History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 41 - The Korean War was WILD!!!

Episode Date: November 18, 2018

The boys are back wit history in hand as they talk about the Korean War and share a phone conversation with Yannis's father! WILD!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where... things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? You're listening to the Bay Ridge Boys, history hyenas, on the Rycast Network, rycast.com. Bad. What's up pseudo-udopenises and penisettes? Welcome to another edition of the History Hyenas with Chris DiStefano, aka ChrissyCleanDick. Got my STD results and your boy's clean. We'll read them to you later.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And Giannis, new glasses, frames, fucking feta cheese, just cute kid, snowy fucking tits, poppies. Yeah. It's snowing in New York City. So it's just day to day at this point. What, your life? Everyone's life. Yeah. Addicts really figured it out.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yes. Addicts figured it out one day at a time. Mm-hmm. And whatever else they tell those fucking weak people. Yeah. I don't know what they say, but they figured it out. But it's day to day. One day is 65 degrees, the next day is snowy, and it doesn't fucking matter.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Now, is it snowing? Are you wearing boots? Are you wearing Air Max? Let me ask you a question. Are you wearing boots that are also Air Maxes? Cause. I wish. Does Air Max make a boot?
Starting point is 00:01:44 Let me ask you a question. Yeah. Do you, first of all, you have a lot of Air Maxes, but when you put on another shoe, do you only test that shoe against how it feels versus an Air Max? Here's the deal, okay? Let's just throw it out on the table. Yeah. I'm a middle-aged white man.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Yes. So, but I grew up In New York City Born in Brooklyn, New York Sneakerhead my whole life But it's gotten to the point now where Comfort is starting to sneak up on style Air Max are fucking like Putting your feet in pillows
Starting point is 00:02:20 Now if I can hear it If I can hear it on my end I'm sure the Matriarchy can hear it And our fans who are And if you're end, I'm sure that the Matriarchy can hear it and our fans who are. And if you're new to the podcast, go join the Matriarchy, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. But you sound a little depressed again, honey. So what's going on? Is it because of the weather?
Starting point is 00:02:34 I just want to say, no matter what you do, keep your shoes on, whatever sneakers you got. Because if anyone sees those fucking deformed, handicapped feet, you're losing all your deals. Yes! Your feet are handicapped. One of the funniest things. They're special, and they need to be in a program where they're watched by social workers.
Starting point is 00:02:54 One of the funniest things you've ever said is that you said, I have feet that look like they're broken. My feet look like I was born with broken feet, like a broken item from Amazon. Like that's, I came out of the womb. Jesus made me with broken feet. Your feet, yeah, they look like they lost a gambling debt to the mob.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And the mob had to do something to send a message to you delinquents. Because, make no mistake, my Aunt Eileen has six toes on one foot. Is that what it is? Yeah. There's an extra pinky toe? Yeah, and then she's had to have both of her feet, and my father has this thing called hammer toes, where he had to have his big toe and the toe
Starting point is 00:03:32 next to his big toe broken and reset, and unfortunately, he said that he had to do it around his mid-30s, so I'm probably going to have to do it too, because make no mistake, the toe next to my big toe grows over my big toe and rubs on the top of my shoes and gives me blisters. Because you're definitely just going to be one of those guys.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I could tell by the way you walk how you're just, youth is the only thing that's keeping that body straight up. Right. It's just youth. Right. But it's destined to be that you're the guy that when people see pictures of what you look like when you were in your early 30s, they go, wow, that's nuts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah, that's what it is. They're not going to believe it's the same person. They're going to be like, gee, that was you? Because you're going to look like Quasimodo. It's what it is, right? It's what it is. It's just, but I have lost about seven pounds just from not eating Pete's for every meal.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah. It's just what it is. Yeah, my life I've figured out is trying to figure out eating Pete's for every meal. Yeah. It's just what it is. Yeah, my life, I figured out, is trying to figure out ways not to eat Pete's. Yeah. I have to, like, convince myself not to eat Pete's. Well, something, you said something once where you're like, you just can't live in a world where you can't eat Pete's, so you'll just do everything healthy around Pete's. Yeah, I mean, I was eating a bagel this morning. All right, two bagels.
Starting point is 00:04:43 It's what it is. It's what it is. One with egg and cheese and the other one with scallion. First of all, let me say- You're a fat kid. I'm a fat kid. At heart, I'm a fat kid. Where did you get the bags from?
Starting point is 00:04:52 The Dirty Max. Oh, the Dirty Hole in the Wall bagel shop? Yeah. That's one of the best bagel shops. Yeah, the bagels are good, but I mean- Across the street from Picante, one of the best restaurants in Bay Ridge. Not directly across the street, but across the street. Yes, you're right.
Starting point is 00:05:04 You're right. Not directly, right. And I was the street. Yes, you're right. You're right. Not directly. Right. And I was, by the way, I do onion. I don't understand why anyone would do any other flavor of bagel. Okay, so what do you do? I never crave anything else besides. You ever notice that?
Starting point is 00:05:13 I do onion bagel, and I've never been sick of getting an onion bagel. Yeah. I just order an onion bagel. Because I'm a fucking American kid, and I'm consistent. Well, what's the bagel order? You get onion bagel with? With scallion, plain, but usually scallion. Scallion?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Because if there's the option for scallion, why would you get regular cream cheese? And what else do you get? Do you add one more thing to that? Sometimes I'll get an onion bagel, egg, and cheddar. No, sometimes you get an onion bagel, scallion cream cheese. And what else do you put on it? Stop trying to hide it. What else do you put on it?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Okay, sometimes a little salmon. A little lox, you fucking Jew! I mean, you know, you gotta have a little salmon on there, too. Let me tell you something. I like Jewish people. I really enjoy Jewish people and the Jewish
Starting point is 00:05:59 way of life, and I have never had lox, but I'm gonna start a fucking Jewish diet and a Jewish way of life because Jews are just good people I grew up around them my best friend's Jewish my cousin your name your your Chad your Jewish friend named Chad looks like who looks like a Jew he looks like a super Jew that was made during the Holocaust he's just jacked he looks like he looks like somebody carved a Jewish person out of a rock. Well, he's an Ashkenazi.
Starting point is 00:06:28 He's a jacked kid who you said has a nice thick piece. Yeah, he always had a nice piece. Circumcised piece, too, because he's Jewish. Yeah, well, that's the right thing. You're supposed to get circumcised. It gets dirty in there otherwise. But you do lose a little sensation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And then you need to increasingly jerk off to weirder things. I saw your piece when you were peeing by the tree. Why were you looking? Well, last week you were peeing by the tree, and I have to be honest with you, in Bay Ridge, you know, we got a tree that we pee by when we're going for our walks, and you were peeing by that tree, and I caught a glimpse of your piece, and you do have a really nice piece, but you have strands of hair towards the end of your piece, and your piece looks a little bit like Eugene Levy.
Starting point is 00:07:06 You got a Eugene Levy-looking piece. Because when your hair's not gelled, you look like one of those troll dolls. Yeah. You know those troll dolls? Yeah, that's what my- With the big head and the little hair spiking up? Yeah. Keep your hair gelled and hide your feet.
Starting point is 00:07:19 My daughter walks around with her hair like that 24-7. My daughter got her first report card today, and the teacher said she's doing good she's having a little bit of trouble identifying numbers and letters and the biggest problem they have is that she is very mean to her non Asian friends wow that's really what she said she said she's got her two
Starting point is 00:07:37 girls son son ye and then the other girl's name is Wanda but her name yeah whatever and those are his girls those are her girls that's her crew. The two Asian girls, but everybody else, she violently pushes people away from the Chinese girls. So there's something going on with my daughter. She just...
