History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 137 - Jeff Lowe is WILD!

Episode Date: April 10, 2020

The Cuzzies interview Jeff Lowe from Tiger King and thing get WILD! Jeff and his wife answered questions only Hyenas could ask! Who Carole Baskin really is, Joe Exotics' Prince Albert and more too wil...d for Netflix!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And don't forget, go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys for so much more fun. We got wild things on there. We got WEPA in the morning, our new morning show every morning, 9 a.m. Eastern time, Monday to Friday, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. Cute. It's live every morning, live. If we make a mistake, you're there to watch it. WEPA in the morning What's up everybody? Welcome to another episode via quarantine of History Hyenas
Starting point is 00:01:02 with Chrissy Coronavirus and Yanni pandemic Pappas. We got a very special episode today. We got one of the stars of the tiger King in the building with his beautiful wife. I assume this is just his only wife at the moment. There's probably a bunch of hot nannies off camera. Give it up everybody for Jeff Lowe. Yeah. Jeff and Lauren Lowe. How you doing, bud?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Jeff, did you... Now, we want to know, is this... Is that a do-rag or is it a bandana? I can't tell. It's a bandana. I fucking like it, dude. I like it a lot. I like your look.
Starting point is 00:01:43 You're one of those guys who look good in a bandana or bald. It just you got a good you got a great head like a michael jordan head which we like i got that bruce willis head got that bruce willis head um let me ask you a question what's it like to go what's it like to go from exotic uh animal zoo owner to fucking superstar overnight? Well, it's a bit humbling, you know, because you can't go to Walmart and Target without people standing in line for your pictures. It's almost embarrassing. Or hiding behind clothes racks to try to get
Starting point is 00:02:16 pictures. I went to the screen store the other day to get a new phone because Netflix let my cell phone number leak out on one of the documents on the series. So all of a sudden, I've got 7,000 text messages coming in a day. And when we actually went to get a new phone, we're sitting there. They turned on my new phone.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And within 10 seconds of it being on, there was a picture of us sitting in the AT&T store, text to that phone. Figure that out. Yeah, and I didn't even have the new phone number yet. Wow. Let me ask you this question right off the bat. The biggest rivalry in America right now. The biggest rivalry in America. The biggest rivalry in our history.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Muslims versus Christians. Yankees versus Red Sox. Chicago Bulls versus Detroit Pistons. Or is it Jeff Lowe versus the Tiger King? Well, you know what? I grew up in Michigan, so I might go with the Bulls-Pistons, but since Joe's incapacitated right now, I've kind of got the advantage on him.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah. Now, real quick, we want to just do a little quick game. Fuck, marry, kill. We'd like to do fuck, marry, kill. Joe Exotic, Carole Baskin, Donald Trump. Just kill me now. Just kill me. Fuck me, kill me.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah, I would. Yeah, I might do it if the band keeps going. I would love to fucking kill you and make some money. You jump on that bandwagon? Jump on that bandwagon, yeah. Now, would you and Joe Exotic ever do a pay-per-view like Slapbox match after this is over? We've been asked. Yeah, we've been asked.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Actually, somebody's already approached us. And I don't think the B the the bop that your real prisons would allow that to happen but i'd love to beat his ass in front of everybody but you said slapbox so i mean joe would be doing the slapping we'd be doing the punching do you now jeff do you feel now you know because the show obviously we know like documentaries how they show certain angles of people and certain things we understand editing and all that but do you think anyone was portrayed as a bad guy that's really not a bad guy in the show or anyone who they said was
Starting point is 00:04:33 a dirtbag's a dirtbag well you know what we're all we're all culpable for allowing him to do what he did for so long without going to the authorities first. But when it came down to him hurting our animals, which is what we, we came here. We left that, you saw the series. We were in a 12,000 square foot house with a 60,000 gallon indoor pool. We had it made in Colorado. We came here to save that.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Save the animals. Because the animals were starving and he couldn't, he couldn't keep them going. So we came out here, dumped all that money into this place. So Carol Baskin wouldn't get it. So Carol wouldn't get it because she would kill the cats as well. And so we came out here.
