Goes Without Saying - tortured poets & problematic faves: off the record

Episode Date: May 5, 2024

podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on taylor swift and the tortured poets department tracklist, olivia rodrigo, rivalries and controversies, problematic faves, harry potter, and th...e met gala. ✷shop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.ukhear more ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwingwatch more ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwing Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Wow, feels like we haven't done this in a while actually, all of a sudden. Because we haven't, we missed the last one. We missed one, bloody hell. So sorry everyone. God, we really let the side that was me let the side down no it wasn't it does happen and thank god it happened and it is it's over now i haven't really spoken to you i haven't yeah i haven't spoken to you since um the flu um epidemic that
Starting point is 00:01:17 you're having new york yes of course i have because you were there when i came back the second you got off your flight i was there which was amazing thank you so much for looking after me you came out alive so talk me through the flu what's been going on well i feel like as well since i've come out of it i'm hearing everyone's got it so i'm a bit scared literally everyone i know apart from you yeah you're doing well yeah you're resilient as anything yeah i'm a bit scared of showing my face anywhere to pick it back up again but no you can't get again can you not the same thing but i feel like everyone's got something yeah also i i don't like things really obvious thing to say sick yeah go on being ill so it does right it sucks like i think people underestimate the common cold just almost like i was also thinking this it's like it's hard enough to
Starting point is 00:02:06 not do anything and kind of have to cancel your plans and be inside and watch movie after movie that you're even bored of movies how has this happened everything's awful you can't eat anything you can't even watch anything because your head's hurting too much and the worst bit of it on top of it all is you feel ill it's not nice this is a crazy time and no one talks about it i really it was quite a um a fall from grace getting off that flight from new york had a wonderful time with you then you went away i kind of had a sleep and woke up in hell it was like one day yeah it was a really quick turn of events i feel like i started to feel it that night the worst bit was yeah you did actually you messaged me saying like i think i'm getting ill and the next thing i got from you is i'm definitely oh no it's not good
Starting point is 00:02:50 shout out anyone who's not well right now i'm sure you're all fine wishing everyone good health and it is horrible i think it's just like let's validate the thing of like everyone's almost like just just go to bed for a bit and get up the next day and it's fine. Cancelling plans and stuff is devastating. I actually think that's a bit of a trigger for me. No, genuinely. I'm so embarrassed. If I'm being ill, quite triggering. No, honestly, it is triggering.
Starting point is 00:03:14 It is triggering. But obviously, I'm being dumb here. But anyway. Yeah, but it is horrible. It just goes without saying. There's obviously real things you can deal with in life. Okay, so is there anything on the top of your head that you need to get off your chest or should we just well the only thing that's on my chest right now is that i'm in bristol okay lovely thanks for sharing just almost you know when i'm
Starting point is 00:03:33 not i'm not in my usual location i'm in somebody else's home my friends um home while she's at a tennis lesson and you soon will be doing your favorite thing will i yeah i thought you were gonna be playing tennis or whatever badminton it's not my i'm playing paddle and i don't know what paddle is you do they're all the same but you switch out your weaponry little thing no no tennis and badminton and i'm i don't really know how to play tennis i'm sure you'd badminton is um light as a feather delightful paddle i don't know what the fuck it is so badminton's the one with the weird thing shuttle yeah that's really nice and it's like a cat i just think it's
Starting point is 00:04:09 a casual game god it doesn't it's just casual and fun and you don't make it sound casual i feel like i've got a gun to my head every time you bring up badminton i will do it one day i honestly i don't know how it works all i do is get a rally that's all i do is a rally you know a rally when you hit it back and forth um is there a limit of how many hits is a rally or is it just until you drop it my limit is personally i did this with my friend jack 50 and i was really happy with this is what you want to do to me god sounds like i think that sounds quite low but at the time i was so happy with it 50 oh god but i'm playing paddle with him today as well, so I'm thinking of getting quite good running with him today.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I might schedule a flu in by the time you want to play paddle with me again. Okay, well, I hope you have a wonderful day in Bristol. Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day of... You're kind of on... You're on your uppers now, aren't you? Yeah, I feel great now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:03 You are. You're taking quite a lot of uppers yeah i'm feeling good um yeah i'm not gonna lie the new york bug oh so what does that mean that is it means it means i think we might need to relocate oh my god okay me and you i'm saying okay i can pack my bag only problem is my dog is still alive and kicking here and that's what i want for him touch wood oh my god definitely love him so much he's so cute um yeah i just so you're really wanting to go back well i just i think it's kind of hard not to it's i had the best time then i came back and got ill and so i've just been in bed like i can't even like that is playing herbs on my phone sims herbs sims in the city and
