History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 183 - Operation Paperclip was WILD!

Episode Date: December 30, 2020

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Make no mistake this is the last time to say that because every year after is going to be Happy Chinese New Year because of Emporer Biden. WEI ZHONG XIAN! Just joking! It's a great ti...me in the studio, boys are back looking back at the year and talking Nazis and NASA. WILD! This has been the worst year, because of COVID-19, or has it been because Trump won? It doesn't matter, overall we can all agree that it was a shit year.Chris and Yanni get some dope gifts from Homelesspimp AKA Binky AKA Loaf AKA Mike Lavin our amazing producer. Go check this out on video because it's hilarious to see Chris's "Make AOC Bartend Again" and Yanni finally become his doppelganger, the kid looks jacked!The Cuzzies break down the history of Operation Paperclip. THE US GOVERNMENT IS ON NOTICE! Did you know that NASA hired ex-Nazi scientist from Germany? The German scientists were bad guys but we needed to keep Russia away from us, so we hired the bad guys to help us get to the moon first. Did you know the Cold War was that bad?We told them, listen forget about your old life, tell everyone you wanted to come here to see Micky Mouse and build some rockets. At this Time Harry Truman was in office (he was the original Kamala Harris because he served as vice president first!) and he denied these facts, but was the one who signed off on it.So yeah, Nazis got the USA to the moon, 2020 was a squeak of a year BUT a WILD WILD year for the History Hyenas. Tell us your favorite clip from this year bubbas!REMINDER BABES: Even though Trump did not follow through with his promise to build a wall, Chris and Yannis did. It’s a Bay Ridge Boys wall and you can find it at patreon.com/bayridgeboys. CHECK IT OUT CUZOUR SPONSOR 🚨This is brought to you by Tim Dillon's Belly Hair in support of the Gary Sinise Foundation. If you don't know who Gary Sinise is, you need to break out the VHS and watch Forest Gump as Tom Hanks plays a total Frank and Beans who befriends Sinise's character, LT. Dan. He has been raising money and advocating for veterans for more than 15 years. Your donations will go to good use: https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website🎥 Mike Lavin our producer on InstagramSubscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, baby gorgeouses? Chrissy, tell them about our CBD sponsor. It's called 5CBD. Go to get5thc.com right now. Get5thc.com right now. This thing is helping me relax more than you can know, babe, and it's fun and it's cute. Get a free bottle of Daily Buzz gummies with your purchase.
Starting point is 00:00:32 What's up, everybody? Welcome to another episode of the history hyenas chrissy d yanni p happy new year um this is the last time that we'll be able to say happy new year because make no mistake after this year is over every year will be happy chinese new year emperor. Yeah, it's the opposite of what it is. This has been the worst year in my lifetime. Because Trump lost. Right. Because COVID has really kept us away from each other. I can't wait to get my paws on all of you and just give you big fat hugs. I actually touched your shoulder when I saw you today. Did you feel that touch on your shoulder?
Starting point is 00:01:04 Here's the thing, cuz. Here's the thing cuz here's the thing i haven't touched it's because you've had a lot of revelations lately you know we've gotten so much closer and the thing is is i'm i'm gonna be fucking completely honest with you no be crystal clear with me backed up i'm chrissy calipers glenn so you can hug me but you better wear a poncho because i'm gonna drain you and come yeah yeah how many minutes oh we can't curse until five minutes until we get ads no no but you even sorry the indian guy who you know i'm sorry yeah but whatever we're five minutes in yet no we're three seconds in sorry it's 2019 and it's the end and i mean it's 2020 and it's the end. I mean, it's 2020 and it's the end. Yeah, and we've had enough. You know, but 2019 was also a fucking shitty year too.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Why was 2019 a shitty year? Because my dad died, Dave got murdered, and Angelo died. Yeah. Yanni's had a tough two years. It's not great, but at least, oh, wait, you know your baby was born in 2020 she was but the seed was planted in 2019 the seed was planted right because when's your baby's birthday i don't remember when the seed was planted but i do remember on it was a weekend where stella got her groove back and i was ready is it is it the weekend when your wife sent us a picture of you
Starting point is 00:02:17 naked face down in the jacuzzi because you were hammered no that was at my that was my uh honeymoon march i got married right that this is you know how there's pre what is it not pre christ what is it now pre oh it's a.d after by the way i just want to say on the podcast you fuck i'm done with the cultural appropriation okay it's like fuck everybody's culture we're all one human race shut the fuck up with everybody's your culture appropriating here's the truth about culture okay whatever culture you have and think is your culture fine but guess what your great great great great great great great great grandmothers and grandfathers would be spitting in their fucking graves
Starting point is 00:02:58 because whatever culture it is got raped and fucked into your race when you your country was conquered by whatever culture you think is your culture now. So shut the fuck up. We got way bigger problems than cultural appropriation. Yeah, one of those being, is it going to be Staten Island or Long Island? It's going to be Long Island because the fucking taxes are higher,
Starting point is 00:03:18 but I'm making a house that just foreclosed. Yeah. That's the thing about Long Island. The taxes are like through the roof. The taxes are high, but you know, I'm paying to fucking have my kids in schools with Republicans, if you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:03:34 But it is, I can't believe Benatini didn't throw something at me. I'm just kidding around. It's a New Year's episode, because it's been a wild year. You got COVID. Yeah, wild's not the way to,
Starting point is 00:03:46 yeah, I got COVID. I was set to do Joe Rogan. I didn't do joe rogan when are you gonna do joe rogan i mean we were so close we were so fucking close and then the super spreader hit you know i said this fucking kid blew a rogan now i'm starting a podcast with sal cuz yeah even when things started going good then we just got sideswept i mean because we literally were at a point in march of of uh february and march of 2020 we were selling out grammar seat theater we were adding shows we had shows sold out we were getting all these deals everything was happening and then fucking shut down we didn't have equipment we had we had shows sold out we were getting all these deals everything was happening and then fucking shut down we didn't have equipment we had we had uh we had mikey shine a mikey emoji face for all the work he did for us in 2020 yes we like emoji face we were doing things from a fucking zoom
Starting point is 00:04:34 we were we were just we didn't you know we were doing shit from our living rooms and all not to not to the momentum stop but i think if if the't happen, I mean, we may be in a fucking different tax bracket right now. No, but here's the thing. Here's the thing. We've grown during the quarantine. Yeah. But the biggest thing that happened for us during the quarantines is Binky Mike joined the squad.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Binky Mike. That loafy Mike fucking. We had to add a white. I mean, what can you do? Yeah, I mean. Because, I mean, and another thing too, you know, it's another thing besides Binky Mike coming into our life in 2020. What we don't realize is because the hyenas, we are all these eras.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Without COVID, we would have never created Weppa in the Morning. We would not have. Weppa in the morning we would have in the morning what's from your brain yeah and you said hey let's do a new show and that would have never happened to think of an idea to do an everyday podcast uh and let's be honest we wouldn't have added about 20 g's to our fucking patreon let's be crystal clear let's be crystal clear let's be crystal clear i couldn't be getting a fucking you know Long Island without Weppa. So thank you. No, but I mean, also just all the Patreon content we started doing because of Binky. Binky had a lot of screwed in ideas too.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Binky really is the key. Every great show needs a great producer. Right. That's how it is. You go with Cheers. You got Larry Charles. You go with Seinfeld. You got Larry Charles. Right. You go with Binky. Larry David charles you go with where you go with seinfeld you got larry
Starting point is 00:06:05 charles right you go with you go with larry david right i don't know some larry jew you need a jew you need a jew and the thing is binky's not a jew but he dresses like a crazy one yeah he dresses like a crazy jew and and you know people have called me people have called me and said you know i've been in multiple situations where COVID was everywhere and I haven't gotten it. I don't know why. It could always happen. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I still take the precautions, but I haven't gotten it. Venetia has been in multiple situations where people have fired and she's never been fired. So Venetia, the way I dodge COVID is the way Venetia dodges firings. Venetia is-
Starting point is 00:06:40 2020 is her year. Venetia is completely safe from being fired. She's never even been on the hot seat. She's never even been on the hot seat. Venetia is just a mainstay. She just handles everything. She oversees everything. She helps Binky Mike.
Starting point is 00:06:56 All the beautiful decorations you see. All the notes that Chris reads straight off of. I mean, it's all done by venetia or whatever free intern slave she has do it for whatever it is sits a fucking round it does absolutely nothing while she's fucking eating out young ma's ass you just yeah i got it yeah you can't make me get lightheaded after COVID because then I'd have to take a client. Because you're going to have to take a client.
Starting point is 00:07:28 What would you do for a client? What it is. Yeah. So, yeah. Yeah. So, he's got her ass and makes her sing. It's what it is. Bink's got something to say.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I actually got you guys gifts if you want to. Wow. Wow. Binky got us gifts. Are they? We got you guys gifts too. want to wow wow binky got his gifts are they let me we got you guys gifts too let me check your fucking bank account yeah check your fucking bank accounts for the last fucking you didn't never you got paid on your own fucking vacations you got paid touring with nate
Starting point is 00:07:55 and you got paid in greece wow look at this what's this a butt plug wait hold on let me guess is it is it multiolored pants? Wow, this guy got us fucking Sonoma flowers. Wow, this is dope wine. That's one of the best people in the world. Wow, make AOC bartending. You guys opened each other's. You guys opened each other's. Oh, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Sorry. Yeah, sorry. Oh, yeah, here it is. Yeah. Well, why didn't you? Yeah, he's here. This one's got a hospital gown. No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I was going to say, you should have just made one blue and one red and we would understand who it is i mean this is a 10 make a aoc bartend again i mean this hat is a fucking 10 out of 10 i mean this is going on are these soaps oh that's because yanni likes to go live in the bathtub it's the bath bomb for yanni long day oh yeah yanni log day is going long day in the bathtub. It's the bath bomb for Yanni Long Day. Oh, yeah. Yanni Long Day is going long day in the bathtub. I mean, it's what it is. This hat is a tent. These smell like, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:49 these smell like grandma's. That's a heavy smell. Yeah, it's what it is. I mean, these are a tent and I'm posting it. Post it, cuz. I'm fucking posting it. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Post it. Yanni, there's something else in there for you. I know, I'm going back in. Okay, so we got the bottle of Sonoma for me. Flowers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Wait, if it's not a bottle of Clonies, I'm not interested. Enjoy your bath time. This kid got us some soaps. Got soaps. Okay, I thought the soaps were special for me, but they're not. Okay. Cuz, I mean, these are fucking beautiful gifts. Can you hear me or am I just banging out the mic every time I touch it?
Starting point is 00:09:23 I mean, cuz. You have a loose, You have a big head. Yeah, you're not. You can't wear a hat really, right? Well, let me see. How do I look in a hat? Can it get on? You look stupid.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Do I look decent in a hat or I don't have a good hat? You don't like me in a hat. No, yeah. You look evil. I can't see your hair. You look very different. I want to see there. But that's a decent hat pick. No can see your hair. You look very different. You look fucking evil. I want to see there. But that's a decent hat pick.
Starting point is 00:09:49 No, it's gorgeous. You look gorgeous. Okay. You look fucking stupid. Okay, let's see what the binky mic got me. Oh. Oh my God, it's a ripped shirt. So I'm fucking ripped.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Look at that. Fucking jack. I love it.'m fucking ripped look at that fucking jack fucking jack look at that this is what i'm gonna wear all summer yeah i was working out but why do that and the tattoo says will always romance something yeah why don't you throw it on? Yeah, why the fuck not, right? A bottle of eggnog. Some cheap Pinot Noir. You can't go wrong with a cheap bottle of Pinot Noir. No, no, that's good stuff. No, Sonoma is fucking good shit, dude. That's the biggest wine out in the Hamptons.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Really? Really. I mean, binky. Venetia, what did we get for Christmas? We got wine, too. Venetia feels stupid. Yeah, no, we see the thing is. No, I'm saying, what did you get us for Christmas?
