History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 158 - The True Story of Sherman’s March to the Sea

Episode Date: July 8, 2020

Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas are back for another WILD ep about the Civil War. This ep the boys go wild for Sherman’s March to the sea and how it relates to today’s turbulence.Union General W...illiam T. Sherman led his troops from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia decimating the land he marched through. He hurt the Confederates by destroying their factories and homes. Make no mistake Sherman did not play and had every intention to “make Georgia howl”!Sherman was not a liberal. He was considered to support slavery, even quoted once by saying he believed that slavery was good for the black people.Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up? I'm Chris DiStefano, a.k.a. Chrissy D, a.k.a. King Gay. You're listening to the Bay episode of the History Hyenas. I'm Chrissy D. aka Lieutenant Lollipop. With me as always Sergeant Snuggles aka Giannisis poppice we got a wild episode today um and then we're gonna do a wild patreon episode bonus episode so go to patreon.com slash bay ridge boys if you want to hear the new details and the conspiracy theory from jeffrey epstein's co-conspirator gasoline maxwell that's that's what we're gonna do here we are yanni p ch D. Chrissy D, again, is dressed like he's a lower middle class kid going to sleep. That's his sleep attire.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Listen, we got Wikipedia open. Let's dance. Let's dance. And Vanity is here, of course, off to the side. She's dressed in all black as a true soldier of Antifa. And we have emptied out the contents of her purse to see if there's any remnants of statues in there. That's what it is. And we are two kids who are full-blown, fully-charred FFs.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And we know Mike Suarez is writing on the Reddit. Chrissy can't help it. Chrissy can't help it. It's okay. There's editing powers. It's what it is. We know who you are. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:01:41 There's editing powers. So what we're going to do. It's what it is. We know who you are. It's so funny. Can we leave it or no? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I mean, we're going to leave it because it's Chrissy Truth Serums. It's Chrissy Spin the Wheels. There's no secret safe with Chrissy. He will read your personal DMs on air. It's what it is. I don't care. Sue me. He doesn't care. I me. He doesn't care. I mean, he's got basically, there's some people who have the FBI following them.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah. You have your own family following you. It's what it is. It's true. I got agents following me left and right, and they're my aunts and uncles. Because your family is wiretapping the podcast for incriminating things that you say. You had genuine fear this morning
Starting point is 00:02:32 when I brought up an old character I used to do on the show. Yeah. Yeah, genuine fear because your family's tapped in. Yeah. They're paying to listen like the government does drug dealers.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Absolutely. Registering on our Patreon. They're going to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. And here's what we learned about the homeless pimp, our new producer, Binky Mike Muffin Chops, is that he fits in with us because he's Chrissy behind the camera. Right. He's a kid who should be a firefighter
Starting point is 00:03:00 who was probably born inside of a fire station at some point. Right. Might have even been conceived there as well when his dad snuck in a girl or something like that. That's what it is, yeah. I mean, you guys look like you should be lifting wood, but you're here doing skits. You're both fully charged FFs from neighborhoods
Starting point is 00:03:13 that didn't permit this. So you had to sneak off and twinkle your little toes and sit Indian style and put yourself in little Prince books and little FF things like that. Because if I went to either one of your rooms, you got FF knickknacks around the house. Because if you went to either one of me and Mikey Muffin Chop's rooms, what you would find is a pendant from a Republican National Convention
Starting point is 00:03:36 in the late 90s. Because, cuz, make no mistake, we're two Republican kids. Now, here's – Yeah, cuz, you just – I saw what you tried to do. I tried to –, I saw what you tried to do. I tried to find the group, what you tried to do. And by the way, real quick,
Starting point is 00:03:48 just want to say before Giannis explains what he's about to do. Today's episode is about Sherman's March to the sea and it is freaking wild. It's a civil war episode. A very, very crazy thing that happened in the civil war because make no mistake, baby, we're in a civil war right now with a little group called Antifa. Actually, Sherman's one of my favorite figures from history, so this is going to be an interesting
Starting point is 00:04:09 story. But we do want to tell you a little bit about us here at the Bay Ridge Boys. Are we, what are we, LLC, Inc., whatever we are. Bay Ridge Boys, Inc., we are a- Which we may change to $3, Inc. We may change it to $3 bill productions. Yeah. We are an equal opportunity producer.
Starting point is 00:04:23 We're an equal opportunity company. We just got to say that now we have the most trans fans um we do have we have some certain company rules like we're nice to our staff right we always side with venetia in any wars with anybody else and uh we we at this point we it is legal to fart in front of venetia it's legal absolutely it is absolutely you blew that door open you Yeah, I blew it. You're, if you will, you're kind of, you are the Rosa Parks of farting in front of Venetia. Yeah, cuz it's one of those things where I ripped a fart before and Venetia's mask went like this.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It just, you saw a ripple through her mask, went like this. Yeah, I mean, you just blew that door open. And so you're the pioneer. You're really like a pioneer for that law of justice. The pioneer, and it feels good to just be the one and only and here we go.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Here's a life-size little action shot of Giannis' baby growing inside Mrs. Pompous' stomach. It's a little hyena. This is exactly what's going on
Starting point is 00:05:14 inside Mrs. Pompous right now. It's just running around and it's there and make no mistake, it has a pussy. It has a pussy and that also is,
Starting point is 00:05:21 it could be a statue of Debo's dog to scale if he had one. It's just what it is. This is Debo as a hyena. Yeah. Or, yeah. And we also could be a statue of Debo's dog to scale, if he had one. It's just what it is, yeah. This is Debo as a hyena, yeah. Or, yeah. And we also, we do have Trash Monkey the hyena,
Starting point is 00:05:31 and that's fucking Ron Guidry. I cursed in the first five minutes. We're after five minutes. Five minutes and 40 seconds. Fuck! Yeah! We're trying to not curse in the first five minutes for advertisers.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Right. Because we just, we're doing this podcast with a fully charged itis. Because here's the thing, we're doing this podcast with a fully charged-itis. Because here's the thing, we just ate a whole bunch of pizza and now there's a new, there's some new words we're adding to the lingo
Starting point is 00:05:51 and it's a fully charged, so it's an FCF. If you guys know, we have an FF, but now we've added FCF. So if you want to be an FCF, you're a fully charged, and what that means
Starting point is 00:06:03 is you just wake up and you're 100% charged. So examples in history of FCFs fully charged are, you know, RuPaul, Mateo Lane, our good friend Joey Camasta, Michelangelo, Elton John. These are 100% fully charged, and there's days when I'm at 60%, there's days when I'm at 90%, but today I'm at 100%. Yeah, George Volta, fully charged. Yeah, fully charged. So if you, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:29 you and your friends out there, boys, girls, whatever, you know if you're fully charged and which one of your friends are fully charged, but that's a new thing, the FCF. So let us know. Go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and run in the community board
Starting point is 00:06:39 what percentage FCF you are. Now, we've also been able to really identify why there's so much hostility in this country. Some of it is obviously the unjust murders of certain people in the black community by police officers, of course. Then we got the economy, corona. But also, people have not been really listening
Starting point is 00:06:56 to our advice here at the History Hyenas about how you should leave your house in the morning and what things you should check. You should never leave your house with more than a 50% not clean ass right and people have been doing that right so it's like they're not listening you got to make sure you witch hazel your fucking smash being clean and shiny yeah and then also you also want to get the gay out before you go out there because then you you don't want to go out there fully charged you can't go out there fully charged right now the
Starting point is 00:07:22 streets are too hot so on three you guys at home let's do it right now. Guys and girls at home, on three, let's get it out. Everyone in the studio, please. One, two, three. Yes! You guys are safe. Yeah. See, I feel better. I feel normal. I just feel like a more balanced guy. Yeah. It's what it is, cuz.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Benetton, you wanna get yours out or no? She got it out. We did it on three. I didn't hear her. I think the fans wanna hear her specifically. Yeah. Yeah. Let's hear. Oh, cuz. Venetia, do you want to get yours out or no? She got it out. We did it on three. I didn't hear her. I think the fans want to hear her specifically. Yeah. Yeah, let's hear it. Oh, she's got a mic. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah, you want me to count for you? You're just going to do it. Because you know what? Her getting it out may just sound like her regular voice normal. Let's do it. Yas. Yas. We have to bring back the ya sound effects, cuz. Should we just hire back Zach Isis?
Starting point is 00:08:03 I mean, look at how Venetia is so adamant about having Zach Isis here. She loves Zach Isis. Every time Zach wouldn't do something right, which was basically when he was in the room, Venetia would just defend him vehemently. Yeah. Like vehemently. Yeah. Zach Isis, Jan the Squeak,
Starting point is 00:08:20 good friends of the show. If you're not having an affair with him, that's a waste of loyalty. Yeah. That's a waste of loyalty. Yeah. That's a waste of loyalty. I mean, what are you being so loyal for if you're not banging that kid out? And he's a child. Yeah, make no mistake,
Starting point is 00:08:33 Veneti is the new Chris D'Elia. There you go, because it's Chrissy chaos. You can only keep the kid leashed for certain long, because let me tell you something about Chrissy DiStefano. Let me tell you something right now, and I'm sitting up
Starting point is 00:08:44 so you can't see my gut for one second. Chrissy is not a kid to be understood. He's a kid to be enjoyed. And that's it. Don't try. Don't search. Just enjoy. Yeah, it's what it is. Because week one, I did a Chris D'Elia joke, and you said, cuz, stop it. And then here,
Starting point is 00:09:00 you just took one, and you batted one out yourself like you were doing a home run contest. I just, cuz, I just, I don't know what to do anymore because i love everybody and i'm for everybody and you leave with love you leave with kindness i leave with love i leave with kindness and i don't know what i don't know what to do cuz you know it's just what it is it's just you know binky mike's got on he has that look today we don't know if they're pants or shorts you have no idea it's just in between he's mikey gray so it could be a dress yeah yeah it just doesn't matter because cuz we're all just confused people in this podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah. I mean, cuz when, when Binky Mike, when, when Muffet Chop shows up, when he shows up to the studio, cuz he has that, he has that mask tightly wrapped. I haven't seen his full blown face. You know how like when you get down, you get comfortable and there's a little social distance, whatever. The mask come down at some point. Binky Mike, I think drives with that thing on. A hundred percent some point. Binky Mike, I think, drives with that thing on.
