History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 14 - History Hyenas is WILD!

Episode Date: May 13, 2018

Yannis Pappas wanders off from the clan in this exclusive solo episode where Zack Isis and Yannis have a WILD conversation. WILD!!!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys&...nbsp;where things get really WILD!Follow us!: πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ•πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈChris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈYannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ•History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? You're listening to the Bay Ridge Boys, History Hyenas. Bad. What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? It's me, Giannis Pappas, Obi-Wan Cucknobi, and I'm here with Chris DiStefano, and you're listening to the Bay Ridge Boys, History Hyenas. Yo, hello out there, everybody. Welcome to the History Hyenas podcast
Starting point is 00:00:53 with your two resident human hyenas, Chris Estestefano and Giannis Pappas. How you doing, Chris? Yeah, I'm doing all right. You know, just, you know, just born in Queens, you know. Just live that life, you know. It's crazy, you know. I'm fucking, I want to do things bad. Yo, I need a dick in my ass.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Bad, bad, bad. Yo, Chris, you're wild, man. Yeah, you know, it's how it is when you grow up in Ridgewood, Queens. You just got, you know, a lot of guys, they want to see your dick. Let me show you, let me see your piece. Let me see the dick. Obviously, show you. Let me see your piece. Let me see the dick. Obviously, that's not Chris DiStefano because it's not gay enough.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So, you know, that was me. I can't really do a good Chrissy D impersonation because he's sort of an impersonation of himself. You know what I mean? So this is what's going on this week, guys. Chris DiStefano has passed away. And now this is, yeah, I told you. I mean, I told you in the previous episodes. He went out and he bought these black Reeboks.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I think we might have mentioned. Did we mention that on this podcast? He bought these, yeah. He bought these black high top Reeboks. You know, kind of like the black girls in the 90s used to wear those with like door knockers. Those are like the meet me outside after school black high top Reeboks. And Chrissy went and bought them because he's just too wild for society. So I couldn't take it anymore. You know, people's sneakers, if there's something off, it kind of offends me a little bit. So like I've been warning on this podcast, I went to over to Indiana.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Very easy to get a gun over there. Just walked into a gun show. I already had dip in my mouth. You know, my little cuck snooze. My general Swedish snooze. So, you know, they thought I was one of their own. No big deal. Boom.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Bought myself a gun. Drove all the way back. Told Chrissy we had a gig up in Poughkeepsie. And he was like, yeah. So we drove up and I walked him up to a hill and he dug his own hole and I put Chrissy into it with a bullet to the back of the head. So Chrissy's gone. We've lost him. And believe me, i know a lot of
Starting point is 00:03:06 you are going to be upset out there look he was he was a good friend of mine and i know you guys were immensely entertained by chris stefano from ridgewood queens comedian transgender man but you know like like I said, the world's not going to be a better place now that we're not with Chris anymore. But, you know, score one for Law & Order, you know? A little victory for Law & Order on Sunday. Yeah, I did it on the Lord's Day too, you know?
Starting point is 00:03:41 Just so I could stay. I made him take off his shirt too, you know, and you should have seen the animals in the hills of Poughkeepsie scatter when his anteater tit came out, and I was staring right at the Catholic tattoo on his back, that trashy Queen's Catholic mural. He has a mural on his back. It's like a big cross. And I was just staring
Starting point is 00:04:10 at it as he was digging away, going, where are we going? Is there a museum? Underground? And so I killed Chris. Bam! I killed him. Bam! So anyway,
Starting point is 00:04:24 no, Chrissy's in Scotland, everybody. don't worry you know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna waste a life sentence on chris di stefano and then admit it on a podcast that would be crazy although we would shoot right up to number one on our phones as chrissy would say but it's just me and zach isis today we're sitting here salam alaikum And there you go. There's your cross-cultural communication right there. Listen, if you're the industry and you're listening, we went even further than getting a Muslim on our podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:53 We went and got a member of the most extreme faction of Islam possible. Islam. Now, I mean, Isis. If that's not diversity, I don't know what is. I think we kicked diversity up a notch. All right? We got a terrorist cell on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Affirmative action. It is affirmative action, right? At its best. At its best. We went the full, we went all the way. People, you know, they usually get like, you know, you want to have like a diverse cast. You have like a Muslim, Latin, Asian person. But how diverse really are they seriously
Starting point is 00:05:26 they're all american everyone believes in the same stuff you know mcdonald's theme parks chinese buffets in rural areas pete's capitalism so how diverse really are we? I mean, how diverse is a Chinese guy whose dad is a doctor and a white guy whose dad is a doctor who grew up in the same neighborhood? Is that really diversity? I don't think so. We went and got, we went all the way to Queens, right? I went and spoke to a halal cart guy and I said, look, I want you to find me. I went and spoke to a halal cart guy and I said look I want you to find me I'm talking not just Muslim I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:06:08 hates America Muslim terrorists and he said he had a nephew he could get me in contact with but he would have to speak to the sheik on a burner phone to get because he didn't even know where his nephew was because his nephew's constantly on duty doing uh reconnaissance for for his allah allah just
Starting point is 00:06:32 allah just means god in in uh in arabic right yeah so many people when i was in school they like thought that i believed in like a different god or something. It's just God in Arabic. Same old thing, right? Allah is just a word for God. Same shit everyone else believes. Same shit, right? Everyone believes in a God who's looking over us. Who's getting mad. Who gets really mad.
Starting point is 00:06:57 You know what I was thinking, Isis? You want me to riddle you something I was thinking about? Riddle me. Check this out. I never heard anyone say this. Although maybe people have alluded to it. I haven't read everything that's ever been written so maybe somebody has but people always say people got to be godlike right but joe when you look at the planet and that's why i love we're doing this podcast right because i spent i got to tell you i spent most of my nights watching pretty horrible things in nature just because i'm fascinated by it the newest animal i've become fascinated with is the komodo dragon oh shit because lizard the biggest lizard they
Starting point is 00:07:33 they they reside in indonesia and these fucking sociopaths i mean they make hyenas look like social workers they really do what they do these komodo dragon biggest lizard on the planet i think it's like uh i don't know can you look at how fucking big that thing is i mean it's a big slow disgusting lizard that will eat absolutely anything and most often eats it alive and this is the reason why the male 8.5 feet uh female 7.5 pounds that's 170 to 200 pounds so it's eight feet long 8.5 eight and a half so basically it's a foot and a half taller than fucking shaquille O'Neal. And it weighs... 170 to 200 pounds. 170 to 200 pounds.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So, you know, around... That's a heavyweight boxer. So it's a heavyweight boxer, but it's at eight and a half. And I think they can run for fast bursts, right? Yeah. Yeah, they chill slow. When they creep up on you, they creep slow. But they can run for short bursts pretty fast you know how fast i can run
Starting point is 00:08:49 you ever seen these things eat meat they just look crazy yeah i watched one eat a monkey the other day i mean i've been watching these things for like the past three four days i can't believe what i'm seeing 12 miles per hour they can run for 12 miles per hour that's pretty fast that's pretty fast for a big ass lizard big ass lizard with four feet yeah it's a big ass lizard running 12 miles per hour but look at this this is listen to the mo of a komodo dragon and then i'll get to the what i was about to say and the komodo dragon is evidence of what i'm about to say komodo dragon this is how it kills this is how it hunts um You can even watch this video on YouTube There's one of it just like hanging out by a buffalo
Starting point is 00:09:28 Just kind of hangs out Buffalo's unfortunately Really fucking stupid I guess it felt like this thing was non-threatening Or too small to hurt it So the buffalo is just chilling, hanging out And all the Komodo dragon has to do Is
Starting point is 00:09:44 Bite anything just once That's all dragon has to do is bite anything just once. That's all it has to do. It doesn't have to kill it. It's just seeking to bite it and the reason why is because its mouth is a cocktail of deadly venomous bacteria.
