Goes Without Saying - why life has no meaning: i hate it here

Episode Date: August 3, 2020

plato walked so we could run! spiral with us in this chaotic episode of Goes Without Saying where we (sephy & wing) ask: is there a meaning of life? join our existential crisis as we discuss what ...happens after we die, how capitalism ruins lives, and whether humans truly have autonomy. get ready to discover that life is pointless and that's why it's iconic. speak your mind on our instagram! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Hey guys, welcome back. The break is over. Me and Erin are back with a new episode of High Priestess. And in this episode, we talked about so much stuff and I can't wait for you guys to hear it.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yeah, back with a vengeance discussing whether your life has a purpose. Spoiler, it doesn't. We're all spiralling together, we're all, it's all chaotic energy, we don't know what's going on, we don't know which way is left or right. I go on a bit of a vegan mission in this episode. You do, but it's only to be expected, it's, it's, it's, it's in your blood, it's's in your nature it's what happens if you haven't eaten meat in um 22 years like whatever how old am i 20 oh no i'm 23 don't worry the maths is we also discussed that maths is not our strong point in this ep no far from um but stay tuned i hope you love it as always we dig into your thoughts your feelings your hopes your fears yeah we talk about death we talk about life it's an all-rounder stay tuned thanks for listening so i wanted to ask you what do you
Starting point is 00:02:13 think happens after we die what do you think what this is like what do you think this is do we think it's a simulation do we think it's aliens do you think it's like evolution as we know but what what is that like what are we in you know just girly things i think i mean my main point is i think that this whole conversation this whole like discussion this whole like query is a massive red herring and really there is no point not in there's no meaning of life there There's no meaning, I think, of the conversation of the meaning of life, because all it does is distract people, I think, from their actual lives. And I feel like I've told people time and time again what the meaning of life is and they didn't like it and they didn't change their lives and they didn't do anything. So that's that's your problem now. Like, I don't care. I can have my own understanding of what's going to happen to me or whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And that might change over time and it does sometimes but i actually just think this whole there's definitely like a kind of neo-philosophy like kind of instagram philosophy yeah the instagram philosopher is like a massive thing at the moment i think it's a shame to be honest really oh my god yeah i think philosophy from like antiquity to philosophy from like kind of early modern period there's just no need to revive philosophy i think philosophy from like antiquity to philosophy from like kind of early modern period there's just no need to revive philosophy i think when you've got people when you've got this amount of injustice and inequality in the world and you want to talk about what the meaning of your little life is and what's going to happen to you when you die i think it's a massive distraction and i think
Starting point is 00:03:41 so many people are miserable yeah people misunderstand i think of what is the meaning of life to what is the meaning of your life because a lot of the things that people were saying like when i said like what is the meaning of life and i was really interested to see what people would say to this and people say to find love to get connection to um learn to breed i saw someone say yeah i think i was like the first one we got was like to breed it's like we've got an evolution um an anthropology evolution whatever the fuck word is in in the house yeah yeah but i think it's quite interesting when people impose their kind of romantic narrative of what they want their life to be on the meaning of life so it's like oh yeah to um learn about others to to find your soulmate like whatever no no this is what you want so it's kind
Starting point is 00:04:26 of quite and then so on the next slide i put something like i know you said it was all of these things before that i even saw what they wrote i was like yeah okay so i know you're gonna say it's love blah blah blah blah blah but what then why do you spend your life not doing that so i do think it's worth asking the question but i think you can misunderstand the question of what is the meaning of lie which is the answer is if the answer is anything but the other than we don't have a fucking clue then you've missed it it's not to find love it's not to do any of that that's your life i also bet their responses to that question of if that's the meaning of life then why are you spending your life doing otherwise they would come up with a well because i can't practice that because no
Starting point is 00:05:03 one else is on board with me i can't do the proper meaning of my life well a lot of it was capitalism and i think yeah i think it is capitalism is the meaning of life no no capitalism is not the meaning well it is for a lot of people that's why i think the meaning of life depends on who you ask because there is no overarching meaning of life there can't be we haven't found one yet we've been here for a long time but i love that do you not love that convo i love the whole um is this a simulation like what is this i think i used to i think i used to because i used to have really strong i think my mind was quite um overactive as a child and so i've had all of these theories at a really really young age i remember saying to my mom about six years old like if you're an actor in a simulation like you can tell me like i won't mind yeah i remember i remember doing
Starting point is 00:05:49 things like this i remember saying to my sister like we were on the swings in the garden and i was like are you in your head are you in there like in the way that i'm in here are you like can you think like are you alive essentially and she was like she was like two years younger me like a little four-year-old like yeah yeah i think so yeah mommy yeah like save me like what the fuck yeah yeah but it's like are you like in the same way that you feel as if you have an autonomy do you have autonomy or are you or am i in the truman show but then it's just like okay well day cart said it it's over but i think it's such a distraction in the sense of you could sit here going um are you in your head are you in your head meanwhile look what just happened down the street someone just got shot like look at this child they're starving like look at the injustice in
Starting point is 00:06:32 your literally down your street but i do not think it's a worth i completely agree philosophy is a thing for the um upper middle classes i think it's not a worthwhile question because it's kind of um i think it's kind of part of the it's the new opium of the masses i think it's religion is not the thing anymore and carl marston just left it there it's not about that it's actually capitalism and like self-obsession are the new ways that we keep ourselves in a little box where you're just like a little hamster and you're not actually fulfilling anything that you want to do you're just constantly chasing the wheel for your next kind of 200 likes on instagram it's just a complete um smoke screen of the kind of hiding the reality of your life yeah i i just think so i and i just think yeah everyone's got their own
Starting point is 00:07:19 theories and i think i found that really interesting when i was at a child and and it was really real to me and i felt like I could get the answer. But over the years, it's kind of like, well, no one has the answer, so I won't really entertain the conversation anymore. And I think a lot of the philosophy, kind of anything that people come up with now is only a regurgitation of what kind of middle aged white men were saying in like 1500, you know. I know, but I don't think people have read descartes in the way that we know that descartes said what he said we know that fucking nietzsche blah blah blah we know all of that because we studied that stuff but i think that most people some of the concepts are new like i think that people are coming to well they're new to them but they're