Starting point is 00:09:45 A hundred percent. I think Binky Mike is fucking his girl mask on mask right now. He's got it on always. Are you guys keeping the masks on when you bang out? Yeah. I think it's mask on mask right now. Yeah. It's just one of those things because, I mean, today's episode, it's going to be wild.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I mean, you love, I'm an FF, I'm an FCF for the Revolutionary War, and you're an FCF for the Civil War. What is that about? I just had a really funny thought. Can I do it before we get in? Let's do it. This neighbor over here is just going to know that around early afternoon on a certain weekday, there's just going to be a weird history lesson going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Just the guy on the other side of this wall. Yeah, she's just like there because they're older over there. And like this wall is not that, you know, that one is heavy. And like, so if we did it in there, nobody would hear it. But like they're right there. I mean, I think that's their bedroom. So she just going to one day she's going to take off work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:35 She's going to be like, I got sick. I'm just going to sleep. And she's just going to hear FFs and a lot of weird history lessons. Is that the Eastern Hemis next door? No, they're not Eastern Hemis. If they were Eastern Hemis, they wouldn't be there because they got a grant from their government to buy the place and go. And then it won't be there.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah, they're just holding it. I mean, this whole real estate market is being held up by Chinese money. Yeah, because I just sold my place at Bay Ridge for Chinese money, and I don't care because I don't care. I just sold it, and I got the money in my pocket, and make no mistake, I'm getting out there. I'm moving to New Hampshire. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:11:04 It's what it is. It's what it is. It made a nice sale. Because how much do you, General Sherman, how much do you like this kid? General William T. Sherman. His middle name is Tecumseh. Tecumseh, Tecumseh Dumpster Sherman. Now, is that an Indian name? Why does he have a name Tecumseh?
Starting point is 00:11:20 Because white guys had wild names back in the day. I mean, Tecumseh is a fucking wild name. I mean, Benedict. Right. Benedict Arnold. I mean, they Because white guys had wild names back in the day. I mean, Tecumseh is a fucking wild name. I mean, Benedict. Right. Benedict Arnold. I mean, they just had wild, wild names. But Tecumseh, I don't know where it comes from. One of the generals' last name was Hooker.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I mean, he was a prostitute kid. His nickname was Cump, or Uncle Billy. So the thing is, yeah, anytime I hear the word Bill, I get flashbacks. So Uncle Billy, William Tecumseh Sherman. Can you just go up a little bit, V? There you go. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:48 He was in, you know, he's very, very famous for Sherman's March to the Sea, which his scorched earth policy, William's March to the Sea, has been replicated by many, many generals after him. Right. But make no mistake, there's a couple of statues up of William Tecumseh Sherman. And by the end of this episode, you're going to want to take them down. We have a little bet
Starting point is 00:12:10 going here at History High News of how long Sherman statues are going to be up because we've uncovered some dirt. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:12:16 Veneti has already made plans to get out of here early once she saw the topic and she was like, we have a few located and she's meeting up with her posse and they're going to go down there,
Starting point is 00:12:25 and they're going to karate kick that thing down. Hi-yah. Hi-yah, hi-yah. Yeah, the reason why Venetia keeps her mask on all the time is because she's hiding from President Trump and the federal government because she knows she's going to do 10 years for statue toppling.
Starting point is 00:12:38 So Venetia's going to do a hard 10. Now, here's the thing about our new set. It's like my gut, I can't hide my gut in this chair. Because I put on weight, too, though. No, you have a thing about our new set is like my gut, I can't hide my gut in this chair. Because I put on weight too, though. No, you have a body where you can comfortably sit in that chair.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yeah. Yeah, it's just that both of our shoulders are disappearing. That's the only problem. It's just what it is. We both got the roses shoulders.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Do you do flies? I've been doing flies or actually the weather girl has a new workout which you guys can do at home. Jazzy Fitness. Where you take the tops off your stove
Starting point is 00:13:03 and you can do shoulder workouts with the tops of your stove which you can do shoulder workouts with the tops of your stove, which I just call Puerto Rican workout. It's what it is. Because you get ripped, you get – absolutely. Yeah. No, seriously.
Starting point is 00:13:14 She's been doing things. If you go, go follow her at Jazzy Canuelas. She's got a thing. She's got these $5 classes where you work out with different things in your kitchen and your home. And it's wild. And, yeah, I just – I said she should call it the Puerto Rican workout. But, you know, she said no, that it's offensive.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And I'm like, okay. Yeah, I mean she could maybe like go on Shark Tank with that. Yeah. Work out with water jugs and all that. Water jug workouts, tops of the stove workouts. I mean she's doing things. Throwing hands at you. That's a good workout as well.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Absolutely. Well, because it's all good. And it makes sense because especially in a place like New York where the gyms are not going to open. I mean as well. Absolutely. Well, because it's all good and it makes sense because especially in a place like New York where the gyms are not going to open, I mean, you have no choice. You go do it outside. I think it's pretty great.
Starting point is 00:13:50 So that's the only shoulder workouts I've been doing because I eat too much pizza. I mean, the truth is this. Some people have said that I come out of the gate too hot sometimes and my energy is too erratic. So I tried to give myself a bunch of carbs
Starting point is 00:14:02 and eat pizza and I had two croquettes and I dipped them in ranch dressing because I'm a German kid. That's what we do. That's what we do. And it's giving me a weird burst of energy that I seem like I can't control. Yeah, but that's okay because what's coming is that means –
Starting point is 00:14:16 because like you said, people don't change. We're all who we are, right? We're all who we are. That's what Pino said. Yeah, that's what – I fucking missed – She sent me a card for something. Should I kill one of my family members just so I can get a card? Yeah, no. That's what Pino said. Yeah, that's what... I fucking miss... She sent me a card for something. Should I kill
Starting point is 00:14:25 one of my family members just so I can get a card? Yeah, no, make... She's just kind. She sent me a kind card when my father passed away. I think I'm just gonna topple over a family member
Starting point is 00:14:34 just so I can get a fucking card from her. I think the best thing you can do for her is go over the house and just say that you're there to see the dog Larry
Starting point is 00:14:40 and smother him with a pillow. Because make no mistake, I mean, she's about 15 G's in the hole. He's got surgery on Wednesday. I mean, just let him go. The kid's on the runway.
Starting point is 00:14:49 He's begging to die. Yeah, that dog's dying. And we have to just sit around yesterday at the family barbecue and just be like, oh, he's got surgery. He's got dermatitis. He's got esophagitis.
Starting point is 00:14:57 He's got anxiety. And we're all going like, hey, you know, where I'm asking my uncle, I'm like, can we borrow the shotgun? Can I just get the shotgun and just, you know, put the kid out of his misery?
Starting point is 00:15:05 I mean, the dog just wants to die. Yeah, the dog just wants to go. uncle, I'm like, can we borrow the shotgun? Can I just get the shotgun and just, you know, put the kid out of his misery? I mean, the kid, the dog just wants to die. Yeah, the dog just wants to go. He wanted to go like, I haven't seen him in like a year. He wanted to go then. Yeah, he's barking. His bark is asking,
Starting point is 00:15:14 he's saying, kill me. Yeah, he's just saying that's the only, if he could speak English, yeah, we'd just say kill me. But that's how good of a woman your mother is. We weren't supposed to say her name
Starting point is 00:15:22 and we did about 10 times. Well, we'll bleep that out. We'll bleep that out. We'll bleep right through it. It's too late because I mean we're talking about 20 episodes ago 40 episodes ago
Starting point is 00:15:32 we said it every episode. Yeah and we used real government names. So because it's just we're going to get sued and you are patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys
Starting point is 00:15:40 it's going to you know they used to have court TV well you can just be my lawyer so you can just pay for my legal fees from the lawsuits I'm about to get from my family. Yeah. Now, here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Chrissy puts it all on the line. We go all out. We enjoy doing this for you guys. I put it all on the line, and then Venetia snorts the line. Yeah. Venetia is either toppling statues or she's doing something in Central Park too late at night. Her family is in another state.
Starting point is 00:16:03 She's free. She's free as a bird. She's drinking rosé on the rocks in Central Park doing blow with her black friends who don't like Sean King anymore. Yeah, because you could tell that the tide of black opinion was turning against Sean King when Venetia wasn't texting me about Sean King jokes I was doing. What it is. And by the way, shout out to the general, Andrew Schultz,
Starting point is 00:16:25 who had a great... Speaking of black kids. Yeah, speaking of black kids, who had a great rant, turn your phone rant. A couple of weeks ago, he called Sean King, Talcum X, which is a 10 out of 10. Well, Talcum X has been around for a while. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah, there's a whole, that's a whole internet. The list of names, like the internet has been doing those names for a long time. Talcum X was the first one that caught. But still, shout out to the Schultz. Now it's like Thurgood, Marshmallow. I mean, there's a lot of good ones. But those, so those weren't, those Schultz.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Those Schultz did not make those up. Oh, okay, okay. No, no. But those, anyway, it was great. Yeah, it was really, really great. Yeah. Oh, here we go. And by the way, we were talking about William Tecumseh Sherman.
