Good Inside with Dr. Becky - Calling All "Good Girls"
Episode Date: March 18, 2025As adult women, why is it so difficult to answer the question, "What do I want for myself?" Why does it feel uncomfortable to claim our desires? In this episode, Dr. Becky explores the good girl condi...tioning we've been taught since childhood and challenges women to break free from these constraints. She inspires us to embrace being inconvenient, put ourselves first, and break free from limiting cycles of behavior.Do you want to learn more about how we're celebrating being an inconvenient woman at Good Inside? Check out the link here: the Good Inside App by Dr. Becky: Dr. Becky on Instagram: up for our weekly email, Good Insider: Dr. Becky's book, Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be, at or wherever you order your books.For a full transcript of the episode, go to listen to Dr. Becky's TED Talk on repair visit’s episode is brought to you by Life360:As older kids approach their teen years, we want them to feel more independent. And this is also true: When we’re no longer the ones getting them from point A to point B, we need to know they’ve made it to their destination. So, what's one way we can keep our teens safe while validating their (developmentally appropriate) need for separation? Good Inside just teamed up with Life360, the leading family safety app that helps parents navigate this delicate balance, to bring you a FREE video series on how to talk about tough topics, like peer pressure and curfews, with your teen. With customized locations for frequent destinations like school and practice, automated arrival notifications, and even driving reports that help teach good behind-the-wheel habits, Life360 lets teens spread their wings while giving parents peace of mind. Visit Good Inside’s YouTube page— goodinside—to watch now! And to learn more about how Life360 can support your family’s safety journey, head to Life’s episode is brought to you by Hello Nanny:Finding the right person to take care of your kids can be exhausting. The hours of searching, vetting, and second-guessing–it can feel like its own full-time job!That’s why I want to tell you about Hello Nanny! They’re a nationwide agency that matches families with nannies and other household support like family assistants or household managers–whatever you need.If you’re someone who likes to be in the driver’s seat, you might be into their DIY Placement Service–they send you tailored candidate matches and provide things like interview questions, contract templates, onboarding guides, and more. You’re still in total control of the process; they just give you tools to make it way easier. If you’d rather offload those tasks, check out their Concierge Placement Service, where they handle everything for you!Check them out at—you can use promo code DRBECKY for 10% off—that’s good until April 16th. Learn more about the upcoming Effective Alternatives to Punishments workshop:
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So many of us struggle to locate and express our needs.
I want us to think about that together today
because I think it's kind of universal.
So many times when I'm with friends,
we'll complain about so many things in our life.
But when someone in the group says,
okay, I know there's a lot that's hard,
but what do you want?
What is it that you actually want?
Kind of look at each other, like, what do we want?
And I think underneath that is this
kind of unconscious question.
Am I allowed to want?
Am I allowed to want things for myself?
I mean, I know how I feel when my wants and needs
aren't met, but am I allowed to proactively want and need things
from other people from the world?
And I think this conversation is deeply connected
to this two word phrase that was kind of always
in the ether when we were growing up.
I still think it is today.
Ready for it?
Good girl.
I kind of have the heebie jeebies when I hear it. Oh, she's such a good girl. Becky is such a good girl. Becky was such a good girl on the playdate. Be a
good girl. Today I want to talk about how these things all relate. Wanting things. Other other people may be feeling inconvenienced along the way.
What it really means to be a good girl
and what lessons we took from that.
And there's no better time
to kind of talk about these themes than March.
In March, we celebrate women.
And a lot of times we celebrate what women give, their accomplishments in
the world, how they've often taken care of a lot of people. I have a really bold
idea, I'm almost, maybe it's my own wiring, my heart's racing, I'm a little
nervous to say it. What if there was a moment in March, I'm gonna go crazy, what if we claimed a day to celebrate what women take,
what we take for ourselves, time, space,
get ready for this word, rest, meeting our own needs.
And so get ready, Get ready to think about what it means to know what we want, to put our wants out there, to manage people's reaction, to
rethink being a good girl, and to look at women not only for what we get, but for what we take. [♪ music playing, video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds playing over video game sounds And, at the same time, because we're no longer the ones so involved in getting them from point A to point B, we want to know that they're safe and have made it to their destination.
How do you navigate this delicate dance?
Well, I've got you covered.
Good Inside just teamed up with Life360, the leading family safety app that helps parents
navigate this delicate balance.
And we're bringing you a free video series about
how to talk to your teen about tough topics like peer pressure and curfew.
I'm super excited about this collaboration because as parents, we all sometimes need
a little extra support when it comes to our kids' safety.
