History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 147 - The First Black President of Brooklyn

Episode Date: May 15, 2020

We spoke to the first black borough President of Brooklyn Eric Adams, and what it was like coming up from Brownsville, how the borough is dealing with COVID, and just why does Brooklyn have a Presiden...t anyway!?Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ•πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈChris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈYannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ•History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:35 αžŸαŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž› What's up, everybody? Welcome to a very special episode via quarantine, as per usual, lately, of the History Hyenas. Today, we got a very, very, very special guest. Please, everybody, welcome Eric Adams, who is the borough president of Brooklyn. He's basically the president of Brooklyn, which I'm a kid from Brooklyn. Chris is a kid from Ridgewood. He's been telling people he's from Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:00:58 My first question to you, Eric, is Chris, a kid from Ridgewood, allowed to say that he's from Brooklyn? Is Ridgewood Brooklyn? Yes, yes. We like to keep it on the edge, you know, and we believe that Ridgewood is still inclusive of the borough of Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:01:16 So it's included. I consider him a Brooklyn guy on the ridge. Thank you. Cheers to you. Cheers to you, El Presidente. You're the cutest president Brooklyn's ever had. And I think what everybody wants to know
Starting point is 00:01:28 is the man over your shoulder in that painting, is that a ghost? Who is that? Who is that guy? Previous, previous elected officials, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:40 previous ex-Brooklyn borough presidents from the Christmas of the past. Well, I got to be honest with you. If it's between you and him who's getting kissed on the lips, the answer is you. I'll say just as an homage to Brooklyn, I see those pictures on the wall, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:01:59 There's no brothers on the wall. Upstairs, we have Shirley Chisholm on the wall. And actually, before I leave office, I'm going to have Roy Hastic. He's the former president of the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce. We just lost him to COVID-19, and we're going to put his picture up. Nice. Get it up there. Nice.
Starting point is 00:02:20 So you've made history. We are the history hyenas. Nice. So you are you are you you've made history. We are the history hyenas. You've made history by being the first black borough president. Right. Of Brooklyn. Now, David Dinkins, was he the borough president of Manhattan, I think? Yes, he was. Wow. OK, like that. Well, because David Dinkins took his mother out on a date. Is that true? Listen to this, Mr. Adams. This is true. I mean, you know, they went to law school together. They were best friends in law school at Brooklyn Law School. No, I want to see the paternity test. Is David Dickens your dad, Giannis?
Starting point is 00:02:55 I think, you know, listen, it's possible. I mean, it's possible. You never know. Tell us about that. What's it like to be the first black Brooklyn Borough president? That's a very, that's an amazing thing. And it's a good place to be in Brooklyn, particularly now. Brooklyn is just this amazing place.
Starting point is 00:03:16 You could walk into an Italian restaurant, have a Russian cook give you a Jewish meal that he learned from his Chinese girlfriend while he was in the west side of Brooklyn. It's just this Brooklyn fusion. So much is happening here in Brooklyn. People do their own thing, but they do it together at the same time. And it's just a good place to be right now. Brooklyn was a separate city. It would be the third largest city in America with 2.6 million people. 47% of Brooklynites speak a language other than English at home. This is an amazing place.
Starting point is 00:03:51 What do we think about Queens? It's the same peninsula, but I mean, I'm from Brooklyn. I think Queens is ugly. What's your view on Queens? You know I can't call Queens ugly. But What's your view on Queens? I mean. You know I can't call Queens ugly. But Brooklyn's better.
Starting point is 00:04:09 No, no, without a doubt. This is, you know, the largest of the five boroughs. And actually, I spent my childhood in Queens. I went to Bayside High School before I was able to return to Brooklyn. Right. You're a kid from Brownsville. You're just a kid from Brownsville, which is great.
Starting point is 00:04:27 I'm from Park Slope. Can I consider myself from Brooklyn or should I just, when I say Park Slope, should I say I'm from Park Slope? Well, you probably, did you grow up in Park Slope? I grew up in Park Slope.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Different Park Slope than what we see now, you know? There was a difficult time of distinguishing between Brownsville and Park Slope back then. Park Slope was rough. It was. Yeah, down by Fifth Avenue especially. Do you think if you become mayor of New York City one day, which by the way, I'll vote for you if you do,
Starting point is 00:04:59 do you think we should start, especially like the hipster parts of Brooklyn, like Park Slope and all that, can we give men tickets for having their feet out? Should we ban sandals for men? Well, if we're giving out tickets now for social distancing, then I'm sure you can find a room for the hipsters having their feet out. Yeah. The last thing I want to see is a man's foot and they're everywhere.
Starting point is 00:05:23 How did you meet and befriend James Altucher, who we call the Jewish Joker? I love James. We had a mutual friend in common. And, you know, although James is a, you know, a comedian, he is also one of the deepest thinkers of our time. You know, he is amazing and just his business acumen, how he, you know, just has he has a magnet to him. And he's a man of many lives.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yeah. And James has a lot of money. Let's just say he didn't get a stimulus check. But, you know, it's interesting about my relationship with James and other people? I tell people all the time, we focus too much attention on the destiny that we ignore the beauty of the journey. And the people you meet on the journey really supersedes the destiny. Destiny is going to take care of itself. And you get there sometime and you say, you know what? This sucks. I didn't expect for this to be what it was. But if you just appreciate the journey, meeting folks like yourself, James, and other people I meet on the
Starting point is 00:06:34 way, I'm just having a hell of a lot of fun in the process. That's beautiful. My dad always used to say the world is full of beautiful people and it warms my heart every time I meet one. Love it. Love it. Love it. Dad was a smart man. Is he still with us? He just passed away. Sorry to hear that.
Starting point is 00:06:51 But he's right. He's right. The people that I meet throughout the journey, the different walks of life, or I can be down in my Turkish area, Uzbekistan, or I could be in Sunset Park, my large Chinese and Mexican community, or down in Bushwick in my Dominican community. If you allow yourself the pleasure of Brooklyn, you will enjoy all the different aspects of Brooklyn. I got a rich Caribbean community in Flatbush Avenue and Southern community over in Best Eye. So any day I move around to all of these different communities pre-COVID. Now, let me ask you this. I got my wife and daughter are Puerto Rican. My daughter's Puerto Rican. My wife's Puerto Rican. We have a little debate going on. She says that our apartment,
Starting point is 00:07:41 which has a fire escape, she tells people we have a balcony but is that true or not true coming from brooklyn without a doubt balcony that's a balcony that's the that's the that's the poor man's balcony that's the brooklyn balcony the fire escape is the brooklyn balcony let me tell you something the reason the population is so large in Brooklyn because a whole lot of babies were made on those fire escapes through the years. Trust me. Yeah, I know. My kids, one of them. We gotta be careful that when we hand out tickets
Starting point is 00:08:18 for people wearing sandals, we gotta be careful in certain neighborhoods, especially Brownsville, there's a lot of Dominicans because we could be giving a lot of old Dominican men tickets by accident. Yeah. Because they love their sandals. They love those sandals. Jamaicans, too.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Now, we got to ask you, we got to ask them, we know, you know, we don't want to offend anybody, but we do have to ask you, who does have the best pizza in Brooklyn? You are the president, and we're going to force you to pick one here. Well, one of my favorite spots is there's a spot in Williamsburg. I forgot the name of it.
Starting point is 00:08:51 It's a vegan pizza place in Williamsburg. Screamers. Screamers Pizza, yes. Screamers. I love Screamers, and their pizza is really, as I say, the bomb diggity. So you're a vegan. We read that you're a vegan. We call it PB because I'm also a vegetarian.
Starting point is 00:09:11 PBC, a plant-based cutie. You're a fellow plant-based cutie. Screamers and then also Champs. You ever go to Champs in Williamsburg? No, no, no. Where's Champs? That's all vegan. It's very close to Screamers.
Starting point is 00:09:22 It's all vegan, but it's like a diner. It just looks like a diner. They got a whole diner. No, no, no. I went to Champs, right. Love it. Food is good. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I went to Champs. Okay. He went there. We have to connect and grab a bite once we open back to business in the city. Absolutely, cuz. We're going to get some vegan smoothies. I'm going to hold your hand and walk you through Prospect Park. I'm drunk, Mr. Adams.