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah, that's not playing on the cast, though. It's in there? Yeah. We gotta buy Zach an iPad so he can leave one here, because make no mistake, he has no sound effects. No, but Zach, but he's got, you do, he found the original, yes. He found the original, yeah,
Starting point is 00:08:08 but he doesn't have the plug. I do, I don't have the adapter. We're gonna get him a fucking iPad and you're gonna leave it here for hyenas. Because the other fucking podcasts on this, make no mistake, they don't matter. The only thing that matters is history hyenas. Yeah, make no mistake,
Starting point is 00:08:21 Zach is so fucking effective and a crucial part of the podcast, but he's a 23-year-old kid that will just forget things. It's what it is. Yeah, because he's... What are they? Is that post-millennial? What are they called? 23?
Starting point is 00:08:34 No, they're like prime millennial, right? No, no. No? Probably like a new name for his age. Millennials are like 80s, born in the 80s to 90-something. What's your friend group called, Zach? You were born in 94. Five.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Holy fuck. Make no mistake, he's wearing an IS-227 sweatshirt, which is the Louis Armstrong School, which is a school in Queens by the Queen Center Mall. And if you went there, you were most likely one thing, an F-A-G. No, I'm kidding. Obviously, give me Wei Shanxian there. ISIS was fucking born in 1995? You want to know where I was in 1995?
Starting point is 00:09:10 In college. I was in fucking college. You were at American University trying to get puss and hanging out with the kids on the basketball team. And then your friend Marco threw somebody out a window. Guys, which is a hilarious story that he tried to throw a 6'6 kid out of a window. Serbs are nuts. They are nuts, but he's not Serb. He's Montenegrin.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yo. All the same shit to me, but I know if I said that to somebody else, they would kill me. Cuz, Isis was born when Craig Mack was a rap star. Holy shit. Yeah. 1993, what was it, Zach Attack?
Starting point is 00:09:38 Flavor in your ear. Flavor in your ear. That was the year he was born. Zach, you were born in what, 95? 95, yeah. Wow. Cuz, I was born when John Travolta was a kid. Cuz, in 1995, let me tell you what I was born. Zach, you were born in what, 95? 95, yeah. Wow, because I was born when John Travolta was a kid. Because in 1995, let me tell you what I was doing.
Starting point is 00:09:49 In 1995, I was in 5th grade, and I was hiding the fact that you were gay. That's when you started. Well, I started hiding the fact that I was gay in 1984. But in 1995, I'll never forget, I was at St. Matthias School, and I just started to masturbate. I didn't have any glue yet, but I'd get that funny sensation, and I used started to like you know masturbate and I didn't have any glue yet but I get like that funny sensation and I used to rub my dick on the bottom of my desk in Miss Ciccarone's
Starting point is 00:10:10 class because she was like heavy but she had big fat tits and she would wear her shirt a little unbuttoned and I would be able to see her tit the inside of her tit through the opening of her shirt and I used to rub my cock and balls underneath my desk,
Starting point is 00:10:25 and unfortunately, the girl who would sit in front of me, Kristen Adelson, never knew what was happening, but yeah. Yeah, that's a hashtag me too, cuz. Why? That's just, you got your dick out.
Starting point is 00:10:34 You can't be rubbing it like that. I didn't get my dick out. It was in my pants. Yeah, but still, that's creepy. Yeah, but I was humping your desk. You were a child. You were what, four years old? Just repeat after me.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I was four years old. I was four years old, and I had no glue a i would just get a funny tingling sensation yeah and i would get that same sensation when i was an altar boy for father bell what it is yeah i mean it's what it is i mean it's almost worth it to be catholic for how freaky you guys become yeah it's if you've ever be Catholic for how freaky you guys become. Yeah. If you've ever had sex with an Irish Catholic girl, now you don't know because you like Puerto Ricans. I like Puerto Ricans and I like black women.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Yeah. Now, that's how you got off your fucking German island in your DNA. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. To get off my German, I like to go Scandinavian. Scandinavian. Because do you want to take a four hour plane ride to Iceland?
Starting point is 00:11:24 No, because I'm... Yeah, sure. Or I like, of course, my fiancée. She's Italian. She's got a little Italian in there. It's perfect. I love my fiancée. And she's a great person, but let's be honest. But she smells Scandinavian. Yeah, that's what it is. She smells
Starting point is 00:11:39 Scandinavian because if she didn't smell Scandinavian, you wouldn't be interested. That's right. Because I'm not going to lie to you, when we were That's right cuz I'm not gonna lie to you when we were walking when we had that labor And I lay over in Iceland and we were walking we were only in the Icelandic Airport for about 45 minutes But make no mistake. I took a look down at your crotch and you had full wood You have full board walking through that terminal cuz make no mistake That's you can't control you can't handle Iceland cuz do you remember the girl who was behind us who all the firefighters were like, that's the hottest fucking girl I've ever seen in my life?
Starting point is 00:12:08 No, I don't know what you're talking about at all. Oh yeah, that's right. Because I forgot that your fiance listens to the podcast and I don't know what you're talking about either. Yeah. And I really don't know what you're talking about. Actually, you really don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Because you were in your own fucking world then. Yeah. I was just doing what I, I just was, I was eating fucking herring, you know? Yeah. Everywhere you go, they have herring on a plate. And they have good chocolate in Iceland, too. They do. Nice dark chocolate.
Starting point is 00:12:28 They do. But I was saying, if you've ever had sex with an Irish... There we go. 12.30. They know, cuz. You sound like... There's just water in there. There's just liquid in there.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Comes from the depths of my asshole. Can we post on the Patreon the video that I sent you Of those guys lubing their arms up to their elbow With Vaseline and pulling out other guys assholes Did you enjoy watching that? Did you feel anything when you watched that? To be honest with you Where'd you get that?
Starting point is 00:12:55 Somebody said Oh my boy Worm sent it to me So he's a psychopath He's a psychopath Well I mean that's what he looks for Pervs and shit But apparently that's like a sexual thing In the gay community now where there's a lot of sensation in your asshole. Because I'm down.
Starting point is 00:13:10 What you sent me is so bad that it's still affecting me. When I think about the red, when it comes out. What I'm going to tell you guys, can we post a video on Patreon? No, no, no. I don't think you can. No, let's leave that alone, man. Well, it's a video. We're trying to attract a bigger audience. Well, I'm going to tell. Well, it's a video. We're trying to attract a bigger audience.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Well, I'm going to tell the people right now. This is how we're going to attract a bigger audience. The video is a guy getting full fists in their ass and then pulling out their assholes. And what I'm here to tell you right now, and I've been thinking about it a lot, and I'm 100% prepared to do it and actually would love to do it, is if we can get to 5,000 Patreon members. Go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. 5,000 Patreon members. I will do that live on the cast. And I will let Giannis or Zach Isis or whomever they want to hire to lube up their arms to
Starting point is 00:13:57 their elbows and pull my asshole out. Because you know what? Here's the thing. It'll probably be pleasurable, but even more important, good way to check for anal warts. Guys, we're going the wrong way there. I think we've got to clean it up a little bit. We'll never get Michelle Obama on this podcast. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:14:12 We've got to get Michelle Obama on it. Yeah, because, I mean, I think we've got to go cleaner. Yeah? Yeah. You sent me a text saying you think our pod is too sophomoric. I was asking, do you think we're too sophomoric? Do we need to intellectualize it up? Make no mistake, the matriarchy is pissed that we haven't talked about history in three
Starting point is 00:14:30 weeks. They said something? I have gotten a few messages. Really? Yeah. All right. Well, today we're going to talk about the Korean War. Specifically, we're going to talk about...