Starting point is 00:10:53 Oh, it's coming. Oh, it's coming. It's coming. Well, we're going to meet one more time. Oh, well, no, it's a New Year's Eve episode. It's not December 18th. Yeah, no, we've already, they're watching this after Christmas. Well, we're meeting on Monday Because we're doing an episode
Starting point is 00:11:05 With Mike Rowe Yeah Which you already saw How was that episode? Yeah how was that? It was great Was I present? Is he coming in Mike Rowe?
Starting point is 00:11:12 No he's doing Zoom I mean it's just a bunch Are these soap balls? Yeah they're soap balls Dude Yeah go to Long Island You fucking That's where you belong
Starting point is 00:11:21 Are these soap balls? Are these fucking soap Guys make no mistake. Just get out of here. No mistake. Yeah. If I fucking move to Long Island, I'm the new Amy Fisher. I'm going to kill whosoever fucking husband I'm into.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yeah. So what's the thing? So now you're thinking about just because Staten Island. No, don't say it because we can't say the town. Because guess what I did the other day? I fucking took a picture of a hot guy on the front cover of a magazine
Starting point is 00:11:48 and my address is on the magazine. Oh my God. And I had about 30 messages like, hey, your full address with the apartment number is on the magazine with the situation's name. But I don't live there anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Is that what really happened? I swear to God, dude. I got like 40 messages. So thank you guys. Don't worry. Nobody wants to go knock on that door. Yeah, you can knock on the situation door if you want to. Yeah, I mean, you're in for it.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I told her too. I was like, hey, I really fucked up. And she was like, let them come. That's what she said. I was like, okay. Yeah, because I remember you had a struggle between your mom wanting you to have Thanksgiving at her house and your wife wanting to start new traditions.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I think you should start a new tradition because if you were her, it's kind of like you're breaking bread with the Native Americans. Yes. The only way I can come out of the closet as an actual Democrat to my mother is if I buy a house on Long Island. I have to, I can't do something, because she, you know, my mother, if I bought a house on Long Island, I don't know if my mother's heart could take it, actually. That's her dream for you. She can't, she wants it so bad.
Starting point is 00:12:58 She wants to get, you know, she wants the house, and she would want the house, then she would try to make other things go away, but she, as far as, she wants the house and she would want the house. Then she would try to make other things go away. But she, as far as she wants that house. Because sometimes, let's not say sometimes, all the times in the adult world. Right. All the time in the adult world to get what we want, you got to compromise your ethics sometimes and live in the gray zone a little bit.
Starting point is 00:13:22 We got to work with people we don't always want to work with. Yes. Okay? Yes. We got to pretend like we think things are great that aren't great. Exactly. You got to play politics. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:32 For a bigger cause, that's how the adult world works. That's what a lot of these young children that are very woke don't understand. And what I'm talking about is for you to get to Long Island, you had to get back to get it with your baby's mama. You had to do some other things. I had to's mama. You had to do some other things. You had to do some other things to move around some other pieces and create some new things. But that is what's going to get you to Long
Starting point is 00:13:52 Island. That's what's going to get me to Long Island. Although your mom might not be, might not have loved every step of the way to get there, you ended up in first place there just like we ended up on the moon using nazi scientists what it is cuz you just sometimes you can't make fucking omelets without breaking
Starting point is 00:14:13 eggs breaking a little eggs it's what it is cuz and that's a perfect segue into what we're going to talk about today which is operation paperclip which was pretty much the operation that the United States did where they fucking took Nazi scientists to try to beat the Russians in the Cold War, and it's dirty business, and it's what it is. And the truth, and like, they have to sacrifice, we have to sacrifice. Like, look, I'm getting a house on Long Island,
Starting point is 00:14:37 and I wanted certain things in the backyard, but the truth of the situation is there's Puerto Ricans there, so I put up a handball court. It's just what it is. We have to lose space to put up that handball wall so my Puerto Ricans and my family have something to do when they get upset when Cosita Linda's not on.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah, so. That's what it is. Oh, the fucking remote. So much like the way Chrissy finally is going to make it to Long Island, it's not. We might. If I make it to Long Island, I told Tim Dillon he can have any twink he wants at the house.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Yeah. It's not a pure straight line to get there. A lot of people didn't know. And at the time, these were German scientists, and the public knew that they were German scientists. But the propaganda, the lies that the government told us for a bigger cause were that these was a good Germans. Let me tell you something. Let me be crystal clear. I'm gonna put the hat on backwards.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah, stop telling me things and I'd be more crystal clear about it. Let me be crystal clear. No, and turn it back around so the people can see what you believe. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yeah. Put it back in there. You like that? Climb back behind a wood wall. Because if I do this, it's too much. Yeah, go do that. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:15:44 It's too much. Now, fucking guy. Yeah, you're fucking guy. What's up, guy? Let me tell you about World War this, it's too much. Yeah, go do that. Yeah, there you go. It's too much. Now, fucking guy. Yeah, you're fucking guy. What's up, guy? Let me tell you about World War II, you fucking eggheads. Yeah, let's fucking talk. Chrissy, talk to him. Chrissy, talk to him.
Starting point is 00:15:53 All right, here's the fucking thing, guy. Everybody wants to fucking run their mouths about Adolf Hitler, but one of the worst guys ever, probably a guy who's even worse than Adolf Hitler, is fucking Joseph Stalin. So Joseph Stalin and Russia was probably the fucking worst kids, even worse off than the fucking Germans, because Stalin killed about twice as many people as Adolf did. And that's about fucking 17 million Jews he killed. Yeah, well, the thing is-
Starting point is 00:16:16 He was much worse than that guy. Here's a little thing. Here's what I want to tell you, too. It was even Stevens- Okay, change the way back. I can talk normal now. It was even Stevens. And again, this is not too- Because we're just about facts over here it was even stevens a lot
Starting point is 00:16:28 of people believe in the holocaust jews to non-jews who were killed so six million jews were killed and they believe upwards of six million non-jews were killed meaning people didn't you know uh people with disabilities non-ethnic speaking german, non-speaking Germans, Catholics, Greeks, homosexuals. So it was like the Jews are, it was horrible what happened to them, but it wasn't only that. Same thing with Stalin. So you think, oh, Stalin didn't only kill Jews. Well, neither did Hitler.
Starting point is 00:16:58 They both were horrible, horrible, horrible men that just did horrible things. And the reason why I'm bringing it up. But they were not as horrible as Donald Trump. Nothing's as bad as donald trump no no no donald trump is the new fucking hitler he's the new hitler he um so so an aoc is fucking joseph gerbils so yeah so she's the propaganda minister she's a peace no fuma they dates white guys which is what people that hate their own race always do i mean i don't know why people that hate white people will only date whites it's it's a very interesting thing when you look at all these i mean kamala harris fucking white husband aoc white husband elon omar white husband candace
Starting point is 00:17:46 owens white husband i mean it's just you know what candace owens doesn't hate whites but i'm just saying like you know it's just like it's so interesting i think she adores white they always have white husbands but it's always like i it's just it's interesting they hate their own race maybe yeah i guess i don't i i don't know she hates white people but she fucking is dates one i don't i don't co-sign i think it saying. No, AOC hates white people, but she fucking dates one. I don't co-sign. I think it's beautiful that people date across races. Like, you created a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful body. It's better for the immune system, that fuck.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yes. And plus, it's just a little more flavor. I mean, German-Irish is just bland. It's just bland. You're just bland fucks. It's just, yeah, it's what it is. Now, here comes is just bland. It's just bland. Just bland fucks. It's just, yeah, it's,
Starting point is 00:18:25 it's what it is. I, um, now here comes Joe's coming in. Joe, Joe is coming in. So what we're going to have right now is a guy's coming in. Our,
Starting point is 00:18:32 our friend Joe is coming. And he wanted to start a podcast. He starts a podcast. He's got to tighten the radiator, um, because we got no heat on here and it's cold because we don't have a wrench. Cause we're not real men. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:18:42 But you started saying that you know how to fix things too, like Fredo. I know how to fix things. You go, I can fix things too. Yeah, I can fix things too. I helped break down a wall. I helped my aunt break down a wall. Yeah, but I didn't say what kind of wall. It was a wall emotionally.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I told her to go to betterhelp.com slash HH. Get 10% off your first month. Yeah. Venetia's laughing. Yeah. Because make no mistake, Venetia's attracted to joe because he's a man no venetia's presently dating uh she's in a relationship a modern day relationship that with a greek very easy for her to get into without her brothers knowing about and without her parents
Starting point is 00:19:19 she's dating a greek guy that's just disguised as a black woman. No, it's not going to happen. Not though. Come on in, Joey. Joe, Joey. You want to run man with a wrench? Yeah, man with a wrench. Here we go. We got to, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Joe, we're actually on air right now. If that's okay with you, we can pause it or let's pause. We'll just pause it? Yeah. So Joe, our good friend Joe, Joe the plumber, who's not a plumber, but Joe the handyman just came, Joe the plumber, who's not a plumber, but Joe the handyman, just came over and fixed the heat, turned the heat on for us because we don't have a wrench or know how to do anything like a man would do. So that slight hissing you sound is not the situation.
Starting point is 00:19:55 It's the heat. I think, did you hear what you just said? That slight hissing you sound. Oh, that slight hissing you hear? Yeah. I mean, you're Chrissy Biden as well. Yeah. I mean, you're also Chrissy Biden,
Starting point is 00:20:06 and especially with that hat on, because make no mistake, the rest of the Democratic Party's not a fan of AOC right now. She's getting fucking dragged. You're unnoticed, bitch. You're unnoticed. So I got to wear my hat like this now, because this is how the kids on Long Island do it,
Starting point is 00:20:19 and if I move to Long Island, this is what I'm going to have to do. My daughter's going to come home with guys that wear their fucking hats like this. Yeah, and that's going to be fine. As long as you're on Long Island, your mom what I'm going to have to do. My daughter's going to come home with ties that wear their fucking hats like this. Yeah, and that's going to be fine as long as you're on Long Island. Your mom will be happy about it. I have to see a dentist immediately. Do you have a
Starting point is 00:20:32 dentist? I don't have a... I have a pediatric dentist that I still go to. But my teeth are little. So, cuz... What, you have a cavity? I got real sensitivity here, like on both sides. Like, real sensitivity. So there's probably cavities on both sides. Yeah, I mean, but you're a cavity? I got real sensitivity here, like on both sides, like real sensitivity. So there's probably cavities on both sides.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Yeah, I mean, but you're a sensitive guy. I'm a sensitive guy. I just need a clonny. You need a clonny. Yo, cuz, am I Yanni Clonny? Cuz, you're Yanni Clonny. I'm Yanni. I'm Clonny Yanni.
Starting point is 00:20:57 You're Yanni the cyclone. So this is a very interesting thing here. What happened was- I mean, your shirt is fucking wild because you actually look like that now. This is, yeah, this is my fucking present for making life. Because make no mistake,
Starting point is 00:21:11 it's fucking that shirt's turning me on because you got a tit tat. Yeah. Because I'm starting to get down to like, my Miami body, I was just- You got some boss in Miami. Let's just be honest with let's just be honest with the group i mean the kid used to send me tens from miami and i would spank off yeah the kid i was
Starting point is 00:21:33 no no edit that part out yeah edit that as chip would say yeah so edit no edit that part out edit that part out you had some nice but cuz you had some hotties. You had a beautiful apartment and you used Mercedes. No, it was a BMW. Oh, sorry. Yeah, and it was funny because the guy who worked at the lot of the studio, he called it the machine.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And he said it with a Cuban accent. He was like, man, that's a machine. That's a beautiful car. Yeah, it was a beautiful car. What a beautiful apartment. Because I had a two-floor loft, floor-to-ceiling windows, two pools, a parking space, and I was paying $2,025,000. And you had a view of the water.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I had a view of the water, and I was downtown, man. I was in Bricole, in Bricole, Miami. Because I'm looking for a house that's got a view of the water. Because you want a little water. Why don't you move to Smithtown? I moved to Smithtown water with Tank Sinatra. Let's just be crystal clear. Who's fucking on steroids.