Starting point is 00:16:58 The father gave him his, Sherman's father gave him the unusual middle name as a nod to Shawnee Chief Tecumseh, who was a general, an Indian Native American general in the War of 1812. Native person, native. Yeah, during the War of 1812, which we're going to do episodes on the War of 1812 because it's a wild war.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah, and anytime we just do a native episode, we'll just bring Dan Soder back. The kid loves Native American history. Yeah, or we'll just bring Nimesh Patel back because, I mean, they're all Indians. Wei Zhongshan, Wei Zhongshan. I mean, has he been a victim of Clarice Christie as much as Nimesh Patel?
Starting point is 00:17:34 Yeah. The kid gets a random buckshot every time. It's just what it is. I mean, what's he going to do? I mean, he's going to show up and fight me with his sister's jeans on? I don't think so. I mean, what's he going to do?
Starting point is 00:17:43 Open for Che against you? I mean, it's what it is. Yeah? I don't think so. What's he going to do? Open for Che against you? I mean, it's what it is. Yeah, I don't fucking know at all what's going on. I mean, the kid gets
Starting point is 00:17:49 random buck shots. It's hilarious. It's just what it is. Yeah, I mean, a lot of people have gotten random buck shots. No, but they're good kids because they're
Starting point is 00:17:56 friends of the show. And that's just Chrissy Clarice. I mean, sometimes the lights go out and the kid just starts firing. It's just what it is. Yeah, so I was going
Starting point is 00:18:04 to say, oh, this is where we got sidetracked. This is our, we haven't even talked about the Cump's Assurance. Yeah, we're going to talk about William Cump's Assurance. Because we're charred up
Starting point is 00:18:11 on No-No's Pizza. By the way, if you're in Bay Ridge, go to No-No's Pizza. They're not paying me to say this. The zucchini fucking slices. Amazing. Fuck Dave Portnoy.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I don't know if he's reviewed it, but it's amazing. They're fucking amazing. It's amazing. They're absolutely amazing. Good, good pizza. And it's unbelievable. This is what I. It's amazing. They're absolutely amazing. Good, good Pete's, and it's unbelievable. This is what I was going to say. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:28 You are who you are, and this is the deal. You're fully charged right now, but we all know what's going to happen. Yeah. At about, let's see if we can get a bet. Yeah, I mean, Biggie Mike is shaking his head. Venetia knows. We're going to go about 47, 48. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:40 When you just full run out of gas. Yeah. And then I'm just staring off into space. I can't do it anymore. You're just going to be, yeah, your eyes go blank. You know what I mean? You're just done. And then we got to read the Patreon names and you sigh and you just don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yeah, I don't want to do it. Yeah. So when you come in this hot. Yeah. It's definitely about 47, 48. Yeah, we're about 19 minutes. We got a good ride going for another 20 minutes. We got good choice.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Let's fucking enjoy it before the fucking, before the balloon just goes limp. Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, so here we go. Here we go. So Sherman's March to the Sea. Wikipedia, activate! From November 15th to December 21st, 1864.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And basically what it was, it was a march to the sea where Sherman and the Union troops said, fucking enough is enough. Now we're going to gonna you guys want to keep playing this fucking game now we're gonna march from atlanta to charleston south carolina through that whole state and we're gonna say uh and we're gonna say fucking listen we're gonna scorch the earth behind us we're gonna kill everybody now it's more than soldiers so now we're saying we're gonna go there we're gonna start scorching the earth we're gonna burn everything at stake we're gonna now we're saying we're going to go there. We're going to start scorching the earth. We're going to burn everything at stake. We're going to make these Confederate Southern sympathizers feel the hand of war. That's exactly what he said. And guess what? It worked.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Okay? So you want to keep protesting? I'm calling Sherman back up. No, I'm kidding. I'm all for the right protests. Absolutely. So you said Charleston and I don't blame you. It was actually Savannah Savannah But here's the deal Georgia Atlanta
Starting point is 00:20:07 Yeah But it's totally fine To get those two confused I fucked up Because all people Who love cute Quaint colonial vacations Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:15 Also do the same thing Yeah My two favorite vacation spots Because I'm a little bit Of a history FF Yeah I'm a full on Fully charged
Starting point is 00:20:22 I love Savannah and Charleston I go to both and sometimes in my own head I can't remember which vacation was which. So that you made that mistake is totally appropriate. So it was from Atlanta to Savannah. The kid burned everything. He treated the state of Georgia like a blunt and he
Starting point is 00:20:38 smoked it down. It's just what it is and unfortunately it's just some innocent people have to lose their homes and some innocent people have to lose their homes and some innocent people have to lose their lives but that's just what happens if you want to secede from the fucking union babe okay we let you have a little bit of fun and then it just gets to a point where sherman said i'm fucking done i'm absolutely done and he just torched it now here's the interesting thing about sherman there's a lot but let's backpedal a little bit the kid um was
Starting point is 00:21:04 he was from new york he's a new york kid well backpedal a little bit. The kid was, he was from New York. He's a New York kid. Well, he died in New York City. Was he born in New York City? No, he wasn't. He died in New York City. That's good enough. Yeah, he fucking died in New York City. Yeah, I mean. Yeah, Venetia forgot to tell us where he's from. Yeah, where is he born? Yeah, she was. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:21:19 He, um, he had a mental breakdown. He had a breakdown. He snapped. And Grant, Ulysses Grant, was there for him and said, because I need you in the Army. I need you in the Army. This is where you belong. You're great. We need your expertise.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And then he pulled him back up into the Army. So Tecumseh Sherman always credited Ulysses Grant for having his back and supporting him and wanting him out there on the field with the Union. And he said, I supported him. They became such good friends. for having his back and supporting him and wanting him out there on the field with the union. And he said, I supported him. They became such good friends. I supported him through his drinking because Ulysses Grant was a fucking booze hound. He was a booze hound, and so was Sherman.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And by the way, Sherman was born February 8, 1820, Lancaster, Ohio, and he died February 14, 1891 in New York City, New York. Happy Valentine's Day. Do you want wanna be buried Anywhere Do you want You don't wanna be buried Anywhere where the guy Who's putting dirt on you
Starting point is 00:22:10 Doesn't sound like this No Yeah I wanna fucking Be sounded like that No what I want When I go You wanna hear the priest go You know what
Starting point is 00:22:17 This kid was a good kid Yeah This kid was a good kid I mean That he was into men Is what That's something that He will make peace with
Starting point is 00:22:24 In heaven Right now Or purgatory Where he is But I'm sure his mother Was a good person She did enough That he was into men is something that he will make peace with in heaven right now, or purgatory where he is. But I'm sure his mother was a good person. She did enough Hail Marys that the kid got a good chance to maybe get into the gay section. It's just what it is. Because I'm a New York City kid, and when I die, I want to be cremated. I want my ashes to be put in the back of the salt section of a garbage truck
Starting point is 00:22:40 when they're salting the ice. And I want that truck to drive along all the bases in Yankee Stadium and just have my ass just out in the salter. And I just want to get salted all over Yankee Stadium and just scooped up in the dirt, and that's what I want. My nose is on fire. Does it have anything to do with the spices on the zucchini slice? Because it's on fire. It's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Or does it have anything to do with the blow that we did right before this episode? It might have been the blow. Yeah, because that's how I want to fucking die. Or I want to get buried in a casket and not get cremated in full Derek Jeter. Derek Jeter jersey, pinstripe pants, and the cleats. And I want somebody to put a gift basket into that coffin like I'm one of Derek Jeter's toots leaving the house the next morning. And I want to just cross over that way.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I want a Derek Jeter's gift basket in his jersey. Those are good wishes. But more realistically, as you know, I'll help out too. Like if you go first, I'll help out too. Like if you go first, I'll help out with the family and what you wanted. Yeah. We're definitely going to put you in
Starting point is 00:23:30 the throwback Golden State jersey. Yeah. With some matching sneakers and we're going to put some designs in your head. Yeah. That's the way we're going to remember you. We're going to remember guy code Chrissy
Starting point is 00:23:38 is the way you're going to get buried. That's what it is. And the truth to the whole situation is you're probably going to have to pay for it because I will have gotten cleaned out by the weather girl on Barney Rubble. So I won't have enough money. That's what it will be.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Here's the thing. Tecumseh Sherman came along at a time where Abraham Lincoln's reelection was not certain. The South has seceded for sure. But, you know, they weren't winning the war necessarily. It was a high cost against the union at this time because at this point we're talking about when he trots onto the scene, when Kumsher trots onto the scene. He trots on. He trots onto the scene.
Starting point is 00:24:10 We're talking about 1863. Right, so right in the middle of the war because the war started in 1861 and the Union was doing good this whole time but it was a couple of battles that the Confederates won where Sherman was just like, I'm not going to have it anymore.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Right, they were winning some and it was a pyrrhic victory for the North so far. They were losing guys, losing guys. People were dying, and the war was dragging on. So Lincoln was not sure about his re-election. Right. Sherman came and says, hey, babe, I want to burn these fucking dumb slave owners down to the ground.