Starting point is 00:09:49 That's the best interview. Yeah. What can you do? Now, how did you guys start out? Grindr. Oh. We're both comedians. We met through the comedy scene, and we just connected immediately because we're both New York kids.
Starting point is 00:10:08 As Chris would say, we're both Brooklyn kids, even though he's from Ridgewood. And we started, you know, we started hanging out and we became really close. And then we started this podcast and we we've been having a blast since we met. Because he was like, well, that's my boy. And boom, we're here. And boom. Well, that's that's what I like about President Adams, because you seem like guys like us.
Starting point is 00:10:27 We're more like alpha males. Giannis and I loved history. We had an outward love of history. We both loved sports, played sports. But because we loved history, we couldn't be open with our friends, our real deep Brooklyn friends, about how much we love history. And when we found each other and started becoming friends later in life, we were like, let's make a podcast and talk about how, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:46 how much we love about history. Yeah, Chris's friends, Chris was the only one of his friends who knew that the street names that were brown were historical landmarks. So when he told them the first time that fact, they just thought he was gay. Yeah. Yeah, and they stuffed me in a mailbox, which is a federal offense. And the beauty is the podcast, the podcast, whole, you know, style of communication has opened just, and it's amazing how you're able to really get in the depth of a conversation with people and talk about, you know, their real-life story that you can't get on a radio show, on a radio program. Podcasts have changed the game.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Absolutely. Now, since we had James Wilkes on, who did the Game Changer documentary, you recently became a vegan. Can you tell the people your journey to becoming a vegan and why? Yeah, you know, and that documentary is powerful for anyone that's an athlete or that enjoys sports and just want to add some years on their game. Game Change is an amazing documentary. So what happened, you know, changes, major changes often comes out of crises. And back in 2016, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,
Starting point is 00:12:19 and I lost my sight in my left eye, and I was losing my right. My ophthalmologist actually told me I had to turn in my driver's license because I was legally blind at the time. I had permanent nerve damage in my hands and feet and just an ulcer. And just my body was like, just, you know, really went through the whole scope of, you know, eating that straight American diet. And I just refused to succumb to the theory that I was going to lose my sight and lose some finger and toes. And all the doctors told me it was what it was. It was hereditary. But I decided to do something different. And I went and did something,
Starting point is 00:12:56 I like to say scientific. I Googled reversing diabetes. And I was telling someone today that it was interesting that I didn't put in living with diabetes. I put in reversing diabetes. And I was telling someone today that it was interesting that I didn't put in living with diabetes. I put in reversing diabetes. And all of this information came up and it pointed, you know, to food. And if I changed my diet, I went to see a doctor in Ohio, Dr. Esselstyn, who's now a good friend. He said, change your food. Three weeks, came back to the city, changed what I was eating, went to a plant-based diet. And in three weeks, my vision came back. In three months, my nerve damage went away.
Starting point is 00:13:30 My type 2 diabetes went in remission. No medicine. My body is like I'm back in my playing weight. You know, I feel 100% on top of my game right now. Wow. My mother at 80 years old, diabetic for 15 years, seven years on insulin. At 80 years old, she went plant-based two months.
Starting point is 00:13:51 She called me in tears and said, baby, they took me off insulin. Shout out the V Spot in Park Slope, Brooklyn. That's a great vegan restaurant. I don't know if you hit it. My boys, the Carabanos brothers, those are my boys. They own it. So if you're a vegan, go hit the V spot down on Fifth Avenue. Support your local restaurants. How you doing with COVID, man? I know you're probably working around the clock. How's Brooklyn doing? Are we okay? We are. Listen, we are resilient. We're strong. We're committed. Just as, you know, we've gone through some difficult times i was a
Starting point is 00:14:25 cop at the time when those two planes hit uh the rural trade center and they collapsed the entire globe was looking at new york to see how we were going to respond and let me tell you something on 9 12 teachers went and taught builders built uh, stores opened, merchants opened for business. And so nothing can keep us down. I tell people all the time, this is not terrorism, but it brought terror to all of us. The uncertainty, losing large loved ones, but just seeing the energy and spirit of what we're made of. And we're used to getting hit in our gut.
Starting point is 00:15:01 We get our breath back and we kick back into gear and back into action. Brooklyn's going to be fine. We're going to show the entire country and globe how to rebuild even better. Now, we're the epicenter of the virus. We have the largest number of deaths on the globe. It's right here. And so we have an obligation to make sure that we come back stronger than ever.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Sorry. You just got me amped up. Let me just say Brooklyn. You got me hyped up. Yeah. Yeah. Can you, can you,
Starting point is 00:15:34 I know you got me hyped up too. Trump 2020. Can you tell us what comedy clubs are going to open? Any ideas? Those should have been essential employees. I know. Those should have been essential spots. If liquor stores are open and these prices are enough to goddamn laugh about
Starting point is 00:15:59 because they're so expensive, then we should have the comedy club should have been open also, you know? Yes, I know. Are you and de Blasio boys? We know each other. Wow. You're the next mayor. Because you're the next mayor, get my vote.
Starting point is 00:16:17 As long as I'm not on parole, you get my vote. No, de Blasio's doing the best he can with what he has. We need more money from the federal government. We need more money from the federal government. We need more assistance from the federal government. And it is so important that we get it. And since you're yelling out Trump 2020, can you please reach out to him and tell him, you know, give Brooklyn a hand. We need some help here, some more love. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:16:46 here some more love. Yeah, for sure. One of the most interesting things I learned about you was that you led this effort to finance more education in the public school system for tech, for STEM and tech. Tell us a little bit about that. Well, for me, there's a couple of things of what I do in school. As the borrower president, we give away what's called capital dollars, millions of dollars every year, anywhere from 50 to plus millions of dollars. My money goes into school in several different levels. If you look at the report that was put out by Oxford University, it stated in the next 20 years, 40% of the jobs that we're training children for now won't be available. We need to change the skills, this whole rope learning and being off during the summer months, two months with summer slide. to put tech in our school and teach our children really the skills for tomorrow, critical thinking,
Starting point is 00:17:52 communication, ability to analyze and be able to think and not only be able to regurgitate information. And so we're putting a ton of money in our schools to teach children about technology and having technology in the everyday environment. But we're also looking at food. We're teaching hydroponics, how to grow your food. I believe every school should have a greenhouse on a roof or a greenhouse in a school where children can grow their food, serve it in a cafeteria, and learn this entire urban farming industry, multi-billion dollar industry in the future. We need to be a part of that right here in the city of New York. Wow. Are you a fan of Andrew Yang?
Starting point is 00:18:27 I think Andrew Yang is smart. I think he brought some great ideas around his campaign. We're going to have to really engage in the conversation of UBI and how do we make sure that people can remain affordable in cities like this. But I think all of us are bringing ideas and it's the accumulation of all of those ideas that's going to allow us to see ourselves through not only COVID virus, but also what the future is going to hold. And this next question is actually a question from my mother because she's a big, huge Governor Cuomo fan. And it's been talked about a lot in the press. And she wanted me to ask you, do you know if Governor Cuomo does in fact have nipple rings? I can't tell, but I know when he wears his polo shirt,
Starting point is 00:19:15 there's a little ring in that area. But, you know, I can't stare at him as a man people think is funny. I couldn't figure it out yet. Yeah, my vote is yes, but I just wanted to know what El Presidente said. El Pres, can I ask you, who's the best basketball player, in your opinion, to ever come out of Brooklyn? Oh, my man, Stephon Marbury, man. You know what Stephon did?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Because I go back and forth to China a lot. Stephon rechanged his game when he went to Beijing. He joined the Beijing team. They never won a championship. Stephon won three championships. There's a statue down the block from Tiananmen Square with Stephon Marbury in Beijing. Wow. He's a superstar out there.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Let me tell you what kind of guy he is. strawberry in Beijing. I mean, he's a superstar out there. He's a superstar. And let me tell you what kind of guy he is. Stefan was going to get millions of masks for us, N95 masks for first-line responders when he heard. He's still in China now, in Beijing, but he called me up and he said, Eric, I want to help. What can I do to help for the borough of Brooklyn? And he's a good guy, guy man he's living a great life
Starting point is 00:20:26 in Beijing you want him back in Brooklyn yeah I want him back in Brooklyn too as long as he quarantines for 14 days you even put him ahead of Bernard King King was good there's a documentary coming out on Bernard King
Starting point is 00:20:41 but I just love Marbury's independent Brooklyn style. He had always had an edge to him. You know, he brought the Brooklyn attitude to the court. And being able to reinvent yourself when people think your game is over, he was able to do that. That's that Brooklyn spirit of always knowing the bend in the road is not an end of the road. You just got to make the turn.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And he made the turn. And now he's a great international player. Yes. Here's a question we wanted to ask you. If you had to, if you had to, and you wanted to run for office and you could only pick one of these two places to run as a Democrat, would you rather try to win an election in Long Island or Staten Island? Staten Island. A lot of excellent enforcement people there, you know. That's true. A lot of fire department, FDNY. You know, those guys subscribe to my theory also that no matter what we do in this city
Starting point is 00:21:46 we have to be safe, safety is the prerequisite to prosperity, if we're not safe, you know, we're in a different place, let me tell you something, I policed in the city in the mid 80's when everyone had a no radio sign in their car, and they used to have a club on their steering wheel
Starting point is 00:22:02 that wasn't a prestigious comedy club it was a club to keep someone from. That wasn't a prestigious comedy club. It was a club to keep someone from stealing your car. So I know what it is. And those Staten Island guys, they know what it is to be unsafe. And so I would run as a Democrat in Staten Island any time. I think you can turn Staten Island blue. I think you could do it.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Well, didn't Max Rose already did it, didn't he? Yes, he did. Yeah. Max just had a baby. He just adopted a son, a beautiful child, a couple of months old. Max is a good guy with good energy and really served his country, and he brings that energy everywhere he goes. Staten Island and Brooklyn is lucky because he splits both boroughs.
