History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 7 - The History of Transgender is WILD!

Episode Date: March 25, 2018

The Bay Ridge Boys, Yannis Pappas and Chris Distefano, explore the history of transgender in nature and in society. They end with some more shoutouts to the Hyenas on Patreon. Want more Hyena con...tent? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, what up, Kazi, you wild fucking hyenas? This is the History Hyenas Podcast. We're fucking history hyenas, and that's why we go fucking wild. All right? I'm Chris DiStefano, and I approve that message. I approve going. So listen, I don't want to hear anyone listen to this podcast saying, oh, that was incorrect. They got a fact wrong.
Starting point is 00:01:02 First of all, how the fuck do you know? Were you there? You weren't there. You weren't there. You weren't there. Well, most of history is written like fucking 10 years after this shit already happened. Yeah. You don't know shit just like we don't know shit. And it's always written by the victors and the rich and the powerful. So
Starting point is 00:01:17 how the fuck do you know? You don't know shit. It's always, history is written by the winners. And that's my first point. My second point is we don't give a fuck. Okay? Yeah. We're doing history the way we want to do history. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We're fucking history hyenas. We're not history professors. And listen, we're hyenas first, and then we love history, but we're, I mean, this, Giannis, you know, stands up on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram every single day and talks about how big, great of an American he is, but then he wears a Montreal Expos hat wherever he fucking goes. You know what that is? Hashtag hyena. And look, we're history hyena. I think we're history hyena second.
Starting point is 00:01:53 You think we're history hyena second? What do you think we are first? TBG, true blue games. I would say that's one and a half. What are we, yeah. Number one first? Number one before. Straight white males?
Starting point is 00:02:02 I think that's one and a quarter. One and a quarter. What are we first? Fucking, the first, Number one before. Straight white males? I think that's one and a quarter. One and a quarter. What are we first? Fucking the first, we're wild. That's one and a tenth. One and a tenth. I'll give you a hint. What?
Starting point is 00:02:13 It starts with a C. Oh, I know what it is. We're CWSs. Cuties with smoothies. I mean, at the end of the day first, I think we're cuties with smoothies. At the end of the day first I think we're cuties with smoothies At the end of the day first we're cuties with smoothies And Patreon members only are going to start getting some cuties with smoothie t-shirts Listen guys
Starting point is 00:02:31 You gotta sign up for our freaking club Our exclusive You want to be an exclusive cuz? You want to be an exclusive cutie with a smoothie? Do you want to be a cuzzy wuzzy Bad bad bad three times? Then head over to patreon.com slash bay ridge boys you know what you get if you do that you get all types of stuff cuz
Starting point is 00:02:53 what you get exclusive videos from our from our official legit research tours yes those are legit skis you're trying to say we don't know what we're talking about you're trying to tell us there were some facts that were incorrect? We went on tours. Yeah, that's what... Watch the movie Celtic Pride about how when they kidnap the best basketball player from the other teams, we're going to start kidnapping tour guides. That's what's going to start happening. We're going to go to a tour.
Starting point is 00:03:16 We're going to go to a place. We're going to go to a battlefield, and we're going to hogtie the fucking tour guide and put him on our trunk, and we're going to make him or her do videos, and then we'll give them back to their battlefield when we decide to leave. We're just going to lose it like that. It's going to be like National Lampoon's vacation. Remember, we came all this way. We don't care if you're closed. You're taking
Starting point is 00:03:34 us on this tour of every single Civil War battlefield of all time. We should do that. That would be a wild news story. Two comedians kidnap Civil War battlefield tour guide. They'd be like, why'd you do it? And we'd be like, because we're fucking wild! That's why!
