History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 43 - THE LA RIOTS WERE WILD!!!

Episode Date: December 2, 2018

The Hyenas are back to talk about the LA Riots and how WILD they were! Get ready for a storm of Wei Zhong Xians!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really ...WILD!Follow us!: πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ•πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈChris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈYannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ•History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? You're listening to the matriarchy and people who can't afford to join the matriarchy, but love listening to the history hyenas with Chrissy Sammons and Giannis Peanuthead. Yeah! We figured out some really wild things about each other over the weekend. We found out, I figured out that Giannis is 100% just a game and some form of entertainment for the simulators because make no mistake, he has got a big brain but a small head. He's got a big appetite but a small mouth. He's got deep vision but he can't see.
Starting point is 00:01:17 And he's got big balls and a small piece. Because you need to really get yourself an Alexa or whatever, Siri, whatever you want to do. I'm not trying to pick favorites here or give anyone any free advertising. Or Google Mini Google Home. Google Home, whatever. And check the fucking weather. Because make no mistake, it is raining outside and you're wearing a fucking real leather, you piece of shit. It's a waste.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Is real leather, does rain damage real leather? I've never had real leather. I'm a Puerto Rican from Ridgewood. Lynn, I'm trying, if you listen, I'm trying with all my heart to pull your son into a barbershop where they don't shave a part into his head. I'm trying. Make no mistake, there was a lot of family drama this weekend and lynn and anne-ileen had a few bros it is what it is yeah i mean zach is back in full effect all it takes is uh him fucking up the audio once and having all the hyenas come after him and that kid got himself another ipad
Starting point is 00:02:20 with all the soundboards yeah zach you feel good you feel good today, Jihadi, with the body? I feel great. Yeah, dude. You're a fucking 23-year-old kid that doesn't know anything. This sound sounds a little... It is what it is. It sounds a little hollow. Is there something wrong with it? It sounds fine.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Audio's fine. It's probably the mic on next to you now. Cuz, what year were you born, Zachy? He still sounds hollow. You were born in 95. So we're going to talk about today the 1992 LA riots. You weren't even born yet. Giannis was in graduate school already.
Starting point is 00:02:49 How crazy is that? Yeah. How crazy is that to think that he was not even born for the OJ Simpson trial? Were you? No, 96 was OJ. He was one years old. He was one years old. Did you get a haircut, by the way, before we started?
Starting point is 00:03:03 No, I didn't. Because your head looks smaller. Because it's raining out and it mats my hair down. Your head looks smaller because you have a Beetlejuice head. It's what it is. Because we've said it many times and we'll say it again. Between me and you, we were meant to be together because between us, we have a normal size head. We have a normal size head and a normal size butt because you have no butt and I have a lunch lady ass.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And between us, we have a normal size head and a normal size butt because you have no butt and I have a lunch lady ass. And between us, we have three normal tits. Yeah. Yep. That's what it is. There's just one odd tit that doesn't belong on the planet. And it's mine. Yeah. You have a tit that doesn't belong to a human. Somehow it got sewed onto your body by an orangutan.
Starting point is 00:03:41 A hundred percent. And if you guys check my Instagram, I'll post it up. I'll post it on Instagram. The shoes, the low top Merrells that you wear, make no mistake, are being worn right now by a 65-year-old woman with special needs. Yeah. It's just what it is. They are comfortable slip-em-on dog walking shoes.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Because you are depressed. You're a depressed cat Cuz You say that every episode But I am not depressed Cuz Make no mistake Cuz I'm not the one who ordered Who just went into a wine store
Starting point is 00:04:15 And got a bottle of wine yesterday Cuz Make no mistake I wrote on your fiance's Instagram That her mom was a piece And she sent me a text And told me to erase it now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And she is furious. I mean, how... Did she tell you? No. She texted me and said... How stupid are you? I mean, how stupid are you? And then we were sitting watching the game yesterday
Starting point is 00:04:38 and you started talking about fumes in front of my fiance. My fiance doesn't play any of this shit. She's not a comedian or an animal. It's what it is. How fucking stupid are you? She sent me a text. Obviously, you're going to be deleting that comment. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And I wrote back, thank you. I'm sorry. Yeah, and you got no response. Yeah. Yeah. Because she was serious. Because she was Sicilian? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:02 And she's just mad at me. Yeah, that's just what it is. It's just what it is. I may not even be invited to the wedding anymore. That was a big mistake, and you knew better, and you knew it when you were typing it, and I don't know why you did it. You want to know why I did it? Yeah. I had to film something at 1 o'clock today, and make no mistake, it was called a wine walk with Liz Gonzalez on Barstool Sports.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It should be coming out. Maybe it's out by now. And we drank wine, and I had a Claritin D this morning because my allergies were kicking up. And when I have a Claritin D and a little glass of wine, I get buzzed. So I was buzzed commenting on Instagram photos because it's just what it is. I'm a hyena. You're a woman. 100%.
Starting point is 00:05:41 You're a woman. 100%. I truly believe that when I die, I'd like an autopsy to be done because I don't think that I have eggs, but I do believe I have a uterus. No. Here's the deal. You are just 100% a woman. A woman. Why? Because.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Am I a toot? Huh? Am I a toot? You're not a toot, but James Madden's mom's a toot. James Madden's mom's a toot. It is what it is. She's a real toot. She's an actual toot? Huh? Am I a toot? You're not a toot, but James Madden's mom's a toot. James Madden's mom's a toot. It is what it is. She's a real toot. She's an actual toot.
Starting point is 00:06:09 She was an actual prostitute who received money for sexual favors, and James' father is a John. Is a John, and make no mistake, when that happens, you're going to have a son who just every time he eats, he eats some of his fingers off. He's never put food in his mouth and not licked his fingers. It's just kind of gross to watch him eat, and it's just what it is. He eats like a three-year-old. What are you looking for right now? Because I'm looking for the notes that we wrote down because constantly we're saying funny stuff, and I want to know why you're a woman.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Well, I already, yeah, well, I already said, I already said, um. But it's after fucking three pages of emails about your life. So anyway, I remember it's because of this. You eat, you, you, or yesterday I was watching you ordered a salmon and a salad and a vodka soda. Yeah. That's like hanging out with a fucking college girl. Yeah. What college girl? out with a fucking college girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yo! What college girl? What college kid? What kid? What kid who has the size of the head that you get gets a vodka soda? Because people who get vodka sodas are worried about calories.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I live a new life now where I send you pictures of every morning. I cook for myself now. So this morning I made some oatmeal. Look at who all grows up. Protein pancakes. And yesterday because I'm trying to get
Starting point is 00:07:27 my LDL cholesterol down I said I need some omega-3 so I got a salmon and a side salad and I got a vodka soda because beer bloats. Yeah, that's what girls say. That's what girls say, yes.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Now why don't you tell the matriarchy and the people who want to listen but not join the matriarchy because they're fucking toots. Because they're toots. I'm just going to say this publicly.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Call them toots, yeah. If you're listening to the podcast right now and you're not a part of a matriarchy, look in the mirror and say these words. I am a toot. You're a fucking toot and you probably got toots on your feet. It was very funny when you called my shoes toots. Yeah, because sometimes you come out because I've never seen anyone be more of a flip-flop. Yeah, because sometimes you come out, because I've never seen anyone be more of a flip-flop. Sometimes he will come out with $750 shoes on, and he comes out with basically pieces on his feet. And then some days, like today, he came out with low-top Merrills, and it's looking like his toes are covered in toots.
Starting point is 00:08:17 He's got toot shoes and pea shoes. Guys. It's what it is, because you're're an anomaly and you just don't it's just funny to watch you in action because you have all of these you know ironies about you just tell the people like we're about to say what your new diet plan is my new first of all i have a couple of new things that i'm doing my new my new way of life is now one day I'm going to watch TV and the next day I'm just going to read books. So every other day, so today I watch TV. So tomorrow when I wake up, I'm not going to put on the TV. I'm not going to do anything. Maybe I'll check the apps in the morning and that's it. But then I'm just going to sit and read a book
Starting point is 00:08:57 until it's time for me to do anything instead of just zoning out watching TV. And as far as food goes, one day I'm going to have 500 calories or less, and the next day I'm just going to eat what I want. I'm just going to keep going. So that's the new thing? One day starve yourself, one day eat too much. And every day I'm just going to stay in the weight room and get jacked. That's what you're going to do, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And you do cardio because you can't find a parking spot, so that makes you jog. You have to jog every day to your car. It's just what it is. It's just what it is. But today I was going to jog, but I ate my oatmeal and drank my water too fast. So I had a stomachache.
Starting point is 00:09:32 So I power walked. Yeah. Well, when you were texting me before, I ordered from Fuel. Wow. And I got myself a barbecue chicken wrap and some air-baked fries. How was that? Well, I was so hungry because I'd gone so long without eating that I was choking so bad that I was crying. My eyes were watering so bad.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And I actually thought maybe I had finally done it and I was going to die in my living room. Really? I couldn't even get the water down. So I had my arms up in the air crying. Really? I couldn't even get the water down. Yeah, so I had my arms up in the air crying. Yeah, I can't. I get so hungry I don't chew. Does that make you nervous when it finally went down? Was your heart beating like rapid?
