History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 26 - Pedophiles are WILD!

Episode Date: August 5, 2018

Yannis and Chris are together again as they take on the subject of Pedophiles. Yannis debunks a foolish Ted Talk and the episode is WILD!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridg...eboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ•πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈChris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈYannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ•History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, what up, Kaziwazis? You're listening to the Bay Ridge to the History Hyenas. I'm Chris DiStefano, Chrissy the Big Gay. CBG. And I'm here with Giannis, Freddy Cheese Pappas. We are finally back in the studio together. Finally, our schedule's lined up. As always, Zach Isis is here. As always, Bartle White Wasp Church is not here.
Starting point is 00:00:58 He's not here. This is about to be History Hyena. This is the History Hyena. It was about to be the History Hyena. What do you mean? Now we're making a history hyenas again. We've been separate for three episodes. We've been separate for three episodes and if you could tell Giannis has got a little
Starting point is 00:01:12 depression in his voice, that's probably what it is. I got a sexy voice. Giannis got a sexy voice, but let me tell you guys something. Today, Giannis is a sad kid. Yeah, but it makes my voice sound. I got a really good voice. Yo, you got a handsome, you got a sexy voice You look like you're in Streetcar Named Desire
Starting point is 00:01:28 That's right I look like James Dean on a downtown on a Tuesday Yeah, was it Marlon Brando or James Dean? James Dean, white t-shirts, he smoked stokes Yeah, he died early He was also a handsome kid like me Cause I'm a cute car Yeah, I do have a good voice
Starting point is 00:01:44 I have to start hanging out with you less. Okay. Because I want my New York accent to be less. You want it to be less. I'm trying to get the trash monkey level down to a zero. I'm trying to go full cuck. Yeah. Less trash monkey.
Starting point is 00:01:57 But when you live in Bay Ridge, everybody speaks. Yeah, tough. Yes. Yeah, I was. Everybody speaks Yeah, tough Yes, yeah, I was If we had to send a representative for what The borough of the peninsula of Brooklyn, Queens
Starting point is 00:02:12 Basically Long Island The peninsula of Long Island is Right To aliens Right If we had to send a representative To explain the borough Right
Starting point is 00:02:20 It would be you You think it would be me You would just be like Go probe this guy And everything you need to know about Brooklyn Queens is encapsulated in his flesh. Yeah, but I'm also wearing a Wham t-shirt. Yeah, that's the gay part that's inside.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah, interesting. That's the gay part that's inside. I'm wearing a Wham shirt with Jordans. Yeah, but you're even, you're more, that makes you even a more better, that doesn't make sense. A more better? Yeah. That's a trash way to say it.'t make sense. A more better? Yeah. That's a trash way to say it.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah. A more better representative of Brooklyn Queens. Yeah. Because you had to suppress the gay because of your neighborhood and your father and all that. So you learned, everything you learned was how to act Brooklyn Queens. Okay. How to act like a straight kid. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:00 So you really have all the answers for what the toxic masculinity Of Burrow Trash is Because you're really a gay kid Now that you're in your 30s And you have a daughter and you've reproduced And your dad's getting close You're gonna come out I'm gonna come out Because the last three t-shirts I've worn
Starting point is 00:03:20 Have been the Wham t-shirt today The Whitney Houston t-shirt yesterday And the t-shirt I wore before that was a Chuck E. Cheese t-shirt. Yeah. And also, you're a real people pleaser. Right. You're a real people pleaser. Yeah. I know that this is going to make somebody happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:36 You'll take it in the butt if you know it's going to make people happy. Yeah. You'll bait it out if you're like that. If you guys, if you're like a yo industry, you want me to be gay I'll be gay I'll do whatever you want to do Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:48 So that does soften you a little bit It's a little premeditated To where the Wham and the Whitney Well the only way We were talking about this yesterday The only way to really make it An entertainment right now Is you have to be a bit of a beta male
Starting point is 00:03:58 No one's gonna No one's gonna write anything positive About you unless they feel You're beta enough Yeah I got an article written about me at the Just for Laughs Montreal Comedy Festival and the lady who wrote the article said that she loved it, but the only
Starting point is 00:04:10 but she had to preface it all with that she felt she loved it because for a muscly comedian, which she never seen without my shirt on, she would not be saying that. It's very funny that she said that. She said she thought you were an alpha or a muscly. I thought I was an alpha muscly comedian, but I had beta qualities about me, and that's what made it so great.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And that's what made it good. She went beyond beta qualities. She was basically saying you're more a beta, act more like a beta, even though you look more like an alpha. Right, right, right, right. And that's why it's funny. Well, it's like a lot of these people who write about comedy, only really people that understand at least stand-up comedy are other stand-up comedians. Most people, I feel like nobody else, like, she was, I remember in this article she was saying, like, she couldn't differentiate sarcasm from complaining. It's like you have to be able to You have to be able To differentiate that
Starting point is 00:05:05 But she couldn't So it's Yeah I guess The easy thing to do Is for people to just say Nowadays you're beta So you're acceptable It's amazing
Starting point is 00:05:13 Because it used to be You know being funny Used to be considered Such a male trait Such a male Like something you did To impress women To make them laugh
Starting point is 00:05:20 Kind of thing And now it's swung All the way The other way It's like, but the girls, like even Woody Allen, who's as fucking neurotic and bait as it get,
Starting point is 00:05:29 right. Was really, his perspective was really male. Right. And really like was banging a lot of chicks. Yeah. And he always, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:37 it was always very male. And so, but now it's like, yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean the girls in like New York neighborhoods, like the girls out on Long Island or, you know. Well, I mean, the girls in, like, New York neighborhoods, like the girls out on Long
Starting point is 00:05:46 Island or, you know, Brooklyn, Queens, Trash, they still like the old school guy. They don't like the new guy. They make fun of that guy. Yeah. I would say probably most people, the majority is. It's just Hollywood is run by these sort of strange, it's a strange type of personality that gets into entertainment. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Somebody who fails about 70 80 percent of the time the things that they pick or they think are going to work yeah you know as a comedian it's interesting that people who become comedians are people who uh have unbelievable abilities to be strong to be different to have insight and to work towards something that works at least 70 to to 80% of the time. We're conditioned with every joke we write to not tell that joke unless it works. So we pick, and usually even the things that our instincts tell us to pick are things that end up working.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Right. 70% of our material is not like, oh, that's not going to work. Right. Whereas people get into entertainment, they just throw shit at the wall based on trends until one out of ten of those things sticks. They'll contradict themselves every season. They throw shit at the wall because they have no idea and really no insight on their own. They follow what they think is hot.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And usually the thing that they're following that is hot is something that was completely original that they resisted in the first place. Could you see yourself at some point quitting the business or that could never happen for you? I'm not going to quit the business. I'm going to make it on my own terms like I have before. I'm going to do it again. Could you see yourself committing suicide? No, I'm going to be the only comedian, I think, in recent memory who has kind of blown up three times. Yeah. In three completely different ways. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:27 This last time is going to be as myself doing stand-up. Yeah. So I blew up twice as complete. Coriza and Panos. Completely different characters that are so different from one another. Right. And represent different sarcasms I was trying to encapsulate. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And then this one's just going to be an all-encompassing... I'm tired of lying. I'm tired of... When Patrice died, Patrice really did keep order, just as far as artistic integrity in the comedy business is concerned, at least in New York.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Rogan does it a little bit by catching thieves and stuff like that now. Right. And since. But Patrice was really the one everyone was kind of scared of because he was really concerned with originality, integrity, and not being a hack. And he would call people out. And when he left, fucking, the lunatics started running the asylum. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Totally agree. Well, you know what the good positive news is, is that our birthdays are one day apart, August 25th and 26th. And I've decided that Sunday, August 26th, because, you know, because we got work Friday and Saturday night, me and you and the matriarch and invite a few comics ready. We're going to celebrate our birthday parties. We're going to have a birthday party at the Renaissance Fair in upstate New York, in Tuxedo, New York. And we're going to, Zach Ice is going to come. We're going to be in costumes. We're going to have a birthday party at the Renaissance Fair in upstate New York, in Tuxedo, New York. And we're going to,
Starting point is 00:08:45 Zach Ice is going to come. We're going to be in costumes. We're going to joust. I got everybody coming. And if you're a member of the Matriarch, you're invited to meet us up there Sunday, August 26th, 11 a.m. We're going to be at the Renaissance Fair.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And it's going to be, yeah. I already got about 20 comics coming. Yeah, you just missed special needs. Yeah. Just like one. Dude. The doctor had your head. It was a millimeter more of pressure.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I think he put enough that made you put a wham shirt and want to go to a renaissance fair. Just a little bit. Yeah, because two years ago, I had my birthday party, my 30th birthday. I had it at fucking Medieval Times. Yeah, you did. And it was a great time. What are you going you know, my 30th birthday. I had it at fucking Medieval Times. Yeah, you did. And it was a great time. What are you going to do on your 40th birthday? Are you going to go watch Cinderella? No. Live? No, I like medieval stuff. No, my 40th
Starting point is 00:09:33 birthday, for my 40th party, let's see if I did Renaissance Faire. You want to go see the Lion King? Yeah. Yeah. Or maybe I'll, um, yeah. Go to Legoland? Yeah. Yeah. Let's go to, maybe we'll go to Hershey Park. I'm going to Hershey Park this summer. You are, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah, a couple weeks. You get just as excited as your kid for that young stuff. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, because you got to stay young, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yeah. You got to stay young and, you know. Especially in this day and age. Yeah, I just don't, I can't, you know, fucking these rules that, you know, you gotta do this, you gotta do that. I can't do it. You don't like, you're not a society guy.
Starting point is 00:10:09 No. You're not a society guy. But I feel like it doesn't bother, like, I can usually tell when someone's genuine. I think that's why sometimes the hipsters
Starting point is 00:10:16 and the gentrification, I talk about it in stand-up, we both do, about why they bother me because they're not, they're just doing it because everyone else
Starting point is 00:10:22 is doing it. They're just following some trend. They're not, they don't really want to ride a unicycle they don't really want to be on a fucking scooter they're just doing it because they think it's cool i think the irony and they you know the irony about their irony which is hilarious yeah is that they all try so hard to be different than people who sort of conform right you know you go to and they're trying so hard not to be a type of person that they end up being a type of person and they all look the same to everyone else who's not them yeah and it's even more pathetic because at least those
Starting point is 00:10:57 people just accept it they're like hey i'm from the south this is how we do it yeah i'm from long island they're trying so hard to not be that type, and they end up being that type, that it's even more pathetic. Yeah. Because you're trying to be different, and you're all the fucking same. So it makes it even more pathetic. Yeah. I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:11:15 You're not an individual. Y'all got fucking tattoos. Your clothes are way too small. You're dirty. Your beard is disgusting. You all look like Che Guevara. You fucking romanticize garbage. Clean your fucking hair up.
