History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 121 - George Washington Carver was WILD!

Episode Date: February 16, 2020

We go WILD on the champion of the peanut and influential African American inventor George Washington Carver! Where'd he come from, did he invent anything after all, and why is Chrissy changing his car...nivore status!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? You're listening to the Bay Ridge Boys, History Hyenas, Bad. coming in different this podcast has started this is the history ian is uh chrissy d yanni p um there's no music there's a little bit of chaos in here um unfortunately zach has been fired um not by us this truly wasn't by us this is by riot cast so if you have any complaints uh you can you can tweet them at bobby kelly um do you know what this is like or at comedy seller but let me just say that we are sad to see zach gone but um we truly are and he's been replaced by andrew the Israeli Jew, who's wearing a shirt that he looks like he got from a flea market in Armenia.
Starting point is 00:01:10 We did not plan that the Palestinian was removed and his land was taken over by the Israelis. We didn't plan for that. It's just the way that it happened. It's just the way... This kid happens to be Jewish, and Zach happened to be a Palestinian. Zach's a great kid. He's a young kid.
Starting point is 00:01:25 He'll be fine. He'll still probably most likely be with us at our live shows at the Gramercy Theater on March 19th and the Wall Street Theater in Norwalk, Connecticut on April 29th. So he most likely will be there. I don't know. I want him to be there. But it's just a new movement in here now. Okay. So Venetia said she's going to cry.
Starting point is 00:01:43 And that's fine, Andrew. If she does cry, zoom in on her face. It's about content. Thank you, Mr. Schultz. Yes. And Mike is rejoicing because he hated Zach. No, you know what's funny? The fans actually thought that it was Mike who did the sound.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Right. So there was a lot of fans who were confused, and they were yelling at Mike. And I didn't correct anyone. I just sat back and enjoyed the confusion. Do you know what this episode is like? It reminds me of when RFK or JFK got shot, and the news just scurried together to broadcast live. That's what this feels like.
Starting point is 00:02:17 We have a situation. We're just scurrying together. We didn't start with a theme song. We're just scurrying together, and we're saying, okay, everybody, Zach is dead. Zach's dead. We got a new situation. We lost Zach. Okayrying together and we were saying, okay, everybody, Zach is dead. Zach's dead. We got a new situation. We lost Zach.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Okay, well, listen, Zach, unfortunately, is gone, but he will be there March 19th. Somebody else who died as well. We forgot to do RIP somebody else. Who? Meat-eating Chris. Right, meat-eating Chris. We're going to get to all that stuff in a second.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I want you guys to go to historyineas.com, okay? Always check out the website. We're going to have a new store coming out. Very, very important. if you got i want you guys to go to historyanias.com okay always check out the website we're gonna have a new store coming out very very important go to at christy comedy or at yannis papas or at historyanias on instagram the link for the march 19th grammar c theater shows are in our bios go get those tickets because baby listen we're this episode this tickets may be sold out already we may have added a second show by now. I don't know IDK. So I would say go get them immediately. Thank you guys so much. Of course, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge boys for all the content. Hope you guys enjoyed the pretty woman video. Cause I know
Starting point is 00:03:14 that we've hit 1500 by now. Um, so I just want to say thank you so much for the support. And of course all Giannis and I's independent live dates, Gianis pop it uh yannis poppets comedy.com and christy comedy.com so yeah so zach is gone median and chris is also gone this comes at a good time because i'm being fueled by plants i'm plant-based and my mind is sharp yeah and i put up 225 six times six times and i just have my lipids are down my bps is down. My erections are up. So it's good. Yeah. So you figured out what the problem was. So I figured out what the problem is and it's, and it's meat and milk. Now here's the truth. Okay. It's just, it's, I don't know that I'll, I don't know that I'll stay with it, but it's nice to be 90% plant-based because there's just
Starting point is 00:03:59 a lot of things coming at me. Barney Rubble stealing my money again. Baby mama's ass says, take the videos down. Um, you know, I threw out the love sack. So there's a lot of things coming at me barney rubble stealing my money again baby mama's asses take the videos down um you know i threw out the love sack so there's a lot of things by the way i just want to say on the record now fuck love sack i'm out from that company now i don't care if they want to sponsor or not i actually prefer if they don't because you can't shrink it i tried to shrink the fucking love sack and all you did was steal money from me with the love shack love sack shrink it i like the love sactional couch that i have i really do enjoy the love sactional couch but that love sack go fuck yourself love sack you're out of here okay and this is a guy who just came into the studio and he looks like a different version
Starting point is 00:04:34 of mike mush oh you don't know who that is that's the guy who owns ridecast right it's your it's your place yeah syndicate that's's right. What's up, brother? How you doing? Well, we're leaving soon anyway. No, come in. It doesn't matter. I was saying, we know what that delivery isn't. It's a check from a certain someone who owes us a check.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, it's not the check. I knew it wasn't going to be that. It's feta cheese because that Greek fuck swindled us out of money. So what can you do? Vet it. It was vet. Listen, any time that it's connected to paul gassy paul oregano pills you just don't know what's gonna happen instead of sending us the money he sent us 35 pounds of
Starting point is 00:05:09 feta cheese that i threw at homeless people so here's the truth okay theo's feta if the check doesn't we promoted your shit and hopefully the check is coming and you seem like a nice enough guy i don't know uh you respond we corresponded on emails a little bit, and you had some spelling errors, but Greeks can't spell, and that's just what it is. He's not Greek. Oh, what is he? He's no one right now. He's a nothing right now?
Starting point is 00:05:32 Don't worry about him. Don't worry. Don't worry. Venity is hopeful. She's hopeful. Yeah. What can you do? Well, the truth of the situation is this, is I was eating feta cheese
Starting point is 00:05:43 until about 18 hours ago because now I'm plant-based. So if theeta cheese doesn't come from plants i don't want to eat it yeah your plant you look you lost a lot of weight what are you doing coke plant-based keto whole 30 leukemia okay doctor just doctor just scared you to death and said if you keep eating you're gonna die you don't want to point part of this. I'm sorry. No, we just started, so it's going to be You know, that's a diet, too, that happens sometimes is that like first couple months after somebody comes back
Starting point is 00:06:14 from the doctor and the doctor's like, you're going to die if you keep going the way you're going. And then you just change quick. Was it one of those? Yes. That's why I think it took him a second to recognize you Yeah Because right now you just look like a first baseman For an MLB team right now
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yeah Whereas before you just looked like Mike Mush Today's episode We're going to be talking about George Washington Carver Not to be Plant-based Chrissy is too fast-paced We're going to be talking about George Washington Carver, not to be... If Plant Based Chrissy's too fast-paced... We're going to be talking about George Washington Carver, because we've got to follow
Starting point is 00:06:49 the script. George Washington Carver, not to be confused with George Washington... Because you're human cocaine. Yeah. Do you know you're human cocaine? Yeah. You go 100 miles an hour, and only in the direction of where a wall is. It's just what it is. You won't go 100 miles an hour if you don't see something there to run into.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I gotta run into it. George Washington Carver, and it's going to be a wild episode. This is Black History Month, aka non-mean months. We're only talking about blacks, and we will end it. The last episode of February will be about Eminem.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Or Andrew Schultz. Or Andrew Schultz. Depending on the mood we're in. Depending on the mood we're in. Yeah. But yeah, we're going to talk about George Washington Carver and it's going to be dope
Starting point is 00:07:26 but first I want to talk or about Vanity's boyfriend depending on how much info we can get about Vanity what do you mean for not me must oh for not me must
Starting point is 00:07:33 yeah because I know there's a secret yeah I thought you meant Zach because she's crying about Zach and she seems to be the only one who cared yeah are you are you going to finally
Starting point is 00:07:40 let it out that you were having an affair with Zach I wasn't you were totally having an affair with him. I love Zach, though. No, we love Zach, too. He's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:07:48 We love Zach. Listen. He's amazing. Yeah. Zach is a great artist. Go support his music. Him and Jan the Squeak. Jan the Squeak.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Yeah. And Zach is part of the Hyena's family forever. And he always will be. And he always will be. And that's because he's Muslim and we need a diversity. That's exactly the only reason we kept him in here as long as we did. I just want to start this podcast by saying no matter what we say, just understand that we support Islam. We will vote Democrat in a pinch.
