History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 152 - What We Weren't Told About the Tulsa Massacre

Episode Date: June 3, 2020

The boys talk about the disturbing incident that destroyed "The Black Wall Street" killing 300 African Americans and has largely been lost to history! Mobs of white people of Tulsa Oklahoma took the s...treets on May 31st and June 1st 1921 after a miscommunication of a white girl was assaulted by a black boy. The white mob attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma resulting in the The Tulsa Race Massacre. It was SO BRUTAL but we question why this isn't common knowledge today? Here at the History Hyenas we have always supported Black Lives and encourage you to take time to educate yourself, support black organizations & businesses and become involved in the on going movement. #BLMWant more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:35 ប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប� What's up everybody? Welcome to another episode of the History of Hyenas. I'm Chris DiStefano, a.k.a. Chrissy in the Closets. With me as always, my partner in crime, Giannis Pappas, a.k.a. Yanni, yeah, dad, I'm gay. It's Pride Month. Happy Pride Month. There's a lot of things going on in this country that are wild today. The country's on fire. What can you do? We're going to have an hour-long podcast, talk about a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Today's topic is something that's been lost in history. It's the Tulsa Race Massacre. A lot of people might call it the Tulsa Race Riots, but It's the Tulsa Race Massacre. A lot of people might call it the Tulsa Race Riots, but it's the Tulsa Race Massacre. We'll explain why you need to call it that in a minute. But, you know, I'm still, you know, we're still over Zoom with each other. I can't be my baby Giannis' arms.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Gianni, baby, I miss you, my bear. How are you? I'm doing okay. I woke up this morning thinking about somewhere in the country, there's probably a 90-year-old man who went into a coma sometime in 1967, and he woke up today and he said, is it tomorrow? Because what's going on right now feels a lot like 1968. There's riots all over the country, and now that I've moved outside of New York City,
Starting point is 00:01:43 I've just become the typical country kid where I New York City, I've just become the typical, you know, country kid where I'm going like, I saw something on the news and I'm not moving. Even though it's probably fine for me to traverse the city, I could probably get a slice and do a dance on a street corner. But you know, I'm just, I got the news on. I see things are burning.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I'm saying, you know what? Just let me just, I want to look at deer right now. Yeah, no, we were going to film in studio today in our new studio, which will be, we will be getting in there soon. Obviously the, you know, New York city is under protest right now. And Yanni said, I don't want to drive in because what if the protests hit the roads and all that? And he's become a city kid. He's scared to come into the city, but Yanni, the truth is it's going to be cheaper for you because I know there's a lot of bridges and tunnels and tolls you have to come from the state of New Hampshire, New York.
Starting point is 00:02:25 But for you, there's a deal that New York City is giving you. Every toll just for you only costs $3. So it won't cost you too much. Yeah. Look, we scaled back on WEPA, and you guys are protesting, and we hear you. We just want you to stop now. We heard you don't have to take the streets anymore. It's called WEPA Wednesdays.
Starting point is 00:02:50 You know, you're still on a Wednesday, but please stop looting businesses because we. Yeah. So that's what it is. Cause can you hear me? Cause it's a little choppy. We're trying not to,
Starting point is 00:03:03 we're not going to, we are not going to bring up any politics for the first five minutes of this episode because we did a little research and we found out that that may be hurting the algorithm. So right now we're just going to talk as if you're watching a PBS special until five minute kicks in. And then as soon as we hit the five minute mark,
Starting point is 00:03:19 I'm dropping a huge F ball. Yeah, I just want to say, I just want to say Andrew Schultz, Andrew Schultz, Andrew Schultz, Andrew Schultz, Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan, Charlemagne the God, Charlemagne the God, Charlemagne the God, Lil Duval, Lil Duval, Lil Duval, and anybody else who their names feed the algorithm.
Starting point is 00:03:35 They have a lot of followers on YouTube. Trevor Wallace, Trevor Wallace, Trevor Wallace, Logan Paul, Logan Paul, Logan Paul, because I want to just kick it into the algorithm because that's what the algorithm is listening for, those names. So that's what we're trying to do here. Yeah, Jake Paul, Jake Paul, New Mexico, John Jones. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah, well, we could do this every episode. We just go for trending things. You know, COVID-19, Italy, Sweden, let's do it. Yes. Damn it. I mean, Hilary Duff. Hilary Duff. Hilary Duff. Yeah, Mike. Mike, if's do it. Yes. forever. Damn it. I mean, Hilary Duff. Hilary Duff. Hilary Duff.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, Mike, Mike, if you could write, how many minutes are we into the episode right now, Mike? Do you have any idea? We're not that many. We're like two.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Okay. When it gets to five minutes, can you just let us know? Can you just cut off, cut us off and say five minutes when we're at the five minute mark? Thank you. Let me tell you something, Yanni.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Oh, also let me just tell you guys real quick. Of course, you can go to historyhahinas.com or we have a lot of new merchandise out there at historyhahinas.com. We got new shirts coming out. Go peruse that website. We got great merchandise.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Also, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. We have Wetball Wednesdays, our morning show we're doing every Wednesday. We have no nets that we're doing once a month. We have wet ball Wednesdays, our morning show we're doing every Wednesday. We have no nets that we're doing once a month. We have bonus history content. The best value on patron, I believe is on our page, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge boys to be part of the matriarchy and get behind
Starting point is 00:04:56 the scenes of all the things we do here. Yeah, absolutely. We appreciate each and every one of you and the support that you give us. And remember, always tell friends, just tell one friend. If everyone told one friend about history of hyenas,
Starting point is 00:05:08 then we would double in size tomorrow. And that is the point. Today we got some very, very, very interesting history for you. Babies, this is – I want to just let the people know this was a suggestion from Venetia. And also, Venetia just wants everyone to know that she is with them, all the protesters, and
Starting point is 00:05:29 she just wants everyone to be okay. Right, Venetia? Yes. Yes. It's interesting. It's not fitting at all, but it's, I guess, ironic that
Starting point is 00:05:44 it also is Pride Month and the world is flaming. So it's just one of those things where, you know, sometimes you just, I'm just kidding. That's the thing. As comedians, okay, here's the thing. Here's what I want to say. And then, Mike, tell us what it's up five minutes. The thing is, as comedians, you know, it's one of those things where we don't know, sometimes it's hard because people don't want jokes. Do they want jokes? Laughter does heal,
Starting point is 00:06:09 but people get upset. I'm not going to go to a protest. I have a little girl, you know, I can't bring her with me. I don't want to get hit with tear gas if rioters, you know, if the people from Antifa break in and start the riots and whatever they do so i try to help in other ways you know through comedy i i posted a meme yesterday it just said hey i'm not black but i feel as much of your pain as i can and help you as much as i can without i understand i'm not black so i don't understand the struggle that you that black people go through but i'm trying to help um but i also i try what I'm trying to think about is what I did is I posted in my swipe up stories and I'll post the link actually in my bio. The, I posted a link to an alliance, the black American, what was, what's, what's called the black economic,
Starting point is 00:07:00 the black economic alliance, which helps get money into black communities and helps, you know, their economy grow. Because you learn, you know, sometimes like racism, you can't change a racist, their minds are not going to change, but money talks. So, you know, getting the African American economy better from the grassroots all the way up goes a long way, I was told by certain people. By the way, shout out Makad Brooks, he's an actor. We're going to have him on our show. Shout out. Go check out at Makad Brooks on Instagram. He has a lot of sound advice for people that
Starting point is 00:07:32 just want to know what to do. Go check out Makad Brooks. And the five minute mark is up. So with all that being said, I just want to say, fuck yeah! And I just want to release a statement that I am for everything good and i'm against everything bad that's it yeah i mean whatever is good i'm for it whatever is bad i'm against it
Starting point is 00:07:55 and you can take that and print it just take it and print it and it's like also it's like at this point i don't understand it's like anybody that comes in contact with you, you know, just treat them with love, kindness, and respect. I mean, the fact that we're still, and we're going to get to the Tulsa race master in a second, and it all ties into this, but like the fact that, you know, you still want to hate someone or think that you're superior to them because of the color of your skin. I mean, you're just so stupid at this point.