Starting point is 00:03:50 That's what we do. So you get exclusive videos from our research tours, our history tours. Me and Chris make videos bad. We just make videos all the time, but history is what we love. We do. And we go on bro dates bad. We go, we tour, we hang out.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I mean, we look like two true blue gays seriously. I mean, any time in Bay Ridge, if you go into a diner between the hours of 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., there's a good chance you're going to see me, Giannis, and my daughter eating Slovakia, and everybody in the diner thinks we're just two true blue gays who adopted a little Puerto Rican girl. That's what everybody thinks. That's just what our lives are. You know people in Bay Ridge think we're gay. Either that or we're just cops watching
Starting point is 00:04:32 a little girl who's missing or something and we're just getting her some ice cream before we take her down to the station because you got cop face bad and I got detective face undercover. You look more like a uniform guy. Yeah, I look like I'm all about the police academy. And yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah. Cop face sketch was great on your Instagram. Yeah. You also look like you say Sarge a lot. I say Sarge and I'll call people Chief a lot. I'm like, what's up, Chief? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I like that. So head over to our page, guys. You get bonus content. You get a bonus History Hyenas episode every week. You're the first one to see our newest Bay Ridge Boys webisode episodes. The next one is coming up very, very soon. There's already 110 of you. There's already 110 people we want to say thank you to.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And for the newest ones that signed up, guess what? We got a little treat for you at the end of this episode. This episode, what the fuck are we talking about, Hyena Chrissy Wilde? Yeah. Well, what this episode, and what that little, well, we'll tell them
Starting point is 00:05:31 what we're going to do is at the end of this episode, we're going to read their names out. Goddamn right we are. We're going to read their fucking names out. And trust me, I could tell by these names, a couple of you guys,
Starting point is 00:05:38 but this episode is we're kind of taking a little, you know, we're not talking about war. We're not talking about battles. We're not talking about battles. We're not talking about, you know, vicious, savage warriors. We're talking our dicks back. We're talking about transgenders.
Starting point is 00:05:52 That's what we're doing. So what we do is we're just talked and taped Buffalo Bill style. And we're going to talk about the history of transgenders, a.k.a., but not politically correct, trannies. Wild horses. Yes. of transgenders aka but not politically correct trannies wild horses yes um and listen hey okay crying game cuz i know the crying game yeah so the history of it is i know there's some people like what do you mean history it's not like you know it's not a choice i'm not saying like that you know it's like a thing that people have just recently become. I know people have always been transgender and always, you know, not really believed in what they're.
Starting point is 00:06:33 What? I got a better idea. Go ahead. Keep talking. Oh. Tell them what we're talking about today. We're talking about Buffalo Bill. No, we're talking about transgender.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's precious. I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me. It likes it when you rub the lotion. You think this is the most famous trans scene, maybe? This is the most famous trans scene. It's evil, though. He's trying to build a suit out of a woman's skin.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Skin. Put the lotion in the body. But he must feel like a woman inside of a serial killer's body. Or a serial killer in a woman's body. Absolutely. Well, I mean... Precious. Precious.
Starting point is 00:07:20 White Wasp. Oh, by the way, of course we got White Wasp. The original trans. The original tranny who's got a fucking rat tail for today's episode. I mean, this guy's a legit ponytail. We'll post a video of it on Patreon. And then ZIF, Zachy Ice's face, doing his thing, editing Ice's videos while also producing this podcast. Thank you for your service to both of you.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Yeah, and you know, you can't be trans in your culture. Yeah. What about that? They'll fucking throw you off a building. Is that what happens with you guys? Or thrown out at birth, you know, one of those. Yeah. Discarded. They discard you. What about that? They'll fucking throw you off a building. Is that what happens with you guys? Or thrown out at birth. You know, one of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Discarded. They discard you. What about for the wasps? Discarded. The wasps? They do that. No, wasps, they support it. Yeah, no, because they, and they do it in private and they do it at secret parties.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Right. So it's like, it's not a big deal. Like even Hoover, the head of the FBI. Yeah. He wasn't trans, but he was a cross-dresser. Right. He dressed in like, he put on panties behind closed doors. He wasn't trans, but he was a cross-dresser. Right. He dressed in like, he put on panties
Starting point is 00:08:06 behind closed doors. He got dressed up like a woman. It's just in the wasp brain to be fucking wild and weird. So when they go to their little parties,
Starting point is 00:08:13 they put on moose heads. Right. And like, there's no question that Bardo has a pair of panties that he has put on. Yeah, 100%. And he sniffs them
Starting point is 00:08:21 and he puts them over his head. He's got one for over his head that he wears like a football helmet. And he's got other ones. He's got one for over his head that he wears like a football helmet. And he's got another one. He's got another one that he puts his he puts his trunk and he tucks it away and he fucking prances around.