Starting point is 00:22:32 You're nervous about buying a house because you're looking down the road and you really think I'm going to be ending up in an apartment next to that house. So you're trying to figure out a town that also has condos close by. I'm trying to figure out a town that also has condos close by because my main goal is this. It is to buy a house for my daughter and and so she can have a pool and a backyard and things that i never had but also that these podcast that the podcast and everything we're doing does great and career keeps going so i will be able to invest and own the house that my ex-wife and a new husband and my daughter living, and a condo with my new wife.
Starting point is 00:23:09 It's just what it is. Venetia wants to stop me today. Should I take a Klonopin today? Venetia said I'm out of control today. You want a Klonopin? No, I'll do a CBD though. Yeah. So we're talking about Operation Paperclip.
Starting point is 00:23:22 So at the time, this was a secret operation that Harry Truman did after the war. Harry Truman is a fucking squeak. He was a squeak. You know what's wild about Harry Truman? Real quick, I'm sorry. He was a fucking small farm boy
Starting point is 00:23:32 from Missouri. The kid was only vice president for three months when FDR died and then he became the president. Do you know? He was Kamala before Kamala. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Harry Truman is Kamala. The very first, this is a wild fact which which I just recently learned, but it's wild. Out of World War II, the raging that was going on for five, six, seven years, because it was going on for a couple of years before America entered. FDR, Adolf Hitler, and Mussolini all died within a month of each other. Those three all died within a month, and then the war was over. It's so interesting because harry truman this is why i like fate and things like that we we would have potentially been
Starting point is 00:24:10 speaking fucking german or you know having to be forced to learn how to use chopsticks because we almost we would not have won world war ii if if harry truman didn't come in at the time he came in only because Truman felt so much fucking pressure to end the war because he was new and didn't know what else to do and was getting blamed for men dying. And FDR never wants to pull the trigger. So FDR dies. And then in a month, two months, Truman's like, I got to end the war because I have so much pressure. And he said he made like a split second decision and said go and then that enola gay took off so that thing was waiting there with the atom bomb ready to go for months and fdr never used it and then truman literally made a momentary decision said go and then just fucking went and then the war was over how wild is that a lot of
Starting point is 00:25:01 historians believe that it was unnecessary and they did that to uh scare the russians because they knew the cold war was coming that's probably the truth that's probably true but then the other option was i mean because what's the other option then macarthur was saying well we could do a million man invasion and lose potentially another 500 or do a two million man invasion and lose a million invading mainland japan i think japan was ready to submit they were ready to submit they just didn't want to give up their emperor or some shit like that. No, well, they didn't want to give up the emperor. And the truth of the situation is really why they really, even after the nukes, this is another fact that a lot of people don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Even after the nukes were dropped, that's not necessarily the reason they surrendered. The reason they really surrendered is because Stalin and the Russians were coming in from the other side and they were about to invade mainland Japan. And they did not want to fuck with the Russians because be honest, cuzzy, nobody does. Stalin, just like Operation Paperclip, the reason I wanted to bring up Stalin is we did the same thing with Stalin and the Russians as we did with the German scientists. They were our enemies and then our friends, but really always our enemies. So in the beginning of the war,
Starting point is 00:26:10 Hitler and Stalin made a pact and said, Hitler said, I'm not gonna invade you. I'll give you Poland. We'll invade Poland. Fuck Poland up. The main enemy, you know, we gotta keep America out of the war. That's the main goal here.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. And then fucking Hitler goes crazy, starts doing crystal meth, Panzer Chocolat. They go nuts. And he says, I'm going to invade Russia. Stalin's like, go fuck yourself. Pact is broken. Japan has to come in and fucking bomb Pearl Harbor
Starting point is 00:26:32 because they didn't have any oil. It's a whole fucking thing. We could talk about that for hours. It's a whole fucking thing. But the Japs had to come in and do what they had to do. Woke up the boys. And then Stalin became our friend, even though he was always necessarily our enemy.
Starting point is 00:26:46 So that's what Operation Paperclip is, is yeah, the German scientists were bad guys, but we then in the 1950s and late 40s needed to fucking keep Russia away from us. So we said, we got to take these scientists and beat them to the moon. And that's what the Cold War is. Yeah, I mean, look.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Does that make sense? This whole episode is, I mean, that was just a couple of minute lesson from a kid from Long Island. Who knows if any of that's true, but it is what it is. No, but do you know what's something? Because I did always used to think, like, why the fuck? Why? Oh, why? Would Japan come and bomb Pearl Harbor?
Starting point is 00:27:19 But do you know the reason why they did it? Oil. But do you know, like, what they had to do it? We were squeezing them. We were do it why we were squeezing them we were squeezing them we were squeezing them so japan was taking over fdr knew we needed to get into the war fdr was getting pressure from churchill he knew what hitler was trying to do yeah and sometimes you got a trick that you sometimes you got to motivate your people through subterfuge and propaganda win Winston Churchill, success is not final. Failure is not fatal.
Starting point is 00:27:46 It's the courage to continue that count. And I think he stole that from... From Greeks, right? It's always from Greeks. No. He stole it from Socrates, who invented English. From the famous basketball coach from UCLA. John Wooden.
Starting point is 00:28:01 John Wooden. I think he stole it from John Wooden. John Wooden was 150 years old. Oh, okay. So you're making a joke. This is... Okay, but Japan... But it was interesting because all of Asia...
Starting point is 00:28:14 Japan was taking over Asia. Rape of Nanking, destroying them, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then they wanted... They needed the Philippines to fucking launch and get more islands. And to get more physical therapists on the job. That was a joke I was going to make. It's okay. Sometimes you say the jokes that I tweeted on here.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah, it's what it is. We share jokes here. Yeah. Okay, so I'll change the joke. Yeah, they needed to invade because there were a bunch of Manny Pacquiao's right around. invade because there were a bunch of mani pacquiao's right around so so they needed to get to the mani pacquiao island because because that was a japan's launching point to maybe get to the united states to get to all these other islands that had the oil and then fdr came in and said you're not gonna fucking do that so we're gonna fucking squeeze you and they put a fucking embargo yeah on those
Starting point is 00:29:01 fucking motherfuckers that said no more oil so really a lot of people think oh japan just stupid and woke up the sleeping giant but they really had no choice because they had no more oil and the japanese war machine ran on only oil so they could not continue their conquest of asia well everything american oil yeah well everything ran on oil back then everything ran on oil not fucking not uh solar panels yeah we didn't have those yet. I mean, the Japanese war machine ran on oil. Yeah, well, you can put a bunch of tinfoil on your head. Yeah, so did everything else. Everything ran on oil.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I think almost everything still now runs on oil, except for Elon Musk's cars. Yeah, Elon Musk's cars don't do that. Here's the theme of this episode is- Elon Musk is a fucking fascinating guy, but make no mistake, a snoozer of a guest on a podcast. Yeah, he's a snooze. He's an egghead. He doesn't talk. He's an egghead.
Starting point is 00:29:47 But you can't have everything, right? I mean, of course. I mean, the universe is balanced. I mean, look, you're a handsome kid, but you got weird feet. It's what it is. It's what it is. I got weird feet. I make poor decisions.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yeah, I mean, Vanity is a beautiful, smart girl, but, you know, she makes- She's into young black women. She's into young black women, and she works on a fucking podcast and her parents aren't proud of her Michael homeless pimp is a handsome kid but he's dressed like a fucking ball pit every day I mean the kid
Starting point is 00:30:12 I don't know what the fuck the kid's wearing he's got he's wearing slippers for shoes in the snow I mean in the snow I mean he's mentally he walks around like fucking
Starting point is 00:30:19 Vinny the Chin Vinny the fucking Chin yeah Vinny the Chin pajamas I wish you'd start calling him homeless pajamas yeah I mean you'd start calling him homeless pajamas. Yeah. I mean, fucking Binky Mike is fucking,
Starting point is 00:30:30 because he's permanently out to lunch. He's permanently out to lunch. Yeah, he's permanently out to lunch. What's been amazing to me in this era is the discovery of CBD. Thank God we got the best company sponsoring us right now. I use their products. Chrissy's using their products.
Starting point is 00:30:45 They center me. They calm me. They make me feel balanced and yicky, yicky, yas. My favorite website to go to and the website you should go to right now is get5thc.com. That's get5thc.com. Babe, these things will change your life go there do it because i'm
Starting point is 00:31:08 telling you the calmest and relaxed i've ever felt is since i've been using five cbds they got they got gummies honey they got gummies that you can't imagine how good they are because i like a little gummy treat the daily buzz gummies if you go to get five thc.com they're coming to you for free they come right to your door for free. Because the truth is when I was recovering from COVID, right? Yes. I was in recovery. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:31 These things soothe me. Yes. They calm me. They made me feel balanced and centered. CBD is the best. This company is the best. They got gummies. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Then you got just basically the little oil that you can put in your little drip drip what do you do because what do you put what do you put this in i put that in my smoothie i put that in my smoothie i put that in my sleepy time tea uh sat out celestial seasonings i put that in my sleepy time tea and it just makes me feel so much better it's good for my recovery my sleep my mood everything they also have chocolate candies yes um which are so delicious they have vegan products and it's unbelievable cbd has changed my life because make no mistake i'm chrissy cbd and my initials are cbd chris defer bisexual to stephanel and here's the things guys this month
Starting point is 00:32:16 listeners can get a special deal this is very important so go to get5thc.com and get your free bottle of Daily Buzz gummies. By the way, these have up to five milligrams of THC per gummy as well. So they'll ship your gummies straight to your door in all 50 states. Even Oregon? Even Oregon. Oregon. Because they got Portland. Yeah, and it's just a quality company
Starting point is 00:32:46 because quality CBD with a little dose of THC who doesn't like that because that is F U N
Starting point is 00:32:54 and G O O D good fun fun fun one of my favorite things to do in life is suck a THC gummy right off a guy's dick
Starting point is 00:33:01 yeah so just go it eases you soothes you, and makes you feel cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu-cu- Only now are people really starting to understand how widespread the need is to talk to somebody. Now, you're in therapy, no? I'm in therapy. And here's the funny thing.
Starting point is 00:33:31 While I was away from the podcast, I did have COVID. I did get trauma from the COVID. And I went to betterhelp.com and started seeing a therapist there, writing in a journal there. And then I came to the podcast and found out they are sponsoring our podcast. It's wild. True story. It's a true story. So like, what more do you need that one of the co-hosts of the show actually uses the
Starting point is 00:33:55 product and loves it and is helpful? And if you go to betterhelp.com slash HH right now, you get 10% off the first month. So betterhelp.com slash HH, get 10% off the first month. So betterhelp.com slash HH, get 10% off the first month right now. Yanni, I mean, honestly, like you genuinely love it and are doing so much better since you've been doing this. Yeah, the internet's an amazing thing in some ways. So you go on there, you write out what your situation is, you write out why you're there.
Starting point is 00:34:19 They connect you with a therapist. You can change therapists, request to change therapists if you don't exactly connect, you can get it right. You have a journal to write in. And then you have video phone sessions with a therapist and you get to talk. Nothing is better at helping you than talking and writing and going to therapy. It works. And this is just a great, easy way for you to do it through quarantine. You set yourself
Starting point is 00:34:46 up immediately. Boom, you go. Next thing you know, you're contacted. You set an appointment. The appointments are like 65 bucks an appointment or something. You sign up for like four or whatever. With our promo code, you get 10% knocked off. I'm using it. A lot of people are using it. And I highly recommend it. I'm enjoying it and that is just the truth. This isn't even just a, I'm not even just saying this because we're getting paid to. Now, let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Is your therapist a piece? My therapist is just a piece because she helps people. Do you think about her feet a little bit? No, no. This is not going to be part of the read.