Starting point is 00:08:22 It's, I don't even know why we even talk about it anymore. I mean, I understand why we talk about it, but I'm saying like, if you, if, if, I mean, for the racists out there, it's like, guy, what do you want? I posted a thing yesterday, you know, trying to just be as helpful as I can. And people were calling me a sellout.
Starting point is 00:08:38 It's like a sellout. What are you talking about? A sellout, because I don't want racism and I don't want violence, but people are so conditioned to think this way, especially on social media. And I wonder now it's like anybody that has anything negative to say
Starting point is 00:08:51 about a peaceful social media post. I genuinely believe they're Russian bots and I don't even let it get to me at all anymore. I just say, this is the Russian government. This is actually Vladimir Putin responding to it because I think most people now are like, yeah, we just want the peace to be restored and the divide to start to wane. So, you know, but it's just what it is. It's tough. It's tough. Even talking about it, because you
Starting point is 00:09:13 divide, no matter what you say, you're dividing people. But I'm at the point now where it's like, listen, baby, if you want to be a racist and a fucking idiot, I don't want you as my fan anyway. Okay. I want, give me the gays, give me the blacks. That's who I want. And any, and really, really good white people that just understand what the hell's going on and of course the asians because make no mistake they are winning this whole thing i want the asians they're in the billions give me the give me any type of asian i want you at my shows yeah um listen uh yeah i mean there's a lot of bad stuff going on um but listen, I don't want you as a fan. But, you know, Patreon is another thing. If you got five bucks or ten bucks, just anonymously go join up and you can watch us from afar.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I mean, I don't care what your opinions are. That's your business. It's not I can't change you. You got to change yourself. Yeah. I mean, look, this is a this people have had it, you know, they've kind of had it. And these are problems that go back to slavery and Jim Crow. And they're still in the consciousness of the country. And it's not far fetched to think, and you have to believe that if all the problems in the black community stem from slavery and Jim Crow, which they obviously do, you know, then, of course, law enforcement's dealings with that community stem from racism, from slavery and Jim Crow. So all those things have to be, I think the first step is admitting it. You know, there's so much denial about it, like, you know, trying to view these things outside of historical context and in a vacuum, but nothing's in a vacuum. Nothing's outside of historical context. And everything comes from
Starting point is 00:10:51 somewhere. And so I think the first big step is for people who don't admit it to admit it. And I think that's what this particular police brutality incident really showed, because there've been so many horrible ones and they're all bad, but this one was like watching a slow snuff film. It's brutal. What you see there is a person not respecting the humanity of the suspect at that time. You know,
Starting point is 00:11:19 if you're a cop, you, that was obviously what he was ignoring. I mean, if you, if you have your knee on someone's neck for nine minutes and they're saying i can't breathe and they're crying for help and you don't render help to them which is actually the law so you're also breaking the law but what you're supposed to do but it shows that you didn't see that person as human and i think that stems from
Starting point is 00:11:38 the history of this country and people got to admit it we got to admit it first to get over it you got to admit it yeah and it's the history of got to admit it. Yeah. And it's the history of our country, but it's also beyond. That's why I like, I would encourage people to go to that guy, our friend of the show, Makad Brooks's page, because he had an interesting thing yesterday about black and white and how that all started in Portugal. And it was a way to kind of the black people are lower class and black is associated with, you know, death and ominous behavior and white people are higher, closer to the sun. The white, not white is good. Black is bad, all that stuff. So it's, there's of course the big issues in our country. Absolutely. But it's like even deeper
Starting point is 00:12:16 than that. It's like this fundamental human issue. And I, and also like with the hashtags, it's like, you know, if you put black lives Matter or All Lives Matter, it's like, I totally understand Black Lives Matter. Of course, you know, when people say, oh, All Lives Matter too, it's like, yeah, of course, that's understood that All Lives Matter. It's in, of course, but black people are being killed and persecuted disproportionately to other races. So it's like, I don't understand how people don't understand that. So now it's like, if you're going to make a post, just say what you have to say and forget about the hashtag. Forget about even just lead with peace, be friendly with your present, lead with peace, lead with love. And I think that's all you can do because all people want to do, they're waiting
Starting point is 00:12:57 for you to use the wrong hashtag or use the wrong word or say the wrong thing. And they're coming from a place of anger and fear. We just got to come from a place of love. I mean, because it's Pride Month, we got to come from places of love. We got to stay gay. If the only way to beat this is we have to stay gay, and June is the month to be as gay as you fucking want. And I'm just happy to be gay this month, because I think the gays can heal it. So what do you say about that, Yanni? Do you want to just get together and suck some cock with me? I don't want to do that, but I appreciate the feeling behind it. You know, I think it's a good feeling.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I think if you want to come out and be you, it's a good time to come out and be you because it's June. Also, there's so many other news stories going on that you coming out will be totally overlooked. The fact that I'm pretty sure Floyd Mayweather killed his baby's mama.
Starting point is 00:13:50 That's another thing that, yeah. So this is a good time if you want to come out you don't want a lot of attention your dad your dad won't even hear about it because people because there's riots in the streets yeah and you know my dad's taking the bus with the mask on his chin and he just picked up a new habit smoking cigars so it's just wild barney robert you're fucking frank's and beats um but here we go go ahead the thing that i uh this the story we're going to talk about today is very interesting because you always hear this conservative perspective that i think takes takes the black uh story out of context and says hey you know just be industrious do for yourself you know just you know uh that was so long ago, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And it's sort of like a utopian fantasy, because here is an example from history, like Chris said, that's often forgotten, where a black community built itself, a black community thrived, thrived more than the white neighbors in that area, and then was set on fire by those white people, because as we said, it is part of this public consciousness in America to view blacks as sort of subhuman. So they got jealous and said, hey, I see these blacks doing better than me. Can't have that. Let's burn it down. This is a wild, wild, wild, wild story.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Wild story. So we're going to take you guys back to Tulsa, Oklahoma, May 31st, 1921. Oklahoma, May 31st, 1921. Tulsa, Oklahoma at the time was known as, the streets there were known as the Black Wall Street because you had, as Giannis said, what happened was in 1950, you had this huge oil boom that hit Tulsa and blacks and whites came because oil was the big thing back then. All the money was there, great for the economy and the black community really, really, really pushed ahead and they established what was known nationally as the Black Wall Street. And you had one of the best socioeconomic classes of black people in Tulsa, Oklahoma at that time. And of course, that was pissing off
Starting point is 00:15:37 white people. You have to understand what was going on back then. So, you know, World War I had just ended. You know, African American soldiers had fought and died in World War I. They felt a great sense of confidence, a patriotism. They had fought, you know, fought for their country. Won World War I, had come back. We're starting, you know, we're doing so well in cities like Tulsa with the economy the way it was. And that really, really, really, really made white men fearful, right? I mean, because that's what racism is. I mean, it's a lot of insecurity. I mean, it's like, hey, you don't look like me. You don't sound like me, so I'm scared of you. I mean, it's insecure. If you're a racist, you're also a $3 bill. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:16:15 It's like they're one and the same. It's like you're the biggest pussy I've ever met if you're scared of someone and you take it out as hate for somebody who's got a different color skin tone than you. So that's what was happening is you had this you know, you had this Bolshevism, Bolshevik revolution was happening. You had the soldiers coming back from World War I, very confident, black soldiers, very confident, good thing. And you had this ticking time bomb, this powder keg that was about to explode.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And Bob was on May 31st, 1921, it exploded in an elevator. It did. It was what you call a scapegoat cause. It's a match that lights the fuse. Let's take you all the way back to what we're talking about. The area in Oklahoma we're talking about was named Greenwood, and it was named by one of the most prominent African-Americans there, And it was developed on what was previously Indian territory. So the area, which was vast, had Native Americans that were there. And then the Native Americans were forced to relocate. And this is in eastern Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:17:19 So a lot of the, this is wild to know, but a lot of the African Americans who were there were the former slaves of those tribes. Yes. Wild. Wild. This is where we get into those gray zones that we always talk about all the history hyenas because, baby, we are a gray zone show. a lot of these blacks who were former slaves of the tribes that occupied those areas were granted a land through what was known as the Dawes act, which was a U S law that gave land to native, uh, Americans through, you know, trying to give them their reservations and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:17:56 So the blacks also received this land because they were slaves of the native Americans and they took off from there. Yes. So on, on, on, in 1921, May 31st, you had a, uh, 17 year old white girl named Sarah page, who was, um, an elevator operator in this building. Her job was to get through business school. She would, you know, operate the elevators, like old school. And then you had a 19 year old black kid named Dick Roland, his name, and he was a shoe shiner and his name was Diamond Dick. That was his nickname, which is just a great nickname. It's like, I don't know how you get mad
Starting point is 00:18:28 at a kid named Diamond Dick, but Diamond Dick Rowland. They both get in the elevator on this day. And what happens is, is there's a scream. The girl screams, Dick Rowland runs out of the elevator. You know, the girl, the girl is saying, the girl initially has just said, you know, he touched my arm. That's what she says. The newspaper at the time, it all got, see this media, the media and the lying and the things that people get upset about, it ain't nothing new, babe. It didn't start with CNN and Fox News and MSNBC. It's like, it's a 24 hour news station, but the media has been lying for a long, long time, or some members of the media have been lying for a long, long time. So it's sensational. A newspaper said that she was raped.