Starting point is 00:11:30 You're all romanticizing estrogen like it's some holy fucking thing and that masculinity is wrong. They're not both complementary parts of nature. Just stop. Just stop the garbage. It's just garbage. It's 100% fucking trash without the monkey
Starting point is 00:11:48 Which makes it useless You're a bunch of useless fucking cucks Yo fucking Burrow Giannis Is a fucking good guy What did I call you before a few episodes ago Remember I had another name for you There was Liberal Cuck Giannis And then there was remember
Starting point is 00:12:03 I'm Steel Pipe Chrissy There was another fucking name that I had for you. There was Liberal Kakianis and then there was, remember Punchy, I'm Steel Pipe Chrissy. There was another fucking name that I had for you. Damn, we forgot. Steel Pipe Chrissy was funny. Maybe if somebody's out there tweeted at us. Because you were,
Starting point is 00:12:11 yeah, you're going to be like, I'm going to get in a fucking city bike and I'm going to have a steel pipe right down here. You're not going to see it. Bothers me. Yeah. Yeah, just like we were talking
Starting point is 00:12:19 about the other day, you know, like when you, all these sob stories, it's bothersome. It's forced and it's bothersome. Let's not ignore, like, yeah, you can sob stories, but it's bothersome. It's, it's, it's forced and it's bothersome. Let's not ignore like, yeah, you can't ignore DNA encoded stuff. Right. It's like, look, we're guys, right?
Starting point is 00:12:31 It's in there. And that is a lot of, there's mostly positives to that. Absolutely. That's why women want to fuck guys. Yeah. It's nature. It's nature. And why we want to have sex with women because they're mostly positive too.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Exactly. Yeah. And they compliment each other. Yeah. Just like in all animals. And also there's DNA encoded stuff into cultures and not races
Starting point is 00:12:51 but ethnicities. Like you're an Irish kid. You push things down bad. That's what I do. You guys are wild though. The Celtic tribes fought wild. You fucking wild. Greeks, horrible offensive fighters. Great defensive fighters Great defense
Starting point is 00:13:06 Great defense Right When you look back at history Defensively Great fighters And a lot of that's just cultural Right A lot of it's cultural
Starting point is 00:13:13 And that's the thing Like you know When people talk about Cultural appropriation Like you know We read the book Did you read Sapiens too? Yes
Starting point is 00:13:18 You read it cover to cover Yeah So we read it So that book When I read that What was interesting to me About You know There was one part of it where he was talking about culture and how culture, like the Greek culture, the Irish culture, the Middle Eastern culture, whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:33 It's really not like from the first groups of people who like lived on, you know, the Irish mainland or who lived in the Greek islands. What your culture is today wasn't what your culture was a thousand years ago. who lived in the Greek islands, what your culture is today wasn't what your culture was a thousand years ago. So it's all just these empires being taken over and then forcing actually someone else's culture down your throat. So like one culture will say, oh, no, you can't do that because that's Chinese. Well, it's like, guess what? A thousand years ago, exactly what you're doing probably wasn't Chinese.
Starting point is 00:13:59 It's just somebody else's. So you don't even understand that people that you're resisting against today, your great ancestors probably were with. Yeah. So it's like that whole idea of what – it's all bullshit. And when you fight about it, it's all like – no, no. We have such small brains and such small amounts of time on this planet that there is no culture. We're all just human beings.
Starting point is 00:14:20 That's what it is. We're all – even the fact of being like, being like The American border, the Mexican border It's stupid Why do I care more about an American child Than a Mexican child It's just human Our brains have just made up this fucking bullshit society That doesn't exist
Starting point is 00:14:37 Well humans do those types of things To try to maintain some sort of order Order and control No I get why they're doing it. And you gotta kind of do it. Like, look, it's tough. I mean, we were just looking at a picture before, like nature's just not fair. Yeah, there was a
Starting point is 00:14:54 fucking hyena with a monkey head in its mouth. Yeah, and then that kid, you know, just Which one? You showed me a picture of some kid. We don't gotta specify, but like, you know, it's just his body and just his look. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just genetically, it's just, it's not fair. You know, and but like, you know, it's just his body and just genetically. It's just, it's not fair. You know, and people do, you know, certain people who aren't born with certain gifts or talents, they, everyone's equally competitive. They try different ways to bring you down.
Starting point is 00:15:15 They end up, that's what evil really is. Right. When you, when you break down the anatomy of what evil is, it's people who need to connive. Right. of what evil is. It's people who need to connive because they weren't born with the advantages that the genetically gifted and confident may have. So they connive
Starting point is 00:15:32 to try to take that person down. But underneath it all, it's the same game as all animals. It's climb up the power structure. That's what it is. And it's staying with clans. It's tribal and it's climbing up the power structure. That's what it is. And it's staying with clans. It's tribal and it's
Starting point is 00:15:48 climbing up the power structure. And what human evil is, is that. I just said one of the deepest things that's ever been said in the history of man because I'm fucking in a wild place. But that's what the truth is. You want to know what evil is? It's like just like
Starting point is 00:16:02 dogs are social species and when they're when heat packs form like we're going to show you and an alpha claims the female right and then other males challenge that alpha right the way humans do it is by using their mind right right because if let's say you're the alpha and the chicks want to bang you with the which is true yeah you bring out in chicks a very i've been out of quality you're chicks a very prime... I'm an alpha quality. You're alpha. You're an alpha male in a lot of different ways. It's not just the look. It's the women can pick up
Starting point is 00:16:31 on the brain. It's a pheromone scent thing. The reason why women are so attracted to you is the same reason why all these dogs are chasing this female around. You have a big brain, a smart brain, sense of humor, which is a sign of intelligence. You're also strong, hardworking, values, morals, all the things that – Viking head.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah, good looking, strong. But it's not just the strength because in humans, it's brains are very – Right. But you have the combination. Right. So that's why women flock to you and shit like that. And you're a pretty confident guy. You don't have a lot of insecurities.
Starting point is 00:17:04 No. So much so, you're kind of so secure. people with insecurities are a little it's a little jarring to you right you don't even really understand it that much no now the people with insecurities everyone normal people have insecurities because they're all trying to work their way up to that alpha status right now some people just they just can't handle it right and they need it they want to get up there and it's they just can't handle it. Right. And they need it. They want to get up there. And it's nature.
Starting point is 00:17:26 You can't blame them. Right. So they're going to do something conniving to get up there. Right. And that, they do their evil acts and they break these laws and these laws based on precepts that were created by great genius people to keep order in society. Right. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Right. people to keep order in society. That's what it is. It's basically the human brain creating laws and systems to keep order on what is just a natural, violent, naturally violent system. Humans, we can't do it like that. Right. Because our brains are too big, so we need laws
Starting point is 00:17:59 and then they violate those laws to get to that top spot. That's the anatomy of evil. Because he was. What I want you guys to know right now, everyone's listening, see what Giannis just did? That just comes right out of the front of his face. I experience this most days, but if you ever just want,
Starting point is 00:18:14 I guarantee there's a good chance if you drive down Shore Road in Bay Ridge, he'll be sitting on a bench staring at a tree, yelling that exact speech or something similar to no one. He'll just be yelling it to the leaves of the trees because he believes the trees, well, the trees are a living organism. Trees are beautiful. Yeah, but he looks at trees. So what you got to understand about Giannis is that-
Starting point is 00:18:33 I look at trees because they give us oxygen. Right. But what you have to say about Giannis is he needs to be, he needs- Medicaid. At some point, he is going to have to have lithium pumped through his air ducts in order for him to survive everyday life. He must be on lithium and we must get the lithium for him. Cuz, is there anything I said that's not true?
Starting point is 00:18:49 No, it's all true. Seriously. No, it's all true. Jokes aside. No. Jokes aside. What you said is true. But no, give me a strong criticism of it though.
Starting point is 00:18:57 No, there's no strong criticism. I mean, I think, yeah, I think. Is that not the anatomy of evil explained at its most fundamental level in the human condition? Yeah, and I think for someone like I'm someone, that's why I've told you, I've said this, insecurity always brings off the most alarm bells to me because I feel like an insecure person is a wounded animal. I always felt that and they will do anything to get that security, which I can see it left and right. I can see it in people almost immediately.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I'm like, this person is insecure and I need to be very, very careful around them. That's the quality that I've told you from the day I met you. There's even been a couple of people that have said, this person's insecure and you didn't notice it. And then you look a little deeper and you notice it. But you're just more, you're less cautious than me, you know, with it.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Like, I mean, you're more, I'm more cautious than you. So you kind of, you know, because you're, I think you actually have more confidence than me. I do. No. I believe you have more confidence than me. I believe you're a smart tactician who always pretends like. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Well, I have to do that to protect. No, yeah. No, you pretend. You use it as a, it as a real tactic for you. Yeah. You play dumb. Yeah. You play possum a lot.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I always do that. You play possum. I always do that. You set a lot of booby traps. Yeah, and I let people talk around me, and I'm like, yeah, what this guy's saying is 100% wrong, but what am I going to do? And then you'll compliment somebody else, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So then that person doesn't see you coming.
Starting point is 00:20:24 People don't see you coming. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's a smooth tactic. Yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So then that person doesn't see you coming. People don't see you coming. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's a smooth tactic. Yeah, but I'm a psycho, right? No, not really. No, I don't know. You got hired on the psychopath test. Did I get hired?
Starting point is 00:20:35 I forgot. I think I got hired, yeah. I got hired, yeah. Yeah, Trash Monkey Dain is looking at me. I'm going to fucking rip his face off. I think you have a better chance of being psycho. I have a better chance of being so stout. So stout.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I was born with a heart, but I might be so stout at this point. By the way, the picture that Zach has chosen is of two hyenas mating, which is fucking, you don't see that much. You don't see a pseudo dick going into a puss very often. No, that's not a pseudo dick. That's a real dick going into a pseudo puss. Oh, that's a real dick going into a pseudo puss. Fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:21:01 It's like docking. They're docking. Hyena docking. Yo, do we have a video of hyena sex? There's got to be one. Yeah. It's going to be a video of hyena sex. It's going to be a video of hyena sex. It's going to be a video of hyena sex. It's going to be a video of hyena sex. It's going to be a video of hyena sex. Zach dick going into a shoe. Fucking wild. It's like docking. They're docking. Hyena docking. Yo, do we have a video of hyena sex? There's got to be one. Yeah. Get humped out, right? Zach's going to find one.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Yeah. Yo, you know what's interesting, too? We talk about all these people who are insecure. What's the entertainment business, especially the comedy business, filled with? Insecurity. Insecure people. That's who gets in. Comedians are insecure people.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yeah. Fucking wild. You know what the two things that I think reign over comedians? Insecurity and Asperger's. Those two things. Well, Asperger's thing is a new thing. Hold up, Zach. Before you play, this Asperger's autism shit is a new thing.
Starting point is 00:21:39 How new? It's just since this trend has gone towards demasculating, towards neutering males, it used to be the comedians were super masculine and super charismatically hilarious. Right. That's what it was. Right. You look at Jackie Gleason. I mean, these guys were fucking animals and masculine. The autism thing is this new thing where sort of they push people who are really joke writers with no charisma to the front as performers.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Right. And so that's a new thing. That's a new thing. Yeah, but I still think no matter what, and you talked about this before, like you could even go into a crowd of all like hipster people who like love the Asperger's, who probably have Asperger's themselves, and you just naturally be funny in your own Brooklyn way, and they laugh harder at you than any of their own kind. That's because the system's rigged, and I've really discovered that. This morning, I was in a K-hole about it. Listen, hear me out. Nobody's watching those shows.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Right. Whoever's being front, even some of them are some of our friends who are great joke writers, but zero fucking charisma. Normal people don't want to hear you or look at you. It is what it is. Right. That's just what it is. Nobody's watching, but they will keep pushing it.