Starting point is 00:10:12 I was nervous and I started to think I'm just going to die. But then I was actually thinking this is going to be hilarious. Yeah. It'll be a hilarious way to die. Because it will be one of the funniest things ever for me to be the one to find your body with you dead covered around air-baked potato fries with the Marisa wig on. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:10:31 That would be if you just were making a video and got hungry and just put the phone down and that's how you went out. Yeah! I would tweet out that pic and it would go viral. I would just sell out theaters based off History Ahina fans in your honor. How funny would that be if I died choking on a barbecue chicken wrap?
Starting point is 00:10:51 I actually cannot think of anything funnier. How do you think you're going to die? Do you want me to tell you, or do you want to just go? I'm either going to get killed by a Dominican toot. No. One of those. Close, though. I'm going to get killed by some type of Latina toot.
Starting point is 00:11:07 You're going to get killed by a thoughts boyfriend who comes home and it's what it is. And part of the reason why. Frankie tank tops. Yeah. Because you can't be saying people's real fucking things, cuz. It's what it is. You got to stop, cuz. Cuz you what it is. You gotta stop, Cuz. Cuz, you gotta stop.
Starting point is 00:11:28 You gotta stop, Cuz. All right? He's a dangerous kid. Yeah. Edit that part out. It will not be edited out. It will not be edited out. I mean, we are fucking.
Starting point is 00:11:41 We should just take the history out and go full-blown hyena. Yeah. I said singular. Full-blown hyena Yeah Because Or full I said singular Full blown hyena Cause it's you Yeah You're the crazy one Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:50 Cause you're drinking a smoothie right now And it's pissing me off So cause what's gonna happen Is you're gonna Be banging out a Toot Right An absolute
Starting point is 00:12:00 Thought toot Right And she's gonna invite you over At a certain time Because her boyfriend Not been treating her good. Right? So she wanted you to come over. Right?
Starting point is 00:12:10 She's attracted to you anyway. She hit you up with a little, you know, after the Giants lost. She DM'd you on a Snapchat with a picture of her in panties and a half-Giants shirt on that says, does this make it better, daddy? And you said, yeah. and a half giant shirt on says, does this make it better, daddy? And you said, yeah. And she said, can you come all the way to Starix City right now? Starix City.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And you said. No, fumes. And you said, I got 10 spots, but let me cancel them right now because I got the butterflies and my blood pressure's up and my heart's beating and let's go. Yeah. So you drive all the way in the rain to Starix City. You get there, right? She lives on the first floor, which means not only does she live in Starix City, which is where I control the apartment.
Starting point is 00:12:52 It's not Starix. It's Starit. Starit City. You keep saying Starit because you're a dumb Greek. They don't know. Most people that are from New York who listen to this, this is a fucking Long Island podcast. Yeah, they don't know. Chris the teacher doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Because we are a Long Island and Jersey podcast. It's what it is. Because? Bridge fucking Long Island podcast. Yeah, they don't know. Krista Teacher doesn't know. Because we are a Long Island and Jersey podcast. It's what it is. Because? Bridge and Tunnel podcast. Yeah. So her apartment's on the first floor, which is probably the lowest priced rent-controlled apartment in Starrett City.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah. So you're down there right there. And she invited you over at that time and banged you out? Right? So I will bang her out. You're going gonna be banging her out raw d yeah it's what it is chrissy chlamydia chrissy chlamydia chrissy savans chrissy go right so and the reason she invited you over at that time is because her boyfriend had been cheating
Starting point is 00:13:38 on her and ignoring her and not treating her right and they got a kid together, and she wanted to really show him some attention, right? Right. And so he comes in, and of course he gets jealous. That's what her plan was. And then you are an innocent bystander in a domestic violence incident, and you die in a first-floor studio in Starrett City on the floor. It's it. And it's what it is.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And it's what it is. And it's what it is. And as long as after I'm gone, you make sure Delilah's dating the right guys. I don't care. We went pretty far without a Weishan Xie. Yeah, we went 14 minutes into the podcast without one Weishan Xie. We might have broke a record right there
Starting point is 00:14:22 for not needing a Weishan Xie. By the way, I just want to let the matriarchy know and the toots who haven't paid for the matriarchy, we are going to be making t-shirts. One is going to be Wei Zhongxian. One's going to be Anne Eileen. We're going to be making those two t-shirts. Those are coming soon.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Anne Eileen t-shirts and Wei Zhongxian. Because I want an Anne Eileen t-shirt. You want an Anne Eileen t-shirt. And I want to see Anne Eileen's feet. I'm going to put her feet on. She has six toes? I'm going to make the eye in Aileen a foot. Does she have six toes?
Starting point is 00:14:52 I don't know. Probably. You said she had six toes on another episode. Oh, yeah. She does have six toes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes, she does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:00 So, I don't know. That's how you're going to pass away. How do you think you're going to go down? Do you think you're going to die? Well, that's up for you to tell me, but I first wanted to go, what do you mean by just want to make sure that Delilah's dating the right guys? Do you mean a guy who? I just mean a guy who maybe played lacrosse in high school.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Wei Songxian. Do you mean a guy who possibly calls his dad father? Yes. Yeah, I just want a guy who maybe doesn't think getting... I just want a guy who maybe thinks getting 18-inch spinners on his wheels is a bad idea. Do you think maybe you just want her to date a guy who doesn't wear any gold around his neck, but instead has a rope McNamara bracelet on? Yes! I want a guy who's not going to have to, every time he leaves the house, have his hat match his sneakers!
Starting point is 00:16:01 We can just keep doing that segment And just call it Weisheng Weisheng The Weisheng segment To see how bad it can get Yeah We'll just do a segment called Weisheng Well
Starting point is 00:16:14 We'll do stuff How am I going to die guys? On a serious note Well just real quick On a serious note though It's good White people will be the minority By 2044 And it's just good that I have My be the minority by 2044.
Starting point is 00:16:25 And it's just good that my daughter's Puerto Rican and I'm encouraged. I want her to date Puerto Rican, black, Indian, whatever. I don't want her to mix any white because when we are the minority, I just want to be on the right team, on the winning team because I'm white. So I don't want to be white after 2044. So I'm hoping that my daughter is going to have a very mixed family by then. Is that what it is, 2044? 2044, if we continue. Yeah, I guess there may even be sooner, but by 2044, mathematically with the way minority
Starting point is 00:16:58 people now reproduce, yeah, that's what it is and how whites don't reproduce as quickly. Yeah. You're going to die. I think you're probably going to – it's going to be something food-related. I think you'll probably choke. Choking is the most likely way that you're going to die. I also think – You don't think it will be with a tranny tooth?
Starting point is 00:17:17 It could be with a tranny tooth like Dwight Howard. And it could be, but I think it's either going to be choking on food or I think actually you're going to be the guy because you have no health problems at all. You're going to live to like 105 years old and you're just going to end your own life. I think you'll commit suicide at about 105. Because you would have been gone by that point by about 60 years. Yeah, I would have been a long –
Starting point is 00:17:40 So my life's going to be boring. You would have had someone else who lived a full life as your friend who replaced me by then and that You would have had someone else who lived a full life as your friend to replace me by that. And that guy would have already been 80. Being your friend is exciting. It's exciting. You don't know what's coming next. You don't know what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:17:54 You don't know. You get the first text, and it's because I got to take this person to ballet classes. I also want to get a coffee, but I got to leave in 10 minutes, and my car's on 96th Street. I'll come jog to meet you. I can hang out for 15 seconds. Yeah. Wild. I need pancakes.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'm on keto. I got to work out and I'm doing aerobics with Anthony at four and playing ball with Fozzie. It's not far from the truth that you plan like 16 things and then you go, oh, I forgot. I got to go in for 1.30 to do a ballet podcast. Yes. That's what it is. Am I a busy kid? But I'm an unnecessarily busy kid.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Sometimes it's necessary. Sometimes it's unnecessary. You're a kid who likes to get the heart pumping a little faster. Yeah, I like to get the most out of a day. What's the thing that motivates you the most, you think? Because I know what it is. The most – People are wired differently.