Starting point is 00:35:19 This is not what they want. That's not what they want. I think we nailed it. No, I think it could, that absolutely could be part of the read if you make it funny. Yeah, dude. If I'm thinking about my therapist's feet?
Starting point is 00:35:29 No, you just said no. Betterhelp.com slash HH. Yeah, dude, this is how you stick out with shit like that. You ask a question, you just say no. That's not what this is about. Okay, that's not what it's about. I don't think about her feet.
Starting point is 00:35:41 You don't think about, okay, so you don't think about your therapist's feet. That's a good sign. Yeah. But if you do, I mean, the therapist at BetterHelp.com, you never know. They want to help the clients that may throw a toe on camera. BetterHelp.com slash HH. Go get 10% off your first month with the hyphenus.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Yeah. All right, I'm doing stand-up again January 16th in the middle of a field in Pennsylvania, Royersford, Pennsylvania. Heated tent. It's going to be great. One show. Go to christycomedy.com for tickets or souljoles.com for tickets. souljoles.com
Starting point is 00:36:14 January 16th, Royersford, Pennsylvania. I'm doing an hour. It's going to be chaotic. It's going to be wild. Why not come? There's heaters there. They're going to have beers. Bring your lawn chair. It's going to be great. January 16th, doing a little stand-up. Maybe I'll FaceTime Sal. This episode, the theme
Starting point is 00:36:30 really is about to get where you're getting. You're going to lose your purity. You're going to lose your innocence. It's a loss of innocence. Do you like Ichiro Suzuki? Do you like Ichiro? He was a loss of innocence. I mean, because do you like Ichiro Suzuki? I mean.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Do you like Ichiro? I mean, he was a good ball player. Now, if we didn't drop two bombs on Japan, would we ever be able to see Ichiro Suzuki play baseball? There's no Ichiro Suzuki. I mean, I'm asking an honest question. There's no Hideki Matsui without the Marshall plan. And if we don't have Hideki Matsui, he doesn't get that big hit.
Starting point is 00:37:02 We don't win that World Series. But then, but the only caveat I'll say for me personally is if we don't get Hideki Matsui, he doesn't get that big hit. We don't win that World Series. But then, but the only caveat I'll say for me personally is if we don't get Hideki Matsui, my dad doesn't gamble on it and I don't lose my bank account. Yeah, but he did it later on something else because your dad likes to bet on the slow horses. It's what it is because, I mean, yeah, my dad bet on the Montreal Expos. What are we doing? They don't even exist anymore. Yeah, what can you do?
Starting point is 00:37:20 But they were good. They used to have Randy Johnson. Yeah, I mean, they were. And Pedro Martinez. Montreal Expos? Montreal Expos had Randyro martinez vlan guerrero very early very early yeah because they had a fucking squad they were like the squad i think yeah they were like the squad before the squad and i still think they had the nicest baseball logo of all time oh 100 yeah so what happened here with operation paperclip is harry truman he wanted to grab all these german scientists because they were working on missiles and things that and also doing
Starting point is 00:37:53 some things some bad things but we looked us away and we said what you guys been doing and they said oh we've been kidding jews and we said no you haven't shut up you guys have been making teddy bears you're making teddy bears you're coming to the united states and we said no you haven't shut up you guys have been making teddy bears you're making teddy bears you're coming to the united states and we're going to call you guys the good germans we're going to rename you good germans so when they fucking wheeled them out in front of those press conferences they say hey here's van der blend speakish no von or von von brun here's where vernon brun and he said hi and they said put on a fucking smiley face and the first thing you got to say is that you love Canisius.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And the kid did it. And the kid did it. He said, hi, guys, I'm coming from Germany. It was such a horrible thing happened there. The whole time I couldn't wait to get to America. Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse, Orlando, Canisius, yeah, I want a hot dog. So Operation just tricked the people.
Starting point is 00:38:45 So it was originally called Operation Overcast, but that sounded too depressed. So they later renamed it Operation Paperclip, where roughly 1,600 German scientists, along with their families, were brought to the United States to work on America's behalf. A few of them lived in fucking Ridgewood.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yeah, a few of them went to Rudy's Bakery, which now they have their Christmas Linzer Tarts out there. Good. Do you have weird opinions about other ethnicities that you hide because of your genetics?
Starting point is 00:39:13 What do you mean? Is it just in a German? Do you just have strange secret opinions about other ethnicities that you just have to hide on a consistent basis? Yeah, I think I do. I think there are yeah i think i think it is we just walk around
Starting point is 00:39:30 and look at me and you go in your head before you even make a choice to say you just have a thought that goes dirty greek dirty greek yeah yeah like when i when i get when i after i do this podcast i make sure i the first thing i do when i get home is i get butt naked and i check for greek spots if they popped up on my skin. When you go home and you see, you see the situation, is there just a part of you
Starting point is 00:39:50 that goes like, Yeah. that, you know, that just says something? Yeah, but there's a thing with the, because of the German superiority thing in me
Starting point is 00:39:57 wants to say, oh, get away from that. But then the rich one in me says, I like a nice Puerto Rican ass. Yeah, because Germans do have this weird kind of superiority complex. Yeah, the Germans do.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And the strange thing is you guys are fucking pale and can't even handle sun. And you're only cute until you're about 40. And then after you turn 40, your skin turns to shit and you all look like you climbed Mount Everest for a living. Well, let's be honest. Much like me, how I spin out, in the beginning of a war, you want the Germans. Like to start off a war, if we ever fight the aliens, the Germans will be the leader.
Starting point is 00:40:33 The Germans need to lead off because we come out hot and hard with the Blitzkrieg. And then we lose steam because the superiority thing takes over and you say, oh, now I want to invade Russia and do stupid shit. But in the beginning, nobody can stop the Germans because they, you know, until we start to the over correctness and say, we want to take over the world and get greedy. Over correctness. I mean, the kid is really Chrissy Biden today. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Until over correctness. Until, until we. It's not a word over correctness. Until we over correct, I meant to say. Yeah. Sorry. It's okay. Cause you're from Ridgewood.
Starting point is 00:41:01 You got a doctorate. I got a doctorate. Since that point, you didn't have to learn one more fucking thing. So here's what you need. Sowood You got a doctorate I got a doctorate Since that point You didn't have to learn One more fucking thing So here's what you need So you got In a war with the aliens But Anne Eileen did tell me
Starting point is 00:41:10 That you think with your dick When we were having Entenmann's gang It's what it is She said my nephew Thinks with his dick And Anne Eileen Is just a good person
Starting point is 00:41:16 And her name's Anne Colleen Before she suits Oh sorry shit Yeah so So You've sacrificed a lot For this podcast In a war
Starting point is 00:41:24 In a war with, yeah, that's why we need to get the average up. We're going to Paragon. It's just what it is. We can't, you know, we can't, it's just money. What can you do? Yeah. Um, um, um, with a war with the aliens, let's figure this out in a war with the aliens.
Starting point is 00:41:39 You need the Germans to come out of the gate with the blitzkrieg. Yeah. That's the first one. I'm going Chinese. I'm, I'm, I'm, well, no, the Chinese are going to come in at the end the chinese and the americans will come in at the end i just want a billion chinese to just throw it whatever's coming chinese are coming at the end and then in the middle when we're losing a little bit that's when you bring out the greeks because you need to cheat a little bit what does that mean we don't fucking cheat i don't know aren't you i just feel
Starting point is 00:41:58 like the greeks are just a little fucking you know no we're stingy. We don't cheat. Are we cheat? Do we cheat? What do you mean, cheat with money? I don't know. You're a self-hating Greek. Yeah. I'm a self-hating Greek American. Me too. We're both self-hating Greeks. That's what we ended up being.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I think, yeah. No, we don't cheat. Look, I just want, I want to fucking launch Chinese people at whatever's coming, guys. I mean, Chinese kids can fit in cannons, and I just whatever whatever's coming at me i'm fucking launching bodies at whatever's yeah i want to fucking
Starting point is 00:42:29 launch yeah like you got a billion kid from south asians you got a fucking million akashas you could just fucking launch or whatever's coming yeah akash yeah absolutely yeah those those ones yeah akash's wife is a piece she's a piece akash is a piece he's got gorgeous fucking green eyes because if akash went down from, are you hitting on his wife? No, no, no. That's bad. That's bad. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yeah, it's a guy's fucking wife. That's fucking guy code. If a guy dies of COVID, do not talk to his wife. Do not talk to his wife. That's fucked. They don't tell you that on the CDC warnings. But you heard it here on History of Hyenas. That's part of the CDC recommendations.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Don't talk to his wife. 10 to 14 days, one day without a fever. And if the guy dies from lung issues, don't fuck his wife. No, yeah, yeah, no. You cannot. You heard it here first. You can't fuck. How much steam do you have left?
Starting point is 00:43:15 15 or 7%. Yeah, well, I mean, no, we could probably do another 20 minutes. Then it's he aligns that she has to leave. Where do you got to go? Where are you going? You got to go check on your brother cooking ramen noodles in the kitchen? I mean, where do you have to go? It's a snowstorm and we're in the middle of a pandemic.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Is your Greek friend waiting for you at a store that's not open because it's a pandemic? Where are you going, Vanitya? Oh, I told you that. Oh, yeah. I'll say that because she wanted Joe to leave. Okay. Here's the thing. He's outside the door listening right now. Yeah, what told you that. Oh, yeah. I'll say that because she wanted Joe to leave. Okay. Here's the thing. He's outside the door listening right now.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, what can you do? Yeah, don't say it. Here's the thing. Is President Truman. Do you want a Jewish chocolate? Yes, I do. Eat it. Chrissy cannot turn down a chocolate.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I did somebody knocked. Yeah. Here's the thing. President Harry Truman, Harry S. Truman, he forbade the agency that uh the agency was called the joint intelligence objectives agency whose goal was to get all the german scientists together to develop the rockets and the thing to get us to the moon before the soviets but truman forbade the agency from recruiting any nazi members or active nazi supporters even though he sanctioned the operation but the truth is everybody he recruited wasn't nazi yeah so he's saying i didn't recruit any nazi members but then
Starting point is 00:44:28 it's like werner von breun who became the head of the nasa built the v2 rockets that blew up london yeah so what was what was he just doing that for for fun he was a fucking nazi yeah and so the nazis basically got us to the moon because that technology, the V2 rocket, ended up splintering off and becoming the ancestor to the technology that we threw into the Apollos, right? Yes. Is that what they were called? Yes. So eventually. Shout out Apollo 13.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Gary Sinise was in that. And this is sponsored by Tim Dillon's belly hair. Go sponsor the Gary Sinise funding project or the Lieutenant Dan. This is brought to you by Tim Dillon's Belly Hair in support of the Gary Sinise Foundation. Just go Google Lieutenant Dan Foundation. It's a fucking good thing. Gary Sinise was an actor in Apollo 13. So was Tom Hanks, who's a pedophile.
Starting point is 00:45:18 And he was also in Forrest Gump. It's a great foundation called Lieutenant Dan Foundation. Google it. It's raising money to advocate for veterans. Yeah google it it's raising money uh to advocate for veterans uh yeah and it's been doing it for 15 years and your donations will go to good use either all these charities are legit or this kid is just caking off with your money on i mean this kid sends us tim dillon's belly hair on patreon sends us pictures of him active duty in iraq and it's scary no the kid is a veteran. The kid is a great American. We love you so much. We love you so much. And this is, he comes with these great causes and donate to his
Starting point is 00:45:49 other cause still too, but go to life kids, touch, touch a kid's life, touch a kid's life foundation, right? It's touch a life kids, touch a life kids.com. Yeah. It's touch, Touchalifekids.com. Yeah, it's Touchalifekids. Touchalifekids.org. And then go to the Gary Sinise, the Lieutenant Dan Foundation. Thank you very much where he's raising money.
