History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 6 - NEW YORK WAS WILD!!!

Episode Date: March 18, 2018

The History Hyenas, Yannis Pappas and and Chris Distefano, talk about the gangs who used to run the streets of New York! They cover everything from the Pug Uglies (later corrected to the PLUG uglies) ...to the smell of an old New York. To top it off they thank all of the Patreon supporters with a personal shoutout! It gets wild! Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ•πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈChris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈYannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ•History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? It's me, Giannis Pappas, Obi-Wan Cucknobie, and I'm here with Chris DiStefano, and you're listening to the Bay Ridge Boys History Hyenas. YAS! Woo! YAS! I want to think of a mask. There's got to be a masculine way to do YAS. Yas! Woo! Yas! I want to think of a masculine, there's got to be a masculine way to do Yas. Yes!
Starting point is 00:00:50 Yas! No! Yas! Yes! Welcome to another episode of the History Hyenas. We are here, I'm Chris DiStefano. I am True Gay Giannis P. A TBG.
Starting point is 00:01:04 TBG's only, cuzzy. True Blue Gays. Thank you so much for checking in. We've got a great podcast today, as always, but today is fucking dope and it's coyote. Another episode piggybacking off another one of our romantic history tours that we did. Yeah, we love doing walking tours. Cuz, we should hold hands during one of those just to see what the tour guide says. What could they say?
Starting point is 00:01:29 Well, a lot of the tour guides for BigOnion.com, we had given BigOnion.com so many shout-outs. Please, I hope you guys are going to take the tours. They are not a sponsor, and I guess now they'll never be because we gave it to them for free. Why would they ever pay? But, you know, capitalism. But I think if we held hands and we made out in the middle of the tour, they wouldn't care. Because they're all progressive graduate students. They would be like, that's what New York's about.
Starting point is 00:01:53 They are. They're what Mr. Panos would call San Francisco string beans. That's what he calls them, San Francisco string beans. San Francisco string beans. They, yeah, They do good stuff. Yeah, it's great tours. And if they ever heard this, they probably wouldn't even want our sponsor. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:09 They'd be like, we loved it until you said the word fumes. And then we were out. We're about history, not fumes. We've objectified both female tour guides. You know why we do that? Why? Because we're fucking history hyenas. That's why.
Starting point is 00:02:22 We are from the animal kingdom and we can't even trace our lineage because we are fucking wild. Guys, there's no way I could tame my pseudo penis. How fucking wild is that, by the way? Hyenas give birth through theirβ€”females give birth through their pseudo penises. Yeah. How wild is that, Bardo? By the way, Bardo's here. Well, let's fucking introduce Bardo Churches here, White Wasp, Zack Ice's face.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Where's Mini Mussolini? Is he not coming today? He's getting chewed out by Hitler About how he hasn't been able to take grease from the last episode Yeah, Mini Moose Yeah But yeah, so yeah I also got big news
Starting point is 00:02:55 What happened? I got big news, cuz Oh, yeah And me and you know it Because we were just rolling down Me and you We're about to get into the episode What we're talking about
Starting point is 00:03:01 Me and Chris just went Because we're so thorough We're such hyenas We went back down To retrace our steps To make what we're talking about. Me and Chris just went, because we're so thorough. We're such hyenas. We went back down to retrace our steps to make sure we're giving it to you guys correct. Because you know what this podcast is about? Historical accuracy. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:13 But I got big news, guys. What's the big news? I told you already now I want to tell the people. Yes. I want to tell all the hyenas out there. Oh, I know what this is. Yeah. Yeah. I figured out my hair.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Woo! Bardo. Hairspray, guys. Hairspray. Fucking gel doesn't work. The way it works with Chrissy, it doesn't work with me. I got a German Nazi head. Right, but hairspray?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Cuz, has my shit been in place? And there's been some pretty strong winds out there today. Cuz, it's March in New York City, and we were walking around downtown, high wind area, skyscraper area. Your hair has not moved since 2.15 p.m. That's a beautiful thing. And it's fucking currently 4.08. And it also looks full. It looks full. it looks full looks good cuz you look good i'm telling you you look great you look great i should you know am i a cute kid cuz you're cute kid you're a hottie with a body
Starting point is 00:03:55 no a couple cuties with smoothies cuz i'm a little congested i'm a hottie with a snotty right now i was picking my nose a lot no no? Yeah, you dig a lot. You dig a lot, too. Just in the car, too. You don't care. I pick my nose in public. I eat boogers. Yeah, you're not a fully developed adult.
Starting point is 00:04:13 My kid eats, picks her nose now, too, and her mom gets mad at me. She's like, why is Delilah picking her nose? I'm like, I don't know. Probably fucking from you. Yeah, you do it right in front of her, right? Yeah, I pick the nose. I tell Delilah, you can't pick your nose.
Starting point is 00:04:23 You eat them, cuz? Well, yeah. I mean, protein. I got to stay jacked. I got to protein out. I mean, what else are you going to do with them, right? Yeah, that's what I do for protein. I eat boogers and suck dicks.
Starting point is 00:04:35 A lot of protein and semen, cuz. Girls should know that. Look, we're not only a history podcast, we're also a nature podcast. So let's throw in a little nature fact. Latest studies, semen, a lot of protein, very healthy for you girlies and true blue gays. I'm going to put out some new designer way, jizz flavor. Yo, you know what's wild too about something I learned when I had the baby? I mean, I didn't have the baby.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I had a pseudo penis. If I was a hyena, I would have. You would have. Semen actually has natural properties in it that induce labor. So during the later stages, like once you're at the 40 weeks gestation, the OBGYNs encourage women to swallow loads. Really? To induce labor. Yep.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And that's what happened with us. The baby was a couple of days late. Swallowed a little loady load. And then boom. Next thing you know, pops out the baby. Wow. Yeah. See, so sucking dick is positive. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:31 There you go, ladies. You heard it from two of True Blue Gays, OG Byway. I could never remember that acronym. OBGYN. OBGYN. OB Cuck Kenobi. OB Cucks Kenobis right here, Yanni P. OB1 Cuck Noobies. Yo, so you got good news. Yanni P. Obi-Wan Cuck Nobi. Yo, so you got good news about your hairspray, and I got good news about the podcast, everybody.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So we've made a fucking change. It's been beautiful. Okay? We've made a change. So now, we're going to give you the entire podcast for free. It's Christmas every fucking day. It's Christmas every day. We're giving you everything for free.
Starting point is 00:06:03 There's no half an hour for you, for the freebies, half an hour Patreon, none of that shit. The whole thing is coming at you for free. But what that means is for us, at least, is what we want to talk to you guys about, and girls and others. We're giving you everything for free. And we appreciate all the support on our History Hyenas, on the Bay Ridge Boys. We appreciate all that. But listen history hyenas on the bay ridge boys we we appreciate all that but listen we're making independent content and we're just asking you to consider just consider becoming a member of our cuz munity on patreon.com slash bay ridge boys because if you become a
Starting point is 00:06:35 member there not only will you be supporting us and helping us make the podcast and our bay ridge boy videos which thank you very much thank you for your service you also receive dope shit you're gonna get a lot of dope rewards i think one of the dopest parts of becoming a Patreon member, becoming a member of our Cuzzmunity, is you get our history tour videos. I love making those. They're hilarious. Those are the behind-the-scenes videos that me and Chris make constantly when we're doing these tours and we're walking around New York City and we're amongst the history and trying
Starting point is 00:07:01 to imagine what it was like back then. And guess what? You also get your name read on this podcast starting today. Starting today. If you're a member of our Patreon community, if you're a member of our Cousmunity, today we're going to read out everyone who joined up for Patreon because it's the first one. But then moving forward, you become a new member. We're going to read out your name.
Starting point is 00:07:20 And also being a member of our Cous cos community on patreon.com slash bay ridge boys you're gonna get bonus podcasts so today we're gonna talk about gangs in new york but for the patreon members only we're gonna talk even about get even more specific about certain characters who are live at the times of the gangs in new york uh uh period 1860s yeah we're talking about master juba oh yeah you want to give it away well yeah interesting cat no i'm teasing it okay we're not gonna tell them about it but if you want to hear it we're talking about Master Juba. Oh, yeah. You want to give it away? Well, yeah. Very interesting cat. No, I'm teasing it. We're not going to tell him about it. But if you want to hear it, we're doing a bonus podcast. It's available right now if you're listening to this on Patreon.com.
Starting point is 00:07:52 The Master Juba bonus episode by the Highest Theory Highness. Highness. All right. So without further ado. So today's podcast is based off the Gangs of New York. It's specifically about the five points. So real quick, I just want to tell you the five points. It's a neighborhood in New York City. It was a neighborhood
Starting point is 00:08:12 in New York City. It's still there today, of course, but If you use your imagination. You gotta use, you gotta Peter Pan that shit. You gotta Peter Pan that shit. And it's where four streets, Anthony Street, which is now Worth Street, Cross Street, which is now Moscow Street, Orange Street, which is now Baxter Street, and Little Water Street, which is now not even a street anymore, converged. And at that point, the four intersections made five points, you know, right there.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Paradise Square is what they called it. And that was called the five points neighborhood in New York City. And it was a pretty fucking crazy town i mean it was that part of new york city was um you know written about they made the movie gangs in new york about it i'm sure you guys have heard of the five points i mean everybody's heard of it i mean had you heard of it before the movie gangs i had not heard of it before the wow i think most people hadn't heard of it before you don't think so i don't think so you think scorsese put it on the map yeah and a lot of those uh street names are they're still named that today, right?