Starting point is 00:19:13 They said that a diamond Dick Roland raped Sarah page, which was never, he was the first Karen. She was the first Karen and it was never, ever, ever proven. As a matter of fact, as the story rolls on, and we'll get to the specifics of it, Sarah Page never even pressed charges. Sarah Page didn't want anything else to happen. Sarah Page recanted and said, no, you're like persecuting this guy. This is not what happened.
Starting point is 00:19:40 But by that time, by the time the Tulsa newspaper had printed the story of pretty much black man rapes white woman, the KKK and white protesters of Tulsa armed themselves and stood outside the prison where Dick Rowland was eventually in on the top floor. And the white protesters showed up to do something obviously horrible to Dick Rowland, but black people, the black men of the community came to defend him. So it was this ticking time bomb that started to explode because of, you know, bullshit lies by the media. Yeah, there's two versions. He claims that she tripped and he grabbed her arm and helped her and that's what she screamed.
Starting point is 00:20:22 And then somebody else told the story that, you know, he ran out. She was raped or whatever. I thought it was wild that she was an elevator operator. I can't believe I've never seen a woman. Have you ever gotten into an elevator and saw a woman elevator operator? Never, never. It's always an old, smelly white guy. It's always a guy who I think, when I get into the elevator, is a ghost.
Starting point is 00:20:43 It always looks like a guy that died 30 years ago operating that elevator. And by the way, the name of that newspaper was the Tulsa Tribune. The Tulsa Tribune was escaping me, but it's the TT, the Tulsa Tribune. They were known for sensationalism and racism. So the Tulsa Tribune, AKA CNN. When was the last time you saw an elevator operator? I actually haven't in a while. I haven't seen an elevator. Anybody seen an elevator operator recently? Because it probably literally was a ghost if it was still there. I saw one.
Starting point is 00:21:14 They used to be around a lot. Like used to go into those fancy buildings they would have them. The doormen used to do it. And then recently Tim Dillon stayed at one of those fancy hotels, and they still had those elevator guys. Yeah, they still have those old-fashioned elevators, which are cool. But, yeah, I mean, it's a job where you're going, like, this job's not going to last very long because it's basically a guy just – he closes the door for you, and then he presses the button.
Starting point is 00:21:39 They were kind of like guys who used to pump your glass. I guess in Jersey, you know, they may still have them but like it's a job you can do yourself and pretty soon robots are just gonna do it for you they're gonna do it for you and if you think in this post-pandemic world i'm gonna touch a yucky ooey elevator button you got another thing coming it's not gonna happen yeah but i was thinking like they put her in there as she was the elevator operator he was a 19 year old shoeshiner taking the elevator do you think she was planted in there i mean once i've never seen a woman female women didn't used to work back there in oklahoma that's a good point that's a good predator in there to plant that story to start
Starting point is 00:22:15 the riot prove to me prove to me right now that that girl wasn't planted by russians prove to me if the russians didn't put her in there to cause this fucking riot. Prove to me. You can't. Now you're thinking. Now you're connecting the dots because what I see is George Soros putting her there, right? And then Bill Gates probably
Starting point is 00:22:36 vaccinated that kid in Africa. As we know, Bill Gates he's had his head frozen a long time ago. That kid's 300 years old. He's a vampire. So he vaccinated that kid. But as a repayment for him allowing that kid to be his guinea pig, he said, this is what you got to do for me in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:22:56 We're funded by George Soros. And then the Russians were like, we'll make it happen. Yeah, it's fucking bullshit. It's bullshit. But listen, back in Tulsa, what happened was, is that on that night, the large gathering of angry whites outside the courthouse where Rowling was, you know, was being held, they wanted him to be lynched, which is fucking wild. And then for the policemen, the police officers were protecting, actually back then it was just policemen.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Let's be, there were no women police officers back then. Now it's police people, police officers. But back then it was just policemen. It's just, I'm sorry. It's just what it is. There's fucking sex it was just policemen. It's just, I'm sorry. It's just what it is. There's fucking sexism in this country too. It's for another day. But the policemen at that point protected Roland
Starting point is 00:23:31 and that made the white mob furious. I mean, bubba's. It's like, what do you want the cops to do? They're protecting this guy and then it's pissing the whites off. I mean, how fucking Franks and Beans backwards is our country? Yeah, also there was
Starting point is 00:23:45 a lot of armed black from Greenwood who came there because they suspected there was going to be trouble, so they were trying to protect him as well. And they had showed up, and they also showed up because there were rumors. It was all rumors. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:24:01 A lot of this stuff, the facts got lost somewhere, and then it was rumors and rumors and rumors, which eventually caused the massacre. But the blacks had the black men who had showed up had thought that he had already been lynched, that Dick Rowland had already been lynched. So that's why they showed up with weapons. And that wasn't true. So it's just all lies coming at you from all different angles. I mean, it's Chrissy White lies. Yeah, I mean, this incident, who knows what happened. Obviously nothing bad. They were in the elevator together for
Starting point is 00:24:30 a couple seconds. I think it was probably he was framed. Of course he was framed. Who knows, man? Maybe he ripped a fart. It wasn't a rape. I know that. It wasn't a rape. It could have been a fart and she screamed because the kid could have had fumes. He could have thought it was going to be silent uh but it creeped out and went
Starting point is 00:24:47 bam bam bam it could have just went bam bam bam it could have just yeah yeah it's also his nickname was diamond dick i mean he could have a diamond dick and pulled it out and then i mean i would scream too i would take i would take a little rub on it i would you know i'd throw it around on my lips a little bit but i would i would Yeah, I think it was probably she tripped, and this was the first Karen in recorded history. Yes, yes. That really got a lot of attention, and she screamed, just like that girl in Central Park who said, there's an African-American threatening my life.