Starting point is 00:24:37 And Lincoln said, go for it. Go for it. Be you. I'm not going to stop you. Nothing grows under big trees. Go fucking Prance. Because here's the truth of the situation, and it's just what it is, unfortunately, with politics,
Starting point is 00:24:51 is the politicians just want to get reelected, and they'll do whatever it takes to get reelected. So don't think for a second that Abraham Lincoln and the majority of the Union colonels in the Army and generals in the Army, including Ulysses S. Grant, cared really about the slaves. All they cared about was preserving the Union and abolishing slavery,
Starting point is 00:25:11 and getting that was the quickest way to preserve the Union. So if it would have been the other way, if keeping slaves would have been the way to get the Union back, they just would have done that too. Yeah. So it's truth. It's just an uncomfortable truth-ski. That's what you call an uncomfortable truth ski bee ski right there.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yeah. It's just a comfortable truth biscuit. It's just what you got to, you know, when you, you got to just put on a Disney, you got to Disney, you got to Disney-fy that. Yeah. It's just. When you tell the kids that, you got to do it through talking animals. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:37 It's just what it is. And guess what? Abraham Lincoln, you're, you know, a lot of people's Lord and Savior. And I think Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents of the United States and did abolish slavery and I'm so happy that he did that. Guess what he was?
Starting point is 00:25:48 A Republican. That's true. It was a Republican. I mean, the party's kind of changing their policies, democratic, social. I mean, back in
Starting point is 00:25:57 Jefferson's day, they were called Democratic Republicans. I mean, it's just a wild story. I mean, things just go wild. By the way, I'm not a Republican,
Starting point is 00:26:03 but my character is. Yeah. Well, we got to get back into that. We also got to get fucking, we got to get the way Jean-Gilles. go wild. By the way, I'm not a Republican, but my character is. Way down, Jen. Well, we got to get back into that. We also got to get fucking, we got to get the way John Jean's here. We got to get the way John Jean's. I mean, we can't keep fucking doing this podcast, right, daddy? We need a fucking condom. If I'm going to fucking fuck you kids, we need a fucking condom here.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Because if I'm going to do, anytime I say Republican, give it away, John Jean. Yeah, I mean, listen, guys. It's just what it is. My fucking name is Sean. I'm Sean Terry. That's fucking Patty Maruti. We're fucking firefighters. I mean, who can blame you just what it is. My fucking name is Sean. I'm Sean Terry. That's fucking Patty Maruti. We're fucking firefighters. I mean, who can blame you?
Starting point is 00:26:28 We've never been to the fucking city. So we fucking live where we live, and we fucking vote the way we fucking vote. Absolutely. It's character peace. Yeah, thank you very much. It's fucking character peace. It's character peace. Yeah, beautiful. I love it.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Great. So to come to Sherman, William to come to Sherman, Uncle Billy. Uncle Billy, he sets out on this mission to march. He had a two-pronged plan. He was going to bang out Atlanta because next to Richmond, Virginia, which is the capital of the Confederacy, where Jefferson Davis was just fucking sitting around pretty, avoiding battlefields, making money, doing whatever he's fucking doing,
Starting point is 00:27:02 keeping slaves and shit, fucking Atlanta was a big financial engine of the South. Right. Make no mistake. It was the New York City of the South. It was the New York City of the South. And this was before it was, blacks had really turned it into a fucking great city. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:15 But here's the deal. There was a lot of Northern sympathizers in Atlanta because there was a lot of industry in Atlanta. Right. So at first, Atlanta almost sided with the union, but they're in the South, so a lot of those people had to keep it quiet. Basically, the silent majority now
Starting point is 00:27:32 of even liberals who are going, hey, let's tear down these statues, but maybe we don't want to spray paint fucking Washington's face. Right. There was silent majority in Atlanta kind of sided with the union because they had business with the union.
Starting point is 00:27:46 A lot of bankers, railroad people. Didn't matter to Sherman. He was coming to burn them all fucking down. Whoever was there was getting burnt. Was getting burnt. It was like fucking whoever. If you were a fucking girl during a certain period and you had sex with Chrissy, there was a chance you were getting a clap. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:28:02 That's what Sherman was coming to give the South a clap. He came to give the South a clap, and he started coming through. Basically, he was rolling 60,000 deep. Okay, so when you're showing up at 60,000, when you're showing up at 60K, that's a big number. That's a big group of guys. That's a big group of guys, because really the way that the union— Do you think if Joey Camasas saw 60,000 Union guys coming,
Starting point is 00:28:27 he would just fucking do a runway show right at them? I don't know what the fuck. It would be too much for— He'd be overwhelmed, and he'd just explode into fucking RuPaul CDs. Yeah. So, because the thing is, like, with the Union Army is they— The actual Confederate Army, much like the South is today, the Southern soldiers were actual real soldiers. They had a great cavalry and they were like professional soldiers.
Starting point is 00:28:51 A lot of them graduated from West Point, where the North just came with just guys. They were just guys working as bankers and farmers that just fucking had to grab a gun. Because Yanni just bought a double-barrel shotgun. It was like they just bought a shotgun. Yeah, I'm a gun owner now. Yeah, Yanni's a gun owner right now. Also, it was immigrants right off the boat. They'd come, the Irish guys would come right off the boat,
Starting point is 00:29:08 and they'd fucking go right off the boat and conscription for the army, right there. Yeah, right there. So it's kind of like that's what the Northern Army was. So it was one of those things where it's like just sheer outnumbering the South. And when Sherman started to march through, he started to scorch the earth, and he started to free the slaves. That was a big thing that Sherman did. He started free march through. He started to scorch the earth and he started to free the slaves. That was a big thing that Sherman did. He started freeing slaves.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And what happened was, is every time he would go through a farm or a town and scorch the earth and take their livestock and all that, because don't forget, Sherman is so deep behind enemy lines in the Confederacy that he has no supply lines coming from the North.
Starting point is 00:29:39 They can't get to him. So his only option was to live off the land that he was scorching. So he would take the animals and then the animals that the soldiers couldn't eat or the things the soldiers couldn't use he just burned them and killed them but he had a whole contingency of freed slaves and their families and everybody trailing his army little by little and even furthermore after that there was a a band of confederate cavalry men that were trailing the slaves. So it gets to a point.
Starting point is 00:30:06 What's the year? What year does it get? Bad things happen. Yeah, it's getting to a point where something bad's about to happen because unfortunately, here's the thing with Sherman, is he fought for the Union Army, but I don't know that he necessarily loved black people. I think you're going to find that a lot in this time period.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah. Yeah. So it's like they got Union's outfits on. Yeah. But they're not going to just like, their favorite album right off the bat isn't Usher. It's not Usher. And Sherman said,
Starting point is 00:30:35 he said that he thought that slavery benefited black people. And I'm like, right. There was a lot of, yeah, And I'm like, right. There was a lot of. No. Yeah. There's a lot of opinions that weren't necessarily considered woke and dope back then. That is not a woke and dope opinion. That's.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Even if you were doing a woke and dope thing, it didn't mean you and your brain were woke and dope. Yeah. It's just one of those things where it's like, yeah, he wanted to preserve the union. And he was saying he later in life said, listen, I was just fighting. I was getting paid to fight for the Union Army and win the war, and that's what I did. So there was an incident where in one of these towns, O'Nearing, Savannah, he basically, it's called Ebenezer Creek, and this horrible thing happened. His soldiers, the Army was crossing a bridge. They were crossing a bridge over Ebenezer Creek, and as soon as his soldiers got over the creek they dismantled the bridge and they left the herd of uh freed slaves
Starting point is 00:31:31 and their families and and all their livestock and everything on the other side of the bridge and then behind a few miles behind the black people who were left you know kind of deserted was a confederate cavalry coming with swords and clubs and guns and they killed a lot of the newly freed black people some of the black men and women and children jumped into the river and tried to swim to safety a lot of them drowned only a few of them made it um so that's a really horrible tragedy that could have been 100 avoided but sherman was very concerned that they were slowing him down and it was going to slow down his march to the sea because again he really only cared about winning the war.
Starting point is 00:32:06 So it's very tough to digest the hard-culled truth of even the Union, even the North, is really not so innocent in the Civil War. No, nobody's innocent, baby. There's a lot of uncomfortable truths, and especially during war. Now, that's what makes Sherman unique. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:22 He was a guy, like you said, his tactics are used to this day. He was a guy, like you said, his tactics are used to this day. He was a guy who really, in my opinion, was one of those guys in modern warfare who was the first to really embrace what war was and not try to make it anything different than it was. Yeah. All the bullshit etiquette and fucking, okay, we're wearing blue, you're wearing red,
Starting point is 00:32:42 you should just, now let's convene tomorrow and have a gentleman's duel. He said, fuck that. I'm burning people who have guns, don't have guns. I'm burning your farms, scorched fucking earth. We're coming to burn it down. It's a psychological warfare campaign. We're gonna break the spirit of the South.
Starting point is 00:33:01 All these Southern Bells and their fucking rich, their being rich and having a plantation ain't going to save you. You're going to get raped and I'm going to look the other way. And that's what it did. The richer the better. He didn't give a fuck. He really tore a hole through Georgia and he left a fucking lot of pain in his wake. His hole, he said famously, I'm going to make George a howl.
Starting point is 00:33:25 So what his mindset was was to try to break the spirits. He was all, his kids were emotional. He's a little bit of an FF. He's an emotional kid and he said he was thinking
Starting point is 00:33:36 more about the mindset of the Confederacy and saying, I need to break these people's spirits because they're acting like and they just keep coming. They're getting their
Starting point is 00:33:44 asses beat. Wei Shunxian, Wei Shun wait should she i'm just kidding around around for help yeah wait yeah wait should she and we got it i'm just kidding around so wait should she had i was just joking but i met kind of was a joke about how the japanese fought very bravely but you make a decent point it's like you the the bomb kind of ended it it's kind of like this was like an atomic bomb of the civil war this was like an atomic bomb in the Civil War. This was like an atomic bomb in the Civil War where that's exactly the point I was getting to.
Starting point is 00:34:07 He was saying... You said it your way. Yeah, I said... Which is what you do. I said it my way. Yeah, it's just... Yeah, it's just what it is. Because there's fucking...
