Habits and Hustle - Episode 41: Kelly Noonan – Holistic Medicine Advocate, Writer, Producer of Netflix Documentary, HEAL

Episode Date: December 10, 2019

Kelly Noonan is a producer and actress, known for Netflix’s Heal. The documentary is a scientific and spiritual journey dissecting how thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our healt...h and ability to heal. Her passion for this started when she was an actress eager to try all different methods to help her achieve lifelong goals like winning an Oscar, so she turned her focus on manifestation. Kelly quickly learned that what she really loved was this form of holistic health. She discusses her daily habits, the power of the Placebo effect vs. the Nocebo effect, and so much more valuable, unique information.  Youtube Link to This Episode HEAL Website Kelly’s Instagram ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Did you learn something from tuning in today? Please pay it forward and write us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts. 📧If you have feedback for the show, please email habitsandhustlepod@gmail.com  📙Get yourself a copy of Jennifer Cohen’s newest book from Habit Nest, Badass Body Goals Journal. ℹ️Habits & Hustle Website 📚Habit Nest Website 📱Follow Jennifer – Instagram – Facebook – Twitter – Jennifer’s Website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Vitamin water zero sugar just dropped in all new taste was zero holding back on flavor. You can be your all feeling. I'll play and all self-care you. Grab the all new taste today. Vitamin water zero sugar nourish every you. Vitamin water is a registered trademark of glass so. Welcome to the Habits and Hustle Podcast. A podcast that uncovers the rituals, unspoken habits and mindsets of extraordinary people. A podcast powered by Habit Nest. Now here's your host, Jennifer Cohen.
Starting point is 00:00:41 So we have a great guest today on Habits and Hustle. This is one podcast I was very excited to do. Her name is Kelly Noon and Gors. Gors are Gors. Either one. You don't want to? Yeah. She was the filmmaker who made the groundbreaking documentary on Netflix called Heel and now she has a book with the same name basically out now. So this is actually, like I said, this is, of course, I really loved the documentary. I found it to be fascinating about how your mind can
Starting point is 00:01:12 heal your body. And you had so many experts, alternative experts, with examples of how this happened over time. And first of all, how did you even, you were an actress, you said, right? Yes. How did you even, you were an actress, you said, right? Yes. How did you go from being an actress then to transition into making such an amazing health doc?
Starting point is 00:01:34 Thank you. No, you're welcome. It's true. It's true. Yeah. So I started acting when I was like five, six years old, did it on and off my whole life. And I think when I was in my 20s,
Starting point is 00:01:45 I really wanted to have this successful career. Every actor once went in Oscar and all that stuff. So I think I actually started seeking out healers and energy workers and hypnotherapists and all sorts of different things to get myself out of my own way in acting. Because I'm a people pleaser and type type A's trying to do everything right, which is not conducive to being freely expressive in the actor.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Oh, that's right. I guess that's true. You can't care what people think. Right, right. So, I was always trying to do it right and I was very, you know, not as free as I should have been. So, I think I just started experiencing all of these healers and energy workers and then also reading like about the power of our thoughts and you know be running and I'm setting intentions for my acting career and stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:36 You could swear by the way. You could say I heard the sh-coming. And then so I started learning about the power of the mind and how our thoughts become things and the law of attraction, if you will. And I just became, started paying attention, like, was getting less and less happy and fulfilled talking about acting, and more and more turned on and lit up and passionate about the power of the mind. And, you know, as it relates to our health and our lifestyle and abundance and everything
Starting point is 00:03:03 else. So, I was still acting, but I was started to think about doing this documentary and people would come up to me and be like, how are you so happy or how are you manifesting all this stuff? And so I just was like, I should just put together a film of all because it's a powerful medium, I grew up in the entertainment industry, put all of the teachers that inspired and empowered me put all of the teachers that inspired and empowered me into the film to teach others. And then of course, you know, never quite. I had success in an acting career,
Starting point is 00:03:30 but never to the level that I wanted. So it was just a perfect segue. Yeah. And to something that really, it was almost like I was holding on to a dream from childhood that was no longer fulfilling me. Well, it's interesting because like, a lot of people have, you know, a dream or a want to create a documentary or a movie, but from an idea to execution is much more difficult than that.