Starting point is 00:25:15 You know, it's the same thing, and the kid's just like, I tried to help you, and the next thing you know, Greenwood goes up in flames. Yeah, and like the main incident you know there's always something that really ignites it is uh a white man tried to disarm a black man who was actually a veteran a veteran of world war one so a black soldier with just you know two years previously been fighting for the u.s uh tried to disarm him and a shot was fired. Now people don't know, was it an accident? Was it not? You'll never really know the story, but that is what eventually caused the chaos to start and
Starting point is 00:25:52 the riots to begin. And that's when the violence started. And it's reported that like, I think at that day, like there was like 22 white guys that were killed, 10 black guys, but overall- Yeah, shots were fired and 12 people were killed. They say officially 10 white, 2 black, which survey says that's a lie. Yeah, it's probably a lie. It ends up—I think they—ultimately, historians say probably about 300 people died. But more importantly, like, the whole community was laid out. They even had, like, private planes, like, some white rich people with private planes with bombs on them.
Starting point is 00:26:26 No, they weren't. Actually, what's even crazier is, yes, they were private, but they were World War I planes. So World War I planes that had been decommissioned that were sitting in Oklahoma, they started dropping bombs on the city of Tulsa, you know, fucking because of these riots.
Starting point is 00:26:41 So what happened was is, you know, the news of these deaths spread. They thought 10 white men, two black people, people again that fucking tulsa tribune bullshit racist sensationalist paper says 10 whites died two blacks so that's further pisses them off as yanni mentioned they get into these former ww1 planes and then the white mob began setting fires around 1 a.m mainly in the businesses on commercial Commercial Archer Street. Now, Archer Street was one of the main arteries in the Black Wall Street area, and that's the one that they started setting on fire
Starting point is 00:27:12 of the Greenwood District. And when the Tulsa Fire Department showed up, the white mob beat them back, and they wouldn't let the boys put out the fire. They would not let the Tulsa fucking firefighters put out the fire, but I know my firefighter friends that listen to the show would have said, fuck you. If there's a fire, we throw water on that fire.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah. I mean, at the courthouse, it was only 75 armed blacks, and there was 1,500 whites. So that's what started. That's where it popped off. And then all of Greenwood was basically burned to the ground and everything was destroyed. And this great oasis of black achievement. It was a self-sufficient town. I mean, Greenwood, there was an old saying in Greenwood. They said that like money transferred like 13 times between people's hands in Greenwood before it left the community.
Starting point is 00:28:01 between people's hands in Greenwood before it left the community. So there were people who lived there who worked in other places, worked outside, but it was said that they brought the money into Greenwood and spent it in Greenwood for other black-owned businesses. And it was sort of, like I said at the beginning, it was sort of an example of this conservative ideal, like, hey, be self-industrious, make it yourself.
Starting point is 00:28:22 This is what this country's about. And here you go. The blacks fucking did that. They did that. that they created that they did it that way and they were they the whole thing was burned to the ground due to white insecurity and jealousy so what do you want us to do guy yeah well i mean what do you want and it's like you know don't forget this is 1921 i mean slavery was there were people still alive who were actually born slaves, you know, who could have been living in the Tulsa area. And now you took it all away from them and blame them for things. And it's like, what do you think is eventually going to happen?
Starting point is 00:28:53 I mean, the equivalent of $32.5 million worth of damage in 2019, 2019, 2020 standards. So the equivalent of that, all the newspapers, I mean, the newspapers were lying about the numbers. You had the Los Angeles Express said 175 killed. That's a lie. New York Times said 77 people killed. That's a lie. They said only 60 black people were killed, and they dropped it down to 33. But the truth is, as Yannis said, 300 black people were killed. And the kicker of this all is at the end of the day, there were no convictions. Out of all 300 blacks died, right, killed by many whites. The only person who was ever convicted, and they didn't even serve jail time, was the police chief at that time, John Guptosin.
Starting point is 00:29:37 He was the police chief, and he was only fired. So he wasn't, you know, put in jail. He was just fired, and that's's about it and then the cover-up began Tulsa uh the media started to you know suppress it in Oklahoma it wasn't even taught in schools most people never have never even heard about uh this uh this Tulsa massacre until very recently because it's been on the shows of the Watchmen and people you know it's a 99 year anniversary so it's good that this is coming to life because it's just shows like this is nothing new. What's going on now today in these riots, it's not,
Starting point is 00:30:10 it is absolutely nothing new. All right. History Hyenas brought to you by Manscaped. Who is the best in men's below the belt grooming? Manscaped baby. You know why? Cause they offer precision engineered tools for your family jewels. Nice rhyme. They obsess over their technology developments to provide you the best tools for your grooming experience yanni baby you're using this thing on your balls left and right no i use it i've been a manscape user for a long time you know they sent me the first one and i'm hooked ever since here's
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Starting point is 00:31:01 Mikey has a lawnmower 3.0. And even Debo, I gave Debo a lawnmower 3.0. Mikey has a lawnmower 3.0. And even Debo, I gave Debo a lawnmower 3.0 and everybody's got their balls. Nice, nice, nice, freshly trimmed. They look good. I mean, I've, I used to cut myself, shaving my junk so much and I've never cut, I've never even cut a ward off when I'm using a lawnmower 3.0. Dude, it comes, I got all my Manscaped products in that, in that travel bag that they send you, that toiletries travel bag. When I get fumed up and I get woofin', I just unzip, go into the bathroom, and it's like I take my dick to the spa, because they got all the elements of a spa treatment for your dick in there, and I just go to work, babe, until my peenie looks nice and shiny and clean and no fumes. No fumes. So
Starting point is 00:31:45 manscaped.com, M-A-N-S-C-A-P-E-D.com. You're going to get 20% off plus free shipping at manscaped.com. 20% off plus free shipping with the code hyenas, H-Y-E-N-A-S. So 20% off H-Y-E-N-A-S to get 20% off your lawnmower and any other type of Manscaped product. Manscaped.com. Yeah, and listen, I'm not just saying this because they're the sponsor of our podcast. I am not only a fan, I am a client. So guys, listen to our podcast. Go and get
Starting point is 00:32:18 yourself some Manscaped products. Go get yourself the Lawnmower 3.0 and trim down your pubes to make sure your dick looks no no it's history repeating itself um and that's why it's important like we said at the beginning to consider this historical context because it it doesn't nothing falls from the sky the apple doesn't fall far from the tree i mean these things, they're the product of historical force, and history repeats itself until you solve the problem. And I think that problem goes down to in the public consciousness,
Starting point is 00:32:52 black people, they're dehumanized. And that's the problem. That's what happened here. They looked at this community and said, how can these inferior people have more than us? Because it was poor whites that neighboring this area who said, why are these poor blacks having more than us? Because it was poor whites that Neighbored this area who said Why are these poor blacks having More than me? They're inferior. We can't see That. Let's burn it down. And it was people Like it's important. Let's just focus on the This is a very unique
Starting point is 00:33:16 Thing here. This community called Greenwood Which was named by a guy And his name was O.W. Gurley. Now these People, they need to be celebrated in history Because that's what I'm going to start calling You Y.P. Gurley. Y.W. Gurley. Now these people, they need to be celebrated in history. Because that's what I'm going to start calling you, Y.P. Gurley. Y.P. Gurley, yeah, O.W. Gurley. And he said, and now we know it as FUBU, but he said, built for black people by black people.
Starting point is 00:33:37 So he was the first big black businessman. Yeah, now it's fucking Damon, now it's from Shark Tank. Now it's that guy Damon from Shark Tank is the new girly. He's the new O.W. girly. And he started with a boarding house for African-Americans, and the word began to spread that there was opportunity for blacks. It was sort of like an Israel for blacks because you had all these former sharecroppers.
