Goes Without Saying - with love, from sephy & wing: podmas #25

Episode Date: December 25, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas and Merry Podcast. She's only gone and bloody done it. Merry Christmas one and all. And to all a good night. You won't be hearing from us for a while. maybe you will to be honest we've actually who knows it's far from the end we've got things in the works as always as always what's behind the door today just checking in really i think
Starting point is 00:01:18 widget is just a lovely message it just says you're exactly where you need to be so true so nice that's really almost a bit odd for yeah just a standard advent but that's the christmas message that we're giving to you that's the meaning of christmas it's the it's the crux it is do you know it's the crux mess it is the crux mess we let that die didn't we we did when was the last time we went down the drain episode two idiots it's much better than slay too hard we're just basically popping in to say whatever you're doing today wherever you find yourself and whenever you're listening to this to be honest i'm sure in lots of ways you're feeling like it's not quite right and maybe like you you know falling short a little bit.
Starting point is 00:02:05 There's always lots of pressure. But we just want you to feel, just for a second, just hang on for a sec. We just want you to feel like you're actually okay. You're right on track. You're doing just fine. Everything is going according to plan. It's going to work out. We've got your back.
Starting point is 00:02:21 We're rooting for you. You're not on your own. It's going gonna be okay i think that's the christmas christmas well there we go then get me out of here yeah so merry christmas everybody it's christmas day very merry christmas i hope so what are you eating on christmas day what me personally yeah go on it's christmas day for you talk me through we actually haven't planned our menu we take the food on christmas day very very seriously it's of utmost importance it is um i want to be like literally it's the most
Starting point is 00:02:53 full i want to be all year which is tough because i do get myself in quite that sounds yeah no i get myself into quite a state sometimes quite regularly yeah regularly um i think it's i mean it's obviously just gonna be more the merrier we do the standard like we do turkey and my boyfriend would do lamb normally because he does lamb really well lots of yorkshire puddings i know that's like not necessarily traditional but i'm any roast of mine is that not traditional i think yorkshire pudding only comes with a certain meat really beef maybe i'm not sure i've always had yorkshire puddings on christmas me too i've always had i've always had yorkshire puddings even on a standard tuesday afternoon yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:03:34 just a standard snack but yeah no i think people who like properly know their stuff about like christmas just rank it it's like if you know the difference between a shepherd's pie and a cottage pie you know that it's do you know i mean that sort of thing i maybe do you do give me the the kind of vibe of someone who would know that sort of thing my grandma famously has shepherd's pie days well she does she's like okay so it's shepherd's pie day she's more into the shepherds than the cottage yeah but she often is cooking shepherd's pie but what is the difference do you know i actually don't know i know shepherd's pie hard to know is a vegan because i think the difference is in the meat well all i know is they've got potato on them and all i also know is i don't like them well gravy potato meat that's my vibe that's my
Starting point is 00:04:21 perfect palette is like i just i want a lot of gravy and a lot of meat i want to be it's henry the eighth um there's chicken legs everywhere it's an absolute banquet i'm beheading women at an unrelentless pace totally relentless and um yeah i don't know exactly what the food will be but i know I'll be enjoying every bite. What about you? My sister's cooking. Yeah. And I'm the sous chef this year.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Yeah. Remy and Emile. Remy and Emile. I'm the Emile of the two. And I don't know what we're doing yet. She's yet to design the menu or she's in process. But my mum did just show me that she's found a vegan tiramisu um so we're going to be having a tiramisu for sure which i love and also when i was in brighton with you oh yeah i bought four rather expensive vegan cheeses because i'm
Starting point is 00:05:18 in charge of the cheese board some of them off the recommendation of people yeah someone thank you so much to whoever recommended it i did read it and i've actually actioned it into my life uh-huh my favorite vegan cheese brand i've told i've mentioned them many of times please send me anything this brand honestly tasty yeah honestly it's delightful honestly tasty i think they're the only vegan cheese i've ever tried that my cheese meat eating friends are like that tastes insane like that is literally camembert like that is perfect like so much so when i worked in a restaurant that served deep fried camembert bites that were made by honestly tasty cheese they'd be like begging to go there for the deep fried camembert it's like the fact
Starting point is 00:06:02 that my cheese eating friends more vegan cheese says a lot i think that really does say a lot it does they'd be begging people are very serious about cheese as well yeah exactly and they loved it like to have a camembert as well okay that's serious cheese but somebody said if you love honestly tasty or whatever like the best vegan cheese brand is called i am not okay and i we were looking me and wing on the shelves and i and we were trying to sort of see it and then we were like that's it so i got the black truffle one that they do which i can't wait for because it's like this that's a showstopper yeah and then i got a camembert brie and a blue cheese from honestly tasty delicious and so i'm doing the cheese board this year and i do hopefully and i do it every year because i'm the only one that cares about it. Right about now we'll be eating our...