Starting point is 00:14:38 We are. We are. But make no mistake, we mix it up. That's why we are history and hyenas. Because sometimes we're just hyenas. A lot of the time. I would say we are history and hyenas. Because sometimes we're just hyenas. A lot of the time. I would say because that's what hyenas do. Hyenas are technically animals, but they do hyena a lot.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Hyena can be like a verb. Right. You know what I'm saying? Right. I'm hyena-ing. Hyenas be fucking hyena-ing. They be hyena-ing. Such a cute word, hyena.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And we got a picture up today of a couple of hyenas chasing off a lioness from a kill i just want to before we get into history i just want to tell the people that i went and got um i got full blood work i got checked for everything p in a cup i got no stds zero nothing so cream chrissy clean dick and my uh blood sugar my a1c is down to 5.1, which is not even in the pre-diabetic range. Good to go. I do have high cholesterol. My total cholesterol is 249. My bad cholesterol is high, but my good cholesterol is high. So it's not as bad as you think.
Starting point is 00:15:40 But unfortunately, the doctor said if this cannot be under control within the next six months, I'm going to have to go on statin meds. It's just what it is. Are you serious? Well, is that genetic 249? I've had high cholesterol my whole life, but it's just at the point where it's like, you know, you have to just start because, look, most likely nothing happens immediately, but it's just you build arteriosclerosis.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Let's be honest, though. You build plaque up. But it's dietary. That's all it is. It's pizza. It's sugar. But it's the simulators. Let's be honest. Let's just be honest. Let's talk openly. Here's the simulator. So let's be honest. Yes. You want me to say, you want me to, let's bring, let's just be honest. Let's talk openly. Let's do it. Here's the truth.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Okay. I know your personality probably better than you think I do because I just watch. Now here's the deal. You're going to be happy until about, I'm going to say 66, 67. Okay. I'm going to say 66, 67. Okay. Then at that point, with your personality, what is going to really get you going in your 70s and 80s? So my point is, with your personality, your personality is not suited to be comfortably an old man.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Okay. Like, I could stare at a tree and be fulfilled for four hours. Right. You're a type of kid who needs constant stimulation because you have a smaller amygdala. Right. And you just, you need more adrenaline. Right, right, right. You need more endorphins.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Okay. So when you get into your early 70s, I mean, nothing's really going to cut it. You're going to have to put a belt around your neck and jerk off to- What about my kid? Will that help? Your kid will help. Yeah. Your kid will help, but she'll be grown up by that point. And not care about me.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Unless I have a grandkid. I mean, you just hope that you don't... You just want to make sure that the guy she dates wears shoes. I just want to make sure... Let's try to figure out the most politically correct way to say
Starting point is 00:17:23 she wants to date a nice guy. You want to make sure your daughter dates someone who knows where J.Crew is. I just want to make sure. Let's try to figure out the most politically correct way to say she wants to date a nice guy. We want to make sure your daughter dates someone who knows where Jake grew his. I just want to make sure my daughter dates a guy who on his free time doesn't hand out his CDs in Times Square. That's just what I want. That's all I want. We just want to make sure Delilah is hugging a guy who owns a Patagonia. I just want to make sure Delilah's husband knows that New England actually isn't in England. I want her to know what the foliage is.
Starting point is 00:17:55 We just want to make sure Delilah is dating a guy who's not scared of oysters? Yeah. Or squirrels. Yeah, I just want to make sure. Yeah, I just want to make sure. I just want to make sure Delilah's husband can swim. Wait, Shanshiya. Wait, Shanshiya. Wait, Shanshiya. I mean, you are fucking slacking.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Are you fucking not? Are you leaving us out here to cry? Wait, Shanshiya. Holy shit. I just want to make sure Delilah's boyfriend knows at least three players on the Islanders. That's all I want to know. I just want to make sure that Delilah's new husband's ancestors were landowners. Can we get up
Starting point is 00:18:47 like six? And then give me five Hail Marys. Yeah! No, of course. All you care about is that he's a good guy. Of course. I want to make sure he's a good guy
Starting point is 00:19:04 or whatever she wants. If she wants to be with a girl, if she wants to be with a girl, no problem. Lesbians, no problem. And I guess by that time, you know, transgender will be no problem. Not that it's a problem now, but it's fucking... You know, I just don't want her... They're still not having assimilated into society as easily as they could. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:20 As easily as they should be by now. So I just don't want... I think as a parent, you just don't want my daughter to face scrutiny for decisions. Listen, we make a lot of jokes, but here's the deal. I was thinking about this today. We live in an era right now where somehow the people who grew up unexposed to other ethnicities have kind of taken control of the national conversation
Starting point is 00:19:42 and they have hijacked it with this fake politeness and what it really means is those people never want to be around real ethnicities. If you notice, even in the comedy scenes, the ones that they pick,
Starting point is 00:19:59 they don't really act like those ethnicities, really. They act fucking white. Let's just call it what it is. No. They act fucking white. Absolutely. Let's just call it what it is. It's just the truth of the sage. There's a lot of funny fucking kids that are in different scenes that those people don't got to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:15 That don't got to. Yeah. So just because we make jokes and things like that, just understand we're a lot less racist than you are. Okay. and things like that, just understand we're a lot less racist than you are, okay? And I can see through your bullshit because that over-politeness that you do is just hiding the fact that you're uncomfortable around minorities. You're only comfortable around white kids in camper shoes who have facial hair and who
Starting point is 00:20:40 have a fucking mailman's bag around their J.Crew collared jacket. Yes. Couldn't agree more. Because we are fucking, today's a special episode. And it's another one that's going to be near and dear to your heart. And it's fucking history heavy. We're going to talk about the Korean War. And we're going to talk about a specific battle that your pops the great chris pop has
Starting point is 00:21:08 actually fucking fought in which is wild yeah korean war it's first of all the korean war is known in history as the forgotten war because it came right on the heels of world war ii 1951 it started and it was basically just a bunch of no it was no it was it was basically about you know it's really like the preemptive kind of war to the cold wars communism versus you know uh capitalism pretty much right not preemptive it was the first and only actual you know um conflict that we were openly involved in, not as a proxy, but openly involved in. It was before the Cold War, though.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah, but the Cold War wasn't a war. The Cold War was kind of like an arms race. Right, it was the actually only war that the U.S. has fought in the nuclear age. Like real war. Like the first one that they fought in the nuclear age. The only war that we fought openly against communism. I would say that. Everything after that has
Starting point is 00:22:08 been a proxy struggle. We're arming these people, they're arming those people, and the Russians and Americans have kind of passively, aggressively dealt with one another. This was the only time that we were actually
Starting point is 00:22:23 there. We were there. The Chinese came and defended the North Koreans. The Russians, it was just, I guess, a little weaponry, a little, you know, but they weren't actually there because that would have been bad. It's funny that in the back of our minds that sanity has prevailed a little bit. Yeah. Because if the Russians show up and we show up, or nowadays if the Chinese show up and we show up-
Starting point is 00:22:50 The planet's ending. It's over. The planet will just go. It's kind of over. We can't keep fucking around like that. Like, it has to end. So the Korean War is the only war that really dealt with that rivalry that was inevitable and started in World War II with Stalin. And we still have 35,000 people that died in the Korean War.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Oh, yeah. We're not going to talk about the Korean War in total. We're going to talk about the battle. We're going to talk about Outpost Harry. Outpost Harry. Which was a very important battle in the Korean War. And Outpost Harry was an area that was approximately 60 miles, which you're in Canada, first of all.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Hey, how you doing, bud? Oh, and also England. We have a lot of listeners in England now. You want to fucking go, bud? Yeah, England, hey, thanks for fucking helping us out in the Korean War. Yeah. Well, that's an Irish accent. Well, you know.
Starting point is 00:23:43 You know. You're Christian Cockles, so. Oh, thank you very much for helping us out in the Korean War, will. Well, that's an Irish accent. Well, you know. You know. You're Christian Cockles, so. Oh, thank you very much for helping us out in the Korean War, Willie, have you? Yeah, thank you. So. Thank you. And for Canadians, if you do the metric system, 60 miles is 100 kilometers. K-M's?