Starting point is 00:07:58 not new to humanity i still think every single person should question what is this like what like why am i here same Same, but for themselves. Because then I think it should only be used as a tool to steer you to whatever is going to give you the most fun and you can squeeze the most out of life, like rinse it for what it's worth for yourself. But if you're trying to project your idea, as you say, of like love or breeding onto the whole human race
Starting point is 00:08:22 and then say that animals don't have a meaning of life it's just a bit of a waste i think well that's the bit that the whole theory falls down of this we're we're here for love we're here for love it's like wait so but is the crocodile here for love one one only one species is here for love and to find connection and to learn and all the other species on the planet are there to what feed that species they're they're nothing they just do their own thing so that's why i kind of think the only overarching the only universal meaning of life in the way that could connect humans and the crocodile or whatever is to stay alive so the meaning of life is what to just live it well that's kind of what we will inevitably end
Starting point is 00:09:01 up doing like that is how it will play out isn't it's like you can do all these fun things or you can do all the shit things you can do whatever you want in your short time but we inevitably end up doing. Like that is how it will play out, isn't it? It's like, you can do all these fun things or you can do all the shit things. You can do whatever you want in your short time, but we all end up dead in the same way. But I think it's like, yeah, so we will all end up doing the same. We all end up in the same place, but what we choose to fill our time with
Starting point is 00:09:15 is different, may or may not be different. We'll probably, for the most of us, have the same trajectory. I don't think that's the meaning. I'm interested in the like, why why why why behind the why why why why it's kind of it's not not what will you do for what reason did humans yeah i think it's like okay so we know that it's like big bang planet billions and billions of years evolution evolution evolution homo sapiens homo erectus we know this i quite like the i don't know the whole
Starting point is 00:09:43 convo around, I mean, what was it that Elon Musk was saying? It was like, obviously we all have our issues with Elon Musk, but yeah, fuck him. Honestly, fuck him. But I remember when I think I must've been like, I don't know, 16 or something. And I was like, fuck, like, this is fucking crazy, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And he was like, because he said like, there is more chance. This is so misquoted. I'm so sorry to any scientist listening. there is more chance. This is so misquoted. I'm so sorry to any scientist listening. There's more chance that this is not a base reality than this is a base reality. There's more chance that this is a simulation, that this does not exist than this is base reality. Which as in my brain, as however old I was,
Starting point is 00:10:21 I was like, fuck. It's like, oh my God, we are the sims like that is fucking crazy I think I'm quite interested in that whole convo and also how much that convo freaks people out like have you ever spoken to I'm sure you have spoken to someone about um like space like go beyond beyond beyond how our sun is a star and we're in the universe we know this stuff but when people get a bit spooked spooked and it's like no i don't like to think about it i think it's interesting because to me that is so exciting even though we'll never know it's just like fuck we're so
Starting point is 00:10:55 small donald trump is so small he's nothing he's a little worm on under a fucking shell yeah otherwise known as a snail but a worm under a shell he's nothing he's a little woodlouse yeah and i love us too yeah okay should we get into listeners thoughts you did the polls this week yeah definitely everyone as usual said amazing things so i asked straight away does life have a purpose and it was i mean i didn't think it would be the split it's literally 52 and 48 percent brexit situation pure brexit we literally live in brexit these days if you answered in these um stories by the way and if you do kind of every week uh thank you we should say yeah thank you so much so 52 is just winning that people think yes life does have a meaning but we're all spiraling no one really knows what would you
Starting point is 00:11:51 fall into just if you had to do a quick yes or no does life have a purpose no is that what you said purpose a purpose i say no does life have a purpose yes or no and you said no not your life not one's individual life yeah it's just life so a plant's life an animal's life does life have a purpose have a purpose have a purpose as well i'm saying no hard no well it's interesting because i was like quick yes or no um it is interesting though to say a purpose because there could be a purpose, yes, but not necessarily one purpose. Yeah, is there purpose? Yeah. Is there purpose? Is there a purpose? Yes, there's many, but I don't have an answer. Anyway. You're 50-50, are you? I'm a 50-50 split. I'm the, what was it, CITV, 50- 50 or whatever that show was oh my god yeah i love it
Starting point is 00:12:46 so if yes what is the purpose of life and i said what is the meaning of all this and i kind of preempted what everyone was gonna say because on the next slide i said okay so you put that the answer is love connection finding um happiness but then why have we know these are the purpose do we waste our times on things that don't matter and i said why do we constantly seek drama and distraction in shit tv social media alcohol scrolling buying clothes and talking about other people and neglecting ourselves so freaking true yeah and the overarching message the overarching response was capitalism okay and don't we know it baby then i went on a vegan rant and said if a human's life has meaning does an animals and i'm pushing my vegan agenda you really
Starting point is 00:13:31 are really am and i thought it was interesting because 83 percent of people said yes that animal's life has meaning what is that would you say 83 so what is that 17 17 percent of people say no and i was really tactical with the emojis that i used in this i did not want to use cats and dogs so there's if you see little hamsters no no no no this is crocodiles there's a fucking orangutan a whale a chicken an owl i'm not talking about does your dog's life have meaning does your dog's yeah he has a little personality he's so cute i'm not talking about that i'm talking about an alligator does your alligator's life have meaning does your dog's yeah he has a little personality he's so cute i'm not talking about that i'm talking about an alligator does your alligator's life have meaning no no yeah if you have an alligator well you do on animal crossing you actually have an animal crossing called alfonso
Starting point is 00:14:14 i do alfonso and he is my king and he does have a purpose to make me happy yeah and he was created by a human just commenting on pets quickly i have a theory so basically if you don't know the love of my life ozzy he's a dog my beautiful dog and we have had quite a turbulent relationship at the beginning i was not a fan he was not a fan of me and then literally like eight years later we're in love um i'm obsessed with him i think he's great, it kind of makes me cry to think that one day he may die. May. As if there's a chance that he is... Immortal.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Immortal. Yeah. My theory on pets is that, or, like, even dogs as well, and the way that we, like, make dogs this kind of biblical, like, virtuous being, they're not really, are they? And your dog doesn't love you, do they? And I think you don't necessarily love your dog you're just projecting all of your wants and fears and desires onto this tiny little thing
