Goes Without Saying - this doesn't go without saying #3

Episode Date: September 12, 2021

this is big ~dudley’s “daddy’s gone mad, hasn’t he!”~ energy. sephy & wing push the boundaries of chaotic conversation in this episode of Goes Without Saying, tackling your questions on ...friendship break-ups, class struggles, periods, pet peeves and mental health taboos. it’s prime sephy & wing content, and in six months when you’re saying you miss “the old ‘Goes Without Saying’”… it’ll be this episode you’re referring to. join the conversation every monday.speak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram!you’re invited to our discord group chat: https://discord.gg/TvNeXxsYyV Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com It goes without saying that you're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Sefi, and I am joined by the wonderful Wing. She's here. Here I am, the wonderful Wing.'s here here i am the wonderful wing the wonderful wonderful wing and so strange so strange such bizarre energy oh it kind of was that to the tune of the wonderful wizard of oz so irrelevant am i 90 i'm so sorry this is an episode of this doesn't go without saying where we answer all of your
Starting point is 00:01:25 questions that really don't go without saying we cover friendship jealousy social media what makes us feel inspired and filled with love of the world and also a lot of the depths of despair as well and what makes us kind of hate the world I don't know if we do cover that but we just have we come with a lot of um weird energy with this. And I hope you really like it. I mean, I really felt good in this episode. I think we've had... What are you doing? It's all staying in.
Starting point is 00:01:54 It's like I've got a gun to your head or something. I really felt good in this episode. I also really didn't. But it's a good episode and hopefully you enjoy it. Fucking hell. You know what really doesn't go without saying what tea combo can we just talk about what we were discussing well i just drank some of my tea and i found it quite triggering that wing said i could just hear you gulp because it came through the microphone however the interesting thing it's not interesting at all but it's interesting to me i
Starting point is 00:02:25 reckon it'll be interesting to you is that i you know people like really hate like hearing people eat mouth sounds yeah or kind of this should i do it now everyone my friend says yeah my friend says i eat like a donkey it's really rude go on go on do it show us donkey come on go on little donkey come perform little donkey it's kind of donkey and shrek oh my god what was the quote that i wanted to do to you the other day but i was like save it save it i wanted to do it but it doesn't work now but i wanted to when we were like being like annoyed like something like something's going wrong everything is going wrong but not in a funny way i wanted to be like to you i'm a donkey on the edge you boy are you boy are you ever a donkey on the edge a donkey on the edge go on sip your tea this is apparently what i do yeah well i think that's fucking fair enough is hot tea i think
Starting point is 00:03:20 that's fine enough but apparently donkeys do that i really like don't hate hearing other humans like eat and drink i don't love it but i think it's mean to be like you know people like oh noisy eaters it's like let them enjoy their food i don't know i'm too sensitive i don't like when i can hear the food or the liquid sloshing around in there yeah well you eat and drink too i'll have you know uh never in my life never in my goddamn life like a donkey apparently we could add um but i don't love when i can hear food moving well i don't love that at all right i would prefer i don't mind like a little i don't mind the sound of teeth teeth yeah but i don't love you know what i will say i don't know if i've ever said this on the podcast i've always said this when i watch someone eat it really makes me fall in
Starting point is 00:04:09 love with them not even fall in love with them but i really feel like it's like beyond empathize with them it's like oh i am you i see myself in you it's like i've eaten before i taste the food through you yeah yeah it's well it's just so humanising, don't you think? You know what? I had one moment. This is how extreme it gets. Okay, go on. I saw, I don't want to say like an enemy,
Starting point is 00:04:36 but I saw essentially like my abuser is beyond an enemy. I'd say an enemy. An arch nemesis, if you will. This man eating, this was years, I must've been like 13 or something and i even humanized him which i don't know if it would still work now but it really just humanized i love watching people eat i do get that well i think i don't just because eating does all the life yeah yeah i find it repulsive yeah yeah i get it but i also don't love when... It's a pet peeves episode.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I think I have a little issue when people, I don't think you do this, but people do do this, where they, for example, imagine, I'll set the scene. Yeah. You're walking down a lovely summer's day. There's an old man, potentially, on a bench. He's tucking into his own little sandwich. And they get a lot of pity.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And people go, oh oh look at him with a sandwich oh god and i just i don't like that why don't you like it i don't like it because they're inferring that the old man is lonely right it's pity you've got a problem with pity yeah i do i do have a problem with pity you do i think we need to throw you a big pity party no and no i will refuse to go i will not be in attendance but i think i don't like i've put myself in the old man's shoes and i think how do you not know i've lived the most full life yeah how do you know i'm just i'm sitting on a bench yeah i don't need your little pity little girl your pity yeah well when would you ever need their pity i'm not i'm yet to experience the day never well let us know what
Starting point is 00:06:06 are your pet peeves guys or what do you not have a problem with that other people have a problem with because i think that's an interesting do you know what i mean that's fun like moist so i could hear the word moist all day fine oh i always think that's weird i think that's misogynistic when people have a problem with the word moist do you yeah go on well go on tell us more tell us more let me my brother's just walking past let me let him walk past before i get right because it's about vaginas so moist is the feminine moist is the feminine of wet moisture the feminine of moisture i think moist why they don't like it is because it is like a vaginal fucking word it's like you're thinking of like a wet vagina.