Starting point is 00:23:57 K-M's? K-M's. Kilometers, right? Yeah. They got a better system. I don't know why we do miles, but whatever. So it was 60 miles or 100 kilometers north of Seoul. So it was really close to Seoul, which is, as you know, the capital of South Korea.
Starting point is 00:24:15 By the way, how dope is it that there's a city named Seoul? Yeah, hell yeah. I mean, just for fucking black people here, we should have one city called... Should we just change Atlanta to Seoul? Seoul. Just call it Seoul? S-E-O-U-L. We should do comedy in Seoul.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Yeah, but we need one American city called Seoul because black people got fucking Seoul. Yeah. Seoul. Seoul, Georgia. There should be a Seoul, Georgia, or D.C. should be called Seoul City. Seoul City, USA. And, you know, a lot of, and Seoul, you know, not that, like, every fucking country that, you know, where, like, they're, like, free, you know, not that we gave them all that. But South Korea, I mean, if you look at an aerial map of the world, North Korea's at night. North Korea has no lights on, and South Korea has all
Starting point is 00:25:06 the lights on. And make no mistake, the reason why the lights are on in South Korea is because of the boys. The boys. The boys turn the lights on, because you know what? From now on- And Samsung. Anytime a South Korean person says, hello, how are you doing? What's your name?
Starting point is 00:25:20 And so you know what my name is? Con Edison. I turn the fucking lights on. And I think Con Edison might be gas. Edison. I turn the fucking lights on. And I think Con Edison might be gas. So I fucked up the joke. I'm going to say National Grid. I turn the lights on. But whatever. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Anyway, yeah. So this was an important... Outpost Harry is a hill. A lot of these wars happen on hills. That's why they build cities with hills. It's easier to fight downhill than uphill. It's all about getting the higher ground
Starting point is 00:25:49 in the art of war. That's all it is. It's just whoever gets the high ground first wins the battle. That's just what it is. Because you look at sex like a battle and you like to have the high ground and you like to get the girl on her knees.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Yeah, I like to have the high ground and my move is to turn them around so in some ways, out of the corner of my eye, it still looks like a man. So like we said, the Chinese were there. This conflict outpost Harry, which lasted, there was a couple of days. It was five, how many days was it?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Eight days. Eight days. The whole thing was eight days. Outpost Harry, the Battle of Outpost Harry, eight it? Eight days. The whole thing was eight days. Outpost Harry. The Battle of Outpost Harry. Eight days. Eight days. 88,000 rounds of Chinese artillery fell on Outpost Harry. Cuz, make no mistake.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I think that Outpost... Is it Chinese artillery or the United Nations forces artillery fell on the Chinese? No, Chinese. They shelled us with 88,000 rounds. So we must have shelled them with more. With more, and make no mistake, don't forget this battle happened between June 10th and June 18th, so if me or my
Starting point is 00:26:54 ancestors were there, what does that mean? It's hot, high temperatures, and there's Chinese on the other side. They weren't safe. You would have went out there like the Hulk. Nobody was safe. If this war would have been fought in January, we may have lost. But since it was fought in June, that's why we won, because they're not sad. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah. So, make no mistake, this battle got to the point where it was on many of these days, hand-to-hand combat. So it was American battalions that were worn, and then they would reinforce each other, and there was one Greek battalion there called the Sparta Battalion.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Yeah, and that's why you like this one because it's got a big Greek influence. Well, yeah, it was a Greek expedition. Let me ask you a question. Holy shit. Holy shit. My brain. Expeditionary. Expeditionary.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Holy shit. Who's the president ofary. Expeditionary. Holy shit. Who's the president of the United States? Is it John Wilkes Booth? Come on. You know who it is. Obama? No. Come on.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Who is it? The Fuhrer Donald Trump. Exactly. Yeah. Okay. So the expeditionary force called, the Greek expeditionary force called the Sparta Battalion was there. And they fought viciously, supposedly. The Greeks fought very viciously.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Well, you know, it's something that, just like a little thing about what I found fascinating about Greek battalions, and it's just like, I don't know, I just thought it was wild. It's just like, I don't know, I just thought it was wild. Greeks were, a lot of the American soldiers and soldiers from the other UN nations that were there, they would prefer to shoot the enemy from afar and there was no charges. Greeks showed up to the battle with bayonets. So everybody else had AK-47s, they showed up with bayonets like it's the 1600s. So they showed up with bayonets because they preferred to charge the Chinese lines and they would hand-to-hand combat, stab the Chinese and then clean their
Starting point is 00:28:50 blades off in front of the dying Chinese. They would clean their blades off and it actually got to the point where the Chinese would avoid certain battles where they knew the Greeks were because they didn't want to get stabbed. That's crazy. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Here's some of the soldiers from the American battalion talking about the Greek Spartan division, which is kind of dope. And then we heard this roar and big cloud of dust, and here come a convoy driving across there. And it was the Greeks arrivingks arriving at outpost harry and when the truck pulled up nearest me there was a man standing up against a cab playing a musical instrument something like a concertina i would call it and the men were singing they
Starting point is 00:29:35 were all jovial and yeah that's that's the way to run an army i said i like these guys. The Greeks built a fire down along the front lines there, and they were singing and making all kinds of noise, and they'd do that to try to entice the Chinese to kind of come down and see what's going on, you know. Well, then they would have their ambush patrol out, and they would capture them or take care of them, you know. And I thought that was pretty clever. The Greeks were darn good soldiers.
Starting point is 00:30:15 We loved them. And we all got to love them very much because they were fierce fighters that I don't think ever retreated. I can remember looking out the trench door, and this one Greek, there's two chinks coming in on him with just old bayonets. We saw the shield. Rifles. But I tell you, friend, I was scared to death. And he just exploded, knocked the bayonet,
Starting point is 00:30:42 the rifles out of their hands, and grabbed the little old guy by the necks and punched their heads together. They were still the rest of the time then. What I remember about them is they had no fear. They were the best bayonet people in the world. And after heavy... So there you have it. I mean, the fact that they were even using bayonets in 1951 is fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Yeah, I know, because the Chinese just charged and they overran the position a few times. So again, it's an uncommon thing. The skirmishers over these agents happen at night and during the daytime. All it was just both sides clearing their way off. That's how much they were. Let's take a look. Let's put this under a note. It's terrifying at night.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I mean, you can't see anything in front of you. Maybe you get the moonlight if it's clear at night, but it might not be. Yeah, so it's pitch fucking black. Yeah. So we are going to call the liaison lieutenant, Chris Patterson. Right now. Wow. Right now?
