History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 42 - JONESTOWN WAS WILD!!!!

Episode Date: November 25, 2018

Chris and Yannis discuss Jonestown and how WILD it was. The soundboard makes its return and we give our $25 dollar patreon members a call from the cackle! WILD!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.p...atreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ•πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈChris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈYannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ•History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? You're listening to the Bay Ridge Boys. History Hyenas. Bad. Hyena. I'm a hyena. And what's my name? Hyena.
Starting point is 00:00:14 What's his name? Hyena. Say Hyenas. Hyenas. Hyena. I need it. What's up, everybody? Welcome to another episode of History Hyenas. I am Chris DiStefano, a.k.a. Chrissy Kniptions. With me, as always, Giannis Pappas, a.k.a. The Gay Greek.
Starting point is 00:01:04 We have Zach Ice's face. And then we have our boy, James Mad Dog Maddern, a.k.a. James the Jew. So we got a full house in here today, buh-buh. Yeah, our old friend James Maddern. James Maddern. Dr. James Maddern. Dr. James Maddern. Dr. James Maddern.
Starting point is 00:01:23 He went from Mad Dog, which he has tattooed on his arm, to James. Now, James recently moved to Bay Ridge, so he is, in fact, the third Bay Ridge boy now. Yeah. And what we love about James has been dear friends since day one. Is that he's Franks and Beans. Is that he's Franks and Beans. I am so not Franks. He's got a huge glue gun.
Starting point is 00:01:41 He does have a huge glue gun. He's got the biggest cock you've ever seen in your life. Because, you see, James proves my theory that the universe is balanced. Okay. Okay, because he's got a nice piece. Right. He's got a nice, fat, juicy piece. Yeah, big dick.
Starting point is 00:01:55 But his head is shaped like Bert from Bert and Ernie. It's what it is. It's what it is. All right, so you've been saying this for a while. Because are you a Mexican or a Jew? I need to know. Yeah. Bert's head goes up. All right, so you've been saying this for a while. Are you a Mexican or a Jew? I need to know. Bert's head goes up.
Starting point is 00:02:11 You always used to start this by going, hey, Bert, because you're impersonating Ernie. My head is more like Ernie than Bert if it's going to. Oh, which one's the yellow one? It's Bert. I'm not sure. You're Bert, yeah. My head is so not shaped like Bert. Let the caliphate see it. Can you pull up a pic of Bert and Ernie's act?
Starting point is 00:02:23 And then you take off your hat for the caliphate. Yeah. Did we pull up, can you pull up a pic of Bert and Ernie's act? And then you take off your hat for the caliphate. Yeah. Did you go? Jihadi with a body. Because Jihadi with a body, the fans were pissed with you this week. But he's a 23-year-old kid and it's what it is. It's just what it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:38 It's just he has nothing prepared. He's just flying by the seat of his pants. I mean, it's what it is. It's what it is. But we pay him 50 bucks an episode and make no mistake, for a 23-year-old kid. 75. 75 bucks.
Starting point is 00:02:48 We gave him a raise. Nice country, huh? $75 for a 23-year-old kid is fucking, he's a millionaire. Because I think the problem is he has like 18 podcasts. My head is so not that.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Look at this. Let's see. I mean, yeah. Not a shit. It doesn't look like that. You look like Burt with those eyebrows. The brows. Because the brows and the head. Okay, now take off the hat. Not a chance. It doesn't look like that. You look like Burt with those eyebrows. The brows.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Because the brows and the head. Okay, now take off the hat. You tell me. He doesn't have a bob. He doesn't look more like... Like goddamn Burt. Look at this. Take it off, Burt.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Now, can you move the headphones just a little bit, buh-buh? Oh, buh-buh. Yeah, baby. Chris, you really believe this nonsense? I mean, I don't believe it. What do you say, Johnny? Can you see it? I definitely see it. You can it. What do you say, Johnny? Can you see it? I definitely see it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 You can see it. It's okay, Bubba. Are you out of your mind that you could see this kid? I mean, he's got a... I just don't look like him. You want to know why he thinks that? Because he has eyes. I want Rafael DeLuca, Andrew Agos, any of our go-tos, Jeremiah Metzger, to pull up,
Starting point is 00:03:41 post, find a pic of James Mad Dog Man Matter, and then get a pic of Ernie. Is it Bert or Ernie? Who's in yellow? That's Bert. This is going to happen to me now. Get a pic of Bert. The rest of my life. And superimpose glasses on them, and we'll see.
Starting point is 00:03:53 We'll be the judge. We'll put up a poll on at History Hyenas on Instagram, and let the fans decide. And we're talking to two of you specifically, Andrew Agos. And Rafael De Luca. Who's a fucking doctor, by the way. Who's a doctor who's coming to my Chicago shows. And Jeremiah Metzger. Metzger, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Those are the two guys who do the best work. They do the best ones. And De Luca, if you want to make a song about this, you can. Which, by the way, we will be debuting Rafael De Luca's best work, his new single entitled Weishan Qian. Listen, it's just what it is. Rafael De Luca is the world's most educated DJ it's just what it is. Rafael DeLuca is the world's most educated DJ. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Probably the biggest slacker in the history of the United States. Yeah, Harvard probably would give him his money back so they could just erase his diploma. How many people went to Harvard to become a DJ? What a fucking waste of a spot that could have went to an Asian kid. Yeah. Could have went to anybody god you gotta love the asians today is going to be a fucking wild episode we're going to be talking about your daughter loves asians my daughter loves asians and she got her first report card and it's
Starting point is 00:04:54 all positive but she the teacher did say that other than outside of the her asian friends she pushes and is mean to all the rest of the students and that's's just her Puerto Rican side. It's what it is. Or maybe it's her German side. Who knows? On the inside, she's always going to be like, stay away from... Listen, this is my girl Sunyi. You better stay away from her. I'm here to protect her because I need to put her to this math class.
Starting point is 00:05:18 She's going to be like... It's good to finally have the soundboard back. Eight weeks later. Eight weeks fucking later. Last week, I didn't even know it was on. He did the Wei Zhong Jing's from his iPhone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Last week, nobody could hear the podcast because he didn't turn the volume on. And it's just what it is. It's just one of those things that's, I think, lovable about our pod is just how Zach can be a fucking genius and then also a 23 year old kid I just need to correct something from last week I said something that was extremely franks and beans I said that the Korean War
Starting point is 00:05:55 was the only non-proxy war against a communist nation to contain communist i.e. the domino effect that we were trying to ward off. Okay. You know what war I forgot about? The Cold War.
Starting point is 00:06:11 The fucking Vietnam War. Oh, yeah. It's a big one. Yeah. And you keep saying the Cold War. The Cold War is not a war. You're a little Franks and Beans as well. You have a PhD, but you're fucking Franks and Beans.
Starting point is 00:06:22 The Cold War. Yeah, but it still was a standoff. It counts. It's called a Cold War because it was not actually fought. It was just cold. It was just. What it is. Because when your hair's not gelled, you do look like a troll doll or actually Ernie.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's gelled right now. I know. When you look gelled, you're so fucking handsome. Because you know what it is? Because if I was a gay kid, I would like to put my dick on you. You know what's something I noticed about you and I've noticed it for a long time now and I've just been trying to put in the right words? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:51 You're a kid who, since you've been in your mid-20s, is always on the precipice of going bald. You always look like you could start to go bald, but you're not balding, but you always look like you're close. I know. That's why you're close. Cuz. You're just always just about to go bald.
Starting point is 00:07:06 But I got a full head of hair. You have a full head of hair. Yeah. But it's kind of a little thin, sort of like an 80-year-old guy. Yeah. But your dad has a full head of hair. He does. So you're not ever going to go bald.
Starting point is 00:07:17 That's the thing. But it's all about balance with you. Because my dad could not remember that he was part of the Greek battalion, which was at Outpost Harry. And you saw I posted on our Instagram. Right. I posted on our Instagram all the credentials. His bronze star. His bronze star and his star from the Greek king and his service when he left 53.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah, which was Outpost Harry. He kept saying on the podcast that the Greeks were not at Outpost Harry. Do you remember that? He's like, no, they were not at Outpost Harry. It was great podcast fodder. And then coincidentally, I told you this. I was texting you. Coincidentally, when I took – my dad always goes because my dad's white trash.