Starting point is 00:03:57 How were you able to take it from an idea and a passion and put it into actual, you know, to an actual substance of movie. Like how did you raise the money? How did you find the way to do it? Yeah. And I get Netflix to pick it up. Yeah. A lot of, a lot of things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:16 You know, I kind of learned as I went along, but it's funny. Once I paid attention to how passionate I was about the topic and once I was finally ready to do it, I felt like there was definitely like an energy behind it that wasn't my own. So I would just kind of remain open and trust that whoever came across my path, if I was feeling good about it, they would help me. So of course, I needed help along the way.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Someone to finance it, found someone to give me the money. It was very low budget. Yeah, what was the budget on that? Because it was all healers and all doctors, right? Alternative doctors. Yeah. We actually shot it for like $400,000. And then of course, finishing it and releasing it,
Starting point is 00:05:01 there was almost twice that as well. Right. But it was under a million dollars. And, you know, I think it's pretty high quality for that amount. And it took a skeleton crew of just really passionate like-minded people. I luckily found a producer that was my producing partner. It's just really good at the details and the weeds. And he really trusted and supported my vision. So I could do what I was good at and he did all the right the details
Starting point is 00:05:29 So basically you focus on what you're good at and you found someone else to focus on the things that you were kind of More weaker at basically. Yeah, and didn't bring me joy Right and also I find I was very timely right like I think right now I mean more than let's say years ago, people are much more interested in learning about alternative ways for healing and for health. I mean, there's a huge trend and just movement about that, you know? And so I think it hit in a really, really interesting time. And, you know, so like walk me through, basically, a lot of these people that you have in it, like Deepak Chopra, Doctor, the guy who wrote your foreword,
Starting point is 00:06:09 Joe dispends that has a great story, too. Yeah. First thing that I found was interesting was that 90% of people that go to see a doctor, it's usually because of stress. Yes. Some foreman stress. That's a huge number. Yeah, that's of all the doctors and scientists and researchers in the film kind of agree that 95%
Starting point is 00:06:30 of what takes us to the doctor, 90% is stress-related illness. And that could be physical stress, which is injury, chemical stress, which is obviously from our food and environment, and then emotional stress, psychological stress, which we all have. Right. Large amounts now, they're saying that we're just kind of, we have this fight or flight system that's built in for our survival, but it's meant to just be turned on for a short
Starting point is 00:06:55 amount of time so that you can run away from the saber-toothed tiger or the bear or all these things in our past. And now we've evolved, we don't have those immediate life threatening things in our environment. But our brain is thinking we are because we're trying to keep up with the Joneses or, you know, inundated with information on social media. Absolutely. So we're all running chronic stress and our bodies can't sustain it. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:17 There's a whole epidemic or a theory that, you know, unless you are working like hardcore all the time, you're not succeeding, you're not this, and like that overall pressure even, like the cortisol levels in your body just like skyrocket. So everyone's like living at this level that is just a chronically ill basically, and people don't even know until something like cancer happens,
Starting point is 00:07:41 or whatever, like any other disease is. But walk me through, so give me some, let's talk about some of the things that you were able to discover making this. So we know about stress. It's us about other stuff that you were not even, this movie kind of shed light on for you. Yeah, I think one of them is the you know, the power of our subconscious mind and it's sub-conscious.
Starting point is 00:08:08 We're not even aware that these belief systems are running our lives. So basically, it's all these things that we do automatically that we're not conscious of. But it's brilliant because we don't have to think so much when we're going through life. We're walking, I can walk without thinking about it now. It's a baby not so much.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Same thing when you're learning to drive. So when we're from the ages of in utero to seven years old, our subconscious brain, our brain is just downloading programs from our caretakers in our environment, whether it's your teacher, your preacher, your parents. And those belief systems and perception of life become your own. So, and those subconscious beliefs Bruce Lichten in the film says that 75% of them are negative and disempowering. So, we're not even aware we have these negative limiting beliefs, but they're running our lives. So, that was like a big light bulb bulb. I got that we take on other people's beliefs
Starting point is 00:09:06 and we repeat the patterns of our parents. Some people call it heredity, but I call it, we're just repeating their programming, and they're giving us. No, I agree. But the issue is when something is subconscious, like we just, like you said, how does someone then change it and tweak it so then it doesn't work against them, right?
Starting point is 00:09:26 Because that's how all these illnesses happen, right? From all these subconscious behaviors that we have, right? So some of them can be changed through habits, right? Meditation practice can lower your stress, can drop you in and the more you practice, the longer you practice, the deeper you go into your intuition, your higher self, and you can stop being so reactive and triggered to these disempowering beliefs. And then ultimately, you're living from such a place of expansion and peace that your beliefs change, your programming changes.
Starting point is 00:10:00 So you can come from habits and spiritual practices. Also, there's a million practitioners out there that can help facilitate hypnotherapy is one where you can go back into your past, part of your brain, part of your mind, memories, past trauma and reprogram. Is that, are you talking about, is it, what's it called, NDR or not NDR?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Nuro, we know it was sick, right? NLP? NLP, NLP, yes. Yeah. Is that what you're talking about? NLP? I'm talking about hypnotherapy. I don't know. Okay, because that's the correlation. It's out on NLP too, which is kind of very similar, but like, programming your brain to like where past traumas were.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Yes. NLP, that's when I was thinking of it. NLP, psych, K, there's when I was thinking of it. And LP's Psych K. There's a whole bunch of out there. There's so many. Yeah. And I guess it because people, unfortunately, people wait or people, they people don't make that change until it's too late.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Right. And so that's, and then they get ill and all those other stuff. So was there something in your, besides, of course, you saw you had become really, really passionate about this? Was there anything going on in your life where something kind of struck you, where it became so much more of like a need to kind of get the information out there, or is it just like the knowledge that you were kind of getting from using it for yourself? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:21 For acting or... You would think that I either went through a health crisis or lost someone close to me to Devacating illness. Most people do. You would assume that for me to have that much energy to go do this thing. But thank God that wasn't my case. So for whatever the reason it was just a calling like I just felt compelled to do it. Right. Enough to where I'd been thinking about it for 10 years. Wasn't ready to do it until I was ready to do it. And I think that has to do with the timing.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Time. The years didn't didn't wasn't you know, didn't make me ready until the timing was kind of perfect. And I thought the timing was perfect when it first came out two years ago. But then it came out on Netflix a year ago and the timing was even more perfect because everything is well and a smallness, well, and a smallness. Everything like you know, I always say when I started doing all this health and fitness stuff back, I don't want to date myself, but like forever ago, it was like, I was like the anomaly, right?
Starting point is 00:12:13 And now it's just like a me-to thing, right? It's like become like the biggest thing in the world health, fitness wellness, the wellness is a huge umbrella. And but I think it's good. I think people get like, I think that people are becoming much more cognizant of how important all these modalities are to your overall health. So let's, so okay, a couple of things. The book really touches on conventional versus holistic medicine. So let's talk about that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Sure. So holistic, a lot of people think it's woo-woo, right? Not based on science. It's not evidence-based, but there's so much science and research behind all of these alternative treatments, even meditation, things that people have been doing successfully for thousands of years using herbs, supplements
Starting point is 00:13:04 that people are saying is acupuncture, there's no evidence behind its effects and it's all backed by science now, you know. And so holistic just means that everything is connected and to treat you as a whole person, knowing that every organ system, every energetic system, mind, body, everything is connected. We're connected to the outside world through a field, a quantum field. Right. Everything is energy, so holistic is just taken into the whole picture. And unfortunately, the problem with Western medicine is they're treating based on separation.