Starting point is 00:31:49 He's my 91 father. See you in the shit. He was an American soldier that, because these forces was United Nations forces, there was a couple countries there with the United States, he was a liaison lieutenant for the United States Army for the Greek Battalion. So he took the orders from Douglas MacArthur's son. You can't spit words out today. Wow. It's slowly.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Yeah. Yeah. It's what it is. Yeah. The end is near. Yet a nice run, though. And so the end is near. Cuz, make no mistake about me.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah. I did it my way, though. Absolutely about me Yeah I did it my way though Absolutely Cuz I did it my way You're a resilient fucking kid too Yeah that's my favorite song too And at my funeral I want you to tell Britney
Starting point is 00:32:52 To play that song Yeah So The end is near I did it my Way Cuz I promised you one thing
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah When and if you die When Britney remarries Her new husband Will have a portfolio and know what the nasdaq is because i've never seen your piece when it wasn't three quarters of the way hard because every video you've just sent me that i didn't ask for yeah your piece is trying to get hard yeah cuz make no mistake why do you send your friends videos of your piece
Starting point is 00:33:23 cuz make no mistake i'm kind of one of those things like of your piece? Because make no mistake, I'm kind of one of those things, like you said, I'm just Chrissy Go. I don't think about things. Chrissy fucking go. Chrissy fucking go. Chrissy green lights. I just do it and then I deal with the consequences. You do, yeah. You fucking do. Are we going to call your pops? We're going to call my pops.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I can't wait to, now Chris Pappas, fucking decorated war hero. Christos Pappas. Christos Pappas, decorated war hero, amazing painter, and guy who may or may not have banged out his secretary at his law firm. Definitely banged out some Korean whores, that's for sure. He told you that. Because when he was in his 80s, we were at a diner, and out of nowhere, he just said Korean whores got tight pussies.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yeah. So, yeah. It's what it is. You guys were just enjoying a grilled cheese, and then he felt like he had to say that because he's just a fucking good, true American. Yeah. Let's call Chrissy Pappas. Here we go. Let's do it's what it is you guys are just enjoying a grilled cheese, and then he felt like he had to say that cuz he's just a Fucking good true American. Yeah, let's call Chrissy Pappas here. We go Pause it. Oh, I want we can't do it from my let's do it from here. Let's do from you So it's number on the screen. Oh Why it'll come off. I think it'll come off. Okay here. Yeah, okay. Let's call Chrissy Pappas here
Starting point is 00:34:23 It is my, 90 years old Fought in the He's still out there Outpost Harry in the Korean War Outpost Harry, famous battle of the Korean War We're gonna get a first-hand account From Chris Pappas Greeks are gonna fucking love this episode
Starting point is 00:34:38 If your father doesn't pick up, he's gonna pick up 100% right? The only time he's not picking up It's snowing outside, as if he's taking a piss, which happens a lot. You get to an age where you just piss a lot. Yeah, well, when I went to his house, he was pissing all over the floor. Yeah, it's what it is. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:34:55 How are you, Dad? How you doing? I'm doing fine. I'm in the house. Where the hell are you? I'm sitting here with Chris DiStefano. You remember Handsome Face, right? Who do I remember? Chris DiStef sitting here with Chris DiStefano. You remember Handsome Face, right? Who do I remember?
Starting point is 00:35:06 Chris DiStefano. Remember Chris DiStefano, the kid with the handsome face who I pal around with? How you doing, Mr. Pompous? With the baby, he likes Puerto Ricans. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So we're doing a radio show.
Starting point is 00:35:24 That's what it is. Yeah. So we're doing a radio show. It's what it is. Yeah, it is. About Outpost Harry and the Korean War. And we were told that you were there. It was a mistake. It was only my fantasy. So you weren't there. It was a dream.
Starting point is 00:35:42 You wanted to be there. A dream. It just happens that I remember my dream pretty well. Now, Outpost Harry was a famous battle in the Korean War. It lasted eight days. You were a liaison lieutenant for the American Army for the Greek Battalion. Is that correct? I was a member of the American Army assigned to the Greek Battalion. I was a Greek Battalion as a soldier for the United States. So what was your role in the Battle of Outpost Harry? I had nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:36:33 You weren't at Outpost Harry? No. What was your battle? What the fuck? The Greek battalion had nothing to do with O.P. Harry. Yes, they did. Yes, they did. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yes, they did. They were there. And from what I understand, Outpost Harry was the battle you were decorated for and that's where you were, Outpost Harry. No, I was not decorated for O.P. Harry.
Starting point is 00:37:03 What were you decorated for? I was not decorated for O.P. Harry. What were you decorated for? I worked for a lot, really. Because I got two medals, not one. So we're talking about the, what the hell was the valley? So you were not at Outpost Harry? Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:37:30 The Greek battalion was not. Huh? The Greek battalion was, and my whole life you told me you were at Outpost Harry. Well, is there anything, any names in the article that Let me refresh my recollection. We're not looking at any right now. First of all, what was the date of O.P. Harry? June 10th to the 18th, 1951. 1951.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Let me just verify, but I believe... Yep. 1953, I apologize. June 10th to the 18th, 1953. 1953, June 10th to the 18th. I wasn't there in 53. When were you there? Jesus Christ, you think I'm getting...
Starting point is 00:38:23 I don't... Jesus. Well, what are you going to do? I just don't remember. I'm sorry. Welcome to the History Hyenas podcast. You're actually a perfect addition. So, thanks, Dad.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I'll call you later. What were you going to ask me? It doesn't matter because you don't remember. I mean, I know I was never on O.P. Harry. What were you on? So where were you? What do you remember about the Korean War? I was in Sherwin Valley where pretty much nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Oh, okay. The shit hit the fan when they moved the Greek battalion to the right, closer to the water, closer to the ocean. Were you in any firefights? Were you in any battles? Did you see any combat?
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yes, yes, of course. What do you think I got your fucking medals for? And what battles were they? You don't remember. I don't remember the names of them. Yeah. But do you remember you had to search dead Chinese bodies for intel? Oh, yeah, that I remember clearly, but I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I remember where we were. Yeah. But I don't remember. Are you familiar with O.P. Harry? No. But I don't remember... Are you familiar with O.P. Harry? No. I never was near it. You never heard of O.P. Harry?
Starting point is 00:40:14 Never heard of it. When did you leave Korea? You think I remember? When was the... Say again? That's when I left. When you left what? When the armistice was signed. 53?
Starting point is 00:40:32 When the ceasefire was signed. That's when I left. Well, O.P. Harry was right before that. And my whole life he told me that you were there, O.P. Harry. So, O.P. Harry was... Who told me that you were there Opie Harry. So Opie Harry was like Who told me I was at Opie Harry?
Starting point is 00:40:51 You told me. A younger version of yourself. I couldn't have told you so because I am positive that Opie Harry was to the other side of where the Green Battalion was. I'm positive. Okay, well, listen, we got to go, Dad.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I'll call you back, all right? Appreciate it. Okay. Yeah. All right, that was less fruitful. Yeah, so that was what we call on the biz a bust. That's what you call a bust. Some people are just not born to be entertainers.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Let me think. He's over 90 years old. So do you think he did find Outpost Harry but because he's 90 now he doesn't have a memory or he didn't find Outpost Harry and you're a true sociopath not me. No. What do you think? How would I know of Outpost Harry
Starting point is 00:41:41 and how come we know the Greeks were there and he goes, the Greeks weren't there. Yeah. I mean, he's just pretty lucid. I would say he's 99% there, but very recently if you catch him at a moment when he's a little tired, his memory's just a little off.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And he just struggles. I think he's just struggling to remember he was at Outpost Harry. The Greeks were at Outpost Harry. What are the chances during that conversation he peed on the floor? Hi. When you get to that age and he has prostate cancer as well? Just dribbles.
Starting point is 00:42:13 It's just a dribble. My dad's 90. Cuz make no mistake, I have an original art piece from your pops hanging up in my apartment that you gave to me that gets commented on every time a new piece of puss walks in. No, every time a new person walks into my house, they say, this is a beautiful piece.
Starting point is 00:42:33 And make no mistake, it's from a one Christos Pappas who may or may not have banked his secretary when he worked at his law firm and also may or may not have phoned out Puss Harry. We just don't know. Now, did Lynn like it though? Lynn fucking loved it. Lynn asked that Mr. Pappas commission a piece of artwork for her. Now, what it is is just when you have parent-teacher conferences and all that, there's just going to be two sides to Delilah's family.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Right. That's what it is. Two different cultures. Yeah, there's going to be two. But you guys are from the same neighborhood. Same neighborhood, but there's going to be two kinds of Christmas gifts, too, that the teachers get. From my side, you know, they'll get, from my mom, a nice gift card to, you know, somewhere really not, maybe Williams and Sonoma or West Elm. The teachers get a nice gift card, get a nice bottle of champagne, or maybe, you know, they'll get like a nice, you a nice cookie assortment.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And then from Delilah's mom's side, they'll get some type of hand-me-down wrapped up in aluminum foil that they may or may not need. So that's just what it is. On the night of the first attack, the first
Starting point is 00:43:44 night of the Battle of Outpost, Harry, check this out. The Chinese, or as that veteran who we played before would call them. Yeah, he had a name for them. Yeah, he had a name for them that he called them. Oh, by the way, before we get into it, I just
Starting point is 00:43:59 want to say one thing really quick, which is fucking wild. The leader of the commander and leader of the Chinese troops on that day, name was, first name X-I-A-O, but last name, X-U- A-N-J-I-N,
Starting point is 00:44:15 Wei Shanshan. That is their last name. That's him. Yeah, that was him. That's him. Wow. Anyway, the Chinese, or the Inks outnumbered the defenders of the hill, Harry. Which included your father. Which the Greeks called Haros, which is the Greek word in Greek mythology. It's the ferryman to the underworld of Hades.