Starting point is 00:05:50 i couldn't even play that because i was too ill so it's a bit hard not to be like hmm what was the last time i was happy oh when i was in new york maybe that was so stunning it's like to have such a stunning time and then it's the contrast of like okay now i'm in bed it hurts it hurts my soul a little bit well i'm glad you had such a nice time thanks me too i really deserved it you did you did i did i did deserve it but now i don't i'm back to being a little scumbag you still deserve it thanks but i don't have it new stunning things i'm living in lack all right living in lack i've lost my abundance mindset i think you're living in lack i am living in lack my location pin says lack lack the pit okay should we just do something you know something a bit fun yeah yeah um anything reeling off oh i
Starting point is 00:06:47 haven't even got instagram on my phone okay so something actually you don't need to actually because i can get the first thing off the top that i would like to establish because i don't think we touched on it properly in the last episode i think it might have been in the version of the episode that got cut but i did briefly want to make really clear the things i'm loving from tortured poets yes just because i hate to say it's actually being asked of me and i feel like i actually have a responsibility we'll go for it to make clear so without honestly let rip without let it going through the entire track list and just being like i just really love it blah blah blah my top top hits top top hits like two so far okay so number one unbeatable that i think might be top is that a name of a song no no i
Starting point is 00:07:33 haven't i haven't delivered the name of the song yet i'm just setting up okay i was like i don't know i think it's i won't know number one most undesirable whatever it is undesirable number one sorry for number one the song the prophecy which i've said to you i don't think this made it into the episode that came out but the prophecy is obviously one of the best songs of all time potentially one of her best songs ever ever ever wow okay big it's definitely in top 10 of hers it might be pushing for top five well can you play it to me at some point yeah i will let's we're in the studio on tuesday let's do a seffy to swifty i love how i act like i don't have access
Starting point is 00:08:09 can you maybe play it for me one time recorder for me next time i see you and also can you bluetooth it i look in people's windows i gave you that one before i don't remember you said i like the name but it didn't make an impression do you like it this time i do like people's windows yeah you meant yeah i do like the name of it um and then i'm really having a moment with fresh out the slammer i just think it's really fun and just the whole thing to be honest um who's afraid of little old me i'll play for you as well because that feels like a bit of you i do love clara bow and i also okay so can we actually talk about something it's
Starting point is 00:08:51 gonna mean nothing it's gonna be not much to you but none of this does i can conjure up some opinions i think if i fan the flames a little bit i can get you going okay so do you remember cast your minds back a few months ago you were with your little sister actually specifically listening to olivia rodrigo's newest album oh my little sister yeah god i was like sorry i forgot you what am i doing with that little scallywag running around why would i call her little sister i would never i know there's like jesus lizzie is are you gonna hate this she is your superior that's actually like i i actually massively resent and dispute that she's kind she would dispute that but she would also get it in a way she would get noodled
Starting point is 00:09:33 this is how it works she thinks she rules the roost until i walk in the room and it's like here we go let's set some fucking things straight okay she's a she's there's just there's an energy there we were actually trying to explain the dynamic to her friend the other day lizzie was like yeah i'm in control of everything but if i change my if i say no we're doing that that's totally but i think that's because she's got respect for you but also no but also she doesn't have respect for you so none absolutely none but then everything as well well anyway so your other little sister who yeah yeah innocent in this who is undisputed roost yeah she's only nine poor thing roost ruler um crazy terms why