Life360's thoughtful approach to teen safety and independence does exactly that.
With customized locations for frequent destinations like school and practice,
automated arrival notifications, even driving reports that help teach
good behind the wheel habits, Life360 lets teens spread their wings,
while also giving parents peace of mind.
So if you're ready to feel more confident opening up conversations,
setting boundaries,
and building connection with your teen, visit Good Inside's YouTube page. That's
backslash at Good Inside. That's the at sign and then Good Inside. To watch now. And to learn more
about how Life360 can support your family's safety journey head to That's L-I-F-E
There's something I want you to ask yourself and at first it's gonna feel
confusing but I'm gonna say it a couple times. I promise you, we're gonna get to something really deep.
Were you allowed to want?
I'll say it a different way.
Were you allowed to want things for yourself?
And I'll add one more nuance.
When you were younger, were you allowed to want things for yourself even if they inconvenienced
other people?
Really ask ourselves that.
Was I allowed to want things for myself even if they inconvenienced
other people? Now it's important to separate this from something else. So am I allowed to get things
that I want even if it inconvenienced my family? That's not what I'm talking about. Wanting and
getting are two different things. So here's why it's so important to really have an understanding of how our past comes alive today. See, we have these moments as parents all the
time and if you're like me you think, okay it was definitely annoying that my
kid was whining about their grilled cheese being cut the wrong way.
Definitely annoying. But what's going on that I exploded? See, we think we need our kids' behavior to
change to feel better. But here's the amazing thing, because it's much more empowering than
relying on your young kid to make you feel better. As soon as you have a better understanding
of why you have such a big reaction to your kids whining, things already feel more hopeful
and you'll feel much more empowered
because you have clarity,
which is often the thing we're missing.
And gaining clarity on our present
often comes from understanding our past.
So let's say you grew up in a
pull up your bootstraps kind of family.
Let's say you grew up in a,
oh, you're crying and complaining,
I'll give you something to cry and complain about
kind of family.
Well, what is the lesson you had to learn
when you were younger?
Probably something like, ooh, being vulnerable
and having my emotions take over and spill out? Not okay. Not only not okay,
dangerous. Why is it dangerous? Because you got this really harsh reaction from your parents,
again, not blaming them. They probably had parents who had harsh reactions with them when they were
younger, right? And so you had to learn to take your vulnerable, maybe helpless, upset,
because that's whining, right?
Oh, I'm so upset.
This isn't going the way I wanted
and I don't know how to handle it.
So it's spilling out.
You, when you were a kid,
had to learn to talk to those emotions
in such a way that they didn't come out.
Maybe it was, what's wrong with you?
You are so ungrateful.
Even if no one said that to you,
you might've learned how to say that to yourself.
Just so you would stop yourself from being so vulnerable
and kind of getting in trouble
or getting scared by your caregivers who you love so much.
Okay, so that's looking back.
But this is not about looking back on our past
and lying on a couch and just waxing poetic.
No, no, no.
This is going to be useful and practical.
So if that was your past, how does that relate to your moment or your nervous system gets
so overactive when your kid says, oh, I wanted it cut in a rectangle.
I hate triangles.
Even though they always wanted a triangle every other day of their life.
Well, your kid is feeling helpless.
Your kid is feeling vulnerable.
That's always underneath whining.
And then when you see your kid in that moment,
the way your past comes alive in your present
is your body kind of looks inside itself and says,
what do I know about helplessness? What do I know about helplessness?
What do I know about vulnerable upset?
This did not go the way I wanted it to go feelings.
Are those feelings safe to express
or are those feelings dangerous?
Well, your body scans the lessons you learned
from your past and what does your body say?
No, no go, no go.
Danger, danger, five alarm fire.
And what is that voice you might've developed?
It's a voice you used to say to yourself, stop it.
For me, it'd be, Becky, what's wrong with you?
And then there's like a time travel.
Instead of it being the 1980s, right?
It is 2025, but your body doesn't know that.
And what you end up saying to your kid
is almost what you had to learn to say to yourself
in the 1980s, because that's the inventory
your body just went through.
And all of a sudden you're saying to your kid,
what's wrong with you?
Why are you so spoiled?
You're so lucky to have someone making you grilled cheese.
And later, part of you is saying,
yeah, my kid's so annoying,
but a part of you is saying, yeah, my kid's so annoying, but a part of you was saying,
just wish I handled that moment differently.
And this understanding is key.
I wish I handled it differently.
And my nervous system was probably in a place
where I almost confused 2025 for like 1987.
We used 2025 for like 1987.
So again, our past influences our present.
