Heads In Beds Show - Everything Google My Business For Your Vacation Rental Business

Episode Date: March 2, 2023

In this Google My Business overview episode, we dive into the basics and new things around creating a winning Google My Business profile to get brand awareness, build reviews and drive organi...c traffic.⭐️ Links & Show NotesPaul Manzey Conrad O'ConnellGoogle Business Profile Profile Strength Widget Now Live & Many Local SEOs Not HappyGuidelines for representing your business on GoogleGet Google reviews🔗 Connect With BuildUp BookingsWebsiteFacebook PageInstagramTwitter🚀 About BuildUp BookingsBuildUp Bookings is a team of creative, problem solvers made to drive you more traffic, direct bookings and results for your accommodations brand. Reach out to us for help on search, social and email marketing for your vacation rental brand.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Heads and Beds show where we teach you how to get more properties, earn more revenue per property, and increase your occupancy. I'm your co-host Conrad. And I'm your co-host Paul. Paul, how are you doing today? I am doing great. I made it back from vacation. It's a bit more harrowing than I expected it to
Starting point is 00:00:27 be. We had to extend our trip down in Florida. Again, it could have been worse. Yeah, against your consent. Obviously, against my consent there. We were actually down there for an extra three days, I think. It's just the snow in Minnesota isn't conducive to flying. I've been told that I've learned now. No, it's good good to be back it's good to be back in the swing of things back working back doing everything how are you doing not as good as you i wasn't stuck in florida for an extended period of time just stuck here in the temperate conditions or temper weather here in the carolina so it's not too bad but not all sunshine playing every day like you
Starting point is 00:00:59 were but no it's all good we we missed last week as everyone maybe who pays attention closely to the feed notices but all good good. It just happens. So we'll make sure that we stay back on track going forward. And I'm excited to get going today. Do you have anything Marketing Minute related that you want to touch on? Anything you caught while you're on vacation, flagged or thought that was interesting? Or you want to dive into Google My Business today? Part of it is the Google My Business.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I guess I'll start it off with the Google My Business profile strength portion of the discussion. Google My Business profile strength portion of the discussion. And one of the things that did pop up last week was that Google, I think Google has finally officially rolled out their Google Business Profile, Google My Business Profile, profile strength widget. They've been teasing this for a few months now. And I feel like we're starting to catch little things at the end of the year where it's similar to the optimization score,
Starting point is 00:01:44 similar to the recommendations that are put out on the Google ad side of things. But I think one of the main sticking points for me, and it seems like a lot of the other people that I've seen on discussions and forums is one of the items that you need to have your strong or perfect profile strength is having Google ads, like creating a Google ads account through the Google My Business kind of integration as we do that, and then activating live chat as well. our perfect profile strength is having Google ads, like creating a Google ads account through the Google, my business kind of integration as we do that. And then activating live chat as well. Two things that some businesses may just not Google ads.
Starting point is 00:02:13 You really don't need like that is not required. It is not required that you have a Google ads account to have a Google, my business profile, Google, my business listing. So I think that's just ridiculous, but there are it, for those people who do look at their Google My Business profile and are all of a sudden questioning, oh, my, I'm only at fair strength or I'm only at average strength to take. Make sure you're reaching out to if you have you're working with an agency or work out and reach out to a marketing
Starting point is 00:02:39 professional just to get some more insights. So you understand what Google is asking you to optimize for, or as far as how you can actually make it stronger, or is your listing, your profile, the strength that should be? It's just, I saw a lot of pushback on Google saying, why would they require something like this? Why would those actions, why would those specific modules be required to run a Google My Business profile? Anything you saw on the marketing minute or what are your thoughts on that before we hop a little deeper into the Google My Business listing side of things? Yeah, no, I'm happy to talk Google My Business today. I didn't have a ton of stuff that was like new and noteworthy. I think it's like extensions of things we talked about previously, i.e. you know, the Bing chat