Starting point is 00:22:52 They will keep pushing it. Why, though? Because it's a demasculine, because that person's a woman or that person acts autistic and doesn't act masculine. There's something threatening about that. That people are running around saying toxic masculinity. That just shows you how we have lost our fucking
Starting point is 00:23:10 minds. We've lost toxic. You're saying something that is obviously an evolutionary need that has gotten us here, that has obviously been selected through female choice. Female chooses the male in all species. So whatever masculinity
Starting point is 00:23:26 has survived to this day is because femininity has deemed it worthy and needed it. Now granted, we've had this industrial revolution and now this tech revolution and masculinity needs some tempering,
Starting point is 00:23:40 but don't fucking throw the baby out with the bathwater and just start going toxic masculinity. There's no such thing as toxic. Femininity's good and masculinity's bad. That's how psychotic this fucking world has gotten. So to answer your question, the reason is because they're fucking neutering men.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm losing it, cuz. I'm losing it, but I'm gaining it. You're losing it. So those shows aren't doing numbers, but they keep pushing them. And then Roseanne, who's a psycho, admittedly, fucking lost her mind, but just is naturally, unbelievably charismatic and hilarious. Right. Is just an animal and a beast when it comes to that.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And John Goodman, they put that back on the air. Right. With some decent writers. And it shoots to like 23 million. And you got these idiots going, how is this happening? Because it's good. Right. Because people want to look at Roseanne.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Right. They don't want to look at someone who sounds like fuck, or looks like they just can't. These people are autistic. Nobody wants to stare. They want to look at people they want to fuck, and they want to look at people who are naturally hilarious, like Robin Williams. Right. Okay, the guy can't write a joke. Good.
Starting point is 00:24:48 But he can't. He stole a lot. He can write, but he's fucking a genius. Jim Carrey, fucking a genius with his performance. Right. You know what I'm saying? Right, right, right. But for some reason, there's been an effort to really demasculate men.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah. It's really true. It's looked at as a bad thing. Yeah. Well, I saw that firsthand when I was just up at the Just Flamps Montreal Comedy Festival. It's like, yeah, the more manly you were, the more they were like, oof. Like I said, even in the article, the only way to be acceptable nowadays is the man has to be beta. You can't actually do man stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And that has to do with whoever's the people who are at the top, who are making those decisions. You know what's the thing I noticed? You know how fucking crazy is it? It's weird that we're talking about this. I went to the gym every day in Montreal. I went to the gym every day. I remember when I first went there in 2013, so it's only five years
Starting point is 00:25:40 ago, the gym was packed with comics. Packed. Nobody in the gym. Just me and Godfrey. That's it. Godfrey was masculine. Nobody in the gym. Nobody there. Everybody's just like, nah.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And I don't know. Maybe that could have just been coincidental. But I do know that, you know, because like whatever. But I do know that like, you know, yeah, like back in the day. Like back in the day like back in the day it was just like a comedian would talk sports of course they could but now you're a you're like a fucking you're like a rare thing if you're a comic that can talk about sports they're like oh that's interesting because most most comedians are just a kind of person that's and look it's
Starting point is 00:26:20 not good or bad it's just a sign of the times It's just what the fact of the times are is that the – like what you said, being humorous is something that attracts a lot of women. The kind of man who does it now is not the typically attractive male anymore. No, not at all. It's a different – it's a very weak kind of male and that's what – and what happens when you start to have the weakness, you start to breed with that, the population starts to get a lot weaker. Yeah. And it's interesting because even look at Schultz, right? Schultz is a guy. Andrew Schultz is a guy.
Starting point is 00:26:52 He acts like a guy. He acts like a guy. And I'm sure there's a lot of these people here who don't like him or whatever. It's like because he acts a certain way. He acts like a confident guy. He's getting millions of views on his clips now with zero help from the industry. Zero. Not 1%.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Zero push. Yeah. Actually push away from it. Yeah, push away. Millions selling out. You know what I mean? It's like Rogan did it on his own. It's like, so if you're telling, the industry's saying there's no market for this.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Right. And it's like, there's no market for it. Right. It's like, no. There's really a small, you're making, you're trying to the industry's saying there's no market for this. Right. You know, and it's like, there's no market for it. Right. It's like, no, there's really a small, you're making, you're trying to make
Starting point is 00:27:29 what's actually a niche market and not the norm, the norm, and there's less of a market for that. Especially because it's disingenuous and people can feel it.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Viscerally, they just feel like, hey, this is, it's a little disingenuous. You know? Right. People going,
Starting point is 00:27:42 oh my God, there was a cartoon, a poo, and it got me teased. You're like, was it really that bad for you, buddy? Yeah. Was it really that bad? Yeah. Are you that much of a victim?
Starting point is 00:27:54 Everyone's now just, you know what the real cultural appropriation is? Is people like that taking sort of the African American struggle, which is a real thing. Right. A systematic, now everyone, because you... Because people love to imitate black people. It used to be they would take their music and their shit and their style because they're fucking cool. Now, they're still in their struggle. I'm so oppressed. I'm a white
Starting point is 00:28:14 woman. It's the patriarch. Are you really? Are you really? Are you really? Do you have it so bad? Do Indian people in America have it so bad that they were able to shoot up to become the most successful ethnic group in the country? All doctors and engineers. You have it bad here because of a cartoon, Apu.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Right. You're not represent. We're not represented on TV. Yeah. You got here 20 years ago. Literally. Yeah. That's not even an exaggeration or a joke.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Like the Indian emigrants came here like 20 30 years ago and immediately they fucking crushed it right there was no fucking indians here 300 400 years ago right it's not like well finally they put us on tv it's like you guys just started talking without an accent yeah that's a real thing see you're the first generation to not sound like a poo and here's here are people losing their mind and this is what i'm saying and this is what i love is you get to see true mental illness here on the podcast because he came in he came in completely with no energy where he was depressed i thought he was gonna cry and now he's completely manic the other way it is bipolar and it if there is not fucking lithium
Starting point is 00:29:22 pumped through the studio this is what what's going to happen every episode. And you know what? I say fucking go for it. Let's fucking burn the lithium so people like Giannis, Freddy Fettichese Pappas, and the rest of these fucking people can just lose their fucking minds every day. And me and the simulators can just watch and be entertained. Are you not entertained? Yes, you are. Are you not entertained?
Starting point is 00:29:42 You are. I got dictator energy, man. You got dictator energy. You got a lot of people that'll fucking follow you and drink that Kool-Aid. Because me and you have a constant game we play with. Love it. Who's the dictator? Yeah. Did I wrestle it back from you?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yeah. Yeah, I'm giving it to you. Yeah, I'm not saying that. I'm just fucking watching in awe of you. You're in a fucking Hanes size medium t-shirt with your glasses tilted. Yeah, you shaved. You shaved your face, but you still don't have a haircut, so you look like an idiot. And you're just out here fucking yelling about making sense, by the way, making sense with points.
Starting point is 00:30:18 You're not on snooze anymore. You're wearing jeans. It's 900 degrees. And I'm in a fucking Wham t-shirt just taking it in the face. I'm getting t-bagged by your knowledge and me and trash monkey i mean and i says fucking dig it banning a word's not going to do anything because then they'll just call gay people true does that's why you know that's it come up with a new word that's why i loved i reposted on my instagram yesterday and
Starting point is 00:30:40 you guys can see it on uh christy comedy my Instagram, I reposted the Leslie Jones thing from The View. And Leslie Jones, you know, some people were commenting like, oh, trying to get points. I don't know Leslie Jones. She doesn't know me. You know, I've had a couple of interactions with her that, to be honest with you, I felt like she didn't like me and she was kind of like just rude, but not rude, but just, and so it's like I don't care.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I have nothing to do. I have no opinion of Leslie Jones. I don't even listen to her work, really. But when I saw that, I was like, what she said to me, you know, and you could say, you know, all people are like, oh, yeah, but she got this person banned on Twitter. And that, maybe, maybe that's so. But I'm saying what she said on The View, I thought was profound enough for me to be like, I just want more people to hear it. I don't care that Leslie Jones said it. I just want more people to hear what she said because she was like, you know, if you want to go through life miserable, then you'll kill comedy.
Starting point is 00:31:32 But if you just want darkness to bring light into the dark situations, then you'll let comedians say what they want to say and you won't walk around looking to be offended. People are looking. They're waiting for you to be offended. Like when you're in a bad relationship and the girlfriend is so insecure that she's waiting for you to make a mistake. It's not like, oh, if a mistake happens, she's looking through your phone, she's asking
Starting point is 00:31:52 you questions. That's what's happening with PC culture now. They are waiting. They cannot wait for you. Your whole life is spent walking on eggshells right now because of that. So I'm happy that Leslie, and only a black woman or a straight white man cannot say what Leslie said.
Starting point is 00:32:07 And people are like, oh, people are on my comments being like, yeah, but if you said that, you'd be in trouble. Probably. I don't care. I don't care. I'm just happy she said it. So that's why I reposted it. There's a lot of fake journalists' careers who depend on being able to report on outrage.
Starting point is 00:32:24 That's the thing. And that's my point of fake journalists' careers who depend on being able to report on outrage. That's the thing. So that's what it is. And that's my point of this whole thing. It's like, so there's people, the same people, who want to cry about all these things that are going wrong. If we all of a sudden fix those things, you don't have a job. So isn't it better for you to just keep the problems afloat some way by looking through Trevor Noah's tweets from 30 years ago and now trying to make believe that he's a bad person and that he's a racist. Because guess what?
Starting point is 00:32:51 You can't write a blog without it, you fucking sick fucks. Yeah, but I do enjoy when it comes back around to the self-righteous people. Yeah, I love that. I enjoy that. Yeah. Me personally, I enjoy it. I love finding out that these fucking self-righteous assholes are pedophiles or they're embezzling or they're pieces of shit. I love finding out that these fucking self-righteous assholes are pedophiles or they're embezzling or they're pieces of shit.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I love it. Or even if they have offensive tweets. That's great. I love when people who are part of the mob, because that's what happens with the mob mentality, is eventually it's going to come around to you. Yeah. As soon as you get something. Yeah. I like to watch it.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I like to watch the mobs go because I have no fucking stake in it. If you're part of trying to take someone down, they will come for you eventually. Absolutely. Well, you know what? Today, speaking of taking down, we're always talking about taking down all different kinds of things here. Taking down push. Taking down hyenas. ISIS wants to take down westernized culture.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I want to take down Hollywood, I guess. The honest wants to take down Hollywood. Look, just for the record, I want to take down hollywood i guess you want the honest ones to take down hollywood look just for the record i want to just say sum up before we get in yeah there's nothing wrong with everyone having a voice there's nothing wrong with the push for diversity diversity is a good thing absolutely but what but not at the expense not at the expense of straight white males or any group. It's like you should include. You shouldn't exclude. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:11 Right. So don't do the same thing that was done to you. Yeah. The abused always becomes the abuser. And that is such a huge mistake to make. You know, that's why Nelson Mandela was such a genius. Because? Because he was fucking abused.