Starting point is 00:44:46 So, Haros. And that's what they called it while they were there. But the Chinese outnumbered those defenders 30 to 1. That's a lot. That's fucking nuts, actually. That's crazy. Imagine 30 people. Yeah, and the Americans, this is wild, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:07 This is so wild. The Americans napalmed them. What is napalm again? Fuck. What does napalm do? It, like, lights the air on fire, right? Yeah, and it's, like, poisoned. Yeah, they stormed the slopes, and it just was hand-to-hand combat.
Starting point is 00:45:24 It was just hand-to-hand combat. It was just hand-to-hand combat. Like old school, like it's Braveheart. Yeah, I mean, the Chinese, the way they fought, and part of it may have to do with the communist philosophy. It's like it's for the greater good. It's not about the individual. If you die, you die. You live on through your nation.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Yeah, it's for the whatever. I mean, they just charged, man. They just charged like ants. Like, you know, like how ants will sacrifice themselves? Yeah. Because make no mistake, this war, there was heavy artillery.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And this battle, like you said, I mean, fucking rounds and rounds of heavy artillery was getting just shelled on each other. Yeah, and people don't talk about it. You talk to the average American person, they can't tell you anything about the Korean War.
Starting point is 00:46:03 No. It's called the Forgotten War in history. Yeah, man. But it shouldn't be. I mean, 35,000 Americans died. God knows how many Chinese and Koreans died. Probably a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:13 And, yeah. Dude, the first night, all but a dozen Americans had been killed or severely wounded. The first night? Yeah, that means like all but like 12 Americans had it. So everybody got killed. They had been completely overrun. And that was Company K on the first night? Yeah, that means all but 12 Americans had it. So everybody got killed. They had been completely overrun. And that was Company K on the first night. Had been completely overrun by the Chinese.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Holy shit. But they were reinforced by a reserve platoon. A company, a third battalion. It was a third battalion. Another company. Another battalion. It was a third battalion, another company, another battalion, and they reinforced it. And then there was companies E and C,
Starting point is 00:46:50 15th Infantry. I don't know what these all mean. I don't know how it works. There's companies, there's platoons. More fucking guys showed up. Yeah, I just... Marines. There was a draft for the Korean War. There was a draft. My father Marines. No. There was a draft for the Korean War.
Starting point is 00:47:08 There was a draft. My father joined, though. He just joined up. My father joined. My father played football at Ithaca College. Yeah. And he joined up after college. So he was 22 or 23.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Out there. And he just joined because he felt like he had to. He just wanted to go. I don't know why. Because your father must have just missed world war ii he's probably just too like he was probably in high school during world war ii correct correct correct but he fought in the korean war he fought in the korean war yeah fucking wild so that's what a lot of dudes that died then right he had friends who could fucking died in that war yeah of course yeah i mean that was a real deal war it's not like you know wars that was a year that was a real deal all out that's not like, you know, wars. That was a real deal all out war.
Starting point is 00:47:45 That was like a three, four, two, three year fucking war. Yeah, like war. We were at war with the North Koreans and the Chinese. And it's what it was. And the Greeks didn't show up until June 15th, the night of June 15th to the 16th. And they fucking fought valiantly. And without the Greeks, we wouldn't have won outpost, Harry, right? Probably not.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I mean, I don't know. I don't know how you quantify that. Well, I mean, from all the American soldiers' accounts, it was like, without the Greeks, we wouldn't have fucking won. Yeah. Well, they held the line, and that's what it was. They held it. So the United Nations forces during Korea, you know, back then it was about the reason why we went to war in Korea is because we wanted to hold the line because the North Koreans, the communists, wanted to take over all of Korea.
Starting point is 00:48:40 And we felt it was the domino effect theory back then. If you let one fall, they'll all fall. And so we decided in Korea we were going to defend it. Right. And, God, if you look at it now, I mean, communism is stupid. It doesn't work. Right. Whatever it is, it sounds like a nice idea, but it's fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And it's not real. And it leaves us very vulnerable to evil. You know, it is what it is. Right. I mean, capitalism's not perfect, but it's a better system. So you gotta say, maybe the Korean War was a moral cause. I mean, if you were to ask South Koreans, they would probably tell you it was a moral cause. Yeah, because I'm telling you, just look at a fucking aerial picture of Korea at night,
Starting point is 00:49:27 and the lights are off in North Korea, and the lights are bright as can be in South Korea. And America and the UN troops made that happen. If we didn't intervene, because make no mistake, Truman almost did not intervene. And if he didn't intervene, then all of South Korea would be North Korea, and Korea would just be, total a communist lights out nation. And it's not now. And even North Korea, I think we're living in a time where North Korea won't be communist forever. You think so?
Starting point is 00:49:53 I do. Right. It feels like it's already getting better there. Kim Jong Un seems like he's more, you know, seems like he's not as nuts as he was. Or you think it's all a ploy? seems like he's not as nuts as he was? Or do you think it's all a ploy? I think he has a grip on that country and I think there would have to be
Starting point is 00:50:10 a bloody revolution or something. And I don't see, with the support of the Chinese, I just don't see it changing anytime soon. Can we visit North Korea as Americans? You're not allowed to go. Can you stay in a hotel in North Korea? Is there like a downtown Pyongyang?
Starting point is 00:50:26 No. It's a closed country. Like, we can't go? You can go through China somehow. Right. People have done it, but I think you've got to fall through some loopholes to get it done.
Starting point is 00:50:36 You've got to be a journalist. I know that student who like... You can't just walk around with your camera on. You can't just visit North Korea. No. Okay. No, you can't do that. There's no flights. And I bet you, I mean, it's millions and millions and millions You can't just visit North Korea. No. Okay. No, you can't do that. There's no flights.
Starting point is 00:50:46 And I bet you, I mean, it's millions and millions and millions of people that live in North Korea. How many fucking millions of people? I mean, a lot of those people are fucking brainwashed. Absolutely. And they live in fear, and they believe that they're in a great place and that we're evil. Let me ask you a fucking question, and I think a question that everyone wants to know. 25 million. 25 million North Koreans.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Holy shit. That's a lot. And they're all in the army. Jesus. So they have a huge fucking army. We can't just walk over North Korea. Like, that's a military... We could blow their fucking country up. But they can't do that. Yeah, but we could just fucking blow them up before they get a chance
Starting point is 00:51:17 to even set them off. We don't need troops anymore. Let me ask you, and we're not gonna need them soon because artificial intelligence, they're going to start arming them on robots. Then it's going to be whatever country puts out the best robots, which unfortunately is probably going to be the Germans. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Yes. But I think what everybody wants to know is North Korea versus South Korea. Let's just start North Korea. Fumes or no fumes for North Korea? Oh God, that's a tough question. Because there's 25, now, because they are, you know, maybe they're brainwashed and they're communists, but they probably are clean people.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Truth is, I think fumes is less dictated by your geographical region prior to what we've said in previous episodes. Okay. And more to do with your personality. I think more beautiful people have more fumes. And the most horrible people
Starting point is 00:52:12 have less fumes. Really? Yeah. It's like the devil tempting you with the smell of... Interesting. So a really good, good person could have fumes. Yeah, because think about it. Broccoli is good for you. Yeah. But it's got fumes. It gives you fumes. But, because think about it. Broccoli is good for you. Yeah. But it's got fumes. It gives you fumes.