Starting point is 00:34:14 Frank Sinatra's playing in your head 24-7. It's just what it is. It's just basically Daddy came in and said it's time to go to sleep, kids. So it's just what it is. You know?
Starting point is 00:34:27 Lights out, lights out. You play around too much and then it just lights out and then daddy's got to come over yeah so it's just what it is it's just what happened it's just what it is so that's what happened is he said he wants he wants to make georgia how and break the spirit and that's exactly what he did uh women were writing home were writing to their husbands and mothers writing to their sons who were in the Confederate Army in different parts of the war, on different fronts of the war, saying, please come home. The war effort is lost. Forget about it. We'll go back to the Union. You know, they just destroyed our home, our property.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Come back. And a lot of soldiers in the Confederacy would receive these letters. And wherever they were stationed in the war, they could have been stationed in the northern part of the war. They would come running back to their families and houses. So this 100% effectively changed the tide of the war
Starting point is 00:35:09 and did get Abraham Lincoln reelected in 1864. It all started outside of Atlanta on his march down where he met the Confederate General Joe Johnston. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Now the funny fuck... Funny thing, I mean, that was one of those... I mean, cuz... That was just a double-decker. Yeah, that was a. Ways and Shades. I mean, that was one of those. I mean, cuz. That was a double-decker. Yeah, that was a double-decker tour bus. Cuz, that was wrapped. That was a gordita.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Yeah, we've had a bunch of slices before this. Yeah, I mean, that was bad. So, it was a match. Give that far to Wei Shaoqian and get it. It was a match between these two titans. The funny thing, it's a real. It's a match between these two titans. You're a. It was a match between these two titans. The funny thing, it's a real match between these two titans. You know? We just got to keep our producers working.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Yeah. I mean, it's just an edit factory here. Yeah, and make sure you actually put the rainbow flags above because they read Giannis' lips last week. Wait, who's she at? Wait, who's she at? Wait, who's she at? Yeah, make sure you get, yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:02 because I still got a development deal. So, he was up against Joe Johnston. Now, Joe Johnston was a veteran. He's played for the Nets. He's played for the Nets. Joe Johnston, yeah. Oh, yeah. So Joe Johnston, also Phoenix.
Starting point is 00:36:14 The kid was a journeyman. Yeah, Joe Johnston's a good player. He's a good player, but he couldn't find a home. Joe Johnston was the highest paid player in the NBA one season. I know. How wild is that? That's really wild. I mean, that's a Bobby Bonilla move.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I mean, the kid was good. He wasn't that good. Yeah, what can you do? He was just a scorer. He put up too many shots. What can you do? But the kid was money water. Yeah, so he starts off.
Starting point is 00:36:32 So Sherman starts off against Joe Johnston. Now, here's the crazy thing about the Civil War. The funny thing about the Civil War, all these guys knew each other from West Point. Yeah. All these guys were in the U.S. Army together. Robert E. Lee, they were all U.S. soldiers. And then the South seceded and they went and left and joined the Confederacy.
Starting point is 00:36:51 But these guys were all former compatriots. They all had the same training from the same school. It's because it's like if we broke up and we just went to war. Yeah. And you kept the history hyenas and I turned it into the history jackals. Yeah. And I just tried to attack you, and then you just fucked. It was a fart war, and you blew me out.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Yeah. If we had a fart war, I would just fucking lose, but I would keep coming. Yeah. I would keep coming, but then eventually, you would scorch me with your asshole. Yeah, I'd scorch you with the asshole, and then, cuz, if all else fails, I would just start jerking everybody off. That's the thing with me. If you fucking move.
Starting point is 00:37:23 The thing with me is it's only always going to get to a certain point if you ever argue with me because I'll come through the phone and I'll jerk you off. Yeah. So that's what it was like. Mind you're blocking the notes. So these guys knew each other and they went to war. Now Johnston, he was a real brave kid. He took shrapnel in the arm.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I think he didn't have the use of his arm and he had a peg leg he got his leg blown off and he was already an older man he was an older man he was in his 50s or 60s
Starting point is 00:37:50 yeah he was an older fucking man yeah what did we see he was replaced Johnston didn't have an arm oh so I mixed it up
Starting point is 00:38:00 we combined we accidentally combined General Joseph Johnston who gives a fuck they lost it's like when you're trying to remember who the winner of the World Series played. Who gives a fuck you lost? Let's just call him fucking Joe Hood.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Yeah, it's Joe Johnston got replaced by John Hood. John Hood was his second in command. He fucking, he was, actually, he was writing letters to Jefferson Davis behind Joe Johnston's back saying, hey, this guy doesn't want to fight. If you let me do it, I'll fight. So General John Bell, who was going to replace Joseph Johnston, General John Bell Hood was writing letters to Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, talking shit about General
Starting point is 00:38:37 Joseph Johnston, saying the kid don't want to fight. He's too old. He's a bitch. And then five days later, it was basically what replaces John. It was basically like the same way. It's just what it is yeah just tackle it it's cackled we're back and we're back and we're back and we're back yeah yeah yeah yeah because we can never give you zucchini slices before a fucking body because you go full-blown truth serum because i'm charged up if you want to give me a if you want to give me a lightning quick us charge, give me a zucchini slice.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah, or. And I'll go to 100% in a minute. So he writes, eventually John Hood is getting beat down. I mean, you know, Sherman is shelling him, shelling him. Sherman's just got more men. And he's shelling him and shelling him. Joe Johnson had an opportunity. War historians consider that he had an opportunity that if he would have taken it, he could have taken Sherman out.
Starting point is 00:39:28 He didn't. What was the opportunity? It was a battle where he had the advantage and he didn't act. He didn't act. Which happens a lot in war. Happens a lot. They just don't act. And hindsight's 20-20.
Starting point is 00:39:38 You know, hindsight's 20-20. So he didn't. So Joe Johnson gets replaced by Hood. 2020. So he did it. So Joe Johnson gets replaced by Hood. And basically, Sherman just keeps winning the war till eventually John Hood. There's a big munition train in the middle of Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I mean, this kid, Sherman is shelling Atlanta. Shelling Atlanta. Shelling. And one thing, too. With artillery. The main artery in the Civil War was of course the railroad so Sherman every time he would move
Starting point is 00:40:07 move through a town and especially when he got to Atlanta he would destroy the railroad and bend the steel they were called Sherman's neckties he would bend the steel of the railroad around a tree
Starting point is 00:40:16 so this way if a Confederate army showed up and they had just been blown up they could easily weld them together or whatever but if he bent it around a tree fucks the steel
Starting point is 00:40:23 the integrity of the steel trains can't go. So he completely, completely disabled the Confederacy. Yeah, I mean, he threw manners to the wind and was like... Yeah, it was... That's actually a pretty apt analogy to call it kind of like the nuclear bomb of the Civil War. That's what it was.
Starting point is 00:40:37 That's what he did. I mean, he didn't have nuclear bombs back then, but essentially that was his plan, was to just break the will of the South, and he did it that way way and to destroy their lines, attack civilians. That happened. Attack civilians.
Starting point is 00:40:49 He bombed civilians. There's even an account of one black barber who got bombed. I mean, so he was bombing whoever was there. He didn't care. Most people fled Atlanta, but for the ones that were there, they were in bunkers in their backyards, and he was bombing the shit out of Atlanta. He bombed the shit out of Atlanta,
Starting point is 00:41:03 and then he also divided his army into four parts for like a kind of mental terror tactic which he didn't know you didn't know if you were living in the south because you just keep hearing this guy Sherman is coming and killing everyone he's and he's burning the land or whatever so imagine being someone sitting in the south even if you're a northern sympathizer sitting in the south in your home and you're saying oh my god is Sherman gonna come is he's gonna come because his armies appeared like they were everywhere because he had split them into four different sections
Starting point is 00:41:27 and they would go and light the land on fire and then get the livestock and kind of all have it at one big meeting point. So he really didn't give a fuck. I mean, he was killing women, children, anybody.
Starting point is 00:41:38 If you were sitting in the South and you didn't have a Union Army, you didn't have a Union Army uniform on, you were going to get killed. Yeah, it was total scorched earth. And then, so Hood retreats back into Atlanta. A lot of the warring happens 20, 35 miles outside Atlanta. Finally, Hood retreats all the way to Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And then there's a huge munition train in the center of Atlanta. And Hood sabotages it because he knows he can't let all that artillery fall into Union hands. So he explodes it. It was a big kaboom that was heard 15 miles away, which is where Sherman was. And that's when Sherman knew that he had Atlanta and that Hood was retreating and he could just walk right in. He knew. He knew exactly what that was. And he walked right in.
Starting point is 00:42:21 And they took Atlanta. And then they burned it some more. They kept burning. They just kept burning it to the ground. And then he eventually makes his way all the way to Savannah, Georgia. Georgia. Savannah, Georgia. Which was the huge Confederate fort.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Which is fucking cute. It's fucking absolutely gorgeous. It's so fucking cute. I go there and I prance. 300 mile long path of destruction, 60 miles wide from Atlanta to Savannah. And he takes Savannah, Georgia, and he sends a telegram to President Abraham Lincoln around Christmas time.
Starting point is 00:42:52 And he says, I got an early Christmas gift for you, Bubba's. Savannah, Georgia. 25,000 bales of cotton and like all the land and pretty much the keys to winning the Civil War. He said, Merry Christmas, Bubba. You're going to die in about four months. Now, Venetia, this is one of my favorite Sherman quotes, so we got to look it up.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Because the mayor of Atlanta asks Sherman, can you please? By the way, the current mayor of Atlanta is the best mayor in New York. Her name is Keisha. I love it. I will fucking vote for her for president. I think it's Keisha Mills. Yeah, Keisha. Something.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Just like a girl I went to high school with with the name Keisha. Yeah. She's the best mayor in the country right now. So shout out to the mayor of Atlanta, Keisha. Something real great. You are so much better than fucking Bill de Blasio. Yes. Who stinks. He fucking Bill de Blasio. Yes. Who stinks.