Our nervous system today isn't just responding to a moment with our kid,
it's responding to the lessons we learned decades ago
and how those lessons get reactivated in the present.
Every struggle has a story to tell. For example, let's say your whole family
liked to go skiing and you kind of always hated skiing and you hated being
cold. When I talk about were you allowed to want to not go skiing? That doesn't necessarily mean
your whole family changed their ski plans or got you a babysitter. That would be, that would mean
getting to not go skiing while it inconvenienced your family. I'm simply talking about, are you allowed to want things?
Let me tell you what I mean.
You wake up in the morning,
you're like, oh, I hate skiing, I hate skiing.
Everyone skis all the time in my family, I hate skiing.
Being allowed to want something for yourself,
even if it inconveniences others,
would mean you maybe got a response like this. something for yourself, even if it inconveniences others,
would mean you maybe got a response like this.
I got it. We go skiing every weekend.
Everyone loves it except for you.
You kind of hate being cold.
I believe you.
This part of family life on a weekend
kind of stinks for you.
Now I want to be clear.
There's a lot of families where what would follow that
would be having to get in ski clothes and go anyway,
because they couldn't change everything.
But most adults I talk to tell me in that type of situation
and please extrapolate to something
that has nothing to do with skiing.
We all have our kind of specific examples
that are different, even though a lot of our core struggles
are remarkably identical.
Because most parents I talk to say,
oh my goodness, Becky, is that a joke?
You think that's what my family would have said to me?
It was, you're so selfish.
You think about nobody but yourself.
What is wrong with you?
And then this kind of winner, you ruin everything.
You ruin everything.
Look at your brother, look at your sister.
You ruin everything.
Let's go back to the question.
Did I learn that it was okay to want things for myself
even though it inconvenienced other people?
Or did I learn my wants,
my personal desires are dangerous in relationships?
My wants, my personal desires threaten closeness.
When I want things for myself and I voice those things
and they're at odds
With what would make someone else's life easy. I
end up feeling scared and I end up feeling like my
Relationship with that person is in trouble
Remember we're not talking about getting what you want.
We're talking about being able to know what you want
and voice it.
And I just want you to know that it's so easy to think next.
Oh, so it's okay?
So it's just okay that I yell at my kids?
This is not about okay and not okay.
None of us wanna yell at our kids in a triggered way. But so often because we don't want to do something, we're
harsh on ourselves. We chastise ourselves, which ironically makes it impossible to change.
Every struggle has a story to tell. And I promise you, self-compassion isn't dangerous.
We might have learned that it was because maybe it was so rare to receive compassion
that when we try it on with ourselves, our body has this very confused panic feeling,
ah, foreign body coming in, what is compassion?
I have no magnet for that, I've never felt like that before,
gotta get it out.
But I just want you to consider that.
Compassion is new, compassion will feel unfamiliar,
and compassion is not dangerous.
["Dreams of a New World"] Finding the right person to take care of your kids can be exhausting.
The hours of searching, vetting, and second-guessing, it can feel like its own full-time job.
That's why I want to tell you about Hello Nanny.
They're a nationwide agency that matches families with nannies and other household
support like family assistants or household managers,
whatever you need.
If you're someone who likes to be in the driver's seat,
you might be into their DIY placement service.
They send you tailored candidate matches
and provide things like interview questions,
contract templates, onboarding guides, and more.
You're still in total control of the process.
They just give you tools to make it way easier.
And if you're someone who's like, no, thank you.
I don't want to deal with any of that.
Then maybe check out their concierge placement service
where they handle it all for you.
If this is something you're looking for,
check them out at
and you can use promo code DrBecky,
that's D-R-B-E-C-K-Y,
for 10% off.
That's good until April 16th.
Let's talk about what it means to be a good girl.
See, this is a phrase I never thought about a lot
until recently.
Even though it's said all the time,
I mean, I hear it all the time just in passing.
Oh, she's such a good girl.
Your daughter, oh, she's such a good girl.
Or it's like a command, be a good girl
when you go to your friend's house.
And I think about situations where I hear this phrase
and it's often things like this, okay?
So there's a group of kids
and let's say every single kid wants the red marker, okay?
Be a good girl and share.
Or, oh, your daughter was such a good girl on the play date.
There was this one kid, oh,
a little difficult boarding the red marker.
Your daughter, oh, not a care in the world,
such a good girl.
Be a good girl when you leave the playdate.
No whining, no complaining.
Another example, mommy's having a really rough day.
Be a good girl and fill in the blank with something that means taking
care of your own
parents' needs.
Now let me just clear the air.