Starting point is 00:05:11 We dumped all this money. And then we put it back in Joe's hands because once we got it going, we put it in Joe's hands. Lauren and I moved to Las Vegas. And then he started screwing us, you know? That was a mistake. And when we came back here, we found out, we went to the bank, we got all of our bank records because he was locking me out of my own bank account,
Starting point is 00:05:31 finding out he was just robbing the place blind. And it's like I've explained to people, they call me a rat and a snitch. But if you woke up this morning and your car was gone from your garage, your dog's dead in the driveway, but you found my wallet, you're going to call the cops and you're going to give them my wallet. That's what we did. We took the evidence that we had to my attorneys first. And my attorney said, look, with what you've told me, we have no choice but to go to the authorities.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Let me ask you this question, guys. Now, right now, the cub petting business is running a little low because of social distancing what are you doing to make a little moolah right now well you know we um fortunately we've been blessed in our lives and i did really well in business over the years but we've um just since we've been shut down with this pandemic we've done probably 500 cameo videos at a buck a lot a lot of cameo i've got 100 more more to do today. Yeah. You're going to get one from us. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:27 You better say what we tell you to say. Whatever you want to say. Maybe we'll add a little more. Apparently there's a, there's a story out that I support communists. I read something that I had no fucking idea what it was. And I, so whatever you say,
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'm like Ron Burgundy. I will tell you, I will repeat what's on the telephone. Right. I love it. Yeah. No, we want to know because you say, I'm like Ron Burgundy. I will tell you. I will repeat what's on the telephone. Right. I love it. Yeah. No, we want to know because, you know, Giannis and I, you know, we're trying to make some money during this podcast, too, and we're thinking about opening up our own zoo, and
Starting point is 00:06:55 we want to know how many amputees we need to open up a zoo. I think you need one just so you can, you know, use that as an example of how dangerous it could be. Everybody needs their token amputee. Yeah. I mean, yeah, every time there was a new scene on this documentary, somebody was missing an arm or a leg. I was like, how many people – where are the people's lips in Oklahoma? And you know what the funny thing is,
Starting point is 00:07:20 is I've done this longer than anybody in the business. Carol Baskin, Doc Anno combined. I've done this longer. And look, all my fingers, all my toes. We just know when to be smart. Yeah. They weren't. They're just dumb.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You know, you get in a cage with a full grown cat when there's no reason to get in there and you're just dumb. That's why Joe Exotic got his ass dragged across the arena. Now, when you were sneaking tigers up into the suites in Vegas, did any of them ever get out? What's the wildest story that ever happened trying to get a tiger into a hotel suite? Well, you know, the one time we weren't necessarily
Starting point is 00:07:58 sneaking them in for that. Lauren and I always, always have babies with us. We raise babies, they're in our house right now. So we would be invited to these parties that they have to eat us. We raise babies. They're in our house right now. So We would be invited these parties that they have to eat every two to four hours So there are kids they go with their kids. You'd be like you carrying a kid in your in your backpack. So So That's a whole different Vegas party. That's what I've been called. So one time we were in the Mirage, and we were going up to our room. This cat was being taken to Oregon, but we stopped in Las Vegas at the Mirage. And we didn't have a carrier because it was just riding the car with us.
Starting point is 00:08:38 So Lauren had this Victoria's Secret bag, great big tote. And I said, well, you know what? It's going to look funny, but I'm going to carry this tote over my shoulder. We'll put the baby down. We'll put a towel down. It was the most sparkly Victoria's Secret bag ever. So it matched him perfectly. And because it's Vegas, I blend it in.
Starting point is 00:08:55 But we're walking through the Mirage. I'm just checking people out. And I look down, and that cat's up checking people out. But we went up to the room, we went up to the room and we posted a picture of it on the bed and put it on Facebook as we're checking out. It said, Siegfried and Roy wants to have a lion,
Starting point is 00:09:14 a lion in the Mirage. That's probably the weirdest. But whenever we, whenever we did go to events though, or to parties, we, we had a dog carrier, like one of those,
Starting point is 00:09:24 like Louis Vuitton dog carriers. So it was made for an animal. So it's not like we actually put it in a suitcase. In the show, they went and they bought a suitcase. I don't know where they got the baby tiger used. And then we created us going into a hotel with a piece of luggage. That's not what it was.
