Goes Without Saying - TikTok vs. The Tabloid: the persistence of self-loathing trends

Episode Date: July 23, 2024

THE SUMMER BONANZA BEGINS. podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on unrealistic and unattainable beauty standards, the evolution of mainstream media, and the normalised patriarchal la...nguage used about women's bodies. ✷see more ✷ www.youtube.com/@sephyandwing ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwing ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwingshop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.uk Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:42 in a creek unravels a tale of an international kidnapping, toxic relationships and a breakthrough that changes everything. There's only three ways you can enter any environment. One is purposeful, one is accidental and the third way is by the hands of another. Was it an accident or something more sinister? I'm Private Investigator Julia Robson and this is Troubled Waters, a Casefile Presents production. Out now wherever you get your podcasts. Acast helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com. Goes without saying, our YouTube has dropped finally we have been filming non-stop, hijinks ensued and now the Sephian Wing cinematic universe is
Starting point is 00:01:32 alive and ready for you to come and enjoy. there'll be videos all through July and hopefully ongoing as well but come and just see what's going on. till the end of time. yeah oh wait where can they find it? Type in sephianwing guys, you know how to use YouTube. Yeah, and it's also on our Instagram sephianwing. It's also linked below If you need some help Yeah Take one. There's gonna be a bit of movement in these audio. Sorry, but nothing when I'm speaking. Why is there gonna be movement? What's going on? Because I'm I'm just you know, I keep reclining twisting i'm really i'm fine i'm on a spinny chair. i'm a Roman emperor. um nice. so this is just disclaimer this is so you know these are all coming out once a day i hope you know that
Starting point is 00:02:14 i hope you've been listening along yeah and haven't just found this random one but this is the fifth one we've recorded in one day so they always seem to get bit nuts actually bit nuts they always seem to get... bit nuts actually. bit nuts. they always seem to get a bit more delirious as we go on. you say that but we started talking about bowel buns and roast dinners so... oh so true so they might have actually got better. i think they have got better. i think there was a sweet spot a couple of episodes ago, a couple of episodes ago we were right at the mark and we've started dwindling from there so... yeah we kind of... we came up quick, stayed there for a moment and yeah
Starting point is 00:02:45 now we're hurtling towards the ground. Now we're talking about TikTok versus the tabloid. So thoughts on that? Well you're gonna have to tell me. So this is, Wing has sent me a huge list of topics in very Wing style just like here's a load of absolutely perfect names. Oh thanks. So you're gonna have to tell me what this is. Okay, so this started off the basis of just the awareness of trends and narratives and emphasis placed on the way that we look specifically or I think maybe especially, I should say, for young women.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Even I'm little girls. Yeah. And I think what we are seeing generally is movement from specifically, for example, little girls noticing headlines and tabloids in the line at the supermarket moving into... Ooh, that just gave me flashbacks. But it kind of is that, right? That's horrible, I'd never really thought of that like you're like they're like munching
Starting point is 00:03:47 your sweets. yeah. and then you're like looking at headlines. yeah you're looking at kind of jennifer aniston still can't get pregnant nobody wants her sort of vibe. why is that such a visceral image? like i almost feel like that's something i had never really taken in the fact you're like the supermarket like aisle. I think also because you're you're short You're a child. So it's all at your eyeline. Yeah is like really harrowing horrific messaging around women. Beyonce's belly bulge at the beach in her new bikini Buh buh buh buh buh buh buh. Yeah. Shakira stuns in new sultry outfit. Like, what am I reading right now? Yes. And I think what we've seen is that moving into TikTok and just social media spaces in
Starting point is 00:04:32 general and now we're seeing little girls using drunk elephant retinol and etc etc. And just how the messaging around almost like the ways that we are allowed to speak about women has slightly shifted but I think just being repackaged we were speaking in a different episode about eating disorders and also I used racism as an example interestingly but kind of in the British space specifically of just because things aren't explicitly for example insulting doesn't mean there isn't an insult buried in there somewhere, doesn't mean there isn't an insult buried in there somewhere, or doesn't mean there isn't injustice happening.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And so eating disorder culture has been repackaged into something new and it's thriving, and the same things are kind of happening. And I think what I find really interesting, and I find it so troubling and so sad, is previously there was so for example 2000s early 2000s. There's a huge Comfort for people I think in the culture of publicly commenting on women's bodies and their expectations of what women's bodies
Starting point is 00:05:38 quote-unquote should look like yeah now I think we have Digested a new narrative of being like, don't body shame or don't speak about other women, don't comment on other women's bodies or like, you know, women don't all have to look one way or for example there have been new thoughts introduced but I think the consequence of that has been a repackaging of those thoughts and now we find new ways to talk about what women look like. So we start using words like, for example, body neutrality, body positivity, or like the kibbe method of this is your body type or you are like fox pretty or deer pretty. You're a soft
Starting point is 00:06:18 natural for example. You're a warm autumn. Right. And these things aren't necessarily inherently harmful but I think that is a big question mark. Let's not be naive. Right and these things aren't necessarily inherently harmful but I think there is a big question mark. Let's not be naive. Right I think there's a big question mark, an underlined question mark in the awareness of the things that we are allowed to say about women's bodies in 2024 and just the persistent awareness of what women look like and how they quote unquote should look. It's fucking knackering actually. I'm very bored and tired. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I So I was watching one, I don't know what the fuck it was, Kim's birthday week got distracted by the fact she had to go on jury duty. Uh oh, poor Kim. That's what the episode was about. And it was just the usual shit. And there was one scene, so it was Kim's birthday party, sitting right next to her, Ivanka Trump. It's like, what am I witnessing right now?