Starting point is 00:08:34 He puts it on his head. Yeah. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm fucking, you don't have female rain boots. You got some female rain boots. Huh? Yeah, he goes satin on his head. Yeah. He's fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, I mean, that's what wasps do, cuz. Yeah, so, you know, we're talking about transgenders, and it's been around since the beginning of time. That's the thing. I mean, let's be honest with ourselves. That's the thing. Yeah. In the research that I was doing, that's kind of the thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I'm like, what's the point in learning any of this? These transgender people have always been around. that's kind of the thing right like what's the point in learning any of this these transgender people have always been around every civilization they've just always been around yeah they i mean we found evidence for them existing in the ancient egyptian time so like you know when they were building the pyramids there were people who were you know tucking the dicks back i mean what it is or or if you were a woman um they would i mean look it's what it is i marvel sometimes at how they do that because there's no because because they're don't forget like you couldn't do any this sexual reassignment surgery is a very
Starting point is 00:09:35 new thing yeah but back in the day when you wanted to be you know you couldn't you weren't going to cut off your own penis and the only reason why we're talking about we're talking about mostly men going to we're talking about most of the examples are men going to female. There are a couple of examples of female going to men. Pre-science. You know how there's like an AD in BC before Christ? Yeah. Anno Dominio.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I don't know. You're the Catholic. What is it? Anno Dominio? Yeah, something like that. Something like that. AD at post-Christ. When you talk about trans people, you can really almost break it up into two categories.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Pre-science, pre-post-op surgery, and post. And post-post-op surgery. Science just couldn't do what they could do recently. No. Now, I mean, you can just make a penis out of your elbow and a vagina out of your fucking foot. I mean, it's wild. Let's talk honestly. If you were trans in ancient Greece, you had an Adam's apple.
Starting point is 00:10:23 They couldn't shave it down yet. They could not shave the Adam's apple down. Couldn't shave it down. The only thing you could really do if you were trans back then, I you had an Adam's apple. They couldn't shave it down yet. They could not shave the Adam's apple down. Couldn't shave it down. The only thing you could really do if you were trans back then, I mean, you could shave your head if you want to look more like a guy. And there was a couple of examples of people who we found who they were men. They were believed to be men their entire lives. They're believed to be men their entire lives.
Starting point is 00:10:40 They show no sign. They had wives, which is wild. And then the secrets were only out when they were dead and they went to go they went to go you know embalm their body and they found a puss where they thought they were gonna find a cute little dick they found a cute puss but they found a puss yo so that means that the wives that did that were probably lesbian and they both had an agreement right like we're just gonna live this life that's how they did it back then right i like puss you like being a dude we both like licking puss well you'll pretend to
Starting point is 00:11:07 be a dude I'll be a chick right they actually had a pretty pretty interesting way to deal with it I mean because being transgender it doesn't necessarily mean you're gay right it's a homosexuality being transgender two different things little different parts of the brain totally different you did a little bit more research on parts of the brain yeah I did and you know I have you know, I have, you know, the funny thing is, yeah, Maurisa is a character that I do that got very popular. She's a trans woman. Legit trans.
Starting point is 00:11:31 And, yeah. Which, by the way, for a bonus Patreon episode, that's who we're going to interview. She's coming in. Chris is going to interview her. So if you want to listen to the interview with Maurisa, the first trans to go viral, then- Join our club, cuz.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Join our club. Our cuzmunity. Join our club. Just go to patreon.com slash bayridgeboys and join our cuzmunity. Become a freaking member. It's a buck a month or five bucks a month. Come on. You guys are crushing it.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Do it, cuz. Yeah. Yeah. So Marisa, yeah. Yeah. Marisa, it was like- And then it became a huge part of- Hitch. The Western national conversation.
Starting point is 00:12:08 That was oxymoron. The national, the Western. I'm saying Western countries. Yes. It became a huge part of the conversation. Canada, America, Europe. Transgender rights, transgender people. And I only say that because people who are progressive always kind of knew about transgender rights and who they were.
Starting point is 00:12:24 But now it's kind of been thrust into the mainstream, even before Caitlyn. She gets a lot of the credit, but Laverne Cox, Caitlyn, people like that. But now working class people, regular people, religious people, everyone knows about trans people. It's just – It's out there. It's part of common – it's like – it's common. Like we were walking today. We walked two blocks.
Starting point is 00:12:45 We saw, I mean, we're in the West Village, but we saw two transgendered people. I mean, she was 6'7". She was a big girl. Yeah, she was. Yeah, it was a big girl. She was about 6'5", 6'7". Yeah, she was. And yeah, she was fucking diesel.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yeah. She was. Yeah, she wasn't. She wasn't petite. You know, it's an interesting thing now. It's like, what about like clothing? Like some of these men who like trans, you know, who wasn't petite. You know what's an interesting thing now? It's like, what about clothing? Some of these men who switch to women, where do they buy their clothes?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Wherever Wendy Williams shops. You think Wendy's is trans? No, but she's a big girl. She's not petite. I did radio with her once. She's cute. She's cute? I like her. I've always been attracted to Wendy Williams.
Starting point is 00:13:20 You are, huh? I've always been. But I also think I've always fucking thought black guys were cute. I mean, I may be gay. I don't know. You could be trans. No, I'm not trans. You like big jugs, though.