Starting point is 00:43:46 He fucking sucks. Oh God. So I think the mayor's name was Calhoun. What was the name? Was it Calhoun? Yeah. So Mayor Calhoun,
Starting point is 00:43:53 Atlanta. You fucking love the Civil War. I love Sherman. I love Sherman. Yeah. So Calhoun requests to Sherman when he takes the city
Starting point is 00:44:00 he goes, okay, can you just chill and spare a lot of these people, the nobility that stayed can you just chill and spare a lot of these people, the nobility that stayed, these upper class people, a lot of which- The mayor Calhoun is asking Sherman this. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Because there's probably about like a thousand people still left in Atlanta. High noble to rich. Yeah, like those fucking southern plantation people or whatever. But a lot of them were also business people, railroad people, whatever, women. And Sherman responds with what he says war is. And his response, if we could get it, because the quote really encapsulates what Sherman's whole MO was about with this march of death. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:39 And do we find it or no? Yeah. Well, it's just whatever the quote is, just know. Is that what he said? Just know for a fact it will be my next tattoo. Yeah. Whatever the success may be. Is this his response to the letter?
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah, he goes, those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. You might as well appeal against the thunderstorm as against these terrible hardships of war. Meaning, babe, you're preaching to the choir. Yeah. It's like, this is what the nature of war is. It's going to happen. What did you think was going to happen?
Starting point is 00:45:09 Now you must go and take with you the old and feeble, feed and nurse them, and build for them in more quiet places proper habitations to shield them against the weather until the mad passions of men cool down and allow the union and peace once more to settle over your old homes in Atlanta. He's basically saying, babies. Yeah. Yeah. You're just going to want to leave Atlanta because I'm burning the motherfucker down.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Yeah, it's just what it is. And Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, said we absolutely cannot lose Atlanta. And then, unfortunately, what happened is you lost Atlanta and then the soldiers that were supposed to be defending, the Confederate soldiers that were supposed to be defending the cities along the route, including a very vital city in Savannah, Georgia,
Starting point is 00:45:53 actually just abandoned their post and went home. So that's what happened with Sherman's march to the sea. It was so psychologically terrorizing and of course actually physically terrorizing. A lot of people died. The earth got set on fire. There was an estimated, what,
Starting point is 00:46:07 $16 billion in today's money worth of damage. No, 16 million. No, it had to be more than 16 million. Transfer it to today dollars. No,
Starting point is 00:46:15 because you said 100, 16 million, but that's 100 million today. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 16 million worth of dollars worth of damage back then,
Starting point is 00:46:22 which is about 100 million worth of damage today, which I don't know if Antifa's might be doing those numbers. Yeah. They're giving Sherman a run for his money, though. Yeah. Here we go. And then here's very interesting.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Here's where Sherman, so Sherman did a lot. So if you're sitting here listening, you're saying, well, what's the problem with Sherman? I mean, you know, the thing at Ebenezer Creek is fucked up, absolutely fucked up, but he didn't kill them. The Confederate soldiers got them, so, you know, who knows. But you're starting to say, like, what? Because, absolutely fucked up, but he didn't kill them. The Confederate soldiers got them. So, you know, who knows? But you're starting to say like, what?
Starting point is 00:46:48 Because, oh, also, we forgot a big thing. Sherman was the first, pretty much, it was thought to be the very first time in history where a white person asked a black person for advice. So what happened is, is with the slaves that Sherman had freed, they sit and they have a council and it's called the field order 15, where Sherman is basically saying to the black people, what do you guys, what do you people need for me? What does the black community need for me? That's going to help win this war. Now he disguised it as, oh, I want to help you. But really he was just saying, what, what do I have to convince you and give you, even though
Starting point is 00:47:25 I'll probably take it away, to just make you guys- And they said Jordans. Yeah. Weishan. Weishan. Weishan. Yeah. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:47:33 It's what it is. It's what it is. It's a good deal. It's what it is. So he organized a meeting with the black leaders, and he said, what do you guys want? And they said, we need land. That's exactly what we need is land. If you want to give us our freedom, the only way that we're going to be able to keep it and hold
Starting point is 00:47:47 it is to give us land. So Field Order 15 is not that well known because it came to be known as its name that you guys have heard of, 40 Acres and a Mule Plan. So basically, they had 400,000 acres in the South, and the government said, we're going to give each free black citizen 40 acres and a mule. And that lasted for about a year until President Andrew Johnson came in and said, not going to happen. And he took it all away. Yeah, so Sherman is actually, I think he's kind of, I think black people kind of like him in history. Because ultimately he did that. Ultimately the slaves.
Starting point is 00:48:19 He didn't have to free the slaves when he liberated these towns. I mean, when he came and burned these towns down, he could have left the slaves in chains. He didn't do it. He freed them all. He did not have to do that. Other Union generals were not doing that. Yeah, I think part of it was tactic. Part of it was maybe you never know a guy's personal feelings.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Maybe deep down he didn't like it. He didn't like slavery. But it was tactic, too, to create chaos and sow division as well. But he was known on record to he wasn't an abolitionist. Right. That's a big thing. So the thing, the facts.
Starting point is 00:48:47 But you know, a lot of guys weren't, back then it was like you couldn't openly be, you had to be very savvy. Like historians have gone back and forth with Abe Lincoln.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Abe Lincoln definitely wanted to preserve the union, but he definitely was meeting with Frederick Douglass and did have some moral objections to slavery. He was way better off than most. I mean, so did Hamilton.
Starting point is 00:49:08 So did a lot of guys privately or in some of their writings during the time would be against it, but at the same time they had slaves. It was just kind of what the zeitgeist was. It was what it was. And Sherman did not employ black soldiers in his armies. He wouldn't put blacks in the armies. So it's this thought where it's like, you're freeing us, but do you look at us as equal?
Starting point is 00:49:28 And the answer probably is no, he didn't. A lot of white men, even in the union in the North, there's even some reports of, I read things where slaves, slavery, of course, is brutal and horrible, but there's certain slave accounts from the South that said they were actually treated with respect because the plantation owners wanted them to work hard and be well fed and do the work, and they were treated with respect. Some slaves said it was only when
Starting point is 00:49:53 they got to the North in the Reconstruction eras and after 1865, did they even call the N-word or treat it as subhuman. So a lot of racism happened in the North too. I don't know how many people know that. It's like the Union, the northern parts of the states in the Civil War just weren't as innocent as people think. No, not at all. And that is a very good point. I mean, it's an uncomfortable truth of history that, you know, some of these plantation owners were kind to their slaves. They were kind. Some of them were kind.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Of course, the system is horrible. But those slaves were treated well. And like Chris said, a lot of them felt worse discrimination and worse treatment in the free north than they did as slaves. It's an uncomfortable truth. History is full of them, babies.
Starting point is 00:50:35 This isn't fucking Disney. Yeah. And here's the truth, Susan. I just called you Susan. Go for it. Talk to me. Sorry, Susan. Samantha, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah, so here's the thing, Deb. Is geography is destiny. As I've said before, it's going to be another tattoo. Yeah, that's one of your favies too. Geography is destiny. Let's make it a t-shirt. Just keep getting tattoos.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah, geography is destiny and the truth of the sitch is this. Is the only reason the South is the South and the North is the North and you have the hated Confederacy and slave owners and that abhorrent shit that goes on with enslaving people.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And the reason why the South had it and the North didn't is because the South, the cotton grew in the South. So if the cotton grew in the North and if the climate and if the earth tilted on an axis where the cotton was growing in the North,
Starting point is 00:51:21 then guess what, baby? The people who are sitting in the Northern states would be the ones who have slaves. So it's not a difference of the people in the North, then guess what, baby? The people who are sitting in the Northern states would be the ones who have slaves. So it's not a difference of the people in the South are born evil and they have different minds. No, no, it's just that's where the cotton was and they needed the man labor to pick the cotton
Starting point is 00:51:35 and at that time, they used innocent black people to do that and that's just the way the cookie crumbles, my love. I mean, if pizza was the crop that cotton was, then the North would have had slaves. It's just what it is. It's just what it is. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. He's Chrissy Cookie Crumbles. It's
Starting point is 00:51:53 Chrissy Cookie Crumbles. So here's the truth of the situation. So after Sherman effectively turns the tide and pretty much wins the war. The war ends in 1865. Abraham Lincoln takes one to the head. He dies. Sherman comes back to New York City.
Starting point is 00:52:10 He comes to New York City, and this is where he lives the remainder of his life, in New York City. And he's called the first modern general. There's actually a huge statue up of him. Came to New York City to look for a nice condo. He was looking to settle down and get a nice midtown condo. Yeah. She ended up buying one from the Chinese. It's just what it is. Yeah, I know. He was looking to settle down, get a nice midtown condo. Yeah. Yeah. She ended up buying one from the Chinese. It's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Yeah, I know. I like to go to Tao. He was a little tacky in his taste for dinner. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, because and honestly, driving down in the West Village last week, I wonder if Sherman fucking reborn and is torching our city. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Because if you if you go down Houston Street right now and you could see Venetia with flamethrowers, you'll see Venetia with flamethrowers. And it looks like Sherman's March to the Sea. I mean, if you want a live recreation, just go down fucking to a protest. Absolutely. Yeah. So Sherman...
Starting point is 00:52:52 He was considered the first modern general because of this style of war as well. Style of war. Later on, the Russians would do the scorch earth when Hitler was approaching. They burned everything there. Burning the supplies is breaking the backbone. You know, he would...