Starting point is 00:09:06 Or they're all different? A few of them are the same. Well, Cross Street, it used to be called Cross, now it's called Moscow. Oh, that's Moscow. Without the W, Moscow. Orange Street used to be called Orange Street, but now that's Baxter Street, currently Baxter Street. And Anthony Street. Anthony.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Anthony Street, that used to be called Anthony Street, but now it's Baxter Street, currently Baxter Street. And Anthony Street. Anthony. Anthony Street. That used to be called Anthony Street, but now it's called Worth Street. Wait, so they had an Anthony Street back then? They had an Anthony Street, yeah. But they didn't even, Italians weren't even there yet when they did that. Yeah, Italians didn't come in the 1900s. But I guess, you know, everybody prays to St. Anthony when they lose something. I guess so, but there was no Italians there.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yeah. So that's weird that they had an Anthony Street. You know, and there was no Italians in that neighborhood. So guess what that means? The food probably sucked over there. Probably fucking sucked. Yeah. So that's weird that they had an Anthony Street. You know, and there was no Italians in that neighborhood. So guess what that means? The food probably sucked over there. Probably fucking sucked. Yeah. But now, those streets, I was just saying, now they're called, it's called Worth Street
Starting point is 00:09:53 now? Called Worth Street now. But that's how we say it. I think the people who inhabit what used to be the Five Points would call it, Tai Si To Tai Tao! Yeah. Because it's Chinatown. Chinatown, baby.
Starting point is 00:10:03 They got a different way to pronounce stuff. And yeah, and you know, that time, the five points, you know, what's interesting to me is with the no Italians there is how the food had to be awful and the racism probably wasn't as bad as we thought because the only, Italians are the most racist people and they make racism as funny as possible. They do.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So it probably like, you know, I don't think it was as bad because Italians are the ones that really bring racism. Let's talk candidly here. When it comes to food, Italians, number one, and like we were talking about before this cast, we were hanging out. Yeah. Not even close. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Not even close. Right. That's how good Italian food is. So Italians do food and fucking racism like nobody else. Nobody's even close. They are the Michael Jordan of racism. Absolutely. And food.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And food. So can you imagine this? Because we're talking about five points. This is before Italians even came to this country. I'm shocked there was a fucking street called Anthony. We're talking mid-1800s, right? It's where we're going to focus on. Mid-1800s.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And yeah, I mean, it was one of those places where if you watch the movie Gangs of New York by Martin Scorsese, fucking great Italiano guy, Martin Scorsese, he directed the movie. And, you know, from what our research, from what we could tell, from our research, he really did a good job of capturing the essence of what the neighborhood was, like the true racism there, the true hygiene, the true conditions, the true poor hygiene, the true sentiment of the time, like what people were really mad at, what they liked, what they didn't like. From what I saw, from what I heard from historians, how they recreated the town, which that was a studio in Rome. That's where they made that movie, just some studio lot in Rome. But they really, Scorsese went to great lengths to try to make it look like exactly what it probably looked like and felt like in the mid-1800s.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah. I mean, it wasn't a documentary that he made, but he focused on a couple characters. Sure. He did capture the ambiance. The ambiance. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:12 So basically, so who you had there was, first of all, it was a lot of gangs, of course, a big, big, big time, big gang activity. But mainly what you had is you had blacks, you had the Native Americans, which were not like Sacagaweas. We're not talking about the politically correct term for the Cleveland Indians. Right. We're talking about people who consider themselves native to America. Protestants. Protestants. The White Wasps.
Starting point is 00:12:31 So the Bardo churches of the world. The Bardo churches of the world. Those were the fucking Bowery boys. I don't think Bardo would have lived in the Five Points, though. He wouldn't have been a tough guy, though. No. Yeah, he would have been called creative. He would have been creative.
Starting point is 00:12:44 He would have been creative, which is a code word for fucking gay. Gay. He would have lived uptown, too. The Upper East and Upper West Sides was where the real rich and wealthy lived, still to this day, kind of. Yeah, they were trying to get away from the five points. So you had the blacks who wereβ€”slavery wasn't abolished in New York until the 1820s. And I still think even after they abolished it in the 1820s, I'm sure you still had people not giving a fuck because it's the 1820s. It's not like – word takes a while to get around.
Starting point is 00:13:16 So there were still unfortunately probably a lot of black people being enslaved. And there was a lot of ones – a lot of freed ones that were freed from when New York was New Amsterdam, and a lot of them worked for the West Indian Dutch, what's that called? The Dutch West Indies Company. The Dutch West Indies Company, yeah. Yeah, so a few of them had freed some of their workers. Yeah, and I think being free back then is like quotes free. I'm sure that they still lived in fear and were persecuted big time.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I'm sure of it. And then you had the Irish. The Irish were a big, big part of New York City history because they had come over. The 1840s had a big Irish potato famine. So they started leaving Ireland and coming to New York in droves. And they were viewed by the Native Americans who were the native Protestant New Yorkers as shit people. Yeah, they hated Catholics.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Talk about, yeah, the racism against the Irish was the same as it was against the blacks at that time. They were both equally hated groups. They were fucking hated. As a matter of fact, when the Irish were coming off
Starting point is 00:14:19 the ships, they would get rocks thrown at them, potatoes thrown at them, told to get back into their boats and go home. They would be killed, murdered. And during the time of the Civil War, the Irish would come off the ship. And this is a scene in Gangs of New York, and it's actually historically accurate. They would come off the ship, sign a piece of paper that would make them a citizen.
Starting point is 00:14:39 No test anymore. Now you've got to go through a thousand tests to become a citizen. You would sign a piece of paper to become a citizen. And then the next piece of paper that you would sign once you became a citizen is your right to waive your citizenship and join the army against your will. So these soldiers would come, land on the docks of New York City, take off their clothes that they were wearing from Ireland, put on a Union uniform, a Union army uniform, and then march right, get on ships and go either down south or wherever the war was, probably down south, and fight in the war and die. So a lot of Irish – there were certain groups of Irishmen.
Starting point is 00:15:13 There were known guys, a few known guys that they never really stepped foot in – they only stepped foot on the docks on the pier. And then they went and fought and they would get paid whatever bullshit money they would be given. And then they went and fought and they would get paid whatever bullshit money they would be given. And they would just be told, listen, you have to fight for your country. Because a lot of the native New Yorkers like, you know new land with the Union seceding they they didn't want any with the Confederates seceding and all that they didn't want any of that shit what they wanted was they just wanted their country the way it used to be which was being you know having blacks enslaved and doing the jobs that they didn't want to do and having the Irish come in and do the jobs that they don't want to do. So when you start, you know, when Bill the Butcher and these like elite people started having to go to the war, it was a big problem. And then he started draft riots and stuff because nobody wanted to go.
Starting point is 00:16:18 They only wanted to send the Irish and the blacks to go because they didn't want to fight. Listen, here's the thing. In the 1800s, think about it. Like white people, they didn't care. fight. Listen, here's the thing. In the 1800s, think about it. White people, they didn't care. They didn't care about slavery and stuff. I mean, it's horrible to think about now, but it's just the truth of what it was back then. They didn't care about slavery.
Starting point is 00:16:33 They were like, I don't want to go fight a black man's war. Well, and they all hated each other. I mean, they were all competing for jobs, and then there was the fear that if the slaves were freed, they would take jobs. The native people, native people the product let's just call them fucking wasps wasps the bars at this time it was wasps in new york wasps irish and blacks that's basically what you had right you know and uh they all were kind of fearful of each other but there was also a lot of intermingling between them probably too it was probably not that much different than today if you picture a poor neighborhood where those people lived together. The gangs probably hated each other because that was all about fucking territory and jobs and competing for fire.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Back then the firefighters was – they went to the highest bidder. So a lot of these gangs were volunteer firefighters. Almost the entire fire department were gangs. Yeah, they were just gangs. The Pug Uglies, the Bowery Boys, they were all these gangs just made up the original FDNY. And a lot of times houses would burn to the ground because anytime there was a fire, if a member of the Pug Uglies got there first, they would put a barrel over the fire hydrant and only lift it up for other Pug Uglies to fight that fire. So if the Bowery Boys came, they would be like, where's the fire hydrant and pug uglies?
Starting point is 00:17:46 You'd be like, oh, I don't know. And then it would cause a big fight. And then the cops would come, and the cops were made up of all the Irishmen who the native gang members hated anyway. So there would be fights between the cops and the firemen in the streets, and the houses were burned down. Yeah. I mean, put it this way, though.
Starting point is 00:18:00 This was a neighborhood with new immigrants who were fighting to survive. Most, above and beyond them being like gang members and stuff, these were just immigrants. A lot of them were trying to make money. A lot of them did have jobs, and they were sending money back, trying to get their family members to come with them. This was just the beginning of the modern America, and that's why I love the five points. Because pre-New York at this time, beginning of the 19th century, you know, when these wave of immigrants came from Ireland, no Italians in America, which is fucking hard to imagine. This time there's no fucking Italians. Irish, WASPs, Native Americans, the black slaves and some freed slaves and, you know, the descendants, the Protestant descendants of, you know, the first wave of of immigrants that came here from England and whatever to escape, you know, religious persecution.
Starting point is 00:18:57 That was America. It was agrarian. Now factories are starting now job. they need jobs in the north. The steam is powering shit. So that's rendering kind of slavery, you know, the cotton ginny and all that shit's happening. Slavery is not really needed anymore, but they need workers. So now fucking the Irish are coming. So this is really the five points is really the beginning of modern America. The America we know in urban areas and cities and these ethnicities that became American. Like your boy, Paddy Flyballs considers himself American. He's American.