Starting point is 00:13:41 They're treating not accounting for the, you know, they may treat a symptom that you have for your thyroid, but that pill or treatment or whatever is going to knock off the rest of the systems in your body. So what's the payoff? Right. I mean, that's the problem. And also the issue is, people, as much as it's become trendy, like we talk about, and there's back to evidence,
Starting point is 00:14:04 I think also, people don't understand what they don't understand and what they don't see. Like I went the other week, I went to see a doctor. She did an acupuncturist, an herbalist, and she does all that like muscle testing, right? She puts all these vials, put all these vials on my chest and she's like taking my arm and pushing it,
Starting point is 00:14:22 and like, okay, you know, you have a lot of toxins in your mouth. And like she was saying all these things to me where the truth is, it's actually kind of interesting. She hit a lot of things on the head that I thought that I thought I had, like I have, where the other doctors, conventional doctors would never ever pick up on. But at the same time, you know, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:14:42 well, she knows this by putting a vial and moving my hand a little bit. Like it does seem a little woo-woo, you know? But I think there's a lot to be said for someone who actually believes in it. I think it's a placebo thing, right? If you believe it's gonna work, it's gonna work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And if you go in, kind of like, I don't know, this is all a bunch of nonsense, then you kind of get that same result. A 1 million percent. That's kind of what you learn in the documentary. And it's from all different, you know, spiritual teachers and then like totally legit science researchers. They have found that like placebo is real.
Starting point is 00:15:15 The power of belief, what you believe and expect and how you perceive the world, that is probably the most powerful, more powerful than even diet exercise and all these things. Right. Right. Important, holistically, but the mind and the belief is really the most important factor.
Starting point is 00:15:32 And that's why, you know, even people's like, belief and possibility is tied to how a doctor delivers the news. So, you know, if the doctor is not enthusiastic and doesn't seem hopeful that a treatment is going to work, the patient is going to buy into that and they're not going to believe that that treatment is going to work and 9 times out of 10, it's not. Yeah. So it's just really, we have to like really pay attention to your face. We've got to train our brains. I mean, there are people like, yeah, I agree with you. I find that it's, but do you believe
Starting point is 00:16:05 that there are some people who are just more naturally optimistic versus pessimistic? And therefore, that feeds into it. Because I, you know, I maybe I much more of a, you know, a pessimist, right, versus my husband who's like happy, go lucky constantly. It's the truth is, he's never sick. He always looks at the things like everything in his world,
Starting point is 00:16:23 happy, happy, happy, and like, truthfully, great things constantly, like kind of surround him. You know, I'm the one who's watching more like, I don't know, but this, I, and then I'm all, I'm the one with the bad immune system. I'm the one getting sick all the time. I do think like how you're,
Starting point is 00:16:36 how you actually legitimately are programmed and think really does manifest itself. A hundred percent. Everything is frequency and they talk about this in the film as well. Negative emotions release negative chemistry into your body from your brain. Positive emotions elicit healing chemistry into your body. So if it's a pattern, if you're staying in the negative too long or constantly, you know, it's going to take a toll on your body.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Whereas, and then it also affects your vibration, the frequency you're putting out there, and you like attracts like. I agree with that too. So you're gonna be coherent with more negative experiences, while he's gonna be coherent and available to more positive. Absolutely, that's why I think, that's why this movie in your book, and everything really spoke to me,
Starting point is 00:17:18 because I really do believe there is such a mind-body connection that way in terms of just, you know just healing or self-preventative. So we were talking, you were just talking about the subconscious mind and placebo effect. Where are the three, there's based on three things though, it said the placebo effect. Yeah, there's a sat conditioning, assigning meaning and expectation, I believe, with the three. Expectation. conditioning, assigning meaning and expectation, I believe, with a straight expectation. So basically, you know, take two groups. One gets the drug, one gets the sugar pill. So, you know, your condition, it's hard to explain from that standpoint, but it's basically
Starting point is 00:17:59 like whatever you, whatever meaning you're giving to that pill. So, so that, whatever that drug or whatever the pill is. The drug pill, then you take it, you say that that pill is going to make me, let's say it's an antidepressant. Okay. So you think you're taking the antidepressant drug, but you're really taking it in a substance, sugar pill, but you believe and you assign meaning to it where that pill is going to, I'm going to swallow it, it's going to make me feel better. And then you expect.
Starting point is 00:18:27 And so your body actually releases the healing chemistry that you're expecting into your body. So you actually do feel better. So that in these depression studies, like, and that's why it works. Yeah. Right. So exactly. So if you believe it's going to, that's the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Like if you believe it's going to work or you expect it to work either way, then the chances are it's going to, that's the whole thing. Like if you believe it's going to work, or you expect it to work either way, then the chances are it's going to work, right? Like versus the no-sebo effect? Yes. Okay, so tell us what that is. So placebo in Latin is the positive thing. And no-sebo is negative thinking. So, you know, we talked about in the film where
Starting point is 00:19:02 the no-sebo effect is, Oh, no-ubo, sorry. Yeah, when no-subo is when the doctor tells you that you know there's a 12% chance that people with your type of cancer are going to die in six months, you know, 88% of people are going to buy into that and die within six months, which is perpetuating the statistics because they're buying into that negative belief. So they're focusing on this negative thing and focusing on it, focusing on it actually manifests in their life.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And at the same time, it's that fear, that negativity, that all that stress is then exacerbating the condition and speeding along the degenerative process. So the no-cebo effect is, you know, placebo is positive belief in expectation. No-cebo is negative belief in expectation and that can actually make you sicker and even cause death, which in the most extreme case. More from our guests, but first a few words from our sponsor. So my favorite part about the holiday season is reconnecting with family, but I just don't get to see as much as I would like during the year. And swapping stories and reliving like funny memories is always my favorite part.