Starting point is 00:03:20 going a little bit off the rails. You may have missed that. Maybe we'll toss a quick link or two in the show notes so people can catch up on it but this one's interesting i think to dive into google my business because i think it's something where i'll be honest on the guest side i placed a little bit less importance on this over the past let's call it 18 months or so because of the emergence and the popularity of the vacation rental right which is now dominating a lot of searches when you go and do a vacation rental in destination search so i've it's not that i don't think google my business is important in fact it's So it's not that I don't think Google My Business is important. In fact, it's on our tiers thing
Starting point is 00:03:47 that we're going to be raising here on the very, very bottom tier. I think even a small single property host may benefit. We'll talk in a second about how you can do it the right way, but may benefit from a Google My Business listing. But yeah, this maybe I'll comment on the whole notion of Google's automated kind of grading of everything
Starting point is 00:04:01 and how that can be a little bit misleading. I actually, I understand and respect what they're trying to do. Another example, when you're building a Google ad today, a text ad today, they give you lesser grades, lesser marks on their ad strength score if you're not putting in enough headlines or enough descriptions or variation of descriptions, things like that. The problem that I have with it is I think it corners us into being like checkbox SEOs or checkbox marketers or or boxes, you do things properly. And Oh, Google says I have a good score. Therefore, I'm doing things the right way or the
Starting point is 00:04:29 correct way. And that's not really true. That's not actually the case in some cases, like you could go open a Google Ads account to your point from a second ago about the Google My Business profile strength meter. But if you run that ads account poorly, then you're not really doing the right thing. So yeah, you've checked off the box of Yep, set up the ads account, or Yep, I turned on messages. But then if you don't respond to the messages, again, like you've set yourself up for failure, I'd rather get like a mediocre score and tab messages off and have my client be able to respond to messages sent through their website, maybe that would reduce the overall volume slightly, but it's going to give a better
Starting point is 00:04:58 experience to the customer to the guest, then overly index and worry about hitting some mythical 100 out of 104, which doesn't mean anything. I had a long debate with someone the other day, sort of a team member of a client that we work with, who was telling me that DA and DR, these ratings from Moz and Ahrefs, were in fact what correlates with rankings. And I'm like, these can correlate with rankings, but they're just approximations, right? They're just like estimates, really logical estimates, but estimates nonetheless from third party tools. And like you could have a site that has low DA that does very well inside of Google organic, we have plenty of
Starting point is 00:05:28 examples and vice versa. So that's my broad take on seeing this kind of stuff, which is obviously today we're here to talk about Google My Business. But I think my broad take is like, just be careful, like just reading off a checklist, you have someone you can trust that you can rely on and don't take Google's word as gospel or don't assume that just because it has a good score, that you're going to get the best outcome. And if it has a bad score, you're not going to get a good outcome. Some of the recommendations that you and I kind of rag on endlessly in our chats together inside of Google ads are just terrible suggestions. Literally, I see keyword signals all the time that would burn through my client's cash just fast through the gambling addict in Las Vegas. And
Starting point is 00:06:00 these are considered good recommendations from Google to run a bid on the keyword vacation rentals broad match as opposed to bidding on their actual destinations. And to Google's point, it's hard to do this, right? Like it's hard to give intelligent recommendations across quite literally millions, tens of millions of different businesses in a billion different verticals, it feels like, right? Giving the same recommendation to a restaurant as you would to a vacational company is basically impossible. Yeah, I'm empathetic, but at the same time skeptical and at times a bit frustrated. So these are my emotions. I'm using all my feeling words today
Starting point is 00:06:28 to describe the sense that I get from using these different tools. But let's stop. Maybe we dive into Google My Business specifically because I think that's more of the topic du jour of today. So yeah, like I said, I've placed a little bit less importance
Starting point is 00:06:39 on Google My Business on the guest side. Not that it's not important. It's just less than it was before. So if it was like before, let's say it was going to be able to drive you 10,000 people a month to your business on guest guest side. Not that it's not important. It's just less than it was before. So if it was like before, let's say it was a, it was going to be able to drive you 10,000 people a month to your business on guest keyword searches. Now I think that number is probably a third of that, maybe a little bit less than that because it just doesn't show up as often. But you were saying before we hit record that the owner side is still pretty important for my business, right?