Starting point is 00:19:33 But he's as Irish as they come, and he probably goes back to the Pug Uglies. Yeah, he's probably Pug Ugly, and I'm sure he would have been. See, here's the thing, too. Something that switched back in the day, all these gangs. He would have been – see, here's the thing too. Something that switched back in the day, all these gangs. See, big thing that happened during the Gangs of New York period and that Five Points period was this guy, was Tammany Hall. This guy, Boss Tweed, corrupt politician, and Tammany Hall was basically Democrats.
Starting point is 00:20:01 That was the old school Democrats, and they would rig voting – they would rig the voting booths. What they would do was – do you remember this? Yeah, this is sick. This is barber. Dope. the voting uh boost what they would do was do you remember this what they call this is barber dope yeah so what they would do is if you would first of all being an when you would come off there was usually only one guy not throwing potatoes and rocks at you if you were an irish immigrant coming off those ships and that was boss tweed and the members of tammany hall because what they wanted from the irish was because you just signed a piece of paper and you instantly became a citizen what they wanted was your vote so what they would do is say look come in here we'll
Starting point is 00:20:24 protect you um we'll give you jobs you give you a job right away you don't have to go fight in the war we'll give you a job right away the only thing you got to do is you got to vote tammany hall we were buying your votes and they would tell them like three months before the election whatever election that was they would say grow your beard out don't get up don't shave your beard or cut your hair you would go in the day of voting. Then you would walk out the back door and right there, right across the hall or in another room, a secret door, there would be a barber. And the barber would cut your beard down and cut your mustache down to like a handlebar mustache. So you look like a different person back then. You'd go in and vote.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Second time. Then you go, after the second time you voted, they would shave the mustache off. You go in and vote a third time. So now you got one person voting three times, all for Tammany Hall. And there were this this went on for years. And Tammany Hall would win election after election after election. And so when New York is primarily a Democrat place. But the thing is, with Democrats, though, back then is you got to think of it like the Democrats. They weren't like lefty.
Starting point is 00:21:23 They weren't like left, you know, kind of when I think of Democrats, I think Democrats are like, you know, free spirited. I don't know. Fun loving. But, you know, they're more they're liberal. It wasn't like that back then. It would be the Republicans were the Democrats and the Democrats were the Republicans. They switch sides. They switch sides.
Starting point is 00:21:39 When? I don't know. Do you know when that happened, Giannis? Man, that would be an episode for another podcast. Yeah, I don't know. Podcast for another episode. I don't know when Man, that would be an episode for another podcast. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe a podcast for another episode. I don't know when that- I mean, an episode for another podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah, you're fucking- You got Alzheimer's? I just switched sides, see? Yeah, see? Episode for another podcast or a podcast for another episode. Are you bisexual? A little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:56 A little bit. I like guys and girls. But Joe, New York was corrupt as fuck back then. And you don't think it is still? It still is, but back then it was- Fuck you, de Blasio. It was corrupt. That back then. And you don't think it is still? It still is, but back then it was... Fuck you, de Blasio! It was corrupt. Like, that's how things work.
Starting point is 00:22:08 And even when you think about these fires that happened and all these gangs that had their different fire companies, you know back then that, like, they started fires and then showed up just to get paid, you know? Yeah. Fires happened all the time back then. I mean, and that's the thing. I mean, the mafia still do that. I mean, the mafia still do that.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I mean, the mafia fucking start fires for no reason. Insurance money. Insurance money. Cause, um, so yeah, so that,
Starting point is 00:22:33 you know, that's, oh shit. That was going on. I like, I like, I'm in big into gangs. I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:39 I was never, were you ever in a gang as a kid? I was never in a gang. No, no. I was in one gang. You were in a gang? Yeah. You're a bad kid. I was, I was in a gang. a kid? I was never in a gang. No. No. I was in one gang. You were in a gang? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:46 You're a bad kid. I was in a gang. I forgot what it was called. I honestly forgot what it was called. Wow, did your mother know about that? No, but she won't listen to this podcast because we curse. She told me that. She's like, I can't listen. Not if you're going to curse like that.
Starting point is 00:22:56 My mom won't even accept my Facebook request because she's like, I don't want to know what you're up to with your sins. Yeah. Yeah. The 40 Thieves. This is one gang, which I liked. Did some Yeah. Yeah. The 40 Thieves. This is one gang which I liked. Did some research. I like the 40 Thieves.
Starting point is 00:23:08 This was, they were around between the 1820s and the 1850s, five points. They were Irish thugs. And what they were good at is they would pickpocket and they would,
Starting point is 00:23:18 the big thing was they would pickpocket and under the leadership of this guy, Edward Coleman, who in the movie The Gangs of New York, he's the guy that gets the ax to his back i forget what the actor's name is but he's been in a lot of shit he's been in like fucking braveheart and he's just like your classic irish
Starting point is 00:23:33 face just your if you want like a guy to play like a classic irish fuck it's this guy i forgot what his fucking name is irish face yeah irish face edward cole Coleman. And the real Edward Coleman got... See, like all these guys, like they start out, they start out with, you know, like these noble causes where like he was saying like he was, you know, he was robbing. He would be robbing and then giving the money back to the poor because, you know, the Irish were being misrepresented and he was like an Irish Robin Hood.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Then they always get hung. He always got hung and his body got set on fire. Yeah, that's what happened back then. It's just what happens. Is it just karma? Yeah. You don't believe in karma. Well, I just think back then everyone met a brutal end at some point.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah, you didn't die easy back then, right? Even that one dude, there was one dude with the gang, he ended up going and fighting in a war, became a hero in World War I. What? Yeah, because he was- Who? The gangs went all the way up until the Italians. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Yes. We'll get there. I don't want to go there, but I like how the Italians came in and fucking unified the whole Five Points. Oh, yeah. The Five Points gang. Yo, because Italians are good at organized crime. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:35 That's another thing they're good at. Food, organized crime, racism. Yeah. I mean, the Jordan of that. So you had all these Irish gangs, all these Native American, all these WASP, let's just call them WASP gangs. Yeah. And then the Italians came and just kind of said, what the fuck are you guys doing? Yeah. Why are you guys all these irish gangs all these native american or these wasp let's just call them wasp gangs yeah and then the italians came just because like what the fuck are you guys doing
Starting point is 00:24:47 yeah why are you guys all fucking fighting each other there's money to be made here and these guys like fuck you're away from ireland get out of here you're fucking greasy and like listen i give you a fucking guinness but this is what you're gonna do now you're my soldier we're gonna make some real fucking money here yeah we're gonna make some real fucking money and then it became and then it became like it just became the the Five Points Gang. That's what it was called. Unified the motherfucker. So 40 Thieves, Pickpockets, Bowery Boys. This was the one who I said, this is Daniel Day-Lewis' character, Bill the Butcher, with the long top hats.
Starting point is 00:25:15 The Bowery Boys, this was like, I would say, one of the most storied gangs of all of New York. And these guys were lower Manhattan guys, and They would clash with the Irish Five Points gang during the 1840s, 50s, and 60s. But the Bowery Boys, what was different about them, what was dope is they were dressed elegant. They were dressed fucking dope as fucking snazzy because their whole thing was like,
Starting point is 00:25:36 listen, we're not like these Irish dirtbags. Okay, we're not these. We're fashionable. We're in big top hats. We got big dicks. We fucking want to look like the Monopoly man when we bang you out. Yeah, and a lot of them just had real jobs, like butchers. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:51 William Toole actually was an actual butcher. And William Toole is the original. Well, Bill the Butcher was a guy who existed, right? But the actual character, Daniel Day-Lewis' character, we learned was a mix of a few different guys. Primarily two. William Toole. William Toole and Hines. Thomas Hines.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Thomas Hines was the bare-knuckle boxer. We actually got a video of Thomas Hines' crib on our Patreon if you want to go look at it. Check it out, cuties! It's only for our cuties. And we also got videos of the five points up there, too. We do. We do.
Starting point is 00:26:27 So Bowery Boys, they were elegant as fuck. And they weren't on, you know, when they, like Giannis said, when they weren't, you know, being dirtbags, they would go to saloons, back alleys. And they would always have, like, these bloody turf wars with rival gangs like the Dead Rabbits. The Dead Rabbits were the gang. If you remember, if you've seen the Gangs of New York, that opening scene, it's the Bowery Boys, the ones we just talked about, like the Dead Rabbits. The Dead Rabbits were the gang. If you remember, if you've seen the Gangs of New York, that opening scene, it's the Bowery Boys, the ones we just talked about, versus the Dead Rabbits, Liam Neeson's crew, which Liam Neeson, by the way, I think lives in my building. Somebody told me Liam Neeson lives in the building that I live in.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Would you even imagine? If Liam Neeson, bro, if I ever see Liam, if I'm ever looking out my window and Liam Neeson comes scaling down, I'm going to try to grab his Irish dick. You got a couple. You also got a couple of basketball players. The Brooklyn Nets live in there. Yeah. But Liam Neeson, that has to be one of many homes, Liam Neeson, one of apartments Liam
Starting point is 00:27:15 Neeson owns. Yeah. He's not even American. No, he's fucking Irish. Yeah. And Liam, I like Liam Neeson a lot. Do you like his movies? He's a good guy.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah. I fucking like him. He's great. The Tad Roberts. He's a good guy. Yeah. I fucking like him. He's great. The Tenth Rabbits. He's a good guy. Hi. You're from fucking Ireland. So.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Fuck. Fucking. They love the word fuck Irish. Fuck. He's fucking gay. And they like the word shite. A fucking shite. I gotta take a shite.