Starting point is 00:33:58 You had these sons of slaves, whatever, and they heard about this place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and they migrated to there, and they started working there, in Tulsa Oklahoma and they they migrated to there and they started working there and all these businesses started flourishing but really you could say maybe the father of Greenwood is this guy O.W. Gurley yes O.W. Gurley and you know the the so the black community you know from from what from and from what some accounts say is that it wasn't all a lot of their of course racism of course, of course, as you can see what happened. But a lot of the white people, you know, were trying to work hand in hand with the black community and build this thing together.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And it only takes, as you see the thing, it goes both ways. It only takes a few bad apples, like a few, in this case, few bad white people to cause this real big problem and cause years and years and years of problems. But then on the flip side, only a couple of white people to step up makes a real change because one of the unsung heroes of this whole thing, and this is from, you know, his black counterpart saying this, is a man by the name of Maurice Willis. So what happened was the mayor of Tulsa, his name was T.D. Evans, a white guy. He saw what was happening, the riots, the people started, the white mob started to gather black people and put them in internment camps inside
Starting point is 00:35:17 baseball fields. Like T.D. Evans had lost control. So he made a plea to the Red Cross. And he called the Red Cross. And at the time, this man, Maurice Willows, who was the director of relief for the Red Cross at that time, you know, read the letter and said, I have to go help. And it was an unprecedented move, because at that time, the Red Cross had never intervened in anything other than a natural disaster. But T.D. Evans and Maurice Willows pleaded to the president, and they got the Red Cross there. And it was the first time ever the Red Cross has shown up for a non-natural disaster, and they set up shop there, and they built hospitals, and they helped the black community get back on their feet. The Red Cross stayed there for over seven months,
Starting point is 00:36:02 got the set up hospitals for the, set up hospitals for the people who were dying in the internment camps in the baseball fields, and really made a big difference. And throughout, you know, the process, you know, Maurice Willows and TD Evans both said, TD Evans never got reelected. Maurice Willows lost his job soon after that they both found that their wife friends were mad at them and calling them sellouts and all this stuff and it's like you got to just put the earmuffs on and say babe i'm fucking yeah i was born i was born i don't even like saying white and black anymore let's go light and dark baby we're just light roast and dark roast but we all bleed red we all fucking bleed red white and blue i don't care what
Starting point is 00:36:37 country you're from you got red white and blue coming to your veins because jesus christ was in america we said that and that's how i'm seeing it now babe i mean fuck everybody else if you you know it's like kind of getting to the point where it's like, Bubba's, you know, if you're going to, if you still have racism and hate in your heart, I just got no time for you. Shut up and take your shirt off. Yeah. And if you do have racism in your heart, that's your business, but you got to respect the rule of law and you can't interfere with people's pursuit of happiness. You know, yes. I'll tell you what to think. That's your business. You're, you're free to be as stupid
Starting point is 00:37:04 and fucking ignorant as you want. That's only going to limit your life experience but the thing is here you cannot you cannot not obey the rule of law the rule of law has to be upheld for all people and it has to be distributed evil evenly evenly and equitably and that's what we're seeing now is it's still not that's the problem because if you know if that was a white guy he would have listened to that guy's cries and took his knee off his fucking neck and it's absolutely this is what i think it's you just gotta leave fucking can you leave black people alone they just left alone it's like leave them alone just let them do it every time they try to do it,
Starting point is 00:37:45 and this is why this is such a great story. They built their own fucking community. It was done, they had their own banks. They were giving out loans for other businesses. They were helping each other. They were, you know, the commerce was flowing back and forth. They did it in Harlem during segregation. And then fucking Whitey comes along and is jealous and fucks it up. Just, all they want to do is be left alone. They want to be left alone by the cops. They want to be left alone by the fucking jealous White people. They just want to be fucking left alone.
Starting point is 00:38:14 That's all they're asking for. That's all they're asking for. And it's time that we start doing it. But, Bevis, look, I know, you know, we're right in the middle of riots and protests in this country. Bubs, if you guys are going to go out and protest, just please don't break anything. I mean, just be peaceful, you know, because people are like, well, we got to light it on fire for them to hear us. And it's like, baby, a lot of these businesses, especially now, because we have
Starting point is 00:38:34 had, I know nothing's perfect, it's not even close, but because we have had so much economic advancement by the black community, a lot of these places that you're burning down affects the black community even more than the previous issues did. So it's like, Bubba, think. Protest peacefully.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I like that the cops now, some of the police officers now, are starting to march with them and starting to kneel with them. Those are good, good signs. I've never really seen that before, so that's good. Hopefully the tide turns towards it. And, babe, I would go protest because I got a lot of anxiety with loud noises. I can't be around people. You know, I get very nervous.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I don't want to get the corona. And the baby is just fucking wild. I mean, she bit me the other day, so I can't have the baby out there biting people, but I am trying to help by donating to, to, um, you know, the black economic alliance. And I think you should too, because baby make no mistake. We might have some people that want to drop off this podcast and get mad because we've taken a side. So please donate to the black economic alliance because we need people to buy tickets to our shows. Nobody's going to drop out. Everyone is united
Starting point is 00:39:29 on what happened. No, no, no. I'm saying... Go ahead. This is a very interesting story from history. Here's the deal, guys. This is the reason why you love the history hyena is we're individuals, babe. We don't take sides. We tell it as it is. Here's the deal. If you're a freedom-loving kid, you can't just be
Starting point is 00:39:50 for the people who agree with you. That's not the definition of freedom. That's actually fascism. If you only protect the people who say the things you want to hear or live the way you want to live or have the same culture and values you have. That's not freedom. That's not what makes the great experiment of America, the great experiment of America. Freedom is saying, hey, this guy's free to do something different than I do. And that's what freedom is. I do this, you do that, and we both coexist, babe. So it's like everyone's got to step it up and leave everybody alone and during pride month you just gotta fucking put on your little booty shorts walk down the street and if you're not gay get the gay out so you can go about your day and just start your day with a big old yes your day with a
Starting point is 00:40:37 big old yes you're not gonna have hate in your heart you're not gonna have hate in your heart because you you don't have that guilt in you. You don't have those thoughts in you. You're going out there and you're working it, girl. And you're having your morning breakfast and then you're going, yes! I think you're going to be a peaceful kid. That's it. So if you're going to go out and protest today, it's pride month. Make sure you repeat this mantra. Start your day gay. And then you're going to have a nice peaceful beautiful protest and what you want the agenda you want to be pushed forward has a higher chance of being pushed forward if you start the day gay happy pride month yeah yeah so yeah i love so go google more about black wall street about greenwood on greenwood avenue in tulsa it's actually still there uh the naacp
Starting point is 00:41:24 whatever they tried to rebuild it, but by that point, too much had been destroyed, and it never regained the glory that it has. But you can actually go visit it, read all the history about it. It should be more known about because it is a fascinating story in history that shows that even when black people
Starting point is 00:41:39 try to do their own fucking thing and they succeed, fucking crackheads come and fuck it up. Fuck it up. Listen, that's why we do it here on the History of Hyenas. Please tell your friends about this. Go to historyofhyenas.com, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. Tell all your friends about that. As always, when you join up for our Patreon,
Starting point is 00:41:58 we read your name on an episode and we encourage you guys to make a fun, fun name because we go wild and we pick a PPW, a pseudo penis of the week, and we're given the title. So Bubbas, are you ready to see who the new members of the matriarchy are? I'm excited. Bubbas, we went appropriately a little deep this week. We picked a really good, relevant story to the current times. I'm ready to let my hair down and just have some fun with some of these names. Yeah, because you know what? It's deep. We know there's a lot of people that are hurt, rightfully so. There's a
Starting point is 00:42:27 lot of emotions. Hi, we hope that you just enjoyed a little history and had fun. You just kicked your heels up and you just kind of let loose with us. That's what we're here for, Bubba. You know, we can't solve the world's problems, but we're just trying to hear, we're just trying to be here and have a good time. As our first Patreon member, he picked their name. Let's start it off with a good one. Chrissy cracked my dirty toot poop shoot like'm elegabullus on the three dollar bill so there you go we're gonna start off yeah go go check out our episode go check out our episode from last week or two weeks ago roman emperors are the most wild roman emperor you've never heard of it's about elegabullus and he was fucking nuts babe yeah normally i would penalize the poop shoot, but the inventiveness of that catapults that onto the list.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Yeah, catapults onto the list. Okay, Evan Powers, Louis G. Then we got Jared, make no mistake, I'm Italian, but I get mistaken as a Jew at the Mexican grocery store, Thomas. Good, good MIT tournament Drexler. Then we got James Clark, Danny Segura. Then we got Zach the German. Okay, I'm not going to say that word.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Zach the German quick to kiss the tip and suck the drip from Chrissy's love stick Zeppernick. I mean, what part are we missing? It's a racial slur. It's one that I can say that he can't say. You want to read it, Mike? Zach the German quick to kiss the tip
Starting point is 00:43:44 and suck the drip from Chrissy's love stick, Zeppelin. Yeah, I mean, you know, for funny points, it doesn't make it on the Drexel list, but, you know, the inventiveness of it gives it a little bit, but, you know, we just can't condone that. Okay, here we go. Then we got Tony, tuck me back and pass me to the boys, Atlanta 14, Wachowski.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Then we got, I mean, this one, this one could be a banger. This one might be a chicken finger, God. Are you ready for this one? Yeah. Pseudo-penis of the squeak. Right call on that. That's what you call a chicken finger. Simple but delicious.