Starting point is 00:07:54 He always goes to this Dunkin' Donuts in Highland Boulevard Shopping Center on Staten Island. So I took – I was with my dad and my daughter because that's like where where he escapes, you know, it's all these old timers that just sitting at Dunkin Donuts. And one of the guys there, forgetting his last name, 80 something year old guy was in the Korean War. So it was just coincidence that he was wearing a Korean War vet hat. And he said he only started wearing the hat a couple years ago, because his son demanded he do it. But he's like, I never used to like to talk about it but he was 20 years old when he went to the korean war and he was a tanker and what he said was he said this he said look he said a lot of people what they don't know about war he said is you know we don't know what we're doing when we get there so we go through a couple weeks of basic training
Starting point is 00:08:39 he said but most of the guys who go to war are stupid he said i was a stupid guy i've been a stupid fucking stupid are they fucking stupid he said I've been a stupid guy. They're fucking stupid? Are they fucking stupid? He said, I've been stupid my whole life. He said, and they put me in a tank. 20 years old. He said, and they just put me in a tank. He said, so I don't know what I was blowing the shit out of, but I was blowing the shit out of something.
Starting point is 00:08:58 He's like, I was just pressing that cannon button because that's all I knew how to do. He said, if the tank broke or if my gun broke i didn't know really what to do he said what a lot of people don't really don't know and you can never know and get from a movie or from anything he said is the smell of war he said the smell of war has never escaped me at all he said are you saying you smell a guy guys shitting yourself you know because shit himself and also korean barbecue probably has its scent. So are you saying that war has fumes? War has got fumes. Fumes. And war is 100% always avoidable.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah. It's just what? It's population control, right? I don't know if it's 100% avoidable. I think just as much as it's avoidable, I think a lot of times it's inevitable. It's inevitable, true. Yeah. I mean, like we said, we said it last week on the free cast.
Starting point is 00:09:48 By the way, if you're not a member of the Patreon, I like to sneak in right in the middle of the episode. Because at the end, a lot of people just turn it off. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. There's tons of bonus episodes that you need to catch up on. But on the free episode, we said, was the Korean War, was it a moral war? I mean, the North Koreans attacked the South Koreans and wanted to take over the whole country and make it communism. And as we know now, communism is kind of brutes. Brutes my go.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You know who was a communist? Who? Jim Joe. He was a socialist. And a communist. He was a fucking communist. Bastard. And he was a true blue psychopath.
Starting point is 00:10:27 TBP. A little bit. Yeah, and we're going to talk about Jim Jones and Jonestown today. And it's weird because there's a couple of similarities between Jim Jones and Chrissy D. Let's start off by saying the similarities that you noticed. First of all, yeah, you're TBP. We know that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:43 You got a smaller amygdala. And I posted your brain scan on History Hyena's Instagram. Yes, and it's what it is. So what's the similarity? So the similarities are sexually deviant, number one. Yeah. You're not so much deviant. Not deviant, but like-
Starting point is 00:11:00 You're hypersexual. Hypersexual is what I meant. Yeah, I'm not deviant. Hypersexual. And you like noncommittal, promiscuous sex. Yes. You like risky sex. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Yeah. But who doesn't? Can I ask that? You always bring that up with him, but who isn't into that? Me. That's so crazy to me. You don't like that thrill of just, let's see how this happens one time. No, I don't have a hole in my soul like you.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Oh, stop. I'm sorry. We look like Muppets, apparently, so that's a hole in my soul like you. Oh, stop. I'm sorry. We look like Muppets apparently, so that's what Muppets want to do. We're fucking Muppet-ed out. We want emptiness. I got a small peanut head. I look like Beetlejuice. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:32 So we're even. And you're scared of women deep down. Deep down, I'm scared of women. Yeah. But here's the thing about James. We have to... He's very open about it, so it's okay. Right?
Starting point is 00:11:44 We can talk about it. I don't know what you're about to bring up, and I have to leave in like 10 minutes. He does got a big glue gun. Like probably the biggest glue gun of our friends. Yeah. Hey, Bert. He does look like Ernie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:56 He does. He's got a Jewish face as well. He's got a little bit of Jew face. Way song she ain't. Now, you're on point, Jihadi. Now, here's the thing. The reason why we don't know, we don't know whether James, come on, this is good fodder for the matriarchy. Can we talk about this?
Starting point is 00:12:12 Can we talk about it? Of course we can. Please. All right. The reason why we don't know if James is Mexican or Jewish. His mom was a toot. My mom was a toot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:24 He's not saying it as an insult. He's saying it's what it is. It's what it is. There's facts of life. Yeah, his mom was an actual toot. I mean, for real. Professional toot. High end.
Starting point is 00:12:35 High end toot. Professional toot. So your dad could be anybody from Steve Wynn to fucking to who knows. If it was Steve Wynn, that would make sense, because my grandpa used to run food and beverage for Steve Wynn and told him to go fuck himself at one point, so that would add a little more insult to him walking away from being a potential millionaire. You have one of the most interesting lives
Starting point is 00:12:53 of anyone I've ever met. Mom was a toot, and grandparents were Hitler youth. They were not Hitler... My grandma was, because she was in Germany in 10, and so there was no option. I love it. These guys will tease me when we're walking the water in Bay Ridge.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Like, my grandma could check a box, Hitler Youth or other. Like, you had to go and wear that stupid uniform. No choice. And interestingly enough, bringing that Hitler Youth up, that brings me to the second identifying characteristic of me and Jim Jones. Jim Jones, he was born in 1931, so World War II, he was 10, 11, 12 years old, sometime in there, and all the kids in Indiana, the town he was from in Indiana, would make believe, as all the kids were across the United States, that they were going to be Allied soldiers.
Starting point is 00:13:38 They would play the game of war, and they're all Allied soldiers, except one. Jim Jones envisioned he was Hitler and got turned on and got the chills from Hitler's speeches as I have been known to do a time or two watching Hitler on YouTube. Zach, can I just get a few Wei Shangxings, please? Wei Shangxing. Jesus Christ. Wei Shangxing.
Starting point is 00:13:57 No, no, no. I'm not pro-Hitler. Well, you get the chills listening to him speak, guys. No, no, no. But everybody, it's literally, but you have to, there's nothing to admire about Hitler, but the kid could speak and sell tickets. The kid definitely did. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:14:12 He filled seats. Yeah, Jim Jones actually liked Hitler. I fucking despise Hitler, but I have to admit, the kid could sell some tickets. It is what it is. He didn't like Hitler's, well, yeah, he probably did. He liked Hitler. He made believe he was Hitler. He studied all the big guys.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Stalin, Marx, Hitler. All the guys who stood out or sold tickets or really were leaders. He was obsessed with those guys. I mean, from a young age, he was a true blue psychopath. We'll get into that. Because make no mistake, if Hitler was alive right now, he'd have a pretty big Patreon. He would have a nice podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Because his podcast would be wild. Can you imagine Hitler's fucking podcast? Mein Kampf Weekly? Yeah. It would be pretty huge, unfortunately. Yeah, you would. Jihadi would have produced it. That would be funny.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Jihadi would have body fucks up Hitler's audio? Yeah. Now, yeah. So this is interesting stuff. James' mother was an actual toot. That would be funny Jihadi with a body Fucks up Hitler's audio Yeah Now Yeah So This is interesting stuff James James' mother was an actual toot
Starting point is 00:15:09 Now what we do know What we do know Is that James' mother did Spend some time in Mexico Yes Around the time She ran away to Mexico Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:19 While she was pregnant with you We don't know the timeline We There's speculation She was knocked up And went there There's speculation She came back Knocked up She never came pregnant with you. We don't know the timeline. There's speculation she was knocked up and went there. There's speculation she came back knocked up. She never came clean with you. She once cried.
Starting point is 00:15:31 When this all kind of came out, she started bawling to me. It's like, I don't know who your father is. While me, her, and my stepdad at the time were about to watch a WCW pay-per-view. Oh, beautiful. So it got awkward, and then we watched D. Malenko and Rey Mysterio and forgot all about it. Because you have no brothers and sisters,
Starting point is 00:15:47 no biological brothers and sisters. That I know of, no, but there's probably all kinds of chaos going on. I probably slept with a relative by this point. Now, he's from Vegas, so truth be told,
Starting point is 00:15:57 his story's actually a pretty normal story for somebody born in Vegas. Vegas. And what thing, an admirable thing... You know nothing of Vegas, Jon Snow.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I mean, Vegas is a wild place. The thing about the dog that's the most admirable to me is that the childhood he had, which from all accounts was a very good childhood, but still to deal with the demons that you have to deal with, that you never turn to drugs and alcohol to escape that pain just shows how strong of a guy you actually are. Yeah, you are very strong. My family was like, the mom was a drug addict. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:21 That's what I'm saying. It's all in you. You had all the reasons to do it, and you never did. So it's just pure, pure strength. Yeah, that's you, Will Power, and also your Nazi grandmother who raised you. Yeah. Was very strong. And she instigated you.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yeah. That also comes from Ridgewood. So your grandmother, did she talk like this when she spoke to you? Did she speak like this? Hi, James. Listen, I know you're moving to New York City. And from what I understand, there's a lot of Jews that live there. Now, I never had anything wrong with the Jews.