Starting point is 00:34:27 He came out and he said, I'm not going to do the same thing. Right. We're going to forgive, we're going to accept, we're going to boom, and we're going to move forward. Yeah. And granted, you know, there's still problems there and everything like that, but he himself had it right. That's the way you do it. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:41 That's the way you do it. Yeah. All right. So today's history part of it is going to be about poly prep. Is it high school or poly prep school? It's poly prep like day. I think it's called poly prep day school. Preparatory.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Preparatory school. But it goes kindergarten through 12. Yes. So. Private school, which has become of like a, I think Bon Jovi's kids go there now. Yeah. It's become like a very wealthy school Jovi's kids go there now. It's become like a very wealthy school. It's a very wealthy school. For rich people and celebrities kids.
Starting point is 00:35:10 For rich people it's in Where is it located? Brooklyn, New York. But is it Bay Ridge or is it Bensonhurst? Bay fucking Ridge cuzzo. It's Bay fucking Ridge, New York. Fort Hamilton, Bay Ridge. Yeah but I wasn't sure if that was on the cusp of Bensonhurst though. So I don't know if technically it is Bay Ridge. No it's Bay Ridge.
Starting point is 00:35:25 It's Fort Hamilton. Well, Fort Hamilton's kind of Bay Ridge, too. You can see it when you're driving over the Verrazano Bridge. If you take the lower level and you're driving from Staten Island to Brooklyn, you look out. Once you start to get towards the Brooklyn side, you look down off the right. You see a nice, beautiful white school. It looks like a big white church. That's Poly Prep.
Starting point is 00:35:41 You've had a lot of, Yana said, a lot of famous people have went there. A lot of athletes have went there Joachim Noah Yeah from the Well he's not on the Knicks anymore Who is Janic Noah's son Who's a famous tennis player It's a very well known school
Starting point is 00:35:58 It's a private school It's kind of like You know one of those things Where it's like It's great But you always wonder Like a private school What happens behind those closed doors It's like it's great, but you always wonder. Like a private school, what happens behind those closed doors? It's like you don't know unless you go there.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Well, what has happened and Giannis on the Patreon page. Did you speak to your brother? Yeah. Well, I spoke to him many times. Okay, so Giannis only on our Patreon, only for the 15-minute Patreon episode that we only give to the members of our matriarch. Only for the 15-minute Patreon episode that we only give to the members of our matriarch. We only give this to people who have went on Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, are going to get the part of the story that hits close to home with Giannis and his family,
Starting point is 00:36:34 because they have been around it. Only Patreon members are going to be able to hear that part of it. So if you want to hear the intimacy of it, go to Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and get that second part of this episode. But we're talking about Philip Foglietta. Now, he was the Polypreps varsity football coach from 1966 to 1991, when in 1991, he abruptly resigned with really no explanation to the students, to the parents, to anybody. He just resigned. And why did he resign, Giannis?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Well, he didn't get caught when he resigned. Technically, he did not get caught. No. This is a wild, wild story. Yeah. And recently, a couple years ago, it became sort of national news because Esquire, a couple news outlets, in the light of the Jerry Sandunsky situation at Penn State,
Starting point is 00:37:27 this came out as more of a local but similar story. And this is wild. Poly Prep used to be, Poly Prep was a private school, but back then in the 70s, 60s, there's a lot, you know, Brooklyn wasn't like Brooklyn is now. So the kids that were going there, you know, like, for example, my brother's dear friend who he's still friends with. His name's Frank Sinatra. His mother was Carlos Gambino's daughter.
Starting point is 00:37:56 So he's Carlos Gambino's grandson. When Carlos Gambino died, I should save this for the Patreon. Yeah. Give it away. I'm almost giving you the good stuff. Nah, you got it. died, I should save this for the Patreon. Yeah. Yeah. Give it away. I'm almost giving you the good stuff. Nah, you gotta support us. Yeah, you gotta support us. I'm a wild kid. And that's my only argument.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I don't have JB, though. I don't have JB. You don't have Jew brain right now. And that's my only argument with you with the lithium. Because I want to hear this stuff, but when you're not on lithium, you will go and do things that are fucking wild that we talked about at length before that we weren't going to do and you just do but i caught myself but you call yourself give away too much yeah which is good well that's because you have mostly a female brain yeah i told you that so you call yourself you can recalculate yeah because your brain is mostly female and that's okay and
Starting point is 00:38:38 that's where you create characters like marisa that we all love but make no mistake you do have a female brain and have more estrogen Than a normal adult male Absolutely Which is fine And you might have an ovary in there I don't fucking know Probably You could have one of
Starting point is 00:38:49 Should I get LASIK or no? Do I look better with or without the glasses? You look great with the glasses Because it's who you are But yeah If you got LASIK I would say You'd want to punch me in the face less
Starting point is 00:39:00 Less But I think Because it's your look And you know We have logos and stuff With you with glasses Because you look cucked out I but I think because it's your look and we have logos and stuff with you with glasses because you look cucked out. I think, yeah, I don't know. I'm trying to think because you without glasses, it's weird for us because we're only used
Starting point is 00:39:16 to seeing you with glasses. Which lap would you rather sit on, me with glasses or without glasses? I'd rather sit with you with glasses because I'd want to sit on your lap and then fog up your glasses and draw little hearts in the fog on your lenses. When did you start wanting to sit on laps, cuz? I started wanting to sit on laps, I would say, 1991, 92. Right about when Philip Fogliato left Poly Prep. Does it feel warm and fuzzy when you sit on a lap? Yeah, it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Philip Fogliato, he yeah, it's interesting. Yeah, yeah. Phillip Fogliato, he would have definitely got you. Yeah! He would have definitely got you. Well, wait. Well, let's tell him. So, Poly Prep was a powerhouse, powerhouse fucking football program. Power. Powerhouse.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Huge football school. And he, much like Sandusky and what's his name? Who? The coach. He died. Joe Paterno? Paterno. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Was the reason and the head behind this legendary high school program. And poly prep, like most schools that have a, you know, football's huge. Right. So it was good for the school. Right. It was good for the school. And it attracted a lot of these working class Italian kids from Brooklyn to come play there. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And he was molesting like half of them. He molested. For fucking years. There are estimates of over 30 years, or close to 30 years, I'm sorry, 25 years he was in, he was at the Polypreps head football coach. He molested over 1,000 children. Can you believe that? And in 1966, his first fucking year, in his first year at the school in 1966, a child told his parents and the dean that he was molested by the coach
Starting point is 00:40:58 and the dean of the school, forgetting his last, I'm blanking on his name right now. Cock McCockington. Cock McCockington. Yeah, who gives a fuck? Yeah, who cares? Who cares about these people? These people should remain, fuck them, fuck their names. I think his last name was Parker.
Starting point is 00:41:14 He said to the parents and the child, if the child doesn't keep his mouth shut and stop complaining about everything, he's getting thrown out of school. And then he was thrown out of school after his freshman year and let this fucking monster, let this monster molest children, over a thousand children for the next 25 years. He could have been caught and dealt with in 1966, and it wasn't. And then this fucking guy didn't molest anyone again for another five years. He let it really calm down, and then he started again. Yeah. Yeah. And who knows? Who knows what he did? Who knows in those five years. He let it really calm down, and then he started again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Yeah. And who knows? Who knows what he did? Who knows in those five years? Who knows how many he got? Yeah. Who knows? But he was able to act with impunity.
Starting point is 00:41:53 And he was, yeah, and Philip Foglietta, just think, he was fat and muscular. He was 5'5 and weighed over 250 pounds, so he kind of had a me body. Yeah. Yo, can you pull up a pic of... He's a fat fucking mess, this guy. Philip Fogl me body. Yeah. Yo, can you pull up a pic of... He's a fat fucking mess, this guy. Philip Foglietta. Yeah. Legendary football coach.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And they won a lot of football games. A lot of games. A lot of football games. But... And everybody loved him. The staff, everybody loved him. Everyone loved him. And some tragic things happened.
Starting point is 00:42:21 You know, there's people... You know... You know, one of the people he molested ended up committing suicide at some point. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right. So, I mean, who knows if it was affiliated. But, you know, those things. I'm sure it was.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah, those things really wear on your psyche. And it was interesting to hear, to listen to some of the former players who played for him in the 70s and 80s talk about how because he was like this domineering godlike, he created a toxic environment by making all the kids who played for him make, he was god
Starting point is 00:42:57 to them. He would make them do two a day practices and they had to chant his name and he held the keys to their future. He was always holding the keys to their future, he would tell them. So these kids bought in as adolescents, and the parents bought in because they're like, oh, we want our kids. You didn't question anything in America in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. It wasn't like it was today.
Starting point is 00:43:14 You didn't question anything. You just did what you were told. So what happened was is a lot of these kids would see him hanging outside the showers, of these kids would see him hanging outside the showers, would inspect each, he would inspect the guys, you know, 15, 16, 17 year old guys, inspect their genitals, their asses to make sure everything was clean. And they would just let this stuff happen and they would make jokes. The guys would make jokes. Oh yeah, you know, it's a weird fucking creepy dude.
Starting point is 00:43:38 But they were saying it as funny as Giannis and I talk like, oh wow, one suck his dick. But it was really happening. And they knew when you would go into his green Chevy Impala and he would drive you upstate, sexual things were happening. But they all would laugh at it because he created this environment where it was all just okay and accepted. That's the monstrosity part of the pedophilia. I mean, obviously, the touching, but the way they manipulate children's minds. The manipulation of the mind is the biggest problem. It's the most kind of malleable part of a child's body is their fucking mind at that
Starting point is 00:44:15 age. Yeah. And the way that he used power and leverage. That's the disgusting part. To keep everybody quiet and to propagate it and to perpetuate it is so premeditated. Yep. And so it's like, you know, it's sort of like first degree. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:32 It's like first degree crime. It absolutely is. It's premeditated. And we're going to get into what people are saying now about pedophiles and everything like that. And, you know, it's another thing he would do. He would talk, he would do, he would talk about, he would pick and choose the children. Most kids he molested, their fathers were dead or in jail.
Starting point is 00:44:51 The mobsters, because there was a lot of, you know, don't forget this was Brooklyn in the 70s, 80s. A lot of mafia kids went there. He would never molest a mafia son. Never, because he knew that would end bad for him. But it's interesting that even the mafia, if the kids of the mafia parents knew and told their mafia parents, I wonder why the mafia didn't just go in and take care of it. Because who knows? He had everyone fooled. Also,
Starting point is 00:45:12 you've got to remember, when it's happening to boys, boys are getting raped like that, you don't want to tell people. If a girl gets raped, it's different. Well, if a girl gets raped, she doesn't want to tell anybody as well. But there's an aspect of masculinity where you're like, you don't want to tell anybody. I don't want to come off like I'm that or this.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Now, this is great because we talked about toxic masculinity and stuff like that up to this point. How much of a horseshit fucking umbrella term that is. This is a masculine environment. And even this is not toxic masculinity. This is a masculine environment and even this is not toxic masculinity. This is a sickness. This is like people who end up raping people and doing things like that.