Starting point is 00:06:45 It's like, oh, it's moist. Kind of discharge. People hate the word discharge, don't they? Yeah. Discharge. But it's, to me, that's fucking sexist. That's what you need to do. If any of you are thinking about starting a podcast,
Starting point is 00:06:56 I need you within the first five minutes to say moist and discharge. That's how you know you've got a successful podcast. Truly. That's what really keeps the listeners hooked. And instantly, like slap your tea everywhere perfect okay should we get into some big discussions yeah well we've done this we've got this is another this doesn't go without saying episode you'll know that because we would have said that yeah yeah and also it's in the title yeah but we're doing this bit differently
Starting point is 00:07:24 i haven't looked at any of the questions wings looked at them all because once again i've been And also it's in the title. Duh. Yeah. Duh. But we're doing this bit differently. I haven't looked at any of the questions. Wing's looked at them all because once again, I've been hit with a hard, another hard time has been here. So the hardest of all, I would say. And you guys aren't trustworthy enough to not deliver triggering messages. No, I'm joking. So I've just been completely bombed by Wing and this which is so nice of her i mean actually you've sent really really amazing questions just a quick thank you to everyone
Starting point is 00:07:50 who sent really good questions and also maybe i would have said this in the intro but i guess not because we haven't done the intro yet so i'll just say it now i just also want to say is it a thank you biggest thank you i've ever given thus far yeah it's a thank you i know this is so boring but i just really really want to say thank you because we got loads of really nice there were just so many really nice responses to the previous episode on privilege if you're looking for something actually worthwhile to listen to literally skip this one i'd recommend that episode over this one probably um and i haven't seen anything but just thank you so much anyway guys i'm sure they're great i'm just not gonna read a word of them right now people are so fucking nice it's just so how insane is it it's because i this is i
Starting point is 00:08:30 was also saying this to you on the phone yesterday so whenever i take a bit of a step away from the podcast the space whatever the instagram because things are shit i take a little step away i'm in my life i'm just doing my thing and i come back to it even just like two days where I'm just like I'm not in this I'm just kind of yeah back in reality a little bit and I come back to it and it's like god you remember it you see it fresh every time it's like oh what that's nice what what what there are like people that listen yeah because in your mind you just kind of always think they're about three listeners and it's just like you're doing into a void. Even though we get so many amazing things, you still just have the innate just like worthlessness that there's no one that cares. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:11 So it's actually quite amazing when you take a step away and then you're like, oh, wait, there have been like DMs. Like in the day that I was sobbing my eyes out because everything has turned to shit. Jokes. Half. Hold the pity. Do not pity me i'm fine in that time there have been like thousands of listeners hundreds of fucking messages and it's just like oh wait and each one is like a little well of just like love and it's like okay so if i go into this one you're a real human yeah wanting real advice wanting real shit like i'm saying good stuff it's like god i've actually come back to a party an amazing thing i didn't realize i was coming back to a party yeah yeah yeah yeah welcome home party it's not welcome home yeah i'm still not
Starting point is 00:09:55 going on but yeah no don't i wouldn't recommend it i mean i just i for me it's more just social media yeah i agree it's social it's the whole it's more just social media. Yeah, I agree. It's social. It's the whole. It's just the last thing you need. The Instagram app does not exist on my phone right now. Yeah, no. But with that being said, let's get into the questions. With that being said, okay, I wasn't going to start with this question because it's not the softest, but it's not bad at all.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I think it's quite, oh, no, you know what? I'm not going to start with that one. Oh, okay. I started with a different one. Sorry. That was probably really jarring. I want to know what is now we will we'll spin back around to it okay cool do you have opinions on the idea that hurt people hurt people p.s you're both the best thank you you're the fucking best um opinions on the idea that hurt people hurt people hurts people
Starting point is 00:10:40 hurt people my opinions is that they do my opinions is very much that they do because i mean i've been there when i've been hurt all i want to do is be like right come down with me yeah and when someone else has been hurt it's the fucking drowning metaphor yeah that you always say you always go on and on about that you always say well i kind of always force you to say it because i love it it is good isn't it i'm obsessed with it it's just how it feels it's amazing everyone we're all here bobbing about in the ocean and someone's using your head and pushing you under to keep themselves afloat because they're drowning and but but now we're both drowning and that is hurt people hurting people yeah hurt people hurt people i even just think we could
Starting point is 00:11:19 take the hurt away and just say people hurt people yeah so deep it's so fucking true though you i think you don't have to be well maybe everyone's hurt or maybe you don't have to be like explicitly hurt or like even particularly hurt one day to hurt people i think it's just part of we said this in another episode and it's kind of like you not looking at the questions today it's not that anyone's saying no one's asking horrible questions they're asking the most amazing questions but it's not about the questions it's about how you feel it's just i will find the negative exactly it's give me a million compliments i'll find um i'll find something rude here because any interaction really i don't know i know this is a sweeping statement but i do think it holds up that most interactions are just us kind of projecting however we feel or whatever our perceptions are of that relationship or that
Starting point is 00:12:08 person onto whatever's happening in the reality so like i might think so like the reality is you've had a really nice meeting you just met someone and you went for a coffee and blah blah blah but your perception of that is that you spoke about your fucking pet for too long and you bored them to death and now they think you're a weirdo and it's like they kind of they don't even remember your pet's name they don't really care they don't remember at all that wasn't a big deal to them they were thinking about this is the whole thing it's like someone looks at the earrings you're wearing in your mind you have two choices you can well three three essentially you can either choose that they were
Starting point is 00:12:42 looking at them because they liked them they were looking at them just neutrally because they're on your face or they were looking at the spot on my jawline yeah or they weren't looking at your earrings at all they were looking at how disgusting everything you're wearing is and why do you even show up to this interview and i reckon you'll choose that option probably yeah i reckon you won't be neutral and you won't be like they were just thinking amazing little earrings they'll be like her fucking face honestly she was bright red in that interview she was so embarrassed yeah no confidence she was awful yeah i'm pretty sure you're gonna go for that option that's kind of the thing isn't it hurt people hurt people but if you're the hurt people you'll you'll keep being hurt it's because hurt people
Starting point is 00:13:17 you hurt yourself you hurt you yeah you're a hurt person because you're a hurt person hurting a hurt person fucking hell i think in life i think in life like i just think at least for me like just so much is self-inflicted we always say like look if there's a way to take it personal i'll find a fucking way to take it personal and also this is the thing with when you take privilege into account if you exist as like a privileged person in this world with where your body is not the thing with when you take privilege into account if you exist as like a privileged person in this world with where your body is not the thing that is um causing you active issues in this world it's not how you show up it's how you mentally exist a lot of your problems are going to be self-inflicted right yeah it's like the problems of the white cis straight man are probably self-inflicted in a lot of ways that it's like okay well if you show up in the easiest way possible yeah we all have fucking issues yeah
Starting point is 00:14:08 but a lot of that stuff is going to be self-inflicted because it's your body is not the issue here i also just think look i know i always go on about social media but it's not a coincidence that we all feel like shit when we're addicted to these fucking like devil sticks little cuboids of a void yeah it's horrific void cuboid that's not catching on anytime soon this question i feel like you're gonna have some big opinions on oh god okay this person said my best friend doesn't let me meet other friends because she's so jealous what should i do yeah i've got some big opinions what just what the fuck just what the fuck first of all hope you're okay yeah first of all my heart goes out to you your best friend doesn't let you meet other people that's not a friend yeah my best friend doesn't let me meet other friends yeah it's not a friend
Starting point is 00:14:57 is it that's literally not a friend that's that's i don't know what it is but it's not a friend that is someone that i would say is veering on the side of like enemy to be honest someone that doesn't let you meet other people they've got it in for you i'd say potentially an abuser yeah if you put a romantic label on that say oh my boyfriend doesn't let me meet up with my friends what do we call that an abuser so yeah yeah with a friend what do we call that yeah why does your friend have that much influence over you it's scary isn't it the but it's just the intentions they're obviously bad they obviously don't have good intentions for you there's no there's no encouragement of you living your life there it's like i need to minimize your existence yeah that's an example of a hurt person hurting a person it is yeah because there's no way that