Starting point is 00:18:58 You're wired for your day. The thing that makes you happy is when you get your heart rate up. So I would say other than – And then it happy is when you get your heart rate up. So I would say other than – And then it's hilarious because you get your heart rate up and then you get scared that your heart rate's up. Yeah. And you'll go into a Rite Aid and check your own blood pressure and go, why is my blood pressure like this? And I can give you a list of 16 reasons why. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I would say the most motivating things for me are definitely ice cream and puss. But – Yeah. But, yeah, I would say that. I used to be motivated a lot by playing basketball, and now I'm motivated by my career and making sure Delilah just acknowledges one half of her ethnicity and not the other half. Way song she ain't. Thank you. I was kidding. I want her to embody. just acknowledges one half of her ethnicity and not the other half. Wei Songxian. Thank you. I was kidding.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I want her to embody both of them because it's good when you're mixed like that, especially Latina and white. It's a good mix. But let's just be honest. You hope that Delilah comes home with a Chinese kid. With a Chinese kid, you have no worries because nobody wants to fuck that kid. Yeah, I need a Wei Songx wants to fuck that kid. Yeah. I need a Wei Shangxing there.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yeah. Wei Shangxing. If I could pick Delilah's boyfriend, he would be a Chinese or Japanese. For sure. Can we get another Wei Shangxing for the insensitive accent? Yeah. That's what I figured. Because we are making up for the first 14 minutes.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Yeah. Because we had no Wei Shangxing in 14, and we've had 13 in six minutes. I like the way you just said Chinese or Japanese. You just took the S's. Because all you got to do is really say half the word to have the accent, right? That's what it is. It's Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Yeah, Korean, Japanese, or Korean.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah, and that's not making fun of them. It's just how they talk. Like, if you want to make fun of my accent, I'm not stereotyping. It's just what they sound like, and that's okay because they can speak English and their language. I can barely even speak English. Well, it'll be okay to do that accent, how Mandarin sounds. Chinese people who speak Mandarin as a first language or whatever other dialect from China and then come to America and start speaking English, they usually sound like that. That'll be okay until, I guess,
Starting point is 00:21:07 Ronny Chieng decides that he wants to make a documentary saying that he can't do that anymore. I'm trying to think who else it could be. Ronny Chieng or who else? Is there another Asian? Ali Wong. Ali Wong, Ronny Chieng. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:19 But Ali Wong is very American. Ronny Chieng, a speaker like this. But Ronny Chieng is a American. Ronnie Chang, a speaker like this. Way to go, Chang. But Ronnie Chang is a fucking, make no mistake, Ronnie Chang is a fucking star sensation in Australia, and he's soon to be a star in the U.S., and he's a good friend of mine, and he knows Kung Fu. Yeah. Does he for real know Kung Fu?
Starting point is 00:21:38 No, I swear to God. Yeah, he's like some martial art. You don't fuck with a guy like Ronnie Chang. You're the one that taught me that when you're an Asian guy, you've got to look at the way they walk and the flexibility in their hips. You could tell how much hip rotation and gyration they have. They could throw a fucking roundhouse kick, and Ronnie could throw a kick. I can always tell by looking at a guy's walk and how he carries himself how much of a nightmare it would be to fight him. Yeah, you always look at white guys.
Starting point is 00:22:02 You look at their ears. If they got the cauliflower ear, it's just you walk away. Yeah, anyone's got the cauliflower ear. You walk away. Yeah, you always look at white guys, you look at their ears. If they got the cauliflower ear, it's just you walk away. Yeah, anyone's got the cauliflower, you walk away. Yeah, of course, any ethnicity. The wild thing is, in 1992, talking about Asians, Koreans were under fire
Starting point is 00:22:18 because the African-American community and the Korean community were at each other's throats. They were at each other's throats because of a senseless murder in 92 where a Korean grocery store worker shot a 15-year-old black girl in the back of the head because she thought she was stealing and she was not. And then she got convicted of the crime, but the whole thing is the judge, instead of giving
Starting point is 00:22:44 her 16 years in prison which is what she should have done because it was murder she gave her time served in community service that was that was fucking wild the only positive thing i'll say about that whole time period is that in during the la riots there was a time where the Chinese were insane. No, that was horrible to see. Okay, we're talking 1992. Los Angeles riots. So you were... Eight years old.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I was born in 1984. So you were eight years old. You were born in 84. You remember this vividly. I don't remember it. You were eight years old. So you weren't actually that, that young. I was in second grade, so I wasn't...
Starting point is 00:23:24 But you couldn't grok what was was going on I remember the OJ verdict in 96 I remember where I was I remember miss Vicki agron telling me telling us an after-school program that that OJ almost found not guilt that OJ was found not guilty and it's a crime because he's murderer yeah and and let's be honest, in Ridgewood, there was a few fuzzy wet... Yeah, yeah. It's just what it is. It is what it is. Yeah, there was just some rant.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah, people weren't happy, right? People in your neighborhood thought OJ was dizzy. I think there was some, yeah, I think... You went a few blocks into Bushwick, he was innocent. You went a few blocks into Ridgewick, he was guilty. Yeah. That's just what Brooklyn was back then, right? That's just what it is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:06 In 96. And that race started changing, but it was very, very beginning. But that actually, because Rodney King was brutal, which we'll talk about. Of course, that was brutal. But the Korean woman shooting that girl was actually awful. I mean, she shot him in the back of the head. That happened first. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:25 That didn't happen first. Rodney King happened first in March of 92. I don't think so. Okay, let's... Zach? I don't think so. Can you find out
Starting point is 00:24:34 for Peanut Head? Yeah. I don't think so. This was... Um... I don't think so. We're gonna look it up real quick.
Starting point is 00:24:45 What call... Here we go. Which was first? Which one of the three I don't think so. We're going to look it up real quick. Here we go. Which was first? Which one of the three of us is going to get to this first live on air? Hold on. I'm going to find it right now. L.A. Riot. I'm pretty sure that was first.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I'm pretty sure. By the way, I just Googled I just Googled LA riots Korean guns And the thing that pops up is Gook a Korean American LA riots film Is that a real film? I guess so That's called Gook? I guess so
Starting point is 00:25:17 So the Korean woman shooting Her name was Latasha Harland Yep Latasha Harland What was that? Was in 1991 And the Rodney King was in 1992. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Again, the Robo Cheese Man is correct. Yeah. So that one was bad. So listen, I was a teenager when this happened. Yeah, see, I don't really remember it. I was, yeah, I was, this was 91. I was 15, 16 years old At this time Were you already getting puss?
Starting point is 00:25:47 I was with I remember I was with my girlfriend Nikki Rice Who banged out Mark Wahlberg God damn it What it is Can we
Starting point is 00:25:57 We just have to Well why did you say your name You should have just said my ex-girlfriend I would have said the one who banged out Mark Wahlberg That's for you Wild So We What it is This is what it is the one who banged out Mark Warburg. That's for you. Wild. So.
Starting point is 00:26:08 It's what it is. It's what it is. None of that's true. It's just Chrissy going wild. See how I fixed it? I could just say none of it's true and they don't know who to believe. Yes. Wild.
Starting point is 00:26:21 You're young. 26-18. Guess whose butt. Guess that butt. Because they know. They know. All your, I'm telling you, all your farts sound like they're happening in a well. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:26:37 At the bottom of a well. I got well ass. Yeah. You are like Precious in Silence of the Lambs. That's how your farts sound. They sound like you're down there with a poodle. We have to hurry up
Starting point is 00:26:47 and get through the LA riots before we get kicked out of the studio by Amy Schumer. Yeah, what does she got to do? She got to come up here? She's got to do a video conference or something like that. With the media?
Starting point is 00:26:56 I don't know, but fuck the patriarchy. But what do you think she's, what is she doing? She's doing a video conference about what? She's pregnant now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I don't know. I don't want to say anything. Me neither. You never know. It is what it is. You never know if there's cameras and microphones in here. There might be. There might be. But yeah, so let's just get through it.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I saw her sitting downstairs. I know, I did too. And I said, hello. Yeah, where did she go? She went, hi. Hi. Well, no, I just, I waved quickly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I'm friends with Amy. Yeah, well, you're a, no. I just, I waved quickly. Yeah. I'm friends with Amy. Yeah. Well, you're fucking, you're a white male. So watch your step. A straight white male go, Ross. Watch your fucking step. So this incident in 92. So I was 16, 17 years old.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I remember, dude, at the time, it was, this was like, we had already gone through the Crown Heights riots. Right. Which were, we'll do another episode about that. Crown Heights riots. Right. Which was, you know, major race riots. Right. Which were, we'll do another episode about that. Crown Heights riots was, you know, major race riots. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Howard Beach, all these things. We're going to do an episode about each one of these things which back then in the 90s, before the internet, that was the news
Starting point is 00:27:57 it consumed New York for a year or two years. Yes. Central Park 5, Central Park rape. I mean, there was certain, Central Park Five, Central Park Rape. I mean, there was certain, Bernard Goetz, there was certain cases that kind of encapsulated the zeitgeist of that time, the pressing issues of that time, and it all culminated in like one famous case. And you can look at that throughout the 90s and the 80s, there's always one thing that
Starting point is 00:28:23 kind of represented a big problem that the city of New York was going through. When you were in New York back in the day, you wouldn't hear much about what was going on in Cleveland or L.A. Yeah. It was just, so when something like this, this was like national news. New York stories and L.A. stories were the national stories. They were, but you would barely hear them because your newscast was local news.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Right. There was no CNN. But I'm asking you, in Cleveland in the 90s, did you think all they would hear, they would hear a lot about what's happening in New York or L.A.? They might hear. They would hear more about that than we would hear about, you know. I see. You know, some guy, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Whatever, yeah. Yeah. A kid Castro who had those girls locked in the basement. That probably wouldn't be news in the 80s in New York. Which is fucking nuts. Until somebody wrote a book about it or something like that. Now, let me ask you this. In 1991, when all this was happening, in 92, especially when the race riots started to
Starting point is 00:29:11 come, because they mainly happened in LA, but I'm sure they came here to the East Coast to New York because you looked like a young Puerto Rican when you were a teenager. Did you face any injustices? Because if I'd like... Can you post that picture you sent of me? I can post all those pictures. any injustices. Because if I'd like,
Starting point is 00:29:23 can you post that picture you sent of me? Can you post it on the Patreon? Because you truly look like a young Puerto Rican like upstart barber who that's what you look like. I mean, you had the exact look.