Starting point is 00:10:14 why why why there was no need for us to start saying things like roost ruler no no there's a need there is a need because it makes me laugh okay fine good it's all worth it then um yeah so you were listening to olivia rodrigo's new album and you were like god interesting because nine-year-old sister loves it so much and you were thinking is she okay like olivia is pretty crazy yeah do you remember and you definitely don't but on that album she has a song and she's basically like i want to get him back like do i want to like i want to key his car or make him lunch like i want to um what's the other one she's like i want to meet his mom and tell her her son sucks like that vibe do you remember that so it's like i want to get him back do i want to get him back or do i want to get him back oh yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:11:00 is it called get him back and it's called get him back perfect there we go i would never have known that was her well it is her right so quite uh interesting i think perfect gorgeous concept like i love that concept so much of like get him back do you want to get him back or get him back that's so fun to me but so unique right i don't know many other songs that are using that term get him back no no i don't but i'm sure it's happened but yeah yeah on this scale i've never seen anything like it well i'm sure it was devastation over in the house of miss taylor allison swift that month oh no because on tortured poets track title one word i'm gonna get you back and the whole vibe is also there's been some dispute that there has and i think that's um just codswallop
Starting point is 00:11:56 yeah okay i think that's just kind of just filler well it's people wanting there to be a rivalry between two there have been some goings on but there is there is a song that does sound the exact same what song oh um i'm drunk in the back of the car yeah cool summer and summery ice cream yeah because i watched a youtube video where they were compared well there you go so look there there are conversations happening but i generally am of the belief that everyone's happy and well and i like to keep it i also am of that belief um and the song sounding similar mean truly no no and like do you know this podcast sounds a bit similar to something taylor swift would say do you know what i mean like doesn't everything claim our money literally so i just kind of thought god i'd be gutted if i had this kind of concept in the bank and i'm ready to go i'm locked and loaded my new album i'm gonna get you back releases because she taylor is
Starting point is 00:12:59 basically saying i'm gonna key his car i'm gonna make him lunch he's like i'm gonna be your wife or take you back to my house or just fuck you up whatever blah blah blah yeah devastating it's not it's a bit of a blow isn't it it is a bit of a blow but it also reminds me of that thing i think it was a rick rubin thing where he said yeah yeah the ideas it's like if the idea you might have everyone has an idea right you live your life you have an idea it comes it passes the like if the idea you might have everyone has an idea right you live your life you have an idea it comes it passes the middle of the night you didn't write it down whatever something comes to you light bulb ding everyone oh look you're a genius you're a genius you've got an idea if you grab that and make it work and actualize it great you just made an idea and you
Starting point is 00:13:41 turned it into something look at you go but if you don't actualize that idea it leaves your vessel and wanders off to somebody else and somebody else does it and the idea of like ownership over that idea just frankly isn't real which is crazy what um i remember this actually i remember hearing this when i was so young about something that michael jackson used to do which is quite a random person to bring into this discussion. I mean, of all the things he used to do, I hope you're going to keep it light. Well, I'm pretty terrified of this guy. Although I don't think he'd be that interested in me. No, you're not this type.
Starting point is 00:14:16 But he absolutely does terrify me. Too old, frankly. And also not a young boy. And also not in his bed in sort of a weird place. Oh, God, it's horrific. Thank God. Thank God. So horrific.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Sending love to the victim, as always. Any victim of anything, really. What's his name? Oh, that's on you. Come on, you love them. Wade Robson. And who's the other guy? You can't ditch him.
Starting point is 00:14:41 He's been through enough. Jimmy something. Jimmy. Jimmy. It was Wade Robson and jimmy live in my mind go on but they're from leaving neverland um they're from that documentary where they spoke about michael jackson great documentary fame or whatever it's joe arwen friends of the show wade robson and jimmy safe yeah um sending so michael jackson
Starting point is 00:15:12 when he was in the studio he would be like pacing around i believe this about michael jackson if it's not then it's really weird i've gone on that whole thing yeah really weird he's singing his he does that a lot he used to be pacing around and he'd be like talking. Sorry, that's fucking nuts. He does that a lot. Pacing around Michael Jackson in the studio. He does that a lot. Pacing around.
Starting point is 00:15:35 What? He does that a lot. My brain, it hurts. Go on. Sometimes the references just come so naturally though. It's hard not to. He does that a lot. It is.
Starting point is 00:15:43 But yeah, so Michael Jackson does it a lot. He's pacing around his studio. He's got a lot on his mind, understandably. Fred and George are watching the whole thing on the Marauders map. Is that? Yeah. Michael Jackson pacing in his studio. He does that a lot.