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Starting point is 00:22:45 Vitamin water just dropped a new zero sugar flavor called with love. Get the taste of raspberry and dark chocolate for the all warm, all fuzzy, all self-care, zero self-doubt you. Grab a with love today. Vitamin water's zero sugar, nourish every you. Vitamin water is a registered trademark of glass O. When someone has, let's say, stage four cancer and it's metastasized around their body, like all over their body, like what if the chat, if someone just believes, right, like, oh, I believe I'm going to get better. I mean, is there at some point like reality that says, you know what, this is like, it's too far down the road, right?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Like it's no matter how much you believe and you hope that there's sometimes like you kind of pass, you kind of, you're past the point. Yeah, and it's definitely easy to do that because it's terrifying if you're in that state, right? So the examples that I give, anyone that has cancer, especially if it's a later stage, I recommend reading Radical Remission
Starting point is 00:23:47 and Anita Morjani's book, Dying to Be Mean. Anita was in the film. She was as late stage cancer as you get. She went into a coma, her organs were shutting down, she had lemon sized tumors, metastasized all throughout her body, coming out of her skin from her neck to her abdomen. And the doctors are basically like,
Starting point is 00:24:05 she's in a coma. There's no way she can recover from this. Say you're goodbyes. In that coma, she had a near death experience and had a shift in perception. It was, see the film or read the text. I know you're talking about things. I know you're talking about, but for people who are listening,
Starting point is 00:24:20 I mean, the most. And she realized her big moment of aha as she's in this other realm is that she made her whole life she had been making decisions from fear. And in this other realm she felt nothing but the unconditional love that many people when they've gone to the other side and come back or whatever, just describe this like,
Starting point is 00:24:38 you can't, it's an undescribable love. That's our source, that's where we come from, that's God, that's heaven, that's whatever you want to call it. And so she realized she actually had a conversation with her dad, the essence of her dad, who she had a very tumultuous relationship with in life, and she realized there was no judgment, it was just some conditional love, and and he told her, go back and live your life without fear, and you will heal. And she was like, I don't want to go back to that life, like that body just, I'll remember that.
Starting point is 00:25:06 She's like, I wanna say here, this feels great. And he said, no, you're not done with your missions. So she went back into her body, she woke up. She knew things, she had this awareness of things that she could not have known in a coma. Conversations, she recounted that it happened 40 feet down the hall. She just had this awareness.
Starting point is 00:25:22 So it was all true. She shifted from fear to love and her body healed. So in my beliefs, I feel like you can always come back from anything. She is embodies how our bodies are designed to heal and we just need to find the right formula to allow them to recover and come back. But she's the most extreme case. So I do believe you can come back from anything, but it takes a massive shift in your consciousness. But how does that, I mean, I saw that in the documentary,
Starting point is 00:25:51 and I was like blown away. I mean, like I'm like, is this even real? Like how is this possible? Because, you know, in like my life, I know people who've had really just, you know, right now even, people who are really sick, and like they are so fighting, they're fighting,
Starting point is 00:26:06 they're alive to be alive. And they are willing to try anything. And then they go around the world and they look for shamans and they look for any type of healer. And it doesn't work, right? What do you say about those people who really, their mind is in the right place. They are in that space where they believe,
Starting point is 00:26:25 and they really do have hope, and it still doesn't work. Yeah. Again, that's the question. You're not gone. Yeah, I need to know. And Vicon talks about it in the film, too, especially with children. We get unprocessed trauma, and these negative subconscious
Starting point is 00:26:42 beliefs can lead to a woman in her 50s having cancer. Because she's just taking care of everybody else and neglect it herself, whatever. But what about the children that come into the world sick or child of the chemi or whatever it is? Like that doesn't seem like it's from unprocessed trauma, maybe past life. I mean, all of that is outside of my scope.
Starting point is 00:27:01 But when we talk about the film, it's like, people who knows what people's destiny or fate or mission in this life is and also it's so hard for people that love them. You know, love someone going through something and they're not even open to thinking this way or someone that's doing everything right and still not working. So I don't have all the answers. I just know there is definitely exactly. definitely exactly, I mean, we don't, I don't expect you to, right? You're not God. But I mean, I find, that's what, that's my like pessimism coming in. Like, well, I, I've seen it on both sides, right? I've seen people who've had, you know, miraculous things,
Starting point is 00:27:39 like miraculous things happen with when they do believe and they, you know, they have that type of attitude. And then I've seen also not such great things happen, you do believe and they have that type of attitude. And then I've seen also not such great things happen. But I think overall there is something to be said for how you're how you're mind and how you how these things the mind over matter really makes a difference. But anything. Exactly. And a lot of times there's some even though they they're like positive, whatever, like behind closed doors,
Starting point is 00:28:05 they're still really angry at the cancer. They're still in major resistance. They're not in full acceptance and surrender. And we talk about... I know, I saw that. You talk about that a lot about like how you have the resistance. So you're saying like, or you know, someone was, who was the expert in the book that was talking about the resistance? Peter, right, young guy. Yeah, and about how that also is detrimental. But why would, if I mean, God forbid, when that happens, it would, how do you just be like, okay, I'm taking it?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Like, I don't understand how the resistance plays a part. Because isn't that also counterintuitive to the fact that you are fighting and you have hope and you don't want to believe it, doesn't that make a difference? It does and there's healthy resistance and there's unhealthy resistance, right? So you know, it's healthy resistance if you're lifting weights and you want to get bigger muscles, you know, but then to lift weights that are too heavy for you or doing too many reps or not the right, what's it called?