Starting point is 00:16:58 But Hitler, he did a lot of good things for Germany at the beginning. How many times did you hear that as a child, that it started off good? So this is what's crazy is like I'm going to meet up with like my family. Right now. Whose mother was my grandma. So we were talking about it last night. Did you guys say hello like this a little bit? We said hello like that.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I hate you so much. I love the formal, the quick one. They just have that quick one. Don't got time for the whole just like. That's when there's a lot of people. You just throw that. You know what I mean? Just, hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:17:28 So my grandma was visiting her grandma and she was going to meet up with a friend at the movies. And then on my grandma's grandma's like, you got to hang out with me today. I need you to do this. And so she missed the movies. And that's lucky because the allies bombed the movie theater and her friend died. Yeah. Those dirty fucking allies. We i mean zach can we get one please i mean you might as well just man that button when chrissy opens his mouth yeah whenever you
Starting point is 00:17:56 see head movement like he's about to talk just get your finger fucking ready yeah so yeah so that's the story of James Mad Dog his grandmother was a Nazi Jesus Christ she wasn't a Nazi she was a Hitler youth you can't get more of a Nazi than that
Starting point is 00:18:11 because you would've been too if you were born there you would've had no option so bottom line is Mad Dog bottom line is Mad Dog
Starting point is 00:18:19 is an adopted Mexican Nazi in a nutshell I'm glad I'm up for a Disney job when I showed up on this. 20 minutes of this shit. Oh, it doesn't matter, Bubba.
Starting point is 00:18:27 We're going to get that fucking Disney job one way or another. And glorious bastards over here. Yeah, listen, if we get the Patreon, first of all, if we get the Patreon to 1,000, we made it,
Starting point is 00:18:38 Chris sent me a photo of his feet, which are unbelievable. And actually, my fiance's father is a chief podiatrist. So we made a video, me and my fiance made a video of us showing her father Chris's feet and diagnosing his feet. And it is fucking hysterical. You said my feet are dislocated. Don't give it away, cuz.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Jesus fucking Christ. That's what it is. Wild. Yeah, we want to make him fucking pay for it. Yeah, because the video's not that great, so we gotta do another video. That's why I gave it away. It's just, no, pop! It's gonna pop!
Starting point is 00:19:13 Because Brittany's, your fiancΓ©'s dad is just a fucking noble guy, and he didn't say anything funny. Yeah, that's true. He was just technical about it. You only got funny at the end. Yeah, well, yeah, that's true. But here's the deal.'s i'm gonna send out a picture if we get to 400 as chris the teacher remind us of my remote dick we're gonna post that but if we get to a thousand i will put your fucking broken deformed frank's and beans feet
Starting point is 00:19:36 in my mouth yeah we'll make a video of it yeah that's what's gonna happen one thousand one thousand patrons we're at what are we at? Three something. 367, I believe. 367. And we got a few more joined, which we'll read your names at the end of the podcast. That's what we do. If you join our Patreon, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, we read out your name aloud on this podcast at the end of every podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And if we get to 5,000, we will sacrifice James. Yes. Burn him at the stake for being a fucking Nazi. I think I'm a witch. Yes. I think you're a Nazi. I'd be a good witch. You should burn me.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Do you wear the sweatshirt I bought you, Bubba? The Vegas Night sweatshirt? I sleep in it, and I sleep with peace. Now, you banged out a girl who had fumes last night. Maybe. It's what it is. It happens, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:20 You know? You can't win them all. It's the fucking price of doing business. Cost of doing business. Cost of doing business. It happens, baby. Yeah, what are you going to do? It's what it is. You gloved up, right? So can't win them all. It's the fucking price of doing business. Cost of doing business. Yeah, what are you gonna do? You gloved up, right? So you're good to go. Oh, baby, I gloved up my glove. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I was gonna say, you double bag it sometimes, right? I learned the hard way, Bubba. You can't do it. What do you mean? Sometimes you get a little bit, baby. You got bit? No, but sometimes things get a little weird. I'm such a hypochondriac. Like, if I get a rash within, like, a month of raw dog and any girl, like, even if it's, like, on my arm, I'm convinced I got something.
Starting point is 00:20:51 So I just stopped raw dog. But I think if you double bag it, the friction, I heard that the friction gets higher, and you have a better chance of breaking through. Is that true? Break on through to the other side, baby. Now, can you only use magnums? What do you use?
Starting point is 00:21:03 Because you got a fucking sweet piece. I use the purple Trojans. Your dick looks like a sweet potato. This is hilarious. People don't even know how you even know. Like, no one's actually seen my penis here. Yeah. They only see it through underwear.
Starting point is 00:21:17 That's all we need to see it through. Well, there was a period. You know what would be funny? A comedian sex tape. Yeah. It would just be so neurotic. They'd be like, can you just turn the lights off? You'd be like, I'm A comedian sex tape. Yeah. It would just be so neurotic. They'd be like, can you just turn the lights off? He'd be like, I'm having trouble getting wood.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Yeah. There was a whole time where James could not. He was having problems with his glue. He thought he was gay. He thought he was gay, but then he couldn't get the glue out of his gun. What do you mean? He just couldn't bust. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:21:37 For how long, dog? Psychologically, he just couldn't get it out. How long did that last? I don't know, about 36 years. No, seriously, how long could you not? I think I- Even when you were stroking him, you couldn't get the glow out of it? Let me just say this.
Starting point is 00:21:47 He's a very strong kid. He's got a strong will, and he's one of the strongest people I know. I sense a butt coming. But your mom being a toot and a drug addict is going to leave a couple of marks. You're not going to get away unscathed. Yeah, it's going to be a hole. But we all got holes. One of the things that comes with that is a little obsessiveness. Yeah. You're not going to get away unscathed. Yeah, it's going to be a hole. I mean, it's going to, but we all got holes. One of the things
Starting point is 00:22:06 that comes with that is a little obsessiveness. Of course, OCD, yeah. So he's got a little OCD, so he started having the thought, and then the thought becomes obsessive, and then the glue
Starting point is 00:22:14 just doesn't come out. Dog is so smart. Dog is so smart with certain things, he's almost autistic. Yeah, he is. It's like, he's on the spectrum of,
Starting point is 00:22:22 I mean, the fact that you can, just real, I know you have to go. I know you have to go, I know you have to go. But just real quick, just for the next minute, can you just tell us the Super Bowl winning quarterback since 1973? Go. Since 73?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Yeah. I can't anymore. 83. Bebas, come on. 83. That was Jim Plunkett. 87. 87 was Doug Williams.
Starting point is 00:22:40 92. 92 was Troy Aikman. Wow. 99. 99 was Troy Aikman. Wow. 99. 99 was Kurt Warner. Holy shit. 2008. That gets a little hairy.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Oh, Eli Manning. Come on, Bubba's. 2013. Shit. I struggle more with the recents because I just forget. Let's see. Because that year you were struggling with your glue gun. I was running the bathroom seeing if I could get lift to gay guys to see if I was a homosexual.
Starting point is 00:23:05 UNLV alum right here. You're running rebels, baby. Alum, you graduated. Yeah, I'm one of eight. I like to call it the Harvard of the desert. Who won WrestleMania in 1991? Like the whole WrestleMania.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I don't know. The main event? Yeah. Let's see. Main event of 91 was Hulk Hogan versus Sgt. Slaughter. Yeah, I mean, that's Franks and Beans right here. We're talking Franks and Beans.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeah, it's just Franks and Beans. Because that's a nice jacket. You like this jacket? I do. Yeah, I didn't pay for it. Where'd you get it from? Comedy Central. Comedy Central.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Can I ask a question? Yes. The fact that you ask a question and then in the middle of it go to his jacket, is that a little Franks and Beans? Well, it's a little hyenas because the second word is just we're hyenas and we have no plan. We just go. Did you see that picture on the Instagram that I posted of a hyena on a golf course in Africa?