Starting point is 00:27:39 I'll take a fucking shite on your face. You fucker. I talk to my daughter sometimes in like an Irish accent when I don't want to like use like an actual shit curse word. I'm like, Delilah, did you just shite your pants? Did you fucking shite on your face you fucker i talk to my daughter sometimes in like an irish accent when i don't want to like use like an actual shit curse when i'm like did you just shite your pants did you fucking just shite your diaper the thing about back then the wasps hated the irish but we gotta we gotta be honest and historically accurate here it's kind of fucked up okay they both hated the blacks the blacks had it the worst The blacks did have it the worst. But I think at that time in the 1850s, I think the Irish, I think according to the natives, I think they hated them both the same. Or you think they hated the blacks even more than the Irish?
Starting point is 00:28:15 I think they might. I mean, depending on who. I know the Irish and the blacks kind of mingled a little bit. You know, there was even that one building, that story building that was supposed to be really violent. Oh, the old mission. The old mission. It's right now by the tombs where the prison, the tombs is right now in downtown Manhattan. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Look how fucking smart my boy Chris is. Yeah. I feel like there's a scene in Good Will Hunting. Yeah. Fucking. He got a number. How about them apples? Chris, you fucking D.
Starting point is 00:28:46 But in that building there were different floors and those floors were divided by kind of Irish floor. There was an Irish floor, a black floor, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:54 So they mingled in that way but they also kind of stayed separate and one side of the Five Points was Irish and the other side was black. And see,
Starting point is 00:29:01 and what they say is, you know, with the Five Points mission, you know, classic building, you know, the exact spot is, it's really right in between two courthouses now. I'm forgetting the exact street. But, you know, they said it was like the most dangerous place in the city.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Probably they said the world. They said it averaged a murder a night for five years now. And they said there's a one notorious story of a little girl, five years old, who was playing with a penny and was murdered for her penny and that there was thousands of bodies buried underneath that building. Now, look, I'm not saying that that, you know, that it wasn't dangerous back then, but that wasn't true, because when they excavated the building, they found they didn't find any bodies. I think they found one body. The story of the little girl was never confirmed in police blotters back then. And the city of New York was actually, even in the midst of the five points and the slums, it was really America's first slum, was only averaging, New York City was only averaging a murder a month. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So there's about 12 to 15 murders a year in the entire city. Because why? No guns. People will get, I'm not stabbing. You get stabbed and beat up. But guns kill people. People don't kill people. Guns kill people.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Yeah, guns make it a lot easier to kill. What do you always say? Guns don't kill people? What do you say? You're always fucking on your Facebook rants? Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:18 With guns. With guns. It's like the double standard. It's like, you know, guns don't kill people. People kill people. Well, then, if guns, guns don't, well, like, you know, if guns don't kill people, people kill people. Well then, if guns don't, well then by that logic, guns don't save people, people save people. It's like, you ever notice
Starting point is 00:30:31 the gun always gets credit for saving you but it never gets the blame for killing you. It's like, it's a little bit of both. I mean, people are fucking, this is all, people play games with that shit. I mean, and it's like crazy like even when we talk about like, you know history, it's just fucking wild. Like, how could you imagine, like, hating someone because of the pigment of their skin?
Starting point is 00:30:49 How fucking ignorant you have to be. I know. But I'm saying, like, I get I get how there's like people say, oh, there's differences, socioeconomic differences. Yeah. But the bottom line is you're not liking them because of the color of their skin. It's fucking wild. Blacks versus white, white versus black, Asian. It's like that's fucking what I feel like an advanced race would look at us and be their skin. It's fucking wild. Blacks versus white, white versus black, Asian. It's like, that's fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I feel like an advanced race would look at us and be like, how fucking dumb is this race of people that they're not liking each other, and they're killing each other because of shades of skin color. It's fucking wild. Isn't it fucking nuts when you think about it, when you break it down? Because that's what it is. It's deeply embedded in our brain. We're
Starting point is 00:31:21 tribal. A lot of animals are like that too. Territorial. We gotta get rid of that. We gotta shut down. It's not tribal in our brain. We're tribal. Just a lot of animals are like that, too. Territorial. Yeah. We got to get rid of that. We got to shut down. It's not tribal. Hyenas. Hyenas. No, they're just wild.
Starting point is 00:31:29 We fucking just go around and we fucking put our pseudo dicks in lion kills. That's what we do. Hyenas don't discriminate. They're just fucking wild. Google hyena births. Yeah. And it's probably, you won't be able to eat for about a week. The female hyenas have pseudo penises is what they're called. Which is basically like a long, tiny, eat for about a week. The female hyenas have pseudo-penises, is what they're called,
Starting point is 00:31:45 which is basically like a long, tiny, it looks like a penis, and they give birth out of that thing. A lot of the hyenas die because they're basically trying to squeeze a baby newborn hyena through something the size of a clit. Yeah. And it fucking rips it. These things are savages. Savages.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Savages. Okay, so speaking of more savages, we have the 40 feet. But that was a good point, though. I just want to harp on that point for a second. Is that it wasn't as dangerous a place as the rumors and the lore. Yes. It was actually, like, that's the thing. It was a dirty place, okay?
Starting point is 00:32:19 There weren't a lot of, what was it, like, fucking two toilets per tenement? Yeah, it was disgusting. Fires happened there. It was a fire trap. You got killed. It was a densely populated area. They even say it was more dense than Bombay or something. At the time, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I mean, it was packed with people, new immigrants constantly coming in. These were new groups of people coming into contact for each other for the first time. But for the most part, it was pretty peaceful. They were poor. They were hardworking people. Yeah, there were gangs. Yeah, there was violence. Yeah, there was violence. All that stuff did happen.
Starting point is 00:32:48 But for the most part, it was just a poor neighborhood. And it fucking stank because there was a lake there. And that's where the butchers dumped all their goddamn body parts from the cows and shit. Yeah, it was called the Collack Pond. And Collack Pond is actually like a pond in the middle of downtown Manhattan, which there's a courthouse over it right now. You would never even know there was a pond there. And that's where – at some point, it was the freshwater source for the city of New York in the 1600s and 1700s.
Starting point is 00:33:15 But then it started to dry up and people started to pollute it. The butchers would throw meat in there. People would piss and shit in there. In the summertime, it would be you know mosquitoes and everything and it would stink to high heavens because they would never clean the water so that's where the poor people would live um that's crazy to think about that they lived like when you look at what the five points used to be yeah and where the collect was like people lived right imagine living right next door to like a body of water that was just full of like rotting like pig parts and like
Starting point is 00:33:47 yeah cow parts and like whatever shit and piss shit and i mean it fucking reeked bad bad in the summertime bad how bad it would get you would not want to wear your jordans around there no you wouldn't be wearing your jordans on collect pond no um so and that's you know where and then the really wealthy people start to move up northern uh you know to the north part of the city uh to the pretty much the upper east side and the upper west side that's where he had a lot of the wealth and then downtown by collect pond was all row houses and tenements and it was disgusting down there and then they started to build on collect pond but realized it was just a swamp because the drainage was horrible so it
Starting point is 00:34:22 just became like a part of town that was just disgusting and nobody wanted to go near it. But this stench was filling up the Five Points at the time. And what's so wild is that City Hall was really close to the Five Points. Yeah, City Hall, where Boss Tweed would do all... See, that's another beautiful part
Starting point is 00:34:38 about Five Points, what Yannis mentioned, is all this corruption and filth and disgusting behavior was happening all within feet of City Hall, which is supposed to be the pillar of excellency for a city and the beacon of freedom and hope and all that stuff. So it was a really corrupt, crazy time. It was so corrupt and so crazy. It was kind of like a human zoo. They would actually do tours.
Starting point is 00:35:03 It was kind of like a human zoo. They would actually do tours. Charles Dickens, the famous author Charles Dickens, would go on these tours. And Horace Greeley and other famous American thinkers and philosophers and all that at that time, philanthropists, they would go on this tour. And their tour guide would be a police officer who was known in the Five Points at at the time and they show this actually also in the gangs in new york they would go and just walk through the neighborhood and just look at the people yeah that's what they would do and they would put scarves up to their nose and just watch the people and the people would like perform like not they would just do what they normally do robbing people beating the shit out of each other public drunkenness lewd behavior prostitutes people
Starting point is 00:35:44 would come and just walk through and they would pay money for a tour. Could you imagine touring a fucking neighborhood like that? Yeah. We should do Bay Ridge tours. We should. Yeah. We should. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:35:52 We should. That's what you're going to get also on Patreon.com for a fucking $200. Yo, we should do that. If you go, we're going to pick a $200 option. Yo. We're going to give you a tour. And just to piggyback, like, yeah, the lore of the five points didn't start after the five points. The lore of the five points, the myth of the five points actually existed at the time of the five points.
Starting point is 00:36:13 So, you know, to middle class people and upper class people, you know, it started to be known as this like crazy place, which actually was not that crazy. But these people were middle class and upper class. They didn't know how poor people lived, you know, like immigrants lived. So they went there. They were so curious that they took these tours with police escorts and they went down there
Starting point is 00:36:32 and they saw it for themselves. And like you said, Charles Dickens was one of those guys. Yeah. So I just like, I like tying all this in with the gangs because I fucking, to me the gang-
Starting point is 00:36:43 I can't believe you were a gang member, cuz you're a fucking criminal. You're a bad kid i want to go through some more of the gangs i want if i want you i want to find out which gang me you white wasp and zachie ice's face would be in i want to see okay but i want to ask white wasp a question real quick go ahead you knew it right you knew this dirty fucking irish kid at some point they can't help themselves can they yeah these catholics can't they can't the way way he's looking at you, you can't help yourself. It's in your genes. Look, you do crime.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Sitting with his legs crossed like that, he would have definitely taken a tour. Yeah, I mean. He would have walked through and be like, ugh. He would have thrown up. He would have said to his wife, that was preposterous. Yeah, I mean, this is so gross. Yeah, I feel like fucking Bardo and most wasps are born through a pseudo penis. Do you feel like that?