Starting point is 00:07:23 I'm witnessing sort of the capital. Something quite apocalyptic. I'm witnessing the Hunger Games. This is quite a bad scene that I'm watching. And my mum walked in the room, she was like, what is this? And I was like, it's the Kardashians. And she was like, so which one's which sort of thing? And I was like, oh, that's Kylie, blah, blah, blah, doing the whole thing. And there was one moment, she was barely paying attention, she was on her phone or whatever. Kim was about to do her birthday speech and Chloe shouts out, stand up and show off that body! And my mum looked at me and she was
Starting point is 00:07:57 like, stop, this is bad. This is bad for the brain. This is is actually crazy. Like I think sometimes seeing media like that through the eyes of like an older generation makes it so embarrassing to be watching it. It was like this is evil what I'm watching. Like that is a crazy thing. Like as much as that is normalized, show off your body Kim, which you've had all your implants removed and now you've stopped with kind of fetishising black bodies and you want to be this tiny little Kate Moss again. Like now show off your body. It's like, we know all the discourse because we're in it, but watching it from that generation, like that perspective, was shocking. It's like the amount this has been normalised, like I didn't find that comment from Chloe that that crazy but it is. like that is absolutely an insane thing to say at someone's birthday speech. it's fucking weird as shit.
Starting point is 00:08:52 go on. take me- i'm- i'm strapped in. keep me going. that's it. that's it. it was- it was just like i think we forget how sick our culture is or like the internet is because we're in it. We forget and when you take a step outside of it like when you look around the normal world people are not speaking like that, that that emphasis on Kim's worth as her body or like the idea that they also said a thing that was like it was just like so embarrassing watching it with someone else in the room who like is outside of this narrative she was like it was like Kim, Chloe and like one of the others I don't know who in the car
Starting point is 00:09:31 and they say something like I honestly feel like every every scene from that show could be clipped and Disgust at length. Should go viral in some like big like there's a big bit of there's like a dissertation in each scene basically in some, like, there's a big bit of, there's like a dissertation in each scene, basically. Oh my god, 100%. They were talking about, it was like women that don't shave their vaginas, and my mum looked at me like, what is this? Like, what is this show like? It was like, she described it, she was like,
Starting point is 00:09:57 God, like the body shaming, and I was like, is that even body shaming? It's just mad, like, it's just actually like, sick. Like, it's really weird. It's really like, and there was one bit as well where Kim was referring to herself as a single mother. And like, just the like, cognitive dissonance of like, whilst that might be true, that you are technically a single mother, like you're a mum that does not have a partner, to give yourself that title is really not understanding the issues that a single mother would face in the real world. You're a single mother with how many nannies
Starting point is 00:10:35 and how many millions, it's just not a term that you have earned in any way. Or you're using that term to give yourself some credit which you really don't deserve. It's just really interesting but yeah that's so many points in one but you know. I specifically when you were saying like it's really it highlights something when you are sat watching for example the Kardashians with someone outside of our generation it allows you to view it through a different lens and almost zoom out of the things that are normalized in our culture and I had such a weird moment the other day. It really wasn't like deep, it wasn't a big thing but I don't know why it just struck me more than I thought it would. I the other day had on famously Doctor Who, Christopher Aquiston season.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Okay. Which one? There was, so I kind of was in and out, but it was obviously him and famously Rose Tyler. He's 19 by the way. Oh she. As in the character is 19. Weird. And he is 900. Because there is a sexual energy. Or maybe not sexual, there's a romantic energy. No no there is. There's a declared sexual dynamic because Rose's mum, Jackie Tyler, Jackie of course. Is like some sort of Pw you like founder on the internet sort of thing and now she's gone missing da da da da da there's a huge and they talk about the age gap between them and it there's like an there's