Starting point is 00:29:34 You look like your name was Ramon, but everyone called you Raul for some stupid reason. Yeah, I had like that dirty little mustache and the hair shaved down. I grew up in an era where like rap was starting.
Starting point is 00:29:45 You know, rap started in the 70s. Everyone was into hip-hop and that's what it was. My childhood I grew up on hip-hop and every white kid just wanted to be black including me. I just wanted to be black. Like when I went to school and people were like, what do you want to be when you grow up? And a lot of kids said, I want to be a dentist. I want to be a
Starting point is 00:30:02 doorman. I want to be a doctor. I said I wanted to be Kwame. I wanted to be Big Daddy Kane said i wanted to be kwame that's who i wanted to be big daddy cane you want to be why sean do you know who big daddy cane is yeah okay good yeah because you were born like when he was 40 it's what it is what did damien troder want to be because you and the real names are wild yeah wild yeah so you said your girlfriend's name yeah and then you went out to say details about her life because we have to get through the LA riots are fascinating I know we're trying to get there but what time do we get so it's 415 right now yeah they said
Starting point is 00:30:39 that she'll probably need the studio at 530 so that means in about a lot of time kicked out so they can clean it and disinfect it. She can't walk in. It's true. She can't walk into a studio, you know what I mean? Yeah, that's true. They have to cater, they have to do all these things. It's like the men in black crew comes in first
Starting point is 00:30:54 and sweeps everything up. Yeah. And what do they put out? Glasses of wine, whatever she likes, cheese. Yep, yep. Whatever she's into. A couple of values. It's a couple. A couple couple human beings have to be sacrificed
Starting point is 00:31:08 it's just what it is it's for the good of feminism and it's just what Gloria Steinem said it's the only way the blood of a few straight white men are just going to have to be sprinkled white straight white men are just going to have to be sprinkled onto our great new female leaders
Starting point is 00:31:24 and it's just what it is. It's just what it is. Yeah. So it was an interesting time, man, because I remember feeling like we were all in New York. Everyone was thinking, like, is this going to spread? Like, we were thinking, like, because it happened. We'll cover this as well. You know, the Watts riots.
Starting point is 00:31:40 This has happened. That happened in the 60s. It happened in the 60s, 70s. So, you know, riots all over the place. So you were thinking, is this going to happen in New York? And back then, we all lived together, man. New York was a city where you just saw people. It wasn't like those other cities where you could just stay in Beverly Hills
Starting point is 00:31:55 and then there was like an army protecting you. Like New Yorkers is... We're on top of each other. We still are. Yeah, we're on top of each other and we're right next door to each other. Like Ridgewood and Budgwick, you know, it's just right there. Yeah. The Bronx, you know, the Bronx Tale, that movie's based on, hey, you go past a certain avenue or a certain block.
Starting point is 00:32:11 We have way different views. Yeah, it's just way different views. But you're right next to each other and you tolerate each other and you live together and you see each other. Right. a lot of ways even though new york is very racist and was very racist we were the most we're the most progressive city just by virtue of the fact of the way new york is set up yeah just the way it's set up and set up to be a city an old city that you walk it's almost it's not impossible racism is not impossible but it's very difficult to be racist here because whatever group you hate you will see them every single day you walk around the city it's easier to be racist here because whatever group you hate you will see them every single day you walk around
Starting point is 00:32:45 the city it's easier to be racist in a place where like you may not see the group you hate for months and months and months here it's like you can't whatever group you if you hate transgender eskimos you will see them i agree with you uh but just as an addendum to that point i guess a side point piggybacking off that uh that's the best way to say it, is if you are really racist. Yeah. Because if you think about that, the people in the South and all these areas where they don't see other people who they hate, you can't say they're really racist. It's just that they've made stuff up in their head because they've never encountered a Jewish person or a Latin person or a black person, whatever it may be. But if you're in New York and you truly hate Jews, then you're really racist because you've
Starting point is 00:33:30 met Jews. Now, look, I've told you this many times. So hats off to you. You're a real racist. I've told you this many times because I grew up extremely Catholic, Christian Catholicism, and I went to Catholic school my whole life, and I never really traveled outside of Ridgewood. Chrissy Stakehams. You grew up eating Stakehams.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Chrissy Stakehams. I know the type. I didn't meet my first real jewish person until i got to graduate school when i was 23 and all i had heard from like my mom and my aunts and my family is that like jews they live in the other side of brooklyn they have sex through sheets and they suck the blood out of their kids penises when they're circumcised that's and those are just things that we heard yeah you know and like they around. That is so crazy that you did, for people who don't live in New York, you don't understand how wild that is
Starting point is 00:34:10 that this kid grew up in New York City and didn't meet a Jew until recently. Yeah, I never went to a bar mitzvah or a bar mitzvah. I never went to any of them. I never had any Jewish friends. Yeah. All I did was go to communion confirmations. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:23 You were just, because you're just supposed to, you're supposed to be working for the city. I just ordered – yeah, like the city almost feels like they lost something. Like, oh, this guy was perfect to be garbageman, cop, fireman. You would have been cracking up all the guys when you were eating lunch on the subway tracks. Yeah, yeah. You would have been that guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:39 You would have been fucking talking with your subway sandwich, you know. Talking about a girl who had fumes the other night. Yeah. They would have loved Chrissy Cackles. Yeah, but I would have gotten hit by a train. It's just what it is, right? Yeah, you probably would have got hit by a train. Yeah, because you would have probably tried to bring a girl down there to bang her in a train just to get the adrenaline rush
Starting point is 00:34:55 to see if you could jump out of the way. Yeah, electrocute myself on the third rail. No, well, you would have got out of the way in time and you would have pulled her away, but the back of your butt would have got caught because you didn't factor in that it's about six inches behind your body. Yeah. So your butt would have got hit by the train.
Starting point is 00:35:09 It's what it is. It's kind of what it is. That's the way you would have died if you didn't become a comedian. Right, right. But at this time, we thought the riots were going to spread. I remember being in my girlfriend's apartment just like worrying like, what's going to happen? You're a pussy. Worrying that the riots are going to spread with your girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Dude, this is before your time. You didn't come up in New York. There was riots five minutes from my house on Eastern Parkway. That's right where I grew up. That's where the Crown Heights riots happened. But make no mistake, you were sitting there worrying in your fucking dumb turtleneck. I know you were wearing a turtleneck. It's possible.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I did go to a prep school that you had to wear a turtleneck or a tie. It's what it is. It's what it is. Yeah, because the 1986 Crown Heights riots, somebody should do a doc on that. Maybe there is one about it because those were wild, too. More people died in those, right? Didn't people actually die in Crown Heights? Not many.
Starting point is 00:35:59 People actually died. People actually died in L.A., I'm sorry. The Crown Rites. Yeah, people. We're talking about, I think, 63. Is that right, Caliphate? 63? 63 people, I think, died in the L.A. riots.
Starting point is 00:36:10 And I think thousands were injured. It was... 63, right? 63 people died. 2,383 injured. In the 90s riots or the 60s? No, 92. 92 riots.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Wow. 92. That's a lot of people. 63? That's a lot of people, dude. That's a lot of people. And the injuries were a lot of people, dude. That's a lot of people. And the injuries were bad. I mean, so this is what happened.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I mean, I know you guys have heard of it, but I was a fully, you know, I had hair on my dick when this happened. Right. Well, you had hair on your dick when you were three. You're Greek. I'm a Greek. That's true. So, because you're a funny kid.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah, it's just what it is. It's what it is. Just to compare, the Crown Heights riot had two deaths and 190 injuries. Yeah, and that's what caused the Crown Heights. We're going to do a full other episode, so let's not talk about the Crown Heights. Oh, okay. We'll get into it. We're just going to talk about L.A.
Starting point is 00:36:54 That's a whole other episode. All right. But it's worth bringing up because it gives you kind of the spirit of the times. It was tense. Back then, you know, you're coming out of the Jim Crow era, 60s racism. There was hangings happening in the 60s. I mean, there was segregation and people were getting hanged in the 60s, man. So it's like the 70s happened and there's anger and then you're getting into the 80s and that's when this shit starts to really bubble over in the 80s and then late 90s. But, you know, it's just anger.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I mean, there's anger and there's all these new immigrants, Koreans, you know, who all – back then every Korean had an accent because they just got here. They didn't have a chance to have kids yet. Same things with South Asians. They all sounded like a poo. And everyone's coming here. That's when they came here. And they're opening all these businesses in black neighborhoods.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Do the right thing. You can see the tension between the Korean grocers and the black community. The black community feeling like these Korean business owners were taking advantage of the community, taking money out of it. And they only wanted to support black businesses. There was things like Black Watch that used to walk around the neighborhood just in case anyone was messing with black people. In Brooklyn? Yeah, man. This is in Brooklyn. Black watch.
Starting point is 00:38:07 You remember? I remember seeing them walk around. Yeah. I remember getting my ass kicked because I was white. Multiple times. Where? It just happened all over Brooklyn. It was just a normal, it was a time where it was normal to just get beat up. Like you came home bleeding.