Starting point is 00:44:22 On to the list. There we go. Then we got Raul, ready and ready. Then we got Brian, Earl Hart. Then we got Matic, a Slovenian kid with a squeak-sized piece whose father glued down Melania Trump 2020. That's a Drexler. Then we got Louis, the fat wog from Down Under,
Starting point is 00:44:39 tongue-punched my fart box to Lai Chunder, Pugliese. Yeah, I'm just saying the fart boxes and the skin flutes are going to be penalized. Yeah, but I like them though. They're good, but I mean, at this point, we got to get away from them. Yeah, it's like a joke. It's like when a comedian does a joke about traffic. You got to have a banger fucking joke about traffic or Asian drivers or some stereotype like that for it to be really, really good because they've just been done so much.
Starting point is 00:45:02 But if you could come with a fucking absolute banger, by all means.'re gonna come you gotta come like ellen gabalis did i mean that kid he brought the skin fluid or the poop shoot into it yeah i mean he crushed it he crushed it okay so then we got smoky mccock um kevin harris then we got big dance hold on i'm just gonna throw it in the direction of this because it made me smoky mccockughey made me laugh, so he's going to Drexler. Yeah. Then we got Kevin Harris, Big Dan Soderson, Mitchell Yake. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that got Mikey. That got Mikey, so that goes to Drexler.
Starting point is 00:45:33 That's nice. That's a mix of Big Jay Oakson and Dan Soder. Go check out their show, The Bonfire. Then we got Mitchell Yake. Then we got River Coolers here. Tried to become a sponsor, but you won't take my money, so here's $5 a month. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:46 You could have bumped it up to $10, you fuck. Then we got Malik Shaw, Mike Vito, BL, Niall Madley. Then we got Nathan pumping Chrissy D full of Franks and Beans from a Fumari peen while Yanni P climbs ladder 14, Poppy Trump for 2020. I mean, it's a beauty. It's a beauty. It's going on the Drexler. It's going on the Drexler.
Starting point is 00:46:05 It's going on the Drexler. Ah. For the poetry, I give it a 10. Because, yeah. Wow, fucking Yanni. Yanni's tough. He's becoming a tough, tough, tough critic. He's becoming his wife.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Well, here's the thing. I mean, everyone brings so much heat that, you know, they have set the standard. It's not me. It is. I mean, you know, that's what a Drexler is. I mean, in ordinary times, that might win it, but I mean, everyone's bringing so much fucking heat.
Starting point is 00:46:28 No, I agree. Okay, then we got Sam Callahan, Dan. Then we got the Seance. Then we got Patty Ropes. I dropped the soaps. Chase Branganze, Amanda Virtuoso, Chris Ayo, Justin, Michael Shannon. Then we got Soder with that big boner the cure for corona big dick soda one we've had yeah it's great i like it's a drex it's great okay then we got
Starting point is 00:46:57 travis j grennan colin litke then we got eva Diva, Cackles Like a Hyena. Then we got, Mick, no mistake, you better get Rogan out water now. Yeah. Then we got Franco, Rachel Dominguez, Brad Seltz, Jordan Moffat. Then we got Josh, you make no mistake, Yanni can poke my boy Ponani with his salami tamahara. I mean, boy Ponani is funny. Yeah, he's going on the list with his salami. I mean, the kid's going on the list with his salami. Yeah. Okay, then we got Bill looking for a Zumba Wumba situation to give Chrissy Corona a nine-month break.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Baron. Disrespectful, but funny. Yeah, it's funny. It's going on the list for the humor. Then we got Mark Schoenfeld, Pat Walton. Then we got Brian, Father Bill's piece in a mozzarella stick in my ass is marinara sauce, Espinosa.
Starting point is 00:47:52 That's the type of thing I'm talking about. I mean, I want to give the other guys some love, but I mean, when you come with that kind of inventiveness, throw him on the list and make no mistake, he's in the league and I'm calling it now. He's not going to get beat. He's not going to get beat. He's not going to get beat.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Then we got Spencer. It's not gay unless you come, and I can't because I keep looking at the ward on Chrissy's bum, Raymond. Good one. Yeah. How do you know I have a ward on my ass? Then we get old McTronald, Seth Barnes. Then we got Maddie from Boston. I root for the Sox, and I don't like Cox, but make no mistake,
Starting point is 00:48:23 I would still munch Chrissy's man box. So he must have went up in money. He must have changed his tier. Yeah, I remember him. Right? Mikey, did he change his tier? Is that what it is? We might have sent him from something else or he left and came back. Okay. Yeah, a lot of fucking, there's a lot of slippery fucks that do that too. We notice at the end
Starting point is 00:48:40 of the month and the first of the month, the numbers start to go down because you slippery fucks try to rejoin. But we get your fucking money anyway, you fuckers. You know these guys, we read their names on other things like messages they sent us before we get their name on this too. Then we got Saeed Barhoosh, Marco Maravilla,
Starting point is 00:48:57 then we got the Madula Ablangabla. It's funny. Then we got Guy Screwed In Jew Married To A Sauce Monkey Send Help. That's a Drexler. That's a Drexler. Then we got Guy, screwed in Jew, married to a sauce monkey, sent help. That's a direct stick. That's a direct stick. Then we got my mom is a German.