Starting point is 00:11:56 definitely a romanticness between her and David Tennant for sure. yeah and she has it with f**king what's his name his name's captain jack but what's his name in the real life world? in the real life world his name is john barrowman. john barrowman! yes yes yes. no i watched that bit as well and he says to her oh it says that you're like single and available. yeah that is a like a romantic relationship. it's totally uh it's not under the surface in any way that's's a crucial part of these characters. But I'm shocked with Christopher Ecclestone because he is old in that show, isn't he? I feel like he's probably about the same age as David Tennant.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Maybe just David Tennant has a more youthful energy than him because I remember watching Christopher Ecclestone and being like- Maybe we were younger at the time so he seemed older. I don't know, Christopher Ecclestone always seemed like a bit of an old man I think. Not an old, but he seemed like a dad. really? in his 40s for sure. in his 40s? i would.. he looks like a guy in his early 40s but i would say the same about david
Starting point is 00:12:52 tennedon. where's david tennedon? he was like early 30s. really? that's a bit flattering i think. considering matt smith was probably like 25 or something. matt smith was next level. that's like right okay. Yeah wow now we're talking. Anyway there was just one moment that highlighted to me almost like it emphasises why we would have repackaged so many of these narratives because they just don't work in 2024 and you realise how stark they are when you're taken back into it. Like I almost think I remember watching this show as a kid like that doesn't feel that long ago. I remember that world. But really, when you're confronted with how different the landscape is, it's so, so shocking. So there was just
Starting point is 00:13:34 a tiny little scene where Christopher Erkison, famously the Doctor, says, oh, in all my time no one's mum has ever slapped me because Rose Tyler's mum slaps him round the face because she's basically saying why are you taking my daughter from me you old kind of like perv guy. To be honest, fair enough. No, it's so, she didn't do enough in fact. She honestly should have had his head for that. Yeah. Then Rose is like laughing, Billy Piper, she's laughing laughing.'s laughing laughing so haha like you're so silly or whatever yeah she looks gorgeous she's like mom my mom slapped you whatever haha they're like sat on a fucking roof or something in London and
Starting point is 00:14:13 Christopher Eccleston is like yeah no one's mom has ever slapped me oh like it hurt haha and Billy Piper says haha you're so gay sorry and I literally paused it and put the subtitles on just to check my boyfriend in the other rooms I think Billy Piper just said to the doctor you're so you're gay because it's like 2005 lady she probably did and I was like yeah I know she probably did and I know it's she definitely did and she did I put the subtitles on confirmed you're so gay but God that's crazy. It just emphasised to me how much even if you think we're still kind of talking about the same things or like we still are doing things the same way there will be such a subtle shift in like the behaviours and the language that we use around it.
Starting point is 00:15:06 It's not to say, for example, it's not to say that homophobia doesn't exist anymore. It very much does, but it just has moved into something so different that 2005 is unrecognizable to me in my position of living in Brighton, being on the internet, being a young woman, whatever, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm not confronted with people saying, you're so gay. and if anyone said that it would really be mind-blowing it would be really really shocking
Starting point is 00:15:31 but or like the bbc that's a bbc show the bbc saying having a character who's like the aspirational she's a doctor's assistant stunning girl saying that in the I'm pretty sure in the newest season of Doctor Who one of the characters is non-binary. Non-binary, yeah it's like a big plot point. Yeah, so just interesting hey I think it just emphasises that these conversations haven't gone away they've just shifted and I think that only encourages, I don't want to say like the cunts, but like it only encourages certain circles to become more violent I think because they feel so stifled and censored, rightly so. It means that these like almost subgroups or like these kind of fringe conversations become a lot more violent and also the ways
Starting point is 00:16:19 that these conversations or beliefs are adapted by like the general public is a lot more like insidious and subtle and it's why I'm not looking at the front page and seeing like, yeah, Beyonce's belly bikini, bonanza or whatever you say. But I am seeing like, I don't love this dress on Beyonce. It's not as flattering as this dress because that really highlights her blah, blah, blah. And she's a soft natural, blah blah blah and this is how she
Starting point is 00:16:48 this is what I would do to looks max her have you seen that? To what? They do this thing called looks maxing. Looks max. Max. Yeah so it's like. Ing. Yeah ing it's a verb.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Okay okay to looks max. To be looks maxed I think. Um it's just one of those things where it's like I you know, I wouldn't put her in that I would dye her hair like a bit lighter to maximize her look to maximize her looks right and and almost like What I don't like about And it happens literally in goes that saying right now on this podcast Acas powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend.