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah. That's how they give birth. Yo, the wasps were really scared of Catholics back then because they thought the Catholics were more loyal to the Pope. And there was this fear that Catholics were coming here and they were going to try to take over. And they were more loyal to the Pope than they were the American Constitution. It's crazy. So those guys were like the first, get out of my country. And the Irish were the American Constitution. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:45 So those guys were like the first, get out of my country. And the Irish were the first, like, fuck you. They hated the Catholics, and they wanted to convert them. They tried to convert them constantly. Can't convert the Catholics because. Remember when you went in to get a meal? Like a lot of those Protestant missions down there, a lot of the people doing charity work who were Protestants, those women,
Starting point is 00:38:02 if you wanted a meal, you'd have to convert to Protestantism before you got the meal. That's how fucking scared the Catholics they were. Fucking wild. All right. So another gang, the Dead Rabbits, which is, you know, we're talking about Liam Neeson. This was the head of that gang in the movie Gangs of New York. These were more Irish immigrants. So you had the 40 Thieves and the Dead Rabbits.
Starting point is 00:38:18 These are the Irishmen. Bowery Boys. Dope names, by the way. Native Americans. Yeah. Dope names. Dead Rabbits. Dead Rabbits is dope.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Pug Ugly is dope. Dope. 40, dope names. Dead Rabbits. Dead Rabbits is dope. Pug Ugly is dope. Dope. 40 Thieves, dope. So there's Dead Rabbits. These were- This was kind of one of the most feared gangs, along with the Bowery Boys. I think that's why Scorsese focused on them, because that's historically true. These were like the badasses.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And they were big time five points gang. 1850s was their heyday and they were excelled at robbery pickpocketing brawling and particularly with their sworn enemies the bowery boys so these guys used to love to pick fights with the fucking bowery boys i mean that's what i would have been alive love to have seen just fights between these gangs because i feel like nowadays you know you get into a fight with a gang you're gonna get shot and killed that's what it is but then it's be nice to take a good beating some Some of these guys took good fucking beatings. Some of them were actually
Starting point is 00:39:07 bare-knuckle fighters, as you'll find out if you keep listening. Keep listening. Yeah. So one person who was famous at the Dead Rabbits, and she was also portrayed in the movie, and I thought she was cool. She was called Hellcat Maggie. Oh, she's the best, this broad. She's fucking the best. She filed her teeth to points that
Starting point is 00:39:24 she wore brass fingernails into battle, which is fucking wild. She's caught people's faces out. Yeah, you would have banged that out, though. I would have banged her out. Fumes? You think she had fumes? 100%, right? Could you get through the five points?
Starting point is 00:39:36 Could you get through a five points girl without smelling some fumes? I mean, it's impossible, right? It could have been some fumes, yeah. Yeah, but what are you going to do, right? What are you going to do? I mean, Collect Pond had fumes. Yeah, the whole place. Everyone had fumes? I mean, it's impossible, right? There's got to be some fumes, yeah. What are you going to do, right? I mean, Collect Pond had fumes. Everyone had fumes back then, guys and girls alike. So another thing Dead Rabbits were big for is the events of July 4th,
Starting point is 00:39:53 1857, when one of the street fights with the Bowery Boys turned into a bloody riot that killed a dozen people. And actually in the movie The Gangs of New York, they depict a riot, the Civil War riot, the draft riots of the Civil War in 1863. And from our research and from what bigonion.com told us is, they don't think that that riot from breaking down the riot that was in the Gangs of New York,
Starting point is 00:40:21 that probably wasn't the Civil War draft riot. That was more likely this riot, this 1857 riot between the Bowery Boys and the Dead Rabbits because it just historically, it just seemed like it made sense. They barricaded, the Dead Rabbits actually barricaded off streets and pretty much trapped the Bowery Boys.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And it was just riots that lasted for like four days and at least 12 people were killed and it was fucking bad and then the dead rabbits supposedly uh they began an offshoot of another gang called the roach guards fucking roach guard isn't roach guard like a roach deterrent thing right now yeah isn't it was well what roach guard roach guard does yeah that's a that's a spray i think the roach sounds like it should be one they were probably named after roaches, but that's not a good name. Isn't there some evidence that maybe that's what the Bowery Boys called them?
Starting point is 00:41:11 Like it was like a pejorative name, like Roach Guard. Yeah, and the newspapers just called them that, Roach Guards. No, I think that their actual name was the Roach Guards and the Dead Rabbits was the pejorative. Oh, you're right. No, you're right. You're right. You're right. Yeah, one popular theory argues that the term Dead Rabbit was simply the pejorative. Oh, you're right. I think. No, you're right. Yeah. You're right. You're right. Yeah, one popular theory argues that the term Dead Rabbit
Starting point is 00:41:27 was simply a pejorative used by the Bowery Boys and the New York Press in reference to members of the Roach Guards and the Five Points Gang. Yeah, yeah. This next gang is the Daybreak Boys. These guys sound fucking cool. This was, this extended into the waters of the East River. So you had some fucking actual pirates.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Yeah. Like legit pirates working the seas in the Five Points, which was dope. And these guys got their name because that's when they fucking did their crime. Yeah, it's Daybreak. And they were called the- Which makes it hard for me to believe there was no Italians around. Why? Because Italians are usually the one that nickname people based on the worst thing that they do.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Yeah. It's like, you know, if one guy's got a lazy eye, they go, hey, hey, hey, there goes Pirate over there. There goes Captain to the Caribbean. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or if a guy doesn't leave his house until after four, he's like, hey, there's Jimmy the Mole, you know? So if they called them the Daybreak Boys, you would figure Italian would have named
Starting point is 00:42:14 them the Daybreak Boys. Like, hey, these fucking guys, this is when they do their crime. Yeah. The Daybreak Boys. I don't know. I don't know. But no fucking Italians. No Italians, which fucking sucked.
Starting point is 00:42:22 I mean, you think they were just eating potatoes? What did they eat? Potatoes and mutton? Your people stink, Bardo. Your food and cuisine is horrific. Middle Eastern food, good. Greek food, good. Your people, the Irish, fucking gross. The other half of your genes, Italians,
Starting point is 00:42:39 probably barf every time they realize that you're mixed with the Irish cuisine. Your people ate fucking potatoes because that's all you got is potatoes my father's my father's mother when he came home as I got married an Irish girl she was probably like why yeah what you doing why what is she gonna feed you I mean gross what is she gonna make you and wasps even worse like what do they do scones do you scones and tea and fucking teas. You've been to Britain, right? Their whole cuisine is basically Indian cuisine, which is good.
Starting point is 00:43:08 But without the flavor. I like Indian food. No, I'm saying the British is Indian cuisine with no flavor. Most Indian food has flavor. But they had to borrow another cuisine because they just have, it's like to fill a void. Like fucking wasp people? Yeah. I don't know what you guys eat.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Eggs? Boiled eggs? Boiled eggs? And it's like- Toast. Toast, yeah Like fucking wasp people. Yeah. I don't know what you guys eat. Eggs. Boiled eggs. And it's like. Toast. Toast. Yeah. Fucking marmalade. Gross.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Gross. And it's like Britain almost ruled the entire fucking world. How do you not pick up one piece of food? Exactly. So Daybreak Boys. These guys were river pirates. 1840s, 50s, 60s. And their leaders had color from
Starting point is 00:43:46 colorful monikers such as cow-legged sam mccarthy i guess because he had a big dick tell you sounds like these guys were named by italians slobbery jim because he was talking with slobbery jim slobbery jim though it doesn't sound like italians named these guys like this guy fucking he he spits a lot. Yeah. It's fucking Slobbery Jim down there. These guys would use small row boats, and a lot of them were juvenile gangsters, and they would silently roll their way alongside anchored shipping vessels, sneak it aboard.
Starting point is 00:44:14 They'd steal as much cargo as they could before returning to their dinghies and escaping to a rendezvous point to a gin mill in the fourth ward. So the fourth ward, I think, was more like um the fourth ward was like uh like you know five points is pretty much like uh little italy chinatown area the fourth ward was like the neighborhood over so that would be like houston street and stuff that was the fourth ward yeah um so uh yeah and uh daybreak boys used to kill a lot of people and um they would slit the watchman's throats. That's usually what they would do.
Starting point is 00:44:46 That's how you knew it was a Daybreak Boys. They were pretty brutal, these guys. Yeah. Then the last one I want to talk about before we talk about the big guys, the Five Points gang, is the Wayos. Wayo! They were formed from the remnants of the several defunct Five Point outfits. So a lot of Five Point gangs would just stop being gangs because the Irish would move out, or the blacks would move out, or the Native Americans would move out.
Starting point is 00:45:08 So there would be little bullshit splinter gangs, and this was one of them. They started out as a loose collection of petty thugs, pit pockets, and murderers, but by the 1880s, they graduated to more high-class crime, like counterfeiting, prostitution, and racketeering. This sounds like mafia shit. You know we're getting close now.