Starting point is 00:13:28 She has big jugs. She has big tits. I'm not trans, but I will tell you this story. When I was a teenager, my cousins dared me to dress up like a girl. They dared me to do it.
Starting point is 00:13:37 They were like, dress up like a girl and walk around our cul-de-sac on Staten Island, which is where my father lived there and, you know, my uncle and his daughters lived a few houses down, and I was hanging out with them.
Starting point is 00:13:47 They'd walk around like that, and they were like, we'll pay you five bucks, which is pretty low price. But that's big money when you're a kid. Yeah, I guess when you're 15. Especially back in there, you could get a couple slices for five bucks. Easily. And an Icy. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yeah. Yeah, bad. Yeah. So I did it. I dressed up like a girl. I dressed up like a girl, and I remember my father coming out and seeing me. And it was weird because at first he slowed the car. I know he slowed the car down because he was looking at my ass.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I know that. He didn't know it was me. I know that. How old were you? I was about 15, so I had a fucking booty. You had a nice tight ass. I was in good shape, so he slowed the car down. I know because it was just him.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Come from the story. He slowed the car down, and he started like, you know, he's looking at my ass. And then I looked at him, and I was like, what's up, dad? And then I'll never forget, he slammed on the brakes. What did he say to you? Tell the story. He said he likes it when you put the lotion in the basket that song is
Starting point is 00:14:47 actually it's a really good song yeah but it's like you can't hear that song without thinking about you can't hear that song and not at least to start to motion your hand
Starting point is 00:14:55 to start tucking your dick back I always do that that's an instant fucking tuck back dick an instant TBD yeah yo human sexuality is wild. Human brains are fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I don't know if there's any trans animals. To my research, there's not. But there are a few animals where dudes pretend to be chicks for certain things. Really? Yeah. Like what? Like with the hyena pseudo penis? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:15:18 Well, no. But that's actually an interesting thing. That's a wild thing. Right there. That's kind of like a transsexual activity. No, but some birds and shit, they do that. You know? What?
Starting point is 00:15:27 They do what? Like, dudes will pretend to be chicks for certain things. You're saying a male bird will pretend to be? Hell yeah. How? Like, I don't get it. Because of research I did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Zach Isis, can you look that up? Which animals pretend to be chicks? Yeah. We want to know which animals are trans. Trans out. That's it. Which animals to know which animals are trans. Trans out. That's it. Which animals chirp. That's it.
Starting point is 00:15:48 That's it. That's it. That's it. But your interview's not coming till later. Yo, but listen, dude. I don't know. Human sexuality's wild, cuz. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Right? Because I used to put on dresses to make my friends laugh. Right. Right? I would walk around and do what we called the lapus, which is where I would tuck it and walk around like sons of lambs and my friends laugh. Right. Right? I would walk around and do what we call the lapus, which is where I would tuck it and walk around like sons of lambs and my friends would crack up.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Right. But then when I was a kid, I used to throw on stockings and jerk off. Yeah. I told you that. You told me that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:15 And I grew out of it. I'm happy that you just publicly told you that because I've been living with that information for about five years now. So I'm happy that the group knows. Well, it was actually
Starting point is 00:16:22 one of the first jokes I ever wrote. One of the first jokes. I wish I... I have a video of that set it was actually one of the first jokes I ever wrote. One of the first jokes. I have a video of that set somewhere. But one of the first jokes I ever wrote was about what happened. Because I used to get, you know, back then you had like porno mags, right? Right. Like it was just that, you know, I'm from the 50s.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Right. So you would just kind of lay out. I would lay out the porno mags and like look at pictures. And then I would, I don't know. I just got out the porno mags and look at pictures. And then I don't know. I just got turned on by stockings and material of them. Yeah. So I guess I was 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. I don't know if I was even shooting Zaziki yet.
Starting point is 00:16:55 You know what I mean? You may not have been. Not even. And then my pops came to the door. And I knew it was my pop because he called my name. And I tried to stop the door. I did not want him to see me. You had full-blown stockings on.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I had my mom's stockings on. And I was jerking off. And you were cranking it. And I was cranking it with these porno mags out. And he overpowered me and opened the door. And I'm just standing there. The mags are out. My dick's out.
Starting point is 00:17:20 I'm in stockings. And he looks at me. He looks down at the porno mags. He looks at the stockings. And he looks at me. He looks down at the porno mags. He looks at the stockings. And he goes, does your mother know? And that was like the first bit I was like, yeah, dad, she helped me pick them out. It's like, that's the moment where you want to fucking give me some guy advice. Give me some direction.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Be like, yo, what are you doing, kid? That's all he said? Does your mother know? I guess it was so overwhelming for him as a moment. Like, he just didn't know what to do with the kid. Like, I was obviously maybe an over-sexed kid. I don't know. I have a high sex drive.