Starting point is 00:52:26 But have you ever smelled shawarma? Good. Not good for you. But it's got no fumes. Yeah. It smells good. It's a good analogy. We never did Zach.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Do you think, does Zach have fumes? Of course he does. We already covered that. Oh, we did? Yeah. He's a dirty fucking jihadi with a body. But even though I got a big body. And he stopped taking steroids. Yeah. Yeah. He only did like fucking jihadi with a body. But even though I got a big body. And he stopped taking steroids.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Yeah. Yeah. He only did like one or two cycles, right? You know that from. Do you still eat once a week? What's your new diet plan? No, I just found, I got me a four-room and it threw off my whole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:58 That's why you always fucking. Yeah, that's why. Yeah. See? You see? You're going to fall into a depression when she breaks your heart. Yeah. Unfortunately, what's going to happen, here's what I'm telling you what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:53:08 No fumes. If she, a formal no fumes. No fumes. Do not bring her to the studio or around the Comedy Cellar because if Pete Davidson sees her, he's going to take her. And he will send a video of her sucking his dick. Pete Davidson, no fumes, big cock. His dick. Pete Davidson, no fumes, big cock.
Starting point is 00:53:30 So on the night of June 17th, the Chinese, in a last-ditch attempt, threw everything they fucking had, one desperate attempt to dislodge the defenders, the boys from Outpost Harry. They tried everything. They ran at them. They screamed. They, I don't know. What would they do? What would you have said on that
Starting point is 00:53:45 Netflix show that you were on? What was it called again? Ultimate Beastmaster. What would you have said on the Ultimate Beastmaster? You would have said they threw what at them? Duck sauce. Waste on team. Waste on team.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Oh, God. Oh, God. So, this got wild. That night, the men of P Company, Sparta Battalion, Greeks, they bore the brunt of the Chinese attack that night. Unfortunately, friendly artillery pounded the slopes around the trenches where the Greeks. They killed the Greeks by accident? The Greeks fucking defended wave after wave of Chinese attackers. But you said there was friendly fire.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Friendly fire because they had overrun the position to go in hand-to-hand combat. So, yeah. So some Greeks got shot by their own guns. It's what it is. It's just what happens in war. American artillery, yeah. But the Sparta battalion drove off the Chinese. They drove off the Chinese on June 17th.
Starting point is 00:54:44 The Americans with the help of the Greeks. But the Sparta Battalion was right out there up front. The Sparta Battalion. Because the Greeks, make no mistake, if you look back at history, I don't think there's a group of people in some of the most famous battles in history who were severely outnumbered and prevailed. They prevailed in World War II against Italy. I mean, Italy is like 100 times the size of Greece.
Starting point is 00:55:06 If you could look that up for us, how much bigger Italy is. And then the famous war between Persia, the Persian Empire, and the Athenians, which was just a city-state, where they were outnumbered fucking... We'll do an episode about that. Is that what the movie 300 is based on? No. Is it that battle in Leonidas? No, before that.
Starting point is 00:55:22 This was before that battle. When the Athenians repelled a fucking much bigger Persian army. Because the Greeks, make no mistake, have a deep passion. Yes. And if you fuck with their freedom, that's why Greeks don't like to have a boss. They like to own a joint. Because Greeks love freedom. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:40 They love freedom. Italy is about two times bigger than Greece and has 51 million more people. Wow. If we're not looking at the space, we're looking at the population is 51 more million. Yeah. Wow. So Greeks really are like, there's not that many. Do we just know, am I just so accustomed to Greeks because we live in New York?
Starting point is 00:56:01 That's right. Other places, I've never met a Greek nor they don't know. There's only like 1 million Greeks in the whole country. But most of them live in New York. A lot of them live in New York, Cleveland. Astoria. How many Greeks in America? I think it's like 1 million.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Make no mistake, if I was Indian, kid, I'd be on a plane. That's private. Yes. About 1.3 million. However, there are estimates that raise the number to 3 million. You know how little that is?
Starting point is 00:56:34 That's not. That is. They're one of the smallest ethnic groups. Right. Because they come from a... Greece ended up being a very small country. That's the thing. Even the...
Starting point is 00:56:44 You think... There was no Greek empire. I guess Alexander, but you know, was he Greek? I mean, he came from the North, Macedonia, spoke Greek. Yeah, he was Greek. So that was the Greek empire, Alexander. He was the great, but before that, in Greek's heyday, antiquity, when democracy was invented, all that shit, Pericles, the age of Pericles, they were city-states. Yeah. antiquity when democracy was invented, all that shit, Pericles, the age of Pericles. They were city-states.
Starting point is 00:57:07 The two most famous being Sparta and Athens. But Rome was the real, you know, when a girl, she's for Rome, means she's for the empire. You can't say she's for a city-state. That's a level below for Rome. It's just Italians, right? So there was no Greek empire. But what the Greeks created, the ancient Greeks created, obviously you can see it in the architecture of all the most important buildings all over the western world and the eastern world and what they've done with their philosophies and science and and uh it's it it's had the
Starting point is 00:57:38 such a huge impact on the world but it wasn, you know, the impact and the ideas were bigger than the actual, you know, at the time, empire. It wasn't really an empire. It was not an empire. It just wasn't.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Yeah. So that's what it was. The Persians had a fucking huge empire. The Greeks had cities. And make no mistakes, typical of Greeks, they like to fight with each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Sparta and Athens like to fucking fight with each other. Yeah, because make no mistake, you punched your six-year-old brother in the stomach last Christmas. He hit me in the back of the head first. Yeah, but it's just what it is. And then you made your 90-year-old father, who doesn't know what the fuck is going on
Starting point is 00:58:14 right now, break it up. So there was a total of five presidential unit citations given for action at Outpost Harry. One Medal of Honor and numerous other personal awards for Valor. Oh, there was a Medal of Honor given out at Outpost Harry? Outpost Harry, yeah. There was a lot of medals. I was like 90-something.
Starting point is 00:58:34 My dad has two. My dad's got a bronze star. And then the Greek king gave him some sort of medal of bravery. Does he have it on display at the house? He has it, yeah. You just said that so good. He has those, yeah. He has those, yeah. Sometimes it just pops out with you on it display at the house? He has those, yeah. You just said that so, he has those, yeah. He has those, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Sometimes it just pops out with Giannis. Yeah, yeah, he has them, yeah. But he hated it. They were in the basement as a kid. They were just in the basement. But now in his apartment, he has them hanging. I wish when I went over there,
Starting point is 00:58:56 we would have seen them. We probably did. I probably showed, did I even show it to you? No. Yeah. I got pictures of it. I will post the picture of it
Starting point is 00:59:03 on the Patreon. Yeah. And maybe even the Instagram, whatever will post the picture of it on the Patreon. Yeah. And maybe even the Instagram, whatever. Join the Patreon, by the way. Yes. Medal of Honor is a show on Netflix that I've been watching. It's about different U.S. Medal of Honor recipients. It's like a docuseries about them.
Starting point is 00:59:17 And it is fucking fascinating and unbelievable. I want to talk a lot about Medal of Honor recipients and maybe pick one or two for the next episode, because, I mean, it's just nuts. It's nuts to it's nuts to you know, just fucking, when you're awarded a Medal of Honor by this country, or whatever country you're from, to like, it's just
Starting point is 00:59:38 basically like guys who are just like, fuck it, I'm gonna die, but I'm gonna, I've accepted I will die in this battle, but I'm gonna to save every single person or as many people as I can. So I'm going to save their lives. And it's not like all these metal, because sometimes I was like, oh, you know, because there were a couple of Medal of Honor recipients that survived. And when I was watching the documentary, I was like, oh, maybe they did that.