Starting point is 00:08:14 We are for transgendered bathrooms. If you say those things, then if Hollywood hears you, then you can have a TV show. Because you can take something that we've said and isolate and be like, look at how racist these guys are or whatever or how wild they are because it's something taken out of context but as long as we're saying that we support Islam and that we vote Democrat and that we're for trans and gay rights and all that then you're good with Hollywood that's all you have to say and then you're good yeah as long as you have that on record yeah so so we've said it and there needs to be things around you. That's what bullshit that thing is. You're right. But you are so white that there needs to be things in your vicinity that offset how white you are.
Starting point is 00:08:50 That's why I have a Puerto Rican daughter. Right. That's 100%. The diversity is all around me. Yeah. You got shishkis to your left and to your right. I got shishkis everywhere. 360 degrees just fumes on you.
Starting point is 00:09:01 It's what it is. It's what it is. Yeah. There's no way to get away from us. I mean, look at this table right here. It's just three swarthy kids and then just a clean Aryan fucking plant-based
Starting point is 00:09:12 blondie. It's what it is. That's what you are. Yeah. You're a blondie plant-based cutie. It's just what it is. You're baby gorgeous. I'm baby gorgeous and those shirts are coming out. Those shirts are going to be on our website. Oh, the shirts are out. The baby gorgeous shirts are out. Get them for Valentine's Day. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Valentine's Day is gone. I hope you got your baby gorgeous and those shirts are coming out. Those shirts are going to be on our website. Oh, the shirts are out. The baby gorgeous shirts are out. Get them for Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Yeah. Oh, sorry. Valentine's Day is gone. I hope you got your baby gorgeous husband or wife a shirt for Valentine's Day. Yeah, I mean, he's 100 miles an hour. It's like whatever plants you're taking, is one of those plants happen to be coca? No. Because I think you're plant-based and I think that plant makes cocaine.
Starting point is 00:09:41 It's just, listen, when you're fueled by plants, your brain just moves a little quicker. It's just what it is, right? Yeah, it's just what it is. Yeah, because you're a little rabbit just running around the field just eating lettuce.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I'm just eating that lettuce. Yeah, you're eating fucking lettuce. Humans are supposed to be plant-based. It's just what it is. I think humans who are naturally
Starting point is 00:09:58 over 200 and something in the ass should go the plant route. Yeah, I'm fitting comfortably into a size large Lululemon pants. Yeah. Now, do'm fitting comfortably into a size large Lululemon pants. Yeah. Now, do you think we should force Mike
Starting point is 00:10:07 to go plant-based? I think Mike should follow whatever journey he wants. Yeah. Because I think as long as Mike is friendly with his present, then he's doing the right work. He's friendly with his present,
Starting point is 00:10:16 but that present always has a cheeseburger in it. It's just what it is. I like how he looks at me incredulous, like I don't know what I'm talking about. Yeah. Yeah, you got like that by eating falafels. No, I don't eat like that anymore, though. He doesn't eat like that.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Good. We need you to be healthy. We need you to be healthy, yeah. Yeah, we don't want God to fire you. Yeah. So stay around. Yeah, good. Vanity is sensitive to you.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Give me a look. Vanity is sensitive. Well, the thing is with you, the thing is with you, because when you say things, it just hurts people's feelings, and it's funny. I come a little.
Starting point is 00:10:46 It's funny. You're just a bit of a dick. I'm a little bit of a stiff dick. You're just a dick. I was described in a comment as, this was my favorite. It said, Chris is funny. Chris and a human cadaver. And then it goes, once in a while, the human cadaver comes alive to say, it's a character
Starting point is 00:11:03 piece. It's just one. That was funny. Yeah, it was very funny. Yeah, but you know what? The fans, thank you guys for all the fans who go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and leave funny comments and all that stuff. Our podcast is growing at an alarming rate, and it's all because of you guys.
Starting point is 00:11:15 So we appreciate that so much. I'm also STD free. I just want to let the fellas know that. This is the healthiest you've been in a couple months, man. Yeah. Yeah, I'm expecting, you know, you're a kid who lives a lot of eras in one life. Yes. You're the New York City of human eras.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Like, anyone who lives in New York City lives about four lifetimes in one. That's how much there is to do in this city. And you are that for humans. Yes. Like, everyone has a couple eras. Like, Vanitya has her, like, dated Puerto Rican guy era. Right. Before that, she had that strictly Greek not allowed to leave the Vanity has her like Dated Puerto Rican guy era Right Before that she had that
Starting point is 00:11:46 Strictly Greek not allowed To leave the house era Right Which led to the Puerto Rican era Yeah Because that was too conservative Yeah and now she's in an era Where she's only wearing clothes
Starting point is 00:11:53 Where she looks like She's going painting Yeah She looks like She always just wants She looks like a sexy painter Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:00 She looks like she's She just bought a store And she's doing the renovation herself It's just what While she's listening to Natalie Merchant Or whatever she's doing Yeah Yeah And so that's what she looks like she just bought a store and she's doing the renovation herself. It's just what it is. While she's listening to Natalie Merchant or whatever she's doing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And so that's what she looks like. Now, she looks like Annie Hall. That's the style. And let me tell you something, girls. And I like that style. No, but the style sucks. I hope it goes back out of style. This baggy clothes shit from the 90s.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Go the fuck away. Let's get back to those tight jeans. I want to see some ass cheeks. Yeah, well, I will say real quick quick i think jeans are conditioned thinking now there's new material out from lululemon and i don't know why we would keep wearing jeans i think it's conditioned thinking just like eating meat yeah you are beautifully out of your mind yeah you're beautifully out of your mind what it is you know how there was that movie called a beautiful mind yeah which i left you'll be like beautifully crazy mind how about this i saw a beautiful mind with my one of my ex-girlfriends whenever it came out 10 15 years ago and i left 20 minutes before the end and i
Starting point is 00:12:48 was like this movie sucks and then at the end you find out it was all in his head so i left before the best part of the movie yeah and i thought it sucked for years if you wanna if you wanna if you're walking at night and you see a shadow at you and that shadow's got that Richard Spencer haircut, the athletic fit jogging pants. Yeah. And a fresh pair of Vans on because he saw Vanity and wearing them. No, these aren't. I've worn these Vans before. With a little bop and a peacoat.
Starting point is 00:13:15 That kid is Chrissy Chaos coming at you. Because I've been. You don't want to see it. It's a superhero. You don't want to see it. Because I've been a PCP, a peacoat pussy now about 12 days in a row. Yeah. And it's comfortably 55 hovering on 60 degrees been a PCP, a peacoat pussy now, about 12 days in a row. Yeah. And it's comfortably 55 hovering on 60 degrees, but I do have that peacoat on.