Starting point is 00:45:24 You know we're getting close to the Italians coming. We're starting to hear racketeering, counterfeiting, and prostitutes. This sounds like mafia shit. Yeah. You know we're getting close now. We're getting close. You know we're getting close. The Italians coming. We starting to hear racketeering, counterfeiting, and prostitutes. Yeah, but yo. Or Italians call them toots. Yeah. Toots. My boy, I have a friend who's like a real Italian kid, goes, yeah, I got a fucking toot last night.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I'm like, what'd you fart? He goes, nah, hookers. A lot of the blacks in the Five Points, that's when the blacks started moving to Harlem, actually, because they wanted to escape. The Irish, I mean, let's be honest. Again, we've got to be honest. Keep it 100. Blacks had it the worst, dude. Fucking Irish discriminated against them.
Starting point is 00:45:55 And even the riots of 63, it was the fucking Irish that didn't want to go to the war, and they ended up taking it out on the blacks, and they ended up hanging a few blacks. Yeah. Innocent dudes dudes because the mindset you gotta understand the mind see cause it's you know today it's like obvious it's like yeah this is fucking all absurd and it's about pigmentation and it's just stupid and like kind of
Starting point is 00:46:16 like it seems like a fucking this primal you know mutant of a human it's just tribal tribal yeah it's we're not as developed they weren't as developed as we are now and they haven't you know mutant of a human it's just tribal tribal yeah it's it's it's it's we're not as developed they weren't as developed as we are now they haven't you know lived as much life so whatever but um back then you know the nobody wanted to go nobody wanted to go fight in the civil war the north new york actually they were the union i mean it's a northern state but they
Starting point is 00:46:40 didn't care about they wanted slavery they wanted they didn't want they did not want to fight what they were calling the Black Man's War. And they were – and the Native Americans were worried that the – if you freed the black slaves, then what that was going to do is make the Irish take the slave jobs. And then the Native Americans would have no jobs. So they felt like you just get the Irishish out fucking keep the slaves enslaved and the economy will keep working for us the white man uh but you know of course as we know now that's not the way it is i mean could you imagine fucking what like bill the butcher and these guys and like the dead rabbits and the well mainly the bowery boys like what they would think of new
Starting point is 00:47:20 york now they'll probably hate it yeah even though it's so much better they would be like no they would not like it though you think they would i don it. Yeah. Even though it's so much better, they would be like, no. I think they might like it, though. You think they would assimilate? I don't think anyone loves, you know, look, these were poor people trying to fight to survive. So they, you know, they resorted to tribal ways to kind of protect themselves. Police was corrupt. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:36 You know, it's like these are people in a strange land. So they clung to their own for protection, you know? Well, you know, and you know what's good about the Bowery Boys and most of these gangs, if you put them in, if you just press the button and put them into the world today, especially some of these fucking Williamsburg areas, they would just look like hipsters. They would look exactly like hipsters. Bill the Butcher could walk around Brooklyn right now,
Starting point is 00:48:00 and nobody would bat an eye. I'm telling you, if you play that game hipster or history, you can't tell which is which. You can never tell. Which is kind of cool, but it just really makes me want to punch a fucking hipster. For some reason, it just makes me want to uppercut them, but it's kind of cool. I think I want to uppercut them because I'm not as cool as them. Yeah, well, the truth is a lot of
Starting point is 00:48:17 them are just a little dirty. Yeah, right. When you look at history figures, they were a little dirty. It's like, you know, come on, cuz. I got chlamydia twice. I got chlamydia twice. Both times it was from hipster broads. It was, yeah. You got chlam it's like yeah you know come on cuz i got clean up twice i got chlamydia twice both times it was from hipster broads it was yeah you got chlamydia twice but you know what you don't look like a guy that has cl you know you're trimmed up you're trimmed up you're gelled up you're trimmed up you look clean yeah i look clean but you know because you got a dirty deck um so what about the pug uglies though you didn't even i didn't talk about
Starting point is 00:48:42 the pug uglies i mean basically the pug uglies, though. You didn't even... I didn't talk about the Pug Uglies. I mean, basically, the Pug Uglies were just Irish fucking... They were the firefighters. The Pug Uglies were the original firefighters, and they were just... I mean, just think about, like, if you could press... Just think about, like, if a fucking... If a bulldog fucked an Irish scone and put on a leprechaun outfit, that's what a Pug Ugly looked like. They were just ugly.
Starting point is 00:49:01 You know, to call the Pug... I mean, they looked like... That's my favorite name, Pug Uglies. Pug Uglies. Yeah, they... Was it... You think it was's my favorite name Pug uglies Yeah they Was it You think it was Did they have pug dogs back then
Starting point is 00:49:08 Sure Where'd they get that name I don't know Yeah You're the nature boy Or is the dog Or is the You know
Starting point is 00:49:13 Is the dog named after those guys True I mean I don't know Could you imagine you're so We don't know that You look like a pug Yeah That's a fucking weird
Starting point is 00:49:20 Mashed in nose Yeah Yeah So the last gang I want to talk about The five points gang Now this gang This is like This is later now This is later That's a fucking weird Mashed in nose Yeah Yeah So the last gang I want to talk about The Five Points Gang Now this gang This is like
Starting point is 00:49:27 This is later now This is later Now we're talking 1890s But it's You know It just gets It ain't come Gets near and dear to my heart
Starting point is 00:49:33 This gang Well these are both Because you're a lot Irish too Yeah You were Irish and Italian I want to We should On this podcast
Starting point is 00:49:40 As we go on We need to do Ancestry.com again Yeah And find out Or me and you should research your records. Yeah. To find, maybe your ancestors were fucking, were in the five points.
Starting point is 00:49:50 They might have been in the five, because that would be wild. Wow. Direct descendant from the points. There's a good chance. Yeah. Because nobody, my family lives in the Bronx. None of them have teeth. Nobody has teeth.
Starting point is 00:49:59 No. I mean, it's like crazy. Like they have like, they have a few teeth between six or seven people. And nobody. My dad has no people. My dad has no teeth. My dad has zero teeth. I mean, he has dentures, but he has had no teeth for a long time. And your family can't trace the origins, right? Everyone just kind of knows.
Starting point is 00:50:15 We've been here for a while. And my father grew up in the Bronx, but went to high school in the Lower East Side, Seward Park High School, which is very close to the five points. So I don't know. But he was from the Bronx, though. Born in actually Harlem. Harlem. Yeah. So I don't know. But he was from the Bronx, though. Born in actually Harlem. Harlem. Yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:50:26 But yo, from your DNA, it looks like you're Irish and Italian, so there's a good chance you're a Five Points guy. Could be a Five Points dirtbag. Yeah. All right, so this last gang, the Five Points gang, legendary mob came together in the 1890s when the fucking finally, the Italian gangster. Now the Italians are coming here.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Italian gangster. Hey, son of a bitch, how's it going? Sad. The Italian gangster's name was Paul Kelly. That's not gangster. Hey, son of a bitch, how's it going? Sad. The Italian gangster's name was Paul Kelly. That's not an Italian last name, but his real last name was like Vigiano or something. But he made it Kelly just to sound more Irish. Because back in the day, you want to be a fucking gangbanger? In the 1890s, before the Italians came, you had to sound more Irish.
Starting point is 00:50:56 So Paul Kelly. And he united the remaining members of the Dead Rabbits, the Wayus, and the other Five Points gangs under his own banner. From his headquarters in the New Brighton Dance Hall, Kelly marshaled an army of 1,500 thugs in bloody turf wars with his arch rivals, the Jews. The Jews. The Eastmen. Eastmen, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:15 The Eat the Jews gang run by the former hood Mark Eastman. Mark Eastman. They were a little more nervous. They were vicious. Ice's face is jerking off right now. He's like, fuck the Jews. Fuck the Jews. Kill the Jews.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Death to the Jews. Yo, fucking Ice's face just popped up. He was starting toking off right now. He's like, fuck the juice! Fuck the juice! Kill the juice! Death to the juice! Yo, fucking Ice's face just popped up. He was starting to nod off. Yeah, he's a big fan of the Five Points Gang. Don't come on me, Zach. The two groups then engaged in constant brawls and once even squared off in a massive gun battle under the 2nd Avenue L train. Yeah, because now we're getting into later where the guns are there. Yeah, there's not even a 2nd Avenue elevated train line anymore.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Yeah. train. Yeah, because now we're getting into later where the guns are there. Yeah, there's not even a 2nd Avenue elevated train line anymore. Yeah. When they weren't participating in Wild West style shootouts, the Five Pointers ran widespread robbery, racketeering, and toot rings. They also dabbled in legitimate front businesses and worked as strong-armed men for the
Starting point is 00:51:56 corrupt Tammany Hall political machine. The gang's influence eventually waned in the 1910s, but not before they helped train the next generation of mob bosses. Among others, the Five Points initiated thugs, maybe you heard these guys, Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, and Johnny Torrio into a life of organized crime. See, when the Italians come, everything gets a little better, a little safer. A little organized.