Starting point is 00:15:11 that just wants to be fed and wants to wag its tail and cuddle you sometimes yeah and you've called it jonathan and you're like oh my god jonathan loves this oh look at his little tail jonathan but it's like uh jonathan's actual name is and he just shits and he eats and doesn't do that much else and this is going from two people that love their dogs i also have a theory about cats because i had two cats and i can't even speak about them really because i love them so much quentin and kirby got them from a rescue center i was infatuated i was infatuated by them and i love them love them love them when quentin they both got hit by cars on several occasions they used to sleep in roads they weren't the smartest and when quentin got hit by a car i did a really dramatic thing kind of fell against the
Starting point is 00:15:55 wall and screamed no and collapsed onto the floor and what about kirby you didn't do the same you did kirby sob sob sob same same old story but that was many years later yeah same procedure yeah but i have a theory about cats that i think a dog does love you in a very dependent way there is a there is an element of what you could call love infatuation whatever that is obsession dependency if you will a toxic relationship nonetheless but there is a relationship there i think people that say that their cats love them are kidding themselves they're lying to themselves and this is coming from someone that i indulge in that lie i indulge in the lie we're lying to ourselves when we say that cats love us they don't give a fuck in the same way you are literally a bowl to them that you
Starting point is 00:16:38 just bring the bowl you're just a waiter in their house but they don't get dependent on that in the same way as dogs why do you think no i think if i think if we all drop dead a cat would find food somewhere and the dogs would kind of weep the dogs the dog doesn't know what what's left or right yeah it's the old dogs running around in circles okay that's why i kind of prefer cats i think they've got a feminist energy about them a feminist energy do you see how we project onto our pets well that's the thing that's why i love my dog because it's like you're dependent on me like i love my dog because i'm projecting uh a need to be needed and and almost like a little personality this thing wants to cuddle me literally all day every day well then you're you're a perfect king we're in love yeah and a little personality like to me it's like i would always say oh my god kirby's voice is like i kind of see her as spanish like i see
Starting point is 00:17:29 her as like a spanish sassy lady that's the thing i love ozzy because he's part chihuahua and i'm like oh my mexican king he's got his little kind of uh maracas just so cute but it's true. And Otto, I'm like, oh, he's such a goofball. He's such a goofball. And he's like, I don't give a fuck about you. Give me my food. He's like, miss me, lady.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Like, back off. And you're attaching a little lead to him. You're like, come on, walkies. Walkies. Thinking they love it. You love your walks, don't you? He's like, ugh. They don't love it.
Starting point is 00:18:00 They only love that because that's the only bit of time they get to be somewhat an animal to emulate a stray dog yeah yeah to be somewhat free whilst they're on a lead a leash did you think this vegan rant was coming this early in the ep guys i don't think you did oh yeah also we this is coming from people with pets like we're like trust the world is hypocritical man i also said i gave a little hot take in the middle of the thing i said humans love to gatekeep purpose so a dolphin's life can have meaning but what about a common common rat or a pig or a mcchicken burger don't know if it's called a mcchicken the angriest vegan i've ever known just oh come on guys what are we talking about our dog's life have meaning but the alligator does not have meaning come on also as always the demand characteristics they're just it's out the window at this point it's like the social desirability is off the charts now now that you know exactly what we
Starting point is 00:18:51 want from you i said do you believe that you have free will it's winning the the yeses are winning with 63 percent leaving 37 saying no that we do not have free will do you think we have free will meaning that do you think that we are in control of our own decisions and desires i don't really have a yes or no answer to anything i would hate to follow high priestess every fucking week someone's saying yes or no massive question it's like oh it's loaded guys well i put a little box underneath saying expand because always people are dming oh i'd be spilling over into the box like nobody's business yeah because people dm being like oh my god no no like i actually think kind of medium like it depends it's like yeah of course like i completely understand it completely
Starting point is 00:19:33 depends that's why i usually put a box on it does yeah yeah i wouldn't answer yes or no i think the large majority of people live without any autonomy and i think the only thing that will give you free will is understanding how little scope of autonomy you actually have it's a little bit reckless it's a little bit um of a self-fulfilling prophecy to discuss with kind of real false consciousness societies whether or not they have free will because i don't want suicide rates to go up um i don't think i don't think we're tough enough hell yes we're tough enough to have this conversation to be honest not just you and i just as a society i think before we can have the conversation here i go again but before we can have the conversation of do you have free will
Starting point is 00:20:20 as an individual so many other facets of society have to be addressed because it depends on it's kind of that you have free will but you are working within the confines of patriarchal society white supremacist white supremacist society um and class the class system as a whole like there are so many things playing in so you may have autonomy as a baby that is born. And yes, your life is not scripted, but you also can only do so much within the small area of life that you have been given, like where you've been placed. So you only have so much autonomy, really.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah, and I think also, I'm not trying to make the little kid from a working class county feel bad about- Think they can't be the prime minister. Exactly, feel bad about his own lack of free will because that's not your it's not a you problem it's actually a societal problem yeah it's nothing about you so then i said now we're time for the big one what happens after we die nothing reincarnation heaven hell return to the aliens or we rot lol help i put the end because
Starting point is 00:21:20 we rot i didn't really want to end it on we rot it's been bleak but also like yeah we do i've seen a skeleton and trust me we rot like nobody's business faster than you can blink acas powers the world's best podcasts here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people
Starting point is 00:21:57 know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson, and this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find a Field Guide to Gay Animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Acast.com Okay, one that I found really interesting, which was about what the meaning of life is. They said, I'm in the middle. Same, same Z. Yes to potentially make things better for future generations. No, because we die and it's over. But I think that's, mean i agree but i also think it's interesting to say yes there is a meaning of life and it's to potentially make things better for the future generation but no there isn't because you die anyway and then it's over but actually it's almost like um what do you call