Starting point is 00:09:40 It was a $3,500 or $3,800 Louis Vuitton tote, animal tote, likeis hilton would use now do you ever do you ever uh have hyenas at the at the zoos you know we had hyenas and when joe was about to abscond from the park to try to hide from the authorities he he sold the hyenas the pair of hyenas that were here they're really cool animals we're planning to get some though for the new facility especially because they just they have the coolest sound and it's just awesome hearing them go off and then the lines roaring and then the wolves howling and yeah it's really pretty cool when when when you
Starting point is 00:10:20 guys get the hyenas can we come to the zoo and do a live podcast from the hyena cage? Absolutely. Yeah. Can we also have an orgy and you guys bring some tiger cubs? That's not a problem. Have you ever been, cause we've got a lot of requests for that. Have you guys ever been, Jeff,
Starting point is 00:10:35 you ever been in the middle of an orgy and you think it's like, you know, a girl or like a Taiwanese lady boy going down you, but turn around, it's a tiger cub licking your ball sack. No. But not that. I'm trying to wait for my brain nothing like that ever that's not weird yeah yeah i was just wondering because i just feel like mormon television no no no no this is yeah i i don't know yeah you thought this was
Starting point is 00:11:01 like pointing to me i'm not m Mormon. Right. No, I know. I assume because I know that you're into some wild stuff, and we love it. You know, I mean, the thing is... So what I wanted to know, because I saw, you know, we saw how wild Joe Exotic got. You know, he's got three husbands. He's out of his fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Did he ever pull his piece out? Did he ever pull his penis out, you know, behind off camera? And you ever see his penis? Is he circumcised or not? I never have. Thank God. I have not. But from what we've heard, he's got the Prince overusing, behind off camera and you ever see his piece is he circumcised or not i never know thank god i have not but from what we've heard he's got the prince overbrewing and he would hang little padlocks off the end of the sorry i said it first yeah wow and one time we were in his house we were
Starting point is 00:11:35 in his house and he was cooking some of that recycled meat from the walmart truck trying to get us to eat dinner and and john rinkett the guy with no legs says you might not want to eat on the kitchen counter and i I said, why? It looks clean. He goes, because that's where Joe used to do the piercings. All of his piercings. He'd have piercing parties. Yeah, piercing parties and they would give guys
Starting point is 00:11:54 Prince Albert's. Jesus Christ. And they apparently would reuse the needle over and over. Oh, yikes. Now you, Doc Anvil and Joe Ex joe exotic all three you guys it seems like get a little polygamous what is it about tigers and polygamy do the mormons have tigers somewhere yeah it's i i don't know you know it's and you think that's weird wait till
Starting point is 00:12:22 this this chick that was up in peru nevada who's been calling us out that's where the two cats that we had seized in las vegas they ended up at this place i had paid ten thousand dollars fine and this woman went on the air last night in peru in las vegas and said that they were too normal to be included in the in the video i'm about to upload a video of her kind of humping a lion and i want you to tell me if she's normal and be included in the video. I'm about to upload a video of her kind of humping a lion, and I want you to tell me if she's normal. And she's in a bikini. That's great.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Thank God. I got something to jerk off to tonight. Thank you. You're welcome. Yeah, but, you know, she's. Yo, so tigers are like aphrodisiacs for girls, little tiger cubs. Is that how you get buzzed? It just seems we don't use it to get it, but goddamn, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:05 if 50 girls show up here and they see these baby tigers and they want to spend the night, are you going to kick them out? No, I don't think you're going to. They better be cute. Let me ask you a question. Do any of the tigers at your zoo have coronavirus? Has any of them been tested? Because we got a coronavirus tiger in New York.