Starting point is 00:09:59 It's just the dirtiest fucking mouth you've ever seen in your life. Any crackhead you see on the street who hasn't brushed his teeth he's got one tooth left are there even crackheads anymore oh yeah i see meth heads yeah crackheads yeah i mean meth really is like they do all kinds of shit yeah the meth this is like the it's like the iphone 10 you know, it's coming in. I feel like pills are the new thing now. Opiates, right? Yeah, like Xanax and stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah. You ever think about how dirty their mouths are? This is about a million times more dirty than the worst crackhead in the history of the world. So all they do is bite them, and then they wait. They just wait right and then slowly the animal dies and check this fucking out the animal could even roam away and think it and usually animals think they're good they're like oh this is gonna heal it's gonna good i'll be good rolls they don't even see the komodo dragon anymore all right this is what this fucking psychopath killer does i mean some of these animals are psychopathic killers so this animal goes about its business sometimes a
Starting point is 00:11:12 week it takes up to about a week for them to start getting weak so they're just living their life thinking they're great next thing you know that little bite on their ankle like the video i watched all the komodo dragon did was bite the ankle of the buffalo one time, and then the buffalo went along its business, thinking it was okay. About a week later, the animal weakens, starts falling down, and doesn't really die. It's a slow death, but can't move anymore. And then you know what this fucking psychopath does? It seeks it out.
Starting point is 00:11:40 It can smell the wounded animal for up to six miles six miles this thing is a like a like an assassin like um you remember that movie uh no country for old men oh that's a great movie yeah that guy's based on a komodo dragon it's like wherever you go it's gonna fucking find you it's like it's like a heat it's like a guided missile and it comes and it finds you and while you're laying on the ground you know almost dead still alive komodo dragon just starts eating your ass they start usually from the ass i guess you know not that stupid it's not as stupid as a buffalo that's the sad thing predators are always smarter than prey it It's brutal. And probably starts eating from the ass side because it wants to stay away from the mouth of the wounded animal.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Is that a fact? They always start from the ass? No, but all the videos I've watched, I've seen that. But I'm guessing that's why it is. Can you check that out? It might be like an unspoken Komodo dragon rule. Like, they all just know it amongst each other. Start with the ass.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Yeah, start with the ass. It also seemed like, I just said it because it seems like common sense, you know, to be like, let me start. First of all, there's a lot of meat back there, you know? That's where there's a lot of meat. And also, you know, you want to stay probably as far away from the animal's mouth or horns or whatever, even though the thing can't move
Starting point is 00:12:59 because it's dying from the disease from your mouth. And then it pretty much always eats the prey while it's alive um i'm gonna give a shout out to an instagram account right now there's two of them you guys should follow one is uh nature is scary oh i follow that that's some funny shit that's some scary shit scary shit and then this guy just started a new one which is he takes it to a new level it's called nature is mental and he even advertises it he's like in his description he's like unlike a lot of the other sites mine is raw and i mean the things that he shows so he's the one who posted this thing about the komodo dragon he
Starting point is 00:13:37 also posted this video of a baboon capturing a uh a um a gazelle or whatever those animals are, whatever those fast animals that always get eaten. Antelopes? Antelope, I think. I think it was an antelope. And a baboon will, on occasion, just find a young antelope by its mother and just snatch it and then eat it while it's alive. And this baboon had the baby
Starting point is 00:14:04 and was just eating it in front of the mother, the mother trying to get it. So you're just watching the baby go, try to reach out for the mom while the baboon's just picking out the guts like spaghetti and just clawing at the mom to keep her away while he's eating her alive. I mean, nature's fucking brutal.
Starting point is 00:14:21 But Komodo dragons definitely caught my attention. It says that they try to make a cavity to shove their whole head in. So maybe that's why they start with the ass because it's already kind of an opening. Oh, they try to shove their whole head in? Yeah, they try to form a cavity in the animal to shove their head in. To eat whatever's in there. Yeah, I guess to get all the guts and stuff, to get the real good stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So that's God's beautiful planet right there is my point. Animals are scary. Animals are scary. And that's what the truth is. I mean, that's the reality we inhabit. The only reason we've been able to, to distance ourselves from that is because of our brain.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Our brain can kind of project into the future. Pat, we got a posable thumb that can kind of grab shit and make tools. And so we were able to become the ultimate killer. Because that's what really we are. I mean, come on, dude. You ever go to a fucking factory farm? I mean, we are the apex predator.
Starting point is 00:15:17 You know? Most of our protein comes from dead animals. Lesser life forms. And we only call them lesser because we can kill them. You know? I mean, they're much greater than us if we had to survive outside.