Starting point is 00:29:04 Form form. You know, it's going to be detrimental or not the right, what's it called, form, form. You know, it's gonna be detrimental. So resisting life, this is, again, this is why healing for me is more of a spiritual conversation. And this is something that Peter, the guy who talks about in the film, really believes that life is always working for us, not to us, not against us.
Starting point is 00:29:22 So we have to get to the place, if we're going through a healing crisis especially, we've got to get to a place where we trust that God, the universe, whatever is working for us and for we're getting, we're going through stuff, it's kind of an out chemical process. You've got to go through the fire to get home into your highest evolution of self, right? So disease is part of that, you know? And so at a certain point we have to stop spending our valuable energy fighting back against it, um, and just surrender and it go, okay, what is the lesson? What is the blessing? What is this trying to teach me so that I can let that go so I can forgive that person so I can wake up and treat myself better, you know, with self-love and also
Starting point is 00:30:07 working out and eating right and, you know, we're beating ourselves up mentally and physically every day by eating shit and being stressed all the time, not moving our bodies, whatever it is. So, it's disease is a wake-up call, it's life working for you and to stop, you know, one of the first steps is really, you can feel sorry for yourself, you know, you don't want to stay there. You can breathe this horrible diagnosis you got, but then you got to go, okay, now what I'm going to do, I have to accept what's going on, so I'm not wasting valuable energy resisting it, and I have to face it head on, and I got to keep doing my best every day in steps forward. Uh, well, and how about fasting?
Starting point is 00:30:47 They say fasting for healing. Do you believe in that? Do you think that you're by fasting it helps with your healing process? I do. Digestion takes up so much energy every day in our body. And I think, especially in the United States, our portions are way too big. We are eating, you know, you work out. you're walking, doing podcast five hours a day. You're bringing that to us.
Starting point is 00:31:09 You're getting that reward. Not really, not really, but that's a whole other podcast. For most people, digestion takes away all our energy from that we should be using to repair. So like, first, it's digesting your food, and then if there's not food to digest then your body's like as long as you're not stressed your body's like okay what can I go through they go through that everything to see what tissues need repairing and restoring all that stuff. So our body is trying to heal in every moment and we get in the way with too much food or stress or toxins and you know overload. So. So fasting every mammal in nature, when they're sick,
Starting point is 00:31:47 they find a quiet little shaded safe area, and they don't eat, they let their body, they may eat some grasses to throw up, to get rid of any pathogen or whatever. But if they become wounded or they're sick, they fast because their body and speeds their healing, because their body is able to repair it, because it's not using on the energy to digest. So, and there is some research in the book from Kelly Turner who did all this research on
Starting point is 00:32:13 cancer. I saw that, yeah. I wanted to talk about that. It's counterintuitive, right? You think that, especially if you're going to chemo and you're withering away, like you were like, oh my god, that woman needs to eat. We need to get her calories, whatever. And a lot of Western institutions don't care about what kind of food you're eating.
Starting point is 00:32:30 They give you M&Ms and shitty hamburgers and hospital. I can't believe it. I know. It's unbelievable. And it's like double detriment on her body. So there's these clinics where you go and they prove that fasting under supervision and with, you know, I don't know
Starting point is 00:32:47 the exact protocol for everybody doing the cancer, but it actually speeds along healing and, you know, shrinking of tumors and all that stuff. I saw that and I was actually blown away because, you know, I know that people when people are sick, that's what they do. They give them like, insure and boost and all sorts of garbage. That like, but I always thought eating well, but still eating. Yeah. So when I saw that whole thing about fasting for cancer,
Starting point is 00:33:13 I was, you know, I was really surprised. And if you can't do it on your supervised environment, I would say just be conscious and aware that when you're eating heavy meats and stuff that need to be broken down, take more energy to break down. Your body is taking away resources that it could be using to heal. So if you are, if you're needing to put calories in your system, vegetables, raw, raw fruits and vegetables, making sure you don't have any other digestive issues. Right, right, right, counter. Exactly. But juices, you know, things that are easy for your body
Starting point is 00:33:46 to digest, but are chock-full in nutrients. So what kind of major takeaways have you, did you learn from doing the film that you've kind of integrated into your life? Like habits that you've done, or what have you changed in your life based on all this information? I'm just I'm a little more dedicated to my meditation practice because of just how important
Starting point is 00:34:13 it is for me to turn within. We're so overstimulated in life, you know, especially with social media and negative news and all of these wonderful things happening at Sidey. And so it's so important every day, whether it's 20 minutes or more, 20 minutes at night, whatever your practice looks like. What do you do with your practice? I learn transcendental meditation. People love that. I've heard great things about that.
Starting point is 00:34:36 It's great. And I also recommend it because you go through a course, which is only four days, but you learn what the benefits are. You learn why it works and why it's so important. And then you, again, it's a signing meaning when you know more about the benefits you're more likely to stick to the practice. And then you get addicted. You feel so good after you quiet your mind, turn within, you know, intuition starts to speak a lot louder, you sleep deeper, you know, it's just the benefits are off the charts, you really release healing chemistry and joyful chemistry into your body. And did you do TM
Starting point is 00:35:15 meditation from learning all of this or were you or I thought you already did meditation? I did, I see, yeah, I started in like 2007 so but were you doing TM meditation? 2007. Oh, okay. I first learned that now I Kind of have a bunch of guided meditations on my phone, right? I call those like that my lazy meditation I just need to shut down, but I just don't have the right Wherewithal to like sit and say my mom try. I just want to live Horizontal and put like a guided meditation in. Oh, that's beneficial. Exactly. I mean, either way.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I mean, but you do that twice a day. I do it once a day now. Oh, I make sure I do it once a day, and it's do what you can. You know, if you only start with five minutes a day, and then go up to 10, and then go up to 40. How much you do now? How long? I at least do 20 to 30 a day.