Starting point is 00:13:21 That's what they say. And, you know, we have a crack veterinary team that that we actually asked them before the Bronx Zoo announced that. Our vets do not believe that it's it's accurate and if they tested that cat correctly and they're demanding well they're not demanding but they're really they're seeking the test results and the procedure that the Bronx Zoo used. They don't think that that a cat can carry that or get it. So we're just waiting. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:48 We're closed to the public. Our employees live on site for the most part. So we're really self-quarantined here for the last 10 or 14 days. And we don't show anybody. Nobody's shown any symptoms of any illnesses. So I think we're good. How did you guys meet? Lauren good how did you guys meet lauren how did you meet how did you meet jeff so i started fucking the boss yes good great career move good girl work at work thank you yeah we had retail stores in South Carolina, and she started fucking the boss.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yeah. All right, well, hey, good for you. There were no tigers. There were no tigers there. There were no tigers there. That's how you know the love is real. That's how you know it was real. You guys went raw dog, and there wasn't even a tiger cub there for the aphrodisiac.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It was the car. It was the car. What's the most amount of girls You guys have hooked up with At the same time Probably four Nice Yeah Good job
Starting point is 00:14:54 Yeah so you're You're one of those Yeah please No I know Not during this time Yeah I know I feel like
Starting point is 00:15:04 I feel like I It's kind of like great tourism for Oklahoma because I don't know who the fuck would ever want to go to that state if it wasn't for you guys' documentary. Right? We're moving as close to Texas as we can get. Our new facility is behind the Windstar Casino in Thackerville. It's on the one-mile marker into Oklahoma out of Texas. Now, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:15:26 What are you going to do if Trump pardons Joe Exotic and he gets out of jail, he comes looking for you? What are you going to do? Are you going to grab him by his Prince Albert? I hope he comes looking for me. I've got some scores to settle with him. But, you know, he's never going to get out. The secret between me and you, and you won't tell anybody,
Starting point is 00:15:43 is there's a whole stack of charges pending against Joe in the event he was given a lenient sentence. He's got income tax evasion charges coming. He's got campaign finance fraud charges coming.
Starting point is 00:15:59 So even if Trump let him out on this one, he's going to get thrown right back in on another charge. I wonder how many husbands he has in jail already. Probably all of them. Have you seen his haircut? What? Does he have a new haircut? It's weird.
Starting point is 00:16:14 It's like weirdly cut. They both cut him. I don't know. When they show him in the camera, he looks like a pedophile. He's really, really weird. We've been told whenever they go to federal prison that they
Starting point is 00:16:29 are supposed to shave your head. That's what we've heard, but I don't know if that's still a thing. We're waiting on the new mugshot to come out and see if he does look uglier than I did mine. How about Doc? Doc didn't have a lot of nice things to say about you in the documentary. You know what? Doc is a tiger cub killing asshole.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And we've had employees here that work for him and said that he drugs his cats. And he's a piece of shit. And if he wants to face me, I'll face him. He's just a big coward. He runs and everybody steals from everybody. You're going to go fucking toe-to-toe with the bog von? You're wild. Abs are fucking literally.
Starting point is 00:17:07 He's a fat vegetarian. Yeah, have you ever seen a vegetarian that's 150 pounds overweight? Fucking asshole. Yeah, well, yeah, plant-based. He's a plant-based cutie at PBC. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, I mean, I wonder, I know, because the thing,
Starting point is 00:17:22 I didn't realize how much, I mean, everybody's having sex on that show. And now one of Joe Exotic's husbands, they said they would make him remove his teeth to show his meth mouth. Is that true? Or is he always a toothless, wild, you know, drug addict when you saw him? No, he's always been like that since we met him. And when we saw that video of John, we haven't seen him in over a year. He's lost even more since then. But apparently TMZ had pictures of him now with the new grill. So I don't know if they're dentures or implants, but he's got him some new choppers now.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Now what's your stance on Carol Baskin? I forgot. Do you, do you guys also think she killed her husband? Are you team Carol Baskin? Yes or no? I forgot. Absolutely fucking killed her husband. I think there's a question. Yeah. I don't think there's a question. She killed him, you know, coming out on, not to plug another thing, but Monday night on Fox, they're going to do a in-depth investigation on nine o'clock.