Starting point is 00:15:59 He does that a lot. Sefu and Wing take one line each. Is that pacing in his studio? Michael Jackson. sephie and wing take one line each is that pacing in his studio michael jackson seeing that name float around of course it couldn't be oh it couldn't be him is that no no that's fucked up right no he's been dead for so long i was gonna do a peter pettigrew bit but make it him he's been dead i thought he was dead right go on right anyway he's pacing in the studio he's pacing in his studio and he used to speak directly to jesus uh-huh right mike jackson he wasn't pacing he was just in his studio and he used to talk he used to talk to the ideas it was like a known thing that he wouldn't be like okay so i'm having an idea he'd be like an idea i need an idea to come to me like
Starting point is 00:16:51 can you ideas hello just when i thought i couldn't like him any less and i actually quite like that though but i think this is when i was younger i didn't really know too much about the guy and about ideas and about how this works but i think it's similar to the rick rubin thing of like you have to coax it out like an abstract realm of like ideas and like inspiration and things that can happen in that cultural moment that are kind of accessible to anyone that sort of tunes into i want to create a song with the sounds blah blah blah ACAST powers the world's best podcasts here's a show that we recommend nature
Starting point is 00:17:34 I've got a gay rooster named Francois is so gay these rams are gay I'm studying gay animals does that mean I'm gay so why don't more people know this I'm Owen Ever I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer. And we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts a cast helps creators launch grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere a cast.com um and it's like yeah of course olivia rod Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift would be having similar ideas because they're thinking. At a similar time, though, it's so fascinating.
Starting point is 00:18:29 It's almost like. But that it's like that's a cultural. That's an idea that would hit in this cultural moment. It is totally, which is so interesting. It's like, God, we went 10 years without someone kind of in the in that pop space making a song like that. And then we get two buses. They come at once two yeah exactly really interesting i just almost they were in their studios pacing they were like ideas come
Starting point is 00:18:52 to me yeah they were talking to each other like taylor swift accidentally tuned into olivia rodrigo's um frequency what is what's her name kylo ren and what's her ray that's how they're talking to each other you know that bit yeah i used to like fantasize about that because i was obsessed with um adam driver when that came out speaking of sex dreams yeah we were just speaking about that yeah um all right anyway but were you what were you gonna say about sex dreams i had one about kylo ren once really that's a good one yeah it was quite good i guess it was a long time ago he's stunning i love the like evil but kind of nice vibes from him yeah yeah i love it but like slightly insecure
Starting point is 00:19:37 okay kind of on the pop culture angle someone said and this is actually gonna be really topical because coming out the day of and you asked this like a week ago so thanks for predicting the future not really because i guess you knew the met was coming but still they said this person said if you were attending the met gala what theme would you want to be and i just almost wouldn't mind taking a moment for us to just imagine a world cast our minds to a world where sephie and wing are co-chairing the met we're kind of if say we had like a met takeover is that a thing no but it will be for us say we're taking over the night right we have actually said our manager did say to us what are your long-term goals and on the top one of them it's not even top one of it's like really realistic things like we want to do a tour. We want to do that.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Like, you know, we want to do nice, normal things, a podcast. Top one is Met Gala. And it was so embarrassing. It was so nice of her. But we had a meeting and that was actually on the PowerPoint. It's like, oh God. Oh God. I feel bad for her, like typing that out.