Starting point is 00:52:18 They definitely organize. Yeah, they're good at it, man. So it's crazy. Lucky Luciano and Al Capone, they kind of are directly connected to the Five Points gang. Yeah, I mean, like I told you, I mean, Five Points is really the birth of modern urban America. Absolutely. Do you know what you never hear about
Starting point is 00:52:34 in history, though? I guess the African Americans who were living in Five Points, they didn't have a gang. I guess they were just blacks, you know? Everyone just knew and they were like, yo, we gotta get the fuck out of here. And they left to Harlem because these Irish dudes are crazy yeah these wasps are crazy we got to bounce so they went to harlem dude they tried to get out of there yeah i mean old school new york and you know if you ever have time you know if you're in the new york area
Starting point is 00:52:55 go i mean you know go of course go see the freedom tower go see time square go see all the touristy shit but really just for me just walking around you would never even know you could drive past it's called columbus, which is where the Paradise Square was, where the intersection of the five points actually was, where the actual direct location was. And you would never even know. It's right now. It's just, you know, it's a Chinese neighborhood. There's Chinese people doing Tai Chi in the park. And you would never know that like this used to be you know where as yana said we're like modern america as we know it today started yeah born out of the fucking slum mud and shit and piss of the five points lower manhattan was really the city of new amsterdam and then new york was all concentrated down in lower manhattan you know the revolutionary war all that shit was happening in walking distance from what became the Five Points.
Starting point is 00:53:48 And when the immigrants came, that's the Five Points is where everything spread from. People, the Irish, and then the Italians, and then the Chinese. They all came and lived in the Five Points and then made their money, established their trade, and got out. And everyone spread out.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And that's really the beginning of city life with immigrants and all these people. And the Italians came, and yeah, they fucking brought the good food. Maybe everyone chilled out when they were able to get Lizard. Can you imagine being – I mean, I know I'm talking about food a lot, but nobody ever talks about the role that that must play. Of course. How angry a dude are you going to be when you're eating a boiled potato with salt on it?
Starting point is 00:54:29 Gross. I'm going to join a gang. And it smells like shit everywhere. It smells like shit everywhere, and you're eating a fucking boiled potato. Yeah. That's what you're eating. Or a piece of meatloaf. Are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:54:37 And then these Italians come, and they're like, boom, look at what we're doing with the tomato. We just made you, my grandmother just fucking made you homemade lasagna. And you're sitting there going, what the fuck's lasagna? Yeah. Hey, come over. Come here, Chris. Put it in your face, you fucking roach.
Starting point is 00:54:53 This guy Vinny's just talking. This is our new food court. Can you imagine the first time an Irish guy tasted lasagna? Oh, my God. Then he was like, you know what? He melted. He went from a tough fucking Irish guy to like fucking, I just got to chill out, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And that's why the Italians were able to unify all. When they came, the wave of Italian immigrants came and they organized the remnants of those gangs. They were able to do it so easily with the fucking food. Italians are good people. Because they gave them all lasagna and those fucking Irish, they couldn't believe what they were tasting. Yo, Italians were good kids. It's not in the history books, but you heard it here. Irish kids, good kids.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Blacks, good kids. Chinese, good kids. New York's a bunch of good kids, okay? Good kids. New York City, I mean, you know, like I said, go walk around, check it out. We got some videos up on our Patreon page of, because you know what's interesting to me is like these historical places that we mentioned is like, you know, and you know, don't forget the 1850s and 60s you know that
Starting point is 00:55:45 wasn't that long ago there was pictures of it like they so it's like we know like the bowery boys hung out at 40 baxter uh 40 bowery street like we that's just we know that and it's like now it's like you know you go to these places and it's just a fucking t-mobile store and it's like you would never know like the millennial kid playing fucking angry birds on his phone has no idea that bill the butcher used to shit there. Yeah. He has no idea. And he probably wrote a sweeping freaking epithet about how racist Gangs of New York was and how he's like, it just offends me.
Starting point is 00:56:13 And it's like you're working under his ghost. And ghosts are real and it's going to fucking haunt you, millennial piece of shit. Well, you go down there now. It's interesting because Little Italy is still there. Yeah. There's a remnant. Well, like a block now. Yeah, it's interesting because Little Italy is still there. There's a remnant. Well, like a block now. Yeah, it's like a block. It's sad.
Starting point is 00:56:28 The Italians spread out. Yeah, the Italians spread out. And the Italians left. But the Chinese stayed when that wave of Chinese immigrants came. And a lot of them, listen to this, which is very interesting. Oh, yes, this part. The Chinese came later. So basically, the Irish came first to the five points.
Starting point is 00:56:44 The freed blacks were there to the five points. The freed blacks were there in the five points. The wasps, the Bowery boys, they were there. Lower class wasps, but they had trades and stuff, but they weren't rich, were there. And then the Italians
Starting point is 00:57:00 came and the Chinese came. And the Irish left, the Chinese stayed, and the Italians stayed. And then the Italians have left. A lot of them have left. There's still a little bit. And the Chinese just fucking stayed. They just stayed.
Starting point is 00:57:13 It became Chinatown. But tell them. I thought you were going to tell them about the Irish and the Chinese. Tell them about that. This is wild to me. When the Chinese and Irish came, a lot of the Irish would send, the families in Ireland would send just single women there because it was such a great place for women to work. And then you would send the money back to Ireland.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Send the money back to Ireland. So a lot of those, even the first apartment store, which was down across from Woolworth building, what was it called again? Stewart's. Stewart's. It was the first apartment store. And he employed all Irish women workers in his factory up there. It's right on Broadway and Chambers Street, right at that intersection.
Starting point is 00:57:49 It's now a Modell's. It's a Modell's. Swear to God. Swear to God. That's the original building. The original Stewart's. The guy became a fucking millionaire back then. And he used on the backs of female Irish workers in his factory.
Starting point is 00:58:01 They were sewing and shit. So the women would come single from Ireland, single women, young women, and the Chinese would send dudes, strictly dudes alone, because there was work for dudes. So they wouldn't come as family, and they were living together in the Five Points. The single Irish women and the Chinese dudes.
Starting point is 00:58:18 And guess what happened? Yep, guess what happens? What do you get when you mix a fucking little baby fucking wonton dick with a potato puss? You get biracial babies. You get biracial Chinese and Irish babies. Or bicultural. Bicultural.
Starting point is 00:58:31 And actually one of the only Chinese Roman Catholic churches is right on Mott and Pell Street, right where Mulberry Ben was, right? Pretty much hard of five points. There's still to this day a Roman Catholic Chinese congregation because of, you know, Irish being Catholic and, you know, the Chinese normally aren't Catholic. Chinese are Presbyterian. They are Buddhists. Oh, Buddhists, yeah. And so you had a lot of Chinese men, you know, mixed with Irish women. And I'm sure it was frowned upon at the time, I would imagine, right?
Starting point is 00:59:06 Probably. But it happened a lot. It happened a lot. So there's a lot of half, you know, half Chinese, half Irish people that probably still, I bet you if we walked around long enough, we would still talk to the people in Chinatown. You would meet some Chinese Irish people's descendants of that. I mean, you would have to, right? Yeah. A lot of them intermingled and intermarried and
Starting point is 00:59:25 They a lot of the Chinese had to convert to Roman Catholicism because you know how the Irish are they're fucking yeah Like oh, he's mom won't even listen to this podcast. That's how devout she is. That's how devout she is And the Chinese don't give a fuck. They're like, yo, we're Buddhist cuz or we're Taoist or whatever We're like whatever we're spiritual and then these Irish girls are like no we have to go in the church and get married proper for Jesus And he's like I'm getting I'm getting that red puss. I'm good. I'll do it. I love, I like, I want to do a whole podcast about Chinese New York because it's fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:59:53 I mean, you know, I love walking through, you know, five points is, like I said, it's mostly Chinese now. And like, I don't know what the words are on the awnings and stuff. And most people are speaking in Chinese, but it just looks like a fun place. It does. It's like a dope place. They're always doing Tai Chi. Yeah, they're healthy as fuck. They are healthy as fuck.
Starting point is 01:00:13 I mean, it's like the Olympic. When you go into these parks, it's like they're Olympic athletes and they're 75-year-old dudes. Yeah, but I mean, there's a smell down there still because they've got all that street fish out there. Don't smell great. Yeah, don't smell great. I'm fish out there. Don't smell great. Yeah, don't smell great. I'm trying to tell. Don't smell great. But you know what's cool about it is it kind of takes you back in time because that's probably what New York used to smell like.
Starting point is 01:00:33 It's just a hint. It's not even close to how bad it used to be. Yo, I hope you guys enjoyed fucking this episode. And guess what we're going to have to do now? Want to read some Patreon names? Listen, this is the exciting part. First of all, thank you for your service. We're up to, what, 98.
Starting point is 01:00:51 We just started. We just started. A couple days ago, we launched our Patreon page, which is a legit website. It's the best website to come along for independent dudes like me and Chris who are making stuff. You guys support us directly. You allow us to continue to make this content.
Starting point is 01:01:10 You help us pay production costs. It's because of you, and we want to thank you. So we're going to thank each and every one of you fucking individually. Individually. Okay. So, all right, I'll start out then. First of all, we got to fucking – first of all, we got to start off with the hundos. The $100 rewards, we got, I'm going to get this right, even though I know it's a Greek
Starting point is 01:01:29 name, bad. I'm going to let you go for it. Seriously, let me, do you know this name? Go for it, yes. Let me see if I can get this. Dimitros? Am I right on that? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Dimitros? Dimitrios. Dimitrios Vertiores. Beautiful. Nice, nailed it. I mean, you did it like an Italian, too. He's a hundo. And then Bobby Ziari did it like an Italian, too He's a hundo And then Bobby Ziadi
Starting point is 01:01:46 Bobby Ziadi Bobby Ziadi's a hundo But he's not Italian, Bobby Ziadi No? No, I think he's Middle Eastern Okay Bobby Ziadi Oh, fucking Zach Ice's face
Starting point is 01:01:55 Just, he gave a little fist bump Yeah, how would we pronounce Ziadi? Yeah Sounds Italian, but How do you say that? Zia? Ziadi? Ziadi
Starting point is 01:02:02 Ziadi Ziadi Yo Bobby Ziadi Is this guy funnelingadi. Ziadi. Ziadi. Ziadi. Yo. Bobby Ziadi. Is this guy funneling his money? Is this a real hundo or is this a fucking front because he's funneling prices? No, he owns Townhouse 275.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Oh, Townhouse 275. Bobby Ziadi. And Dimitri owns Nature's Grill. So shout out. Yeah. Shout out to Bay Ridge Buttes. Buttes. And they support us.