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Starting point is 00:17:52 These are their audio diaries. I could only carry my body without my soul. Listen to Inside Kabul wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com. There's something, there's a subtext that informs the consumer that this person who is speaking is some sort of authority. We're definitely not, underline underline, capital N, not an authority. Really on most things, I would say. I'm only an authority on like, I would say I'm an authority on a few things. Well, I'm not ever trying to be an authority. It's like, yeah, there are some things I know about, some things I don't know about. I'm not, um, make up your own mind.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Well, even if I'm not trying, I'm just not. I'm really, really not an authority. And the people on TikTok talking about looks maxing, for example, are not an authority. And I think that's what's really difficult to balance with social media, because I think as a consumer, and obviously, especially if you are like a 10 year old girl on TikTok, it becomes very difficult for someone to be consuming social media without absorbing the opinions and beliefs of the creator, or at least taking on in some way an idea
Starting point is 00:19:19 about what it might mean to be boy pretty or girl pretty, or like what it might mean to have this in your skincare routine or like just the awareness. There's such an awareness obviously as well when the crux of social media is all about looks maxing it's all about the look it's all about the visual so much of that obviously then does lean into an analysis of not just the way people look but also the way that your life might look through the lens of a camera. I just think having so much of an awareness on beauty is so tricky.
Starting point is 00:19:57 It's horrible. And it's just so dystopian. but you know what I really hate about that like looks maxing thing it's something that I have always hated about everything to be honest like there's the it really takes away the idea of style yeah it's a there's a real idea of like the right way to do it and the wrong way to do it. Pink suits you or pink doesn't suit you what if I want to wear it? And it's like whether you think that here's Sydneydney sweney in her colors here's her not in her colors she's a soft autumn so we need to put her in these colors like maybe she wore the color that she likes not because it emphasizes her skin tone but maybe because she liked that dress like it really i have always had such an issue with even through like school and stuff of like actually mostly at school where it'd be like oh my god her... do you remember?
Starting point is 00:20:49 Like don't have ankle swingers, don't have your trousers cutting to this certain length around your ankles. Now that is exactly what you should have or don't have curtains. Like you should always have a side fringe, you should never have a middle parting. Now no one has a side fringe, everyone has a middle parting. Don't have... you should always have your eyebrows plucked this thin. now no one wants their eyebrows plucked, they want it fucking going everywhere. like it is all these bizarre arbitrary rules and there's like a right way and a wrong way to do it. they change so much it's actually impossible to keep up with and completely futile because they don't look better. like i see so many things of like how
Starting point is 00:21:23 i've glowed up since school. It's like, well like here's me in 2016 doing my makeup and here's me in 2024 doing my makeup. Look how much better it is. It's like, it's not so much better. You've just literally followed the trend and now you look to the beauty standard of now. Whereas in 2016 you look like the beauty standard of then.