Starting point is 00:15:34 If we had to survive outside, you know, we would be fucked. We'd be prey again. Because a lot of fucking lynx lives outside. So we only call them lesser because we build houses and we just kill them all most humans on the planet get their fucking
Starting point is 00:15:52 protein from meat if you're rich enough to afford meat and we so we do you know we kill them all so that's the planet that's the reality we kind of we kind of you know we kind of paint this sort of illusion on top of it of like you of it of beauty and things like that. And we're capable of beauty, but that's my point. Only humans really seem to be the only ones really capable of figuring out rules and law. The rule of law. law i mean that's the that is the one specific thing that is the most peaceful thing of any animal that any animal has ever created every scientific advancement every technological advancement has been uh enabled by the rule of law because if you don't have rule of law then
Starting point is 00:16:44 fucking people are acting like savages you can't sit in your little house and think of science because you know there's a there's a raiding army coming to get you do you know what animal that scientists have said if all humans went extinct would be next on top of the food chain would pretty much take over roaches no mice no let me guess um give me five give me your top five guesses you would you would say roaches no mice no germans close uh greeks no no oh surprising superior people can't do it. Okay, last guess. I'm going to go.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I said humans, by the way, so it won't be a human that takes over. I'm going to go something underwater. I'm going to go with. Oh, there you go. You're getting closer. Skeeters. What are skeeters? Mosquitoes.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Oh, no. Those aren't underwater. You've never been outside New York, have you? Sometimes. I have to make a delivery every now and then. anyway the uh the answer is squids giant squids smart motherfuckers they would be next on top if we all went really i said you've never been outside new york because skeeters that's kind of like a southern way to call you know the south southern people call them mosquitoes skeeters skaters skaters sounds like skaters but skaters so squids and
Starting point is 00:18:07 why is that they're just smart i guess they just get it i guess they're just a little bit smart and which i thought it would be like dolphins or something but i guess they just get it they could probably make dolphins and shit do what they want they look like alien squids they might be yeah that's why they're up next yeah those fucking yeah those oily yeah gross squid they taste good though i like squid i like some calamari yeah good yeah so squids would really be the ones if we went if everything went extinct they would be on top they would be on top how why it was something about their intelligence it's something about the way they communicate and like they're kind of off the grid too like we don't know how many squids are in the world because
Starting point is 00:18:48 they're just so off the grid yeah and they're just they're just smarter than most other animals that might be why we can't really find them and shit because they're just smart they can avoid us do they live in like deep deep water yeah that's what it is it was specifically like giant squids it was like one uh type of squid that was the giant squid that lives like oh super under the water they find one like every 10 years and shit those things could take pretty much anything down right it's like the kraken those kraken type shits what are the krakens you know giant squid you never heard of the kraken no really like the pirates tales go get the kraken no i never been outside of new york either yeah they talk about the kraken everywhere
Starting point is 00:19:25 other than new york what's the kraken it's like uh davy the actual myth behind it is that davy jones had a giant squid that he would use to take down ships and it was called the kraken like whenever you hear of an old sea monster and shit yeah it's always the kraken have you never seen pirates of the caribbean no i haven't see i'm not interested in any magical real movie except for the game of thrones is the only thing that's got me yeah i like game of thrones but anything else if there was like a talking squid or a bird that i wasn't into it you know and so pirates of the caribbean is kind of like magical realism right game of thrones is where you like draw the line that's where i draw the line yeah and i didn't think i
Starting point is 00:20:04 was gonna like it until i started watching it and then yeah i'm not i'm just not yeah i like reality i'm really into reality i like like i would rather watch a woody allen movie than watch like a superhero movie i don't understand what the big hoopla is about superhero movies about like infinity war and stuff all that shit yeah i'm like this guy can't fly nobody can fly i'm just yeah i'm like oh wait did you know x-men this guy's got you know his chick turns green i'm like i'm always just sitting in the movie going this is not real i like real i like stories based in reality because i am a true blue psychopath by the way true blue psychopath of the week komodo fucking dragons t b p even though i would practice that when i still did it slow chris does them fast
Starting point is 00:20:48 yeah i wonder why that has a special talent for being able to do acronyms so quick only when he does them though yeah only when he does them right we discovered that yeah because he's a he's a true blue psychopath himself control freak so he can't do it but true blue the tbp definitely komodo dragons go check them fucking psychopaths out um i would say they're up there they're in the they're in the animal psychopath hall of fame we're gonna have we should have a history hyenas animal psychopath hall of fame and hyenas are definitely in this one you got today i got a good one today these motherfuckers are so in need of a dentist it is unbelievable their teeth are candy corn yellow and uh where'd you find this one this guy's got no ear google images they always even i was actually going to use the one that you guys use to uh
Starting point is 00:21:37 like make the poster the history but they're just so covered in blood those hyenas that i i found it too graphic to put up we we we use it as a logo but it's too graphic for one episode yeah those two hyenas really fucked up whatever they fucked up no the thing about the hyena is the reason why his ear is missing is uh it could be either from a fight with another animal when hyenas haze each other when they when they gang up on each other first of all they always kill their brothers. They constantly like, a lot of times, they just there's so much fratricide between hyenas, they will kill
Starting point is 00:22:09 themselves all the time. I mean, kill each other. So, but when they haze one, they always fucking rip his ear off. I've seen this many times. They grab him by the ear. Have you ever watched one of those videos? I'll say, we're gonna start posting clips. Yeah, throw one up right now. They always, a hyena always grabs the other hyena by the ear
Starting point is 00:22:28 and just holds on to it for like 40 minutes and just yanks it around and rips it off. Hyena rips off another hyena's ear. Yeah, they're constant. Look at this. Hyena face gets, oh, no, that's a lion. Yeah, yeah, check it out. He got excited as well.
Starting point is 00:22:44 They're going to mess it up. Mess it up, definitely, yeah. See, I just that's a lion. Yeah, yeah. Check it out. He got excited as hell. See, I just lay in bed and watch these fucking videos. Oh, God. I mean, it's brutal. This is going to be very hard to watch, but we are going to stay here, so if you cannot keep watching, you're going to simply have to turn off the TV. This is very, very serious. Who's he talking talking to i think it's like a guide and he's talking to
Starting point is 00:23:10 a lot of people so why is he saying turn off the tv if they're live oh it might be oh safari live yeah this is i love it pause it for a second pause it for a second i love it that this is the safari truck is probably filled with these like, you know, a bunch of British families. Wanted to see a nice giraffe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, Mama, at what point do we feed the giraffes? Honey, just take four. They're going to drive us a little bit.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And afterwards, they're going to drive us a little bit and afterwards they're going to show us some lions and they promised mummy that they will let us feed the giraffe and then they just kind of veer off into here and it's like alright first we're going to show you these hyenas yeah good luck eating lunch after this safari what we're watching right
Starting point is 00:24:00 now Zach just found a great video of a pack of hyenas ganging up on some hyena. You know, that's how hyenas are. The hyena's probably sick, maybe weak, you know? Maybe said something about the other hyena's mother. They are a matriarch. Hyenas are like the Italians of fucking animals.