Starting point is 00:46:13 He's run by Gary Sinise. Which is advocating for veterans by the great actor Gary Sinise. Well, I think Gary Sinise might be the greatest B-list actor of all time. He's probably a close A. He's a great B-actor.
Starting point is 00:46:23 He's also, you know. Unbelievable guy. He's from Chicago and he has a theater company with John Malkovich. He's probably a close A. He's a great B actor. He's also an unbelievable guy. He's from Chicago and he has a theater company with John Malkovich. That's where he started. I know a little bit about John Malkovich. We're going to do an episode on John Malkovich. Why the fuck not? The interesting thing is these officials that Harry Truman
Starting point is 00:46:38 hired from this Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, the JIOA, they said, oh, no Nazis. But really what they did is they just whitewashed the incriminating evidence of the war crimes from these scientists' records. So, I mean, these were guys who developed certain types of gases to kill people in the Holocaust camp.
Starting point is 00:46:56 They designed rockets that killed Allied soldiers and citizens. They designed all types of vehicles that the Nazis used. But they just whitewashed it all away because the government, US government said, well, you know what? That was bad, bad,
Starting point is 00:47:07 bad, but we need to beat the Russians to the moon. So we need to hire them because they are just the smartest scientists. Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse. Yeah. Mickey Mouse. I love it.
Starting point is 00:47:16 United States. Mickey Mouse. Even though the only thing that I love more than Adolf Hitler's Puerto puerto ricans is this country i love the united states so much but the truth of the situation is if we're just going to be on iwani just going to be honest the we are very bad too we didn't put people in concentration camps but we also don't do great things because we're a main country corporation just like any other business that does disgusting horrible things we're this hashtag samesies you have to understand that about america it's like any other country i disagree i mean it's it becomes a yeah it becomes a matter of degree
Starting point is 00:47:56 the real world's a little messy and what we did here is these german scientists were brilliant they were being used by the Nazis for bad things. Right. We kind of took them captive, as they even called themselves, they called themselves prisoners of peace. Right. We took them because we knew if we didn't take them,
Starting point is 00:48:16 that the Soviets would get them. Right. So. And Soviets would do bad things. Soviets also would do bad things. Okay, you know what? I take that back because Stalin, FDR,
Starting point is 00:48:27 and Truman who did bad things, they weren't as fucking bad as Stalin. Stalin was killing his own people. I mean, it's hard to measure. They were both bad.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Stalin was hard. The thing about Stalin and communism is for some reason communism gets romanticized which is wild because anytime it's been in practice,
Starting point is 00:48:43 millions of people die and get and get fucking murdered he sent people to pogroms he murdered dissidents pogroms biden that's what they do that's what they all fucking do they end up murdering but for some reason little hands and it's starting to freak me out they're not that little and um but it's it for some reason it gets they get um it gets it gets they get a pass. They get a pass. It gets watered down because of this idea.
Starting point is 00:49:09 And there's always the same excuse. Oh, it's because America intervened. It's like, so how strong is this system that it can't stand up if America intervenes? What does that mean, America intervenes? America decided they didn't want to do business with them. They did an embargo with them. So fine. So they can't stand on their own? I so their system sucks so it's like communism always
Starting point is 00:49:28 gets his fucking pass but yeah i mean stalin was evil he would have got his hands on them uh stalin was a uh you know war makes for strange bedfellows as the expression says we we were aligned with stalin to be which the churchill said that. Winston Churchill said everything. He said everything. He also said it's what it is. He said it's what it is. He also said AOC needs to go back to bartending. He also said go get a house in Long Island.
Starting point is 00:49:56 So I disagree with you, Chrissy. Can you scroll down a little bit? No, we can agree to disagree. That's what having a democracy is. The red, white, and blue... You voted for communism. The red, white, and blue was born with an original sin um what we did to the native americans in a lot of ways was bad even though most of them died of smallpox we brought the smallpox what can you do and it's like you know we also do i mean you're shooting bows and arrows
Starting point is 00:50:17 at me yeah you shoot bows and arrows then also but mostly slavery but we are the country built on the best ideas and ideals. And going forward, I believe in a red, white, and blue. I believe in Kamala Harris's America. Yeah. I'm just waiting for 2024 when Trump's coming back, baby. Yeah, I tell you who's running in 2024.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Donny T. Mikey Pence. Yeah, Mikey Pence is going to win. 2024, and he probably will win. He probably will win. That's why he went and took the vaccine, because he got to the point where he's like, you know, he's still paying lip service to the Trumpies a little bit by going like every vote needs to count, but he knows it's over.
Starting point is 00:50:54 He's getting the vaccine on TV because he knows that's the right side of history. He knows it's like, and then 2024, he's coming strong. He'll probably win because Biden's definitely, Biden's definitely going, Biden's going bye-bye in the next four years. And then Kamala Harris is going to get in there and say, excuse me, I'm talking. I'm talking. I'm talking. I'm talking. She's fucking woke.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Yeah, and she's going to put everyone in jail for fucking marijuana violations. Because let's just be honest, we're the white- Fucking Gas Digital Studios is going to be in a federal penitentiary. It's what it is. Yeah, Dan Soders is going to be locked up in fucking Warsaw. Yeah. Why? What did he do?
Starting point is 00:51:30 He smokes weed. Oh. And Kamala, if you smoke weed, Kamala do not like you. Speaking of Warsaw, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. Let's just make Amy Schumer fucking Secretary of State. Let's do it. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. Dr. Lukasz got the vaccine. Go check it out. It's a great episode. And tell your friends about patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. Dr. Lukasz got the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Go check it out. It's a great episode. And tell your friends about Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. What a great way to ring in the new year on Patreon. Yeah, and if you want to give us a Christmas present, just go join our channel. That is our channel. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Guys, nobody does, really, nobody does more content than we do on our channel. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. We got... Yeah. Go ahead. Sorry. No, we got yeah go ahead sorry no we got sweet we do we do we do surprise weapon the mornings all the time you never know when they're coming multiple ones we do bonus episodes we just did we just talked to like chris said one of the first doctors to get the vaccine in new york yeah we do all types of bonus stuff ladder 14 there's so much
Starting point is 00:52:23 stuff to binge on there. Also, it's a community where you can interact with the other super fans. Nothing's more important than community right now. We're all alone. We're a community. Help you go through this. Yeah, absolutely. And talk to each other.
Starting point is 00:52:35 And we're almost at 5,000. So get us to 5,000. That's what we want for Christmas. Go join patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys where there's tons of bonus content you can enjoy. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, where there's tons of bonus content you can enjoy. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, or if you want to, you know, for free, you could just subscribe to us on YouTube, you fucking Jew. Why, Jong-Jan?
Starting point is 00:52:55 Chris, just be you. I'm kidding. Just let him be himself. No, he's joking and everyone knows it. I'm joking around. That's the thing. Can I just say something to the group? Just say it. Just say it to the community.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Yeah. You can make jokes about being a racist and also not be a racist like yeah their words have to like you can joke about things that you do not believe and that is the point of being come up comedian yeah i would never make a joke and say something that's just a fucking slow or horrible thing but like making a joke uh just a little thing that i clearly don't mean does does not mean that I believe that thing. So we have to stop that moving into 2021. You should be able to joke about something
Starting point is 00:53:29 and not have that mean that that's what you actually believe. It's a very scary, slippery slope to go down. So I fucking love Jewish people, but it's an easy joke that's been out there for years. It's almost hacked to say they're cheap. So that's why I made the joke. But seriously, you know, fucking Heisenberg. Just go to Patreon.
Starting point is 00:53:47 It's a German name, but. Oh, sorry. It doesn't matter. Heisenhoff. Steinberger. Steinberger. And I just want to give a quick shout out to Ed Gentile again for making this amazing logo. For making Yanni look more handsome than me.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Yeah, I mean, for some reason you have a. I mean, I have fucking, you gave me black teeth and gums. I mean, you made me look like a fucking gingivitis. And you made Yanni look like an Armenian piece. Looks like a Kardashian. Yeah, and over here,
Starting point is 00:54:17 the other artist made you look absolutely brother school. Yeah, it's what it is. I mean, yeah. And he made me look like a fucking falafel stand guy. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:54:27 and he put, for some reason, he put the Italian flag on you. I mean, we're wild. And you also fucking put a Jekyll in there. It's not a hyena. That's not a hyena.
Starting point is 00:54:35 That's a fucking Jekyll. But that's the way we roll, babe. And I like the tiling. It's what I want to get on my bathroom floors. Yeah, get bathroom, yeah. Come in and do the tiling. Come and do the tiling.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Happy fucking New Year's to the hyena. Happy and happy New Year's to you. on my bathroom floors yeah come in and do the tiling come and do the time happy fucking uh new year's to the hyena happy and happy new year's to you it's what it is a little greek song for you yes and make no mistake venetia gave that to you for your daughter's birthday but it was actually given to her by her mom and it was as a hint to say you need to start popping out some kids now yeah you know it was so funny a gift that I decided to keep it here. And that's just what we're going to do. Guys, Von Braun. Who's a fucking piece.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Go up to Werner Von Braun, who was the head of NASA. I mean, he looks like fucking Don Draper. He looks like Sean Connery from 007. I got a mesh crotch. RIP Sean Connery. RIP Sean Connery. Great voice. I got a mesh crotch. RIP Sean Connery. RIP Sean Connery. Great voice. Great voice.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Yes. Mesh crotch. So Von Braun's rocket, which was the V2, was an immediate antecedent. Oh, no. Sorry. I didn't want to just read. Oh, it was October 1942, and it was employed against targets in Europe beginning of September of 1944.
Starting point is 00:55:49 In the beginning of 1945, it was obvious to von Braun that Germany would not achieve victory against the Allies, and he began planning the post-war era. So it's tough. So, Yanni, I'm going to have to disagree. According to this,
Starting point is 00:56:00 von Braun may have been a Nazi, and then just kind of, you know, if you can't beat him join him that's what i think might happen we're crossing streams let's cross legs we're crossing streams because people say i got heavy legs you got light legs you're light in the low because i could this could really be a fucking workout your legs because your legs are attached to your butt so that's a lot of weight here go talk let's see how long I can hold in a plank like this. Just talk through the episode. Me too.
Starting point is 00:56:25 We'll see how long we can go. So, Von Braun, he was the leader. He was called the Rocket Man because he developed the V2, basically, for Nazi Germany. Not to be confused with V8, which is tomato juice.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Not to be confused with Venetia or V for vendetta. Or Vidal Sassoon, which is the mousse I use. Yeah. So, what happened is he became the head of the NASA. He was the head of NASA.
Starting point is 00:56:48 He became- The actual NASA or Nazi NASA? No, NASA. But he was a Nazi head of NASA. But whenever he would do a press conference- Why did they do a Nazi NASA? Did they do the same things regular NASA was doing, except they just tried to fucking slingshot Jews to the moon?