Starting point is 00:22:46 They're lucky to have a congressperson like him. Yeah. I vote. I like Max Rose. My dad lives on Staten Island. I voted for him. Let me ask you, are Greeks considered white or no? We debate this all the time.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You know, Greeks are definitely African-Americans. Yeah. What are you saying? That's wrong. Yeah. Yeah. The best basketball player right now is African and Greek, Giannis. And he's got my name. You know, all you got to do, if you go to Patmos or Mykonos,
Starting point is 00:23:14 you know, you'll swear you are off the island of Africa. That's right. Have you watched El Presidente? Have you watched any of The Last Dance, the Michael Jordan documentary that's been airing on ESPN? Just pieces of it. I love the scene where he was talking about, what's his name? Oh, man, Dennis Rodman.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah. And how he said that if Dennis Rodman goes to Las Vegas, he's not coming back. And sure enough, he had to go get Dennis. But the beauty is, when Dennis came back, Dennis' game was still the same. He said Dennis was still, you know, moving at that pace that no one could keep up with.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Amazing documentary, especially for those of us who lived during that time. Because you could sort of fit into pieces of what was happening behind the scene. You know what the Chicago Bulls reminded me of? Reminded me of the Mets during that year with Dow Strawberry, Gooden, Darling. Wow, they were doing a lot of cocaine? That's right.
Starting point is 00:24:21 The cocaine circus. That's right. The cocaine circus. Did you hear the story after when Dow Gooden missed the parade after the series? No. He missed the parade after the series. And everybody was like saying, where's Gooden? That was the time that I said, you know what?
Starting point is 00:24:44 He has a drug problem. Yeah. He fell asleep from freebasing the whole night. He fell asleep in the projects, you know, and people woke him up and said, listen, man, you got a parade you're supposed to go to. But he was so hooked on coke at that time that he didn't know what was going on. Yeah, I mean, that was an era where it was hard to tell your kids not to do drugs when the Mets won the World Series doing it. Are you actually going to run for mayor, do you think?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Or can you not say? I can't say because I'm in Borough Hall. So I cannot talk about the future. You know, you can't talk politics inside a governmental building, you know. You can't talk politics inside a governmental building. But I'm excited to do whatever the future holds for me in 2021. But either way, as I said it before, man, I'm having so much fun on this journey, man. It's been a good journey.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Think about it. 22 years as a police officer, the amount of interactions I've had in those 22 years, watching the city go from being one of the most dangerous cities to one of the most safest big cities, then going to become a state senator, spending four terms, three and a half terms as a state senator, and now the borough president. This has been a good run. No matter what happens, I enjoyed every moment of it, and I'll continue to enjoy it. Now, for the people who don't know, what is a borough president exactly? Because I didn't know until we had you on, and I Googled it.
Starting point is 00:26:13 New York City is part of New York State, but New York City has five boroughs. Other people call borough presidents in their municipalities county executives, but here they're called borough presidents. We all have one in the counties. Brooklyn is the largest county, as I stated, with 2.6 million people. Our job is to make sure that all of our city services in the city, that Brooklyn receive its share of services, its share of police resources, Department of Sanitation, firefighters, education. And then we look at land use. If someone wants to build higher, they have to go through what's called the uniform land use process that we look at as well. And then we put money into different capital projects with our local city council person. So it's really
Starting point is 00:27:05 your on the ground borough wide representative. People are not going to have the mayor on speed dial or be able to text the mayor. People text me all the time and we interact one-on-one with people and that's the role. It's a full-time job and some 2.6 million people, 9 million opinions, and everyone want to let you know their opinion right away. In a different language sometimes. Yeah. Well, and I would imagine, too, being borough president through the midst of a pandemic
Starting point is 00:27:35 must be challenging. No, without a doubt. Let me tell you something. I lived through September 11th, and I saw fear on the faces of people. And I've lived through some high crime times. What I'm seeing now, I've never seen before. You know, just the level of uncertainty, of trauma.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Even if we get through this physically, the emotional stress. We're going to need you guys more than ever, man. We're going to need those who can make us laugh again, make us enjoy life again, and probably save not only lives and marriages because, you know, really, people are afraid. And we spend a lot of time... I've been in this...
Starting point is 00:28:19 I don't know what my mattress at home looks like anymore. I spend 40-something days here in Borough Hall getting up every morning and being on the ground, delivering masks to our first responders, delivering food to NYCHA development, just giving people that emotional support. I'm a big believer
Starting point is 00:28:35 that generals don't send their troops into battle and ask, how was the war? Generals lead their troops into battle. So if I'm telling the train operator, the cop, the firefighter, the school crossing guard, if I'm saying you essential and you need to go out
Starting point is 00:28:52 there, then I need to go out there with you. They need to see me and know that I'm going to lead you into battle and we're going to fight side by side. And that's what I've been doing for 40 plus days. You got my vote. 100% you got my vote. You're a freaking legend.
Starting point is 00:29:06 You're as smooth as peanut butter. I'm voting for you. Because if you think, if you don't think when you become mayor of this great city, I'm not going to throw my Dallas Strawberry Jersey on and do a line of blow, you got another thing coming. If you don't think that coming on this podcast made your campaign for
Starting point is 00:29:23 mayor a little more challenging, you got anything coming! Yeah, don't worry. We're going to have James Altucher fund this whole thing. If you're running for mayor and somebody wants to bring up this podcast, you're going to say, Hey, Jamesy, get your bankroll out and we're going to protect Mr. Adams. Now, like you said before, Brooklyn really is like a universe crammed into a borough. We got every single ethnicity, country, religion represented here. When you were running for borough president, was that challenging going into Bay Ridge, talking to the Lebanese, going into Chinatown
Starting point is 00:29:57 in Brooklyn, talking to the Chinese over there, going to Park Slope, talking to the stroller mafia? Was it all hard to change your message? Because you know, to Park Slope, they're like, we want these straws for the turtles. And then you went to Chinatown and they're like, hey, man, we just want to collect cans. You know, it's interesting how one level of your life prepares you for the next level of your life. And policing throughout this city and interacting with different groups just really prepared me to do exactly what you just said, because what is desired in Park Slope is different what's desired in someone like a Brownsville. And what you will hear as a complaint
Starting point is 00:30:41 changes. So if you are in all of these police community forums and you're hearing the differences, and let me tell you what people don't want to hear. You don't, people in Park Slope don't want you to tell them that, hey, you complaining about a car horn when people over in Brownsville are dealing with gunshots. They say, listen, I'm not in Brownsville. I'm in Park Slope. You know, people want their issue addressed. But no matter where you go, people want to be safe and they want to make sure their children can be safe. And that's the foundation to it all. And that was something that I brought in every community. I said, we may disagree on certain things, but I agree that your family should be safe and you should be able to live in a safe environment. And that resonated no matter what community I was in.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Did the Brownsville ever almost slip out when you were talking to people in Park Slope and they were like, listen, our quinoa wasn't available at the food co-op. And were you almost like, man, shut the fuck up. I'm from Brownsville. There's people getting shot over there. Now, what's your deal? Are you married? married children what's going on uh i'm not married i have a 24 year old uh that is a lifetime uh uh child that believes he's gonna live off the off dad the rest of his life he's a good he's a he's a musician you know must i say more yeah i get it so you pay for everything for him yeah that's stuff that's what i told my mom it was a comedian it's like i was still living with her wow when you just said you were single venetia just went just she just all right just went like that i'm surprised she didn't turn her
Starting point is 00:32:22 camera on right away she's like, wow, he's single? Are you Greek? Her first question would be, are you Greek? If you're not Greek, then she can't date you. Let me tell you something. Greek guys are really territorial. You know that? They don't want anyone dating their woman.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yeah, I know. Giannis the Greek, yeah, he's the most territorial guy of all time. Yeah, I'm the least Greek person you'll ever meet because I grew up in Park Soul. But, yeah, Greeks just – all they want to do is be around Greeks and that's it. That's it. They just always want to be around Greeks. That's all. Yeah, that's all.