Starting point is 00:49:10 My dad is a bean. Make no mistake. I'm in between Ron Paul 2012. That goes on the list. Yeah. That's on the list. There we go. Then we got Larry Morgan.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Then we got Chrissy D And the giant Peach Mommy That's old school, that's a shout out to our fan Peach Mommy, shout out Then we got Leonard Vincenzi Then we got She Tastes Like Texas Ryan Engroff Casey Tomlinson Then we got Casey, I door dash back soup
Starting point is 00:49:39 To put in my Republican friend's water supply Hillary no fumes 2020 Then we got Screwed in Dominican Jew Straight to the Banco Popular Dame tu dinero my Republican friends, water supply, Hillary, no fumes, 2020. Um, we got screwed in Dominican Jews straight to the bank. Oh, popular. I like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Nice chicken figure for a Drex. Then we got Caitlin, Caitlin, Isham, Thomas, Lauria, Jonathan, Will,
Starting point is 00:50:00 Tyler Schmidt. Then we got Jill here for the content, Holly, McTurk. Then we got Gary almost had a three-way all I needed was two more people Gabia okay got it nice funny I mean it's funny I mean I think he suffered from a read I'm gonna throw him on the dregs and just out of respect then we got sandal monkeys are hunkies but Chrissy D is the real cutie
Starting point is 00:50:19 like it sandal monkeys it's funny yeah that's a goodie that's a goodie then we got yeah then we got b then we got mikey two-tone slanted bone i could own guyano if it makes my clap it goes on the list yeah it goes on the list yeah then we got john amir nick killian mitchell tangredi uh then we got is what it is jo Joe Raymond, Brian Santillan, Samuel Massanelli. Then we got Dom shot out of a Republican hole. Hashtag Trump 2020. Mizeo, Colleen Curtis, Joseph Batak, Tommy Williams. Then I got we got I sat on Father Bill's thumb till my bum went numb and got a face full of cum cum um yeah father bill gets father bill is getting close also to you better be good with father bill yeah i mean those were two good ones
Starting point is 00:51:11 though yeah they were he's going he's going this is the definition of a director if you didn't know he's going into the directional list because the other guy with the marinara sauce is tough to beat yeah he's just tough to beat so you, the marinara sauce guy is Jordan, and unfortunately this guy is Drexler. Then we got Stephanie Lopez. Then we got Rob, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Italian, because my grandmother don't like eggplant, a lot of 14. Okay, I didn't realize that was going to get racist,
Starting point is 00:51:35 so we don't condone that. Then we got Didi Cutie with a Teletubby booty, a.k.a. the last black two chults cleaned out wow right onto the list hilarious hilarious um then we got caitlin m zylan ziski uh kelsey and then we got barry p with the hairy knee bends his knee for nobody okay well i get it um but you know bend the knee you know there's that's another thing to talk about is the knees bending versus not i mean do what you want to do but you know i mean come on let's just be in solidarity with each other team things then we got um if
Starting point is 00:52:13 that cute greek yanni thinks he can lay on his tummy he's got another thing coming because my hands are soaked in cold pressed olive oil and ready to go down. I mean, yeah, I mean, it's just so funny. It's got to go on the list. It's a little long winded, but I'm throwing them on the list for the creativity. Yeah. Then we got Eric Eslo KS. But the way these hyenas.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Sorry, Eric Eslo KS. But the way these hyenas put the bay in Bay Ridge. Call me Erica. Except if you see me at a rally. Trump 2020. That's it. There we go Then we got Got fumes over Zoom
Starting point is 00:52:51 Then we got Phyllis Brown Leroy penis Cutie with a smoothie No longer a prostitute Then we got Rafi Need to see my giant head on screen
Starting point is 00:53:00 While stroking my uncircumcised peen If you know what I mean Gonzalez That's a good one That's a good one. Then we got Let's Skip This One, Okay, Cuz. Then we got The Anteater Tit Throws a Fit When Chrissy Plays With His Clit. Nice.
Starting point is 00:53:16 On to the list. Then we got Toot from Baltimore with Old Bay Fumes. Then we got Dredel, Dredel, Dredel, I Made It Out of Clay, and When It's Dry andadle. I made it out of clay and when it's dry and ready, I put it on my ass and call me gay. Throw them on the list. Throw them on the fucking list.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Then we got Johnny, I Only Eat Fume, Panani B. Then we got Karsten Olgo. Then we got Mistress Make Me a Sandwich. Then we got Fet1DK1D. Sorry. Funny. Then we got that one DK one D. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Funny. Yeah. Then we got Mikey French. AZ. Then we got Alan. I drive my car to a wet market before I let my Eastern Hemi girl park it. Colburn. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:00 That's the type of creativity we reward. Yeah. That's a good Asian driving joke. There you go. Um, then we got just here for the content. Uh we reward. Yeah, that's a good Asian driving joke. There you go. Then we got just here for the content, James Hogan, Rob. Then we got Yanni, pull up the sheet so Chrissy can sniff my feet. Throw him on the list. Throw him on the list.
Starting point is 00:54:16 He's asking for my help for you to sniff the feet in the middle of the night. He goes on the list. He's on the list. Then we got Coquito is muy rico, especially up my ass solito. Yeah, that's what the list. Then we got Coquito is muy rico, especially up my ass solito. Yeah, that's what it is. Throw him on the list. On the list. Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Then we got MT, Isaac Salinas. Then we got Shane, skinny fat with Mets hat, Thompson. Then we got Griffin. Then we got Big Shawnee J, not quite gay, not quite straight, but make no mistake, Chris T will get kissed on the neck. Thank you. Then we got Liam. Then we got make no mistake, not quite straight, but make no mistake, Christy will get kissed on the neck. Thank you. Then we got Liam. Then we got make no mistake, I think right, but vote left,
Starting point is 00:54:49 so Leroy will like me. We got decocked with a cocked Glock, six-foot trans living in a van. Nice. Okay. Good. Good for you. Then we got Zufan Y, Stephen Conway. Then we got moving my mashed Y., Stephen Conway.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Then we got Moving My Mashed Potato Monkey to Marisa and Venetia, but make no mistake, I said Wei Shan Qian after it, so it doesn't count. Then we got Justin Nevins, Dianos Bimoni, Casey, Kevin Miller, Tessa Tyrell, Joshua, Keith, make no mistake, there is a fuckery of foot rows.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Then we got Trevor, I'm right-handed, but jerk offk Off With My Left So My Dick Might Be The Devil McKnight. Then we got Manny, Make No Mistake, I'm A Wetback So Give Me That Wetbob Monkey Extra Sauce No Wet Nap. Then we got Will The Irish Ginger Pass The Sunscreen From My Small Pinya Mean. My Cunt. Then we got Half Sauce, All Monkey Kid because my dad uh we can't read that one don't do that uh that's just half sauce monkey and then it's just you know we don't condone racism here um but you say you vote to the right okay whatever you want then we got uh daniel straight from the midwest shooting ropes on your chest caldara trump 2020 um then we got here for
Starting point is 00:56:01 the content but make no mistake chrissy D can crack me open raw like an oyster. I've, I've never had an oyster. I think I would get sick from that, but okay. Whatever you want. Um, then we got Bobby Lee's a basketball. Chrissy is the hoop. Um, Michael was a toot for months trying to come up with the name. So I don't go straight to the back.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Uh, then we got Aaron. The situation yelled at me for not paying for her Zumba class through Banco Popular. Peth. That's what it is. Then we got B. Then we got just a Canadian kid with a donkey dick that is ready to get picked up and cleaned out by any
Starting point is 00:56:32 cousin unless he's a muzzy, then okay. I mean, you know, funny. Funny, yeah. Then we got Alejandro Glasshands Garcia, Diego Villarreal, Joseph Santaro, Melissa. Then we got Aaron the Muzzy Cuzzy who wants to stick his piece in Christy D's Fuzzy Wuzzy, but make no mistake, his bean has no fumes.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Okay. All right. Then we got Kyle straight to the back as long as I get some of Yanni's tzatziki sauce Rogers. Robert Ritchie, Lady Gary Jr., Shaft McNulty. Then we got Father Bill peels it back to smell the fumes, Trump 2020. Then we got Toop Pump Chump don't want another president unless his name is Trump. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Then we got Adrian Galvin, Jaden. Then we got when you get cracked by a guy and your boots are from Fry, that's Fumade. Tune of that Amade. Tune of that's Amore. Oh, tune of that's Amore, sorry. Even though you messed up, I knew it. I mean. Can you sing it this time, Chris?