Starting point is 00:17:53 You really do have a high sex drive. I like banging bad. Yeah, yeah, you do. I like it. So do you, cuz. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but I just get bored quick.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Yeah. Yeah, I like to bang, you know, all the girls. Every girlfriend I've ever had is like, you know, oh, it turns me down a lot because I'm looking to bang. But let me ask you this, though. Could you be looking to bang so much because you're compensating because you actually— I'm a true blue gay? True blue gay. Because you're actually, you know—
Starting point is 00:18:17 No. Because, like, you're so good at playing a transgender character. I know. It's like, you know, do you think, like, that's why you bang out so bad? Because you think deep in your mammalian brain you feel like you could go that way if if you know if the circumstances were kind of if the water was just right could you go that way could you trans it up i could do it i mean i could pretend i think i could do it it doesn't feel like the real me though when i'm doing it so you i don't feel like i'm finally liberated or anything it's always like a little
Starting point is 00:18:41 funny to me it's always like a little well i me. It's always like a little, well, I only do, you know, I do one character. I created her. Right. You know, I do have a lot of characters. Yeah. But I created this character. Did you create her?
Starting point is 00:18:52 Or did she create you? Or did she create me? Or did she create you? I don't know. You think that she's the real me. I do think that, you know? And I think through doing our research about this, you know, stuff,
Starting point is 00:19:03 I was like, I don't know. It's one of those things where it's like, you the day, they would just think like transgender people, like they're confused. And I think society pushed them away so much because they were like, this is so abnormal to them. But now in the society we live in where it's like everything is just acceptable. It's like, yeah, I believe that transgender people like, could you imagine how horrible it must be? Like if you were living in today and you were like, I know I was born a woman. I just know my actual assigned gender is being a woman. Wouldn't that fucking bug you out? It would bug me out.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah, it would bug me out. And it's such a hot button topic right we can't even really talk about the history of it without touching upon how much of a political nuclear bomb it is there's people on both sides that just go fucking wild on it right like the people who are you know on the left of this issue i guess that's the way you describe it the ones that push trans issues have gone to the extent where there's like a hundred different genders, all these different categorizations
Starting point is 00:20:10 and it kind of flies in the face of what the science says and then the people on the other side are just like way stringent with it. They're like, it's a mental illness, keep it out of my face. It's like everything else in the discourse, in political discourse nowadays and modern times.
Starting point is 00:20:32 It's like the extreme point of views are just so much easier. And that's the way you get attention is just by going, I'm over here. When the truth probably lies, like most things, in the gray areas. There's probably a little truth over here and a little truth over there. There's obviously some science here. By the way, the science is inconclusive. And we learned that from reading. It's like they don't know yet.
Starting point is 00:20:54 There seems to be that the brain scans of transgender people are more similar to, in most instances, more similar to the gender of their choosing, right? Like if it's a trans woman, more similar to a cis woman. What they transition into. Yeah. More similar to a cis woman than their gender assignment at birth. Which is, that's a wild, but see, that's a wild. It's wild.
Starting point is 00:21:23 When we did that, when we found that out, to me, that was mind-blowing because it's like, they do have a brain of a woman. Sort of, but then the question is, did that area of the brain light up more because of their behavior or because, in other words, which came first, the chicken or the egg? So did they start acting like a woman and then that's why their brain started that way or was their brains that way? Probably a little bit of both. I'm saying the answer's always probably a little in the middle and it probably all varies person to person. Do some people choose a little bit more than the way they're born, whatever?
Starting point is 00:21:52 Blah, blah, blah. But the science does say when you're born, you're either, you know, physiologically, you're either male or female. You have genitalia that either is open, but the fucking people who are rigid on the on the right it's like don't you understand what kind of thin line there is between these chromosomes and shit and what genitalia actually is like it's just this thing that either goes up and your
Starting point is 00:22:16 testes either descend and become testes or they go up and become freaking ovaries it's like it's we're all made out of the same shit and then sometimes you have these kids that are born intersex sure who actually have both and you actually had a client who was one yeah i had a client tell us about it well yeah because you probably had sex with her no i did not i don't well i don't she was or he was cute no it was a woman and uh yeah she you know she came in with like back pain and um my uh the guy who I was working for at the time was a physical therapist. He used to be a physical therapist. She was like, yeah, she's got back pain.