Starting point is 00:32:53 But I got a good Greek following and whole community over in Bensonhurst, Bay Ridge. Father Pappas is my guy. You know, we're very close. You know, he's been with me for a long time. Every year, next year you have to come here. We do the Greek heritage here and honor some of the great Greek businessmen. You know, Greeks are big on education and business.
Starting point is 00:33:20 A lot of these small businesses are going to hurt here in Brooklyn. Good friends of mine, they own 96 Dunkin' Donuts here in Brooklyn, and they're going through a hard time right now because of, you know, the whole crackdown and closing of businesses. But a lot of the great businessmen in this borough are from the Greek community. I'll come, but as long as there's no funny business with goats.
Starting point is 00:33:41 I know how the Greeks get. as long as there's no funny business with goats. I know how the Greeks get. Now, since you're a Brooklyn kid, what's your policy on dollar vans? Yay or nay? You need them. They help compensate for the terrible bus services, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:03 You need the dollar van. But you know what? They have to follow the rules, and they have to pay, you know, their taxes. You know, you can't just ride around without following the rules. But you need the dollar vans, you know? And it's important on Flatbush Avenue or some of those transportation deserts.
Starting point is 00:34:20 It's very much needed. Absolutely. All right, now, we got this question for you. We're going to make it a little lighter now. We talked about COVID, the struggle against COVID, and we want to end this podcast as we slide towards the end on some fun. I want to ask you, here we go.
Starting point is 00:34:36 What's your top five top five rappers of all time that got to be New York based? LL Cool J was around the corner from me as a child before he blew up. You know, you can't say Brooklyn without saying Jay-Z, The Real Deal,
Starting point is 00:34:59 My Man, that's two. That's two. Biggie. Biggie Smalls. Of That's two. Biggie. Biggie Smalls. Of course, Brooklyn, Biggie. My guy... Salt-N-Pepa? A little.
Starting point is 00:35:15 My guy, Papoose. Oh, wow. I like Papoose. He's really a good one for me also. And probably, you know, I need a drum roll to give you my number five. You know, Ja Rule. Wow. There you go.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Wow. I love that song. He has, what is the one where he talks about? I'm in love with my baby. That one. I don't even know the word. New York? The New York song? I don't remember any of the words because
Starting point is 00:35:49 Jay-Z killed his whole career. Who do you give it to as best Brooklyn rapper of all time? Would you give it to Jay-Z or Biggie? Man, that's a tough one. It must go to Biggie. It must go to Biggie.
Starting point is 00:36:07 That's where you're the president. You give the tough questions, you give tough answers. Biggie, and Biggie, you know what? We lost something when we lost Biggie, you know? Biggie was a major player in music and really changed the game, you know? Our hearts go out to Biggie. He spread love the Brooklyn way. I mean, I'm voting for you.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I'm telling you, I'm telling you, Mr. Adams, you're going to get the first Democrat vote for me and my family ever. I know we are hardcore Republicans, but you are getting our vote. The earth's flat. Okay, best Brooklyn movie. Do the right thing, the squid in the well, in our vote. The earth's flat. Okay. Best Brooklyn movie. Do the right thing, The Squid and the Whale, Vampire of Brooklyn, or Saturday
Starting point is 00:36:51 Night Fever? Listen, man, the only reason I'm saying the Saturday Night Fever is because of Judy. And I can't tell you about Judy, but trust me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I love Star Night Fever. We're from Bay Ridge. You know, we got a web series we do called the Bay Ridge Boys. Whole movie was shot in Bay Ridge. Yeah, you know the place, they just did a reunion. I went to with the whole floor lit up.
Starting point is 00:37:24 You know, that movie changed the game of disco. Yeah. reunion I went to with the whole floor lit up. You know, that movie changed the game of disco. Yeah. Disco grew up after Saturday Night Fever. You know that? Love that movie. Yeah. Stay in the night.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I ain't over. Yes. I know. I personally think, you know, the Verrazano, I know the Brooklyn Bridge is the most iconic bridge in the world, but I think Verrazano Bridge is the second most beautiful bridge in the whole country. Without a doubt. Amazing bridge. Amazing bridge. We're going to try to build out and put a roadway to walk over, a walkway on the Verrazano.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Wow. Yeah. Amazing bridge. Now, let me ask you a question. Staten Island, down at the foot of the bridge, do you know at the fort, at the foot of the bridge, you can camp out overnight? That's one of the few places in the city and parks that you can actually camp out down by the water where the fort is located. Fort Wadsworth, wow. Giannis, I know what we're doing next Flag Day.
Starting point is 00:38:24 That's what we're doing. This is what I want to ask you about the Verrazano Bridge. You have to pay $20 on the Verrazano Bridge when you're going into Staten Island. I mean, $20 to go into Staten Island. Don't you think Staten Island should be paying us $20 to visit it? I think you should be free both ways. Thank you. You only have two major
Starting point is 00:38:50 ways to get into Staten Island. Through the ferry. They no longer allow cars on the ferry. And through the Arizona Bridge. I think it should be free both ways. This way allow people to be able to commute without that additional cost. $20 a day if you commute every that additional cost. $20 a day if you commute
Starting point is 00:39:05 every day, that's $100 a week. $400 a month, that's a lot of money. Being a politician is a lot of pressure, right? Is it a little easier being the borough president because you can fly under the radar a little bit? If you get caught at a strip club, nobody's really going to notice? Trust trust me they would see me in there with a stack of dollar bills i don't know that they use dollar bills in the strip club but talk to james altucher maybe you can use bitcoin in there yeah amazing when's the last time you saw James Altuch?
Starting point is 00:39:46 I'm going to I'm going to stop and see him And just grab a bite to eat I was with him on Thanksgiving We spent Thanksgiving together Wow Great conversation Some good food
Starting point is 00:39:58 We had a vegan turkey It was a good day Vegan turkey I'm looking forward to seeing when you're back out where do you perform what is your location we perform i mean you know right now you know we perform all over the country really you know any comedy club in new york all over the country but you know since the covid stuff uh all our gigs have been canceled until further notice but i mean mean, we had a full schedule. We had shows lined up at the Gramercy Theater and we had shows in Connecticut and we had shows in California, but they all got
Starting point is 00:40:33 canceled. So, you know, whenever you guys, whenever the state opens back up and the comedy clubs are open, where any comedy club will be at. Tell me something. I always wondered, you know, because when you are being elected official, you're on stage and it's hard enough. But when you are on stage and you have to make people laugh, has there ever been a time when you just had an audience that was just a damn fish, man? You couldn't get anything out of them yeah oh yeah yeah that happens that happens a lot more than you think but i think what makes a a like a true i guess professional comedian is how graceful you can bomb like i remember in 2013 i did the david letterman show and they kept watching me do my set. The producers kept
Starting point is 00:41:26 watching me do my set at these clubs all around New York. And the five minute set was going well. And they never booked me. And then one night they watched me and the five minute set bombed. It was the dead fish audience bombed. And I got booked three days later. And after I did the show, I said, why did you book me the night I bombed and then then you booked me i thought i was done and they were like we just need to make sure that you could bomb gracefully just in case something happened on live national television you we needed to know that you could handle yourself so actually bombing in the comedy world you'll only learn when you bomb when you do great you don't really learn anything but when you eat eat a fat one, when you just eat a – when you bomb, it – yeah. We call it – comics call it eating a dick.