Starting point is 00:13:29 You do have the peacoat on, and you're wearing maternity pants every day. I'm wearing maternity pants every day, and I'm wearing Lululemon sweaters, the same Lululemon sweatshirt every day, because I'm trying to test it. The material just doesn't smell. Every other time I wear something, it'll start to smell like armpits after a couple of wears, but not this. It's wild material. Let's just call it what it is.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Athletic. It'll not stink. What is it called? Athleisure. Athleisure. Those are maternity pants. Yeah. That's what they are. That's what they are, but I feel comfy-wumpy. You're a comfy-wumpy. You're a superhero. You're a plant-based superhero coming at you. I'm a plant-based superhero. That's what you do. You're in a peacoat,
Starting point is 00:14:03 and you're ready to fly. Yeah. Tank Sinatra is the one who told me, great Tank Sinatra, who's, who doesn't. Who does steroids. Who does steroids, and who doesn't. Actively. Who doesn't pledge to our Patreon anymore, so fuck him for that. But also, thank you for, he, I watched this documentary on Netflix called The Game Changers, and it's just about plant-based stuff. And we're also doing his podcast Wednesday, and he totally forced us into it
Starting point is 00:14:26 by saying he's going to post it on his main page, and that's the only reason we're doing it. Yeah! That's what it is. Tank, we're doing your podcast Wednesday, but yeah, just because we want the followers, it's what it is. Listen, and here's the thing. So I am fully vegan, and I'm going to start to hashtag Trump's Vegans for Trump.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So it's just what it is. That's where you're headed now. That's where I'm headed. So if you're a vegan and you also love Trump, then just start the hashtag with me. No, I'm kidding. I can't tweet out because I do have a deal still in development. A show is still in development with Comedy Central. So it's just you can't say that you're actively voting for anybody other than whatever Democratic candidate
Starting point is 00:14:58 while you have a television show in development. You just can't do it. So we went from so many eras, basketball, Chrissy, to Chrissy White Lies, to Chrissy was Italian when he started doing comedy, then to Chrissy comic, then to Chrissy podcast, then to Chrissy, then for a second you were Chrissy celibacy. These eras.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I still am, by the way. You're still Chrissy celibacy, except for about seven to eight chicks that you hooked up with. Except for the blowing Denver. I think we're at between eight and 16. I'm fully celibate. I'm fluent in Chrissy lies now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Here's the thing. Chrissy lies is as much of a language as our personal jargon on this podcast. Yeah. And I'm fluent in it. Yeah. So I can read between the lines. When you tell me there's a toot that you invited that you didn't pay attention to, I can assume that there's three more toots located on either day before and after that day.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Well, here's what celibacy means to me. If I'm having sex with you unprotected, then I broke my celibacy. If I have sex with you with a condom, it doesn't count. So that's just what it's been. So I am still celibate. Yeah. Because sex with a condom doesn't count. Right. If we go
Starting point is 00:16:02 unprotected, that means I love you. Right, yeah. We need a reality as a suggestion t-shirt because that is- That's the next one we got to get out. Yeah, because you're walking in a cartoon world. It's just what it is. Your world is not made out of matter. It's not made out of matter, but it's fun to live here. Yeah, because you wake up and you're living in a world that looks like a Smurf animation.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah. It's not real. It's a fun world to live in. And you're prancing around. You need to be put down. You need to be put down and you know how. You know how. And everybody who's listened knows how it's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:16:29 It's just what it is, Poughkeepsie. Yeah. Now listen. So before we get into George Washington Carver, I just want to talk to you real quick about your Jeep. You got a Jeep. Yeah. And you don't like the Jeep.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Because I think you're an FF. I think any man who steps out of a four-door car is an FF. Yeah. And now and you don't like the Jeep because I think you're an FF for I think any man who steps out of a four door car is an FF. Yeah, I think I want a guy who's got a high vehicle. If you step out of a sedan. Well, yeah. Then that's a gay person. I think. Yeah, I think it's I think that's real inbred Ridgewood thinking. Yeah. Pardon me. Pardon me for going out on a limb. Yeah. But I don't think... I want to hear it. I don't necessarily think if you vote Democrat
Starting point is 00:17:10 or if you get out of a car that's not an SUV that you like taking dicks. I tell you this, anytime I see a guy getting out of a four-door sedan, I assume he farts cum. That's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Venetia, as a girl, do you want your man to be now let's say you're not dating a puerto rican guy because those guys will date the cars low to the ground yeah if you're i'm saying if you just let's say a non-puerto rican guy do you want him in a sedan or in a in a suv she's like i don't know i'm not familiar i can only give you my opinion on puerto rican i like i SUVs. Yeah, I haven't actually thought of this. I don't date guys that much that have cars. I'm always in the
Starting point is 00:17:50 city, but usually an SUV is kind of my thing. Yeah. More or less. So, Giannis, you don't like the way the Jeep drives? No, it's not that. It's an American car. I just feel too straight in it. And I'm not comfortable that way. You do feel masculine in that thing.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Now, what color is it? It's white. You like to get white car. I like a white car. My wife actually picked it out. She picked it out. She likes white. Now, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Whatever Miss Pappas wants. You don't have to wash it as much when it's white because it doesn't get as dirty. The dirt shows up more. I believe that. Yep. And where you're driving in New Hampshire, it gets dirty. Yeah. Dirt shows up more.
Starting point is 00:18:21 I believe that. Yep. And where you're driving in New Hampshire, it gets dirty. Yeah. The only problem with the white Jeep is when I got to go with Chrissy to the neutrals to crack a bag of Uts chips in the neutrals and talk important business over because that's how we do it. Yeah. Well, we got really important stuff to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:40 We hike over to Ridgewood. Yeah. We get a Lindsay. We get a Lindsay. From Rudy's. And we get some Uts chips. Yeah. And we fucking sit on the neutrals and talk it out.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And we talk it out. And we just, we play a game and we're waiting to see whether the call's going to come from up the neutrals or down the neutrals, then it's time for dinner. Then it's time for dinner. And whoever calls first is where we're going. And we just talk business as we listen to Larry slightly moan. That's what it is. Yeah. So the only problem with the white Jeep is when I drive it to Ritchie, you know, the
Starting point is 00:19:05 white Jeep, the only problem is people throw eggs at it and call me an F. No, you can't say that. Well, we got to get the new kid ready to cackle. You can't say an F. I just wanted to teach him how to cackle. Yeah, that's what. So that's the first cackle right there. And you don't know what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:19:16 The new kid doesn't speak English. That's the only issue. No, like you said, the kid's shirt looks like he's from Romania. Yeah, it's just what it is. You look like you're not even from Romania. You look like you're one of those nomadic people that Romania was named after. You're a roomy people. No, no, no. Actually, you know, what's a fun factual that I just learned about Romania and I never thought about it. The Romans, Romania, the country of Romania is left
Starting point is 00:19:37 over from the, from the ends of the Roman empire. So the Romanian people, the people of Romania, their language, their culture is as is the closest to what ancient romans uh culture and language was i never knew that wow they really called romania yeah because romania is a fucking dump shit hall yeah yeah and i can say that because i'm pretty sure we don't have any people listening in romania we might because his shirt is fucking gonna make me cut my own ear off that thing is is too bright. It's like a fucking Van Gogh painting. I'm sorry. I like it.
Starting point is 00:20:07 It's fine. The kid lives in Astoria. He lives two blocks from Zach. That's going to be a weird wave at the train station. And yeah, I feel like he's got one foot in, one foot out, just based on how he has his headphones on. Yeah. Because his headphones are half on, half off.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yeah. So I feel like that's just what his work is going to be like. I don't think the sound is going to improve either because we lost one Franks and Beans kid. We lost Franks and we rolled in Beans. The truth is we're getting the fuck out of here. And we're going to your apartment. And it's out of here and it doesn't matter. Nothing really matters.
Starting point is 00:20:39 No, we're joking. We're having a good time. We love that. I want to talk about George Washington Carver. Just really let me start this off by saying he did not invent peanut butter, which is wild. Yeah. Because I thought for sure he would invent peanut butter. That's why every year on Black History Month, I smear peanut butter across my asshole and I post a picture and say happy Black History Month because I thought a black man invented it, but I was wrong.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Right. It was actually invented by Kellogg, the guy from Kellogg cereal, and Kellogg was white. So peanut butter is racist and I don't think it should be eaten by Anybody By the tiger? I don't think I don't think I think
Starting point is 00:21:09 I don't think anybody should be eating peanut butter Because it was made by a white man Yeah During Black History Month But even But so it was But was it made by a white man Or was it made by Tony Tiger?