Starting point is 00:22:50 It's standard, blah, blah, blah. And then I guess the patient already thought that I was told about them, but I wasn't. And my boss was in, and he was like, did you check the groin? It's called the adductor muscles. He he was like did you check the groin you know did you check it's called the the adductor muscles he's like did you check the adductors and i said no and he said well you got to check that so i said to the woman i said would you mind you know i have to you know put my hand here and then i just felt a fucking testicle you didn't know it was coming didn't know it was coming it was a little shocking music or no yeah it was a little shocking i was like whoa at first i thought it was like is that a fucking leg tumor i don't know
Starting point is 00:23:28 what it is but it was it was a ball and yeah turned out she was a hermaphrodite intersex and um and it was bizarre and you know you know not bizarre but it was just like you know you it's not these things aren't i don't know i guess the word the term bizarre is wrong because what be honest with you, when I look at a transgender person now when I'm in their company, I don't feel weird about it anymore because it's just become a part of our society. I guess but to some people who are like living for – like my dad or your dad in the 70s, 80s, 90s, it's going to be strange to them because they've lived so long without them. We really haven't – I mean once I started to like understand the world there were transgender people open transgender they had them they had them i just think there wasn't a conversation about it and also the science wasn't there so i mean you got to admit some of these trans women yeah cute cute i mean hot i mean you sent me a picture of 10 transgender women last week, and we're like, which one would you bang out first?
Starting point is 00:24:26 And I picked the one in the yellow dress, and you were like, they're all dudes. Yeah, they used to be all dudes. They were born all dudes. Yeah. I mean, what science can do now with hormone therapy and, you know, what is it, puberty blockers and all this stuff that they do, it's amazing. I mean, because what makes you a male or woman is the hormone, testosterone or estrogen. And you know what you were saying, like, you know, to your question, you know, about like what did their brains develop into that way?
Starting point is 00:24:53 It's like the only way you can really find out is if you start to test like children, which who's ever going to give up their kid to research about that? Well, there's big controversy there because a lot of kids demand a trade like Kyrie. They're basically demanding a trade. They're like, yo, I was born, I understand I have male genitalia, but I am a woman and I want to trade. So it's basically like when a kid does that, and a lot of these parents find it hard, like when do we allow that? Because a lot of the kids, and again, a lot of the people on the left don't like to hear this, but the truth is a lot of those kids who have what they call gender dysphoria, that's the term for it. That's the psychological abnormality.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Look, we may be a little uncareful with words here. We're fucking history hyenas. We don't mean anything bad by it. We're just trying to figure this out. So if i say the psychological it's a psychological deficiency i don't know all right we're fucking we're gonna fuck up here okay yeah so what i'm saying is it's called gender dysphoria and a lot of the kids who say that i feel like a woman they find often when they go through puberty or even a little later
Starting point is 00:26:00 turn back like even my ex-girlfriend who's still my good friend she said her son she thought her son was trans because her son was dressing in dresses and acting like a girl and playing with girls toys he had an older sister and all that and she was she's a very open-minded upper west side you know jewish liberal girl from new york you know and um she was like she knows who she is now huh i'm saying she knows who she is now she's listening to the podcast oh like she knows who she is now huh? I'm saying she knows who she is now she's listening to the podcast oh yeah she knows who she is
Starting point is 00:26:28 but you guys don't know who she is yeah well yeah she don't know who she is and I just gave a couple of categories I'm just saying she's an open minded
Starting point is 00:26:34 she's very open minded yeah and so she was like whatever if he's gonna be trans he's gonna be trans but then
Starting point is 00:26:42 he started he grew out of it you know he changed and he started acting like a like a boy right more stereotypical what society would consider doing boy stuff and so that happens too so it's a big controversy on like if a kid demands i want to be a girl at what age do you say because look once you start doing that hormone stuff if you go on that puberty blockers, you never go back. That's it. You'll never be the same. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:07 So it's a very serious decision to make. Right. So those gray area controversies, I completely understand. But I just don't understand the people on both sides who don't accept the gray areas when it comes to this issue. They're fucking cucks. They're just cucks on both sides. They're annoying. They're just, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Oh, it's just a mental illness. It's like, is it really, dude? It's been around for fucking ever. It's been around since, dude, there was an ancient Roman ruler. No, yeah, it was an ancient Roman ruler. Elgabulus. His name is hard to pronounce, Elgabulus. Elgabulus.
Starting point is 00:27:43 But he was fucking wild. In addition to being, they think he's probably trans because why? Well, they think he's trans because they said he acted, he would show up, you know, he became ruler and then he would show up to Senate meetings dressed as a fucking woman and go around, you know, he would be giving speeches to like his people in his kingdom and he would be like, if there's a surgeon out there, I'll pay you as much as you want if you can give me a vagina. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:03 He was saying that openly, being like, if you can give me a vagina, I'll pay you whatever you want. And nobody could do it because, you know, this was fucking, I don't even know. Pre-science. Pre-science. This was like BC. Yeah. So it's like, it's been going on. He also married like five women.