Starting point is 00:23:54 Yeah. How fucking funny is that? Ten out of ten. Yeah. Imagine you're just playing golf and there's just a hyena on hole 17. Yeah. I mean, it is what it is. It's what it is because.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yeah. I think we're losing the dog, right? No, come on We're just about to talk about Jonestown I know but I'm sorry This is the greatest show ever Show the people your glue gun Yeah let's do it right now
Starting point is 00:24:11 That's how I say goodbye Yeah Thanks for having me guys Of course What's up tonight Are you gonna meet us tonight Yeah well you guys are gonna Go back to Bay Ridge
Starting point is 00:24:18 I'm with the family You guys gotta hang out with the family Just come back to the city We're gonna meet the family And be like Hey I heard that your grandma Used to greet you guys with the hail. Because how about you were raised by a woman who had actually hailed Hitler before. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:34 For real. In Germany. Well, she was a Nazi. She had to. She was a Nazi youth. She was a Hitler youth. Because that was the Boy Scout. But I'm just saying she did do this.
Starting point is 00:24:43 But she still had to do that as part of the Hill of Youth. It is what it is. It's just the truth. It's the truth, man. That's fucking wild. Now, we're also going to post a picture of you also. I just want to let everyone know we're going to post a picture of you on the Instagram, and we're going to do a poll if you're Mexican or Jewish.
Starting point is 00:24:59 We're going to see what people think off one look. If that's all right with you, Bubba. We're going to take a picture of you right now. And we have to do an assessment. No, you look fucking great right now. This cost me a job. You do look good. It'll never cost you, Bubba. We're going to take a picture of you right now. And we have to do air session. No, you look fucking great right now. This cost me a job. You do look good.
Starting point is 00:25:07 It'll never cost you a job. It'll never cost you a job. I mean, it is what it is. Sometimes it is what it is. There it is. We got the best pick. We got a good pick of you. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Yeah. And look at the dog. Yeah. And the dog has no butt. Yeah, the dog. If I have no butt, the dog. I got told I have a booty. Nah, Bubba,
Starting point is 00:25:25 you got no butt. I was getting a massage and this girl went to a workout. She grabbed a booty. You can't even keep your pants up because your butts...
Starting point is 00:25:31 You have an old man's butt. We've seen your ass crack a bunch and I don't mind it, but we've seen it a lot and I can verify you got no butt. Sometimes my booty hole
Starting point is 00:25:40 likes to say hello to everybody. That's what it is. Who do you think is hairier? Jihadi with a body or fucking glue gun? Captain Glue Gun. Maybe Glue Gun.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I don't know, but Dog's older. So Jihadi with a body will be hairier than Glue Gun at some point. Well, you don't keep progressing in hair. Oh, you don't? I don't know. If he's 23, that's probably the prime of your hairdo. Yeah. It's not like you're going to peak at 31 of hair.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It's not like... Yeah, that's true, too. It's not like a baseball pitcher. 23, that's young for a Muslim, right? Yeah. You wait until 63, and then you're going to marry a 13-year-old, correct? How does it work? A couple. Nice.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yeah. That's what it is. Beautiful. Yeah. Now, Doc, what religion are you? Real quick before we go. What would you say you are? Hey, Bert. I was raised Catholic. You were raised Catholic. But I'm an agnostic, I guess I would is. Beautiful. Now, dog, what religion are you? Real quick before we go. What would you say you are? Hey, Bert.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I was raised Catholic. You were raised Catholic. But I'm an agnostic, I guess I would say. That's a fashionable term. Fair enough, Bubba. You going to go on a cruise now? Yeah, I got to meet with my aunts. It's like one of those dinner cruise kind of things?
Starting point is 00:26:36 No dinner. We're just going to have cocktails, see everything, and then I think we'll get you some pizza and drinks later. Where are you getting the boat? 23rd Street? On like 43rd. Oh, okay. It's going to be nice.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Buddy, it's got to be classic. Uncle Bill? No, not Uncle Bill. We don't talk to him no more. Oh, fuck him. Yeah. What happened to Uncle William? He's got problems, bro.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Is he from Rochester? You got family in Rochester. Yeah, he was born, I think, in Reno. I know a girl in Rochester who's got the biggest tits you've ever seen in your life. Get out of here. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:02 And you've seen a lot of tits. Yeah, she's got big. They stand out from all big bombs. Rochester's known for pancake boobies. Uh-oh. Here we go. There it is.
Starting point is 00:27:16 26.53. Guess that part. Good to see you, dog. Good to see you, dog. Good to see you. We're going to have breakfast tomorrow or what? Come on, hit, okay. Good to see you, dog. Good to see you, dog. Love, as always, my best. Good to see you. We're going to have breakfast tomorrow or what? I'll see you. Come on, hit me up.
Starting point is 00:27:30 We'll go to the diner. I'd love to fucking buy you a... I'd love to take you to Tim Hortons. You ever go to Tim Hortons? It's in... It's Canadian. There's one in Staten Island. There's one in Staten Island?
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah, right on the fucking Staten Island, cuz. That's appropriate, because Staten Island... Hey, Mark. For New Yorkers, Staten Island, take care, dog. See you later, baby. Staten Island, cuz. That's appropriate, because Staten Island... Hey, Mark. For New Yorkers, Staten Island, take care, dog. See you later, baby. Staten Island is kind of like another country.
Starting point is 00:27:48 What a fucking gem of a human being the dog is. The dog's one of those guys, like you've said multiple times, Giannis, if somebody dies, he'll be sad for the rest of his life. He'll come to your funeral, and he'll be sad. He'll visit your grave. He's got a pure heart. Pure. He's a pure heart.
Starting point is 00:28:03 He's golden. He's a good... He's got a pure heart. He. He's a pure heart. He's golden. He's a good, he's just a good kid. What happened? My hand is freezing for some reason. What do you mean? I don't know. It's like a cramp. You got no blood flow going to your hand?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah. It's just what it is because it's starting to get old. Yeah. You're getting nervous again. Your anxiety is starting to get the best of you again. Yeah. It's just what it is. What do you mean your hand? So explain to me what's going on. It's just getting
Starting point is 00:28:27 heavy. It's like, look what's happening. What do you mean? What is that? What do you mean it's getting heavy? I don't know. It's getting numb something. Nothing's happening. Can you go like this? Wiggle your fingers. Yeah, look at that. You're good. You're good. Wiggle your fingers. I don't know. Do I look jacked
Starting point is 00:28:44 though? You do look jacked I'm gonna take a fucking piss I would say pause the podcast But I know that it will not be paused Yeah Well We gotta talk about Jim Jones this week Which by the way
Starting point is 00:28:56 Jim Jones Is a fucking psychopath Not a sociopath A psychopath I'd say From fucking Indiana. There we go. See, now that's a tough one.
Starting point is 00:29:09 If you guys can guess that one, I'll give you guys, it'll be great. Guess that fart that was at 2848 of the podcast. Yeah. You're the one who told me to watch this because I knew about Jim Jones and I did use to have sex with a girl who was from Guyana and she was in peace. So that's how I know about Jonestown Guyana's the only country in South America Where they speak English, I believe Wild
Starting point is 00:29:30 Only one where they English is the main language Why is that? Does anybody know why that is? It's for another episode Who knows? So that means the answer was We don't know
Starting point is 00:29:40 We don't know We don't know Whenever it's for another episode That's just a That's just a nice way of saying we have no idea. He's one of those guys. He was a cult leader. But it always starts off small.
Starting point is 00:29:50 It always starts off like, no, just listen to me do this. He was a complete fucking power obsessed man. Like he needed to have the power. Well, he's definitely a psychopath. Let's talk about his childhood. He used to have funerals for roadkill. Wild. And he also used to torture animals.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Did he torture animals or he just had funerals for them? No, he'd also torture a few. Okay, so that's a psychopath trait. That's just what they do. He embodied, he used to make believe he was Hitler during World War II in Indiana, which is a fucking wild thing to do. Because people from Indiana, Indiana is just, there's a lot of wild people that come out of Indiana. Indianapolis,
Starting point is 00:30:28 well, it's the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan. Yeah. Indianapolis is one of those cities that like, you know, you have to be polite about it and be like, oh, I like that city, but it's like nothing happens there.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah. It's kind of just brutes and goats. And if anyone's from Indianapolis, I know I've been in your city a few times. You know, I'm happy that it's part of the United States, but it's just the most brutal big city I've ever been to
Starting point is 00:30:48 in the United States. Really? I can't think of... It's actually a city where I just don't want to go back. Really? I don't have a good time doing comedy there. I don't have a good time being there ever. Wow. I do not like it at all. It doesn't sound like you're going to be invited back to... That's one of the best clubs.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Which one? Packers? In Indianapolis. No, that's not, that's Minneapolis. Minneapolis is Acme, that's different. Oh, so you just hate fucking Indiana. I did not have a good time there at all. They were relatively racist.