Starting point is 00:21:18 Tony Tiger? Yeah Kellogg's Tony Tiger Oh Kellogg's Tony Tiger Remember Tony Tiger? Tony Tiger? Yeah of course Yeah They're great
Starting point is 00:21:24 He helped make peanut butter He helped make it Remember Tony Tiger? Yeah, of course. They're great. He helped make peanut butter. He helped make a lot of things, but peanut butter, him and Kellogg were like close friends. He's also friends with Henry Ford. The kid was famous. Let me tell you about the kid. He was born January 1st, 1864 in Missouri.
Starting point is 00:21:41 That's what they think. And they're saying January 1st because nobody really knows what his birthday was because he was born in slavery. It's what he just, I mean, came in at the tail end to slavery,
Starting point is 00:21:49 unfortunately. He was born in 1864. Yeah, 1864. And his nickname was the Black Leonardo. Not after Leonardo DiCaprio. After Leonardo da Vinci. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah. I had it wrong the whole time. Yeah, it was Black Leonardo DiCaprio. I thought he was talking about Leonardo DiCaprio. So I was like, this kid must bang a lot of models. It's what it is. He spends a lot of time in Miami on boats. Yeah, the kid get, yeah, there was Black Leonardo DiCaprio. I thought he was talking about Leonardo DiCaprio so I was like, this kid must bang a lot of models.
Starting point is 00:22:05 It's what it is. He spends a lot of time in Miami on boats. Yeah, the kid get, yeah, fucking Mr. Peanut. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:22:10 I mean, the fucking kid, Leonardo, he banks a lot of girls in Miami. Now listen, here's the, it's,
Starting point is 00:22:15 everybody's shaped by their circumstances, right? So the kid, George Washington Carver, when he was, that's evident by your accent. When he was,
Starting point is 00:22:20 when he was, when he was a B.A.B.I., he got, he got, there was a raiding party of Confederate soldiers that were stealing people's slaves. And George Washington Carver got stolen from the plantation. And then he didn't, so therefore his mother was never seen again. He got separated from his family.
Starting point is 00:22:39 And then the actual plantation, he was stolen from the guy who owned that plantation, sent out an agent and they got George Washington Carver back a few years later, which is wild. All right. Of course, our sponsors, the 500s, the people we really care about. Lakeside Maple, as always, great trail mix. And it's not just any trail mix. It's trail mix that's suitable to go in your asshole. It's trail mix baked in pure maple syrup, which makes it absolutely fucking delicious.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And it's plant-based, so you know it's going in my body. It's an incredible snack just by itself and a great addition to your yogurt, if it's not plant-based, in the morning or after moving a few vegetables on your lunch break, which Giannis did last night. It's simple and delicious and made by hand by real people, a.k.a. Mexicans. So go to lakesidemaples.com and use promo code WILD, W-I-L-E, to get 50% off your order. Ninth Street Auto Collision, which is an auto repair station in Huntsman Station, Long Island. And use promo code WILD, W-I-L-E, to get 50% off your order. 9th Street Auto Collision, which is an auto repair station in Huntsman Station, Long Island.
Starting point is 00:23:32 It's at 133 West Hills Road. The number is 631-351-5300. It's going to give you a lifetime warranty on all repairs, giving people good deals on parts and labor. The only problem this guy's got with his business is the name. It's not on 9th Street. It's at 133 West Hills Road. Go there and get your car cracked open and cleaned out and i bet you if you say that you voted for trump you may get a few dollars off the asking price it's just what it is these are these places in long island it's just no point lying about it anymore if you own a business on long island you voted for trump it's what it is and of course james altucher aka
Starting point is 00:24:01 james the jew you can follow him at at James Altucher on Instagram and social media. You can check out his podcast at stand up. Check out his podcast. And also, he's got a comedy club stand up New York comedy club on the Upper West Side, which I believe he just owns for a tax write off. So it's what it is. The place sucks. Yanni? Because, yeah, you're just you're a legend.
Starting point is 00:24:19 You're a legend in your own time. It's what it is. Yeah. I mean, you're Chrissy. You're Chrissy Bridge burner. I'm fueled by plants. No, it's what it is. Yeah, I mean, you're Chrissy Bridgeburger. I'm fueled by plants. No, it's like Django.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And then so why that's important is because his master, well, I guess it was technically his master, but they didn't do it that way. He was raised like one of his own children. George Washington Carver was not treated any differently by the owner of the
Starting point is 00:24:45 plantation. He was encouraged to go pursue academics, which is amazing because you, I think the real story of George Washington Carver is how he rose to the levels he rose to during the time that he rose. That's the important, that's the amazing feat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:03 His, the, his family that owned him, I guess, upon his birth or whatever, where he was returned to, they were barren or whatever. They couldn't have kids. Right. So they kind of raised him as their kid.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah, and they raised him as his kid. Decided to educate him and encouraged him to go to school. Yeah, because at that time, it was still, yes, slavery was over, but obviously black people were still being persecuted big time. So the kid so the kid was, he was the first black student ever at Iowa State. Shout out to Cyclones.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Tuskegee University with Booker T. Washington, who I thought was a wrestler. Well, first he went and he got, yeah, Booker T. was a wrestler which is weird because I thought he was time traveling. When I heard it, I was like, how the fuck did he get back down here? How did this WWF guy link up with George Washington, call him Mr. Peanut? Fucking guy's
Starting point is 00:25:48 magical powers. He fucking jumped time, like the show Quantum Leap. You remember that show? I'm fucking dating myself. Dennis Quaid. Yeah. It wasn't Dennis Quaid. Some other guy who, he was like... Scott Bakula. Yeah, Scott Bakula was like the poor man's Dennis Quaid, though. Same guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:03 In Ridgewood, that's Dennis Quaid. Yeah. So he went to, he did his undergrad at Iowa State, and then he also did a master's there. And then he became a teacher there, which is wild. He was the first African-American teacher, student, faculty member, the whole nine yards there. And then he got a call from the great Booker T. Wash to at that time. Right. It was like the, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:27 it was W.E. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington were like the two leaders of like the black community, the black kind of intellectual Renaissance. They were like how Charlemagne and Schultz are the leaders of the black community today. One and two. The brilliant idiots.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Absolutely. No. Are you shaking your head? No, Mike. Oh, something else. Oh, that's what it is. Okay. Yeah. No. Are you shaking your head now, Mike? Oh, something else. Oh, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Okay. Yeah. No. During Black History Month, don't make me look any whiter. So he went and talked. Not today, Mike. By the way. You're the professor.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Fans have been saying that I look really pale. Am I dying? Do I look really pale? I think you look cute as fuck. It was a lie to the last two weeks. Yeah, because I started to get nervous. really pale and am I dying? Do I look really pale? I think you look cute as fuck. It was a light in the last two weeks. Um, yeah. Cause I started to get nervous.
Starting point is 00:27:07 So Tuskegee, Alabama is where it all happened in 1896. Uh, George Washington Carver. Can we just call him GWC? Um, yeah, GWC moved to Tuskegee, Alabama.
Starting point is 00:27:18 As you said, when Booker T Washington requested, he teach at the all black college and had the agricultural department. And this is where GWC started to become who he was, where he was. I think it was he was big with crop rotation. You know about crop rotation? Well, here's the interesting thing about GWC was that he was making a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:27:34 He was really famous countrywide. He was famous. He was friendly. You know, he had the ear of the president, the ear of of powerful politicians. Yeah. He had the ear of Henry Ford was his friend. FDR was his friend. FD.
Starting point is 00:27:47 He was friends with all these, all these rich people and whatnot. Uh, um, Booker T. Washington, and this is how much influence he had. Um,
Starting point is 00:27:55 but also the cause Booker T. Washington asked George Washington Carver to come teach and head up a new biology, a botany, a botany agriculture department. Sure. Because he was a botanist, George Washington Carver, at Tuskegee, which was the black college
Starting point is 00:28:11 that Booker T. Washington founded. And his pay cut was significant. I mean, the guy went from making tons of money to like, by those days standards, to like nothing. Because it wasn't even a department that was invented yet. And he said yes immediately. And he did it for his people. He did it for the black people,
Starting point is 00:28:29 but he did it for the black people. But also George Washington Carver has a lot of, a lot of times, a lot of quotes where he's saying things to the effect of forget about color, race, religion, ice, people are people.