Starting point is 00:28:17 He also married dudes. Yeah. I mean, he had dude lovers. He actually, this dude, he was so wild, he would sneak into brothels as the emperor and get fucked. He was a prostitute. He would prostitute himself as the emperor. Oh, my God. How fucking wild is this guy?
Starting point is 00:28:33 Yeah. I mean, that's insane. So he was wild. So he was wild. So he's a wild example. But there's a lot of high-functioning, very stable trans people. Passionate, very stable trans people. And it's great that they have their role models now, too, like Andrea Pedrick, who's a famous model.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Who, you know, we did a little research on. Bruce Jenner. Bruce Jenner, I mean, you know. Caitlyn Jenner, I'm sorry. Caitlyn, who became Caitlyn. And Laverne Cox. There's tons of them. You can see, like, these are just normal people. And it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:29:01 They have a huge suicide rate, though. They do have a huge suicide rate. And so that's the contrary is that because of how poorly they're treated or is that because uh they're tortured maybe a little bit of both like i said it probably depends on the person and it could be a little bit of both and it depends you got to do it on a case-by-case basis but you know it's not easy to be trans in a world where everyone's going what the fuck you know you're you're a gray area and you need to be this or this. That's probably not easy. In some ways,
Starting point is 00:29:28 it may have been, I don't know if this is true or not, but I think there's an argument for it. It may have almost been a little bit easier to be one back in the day because when it's not as open, like now, it's like it pisses a lot of people off now because
Starting point is 00:29:43 not people like us, but I'm talking about like these very conservative people because it's like there are so many people who are like, I'm trans, I'm trans. You know, you want your own bathroom now or you want like, you know, this time and this thing. And it's like people like, no, fuck you. Like, it's always been men and women, blah, blah, blah, blah. But like back in the day when it wasn't it wasn't okay to come out and do that it's like there probably were just like transgender people who like would find out about each other and have like secret societies that they could just be themselves and not have to go out in public and face any ridicule about it or if they did come out because it was so few and far between
Starting point is 00:30:19 and there was maybe just like one person that you'd ever meet that was transgender it was tolerated because it really wasn't getting anybody's way. I think conservatives now feel like these people are getting in our way for whatever bullshit. They're just scared of change because they're fucking apes. You know, the right are just dummies, but you can't talk to them. But I was thinking about that when I was doing the research. I was like, I wonder if you want to be trans like in the 1700s, like there was this guy, Chevalier Dion.
Starting point is 00:30:46 His name was Chevalier Dion. Did you read about him? Yeah, he was just like, you know, he was a French spy, like a legit French spy and diplomat. Super well-known. Super well-known dude. He was actually famous. He was a man the first half of his life. But then the second part, he just came out and was like, listen, I got fucking tits now.
Starting point is 00:31:04 It's what it is. I got tits, and I'm coming out in a court set all day, every day. That's how I roll, player. And he was French, so, I mean, they're a little trans to begin with. But, you know, he was such a well-known guy that, you know, when he died, you know, the line
Starting point is 00:31:20 for his funeral was out the door. He was out the door because the French people didn't care. They were like, he outright said, listen, I was assigned female at birth, but I've been acting like a man because it's not acceptable, but I'm female. And he was actually cheered for that. And he was like a celebrity in France in the 1700s. Which is wild. How wild is that? He was so well known.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Didn't they like name something after? They called his name, how they referred referred maybe i think to oh yeah the term eno enism yeah enism they named it after him yeah it was a uh yeah descriptor for it was a brief uh it was a descriptor for those displaying transgender or gender fluid characteristics at that time yeah that was based off him and if you look him look him up he's fucking i mean he looks like you know he's i mean he's wearing a sick hat with a feather on it. He's got like, he's dressed in women's clothing, but he just looks like Steve Kerr. Just looks like the Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr, just dressed as a full-blown woman. pre-science and now post what they can do with science,
Starting point is 00:32:30 have not only been in every time period. They've been in every single culture. I was surprised to find in Pakistan now, Pakistan, it's a religious country, Pakistan. Sure. There's a whole group. There's a whole transgender people all over the place everywhere yeah there's like i think um you know they like a hundred thousand they've estimated in pakistan like just like you know people who were born one gender um i think uh specifically trans women who are just living as women now.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Yeah. And a lot of them, unfortunately, are like beggars on the street because they're outcast by society or sex workers. That seems to often be the case because you have to pay for your surgeries and stuff, and it's not easy to get a job when you're trans. Well, I mean, look at Thailand. I mean, the ladyboys, they make up a huge part of the population. They call them katois. Katois. katois katois katois and