Starting point is 00:45:53 It's not toxic. It's not a toxic part of chemicals in their body. It's like you said. It's insecurity, fucking psychopathy, sociopathy. These people are fucked up so it's like it's it's like if you want to call that toxic masculinity right then fine right but you can't attach it to masculinity yeah it's more insecurity it's insecurity or sociopath and but
Starting point is 00:46:17 it's like the the preemptiveness of it is uh i'm sorry the premeditation of it is, I'm sorry, the premeditation of it is like, it's disgusting. Beyond criminal. There was one student, Gregory Bucciarone. A lot of these, that's why it's fucking, a lot of these guys,
Starting point is 00:46:33 Gregory Bucciarone, or the other guy who played was Johnny Marino. So these guys, Greg, and here's how interesting, how it's all a community. It's a weird little community. Greg Bucciarone,
Starting point is 00:46:42 who described himself as a former child prostitute, that's how much he was raped, told the writer that he met Foglietta, the coach from Poly Prep, in 1979 at a charity fundraiser organized by Jerry Sandusky in State College, Pennsylvania. And Bucciarone, who was 14 years old, says he and another boy would pay $200 to have sex with Foglietta in his hotel room. So Sandusky knew. So it's like, imagine, you don't understand. Because Foglietta, Sandusky's the most famous, but Foglietta's more prolific.
Starting point is 00:47:16 One of the most prolific child molesters of all time. That we know about. That we know about. I mean, I don't think Sandusky got up to the thousands. This guy got up, and he knew Sandusky. You know who's more prolific? Who? That woman that we talked about. That we know about. I mean, I don't think Sandusky got up to the thousands. This guy got up, and he knew Sandusky. You know who's more prolific? Who? That woman that we talked about.
Starting point is 00:47:29 She also killed them. What was that? The Countess. We talked about it on the podcast. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. She was a child. She was a pedophile, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:36 So she's up there as well. So that just shows you femininity can be toxic. It all can. Yeah. But this is wild, dude. We probably have come across so many pedophiles in our day. Absolutely. Because it seems like, obviously, not that it seems like, they do seek out positions
Starting point is 00:47:54 where they're around kids. Right. Camp counselors, coaches, teachers. Right. I mean, you know what? I will say this. I'll give you this. Maybe there should be no, since this is mostly a male problem.
Starting point is 00:48:09 There are female pedophiles, but it's few and far in between. Maybe only women should be teachers to a certain age. Would you trust your, I mean, this shit gets, I mean, am I going too far? Like, I don't know if I had a daughter. If I want fucking some... What would make a guy want to be a teacher of young kids? Who wants to be around kids that aren't your own? But how do you know if all the women are teachers
Starting point is 00:48:34 that it won't just start happening with them? Kind of like the female hyenas. That's true, too. Yeah, Zach's got his ISIS brain on him. But he's just trying to create discord in Western civilization. So if we say anything reasonable, he's going to throw something in there. He's't change it. But he's just trying to create discord in Western civilization. So if we say anything reasonable, he's going to throw something in there. He's going to say, yeah, but what about that?
Starting point is 00:48:49 That's not what Mohammed said. He's like a Russian bot, but for Islam. Just trying to create discord between us. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, it's a good point. Were you touched, cuz, or no?
Starting point is 00:49:00 No, I was never touched. But interestingly enough. You did black out. Bob Oliva, who was a coach at Christ the King High School in Queens, huge pedophile. His story just went away, though. But if you look up Bob Oliva, Christ the King, huge pedophile. I went to Bob Oliva's basketball camp in Christ the King when I was a kid. And I also went to Penn State football camp.
Starting point is 00:49:19 So I was around both two prolific pedophiles. but I don't know I got touched. But I do have episodes. I do have jogged memories in my early years. And there are times where I do black out. I've told you that. You went to Sandusky's? I went to Penn State football camp. You saw him?
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yeah. Well, I don't remember if I could. You know, he wasn't a guy that you would remember his name, but he was always at Penn State football camp. But again, my dad would drop me off at football camp. You know, my dad dropped me off there. I would always call my dad. So it's like the same thing with Bob Oliva.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I remember Bob Oliva asking every kid about their parents. So it's like I was kind of one that you wouldn't want to go near because I had a stable family. I had a mom and a dad who were there every night, day to pick me up. So it was the other kids, you know, there were kids who would get dropped off on buses, you know, who, you know, they don't know their mom or dad. So like, that's an easy kid for a pedophile. That's prey. I'm not prey. I mean, I was a cute kid.
Starting point is 00:50:21 I had a nice little tight butt and a good haircut. But I wasn't, but the, and they also knew that I was a fucking emotional kid. I had a nice little tight butt and a good haircut. But I wasn't... And they also knew that I was a fucking emotional kid. I would cry and tell my mom and dad that they made me sit on their laps. I could have been... I was actually went to poly prep one year. For a camp? Yeah. Me, Zach, Chet, and Damien. We went there. My buddies I
Starting point is 00:50:39 grew up with. Right. Which would have been around the time he was there. I don't remember if it was him. It could have been him. And I constantly think, am I blacking out? Was I touched? Is that why I have such a, you know, I'm such a weird kid now? Was I touched? It's possible.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Did I black it out? Because I was not a crier. I would hold it in. You hold shit in. I went to New York Military Academy camp, too, me and Ched. Yeah. And the Marines just, who were counselors, abused us. Right. We actually got kicked out of camp preemptively because we were
Starting point is 00:51:09 so scared of what the counselors were going to do to us on the last night. Yeah. Of camp because they were threatening they were going to beat the shit out of us, which is what they did for four weeks. Right. I mean, that's what happened. These guys, I guess they haze each other. Right. They were beating the shit out of us. Yeah. And I was the one, Ched would cry immediately and I would never cry.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Right. I was a tough kid. Right. I had a high pain threshold. Right. So I could have, they could have touched me. A lot of people could have touched me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:36 And my parents were so busy working, they had their own practice. Yeah. They sometimes would sleep there. I was pretty much ignored. Yeah. I could have been touched a few times. Yeah. I remember being in Christ the King camp, and there was this guy.
Starting point is 00:51:48 His name was Jason Sapola. I think he wound up playing, like, 10-day contract for the Portland Trailblazers, but he was on Syracuse. And he had come from Christ the King, and he would come back to camp sometimes. I remember one day, I just made a T-shirt. Like, I remember I just made it, and it said, like, I love Jason Sapola. And, you know, I was in seventh grade, eighth grade. I was in camp, and Sapola saw it, and they paraded me around the camp. And, you know, all the seventh and eighth grade kids, this kid Jared, my boy Wayne,
Starting point is 00:52:10 they all made fun of me, called me a homo. You know, I would get abused a lot. I would get abused a lot by kids in sixth, seventh, eighth grade because I was acting like a little, you know, I was acting like a little gay kid. I was a little sensitive, little wimp of a kid. So you're not a psycho. No, but then, you know, it turned on for me about 13, 14. I started to just get a little bit bigger, and then I started to learn how to play ball,
Starting point is 00:52:31 and then I just started to blow past people. But it's interesting because a lot of, I noticed, there was this one kid, I won't say his name, but there was this one kid who would call me a homo all the time. All the time. He was like, you fucking homo, you little fucking homo, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he was one of the kids who was in Bob Oliva's. He came forward and was like, I was molested by him. The abused becomes the abuser.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Abuser. He was abusing me. Just like I said. So anytime, and it's just something that only clicked once I saw that kid was abusing me and he was actually being abused. Anytime I see someone who just can't let it go When they fucking And it's just
Starting point is 00:53:07 Something's wrong Something is there Yeah When I see there's certain comics There's you know a comic That all he does is go on rants And talk about You know how much he hates gays
Starting point is 00:53:18 And this and that And it's like Who's that? Who's that? Um I don't know I'll just say his name on the part Oh no tell me off the top
Starting point is 00:53:23 I'll tell you Yeah yeah yeah Where he's just like That's something you wouldn't have told me? No but I thought I knew about it I'll just say his name On the part Oh no tell me off the top I'll tell you yeah yeah Where he's just like That's something you Wouldn't have told me No but I thought I knew about it I'm so curious about that
Starting point is 00:53:29 There's cameras on you guys Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah You're a fucking wild kid I'm a wild kid And the last episode Which was great You did a great job with Joel What's all Joel
Starting point is 00:53:37 Kung Fu Panda I mean you said things On that episode That were nuts That were just like Hopefully certain people Don't listen to this episode Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:44 Cause you're fucking wild I was shitting on people Nah we'll talk about it afterwards But I just can't believe You put a lot of stuff public Yeah You're an open kid Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:52 You're a kid who knows That we're not gonna be here forever And you're leaving it all on the court I'm having a good time I'm having a good time You got a wham shirt on You need to be fucking shot Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:01 You need to be shot I had three bagels today I went into Pier 69 I fucking love Pier 69 Market in Bay Ridge. If you guys are in the Bay Ridge area, go to Pier 69 Market on Shore Road and 69th Street. It's fucking yummy. So this kid, it just came out. Fogliola ended up becoming one of the biggest pedophiles.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's a huge story. He could have molested, like Chris said, maybe a thousand kids over a period of how many years? 30 years? 30 years. And by 25 years, and by by the way I just looked it up The headmaster's name Was William Williams What a dumb fucking shit name
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah And he's the one That told Johnny Marino That Johnny Marino If he kept complaining He was on fucking thin ice And he was getting Thrown out of school
Starting point is 00:54:36 And then Marino Did get thrown out of school And this guy William Williams Could have stopped Foglietta And he fucking did it And that's why Joe Paterno Legacy went away
Starting point is 00:54:44 Because apparently He could have Stopped Sandlietta and he fucking did it and that's why Joe Paterno legacy went away because apparently he could have stopped Sandusky and everyone just like to swept the shit under the rug so it's a kind of person now where it's like you have to just it's very hard like for example if you found out that I was fucking molesting kids
Starting point is 00:55:00 you would have to not be my friend anymore and out me it's what you would have to do but Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky were very close and he didn't want to out his friend and then look what happens
Starting point is 00:55:11 one part of that he's not a rat you gotta give him credit Paterno's an Italian kid but look at how it is and it isn't interesting as soon as his legacy
Starting point is 00:55:19 got crumbled which it should have been crumbled 30 years before that he fucking dies that's how fucking powerful the mind and the heart, that connection. He died.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Fucking killed him. Well, you know, he was a Catholic, so he was pushing it down, repressing it, pretending it's not there. Also a loyal kid. Didn't want to give up his friend, even though he's doing a whole thing. Look, I'm a loyal kid up until the point where it makes me a liar. Right. I can't, you know, I can't. Like, I'm loyal to you, but yeah, you can't make me complicit in something
Starting point is 00:55:45 bad. And so, yeah, he crossed the line, Paterno let that happen and that's a bad, bad thing. And see what happened because of Foglietta's, and I do blame this on Foglietta, in 1966, the coach's first year of prolly prep when he was molesting the kids, he was asked to look into a rumble
Starting point is 00:56:01 in the squash courts. Older boys had allegedly beaten up and sexually abused some of the younger students So they were sexually abusing the younger students Because they were being abused by him That's what they learned it from So they were abusing They were using their power as older students To abuse the sexually weak
Starting point is 00:56:16 So it creates this fucking cycle That's disgusting And when John Marino brought it up to them That's when they told him, if you say this again and you keep complaining about this, you're going to be thrown out of school. And he eventually was. He said he saw him and two other students, plus William Williams, the headmaster, saw students masturbating, being asked to masturbate outside or inside of John Fogley at his car and then outside the showers and nothing was done. Because we live in the type
Starting point is 00:56:44 of world today where if that happened today and and you didn't do anything about it somebody would shoot up your school yeah that's what would happen today yeah it is kind of uh a microcosm of the times right it's like probably a lot of people got away with this because of these power structures nobody wanted to question right you know like know, like, think about the church, how powerful they are. Right. And how long that took to come out. Right. I have friends who tell me their fathers just got touched, like a priest. I have one friend who told me, yeah, his father just told him, yeah, the priest would come
Starting point is 00:57:15 over and just make his father jerk him off. That's what it is. That's what it was. It was like, and like, nobody said anything because they were priests. Yeah. It was like, nobody questioned the power structure that is the Catholic Church. You can't. In Catholicism, you can't question anything.