Starting point is 00:06:58 It is. And I think when you look at the, I think a lot of it has to do with the terms that people are using when they're searching on the management side, on the owner side of things. Those property management companies, vacation rental management companies, when management is included, I think you still tend to see a few that pull're talking about vacation rental management companies versus just vacation rental companies or vacation rentals themselves, that they are showing a different local pack. They're showing the actual Google My Business listings as opposed to the Google vacation rental industries or specific direct booking links there. I've definitely seen it be a value to have to make sure you're defining the right category, that you are a vacation rental agency, or you are a property management company. We've even talked about this, how Google kind of takes us a step forward, depending on the match type that you're using in Google ads. I do think
Starting point is 00:07:56 that's something that they build into kind of the results there of, we use phrase match, we use some exact match, try not to use broad match. That's just asking for trouble there. But when that phrase match has been in place, I've seen a lot of branded searches that come through those specific S queries there. And it is. The only thing I can think of is that Google is putting it together behind the scenes that on your Google My Business listing, you're saying that you are a property management company or a vacation rental agency in X area. If I'm putting property management company in X area in, Google's trying to connect the dots and they are. They're giving us those branded searches and I don't want to bid on the brand because, and I think we know that from more of the guest side, the people who are looking for
Starting point is 00:08:40 the brand are really looking probably for the dates and rates, or they already have that familiarity with the brand where they're not looking for something else. They're not looking for the brand are really looking probably for the dates and rates, or they already have that familiarity with the brand where they're not looking for something else. They're not looking for the actual owner side, management side of things. So I do. I think there's a lot that factors in there. There's a lot of places where the Google My Business information just becomes more imperative to how the business and how Google sees the business. At high level, I think anytime you can take up more real estate, that's certainly to our benefit. But it does it on the traveler side when those first listings in the local pack are individual rentals that can be booked as opposed to the top level management companies themselves. I can see where it'd be more important to have that brand campaign in
Starting point is 00:09:25 place in Google Ads, making sure you're optimized on your base website, the brand domain, and making sure that you're number one in that place or number one wherever you're located for your specific branded searches. It's another spot that people can at least access your website, your information to ensure that they're finding you at some point. It is. I know that not as much on the traffic side of things, but what are some of the areas that you have seen reviews, hours or local stuff like that? What are some areas that you have seen benefit on the traveler side? I think reviews is exactly where I was going to go next.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I think that if someone's going to do a brand search and they're going to look for your company specifically, having the opportunity or the chance to be able to go in and say, here's what I stand for. Here's 100 people that have left positive reviews, positive feedback. I have a client and we started this before kind of these changes to Google where this was a lot more prominent previously than it was today. But I have a client who had around 10 or 20 Google reviews. And I said, hey, like, we really want to focus on building this out, making this a lot more. And this was back in 2018. Probably when we started this campaign,
Starting point is 00:10:24 he cracked earlier this year, or the end of last year, earlier this year, he cracked 1000 reviews on Google now a 4.7 out of five star rating. Some people take it really seriously. And they dominate and they're like, I'm gonna have more reviews than every other company in this entire region. I actually wonder if he has, this would be an interesting thing for me to research. I don't know if I can do it. He's based in Georgia. I wonder if he has more reviews than any other vacation rental company in the state. I don't think that's a crazy claim for me to make. I don't know how I'd search that. But I've looked at companies, bigger companies down in like Tybee and stuff like that. I've not seen anyone that has many reviews as he has. Now resort tends to get a
Starting point is 00:10:53 lot more reviews than like a vacation rental company. But yeah, I think that the actual review module is very important because if someone goes on Google, they search for the name of your company, they're going to see website link, like you said, they're going to see your phone number, that's helpful. Some people are going to call for sure. And they're going to see the reviews, I said they're going to see your phone number that's helpful some people are going to call for sure and they're going to see the reviews i think and the reviews are very prominent there's something about the way that they show a little snippet and a preview of the reviews and the actual like knowledge panel block on the right side so people will see specific keywords or feedback or whatever that people are giving about the actual business there's q a there i think that's another kind of similar thing where