Starting point is 00:15:41 that best friend who is not letting you see people isn't hurting themselves because the amount of jealousy that must exist within them is like leaking out of them like fucking poison yeah battery acid i actually had an experience with battery acid the other day oh sorry go on well i had this old vintage camera and i opened it for the first time so i popped open the film whatever i had still had film in it so i can't wait to look at whatever's on that but then also i opened the it the bottom side was popped open basically and I was like oh is this the film and I looked and I was like oh it's like there's stuff all over it and I thought oh I think that's battery acid and then I thought also I've never seen battery yeah well then I thought oh don't know much about battery acid but I don't think it's good no so i literally just put
Starting point is 00:16:25 it back where i found it i need to go back to it and sort that out battery acid is one of those things that like it could be fictional yeah but it's we know it kind of exists but we only it kind of only exists in movies it's like where do you see battery acid battery acid it's kind of i haven't heard that since i was like nine years old and i heard the adults talk about battery acid i think i haven't heard of it since I heard like the villain in the movie being like, we'll dissolve the body in battery acid. It's like, what does this thing do? Well then, you know, when you start to go a bit mad, I started thinking like, it's all over me. My fingers dissolving. I also had an experience like that when I worked,
Starting point is 00:17:02 there's one place I worked in retail was fucking horrific it wasn't when i was selling body butter it was a real torturous scenario i was just unpacking the delivery as you fucking do i don't do you look like unpacking delivery i fucking hated unpacking delivery never in my life have i enjoyed that at all you know what people used to say oh i love unpacking delivery it just keeps you busy makes the day go really quick you really get it done it's like i don't understand the keeps you busy thing i don't want something to do you don't understand i'm a lazy piece of shit honestly you're not getting this the amount of times that people be like oh do you just want to wipe everything for something so it's like you're gonna what yeah just to keep the time passing it's like i would rather sit here and watch the
Starting point is 00:17:42 seconds tick on that fucking clock i will watch the wall yeah i'll do anything also it's like i've got an imagination i'm watching the whole of hunger games 2 catching fire in my head right now i've been on the beach with rob stark all day you've got no clue where i'm at i'm not here i do not need to wipe something to keep my mind occupied are you mad yeah ticking over oh it's like if i'm unpacking delivery i can't sneak off to the stock room every five minutes or i can't sneak off and hide in the toilet every five minutes what about my 10 minute bathroom break fuck me people have got no idea i'm listening to the percy jackson audiobook through my headphones right now what and that's a true fucking story well you know what makes unpacking delivery even worse
Starting point is 00:18:25 is when you're unpacking delivery and all of a sudden there's a wetness there's a moistness all over your hands and it smells like fish there's discharge that's bad if it's discharge but it was rat wee rats have weed all over it oh my god anything worse than discharge would be rat wee well somehow we're in a place in society where discharge is more socially unacceptable than rat wee it's rat discharge well apparently this might be fake i don't know but someone that i work with is like oh my god rat wee like it's poisonous you better wash your hands like you haven't touched your mouth or anything have you i was like oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die on the shop floor i've been licking this shit off and i had to go and
Starting point is 00:19:08 wash my hands but that's bad rat is rat wee poisonous it smelled it smelled like bad vagina bad bad bad vagina that's bad that's bad do you know what i mean you know like girls toilets like oh i know there have been 50 vaginas in here there's been thrush there's been period there's but there's just a lot of scent going on lots of fragrance i don't i'm not gonna pretend it smells good for the sake of people do i mean oh not at all because also i was having this conversation every day with a boy that i was saying cool combo that i was having i was saying i can smell when a girl's on that period of course you can little pups like you little puppy a little puppy with the nose like this you sniff out anything
Starting point is 00:19:54 like not always not always but like obviously not always but like no but if if a girl's been wearing a pad and she's been sweating and she hasn't changed it for six hours you can smell it you can smell a period a mile away you're on an airplane someone walks past you you can smell you sniff it out in no time out of period give me a lineup of girls i'll tell you which ones are on their period well that you don't want to be swimming with sharks in that no i'm not getting in the sea on those days no no no no no no no but like i just more mean like not everyone but like in assembly at school you'd all be sitting cross-legged and you may be sitting next one you go oh they're on their period
Starting point is 00:20:34 and the person i was speaking to genuinely thought i was like mental but have you ever because i think i've had that before i'm like i don't think some maybe this is too much taste i think it's quite a nice smell homely this is what i meant by what's something that no one else likes that you don't mind the smell of like a kind of stale period but it's not even stale there's a it's a sweetness do you get what i mean you're into that are you? I really like it. I don't agree. I don't agree. You don't. You don't like it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I don't think I agree. I think, but I also sometimes think this with the smell of... What is this? What was the question they asked? I don't know what the question originally was. They said, my friend doesn't let me see how the fridge works. The sweetness of a smell of it. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And I replied, I like the smell of period period i can sniff out a period in no time it's like what is this really bad i sometimes think i like the smell of like fresh sweat but like the second it's dried i'm over it on someone else but on someone it's like oh the smell of like sweat right on this on a fit person on kind of zac Efron imagine well it's kind of what you're having sex and they're a bit sweaty but like say someone's just like run in and they smell just like of just like fresh sweat but the second it ticks over into like potentially a BO smell I'm over it I'm well over it dry sweat yeah I don't think I ever I don't know maybe I do I'll sniff out next time you see a runner going past
Starting point is 00:22:06 the sweetness of that sweat oh fuck okay well what should that person do about their friend i don't know i almost think is it a situation where like you're at school do you know what i mean and like you know it's gonna fizzle out that's what i would hope is that over time it'll fizzle out and then in a few years you'll look back and think that taught me some things thank god I got away from that I think what you should do is test the water and meet up with someone else oh my god oh staring the pot why would you not why would you not like yeah no you're right yeah and actually see how she reacts and then when she goes I didn't really like that you saw that friend I think you should say,
Starting point is 00:22:45 this is a classic line that I've been whacking out to everyone recently. I've been telling everyone to use this line. I think it's great. And I think we've used this in your life as well. But I've used it in some of my friends' other lives as well. And you say, they'll go, what the hell? I think you can say,
Starting point is 00:22:58 do you think that's fair that you would say that to me? Do you think that's a fair thing to say to me? Yeah, do you think that's fair? Yeah, yeah. And they have to say no. They can't be like't be yeah i think it's fair that i demand that well reflect on it in front of me yeah do you think that's fair i i need you to publicly reflect because i i'm gonna have you in the stocks in a minute it's public humiliation i think it's great do you think that's fair and also another one that we've also used in many a conversation with people
Starting point is 00:23:22 is do you think i deserve to be treated like this yeah and if they go yeah you do actually they're fucking they can't say that they have to say no it has to be delivered super calm super calm and and vulnerable do you think i deserve that it's a great line so i think do it and then whack out some of those great lines those one-liners well it's hard to respond to that isn't it honestly the crowd goes wild it's like there's no answer they they got you there yeah you've wrapped them in a web of words okay i'm moving on playing sims with this person's life will write okay sorry i'm real coughs mcgee so am i so am i oh i had a dream last night that i did like eight covid tests and they're all positive and i was woke up like oh geez well that's a look into your state of mind isn't it i imagine you're really
Starting point is 00:24:11 relaxed at the moment really i'm having a whale of a time but i did also have a dream this was what i woke up to because we're recording this i would say quite early for me i woke up to an alarm this morning i never usually set an alarm i usually honestly snooze snooze snooze at the moment you wait for me to ring you and be like where are you what's going on which did happen the other day are you okay are you okay what oh my god it's like half 11 i missed the whole day i was dreaming but i was dreaming this morning this was dream i woke up to and i was quite annoyed this wasn't real i I was on a date with a guy. And he was like, one second, let's go in here. This is also looking to my state of mind.