Starting point is 00:57:28 You can't. Yeah, and that's all bullshit. Yeah. That's why sometimes, that's why I won't fly Korean Airlines. I will never fly Korean Airlines because they have a hierarchy in their, you know, culture where like if the pilot, the head pilot, the master pilot, he calls all the shots. And even if I'm like, hey, listen, we're flying a little too low or why don't we do this? You can't fucking even question him.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And that's why Korean airlines crash left and right. Yeah. Because there's no fucking checks and balance system. You need it. You need it. Yeah. You need. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:53 See, I mean, and this is but this is this is real life. This is what happens. Not everything's the fucking movies. OK. Not everything has a happy ending. Most times, most pedophiles never get never. They their victims never see them get justice Because you have no evidence
Starting point is 00:58:07 The statute of limitations has went on too much There was this one kid, William Jackson Probably black kid on a scholarship Yeah, probably black boy And he's probably a good fucking player, this kid William Jackson Foglietta asked an 8th grader On full scholarship, named William Jackson
Starting point is 00:58:24 Whether he had gotten a hard-on during the fight, the melee that had ensued previous to this. And he also grabbed the boy's crotch. Jackson reported the incident to his parents, who in turn told Williams, the headmaster, that there was no evidence that could be found to support their son's claims. And if he continued to report other instances of abuse, he would be ultimately asked to leave. And ultimately what happened is the school board decided that Jackson was a troublemaker who was not meeting his obligations as a scholarship student. He was asked not to return for a sophomore year. So that's real life. That's OK.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Hollywood fucking, you know, makes things all like, like the, you know, everybody wants to see this pedophile go down in flames. Most of the time it doesn't happen. Yeah. That's the truth of it all. Is this toxic masculinity? Am I wrong? This could be, is this could be toxic masculinity?
Starting point is 00:59:14 Yeah. Is this a toxic masculine environment or is this just an outlying fucking psychopath? No, that's what it is. Of course it is. That's what it is. Yeah. Yeah. Unbelievable that this was able to happen.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Yeah. And it happened for so long. Yeah. And it didn't really come out till years and years after it is. Yeah. Yeah, unbelievable that this was able to happen. Yeah. And it happened for so long. Yeah. And it didn't really come out until years and years after it done. He affected so many people. Yeah. He targeted people. Now, it's interesting to talk about pedophilia because, obviously, this is a high school version of what happened with Sandusky.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Right. Very similar. Who knows how many other places this is happening? Right. And who knows in other countries and other cultures how much this shit is happening? But pedophilia has always been around. At some points in history, it's become normalized in certain empires. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:55 First of all, there was no really Greek empire, which a lot of people are wrong about. There was a bunch of city-states that fought with each other. Athens was one of the powerful city-states. Right. Rome was an empire. Right. city-states that fought with each other. Athens was one of the powerful city-states. Rome was an empire. But pedophilia amongst the aristocracy in the Ottoman Empire, in certain city-states in Greece, in the Roman Empire, it kind of was a normal thing. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:00:16 It becomes normalized. They would take the eunuchs a lot of times. They would remove the balls and have these kids stay a little feminine so they could fuck them, keep them young. Well, because, I mean, everybody used to have a 13, 12-year-old wife. As soon as they hit puberty, 50-year-old guys marrying 12-year-old girls. Now, how the fuck does this happen? What is this? What is an attraction towards a kid?
Starting point is 01:00:37 I had an interesting conversation with someone recently about sort of pornography and sort of the things that happen, the kinks that we develop. And it's like, obviously, sex with emotion is the best sex. When you care about someone, you love somebody, you're deeply attracted to them. As a person, when you're attracted, that's the best sex. If you remove that and you're having sex with somebody, you have to put something in there.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Otherwise, it's just not that good. You have that natural instinct, so it makes it good. She basically concluded, and it was interesting because it made me think, those things get in there to replace what's not there. You have to put something, and you've got to make it
Starting point is 01:01:17 violent, you've got to make it kinky. So if there's no love there, sex just gets weird, which is interesting. Yeah, I have a friend who takes ayahuasca tea and then he does mushrooms in the woods. And he gets that spiritual cleansing and that clarity scent and he cannot watch porn anymore. He said once he's become like, he feels like when you take ayahuasca, whatever happens, you just feel like you see things for what they are. Mike Cannon, yeah. And he said Mike Cannon Yeah No no not Mike Cannon
Starting point is 01:01:46 No no no He just can't watch porn anymore Interesting He can't do it He said Not that he's disgusted by it But it does nothing for him Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:53 Ali Wong did that too She went down With her husband And yeah they did a whole It's like a whole spiritual thing For like a week You go down there You do it
Starting point is 01:02:01 You throw up Yeah it's weird And you fucking throw up And then you come back She said it was amazing. So maybe we need to do that because we'll come back and we'll become monks. Yo. We'll come back and become monks.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Why don't we do it at a birthday party, August 26th at the Renaissance Fair? Yeah! Sunday, August 26th at the Renaissance Fair if you're a member of the Matriarch. Come meet us. No, I don't want to hang out. No? No, I don't want to hang out with people listening to this fucking podcast. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:24 We can't hang out with them. Are you just inviting them to our birthday party? Yeah. No, they can come see us do a show. All right. But there's got to be a fucking wall. People are strange, cuz. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:02:33 You know? All right, well, now you guys aren't invited to our birthday party. Yeah, I won't be there. Chrissy might be there, and you can hang out with him and then go sleep in his house. No, what are you, Andy Kaufman? You're going to take him out for milk and cookies, too? Cuz, you're not going to come to our birthday party? I'm not coming to your party.
Starting point is 01:02:47 If you're making it public for fans to just show up and fucking hang out with us, I'm not doing it, cuz. Yeah, Zach, you coming? Yeah, I'm there. We're doing it. Fuck yeah, dude. Yeah, no, I'll go. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Yeah, yeah. Pedophilia has always fucking been around, and it's become a huge kind of contested idea about what it is and there's this ted talk that's making the rounds which uh uh is really pissing a lot of people off yeah let's let's fucking wild this woman who is it who is this woman she's some uh yeah we got to find out who she is what's her name? We got to know what she does. But basically what she's doing, her name is fucking... Ted... Cock McCockington.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Yeah, tries to normalize. She spelled normalize N-O-R-M-A-L-I-S-E because she's fucking probably from England or some fucking... Tries to sound smart. Mirjam Haney. Mirjam. Mirjam Hain. Hain.
Starting point is 01:03:44 She's some part of Europe somewhere. And she doesn't have fumes. She looks Haini. Mirjam. Hain. Mirjam Hain. Hain. She's some part of Europe, somewhere. And she doesn't have fumes. She looks like she has no fumes. No, she looks fumed, yeah. She looks fumed out? No, she looks like she's got no fumes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:56 So she basically talks about pedophilia being a sexual orientation that people can't help. Right. Which is charged and will piss a lot of people off. But technically, is that wrong? I don't know. I don't think so. Let's take a listen. Let's take a listen, Zaki Pooh.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Let me tell you about Jonas. Jonas is 19 years old. He studies law in Munich. Hold on one second. Hold on. Can you pause it? I think a lot of the problem people have with this
Starting point is 01:04:31 is just right off the bat, her tone is not the right tone to be talking about pedophilia. Yeah. Because she sounds like she's talking about someone. Her tone is like talking about someone
Starting point is 01:04:41 who is such a victim. Right. It's like, let me tell you about this sad story about Jonas. Yeah. He molested 500 kids. Yeah. But he's just misunderstood. That's kind of her tone, no?
Starting point is 01:04:54 That's what it sounds like. All right, let's hear about this fucking monster Jonas. Her name is Mirjam Hein. She's a medical student. The title is Pedophilia as a Natural Sexual Orientation. The title is Pedophilia as a Natural Sexual Orientation. It's based off the research of Hushi the Prodigy, a doctor in Berlin who specializes in pedophilia. Ah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Well, you got to take with a grain of salt anything. These Germans are fucking weird. You ever watch German porn? Take it with a grain of salt. Let's hear what this chick has to say. So she's German. At the time, he likes to play soccer. Oh, my God. Jonas has a secret, which he thinks he cannot share with anyone,
Starting point is 01:05:28 not even with his best friend or with his parents. She's got a lot of sympathy for him. He's just too afraid. That's what the problem is. Anger, rejection, and repulsion. Jonas knows that he has to suppress his sexual drive for his entire life, I'm changing to fumes. I'm changing my voice to fumes. Because Jonas is a pedophile.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Can I change my vote or no? How does the game work? Yeah, you can change it. He's only attracted to female children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. Jesus Christ. Oh, God. But since he's aware of the consequences for the children, he has never given in to his sexual drive. Not yet.
Starting point is 01:06:25 What is pedophilia? And what is it not? The way this lady is doing this is brutal. Yeah, it's not the right way. She's not the right spokesperson for this. Pedophilia is coded as the sexual preference for pre-adolescent children. It is listed under the sexual disorders. Whether the persistent occurrence of sexual thoughts and feelings
Starting point is 01:06:52 for pre-adolescent children have been... Okay, so it's listed as a sexual disorder. Okay. Now, I'm going with my instinct here. I'm no fucking doctor or anything. Right. All right? But I'm saying that's accurate.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Yeah. I'm saying that's accurate. Yeah. saying that's accurate yeah it's a disorder it's a disorder it's out way outside the scope of normal sexual behavior okay so to this point she's admitting it's characterized in the right in the desk what is it the desk the desk oh the uh oh the uh dsm the dsm yeah as a fucking uh which is the book where they have all the diagnoses for mentorship. Yeah, yeah. So, okay. So she's saying it is a disorder. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Acted upon or not is not relevant to the diagnosis. Like every other sexual orientation, pedophilia can have different characteristics. Now she's calling it an orientation. For example, it can be heterosexual, it can be homosexual, bisexual. Some pedophiles are exclusively attracted to children. Others
Starting point is 01:07:54 are not exclusively attracted to children, but they're also sexually interested in adults. But their main sexual interest lies within children. Only if this main sexual interest is given, we talk about pedophilia. The vast majority of all pedophiles are men, about 99%. Toxic masculinity.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Within the male population, 1-2% are considered to be pedophiles. That's a lot. This translates to about 60 million people worldwide. This is as much as the population of Italy. Can you put it on pause? Holy shit. Yeah, but you know what? When it comes to stats like that, especially like, it's like, how did you come up with that?