Starting point is 00:21:40 It hasn't glowed up. You've just gone with whatever everyone else tells you is pretty at that point. And it will change again and you'll be in 2030 Saying oh my god, look at me in 2024 24. I look so rank with my makeup then there's a real idea of like Getting it right But with no awareness of the fact that what is right is constantly changing and you're so much better off just going for what you right is constantly changing and you're so much better off just going for what you actually like rather than following what some fucking looks maxing idiot on the internet is telling you is the right colour for you. but also that's what's so sad is then you become suffocated by ideas of
Starting point is 00:22:16 what's right and what's right for you. how are you ever supposed to figure out what you genuinely like or feel like doing if you've got a thousand different opinions shoved down your throat it's really... also you've got the kibby person saying you should wear this, you've got the colour person saying you should wear this, you've got a looks maxer in your ear whispering a load of nonsense. It's knackering! You've got your mum watching the Kardashians saying this is a load of nonsense. You got Chloe saying, show off that body. You don't know where to look. And then also to revolt against it is to accept that,
Starting point is 00:22:51 okay, well, so my life will be harder because I will look shit. And then I deal with the consequences of my value being diminished because my value in society was in my appearance. It's crazy as well, like, I don't know if this is kind of a controversial point, I don't know, but like a lot of the beauty standards at the moment don't look good. Like, to me, to me personally, a lot of the things that society are saying like, these look good,
Starting point is 00:23:23 these are beautiful trends, like these are things you should do, you should do this to your lips, you should do this to your hair, you should wear these kind of clothes. I objectively think a lot of- Just agree. For example, like the sort of Love Island-y aesthetic, the Kardashian aesthetic, all of this is not something I want to look like personally. But it does become like a weird thing where it's like almost to not go with the beauty standards, you're, as you say, like rebelling from them. But it's like how is to dress how you want
Starting point is 00:23:55 to dress and how to, not even that I look drastically different, I'm not saying that at all, but a lot of these things that women are encouraged to do to their bodies, I mean, to change your body based on trends... It's like an opt-out system, rather than an opt-in. And they will change. I literally just spoke about it with the Kardashians bodies, how the body is viewed as trends and things to remove and put in, all of this stuff based on just the whims of literally Anna Wintour. I just don't think that is um oh I just think it's absolutely dystopian as far yeah yeah it's nuts it's actually really really nuts I think it's also like
Starting point is 00:24:32 it then speaks to a generation that is so I think fatigued by conversations around the way that we look and also um just generally knackered by being on their phones all day. Don't want to sound like your mum but like yeah it doesn't really feel good. Not your mum specifically. I know we were just talking about it and it sounded like I was saying your mum but Harry's mum or just you know I don't want to sound like I'm nagging you guys by being like get off your phone but I what I will say is I don't I don't I'm not surprised that you feel so knackered and give yourself a break because it is tiring to be taking on so many different opinions and conversations and I do just feel a bit
Starting point is 00:25:16 done generally. 100% I think I was done a long time ago with this shit. But I think what I mean by done is like I mean it's really weird because it's like I've literally wrote this down as a topic and now we're talking about it and I think I was done a long time ago with this shit. But I think What I mean by done is like I mean it's really weird because it's like I've literally wrote this down as a topic and now We're talking about it and I think it's a great combo. It's one thing Oh my god, it's a great combo. But like there'll be times where for example I'm looking for a book to read and it's like themes of Like beauty standards and I'm like no no no way yeah I just I'm so done I can't be fucked anymore I don't I actually want to be blissfully ignorant for a bit I want to be deluded I want to be out of this conversation because it's so it's actually destroying my soul
Starting point is 00:25:58 well because it's all like why does having to not participate in that sort of disgusting part of culture that to be honest has been rammed down my throat throughout my entire life why does that look like reading like the opposite point of view it's like i actually want to not think about my body i don't want to have to think about what type or how problematic it is to have a type. off of kind of what we were saying in, I can't remember what it was, maybe Confidence 101? Maybe that hit. Yeah, that honestly smash hit. Smash hit. Summer smash.