Starting point is 00:57:04 So did he become the head of NASA? He was the head of he didn't he was yeah he was the national aeronautics and space administration which is now space force yeah and you know what's actually interesting is one of the other scientists also was working on a uh project when he was higher that doesn't count uh when he was a nazi You got to feel it in your fucking iliopsoas, your hip flexors. For a vaccine. You got to feel it good in your lower abs. He was working on a project for a vaccine,
Starting point is 00:57:30 which sounds benign, but the reason why he was working on the program for a vaccine is because the Nazis were using biochemical warfare on everybody else, and they wanted to make sure their soldiers were immune to the bio-warfare that now the Chinese have put into play. The Nazis were on crystal meth the
Starting point is 00:57:45 entire time. Let's be crystal fucking clear. Yeah. Let's just hope that the future war isn't bought. No, you went
Starting point is 00:57:50 too low. I've been up here over, you go like this takes the pressure off. Because I've had no pressure
Starting point is 00:57:56 networks. Oh no, that's the other part. So in a secret Army Navy project to launch an Earth satellite project orbiter, the situation was changed by the launching of Sputnik.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Oh, this is the Russians. So what happened is the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957, and that really put the pressure on the Americans because they were like, yo, we got that fucking satellite into space, baby. So the Americans were like, we got to do something. So then they said, we got to go to fucking Nazi Germany andany and get these scientists yeah it was really a race for technology and the the main the main hero in this story not hero the main the protagonist of the story is werner werner von braun uh who's saturn come out and say it's my grandfather the first launch to early work. I'm kidding. Werner Von Braun.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Who I'm going to come out and say is my grandfather. The first launch to the moon was Saturn 1B. Was the first launch to the moon and it happened at the JFK Space Center in Florida. Yeah, he was transferred
Starting point is 00:58:58 to NASA headquarters. Not to be confused with Saturn and they're talking about Saturn the planet not Saturn the car company. So he was never the head of NASA, but he was the deputy associate administrator for planning, and he resigned from the agency in 1972 so he could go home and shine his Nazi medals. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:59:19 The fuck. So he's a Nazi, and to justify, in an attempt to justify his involvement in the development of the German V2 rocket, Braun stated that patriotic motives outweighed whatever qualms he had about the moral implications of his nation's policies under Hitler. He also emphasized the innate impartiality of scientific research, which in itself, he said, has no moral dimensions until its products are put to use by the large society so that's interesting because i read a book i've talked about this on the podcast before the nazi symbiosis but just to refresh that kind of stated that the allies they think because everyone thinks oh the concentration camps were discovered there was rumors of them and the concentration camps
Starting point is 00:59:58 were discovered by general macarthur when he walked into he's they were they had liberated all these towns and they were walking through I think it was Dachau? No Dachau was Buchenwald Buchenwald was the first one that they saw what country is Buchenwald in? It might have been Belgium because it was right after Battle of the Bulge when they won Battle of the Bulge Patton and his troops are moving forward through Europe
Starting point is 01:00:20 and they walk in they're walking through to get to the next big city and they see this town in the middle of nowhere that's factories and in like the middle, like nothing for hundreds of miles all around. They're like, what is this? They thought it was some kind of trap at first. They waited outside and then as they start to walk in,
Starting point is 01:00:36 they realize nobody is there and then they found 20,000 survivors in the camp, all emaciated, they liberated them. So all the horrible things that had gone on the ovens and the and the killing chambers and then Patton went to the nearest town and rounded up as many Nazis as he could and all the German people and made them walk into that concentration camp and look at all of them yeah and go through it and smell it he made it do he made them do all that and then he killed all the German officials.
Starting point is 01:01:05 So Patton. So a lot of people think that's when the first time anybody had heard of the concentration camps. But allegedly, according to this book, a lot of the Allied leaders had heard of these concentration camps but didn't intervene because they were yielding scientific research that the Americans thought they could use and the British thought they could use. So again, nobody's innocent.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Also, we'll do an episode on post-World War II. Which is wild. which is wild because everyone just thinks it was like a clean break like when you know it's just like you don't have to wipe but um which is a good shit with johnny's been taking great shits i've seen pictures of him from some of our doctor friends yes and uh but that's not what happened germans got fucked up they were regular civilians wherever they were they were forced to move they were there was retribution that happened on germans anger was taken out on normal germans right they got fucked up there was atrocities that happened against was bad germans afterwards it was a really messy
Starting point is 01:01:56 period yes where we're guilty if you were born german you were guilty yeah if you're born german you're guilty and still now a little bit. You're still a little guilty. My mother always kind of thought if my mother knew that I was friends with you thank God she's got Alzheimer's because if she knew I was friends with a German to be honest with you
Starting point is 01:02:14 something about it just wouldn't sit well with her. Because I'm so obsessed with you there's been multiple times where I went and visited your mother and just told her I was you. Yeah. You're not obsessed with me at all.
Starting point is 01:02:24 You're not obsessed with anybody. Yeah. I'm obsessed with anybody yeah i'm obsessed with one person the baby the baby well not if she doesn't clean her fucking room clean your room clean your room oh stop here are we still oh oh you're saying we're going to patreon names yes it's time how long have we did just now wow it's time so that's operation paperclip there's also a great book by a woman uh that venetia will tell us the name of that you can get. It's called Operation Paperclip. We should just plug it. So if people want to read it, I mean, I think she was on Rogan talking about it.
Starting point is 01:02:53 She really did a lot of research. Her name is Annie Jacobson, and the book is called Operation. Oh, and she does. That's not her. Oh. That's a famous newscaster oh who's that yeah she's from pbs there she is oh it's yannis with the wig on so amy jacobson uh the book is called operation paperclip um and uh it came out what six seven eight years ago so it's very fascinating very fascinating because you have to start because because it gets to the point like it's just an interesting thing i think for all the social awareness now is why things are
Starting point is 01:03:30 getting canceled and products are being taken away like you can't no goya because trump did it or you know you can't wear this anymore because you know fucking they're racist or they don't you know the chick-fil-A don't eat it because they don't support gay rights and all these things that people are like, yeah, but then you fucking, you wear your NASA t-shirts, you want to fucking go, you know, to the moon, you know, all you drive your Mercedes Benz, you wear Hugo Boss suits. So there's just a lot of bullshit. It's everybody's picks and chooses their outrage. And this is another example of, well, what's, picks and chooses their outrage.
Starting point is 01:04:06 And this is another example of, well, what's, why is the outrage against NASA? Well, this is there be, and this is adult history. This is like being an adult. So this happened and then America's in this position. What do you do? I want to get, do you, do you not utilize the brilliance of these scientists because they were affiliated with the Nazis? You know, had a couple of whoopsies. Do you let the Soviets get control of them and use them?
Starting point is 01:04:30 Or do you take them and use them? So I guess a lot of you young kids would go, put them all in jail. But you know what? They ended up getting us to the moon. So it's like... Allegedly. It's not... This is not a pure world, okay?
Starting point is 01:04:45 There's viruses- This is a flat world. And bacteria trying to kill you the moment that you are born. There's viruses and bacteria trying to kill you. If not for your immune system, we'd all be dead. Nobody dies of AIDS. They die because AIDS kills your immune system. So you got to fight every second that you're here, okay?
Starting point is 01:05:04 But most of the fight in the modern world today because we've made it so comfortable is within so you got to get eastern you got to do yoga you got to be friendly with your present you got to read eckhart tolle and you got to move to massapequa it's what you have to do and you got to have klonopins and you got to have klonies just to help take the edge off. Yeah, a lot of people would say, you know, put a pin in it. I say put a Kalana pin in it. What do you got? Yeah, so this is the New Year's episode.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Do you guys want to just... Because you're talking through your Bane mask. I am. Take back the city. It's yours. Whoa. Any favorite moments of the year? Favorite moments of the year?
Starting point is 01:05:42 This is the last episode of the year? Wow. Well, let's see. What's the favorite moments of the year? I moments of the year. This is the last episode of the year. Wow. Well, let's see. What's the favorite moments of the year? I got a lot of them. David Fierce Suarez. Wei Zhongzhen. I'm kidding, Mike.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Mike, I'm kidding. I fucking love Mike Suarez. Mike Suarez is a great guy. I was the one that had to do it. Yeah, I mean, we like Mike Suarez. It was Venetia that hated him. We know you're on that Reddit, Mike. It's a joke.
Starting point is 01:06:03 We know you're on that Reddit. It's a joke. No, we love you, Mike. We're mike we know you're on that reddit it's a joke no no we love you mike we're just kidding actually shout out to mike suarez go follow at mike v suarez on everywhere social medias guys fucking great did so much great work for this podcast unbelievable we miss you mike and when we go back on the road you will be a part of it we promise and mikey i love you to death sorry i changed the passwords once we let you go i just couldn't risk it i mean you don't know what i gotta deal with these greeks i mean they'll send packages to every other place because they think people are going to steal the
Starting point is 01:06:26 fucking packs in the hallways i mean it doesn't happen we live in bay ridge this is trump town yeah i'm not going to steal anything well no they stole two of ours here so it's just what happened yeah but it's what it is yeah but that's because the fucking their protest is here but i do give you credit you're you're a trusting believing guy and it's less stressed that way i give you credit it's less stress but i got a pencil in my hand but you also have high blood pressure so the universe is just hilarious because you're one of the most easy going relaxed guys
Starting point is 01:06:48 but you have high blood pressure. I'm paranoid and stupid and my blood pressure is fucking textbook. It's what it is. Yeah the universe is just a weird place that's balanced.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Shout out to Paulie who told me that years ago the universe is balanced and he told me that Justin Timberlake must have a pinky dick. He must have a pinky dick. He's got so many other talents.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Shout out to the Stand Comedy Club, Joey Rose's Sandwich Shop, some of the best sandwiches I ever had. Go out there to the Stand. Who knows if it's going to make it? I mean, Governor Cuomo says you can't even fucking piss inside a restaurant. I mean, the kid's doing everything.
Starting point is 01:07:17 He's got a fucking podcast network with Chrissy and fucking Sal. He's making sandwiches over there, and he's probably also still taking Clownies. That's a kid who likes Kalanis. What can you do? What can you do? I love Joey D. One of my favorite moments of the year, I mean, this is before.
Starting point is 01:07:32 You're going before the year now. That's 2019. James Wilk? No, it was in 2020. Wow. That was January 2020. That was the beginning, right? March.
Starting point is 01:07:41 That was like in February. We can go through them all. I mean, James Wilk episode, I loved. I think that was a time where Chrissy wasn't as comfortable with guests and Chrissy gave him Chrissy. Can we watch a clip of that?
Starting point is 01:07:55 I don't even remember what I said. You just kind of went at the guy. Did he like it or was he not comfy wampy? He just was not feeling it. What is it? Human cocaine? Let's listen to it.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Oh, plant. This is plant, PBC? Let's listen to it. Oh, plant. This is plant PBC. Plant-based Chrissy. Because he's got cauliflower here. Your cute, nice complexion. Hush. Let me make no mistake. And you fucking are a fighter.
Starting point is 01:08:17 You will get kissed on the lips. I love with men. I have sex with women. Yeah. So if that's gay, then put your beat in my mouth. Here's what happens when you're on plants, unfortunately. If I call you a vegan, is that like a slur? Because I don't want to be like, hey, you fucking vegan, because I'm telling you to support it.
Starting point is 01:08:38 But are you a vegan or are you just a PBC, a plant-based kid? He used to put on his mother's fishnet stockings when he was a kid. But that's got nothing to do with plants. It was a formative time. Yeah, it was a formative time. We came in strong on the kid. He was a great laugher. Well, if we're going to go out for dinner, where would you be?
Starting point is 01:08:55 You know what it was? He didn't know what he was walking into. Yeah. I never plugged like brands or whatever. This kid trains the Israeli military. I look thinner there or I look the same? You look the same.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I mean, you are a woman to ask that question. So that was my favorite. That was fun because we kind of came real hard history hyenas out. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:15 And he just walked in from a Roland suggestion so he had no idea. He thought Chris was being serious that he was gay because at one point he goes,
Starting point is 01:09:22 I don't know. He goes, I don't know. Are you gay? He didn't want to laugh because he didn't want to laugh at someone who was actually gay. Was the episode about Philadelphia
Starting point is 01:09:28 and Harriet Tubman in 2020? That was early. That was 2019. What about Frank Rizzo? Frank Rizzo's early. That's a classic. Do you guys remember when Chris fell asleep on air? Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:40 That was this summer. Yeah. That was this summer. Yeah, I also had a rib injury. I think it was on a WEPA if anyone wants to check it out. Oh, that was on a WEPA. Yes, it was this summer. Yeah. That was this summer. Yeah, I also had a rib injury. I think it was on a WEPA, if anyone wants to check it out. Oh, that was on a WEPA. Yes, we didn't post that.