Starting point is 00:23:02 that in maths where's like a common denominator and you like reduce the fractions more and more to make them there's a mat you could say like oh i can't even give an example honestly fuck knows i hate math so much yeah i think in you i found the only other person that hates maths more than i do maybe i hate it i hate it so much yeah it's the opposite of how my brain works literally absolute opposite i anyway i found this interesting because i thought you can actually reduce their point i think i'm sure they're not going to be happy about this they're like no don't reduce my point i said what i meant but i think by saying yes there's a meaning in a way because we should make make life better for the future generations but no there's not a meaning because at the end of the day you die i actually think even then
Starting point is 00:23:45 you're still saying essentially the meaning of life is to reproduce because you're thinking about actually yeah either way the meaning is to survive for the human race to continue yeah a loyalty to this race yeah that's in programmed and we had a lot talking about breeding reproduction to survive and thrive which i love someone said reproduction love my ourselves but i choose to believe it's happiness and success which i think is a very healthy way of looking at it because if you look at what really is the meaning the meaning or not even the meaning the reason as science would explain it's kind of like big bang evolution blah blah blah blah blah we end up here and it's like okay so there is no inherent meaning but you can impose
Starting point is 00:24:31 your own personal meaning on whatever you want so you can it's kind of um our favorite thing that we love to say when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change classic classic quote that we did not create but we love um i wish we had a trademark high priestess it's kind of that thing from the office where it's the quote something then quoted michael scott if you know the thing yeah you might as well impose whatever meaning that you want like there is no the thing is we will never know there's not going to be a day when the simulation fucking ends end game pops up the meaning of that you've was to fucking reproduce the meaning of that was to find love there was no meaning that's never going to happen unless
Starting point is 00:25:09 we are in the sims but the sims never find this shit out there's no point there's no point so you might as well just impose what you want but at the same time they're waving at the sky saying feed me i'm hungry you know they're aware of their lack of autonomy depending on how far along you place the slider but i also think i, I mean, we say, say, say, there's no meaning, there's no meaning, there's no meaning. It depends what you mean by meaning, because actually, there could just be a meaning that is way beyond the semantics of our understanding of human language, beyond the scope and the range that we as humans, yeah, that humans have the vocabulary to to comprehend and then maybe when you die you do understand that it was all about reproduction in a certain way i think because we
Starting point is 00:25:50 you and i as well don't place much emphasis on reproduction or breeding or human survival at the same time i can very easily look at an alligator for example and be like yeah i don't want you to go in extinct but also it's the reason that we don't place meaning on reproduction is because now we have understood feminism and how women that has been their role whereas the only reason we're here is because some someone along the line a lot of people down the line cared about reproduction and breeding well i also think i place a lot of emphasis on reproduction in my own life but as a society i would never say that the overarching message of humanity is to reproduce because i think that's so um exclusivist and so reductionist and just insane but in the meaning of my individual life
Starting point is 00:26:36 there are lots of meanings and it's all about love and reproduction and beauty and happiness and success and etc etc and and and but it's the same thing of is it your meaning or everybody's meaning and how could there ever be everybody's meaning when we literally can't even agree on whether brexit should be a thing for god's sake there was actually you speaking about um how it's kind of beyond human conception what's going on there was a really interesting book that i had to read at uni and it was called flat and and it was really i was doing kind of dystopian stuff it's a novel yeah it was a novella it was really really short and it everyone go read it if you want to be bored out of your mind but the concept is that they are living in a land of
Starting point is 00:27:14 a 2d land and he's a fucking the more sides of the shape you have it's just so fucking interesting the more sides that you have is the more power you have in the hierarchy so a straight line all women are straight lines triangles are the middle class squares are the upper class circles are like the fucking politicians all 2d world and one day a square is there and he's just in his house and a cube comes down from the sky and he cannot comprehend the 3d reality oh wow it's um it's moses and the uh the 10 commandments they fly down from the start a big a big cube yeah yeah it's a cube something that's 3d it's a deity it's like it's from your angle as a 2d square on flat land you can't even see you can't look up you can't like you can't see what it is and it's kind of saying what happens is the fourth dimension we can't even see you can't look up you can't like you can't see what it is and it's kind of saying
Starting point is 00:28:05 what happens is the fourth dimension we can't even comprehend as little flat squares that we are we can't comprehend the cube that exists so i think it's almost as you were saying completely a red herring to discuss this but i also live for the convo yeah live for the convo and know that you'll never get we'll never understand you you're probably never gonna understand because who do you think you are if you want to be a sim you're a sim if you want to be um a fucking square you're a square if you want to be the meaning is um becoming the next sort of singing sensation you might as well do it like whatever you want to do also think impose a meaning it's so the classic thing of in the way that i think it's important to talk about religion in the sense that i don't know if i said this earlier about karl marx and the opium the
Starting point is 00:28:50 massive and blah blah blah and how everyone on our polls the other day said that capitalism is now what is keeping everyone um within their box and that's trapped yeah trapped in their box and only with that scope of of meaning for their own lives and i wonder how things will change i think there's been a shift i mean not i think it is known that there has been a shift with secularization from religion controlling uh i mean so much not just the state but society and the mind of the individual to then move into the way that we are trapped into capitalism do you think we'll stay in that forever where do you think we're moving state but society and the mind of the individual to then move into the way that we are trapped into capitalism do you think we'll stay in that forever where do you think we're moving on to something else i mean the progress seems to be pretty slow not in our lifetime apart from kind
Starting point is 00:29:35 of impending doom that the world is just going to implode yeah i mean i think surely the way it looks like it's going i.e people voting for brexit people were voting for donald trump things getting slowly more right wing and sort of the hierarchy just further imposed middle class disappearing all of this stuff it doesn't look to me like we're gonna get equality before climate change gets us do you think kind of um the villain will change his mask like i'm not saying religion is a villain i'm not even saying capitalism really is a villain then not necessarily tangible but i wonder if we could move away from capitalism and into something else that keeps people confined in their boxes or is there nothing as strong as being capitalism's bitch kind of the american dream like the whisper of like success is enough to keep people spinning in that hamster wheel i'm trying to think of my dystopian