Starting point is 00:38:24 You just came up lumped up you just curled up in a ball and you took blows yeah it is what it is well maybe that's because you're walking around with a turtleneck and merrills not back then it's just what was normal back then right i'm not even exaggerating we'll we can do a whole nother episode on that just i'll get back to it but i just want to just especially because you have it now so it's probably worse than you have a very punchable face, though. I do. I do.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah. So it's like they probably wasn't even about you. Like, this kid just looks like he was designed to hit. They probably just wanted to see if they could actually deflate my peanut head. Yeah. It's like when you see that small of a head, you're like, oh, I wonder if I can rip this guy's head off his body. It looks like someone punched it many times into this small shape. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Yeah. Yeah. Like it was molded like a clay ball. Got a little baby head. Yeah, you look like a pencil eraser. Go ahead. No, so, yeah. So that didn't cause the riot, the Korean woman.
Starting point is 00:39:14 There's a video of it you can go watch. What happens is the Korean woman, nobody knows what was said, but the girl actually was like a straight-A student. They had some sort of altercation in L.A. in her store. They thought she was stealing orange juice. They thought she was stealing orange juice. She was about to pay for it. They got into a fight.
Starting point is 00:39:30 The Korean woman grabbed her backpack, reached across, grabbed her backpack, and the black girl, what was her name again? You know, it's crazy because she's so often forgotten this. Yeah. But she was a major reason why these riots happened. And she should be the most talked about because she was murdered. She was murdered. Rodney King, of course, is beaten and it's horrible, but he wasn't murdered.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Exactly. She was murdered. Why do we only know Rodney King's name? I bet you most people, even the people who lived through this and were older when this happened, I bet you most people forgot about her. Because I got to be honest, I kind of did too. When we started researching this and stuff, I kind of forgot about her. And I felt real fucking bad about it. Because it just lets you know how easily we are manipulated by the media.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Because the whole thing became about Rodney King. But this was the real catapult for this. This is really what sparked it. Her name was Latasha Harlins. Latasha Harlins. It was big news when it happened, but then it just got buried by the Rodney King. They played the video over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:40:34 So there was videos of both of these. So this was like a precursor to what, and we're still going through it now, which is wild, because before then, there wasn't all these surveillance cameras, video cameras, and that, so this was caught on the surveillance video
Starting point is 00:40:49 where she grabbed her book bag and then as she's walking out after the altercation is over, the little girl's walking out, the fucking Korean grocery store owner, this woman, shoots her in the back of the head. The back of the head.
Starting point is 00:41:04 It was so disgusting to see. She shoots her in the back of the head. The back of the head. It was so disgusting to see. She shoots her in the back of the head as she's walking away. Let's just say she was stealing an orange juice, right? Is that punishable by death? By fucking execution with a bullet to the back of the head? And it was on tape. You can see it. And then she said this, the judge said, this woman's not a criminal when I look in her
Starting point is 00:41:23 eyes, so I'm not going to put her in jail. I'm just going to give her community service. Well, back up two steps to explain that. I just go wild. You go wild. So they go to trial. She gets convicted of voluntary manslaughter. Which is not murder.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I mean, yeah. I mean, to me. If Carrie's 16 years in prison, murder could have actually got the death penalty. Yeah, I mean, you could have went second degree easily, maybe first, because you're like, did she plan that? You know, it's like, is there a history between these two? Is this about something else? So, you know, it kind of, you could even make a possible case for murder one, which is intention, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Intentionally killing somebody. But I certainly, like you said, murder too. Yeah. Certainly. But voluntary manslaughter. She got convicted by a jury 16 years. The judge, I guess this is California law. We got to look into that maybe.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Can you look into that? Is that always the judge in every state? They are responsible for the sentencing? No, no, no. That's what I want to know because I'm sure that's probably a state by state thing because the judge like you said said, you know what
Starting point is 00:42:32 this woman's not a threat to the community. I know a threat when I see when she's not a threat. Who knows what the fuck that means. The fucking woman got off with probation. I mean, it's fucking wild to think about now. I mean, imagine's fucking wild to think about now. I mean, imagine how wild it must have been back then.
Starting point is 00:42:49 The black community going through what they go through. And there's no, I mean, come on, racism exists. Of course. Let's just fucking be honest. Of course. I mean, a lot of those cops are fucking racist. Sure. I mean, you heard what they were saying in the video while calling them lizards and the N-word and monkeys, gorillas in the midst.
Starting point is 00:43:04 It's horrible yeah so so the uh the full punishment was uh she was fined five hundred dollars sentenced to five years of probation and 400 hours of community service i mean that is crazy it's fucking but can you find out how that was able to happen happen with the jury convicting and her getting 16 years. You're asking him to do fucking legal research now. No, he can just find out real quick. He'll find out real quick. I mean, he'll Google it. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:43:35 He's a millennial. He knows how to ask Alexa questions. Yes. Yes. So isn't that crazy to hear that? Yeah. That's a miscarriage of justice no matter which way you slice. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Here we go. Here's fucking Freddie. You're cucked out right now. Yeah, I'm cucked the fuck out. Yeah. I want to know what happened. Where's that fucking judge now? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I don't even remember her fucking name, but that is fucking. Okay, so she was sentenced. So, clearly some bullshit went on here. She was sentenced to 10 years in state prison and the sentence was suspended because a defendant was placed on probation under certain terms and conditions. It was a call made by the judge. Yeah, so I guess in California you can do that then.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Obviously. I wonder if you still can. It was 10, not 16. You sure? Because I remember being... Sentenced to 10 years in state prison, but that was all suspended. So 10's too little to begin with, but what the fuck is that? Pardon my cursing a lot, but that was all suspended. So, 10's too little to begin with, but what the fuck is that? Pardon my cursing a lot, but I'm a little
Starting point is 00:44:30 worked up, dude. That is a miscarriage of justice. So, can you imagine being in the black community, experiencing these things? You know, and then that happens and of course, police have a hard job and of course, there's a crime problem in black communities because of the history of this country and family.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And I really believe that what the black community has struggled with post-Jim Crow, post-slavery obviously, has its roots in the history of this country and how this country abused them, for sure. But we can't just pretend like crime rates aren't high there. They are. So you got these cops and the history of this country and the problems in the black community and poverty and racism and all these things. And these people are on the front lines of this thing. So it's like a powder keg. You know there's going to be issues. Because a lot of these cops, let's be honest, they're not the brightest.
Starting point is 00:45:25 They're underpaid. It's a dangerous job. Yeah. Well, that's what I was going to say. There's guns all over the fucking streets. That was going to be my, what I was going to say is like, you know, one thing people don't talk about, and it's not all, but like a lot of cops, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:38 they're not off the chart IQ guys. No. And what happens with that is you have a low tolerance for frustration. You get frustrated very easy. You get all fucked up. You get your mind, you know. It's a great point. You make these horrible decisions.
Starting point is 00:45:53 So that, and that's, it's not, it's a fact. Yeah. The lower your IQ, the more easily frustrated you are because you can't really think complex think. So that's why. And so it's like, I was always confused as to why cops only are required to have an associate's degree. They should be required to have higher levels of education than the rest of us because they have to make these choices under pressure.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And they should make more money. Yeah, they should make more money. They should make a lot more money. But the city doesn't want and the government doesn't want smart cops. They want brutal cops. This is what they want. Do you think so? Absolutely. Those are your best soldiers.
Starting point is 00:46:28 The ones who aren't going to question you and think about, wait, what am I doing is wrong? No, they don't fucking think. Do my friends think all my friends who are cops are fine? They don't have emotions. They don't think about anything. They just go. If some of my friends who are cops, if they pull you over and the Jets just lost,
Starting point is 00:46:44 you're going to get a ticket. It is what it is. It's just what it is. You're going to get a ticket or you may get beaten up and thrown in jail. If the Jets won, you can literally do whatever you want. If you're speeding in the school zone, you're good to go. That's how fickle it is. And it's just
Starting point is 00:47:00 the truth. Because every single one of your friends is a cop or a fireman. Or, yep, they're a cop or a fireman or Debo works for JetBlue. Yeah, he's the one anomaly in there. Yeah, well, because he's 5'1", so he couldn't get into any of the academies. Yeah, but he's a great kid. They're all great kids.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Fucking Debo's a great fuck. And they're all smart kids. It just depends on whether the Jets win or loss, what their mood is. That's just what it is. Yeah, I hear what you're saying. You know? All my friends are very intelligent, but yeah, it's just, you know, they get frustrated quick. Just to circle back to Giannis' question earlier, so a judge can choose to give a defendant probation instead of sentencing them. Is that a California state law?
Starting point is 00:47:47 It seems like that's just a law. Instead of sentencing a defendant to a prison term, a judge may choose to sentence a defendant to probation. Interesting. All right. So in other words, any crime, like murder. We'll find out. I murdered someone. The judge can just say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:48:00 I'm just going to get probation for that? It's typically granted for first-time or low-risk offenders. But I mean, just the case, from what what i was reading the case was pretty heated uh there was like the jurors were fighting and stuff like that and also they brought in her culture and uh like cultural differences played a part in it but yeah it's still some bullshit went on behind the scenes we'll find out we'll find out and follow up with that maybe on the maybe on the patreon episode we'll get into that. Before we get kicked out. Before we get kicked out. But that's what started it.