Starting point is 00:59:58 You know, of course, it's extreme bravery and courage, and I would never be able to do that. But I'm like, maybe they didn't have a wife. Maybe they didn't have kids. Maybe they had no family. But they all have wives, kids that they're just like, look, they're going to be alone because I'm going to die right now, but I'm going to save lives and my memory will live on and hopefully help them have better lives.
Starting point is 01:00:13 And it's just what it is. When you go to DC, you have to go to the Korean War Memorial. That's my favorite. Yeah. If you go there, like, it's just so, have you ever been in the Korean War Memorial? I don't think so. I mean, I got to be honest, like, it's the forgotten war for me, too. I don't know much about the Korean War until recently.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Yeah, I mean, the Korean War Memorial in D.C. is just so gorgeous and moving because it's like these life-size stone statues of soldiers, like, as they were in battle. And if you go there on, like, a rainy, misty night, because they're all wearing ponchos. You're a gay kid. They're all wearing ponchos on like a rainy, misty night, because they're all wearing ponchos. You're a gay kid. They're all wearing ponchos. Yeah, rainy, misty night. DC's a romantic date city.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Cuz, you want to go to fucking... I fell in love with my girl in DC. Cuz, do you want to go to... Yeah. If I could feel love. Yeah. Do you want to have a fucking picnic soon?
Starting point is 01:00:59 Cuz, do you? Yes. I want to read out the newest members of the Patreon. That's what I want to do. Let's do it. We have a new fucking members of the Patreon. So every week, if you guys don't know, thank you so much for all the support, of course.
Starting point is 01:01:10 But if you guys don't know, if you go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and you join the matriarchy, we read your name out live on air right now and you get to hear your cute little fucking name. Fucking cute. And then Yanni Pappas guesses what ethnicity you are. Let's do it. So first one up, Hannah Marie Stevenson. I mean, welcome to the gap. That is white.
Starting point is 01:01:33 White. White. Okay. Next up, Aaron Lagaki. We have a Lagaki? Lagaki. I think he's a Polish kid. Could be a Polish kid.
Starting point is 01:01:45 How are you doing? How do you get a one-armed Polack out of a tree? Wave. Where did that stereotype come from that Polacks are stupid? I don't know. I don't know. It's like a left hook out of left field. I don't even know how that happened.
Starting point is 01:02:01 People always fuck him with Polish people, but I liked him. And make no mistake, the women are pieces. Here's the next person who I think, you know, you'll try to guess it, but I think he put it in there. He's joined for $10, so thank you so much. And his name is Piece of Shit Edward. I'm sorry, Piece of Shit Mexican Edward. So he's a Mexican kid. Yeah, and he's also a self-proclaimed piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Yeah, well, at least he's honest. We're all pieces of shit. Piece of shit Mexican, Edward. Piece of shit Mexican, Edward. Make no mistake, he's not a piece of shit because he's Mexican. He's a piece of shit because he's a human being, and we're all pieces of shit. Look what we do with these big brains. We stink.
Starting point is 01:02:40 We're bags of shit. Yeah. Next up, Matthew Chanda. Matthew Chanda. C-H-A-N-D-A. Could be Chanda or could be Shanda. Shanda. Is he an Indian kid?
Starting point is 01:02:50 He's a college kid, too. You can't do this voice anymore because they just took off a bull from the Simpson. You can't be that. This is an offensive voice. Next up, Dildo McAfee. That's an Irish kid who... Joined for 10 bucks. Likes to whip himself with a belt
Starting point is 01:03:10 every time he has sex thoughts. Yes. The next one up is Cero. S-E-R-O. Cero. That's a black kid. Whenever you go one name, we got a black kid. 10 bucks. Cero went for 10 bucks? Yeah. Maybe he's not a black kid. Yeah, they don't tip that great.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Now that is, uh, let's guess. Piece of shit Mexican? He is a Hispanic kid. Yeah. Then we got Arbor Deli. Arbor Deli. Is that just a deli that joined? Yo, that kid is smart. Whoever did that probably owns that deli and just got himself a free fucking shout out to a million people.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Yeah. Because make no mistake, we're up to one million listeners. Yeah, Arbor Deli. Now we got this one. I think even I could. Wyatt Keith. Wyatt Keith. I think it's black, right?
Starting point is 01:03:59 Wyatt Keith, we got to go black. Yeah. Wyatt Keith and yeah. It could be Wyatt Snack. Oh, this one. Yeah, he Keith and, yeah. It could be Wyatt Snack. Oh, this one. Yeah, he's a friendly kid. This one looks like a piece. Katie Hickok.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Make no mistake. Are you a piece, Katie? Katie is a white, that's a white girl, and she could be a piece. Piece. Also, another one that looks like a piece, Rachel Magnus. I can't call her a piece, but you can. Rachel Magnus, that's a Scandinavian chick. No.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Ho, ho, ho. Fuse. Thank you. Welcome to the matriarchy. Next up, we have Daniel Rivera. Um, is that a wasp kid? That's a waspy little fucking kid. Now, that is a Puerto Rican from New York City.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yes. Then we got, this is a black kid, fucking kid. Now that is a Puerto Rican from New York City. Yes. Then we got, this is a black kid, Kenneth J. Drummond. Because we got a lot of black kids. We love you. We love you. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your fucking service, son. And then this last girl, last but not least, she also looks like a piece.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Her name is Emily Reed. Parentheses, the hyenas have reached fucking London wild. That's the name for Patreon. Hello. Well, we're going to come to London soon and do a show for you. Yeah, we're going to come to little baby fucking London town and we're going to pour tea on my balls. We'll do a fucking live
Starting point is 01:05:16 podcast for you. And now there was one that you needed to remember. Who's the other one that you needed to remember? Oh, I think she was. Can you say it? Because my girl gets mad. Listen, this is entertainment. She's a fucking piece. Yeah. Yeah, I got to read one who apparently we've forgotten.
Starting point is 01:05:33 And I don't know how this keeps happening. But I want to give a special shout out to my girl. My girl Marcy Diaz. How do you? Marcy Diasi. How do you? Marcy Sansolo? Her name's Marcy, and it's either Sansolo or Dias. I don't know, D-E-A-S-E. Thank you for your service.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Wepa, wepa, wepa. Or you're Italian. I don't know. Because make no mistake, sometimes you can't tell between Puerto Ricans, Greeks, or Italians. It's just what it is. They all got a mustache. It's not what I meant, but yeah. Chris is always good for a way shunxian.
Starting point is 01:06:11 A way shunxian, and they're all fucking hot, and I just fucking love. Listen to me. I love everybody, okay? I love it all, and I'm so happy to be doing this podcast. I love history. I love hyenas. I love Yanni P. I love Zach, fucking a.k.a. Zachy hyenas. I love Yanni P. I love Zach,
Starting point is 01:06:25 fucking AKA Zachy Jihadi with a body. And I just love the matriarchy and all the support that you guys and girls have given us. Go to patreon.com
Starting point is 01:06:33 slash Bay Ridge Boys. Join up the matriarchy and also, little kiddies, you can go to chrisdcomedy.com and check out all my dates. I got a lot of dates coming up.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I'm coming to Chicago. I'm coming to Denver. I'm coming to Chicago. I'm coming to Denver. I'm coming to Boston. I'm coming to Philadelphia. We got a lot of cute little dates coming up. ChristyComedy.com and then ChristyComedy on all social media. And remember, you know where to find us. Just look up for when we're going to be in your town.
Starting point is 01:07:00 But most importantly, I got to say it every episode, guys. Tell your friends send a text post it on your gram whatever it is at a party recommend the cast to one or two people and you have done a great service to us because that's how we keep growing and make no mistake we appreciate your service thank you

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