Starting point is 00:24:18 They love their mother so much. I love my mama. That, like, if you talk about their fucking matriarch, this might happen to you. I feel like that hyena looked at the camera too. Like he knew he was getting fucked up. He knew what was going on. Yeah. I think the other ones almost screamed world star too.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Let's watch the rest. Holy shit. Oh, I mean. Oh God. These are chicks. sometimes even within their own clan. Oh, God. And it's often the females that will compete most ferociously for the hierarchy of queen. These are chicks. And it looks like right now one individual hyena is in serious trouble.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's one ear. You think? And like I said, this is an easy treat. Thanks for telling us. He finally got free. Oh, she finally got free. These are chicks. Fuck that thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah. Yeah. And look at the other ones. They just start grazing grass like nothing. Oh, and they just leave it. Look at them. They go smelling around like, yo, maybe we'll find leave it. Look at them. They go smelling around like, yo, maybe we'll find some berries. Oh, look at its ears.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Oh, God. The other ones are just chilling. And then they just look at it. They just leave her. They just leave her. Oh, that's fucking brutal. Oh, I mean, might as well kill. I mean, oh, look at that. Oh, that's fucking brutal. I mean, might as well kill.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I mean, oh, look at that. It looks like it's going to. Oh, it's got a broken leg, too. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. What, do you think it was okay? Yeah. in dire straits. What, do you think it was okay? Those wounds, I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:08 that's a two-sided fight, that, and I think we are sitting in the middle of a battle zone from last night. Yeah, he took, yeah. You could tell who won that fight. I mean, he's walking, though. She's walking. This hyena's walking away with one ear
Starting point is 00:26:24 and a broken, look at that foot. It's going, it's trying to tell. It's walking away with one ear and a broken... Look at that foot. It's going. It's trying to tell. It's like, look at what this motherfucker just did to me. No, it's trying to go to the truck and be like, yo, can you take me to a fucking hospital, please? You're just going to stand there and watch? No.
Starting point is 00:26:36 That back foot is just too much. So why are you standing there? I mean, at that point in the wild, you're pretty much done for. Yeah. If you're like that. Yeah, you can't just call an ambulance. You point in the wild, you're pretty much done for. Yeah. If you're like that. Yeah. You can't just call an ambulance. You can't.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Cops aren't going to show up. I mean, you're just fucked. That is brutal. Yeah. And they just ripped them off. They don't. I don't. It's like, at least kill them, man.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Kill her. Crazy thing. Those were chicks. That was a good old girl fight. A girl fight. Hyena girl fights. Pretty vicious. Yeah. Pretty fucking vicious. A lot more vicious a good old girl fight a girl fight hyena girl fights pretty vicious yeah pretty fucking vicious a lot more vicious than a human girl fight so my point is
Starting point is 00:27:10 back to my original point is like everyone says guy people got to be godlike you know but you know that's not really accurate if you want to talk about like what's accurate and what we do know not to get too philosophical without Chrissy D. And that's why I like having Chrissy D. here. He doesn't let this happen. Should I get the X-Files music from when you get too crazy? You might. Yeah, that could be a good thing.
Starting point is 00:27:35 That could be a real good thing. But you know what you never hear is maybe God does exist, and maybe God needs to be more human-like. Because think about it. We're the only ones who created rule of law. We're the only ones who can imagine a better world than he created. When you look at his world, it is actually fucking brutal. Full of killers and prey.
Starting point is 00:28:04 That's it. full of killers and prey. That's it. It's just a ball floating in space full of psychopaths who eat their prey. Fucking some cannibals, fratricide, all types of grisly murder and violence. And only humans are the ones
Starting point is 00:28:23 who can kind of conceive of anything better in fact we created god and endowed him with the goodness in humanity going too far no it's a good that was a good one because i and i and i got the idea out so it's good so that's basically the idea maybe god should be more human like you know but then we wouldn't have uh all these fascinating animals to watch and i don't know why i'd rather watch a hyena because to be honest with you that's the crazy thing is like i'm a good person here's the deal i know we did the psychopath test and we already knew zach was a psychopath because of what his job is you know this is his side job his main job is killing uh infidels right so we knew he was a psychopath certified Certified. Certified psychopath.
Starting point is 00:29:07 We knew Chrissy was a true blue psychopath because he's the original King Gay, right? And he's wild. But I'm not a psychopath. I'm a good kid. I know I rated higher than him on the test when we did that on that episode, but I'm a good kid. I'm a good kid.
Starting point is 00:29:21 But I would rather watch hyenas ripping another hyena's ear off or killing lion cubs killing babies of their rival lions then you know watch impalas i mean you know impala let's be honest isn't it wow like everyone wants to watch goodfellas goodfellas is a movie about fucking criminals killers thieves and for some reason even the good people on the planet would rather watch that bad people are just more entertaining no yeah like in halloween like would you rather be the big bad wolf or one of the three little pigs i feel like the villain has always been a little more people rather i don't know it's weird now with superheroes and shit people want to be the hero but used to be people really like the villain like getting i think still i think still i think
Starting point is 00:30:12 still i think so for the most part realistic like people looking up like serial killers and stuff yeah and in their brain yeah or or on that would be funny if halloween i i just walked in with with like a uh if somebody's halloween costume i just walked in with with like a uh if somebody's halloween costume was just like they walked in with a woman's head and they're just like i'm ed kemper and they started fucking the head that'd be dedication to the role that would be and that would be a great halloween costume i mean not a real head but you know like a fake head you get like you one of those model heads like a mannequin yeah cause that's what he did is he cut his mother's head off and he fucked it that's what Ed Kemper did
Starting point is 00:30:47 yeah that's what he did the human brain is fucking to quote Chrissy D so yeah I mean I don't know dude because think about it like this Shark Week
Starting point is 00:31:03 huge everyone loves Shark Week, huge. Everyone loves Shark Week. Everyone watches documentaries about lions. Nobody has ever tuned in for a documentary about fucking turtles. There's no Turtle Week. Unless they're snapping turtles that kill. Then people want to see it. Here is, I'm going to save it.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I'm going to save the, you know what? That's kind of a good idea. You you know we're kind of a new podcast we should probably be doing a true blue psychopath of the week every fucking week and i already have the next one queued up because i've been watching so many of these um i'm not gonna say now i'm gonna save it for next week i'll tell you after the podcast so you can go research it and be fucking dumbfounded about how – because it's the most – I'm going to tease it a little bit. It is the most unexpected killer. It's not even – the thing doesn't even move. It doesn't even move and it kills everything in its path.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Salt. Huh? Is it salt? Could be salt, yeah. So that's actually table salt. Table salt could win the TBP of the week at some point. It's taking our motherfuckers left and right. For sure.
Starting point is 00:32:12 For sure. Sugar too. True Blue Psychopath. Added sugar. Not in oranges. You know? And I gotta give the, definitely this week, the True Blue Gay, I guess, is to Childish Gambino. Yeah, everyone's talking about that video, the song.