Starting point is 00:06:46 We'll be eating that cheese and tiramisu and Henry VIII banquet. We'll be full to the brim. I just hope everyone feels like, however you're spending your day today, and even if you're not listening on Christmas Day, just whenever you find this and wherever you are, I hope you feel a little bit of validation from us of like, you're doing all right, I promise. And like, we're with you. Also, I think... and um also like i promise everyone else's life isn't perfect and like shiny and
Starting point is 00:07:11 we've had some pretty shit christmases i remember there was one that you spoke about we could win a few competitions i think we could if it was the tiny violin competitions i reckon we could we could win some bad christmases i mean yeah i won't even go into them no we won't go i've had the imagination run wild yeah if if you need some validation that is like okay christmas actually is a very tense hard difficult stressful comparative time we're validating that tenfold to you we've been there we're with you today on christmas day we're with you literally always i feel like that's something i really actually just love the most in life and the most from doing this podcast is just we were actually saying the other day when we walk around brighton that
Starting point is 00:07:54 it's like we've got lots of little cousins everywhere that we're just taking care of it's like oh there's just lots of girls out there cousins is how i feel it does feel like cousins it's like it's more than just like oh we've made some friends it's like no no there's something shared there's a family element to it yeah there's something like really deeply communal yeah and like intimate about it and i just think that's really special yeah so merry christmas and merry christmas genuinely a heartfelt congratulations for getting to the end of podmas and congratulations to you wing for 25 days in a row i mean i was i've actually been
Starting point is 00:08:32 thinking this recently and congratulations right back at you thank you so much i gone are the days of just dipping out and being like we can't do the pod and i actually was thinking it's such a testament to not just like oh how much we've grown in a sense of like i don't do the pod and i actually was thinking it's such a testament to not just like oh how much we've grown in a sense of like i don't want to make it sound like we're more committed now but i actually think it's just purely a reflection of where we're at mentally i agree that the capacity to record now is so much more of a given than it was before and i think before i i look back and i'm like i don't know how we did that oftentimes like there was some real shit going on which is funny because we were kind of saying this the other day of like when we were
Starting point is 00:09:08 listening back we did an episode recently that was like us listening back to our 2022 selves and predictions for the next year it's literally like two episodes ago just like time capsule listening to those girls back it feels really distant and it's funny listening because it's like oh we sound really great but obviously we know the inner workings of that person and like where we were at that time and it's like you know every everything can sound lovely for like a hour episode of a podcast even a nine minute episode yeah this is sounding pretty nice yeah but there's obviously so much more that goes on and i do feel really proud of us i know it's not um it's hardly like um heavy lifting but i do feel really really proud of us for sticking with this i think we do it well i think we offer something really special
Starting point is 00:09:56 and sweet and i just feel really really proud of us and infinitely grateful to be doing it with you infinitely grateful to everyone who's found us along the way like it just feels so special yeah it really does love you love you love you till the end of time yeah okay love you guys really merry christmas we're sending you so much love always always always always always if you don't hear from us assume we slayed too hard too hard we're saying that for the last time last time we can't wait to get back to the seem the worst
Starting point is 00:10:27 seem the worst yeah

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