Starting point is 00:31:18 It was a very boring, spread out city. It's just one of those like secondary cities that people try to justify. I'm like, oh, this city's better than New York. It's like the answer's no. No. It's just one of those like secondary cities that people try to justify and like, oh, this city's better than New York. It's like the answer's no. It's just a clear no. But I,
Starting point is 00:31:30 and anybody who's listening from Indianapolis, I appreciate your, your, you know, loyalty, but Jim Jones, yeah,
Starting point is 00:31:38 he was from Indiana and it's just a lot of fucking weirdos come out of Indiana because it's just one of those states. It's so landlocked. You're so in the middle.
Starting point is 00:31:44 You're so far from being connected to the rest of the world. You're not near any water. So landlocked in the middle. You just like, you feel claustrophobic in there. Yeah. It's kind of South, but also kind of Midwest. There's a little bit of both. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And. 31, 4040 Jim Jones I don't know what rock you've been living under But everyone probably knows Jim Jones Well some of the kids Some of our We're not talking about the rapper Jim Jones Yeah I was gonna say it depends
Starting point is 00:32:17 Because some of our patrons Patreon members And just people listening to the free one May just think it's the rapper Jim Jones Yeah no we're talking about the cult leader Jim Jones. Yes. Now, this kid, he started in Indiana. What was it called?
Starting point is 00:32:31 The People's Temple. The People's Temple. People's Temple. So he started in Indiana. He was born in Crete, Indiana. Wow. What a connection to you. The name of the island that my mother's from.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Crete. Crete. And then he moved to, how about this? Connection to you. The name of the island that my mother's from. Crete. Crete. And then he moved to, how about this? Connection to you. Lynn, Indiana. Yeah. How wild is that? Fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:32:53 He grew up in Lynn, Indiana. My mom's name is Lynn. Why is there a Crete, Indiana and a Lynn, Indiana? For our podcast. That's why. That's what it is. It was to bring us together. And cuz, make no mistake, I think what it's trying to say is we need to fucking resurrect
Starting point is 00:33:06 the people's temple. Well, we got to explain why Lynn is connected to you. Because that's my mother's name. Yeah. Yeah. That's my mother. She saved my life. And Lynn, as we know, likes to have a few brews.
Starting point is 00:33:19 And make no mistake, if you knock on Lynn's door, she will offer you a brew and an Entenmann's cake. It's what it is. It's just what it is. It's just what it is when you're a white working class lady from Queens, New York. Yeah. She respects you as long as you're not on welfare. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:31 It's just what it is. Her cash dollars have to pay for people being lazy. So Jim Jones, you know, he was always obsessed with religion. He was obsessed as a young kid with these charismatic leaders, Stalin, Hitler. He studied them. Got great grades. Graduated early with honors. Yep. Ended up going to, he went to graduate from high school.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And then I think he went to Butler for a little bit. Make no mistake. You can't be a leader, or good and join and start a cult and do things like that if you're not a very intelligent human being there is it's just do you use your smarts for good or evil yeah well he's a psychopath but he's a smart psychopaths usually are his iq i'm sure was above average yeah i mean he graduated with honors easily not racist either that's the thing. Not racist at all.
Starting point is 00:34:26 That's what I wanted to talk about. Yeah. I mean, even like James told me, his grandmother said, you know, that Hitler at the beginning did a lot of good things. Right. Which he probably did. But that almost seems part of the plan for psychopaths. Absolutely. That's how they kind of win people over.
Starting point is 00:34:43 They reel you in. They reel you in. So it's like it's perfunctory. It's not. That's how they kind of win people over. They reel you in. They reel you in so it's like it's perfunctory. It's not it's not. If you say perfunctory again I'm going to punch you in the face. Yeah. You've just had enough of me haven't you? Yeah. Yeah you just had enough. Perfunctory. Cause make no mistake your mom
Starting point is 00:34:57 just likes that you hang out with me cause I don't have a shaved part in my head. That's what it is. That's all she wants for her son. All she ever wanted was at least one friend to have a four-year degree, not an associate. And you're my only friend that has that. And Lukasz. Lukasz is an ER doctor. Yeah, because, I mean, we'll do what we can.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I'll try my best for Lynn to try to make you culture. I'll take you to a museum or whatever. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. It is what it is. So Jim Jones started preaching, moved tickets. Sold a lot of tickets. Kid could speak. These guys always sell tickets.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Yeah, I mean, if you don't have the charisma to speak, you're not going to be able to become a cult leader or the leader of a country. A lot of it, you know what I've realized by doing all this research for Jonestown? Is like, charisma is most of it. The world is mostly, like Shakespeare said, the world's a stage. Yes. And all these people, even like you were talking about, you see newscasters, things like that. It's all a show. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Most of this world is a show. Absolutely. And people are putting on a performance. It's not really who they are. They're doing it for self-aggrandizement, to be recognized, to move tickets, to give you false hope. He's selling hope. You know what I mean? He's selling hope to you, but it's for him to get bigger.
Starting point is 00:36:33 That's why he moved to San Francisco. He went to California. He left Indiana because Indiana wasn't big enough for him. He wanted recognition. Like you said earlier today when we were walking, very few people have integrity. It's very, very small percentage of people have true integrity. True integrity is, I mean, I think justβ€” We probably don't have it.
Starting point is 00:36:51 No, I just think very few people have integrity. Very few people are bribeable. Right. I mean, are not bribeable. Are not bribeable. Yeah, most people will just accept a bribe. And a bribe, what I mean by a bribe is a bribe doesn't always come in like, hey, this is a bribe. I mean, like people will just, will offer you money in a salary or whatever, and you'll
Starting point is 00:37:12 just take it. Sure. You know what I mean? You know, it's just what it is. It's just what it is. Like if you're a CEO of a company, it's like, and people like, hey man, you got to pay workers more. He's like, hey, yeah, I'll give'll give you You know people are starting to listen to you
Starting point is 00:37:25 How about I make you one of my guys And I'll pay you That guy's gonna shut up It's just what it is He's just gonna take the dough It's what it is And that's what these cult leaders Are so good at
Starting point is 00:37:35 They're so good at And with Jim Jones You notice He was very good At just sort of Testing people's loyalty to him. Yeah. Finding out who was going to be the most loyal.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Tell him some fucking things that he did. Oh, my God. Well, first of all, so he got bigger and bigger. Actually, when he was in San Francisco, too, met with a lot of, like, very important people. Like, you know, he was. He got invited to fucking President Jimmy Carter's inauguration. Yeah. So he was.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Why can I not think of Carter? I have early onset. No, a lot of people just overlook Carter, who ended up as. People say he was a brutes, magoots press. Yeah, they do. A lot of that was because of the Iran hostage situation. Yeah, all those guys got killed in the Olympics. Yeah, that was rough for him.
Starting point is 00:38:28 What was in the Olympics? Wasn't it the Olympics? Was that the Olympics, Dan Carter? I thought it was during the Olympics. I could be wrong. I'm probably wrong. I have to pee, so you're just going to have to talk to Zach for a second. Should we pause it?
Starting point is 00:38:38 No, well, yes, but it's not going to happen. It's just I have chlamydia. That's why. That's what it is. So Jim Jones, fucking wild. He ended up, a guy with integrity ended up dying at the end. Congressman Leo Ryan, which is wild. But before we get there, we'll skip forward.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Jim Jones ends up in Guyana With about a thousand followers They do the whole Bhagwan thing Wild Wild Country documentary We talked about it Did we do an episode about Wild Wild Country? We did, right? I don't think we've done a whole episode But we talked about it
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah So they form a fucking You know Same shit Cult Living off the land They form their own Jonestown It's called Jonestown
Starting point is 00:39:27 Just like the Bogwan, whatever that shit was called I can't remember And they're all living off the land And praying, and of course There's a dark Underbelly to the whole thing Where he's watching everybody You know
Starting point is 00:39:43 He's got snitches everywhere Controlling people Beating them up, abuses He separates All the families I think there's about 300 children living down there too He separates all families So he has other people
Starting point is 00:40:00 Raise other people's kids He doesn't want the actual Mothers and fathers fathers raising their actual kids. And he says, there's no more mothers and fathers. I'm your father and my wife is your mother. He had a wife who he cheated on all the time. He used to fuck all the girls. Of course, these cults, the guys are always just fucking running through the puss.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Saying like, this is good. This is what Jesus would want. And he was a full-blown communist so that's what he started saying socialism socialism communism so everyone was just living off the land and sharing everything and working and everyone called him father and his wife mother and nobody was raising their own kids because he believed jim jones said that he believed that the most disgusting thing was family was that you are connected to your family just because you're born. So that was all a ploy, though.