Starting point is 00:32:32 So much of life is timing, too. You know, I've been thinking about it. Like, that's what luck really is. When you define luck, there is a lot of luck involved in life. My dad always told me that. He always asked me, he said, remember, if you'd rather be smart or lucky, always choose lucky. Smart people get fucking killed all the time. But I've been thinking about what luck really means.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And of course, you work hard and everything to be prepared for those moments or try to get lucky you basically work hard and prepare to try to get lucky and what luck is is timing it's just fucking timing that's where the luck comes in like not to say that this video wouldn't be huge in a different context because it might be i mean you can never know but that this is coming right on the heels of kan's fucking Trump love, you know, calling slavery a choice. True blue. I mean, if it wasn't for the Komodo dragon upstaging Kanye this week in my life, then obviously, as far as humans go, Kanye is the true blue psychopath of he's straight out just called he's like 400 years that sounds like a choice well do you think that's like his real thoughts or do you think he's just kind of
Starting point is 00:33:54 trolling like how a lot of today's famous people do and trying to because he has two albums coming out do you think he's promoting or do you think that's his real shit no i think he's totally promoting but that's bad in and of itself that he's using that to promote it's like how much of a true blue fucking psychopath are you that you're trying to get on the airwaves by saying slavery you know what i mean by getting attention by saying slavery was a choice um to promote your fucking album is that where you're at kanye bad meaning bad on that one the real bad um but anyway you know it's yeah he's just i don't know why people listen fucking kanye so much just fucking kanye you know people he's assigned to make america great again hats that he wears all the time i get worried about the black community
Starting point is 00:34:40 sometimes though you know because you, they're the real black people in native Americans. We, I think we've talked about this to me are the ones who've really suffered the most in this country. You know, everybody else, case by case, you know, people get fucked up, but it's like, you know, those are two systems that were in place to extinguish people, to torture people. And it's like, I get worried about the black community sometimes that they you you read these tweets and shit people are putting so so much it's like because i'm greek and i know the greek american community would never care what yanni tweeted you know if yanni the singer tweeted some shit the greek community is not even paying attention to yanni in that way they just go oh he's fucking a singer they're not gonna care about what he says but for some reason you know the kanye's
Starting point is 00:35:31 been anointed this genius yeah i was i'm like when is it common knowledge that he was a genius when did that become like common knowledge they made him a genius yeah they just kind of said he's a fucking genius and i'm like in what world yeah is kanye fucking west a genius he's not even that great of a rapper uh he's all right he's not bad he's not fucking cool g rap he's not rock him he's not i mean you know he's not even rocking like real genius that's some real genius that's a fucking that is the that is real deal rap right there even m&m is a much better rapper just skills you know but but why is it though why do you think that people just consider because i thought that too like when did it become con because now people are
Starting point is 00:36:14 like connie's a genius and they just like yep it's kind of like common knowledge i think because on any given day he could either be a true blue gay or true blue psychopath he he's what he's the only one who flirts with both that I can think of right off the top of my head. Because he is so fucking wild that he's true blue gay sometimes and then he's true blue psychopath as well. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:34 It's a good question. It's a good question, dude. He's a rapper. He's a musician. He's dating a Kardashian. Who gives a fuck? He makes music. You know?
Starting point is 00:36:43 He's made a couple songs that have some meaning behind them i guess you know but so did fucking bob dylan the whole the country's not following bob dylan i mean you make some good social points okay it doesn't mean you're a genius neil degrasse tyson is a fucking genius i mean that guy's an astrophysicist fucking follow him if he's telling you fucking listen to that guy i mean we just throw an astrophysicist fucking follow him if he's telling you fucking listen to that guy i mean we just throw the word genius around so much and people like well he's a creative genius i'm like is he really that much of a fucking creative genius is he really i mean is he like michelangelo i mean the guy's sitting there calling himself
Starting point is 00:37:21 walt disney remember when he's like i'm w Walt Disney. I'm Michelangelo. It's like, dude, you make beats. And Jesus. He also compared himself to Jesus. Yeah. I mean, he's a crazy dude. He's a crazy wild dude. And so that's why I get worried a little bit. I see a lot of times my black friends just like putting so much into kanye fucking west but anyway my point being timing um is uh like this childish
Starting point is 00:37:50 gambino song and then and then uh i think it got so much attention because it is a song that has like social import it's about all these issues and stuff and it's done well it's a good song it's a catchy song it's a dope video it's really a lot of stuff going on it's meaningful it's kind of deep it's just great it's good art you know seems like it's good art seems like most people uh like it and feel like it's good art but again it's like i see people doing that now they're putting so much stock into child scambino it's like no child scambino or Kanye are not going to fucking, you know, are not going to change your situation if it's not good.
Starting point is 00:38:32 You know what I mean? It's not putting so much fucking stock into musicians. I mean, they say good stuff, but it's like even John Lennon. It's like John Lennon is a musical genius or whatever you want to call him. like yeah i mean you know he was still a little utopian you're not gonna base your world model on him just going like hey man no more war no more war you're like yeah it's a nice sentiment but uh it's really got nothing to do with reality you know and so it's like yeah you can be inspired by these guys i think you. You can enjoy their music and you can enjoy their message even. But stop with this fucking – these people aren't Jesus.
Starting point is 00:39:12 It's just a dude. It's like the people who follow history hyenas to learn history. Don't do that. Don't follow this podcast to learn history or to learn about nature all right you man exactly it might inspire you to go learn about it on your own but we are two fucking king gays king and i'm the prince gay chris the king gay and isis is the the lord terrorist and the three of us are out here just trying to entertain you i mean come on we never talk about it because you never want to say i'm here to
Starting point is 00:39:50 entertain you but that's what we do entertainment no different from kanye childish gambino just on a much much smaller level you know so it's the same ass fucking shit but the timing is is unbelievable because i noticed that i've noticed that about a few things recently is like things really take off when the timing is right even michelle wolf's um yeah correspondence dinner it's just the timing of it it's it's just the timing like you know all that stuff had been uh said about um about uh huckabee sanders and and people on the right were always like, oh, the hypocrisy. They were always going like, oh, you want to be a feminist
Starting point is 00:40:29 and you don't want to talk about women's looks, but you're okay talking about the looks of her and trying to point out that hypocrisy. And then she went hard, and it's like the left doubled down on that. They're like, yeah, well, if Trump does it, we can do it. You know, two wrongs make a right. That's basically what they were saying. That was basically the argument for supporting the jokes,
Starting point is 00:40:52 that specific joke, really, because that's what the controversy was really about, was that joke, maybe the Kelly Conway joke or whatever about getting trapped in a tree, but not really. And then the other one was abortion. But even the abortion joke, what i find funny is that the abortion jokes got upstaged by huckabee sanders fucking mascara and being called a liar and for the record all of those jokes were hilarious yeah they were great jokes at all of those great jokes they were great jokes but the
