feel a bit strange
Starting point is 00:13:21 like i feel good in myself i think I think that kind of throws me. Because I'm like, if I'm feeling good, then why am I not thriving in the pod? But so is it just the pod or is it in other aspects of your life, do you think? I think it's just the podcast. I think it's just the microphone. I'm feeling a little bit like, you know, a bit shy. No, I get that.
Starting point is 00:13:41 A bit almost like, oh, you guys you guys you know kind of covered my breasts look at me it's like actually no i just if someone's running around with my hands like over me like don't look at me don't look at me i'm just a little bit like you know don't take a peep i don't know isn't that interesting because it shows that there can be flop areas or like you can go through ebbs and flows if we're gonna put actual language onto it not fucking flop era yeah if you if you got you go through sort of waves of stuff with different aspects of your life like it's not just like oh no sorry no no please please sorry my mistake well it's just not nothing to say but here i am blanket statement i i'm bad everything's down right now it's like actually if you really sort of
Starting point is 00:14:30 separate your life into like your i don't know the areas of like social um sort of your internal world your work your money your home your hobbies blah blah it's like if you actually look at it even in a so-called flop era it's going to be harvest season in some of those areas i'm definitely harvesting yeah i'm feeling the harvest but just almost i think i sometimes become quite aware of like oh we we have a podcast and like almost the medium and the format and like the luxury of getting to speak to loads of young women that we love and lots of people that we want to connect with and like have a moment with it's so special that i think it becomes quite a heightened experience i find it hard not to
Starting point is 00:15:17 um feel the sense of responsibility even though it's like get a grip like at the same time then i'm like don't be ridiculous like it's such get a grip like at the same time then i'm like don't be ridiculous like it's such a luxury just enjoy it like don't be annoying um and almost like get over it just do it just shut up and record an episode but sometimes i think like it's so special having a moment one-on-one or like two-on- one or just look at us right now just you and i and the headphones just look at us having this little combo with whoever may be listening and it's hard to not feel a sense of like what do i want to say to them right now like almost like what matters do you know i mean i just i just sometimes get a bit lost in the like almost just wanting to
Starting point is 00:16:02 have a bit of a cuddle and it's like no you need to like say some things make some jokes like be a bit silly and just let it go you do need to do any of that though but i completely agree i think that's something that we've always felt like we've definitely had had our fair share of floppy errors and we've definitely had our fair share of harvest seasons within this yeah like i feel like we're constantly we've had some great harvest we've had some oh boy have we had some great harvest we fed the entire town boy oh boy and then some the mayor was so proud of harvest yeah yeah more of a harvest moon sort of thing i don't know if that translated to the non-harvest i'm taking it in i'm taking it i'm thinking it's harvest festival i'm coming in
Starting point is 00:16:42 with my cans in primary school. Your cans? Yeah, like cans of like tinned beans. Was that what you did for the Harvest Festival? Harvest Festival, we would bring in like cans of food. That's funny to bring it. I guess probably because I'm such a rural girl. What were you bringing in? Like actual food?
Starting point is 00:16:58 Well, we would go to the church. It was quite weird. We'd go to the church and there'd be like pumpkins and stuff like that. Well, that's lovely. We probably only did that once i'm coming from a poor area so they can't they can't tell us to bring in no fruit fresh produce yeah no there's no i mean it's like we're in i'll just pop down to my allotment like what do you think no yeah yeah um yeah we've had some harvests we have had some harvest but i think we're always going through the um ebbs and flows of like we feel that we can do it we feel like we can't do we can't but i think that's everything yeah it's just a weird one i think it's also the awareness of like trying to
Starting point is 00:17:35 make sense of it and some things you just can't make sense of like almost the the i always find myself in this loop of always trying to like pin down a title or a narrative or a story about what is happening in life yeah and sometimes it just isn't that simple and i think because i'm feeling quite good and it's generally a positive thing that the tendency to be like it's a flop era or like you're a piece of shit you can't do it like you want nothing to say doesn't necessarily feel like that doesn't feel right i feel good but i also just feel quite aware and like quite cautious and and quite proud and like all of these different things at once that i just i'm almost finding it a bit hard to pin down how i'm feeling in a 40 minute chunk and no one's asked that of me apart from myself um i think it's just one of them things no i think that also is like no one's asked it of you but in a way that is what we have
Starting point is 00:18:32 set ourselves up to do like right now we whatever this is called at the moment this is titled harvest season this garage band which i'm sure sure it won't be called by the time it's done um or like self-critique or something like that we have kind of set the expectation that like we've come up with the fucking topic we're going to talk about it it's neatly neatly packaged on the sort of when you're receiving it it seems like a neatly packaged thing so there is you have come in with the intention to give a 40 minute chunk of your thoughts so it is weird when you don't have any thoughts or just can't be concise with anything just a bit messy i think such as life totally and i think that's why i liked when