Starting point is 00:18:12 That is going to show some more of the stuff that Joe had on Carol. That just didn't come out in the documentary. Joe's been accumulating evidence against Carol for, you know, 11 years or 12 years. Joe had her personal diary. He's had a diary. He had people working diary. Yeah, he's had her diary. He had people working inside of her facility
Starting point is 00:18:27 that were feeding him documents. And Carol was a prostitute. That's when she met Don. You know, when she said she got picked up on the street, her diary said she was a prostitute. Don was a customer for four years. So, you know, it's... Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:42 They didn't share that in the documentary. There's so much they didn't share. They didn't share the fact that Joe doesn't sing those songs. He paid... He stole $3,000 out of the park for every single song on his stupid DVD, had some guy in Washington State write the song and sing the song. Joe would come back here, lip sync a video to it, and have another $3,500 invested in editing a music video. Everything the guy did was a scam and a con.
Starting point is 00:19:10 A lie. The show watched him and made him look like the victim. Wait, okay, so Joe didn't sing the songs. Kyle Baskin was a toot. What else is something, another thing that they left out? Because it's fucking wild. Well, how about the fact that OSBI, which is the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, another thing that they left out because it's fucking wild. Well, how about the fact that OSBI,
Starting point is 00:19:27 which is the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, has been right back here about half a mile down our property, digging for human remains. That John Finley and Sapp, the half-armed, the one-armed girl, and you know that's a girl, right? Not a guy. Yeah, I found that about episode four. Yeah, but there's usually some stuffing down below to make it look otherwise.
Starting point is 00:19:50 And that's where her arm is. Yeah, it could be the rest of that arm. Maybe that's why she wanted to take it off. Baby fist. There you go. Baby fist. Oh, my God. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Allegedly, I have to say that because everybody's suing everybody um allegedly these two shots they were they're down in the park getting high two or three thirty in the morning two people climbed the gates for the fence and john finley shot him one died on the fence one hit the ground they went to finish the guy in the ground fin Finley started getting physically ill. He couldn't do it. Saf took the gun and finished this person off. They called Joe, says, what the fuck do we do? And he says, put him in a big tire out back in Barnum. So OSBI has been back there looking for evidence of this crime. Four different independent witnesses came to them with this exact same story. They don't even know each other. Yeah, they don't even know each other yeah they don't even know each other sap has been drunk running this story in bars and and so you know it's just the tip of the iceberg it hit that netflix thing joe's the sheriff in garvin county had a list of crimes now folders with joe's crimes
Starting point is 00:20:57 on it that was at least two foot and he said that's his uh that's That's my Joe shelf. So there's a lot more coming out. Daily Mirror just did a – Daily Mail. Daily Mail doing an expose on – they've got videos of Joe and John getting fisted and fucked by guys out of Oklahoma City. Joe would run ads on Craigslist. I want big black cock.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I'll pay $400 if you come fuck me tonight. And just, you know, they're going to show all the emails emails They're going to show the videos that were found on the park He's just a disturbed twisted person He's really twisted You know animal sex Walking around the park dressed up in cheerleading outfits Outfits having sex with an animal Sounds like Giannis
Starting point is 00:21:40 Yeah Yeah Are you guys ever going to have any kids and will you charge for us to pet them? We have one child and she's almost above the petting age. USDA only lets you pet her until she's six months.
Starting point is 00:21:56 She just turned six and a half months. Wow. Congratulations. Congrats. How much money can you make petting? That's like the big money maker, money can you make petting, like having, because that's like the big money maker, right, the cub petting? Well, you know what, in some facilities it is.
Starting point is 00:22:13 In ours it's not really. It helps us, you know, pay the electric bill. But we leave cubs. Joe used to pull every single cub from the mother the second it was born. We leave them with the moms, and we'll pull one cub that's not responding well to the mother. The mother rejects it. And if we have a cub available, we'll do the cub bedding. It's $50 for six minutes. And, you know, we might do eight or ten of them a day on a busy day.