Starting point is 00:11:21 there's text there's content some people are going to dig into that and read some of that stuff it's not your own website, but it is like a mini portal of information that mimics some of the stuff that you might have on your website inside of Google My Business. And I think, yeah, I was going to pick a one beyond getting listings set up and having all the right facts in there, facts and figures, the website, the photos, stuff like that. I think it would be reviews. I think there's a lot of value in getting those reviews built out there. And I think that would apply both on the guest side and owner side. One thing that we've talked about in the past
Starting point is 00:11:45 is that, hey, if you can get some owner reviews, because most people have the majority of their guests are the ones that are leaving reviews, but this is just conjecture. I don't have any data to back this up, but I have clients who have pushed that, have gotten five or six or 10 owners to go and leave feedback on their Google My Business profile, that company ABC manages my cabin, they do a phenomenal job, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, leave a five- a five star review i wonder if that helps people searching to your point from a second ago on the property management side find the company because they see both a mix of guest reviews and positive owner reviews i don't know if you've tested that as well but i think that's a valid thing to try at least i would say absolutely and i think i i think the it's hard to say that
Starting point is 00:12:23 the reviews are either your total score or the total reviews, isn't affecting at least some of the local SEO. Because when you look at those map results, I mean, there's definitely a skew of usually high to low on the overall quality. And a little bit not as rigid of 500, then 300, then 200 in the total reviews. But I do. I think that it factors into, especially in the map side of things, maybe not on the niche, necessarily the three pack on a local result. I think
Starting point is 00:12:49 having more reviews is only going to help you. But that is, I think that those are certainly what people perceive off the bat as being the most powerful and where you can really take the biggest hit too. Let's say you do have a bad experience. I actually watched in real time. It was, I think, an ice cream shop in Oregon that had a 4.1 star review. They had a really bad TikTok video show up out there. And in real time, yeah, over the course of 12 hours, I just saw it went from 4.1 to 2.7. It was absolutely insane. But it tells you just how beneficial, how valuable that is. They closed the Google My Business listing at one point just because they didn't want to take more negative reviews. But I think that's the other thing is once you've built that up, you don't want to transition. You don't want to lose it. You don't want to close. I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:43 that's equity that maybe not necessarily like buying a domain or anything like that. But in Google's eyes, I have to think it's, if not 1B, 1C, number two, slightly thereafter. I think it's really important to look at that. And I do, I think that Google has tried to turn the business profile into, once they sunset Google+, which I don't know if you were you ever on Google Plus, Connor? I was definitely on Google Plus. I got an invite. I was in college. I got an invite to be on Google Plus. And I was like, wait a second, an invite only social. When you invite me, you're my only friend on Google Plus. So yeah, what a throwback there. But yeah, that made no sense to me. Yeah, shout out to Google for building that actually,
Starting point is 00:14:24 this is a total sidebar. Sorry, but now you got me on it. Google Plus is a perfect lesson in trying. What I mean by that is like, if you are smaller than like your competition, right? If you're like, oh, they have more properties than me, they have more money than me, they have more budget than me, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Google had all the advantages on planet Earth to build Google Plus into a successful product, a successful, don't even call it a social network. Like Tik TOK. I don't actually think as a social network because you're not connected mostly to your friends on it. It's a consumption platform. Like Google plus could have been that maybe like news and scores and things
Starting point is 00:14:54 like that put in there. And they fumbled it so badly with so much of a headstart that it just shows you that just because they're the incumbent, just because they have money or momentum or whatever, don't give up. Don't just write it off because there's someone that probably didn't start a social network because they were like, oh, Google's going to crush me and eat my, kill me and eat my lunch and I have no chance.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And now they fumbled it so badly that it's just a remnant of, you know, bygone era. So yeah, there was a time though, to bring it back to the Google My Business piece. I think that's already, we're going down where these things were connected. They were trying to use like your public identity with your Gmail profile and you would leave a review. Now that's more morphed into the local guide program. Actually, Google sent me an email the other day. I think I've been a local guide now for eight years on my personal Gmail account.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And my edits get published very quickly, which is very helpful to clients. I don't think Google's listening, but yeah, I'm providing useful feedback to the community by doing edits in there. And yeah, to your core point there on people going in, there's brand equity, there's brand value and having a Google My Business listing. Absolutely. Because even though, like I said a minute ago, what I said is true, like this is less important now than it was before.