Starting point is 00:48:30 So the black community was really boiling over. And like I said, there was video of it, which is what made this different. Right. Because everyone saw it. It was all over the news. So people watched the execution. Right. You could see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:39 And so the media played a role in stoking these fires. But I'm not going to blame the media. Because the media did get the word out about what happened. That's another interesting discussion and debate is like how culpable is the media in fanning these flames? Because they did play the Rodney King thing over and over and over. And, you know, like now they kind of, you know, it's almost like they go up and they report more when there's an angle. Like, hey, was this race? Or, you know, you don't hear about all the fucking thousands of white kids who get blown away by cops because there's no story there. Of course.
Starting point is 00:49:14 So the media. It's like there's no story about, you know, all the stories about ISIS, but way more people get killed in those African nations over that other terrorist group. They kill fucking villages. They burn them alive. Yeah. But it's not good for fucking the media to talk about that, so they don't. Yeah, there's just no story, no juicy story there, I guess, or they don't think that it's going to sell. I don't know what it is, but.
Starting point is 00:49:35 It's gross. Then on the heels of this, and I don't think that this would have happened if it was just one or the other. We never know. But it was boom boom it was just sort of like the common combined effect of this tragedy and then her getting off her getting off with probation which is it's just blowing my mind now that i'm thinking about it and then boom rodney king happens so what was the rodney king incident dude was speeding he had two i didn't even know this and that's how wild media how the media can kind of manipulate there was two people in the car with him oh really i didn't know that till now
Starting point is 00:50:13 years later when i was researching i know that they say he was drinking and that not that it matters he had just gotten out of jail or gotten in jail a year before for armed robbery or something like yeah he had robbery assault he had a few things i mean but it's like it's like, but being a black man in the 70s and 80s, is all that stuff true? Not that it's not true, but like- Probably it's true. He didn't deny any of it. It wasn't like that.
Starting point is 00:50:33 It was any part of his defense. No, but I mean like, but even like, you know, I feel like when you look at black people who were incarcerated in those times, it's like, yeah, I'm sure they did the things they did, but it's like, you got to look at like what things were like back then you know like cops i'm not saying forced people to do this but it was just different times where like these people lived in fear of your life when you're in fear of your life constantly you're going to be frustrated and
Starting point is 00:50:59 you're going to do something maybe you normally wouldn't do right and they just get labeled as a criminal forever but it's like really it's like the society's fault. You know, society made you that way. I believe that a lot. Probably a little bit of both maybe. We don't know. It's hard to quantify how much goes in, how much is a personal responsibility. But you're right.
Starting point is 00:51:16 It could be he has an assault charge and maybe he just got into a fight. He's from a neighborhood where you just fight a lot. Yeah. And Rodney King, you know, on his after, when he was still in the hospital, in jail, he said, this isn't a race thing. He said,
Starting point is 00:51:28 I didn't hear the cops say any racial slurs. He said, we don't want this to be a black versus white. He said, I was just unfairly beaten, which is true. Right. So,
Starting point is 00:51:37 they pull him over, they pull him out of the car, they put the other two people in the police cars. Yeah, I had no idea. Somehow, he's still outside. So, there must have been some sort of resisting. There's got to be, because he put the other two people in the police cars. Yeah, I had no idea. Somehow he's still outside. So there must have been some sort of resisting.
Starting point is 00:51:48 There's got to be because he put the other two or maybe no, maybe they just wanted to fucking beat him up because they were pissed because this followed like a 115 mile an hour speed chase for a while on a highway and some residential areas. So, you know, the cops kind of been a little frustrated. And like I said, I remember when I was a kid, I'm not a black kid, you know, although I look Puerto Rican. Yeah. But I'm not a black kid. And I remember the cops like, remember, we talked about on the cast, like touching you up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:52:17 That's what they would do. If you frustrated them or they had to chase you, there's no question, like you said, those are the type of kids who become cops. They're going to touch you up a little bit. That's what it is. They're not scholars. Right. They're not gentleman scholars. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:31 So perhaps they wanted to touch him up a little bit and things got out of hand. Maybe it was out of hand to begin with. We don't know. All we know is this guy across the street happened to have a camcorder and he started filming it. And this has never really happened before where somebody filmed it. And now it's so commonplace, right? This was like such a precursor to the cell phone video
Starting point is 00:52:52 and just a harbinger in a lot of ways of things to come, that everything's going to be filmed. The fact that you just said harbinger makes me, I instantly want to, I have diarrhea. Yeah, it's just a good word and good concept.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Harbinger. Harbinger. You want to fucking punch me in the face, but I'm protected by fucking Trash Monkey, the hyena. So they filmed it. Everyone saw it. I mean, if you're young and you've never heard of this, just go look up the video. Rodney King.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Zach was even born. Yeah, Zach was not even born for this. Do you even know what we're talking about, or is this the first time you've heard it? I do know what you're talking about. I was not born. I have heard of it, yeah. But you didn't know all these details and everything, right? I didn't know that there was actually
Starting point is 00:53:27 two people in the car with Rodney King. And did you know about Latasha? Not by name, but yeah. You had known that that happened? Yeah. Yeah, it's wild, right? Well, Zach's just a well-informed kid. He's a well-informed kid.
Starting point is 00:53:39 He's got to learn a lot about our culture in order to destroy it. In order to destroy it, that's what I was going to say. Aloha! So this obviously led to the riots. And then Rodney King, the trial happened. They moved the trial from L.A. because they thought about media bias.
Starting point is 00:53:56 But they moved it to a white suburb. Simi Valley. Which is 88% white. It's basically like moving it to Bay Ridge. Where all the retired cops live. Yes, wait. It's like saying, you know, we're going to give these white officers a fair trial. Let's move this trial to Staten Island.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yeah, make no mistake. If you are a white person and you kill anybody from any race in Bay Ridge and you go to court in Bay Ridge, the person who you killed's family will go to jail. You're not going to jail. It is what it is. That's the kind of neighborhood and community Bay Ridge and Staten Island are. They protect the whites. It's just what it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:38 So that's what Simi Valley was. But probably actually even more. And obviously we're just joking. Weishanxian. Weishanxian. We're just kidding about all that. Weishanxian, Weishanxian. We're just kidding about all that. Weishanxian. But the Simi Valley trial, it was convenient for the police to say, oh, yeah, we have to move it because of media bias or the safety of the officers. But we all know why they did it.
Starting point is 00:54:56 They were going to get the jurors they wanted there. There's no question that the race of the juries was going to determine this outcome. Was it 12 whites on the jury? It was 12, I think it was 10 whites, one Hispanic, one Asian. Zach can double check. No blacks. There was no blacks.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I know that for a fact. Yeah, of course. That's an easy one to remember. There was no blacks, and I think it's one Hispanic, maybe one Asian or something like that. Brutal. But there's no question at that time
Starting point is 00:55:23 there was no objectivity That's why OJ Simpson got off I mean you even look at the interviews with the jurors now They're like you know what It is what it is All the times that black people were unjustly Accused of things Incarcerated for things
Starting point is 00:55:38 This was our time to flip it on you And say fuck your justice system This is payback So at that time tensions tensions, like I said, the zeitgeist of the time was that tensions were so high that it was just everything. The way things are split on party lines now, you know, left, far left, far right.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Back then it was like white or black. It was like if you were black, you wanted OJ free, regardless if you thought he did it or not. You just wanted him free. And if you were white, you were just like you wanted O.J. free, regardless if you thought he did it or not. You just wanted him free. And if you were white, you were just like, this isn't fair. He killed a white woman, and you just wanted him in jail. And with the L.A. riots, same thing. I mean, with the Rodney King, preceding the L.A. riots, most white people were like,
Starting point is 00:56:20 you know, we don't have the full story. You know, what happened? And then black people were like, we don't have the full story. You know, what happened? And then black people were like, we have a video. So then the cops get off. All of them innocent. They later got convicted by the Justice Department federally. I think they all got convicted of violating Rodney King's civil rights. So they got convicted.
Starting point is 00:56:43 They had to do some time or whatever. A lot of them fired. I don't know what they're doing now. They were no longer cops after this. None of them. Right. But the state, they all got off. It was one of those verdicts like O.J. Simpson
Starting point is 00:56:58 where the whole country was tuned in. Right. You remember this. The whole country for the O.J. Simpson verdict and the Rodney King verdict, everyone was just wanting, knew when it was happening. This was tune-in TV and was just sitting by a TV waiting to hear it. And everyone was, it was nervous, man, because you kind of knew what was going to happen. Do you remember where you were?
Starting point is 00:57:24 I remember exactly where I was. Do you remember what turtleneck you had on? I don't remember the turtleneck, but I think I just got a blowy from my axe. I don't know what you're talking about. Yes. Never! Never!
Starting point is 00:57:47 What are you talking about? Yo, cuz, we have to edit this part out Zach We have to edit What it is Zach we have to fucking edit this part out Like seriously He's just going way wild Can we take that out It's what it is Too far Giannis jerks off to tranny point Zach, we have to fucking edit this part out. Like, seriously? He's just going way wild?