Starting point is 00:22:40 So it's not like it's an integral part of our budget but it you know it brings people to the park and most people just pay general admission they walk around they see the animals and they go home right but you can actually see the mothers now raising the cubs yeah now they're coming to see them the moms with baby yeah which is cool yeah yeah yeah well i feel like after this pandemic world i mean because you know i'd be i'm more scared to touch a human than I am a tiger cub. I'd rather be petting it because I I'm a petter. I'm a guy like to pet humans. I mean, they said in New York today, Dr. Fauci said, you can't shake people's hands for the foreseeable future. I was like, well, I'm going to kiss on the lips then I have to have human contact. So are some type of social contact. So I probably will be coming to your zoo
Starting point is 00:23:21 because I feel like if I'm going to touch something and stroke something, I mean, I'd prefer to be a human being. Yeah. Well, it's going to be a tiger combat and then you better believe it's going to be you. If I can get my hands on you. I'm not a fast runner anymore. Yeah. When did you expect to go back to prison one day or what do you think?
Starting point is 00:23:42 Never been to prison. I'm sorry. I spent the night in jail a couple times yeah but no we didn't do anything you know right right no because you know how trust me they vetted us they had our cell phones they had our i gave them my cell phone for two weeks we turned over everything said look guys we have nothing to do with this. We knew what was going on to a degree, but we had no idea the depth of this plan. Fucking unbelievable, man. It's unbelievable, the edits. Go ahead, Giannis, sorry. Is this the first time you guys have been monogamous because of the pandemic?
Starting point is 00:24:17 You can't bring in new pussy? Who says that? Right. I thought it was the CDC. Hey, listen, Giannis, tigers have vaginas. If it's been here for 10 or 14 days, it's not new, right? Oh, you got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:34 So you do have sex tape. Now, are you guys planning, is there going to be sex tape coming out, or is that not something you guys are going to do? You know, you are not the only one that's asked we've been offered a lot of money by by one of the porn websites for sex tapes how much what's what what's the most you've been offered um it was twenty thousand dollars for a for anything over three minutes how about twenty five thousand right now okay we'll just do it right here for you. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:25:08 Wow, there it is. Show the beef. If you do it, are you keeping the do-rag on or off? You know, for an extra five grand, I'll take it off. Nice. I like that. Everything has its price. Now, I got a serious question. I'm a married kid. Now, if I wanted to convince
Starting point is 00:25:24 my wife that we needed to start a harem and open an exotic zoo, what the fuck do I got to tell her? How did you do it? You know what? It takes a special kind of redhead for that one. Is your wife a redhead? No, she's not. She's Sicilian and she's Greek and she's looking at me
Starting point is 00:25:40 like she's about to stick a knife in my head. Hi! You're already dead. Yeah, I think I'm going to die. My first wife would have never, ever, ever gotten into this. Yeah. You have to have a very trusting, a lot of trust. So apparently your wife doesn't trust you. Is that what we're saying?
Starting point is 00:26:03 I mean, I was I, you know, I was going into this thinking you were the bad guy. Cause I'm just, I believe the documentary. I don't know if you're the most charismatic, magical guy in the world, but now I think you're the good guy. And I think fucking Joe exotic is the bad guy. Wait, wait, you find out, dude, you have no,
Starting point is 00:26:21 it's pretty bad with him. You know, the short little clip of me blowing up at him in the office we uploaded three it's an hour and a half three it's an hour and a half the entire explosion and i just went over every fucking crime that i knew he'd committed and he's looking at me like a deer in headlights and he couldn't believe we were actually confronting him yeah and and it would it completely exonerates us And I think that's what kept the feds from looking at us any deeper. We went in and we slammed Joe Exotic in the face with all this stuff. And he just admitted it.