Starting point is 00:28:39 We should all be just people like he would been a proponent. Actually, one of the articles i read said if george washington carver was alive today he would actually be against black history month not that he's against but against acknowledging he was like we let us all just be intertwined as one even though he and he said it was remarkable because he went through slavery and bad things happened to him at the hands of whites and still he was like i don't i think the best way to do it is just to make us all one and i just see people as people i think a lot of that peanuts yeah i think
Starting point is 00:29:10 that's what he said we're all peanuts i think he's what he's all peanut you're a peanut head pop i'm peanut head popper so i'm truly the only peanut you're the only peanut yeah yeah i think somebody called you what did someone called you and had me laughing chrissy iron head or something like that no it was your head. Something. Fuck. But anyway, I think you got to take it with a grain of salt because I think he was saying that publicly at that time. Right. But then you'll see he went and taught at an all-black college immediately and took a pay cut to do it.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I think the same thing with, like, Jack Johnson and a lot of those guys where you hear quotes like that, I just pretend like color doesn't exist. I think that was kind of the right thing to say. Right. And for them to kind of flourish in society. Right. But privately, you know, when George Washington Carver and
Starting point is 00:29:49 Booker T. Washington got together, they were like, man, these fucking crackers and they you know, they smell like wet dogs. You know, they went in, you know, they went in a couple of wet dog jokes and I agree with them. Yeah. My effect of the day. Do you know it? Yes. Yeah. Sure. For it. Because you did the voice right there. Uh,
Starting point is 00:30:05 George Watson Carver actually had a startling high pitch voice. Wow. He was just, he sounded like a squeak. Yeah. Kid sounded like Michelle Wolf. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He had good jokes, but a tough delivery to handle. It's just a kid. It's a character piece I, yeah, because I was watching all these videos trying to, because I saw the videos of him walking, because he was a frail kid He was a sickly kid
Starting point is 00:30:31 He looked like he could have benefited from a plant-based diet Initially, that's why I'm confused He was born 1864, that late? Because then, yeah, I guess he was like part of Jim Crow South His former family that bought him back or whatever and then there was freedom um she took him into like started teaching
Starting point is 00:30:51 him because he was no good in the field he was like too weak and couldn't do anything right so the kid the kid was a little bit of a squeak he was a little boy he was a tall kid though tall kid but he was his body was squeaky he was he had a squeaky body and he loved to draw there's a couple of things that he loved to draw i don't know did he ever have a wife for kids i don't think he did did he i think he did because if he loved to draw and he was lefty and he was taken in by the woman and he might have been a white kid if i would say if he has white if he has a white jeep too and if he has a white jeep yeah without the white jeep i don't know but if he's got a white if it's a sedan and it's white if there's a video of him has a white Jeep. Yeah. Without the white Jeep, I don't know. But if he's got a white, if it's a sedan and it's white. If there's a video of him with a white car,
Starting point is 00:31:27 then we can comfortably say GWC was gay and we support that. Without a doubt. If you have a wife and kid, Venetia. Yeah, it's just what it is. Because. He said that he was in the constant company of scientists, Austin W. Curtis Jr. From 1934 until his death in 1943.
Starting point is 00:31:46 What can you do? Maybe it's a double whammy. He's a gay kid. Or he could have just been like Tesla where Tesla was like freaked out by sexual contact. Could be that. Tesla was like asexual.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Dolly supposedly was asexual. Some of these guys live so much in their own head that sex kind of grosses them out. You know, it's fun to speculate. Yeah. Also, George Washington Carver, a.k.a. GWC, worked with Mohammed Gandhi to help him grow crops in India. And he gave Gandhi advice on how to build up strength in between hunger strikes. Also how to smear peanut butter on his 12 year old sex slaves. You have to do that. It's just what it is. It's just the truth about Gandhihi you could get mad at me or not get mad at me the truth is gandhi had sex slaves and we just don't talk about it because you know it's
Starting point is 00:32:32 not woke and dope to talk negative about gandhi he was also a little racist what can you do so was everybody i mean history is history for a reason he was racist against black gandhi we'll do another was he yeah a lot of indians are yeah well he said some bad i mean you know it's like churchill takes a lot of shit for being racist against indians which he was but then you have gandhi who was racist racist against black so it's like what can you do i mean what are you gonna do people are shit babes there's nothing you hon talk to me baby gorgeous honey let me tell you one thing yeah about this is just what talk to me sweetie it's just with history if you if you people trying to make history present day and then cancel people you can't do it history is history because it's in the past right okay and what we need to be focusing on is getting friendly with your present right and
Starting point is 00:33:14 if you're friendly with your present right now you're playing not too many there are definitely groups that are oppressed and all that but right now if you're getting real friendly with the present yeah things are pretty okay in our country yeah besides the coronavirus which was man-made by the chinese yeah that's not a we can't say that was made in the united states coronavirus was made in china yeah my friend and no different than these fucking wayfair tables it's the same thing now they made that puppy in a lab yeah okay yeah and they put it over here like biological warfare and patty fly balls told me that a month ago absolutely told me and now there's articles you see the article that came out two weeks ago which is actually yesterday um about the harvard doctor the guy who was uh researching harvard yeah so it's by yeah on
Starting point is 00:33:54 wuhan so it's like listen babe you're not getting it from eating bats okay it could be you're not getting it from me those people have been eating bats and worse shit that you could think of for hundreds of years okay but but bats are baffling Those people have been eating bats and worse shit that you could think of for hundreds of years. No, but bats are bad for them because bats eat mosquitoes and mosquitoes carry disease. Okay, but you don't think- Can't eat bats. Okay, I know you can't eat bats, but you think- Also, Batman.
Starting point is 00:34:14 It's rude to Batman. You think that the first bat these kids in Wuhan province ever ate was three weeks ago and now they got the coronavirus? Those kids have been eating bats for years. Because I don't know. I'm not an expert in Chinese cuisine. Yeah, neither am I. I don't know. All I know is I've seen some videos of them eating bats for years. Because I don't know. I'm not an expert in Chinese cuisine. Yeah, neither am I. I don't know. All I know is I've seen some videos of them eating some sick shit.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Yeah, it's what it is. Some of it's alive. They eat dogs. And I can say, fuck you for that. Yeah, they made that puppy in a lab. And if George Washington Carver was around, he would have thrown some peanut oil on it and it would have killed it. So all we need, I think, is George Washington Carver's peanut butter to stop the coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Well, for a while, George Washington Carver thought that peanut oil had some medicinal properties. He thought it could cure polio. Cure polio. But really, what was happening was they were just getting rubbed down with the peanut oil. And as it turned out, it was the massage that helped. It was actually the massage that helped the polio patients. And also, a happy ending is a good placebo. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Yeah, whatever sickness you got, if you get a reach around at the end and a happy ending, you'll feel better for about 10, 15 minutes. What can you do? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? I like George Washington Carver because he was against the patent. He didn't want to patent anything. He would have been more famous and had even more money if he would have just won of the business side but he was like i want my ideas to be everybody that's
Starting point is 00:35:27 like kind of a man in the people yeah well which i like let's just say what he did really do uh the south was suffering at that time it was all these small sharecroppers a lot of these black people um went from being slaves to like sharecroppers and these small agrarian communities and whatnot they really suffered they didn't have a cash crop or whatever. He and their cotton wasn't doing that great compared to the factories in the North. What he did was contribute to them having healthy crop by rotating their crops.
Starting point is 00:35:58 He was the guy that figured out that if you wanted your health, your cotton to be healthy, babe, all you got to do after you grow cotton, switch it up. Yeah. Change gears. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Start growing sweet potatoes for a year. Sweet potatoes, another heart healthy food. Yeah, it's good. It's also plant based. Yeah. Yeah. So it's good for the soil because the cotton, if you only, only grew cotton, it hurts the soil. Too much cotton is no good for the soil. Make no mistake.