Starting point is 00:36:03 OK, that's better than me. It's better than me. And it's made a big difference. Cute, it's life-changing. You just have, it's Mary Ann Williamson talks about it beautifully in the film. And she says, look, we take a shower, we wash our physical body every day. We need to wash away our mental stress. We need to clean our mental state, you know, because we're just taking on so much information, so much negativity every day, and to turn within and turn away from
Starting point is 00:36:29 that stimulation, get into your heart, you know, focus on your breath. We also don't breathe correctly throughout the day. We're holding our breath a lot of time right now, not a lot of time. I know. That's a good thing. Do you want some water? I mean, as I say, there's some water there. You've got to, You've got to bottle there. Any time, just take a breath. We're obviously on these treadmill. So I think people are throwing up when they're like,
Starting point is 00:36:52 they expect to be sitting down. Yeah. And then it's a different format, for sure. That's good for your brain. So and your blood flow. Yes. Another pointless video call where nothing gets done. I think you're on mute, David.
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Starting point is 00:37:25 Actually see what we're talking about. It's all online. Mirror will make our flexible work set up so much easier with one virtual space for our brainstorms, projects, presentations. Oh, that sounds kind of amazing. So I don't need to wake up for 6am calls with the London office anymore.
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Starting point is 00:38:14 that Kelly Turner discovered in her. Well, tell us who Kelly Turner is for those of you who don't know, didn't read the book you had or see the movie, would you? Yes, so Kelly Turner is that. I had to recognize that. Thank you. Kelly Turner is a cancer researcher. She was in getting her doctorate and she was seeing all of these spontaneous healing cases
Starting point is 00:38:35 come up and she's like, why is nobody studying those? Doctors would just dismiss them as these anomalies and she's like, so she studied 1,500 cases radical remission, which were people who had late-stage cancer. That their doctors told them there was nothing else they could do, and they were sent home to die, and they didn't die. So she said she found 75 different things that all these people did, but every single one of them did a version of these nine things. I love this, but yeah, tell us what that, yeah, let's talk about that. Oh, I don't know if I can say I'm off the time I had it. But there's two, the ones that I see here, there's,
Starting point is 00:39:10 yeah, there are 75 different things that people have done to try only two were physical. Yes. I saw that. Which is radically changing your diet and using herbs and supplements, right? And the rest, the other seven are mental emotional and spiritual, which I think doesn't just apply to cancer. I think I'm going to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:39:25 I remember what they are. I want to look and see because I thought that was a really good... I can try to speed them off. So, one is following your intuition. One is increasing positive emotions. One is releasing suppressed negative emotions, healing past trauma. One is finding strong reasons for living. Obviously, like your
Starting point is 00:39:45 kids, your mission in the lives or your loved ones, friends, whatever it is. One is... The other ones. Where am I? How many of I said? You said enough. I think the point is that one of these social support. So I think having purpose. I think the purpose. A lot of these social support. So a lot of, I think having purpose, I think the purpose, a lot of times people don't have purpose, that's when things kind of also go like, willy-nilly, right?
Starting point is 00:40:10 And like, having loved ones, knowing that people care about you, the social stuff, like these are things that people undervalue in someone's true health. Yes, right? Which make it huge different. Exactly. And Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, who's this sound healer,
Starting point is 00:40:25 he's a neurocoustic wizard. One of the smartest people I've ever met, if not the smartest. I asked him one question in the interview. He talked for an hour and a half. Where did you ask him? What do you do? And he taught, I mean, we ended up at Schrodinger's cat, which is this like, cold quantum physical.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Wow. Major study. But so she was a basics, what was like the coolest notes version of what he said? I mean, he basically says, you come to a fork and you're wrote in your life and you have your passion, which is what we're talking about. And then you have the safe thing, which
Starting point is 00:40:58 is you become a doctor, a lawyer, whatever it is that your dad pressures you into doing in society, whatever is. So you walk away from your purpose here on life and you do the safe thing or the thing that you think is going to bring you happiness because it's more money or whatever. And he said that's when disease starts. So he, you know, and I think that's so important. It's like that your purpose here.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And it's, you know, on a very small scale, it's like acting, you know, I thought I was meant to be an actor. I loved playing pretend and making films and whatever. But if you, if I paid attention, I was not happy. It was almost draining going down that path. And talking about all of this stuff lit me up. And that's life force energy. So if you're in a dead end job or a nine to five job or you're indoors and you're not in, but you really want to be an artist or whatever that may be. And you're denying that part of yourself. You're literally cutting off your life force. You know, and that ultimately takes toll on your physical body.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Yeah, like it eats away at you. It eats away at your soul, right? And that's that's why it's so important to find purpose. And even if you can't find purpose in your, I mean, some people like not everyone has the ability to find a person in their career some people like not everyone has the ability to find a person in their career or job because not everyone has that luxury, but then find some kind of passion outside of that where you get lit up basically because it's so, it's so fundamental for your, for your health.
Starting point is 00:42:20 And then generates joy, which is healing. Absolutely. Yeah. Okay, so walk us through some more stuff that you do besides meditation every day, because we got that one. Like, what's your daily routine now? What do you do every day?
Starting point is 00:42:32 What's a little off? I'm wonky right now, because I have a five month old thing. I was going to say, congratulations. I saw that you had a little baby. Oh my gosh. That's a huge kind of takes over my schedule. Well, I mean, for, by the way, you look amazing. Thank you. No, five months, I mean, by the way, you look amazing. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:42:45 No, five months, I mean, it's like, girl, amazing. Thank you. No, you're welcome. Which are named Riley. Riley Grace. Beautiful. She's amazing. Is she your only baby?