Starting point is 00:42:09 When you eat a dick, it's you remember it and then you learn. You know, I'm going to tell that story. I speak to young people around graduations all the time. And I'm going to share that story because sometimes we don't realize our greatest level of success comes out of failure and that's it you know we teach us we teach everyone how to succeed we don't teach each other how to fail and do it in a graceful manner and that's why my my favorite quote of all time is from the great Winston Churchill success is not final failure is not fatal it's the courage to continue that counts that's what I like I'm gonna get that tattooed on my lower back actually tonight i'm thinking about
Starting point is 00:42:49 that you know being a comedian it was um part of the challenge was believe it or not when you would perform in some of the more progressive areas uh you know over the past what like five five ten years the woke left was harder to perform comedy for in a lot of ways than when we went on the road and it was and you know more of the rust belt people what have you seen that like it's a there's a lot of political correctness that kind of what it really it really uh made a comedian's job more difficult in recent times. That's fascinating because it made politicians' job difficult also. You know, it's interesting. We're in such a judgmental place right now,
Starting point is 00:43:33 and everyone has a litmus test, and you can pass 99 things, but one thing, if it's not liked, then all of a sudden you're knocked off the list so that's why it's about just be you that's how i feel just be just be i'm just going to be eric because if you you don't like me you're not gonna like me anyway you know but i can see you performing and just trying to have fun and make people laugh and forget about some of the trauma they deal with and people may internalize it and all of a sudden you're not politically correct you know be politically funny
Starting point is 00:44:10 don't try to be correct that's right yeah because i feel like yeah like chris rock said once he said i don't know the secret to success but i know the secret to failure is to try to please everybody oh that's chris rock said it yeah so i was like it's it's yeah i listen i'm a sponge but then you know what sometimes i just happen to i have too few i start to drink a little bit too much in the afternoon and i'm doing uh an interview with the president of brooklyn with easter glasses on in my four-year-old daughter's bedroom that's the way the cookie crumbles you know but i guess being a comedian you almost you must, you must be a sponge. Because everything you're looking at, you're looking at the funny side of it.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I would assume that. Yeah. Well, I think that's what Giannis and I's job is on the podcast and what we do with stand-up is take the real things that are happening in life that are traumatic and painful for people and giving them an alternate reality, an alternate view of it, but making it funny because we're just trying to bring,
Starting point is 00:45:13 we're lighthearted. We're just trying to have fun and make people, our goal, what would be perfect for us is if for an hour every day, people tuned into our podcast and they forgot about coronavirus. They forgot about it all because they're just
Starting point is 00:45:25 laughing. We're trying to give them a release. And I think the only way to do that is to, you know, know what's going on and absorb everything and have another, you know, because all you'll hear on the CNN and the Fox News is how scary it is. But we offer this other reality of there's some fun in this too. You know, it's funny you say that. Back when I was policing, even when you went to a horrific scene, you had to find a way to laugh about something because it was a way to really not over-traumatize you. And so some people would say that's pretty morbid that you're joking about something when you're,
Starting point is 00:46:05 when you're sitting there and looking at a homicide, but it was really a way not to just really constantly have that trauma, man. That was back 80, 84, five, six, seven,
Starting point is 00:46:17 eight, you know, shit was bad. You know, every night you were going to some serious crime. And if you didn't find that outlet of being able to laugh and joke with each other, you would internalize it. You would not be able to get through that day. You know, and many guys didn't.
Starting point is 00:46:35 You know, many guys, you know, they either overindulge in alcohol. Some people, you know, a lot of some of my instructors back in those days took their lives, you know, from just dealing with the day-to-day stress. And so you're right. What you're doing, giving people an opportunity to listen to a podcast and laugh a little and joke a little and remember, it really helps people through their day and help them through this sheltering in place. My dad told me too, he passed away in 91. He said, the only way to survive this life emotionally is to have a sense of humor. That's it.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Let me ask you this question. You're a New Yorker and you were a cop for your whole life. New Yorkers have a sixth sense where we're very intuitive because we know where danger is. We can read people very easily. Now that you're a cop on top of that, that's like giving you a superpower because you're constantly reading people as your profession.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Do you feel like New Yorkers are a little bit more keen, a little more street smart than the rest of the country? Without a doubt. Without a doubt. And I don't think it's because we look at everyone with the third eye, no matter what. And whenever I'm traveling globally, it doesn't matter where, you know, you could almost pick up, you know what, this guy's a scammer.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And so a lot of people try to scam tourists because tourists are naive. But in New York, you're hit with scammers every day. You know, you got a person trying to scam you with a metro car when you get in a subway. You got a scammer that's trying to sell you something on the train. Telling them, you got a scammer that's saying, I'm homeless. Can you make a donation? And they have a Benz up front. So we are constantly bombarded with scammers.
Starting point is 00:48:23 So we automatically say, listen, don't come with that bs if i had like a bunch of bags of heroin hidden in my ass could you tell it my facial expression i could tell you hi what what was it like being a cop you ended up up, you rose in the ranks, right? You ended up becoming a captain? Yes, yes. And you were commanding men. What was that like being a cop during that period?
Starting point is 00:48:55 I assume you started ending your career around the 9-11 era, right? Actually, I ended in 2005. We were four years after 9-11. So you were in the heart of it in the 80s and 90s? Yes, yes, yes. What's some of the roughest shit you've seen? Probably, you know, just the level of, number one, rapes were high at that time. Dealing with the gang violence were high at that time. And crack
Starting point is 00:49:25 was at its peak. So you would have people that would do things for a $5 vial of crack that would blow your mind. Just to get that $5 vial of crack.
Starting point is 00:49:41 You see people do some of the lowest things for that $5 vial, you know, just be able to get that, you know, that crack. And what happened to crack? Where did it go? How did crack just disappear? I always wondered that it was just like, it was ravaging the inner cities, it was ravaging the country, and then it just disappeared. What happened? What happened was there wasn't a big hit on street level dealing because remember back then it's a dirty 30 boys to 77 more boys a lot of a lot of you know a few cops got involved in a drug deal so we stopped day-to-day interaction and street corner apprehensions and then when jack maple and
Starting point is 00:50:22 bill bratton came in they they said, those days are over. We're going to have this broken window way of thinking. We're going to go after the street dealers. And so much pressure went on the street dealers that first they moved indoors, and then they just totally cleaned it up altogether. And then you saw the change from crack to move into opioids. And then the crack dealer no longer was the guy on the street corner. It was a three-piece suit pharmaceutical industry that doctors were now
Starting point is 00:50:49 peddling from their offices, pushing opioids out to our family members. And that's what happened to crack. It became opioids. So it changed. It's not crack yet. It's like, yeah. A lot of doctors, what do they do? They just black market prescriptions kind of for opiates?
Starting point is 00:51:07 And just the constant over-prescribing. You know, I had a friend who had knee surgery. Three years later, he was still taking painkillers. And I told him, I said, listen, man, you hooked. You know, you're not supposed to be on painkillers for three years. And so the doctors were just freely continuing to prescribe the painkillers. They was giving painkillers for everything, for back pain, for everything you got, you were getting painkillers for. And before you know it, young people were finding the painkillers in their parents
Starting point is 00:51:45 medicine cabinets they were selling them in the schools with a whole generation of decent young children got that that got hooked on opioids because of the over proliferation of them throughout the city throughout this entire country it was a multi-billion dollar industry I used to be a physical therapist before I was doing comedy I was a multi-billion dollar industry. I used to be a physical therapist. Before I was doing comedy, I was a physical therapist. And I'm telling you, I would see people hooked on those painkillers myself. Anytime somebody would be on it, I would advise them not to do it. And now, you know, I don't do physical therapy anymore.
Starting point is 00:52:21 But now anytime anybody says, hey, what do I do? I got some knee pain. Should I take an opioid? I say, no way, Jose. Just wrap the American flag around your knee and you'll have no more pain. And furthermore, after getting to know you, I'm going to say, why don't you Google an Eric Adams speech? And if you're still in pain, then you were born of the devil, my friend, and I can no longer help you anyway until you find Jesus himself. And Jesus, make no mistake, is disguised right in that red blazer. I know that you're, I'm talking to Jesus right now, and it's Eric Adams, folks.