Starting point is 00:19:09 emma watson my queen um came to me in the void and said sometimes you're not harvesting sometimes it's sowing seeds sometimes and almost the um she just the way she was speaking it was with such confidence she seemed quite proud of like not harvesting and i think it i think that's really true like and i can see that full power as well totally acas powers the world's best podcasts here's a show that we recommend. In the early 1980s, gay men started to get sick from AIDS. Years before ACT UP, before HIV was discovered, before the history you know, there were people on the front lines of the fight against AIDS. Joe Sonnabit.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Michael Callen. Bobby Campbell. I'm Dane Stewart, and in the new season of my podcast, Resurrection, I tell the stories of heroes of the early AIDS movement. Like the story of a cabaret singer and a sex worker who invented safe sex and saved millions and millions and millions of lives. Go check out Resurrection wherever you listen to podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. ACAST.com
Starting point is 00:20:25 right we're back we had to go yeah that was a bit crazy but we're back we're back it's been a whole 24 hours yeah no it really has and it feels like it i do not know what we're talking about i said to stephanie just now i was like oh i remember what i was saying and she was like what yeah how do you remember i don't even know what the episode is about let alone what we were just talking about like you've continued your train of thought which is insane to me i don't necessarily remember where we've been but i remember where i wanted to go you've got the map in your hands got it i yeah i do i know the destination i think so sorry if we're repeating sorry if we're getting lost like what would you rather this was gonna go
Starting point is 00:21:11 in the bin to be it was it was gonna go in the bin this was very nearly not that i can remember what we've said it could all be absolutely nonsense but i'm glad we've kept it i am it would be a waste not to i actually think it's a bit of a lesson for us in agreed we are so quick to bin not good enough bin bin bin and it's like actually now this is a weird episode it's disjointed all the stuff it's like actually there's still value in it like i still think it's fun it's a bit different all the stuff can't remember what it's saying but i remember enjoying the conversation agreed and i think as well like you said like it's a lesson for us it backs up the idea of like this is who we were on that day and now the following day. And we don't have to stand by it or like sign on the dotted line for it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 We're almost coming in a bit worse though, because now we're both a bit, we're feeling a bit sick today for some reason. A little bit. Just a bit sicky. I think I'm having too much coffee these days. Oh, really? I think I'm pushing myself too far. days oh really I think I'm pushing myself how many um multiple I'm not gonna say the number but no no go on please um I mean it varies it does vary how many have you had four I know I know people out there do a lot more than that but four I yeah
Starting point is 00:22:24 and are these double shot sort of situations? Or like, what's going on? Well, that's, I think, the problem is that I wake up and it's double shot straight away. It's like, don't double shot straight away. Why don't you wait a little bit? Do you know why that's funny to me? Because you're quite a decaf girl to me. Well, I started off as a decaf girl in life.
Starting point is 00:22:40 You'd be decaf tea, even. I did decaf tea, yeah, sometimes. When we lived together, you were decaf tea through and through. That's not true. You were decaf tea even i did decaf tea yeah sometimes when we lived together you were decaf tea through and through that's not true you were decaf tea i remember often being like why are you getting decaf tea sephi that isn't right it's true it is true false maybe not through and through but you were decaf tea no no i'm no i'm crossing that out because i remember for i know this for a fact because me and eleanor used to go half on a box of yorkshire tea and they would be the big ones and eleanor wouldn't be getting decaf that's for sure and maybe i'm not paying attention there we go maybe i'm not
Starting point is 00:23:13 paying attention to me in the house but definitely i've been out with you at uni times and you've ordered i asked for a decaf tea i've seen it you're getting me i i don't want even want to know who you're getting me confused with and i'm just gonna leave that there no a decaf tea for sure for sure because i would literally be sick if i had a full caffeinated coffee and now i'm pumping out coffees like that's nobody's business but decaf tea i wouldn't have gone to the extremes of ordering a decaf tea you have so confused i've seen it done with my bare eyes i'm really curious as to who you're confusing me with but i'm not even gonna explore that thought i'm just gonna leave it there because it won't be good either i've been hanging out with your tethered that loves decaf tea no it'll be some nutter who you don't really like and like no you think it's me and then
Starting point is 00:24:03 no it wasn't me that definitely to go from ordering decaf tea every day of your life to drinking four coffees a day is mental that would be mental if it was me anyway um right should i take us where i was yeah go on i don't know if this is even a worthy point but i remember thinking basically off the back of our Lord and Saviour Emma Watson, talking about her harvest season. And sometimes she's making seeds. Sometimes you're, you know, like doing whatever you're doing to the soil. You probably know loads more about soil than I do.