Starting point is 00:26:53 He wouldn't deny anything, even blowing up his own music studio. Yeah, he actually burned his own. I accused him of that on tape. He says, so Jeff, how are we going to fix this? And I said, well, you know what? Because all the evidence. I said, maybe you just have to burn this fucking office down just like you did your music studio.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And he didn't deny it. Yeah, he didn't deny it. So he's the scumbag. I'm not perfect. And I'll fuck your girlfriend if you're not looking. But I'm not the bad guy that they made me be on that show. You're not that bad. You actually asked for permission first. No, that's fine. I'm not the bad guy that they made me be on that show. You're not that bad. You actually asked for permission first.
Starting point is 00:27:25 No, that's... I'm over it. I'm over it. Yeah. Give me the opportunity. She's done. Yeah. Raw dog,
Starting point is 00:27:32 do you guys go raw dog or do you glove up when you're with all these, when you're with, when you're having the sex orgies? Raw daddy? You gotta be safe.
Starting point is 00:27:39 You gotta be safe. It's all girls. Yeah. Yeah. Especially now. Yeah, especially now. Yeah. So now it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:27:44 six feet and safe. Yes. yeah especially now yeah especially now yeah grab it before you tap it six feet and safe which is yes he's a really special kind of guy yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:27:51 now now that you're getting older do you do you need to any enhancements tiger blood no shit those blue pills
Starting point is 00:28:00 are amazing and you know that night that I went to jail these 18 year old kids are passing their shit around like they're Skittles, you know. So there's nothing better. That was the best invention next to toast and, you know, whatever, the Internet that's ever happened.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Yeah. Now, is the government – Be honest. Have you ever taken them? I've never taken them yet, but, you know, I'm getting close. Yeah, you lie. Take one. It's way better.
Starting point is 00:28:30 It's way better. Even if you don't have erection problems, it enhances it so much that you just try it. I feel like we're on a high track. 24-7. Woody, yeah. Yeah. All right. It's just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Now, since this documentary has come out, it's brought, now since that since since this documentary has uh come out it's brought like this whole world of exotic zoo um zoos in america to the public consciousness um and i know it's a constant battle with regulation and and uh getting certified as sort of like what is it an animal? Is the government cracking down now? Are you going to have to avoid any new hurdles? How's the world going to change for you now that this documentary has come out as far as being able to get away with having some of these animals? Well, you know, despite what PETA would have you believe, you know, PETA reached out.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Our buddy is Shaquille O'Neal. And PETA's up on TMZ admonishing Shaquille for having a relationship and not severing his relationship with us, claiming that I had a long history of Animal Welfare Act violations, which is complete and utter bullshit. I've never had any violations at all. So the USDA, which licensed all zoos, if you're going to exhibit an animal, whether it be in a hotel room or in a zoo,
Starting point is 00:29:44 you have to have a USDA license, which we do have. And like I said, ours is in immaculate standing. So they don't pick on us like they pick on guys like Doc Antle that are suspected of killing cubs after their usefulness has expired or drugging his animals to make them more docile for playtime. So, you know, those are the guys that are under the microscope. When you work with the feds in and out for a year to help get somebody, they see everything you do. It's hard to hide anything from the federal government. So I think a lot of the common belief and misconception about us is that we
Starting point is 00:30:21 have, that we're anything like Joe. You know, we do this for the animals if if you donated a hundred thousand dollars today which you can do if you want it all goes to the animals it doesn't go to clothing it doesn't go to our vehicles if my car's got 200,000 miles on it every penny that I make and that I that I earn and generate goes back to these animals and you know that just wasn't guys like doc and joe you saw doc with his big fancy house and you know he's got his harem of boob job women and and you know every dime that he makes obviously isn't going back to his animals the same with joe joe had five dually trucks