Starting point is 00:58:06 Can we take that out? It's what it is. Too far. Giannis jerks off to tranny point. All this has got to go, because it's all lies, and he's just doing it for a rise. Can you shut up now? Yeah, finish it, because I want my Patreon members to think I'm kicked out by Amy Schumer. You were right on the money with the jury, by the way. a filipino woman a hispanic and the rest were white unbelievable and so sick it's actually gross
Starting point is 00:58:32 so everyone was tuning in like i said the whole country was tuning in and so black people saw again you know again with the video i think the video had a lot to do with it because they're saying you what more do you need? What more evidence? We all watched the ass beating. A 15-year-old, one of our girls gets shot in the back of the head. We watched this guy being beaten to an inch of his fucking life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:52 For no reason. Yeah. Not for no reason, but not necessary force. I mean, way unnecessary. Way unnecessary force. When you watch the video now, you're just going like, come on. Come on, man. You guys get to deal with this a little easier.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Yeah. You were in feel for your life. Were you really? There were come on you guys you guys get it dealt with this a little easier yeah you're like you were in feel for your life were you really there were seven of you with sticks yeah it was police brutality is what it was that's just what it was it was police brutality and it's and and i'm sure i am positive that people have been beaten a thousand times worse than ronnie king was just never caught on tape right right so it started with protests Went down to City Hall Downtown LA Started protesting At the police station
Starting point is 00:59:29 And then it just boiled over And in Watts And in Compton It just started slowly Where white dudes Were just started They started being targeted They'd started
Starting point is 00:59:39 At red lights At intersections They would just pull you Out of the car And just beat you up Like Reginald Denny, right? Reginald Denny was the famous one, but it happened to a lot of dudes. There was a lot of injuries, a lot of unreported injuries.
Starting point is 00:59:50 People started rioting. This was full-on race riots. They started targeting non-black businesses. Once in a while, it got so wild, they even targeted black businesses. They started lighting fires everywhere, setting stores on fire, setting the palm trees on fire, setting cars on fire, flipping cars. It was chaos. How long were the riots in 92? Do you remember? Was it like a month? No, no, no, no. Not that long. It was like a couple of days.
Starting point is 01:00:16 But they let it go for a couple of days. And it was a big controversy in how, why they didn't stop it. did they they didn't deploy the cops and part that's an interesting thing like were they letting it just happen letting people get the anger out um because they figured like as long as we contain it to their own neighborhoods because it really just happened in their own in predominantly black and hispanic neighborhoods but like most things as the rioting went on, the common theme I see in history is whenever there's a movement, and after that movement has kind of passed, it becomes disingenuous and just ends in a pile of disingenuous dog shit and chaos. It's like the hippies turned into yippies.
Starting point is 01:00:59 And even now you see a lot of good justice stuff from the left has just turned into far left nonsense. And the riots towards the end, it was just like people were just rioting not for any reason. They just wanted free shit. And they were looting stores. And it was just mayhem. And they were looting because they can. And they knew that the cops weren't going to be able to arrest any one person because it was like that flash mob robbery type of thing. There's just too many people.
Starting point is 01:01:25 You can't, when the cops finally did show up, they just tried to chase people off. They didn't arrest anyone because there's too many people to arrest. Yeah. So it took a while for the National Guard, finally the National Guard. When did it end? ISIS? May something? It was a six day period.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Six days. Finally the National Guard. I think one regiment of the Marines, right? I mean, this is crazy when you think about it now. The 7th Infantry Division and the 1st Marine Division. How wild is that? Infantry, the Army, the Marines, and the National Guard had to be called in. They had to call in the boys.
Starting point is 01:01:55 They had to call in the boys to keep the peace again. And the Koreans, Koreans started arming themselves. There's tons of video footage of Koreans having shootouts with whomever else because the cameras were only on the Koreans. These guys had fucking semi-automatic weapons. They had handguns and they had bulletproof vests on. They were trying to protect their stores because they were being targeted. Wild cause. It was huge racial tension and finally calmed down and then Rodney King got on TV and gave his famous,
Starting point is 01:02:32 And finally calmed down and then Rodney King got on TV and gave his famous, can't we all just get along, which was mocked endlessly as a joke on comedy shows and by comedians. It became one of the most mocked things, which I guess that's when you deal with tragedy. The way we deal with tragedy is the societies make fun. I don't know. That seems weird now. That like, can we all just get along? Do you remember that? Of course, yeah. Every comedian did like an impersonation of that.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I know. Like making fun of Rodney King, crying. Did black comedians do it too? Yeah. Or just white? Arsenio? No, it was almost predominantly black comedians. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Yeah, I remember seeing it on Living Color and can't we all just get along? It just became like this huge joke. Is Rodney King still alive? Rodney King is still alive, yeah. Nice. Rodney King's still alive, yeah. Nice. Rodney King's still alive. Do you think he wants to join the matriarchy? Probably.
Starting point is 01:03:09 I want to know about that judge. I want to know how she was able to continue because I know they were- She didn't have fumes. She looked like she had no fumes. Yeah. But they tried to get her fired, whatever, removed.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Didn't work. So it was just, the black community got frustrated and this boiled over and believe it or not man I know there's a lot of racial tension and stuff but I remember
Starting point is 01:03:30 what it felt like back then and you know it's recently these same issues have popped up now and have been dominating the headlines and those issues
Starting point is 01:03:42 from the 90s had happened before in like the 50s. In L.A. there was riots. And like you said, the 70s in other places and in Watts. So it's like it's an ongoing issue, and it's dominated the headlines for the past couple years. But I do think race relations have gotten miles and miles
Starting point is 01:04:06 and miles and miles and miles better? Especially between blacks and whites. The police brutality issue, you know, that seems to be something that, where there's still a problem, and a lot of the problems that cause that may be more than race. Like you said,
Starting point is 01:04:22 it could be. A lot of these guys just don't have the brightest IQs. They're under-trained, crime, guns on the street, fear, whatever it is. Well, before we get into the Patreon shout-outs, I just want to correct Giannis. Rodney King did pass away in 2012. Holy shit, recently. How did he pass away? That wasn't even big news.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Alcohol intoxication. You like to have a few bros. But after you get beat up Alcohol intoxication. You like to have a few bros. But after you get beat up like that, you're going to have a few bros. You're going to have a few bros. What does that mean, dying of alcohol, like you died of alcohol poisoning? It means he probably drank himself to death. Well, I'm sure what happened in his life had something to do with that. Probably.
Starting point is 01:05:00 It's fucking brutal. He was a little bit of a boozer beforehand, too. It's what it is. Sometimes you need a fucking few brews To get through this life Kid like to have a few brews Thank you guys so much VH1 should do a
Starting point is 01:05:10 Where are they now Of the Rodney King Just like you find out You remember those shows Where are they now Just do all the characters The main players Yo
Starting point is 01:05:17 Alright so thank you guys so much For listening And thank you You know Of course Always thank you so much To people who already Joined the matriarchy.
Starting point is 01:05:25 As always, when you join, when you go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and join the matriarchy and donate to the fucking pseudo penises that we are, we read your name out loud on the podcast and Giannis guesses your ethnicity. So here we go. First up, newest member to the matriarchy, J. Roan, R-H-O-N-E. We got a lot of, I'm just guessing Black Kid. Black, okay. Kay Nelson. Another Black Kid.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Okay. Adrian Martinez. Is he German? German. John Cloak. John Cloak. Wow, that sounds like a fucking character in Game of Thrones. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Roki Maroki. Is that a, is that a, is that a Japanese? Roki Maroki? Well, and. Could he be from Japan? Was he trying to say Loki, Loki, and it came out Roki? No, it's a. It's a Moki.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Can I get a Wei Zhongxin, please? Wei Zhongxin. Thank you. Roki Maroki. And then he needs one there, please? Wei Shangxian. Thank you. Okay. And then he needs one there, too. Wei Shangxian. Marilyn Mano. Marilyn Mano.
Starting point is 01:06:33 I know who that is. Thank you, Marilyn Mano, for joining the matriarchy. She is half Greek, half Italian, if I remember. Oh, no. Half Greek, half Cuban. Yeah. Next up, we have Gatito, the big homie. I'm going to go with, he's another Latino.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Gatito. Now, oh, next we have, this sounds like he's just going to be a high pick in the draft. Clay Anthony. Clay Anthony. I have no further comment on that one. Yeah. He sounds like he's a nationally ranked player. Yeah, Clay Anthony.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Then we have Julian Nunez. Julian Nunez. He also sounds like he's in someone's farm system. Yes. Second base. Leslie Pinto. Leslie Pinto. That's another Puerto Rican.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Puerto Rican, yes. Or Dominican. How about this? Daniel Ward. Oh, wow. That's as white as it gets. He is black. Is he black? He's got a picture. He put his picture. Wow. Daniel Ward. Oh, wow. That's as white as it gets. He is black. Is he black?
Starting point is 01:07:25 He's got a picture. He put his picture. Wow. Daniel Ward. Thank you. You are off today. That sounded like an American colonial name. Daniel Ward.
Starting point is 01:07:34 And Daniel Ward also is a $10 member. Thank you, Daniel. Yeah. Joel Nunez. Dude, we got the whole St. Louis Cardinals farm system. Yes. Tom Dolan. White Irish kid.
Starting point is 01:07:51 White. Likes to have a few bros. Spencer Bagley. That's a baseball kid. And then. White kid. For $25, and she does look like a piece, Carolyn McNamara. That is an Irish piece.