Starting point is 00:40:49 So he could fucking he wanted to be the father. Yeah. I mean, this guy was such a psychopath and so manipulative. He was gross. Yeah. And it just made me realize how stupid people are. Absolutely. Fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Stupid. He. Well, stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He – Well, stupid and they just – it just makes how fragile like the human psyche is because it wants – most people just want to be told what to do. Did you talk about your point about laziness? Not yet, no.
Starting point is 00:41:14 That's fucking a good point because you had a lot of time to think this weekend. I did have a lot of time to think. Yeah. time to think. What I've realized when you look at these cults and things is people the reason why people easily fall prey to these things is so often because
Starting point is 00:41:34 people deep down have a need for things to be easy. Absolutely. Which isn't a bad thing necessarily because we talked about that. The reason our species has evolved is because of laziness in a way.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Certain people are working very hard to do things and then some lazy guy who's smart comes along and says, let me figure out a way to make this easier so we don't have to work as much. All inventions are about convenience. Working less, making it more convenient, more efficient. And the people who do that are usually smart, lazy people.
Starting point is 00:42:14 People who don't want to work. People like, let me think outside the box and figure out a way to make this easier for everybody. Right. So there is something deeply rooted in our brain where we're trying to figure out an easy way, an easier way to do things. That's a good point. So I'm saying it has an evolutionary purpose.
Starting point is 00:42:30 So I think we all have that in us, but we don't have the big brains to go with that. So I think the downside, the bag ass, the dark side of that, if you will, is that we're all looking for an easy way. We're all susceptible to someone going, hey, I figured it out. Follow me and things will be easier. I figured it out. There'll be no pain. I'll take care of you. Here's the answers.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Right. And so people just get attracted to that because of that deep-rooted evolutionary thing of, hey, here's an easier way. Right. You know what I'm saying? It's the same reason why people gamble. It's like nobody wants to work for the money. Right. That's what gambling appeals to is that laziness in us where it's like, you know, this money is one.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I didn't have to work for it. There's a thrill in that. There's a high in that. Right, right. So I think that's the reason why people are attracted to cult leaders. Laziness. Laziness. Laziness, but there is also a degree, I think, if you scanned most of the people at Jonestown, certainly some of them were smart.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I would think that majority of their IQ would be lower and majority of them would not have been well off. I would think that most of those people drank that kool-aid and killed themselves had a below average iq or close to a below average iq i don't know if that's the fact it's just a guess or probably average because a lot of people left that cult and those people were you know a little bit smarter i felt like because they noticed quickly now granted some people just couldn't leave and they maybe they felt trapped but just to be that impressionable usually when you're that impressionable it correlates with some degree of a lower i fucking stupid stupid yeah or just average iq yeah and you just manipulated and scared a little bit as you get deeper into it yeah it's not going to work
Starting point is 00:44:21 on everybody i think most people were like jim jones you're a kook but you know what he did is on just a smaller scale it's just a microcosm of what people would would you know dictators do with states yeah so those all those people aren't stupid because make no mistake yeah make no mistake we can see it now as like an easy cult and you know and jim jones was on drugs and stuff like that but if you like go back in history, that's what people thought Jesus was. They thought he was like a Jim Jones guy and that's why they killed him because the people of the time at that time thought this guy's a cult leader. That's why he was crucified.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Not to digress too much, but why don't you tell the people about what you read about? What? And Lynn, I apologize in advance. What did you read? What you found out about Christianity. What did I find out? That it was a story made up to control the people. That was a story that I read an article that Christianity was a story that was made up to control black people.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Where did you read that? That's what I read on Facebook. are you sure that this wasn't brightburg no way they would be for it i mean it was one of the funny i mean the the depths that people will go to i mean when i was reading that article i thought you said you read something that goes back even further it was the you sent me an article yeah about the jews and how the jews were at the time uh you know people who were constantly revolting against the romans yes so in order to control that the romans created christianity they created it yeah they're all as just a thing to like corral certain jews and they did it and they also did it to control African-Americans, not African-Americans
Starting point is 00:46:05 to control Africans because they were starting to rise up. In Rome? In Rome and like Where were the Africans in Rome? Oh, in North Africa? Yeah, we'll have to do a separate episode Whenever we say we have to do a separate episode, it's like we don't know what we're talking about
Starting point is 00:46:21 But it's funny to speculate. And we don't even know what we're talking about when we research for the thing we're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because I was, make no mistake, make no mistake, I was trying to watch the Jim Jones documentary to get fodder for the podcast. And Giannis came over and just talked about nothing. And I couldn't concentrate. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:46:42 And I couldn't concentrate. Because Giannis just had too much coffee from the Koreans up the street and was just pacing on and off my beanbags around my kitchen counter, which is cute, with a sweatshirt that was unzipped with no shirt underneath. And it was gross. It is what it is. Yeah, I just basically threw that sweatshirt on to just go get coughed. And I threw on boots. Because? Rain boots. Rainboots. With windbreakers.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Because this morning, I looked like a person who was going insane with the outfit that I had on. Yeah. I had rainboots on with workout pants, a zip-up sweatshirt with no shirt underneath, and then a nice long peacoat. Yeah. You're just a fucking good hang. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:47:22 It's what it is. Yeah. So the People's temple got huge they ended up moving to guyana fucking jim jones was a wild kid yeah he faked his own death which is wild he used blanks pretend like he was shot had fake blood and then told the people he healed himself and they fucking believe wild so you're right they're fucking stupid stupid just like a woman who claimed that she broke her leg and then he broke the cast off and she ran around the church and the people went fucking nuts. The woman never broke her leg.
Starting point is 00:47:51 No. Well, what he did was they – well, this is how maniacal and psychopathic. And manipulative. And manipulative Jim Jones was and how smart. And before we go any further, I just want to let the podcast know and say it out loud to the matriarchy and if you're not part of the matriarchy go to patreon.com slash favorites boys and join the matriarchy is we all know we all know zach jada with body myself and all of our glorious members of the matriarchy know that you have jim jones inside of you and you can if you're not if i wasn't in your life and if the matriarchy wasn't your life to stop it we know for a fact
Starting point is 00:48:26 for a fact you would at some point send out a mass email to the patron and tell us to join yannis town in greece and we and you would be giving out little things of olive oil and saying just drink this and your life will be complete and we just we just want we're here to let you know that we won't do it as long as I'm alive. Yeah. But I don't have it in me. I'm not a bad kid. But you want to control.
Starting point is 00:48:50 No. You want to be in control. I do like being in control. Right. Right. You wouldn't make no mistake, you would have a few members who would join regardless. Andrew Agos, Chris the Teacher, Jen Bekakis,
Starting point is 00:49:02 Rafa Duka, these guys would join and jump off the cliff with you. Yeah. The blacks would cliff with you. Yeah. The blacks would not follow you. It just wouldn't happen. Black members of the main truck, they would not follow you. They would say, nah, this motherfucker crazy. Well, if you look at Jonestown, a lot of them did.
Starting point is 00:49:15 A lot of them blacks. Because make no mistake, Jim Jones started off saying a lot of great things. He was open to diversity. About equality. Yeah. I mean, he had a whole rainbow. He was open to diversity. About equality. Yeah. I mean, he had a whole rainbow. He called it, what was it, Rainbow Family? Yeah, the Rainbow Family.
Starting point is 00:49:29 So he adopted a bunch of Korean kids. Yeah, every member of his family was a different race. Yeah. But the white kid, the white guy was the one who said he knew from an early age and it was all for show. He says just mostly for show. Everything Jim Jones did was for show. For show.
Starting point is 00:49:42 He wanted power. He was actually one of the most power hungry people that ever lived yeah he almost it almost well i don't know about that that's a that's a big statement crazy yeah you went for it though yeah chrissy fucking go yeah sometimes i'm like like i'm thinking about the next thing i'm gonna say and then i i have to stop and go like wait a second yeah that's. That's a wild statement. Chrissy just said something wild. Chrissy just said something fucking wild. Yeah, I want some salmon today. You do, right?