Starting point is 00:24:51 And it was like a weird like nail salon. It's basically, I really fucking want acrylic nails. Because I bite my nails and I fucking hate them. I used to get acrylics. But in the pandemic, I haven't got any acrylics. I've been thinking of getting acrylics. You should. You should.
Starting point is 00:25:03 But the problem is, I think my nails are quite healthy and long. So I don't want to fuck that up by getting into acrylics driving well don't you have worked quite hard throughout the whole pandemic to get healthy nails so i wouldn't say fuck them up well i don't really know what happened they just they just took it upon themselves but anyway yeah go on i think it's the lack of acrylics because we used to be quite addicted i would say to acrylics speak for yourself addicted to acrylics i had a dream that i went to get acrylics yeah but a boy said oh i'll pay for them like go in that we're on a date and i'll go in go in and get them get any color you want and i got three different colors god is he proposing to you well he was like i'll cover it i'll cover it and i was like stomach i'm gonna get three different colors and there was 63 pounds this net and i was like jesus this guy's gonna hate me wow this is exactly
Starting point is 00:25:44 what i would imagine your dreams to be thank you for sharing that sorry i'm feeling quite a lot of pressure since i normally like yeah normally we both pick out stuff and we feed in but yeah i'm a bit nervous that i'm gonna pick a question you're gonna think i've chosen badly no sorry for making you do this as well no no i mean it's not a hard task is it with me it weirdly is though it's just it's like you get to choose the whole episode it's scary also i was gonna say my boyfriend's brushing his teeth so if you hear like a vibrator i'm not using a vibrator it's toothbrush what vibe are you into right now um i'm into any vibe i'm quite liking the vibe you've been going for okay good thanks you would say that though now wouldn't you yeah i would but it's also true it's exactly what i need a bit of a compliment because i would love what you're going
Starting point is 00:26:27 for whatever you do perfect to me thanks you're a perfect natter um what did you say what did you say to me i mean it's from angus thongs and parmesean robbie goes you're a perfect natter he's like you're perfect for me you're perfect now i thought you were doing we had a thing before where you were saying i had some sort of idea and you went you went you meant to say it's perfect but you said you're perfect you are you're perfect now so i always say to you it's perfect you're perfect you're perfect someone said can you explain how social classes work in the uk i think it's shocking that this is still a thing and i don't really want to explain it but like I just want to also emphasize that it is shocking and crazy but I don't want to get into it so I'm going to talk about your question I'm going to
Starting point is 00:27:14 choose to not answer it it's just crazy though right well yeah it is crazy and also what was I listening to the other day they were talking about how class is kind of shifting and like the middle class is so we're not going to explain them but we're going to go with some in-depth yeah go on the middle class they were saying is like disappearing and stuff so it's becoming more polarized between like the working class and the upper class and also there's like a new class that was introduced like recently which is like the celebrity class which is like an instant transcendence between like for example they weren't saying this is my fucking thoughts on it this could be bullshit for example my thoughts immediately went to like love island yeah which is like stereotypically like working class people go
Starting point is 00:27:51 on that show and it's like instantly a huge transcendence like almost above upper class because it you surpass it with wealth with like wealth anyway even though you don't um surpass like the barriers of education all of this stuff within the class system but it's like there's a new introduction of this new class which is the celebrity class which allows like access to things that even the upper class don't have for six months yeah for six months until you kill yourself whoa well if we're talking about love island yeah she's not wrong it's the sad fucking truth yeah it's fucking bleak until they kill themselves all people just get bored of them well i guess and then they yeah and then they kill themselves okay yeah um i actually just want to
Starting point is 00:28:28 touch on that again because i do think about this quite often how we end the podcast by saying if you don't hear from us it seemed the worst funny joke i know that someone said they didn't like that when they left us loads of other horrible things that they didn't like which is really nice whatever yeah um i i was i no one asked about this but i just want to talk about it yeah 100 someone actually look let me read this i've also got thoughts on this exactly i'm sure you do i love that everyone sent in really good questions like you know what i'm trying to talk about what i want to talk about actually thanks guys but thanks for nothing but basically i don't know if this goes into great this goes into everything
Starting point is 00:29:02 somebody said the only way i'm able to cope with my mental illness is to laugh about it telling mentally ill people how to cope with their mental illness is not the woke move you think it is this is it that was at me can the orange on twitter i love that i reference tweets as if they're like oh i thought that was a dm i was like fucking these people are fucking smart but that's true isn't it but it's fucking true yeah it's beyond true what is it telling i just love that sentence telling mentally ill people how to cope with their mental illness is not the woke move you think it is literally that's kind of all i wanted to say but this is i think this is why we decided to like leave that in and make it a thing past the first time we said it because the first time we said assume the worst whatever i think wing said
Starting point is 00:29:41 it and it was just like i just thought it's hilarious and then we decided to make it actually more of a thing but it was like actually when things are the worst often things are the worst that's the thing and it's like at the same time it's hard because in a way i would happily tell i would happily say i would give detail on the worst but then at the same time i don't know if i. Because I think I can look at you and say, well, I don't think she has to justify herself at all, actually. So let her, do you know what I mean? Yeah, I don't think we have to justify anything. But it's almost like it depends how much you want to share.