Starting point is 01:08:08 And she's no fumes. We're going to call Carolyn right now. Do you have her number, Zach? Call her. McNamara's getting a call because what happens when you get $25, when you join up for $25, we call you live on the pod, and it's what we're doing now. Cuz, make no mistake.
Starting point is 01:08:27 We have one of the most diverse fan bases, and I'm proud of that. We seriously do. I'm fucking proud of that. It's fucking cute. And we don't try. We're not trying. We're not trying. We're not trying to force it.
Starting point is 01:08:38 We're just two good-hearted kids who are cute. Cute. We're calling Carolyn McNamara. Cuz, don't ask her to DM you. I mean, guys, if you set up with our producer, be home.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Hello? Be available. Hello? Hi. Is this Carolyn McNamara? It is. This is Chrissy Cavanaugh and Giannis Dr. Ford Pappas. Can I get a Wei Zhongxing for him for this?
Starting point is 01:09:10 Wei Zhongxing. Yeah, no, that is Chrissy Sammons and I am Peanut Head Pappas. Yeah, so we are calling you live on the History Hyenas because you joined up for $25 to thank you and your profile picture, Yula Kaye. And you're probably going to listen to this later, and your friends are going to hear it, and you're going to hear what we said right before, and we both said you sound like a piece. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Yeah. Yes. Tell us about yourself. Where are you from, Carolyn? I'm from Rhode Island, but I currently go to school in New Hampshire to be an occupational therapist. Occupational school in New Hampshire to be an occupational therapist. Occupational therapist? I used to be a physical therapist!
Starting point is 01:09:49 I know! I listened all about it. Oh my god. What school do you go to in New Hampshire? UNH. Oh, UNH. Great school. Concord, right? Durham. I'm an idiot. I know the capital of Rhode Island, though, is Providence. Yes, it is. I live right near there too really anywhere you live in rhode island is
Starting point is 01:10:12 basically right outside providence do you know rhode island small state do you know rhode island because your state mottos live free or die you guys can't get seatbelt tickets because it's like you don't have to wear your seatbelts it's so so true. I know. Wait a second. That's true? That's true. Yeah, because they're all about freedom. So it's like if you want to kill yourself because you're not wearing a seatbelt, it's up to you. You can live free.
Starting point is 01:10:32 You only get in trouble if you're doing something. You can't be on your cell phone because that could kill somebody else. But a seatbelt's like... You're going to kill yourself. Yeah, just want to kill... Just do whatever you want to do, dude. So you're basically telling me
Starting point is 01:10:41 Rhode Island has your nickname. It's Rhode Island fucking go. Yeah, Rhode Island go. You just go. Yeah. Chrissyissy go rhode island go what are you doing today caroline um my roommate and i had class all day and now we're just making dinner getting my dog all settled what time um what time are you guys gonna protest we're way too lazy to protest So not tonight How many What's your Snapchat filter of the day Today
Starting point is 01:11:09 I actually don't do Snapchat filters What She is not a typical millennial No I like her a lot She's getting dinner ready And walking the dog She does the chores around the house She sounds like a nice broad
Starting point is 01:11:23 Yeah sounds like a nice How old are you Caroline? I'm 23 I'm 34 I smell a connection That would be like a life dream of mine Yes Wow
Starting point is 01:11:37 Now how much of a cute kid is Chrissy D Is he as cute as my pop says he is He can't help it He can't help he be cute as my pop says he is? He can't help it. Yo! He can't help he be handsome, right? Very handsome. Yes, he is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Thank you so much. And you know what? In 11 year age gap between us, it's not that bad because Giannis is 60 years older than his fiance. Are you really?
Starting point is 01:12:00 That's actually not bad. I mean, when you're older. I think only a 23 year old would actually believe that that was an earnest statement. He's 60. He's like, are you really bad. I mean, when you're older. I think only a 23-year-old would actually believe that that was an earnest statement. She's 60. He's like, what? Are you really 60? I know, because she's still 23.
Starting point is 01:12:10 No, no. You're in your 40s, right? She's still so politically correct. She's like, you know what? If that's your truth and your experience. I'm not trying to be ageist. I don't want to be ageist, but if you want to be six years older, then that's fine. I feel like you just look inside yourself and examine who you are.
Starting point is 01:12:23 It's great. Fine. Like, I feel like you just, like, look inside yourself and, like, examine who you are. It's great. You guys, you guys in, you guys, where do you, where's your apartment that you live in? Is it in Providence? Wow, that's a creepy question. I know.
Starting point is 01:12:36 So, we're in New Hampshire for school. So, we live in a town called New Market, which is, like, a super hippity-dippity kind of town. Oh, yeah. We're going to come. We're going to come to that. I think I've been to UNH before, TBH. New Hampshire's an interesting state because it's very country and they hunt, but they're also
Starting point is 01:12:51 very hacky sack Bernie Sanders. No, New Hampshire is Republican. No, that's Bernie Sanders. No, Bernie Sanders is Vermont, you fucking dummy. I just am a fucking idiot. You're a dum-dum. Can we just Wei Zhongxing out my existence?
Starting point is 01:13:08 New Hampshire votes Republican. Hello? If anybody knows, it's Chrissy Kavanaugh. I can't believe I just mixed those two up. I'm a fucking idiot. We have early onset dementia. Frights and baits. Carolyn, before we let you go, we just really want to say thank you for everything.
Starting point is 01:13:25 If you're ever in New York, we're going to be doing live shows soon, so you should come. Do you ever come to New York? I've actually been to New York once. Oh, my God. So you're going to come on a history tour with me and Yanni P. That would be dope. That would be like a peak moment in my life. Would you want to do that?
Starting point is 01:13:42 Would you come on a history tour with us? Yes. Awesome. Now, let me ask you a question real quick, Would you come on a history tour? Yes. Yes. Awesome. Now, let me ask you a question real quick because you're 23 and also Zach Isis is 23 and he passed me a note that he said he thinks you're cute.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Would you be willing to convert to Islam and just make Allah your one true God and not only show your eyes in public and make him... I don't... Yeah. Well, the problem is I'm from a military family and my sister just
Starting point is 01:14:06 got back from overseas yeah killing sex yeah so that's what it is yeah i mean you know it is what it is so your sister is one of the boys your sister's one of the boys it's awesome and um of the boys. It's awesome. And I was listening to you guys' podcast when you went to Gettysburg. Yeah. And my dad actually does history tours at Gettysburg. He's a huge history buff dude.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Are you serious? Yeah. Can I ask you a question, Caroline? Is your dad single? Yeah. No. Him and my mom are still together. He must have a nice piece.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Is your dad willing to get a phone call from the boys on this cast to talk Gettysburg? Can we call him up, cuzzy? You totally could. Okay, so now that you're a valued member of our Patreon, $25 valued member, just send us his phone number. We were going to call him on the next podcast. Because now you have to understand, cuz you're ain't at 25 a month, which, by the way, you being a college student doesn't make sense, and I bet Daddy is paying for it anyway. No, he's not.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Oh, I forgot. I'm sorry, Beyonce. Tell her, girl. You got a fucking job. Yeah, I'm a fucking independent woman. Yeah, and don't let this fucking patriarch judge you. Yeah, I don't even like the name patron because it sounds like patriarch.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Ew! Yeah, I don't need a fucking guy to pay for me. I don't care if he is my father. I don't need any straight white males to pay for me. I pay for my fucking self. Yes! We love you.
Starting point is 01:15:34 We love you so much. Yeah, so we're definitely going to call him and we really appreciate you being part of the matriarchy, truthfully. Is there anyone you want to say hello to
Starting point is 01:15:43 because there's millions and millions of people who listen? You want to say something? Prom Because there's millions and millions of people who listen. You want to say something? Promote something? You got a book coming out? I don't think so. I'm like in a panic mode.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I don't know. All right, well. Is this my roommate? Is your roommate a member of the matriarchy? She's not. Then she's a two. Well, tell her, did she at least Listen to the cast Well she'll listen
Starting point is 01:16:07 To this episode maybe But like I've gotten literally Like my entire family To listen to it You're the best Thank you so much Is your dad
Starting point is 01:16:14 Listening to it Yeah he does Wow That's amazing He probably gets pissed off Because sometimes We have wrong history facts A lot of the time
Starting point is 01:16:24 No He literally just He just rolls his eyes at me, whatever, you know, my newest trend of a hobby. Well, you are one of our exclusive Matriarchy members, and we really appreciate you joining us. We hope you're enjoying the Patreon. You enjoying the bonus episodes and everything? I am.
Starting point is 01:16:43 All right, well, thank you so much. Go get back to cooking your dinner, whatever it is, and everything? I am. All right. Well, thank you so much. Go get back to cooking your dinner, whatever it is. And we really appreciate it. Thanks so much. Send us your dad's number. Love you.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Wow. She was great. Love her. See, it's a great idea.
Starting point is 01:16:58 And we got a few more to call and we'll get to them next episode. And we'll get to the next episode. And if you guys want to see us perform live, you can check out all my shows at chrisdcomedy.com. I dates coming up in houston texas and new
Starting point is 01:17:08 york city yannispappas.net follow us on instagram history hyena yo and go to patreon.com slash be part of the matriarchy maybe we could call you too keep your pseudo penises in the air i'm fucking gay. αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹ Bye.

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