Starting point is 01:02:24 And you can see their logo on the back of Chris Mullen and the crew of 82 Bay Ridge Boys episode four. You want to read these 25s and then I'll read the fives? Yeah. Dino Dotsikas. Susie Diok, I think. Is she Greek or is she Scandinavian? Diok. D-O-A-K.
Starting point is 01:02:42 She's Scandinavian. Yannis is going to look at her Facebook. Sal Kachian. Oh, yeah. Come on.-O-A-K. Uh-oh, she's Scandinavian. Yannis is going to look at her Facebook. Sal Caciano. Oh, yeah. Come on. I'll let you read that. Sal Caciano. There it is.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Thank you, Sal Caciano. Sonia Gonzalez Martinez. That's my girl. Da se. I know her. She's great. She works with Angelo. They're there.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Thank you for donating. Damn, she gave us 25. Sonia, thank you. I know, Sonia. That's so nice. She does a great web series with Angelo and Tammy called Get Some. Daniel Venturini. Oh, the Italians are coming for you, Carlos.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Hell yeah. Anthony DiStefano. That's my pops. Is that your pops? That's my pops. Yo, this guy gave us $25 a month. Pops, you owe me $25. Guess I'm paying myself.
Starting point is 01:03:27 All right. Then we got Mark Gessner. Oh, shout out Mark Gessner. Benders, check out Mark. Mark Gessner is the voice of Red Lobster commercials. Anytime you hear a Red Lobster commercial, it's Mark Gessner's voice. Thank you, Mark. And then we got Michael Hyland.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Thank you, guys. You're our $25 crew. I think those were the hyenas or those fucking wild boys. Those are the, what do we call it? Let's call the 25 the pseudo penises. Pseudo penises. Those are the pseudo penises, the PPs. Okay, now the $5 rewards.
Starting point is 01:03:52 We got a bunch. We got Jenny Russo. Thank you. My friend Jenny Russo from high school. The first round are going to be personal people. RC, just fucking RC Cola. And then, oh my God, we got one. If I could get this name right. I can't we got one. If I could get this name right.
Starting point is 01:04:05 I can't even get it. If I could get this name right, I'll massage my balls on Facebook Live. Dimo Koutsou Giannopoulos. Koutsou Giannopoulos. That's Giannopoulos. Giannopoulos. That's a Greek name right there. Uh-oh, Zach Isis, we got a Jew coming up.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Levi Uribe. You all right? Okay. Ryan. This guy's? Okay. Ryan. This guy's name is just Ryan. Zyra Zales. Pete Illich. Alejandrina Shabazz.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Ryan. They got two Ryans? Yeah. Tiana Harrison. Thank you, Tiana. You show us a lot of love on Instagram. Thank you. David Lewison.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Thank you, Big Dave. St. Joe's alum. Dennis Price. Rena Lawrence. Jeff Fenicia, who's making all the Facebook art. One of the guys who's, Big Dave. St. Joe's alum. Dennis Price. Rena Lawrence. Jeff Venezia, who's making all the Facebook art. One of the guys who's making all the- Don't stop doing that. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Yeah, don't stop, Jeff. Thank you so much. You and this guy, Andrew Argos. Yeah, thank you for your service. But Jeff Venezia, thank you. The Facebook art you're making is fantastic. Brian Trowell. Brent Rolick.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Gregory Esionofalo. David Hines Ketchup Jessica Holzinger Chris, no last name Antonio Reed Dan DeChamps Mark from Mass Graham Donald
Starting point is 01:05:15 Jessica Tortez Quit being stupid Bew Crunk Chris Jocelyn Noyes Rob Oki Jacob Kubrek Thank you, Jacob.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Joe Larson, comedian. Joe Larson, comedian, who's fucking jacked out, good personal trainer, cute. And funny. Nikos Maridakis. You're killing it. Joseph Sanchez, Vincent Ray Romano, Joseph Siciliano, Ernie. I like Ernie. Frank Gallo, Frankie.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Frankie, my old boy, Frankie Gallo. Jace, thank you, Jace. Eric Basinger. No relation to Kim. Marco Krivo Coppock. One of my closest boys right there. Yes. Thank you, Marco.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Samuel Peck. Joe Galino, who's fucking sounds like, you know, fucking five street boy. That's a fucking, yeah. That's a five pointer right there. In the early 20th century. Matt McKay. Uh-oh. Here come the Paul Goggles. Fuck you. Matt McKay. Uh-oh. Here come the Paul Goggles.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Fuck, yo. Matt McKay, Brian O'Callaghan, Reagan Harshambalt. Oh, Mr. Panos. What the fuck is that? I guess. Mr. Panos got in here? I guess he did. I guess that means I donated to myself.
Starting point is 01:06:16 There you go. See, we're not asking you to do anything we're not doing. Victoria Feebo. Yep. Christina Chianchi. Luke Klimaszewski. Chianchi. Jesus. Christina Chianchi. Christina Chianchi. Luke Klimaszewski. Chianchi. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Christina Chianchi. Christina Chianchi. Luke Klimaszewski. Thank you, Luke. Good friend of mine. We call Luke as one of my boys I went to college with. We call him Eskimo. No, we call him Klondike.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Klondike? Yeah. Kimberly Vanderwall. Oh, this is an original fucking elite. Kimberly Vanderwall. It's a Dutch. Bardo just got hard. Yeah, Bardo's gonna look at her Facebook. And Jonathan L.Waal. Oh, look at it. Dutch. Bardo just got hard. Yeah, Bardo's going to look at her Facebook.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And Jonathan L. Washburn. Those are the $5. That's my boy, Jonathan Washburn. We did social work together. Shout out, Jonathan. Thank you guys, each and every one of you, for donating to our Patreon page. We got additional donations from Breadbutter. No, you got to read the dollar rewards.
Starting point is 01:07:02 That was the dollar rewards. No, those were the fives. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Dollar rewards are as follows. We appreciate you guys just as much. Last but not least, Kelly Webb.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Thank you. Melissa Dawkins. You the girl. Justin Stonebreaker. Thank you. Stephanie Gaudreau. Can you help me with that one? Gaudreau?
Starting point is 01:07:21 Gaudreau. Yeah, Gaudreau, right? Stephanie Gaudreau. Stephanie, let me see. Yeah, Gaudreau. Yeah, Stephanie gaudreau uh gaudreau right stephanie gaudreau stephanie uh let me see yeah gaudreau yeah stephanie uh goudreau goudreau yeah or gaudreau yeah gaudreau thank you jonathan aruta thank you ninzia ninzia nazinga nazinga thank you girl i hope that's a girl yeah natalie larin thank you. Nate Chevalier. Thank you. Richard Cordero.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Thank you, cuz. Jessica Lanzola. You're the best. Jonathan Baxley. Yoss. Larry Pappas. Oh, yes. This guy we jerked.
Starting point is 01:07:55 I jerked off on my face for this guy, right? Oh, Larry Pappas. Yeah. Yeah. Look, anytime you join when we go live, Chris will take dicks to the face. 100%. Cody Cullen. You're the best. You're pug uglyullen, you're the best, you pug ugly.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Lisa Mojica, thank you. Gus Ingraciota. Gus Ingraciota, yeah. Gus Ingraciota. Ingraciota. Ingraciota. RV, you the man. Daniel Goldcrans. Oh, Zach just got sick.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Thank you, Daniel. Pasquale Carafagno. Thank you. Orestes Varvidiotis. Holy shit. Thank you, family friend. Appreciate it, Orestes. Ed Yuck.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Ed Doc Yuck? I don't know. Doc Yuck? D-O-C-Y-K. Yuck. Ed Yuck. Thanks, cuz. Joe Moxley, Zeb Kroonloff, and Edwin Canuelas.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Oh, Edwin Canuelas. That's my daughter's uncle. That's a family. Yeah. Yeah. That's fucking, yeah, that's my kid's uncle. That's Jasmine's brother. Thank you, Edwin, so much, guys.
Starting point is 01:08:58 All right. You want to do additional? Go ahead. Additional donations. We'd like to thank Bread Brothers Bagel Cafe, Stavros Anagnou, Rich Prado, Brenda Victoria, Christy Virginia Bousakis, and Jamilia Musilo. We thank each and every one of you. It's because of you we're continuing to do this, and we're expecting you tell your friends,
Starting point is 01:09:20 spread the word, history hyenas, Bay Ridge Boys episode, what is it, five? Episode five is in production. It's in production, and we're just having a great time. Oh, it's actually episode six is in production. Yeah, we got word from Bardo. It's actually episode six. We've done five. Go watch all five.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Tell your friends about them. Episode six coming at you. This is coming every week, Sunday at 6 p.m. These episodes are available. They're up earlier on our Patreon page. If you're a true fucking cuz and you're a member of our cuz community. A true blue gay. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Find me on everything on social media. At Chris D Comedy. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Chris DiStefano. You know the deal. Giannis Pappas. One word everywhere. That's it. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Thanks for listening αžŸαŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž”αŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž”αŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹

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