Starting point is 01:08:48 It is worth it to mention that it was taken down by a combination of the research cited, such as that stat was open to serious misinterpretation. That was a quote from Ted. And also, she requested it to be taken down because she was scared after this. Of that? Scared of that? She was scared. Well, the quote says that she was scared for her own life after this and like getting threats i guess
Starting point is 01:09:08 because of this talk but the main reason by ted was the research did not gotcha because how do you how do you how would you come up doesn't make sense people don't volunteer hey i'm a pedophile i mean it's like doesn't make sense doesn't make sense all right and that seems like a lot of fucking people yeah and i i you know that and that would you know that's the thing it's like Doesn't make sense Doesn't make sense Alright And that seems like A lot of fucking people Yeah And I You know And that would You know
Starting point is 01:09:27 That's the thing It's like That's what we're What comes first The The The chicken or the egg It's sort of like
Starting point is 01:09:34 Why is it that a lot of priests End up becoming pedophiles Is it because they went They were going to be pedophiles No matter what Or is it because They kind of infect their brain With this sort of
Starting point is 01:09:44 Mantra and philosophy That makes them sublimate those natural urges? I was going to say you take away something that was given to them by nature, the impulse to procreate. You take it away from them, which is stupid. Which you can't do. And so I guess the question is, is this a nature or nurture thing? This woman is about to say it's a 100% nature thing. It's an orientation. So that's why she's catching so much slack.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Let's hear. Africa. Therefore, pedophilia is not an irrelevant phenomenon. We can't simply ignore. Chances every one of you knows at least one pedophile a higher than that you don't know anyone. Pause it real quick. In comedy, I would say we probably know about five or six. Petties?
Starting point is 01:10:32 Yeah. Weird people get into this. Yeah. This is a career that really enables a lot of mental illness. Absolutely. What would Sam Morrell be doing if he wasn't such a good joke writer? Yeah. If he wasn't so funny?
Starting point is 01:10:45 He'd probably be staring at a wall reciting Nick stats, no? Yeah. Sam's a good kid. Good kid. I'm saying he's a real funny kid. I mean, what would I be doing without comedy? Yeah. I mean, I'd be dead.
Starting point is 01:10:56 You'd be dead. I'd walk out into the water and be dead. Yeah, you'd be dead. Or I'd be talking. Well, you were putting on that Marisa wig with or without comedy. With or without comedy. That was happening. I mean, it enables a lot of mental illness.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Yeah. I mean, you know. Yeah. Absolutely. I just point, you know, Sam's a really funny kid. Oh, yeah. No, I know. You just picked someone out randomly.
Starting point is 01:11:12 I could bring up any comedian and be like, what would they, what would Jay be doing? What would I be doing? I'd be, yeah. You'd actually be doing physical therapy. You wouldn't probably be that good at it because you'd be banging everybody. I would have gotten fired by now. You would have gotten fired? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Yeah. I mean, like, you know, What would Nate Bregazzi be doing? Moving boxes? He's like obsessive compulsive. He wears Vanderbilt gym shorts under his pants. He has to do things exactly the same way. He's mentally ill. That's OCD. Yeah, we all have a mental illness.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Paul Verzi has OCD. We all fucked up in some way. Don't think you're not because you're a strange kid. I mean, we all fucked up in some way. We all fucked up, yeah. Yeah. Don't think you're not, cuz. You're a strange kid. I've always been the weird kid my whole life. I'm wearing a fucking Wham t-shirt right now. And you chew your nails off. Off.
Starting point is 01:11:53 You have almost no fingernails. Every time I go to the bathroom, I have to check in the shower to make sure there's no one's waiting for me with a knife in the shower. Yeah. Every time I take a shit, I have to pull back the shower curtain. Yeah. Go ahead. We haven't found out yet
Starting point is 01:12:08 why pedophilia occurs. There are biological, social, and psychological factors to it. It occurs unrelated to social-economical status and unrelated to educational
Starting point is 01:12:24 level. So generally speaking, anyone could be born a pedophile. So she's saying we don't know. Okay, it's honest. It's honest. It is crucial to understand the difference between pedophilia and child sexual abuse, which is illegal and must always be. What? Pedophilia is only the sexual preference for pre-adolescent children. The difference between child sexual abuse and pedophilia becomes very obvious when we look at scientific studies. Think about it for yourself.
Starting point is 01:13:03 What do you think? What percentage of child molesters are pedophiles? Have a guess. Is it... 100. 20%. 100. 40.
Starting point is 01:13:18 100. Wait, I don't... Maybe even 80%. If you're fucking abusing kids... If you're molesting a child, you're a pedophile. You're a pedophile. Yeah. In fact, scientific studies indicate that only 20 to 30 percent of all child molesters are pedophiles. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 01:13:40 That's not possible. What the fuck are you talking about? There's no difference between a pedophile and a Because she just said sexual abuse I get what she's saying She's saying pedophilia is the preference Of having prepu- Pedophilic children as
Starting point is 01:13:54 You're sexually attracted to them, I get that But then child abuse is what? Is touching the child Actually committing the crime Of raping a kid, because it's rape Okay, so what is she saying? So I don't understand that. Well, hopefully we're going to get some...
Starting point is 01:14:08 Yeah, because the premise we disagree with. And now we'll see what her fucking explanation is. Let's see what she has to say, this fucking German. Your people. The vast majority of perpetrators are not pedophiles, but they're sexually interested in adults. Children can easily become victims of child sexual abuse What? Hold on a second.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Their loyalty and ease of access? What does that mean? Having kids around you is not an easy... That's not an easy thing. Yeah. Pedophiles, like, you have to become a teacher. Yeah. Hide that. hide your intentions,
Starting point is 01:14:46 make them come see you after school, give them a lollipop. Adults are easy. You have easy access to adults when you're an adult. This does not make sense. I 100% disagree with this, and not for any political reasons or anything. I'm open-minded. I'm going in open-minded. But that doesn't make sense, guys. Do you
Starting point is 01:15:02 agree or disagree? I totally agree with you. I don't take you seriously with that shirt on. I'm agreeing. Yeah. Right. But that doesn't make sense, guys. Do you agree or disagree? I totally agree with you. I don't take you seriously with that shirt on. I'm agreeing. Yeah. Yeah. Father might abuse his stepdaughter because he feels anger or jealousy towards her mother. Because he's a pedophile, that's why.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Not every pedophile abuses children. And not everyone who abuses children is a pedophile Okay Differentiating between these two groups is essential We may talk about one or two It's a very small number Let me be very clear here
Starting point is 01:15:33 No Abusing children is wrong without any doubt Press pause You know what this is? This is, this, I'm Our episodes always come full circle, which is great Yeah This is what is cool now
Starting point is 01:15:44 Exaggerating the truth for attention. That's what's in comedy now. People used to exaggerate the truth to highlight the truth and to get laughs. Now people do it for attention. Look at me. I'm a victim. So they take the fringes and make it the norm. That's what this woman is doing here.
Starting point is 01:16:02 She's taking these one or two people who may be pedophiles but not abuse people and highlighting them. That's not the fucking point. We get it. Good call. There's exceptions to every rule. Yes. But you don't change the rule because of the exceptions. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:17 And that's what's happening in the entertainment business right now. They're trying to change the rule and promote the exceptions and only the exceptions. Right. Because let's be honest. If you're a homosexual kid, nothing wrong with it at all. It's great. In fact, I like it. It's a great thing.
Starting point is 01:16:33 It makes neighborhoods great. Yeah. Good food. Yeah. Friendly to be around. Population control, too. Absolutely. Less people having kids.
Starting point is 01:16:40 But this is nature. It is the exception. It's not the rule. Right. And if you look at how much it's represented now in comedy, it's kind of tilted over where they're promoting it at all costs. Right. You know what I'm saying? And which is fine.
Starting point is 01:16:52 But you can't exclude the normal perspective as well. And I'm going to get in trouble for calling it normal. Right. Even though it is the norm. I mean, what can you say nowadays? You can't. How can you tell the truth? It's like that's the truth.
Starting point is 01:17:05 It doesn't mean being gay is wrong. In fact, that's a part of nature too. But it's like, it's not the norm. The norm, meaning the majority and what nature intends is for us to reproduce. I mean, that's for all animals. You know what I'm saying? It's the norm to have those fringe elements and it should be, don't discriminate against those elements. Right. You should celebrate them. But let's not, again, throw the baby out with the fucking bathwater. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:17:32 Yeah. Can we change society without completely deconstructing it? And that's the real problem people had with Nanette. It's like straight white men again. Was it really that bad for you, Nanette? Oh, my God. Are small towns small-minded? Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 01:17:47 I didn't know that. Are they small-minded about other stuff, too? That's fucking revolutionary. Now Pablo Picasso, because he was fucking a 17-year-old, now we're going to say his art sucked? We're going to deconstruct everything? Van Gogh?
Starting point is 01:18:03 There's no revolutionaries There's no people who lead movements It's just bullshit What you're saying is exaggerated for attention You went through some struggles We all did Bad things happen to you But not everything is indicative of a bigger problem in society
Starting point is 01:18:21 Sometimes bad shit happens to you personally It's your tone You're not to you personally. That's what it is. It's your tone. You're not going to indict everyone. Straight white. That's the thing. I think people. Well, generalizing on anything is wrong. It's wrong.
Starting point is 01:18:31 It's like. You can't generalize anybody. The straight white male thing is getting tired, dude. Are you not tired of it? Well, it's a good. It's becoming hack. Just like talking about Trump on comedy, on stage is becoming hack. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:42 The straight white male thing is becoming hack. It's becoming hack. So it's good. All right. It switched from like white The straight white male thing is becoming hack. It's becoming hack. So it's good. All right. It switched from white privilege to white male privilege. Yeah, which is nice. White women. See, he's paying attention because he's trying to figure out how to systematically do it.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Because he loves it. It's discord amongst us. He doesn't have to do any work. Yeah. But a pedophile who doesn't abuse children has done nothing wrong. who doesn't abuse children has done nothing wrong. I want to quickly summarize where we are at the moment. According to current research,
Starting point is 01:19:18 pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation, just like, for example, heterosexuality. Wow, pause it, pause it. No one should... No, not just like heterosexuality or homosexuality. No. Yes, it's unchangeable. But calling it the same. Why are you putting it in the same category?
Starting point is 01:19:37 No. There's something wrong. There's something wrong with you. It's like having a fucking tumor in your head or something. You can't say just like that. No. Yeah, I agree. She is fucking normalizing it, cuz.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Yeah, I agree. It's gross. Chooses to be a pedophile. No one can cease being one. The difference between pedophilia and other sexual orientations is that living out this sexual orientation will end in a disaster.
Starting point is 01:20:10 So let's think about Jonas again. How can we help him not to cause such a disaster? Put him on an island. How can we help him not to live out his sexual urges? Give him Greenland. How can we prevent child sexual abuse? Seriously his sexual urges? Give him Greenland. How can we prevent child sexual abuse? Seriously, why would we make that pedophile island? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:32 In fact, scientific studies indicate that one of the strongest predictors for child sexual abuse committed by pedophiles is social isolation. committed by pedophiles is social isolation. People who can't tell anyone that they're pedophiles logically won't get any help. Can you pause it? So should we just make them be teachers? Yeah. I mean, what is she saying? You want to give them their safe space?