Starting point is 00:15:51 But to be clear, it's not important at all. I'll just pull numbers from the client that I was referencing a few minutes ago here in a minute with respect to the data coming in. But even though they don't show on most of these like vacation rental, cabin rental type searches, they show for thousands of other keywords and they get a ton of brand impressions on this. And they get hundreds and hundreds of clicks every single week on people looking for their brand name and seeing that review being assessed there again,
Starting point is 00:16:12 looking at the Q&A, looking at this stuff. So it's a huge advantage to have a Google My Business set up and rolling and functioning and doing a good job to where I think if someone didn't have one, it's in, again, we talked about the tears thing a minute ago to be released. We'll tease that on podcast once it's done. It's one of the first things I think you could do. So maybe we
Starting point is 00:16:27 go in a different direction here. So we don't get on another Google My Plus tangent. What's your takeaway on, maybe you've studied this. I think I have some notes on it too. Companies that are versus are not eligible for Google My Business. We didn't touch on that yet. Some companies, they really can't do it. Some can. What's your read on that? Or what's your experience with that? Some companies, they really can't do it. Some can. What's your read on that? Or what's your experience with that?
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah, I do. I think those, while you want to grow, I think it's a good way to help grow your brand. You do have to have some type of baseline. If you're only a single, first of all, if you're only a single cabin and you don't live there, or you're only a single rental and you're managing for someone else, part of getting your Google My Business profile verified and live is that you have to send a postcard, which I think has been a pain point for more people than I'd like to mean this. I can't tell you how many have been sent to PO boxes and they're going back and forth with Google just trying to figure out how are we going to make this work? Yeah, I think that you do have to have some baseline information. You have to have an address. That is one of those things. If you don't
Starting point is 00:17:23 have an address, that's what you're doing. You're getting yourself on the map. I don't know. I think for a while, Google was actually, that might have been a tagline on the Google My Business, like put yourself on the map. That's something that it is. Now, that's really the main reason I think that some people, at least locally, would do that is because they realize, okay, I need to be on the map searches. I'm not worried about anything else. They don't know a lick about SEO, but they know they want to put their business on the map. So that's, I think that's one of the main points of being is you start if you try to start doing individual units and that's not something you're going to get upside down you're gonna you're going to i think it is i've seen people that are just unverified or absolutely disabled to suspended some of these accounts because they've tried to verify multiple locations and and it just google's
Starting point is 00:18:20 going to penalize you at some point they understand they see the users who are starting to create things. Ultimately, Google's always still trying to give the best answers. So if they see something that's fishy, they're going to slap you on the hand. And if they slap you on the hand when you're early enough on, it's going to continue. That's something where you're not going to be able to get that back if you get that slap on the hand right away when your Google business profile is going live or getting verified or something like that. But what about you? Where are some of the areas where you've seen where it's just not the fit or something like that? Yeah, I think that's it right there is that you basically have to verify like an office location, right? If we simplify it, that's basically what you need to verify. An office location that you're inside of
Starting point is 00:19:00 is the letter of the law as it relates to Google. So if you don't have that, if you have a single vacation rental home, look, you can try it again. I don't think Google's listening. You can try it, but don't bank on that. If you're getting away with it for a little while, good for you. But the best thing for you to do when it's feasible for you to do so is to set up some kind of office listing somewhere. Even if it's like a shit, like Google is now a little bit more clear on the whole shared co-working space thing. There's kind of an angle there where I think that's pretty legit, pretty possible. And you probably want to have an office like that anyways, for some uses, like on the bottom of your emails, you have to put an address with MailChimp and stuff like that. You probably want to have some kind of offices isn't your house or
Starting point is 00:19:33 a vacation rental home that you can verify to get people to go to. So I think it's just cost of doing business. I think it's fine to go through the work of setting that up. There's a lot of value you get from that. Again, if you have one property, probably not the way to go. And Google is going to keep disallowing and not approving those things. So if you have it today, like to your point, Paul, I wouldn't bank on it. Like it could go away at any moment. And then don't sit here and cry and complain when it does happen because you were getting away with it. There's plenty of people inside of different communities and Facebook groups that I've seen that get kicked off and then they're screaming bloody murderous if Google did