Starting point is 00:52:46 You're a great guy. You know, it's fascinating what you said about being a physical therapist, because I had a terrible pain in my shoulder. And I think people don't really know the power of physical therapy, because the physical therapist that I connected with, he and I did a joint program to show people how to get off opioids for the pain that they were experiencing by going through physical therapy. There's a lot of power in what physical therapists do every day. You know, well, yeah, I want to. And by the way, because of the the COVID-19, you know, Governor Cuomo, I got my license reinstated.
Starting point is 00:53:26 So I am officially a reinstated physical therapist. So anyone out there listening, I can rub down your shoulders for the right price. But I think that what you're saying is 100% correct. A lot of people would choose to go to the pain medication when I would say, you know, when I was a practicing physical therapist, I would say, hey, eight to 12 weeks of rehab, come to see the therapist two to three times a week. You won't need this. But a lot of people just want to like, no, I need to get back to work. I need to do whatever I need to do immediately.
Starting point is 00:53:53 So they chose the pain medication. And unfortunately, like you said, you know, they get hooked or they never really recovered where, you know, 12, usually 12 weeks, any injury, you know, a lot of physical therapists can rehab that. I had, I could not, I couldn't do dips. I couldn't raise my hand this high. The pain was in here, my, in my, my shoulder, my shoulder, in my entire shoulder blade and my deltoids. And my physical therapist gave me exercises to do. Like you said, 12 weeks, and my physical therapist gave me exercises to do. Like you said, 12 weeks, I was back in the gym, back exercising without a problem at all.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I was really amazed. I thought I was going to need surgery. And he says, now we're going to get you back your rotation and your movement, and he did. That's came back, baby. Yes. We talked about the Mets winning a World Series while they were doing what they were doing, partying it up. You rose all talked about the Met. We talked about the Mets winning a world series while they were doing what they were doing,
Starting point is 00:54:45 partying it up. You, you rose all the way to captain. Now you're the, uh, borough president of Brooklyn and you were a terrible student. How do you inspire the kids? What do you say?
Starting point is 00:54:56 Get these and you can be just like me. Never give up, man. Never give up, you know, and it's amazing. And that's, that's so, that's so important. What give up. You know, and it's amazing. And that's so important what you just said, because it's amazing how an individual could make you believe in yourself when you don't believe in yourself. You know, and I had a teacher who saw something in me.
Starting point is 00:55:22 And that's the power of teachers. You know, that teacher, those teachers don't believe in you. You know, you don't believe in yourself. And I saw a teacher that saw something in me and just say, listen, you're more than what you're producing. And that was just a turnaround.
Starting point is 00:55:38 It was amazing hearing that teacher, because I respected that teacher so much, hearing that teacher, because I respected that teacher so much, hearing that teacher said it turned the whole concept of who I thought I was around. And went through college on the dean's list, a game changer on just believing what was possible, all because of that one teacher. All those other teachers I felt was just going through the motion and just wrote me off. All those other teachers I felt was just going through the motion and just wrote me off. But this one teacher saw something and just said, listen, you're better than what you're showing. You know, I agree. I know it's a cliche, but I really do believe teachers, nurses, care workers, those people are heroes. And I think they're underpaid. Without a doubt. Without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:56:28 They should not be struggling as they help us get over our struggles. We need to make sure that they're comfortable in the process. Well, thank you so much, man. This was one of our most fascinating episodes. I enjoyed this. I learned a lot. I'm telling you, you are
Starting point is 00:56:44 a smooth... If you don't run for mayor, I mean, there's nothing worse than a waste of political talent. You can talk. You got to become a mayor. Or you got to become one of the most successful pimps in this city. Yeah, listen. You're going to become – Mr. Adams, you're going to become mayor, and I'm going to be your first lady.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Thank you so much, Mr. President. I appreciate you guys. Take care. Take care. We'll see you at City Hall. All right. All right. As always, we read the Patreon names out at the end of every episode.
Starting point is 00:57:22 People go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. You enter the Patreon. we read your name out we encourage funny names the funniest name gets the ppw the pseudo penis of the week um and it's just great we have a good time doing it and it's just fucking cute so i'm gonna get to it here we go so let's start off with um jonathan alvey bobby mcguire then we got yanni straight to the back of chris's throat pompous um i mean the creative points on the list for the creative points let's put them on the list uh then we got cats and craft then we got adam road chrissy's anteater like a sibian shot glue and made a chrissy toaster strudel. Okay. He went for it. Went for it. Then we got Sabine, Lachlan Cameron, Logan Lusk.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I mean, those sound like porn names back to back. Lachlan Cameron, Logan Lusk. Then we got Gloria. Then we got Kainawa, Hawaiian kid in Kentucky, so everyone thinks I'm a white walker. This kid's name is K-A- He's Hawaiian. Yeah, K-A-I-N-O-A a and then his last name is k a k l l i a
Starting point is 00:58:29 yeah i mean so fuck a wild name he's a wild name he's a hawaiian kid aloha that was a nice try it was funny it's beyond a nice try i'm giving it a drexler it was good there we go um then we got Father Bill for Pope 2020. Then we got Tony DeSanto. Then we got Johnny the Germanic Glue Gun, Quarter Cigar Monkey, but I can swim. It's what it is. What's a cigar monkey?
Starting point is 00:58:55 He's a Cuban. Yeah, he's either Cuban or Dominican. He's probably a Cuban. Put him on the list for the fucking creative points. Yeah, get him on the list. Then we got Sarah Godwin. Then we got Austin, staple my sack to my thighs so I can come Trump 2020 brash. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Yeah, great. Then we got Simon, Charlie. Then we got Chrissy. Chrissy says he likes the pink but wants to put it in my stink. Fuck me in the ass. Just for pure funny, he's gone on the list. It was a simple, pure funny one. Yeah, it was just a statement. That one's like a good
Starting point is 00:59:31 chicken tender. Just simple, but good. But good. Then we got Michael Candela. Then we got Aaron, Marcus, Jimmy the Limey, Sorrentino. Then we got Word Woke Dope would give Marisa my yogurt rope. That's it.
Starting point is 00:59:46 I mean, yeah. I mean, yogurt rope. I mean, guy, how long does he take it at? I mean, put him on a list. He's on the list. Then we got Jay, Venetia, let me sit in your lappy while you bang me with a strappy. Yabara. Throw him on the list.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Okay, we got a lot of heavy hitters today. Throw him on the list. But we do not encourage that. But the funny can't be denied. I'm sorry, Venetia. I'm sorry. Then we got Chrissy almost went D2, but Father Bill hurt my poop shoot. But make no mistake, I still got Juicy Fruit.
Starting point is 01:00:16 O'Malley. Wow. We got heavy hitters came out. This is the A team out here. I throw them in a lid. Then we got Chrissy Ski. Then we got James. I got a squeak dick, but I pound hard wing.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yeah. Drexler, right? Drexler, yeah. Drexler. Good. Then we got Alex. Then we got Cyber. Get a Drexler that's like making the NIT tournament.
Starting point is 01:00:43 It's still good. You're in the NIT tournament. Yeah. And you can always redo your name if you want, and we can read that too. It's whatever. It's up to you. Yeah. Then we got Alex, Cyber, Stromstad, Stevie Lou, Brendan Duddy, R.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Then we got Zach Aspinall, Duncan McClellan, RF, Chris Edwards, Sam W., Muzzy Matthew. Then we got Adam, the non-toot, white walking bean sprout. Then we got Gary Winters. Then we got Lickin', Timmy, Deez, Pinky, because I'm a squeaky twinkie. Yeah. It's good. It's good.
Starting point is 01:01:18 It's good. I just want to take a moment to shout out all the straight to the backs here for the content. You guys don't get enough credit. Straight to the back content. You're always, you can do that as well. I'm going to give that to me. It's Drexler. Everybody else
Starting point is 01:01:29 straight to the back. We salute you. Yeah. And remember, straight to the back means you don't want to do a name. You just want to support the Patreon, which is great. We just say straight to the back and we just read your name out regular and we love you guys just as much. It means you're here for the content just like the guys who used to walk to the back of the video store for the porn. I'm just here for the content.