Starting point is 01:09:49 It was WEPA in the morning. You were drunk in the morning, and I think you might have got hit that night, right? Yeah, it either happened or it was about to happen. Yeah. Yeah. I may have just been losing consciousness. Look, WEPA-
Starting point is 01:10:00 Fuck boy. WEPA has been a great memory from 2019. We started out with Mike Suarez, and then you picked it up. You've learned probably so much, because we're the first podcast you really produced. Yeah. And I'm going to make sure the only one, and whatever it takes. So you learned real quick, picked it up, and all four of us just took off. We started WEPA.
Starting point is 01:10:22 It was a lot of fun. We danced in the morning, and we had a good good time and we really uplifted a lot of people's spirits during uh you know the first pandemic yeah first quarantine during the pandemic i think so that's a good moment your funniest moments were on wepa this year i mean when chris got hit with the cinnamon bun yes yes with the cinnamon some of the wepa mornings what about like the oh our bill burr episodes i mean episode talk about fucking a beat down i mean i took a beat down for everyone what about the very first quarantine episode we ever did when i pulled out the the baby's bottle i said this squeak was here squeak was here yeah first and then i said
Starting point is 01:10:55 actually the first quarantine episode we did was one of our biggest episodes it was completely insane our phones and it was there it is there it is if you go is that the very first one no if you go yeah that's it that was the first let me ask you a question i converted to republicanism last week do you think that that patriotism from that gives me an extra layer of force around me i think there's two things and two things only that protects from this coronavirus one is the mask two is draping yourself in the american flag i don't there's no way that that fucking virus can get through stars and stripes. Yeah, I mean, because I live in an area now where I went to the supermarket
Starting point is 01:11:30 and there was two things missing. You want to know what those two things were? What? Toilet papers and American flags. That was the first episode. That was when the quarantine started. Hajab or Hajib, what is that about? Let's listen to this.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Yeah. I mean, this is just is just i don't know we may just continuously do this podcast with hajibs and then just go full muzzy for the rest of our lives we're just gonna have to do that jobs i'm just keep saying hajibs it's it sounds you have an aggressive you know yeah tomato tomato it's a hijab is what the women wear it's a hajib it's that fuck we're going to be talking to we still had Zach Isis. Was that 2020?
Starting point is 01:12:07 No, no, because Zach Isis. Oh, yeah, because we could make those jokes because we had a muzzy in the room, but now we can't. And he put the bomb on. Yeah, that's what it is. Go up, let's see some more. We had some great ladder 14s.
Starting point is 01:12:17 G.I. Joe. Oh, this one we, yeah. We had some, we had Andrew Schultz on again in 2020, right? No. We needed to. Is this when Mike Suarez yelled at Andrew Schultz? again in 2020, right? No. We needed to. Is this when Mike Suarez yelled at Andrew Schultz? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:28 That was a weird moment. That's me shooting a gun, which I don't remember. Wait, go up higher. This is 2019 because this is right around when my dad died. When? Like January, February. Oh, wow. Are you sure?
Starting point is 01:12:44 Yeah. Yeah. Is this right before? January 25 February. Oh, wow. Are you sure? Yeah. Yeah. Is this right before? January 25th. Wow. It just lets you know how fast, it lets you know how quick things blow up because Schultz, this was less than a year ago, and look at Schultz now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Same thing with Timmy Dillon. I mean, it happens fast. Schultz would just send one of his robots to do the podcast now. He would send a hologram of himself. It happens really fast, man. Let's keep going up. This is fun to look back at. Guys, go to
Starting point is 01:13:16 patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. Write in the community board. Tell us what you think your favorite episode was. We love hearing that because it only helps us make 2021 better and know what you guys like. Let's take a peek at that W web in the morning. Let's see what happened there. I would figure on a gay cruise, they would have a doctor on call for people who had foreign objects
Starting point is 01:13:32 stuck in holes. I felt like neither one of you got that job. I wish that was the problem because I put so many things in my holes. But I don't know. They always came out. Thank God. They always came out of me. What was the craziest thing you've ever put in your hole? In my asshole? I put a G. Yeah. You know, thank God. Right. Yeah. They always came out of me. So I didn't have to work.
Starting point is 01:13:47 What was the craziest thing you've ever put in your hole? In my asshole? I put a G.I. Joe figure. Oh, yeah. You did too? Yeah, G.I. Joe. I was fucking meant to be. You guys both put a G.I. Joe in your hole? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:54 We did it together in the same bathtub. I would run around with him hanging out. My friends would laugh. Yeah. That is the funniest. That's true, actually. Jessica Kirsten is one of the funniest comedians in the world. She's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:14:04 She's so funny. If you just watch her Instagram and stuff, go follow Jessica Kirsten is one of the funniest comedians in the world. She's hilarious. She's so funny. If you just watch her Instagram and stuff, go follow Jessica Kirsten on Instagram. She's just so unbelievably funny. Yeah, she is hilarious. And that's actually true. I used to put the arm in my ass and run around to make my friends laugh. Yeah. True story.
Starting point is 01:14:18 By the way, guys, we have a best of Wepa this year coming to the Clipspin. Wow. I mean, binky fucking binky. By the way, we thought that we absolutely crushed it on Manscaped, of Wepa this year coming to the Clipspin. Wow. I mean, binky fucking binky. By the way, we thought that we absolutely crushed it on Manscaped and we never got
Starting point is 01:14:30 another ad from them again so I guess we didn't. So why don't you guys just use the promo code? Yeah, what the fuck happened? This is Baby Gorgeous and Lieutenant Lollipop.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Oh, this is the original. Lieutenant Lollipop. Let's see, this is the original when Baby Gorgeous this summer. Lieutenant Lollipop,
Starting point is 01:14:42 I haven't seen you. This was quarantine right after this time back. I gotollipop, I haven't seen you. This was quarantine, right after I was sent back. I got lightheaded. I'm about to pass out. Yeah. Lieutenant Lollipop. Did you prepare that or it came out? No, no, it just came out.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Is that a good one? It's a good one, yeah. This is when I started getting fat. Lieutenant Lollipop, that's the next t-shirt. Do you think at the edges of Tiananmen Square there are people selling their DVDs for $5? I think it's a problem. It's a problem. Soldiers left.
Starting point is 01:15:06 The soldiers went against some of their general's orders or whatever they call them. They went against General Tso's orders. General Tso's, yeah. General Tso's, and they left. Am I right? This is Binky's first episode. Yeah. Is this your first episode?
Starting point is 01:15:19 They're atrocious. And I have a deformity on my heel now, a thing on my heel. And it's for women who wear high heel shoes. 27 weeks Binky's been with us. That's it. And they said it usually only happens with women who wear high heels because my foot is shaped like a high heel. Can you not put your toes down? Let's look at the, let's, oh, here's the, let's look.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Oh, and here's the origination of Work It Girl. All these things that feel like they've been a part of it, at least on our end, for years, this was only 25 weeks ago. The president of the United States is RuPaul. I want RuPaul to come. Were you allowed to say that while your dad's still alive? Because it's, I know. Well, yeah. Did you just put him in the grave?
Starting point is 01:15:53 I mean, I was with him yesterday for Father's Day. He's on the runway. That's the first Work It Girl, right? Yes. Would you jerk it to RuPaul as a guy? You mean would I jerk it to RuPaul again? Yeah. Because I already have, cuz.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I mean, I've been alive since 84. Cuz, being gay is fucking... It's fucking fun! Here's the thing. If you're gay, you're lucky you're liberated. You're liberated from these fucking straight goddamn limits. This is when I thought I had to talk into the camera. My hair's moving again. Yeah, your hair's fucking moving. That's how. This is when I thought I had to talk into the camera. My hair's moving again.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Yeah, your hair's fucking moving. That's how I know you're Chrissy Chaos. Because since quarantine, it's... I mean, I'm fucking wild. I got back with my baby's mama. Chrissy Chaos is out to play. I got my house on the market. It's a stupid move.
Starting point is 01:16:38 That was a fun moment. I then look at the first conspiracy cuties ever. Gisely Maxwell. Yeah, did those really connect? Did people like those? Well, we stopped doing them. Yeah. We'll do them again.
Starting point is 01:16:48 You know how we do. Yeah. ...dollars to people like Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, some say Alan Dershowitz, a very prominent lawyer, blackmailing them by putting them in a situation... And we shouldn't call it blackmail anymore. Right. It shouldn't be called blackmail.
Starting point is 01:17:00 It should be called whitemail again because it's bad. Actually, Morgan Freeman, didn't he get – Morgan Freeman, he got accused of molesting someone. Morgan Freeman. Yeah. It's all – dude. Dude. It's all connected. Dude.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Look that up, Benetia. And Morgan Freeman, there's no way he's a real person because Morgan Freeman's a black guy with freckles that don't exist. That does not exist. It's not true. The kid is an AI. He's a bot. And he could have been a bot that was created by an international, high-level, secret society. We get to the bottom of it.
Starting point is 01:17:35 You've got to admit we get to the bottom of it. We get to the bottom of it. Yeah, on Conspiracy Cuties. And by the way, Xbox Series X, we have an Xbox Series X. All you have to do is prove to us that you've told, what is it again? Xbox Series X. We have an Xbox Series X
Starting point is 01:17:52 we want to give away for free to our fans. All you have to do is subscribe to both of our History of Any YouTube channels, the main page and the clips page. Screenshot that, prove it to us, and share a favorite app or clip with a friend. That's all you got to do with the hashtag HHGiveaway. HHgiveaway, HHgiveaway, and then on January 20th,
Starting point is 01:18:08 we're going to announce the winner of that Xbox Series X the day the music died when Trump left office and Biden became president. We're going to give you an Xbox Series X to get you through that time. You get an Xbox. You get an Xbox. And I just want to say this again.
Starting point is 01:18:20 It's really important. All it takes is for you guys to be proactive and post your stories about history, Aina, and tell your friends personally when they ask for podcast recommendations. That's really the key. That's how we keep getting bigger. That's the only way. So thank you to everybody who posts in their stories, reposts, tweets,
Starting point is 01:18:37 and tells friends because that's all you got to do. Go over to our iTunes. Please leave a nice review. Give us five stars. Follow us on Twitter. If you don't already, follow us on Instagram. We're always posting content on there. Most importantly, go to patreon.com slash bayridgeboys
Starting point is 01:18:52 for all the bonus content we have. Just want to say a great year. Thank you guys for holding me up when I had a baby and you held me down, Christy. Thank you. And the team held me, Binky and Venetia. We held it down while Venetia was in Greece for six months. So thank us.
Starting point is 01:19:12 We had to get Venetia through her vacation. We had to get her through her vacation. And get homeless. And we got Venetia through her vacation. We got you through COVID. And we got Pimp away from Nate. We did three great things. did three three great things the best team we got the best team we got the best podcast our fans know it and everybody's gonna know it soon 2021 according
Starting point is 01:19:36 to binky is when is when the uh is when the ponzer what do they call those the ponzer chocolate what do they call those the ponzers the uh oneat. No, what do they call those? The Panzers? The, uh, what are those tanks called? The tanks are called Panzer. What, what do you mean? The Nazi German tanks? It's a bad analogy, but I'm saying we're rolling it. Oh yeah, the Panzer unit. Yeah, the Panzers, but I shouldn't have did it
Starting point is 01:19:56 because those are Nazi tanks. Yeah. But the technology was good and it might've been built. It might've been built by American scientists. It's what it is. Look, last year, last year was the year of the bat. 2020, 2021 is the year of the hyena. It's the year of the hyena or the jackal if you look at our logo.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Oh, yeah, look at the logo. Let's read some Patreon names. As always, the newest members of the matriarchy who went to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, we read out their names. We encourage you guys to do a funny name at PPW. We give them their PPW, pseudopenis of the week let me get them here real quick
Starting point is 01:20:27 so Yanni the truth is I can read them off the screen because Yanni can't see the screen I can't see the screen anyway but guys when you join give us a funny name
Starting point is 01:20:35 if you don't you go straight to the back with a regular name but this is a fun game for everyone you guys always stun us with how funny you are it never ceases to amaze
Starting point is 01:20:43 let's rock let me just get to it. So where am I starting? And also, while he finds it, I just want to say, happy Hanukkah to all the Greeks. We represent the Jews. We also supposed to have two I Love Allah mugs here. We don't.