Starting point is 00:30:18 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know
Starting point is 00:30:38 this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson, and this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find a Field Guide to Gay Animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Acast.com And I was having this the other day. Well, we had this yesterday, actually. So we wanted to record yesterday, but we just decided to postpone until this morning instead. I was saying it's like often we'll be like, oh, we'll come to the episode and just be like, oh, I just feel shit today, whatever. And it's like, yeah, OK, that's an amount that you want to share oh my god blah blah blah something trivial or like this thing happened or not even trivial this thing happened we want to share it i'm a donkey on the edge i'm a donkey on the edge things are happening yeah but
Starting point is 00:31:35 like at the moment potentially without getting too much into it like i've just always like for example i would say oh yeah i've just been to a funeral it's like that's pretty much sharing a very very intimate deep thing but some things have happened a brief glimpse into the rawest things yeah and some things are too much to share it's like it's not even that i'm guarded or anything like that it's like yeah no it's i think we both say more than we have to on this i say things i don't even think on here for some reason god i'm talking shit god knows what i've been saying on here but it's like some things are too much to share and too big to share and it's beyond like oh like assume the worst it's like the only way to potentially cope with these things is to have a bit of a laugh if i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:32:14 show up every week yeah it needs to be a bit funny for me at least if it's not funny for you then you can just leave but i need to come back next week you can want whatever you want but i think look i think i'm gonna offer a crux in this episode which i didn't think I would but I think the crux for me is if you don't like anything about the episode you get to pause it and I don't genius this is gonna follow me around for the rest of my life like for some everything I say is this here forever now and I have to do it all again next week meanwhile I'm responding to apparently something that I said 12 weeks ago in the DMs all of a sudden. It's just like, Jesus, you can just turn it off. You can go and I don't want you to. I'm infinitely grateful to have a single person listening, giving a little chuckle, feeling seen in some way. But if that's not you and you're not
Starting point is 00:33:01 having a good time, please, you exercise your right to leave the space. Because boy, do it for me. Leave for me on my behalf. And I think one of the most jarring bits of that sometimes that we've experienced is not only is it's like whatever we say is permanent, is there. But it's when you get the feedback from someone in your real life, for example, but someone peripheral in your real life. That it's like you get the feedback of of someone saying we never had that at school and it's like sorry huh what what do you mean like what what do you mean they're like you said that seven 17 weeks ago on your book yeah i don't remember that was a conversation i had with wing i didn't know you
Starting point is 00:33:38 felt like that in my bedroom 17 weeks ago when i just woke up and now i'm getting i'm i walk into a fucking pub and someone goes i didn't know you read that book at school sorry sorry yeah and it's that's the thing with everything's permanent like not even it's not even the triggering ones yeah yeah yeah and it's the access that and that's a nice one that's a nice normal thing to say yeah sometimes i see names of people that i didn't know were here but it's like oh god how long have you been here there are people that i don't talk to anymore that listen to this podcast people that don't like me yeah people that actively we don't like each other yeah hey that listen to this it's like oh wow wow hi and i've had people say i don't know if i said this on the podcast before so tell me if i
Starting point is 00:34:20 have but people will be like oh sorry like i don't know if it's weird that i listened to that episode did i say that i don't know people just be like. I don't know if it's weird that I listened to that episode. Did I say that? I don't know. People just be like, oh, I don't know if that's weird. Sorry. I listened to blah, blah, blah. It's like, look, if you think if you thought it was weird when you were listening, then chances are, yeah, it was weird.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So you probably shouldn't have listened anymore. Yeah. Anyway, someone actually said, and this was the question that I was going to start with. And I thought, let's not start with that one because it's just blah, blah, blah. A bit deep. Let's do it. But it links back. Not even even deep it's just a bit self-indulgent and i do wonder like how much listening to a podcast where the podcasters are talking about having a podcast for how long can you talk like how long can you listen to that it's a bit boring i know i always think that but then somehow it just always comes up you're
Starting point is 00:35:01 self-obsessed you know what though i was literally thinking this this morning you know who kind of has some of that it's not self i don't want to say she has self-obsessed energy but she has a similar energy of i think she examines her industry and examines like her role and her content in that way is lucy moon really sorry my dog i know i can hear my dog is going mental someone's at the door. My mum's getting it. Nice. Let me say really again because he barked when I said really and then. I'm on my period. Really? I can smell it from here.
Starting point is 00:35:37 That is great. That's really funny. I don't know if that was loud enough to go in because it was in that weird. God, you're funny. No, put it in. It's fine. I think this whole thing is now going to go in was loud enough to go in because it was in that weird god you're funny no put it in it's fine I think this whole thing is now gonna go in that has to go in you need to get that joke in come on anyway okay so yeah Lucy Moon really I was gonna say that again you heard the whole thing yeah um who whenever I say Lucy Moon as well you always go oh you love lucy moon like a real mom like kind of oh your friend lucy moon do you know why i have a why i think that well you do mention
Starting point is 00:36:14 lucy moon like you always and it's someone whose content i've actually never really consumed she makes good points she makes good points yeah me and wing once did an event once where we spoke live somewhere which which was just- Pre-COVID. Pre-COVID, just- God knows how we got away with that. Pre-COVID, like two weeks pre-COVID. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:31 We got kind of invited. It was the most amazing experience by this amazing person. I think, go follow her. I think she's rebranded to The Lens now on Instagram. Mm-hmm, beyond stunning. And we did a talk with her and it was absolutely like the fucking best thing ever and we love her until we die huh and i said until we die and then i was
Starting point is 00:36:49 gonna say which might be soon assume the worst anyway yeah go on um but we were at this event and there were kind of people walking in and we were like fucking lucy moon is then i remember being like oh my god you're not gonna believe who's here it's your queen lucy moon is here your queen yeah lucy moon is like what and then just before we started speaking she left and i thought oh god that's quite heartbreaking isn't it yeah i thought oh fuck it's quite heartbreaking when your queen lucy moon walks out well i get why she left because also it was quite um quite an intense environment very much yeah yeah it was very like it was in chelsea well yeah i was gonna say it's very like all the girls that definitely call their dad daddy but then i go oh you call your parents mommy and daddy they really do because i call my dad daddy and my mom mommy
Starting point is 00:37:37 the question was would you ever stop the podcast oh sorry i was all about lucy moon blah blah blah anyway basically not that lucy moon needs a shout out from us but lucy moon always makes really interesting i just think she has great insights on like the online space i don't know i reckon like everyone you obviously already know of her but if you don't by chance then i don't know she's always been someone that i've known about just in the kind of uk fucking youtuber sphere but i've never watched anything by her so i really should because you promo her enough but i really need i really need to i do in a weird way though it's my thing with her is very particular to her like i just really enjoy