Starting point is 00:41:19 one that caused the controversy was really about timing. Was it because that was sort of like the piece of steak that the two sides were kind of pulling over, trying to fight over. It's like the left and the right are like lions and fucking the steak is that... You know, Huckabee Sanders.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Huckabee Sanders. The right to make fun of that huckabee sanders clearly looks like a like um frankenstein in a wig you can't just say if you say that you know it's it's in front of it look i mean the woman's a strange looking woman you know but so was janet reno janet reno was a dude i mean she was like six foot four it's probably before your time janet reno she was a you Janet Reno was a dude. I mean, she was like six foot four. It's probably before your time, Janet Reno. She was, you know, it was a Clinton administration.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I could have been busy with some sort of operation. Oh, you could have been busy. Yeah, I forgot. I forgot your schedule. Yeah. I forget your schedule sometimes gets in the way of. When I'm not here, just assume I'm busy doing some shit. You know, people used to make fun of fucking Janet Reno.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Huckabee Sanders, strange looking broad, no question, right? I mean, objectively. Yeah, but I mean like Michelle, she also talked about her own looks, you know what I mean? The kind of, you know. Yeah, she could have called herself the female carrot top at least once though, just to sort of M&M'd all those memes. You know, she should have seen that coming, you know, because like, yeah, those memes are fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:42:47 The memes coming from the right. They go like, wait, did you guys catch Carrot Top's new act? And then they picture her and picture him. The one thing today's world is definitely doing correct is the memes. Memes are killing it. We're in a bad state, but the memes just keep getting better. Memes are always good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And you know what's funny? It's like nobody ever knows where they start they're just like they it's just like yo the internet they just call it like the internet because those things get passed around so much i remember i created one that went viral once um i did uh you could pull it up um it's um derrick rose's derrick rose's new sneaker meme i created it on my old sports show two-point lead and the thing like reached like 30 million yeah there it is on the left yeah that's me i created that like that was my idea and um it's oh and it's like yeah we even put two point lead that was the show and uh yeah the new derrick rose sneaker this was 2015 you know because he's always hurt we did it as an orthotic uh fucking shoe so yeah that was created um by the department at two point lead the uh the producers there and we put it up i put it up
Starting point is 00:44:06 and it went viral from my page from my fan page and people copied and pasted it so much it was just like i remember it got sent to me it was just it's just out there and even when you google it it's the first thing that comes up and i but even um even from my page i just saw because it shows you facebook shows you the impressions of how many people have seen it. And it was like 30 fucking million people had seen it. And it had been shared like 10,000 times or something. And then it was just people were just copying and pasting like most of us do. And it's just, yeah, that was my contribution to the internet.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I guess when you make a meme, you're throwing it out there for people's amusement. Yeah, there it is. The Derrick Rose meme. Fucking brutal. You know what documentary I watched last night? Are you a basketball fan at all? No. I follow.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I don't put a lot of... I mean, it's not as important as what Kanye has to say, but I do try to keep up. Yeah. Right now, it's really important You know what's hilarious about the Kanye Twitter He'll say something about like You know he'll go like Yo Chicago's still fucked up
Starting point is 00:45:15 Even when Obama was president right And then his next tweet will be like Yo you should go outside Because fresh air is good for you That was actually one of his tweets He's like yo go outside because it's fresh air. And then another one's like, yo, I'm just all about the now. I mean, how are people taking it seriously?
Starting point is 00:45:33 It's like if Kanye tweets something political or social, just wait for the next tweet before you call him a genius. What did you see? Trump retweeted him and tweeted back? Yeah. Yeah. Big Kanye fan? Yeah. Yeah. Big Kanye fan, Trump. Yeah. Well, you know, remember they met at Trump Tower and everything like that?
Starting point is 00:45:51 Yeah. I mean, look, dude. Trump is hilarious. There's no way around it. I mean, he's just an entertaining guy. Yeah, I just feel bad for anyone who's going to run against him for re-election. It's going to be really hard to beat him because now he's getting experienced at it. He's got his feet wet a little bit.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I think we should try to maybe nominate. If you want to take him down, you may have to nominate a true comedian. Do you think Sanders could take him down or not? It's too far gone for that. I don't think so, man. I like Bernie because Bernie's like, I like Bernie because Bernie's honest. Bernie seems honest. He seems like an honest, good guy.
Starting point is 00:46:34 He seems, and I think everyone gets that. I think he seems very well intended, but he's just the problem. He doesn't match up really well with America in that America has always been such a rake as much resources, make as much money kind of country. country and i don't i don't think a 80 year old dude is going to be the one who's going to come in and fucking be able to get the young generation and the corporate interests and the rich people to all kind of compromise and get behind him you know he'll get you know fucking democrats undercut him they pulled a real tanya harding on his ass took out his kneecap what was the documentary you watched the documentary i watched uh well this is a real switch in gears this is this is the fucking definition of wild right here to go from bernie sanders um god komodo dragons
Starting point is 00:47:40 to a documentary about vince car Toronto as the Toronto Raptor. Yeah. I mean, that's initially what I was coming in here to talk about, but we're already at the fucking 47-minute mark because me and Zach flowing like crazy here without the true blue gay who we miss, who will be back for the next episode. But it was sort of the history of how basketball and then i went and did a whole bunch of research on how basketball kind of took off in canada after vince carter became a
Starting point is 00:48:16 raptor which was fascinating to me it's a great documentary it's light of course but it's inspiring in some way um and if you're a sports fan, specifically a basketball fan, I highly recommend it. I think it's called Vincenity or something like that. Or no, the Vince Effect. They should have fucking called it Vincenity. Vincenity would have been a little better. That would have been more clever. I mean, they obviously mentioned Vincenity a lot, but I think it's called the Vince Carter Effect or the Vince Effect.
Starting point is 00:48:44 It's on netflix and i watched it and uh you know because hockey is like the only sport really in canada that anyone cares about at all i mean it's the national sport that's what sells the most jerseys the most uh fucking gatorades whatever they had up there until kind of Vince Carter you know there was two expansion franchises that came to Canada in the
Starting point is 00:49:13 early 90's was it and it was the Vancouver Grizzlies and the Toronto Raptors and this is how much Canada didn't really give a fuck about basketball is Vancouver Grizzlies folded fast
Starting point is 00:49:29 I mean they moved to Memphis, Tennessee and then Toronto was really faltering you know you couldn't give those tickets away then Tracy McGrady got drafted by the Raptors,
Starting point is 00:49:47 but he really wasn't a good player at all. He was young. I think he was like 19. He came out of high school. But you could see his potential just by his athleticism. But when Vince came, then it kind of took off. And the thing was, it wasn't just that he was playing for the Raptors. You see, because the whole thing is, is like people didn't want to, a lot of these guys never even heard of fucking Toronto.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I mean, I didn't even think about Toronto when I was a kid. Like, now Toronto is like on the map in pop culture because of Drake. And I mean, it is just fucking on the map. Basically because of Drake and because of fucking. And I mean, it is just fucking on the map. Basically because of Drake and because of fucking Vince Carter. Which is interesting because Vince Carter embraced Toronto. You know?