Starting point is 00:53:04 Sherman did it. Sherman would use the crops to feed his soldiers, like you said the backbone. You know, he would eat. Sherman did it. Sherman would use the crops to feed his soldiers, like you said. No supply. And then he would burn it so no one else could use it. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And so, he was devoted to the theater. So, he was like you. He was a full-blown FF. Yeah, he was an amateur painter like your dad.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah. He's definitely in the gay part of heaven right now. and he was a colorful speaker at dinners and banquets. So, cunts, the kid was fully charged. After the war, make no mistake, if you're into amateur painting devoted to the theater
Starting point is 00:53:33 and you're known as a colorful speaker that quotes Shakespeare, quoted Shakespeare, you're 100% fully charged, cunts. You're an FCF, a fully charged unplug because you're charged up. I'm charged cuz. Yeah, cuz. You're an FCF. A fully charged. Unplug, cuz you're charged up. I'm charged up. Yeah, because, make no mistake, the kid did not like black people. No. He was a white nationalist, and it's just the truth of the situation. It's what the sitch is.
Starting point is 00:53:56 It's the way the cookie crumbles. He ends up dying of pneumonia after his stay in Savannah, which, by the way, in Savannah, you can go to where he stayed. It gives you chills to be standing in the spot. The building looks exactly the same. It's across from a church. It was said in Savannah that the church across the street, because they were Southern and they hated Sherman for what he did, they would ring the bell in the church over and over again to annoy him.
Starting point is 00:54:21 They would keep ringing the bell to keep him awake. Interesting. Yeah. So that's not very Southern. That's keep ringing the bell to keep him awake. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. So that's not very southern. That's not very hospitable. Yeah, but people do. I mean, that's a tactic, too, that survived. I mean, they did it to the Branch Davidians.
Starting point is 00:54:34 They did it to, they're doing it now with the police, you know, running the sirens all night. Sometimes I do it to you in long texts. Yeah, you just do it. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes I'll give you a long fucking day. Yeah. And you say please i
Starting point is 00:54:45 wish that there was fucking gas i would take gas over this yeah it's just what it is because do you think they should the cops should roll my texts out to the protesters what it would be yeah they just give up if i give these fucking protesters a long day they might stop burning down shit yeah it's just what it is yeah here's the quote that i found that i think is very this is just this is what this is what he. Here's the quote that I found that I think is very, this is just, this is what he said. He said,
Starting point is 00:55:08 he responded to Mayor Calhoun, he said, war is cruelty. There's no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it'll be over. That really, so he's not a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:55:20 He's just accepting, like you said, about George Washington. He's accepting the reality of what war is he's going why would I pretend that it's something different
Starting point is 00:55:29 doing that just elongates it it makes it longer let's just fucking murder because that's what war is as hard as we can so we can end this exactly what George Washington said
Starting point is 00:55:40 we've said it a hundred times in this podcast and it's always good to live by George Washington from his peers they said that what his talent was is he had the ability to accept things as they were, not as he wishes they were. So it seems like Sherman just accepted it as it was, and he said, fuck you, this is war, everybody's dying, and we're going to stop it in a few months
Starting point is 00:56:00 as opposed to pussyfooting around this shit and trying to be politically correct, and then more people are going to die. Yeah. So it's what it is. And his statue, if you're looking, if you want to have a little Antifa celebration, if you want a place to be holding in his shit
Starting point is 00:56:12 and you want to go shit on his statue, it's at Grand Army Plaza in Manhattan, New York. That's where I grew up. Yeah. It's in Park Slope, Brooklyn. But it says Manhattan. Oh, it's in Manhattan? But Grand Army Plaza is in Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Grand Army Plaza is in Park Slope right there you know where the library is where Special Ed made his rap video it's a Grand Army little plaza there's many Grand Army
Starting point is 00:56:31 plazas around New York yeah you're a lot younger than us and you knew that we're the ones with the history podcast well no well she knows
Starting point is 00:56:38 but Venetia you guys are not here for the history you're here for the fucking good time not a long time like we are no because Venetia the way that you and I kind of cruise around the city and look
Starting point is 00:56:48 for like- Prance. We fucking prance. We prance around the city and we just look for museums and little history facts. Venetia and her friends, they prance around the city and they look for little plazas to protest at. Because do you want to know what's- You don't want to know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah. Is if somebody was making like videos of us in Germany. Yeah. In our minds minds we were walking like when we were living it we were walking like two kind of like cool new york kids yeah checking our history sites but i guarantee you unbeknownst to us if there was footage of us moving around germany you we'd be skipping yeah that's what we were doing we just didn't know about it because our minds wouldn't accept it. But we were fucking skipping like Mary Poppins. We fucking pranced on that goddamn country. Going to Munich when it was cold.
Starting point is 00:57:33 It was beautiful, 50 degree weather. It was fucking some of the greatest days of my life. Yeah, it was a good time. It was a good goddamn time. Now, I just want to say a quick thing about the Patreon. Guys, come over to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys for our morning show, Weapon in the Morning. You guys know about it already.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Go join up. Thank you for the support. I hope you're enjoying the morning show. We do it live every day, 9 a.m. Eastern, but you can obviously listen to it or watch it whenever you want, every day, Monday through Friday. And also on the Patreon now, we have brought back
Starting point is 00:58:05 the Bay Ridge Boys so Bay Ridge Boys web series are back baby so you want to get that exclusively then go to patreon.com slash bayridgeboys of course at
Starting point is 00:58:13 historyhahinas.com we have all our merch go get the reality of suggestion t-shirt that one's flying off the shelves or the weapon in the morning and also August 6th to the 8th I'll be performing at
Starting point is 00:58:23 Stress Factory in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Outdoor show, so don't worry about the Corona Cuts and maybe Yanni P might be making
Starting point is 00:58:29 a special guest appearance. Who the hell knows, but go show up, buy tickets. It's outdoors, no need to worry. Outdoors, the coronavirus
Starting point is 00:58:35 does not travel the way it does indoors. It's just what it is. So yeah, and as always, our fans, our lovely members of the Patreon
Starting point is 00:58:43 who go to Patreon. As always, you got pit stains bad. It's what it is. Now, are these Patreon? These are the people. Are you flexing right now or are you stretching? Stretching.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Because if you snuck in a flex, I wouldn't be mad. No. It's a good tactic if you've been working out. No, I haven't been working out. If you snuck one in, I'm not going to be mad at you. No. Because there have been times I have caught you looking at your tries. I look back at one of our archival videos and you denied that you were doing it,
Starting point is 00:59:04 but I looked at the video in slow motion. You were flex at your tries. I look back at one of our archival videos and you denied that you were doing it, but I looked at the video in slow motion. You were flexing your try. Because I think anytime you catch me flexing my tries, I'm having gay, gay thoughts and I'm trying to get them down. So, cuz, is this the last group of people who made it at the $5 tier? No?
Starting point is 00:59:20 Venetia, speak into the mic. What are we saying? It's, uh, we have about two more groups. We have a lot of new. It's, we have about two more groups. So we have a lot of new names. Oh, we got a lot of new names. So these people, if you go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, and you go sign up, we read your name on the podcast as appreciation. And we always encourage a fun name that we give a PPW,
Starting point is 00:59:37 a pseudo penis of the week. If you don't want to do that, and you just want to have a regular name, then have a regular name. It's up to you. Yeah. Okay, hold on. Let me just get these out. I'm always excited to hear the creativity
Starting point is 00:59:47 of you guys. I'm in the mood for Christmas. I just got in the mood for Christmas. Yeah. I saw a little snow right there in the photo, and it put me in the mood for Christmas. Are we going to do Secret Santa this year with Binky Mike? 100%. Yeah. Yeah. Here we go. Here's the
Starting point is 01:00:03 newest members of the matriarchy jeffrey i hope i don't get drexled but i hope i don't get drexler'd but my insecurity is just a character piece greenberg there you go screwed in screwed in then we got saturated sloth um then we got ollie suffering from houston confusion reality is a suck session capone okay that's a good that that's a good one that's a good one. You almost made a Drex. Then we got Cody playing with that knob while looking at Chrissy's C-plus bod. That's a Drex look. You're right. C-plus. I appreciate that. Then we got Ty St. Pierre, Chris Jan Kulowski. That's a real Polak.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yeah. John Kulowski. Yeah. You got Cannon Fodder face. Then we got, um, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:00:49 it's just what we say about Lukasz, you know? Yeah. It's just a joke. We're kidding. It's a patron. It just looks like he was just liberated. Then we got Caligula's cock.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Um, then we got Michael Giambra. Then we got me, Chrissy D and two BBCs. Uh, Drexler. Then we got, uh,
Starting point is 01:01:06 Julito Colito. Then we got Britton Dodwell. Then we got Ian Scottish Sibian Stradler Haggis Monkey Hughes. Okay, wow. This comes from Scotland, though. Haggis. Haggis Monkey's funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Oh, I missed that part, but it got hidden in too many words. Yeah. You know? So, yeah. It's a good one, though. Then we got Jonathan Cotton with an E. Then we got Kieran Swedland, Paul Hammond, William Finn. Then we got Jeff Brown. I'm not in witness protection.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Then we got Chris, Morgan Wilder, Nikki. Then we got Thor, the Mighty Whitey, blistering my wiener to history hyenas. Drexler. Okay. Well, nobody's made the list no we're starting off decent but a little slow be honest with you Peter Zhao then we got stinky Twinkie who wants Chrissy's winky um then we got sugar tits love muffin the pillow biter Drexler it's the first
Starting point is 01:01:59 one on the list you kidding me you put that on the list okay pillow biter pillow biters getting on yeah 24 in to make the list. That's wild. Then we got Chico. You disagree? I mean, there wasn't any bangers, right? Yeah, I agree. Then we got Chico Bandito, a.k.a. hermafroditi. Drexler. I'm giving that a Drexler.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Then we got Bobby Nantute, bend over, I'll suck the shit out of your skin flute. Skin flute's got to go away. Then we got your father's piece then we got if you don't think I created a GoFundMe for the Tim Dillon episode you got another thing coming
Starting point is 01:02:30 okay well yeah yeah that's that's the guy who actually probably created the GoFundMe so he gets a direct just for doing that you're great that guy
Starting point is 01:02:40 because it's a real thing it's raised 40 bucks which is hilarious yeah somebody's put they've put like five people who put five bucks in they're not gonna get to a million but it's just real thing. It's raised 40 bucks, which is hilarious. Yeah. Somebody's put, they put like five people who put five bucks in. They're not going to get to a million, but it's just the whole thing is funny. Fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:02:50 But I will tell you the episode obviously on my mother's life exists. Yeah. There is an episode. It is. Yeah. Then we got Wayward Rogues Publishing. Okay. So that guy's just trying to get in as a sponsor.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Rude fucking it. He's trying to get in as a sponsor. I don't hate your hustle. It is what it is. Yeah. You got to plug. Then we a sponsor. Rude fucking it. You're trying to get in as a sponsor. I don't hate your hustle. It is what it is. Yeah. You got a plug. Then we got Ashley T., James Huckle. Then we got Tyler, the Canadian kid.