Starting point is 00:36:23 When I go to your house in New Hampshire, if you pop out of that soil, I'm going to take a bite out of you. Because anything that comes out of the ground, I'm eating. Listen, baby gorgeous. Baby gorgeous. I'm going to let you take a bite out of me, baby. Yeah, I'm going to take a bite out of you. Yeah. Yeah, because we haven't played a game of FF Roulette in a while. Do you want to play a little game of FF Roulette right now?
Starting point is 00:36:39 Let's go for it. Let's go for it, Tinker. Yeah, you little Tinker. I forgot. How does it start again? You just say something? Yeah just hey what's up sweetheart what's up stinky binky because you're like you're like michael jordan because because my brain is fueled by plants because i got a plant-based brain it's also fueled by It's what it is It's also fueled by a love of men It's what it is, cuz Yeah, so, you know Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:07 When you say things to me, they're genuine It's just what it is, cuz Yeah, we used to hang out, go to lunch And then I would stay in the Ridge But things have changed Things have changed now, cuz Yeah, no How does it work now?
Starting point is 00:37:16 I'm gonna turn into a fucking plant Yeah How's it working out? I've been eating the flowers Outside your old apartment No, how does it work now? We used to go to lunch and I would stay And we were in like a full-fledged relationship.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Oh, and you mean, so what do I do now? I'm trying to set you up for what you said the other day, which was funny. I said, uh... But you live in the moment because you're plant-based and you don't even remember because you're Chrissy Black. What did I say? Set me up. You said, I'm just a fuckboy now. Oh, yeah, I'm just a fuckboy. Yeah. We were going to lunch
Starting point is 00:37:42 and he said, so you're going back to the country after this? And I said, yes. So he goes, so I'm basically just a fuckboy now. Yeah, because me and Giannis. But he couldn't remember because he's truly in his present. No, because what I'm saying. You're too friendly with your present.
Starting point is 00:37:55 No, because what I was saying was that because Giannis and I used to be in a full-fledged relationship, and then he picked me up. He picked me up from my house like a little fuckboy. I ran out, and then we bought coffee. He made me pay for it. And then I thought we were going to have another hour. And he said, oh, I got to go. I got to get back up and beat traffic.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And I was just standing there on the corner of Third Avenue with a half drank coffee, feeling like alone and tired. I just felt like I got used. And I went to CityMD and said I was raped. That was a deer that jumped into the middle of the road that I didn't see coming. It's what it is. I thought it was clearing, and the deer just jumped in there. Do we have to cackle?
Starting point is 00:38:32 No, that's not. Okay, because I'm just kidding. I don't think that that stuff is funny at all. I just did it for the bit. My brain is fueled by plants. You might be too friendly with your present. I'm so friendly with my present. I was just about to play footsies with Ven and T.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Because I'm friendly and she's got Connie's on and I got Vans. And we just got, we're based, we're plant-based. Yeah, you look like two New York City kids. Here's the deal. Are you so friendly with your present you don't even remember like your own pin number? Yeah, I don't even know what it is. Like, yes, you don't even remember. Like you see your daughter and you go, who are you?
Starting point is 00:39:02 I'm sorry, I'm friendly with my present. I don't remember who you are. Yeah, I dropped my daughter off today at swimming and then I I just got in the pool because I'm just friendly with it. Wow, you are really just trying to push her towards the whitest sports possible. Yeah. I mean, she's a Puerto Rican girl taking swimming. Yeah, it's what it is. What's next?
Starting point is 00:39:19 Squash? Yeah, that is next. Yeah. She's taking piano lessons. Yeah. And it's what it is. Yeah. Let's try to think of the whitest sport.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Is it squash, or is it badminton, or is it water polo? I would say investment banking. Yes, that's a good one. Lacrosse. Lacrosse is the whitest. Stealing mineral rights. Yes, stealing rights. What's a good white?
Starting point is 00:39:42 I think polo is white.o. Polo's white. White. Polo's white. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the thing is this. Uh-oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Get the button ready, new guy. No. Whenever we're talking about white and we hear the thing is this. I was going to talk more about, even though I wanted to shout out George Washington Carver for all the work he did on peanut butter, make no mistake, I'm more of an almond butter kid. You are. Because almond butter is a little bit healthier for you.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And I like almond butter and I do like cashew butter. You too, yeah. Yeah, and I will eat peanut butter, but peanut butter is a little dirty. Yeah, and you think all those things are straighter than a white car? Yeah. You got another thing coming.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Got another thing coming. Because make no mistake, watch the game changes on Netflix. They were saying how even the meat industry saying that if you don't eat meat, you're gay is all marketing. It's awful. Because the truth is the strongest warriors from the Roman gladiators who were like the top athletes and the strongest, most bravest guys, all ate plants. They could tell by their bones, which is wild. They could tell by their bones that they mostly were plant eaters.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Really? Which is nuts. You would find the documentary fascinating. Yeah. You really would. Maybe that's marketing too you never know there's another greek uh here's another greek quote um that i know you know that i just heard um when i was watching the ottoman empire i like that one but i like um um greeks said uh that they never surrender because they said they
Starting point is 00:40:58 rather they'd rather um die on their knees than live on their feet i like that one yeah well i like that one a lot that's a a good quote. The old Greek expression, and now that my mother has lost her memory. I mean, die on their feet than live on their knees. I apologize. I said that backwards. I apologize. I'm an FF.
Starting point is 00:41:13 The Greeks say in Greek, which is what my mother just repeats over and over and over again now, which shows you what the Greek soul is. My mother's lost her memory, but the Greek spirit remains. And what does that mean? I can't believe my older son is gay. What does it say? Yeah. We'll let
Starting point is 00:41:32 Venetia tell us. What is it? It means give me liberty or death. Death. Yeah. Just like, what's his face? Thomas Paine. Thomas Paine. No. Give me liberty or give me death. Patrick Henry, guy. Oh, is it Patrick Henry? Patrick Henry said give me liberty, give me death. Benjamin. Patrick Henry, guy. Oh, is it Patrick Henry?
Starting point is 00:41:47 Patrick Henry said, give me liberty, give me death. I thought it was Benjamin Netanyahu. It could have been Benjamin Netanyahu. I thought it was Mark Jackson from the New York City Knicks. I thought it was Ren from Red and Stimpy. Yeah. Because we're the new Ren and Stimpy. We've discovered that.
Starting point is 00:41:59 We are. The reason why we're Ren and Stimpy is because what? It's because I'm Stimpy or Ren. Which one looks like Mark Anthony? Ren. Neither one. Yeah, which one's the bigger one? Stimpy. That's me.
Starting point is 00:42:11 You're Stimpy. Because I'm just, I'm always- Because you're wild and you got your tongue out and you're just crazy and you're down for whatever and I'm Stimpy.
Starting point is 00:42:17 No, you're Ren. I'm Ren. Thinking and taking over the world. Because you have ideas and they always backfire. I have ideas and they don't work. Yeah, so we're just
Starting point is 00:42:25 writing and stamping. Yeah, but I'm also like always trying to reel you in and you're just, I could send you, I go jump off the cliff and go get that because there's a black
Starting point is 00:42:31 and white cookie and you go. You'll do it. Andrew Agos. No, I won't do it. You won't do it. Your brain was going too fast. Andrew Agos is immediately
Starting point is 00:42:36 going to make a meme of me and you as writing and stamping. Andrew Agos is a fucking doctor but he's got a lot of time in his hands to make Jan the Squeak memes. Because that kid is obsessed with Jan the Squeak.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Because make no mistake, there will be a time when we will be watching the news one day, and it will say doctor amputated wrong leg, and it will be Andrew Agos, because he's going to be listening to our podcast while also cutting somebody's leg off. And he's going to just cut the wrong one off, and it's what it is. Yeah, but again, I love how it emphasizes the diversity in the people listening to this podcast. We got doctors, and we got absolute fucking stupid kids. It's wild. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:10 We just got a new listener today, too. Who? Zach. Yeah! 10 out of 10! I'm just kidding, Zach. We love you. You're part of the hyenas family or whatever we need to say to make you feel better about that.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Yeah, we love you. Let's just talk about him on Patreon because he's too poor now to afford it. Did we change all the passwords? Make sure that's done. Change all the passwords. Chad the Squeak. You can come on the show if you want. No, look.