Starting point is 00:42:55 She's my only baby, okay. And she's, I've, everyone's like, you are so lucky because she's super chill. I'm more lucky. I try to take her outside every day and put our, both of our feet in the earth. I saw that. I love, I did it while I was pregnant and it totally calms your nervous system.
Starting point is 00:43:13 It lowers anxiety and depression and lowers your blood pressure and does all these healing benefits. So you put your feet in like an actual like earth or like the grass? Grass. Grass, okay. So like you're not putting, because I have some friends who do it, actually in dirt, because of the beach. Yeah, sand at the beach,
Starting point is 00:43:28 anything that where you're just indirect connection with the earth. You do that every day. Yeah, I try to do it every day, but I'm fairly sure I've been doing that every day. I mean, most days, okay, so that's one of your things. And if you live in New York City, you can, there's earthling mats
Starting point is 00:43:40 that you can get, that you plug into a grounded outlet, and you get the same effect. So they're designing technology, obviously, being in the fresh air in the sunlight also has its benefits. So do that as much as you can on the weekends, but even at work, you can just put your bare feet on a grounding mat and get similar benefits. Yeah, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I've heard that before. A lot of people who are very much into this holistic and into all of that subdue and they swear by it for that before. And you do gratitude journaling too. That's huge. And it's also in the book, by the way, as a way for preventative health, right? Yes. And also, Joe D'Spenza, who is the fellow who wrote my forward, and he has his own healing story in the book, which is remarkable. He basically used his mind and his awareness
Starting point is 00:44:30 and focus kind of meditating, visualizing his spine, being healed, and he- So he was a guy just so people up, but I don't think people know. He was paralyzed, wasn't he? Yeah, he was in a trap- A bar- And he got hit, and they told him he'd probably never walk again. So he was just lying in bed and he was chiropractor so he had some background of information that
Starting point is 00:44:51 he could help with his visualization. But he said, you know, he just had this defiance. Like, I'm not going to live in a wheelchair. Like, I'm an athlete. I got to get back. So, he just, every day pictured his spine regenerating, and then he would combine the feeling with the visualization. So he wasn't just using his thoughts,
Starting point is 00:45:11 he was using his heart and his feelings. So he'd remember what it would like to be like to take a shower again or watch a sunset with a lug on and hold their hand. These things that he didn't think he'd be able to do again. And just feeling the feelings. And he came up with this formula, he says combining an intention and this visualization with the elevated
Starting point is 00:45:30 emotion is like the recipe kind of for causing an effect. It's the quantum model of manifestation. It's amazing. So, and gratitude is probably the most elevated emotion. Gratitude, love, you know, one of those. But so I gratitude journal just because it's a way to get your body into positive emotions when you wake up in the morning or right before you go to sleep. And what I've started to do or what I've done for many years is I write things that I'm
Starting point is 00:46:00 actually grateful for like my health, my baby, all these other things. And then if there's something that I want, say I wanted to heal a certain condition, I would say, you know, I'm so happy and grateful now that I am healthy and vibrant and running 10 miles, you know, whatever it is, you give thanks for what you desire as if you already had it.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And it's just, and I started doing this like 10 years ago And it's amazing like if I go back and look it's amazing things that I've kind of manifested in my life because of that practice and it's just We are minds amazing our minds are Hard-wired for survival to focus on the worst case scenario and fear. So this is just the, that's not true. That event that you're fearing will happen, hasn't happened yet. That's not a true event. So why don't we condition our minds and train our minds
Starting point is 00:46:54 in the opposite and the positive and focus on just like, what I desire hasn't manifested yet. So it's not a true event either, but let's focus our mind and our feelings and our heart on visualizing the best case scenario rather than the worst case. No, like I said, it makes sense to me. And I mean, it sounds though, like you were doing all of these things before you even made the film.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Yeah. Yeah, so like they weren't things that you kind of like picked up on when you were kind of doing it. It was more, I think, you were doing it and that was just why it was so powerful for you. More than that, you know? Exactly. They empowered my life, all these teachers that I put in the film, and everyone's like, how are you doing all these things?
Starting point is 00:47:32 And I was doing these practices that totally changed my life. And rather than, we didn't have social media back then. Right, right, right. So I just like, I'm just gonna put all my teachers in the film, and hopefully it empowers others like, why don't you find them? Like, what do you live in LA. Do all of these people live in LA?
Starting point is 00:47:48 Now, a lot of them do. A lot of them go on. They're kind of running the same circle. Well, I know that, but people just, I mean, because a lot of these people, do they even, like, well, Mary Ann Williamson, she wasn't a teacher of yours, was she, or was she? She, I mean, someone handed me her book
Starting point is 00:48:08 when I was 20 years old, and I was probably... I think you just come on this podcast too, from what I remember. Oh, good. You get none on treadmill, that would be very... I mean, I don't... What's amazing? Wasn't she coming on to meet Julia?
Starting point is 00:48:19 Yeah, so I don't know if she knows about the treadmill. If you're friends with her, you can be... You may want to tell her. Don't worry, come and be she. Yeah. She's amazing. So she, single handedly, she may have like launched me on this whole seeking journey.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Oh, wow. When I was 19, I don't know if I was legit depressed, but I was unhappy for the first time in my life. And someone gave me her book Return to Love when I was traveling in Australia, completely changed my whole life. Really? Yeah. So she's kind of planted the biggest seed her book Return to Love when I was traveling in Australia completely changed my whole life. Yeah, so she's kind of planted the biggest seed to send me on this hold and I was 20 or 19 on this whole journey.