Starting point is 00:38:16 it's almost i like the way that she thinks i like the way you think but i like the way she thinks okay well i'm hooked yada yada yada well i'm hooked would you ever stop the podcast do you see yourself ever needing to step away from it from the publicness of it that's why i didn't want to start with it because it's very self-indulgent to start a fucking episode like this with a question that says do you need to ever see yourself stepping away from the publicness of this it's like god we're assholes i don't want to ever stop the podcast like in theory no this is the thing but i always i have an awareness of there was a point when fucking i don't know there's a point when any kind of people starting something that are like oh god this is great you're
Starting point is 00:38:55 like oh i'm never gonna stop it but there always comes a point when things kind of either evolve i would what i would hope for us is that it would evolve into something else i don't want to have this kind of crazy thing where we end it or anything like we don't want some frenemies thing that would make me die oh my could you imagine dear lord i storm out because you made me wear a costume that i did slash didn't want to wear i mean if everyone was still buying our hoodies it would soften the blow but yeah i don't want that to happen my point that i was thinking was there was like a point when like random fucking duo that i love in life ricky gervais and steven merchant so irrelevant and it's like do you know who steven merchant is
Starting point is 00:39:29 i hope so but somehow the most relevant yeah somehow my only people i ever want to talk about i always think this with steven merchant and ricky gervais who i love they you may know and i would add carl to that duo but he doesn't actually feature in this little thing but he features in my mind 24 7 honorable mention there was a point clearly when Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant they went into the fucking BBC with the script of The Office and they thought we've hit the fucking big time on this they they love it this is genius we're never gonna end this like I couldn't imagine a point where we're not gonna run and run with this they're two little like no-name people they've written an amazing thing it's like okay we're gonna do this forever like we're the perfect duo blah blah blah yeah i imagine thoughts like
Starting point is 00:40:09 that went through their mind like let's run and run with this and i think there's a that obviously comes a natural point okay you've done season one blah blah you do season two blah blah then you go okay we're gonna do another show we're gonna do extras blah blah we're gonna do another show okay we're gonna do extra season two season three and then it's like it had to end which i always think is horrible when we're at the beginning stages we're kind of going in with our office script right now of season one do you like it right but then naturally becomes a progression what i would hope for us is that we do still work together when we're fucking like 70 but there came a point where steven and ricky fucking i don't know with their anymore, which makes me really sad. I haven't seen them together in a while.
Starting point is 00:40:47 God, well, this suddenly is really depressing. Well, this is just me actually physically worrying about them as friends. I don't think that's going to happen to them. I actually do sometimes, I actually do worry about them. I really do. I worry about them so much. Well, I'm glad you have the space to talk about that. If you don't know about how much I love Steve, Ricky and Carl. It's an intense love, yeah. I listen to their voices.
Starting point is 00:41:10 I listen to the podcast, the old radio shows, everything. Listen to them. They've already featured in my day this morning and it's nine o'clock and we've been recording for an hour. I've listened to them every single night since I was like 13. That's how much I love about them. So I do think about them every day. I love it.
Starting point is 00:41:24 But that's my point. That's like, I do think about them every day i love it but that's my point that's like i would hope that we would find some kind of evolution within this and that we would never stop it i hope so it's kind of the thing in friends where they in the friends reunion where they were talking about it's just you're bonded for life even though this is a shitty little thing it's just a silly little thing yeah the ceos of shitty little thing that's a joke from our live if you ever if you watch that have you tuned into our recent live yeah you can watch it on ig tv it is just kind of um it does something to not even a friendship it does something to a relationship yeah there is not i don't have anything else like this well this is why we always say
Starting point is 00:41:59 i this is mental this is mental this is totally embarrassing like sometimes there'll be like a small thing that we just need to discuss like oh i got this dm i just like have you experienced that like or like how do you feel about that comment or like do you blah blah blah like or like do we got this email from someone like a brand and something like that and blah and we just sometimes need to talk about things and we always say i don't know how how people do this on their own yeah and the example we embarrassingly use is like how did taylor swift when she was like oh i was gonna say nana and i was like i can't bring up nana again no no no no yeah you always bring up taylor swift for some reason yeah nana or taylor swift they're on the same level to us but like we often say like how did taylor swift like she wrote fucking love story and the whole fucking press went mental at her
Starting point is 00:42:51 she's fucking 15 pulling up to sony and telling her parents they need to move across the fucking country how but on earth the bollock on that it's mental and suddenly none of your friends can relate to you you're suddenly you've got a bit of social capital and everyone's just trying their little things. And it's just interesting. I don't know how Taylor Swift did it on her own. So I always think even just in the small ways that we need to discuss little things and suddenly you become quite unrelatable
Starting point is 00:43:16 to people around you and things like that. Not in a big way, but suddenly you're more public. Yeah, but I always say it's almost the problem is is that you're not public enough for it to be it's almost the problem the problem is is that you're not public enough for it to be a real problem do you know what i mean it's like you're public enough that like you're you're feeling a bit weird but it's not public enough that you can talk about feeling a bit weird because you look like an arsehole you're not molly may it's like get a grip it's a tiny shitty little thing you look like a freaking freak it becomes really
Starting point is 00:43:41 annoying yeah because you it doesn't feel like how you think it feels for example it's like i would look at something of the exact same size and be like oh they don't have the issues of like getting hate or any of these things and it's like actually it's not even getting hate that matters it's just the feeling of being watched perceived by anyone by even three people is enough to be like oh do i feel weird about that do i feel like good about that do i feel bad about that like what are the emotions and i'm just so glad i can speak about that to someone and that we both are going through the pretty much the exact same thing but we go through it in a different way which i think is the important the important thing as well you know what i actually think is an is a notable point myers-briggs i'm enfj i'm an infp and you you're INFP. I know, I know you are.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And I always look at yours as well. You know, we're like mirror, we're like mirrors of each other. And that makes perfect sense to me. Do you know they're the two, they're two, like they're matched together all the time? I didn't know that until recently. ENFJ and INFP. And INFP. Did you know that?
Starting point is 00:44:43 No, I didn't know that. No. Okay, let me send you, or like, wow let me find something if you don't know your myers-briggs i highly recommend it just for the fun of it uh-huh my favorite bit of myers-briggs is seeing the like celebrities that have the same type as you i my favorite thing about myers-briggs is that my title is the protagonist and i'm like god that's affirming isn't it that's fun mine like, the picture is like this kind of ditzy, like nature girl. Like, it's like, yeah, okay, that would be me. Just like.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Little girl. Yeah. Mine's a big man with a big sword. Yeah, stunning. This is literally just to show you. Yeah. INFP and ENFJ. So what's it saying about us?