Starting point is 00:43:39 No, we're just kidding around. The reason we love Zach so much is because he would go with all these jokes. And we love you, Zach. We love you. Zach, here's the deal, man. Just keep doing your music, man. This is, you know, for every door that closes, this is the reason why people do what they do. You know, you can't really go.
Starting point is 00:43:54 You got to go all in on the music because you're no good at this. Yeah, and it's what it is. And again, like, let us reiterate this. We had nothing to do with this. This was above our heads. It's Noam's fault. Yeah, it's Noam's fault because we asked him to do it, and it took too long.
Starting point is 00:44:08 That's a joke. That was a kid. That's a joke. That was a joke. Kidding around. That was a joke. He knows that was a joke. We're just kidding around.
Starting point is 00:44:13 But if you do want to come in here and go postal, just kill Giannis first. Guys, guess what? We still have our old sponsors around, the guys who got us off of our feet. They're basically the Zach of sponsors. Yeah, it's just what it is. They were here from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Yeah. Yeah. Zach wouldn't expect anything less. He knows we joke. These are the Rafael DeLucas of sponsors. These are Rafael DeLucas. This is a fucking, these are a couple of Jed Begakis sponsors. Now we're bringing the real heat at Five Hundo, but these hundos, you're fucking Jed Begakis. You're lying about your age.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Well, no. It's a pleasure to bring these guys back. I want to let you guys know about Dr. Harvey Spencer Jr. He has a dentistry practice down there in Rockville. Fuck. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:45:04 It's in South Carolina. Yeah, Rock Hill. It's been a while since we read him. And he was our first official sponsor, Dr. Harvey Spencer Jr. A healthy smile cosmetic dentistry. That's a healthy smile Rock Hill. All one word on Instagram. It's in Rock Hill, South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:45:21 So if you live in the South Carolina area or anywhere down there, you want to get your teeth cracked open and cleaned out Dr. Harvey Spencer Jr. is your man Thank you for your support And good luck with your rap career You can also I was going to say If you can't
Starting point is 00:45:32 If you don't want to If you can't get out to his dental clinic Then you can probably also find him at the mall Handing out his rap CDs All over the spot He told you he also was rapping? Yeah, he said he was also rapping And it's just like whatever you
Starting point is 00:45:46 gotta do guy yeah well he's uh he's got a successful man he's the best he's the best gotta go he's successful dentist uh practice down there we're gonna still go down there and make a video of that we still have to do that yeah well he i don't think he listens anymore but what can you do but he still he still does and he still fucking supports us now he's the man you know truly like he's one of those great, great guys. Yeah, he really is. Dr. Harvey Spencer, Jr., go to a healthy smile rock hill on Instagram, and it's healthyhappysmile.com, right?
Starting point is 00:46:13 Yep. Yeah. Healthyhappysmile.com. We're still brought to you by Dr. Cedra. Azizi still around. Sure, yeah. He invited us to a Super Bowl party, and that's a no-no. America's favorite GI doctor.
Starting point is 00:46:26 You can follow his YouTube channel, Dr. Souls. Instagram handle, Dr. Souls. The kid is an actual GI doctor. I got to go see one soon. Maybe I'm going to let him put a scope in my ass and down my throat. Who knows? Who knows? For shits and giggles.
Starting point is 00:46:39 But he's also doing comedy. He's a sneakerhead. He's got all sorts of funny videos. Yeah, which is just what it is at 2020. I mean, anybody can do whatever they want, you know? Why not? But we're probably going to have him on when we do the we will have him on when we do the history of Indians?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Of endoscopes or whatever. Let's have him and Dr. Nick on and have them fight it out. That would be good to the cat. We'll do it like the Joker. We'll lock the door and we'll crack it and we'll say, tryouts. It is kind of funny. We have two ass doctors we know who are listening to us. Why don't we have doctors? Why don't we do this? For the Patreon, we'll lock the door and we'll crack it and we'll say tryouts. It is kind of funny. We have two ass doctors we know who are listening to us. Why don't we have doctors? Why don't we do this?
Starting point is 00:47:07 For the Patreon, we'll have Dr. Nick and Dr. Azizi, Sandra Azizi, whatever his name is. We'll have them both scope our asses and who can get to our colon first wins. That's a great game. That's a good one. That was speed. Yeah. Go for speed. Who cannot perforate our colon?
Starting point is 00:47:22 I love it. That's better than FF roulette. Yeah, that's what we're going to do. So scope up. Yeah. I'm going for Dr. Nick for speed. Who cannot perforate our colon? I love it. That's better than FF roulette. Yeah, that's what we're going to do. So scope up. Yeah. I'm going for Dr. Dick. Yeah, I'm going to put my money on Cedric Azizi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Yeah. So Dr. Cedric Azizi, go follow him. Go follow. He's the funniest GI doctor. He is great. He is great. Thank you, Dr. Cedric. And of course, now you do love Matt Koch because we were calling him Matt Koch for one and
Starting point is 00:47:43 a half years. Yeah. And he didn't correct us at all I mean the kid is a wild fucking kid and he's my nemesis yeah nutrition made fun yeah nutrition made fun on the ground he's a nutritionist he'll give you a health plan
Starting point is 00:47:58 for you man the guy is absolutely amazing go follow him nutrition made fun all one word on the gram go follow him he has discounts if you, all one word on the gram. Go follow him. He has discounts. If you're a Hyenas fan, just DM him and use him as your consultant. Hire him
Starting point is 00:48:14 to help you get in shape. We know we got a lot of people out there who could lose a couple pounds. Also, we're brought to you still by CBD Script. Wow. Yeah. Are the official CBD company of the History Hyenas for now. Just whatever they say. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. See, are the official CBD company of the history. Hyenas, uh,
Starting point is 00:48:26 for now, till we get whatever they say, whatever you say. Yeah. At least they paid off. Not like Theo. Yeah. CBD script.com promo code.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Hyenas 15. Oh, by the way, go to lakesidemapele.com promo code wild. We said that. I said that. you did say that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Okay. Yeah. I'm just fucking losing my mind. No, I thought you forgot the promo code.. We said that. I said that. Oh, you did say that? Yeah. Okay. I'm just fucking losing my mind. No. I thought you forgot the promo code. No, no. No, I read it right off the thing. Promo code wild.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Okay. CBD script. The promo code is hyenas15. So go get your CBD oil from CBD script. That ends with a P.com hyenas15. They got all type. You know what CBD oil is. You know what it is. Get your gummies, whatever you need for anxiety.
Starting point is 00:49:04 What it is. Yeah. Okay. Listen, we're just kidding around Zach we love you babe he's going to be at our live show March 19th the link at the Gramercy Theater in New York City the ticket link is in our bio also tickets are on sale for the Wall Street Theater
Starting point is 00:49:19 go to ctcomedyfestival.com the Wall Street Theater in Norwalk Connecticut in late April. Those tickets are on sale. And all our shows, ChristyComedy.com, GiannisPapasComedy.com. We got dates all over. Go get them. But now we want to read the newest members of the matriarchy, the people who went to Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys.