Starting point is 00:57:30 Yeah, sing it. When you get cracked by a guy and your boots are from fly, that's Fumare. That's great. Listen, you can listen to this, but you can't criticize our ability to vet these lists. Those are the two front runners. That kid is now it's,
Starting point is 00:57:47 it could go either way. Yeah. I like that guy. Okay. Then we got Austin lives in Arizona. So make no mistake. I go domestic fumes. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Then we got Malik Alim, Danny, Amanda Collins, Nathan and Bergman, Christopher Burt, Joseph Harris. Then we got Isaiah been a two since day one, but never joined. Cause make no mistake. I'm not good at making up names., Joseph Harris. Then we got Isaiah Benetout since day one, but never joined because make no mistake,
Starting point is 00:58:06 I'm not good at making up names, Trundy. Then we got Ian Greer, Dylan Squeak Martin. Then we got Just a Juice Squeak on a brew streak going for PP of the week. Like it. That's going to get on the list for the creativeness. Kid is screwed in. Then we got Moving Furniture and Moving My Monkey to Chrissy D and Yanni P.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Thank you. Then we got Steven Law. Then we got Hey Bert Kreischer. Stephanie Lau. Oh, sorry. Yeah, I'm Frank. Then we got Stephanie Lau. Then we got Hey Bert Kreischer is a racist TikTok.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Okay. Then we got Mick. He's not. But then we got Make No Mistake. I'm Here for yanni beef and chrissy queef that's it um then we got paul cheney ian aherm then we got kyle chrissy d and yanni p can plug me then my podcast the cub necessities zomer show he's on it there he is then we got david lewisimo, Marino, Hyenas, Bingen, Sauce Monkey Name,
Starting point is 00:59:05 Menorah Monkey Religion. Then we got Menorah Monkey's funny. Then we got Artin Oskarjada. Artin Oskarjada. Oskarjada. Where's that name from, you think? Oskarjada. That's like a –
Starting point is 00:59:20 It's over the wall somewhere. Middle East. Then we got Marvin, I'm just a Crumb Creek Lazaro. Then we got Frank Adaro, Juan Beaner that would tuck back for papers, Gonzalez. Then we got Zach, guys, can I have my job back, ISIS. Well, I got Venetia left, and that's on the list. That's on the list, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Then we got Tim and Fortune's triplet, Chunky McPineapple, Keith Halabuda, Chrissy, if the situation has you hostage, blink twice. Wait, wait. That one's good too, but the Tim and Fortune one was kind of low-key.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Tim and Fortune's triplet, meaning Tim Dillon and Fortune seems just triplet. That's funny. Meaning he looks like Right. That's funny. Oh, because meaning he looks like both of them. Right. That's a good one. It's a creepy good one. Give him a Drexler because Mikey loves him.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Okay. Then we got Tyler Lissaco, Clyde Drexler, the Chrissy D. Molester. Then we got the Bulgarian New York Islanders fan, as long as I get free tickets. Then we got Corinne Allen, Ana Lea Susqueak. Then we got Jay Bird, moving my monkey to anything chunky register. Then we got Skinny Guinea with the mini Stockholm syndrome
Starting point is 01:00:32 explains my potato sauce monkey family. Then we got Forrester, the Canadian ecologist, Raph M, Jamie the non-tutti, plant-based cutie, Tim Hunter, Melissa Romo,
Starting point is 01:00:43 Call Me V because I'm looking for that black D. Sorry, Dad. Throw him on the list. Then we got Brennan. I'm ready to cut off the skin flute and wear it as a mask. Rateni. Then we got Monkey Bread, Amanda Mitchell, DMLB.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Then we got Jimmy the Streak, Riley, Brendan Quain. Then we got Tanetta Cup cutie, Daniel Herget. Then we got Jimmy the Streak, Riley, Brendan Quain. Then we got Tanetta Cup, Cutie, Daniel Hargett. Then we got Wawa, Jean Chien, and the Franks and Beans flavored Wooter. We can stop at that one, actually. Say again? We can stop at that one, actually. Yeah? Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:01:16 All right, there we go. So we'll end on Wawa, Jean Chien, and the Franks and Beans flavored Wooter. I mean, I believe in the folks, and they brought a lot of heat, and that's the thing. Like I said, it's all about where you are on the list. That's what a Drexler is all about. So many good ones, but, I mean, come on. I called it right.
Starting point is 01:01:32 I mean, can we get the marinara sauce red one more time? This could be one of my favorites of all time. Just listen to the inventiveness of this one. So you like that one better than the Frank Sinatra song? Well, listen to the first one because you might have forgot how inventive it was. Mikey, give us that marinara sauce again. Yeah, give it to us. Brian, Father Bill's piece is a mozzarella stick
Starting point is 01:01:51 and my ass is marinara sauce Espinosa. I mean, you know, the kid, he's basically saying his dick is going, it's getting dipped in marinara sauce. So he said Father Bill's piece is a mozzarella stick and his ass is marinara sauce. So he said, Father Bill's piece is mozzarella stick and his ass is marinara. Yeah, compared to
Starting point is 01:02:09 when you get cracked by a guy and your boots are from Fry's, that's fumare. He's going to win now. I mean, it's funnier. He's going to win. Did he come in and sneak in? Is he the LeBron block at the last moment that takes it? I think so. Yeah, I think he wins.
Starting point is 01:02:26 So let's give it to that. That song, congratulations to you. You're the PPW Shooter of the Week. I mean, you made a tune out of it. You made a song out of it. That may be what you have to do now. You guys might have to start writing songs with your names to get these titles. And you know what? That is so funny and so good. You might be in the lead
Starting point is 01:02:41 all time. Congratulations. No knock on you, marinara sauce dick. I mean, it's just, it's that good. You might be in the lead all time. Congratulations. No knock on you, marinara sauce dick. I mean, it's just, it's that good. Yeah. So I just wanted to say. I was going to say real quick, because I think some of these guys, they're accidentally saying things we can't say. There's some
Starting point is 01:02:57 weird inside joke from another show that we don't know. We're not going to say it if it just sounds horrible on our show. Yeah, if it's about other people that we're friends going to say it if it just sounds horrible on our show so yeah it was about other people that we're friends with or not friends with we really just can't say horrible things about them on our show I don't listen to any of the
Starting point is 01:03:15 shows really so Mikey knows we don't know just you know keep it in fun keep it in fun yeah nothing racist nothing crazy obviously nothing as we said before sexualizing anything or making any passes of vanity we won't condone that stuff make all those passes and stuff at us and uh but keep it creative keep it fun i mean you guys i mean i love doing the show you know patreon.com slash bay ridge boys that community board makes me and yannis laugh i mean
Starting point is 01:03:39 dude yanni tell me you've done this too there's been a couple times over the past few days where i've been bumped up because of things that have been happening in the world, and I look at that community board and I forget about my problems for a few minutes because I'm fucking laughing at how truly hilarious our fans are. Absolutely, yeah. I mean, absolutely. You guys are – we've said it before.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I don't know if we've made you funny or just the funniest kids have found the podcast that they connect to the most. But whatever it is, it's probably a little bit of both. You guys uplift us. We are a community. Talk to each other on that community board. Join patreon.com slash Bay Ridge boys. Um, weapon in the morning will be on Wednesdays. No nets, a bonus content is back. We're getting into the studio. Our new logo looks amazing. And most importantly, it's really important to be proactive and tell friends post about it put in your stories you guys keep doing that we repost it that's how the word's getting out we appreciate you this thing is building because of you yeah yeah historyhahinas.com
Starting point is 01:04:36 for all our merch go rate review us like us on itunes go follow us on youtube youtube.com slash historyhahinas. Subscribe to our channel. And thank you, baby. Yeah, and stay safe out there. ស្រូវាប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់ប់

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