Starting point is 00:20:38 She's like typing out the shaking head. Like literally eye roll. They're doomed. These girls think they're getting into the Met Gala. It's fucking embarrassing okay um yeah but say for example we were hosting the night say we run the whole thing bit stressful i'm definitely pacing in the studio the night before they do we do that a lot say we're hosting the event like maybe what's the food what's the theme what's the vibe who's on the invite list oh okay do you know what i mean it's a bit of fun okay who are we inviting first of all i think we invite all of our kings like we invite sort of jim carrey jim carrey
Starting point is 00:21:18 james acaster steve carrell it's like all like male comedians what about who was it what's his name um oh god the guy that got punched at the oscars chris rock chris rock he's there the guy that does anyone remember that sort of bit we did about him recently chris rock because i've been thinking about will smith a lot recently oh how's he doing uh i'm sure he's you know he's all right but i was thinking like i think i really obviously didn't because i have no impact i have pretty much no impact on the wider world but i'm sure we had a podcast where i was like i love will smith i love him so much i love him so much yeah yeah back of the book and then probably two months later he was punching chris rock he was
Starting point is 00:22:00 slapping slapping away but it's all in the is it read his book who's slapping slapping away but it's all in the is it read his book and also watch i robot like if you haven't read his book or watched i robot you have no scope to comment on also i do think it's you love who you love and also especially these people they go back pretty deep into childhood like it's child i mean it's i'm not gonna get serious but there's so much feeding into that that totally of course there is yeah um so the mayor you've got to have a problematic fave 100 i don't even know if he qualifies um no i don't think he's problematic but i think he's unlikable oh god will but also i know nothing about this guy just in a vague celebrity way oh i said what a twist of fate will i know she will on the marauder
Starting point is 00:22:46 is that will smith walking up to chris rock on the oscars stage is that lupita behind him looking very confused queen you know who i would have kind of ruling the night of the met who i love so much us apart from us yeah maybe our third we could bring in a third nice okay it would be doja cat yeah oh 100 top of the list i actually don't really love anyone else maybe more than i love lizzie's going to see her in amsterdam i'm so jealous yeah so fun she is like so special i think yeah a proper one of the only like proper pop stars innovative creative interesting interesting something to say so not give a fuck doesn't give a fuck not pr um pr brained i love someone i actually respect i really really love her okay so what would the theme be for your mat well i've always
Starting point is 00:23:51 known what i'm wearing but i don't know what the theme is okay well tell me what you're wearing and then i can match it to a theme i'm wearing vivian westwood what vivian westwood i'm wearing a corset a vivian westwood quite specific i've always known and to be honest this doesn't even have to be the fucking met gala my love for vivian westwood i can't even begin to say how deep it is and like genuinely since a bizarrely young age i've loved vivian westwood um oh god i just love her so much rest in peace queen queen queen um she, I know that I want sort of quite like, kind of a sort of 90s Vivienne Westwood, corseted, almost quite piratey.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Stunning. Really just stunning, almost with maybe like a 1920s thing on there. I wouldn't be opposed to like a tartany or a dark you have it's weird look oh and it's almost quite um ruched skirt sort of energy but i want the iconic iconic um corset god i mean there's no following that's what i've always known it's vivian well then there could be endless you could have done was that 2013 that the theme was punk? I think.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Yeah, I mean, I would have been very happy for that. With Miley with the spiky hair. I mean, that's stunning. That's so stunning. You would have fit in so beautifully. I also think Camp was a great theme. Camp is a great theme.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Like, that's the one I would have, what is it for this year? It was really boring. The exhibition, I think, is Sleeping Beauty's Reawakening Fashion and the actual event i think is like garden of time something like that i mean i do like it but it's a bit too i'd be a bit like yawn-a-thon if i was involved in that what would our theme be i don't know what do you think for
Starting point is 00:25:36 a theme what about sort of um god it's a fascinating question i wouldn't mind something a bit like night timey like um oh my god it would be quite fun to do like what do i even mean go on like i'm really hanging on your every word here i've never cared more about anything you've ever said well what is it tell me please well i'm kind of thinking yeah in a sephian wing way what if we did it in that sort of quite pixelated like in the way that you're into the herbs sims herbs right now kind of that early 2000s like pixely um computery gamey vibe yeah love it kind of um but something night something nice sims hot date that sort of oh whoa whoa whoa that raises the stakes that sort of thing jesus sims 2 nightlife yeah i'm there i don't know how you make it a
Starting point is 00:26:32 theme for the met guy they have to pair with the sims it's kind of um it's very y2k it's very charlie xcx 1999 totally it's that very stunning that's what i want that's fun okay vivian's out the window no you can make it work kind of in it you're like a caricature of a 90s 2000s character yeah i don't know what i would do i would just hope that i would have a lovely time and i would make sure everyone had a plus one oh is that really i think it's a thing that they're not allowed a plus one which i we've been having this conversation recently of just like yeah whenever we go to any events which is a rare thing but when we get when we're invited it well it's not actually not that rare at the moment it's just a very new thing when freya gets us into an event basically and we change my sentence yeah well we're not getting