Starting point is 00:45:19 Look at that. Look at that. They're mirrored though, look. Oh, wow. It's the exact same balances. that they're mirrored though look oh wow it's the exact same balances oh so infp is romantic dreamer and enfj is mentor and visionary yeah well that's the perfect combo i've ever heard i'm a visionary and a mentor i'm a romantic dreamer and you're a visionary and a mentor that's exactly how i see us but it's we are in we are in balance we are and it goes back to a thing that your boyfriend once said about us and
Starting point is 00:45:46 i just always quote this because it always rings true in our friendship yeah he once said when you're up here she's down here and when she's up here you're down there and it's like actually i do think that is very true that we do have some some sort of yin yang situation balance and some way sometimes we can meet in the middle where we're in the same exact alignment but there's always someone like carrying that and then the other one picks up and then like it and that's what makes a perfect podcast because i guess that is the essence of a conversation it's pure balance quite stunning i know i said before like your i think your ego balms the both of us like i lean into your like um confidence is the wrong word but there's some sort of something it's not confidence because i'm confident but you you have like a something
Starting point is 00:46:32 that it just i would love to know what that thing is it allows me to have a to allows me to be like yeah you know what fuck i'm doing this do you know what i mean oh that's stunning well just you are a mentor and a visionary i must i must agree with myers and briggs shut okay shall we move on yeah i think everyone's dying for us to move on sorry that was so self-indulgent i hope you enjoyed that yeah hope you somewhat enjoyed that yikes i hope so i don't know no yeah let's not start feeling bad about it cut the whole thing the whole episode's gone too late oh i like this question a lot i don't know if you'll have an answer but i really like it biggest inspiration currently person or thing can't be ricky gervais cannot be ricky gervais he's not my inspiration he's just my deep dark love you go first who's your well i always i thought about this here like when i saw it and i thought this is a really
Starting point is 00:47:23 wanky answer but just my life I'm finding very inspiring at the moment. That is stunning. Do you know what I mean? I'm still swimming. My shark fear is pretty much conquered. That's very inspiring. I just feel very in alignment in my, it's also my birthday coming up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Saw that in my calendar and I thought, right, note that. Yeah. Right. Note that. Do not text her on the day of her birthday. birthday coming up yeah saw that in my calendar and i thought right note that yeah right note that do not text her on the day of her birthday have you replied to those emails yet by the way happy birthday when i remember terrifying i just feel very like aligned aligned or just like um ready to be me oh wow do you know what i mean i'm just ready to keep being me that's fine i can do that like i'm excited yeah tomorrow i can be me again like just you know that is an inspiring mindset to be in just be like i'm i'm here i'm ready i'm it's accepting almost it is and it is well it's kind of um i feel like i just cleared a lot. There was just stagnant energy before we moved.
Starting point is 00:48:25 And now I just feel a whole new lease of my life. 100%. It's crazy how much just like a change of, almost a change of aesthetics. Oh, good as I was saying. Can be inspiring. Because I think that's one of the things I've noticed in you since the move the most.
Starting point is 00:48:40 It's almost just like- I'm seagull. The change of environment and the aesthetic. Yeah, yeah. Almost like your, it's like the mental i'm seagull the change of environment and the aesthetic yeah yeah almost like your it's like the mental aesthetic though as well it's like the how you perceive your life yeah has flipped since moving and that is just the most stunning thing to see yeah yeah thanks well before it was like um there's nothing here that is stopping me from being suicidal to be dark about it but to be real that's true yeah there was not that there were minimal here that is stopping me from being suicidal to be dark about it but to be real that's true yeah there was not that there were minimal things that i could cling on to
Starting point is 00:49:10 that would get me through to tomorrow whereas now it's like it's barely fucking 11 a.m and i'm already excited for my next day so i'm just feeling i'm just feeling generally inspired right now which is yeah all you could ask for really yeah oh i love that yeah it's like kind of the perfect answer it's like who are you inspired by oh i think it might be me well also people are inspired yeah but not even who it's not it's not me but just where i am right now my life and and just i guess the sea totally the sea just even more wanky than saying yourself is saying the sea but i could agree with the sea because i went to the beach the other day and i keep on going to this kind of body of water
Starting point is 00:49:51 it's a weird weird she taught me a new word because i'm at home at the moment for personal reasons we'll not go into it and i and i keep going to this like body of water that is called a weird it's like got all this grass around it and i kind of do a bit of a beach day there yeah stunning because it's like if you if you're going to be depressed you might as well be depressed at a weir done on the beach essentially yeah weir yeah in a bikini okay yeah yeah um so yeah i agree kind of water just like and we're also saying it's quite funny that like swimming has become part of our like thing like yeah we love swimming swimming girls yeah yeah like get the swimming cap on get the singing swimming goggles well this is also why i think we're imbalanced is because you're such a country girl to me that's so funny you're a country bumpkin to me i know i i agree i kind of agree
Starting point is 00:50:40 you are yeah yeah no i agree with that like i mean i do also live in london but i have just moved like very like in the last two years yeah but you grew up country i always say you grew up on a tree house yeah and i did have a tree house i did grow up very much um it's funny because where i live like in my town this wouldn't be seen as countryside but like compared to london and any city it very much is the countryside like coming out of it when i went to uni and then i came back i was like oh wow i lived in the middle of nowhere got it yeah yeah because in my mind i live near oxford yeah i live in oxfordshire and then you come and then you come back you know oh i live in a shithole it's cool though it's funny it's just funny because it's like i always all i ever wanted as a
Starting point is 00:51:28 kid was to live in london really all i wanted was to live in london live in london all i wanted but it's because i had trauma around it that my dad right moved to london when i was a kid wow i didn't know that so is it like my dad moved to like east london so i had like a hook on east london east london east london and i still do want to live in east london well yeah everyone wants to live in east london now how old were you well when i was in year six when they split up my dad moved to london so we would like go every other weekend and we'd be in like bethnal green so like i would i did know bethnal green as an area i did always have a hook on oh my god i want to live in london i want to live in london and now i do live in
Starting point is 00:52:00 london i love london i live in a very different area of like i live in like west london the opposite could not be further literally the opposite of bet I love London. I live in a very different area of London. I live in like West London. The opposite. Could not be further. Literally the opposite of Bethnal Green. I've lived in a couple places now in London. And I mean, it's just been moving around. But it's funny because the more I spend in the city, I'm like, oh, I actually do think I desire