Starting point is 00:30:58 whenever he got a new boyfriend he'd go buy them a new vehicle but he would do it under his mom's name within weeks of having a new guy he'd go buy him a brand new truck or a brand new Mustang and these motorhomes everything. He put his face on more stuff here in Oklahoma. A lot of drugs. My god dude if I had one wish in life it would be to be one of Joe's husbands. I'd miss the boat. Right. He was buying $80,000 King Ranch Duallys for these guys. And they'd leave, he wouldn't let them take the truck. But then we've got all of a sudden, the park's got $5,000 worth of truck payments to make every month for trucks that don't even get used and insurance. And so it's, you know, that's just not us. We're about the animals. Joe built this place to speed breed tigers and cash in on tiger cubs. And we don't sell tigers. I don't care what you offer me. I'm not going to sell you a tiger cub because we don't know how you're going to raise it. We don't know that you're going to give it a good life.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Is it haunted? Is the zoo haunted? I think so. I think Travis's ghost walks this place. I feel like other ghosts walk this place. You think when he walks the place, is he gay or straight when he does it? I think he's straight. I think he's straight. I think the meth that these guys were taking you know that these straight supposedly straight guys were taking made him just completely do things that Joe wanted him to do it but Travis came to us a lot of times he says dude you got to get me to Las Vegas and get me
Starting point is 00:32:22 late you got to get me late and you and get me laid. You got to get me laid. And, you know, I question him one time. I said, what the fuck are you doing here? He says, well, you think I don't have a plan? I said, what's your plan? You're going to inherit a zoo that makes no money from Joe Exotic? No. Yeah. It just didn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah. That is a hell of a drug. Hell of a drug. Yeah. I've never done it, so I don't know. All your girls, you said Doc's got a whole bunch of girls with breast implants. Are you a guy who likes natties? You like naturals?
Starting point is 00:32:48 Yeah, I like naturals. I don't like fake tits. Never have. So, Courtney, Lauren, you got natties? I got natties. Nice. What is, how big of a, what's, what's Jeff Lowe's dick look like? Got a nice piece?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Oh, yeah. I ride it pretty hard. Circumcised or no? No. Nice. Yes. He's I'm not a Jewish guy. He
Starting point is 00:33:16 I knew you were because I didn't see the horn. I just knocked up a or the money. I'm knocked up a – yeah. Or the money. I'm out of money. There you go. Yeah. So what do you got?
Starting point is 00:33:30 Like how many? Because I'm about – I'll tell you, I'll be honest, like I'm about six. I'm creeping in on six. How many inches you got? You know, probably seven. Nice. I got to be more than you. I got to be more than you. Well, you got the foreskin.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Yeah. No, I don't. I was just looking at Lauren just to see if you were lying. She says eight. I thought about eight. She says eight. Wow. I'm going to go with her.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah, I'm going to go with her. Nice. I mean, I have fun, so that's what matters. Never had any complaints. Put it that way. You got to be doing something right because you got a beautiful lady with you. You got an exotic zoo. It's closed right now now but it will open for
Starting point is 00:34:05 business right when things are done yes you can they will you can get a cameo of jeff on cameo which we're probably gonna do for you and now you've just found out on the history hyenas pack podcast that jeff flow is the fucking good guy and joe exotic is a piece of shit and that fucking doc up there and fucking where is he north carolina he's a piece of shit. And that fucking doc up there in fucking, where is he? North Carolina. He's a piece of shit. South Carolina. With a fucking harem full of girls with fake titties.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Yeah. Cal Baskin's a fucking prostitute. He's a fucking toot. I think we've covered everything. Yeah. Your husband's a cuck. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Did you see the wedding photos of him being walked on a leash on the beach? Yeah. I mean, what do you think we're going for as Halloween? 100%. What the fuck? Oh, my God. Did you see the wedding photos of him being walked on a leash on the beach? Yeah. I mean, what do you think we're going for as Halloween? 100%. What the fuck? We got police and pictures. Pictures. We're coming to your zoo.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah, you know Carol votes for Hillary every time she can, even if she's not on the ballot. Yeah, yeah. What are their husbands? Because he's getting walked around like a cuck. That's a Democrat, no? Yeah. And Jeff, I know that we fucking know the reason why you don't want to take off that hat and that bandana
Starting point is 00:35:08 because you got a Trump 2020 tattoo right on your forehead. I do. I do. Re-elect that motherfucker. That's it. It's what it is. All right. We love you guys. Take care. We love you guys. Bye-bye. See you later. Big kiss. All right, bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:00:00 Bye.

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