Starting point is 00:24:33 But doing what you do, like hacking away at the soil. And like, what would you call it? If you're like kind of ploughing maybe? Tilling. Yeah, ploughing. God, look at you go. Look at me, little golem in the dirt like you're a gardener oh such a green thumb if you were a sim would you give yourself the green thumb
Starting point is 00:24:54 as in if i'm making myself or just form my sims well no for you no if you're making yourself no no no my plants are all dead oh that's true yeah no i'm okay fine i know a plant lover but you're a nature girl caregiver nature girl i think yeah no i'm definitely free spirit free spirit for sure for sure that's nice not that that is one but yeah but anyway i'll tell you anyway emma watson right i remember and why i was so moved by what she said so much so that i've carried it through this whole episode was that the way that she was talking about not being in her harvesting season and being in a season of life where she'd had a long period of like sowing seeds tending to soil just kind of coming in checking in every day and watering some plants and like you know we're
Starting point is 00:25:42 doing all right come back the next day you know a bit more whatever that wasn't believe it or not that wasn't word for word what she was saying but i'm dressing it up okay she's coming back every day she's checking in she's got her watering can she's filled i'm doing all right yeah like you know i'm not ticking off any huge achievements but i'm getting through my day today and i'll see you again tomorrow that's the vibe of what she was giving what i liked so much about it was almost there was a level of not just acceptance but like pride yeah she was carrying a sense of like real confidence and pride in moving through this quote-unquote season of life where like she's potentially not doing anything crazy impressive yeah i just really like that attitude i love that of like
Starting point is 00:26:26 publicly and privately feeling really really truly deeply content with where you're at what you're giving and not really being concerned about like not you don't have to be doing the most every day yeah and you can't be impressive every day i can't personally absolutely not absolutely not absolutely can barely do it once a year once a week yeah like yeah no i love that i think that's really cool i think it's also just the pressure people feel to be sort of exceptional that oh i'm really exceptional i'm always kind of overachiever yeah i'm just a thriving thriver in life i think it's really cool to be quite proud of yeah i do i do not a lot just getting by yeah well like she also because i think we've spoken about this before but kind of if we're talking specifically about emma watson
Starting point is 00:27:16 if you look at potentially all three of those guys rupert grint daniel radcliffe emma watson the three i would say they really live by their own principles they really do it's quite interesting what they've done in that yeah they really have been very very picky about what work they've done they haven't just done any old fucking shit that's got thrown at them they really have like each of them taken their time to think about what they want to do and like i feel like they've been very intentional with their careers and that must have been something they were taught or some advice that was given because that is not the norm i think it would have been
Starting point is 00:27:52 completely expected for all three of them just like that things would have been fucking thrown at them at the beginning and they were quite clearly turning a lot all of it essentially down until the bling ring came along and she thought that's the role for me yeah i'll do that i'll do that one it kind of reminds me again of my other lord and savior miley cyrus i don't know if you've seen this but there's a clip of her it was actually she did this series on tiktok which was for the song used to be young and she was like kind of going she was talking through like a lot of her career like kind of pivotal moments and speaking through like what was going on behind the scenes or like how she
Starting point is 00:28:28 feels about it now that sort of thing and there was a few moments i actually sent them to my boyfriend because i was like just it's just intriguing to hear the way that she speaks very um kind of just really reflective and introspective and intelligent and articulate woman she was seeming to be yeah everything you would hope miley to be and more as she always is she was saying she was kind of talking again i'm going to butcher it but she was talking about like her and her dad the difference between their upbringing and like what fame means to them and it was kind of reminding me of like what you were just saying about em Watson and the trio the golden my holy trinity of life um kind of the idea of like if you've been and it can go in a million different ways but if you've been that famous and that sorry and that kind of um if you've been that
Starting point is 00:29:20 kind of famous or like successful from like a really young age and not just a young age but like as a child yeah is a nice way that it can go is that you kind of grow up feeling quite free and it's such a privilege to have like an amazing like overwhelming degree of eyes on you from a young age and lots of opportunities and like money being thrown at you one of the nicest ways that that can pan out is that it creates an adult who feels very like very um kind of liberated and free in their future movements because you almost don't have the pressure of making something of yourself because you've already you've already made something when you were like 11 but that's the power of peaking at that totally and we can't all do that but it's a really nice thing to adopt kind of in all of our