Starting point is 00:30:26 knowledge and whilst capitalism is a dystopia there is something so um almost funny about how communism is framed in like just the world of like dystopian literature and films i guess like kind of how that is framed as communism abnegation yeah abnegation and just in which is all of it like kind of it's fucking you're eating a gray meal in a gray bowl your hair is fucking gray your skin is gray in a gray outfit in a gray building in a gray world it's like okay so that's communism is it but actually that's fucking capitalism and then the one percent uh i think if you look at high dystopian stuff so dystopian things so for example i'm watching the hunger games with my family at the moment i don't know if you've ever heard of it high kind of communist society in that there is one political establishment yeah and that makes up the people of the capital and then there
Starting point is 00:31:14 are the many districts which feed the capital you know you know the thing you know you guys know team gail team peter big time team peter i was honestly watching it thinking i cannot fucking believe your team gail he's a meathead i can't comprehend well i'm team haymitch as we know yeah to be honest i'm team jennifer lawrence i'm team you should have left it at two movies and got the fuck out of there well i'm on the fourth tonight with my family and i trust me i can't wait the peter features quite heavily so i'm quite excited he's gone a bit nuts at the moment he's like he's like fucking baking cookies all day no he's not being tortured all day he's like trying to be a fucking tree all day he's like doing face paint like get a grip grow up i'm about to be
Starting point is 00:31:55 murdered yeah well gail's just looking at tv crying i think she should just should have she just should have moved away with her with her sister and never volunteered and just called it a day and just lived peacefully she couldn't prim was going to be taken before all of this to be honest she should have killed herself right at the beginning i was thinking that it's like i i was thinking that i'd rather save yourself the time katniss what do you think of suicide um that it's really sad what do you think of euthanasia what right where's this first of all where's this going you leading me down a rabbit hole where i end up saying suicide is good or something no but you know bobo i know optimistic nihilist bobo and flex if you guys don't listen to bobo
Starting point is 00:32:34 and flex you should they're great you'll never listen to us again if you spend literally an hour with them your life will be changed they are absolutely they're incredible they're our favorite podcast and bobo talks about suicide i think a lot on her stories etc and how i mean it's not groundbreaking it's not necessarily her theory but it's her view and i'm sure it's shared by a lot of you that suicide is like your own choice and why should that be taken from you if you choose to end your own life i'm massively paraphrasing and maybe twisting and turning it in my own interpretation but the general gist of it is we have a bit of a bizarre conception of suicide within society but really
Starting point is 00:33:11 is suicide the only way that you can take your life into your own hands question mark so i think it's interesting when we talk about the meaning of life and autonomy and free will etc etc you know to discuss your thoughts on suicide because i'm not really sure on mine i mean i think if i mean god forbid if you commit suicide i'm committing suicide like i'm not happy about it i don't think suicide is good i think it's awful obviously but also of course i would because i live in a society where suicide is you know so sad yeah when i think of um suicide i don't necessarily think of freedom like i think of it as um a horrific symptom of a fucked up fucked up fucked up world like so horrific so i don't necessarily in bobo's theory it's almost that it's like a freeing act which i completely understand how that could be
Starting point is 00:33:57 i think it's quite dangerous because sure sure that's true we live in a horrific world but it doesn't need to be like that well you're assuming that everyone who commits suicide has the scope to understand what it means to be free and that it's not just a symptom of a mental illness i.e depression for example yeah and these things can be cured and also it is it leaves room to confuse a passing feeling of hopelessness with like a general hopelessness in life like there is not you may it's very common just to feel oh my god there is no fucking point in me being here we've all felt like that like what am i doing but then suicide is so impulsive and so permanent i
Starting point is 00:34:36 think it's dangerous to um to view it as like a freedom from society because i think you can get other freedoms of society which still involve you being alive like what there is help available in that you can go to therapy if you can afford it if you have that accessible to you and so totally yeah i guess the more the more vulnerable you are the smaller that funnel becomes with what is available to you that can also free you in the way that you may think that suicide could this has got dark hasn't it should we should we divert should we pivot yeah just an overarching thing message if you are feeling suicidal feelings please reach out to somebody no i can yes completely completely completely that i also think society will make you think that no one else has ever been sad before and everyone else is really successful and you're the only person who feels bleak but literally bleakness is like the most fucking common emotion or like absence of
Starting point is 00:35:30 emotion is incredibly common you don't have to the pressures of society will have you feeling a crazy way and i think actually there's a lot of young people who respond to our you and i sephie our platform um and so i think if that is you listening this is a psa that you can prioritize yourself um and if you need help do whatever you can to find it so one that i liked with what happens after you die what do you think happens after you die was the question we asked and one that i really like i don't know why i love this it just says eaten by wormies i hope i saw that and i thought it was amazing wormies yeah eat me alive boys yeah what makes it interesting to me is that i hope because i as much as i think yeah sure that's oh i'm like the bit that was interesting
Starting point is 00:36:17 to me was the wormies well i love wormies well i love wormies like it's like oh my god decay my body you cuties honestly cutie pies yeah cute it's like i don't mind wormies eating me but i don't really like maggots eating me like no yeah the language changes it doesn't it big time big time but i think it's interesting that i hope because it's like yeah i think that's what happens that's what i believe happens as someone that was raised atheist and kind of i guess hasn't strayed too far from that path other than i love ghosts but but i don't know if i hope that i get eaten by wormies what do you hope happens i hope i die of old age in like my beautiful house with all my grandkids we just had a barbecue it's so blissful i don't know why you want it at a barbecue your grandchildren are like grandma no i had the barbecue. It's so blissful. I don't know why you want it at a barbecue. Your grandchildren are like, grandma.
Starting point is 00:37:07 No, I had the barbecue that day. And yeah, it's quite horrible. They're all going to wake up tomorrow morning. They're like, where's grandma? No, they won't say, where's grandma? They're going to say, grandma's sleeping. Grandma? Grandma?