Do I think kids should not share?
Do I think kids should never be calm when they leave a playdate?
Do I think a kid should never care about their parents' feelings?
No, of course.
Everything in moderation.
But this whole idea of a good girl,
the more that I thought about it,
I kept feeling a little creeped out.
It's like one of these things that has a phrase
that feels like a throwaway phrase,
good girl, yeah, she's like being a good girl.
Or it seems like a phrase that's really nice
who wouldn't want their kid to be called a good girl.
There's a lot of control and there's a lot of cultural messaging.
And I remembered one day, I thought something that since I just can't
unthink it, and so I just wanted to share with you. Is being a good girl just a way of saying, I care more about what everyone wants of me
and what I want for myself?
Is that like all it really means?
And just what an amazing shorthand to say that and to control little girls growing into
women who still feel that way
because when we're younger,
if we're told there's a way to be lovable and worthy
and get value, you better bet
we're gonna try to hold on to that
for the rest of our lives
because that's what life is kind of all about.
Pay attention to what's going on in your environment.
Notice what other people want.
Run yourself in circles to make
those things happen. And the only thing that's really not allowed, the thing that
will really get in your way, so let me give you some advice, is get as far away
as possible from what you might want for yourself.
Do not look inward.
Do no, no, no, no, no.
That will get in your way of being an expert in what he wants and what she wants and what
they want.
And if you practice this enough when you're younger, Maybe you will also become a woman who actually one day will say, I actually have no idea what I want. Do I want things for myself?
I've created so many layers that protect me from even hearing those wants or
feeling those wants because remember that's how I get love and attention and safety. Is that what it
really means to be a good girl? To be convenient to everyone else at the
expense of a lot of kind of emptiness and anxiety and self abandonment.
That's the thing once I thought it.
I kind of couldn't unthink.
And it's not like I think we should all go to the opposite direction.
I don't want to teach my daughter the world is about knowing what you want at all times
and getting it and scorched earth along the way.
That's not what I'm saying.
As always, there's a better answer than two extremes.
But I guess I think we need to play around with the other side here and there to have
something a little bit more moderate. We need even
examples. What does it look like to know what you want? What does it look like to
speak up for what you want? What does it look like even if it's just in one
moment to care more about getting what you want than being convenient to
everyone else in your orbit? And that's kind of the thing that's exciting me
right now to think about.
I wanna end by speaking to a couple of things
that might be going on inside of you.
And then also maybe sharing some words that part of you,
maybe it is that good girl part, might need to hear.
First of all, something I try to remember myself
is discomfort is a sign
we're doing something new, not something wrong. And I would go so far as to say discomfort
is sometimes just a sign we're thinking about something new, not that we're thinking about
something that is wrong. So if you know that thinking about your own wants and needs and the thought of speaking up for them and
maybe even having someone else be inconvenienced along the way, if you would say to yourself,
oh, that's pretty new. I've become pretty expert at kind of caregiving for the world and running myself into the ground,
then the way you will feel, I would then the way you will feel,
I would say the way you should feel, is uncomfortable.
That might mean, ooh, this feels weird.
It might mean a literal racing heart.
It might mean thoughts of danger,
because your body is telling you this is something new,
and anytime we do something new,
it always feels uncomfortable.
Now I just want you to know for whatever it's worth I have a lot of faith in you
that you can tolerate uncomfortable things, that you can consider new
uncomfortable thoughts, and I don't want you to think you have any homework. I
guess I just think there's power
in kind of playing around with these ideas. That might mean talking to someone about them,
might be journaling. It might mean re-listening to this episode and pausing when something really
strikes you. It might just mean saying something to yourself like, ooh, I have become really good at recognizing everyone else's wants and needs
kind of at the expense of my own.
That's all.
Now I told you I wanted to share some words
you might need to hear.
And I'm wondering if you as a whole need to hear them
or if this kind of good girl persona
we've all practiced and developed so well,
if it's that part that needs to hear these words.
I know that part of me still does.
You don't need to be perfect to be loved.
It is okay to want things for yourself.
Your value is not determined by anticipating everyone else's needs.
Conflict in a relationship is normal and healthy, and the answer isn't that you inherently did something
And last, you're not too much.
You never have been.
You never will be.
All right.
Bye for now.
I'll see you soon. You never will be. Alright.
Bye for now.
I'll see you soon.
Do you want to learn more about how we're celebrating being an inconvenient woman at
Good Inside?
Tap the link in show notes or head to for more. [♪ music playing and sound effects of video game game sound effects.
Today's episode is in partnership with Life360 and Hello Nanny.