Starting point is 00:26:31 All night bow buns, absolute smash hit. That was a summer smash hit, blockbuster in fact. Yeah, in Confidence 101 I was saying about the kind of patient zero of insecurities and I might say, oh guys, I'm insecure about my toes and then you listen and you come away and start thinking oh maybe my toes look a bit tiny blah blah blah and that doesn't necessarily incriminate the person with the insecurity obviously um because I have all the room in the world for all of us to share our commiserations as a group but it's just a sad reflection of society and a sad truth and I think something
Starting point is 00:27:05 I'm recognising in myself and why it's like, I don't want to read a book about like a girl feeling bad about her toes for example, it's like because I just I don't need another thing to add to the list and I just can't be bothered to have another level of awareness on that right now and I'm sorry that I can't be bothered but I can't be bothered that's just um that's my truth hashtag living my truth. So true. Do you know what's a bit of a mantra for me at the moment like my sister said this to me i don't know one we've got to cut that do we have to cut that i don't yes yeah we don't okay okay you can cut you saying do we have to i mean you can leave you saying do we have to cut that but you can't what I said. Okay yeah yeah. Or maybe beep it.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah okay. She said to me, I can't remember what the context was but she was just like let your body do its thing. She was like let it do its thing and it's like all this controlling and worrying and all of this stuff And I'm not someone anymore that does try to control my body because I've realized it's actually futile. Like there is no changing a body that, that just exists as it exists. Like I'm not willing to starve myself. I'm not willing to do any of that shit in any way. But she said it like, let your body do its thing.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And it was just like, oh my God, like almost the awareness that it will change and it is going to like move throughout your life. Like it of course is and trying to like keep that in some changing idea of beauty standards. It's like, I know how much it changes literally by the season. Just let it do it that it its thing. I loved it in the way that it's like, it's not even something you need to consider. You don't have to actively fight against that stuff. You don't need to engage with any of it. It's just like a passive, in the way that I let my nose do its thing. Knowing that it's absolutely fine just like sitting on my face smelling its stuff. It's
Starting point is 00:29:04 like, let your body just do its thing, you know Yeah, it's not any of your business and the one thing you can Sort of guarantee is that it will change and it will change always be doing its thing until it dies It's like that will be The end of it and I just feel like that is so Let your body do its thing. I just love that the moment I just feel like that is so... The crux. Let your body do its thing.
Starting point is 00:29:24 I just love that at the moment. It emphasises the, literally the privilege of like having a functioning body and how far we've come as a society of like having an awareness of for example your nose rather than my nose is just working doing its thing, smelling its shit for example, blah blah blah. Smelling just a load of shit. Just smelling the things. It's like that is, yeah, a luxury and a privilege and yeah. But we don't treat it like that is yeah a luxury and a privilege and yeah, but we don't treat it like that
Starting point is 00:29:45 We treat it as like a beast to like control and like keep in this like tiny Cage or you're at your birthday party your sister's shouting out show off your body. It's like sorry What am I what is what world are we? Like the way we treat these things is crazy we were saying in another episode about like Just be just be loving and gentle with yourself because there's a heavy world, there's heavy shit out there that is being put on you. And it makes sense that you would be feeling a little bit tired and a little bit drained and I think
Starting point is 00:30:17 just have a lot of time and patience for yourself of like, I'm just gonna tune out or I'm just gonna tune into my body or I'm just gonna focus on myself for a sec and alleviate any pressure or like guilt or shame just give yourself a little bit of love it would be nice it would be really nice it would be really really nice nice eat what you want let your body do its thing oh please cool don't let the looks maxes get you down I'm you down. i'm so glad i've never seen anything of that. well that's also the thing that i think gets to me is sorry i will say summer summer summer in just a sec but i just always think god forbid i was fucking sydney swenie for example the example you used earlier i'd be fucking fuming i think i would actually be held back someone would have to
Starting point is 00:30:58 i'd have to log out of my account because i'd be commenting saying please take this down. i actually can't go. i chose that dress i chose that dress and that hair and that lipstick for specific reasons to match my style. Who the fuck are you? Unbeknownst to you. Also, even if I didn't, even if I just looked at my wardrobe and put on the first fucking thing,
Starting point is 00:31:15 just I didn't consent. I think that's the issue that I have around women's bodies as well is who consented to this level of critique around the way that we look. Just because Jennifer Aniston existed in the public sphere, in the public domain, doesn't mean you had the right to write all of those words about her on the tabloid and it doesn't mean that we have the right to talk about Sidney Sweeney now on TikTok. Anyway, bye! It's crazy though, putting you next to different colours, which one made her skin pop? Excuse
Starting point is 00:31:41 me? All the comments are like gold, silver, no, it's brown bread. Oh guys, no no no no no, get me out of here. Cut to then everyone trying to find out what colour jewellery they should be wearing. It's like should? Which one do you prefer? Well I would be curious but yeah. Alright. Which one do you prefer? Summer, summer, summer, summer, summer. I'm seeing the eye roll. Summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, it. Journey starts when you say so. If you've got five minutes or 50 Peloton Tread has workouts you can work in or bring your classes with you for outdoor runs walks and hikes led by expert instructors on the Peloton app. Call
Starting point is 00:32:34 yourself a runner. Peloton all access membership separate. Learn more at onepeloton.ca running.

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