Starting point is 00:37:18 The youngest one, your favorite one, the baby comes in. Grandma, I bought you a cup of tea. No. No, because I'll let them know i'll say listen you should have known by organizing a barbecue with me at 103 years old i'm probably gonna die tonight it was the meat that did it she had a final day so they'll know it was the last suburb yesterday well that's horrible anyway i die i awake in my dreamscape uh my lover has died with me sorry jack we i thought you were saying because it wasn't jack my lover has died with me sorry jack my mistress is next to me my
Starting point is 00:37:57 bit on the side has died with me sorry my toy boy is by my side yeah there's kind of beautiful everyone's eating hot dogs you're eating meat are you vegan comes out vegan jumps out so really so in your dream world animals are still dying yeah sure that's what you dream of pretty sure that's not their dream diet in my dream in my dream death all food is vegan now oh i love it linda mccartney runs the Dream World. Yeah, exactly. CEO of the Dream World. She's the gatekeeper of my heaven. CEO of heaven. I enter.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I sit down at a plush cinema. Oh, my God. I have a beautiful big bag of popcorn. Oh, can I come with? And a huge Pepsi Max, bigger than your eyes can see. Far as your eyes can see. You look out into the sea and it's Pepsi Max as far as your eyes can see. I love it.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Cherryade, lemonade, lashings of ginger. Lashings of ginger beer. and it's pepsi max as far as your eye can see i love it cherryade lashings of ginger beer and then it's willy wonka exactly and i sit down i sit back and relax the curtains open and i'm watching my highlight reel unfold before me all the priestesses are living their best life you're all sending in messages saying thanks so much for the podcast i say no worries hun oh my god all my old school friends you know my i just would like a real almost like a memory memory memory book scrap kind of what dumbledore has that thing that thing that dumbledore puts his memories in yeah my pensive oh do you know its name you know the official title i know the official title do you not that's a shame you said pensive that's what it's called pensive yeah
Starting point is 00:39:24 didn't know that that's fascinating and you take out put it into a little vial yes this is when we google it and it's not called that yeah it is but quite quite morbid if it's not and then they drop it anyway but it's like a full-on feature film oh i love it and slowly this is quite a good idea slowly as the film is playing people from my past come in and they join the cinema and we're all watching together laughing haha that bit was great i got shivers do you remember that bit wouldn't that be fun i'm assuming we all died last night everyone i've ever met died with me just so they can come and watch my highlight reel are you an old woman yes yes i'm like 103 104 no but as in have you gone back to your youthful body or are you an old woman sitting
Starting point is 00:40:05 in the cinema like your knees are hurting i almost think it's a bit of a animal crossing situation in that i can go up to the wardrobe and i can change my shape so if i wanted to be my 23 year old self i could kind of just for a day but i imagine or i'd like to think in my dream world when i'm 103 i'd be comfortable in my 103 year old body what about you yeah you're not thinking oh i'll get back to my best self because i know i die at my best self exactly and from there on the dream continues i won't you know i won't go into the spoilers but it's it's gonna be great so you've been to the cinema then what you go for a meal like what do you do after the cinema yeah we have a beautiful dinner i mean it's everyday dinner day everyday champagne day it's just going on celebrations
Starting point is 00:40:43 until i think i can have rests where i turn off my consciousness love it it's just going on celebrations until i think i can have rests where i turn off my consciousness love it it's like just a good sleep so it's like i'm not suffering the curse of immortality but i can just dip in and out of kind of play dates the jonas brothers put on a concert every night oh my god joe died in the dream with you yeah i love it it's just sons what about you in your scenario, you're hanging out with Kevin Jonas. Is that really what you want? Yeah, yeah. Babysit his children.
Starting point is 00:41:10 I guess they wouldn't be far off my age at that point. So maybe not. Danielle's there, his wife. Yeah, it's going to be great. So feel free to join, guys. That sounds absolutely stunning. It's Christmas twice a year. No summer.
Starting point is 00:41:24 It's an endless winter.'s just gonna be great every sunday we have a roast dinner so what's your what's your dream death past afterlife situation i was just thinking i'm definitely not dying at a barbecue i was just thinking yours sounds really good feel free to join well i like waking up in the cinema, but I don't want to diet a barbecue with my children. Like, that sounds bleak to me. No, the barbecue's over. It's over. Diet a barbecue?
Starting point is 00:41:50 The barbecue's happening already. You choke on a bit of sweet corn. That's bad. Yeah, that's really bad. Kind of Joffrey at the... That's worse nightmare. Joffrey at his wedding in a game of Thrones. Awful.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Spoiler. Nana! Nana's gone. Poisoned wine. the game of thrones awful spoiler no no no it's gone poisoned wine um but what's your what's your hope for the afterlife or your hope for death i guess so my my dream my dream death is i want it to be dramatic but i want to be old of course i do my leo moon's coming out yeah i want it to be let me really think i've just kind i'm living on i'm living off the land i'm living in a farm i've got many animals around me i'm kind of speaking with my pet crow and like kind of your own animal yeah like i just live an amazing life oh my god it's
Starting point is 00:42:37 i have gone on an amazing adventure kind of bill by baggins and i'm writing the last word of my memoir of what happened on the adventure and I feel myself going, I'm trying to squeeze out the last sentence. I'm 107. Older than you. You're older than me. Four extra years without you,
Starting point is 00:42:55 those would be my biggest rest year. I don't have to live a life without you, that's great. And trust me, I'm partying on those years. Best four years of my life. It's only my time to shine um i get a lot done in those four years and my pen falls off the paper my head hits the floor but not quite enough yeah we never hear your final words no i think i full stop i full stop the end full stop head falls to the ground dead your your last breath she's dead on top of an amazing work that will be later shown in museums. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:29 The adventure gone on how to speak to dolphins or something like that. You know, just a casual life. Okay, and then what? And then you get eaten by the wormies? No, no, no, no, no, no. The wormies don't come near me. It's a worm-free death. They wouldn't dare.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I feel myself float up from the body and i get to maybe walk around for a bit get in a taxi go see other people you know like see suddenly suddenly the world is like ghost world right ghost world um but i don't really want that i kind of actually just want to come to the cinema with you well i mean the door's always open you'll have to be sitting there four years too long though we'll do it we'll do a premiere the premiere we'll do the premiere showing of persephone deacon the life oh wait do we have to watch other people's lives every night well i'll happily watch yours but you don't have to watch mine i guess if you don't want to it's like now showing the life of bill by baggins um well i love the sound i kind of love the the idea of you see all your highlights kind of your
Starting point is 00:44:25 life flashes before your eyes but it's a feature movie it has like dreamworks logo before it it has an amazing soundtrack courtesy of the jonas brothers but i think i also quite like the idea of there being a not only people that i knew in my own life in this kind of heavenly scenario oh yeah everybody's everyone's there so i can go and interview kind of anne bole Oh yeah, everybody's out of hell. Everyone's there so I can go and interview kind of Anne Boleyn. Yeah, but I'm almost thinking you've got Anne Boleyn in your consciousness so she could be there. Like you can access her because you have that awareness.