Starting point is 01:20:59 What do you want to do here? We're not supposed to isolate people who are pedophiles from... I mean, she's saying that the reason they abuse is because we isolate them. This is bullshit. Because if someone's a pedophile, we don't know it. So we're not isolating them. Right? Because it's something people keep a fucking secret.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Of course. And the reason they end up committing child abuse is because they're fucking pedophiles. And because they want to do it. And guess why they're doing it? This speech is bullshit. I think you just debunked the whole thing. I fucking did. And what she's not saying is that 99% of pedophiles
Starting point is 01:21:36 were abused by their parents sexually when they were children or abused by another adult. So it's all that vicious cycle. So it's all being kept secret. Is that true? Is that the truth? That is absolutely 100% true. 90, I don't know the exact number, but the vast
Starting point is 01:21:52 I'm talking about by a fucking landslide, majority of pedophiles were abused themselves as children. So she's not mentioning any of that. She's not mentioning that Jonas was fucking abused by someone. She's not mentioning that Jonas was fucking abused by someone. She's not mentioning it. So do you know
Starting point is 01:22:07 what should happen for fucking Jonas? He should be in therapy right now for what happened to him as a child. Because I guarantee you he didn't just wake up one day and say, I want to fuck an eight-year-old. He was jerked off in nursery school. That's what happened. I can say that
Starting point is 01:22:23 with no fact-checking and say that it is more than likely true that Jonas was abused. More than likely. Let's hear what else this German girl has to say. For example, they can't tell their friends that they can't go to the beach because children in swimsuits might be there as well.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Yeah, yeah, they shouldn't. They can't get support for situations they might not control entirely. And they can never be completely frank. Oh, well, nature's not fair. Nature's not fair. There you go. Dude, this is just a symptom of what's become pop.
Starting point is 01:22:55 Yeah. It's like, it's not fair. Yeah, nature's not fair, guys. Of course. That's why we have this podcast. Life isn't fair. Life's not fair. History hyenas.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Yeah, sometimes it's just not fair. Right. Not everyone's going to have this podcast. Life isn't fair. Life's not fair. History hyenas. Yeah. Sometimes it's just not fair. Right. Not everyone's going to get a shot. If you don't get your shot, you don't got it. It's wrong. There's discrimination against me. It's like, no, maybe you're just not that good. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Maybe you're not getting that many laughs. Yeah. All right. We can make a difference for Jonas. We, as a society, can be there for him. At the moment, we live in a world that already excludes pedophiles because of their preference alone.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Yeah, same thing with kids. Someone who is lonely and excluded from society has little to lose and is at much higher risk to commit a crime like, for example, child sexual abuse. Isis, can you pause? We can make...
Starting point is 01:23:49 You're right. I did, because what she's saying does not make sense. They're only isolated after it's discovered that they've done something. Right. Which means they are. Yes. So what she's saying just does not make sense. Okay, and here I misspoke.
Starting point is 01:24:05 I just did a little research. So now they're saying that, because I said what percentage of pedophiles were sexually abused as children? An almost uncomfortable number. So it actually says most sexual child abuse cases are not perpetrated by pedophiles. They are perpetrated by straight men, usually against their own family members. What's the source, though? This is Quora. Quora. Who's writing it?
Starting point is 01:24:32 Michael Volga, who's a survivor. I know. You gotta get the doctors. Because then the last part, he says, the idea that sexual abuse turns people into some kind of deviance, including the LGBT community, is an old homophobic argument just being rehearsed. So he's claiming that somebody like me saying that a pedophile,
Starting point is 01:24:54 that this person was turned into a pedophile by being abused themselves as a child, is like me saying that you can just turn gay. Is that nature, you know, something, like you weren't born that way. I see his position. His position is highly opinionated, though. What's the facts? What's the facts? I actually have a separate study that was done recently.
Starting point is 01:25:14 What do you got? Government ran. It said that they actually took 77 heterosexual pedophiles. 28% of them had been abused as a child. But even after the study, it was kind of found inconclusive because of the feelings to do it. People don't really admit it. Some people came out later and said that they were lying. So even lower then?
Starting point is 01:25:34 It could probably be even higher because of... No, no, or lower. The ones who admitted it or the ones who... Who lied? The ones that said they were abused? Yeah, some of them said they weren't, and then some of them came back and said that they were. So it's a really hard number to actually get a hold of. But
Starting point is 01:25:49 if you're going as low as 28%, it's not something people would really lie about because you'd want, people who are pedophiles would want an excuse. So I would think that, you know what I'm saying? Just human nature. I don't think too many people would omit if they were abused.
Starting point is 01:26:05 But there's probably a few. So we'll make a little for error. I'm just using street smarts and common sense here. I would say that what that guy's saying based on that is probably kind of true. That it seems a little more nature. And, of course, if nurture turns you, then you have to have something in the nature that makes you susceptible to that. Because there's a lot of people who are abused who don't end up touching kids or become murderers. There's something in the nature that's triggered by the nurture that says nature is probably the predominant factor of why this happens. That's true, too.
Starting point is 01:26:40 So what the kid's saying on Quora is probably true. And what this woman is saying is 100% fucking bullshit. It's 100% fucking bullshit. Yeah, she's trying to normalize it. Yeah, she is. Because she's saying we're isolating them, which makes them want to do it more. Bullshit. Nobody gets isolated unless it's known they're a pedophile.
Starting point is 01:26:57 And the only reason we would know they're a pedophile is if they touch some fucking kids. And once you do touch kids, yeah, we're going to isolate you, motherfucker. We should put you on an island. Again, more nature. What is the what is what our parents do? It's in it and in us to protect the children. 100%. So that's what.
Starting point is 01:27:12 So it's nature again coming out. Here we go. What else is this? Jonas feel that he stays. I'm sick of Jonas. A valuable member of our society. Bring Jonas out and fucking shoot him in the head, please. our society.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Bring Jonas out and fucking shoot him in the head, please. Right now, most of us feel discomfort when we think about this scenario. And most of us feel discomfort when we think about pedophiles. But just like pedophiles, we're not responsible for our feelings. Yes.
Starting point is 01:27:44 We do not choose them. We are not responsible for our feelings. Yes. We do not choose them. But we are responsible for our actions. And we must make a decision. It is in our responsibility to reflect and to overcome our negative feelings about pedophiles. Turn this shit off. That's it. We're supposed to overcome our negative feelings about pedophiles. Something.
Starting point is 01:28:07 I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry. This is a visceral thing. This is fucking visceral. If you have a child. She's asking you, Chris. You have a daughter.
Starting point is 01:28:20 She's saying, Chris, stop being so judgmental of pedophiles. Is that something that's possible for you to do? It's impossible and and it's not and it's not that i'm don't want to just exclude someone from the community it's because what my main what my main drive nature putting my main drive in is to protect my child and to have my child around someone that would potentially sexually abuse her is not something i'm ever prepared to do, whether it's PC or not. I'll never do it because I'm protecting my child. That's what is in my DNA right now. What's your thought about pedophiles?
Starting point is 01:28:52 How do you think it is? What do you think we should do with them? Just put them down once they're discovered? I think, unfortunately, if you are a pedophile, you have a deviant that is so not accepted in today's society. I don't think it was ever accepted in anybody's society. And because of the manipulation of children's minds, I think, unfortunately, you have to be taken to an island or put in prison. Whether, you know, you're going to do it or not.
Starting point is 01:29:17 If there was a button, if there was a scan of a brain and you popped up pedophile and we had true research and true data that said this person 100 percent, this part of his brain lights up when he thinks when you see sexual images of children. Especially the infants. That's so fucking crazy. You unfortunately have to be removed from society. I'm not saying you have to be killed. Yeah. But you have to go to an island or a jail cell with other people like you and you have to just get the fuck out of society and if you want to argue with me
Starting point is 01:29:48 against that then I just wonder I just want you if you want to argue with people against that what I want her to do is I want her I want her if she really believes her point for three months or a week I want Jonas to take her kid on vacation
Starting point is 01:30:03 that's what I want to happen I want Jonas to take her kid on vacation. That's what I want to happen. I want Jonas to take her kid on vacation and see what she does. Let's see how your argument holds up there, sweetie. Yeah. Let's take fucking Jonas. Let's have a fucking little rendezvous. And that's why we're the history hyenas. Because we have a reverence for nature that has been lost in kind of pop culture today.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Yep. Like Einstein said, you want the answers, look deep into nature. People have become a little too disconnected because what you just said is just a fucking response based in nature. Nature.
Starting point is 01:30:32 And I'm protecting my own. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck your study. Yeah. I want that dude away from my kid, whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:30:40 I don't want to see the guy die and I feel for the guy, but guess what? He's not getting near my kid or any child that I can control him not getting near. He won't get near them either. I'll go out even further. I don't feel for the guy. I don't feel for him.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Well, it's probably. And I don't feel bad. I got nothing for him. Look, I'm not saying. It is what it is for me. Life's not fair. It ain't fair, yeah. I feel bad for people who were born with handicaps
Starting point is 01:31:05 I feel bad Look Fucking take your argument up with God If there's somebody who wants to fuck kids Yeah Maybe we should lobotomize them That's all I'm saying I don't know yeah
Starting point is 01:31:14 Well here you go Well that was a fucking fascinating episode And these people who have just joined the matriarch Yeah Yeah we got some new peeps at the matriarch So we want to welcome you to this fucking Pedophile free matriarch that we have Here going on.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Here are the new members today. We got, first off, we got Leslie McAnally. There you go, Leslie. Yeah. Then we got Hayley Romeo. Just when I think we're going to go Italian heavy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Hayley Romeo. Adam Mengens. Yeah. Who's that? Adam Mengens. Adam. Adam. Yeah, it might be Jew. Shalom to Adam. Yeah. Here we go. Here's Adam Mengens. Adam. Jew? Yeah, it might be Jew.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Shalom to Adam. Yeah. Here we go. Here's an Italian kid. Michael Fioranino. Yo, fuck it. You owe the pizzeria. Yeah, and then we got someone whose name, and this may be their actual name, and this
Starting point is 01:31:55 might be a fact, and if it is true, their name on our Patreon is First Pseudopenis Transplant Patient. So that's what they signed up as, and there's a picture of a hyena with blood on its face as your profile pic. Thank you so much to the new members of our matriarch. Let me just say this. Greeks, not a lot of Greeks in our Patreon. Fucking cheaps. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:13 You should be supporting me more. Yeah. Go to Bay Ridge Boys. Oh, by the way, go to BayRidgeBoys.net not only to see all the Bay Ridge Boys videos we've posted, but we got t-shirts. We finally got merch up there That says Bay Ridge Boys And I've been walking around With that t-shirt every day
Starting point is 01:32:27 Just been washing it And putting it back on And a lot of people Like that t-shirt So we're gonna have A lot more coming But go get yourselves A Bay Ridge Boys t-shirt
Starting point is 01:32:34 At bayridgeboys.net They're fucking cute Yeah Follow me on social media And everything At At Chris D Comedy I got a bunch of shows
Starting point is 01:32:42 Coming up ChrisDComedy.com Yeah You know where to follow me. Thanks for listening. Tune in to our Patreon. We're going to be talking
Starting point is 01:32:49 more of a, we're going to take more of a personal look into Foglietta and all the kids he touched. And we're also going to be watching our nature video
Starting point is 01:32:58 of the week. Yeah. On heat packs that form with street dogs. It's fucking wild. Join our Patreon to hear it. All right, later. αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαž“αž”αžΆαžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”οΏ½

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