Starting point is 00:52:19 that countryside-ness as well. Like I haven't seen a cow in quite a fucking while now. Yeah, yeah. So I do like the mix of it all. Can't seen a cow in quite a fucking while now yeah yeah so i do like the mix of it all can't keep a seffy from her cows oh you can try all you want me and the cows cannot be separated yeah try as you might you know what i think is funny i think i've said this before and again i'm gonna make it really deep and somber but i find it so interesting it's not even interesting because you're fucking totally right it just it you always whenever it comes up it always just makes me second not even second guess myself it makes me realize that i've been thinking wrong my whole life is when you say like and blah blah when i
Starting point is 00:52:54 was a kid and blah blah and then you say it happened you're talking about a time after the age of like 11 and i think a lot of people do this when you have like a traumatic situation as a kid from that moment though in your mind you were like an adult yeah because for me when i think about being like 10 11 i'm like oh yeah i was basically like teenager oh my god i was just like young woman yeah no no you're a child you are absolutely a child and you're right you're absolutely a kid complete child but to me it's like i was a bit older then yeah do you know i mean but i wasn't i wasn't older i was a kid you're in primary school yeah you're literally in primary school when you see primary school kids now yeah yeah they're babies like because i agree when i was in year six i felt like oh i'm pretty much like 22 and now i'm 24 i'm literally
Starting point is 00:53:39 when you look at a fucking prime there's a primary school at the bottom of my garden and i look at the primary school i'm like a fucking freak i think those are year sixes yeah those are year sixes when i was in year six i thought i was a fucking i thought i was miley cyrus yeah those are year sixes those those absolute children and that's when i was dealing with real shit yeah it's weird isn't it just like family stuff like it was like god no wonder no wonder you're the way that you are when you were that age let's just leave it there no wonder i am the way that i am that explains everything when you had that yeah it's just like or just like when you were that age dealing with stuff it's like yeah okay okay that's a child it's strange how normalized it is the weight that we put on children and i also think just young people in
Starting point is 00:54:26 general up even like you're like 21 we just undermine young people so much or you're so easily considered irrational or confrontational or inappropriate or just you're constantly being undermined as if what you're feeling or what you know isn't valid i honestly think it's one of those dangerous things we do in this world in this whole world like do not be the adult that doesn't that doesn't believe the children believe that child yeah it's how this is the thing where it's absolutely so fucking traumatic to not be like when an adult kind of dismisses a child like i i've just experienced this a lot with having younger siblings and like a younger family as well where you can tell i can tell an adult that i trust and distrust by the way they talk to the
Starting point is 00:55:17 children around me just because i think the way that my family talk to children is very much like a normal person like are you hungry rather than and the kid says i'm hungry it's not oh we'll be eating in a minute here's a little apple stick it's like oh hungry okay let's get you something like how like have you been hungry for a bit like are you really hungry medium hungry like what do you want sort of thing but i just think the way that some adults talk to kids it's like hello there would you like a little thing from me i just find it literally unbearable and i think i I can tell who I trust. Chase a pity party. I don't like people diminishing any feelings. And especially the feelings of a child.
Starting point is 00:55:51 When a child says, I'm scared. Not, oh, come on then. Oh, come on. No, I'm not scared. It's like, no, no, they're scared. Okay. Yeah. What are you scared about here?
Starting point is 00:55:58 Is it that spider? Okay, we can rationalize that. The spider's not really scared because of them. Yeah. But I really dislike when people trivialize anything from a child or from anyone but i really really just like that specific tone that people use when they talk to a child because it's literally just telling the child that they're like worthless it's like you're a little puppy to me i see you as a little puppy no yeah yeah it is fucking crying yeah it's not do you want a lollipop it's like yeah give them
Starting point is 00:56:23 the lollipop and then also talk to them find out what happened i actually i think it fucking actually angers me it does oh i believe it does anger you yeah because also i'm gonna take a really serious thing and then make it really fucking trivial and stupid and everyone's like we were really on board until you just took it too far yeah go on take it i also think in terms of like fear because i do obviously just have slight obsession with just fear but like i would also like include like the paranormal in there as well when a kid says i saw i saw a ghost i saw a weird thing oh right yeah you see this see where this is going yeah yeah i'm not saying i believe in ghosts i do but i'm not saying i believe in ghosts yeah but like when a child says
Starting point is 00:57:06 so for example my little brother is adamant to this day that he once saw a witch in his room he once saw a witch in his room he thinks and i don't believe he saw a witch in his room i don't believe that but i believe that he very much had a visceral experience and believes that he saw a witch in his room like i think there are a lot of people don't be silly you didn't see that but i just think it's really important to be like i don't think witches exist and rationally it was probably me stood in the corner of your room checking if you're fucking asleep but you had a very real experience in that room you were terrified you were shit scared enough that you remember it fucking 14 years later so it was clearly a big thing like how did it feel like
Starting point is 00:57:40 what was it that scared you about that like what was it about specifically a witch that was scary to you i just think it's like a lot of the time it's easy to be like to kids don't be silly no come on they don't exist they're not real but it's like regardless of the fact they exist or not quite important to find out like how they felt if it still bothers them yeah any of these things you know what you kind of liken that to um when someone's on their period gaslighting and they're like feeling shit or they're going through something or blah blah blah and it's like oh yeah but you're on your period so blah blah it's like but i'm still feeling it though yeah yeah yeah it's real just because i can reason the feelings to a period doesn't mean they're not real feelings completely you're still
Starting point is 00:58:21 feeling it i think we have to i think we actually have to go yeah it's i don't know what this i mean i don't know what this episode was but it's been long now i don't know what this is gonna mean it's been something weirdest conversation to end that on as well i hope you found those questions acceptable thank you so much for sending them yeah thanks so much i mean we did we cover that many yeah we did we kind of went on our own thing in the end but stunning yeah i feel a bit nervous yeah same it's like oh okay i'm sorry i was just thinking about like ghosts it's totally that thing of you project onto the conversation now all of the fear of like i said the wrong thing i spoke about my pet for too long and blow my butt it's like no one cares
Starting point is 00:59:00 literally yeah and this is um no, no, I'm not even going to say that. Um, okay. Now we're getting insecure. So we've got to go. Okay. Let's go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Well, thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much for all the questions that I will not read. Thank you so much just for being here. Um, and thanks so much for listening. Genuinely. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:59:21 So crazy. Yeah. Thank you so, so much. I hope you're okay hope things are going well if you're listening when this comes out you're probably back at school you might be starting uni soon good luck if you are new relationships new cities how's it going please let us know september it's a time of change a time of academic change that we then project
Starting point is 00:59:40 onto all other things that must change in september um, if you don't hear from us, truly, assume the worst.

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