Starting point is 00:49:38 As always, we will read your name out. And if you have a funny name, you are in contention for the PPW, the Pseudo Penis of the Week. We always encourage funny. If you don't want to do funny, then just put your regular name and we'll have a funny name you are in contention for the ppw the pseudo penis of the week we always encourage funny if you don't want to do funny then just put your regular name and we'll just say your name and then we'll say you're straight to the back here for the content okay let's start it off chris mantis ward ass nice very funny mike menorah monkey creely menorah monkey's funny yeah that is funny that's funny welcome uh Welcome, L'Chaim. L'Chaim. Gabe Miller. Arium. Welcome, welcome.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Andy. Hey, Andy. Timmy Pokebowl and Peg Your Hole Dylan. Put him as the front runner right now. Front runner. Yeah. Tim Dylan. I want a Pokebowl.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I want a couple Pokebowls. Nandation Nation. Like it. JP Quarter Greek Freak that's still got the meats. He's out because he's not plant-based. He's not plant-based, but it was a good attempt. Clyde Drexler. Jim Teon.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Welcome, Jimmy. Sean Casey. Wow, Sean Casey Rescue. That's where they have animals. Maybe that could be Sean Casey, the actual Sean Casey. That'd be wild. And then we got Passenger Shaming, which is a big Instagram account. Oh, they're on?
Starting point is 00:50:42 It says Passenger Shaming. That must be them. Welcome, Passenger Shaming. Nate, my're on? It says passenger shaming. That must be them. Welcome, passenger shaming. Nate, my limp piece looks like Peter Dinklage Butcher. Funny. Funny. Funny. Jimmy Dragon, a.k.a. Jimmy Jumps on your lap.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Put those back-to-back on. That's back-to-back on the list. That was Isaiah Thomas, Joe Dumas. Earl, not a Leroy cream-pying ladyboys with Chris and Shane Gillis. Put them on. Put them on the list just keep a track of this Mikey Jeff Vasquez Brent my pants pitch a tent when Chrissy D peels his cheeks and I make got cut away
Starting point is 00:51:17 too hard yeah but a good Joe Leonard straight to the back a nasty born a muzzy but now my dad's dead what's up cuz he we got another home run I like this a whole fame list Leonard. Straight to the back. A Nesty, born a Muzzy, but now my dad's dead. What's up, cuzzy? Oh, God, we got to fuck another home run. I like this. A Hall of Fame list. Courtney, crack me open,
Starting point is 00:51:33 clean me out, and hose me down like a lawn chair. Ten. Holy shit. Caden Koch, Michael J. H., Jacob Goyette, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Comfy Wumpy, Non Muzzy, Fumed Up, 2%, Hussy, also a sniffer. It's a good one. Jesus Christ. Real good one. Fuzzy Wuzzy. Comfy Wumpy. Non-Muzzy. Fumed Up. 2% Hussy. Also a Sniffer. It's a good one. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Real good one. Yeah. Tim McCall. Gideon Spickman. Okay. Okie dokie. Andy K. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Johnny Friend. Welcome, Johnny. Alicia Ranfone. How you doing, Ranfone? Comfy Wumpy Raisin with Low Grade Dick. Welcome. Like it. A Bean Cracking Open and Filling Up F&B White Girls grade dick. Welcome. Like it. A bean cracking open and filling up F and B white girls.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Hey, welcome. Sammy jeans. Straight to the back. Aaron Knight. Straight to the back. Ahmad, the fumey muzzy with a puny Palestinian peace.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Johnson. Nice. Yeah, we got, we got, we got Jews and Muslims joining. I love the diversity. I fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:52:21 It's like the crusades on a patron. Ricky, ticky, tacky Dalton. Only gay on days that end with Y Corvin. Very funny. I fucking love it. It's like the Crusades on a Patreon. Ricky Ticky Tacky. Dalton only gay on days that end with Y Corvin. Very funny. Like it. God, it's a Hall of Fame list.
Starting point is 00:52:30 David Cummins. Patrick Gartland. Nick Goodall. Steve 617. Randy. Brian Ralston. Daniel Navarro. Justin Reich.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Okay. Hunter Brandstetter. Jason Thomas. Something about not being able to get hard. Von Hale. Okay. Like it. Hutchins. hunter brandstatter jason thomas something about not being able to get hard von hale okay like it hutchins jake cracked a muzzy on deployment now my piece leaks trump 2020 we should put him in for deployment it means he had sex with a buzzy and now he's gonna drip what it is i'm std free did you know you were to be doing this after college? No, she had no idea, Venetia. Isaac, the
Starting point is 00:53:05 Swede, Nazis, Aryan dream, you know what I mean. He did that for you at me month. Yeah, we appreciate that, but you did say Nazis, so you can't make it. You can't make it, but it was inventive. Then we got Enzo. How you doing, Enzo? Here for the moment, Chrissy sucks Yanni's fart box mid-pod,
Starting point is 00:53:27 and it's just what it is. Henry no fumes, but got the clap on tap cunning here. God. Chris Southers. Jake, I grind on my bed to jerk off, and now have issues with my dick. Yeah. Is this the best list of all time?
Starting point is 00:53:46 Holy shit. George Istachev, Corey, Tyler the Screwed In Kid, Ben David, Josh, My Life is Out of Focus, Like Giannis, Camera Sykes. Wow, there we go. Someone's paying attention to our flaws. Kyle Kim, Erica Everson, Jesse Warfield, Matt Jund, Doug Sampson, Andrew, and then last but not least, Chris the FF Crumbum. I'll take you both sexually with my glue gun Gregory.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Let me just say this. I don't remember all of them. One of my personal favorites on the Patreon that I always see is my name is Jeff. I pound off with my left. Yeah. We got so many good ones. My mind continues to be shocked and boggled by how they continue to come up
Starting point is 00:54:29 with bangers. Yeah. My question is, have they become funny from listening to this or are we just attracting the funniest people on the planet? I think it's a little bit of both. A little bit of both. I mean,
Starting point is 00:54:41 holy shit. I think in honor of this list and in honor of Yami month, I'm doing the whole list as PPW, including the straight to the backs, just because they had the sense to be there while these kids were on the list. Wow. The whole list is the PPW because there's too many good ones. Wow, there you have it. It's the only time it's ever happened.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Listen, you can't argue with that. Yeah. There's some good ones. Those were some fucking good ones. No one ever did that before you guys, right? No one ever made their real names for their Patreon? No. People just read the Patreon names.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yeah, I mean, that was awesome. That's why we got such a fun fan base. Make no mistake, the only reason this show is successful is because of the fans. People used to say that. I would listen to people say that in their dumb fucking Golden Globes or their dumb fucking whatever like shut up you're just saying that shut up but now i see why i'm like oh no it's the fans it's the fans that are doing this not us especially in with this media yeah with this medium is like we have no pr we have not it's all the fans listening telling other fans.
Starting point is 00:55:45 So even more than those people at the Golden Globes. Even more than those people at the Golden Globes. This is their show. In fact, they pay for it. They're our producers. In fact, if they want to, they can get a handy from you. I mean, they could get a handy from you. They could absolutely get a handy from you.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Harvey Weinstein used to wield his power over young actresses who were hungry to make it in the business. If you're a young comic in the business who paid for our Patreon, stop Christian on the street and tell him you owe me a handy. That's what it is. I'm wearing it on my dick. We need to cackle. Oh, that's right. We need to cackle.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Yeah, we need to cackle. Yeah, we have to cackle that. I want to just put something up there to see if the kid can do it because it's high stakes if you don't cackle that when we're talking about you're making it yeah hello we're back you got a shirt like Don Johnson and this is
Starting point is 00:56:35 where we're back yeah sorry guys we know you always want to hear Chrissy but there's just something what it is Chrissy is in the show looks like a charcuterie board. It does. In the immortal words of the great Charlie Murphy, Chris is a habitual line stepper.
Starting point is 00:56:56 You're just a guy who sees the line and you're just constantly putting your foot over it. It's what it is. I'm in that leisure and I'm fueled by plants. What did you think was going to happen? I'm out. Vegan subtraction. It's what it is. I'm in that leisure and I'm fueled by plants. What did you think was going to happen? I'm out. Vegan subscribe to my channel. Thank you. Outro Music

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