Starting point is 01:03:11 So I'm really paying $8 a month because my country is run by FFs. It's what it is, Trump 2020. You know where that's going. That's going straight on the list. It's on the list. Yeah, that's a goodie. Then we got George, I'm a twink but can be versatile if you jerk my meat South Philly style. That's the first one that you got to wheel out the catapult for.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Throw him right on the fucking list. Then we got Sean, I'm a white squeak with a skin flute leak every time I peek at my ancestry's king. Wait, what was it? Sean, I'm a white squeak with a skin flute leak every time I peek at my Ancestry.com king. Oh, so Sean King. Oh, man. I think he might have been the victim of a chop. He says, Sean, I'm a white squeak with a skin flute leak
Starting point is 01:03:56 every time I peek at my Ancestry.com king. I mean, the effort was amazing. It could have worked, but it just missed. Yeah. Then we got Michael, Edwin Areola. Then we got Ansel, but across the pond it sounds like Ansel. That's a fun one for a Drexler. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Yeah. Crystal Guerrero. Jasmine. Oh, boy. That one. And she spells it just like she spells it. Okay. That's probably someone just peeking in.
Starting point is 01:04:23 What can you do? So then we got Max. Someone going, what's going on in you do? So then we got Max. Someone going, what's going on in this room? So then we got Max. My granny wants to crack open and clean me out. It's what it is. We're Jewish, Sherbin.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Okay. All right. Then we got Steve Moyer. Myron Mohan Dineen. Then we got Jonathan St. Gay. Kevin King. Renee Ramone. Sean Baldwin.
Starting point is 01:04:46 White Walker, who's going over the wall because trump 2020 heidi edge it and we got cuzzy who needs a little christian yanni lovey hope there's no fumes and it's yummy and your yuglers are comfy for my monkey throw throw up on the list please what it is yeah yeah make no mistake i used to be an incel till i used 23 and me and found that i share andrew schultz's black DNA cell. Oh, God. That's jumping into the lead onto the list. Then we got Tucked Hey Burt Back and Took Him for Rome. Put him on the list. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Yeah. Then we got... Now we're cooking. Now we're cooking. 50 in. Yeah. Then we got Devon Salvey, Joe Gamulka. Then we got Emperor Elgabilis, the phallic squeak.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Remember him? Elgabilis. But this is Elgabilis, like Father Bill. Yeah, that goes on the list. Instead of Bell, it's Bill. That goes on the list. Then we got Lucas. Very fucking inventive.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Yeah. Then we got Lucas Mata, DJ Juris, Aiden Medina. Then we got, not sure if this hyena's piece is a pseudo-penis, but it's all the same to Chrissy Dakins. Make no mistake, he's a TBB. Too long. Yeah. But good try. And he meant to write TBG. Yeah, yeah. Edward Hept, Jennifer Birchie,
Starting point is 01:05:54 Mary B, Jimmy Aubach, Isaac Miller, Joey V, Donnie Dumpster, James Bayless, Kayvon Provalli. Then we got Ethan, hetero kid, but I wear my girl's kimono around the house while she's at work because I like how
Starting point is 01:06:06 my ass looks in it Wes Byrne put him on the list I mean I mean are these are these funny kids that are rejoining
Starting point is 01:06:14 or these are we just attracting all these funny kids I think we're attracting funny kids Jesus Christ that one was good
Starting point is 01:06:20 that one make a star next to that because I think that's the winner then we got Andrew Warkala. Then we got Zach Isis' lawyer. We'll be in touch.
Starting point is 01:06:31 On the list. On the list. On the list. Then we got JavierAlaska at gmail.com. Then we got Cody Farley, Josh Howey. Then we got Neek the Squeak, but make no mistake, I got an egg for Chrissy's pound cake. Then we got Logan Jurins, Adam Rush, Levi Levy Walker,
Starting point is 01:06:49 Daniel Konikowski. Then we got I'm a Little Squeak Pot, Short and Stout, Smell My Fumes and Clean Me Out, Venetia 2020. Good one, good one, good one. Almost. James Williams, George Balinza, Lumber Daddy 69. Then we got Tucked It Back and Got got some glue in my poo uh drexler salvador vella miranda wallen max muller joe akinson uh joe akerson jamie then we got alex
Starting point is 01:07:14 i used to be a piece until i got pregnant um then we got snack pack mario drexler cory miranda then we got clyde if i don't clyde if only I'd have had Scotty Pippen Drexler, then we got Chris two, four. Then we got Chris two, four, 2020. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Then we got Rashad Singletary, Jordan Carlson, Melissa Fisher. Then we got steel pipe. Chrissy wants to make Yanni P his submissive Missy. Give squeak Depot, a big old kissy and show Hey Bird Poughkeepsie. Nice. Drexler.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Strong Drexler. Then we got David Lopez. Then we got Janice, my big fat Greek podcast host. Strong Drexler. Then we got St. Matthias. Strong Drexler. Then we got Father. That's a good plain chicken figure Drexler right there.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Then we got Father Bill stomping out racism chicken figure Drexler yeah then we got father Bill stomping out racism one uvula at a time since 95 good one good one then we got Veer the fumeless Indian kid with a big piece
Starting point is 01:08:14 then we got Scottish FF that'll crack open and clean out his sheep after a few brews that make no mistake they have less fumes than a Sandra Day we don't condone it.
Starting point is 01:08:26 But I mean, we've got a lot of Scottish fans now. Yeah, but I mean, funny. Funny though. Funny. Then we got Kate Ganseli. Yeah. Then we got grab the prettiest flower in the room and give it a smell, Joey B. I mean, that one is just so unique. We got Hey Bert's calling.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Yeah. You want to pick it up and just put it on the cast and see? Nah, can't do it. Can't do it. He may say something like, Bubba, what should I do? He may ask. No, he's going to get upset. No, he'll sue us.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Yeah. Okay. That goes on the list. That goes on the list. Then we got Joey. Then we got Jasvinder Bali. Then we got Allison. Then we got Hayvinder Bali. Then we got Allison. Then we got Hayden, straight Texan kid, but make no mistake,
Starting point is 01:09:08 I had Glooper, Chrissy Poops, Broom, Alexis G, Simon Graham, Justin Bozer. Then we got General Jellybean and the FF Freedom Fighters. And then, yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's it. We started slow, but we came on hot hot hot that's like a shooter sometimes you're off and then you get hot i mean what a list what i gotta hear them again just
Starting point is 01:09:30 quick what you got do you have them recorded or the ones are on the list yeah can you read them into the mind thing yeah what do we got lots of people yeah um okay we have um sugar tits love muffin the pillow biter yeah ty. Tyler, the Canadian kid. So I'm really paying aid a month because my country is run by FF. It is what it is. That's a good one. 2020. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:52 George, I'm a twink, but can be versatile if you jerk my meat South Philly style. That's a good one. Yeah. Um, cuz he, who needs a little Chrissy and Yanni lovey hope there's no fumes and it's yummy and your uvulas are comfy for my monkey very good very good make no mistake i used to be an incel until i used 23andme and found out i share andrew schultz's black dna cell that's the winner it's a good one i don't know though i just because i cause I I gotta let's hear it this one's funny tucked Hey Bert back and took him for Rome
Starting point is 01:10:27 Emperor Elagabillus the phallic squeak good they're all good Ethan hetero kid but I wear my girl's kimono around the house while she's at work
Starting point is 01:10:37 because I like how my ass looks in it it's between him and go Zach Isis's lawyer will be in touch. That's another good answer. That's it.
Starting point is 01:10:49 It's between those two. Zach's lawyer will be in touch. Zach Isis's lawyer is funny. Yeah, that's funny. I mean, the kid said his ass looks good in a kimono. I'm going with the kimono kid for the pure funny of it. Yeah, he's the winner. You're the PPW.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Yeah, you won. Yeah, congratulations. Thank you guys so much. Patreon.com slash Bay. He's the winner. You're the PPW. Yeah. You won. Yeah. Congratulations. Thank you guys so much. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge boys. As always, find all the content there and yet stay gay. Yeah. Cause you didn't lose any energy. You went all the way.
Starting point is 01:11:14 I went all the way. Yeah. I'm going to lose the energy on the bonus.

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