Starting point is 00:20:00 something wrong. It's no, you were wrong. And like you knew, maybe you didn't know, but now you know you're wrong and you're not going to get away with it going forward. So yeah, there's basically no path of doing it with your single property listing. So I think the best thing to do is to actually get an office space if you have the means to do and then verify that. And then to our points here, what an asset to have long term, like whatever the dollar cost is of having that space, if you're planning to grow and be a big vacational company down the road, like those are necessary costs that you're going to incur. And they're going to be key ticker growths
Starting point is 00:20:27 in getting more people to find you. And then you're really investing in the community. You're an actual business. So let's, again, if we zoom out for a second, I don't think about Google specifically, but if we just think about like where we think the best companies are and how they behave in the marketplace,
Starting point is 00:20:38 that's usually what, you know, it's got what we see is that they have a local presence. They have a local office that you could walk into with a sign and people smiling and waiting for you at the front door or somewhere to go wrong. All those things is what Google is looking for. They have a local office that you can walk into with a sign and people smiling and waiting for you at the front door or something were to go wrong. All those things is what Google is looking for.
Starting point is 00:20:48 So I think that getting that stuff set up is the right way going forward. And that's just kind of how I see it. We didn't talk about citations. I wonder if you have any takes on that. I had some thoughts here. I started my career doing citations. The first SEO job I had back in 20,
Starting point is 00:21:03 well, this has been, yeah, 2013. Really, I started doing this in 2012 for my father-in-law's business. And I feel like that used to be a bigger deal. I think it still matters today. But again, I don't think it's as important as it used to be, because I think Google can just figure out like where your business is and if it matters. And I haven't seen as much benefit from that. But what's your take today on citations? Does that matter a lot? Or is that more just list your business places and Google figures it out eventually? I do think that's as everything has gotten more machine learning, more AI driven. I think there is, I think most of it is. Google's just working behind the scenes to figure out. I don't think it hurts, certainly, but I don't think it carries nearly the same weight
Starting point is 00:21:38 that it used to. And I think when you look at some of the other functionality that they've tried to roll out alongside Google My Business, I mean, the ability to do posts, the ability to actually create a website right within a mini website or something like that, right within the platform. I think they've taken more steps to build that profile, build your overall business, build the equity, as we'll call it there, right within the platform and not requiring as much on the citation side. They're right within the platform and not requiring as much on the citation side. But I would say definitely it's worth diving in and talking about how you had done it and how you saw the value in that on the long-term side of things. Yeah, there were some clients in the past where we had used different services. I think Moz Local at the time was something that claimed to make this easy. Click a button that will distribute your stuff out to all these other sites.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I have some where I'm still paying for it because I don't know if it's helping or hurting to be completely honest. And I'm hesitant to cancel because I'm like this client's crushing. So I don't really want to like save the hundred bucks by canceling it. But with a new company today, like I haven't seen anything where I'm like, oh no, we just can't possibly get this Google My Business profile to show up. So I think Google is just a little bit smarter now than they were before. If you have a unique brand name and you're legit, you're verified, you're set up in Google, I think that you don't need to do as much of that as you used to before. And honestly, if a citation is a good link opportunity, I'll take it because links
Starting point is 00:22:47 are links and I appreciate links. But if it's just Oh, I'm gonna randomly submit my address here to this sketchy website that no one goes to. I just don't think that has much value nowadays. Just like I think most links don't have value nowadays that are on sketchy websites. So I think my citation and link building go mostly hand in hand for the most part, if I can get a link from the site, and it's legit, I'm all for it. If it's not really worth doing that, if you wouldn't want to link from the site, then why are you going to go get a citation on that site? It's kind of my takeaway. But maybe we can do more testing on this because I haven't, again, it'd be interesting to do this with competitive market and then build a business from scratch or build a Google new Google,