Starting point is 00:44:53 And is it a shared world or does everyone have their own individual? Like Jackwood has his own one and you're kind of appearing in his. Maybe that's, mine is the main one. Like that, not necessarily mine, but that world is the main one. that that not necessarily mine but that world is the main one but then in the way that i dip in and out of consciousness and i can rest you can go off and have your own space for example i love that do you know what i mean your own island
Starting point is 00:45:13 yeah yeah i think i want to my world wouldn't be so much like it would be this world a sort of heavenly version of this world otherworldly but elevated for example i can fly i can breathe underwater like absolutely shape shift into different animals like i can be it's like an elevated version but i think i stay there for a thousand years then i die then then it's nothing oh maybe but why you don't have to put the restriction on it because what i'm doing is i've got the option i could go to sleep for a thousand years but then what if you could come back or i know but i don't love the endlessness yeah but i could literally as in not i could sleep for a thousand years i could just go to sleep forever and then it's nothing and i don't have the restriction of i have to be here for a thousand years and then i can go it's like i
Starting point is 00:45:58 could actually turn off for like 500 years and then come back do another two years and then go forever true no labels you know a world without labels yeah it's yeah yeah sometimes you're alive sometimes you're dead i quite like the idea of being like a tree like you know that whole thing about you return to the earth and like blah blah blah i'm coming across like a such a hippie in this almost like you then become you experience different levels of consciousness so for example you live as a flower then you live as a fucking moth and you live like all of that is quite fun i think i would love to live as that as long as i'm not like an orca in sea world or like a fucking joe exotic tiger like get me out and without your human consciousness you would want to have like the plant's consciousness so you don't you're not
Starting point is 00:46:39 you're not a blade of grass like oh shit i think i'm a blade of grass oh my god the lawnmower's coming i'm in a seth rogan movie yeah it's like a full horror movie no you're you have the consciousness of a blade of grass all life just the flip they're just like you're experiencing all levels of consciousness in life not just human life that sounds great but if it does come down to the wormies eating me i mean what can we do i think it does come down to the wormies eating but i let mean, what can we do? I think it does come down to the wormies eating, but let's just... I hate to say it, guys.
Starting point is 00:47:08 As much as the cinema... I hate to say it. The cinema's not likely. The cinema, you're going to fucking like Nando's afterwards. Like all of that sounds great. You get to live as a tree, get to fly, you get to go underwater, all of that. I think it is actually we turn into little...
Starting point is 00:47:21 Nothingness. Maggots eat us, which is nice. Wormiesies let's call them wormies because it's a bit cute but i think it's interesting to think what people hope happens because like yeah let's have a bit of hope guys yeah can you tell us what you hope happens listening i would love to know first of all tell me what you think and then what you hope right that's long dms i'm into that write us an email do you know what i love getting an email our email is on our instagram address instagram it's on our instagram page um and click
Starting point is 00:47:47 email and send us an email i actually would love this i think i'd scream i mean the dms we die over but the emails we die reincarnate die reincarnate die all over again little cinema showing them we die and reincarnate dying yeah i can't wait in at the very end of the poll i wanted to make it leave it on kind of a happy note so i said so purpose or no purpose how are you spending your life and did it end on a happy note it did this one's well oh good i like this one this is well they all kind of i think people were saying like i'm learning to be my best what someone said learning to be my best bitch self creativity um kind of doing fun stuff someone said on tiktok which i loved because same was it you it's like me like yeah same um also speaking of tiktok do you know what side of tiktok i've
Starting point is 00:48:32 suddenly found myself on harvey from sabrina no that's new i would definitely what that was the other day right okay what's the new one ross lynch that's his name we were trying to think of his name yeah i know it was ross something i was like r Ross Geller? Honestly. I'm on TikTok. You know, have you seen Diary of a Wimpy Kid? I know of it. Yeah. The older brother. There's an older brother called Roderick. And I, for some reason, have found myself on Roderick TikTok. I don't know how I've got there, but if anyone else is there, someone help me get off. I do. I fancy him big time. Well, you do. Yeah, I was was gonna say you have to fancy him otherwise you're not big time he kind of wore eyeliner like kind of that kind of guy yeah your type but i'm on his
Starting point is 00:49:13 tip i'm on roderick tiktok it's like someone has saved me like what's my life what's my life come to so someone said at the moment everything is ruled by job seeking, brackets, fucking capitalism. Classic. Honestly, fucking capitalism. And it's determining what I can do. Generally really happy in my relationships with others, but stressed with finding a job slash life shit. And then they said in capitals, how are you two spending your lives?
Starting point is 00:49:37 Also, I want to know. I said that wrong. How are you two spending your lives? I also want to know. Not also. Yeah. You know know got the syntax muddled lovely that's so sweet so sweet so sweet when we can be self-indulgent and people
Starting point is 00:49:52 ask after us i mean yeah capitalism sucks or whatever she said fucking capitalism i completely agree capitalism it fucking sucks it honestly does it ruins our lives get me out of here i think it's an absolute fucking scam and i think everyone can fucking relate at the moment that i mean capitalism has failed us in the ultimate way it seemed like it was a stable system but i don't know what's not and yet communism is so scary apparently even though we have to use communism to buy our way out of the dangers of capitalism every kind of 40 years literally might like take me to pan m hunger games reference take me there no in the capital you just what you mean is take me to peter's house take me to hamish's house that's what you meant yeah take me to hamish's house please also don't like he is Haymitch smells. That's my theory. I think Haymitch smells of wee.
Starting point is 00:50:45 That's bad. Did you also say that Hugh Jackman smells of wee? No, I have a theory that Matthew McConaughey smells of wee. Matthew McConaughey. Why did I think it was Hugh Jackman? They kind of have a similar vibe. I just think that Matthew McConaughey stinks of piss. And I know it's true.