Starting point is 00:50:33 The players before that just didn't want to live in Canada. I mean, it's a pain in the fucking ass. It's a pain in the ass. I know it's a pain in the ass for me. You know? When we go to, you know, Just for Laughs Festival inreal or i've done gigs in toronto and you get on a plane in a jfk and you go for a 40 minute flight right to a country
Starting point is 00:50:58 where everyone sounds exactly like you until they say a or a boot you know that's how you catch a fucking canadian you know you're like they blend in just like or a boot you know that's how you catch a fucking canadian you know you're like they blend in just like normal people until you go like you say what were you talking about and they go what was i talking about and then you're like ah you're fucking canadian caught you and so you're in a country that's fucking 40 minute flight from you everyone talks like you for the most part everyone speaks english and you gotta take out your passport and go through customs you're like this is a fucking pain in the ass I'm waiting on a long snake line
Starting point is 00:51:30 to you know what I mean just like whatever dude do we have to do this can't we just like it'd be so much easier if we just conquered Canada and let it still be called Canada but like all I needed was my driver's license to fly in
Starting point is 00:51:45 there I mean what am I smuggling in that you don't have you know Jesus so it's a pain in the ass and it's freaking cold um most of the year but you know not not any colder than Maine or Wisconsin or so whatever so a lot of the NBA players probably you know when it first started didn't want to be there because they probably just didn't want to go through customs and then you got all this cash and you got to go at that time it was different you know it wasn't as easy with uh credit cards and all that shit in the early 90s so you had to fucking change your money you know and then you get taxed like americans probably hated that because then they got to pay that fucking canada tax pay put into that pot for people's health care when you're a millionaire you
Starting point is 00:52:29 don't want to do that shit fuck free health care yeah like fuck everybody i'm a millionaire you know yeah everyone's a socialist dude till they get rich you know everyone's uh everyone's for bernie until they become a millionaire and then they they're like, you know what? These taxes are a little high. People should fucking work for living like me. You know? And then Vince Carter, he just embraced Toronto. He really embraced it. He invested in the club up there. He became part owner of this nightclub.
Starting point is 00:52:57 This nightclub became the hot spot for players who were coming through town to play the Raptors, to hang out. And they would all go there. And he was sort of like the ambassador for all these NBA players to how cool Toronto can be. And Toronto is a cool-ass city. Toronto is a very diverse international city, and it's a big city. And it's kind of crazy that a basketball player, because even Drake's in the documentary talking about how everything kind of like leads back to Vince and that whole era when he won the dunk contest.
Starting point is 00:53:31 And let's be honest, he's the best dunker of all time. I mean, dunker, no question. Vince Carter, dude, jumped over a fucking seven foot one French guy in the Olympics. It's the craziest in-game dunk that I have ever seen in my entire life. I think Yanis Atatakombo just did something similar, but it didn't even look the same. And it wasn't a seven foot one fucking guy. And I mean, Vince Carter jumped clean over this guy and dunked.
Starting point is 00:54:01 So I mean, that dunk contest was just iconic and legendary. And the excitement around Vince was legendary. And it sort of sparked basketball. And now you look now, it's like a whole country cheering for the Raptors when the Cavaliers knocked them off. What was it last year or the year before? I can't remember, in Toronto. And then the whole stadium just stayed there and they just kept chanting the Raptors. And even LeBron James was giving an interview and he took a moment. He was like, can we just take a moment
Starting point is 00:54:33 to see how fucking crazy this is? It's never happened. I don't know if that's ever happened in sports history where a team got beat pretty handedly and then the fans just stayed in the sold-out arena chanting for their raptors that's how much canada fell in love with basketball and now because of vince carter you got all these canadian players fucking playing in the league andrew wiggins um the little point guard over
Starting point is 00:54:58 what's his name uh cory joseph um obviously steve nash although steve n Nash was the same generation for the most part. A little later, maybe. Pretty much the same generation. But there's a bunch of Canadian players, man. Favors, I think. Was he Canadian? There's a bunch of Canadian players. And basketball's huge out there.
Starting point is 00:55:18 He even presided over this big charity game up there. They sold out the Air Canada Center. Dude, he was called Air Canada. I mean, he was basketball's ambassador to a whole country. And it's kind of taken off there. And the Raptors are a big part of the culture now, and it's not just hockey up there. And I thought that was a pretty crazy thing.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I thought that was a pretty crazy thing i thought that was a very interesting thing because people always say i hate when people say like sports are just a game you know because it's not dude it's not and i think the ancient greeks were aware of that too that's what you know the olympics was like an important you know humans have again this goes back to my original point about how humans in some way maybe god needs to be more human like because the natural state of things the way god created is people fucking fight for territory and to kill each other whereas in sports it's basically war with rules we get to take that instinct that we have in us and make no mistake it's a fucking
Starting point is 00:56:22 instinct in us to kill each other be tribal team up and try to destroy the other team that's just in us it's in every animal they fight over territory and sports is turns that instinct into something gorgeous you know something it's war with rules and so it's very important. Very important to have sports. You know, you can always tell how good a country is doing by how much their people are in the fucking sports. You never see like Iraq never has like a goddamn, you know, World Cup team. You never see Uzbekistan in the World Cup because they got other shit going on. So it's a very important thing
Starting point is 00:57:05 and not only is it important to um to house that instinct and and turn into something beautiful that horrible instinct in us and turn it into poetry kind of but it's also fucking creates these icons that become the most important people in the world. That just shows you that sports is more than just a game because it's the purest thing on the planet. Nepotism doesn't work because everyone's trying to win. So it's like you can't just be someone's nephew and get a spot on the team. Your team's going to lose.
Starting point is 00:57:40 So everyone's trying to win. So it's pure in the sense that you're looking for the best players, the best coach, the best system to win. And it's pure in the sense that you're looking for the best players, the best coach, the best system to win. And so it's really pure in that way. And we should always remember that and hold it up as an example of what everything else should be, a meritocracy. It's like we're not all created equal. We all don't work equally as hard. We shouldn't all get the same shit.