Starting point is 01:01:45 That's what it is. Then we got – Quick, Chris, on this one, can you not say that one part? Oh, yeah, yeah. Then we got Brock, make no mistake, I message you FFs every time I move the vegetable. Yanni is a – Candy. Yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 01:02:04 Yanni is a $3 bill. He's called Y's a three dollar bill he's called yanni three dollar bill but he used another word he that's a guy who came in making a lot of ruckus and i just told him to put his raincoat on put his hat down and go straight to the back straight to the back yeah i mean you know you're having a good time but you're straight to the back we also have the power to move people straight to the back if your name's wild you just got shuffled to the back good then we got con. Then we got Connor. Then we got Tony. Looking at my stepdaughter's only fans
Starting point is 01:02:29 because her mother can suck Greek yogurt through. What? Wait. Hold on. Don't be the victim of a bad read. Sometimes you're just the victim of a bad read. It's hard. Because these names are so long.
Starting point is 01:02:39 It goes, Tony, looking at my stepdaughter's only fans because her mother can suck Greek yogurt through a straw and the apple don't fall far from the tree, Pantolano. Jesus. Yeah, that one is – I know what he's saying there. Did you get the concept? Very uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Yes, it's very uncomfortable. Yeah, I'm going to just throw him – a lot of guys are getting their raincoats buttoned up and pushing it back. Yeah, you're going to push it back today. A lot of guys are getting their raincoats buttoned up and pushing it back. Yeah, you're going to push it back today. So then we got Tripp, Diana, Matty T, Jake B, Spencer Lund. Then we got banging toots up the poop chute because I'm really into dudes. You know, he went with a clichΓ©, a clichΓ© for our lists. But then the right hook at the end is going to throw him.
Starting point is 01:03:27 He's made the NIT tournament. You're a Drexler. Good for you. Then we got Vinny, don't let the Mords in, Palermo. Okay. He went historical. It's just, you know. Yeah, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:03:38 You know what? He's going on the list for the funny. I don't condone it, but it's funny. He's going on the list. Then we got C-Dumps, Michael Messick, Gonzalo Ciotti. Then we got Nicole, tons of tats, but none of my tits. Then we got – That's a Drexler.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Yeah, Drexler. Then we got Tyler Johnson, Kara Fitzpatrick, Dan, Ben Rudder, Andrew Caldwell. Then we got Jules, flicks in my bean to Chrissy, sucking my pseudopeen. Nice. Then we got Jules, FlixinMyBean to Chrissy SuckinMyPseudopeen. Nice. That's a direct, so that's a really good one. That almost made the list. That bounced back at the last second. Then we got Zach, Make No Mistake.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Chrissy D is a real cutie, but Yanni P gets to plug the booty. A lot of 14-burners. Put him on the list. He's on the list. Then we got Oliver Cromwell, David Russo, John Verchillo, Jack Letinen, Kyle, Carly Fisher, Stonislav Bukalc. Bukalc. Wow.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Yeah. Then we got Rondell Pseudoclitty2Titty, I'm sorry, Rondell Pseudoclitty2Titty, who likes to tussle, wants Yanni to flip me over and tug on my love muscle, Jenkins. Wow, that's a Hall of Fame contender. And also I want to say, sup, Yami. Yeah, there we go. We're all on a list. Then we got Catherine Perry, Andrew Devlin.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Then we got Chrissy D, Yanni P, Eazy E, Freddie Mercury, Magic Johnson. Andrew Devlin, then we got Chrissy D Yanni P, Eazy E, Freddie Mercury Magic Johnson Just for straight funny He's getting a Drexler, it's just a Drexler But it's funny Then we got Brandon Von Nostrand, Connor Daugherty Graham Haydorm, Tyler Weathersby
Starting point is 01:05:18 Steve Ciccarelli Dana Molinar Then we got Giannis Polyphemus Pappas, Mona Then we got Giannis, Polyphemus, Pappas, Mona. Then we got Zach NW, Cunning Linguist. Then we got hashtag pray for Zach Isis. Cunning Linguist. Wait, what was the Cunning Linguist one?
Starting point is 01:05:34 Cunning Linguist. Cunning Linguist. Cunning Linguist? Cunning Linguist. I cracked Brittany, but I'm going to say Drexler. Then we got hashtag pray for Zach Isis. Then we got Todd V. Schmitz, Alyssa Gollin, Kevin Schultz, Jeff Salzman, Rosie Cunningham, Tyler Donald, John Burns, Mary Beth Ferrara, Alex Catano, Michael Springle. Then we got, I'll use this
Starting point is 01:05:58 Leroy piece to perforate Chrissy's colon. Yeah, I mean uh that's a drekster though then we got chrissy the polak chileski um daniel jones josh pollock jake bobby bad news natalie palomo hold on a second i like bobby bad news you like i like bobby bad news i just want to give him a shout out i like the simple ones sometimes i come with the heat. You know, there's no break on it. But Bobby Bad News, you're getting a Drexler, but I'm just shouting out Bobby Bad News. Bobby Bad News.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Then we got Natalie Palomo. Then we got Brian, make no mistake, I got a semi at Chrissy's Post-Op Pictures. Then we got Sean Muhammad was a pedophile. No hummus, 366 days a year. Hillary 2020, O'Malley. Just for the wildness and the randomness, he's a Drexler. He's a Drexler.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Then we got Zach Pierce. Then we got Dick Fuel and the Motorcycle Man. Then we got Al, Chrissy planted in my base and put me in a Yanni Long Days, D-A-Z-E, Michaels. I like it. That's inventive. It was inventive for the invent... Throw them on the list for the creative points. Alright, we got it.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Then we got Creepy McCuntenstein, Graceless. Then we got Julian Motts, Kila Marquardt. Then we got Mark. Then we got Mark W., I Sniff My Aunt's Feet, Now I'm Trans. It's funny. It's a Drexler now because we got a lot of heavy hitters. Funny.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Then we got Kaka Cutie and Quarantine, Liz Flanagan, Tyler Aaron Artis, Theo Phillips. Then we got Chrissy D's hairbrush handle. Okay. Then we got Chrissy Heal's clitler and cracks freaking reekins okay uh then we got al ruski broski with a bruski no fumes nazarov uh then we got tj christopher morosco then we muzzy muzzy um panzer man germo dakota griahalva, David Lindsay, Tim McHugh. Then we got Mikey Milkshakes over smoothies
Starting point is 01:08:07 likes dudes in jacuzzis. Obviously, fucking roll out the catapult and shoot him right into the list. Yeah. Then we got Muss, Swede, Dan Williamson, Stephen Castro, Kevin P. Sutton, Amanda Shawwood. Then we got my cousins a muzzy and i just have fumes um then we got corona cutie my mask is chrissy's booty um on the list on the list
Starting point is 01:08:39 then we got dustin campbell uh jonah tucker jared gilbert rye bushwick bill we got Dustin Campbell, Jonah Tucker, Jared Gilbert, Rye, Bushwick Bill. We got Bushwick Bill, who took some nice shots. His questions made no nets a few times. Santino, Bushwick Bill, shout out. Then we got Brian, the Banco Popular bank teller. Then we got Mike Bottomley. Then we got Chad, the quarantine muff diver. Addison, Trump 2020, honey.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Then we got Chrissy Leak on the Greek Squeaks Cheeks. Wesley Blacketer, Mati Kadar Ahmed, Vinny the Poon Jabber, Poon Stamper, Dollywall. It's funny because of how hard Mikey laughed. He's on the list.