Starting point is 00:51:02 How do you know? Well, I just, he just gives me that vibe. And Haymitch gives me a similar vibe. Just the vibes. I was like, wait, there's a story. No, no, no, there's no story. That's just one of my many theories. I've held that theory since I was about 14 years old.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Matthew McConaughey definitely, definitely smells of wee. But anyway, capitalism. It fucks us up. Like, it's shit. It's it's so shit yeah all of us we completely like why like why do we have to spend our one one one life not one 111 lives our one life unless plot twist we actually do get another life after this how would you feel if you died and they were like right here you go into your next life or whatever and it was a relatively similar being i'd say is that life on earth fingers crossed no if it was if it was pretty
Starting point is 00:51:49 much that in this the in the experience that you've had as persephone yeah you die and then they say okay take two let's do it again you're not necessarily repeating your life but you're gonna have a very similar like experience are you guts are you gutted about it are you sad or you're excited i think i'm thrilled because i there's a theory i cannot for the fucking life of me remember it's like a philosopher a philosopher's theory and it's that if you had to repeat if your life ended right now your life ended at this moment right now when we're recording this podcast right now when you're walking your dog listening to this whatever you're doing sorry if you're walking your dog that's probably quite scary i'm not stalking literally 70 of them walking their dog right now same and that's when
Starting point is 00:52:27 i do my best podcast listening when i'm walking my dog shouts out to you or you're in the bath could be there and the dog hey dog your dog doesn't love you um i want to know what who's this theory is i don't think it's familiar yeah if your life ended at this moment right now and then you were put on repeat and repeat and repeat and you had to just live from birth up till now die live till birth up till now die how would you be happy with that how are you feeling about that and it's a good test to be like how happy are you with your life and how you've lived your life and the choices that you're making currently i think it's interesting but i also think one of your
Starting point is 00:53:01 favorite films could be the revenant but it's not necessarily very watchable do you get what i mean like a film could be great but it doesn't you don't have to repeat it sometimes you've just seen things once and that and that's enough no i think no i don't no i don't think it's not groundhog day like you don't remember you don't have a consciousness of you're living it again you wake up baby and you live and you live again and making the same decisions because it's still you and all of that stuff like how happy are you with the existence that you've had and it's tricky because it's like i don't fucking know like i've experienced joy in my life and i've experienced like pain in my life like it's been the way that i'm living now as in the exact experience that i am in now mentally i'm happy with the balance of misery and happiness that i've got but i take me back kind of four
Starting point is 00:53:46 years ago five years ago it's definitely overweighed by misery and like there's definitely a the balance has tipped toward i'm honestly the sinking titanic the balance has fucking tipped like it's there's way more sadness than there is happiness do you think you've experienced the full scope of emotions that you can experience no way no way yeah if one of the emotions is um so for example i mean this is just ridiculous enlightenment but i mean like have you experienced the most joyful joy and the most melancholy sadness do you know what i mean like not not experiences not enlightenment but emotions how's i don't know how how easy it is to measure like how who knows when you're at 100 and you're
Starting point is 00:54:32 not at 87 that's the thing yeah you're not at 92.5 like it's a difficult thing to measure what about you it's really tricky it's almost like um statistically like say you were shuffling cards and you got kind of a nine would you keep playing for for a queen or or a jack or or a or a king do you know what i mean like in the way that no i wouldn't because we learned this the hard way yesterday on animal crossing we did big fucking time we're running a turnip scam we we fucking learned the fucking hard way we were taking part in a heist let's just say it went badly all worked out in the end but fucking hell well basically well it actually went well we've made millions of bells over the course of we spent all fucking day to answer your question which i can't remember what it was what how are things
Starting point is 00:55:22 going for us right now oh yeah but basically first of all we did a turnip heist let's maybe leave it there yeah they don't need to know the ins and outs of the heist well let's kind of basically explain it what happened was we got good prices one day one morning and we were like right they could be even higher in the afternoon checked they weren't went back to the morning they were gone they were like terrible the whole fucking stock market had gone bust we basically thought okay we could be we're really in a we're in a good position but we could be in a slightly better position if we do this and we lost it all we lost all the money you know what it was love island i'm happy but my head could still be turned i'm happy but i could be happier and we weren't we
Starting point is 00:56:01 were sad honestly it's the thing we were desperate for a high number we were getting basically you have to get a high number of this thing in animal crossing and we were kind of on the sort of 35 100 and suddenly we got a 400 and we're like fuck but we could get a 500 it's like no no just be happy with your 400 and but it ended up paying up paying off because we did get nearly we did make good money yeah we did get good money in the end but we did get nearly 500. We did make good money. Yeah. We did get good money in the end. But we did. We got greedy quick. It's funny how quickly you get greedy. We were desperate, desperate, desperate.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Drunk on power. It's like, yeah, if I was the president, I would be a fucking cunt. We got greedy fast, within seconds. Peasants kill them all. We were thrilled and instantly it's like, but I want, please, sir, can I have some more? It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I think that wraps us. Let's ask the question. Let's ask the question. How are you spending your life? Oh, that was the question. How are you spending ask the question let's answer the question how are you spending your life oh that was the question how are you spending your life was that the question how are you spending your life well i asked how are you spending your one life okay and then she threw it back and said after talking about capitalism which we agree is bollocks um and it's shit for everyone involved like even fucking elon musk is not thriving even though society will tell you it is especially elon musk is not thriving even though society will tell you it is
Starting point is 00:57:05 especially elon musk is not thriving so how are you choosing to spend your one life assuming the reincarnation does not exist and it's not cinema times after life i think my one life has been has been spent and will continue to be spent learning and growing and i'm not exaggerating i actually think that's really accurate and i would like to think that everyone listening is with me on that coming along with what about you i would say learning growing and oh here we fucking go just and being the best learning growing no i love it so much i love learning and growing but i also want it i think i would also add kind of having fun like playing do you know what i mean just having a good old good jolly old laugh like just being a bit yeah love it i agree but it was more so off the top of my head no mine too also i'm gonna add a million things but also
Starting point is 00:57:58 just i would i love the fun aspects like the almost ridiculous aspects of life like i want more of that i love that that's what i like live for the things that are just like yeah um absurd i'll bring that in you know i'm obsessed well feel free my cinema door is always open this is great but it could be better i think this has been a great first episode back i'm so excited to be back yes thank you so much for having us back yeah you didn't have a choice we were coming back either way kicking and screaming thanks so much for listening thank you so much leave us a review on apple and as always contact us in any way shape or form dm email message in a bottle just know we scream a comment we cry at a dm and we shit our pants at an email just remember that hierarchy of contacts so which one would you like from us thank you so much genuinely thanks thank you so much and au revoir
Starting point is 00:58:52 bye hope you have the pleasant rest of your day wherever's i wonder what's wonderful i literally would love to know what you're fucking doing right now i know it's like what are you eating like give me like where did my voice go i would love to know i on that's what what i love the most is getting a photo or a video of when you're listening like oh my god i'm listening right now okay so add that add that to this if your email you add an attachment we shit our pants and we die click the little um what's it called safety pin what's that fucking thing clip what's a paper clip paper clip add click the paper clip attach file photo send us send that away we'll scream if someone does that i'm not even joking if someone does that we'll die i will not only shit my pants but i think i
Starting point is 00:59:37 might murder my family see them at the cinema oh my god highlight reel perfect see ya cool bye

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