Starting point is 01:20:59 We are totally love everybody. We're international. We're also two kids that happen to be from Somalia. So don't fucking come and try to put us on notice. On notice. We're safe. We're fucking safe. And here's a dreidel.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Okay. Welcome to the matriarchy. Starting off, ain't got laid in 19 months. So that goes straight on to a Drexler. That's a solid Drexler. You know what? The fans say I'm pretty accurate. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Next up, we got MAC2 antihistamines, and I've got a situation with your brother, Patton. Put him on the list. Philip Constantino. Philip Constantino's a good Italian kid. He just goes on the list. With your names out of town, you just go on the list because. We should just have an Italian list because they're all funny. Julian Rojas.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Then we got Alex Oingo boingo eastern hemis make me go pyoingo murphy funny irish kids going on the list of course alex vogel azazi huge huge reaction oh huge erection oh huge erection hue the name hue h-u-e-h-g rection i mean on the list okay you know you're so funny you got a bad read and you still got on the list here we go for mario and luigi no toots level up that pp mario and luigi i laughed and farted so that goes on the list. You laughed and farted. You get a little LNF, you get on the list. Yeah. I farted with that. Jacob Borges, Jack Bailey.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Then we got Anthony going to turn Isis into was-was Hernandez. Oh, going to turn Isis, meaning is-is, into was-was Hernandez. It's a good one. I mean, we're coming. Is this the final Patreon list of the year? Yeah, it's just these kids came. On the list, obviously. Laura Morea, White Taker James, Laura, Little Johnny Jewel,
Starting point is 01:22:56 Hilario Sanchez, then we got Austin Suck the Schnitzel or Get the Fume Spearmint. It's a Drexler. Schnitzel's funny. Call your piece Schnitzel's funny. I mean, it's just a tough list today. I mean, German food sucks. Yeah, I mean, it's really bad.
Starting point is 01:23:08 It's frankfurters and sauerkraut. Adam Weitrich, KM, then we got Brett Thornhill, then we got Letty, aka the five-foot-nothing squeak, aka Jonah Vark was a transgender piece. List? If you laugh and cough or laugh and fart you get on the list list alex schneider hunter scott robertson luke marquis rbc smoking joe biden skeeler then we got pastor billy tickled my willy now it aches i saw it it's pastor billy tickled my willy now it takes pillies to feel silly give me your show or i'm gonna come see you in a different way oh now i take pillies to feel silly. Give me your show or I'm going to come see you in a different way. Oh, now I take pillies to feel silly.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Nice. It's one of those ones that, you know, it's too long. It's Dommy B. Tell Vanny T. That my piece is close to a three. JK, it's Joey B. And I'm voting for Donny T. I can throw him on the list.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Yeah. He said his piece is close to a three. Yeah. He said, tell Vanny T. That my piece is close to three. Just kidding. i'm voting for donnie t yeah yeah so throw him on the list that's a contender emmanuel bronco tom handled in then we got kyle i want to get lost in chrissy's german asshole harrington
Starting point is 01:24:14 just funny but it's a drexler it's drexler yeah kevin allen then we got sama lama ding dong argo fuck yourself okay then we got ike yanni's Ding Dong, Argo, Fuck Yourself. Okay. Then we got Ike Yanni's My Poppy and My Mother Was a Goat, Barba. Drexler. Funny Drexlers. Make No Mistake, Kanye 2020. Then we got Nick, Make No Mistake, My Last Name Has Become a Real Problem, Epstein. Drexler.
Starting point is 01:24:42 His name's Nick Epstein. Yeah, Drexler, Drexler. It's funny though Then we got Don Dick Lover Damian Sabatino Then we got It puts the baby Wait Dom Dick Lover
Starting point is 01:24:51 Gets a Drexler For a nice chicken finger Okay Then we got It puts the baby powder On it's fume Or else it gets the hose again List
Starting point is 01:25:01 This is a tough one Yeah this is a tough one A lot of those Drexlers Could have been on the list too. Then we got John Man Savage, Bridget Cunningham. Then we got Bill Berg and a Wepa U with the chancleta at Avenue B, Banco Popular. Nate Morris, Valerie Wright. Then we got Dr. Simeon's Abortion Clinic and Pizzeria.
Starting point is 01:25:17 No feed us, can beat us. Your loss is our sauce. It's just... It's too good. I mean... It's horrible, but I mean... That goes on the list. Yeah, it's on the list. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:28 GWC67, big ups. Then we got Michelle Grimaldo, Jennifer. Then we got Richard Gere's gerbil. It's what it is. We had... We had that guy. Yeah, we had Richard Gere's gerbil. Then we got Pablo Biggie, Katie, Jack Lohman, Drew DeJong.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Then we got, make no mistake, foot... Make no mistake, foot fetish Biden vid was actually Tim. Yeah, hold on. He spelled fetish wrong. Make no mistake foot fetish Biden vid was actually Tim D and crack pipe Chrissy. Oh, okay. Got it. Then we got Sarah.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Hey, cuz, let me tell you something to put everyone on notice that Yanni P and Chrissy D make me cream when they scream yavs. There we go. Gregory Henderson. Then we got Wapo, Discardio, La Bigla Diglio. Okay. Okay. Then we got Crack Me Open, Clean Me Out, Call Me Corn Pop for Four More Years, SLO-KS, Josh Laird, Giovanni Miranda, Hunter Rolfe, Christian Frederick Breastrup.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Then we got Nolan. My last name is Wilson, so you know I'm white. Stephan Arapaccio, Dominic Maginelli, Oron. I'm from Ireland and Catholic, so make no mistake, I've blacked out our confessions with Father Murphy McLaughlin. Sounds like he's getting in touch with his history.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Then we got Nobody Circles the Altar Boards Like Father Bill, Cody Peters, Eric Nelson, Erica Elliott, Sergeant snuggles cracked me open and cleaned me out by lieutenant lollipop before the impending civil war uh trevor snook then we got help me bury my wife on the list chicken finger uh kick my dick and lick my stink 50 50-50 chance Shane Gillis has a sleeve. Way John John. Can't say it. No, no, it's just...
Starting point is 01:27:07 The slur, but yeah. Nicholas DiPina. Then we got Chunky Monkey, the cock-licking cucky that'll sniff Chris's ass until we both get pink eye and see life in a different way. Funny. Ashley Waltman. Ari, I took Asian and I work at the station,
Starting point is 01:27:21 so the latter 14 guys make me clean the microwave with no explanation. Hernandez. Adam Vandermeer. I know what he's going for. Asian and I work at the station so the latter 14 guys make me clean the microwave with no explanation Hernandez Adam Vandermeer I knew what he was going for had to put my grandma in a home because Chrissy gave her flashbacks to 1939 Colesie sucks Carson Quinn
Starting point is 01:27:35 Jason mommy jeans here for the content Joe Meddy Chrissy D's lesbian knees Aaron Reese's peanut butter piece but make no mistake, I did not get it from my father, Medina. Cassie Spellman. Casey Spellman.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Fumar Garcia Parra. They call me because I do screwed in Long Island Kid 2. We've had Fumar Garcia Parra. Wes. Wes. Sean Morin. Rob. Then we got Orlando Fume.
Starting point is 01:28:02 And last but not least,rissy is a deep down fruit because father bill gobbled his skin flute when he was an alter to alter toots funny alter toots funny but i got it just the beginning let's read let's read flutes can't do it anymore okay so here we go so in in red are the contenders right okay mac so contender number one mac two antihistamines and i've got a situation with your brother, Patton. Alex, Oingo Boingo, Eastern Hemis make me go Pyoingo Murphy. Yeah, two goodies. Huge erection.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Huge erection. Yeah, that's probably, that's one of the best chicken figures we've ever had. Then we got Fumario and Luigi. No toots, level up that pee-pee. It's a goodie, but not as good as you. Anthony going to turn ISIS into Waz Waz Hernandez. That's a goodie, but not as good as you. Anthony going to turn ISIS into was-was Hernandez. That's another contender right there. That could be it.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Then we got Letty, a.k.a. the five-foot-nothing squeak, a.k.a. Joan of Arc was a transgender piece. It's a goodie, but it's falling off the list. Then we got it's Dommy B. tell Vaney T. that my piece is close to a three. J.K., it's Joey B., and I'm voting for Donny T. I mean, that's, I think, the winner. Well, here are these last two. It puts the baby powder on its fumes, or else it gets the hose again. J.K. It's Joey being on voting for Donny T. I mean, that's, I think, the winner. Well, here are these last two.
Starting point is 01:29:05 It puts the baby powder on its fumes or else it gets the hose again. Funny. And then last but not least, Dr. Simeon's abortion clinic and pizzeria.
Starting point is 01:29:13 No fetus can beat us. Your losses are sauce. Okay, so it's between that one and that's a tough one to deal with, though. Venny T, but I voted for Donny T.
Starting point is 01:29:20 It's between those two. I mean, why don't we let Venny T decide the last one? She's been here the longest. Just let her decide. But she's going to go away from the
Starting point is 01:29:28 Venny T. one which is funny. But then she has to pick the abortion one. Yeah. I like to put her in a pickle. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:33 She's in a pickle. You're in a pickle. Yeah. Which one is it? Which one between those two? Oh, I don't have a choice because I like the it puts the baby powder
Starting point is 01:29:41 on the fumes or else it gets the hose again. That's my favorite. That's clearly not better than the other ones. All right. But Ven fumes or else it gets the hose again. That's my favorite. That's clearly not better than the other ones. All right, but Venetia, the picket,
Starting point is 01:29:48 we're fucking, you know, women are the future and we want to start a set of president in 2021. Thank you. What do you mean? I love huge arrest.
Starting point is 01:29:56 You like the chicken finger. Okay, so we, wow, we got a total difference of opinion here. Chrissy, where are you at?
Starting point is 01:30:02 Where am I at? Yeah. So I'm, I already was texting. If I know you're going to go with Betty T, but I told Betty T that I got a three, but I'm just JK. No, because I'm in a silly willy mood. I took five CBD.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Go to get5thc.com. I like Oingo Boingo because Oingo Boingo makes me laugh. Holy shit. This is a beautiful thing to happen at the end. The very last one. We got champagne problems. Unfortunately, I'm just going to have to make the call then. You make the call because you've had a tough year.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Yeah, and also because I'm the boss of this, and usually I go with the consensus. And you're the oldest. Yeah, I'm the oldest by a lot. Not by that much. Not by that much. But if there's no consensus, not by that much but if i do if there's no consensus i gotta make the call and i'm making the call and the call goes to venny t what is it say it again you read it yeah i don't want to read it it's domi b first of all domi domi is funny i'm domi b it's domi b venny t that i told no what is it it's domi b tell venny t that my piece is close to three just kidding it's joey b and i'm voting for donnie t that's the winner
Starting point is 01:31:15 winner that's the winner he pulled one over and he wants you to know the truth he doesn't have a three and he's also voting to the reed right so thank you guys so much what a beautiful beautiful year we'd like to close out the year by saying thank you so much and obviously would it be appropriate to go into 21 to going into 2020 without any other sound than this we'll see you next year
Starting point is 01:31:37 sorry you deserve better oh Jesus oh you shit your pants what a way to go out because you shit your pants happy new year queer you shit your pants i think well what can you do i do it for the fans patreon.com slash bay rich boys happy new year whatever you say fucking donnie t

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