Starting point is 01:09:25 I was going to Drexler him, but Mikey came with a side quote. Yeah. Anthony Cardoza. Then we got Lindsey. Then we got Timmy B shoots glue to Chrissy D and Yanni P in a diaper. Not Michelle Pfeiffer. It's what it is. Obviously on the list.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Obviously. Then we got Chrissy, crack me open, please. I'm on my knees. Then we got Chrissy, Crack Me Open Please, I'm On My Knees, Give Me Coronavirus. They put an L in there. Chinese. It's funny, but once in a while they sound like offers. Yeah. Then we got Gavin
Starting point is 01:09:55 Edward. Then we got Creasing My Meat to Zumba Beats, The Situation's Such a Piece. Okay. Throw them on the list. We don't condone that. Then we got Jonathan Pl the list Then we got Jonathan Plaster Then we got
Starting point is 01:10:08 Valdo Vinos Brendan Rowland Chris Dietrich Then we got Make No Mistake Chrissy Postop Chalupa Crocs Will be getting
Starting point is 01:10:14 Harvey Weinstein By Fura Bill For that potty waddy Numbers bump I like it Too much You went for it Then we got
Starting point is 01:10:22 Pyoing Anteater Comes out for sweets Before getting diabetes. Good try. Good try. Then we got Make No Mistake straight to the back for Yanni Longdays. Mike Benitez. Then we got Kari Boombox, the NJ Guinea Wap never stops craving Yaya's cookies.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Good try. Sarah Lawler. Then we got Joey, probably a Drexler Torelli. Good try. Sarah Lawler. Then we got Joey, probably a Drexler Torelli. Let's throw him on the list just for the Drexler shout out. He's not on the list.
Starting point is 01:10:52 He's a Drexler. Put him on a Drexler where he belongs. Yeah. Then we got Young Tuckback. Then we got Tommy, sit on my salami and make a panini while drinking dirty Quarantinis. Young Tuckback is an example of those good simple ones. He's getting a Drexler just because he's fucking Young Tuckback is an example of those good simple ones. He's getting a Drexler just because he's fucking – Young Tuckback sounds like a fucking rap name. Sounds like a rapper who's a fan of our podcast.
Starting point is 01:11:12 He's a chicken finger. Simple, good, American delight. Yeah. Then we got William Devine, Steven Pettinger. Then we got Tony shot my nut butter and hay birds mouth and his throat swelled shut for Rucci. You know what? We're not even going to the people for that one. You know, we're not even getting the people. We're not even giving the people a chance to vote.
Starting point is 01:11:36 This is a list of heavy hitters. Shout out to all the hitters, but that guy is the PPW. I don't care who comes after right now. We're going to listen to some more names, but that is the PPW. I don't care who comes after. Right now, we're going to listen to some more names, but that is the PPW. Can you just give it one more time? Tony shot my nut butter and haybird's mouth and his throat swelled shut for Rucci. Creative, hilarious. That's the PPW
Starting point is 01:11:58 right there. Okay. Okay, so unfortunately, this next guy's got a good name too, but he's a Drexler. This guy's name is I'm positive I got gay cancer from Being Chrissy's Lap Dancer. It's real good. It's real good. But unfortunately, I mean, my nut butter in Hey Bird's throat, I mean, and his throat closed shut, I mean. And the last name's Ferrucci.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Ferrucci, I mean, it's unbeatable. Yeah. Mikey, should we keep going, though? We got to get through some names, right? We got to do all of these. Okay, let's do all of them. Okay, so we got Nikki P, AJ Singh, Dima, Matthew Avery, Matthew Olsen, Derek Murray. Then we got Chrissy Tupomchump has a she-wee.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Funny. A she-wee is funny. Throw them on the list. I'm going to throw the people on the list who belong on the list, but that's the winner. There's no question. Then we got Dylan Chicken Chic. Then we got Sal Boulders. Then we got Sal Boulders. Then we got Cute Jew with a Piece for You.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Then we got Chrissy's Taint Fumes. Then we got Cute Ute Batute trying to invest in a G.I. Joe toy that comes from a particular asshole. Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, you know, he's just on the list, but all these people are Drexlers. Then we got Vellylers. Then we got
Starting point is 01:13:05 Velly B. Then we got a film fan, Zach Urutuya, Nicholas Handler. Is my connection stable? Can you guys hear me? You're good. Then we got, if Tim Dillon's ass was a Chinese restaurant, I'd have the poo-poo planner.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Real funny. Real funny. Drexler. I mean, that's a great name. Then we got Jesus Gonzalez. Then we got just me DFF Jamal Terrence Meade Nick Principe then we got Joshua Bardwell Tommy Fishter Christian Ados then we got where were you then we go were you there when I cracked open and cleaned out and I lean on the neutrals aka way way short. She and cost to get. Okay. I love when somebody goes old school. Uh, that's on the list just for the old school. I don't have an NL.
Starting point is 01:13:49 I have an end colleague. Yeah. Yeah. It's not Eileen. It's Colleen. We do. You got it. So we got to fix that.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Yeah. Then we got Anthony Frida, Benjamin Casperson. Then we got Anton Hikens. Oh, they're from Iceland. then we got vocational school kid from the dirty rock, Sam Squire. Then we got Vocational School Kid from the Dirty Rock, Sam Squire.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Then we got Sweet Pete, the Lady Street, Can't Get Enough of My Man Meat, because I tucked it back. Good try. Then we got Patrick. Then we got Small Peace Bank Accountant, lower than my SATs. And to top it off, I'm a fucking three. Fuck, he's on the list. It's good.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Yeah, it's a good one. Yeah, it's a runner-up. That's a runner-up. Then we got Anthony. Then we got Amy, Taste and Gamey, because Chrissy's chorizo is a schizo brie here. Very good. That one, you know, that's a Drexler borderline list. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Then we got Andy, Wanna Set My Juice Loose in Chrissy's Caboose. Then we got Nick, Straight to set my juice loose in Chrissy's caboose. Then we got Nick straight to the back cruise. Sweet D. Then we got Jay. Then we got Sean. Tiny junk potato monk. My dad's a drunk O'Donnell. On the list. Yeah. He called, yeah. Potato monk. It's funny. Then we got AJ, no longer a toot, but still cute. Travis Myers. Then we got Jesse. If longer a toot, but still cute. Travis Myers.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Then we got Jesse. If I can cut an inch off my cock, I'd have a scab on my back. Mac. I mean, another runner-up is on the list. Unfortunately, Nut Butter is just going to win this fucker. Yeah, then we got Milkman Dingo. Then we got Marty Screwed In Hick Jew. I like my egg sunny side yanni.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Then we got Dentist from the Eastern Hemi with the semi. Good simple chicken finger right there that threw him in the NIT tournament. Then we got Nicholas Daly, Lauren Gerber, Dresden Mosh, Kyle Kuhlman, Connie. Then we got Shifting Gears, Slapping Queers.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Okay, we don't condone that. Then we got Alex, shoot Corona Glue on my back and let Chrissy dip a chip for a midnight snack. Smith. That's going straight on the list just for the creative points. Guys, you get creative. You know, it's like, look, we do a good job of vetting this list i mean that's a good one and credit is credit we're due but it's not as good as nut butter nut butter yeah then we got uh matthias farron then we got sandy allen mishi pants to underscore
Starting point is 01:16:15 here for the content max poopak then we got roberto adan aka fellow slingshot to the southern border nominee um drexler then we got crack me open and clean me out fuck my uncle hold on crack me open and clean me out if i fuck my uncle does it count as a drought just family family issues yeah yeah yeah another one we're putting on his raincoat and pushing him straight to the back so we got oizen o' O'Brien or Ocean O'Brien. Then we got Matthew, not a squeak, cracking open a Greek and cleaning out Yaya's cookies. Max
Starting point is 01:16:51 Sanchez, Christina, Noe, Osorio. Then we got half, okay, I can't say this, half Guinea, half Hink, Suka, LeMink. So he said he used this racial slur, can't say it. Yeah, we're going to do it. That guy's button is raincoat up. Tip his hat down and push him straight to the back.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Yeah. Then we got David Hart. Then we got Tim. And last but not least, we got Chrissy D. Can Nikki glaze my fume hole? Good one. As I predicted, there were some good ones that came after. But can we just get one more time, Mikey, for the winner and your PPW? Unfortunately, it's not going to a vote because I'm not allowing this one to not win, and it's just what it is. We appreciate each and every one of you that fucking submits these. It's so funny. It's so fun.
Starting point is 01:17:36 We appreciate you guys cracking us up. Thank you. Tell friends. And, Mikey, just take us out with the winner again. What was it? Tony, shot my nut butter in Haybert's mouth and his swelt, swelt shot for Uchi. I mean, number one.
Starting point is 01:17:49 What a list, though. What a list. All right. Thank you guys so much. As always, go to historyahinas.com. We got all the merch up there. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. And so much fun on Patreon. Web on the morning, every morning,
Starting point is 01:18:05 9am Eastern time. And then no nuts every Saturday night at 7 30 PM. Eastern time, patron.com slash Bay Ridge boys. BQ. Outro Music

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