Starting point is 00:50:10 You fucking Jew. Yeah. Don't say that in front of Mad Dog. No, yeah. Jews love salmon. Gotta love fish. You gotta have a little salmon, though. James Mad Dog Madden said he won't eat fish on Mondays because it's bad fish from the weekend.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Is that what? He won't eat fish on Mondays Because it's bad fish from the weekend He won't eat fish on Mondays He needs to just eat a little more protein He looks like he's recovering He won't eat fish on Mondays He needs to stay away from the Mondays If you know what I mean A lot of black people Were in Jonestown
Starting point is 00:50:42 And because You gotta give Jim Jones Even though it was all a ploy to win over those people, which is what it was. He didn't really care. All he cared about is self-aggrandizement and himself. But the message was a good message. And he actually was like very brave about stuff and went out of his way to support black people and racial harmony and justice and equality. But in retrospect, they say a lot of the hate crimes that he reported that he dealt with, they suspect he made those up on his own.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I can imagine. It's like Rachel Dolezal did that. Do you think she's a psychopath? She might be. Wait, what did Rachel? I know who she is. She said she got some hate mail, but it's pretty clear. I mean, it's definite.
Starting point is 00:51:27 She mailed it to herself. Because the way they researched it is she was the only person who had to keep that P.O. box. And it didn't go through the mail system, that mail. She just mailed it to herself. So she made up these hate crimes. Another thing is Sean King, which I'm fascinated by that kid. Because he does a lot of good work, but he's a white fucking kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:48 I mean, the kid is white. He's got a white mother. He's got white siblings. His birth certificate, his father was white. Yes. But he does a lot of good stuff. Was his mother black? No, his mother's white.
Starting point is 00:51:58 White? His mother's white. And when you look at childhood pictures of him, he's white. But he's still doing a great thing, so it's like whatever. He does some good, great work. Right, and when you look at childhood pictures of him, he's white. But he's still doing a great thing, so it's like whatever. He does some good, great work. But then also there's this hate crime that he says happened to him. And that's why I wonder.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I'm like, is this kid a psychopath? Because he says this huge hate crime happened to him, but that's not what was reported. And the police didn't report that. It's not what was happening. Supposedly the fight happened because it was black kids who beat him up because he was a white kid dating a black girl. So it was the opposite of what he claimed. And then he had this picture on his Facebook page where he was wearing this neck brace and he was all beat up. And the implication was he had it up there because it was like proof that he went through this hate crime where he all beat up and the implication was he had it up there because it was like proof that he went through this hate crime
Starting point is 00:52:48 where he was beat up and everything but it was really from a fucking automobile accident yeah just people who do anything for attention people just believed it like people nobody really looked into it now he's removed that but I remember when he had that up there and his backdrop is like one of the pictures
Starting point is 00:53:04 him with the neck brace on it's like why when he had that up there in his backdrop. It's like one of the pictures, like him with the neck brace on. It's like, why would you have that up there from a car accident? Right. He had it up there because he wanted people to associate hate crime with this is what happened to me. So he's a wild kid. People are fucking wild. And they're often very successful in manipulating people. To a point.
Starting point is 00:53:22 It usually does end bad, though. It usually does end bad if your intentions are malice. You're usually going to die bad. You think so? Yeah. I mean, look at everybody. I mean, everybody goes to, I mean. You're a smart kid, especially with medical stuff, but you speak wrong a lot.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Yeah. If you're malicious is what you mean. Yeah. Yeah. Well, if your intent is malice. Last episode you said it was preemptive too episode you said it was preemptive to. You said it was preemptive to and I was like, you said it was preemptive to the Cold War. Well, see.
Starting point is 00:53:51 You just misspeak a lot. I know. And I'm trying, Lynn. I'm trying. Well, you know what it is? Here's the thing. Sometimes I have the wrong words, but at the core, I know what I'm talking about. You.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Just fucking go. You use a lot of articulate words, but at the core, most times have no fucking clue what you're talking about You Just fucking go You use a lot of Articulate words But at the core Most times have no Fucking clue What you're talking about I'm fucking stupid Stupid But you just are so
Starting point is 00:54:11 You fool people With the vocabulary Because I'm a dictator Yes And that's why we Fucking I know that If you had the chance
Starting point is 00:54:18 You would create Yonastown Pop Poppisfilm Because I I just have too good Of a heart for that.
Starting point is 00:54:25 You're a great kid. Yeah. You're a great kid. But if something traumatic happened to me that cut off my emotions, yeah, I'm not interested in it. You said today that you don't care if you die in five years of stomach cancer. Well, yeah. I mean, you just have to. I'm standing by it.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Do you know how much fucking motivation it's got to take and how much energy? I just don't care. To move to Guyana. You know how fucking retarded that is? 160 miles away from Georgetown, their capital. I mean, who has to love control that much that you want to move all the way to another country
Starting point is 00:54:56 and just control 900 people? I'm not motivated to do it. I mean, I just don't have the motivation. I just don't fucking care. You got to give credit what credit's due. A lot of these kids, you got to respect their work ethic. Absolutely. I mean, supposedly Jim Jones had to work so hard he had to take amphetamines. He took amphetamines because his schedule was from like 7 in the morning to like 2.
Starting point is 00:55:16 And then to come down, he would have to take a tranquilizer to sleep a couple hours. And he told all his followers because he works 24 hours a day for them. Just like Kim Jong-un tells the North Koreans he doesn't poop. Just people going fucking nuts. Kim Jong-un told North Korea that he doesn't poop. Yeah, and a lot of people probably believe it. People are stupid. People are fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Jim Jones told his followers that he was God. Yeah. And that he healed himself and he was doing all these things. Here's why I know I'm definitely stupid. But here's why I know where I'm not as stupid as others because I can admit that I'm very stupid and don't know most things. Yeah. So I think if you can admit to yourself that you don't know most things, you'll be able to see the bullshit. Well, here's the true sign of the psychopath, I think.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Okay. Jim Jones had this. Yeah. I mean, like I said, laugh tells a lot. When a person laughs, how they laugh, why they laugh. But what's deeper than the laugh, I think, is if somebody can make fun of themselves. Psychopaths don't deal with that well. They don't deal with that well.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Interesting. Is that true? Is that just – are you making that – are you just – is that your conclusion? No, that's – I'm not making that up. That's science. It's what it is. Science proven. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:29 If you talk to the psychiatrists, the psychologists who specialize in that. Yeah, they rationalize everything. It's never their fault. Okay. That's a big trait to being a psychopath is that they always blame someone else. They never say I'm sorry. They never say I'm sorry. They never admit it's my fault or whatever unless it's a big trait to being a psychopath is that they always blame someone else. They never say I'm sorry. They never say I'm sorry. They never admit it's my fault or whatever unless it's a ploy.
Starting point is 00:56:49 But that's rare too because they're just defensive and they say, oh, well, he had it coming. If he didn't, it's what it is. So that's a huge sign. When someone can make fun of themselves, laugh at themselves, it shows a humility that exposes someone's humanity. Interesting. So, yeah, you can't, like, you couldn't just make fun of Jim Jones. Yeah, he would lose his fucking mind. He would lose his fucking mind, you know, because it's all about power.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Power. They don't have a sense of humor about themselves. So, that's a big way to tell who you're dealing with. Who you're dealing with. Yeah, I mean, you could start Christy Town. Again, not motivated to do it. No, you're just not into it, yeah. Yeah, I'm just not motivated.
Starting point is 00:57:31 I mean, you know, unless the push stops rolling in. Well, Jim Jones was fucking all the girls that lived there. Yeah, he fucked everybody. That's one of the things that always goes with these kids. They just fuck everybody. You start a cult, everyone's getting fucked. Yeah, and then it's always a different message, but it but it is always a thing it's like we're fucking you because now jim jones so they live down there in jonestown and guyana and then things just got
Starting point is 00:57:54 pretty fucking wild and now it's chrissy's turn to talk because i'm gonna piss my pants yeah well things well things got wild um when he decided first all, the first thing he did just to test his power is he had everyone drink wine. And then after they drank the wine, he told them all it was poisoned. And he said, you guys have an hour to live. And what he wanted to do was just check his power, how many people are going to come up to him and try to kill him, how many people speak out against him. So he was a fucking psycho. How many people speak out against him? So he was a fucking psycho and he was setting up for the main thing, which was eventually forgetting the exact day.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Eventually he just made everyone drink cyanide, including himself cyanide poison mixed with Kool-Aid and everybody died. And he also wound up killing a Senator who had come to like, try to like look into what was going on. Cause make no mistake. The U S government started to find out into what was going on because make no mistake the u.s government started to find out about what was happening at jonestown and wanted to intervene and this guy came senator ryan i think his name was leo ryan is that right i think yeah and he he went to investigate what was happening in jonestown and uh jim jones just had his henchmen
Starting point is 00:59:03 shoot him in the fucking head he just they just murdered him and then shortly thereafter they got the cyanide poison and they killed everyone um so yeah jim jones is just one of those guys and again i would have had more information but yannis came over when we were when i was trying to research the second part and just started talking to me about fucking nonsense. That's the thing with Giannis. Is we all love him, but I got to deal with him every fucking day. And at times just gets really hard.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Because he just fucking complains a lot about how shitty his life is. When he's just a fucking straight white male in America. And then he just also fucking complains and talks about nonsense. And I have to fucking deal with his rants 24-7, sometimes just not in the fucking mood. Wild! Yeah! And I hope he hears this, and I know he will,
Starting point is 00:59:53 because he listens to every fucking second of this podcast like a true cock. Yeah! So what did we leave off? He's back. What'd you tell him? We just fucking, I just told him what a great guy you are. And you told him, so you told him when he tested everybody by pretending it was poison?