Starting point is 00:27:16 yeah no one's actually guys it goes without saying no one's waking up thinking oh this event would be great but you know how it'd be better i think we need kind of a small podcast irrelevant whenever we go we we can barely get an advert guys we can barely get into the events we're actually invited to yeah um we walked into an event the other day and they said are you guys the daily mail it's like no we're sepia and wing that is mortifying so i look like a daily mail to you no god that's devastating so that's the vibe we give no it isn't we're writing the daily that was a miscommunication someone something someone there got their nicks in a twist like what the fuck it's like no those are those two old men over there at the daily mail god it hurts i'd forgotten about that not daily
Starting point is 00:28:05 mail i had a suitcase with me it was like yeah that is weird it is weird it's like what we're the daily mail and we're moving in no do we look like the daily mail we keep having the conversation of imagine going to that event on your own now imagine going to the met on your own is that what people do yeah they queue up outside they sneak in they kind of sit in the back they're looking around and i know the events were all about looking around yeah everyone's just stood around looking the bleakest thing ever getting a photo that is what it's really about and that is to be honest at least in the photo someone's talking to you at least someone's saying what's his name cole he's the only guy talking to you the glam so the camera's gonna zoom around here could
Starting point is 00:28:46 you imagine it's heavy and when glam boys that's hell on earth i don't know how i think we're doing a bit of a joey king straight away thumbs up it makes my whole body win i actually can't cope with that it actually hurts me it creates a pain in my body what joey king's one just the the idea of like looking bad in a photo and then making it move and then making it slow motion it's like it's horrific kill me that made me love joey king her one i just genuinely thought that is exactly exactly what i would do the thought of then jacob elordi seeing it oh god i think he's a loser though i actually am i just think he is i don't like his choices i don't i don't respect his choices no that's a great choice that was a great choice breaking up with zendaya did he i don't know i like to i like to think
Starting point is 00:29:38 she just left him somewhere i was like look this isn't working jacob alordi i i just think i don't have an embarrassment of jacob elordi seeing a thing of joey it's like you know what she's thriving i would die she's hanging out with logan london if i had a glam bot the existence of that on this planet no no yeah it would kill me it would kill me guys i'm barely hanging on anyway i could that would be my final straw that's my 13th reason i'd be out of it no it would devastate me i couldn't handle that kind of blow there's one have you i don't know who it does where the girl kicks her leg up and it's like just the whole thing is just a skirt please please cole come on cole i have to say look i know you've got really important people here and you don't know
Starting point is 00:30:20 who i am but i wouldn't mind more than one go no genuinely please can we do it again it's like look one and done and now we move on off you go now you have to live with that forever i just find it cringe how people talk to him like it's clearly these celebrities that are so out of touch and like don't really know how to interact with humans anymore and they kind of they know that they're being filmed when they talk to him and they're like hello like oh i love your hair it's just like i love your hair it's just like this is so horrible hate crime no genuinely it's like do you know what you're saying and also i love your hair is absolutely i know you're being filmed you know you're being filmed and you're playing up into some sort of politeness i find it so patronizing yikes i really hate it actually well he's definitely
Starting point is 00:31:00 you can tell a lot by how polite they are to him in an overly if it's fake in an unnatural way it's like you don't you're not nice that said he is top of my invite list well we need him he's running the show yeah we literally he's like the only employee he's like the only guy that works and emma chamberlain will be there okay she's got the microphone i also wouldn't mind amelia um demoldenberg chicken shop day doing a bit of hosting because i feel like she's a name demoldenberg so beautiful i think you know what she's working her way up um she's on emma's heels she is she's on her toes yeah i wouldn't mind them both having a little area i think they'd play off each other quite well that would be nice i'd love to see them interact god the new sephian wing so everyone's saying it's emma and amelia it's like the news very much we're very much the new
Starting point is 00:31:51 all right let's go the worst then um but what are you wearing to the met gala you don't know yet i don't know i don't know what i'm wearing to the year is tall and i'm fucking met gala oh god me neither yeah i'm like gonna be wearing jeans you won you could be. We can make that work. But we'll be wrapping it up. I think the thing is, Vivienne Westwood is so reputation. I can't buy Vivienne Westwood clothes for the Ears tour. Well, no, obviously not, Sophie. Obviously not. But...
Starting point is 00:32:14 Maybe I could, though. But maybe you could. Who knows what could happen in a month or two? Just keep listening, guys. We could maybe get an advert at some point soon. And maybe I could afford a corset. All right. See you there.
Starting point is 00:32:25 See you there. See you there. And if you don't hear from us, assume the worst.

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