Starting point is 00:48:52 This was 20 years ago. Right. Well you want to lose weight and get fit, but after a couple of weeks you fail. Well it's not your fault because it's super f***ing hard. Every try hasn't worked long term because it wasn't designed to fit into your lifelong term. I'm Carl and I want you to try my all-in-one health and fitness platform, Body, free for 14 days, where it's about enjoying life
Starting point is 00:49:14 while you get healthy and lose weight. If you've struggled, I get it. But now it's your turn to succeed. Go to body.com now, that's b-o-d-i-dot-com to try it free for 14 days. And then who's Michael Bexworth? I see him all the time. I hear his name.
Starting point is 00:49:30 He's involved in a couple of different things that I've seen and that I'm actually like on a periphery involved with. What does he do? He started a church called Agape, International Spiritual Center. And then he's a trans-denominational church. He reads, gives sermons from all sorts of, you know, it's basically the universal principles underlying all religions and agape means love.
Starting point is 00:49:54 And he's, I started going to agape about the same time that I started thinking of the documentary 10 years ago. And so you were like I said, you were like kind of one of the first, you're like a pioneer in this a little bit. Like you were kind of doing all of this before it became the trendy thing, really. And then you kind of brought it to life in a time when it's now kind of everyone's kind of involved in jumping on a bandwagon. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:20 You were just kind of someone who was just really passionate about it. Super passionate. And again, for self-ash reasons, I wanted to get out of my own way. Right. I wanted to manifest that Oscar and all this stuff that is funny now, but it got me to where I am here. And it's ironic that now, you know, you're so for so many years, you're trying to be on the other side of the lens.
Starting point is 00:50:38 And now you have this like crazy successful documentary that's what you're on the other you know behind the scenes. Are you going to do any other documentaries like this? I'm Bay. For heal, you know, everybody's like, when's heal too coming out? Yeah. That's a massive thing. I'm questioning what I didn't. I was just going to be like a me too. But it's you know, there's all these great limited series, docky series on Netflix. So our vision is there's so much to explore. There's so many amazing doctors out there doing more functional,
Starting point is 00:51:11 integrative things. There's amazing treatments all over the world that break through treatments and cancer and that aren't really available in the United States yet or because of powers that be. So there's so much to explore and so many inspiring stories of healing that will strengthen people's belief. So we're developing the Heel Television Series. So we'll see if that goes.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I think that's great. That would be on, I mean, not necessarily, but are you trying to get that on Netflix? Ideally. So then how did, so did you make the film and then Netflix picked it up? Or was it like how did it do you sell it first in Netflix? And then you kind of...
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yes, so we found a distributor. They actually came to us. It was again, it's like they're one of the top tier distributors for documentaries. And it was in that flow. Like, they came to us. We didn't usually have to like bang on... I'd bang on.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I'd get your thing sold and the whole thing. And this guy just got it and we're so thankful. So he, we released it on iTunes digitally. And then they had the rights to negotiate the SVO D deal or the subscription model. And so they reached out to Netflix or trying to pitch it. And then Netflix was like, oh, no, we're not requiring any independent content. We're content. We're going to put all our money into creating our own. The original, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:31 And I was like, dude, you can't just overnight just stop acquiring. There's going to be time where it takes to develop content. Yeah. And like, so I told them, I was just like, I want to be at Netflix, keep knocking on the door and like two months later. They finally made the deal. But then they said it's not gonna be for another year that we release it.
Starting point is 00:52:47 So we're like, no, but again, divine timing. It all worked out. I really love that. That's like that's like real hustle at its finest or I think it's very bold. Like you wouldn't take no for an answer. Yeah. So was it, how did you do it though?
Starting point is 00:52:59 Did you get the same guy? Did you go, did you find someone else that Netflix would be a champion or how did you get them to finally say yes? I think just our distributor the guy that he just he just pounded and pounded or It's like that kept yeah That's great and you know like health docs were kind of becoming what the health I think came out of a million Oh, yeah, and like there's another one is that the one with the health with a there's a guy
Starting point is 00:53:22 I think a Canadian guy who every episode talks about something different, about a different like myth or fat or whatever. I'm telling you, it's like it's so timely all of this. I think that TV show is going to be, well, if it happens, it'd be so great. Thank you. I'd watch it. Yeah. You have one for you. I have a hair.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Tell her. You got one of them. What about you? Well, I mean, this has been great. I'm really for your own. You got one for your own. You got one for your own. I got one for your own. You got one for your own. I got one for your own. You got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I got one for your own. You got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one for your own. I got one it's going to be, it's out. So, so you should go grab one. So, how do people find you if they just want to like know you and hear more about what you're doing?
Starting point is 00:54:10 And sure, yeah, you can follow at Heal documentary on social media. Just we put out inspiring content and it's just a good place to follow. And then me personally is at Kelly Gores, I'm most active on Instagram. So, you know, sorry, I'm going to bombard you with pictures of Riley lately but yeah that's where I am. Well that's great. Thank you so much. It's great information and you're doing wonderful things by like spreading
Starting point is 00:54:33 these messages so thank you. this episode. I'm Heather Monahan, host of Creating Confidence, a part of the YAP Media Network, the number one business and self-improvement podcast network. Okay, so I want to tell you a little bit about my show. We are all about elevating your confidence to its highest level ever and taking your business right there with you. Don't believe me, I'm gonna go ahead and share some of the reviews of the show so you can believe my listeners. I have been a longtime fan of Heather's
Starting point is 00:55:33 no matter what phase of life I find myself in, Heather seems to always have the perfect gems of wisdom that not only inspire, but motivate me into action. Her experience and personality are unmatched and I love her go-getter attitude. This show has become a staple in my life. I recommend it to anyone looking to elevate their confidence and reach that next level. Thank you! I recently got to hear Heather at a live podcast taping with her and Tracy Hayes and I immediately subscribe to this podcast. It has not disappointed
Starting point is 00:56:01 and I cannot wait to listen to as many as I can as quick as I can. Thank you Heather for helping us build confidence and bring so much value to the space. If you are looking to up your confidence level, click creating confidence now.

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