Starting point is 01:00:08 I told him that. I told him that, but then I didn't tell him. But then I did, I told him about them drinking all the cyanide poison, but I didn't tell him about them killing the congressman. Wow, you jumped way, you just, jumped to the end. Because we're close, right? Yeah, we're close. We're at an hour and I can't take it anymore. You're close.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yeah, and we still have to read the Patreon members out and we still have to play Rafael DeLuca's song. Oh, wow. All right, so yeah, he killed a lot of people, Jim Jones. What happened was a congressman came down. Was it Leo Ryan? Was that his name? Leo Ryan, good kid. Good kid.
Starting point is 01:00:34 We'll talk about him on the Patreon. On the Patreon, we'll talk about that. So this all led to a fucking, obviously, the mass murder of 918 people. Stupid people. Stupid fucking people. But at this point, they were surrounded by guards. They wanted to get out.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Yeah, he forced everyone to kill themselves. So it was a mass murder, a painful death, cyanide, 300 children. He made the children go first. So he made their parents watch their kids die. Watch all their kids die. I mean, the guy's a sadist and a psychopath. Does cyanide kill you slowly? Slowly.
Starting point is 01:01:10 It's brutal. Brutal. So they were in pain. You suffocate slowly. It's fucking brutal. So that's why the piece of shit. But he didn't even do it. He killed him.
Starting point is 01:01:19 He shot himself, right? Shot himself with a gun because he probably watched how much suffering everybody else was going through. What a piece of shit. Piece of fucking shit. He's truly a piece of shit. Piece of shit. And we will talk about in the bonus episode. And, of course, we have tons of bonus episodes.
Starting point is 01:01:35 If you haven't joined, for you to go binge on Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. Join the matriarchy. We depend on your support. We're growing. It's great. the matriarchy we depend on your support we're growing it's great um we got to uh we gotta just keep growing so keep telling your friends and we will talk more in depth about um what happened uh congressman leo ryan on the bonus episode but shit got wild fucking don't drink the kool-aid that expression comes from um him the way really yeah don't drink the Kool-Aid. That expression comes
Starting point is 01:02:05 from him. Really? Yeah, don't drink the Kool-Aid. That's where it comes from. Interesting. Yeah, it comes from Jim James. It wasn't actually Kool-Aid. It was a cheaper version of Kool-Aid. What was it called again? Cheap fuck. Can you see the brand that he used? He mixed the cyanide
Starting point is 01:02:21 and he would, he used it, he had little needles and he would just squirt it in the mouth. He would force the kids to open their mouths and he would squirt a little bit of the cyanide mixed with the fruit drink. Yeah, it just says powdered fruit drink. Yeah, but what was it called? I don't know. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:40 So anyway, that's where the expression don't drink the Kool-Aid comes from. And here we are at the point of the podcast where we get to read out the newest members of the fucking matriarchy, the newest fucking members of Papa's Town. And I am just excited that you guys did decide to drink the Kool-Aid and join our Patreon at patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. And as always, we're going to read these names out, and Giannis is going to guess your ethnicity. First guy up or person, Cortez Eagle. I mean, that's an easy one. Cortez Eagle? Latino. He's a gun. Yeah, he's a gun.. I mean, that's an easy one. Cortez Eagle? Latino.
Starting point is 01:03:07 He's a gun. Yeah, he's a gun. Yeah. Yeah, he's a gun. Yeah, 357 Eagle. That's what it is. Andrew Lockhart. Come on.
Starting point is 01:03:15 That's a good old boy from there. How you, Andrew Lockhart. Yeah. I mean, that guy, he's from maybe Indiana. Liam Snell. Wow, we got an Irish kid. Yeah. I think in the lead we have Irish.
Starting point is 01:03:27 I think blacks might be in the lead. Blacks and Irish are in the lead. Yeah. Now we got one. This kid's just money. This name just has money to attach to it. Jack Grantham. Jack Grantham sounds like a hero in a goddamn Ayn Rand novel.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Naval. Here we go. In an Ayn Rand novel. Here we got one. Yeah. Nisan Hunt Moses. Nisan Hunt. We Naval. Here we go. An Ayn Rand novel. Here we got one. Yeah. Nisan Hunt Moses. Nisan Hunt. We got.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Nisan Hunt. That's Chinese. Moses. No, he's, I think, from India. Oh. He has a picture of an Indian guy. Well, we can't do that anymore because that apple has been taken from the Simpson. You cannot talk like this anymore.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Carlin Dauphin. Carlin Dauphin. Carlin Dauphin. I'm going. African American gentleman. Nicholas Wilson. White kid. White. Ryan Cronin.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Fucking. It's so white it hurt my butt. White. White. Daniel Goodwin. Daniel Goodwin. Ooh. I'm going to go. Iwin I'm gonna go
Starting point is 01:04:25 I think I'm gonna go white kid But he wants to be black Here's a piece Christy Beretta She sounds like a fucking pig But also she could be another gun Beretta I actually know who Christy Beretta is
Starting point is 01:04:39 She is a piece How do you know her? I just know her You've looked through her gram photos. Yeah. Because you spent a lot of time looking at girls. One name, David. We know what David is.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Jew? If it's one name, Black Kid. Yeah, it's what it is. Black Kids love one names. Lily Yu. Lily Yu? That's a Chinese girl. That is a Chinese girl.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Welcome. Then we have. I'm telling you, she will delete her pledge as soon as summer comes. Yeah. Because Chrissy gets a little wild. Then we have Kevin Besch. Black kid, right? White kid.
Starting point is 01:05:16 White kid. With a full beard. Wow. Cute. And then last but not least, full name, Fumeless Liam Kerrigan, parentheses, Irish kid, make no mistake, unimpressive piece. Yeah. That is our PPW pseudo penis of the week.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Wow. Can you go back and read that Grisham kid's name again? Because that fucking name is, that's a powerful, that's a name of a white kid who's going to form a cult and do some damage on this planet. Grisham? Yes. Jack Grantham? Grantham, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Jack Grantham. That kid's gonna do some harm. It's what it is. The drink that Jim Jones used, by the way, is called Flavor Aid. Flavor Aid. That's what it is. Fake Kool-Aid.
Starting point is 01:05:56 So can you imagine that? Saved a couple bucks. It's what it is. So yeah. So thank you to those people for joining our matriarchy. Saved a couple bucks. It's what it is. So yeah. So thank you to those people for joining our matriarchy. We really appreciate the matriarchy. It keeps growing. Like we said, if we get to 1,000, I will put Chris's deformed feet in my fucking mouth.
Starting point is 01:06:16 And let's end this podcast with Rafael DeLuca's new brand new single, Weishan Xian. This is my favorite. Can we write out Weishan Xian? Yes. This is the best one. This is actually my favorite. Can we write out Weishan Xian? Yes. Because this is the best one. This is actually my favorite. Yeah. And the video is fantastic.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Go check it out on our Instagram. Thank you. Can we debut Rafael DeLuca's new song, Weishan Xian? W-E-I-Z-H-O-N-G-X-I-A-N. We're going to have that for future episodes.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Yeah. Wait, joke, Jen. What did you say? Something fucking wild? Yeah. Weishan Xian. We got rid of a poo. Now we got another million South Asians to get rid of.
Starting point is 01:06:50 We need to win immediately. Way song. Too many Chinese. You're a racist. Saying that they don't look alike. Go Republican. Build a wall.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Way song. I'm kidding. Fucking emotional ninja. I can see you in the most. Way song. Fucking emotional ninja. I can see you in a motion right here. Oui, son, si, et. Yeah. I'll jive for the job. I just want to make sure Delilah's husband can swim.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Oui, son, si, et. Oui, son, si, et. Oui, son, si, et. I mean, you are fucking αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹ Bye.

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