Starting point is 00:58:01 We all don't work equally as hard. We shouldn't all get the same shit. And people who work hard or are brilliant should be rewarded for that brilliance because it does benefit everybody else in a lot of ways. I mean, think about this, dude. Michael Jordan was the most famous person on the planet Earth. On the planet Earth. Not the most famous person in Chicago. Not the most famous person in Chicago. Not the most famous basketball fans person.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Not the most famous sports fan I've heard of or basketball fans. He was the most famous fucking person on the planet. I still have his sneakers on to this day. I remember when I was in Yugoslavia. Because my buddy Marco, who I went to college with, is from Montenegro. Of the former Yugoslavia because my buddy Marco who I went to college with is from Montenegro of the former Yugoslavia and I was with my buddy Todd who was black my old roommate from college
Starting point is 00:58:54 and we were walking around and most of those people which is very different from my experience it's crazy when you go to another country or another place that's pretty much homogeneous and they've never seen a black person nobody in that country for the most part had ever seen a black person in real life which is fucking wild because i grew up in new york city i mean i sometimes i barely saw white people
Starting point is 00:59:19 you know and but it was weird to be there and everywhere we went in yugoslavia people would point at todd and just go michael jordan jordan so yo he put he put african americans on the map him michael jackson but i mean michael michael jordan was more famous than than fucking everybody man it was like jesus muhammad i was gonna say i remember we did an episode where i looked up the most famous people like ever and it was jesus and then michael jordan how crazy is that yeah on google that's what google told me jesus and then right after him is michael jordan how crazy is that because you know what he's a warrior just like we have famous warriors like william wallace or who's some famous fucking where you know uh gangas khan these dudes were bad dudes alexander the
Starting point is 01:00:05 great these guys are famous there's it's jordan is he's a warrior in a in a war with rules and the reason we love warriors is because what they do is is so superhuman like you know and and it's competitive and they're so they seem like demigods almost and the way jordan played at that time nobody never seen anything like that and the way he dominated it was just so beautiful to watch the way he just fucking fly through the air and how competitive he was i mean he's a true blue psychopath and could care less about other human beings i think that's pretty obvious that you could just pick that up off his aura and how he just doesn't say anything about anything in the few quotes that he has been quoted for have been like hey republicans buy sneakers too or some
Starting point is 01:00:47 shit he don't care i mean the guy's a fucking billionaire he could probably save the black community with like with his spending money you know if he just opened some businesses and in some of those neighborhoods like magic johnson has you know and that's the that's the real way and that's the thing i'm gonna say something that you may think is controversial but look i'm a bleeding heart guy but america is america all right so kanye's fucking crazy and wild but at the crux of it every ethnic group does that in this country every ethnic group makes it as an ethnic group through money, through,
Starting point is 01:01:27 through businesses and then employing people from their ethnic group or doing business almost exclusively with people in their ethnic group. That's just the dirty secret of America. That's the way the Greeks did it. I know that's the way the Greeks did it because I'm fucking Greek and I watch it. I've been to those events. I know that's the way Jews do it to a certain extent. I know that's the way Italians have done it because I'm fucking Greek and I watch it I've been to those events I know that's the way Jews do it to a certain extent I know that's the way Italians
Starting point is 01:01:47 have done it I mean whoever else I mean that's just what you got to do and it's like you know you go and then you make those neighborhoods great by opening businesses and making money for yourself kind of the Republican way I mean it's kind of like that's kind of there is some fucking truth to it you know what I mean Of course Like anything You don't want to be extreme about it But There's some truth to that shit
Starting point is 01:02:10 You know Some of us want to be extreme about it We are at an hour and two minutes Hour and two minutes A wild hour and two minutes Fucking wild It was a little too deep Without Chrissy here
Starting point is 01:02:22 But you know what One day I won't be here and it'll be 100 fucking wild it'll be chrissy keeps it like although chrissy's a smart fucking guy that's how much of a psychopath he is he likes to pretend like he's an idiot but he's a really smart guy not saying this was a smart episode but we did talk about some deep shit but we also did have some fun told you about komodo dragons and how fucking wild they are this episodes i i mean this episode could be what komodo dragons were wild or vince carter was fucking wild vince carter as well we also watched a hyena get its ear ripped off we did watch a hyena get its ear ripped off covered a lot we covered a fucking lot of things in this episode but i mean i gotta say
Starting point is 01:03:06 if it wasn't for vince carter i don't think anyone would know who canada is just the same way michael jordan made basketball and in a lot of ways dude it's even culture it's not even basketball it's like michael jordan himself i mean if he't wearing, this is the thing I always think about. If he wasn't wearing like the Jordan 1s or the Jordan 3s or those sneakers that are still like the top selling sneakers in the fucking planet, would they be as popular? A lot of it was his aura, you know? Like he did what he wanted to do. Like back then they were wearing shorts up to here and Jordan was the first one. He was like, I want more shorts shorts here and then everyone started wearing their fucking
Starting point is 01:03:47 shorts there it was like the power that the power of his personality was so huge that he influenced the entire globe and that's kind of what vince carter did for canada and he doesn't really not a lot of people really trace that back to him i mean that's pretty huge to you know put a whole country on the map in the i mean nobody was nobody nobody cared about canada nobody was thinking about canada and now and then so would there have been a drake without vince carter you know drake doesn't seem to think so, at least in some part. He traces it all back to Vince, even himself. So Vince Carter, I mean, you know.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Also, the guy, I think he's still playing. I think he's like 42. And he's still fucking playing. Brutal. He went from being the global ambassador to a country for sports to the New jersey nets after that i mean and the crazy thing is is that toronto hated him he didn't even want to leave dude most players rejected they did not want to play in canada vince carter loved it he didn't even want to leave when they traded him um after he had his achilles injury and and they traded him to New Jersey,
Starting point is 01:05:10 and then he would get booed all the way until like three years ago. Every time he came to Toronto, he would get booed, and it hurt him. His mother admits it in the documentary. He's like, you know what? It really hurt him. And if you go watch that, when they finally gave him a round of applause after they played some tribute, it's a cool thing because they played a tribute video for him like three years ago.
Starting point is 01:05:28 He's an old player now. They played a tribute video for him during a Raptors game. And the whole place booed first like they always do. And they just constantly booed this fucking guy. And then a cheer and a clap overtook the booze, and he started crying. And he cried. And there's a video of him crying, and he's saluting the credit. And it really meant a lot to him.
Starting point is 01:05:52 So Vince Carter, you're a good dude. You don't get enough credit for fucking creating Canada. They should put you on the money. They should put Vince Carter on fucking Canadian money. Because nobody gives a shit about Canada if it wasn't for fucking Vince Carter. Carter on fucking Canadian money. Because nobody gives a shit about Canada if it wasn't for fucking Vince Carter. So anyway, that just shows you how big a personality and how big sports really are.
Starting point is 01:06:12 It's not just a game, man. And that's the end of this episode of History Hyena. This was History Hyena. Singular. Because I've wandered away from the clan. I'm out on my own, and it's very dangerous out here. There's a lot of lions that can pluck me off. I'm definitely not going to be welcomed back into my clan because they ripped my ear off, and now I'm wandering.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I've been expelled from the fucking clan because I'm a weak cuck and I'm walking around the Serengeti with one ear and yellow teeth but you know what? My pseudo penis is proud and I'm going to die a proud hyena. You've been listening to
Starting point is 01:07:01 History Hyena this week. Next week, we'll be back with the regular History Hyenas with King Gay himself. This has been Obi-Wan Cucknobby, the Robo Cheese Man, Giannis Pappas, Zach Isis, and we'll see you next week. Thank you. αžŸαŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž”αŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž”αŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹

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