Starting point is 00:23:16 my business profiles from scratch, and then see how things are flesh themselves out over the long term and address and go from there. That's kind of my takeaway on it. Yeah, I agree. No, that is it. I think the bottom line is as, as much as you can, you want to build out your Google My Business profile as much as possible. It may not seem like it's like you, like everything is important on there, but it's really not a matter of whether or not your guests are going to want it to this extent. It's really about what Google wants to see. And we know that they want a fully built out listing. And even if that means making sure that all your, it is making sure that all your services are included. That's something I did. That was another article. I'll see if I can
Starting point is 00:23:54 find that one because that there was a larger SEO company or something like that had done, had looked in a couple of different verticals and had done kind of a longitudinal study, we'll call it because they had looked in 2018 and are making some of those same comparisons in 2022 to say, okay, now they have these custom categories that they've selected. Now, previously it didn't matter. Like I think one out of 30 were affected this time around 29 out of 30 were actually affected by making sure you're selecting the right custom services and things like that it is it definitely plays a role in how people are able to find your business
Starting point is 00:24:30 so build out your this is one of those things where obviously we don't like building content for the search engines we do like to build out the google my business listing for the search engine because it's going to give people all the answers that you need to find. So whatever answer you think someone's going to need to find, make sure that it's visible on your Google My Business listing because with the growth of zero-click searches, not everybody is making it to your website. Some people are finding the answers they need right within that knowledge panel, within the other questions asked or anything like that. So the more in depth, the more information you can put in there to ensure that people, we still want people to make it to that brand website, but if they don't,
Starting point is 00:25:11 you better make sure that everything that they need to know to book a trip with you, to potentially become an owner with you should be available or visible somehow within that Google My Business profile. Yeah. Yeah. It's like the, like we were saying earlier, it's kind of a teaser that gets people into the next thing. So if you do that, hey, if it's another service area, that's how I refer to these things, is another service area that an owner or a guest can latch onto and then get into your ecosystem, into your world.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And it's free. We didn't even say that the whole time. We were talking about that at the beginning. I wonder if people got confused. But yeah, to be clear, we have all this stuff on Google's and give them a little credit, right? They're trying to organize this information and make the search more useful. And this doesn't cost anything.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Optimizing your Google My Business profile takes you a bit of time, but doesn't cost any actual dollars to do. And again, let's hope Google's not listening because they'll probably get an idea. I wonder if we charge. I think the benefit on the consumer side is that you get legitimate information. You can see who the local companies are. Again, if you game the system and you try to be a host that doesn't gets away with doing the office thing, you're not really following the spirit of what Google wants.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And I think that you shouldn't expect your listings to stay up. But once it stays up and you have all the stuff buttoned up and you get a lot of benefit from it, that's going to help you grow your company and get more bookings and get more owners. And it's an essential part, I think, of all the great companies we work with have really well built out, optimized, a lot of reviews, a lot of good reviews, Google My Business profiles. And that's not a coincidence, right? That happens for a reason. Correct. Yeah. Awesome. Anything else you want to talk about Google My Business related? Or do we do this sort of small topic, some justice by going into a
Starting point is 00:26:36 little bit of detail here? I think we've done this justice. And maybe there's a part two, and I'm sure there'll be more changes to talk about somewhere down the road. I'm sure at some point, someone's going to switch up the algorithm that makes the profile strength what it is and we can yell about that and say google's doing this wrong again and that's fine because you're not listening google it's okay we're fine yeah yeah exactly i think our best stuff always comes from old man shouting at sky type of contest the more curmudgeony we are i think the better the outcome typically is all right phenomenal thanks so much we'll put a bow on it for this week so we want to send paul back
Starting point is 00:27:09 to florida like next year yeah and for paul to go to florida what do you really want what would make him happy next vacation is some reviews like if the next time paul goes to florida if he were to sit there and be sunning himself and bringing in the wonderful wonderful sun florida instead of dealing with the winteries. You know, what would make him happy is if he was on his phone, he opened the heads in bed show on Spotify or Apple or something like that. And he scrolled and he saw a bunch of reviews.
Starting point is 00:27:33 So if you've listened this far, you must've liked it a little bit, at least go ahead, leave us a review. We'd love to hear it. And we will catch you on the next episode. Thanks so much. Thank you.

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