Starting point is 00:30:13 lives the idea that like you don't have to go anywhere and specifically you don't have anything to prove tomorrow you can just come to tomorrow and exist and be amazing like that's that in itself is tick perfect all we want for you you don't have to come to tomorrow and be like this crazy hannah montana moment just come to tomorrow and get by and move on and that's more than enough yeah i think there's definitely something to be learned from that in the way that it's like so they reached a pinnacle of like success and fame or and whatever beauty whatever the fuck you want um at like age what 16 17 they were already at the peak so they felt almost as if they're worth i don't know how the fuck they felt but you would imagine that it's almost like okay so
Starting point is 00:30:57 if those are the things people strive for their entire lives they kind of met that at if we're going to use miley all of these people exactly a certain age at like 16 17 it then how do i kind of put this into words just give us whatever you've got it's fine almost here's my thing if we can tap into that kind of feeling of like we know that that's where people get their worth from like success beauty money fame all of this stuff the feeling of like already having done that or already having like got that worth the because the feelings that's giving it's not like fame inherently makes you happy it's not like money and inherently makes you happy but i think it's the feeling of like they've got nothing to prove that's the thing that must be giving them the sense of like, oh, I don't need to be exceptional at all points.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I can actually chill now because I've already kind of proved my worth. It's quite a nice thing to be like, oh, okay, I don't. Is this making sense? Carry on. You know when you're losing it mid. No, no, you've got it. Well, I think as well. So something that goes without saying is like, there's a million different ways ways like we've seen the disaster of what it means to be a child star
Starting point is 00:32:08 like that is not really the conversation that we're having but almost the idea that like once you've lived past goals and like very stereotypical societal goals of like as you said like money fame beauty wealth like all of these things you can achieve all of those things and for this group of people at a really young age from there you learn that lesson that the only thing that really matters is you feeling good living in a healthy life with people that you love and all of those are real like true alignment like actual genuine markers of happiness beyond the superficial stuff and beyond all of the shit that child stars have to deal with and beyond even like the privilege of having those issues
Starting point is 00:32:54 the idea that someone could learn at a really early age that conventional markers of success aren't necessarily what they're striving for and actually learn to prioritize what they actually want and enjoying their life however that whatever in whatever way that means for them that i think is the lesson of accepting that you're not always in your harvest season and you're not always in your thriving season and you will sometimes be in your flop era and you will sometimes be out in the soil in the dirt in the mud and feeling fine either way i also have um a kind of soil analogy to give just to okay it just kind of all ties in so there's a thing that you may not know of in just a countryside thing if there are any farmers out there you may know about this
Starting point is 00:33:45 i hope there are i hope there are hello welcome but like people usually when people have like fields of crops say there are three fields of crops okay that people are only ever really using two of those fields at the at one time and there's always one field which is a word called fallow it's like a fallowed field which means that they it's best for the soil to leave it for a while before you plant on it it needs almost an off season there we go right i was right it almost needs that time to essentially like rest rejuvenate itself like get its nutrients sounds good to me harvesting you can't do that you tie me up and chuck me in bed and call me when you're followed era girls i like that see you are a country gal country bumpkin you can take the girl out of the country i actually learned that from
Starting point is 00:34:35 like i think i learned that on the radio yeah but country radio no it, Radio 4 was on and I was listening to it. That's country radio. I wasn't listening to it. I overheard its knowledge. Country radio. Right. Well, that's a beautiful note to end. I'm going off to my fallows. Yeah, off to my fallow do-er right now. Thanks for sharing that.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I really like that. I would never, ever, ever have known. Well, this is why you should eavesdrop on the radio when other people are listening to Clever Stations. Yeah, that was nice. I'm glad we finished this up like i hope it's been good god knows curious to how it turns out what's being said but that's fine we'll we'll hear it we okay yeah um better than nothing we hope yeah see you next time if you don't hear from us, assume the worst.

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