Starting point is 00:33:26 um yeah it's kind of more accepted in their culture and why do you think it's more as normal it's a cultural thing it's like you know i mean they just don't have the same hang-ups i mean in in asian history here's the thing that i found which was so fascinating is it's like and it's so we're covering history and it's really giving me insight is into the into that old adage that the more things change the more they stay the same right it's like it's been the same like this always in every culture every time and what i mean by that is there's some people who like hated it some people who accepted it right you know certain times was a little more okay they They were worshipped.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Native American times, there was like certain tribes that had, certain Indian tribes had men that acted like women, women that acted like men. They had trans people and they even worshipped what they called the two-spirit person or a god. It was the guy fucking, WeWo was his name. Do you remember him? First recorded native trans. No, WeWo was his name. Do you remember him? First recorded native trans. No, WeWa. WeWa.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Actually, he looks like WeWa. Google W-E apostrophe W-H-A. He looks like Maurica. WeWa, I told you, looks and has the same dress that Maurica would. But WeWa was, you know what I'm saying, was interesting. He was from the Zuni tribe. And he, like, you know, the'm saying, it was interesting, he was from the Zuni tribe, and he, like, you know, the white anthropologists that studied him, they were in awe of his
Starting point is 00:34:48 tribe, because his tribe, he was not outcast, this guy. No. He was celebrated as like a god, that he was just both genders. And he was, like, two-spirited. Two-spirited. He had the, he had the wisdom of both, the feminine and masculine properties. Yeah. So it's like, it's all interpretation.
Starting point is 00:35:04 It really is. That's all it is, interpretation like it really is that's all it is interpretation because guess what like when you say like oh there's only male and females it's like you're wrong no there's male we as societies as you know in this society in this westernized society you know as you know we say oh there can only be two because you can only have a penis or a vagina it's like well that's not true like it's just all not true like this is a this is a gender too for some people it just is it just is yeah and it's like we're like in the forefront of it now but eventually it's going to come out i bet they're going to be 100 years from now people are just going to always people there's just it's just going to be an acceptable thing which it should be because it's just like like how did this how
Starting point is 00:35:42 did this native american culture the ziti uh the zuni tribe 200 uh 150 years ago just accept it because you know they were just tucked away in some jungle and they don't they weren't influenced by society at all and they said yeah we just accept it like it's not a problem for us right so if you know it's like it's just not a problem it's how you react to it yeah it's like it's your what you're saying is law like this is the law this is how like the law i'm right this is the law of nature is not necessarily true because he was you're playing god you're it depends on the culture depends on time depends on how you you view it what is true what we can say without question is again reiterate, trans people have always been around. Always.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Always been around, and they always will. And who knows? Maybe this is a natural evolution of our species. Probably is. Maybe in the future we'll all be trans. That's what people want. Maybe we'll have a relationship where, you know what? Maybe people break up now because they get bored, and you know what they'll do in the future?
Starting point is 00:36:41 What? Be like, let's switch. I'll transition into a woman. You'll transition into a guy and we'll stay together but it'll be fresh because we're in different genders and we'll fall in love
Starting point is 00:36:50 all over again. Why the fuck not? Why the hell not? I mean, Barno does it every night with his wife. Yeah. She asks him to strap on a dildo.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Yes. And then he fucking, he scissors her with his fucking little fucking... She bangs him in the ass and pulls his rat tail. That's why you got it, right? So your wife had something to hang on to,
Starting point is 00:37:07 and she's banging from behind with that dildo, with the strapper. While you guys drink wine, drink the blood of whatever indigenous people, your ancestors' murder. That's what they do, wild shit. Yeah, because it's in fear. Zach, what did you find out about the animals? So there are animals that act transgender. Snakes, lizards, beetles, fish, and birds all exhibit transgender behaviors for advantages.
Starting point is 00:37:34 The most common is escaping a threat. And garter snakes, they have, like, orgies, group sex, and the males will excrete female pheromones to make it easier. The other males get confused the only example i found of uh female to male is some fish that can actually switch their genders the fish can give itself a dick yeah and they can go back and forth or they can be both at the same time wow that'd be fucking awesome because i'm not gonna lie to you there are some guys and i'm like yo if i was a chick i'd fucking love to have you inside me there's some guys i meet where i'm like, yo, if I was a chick, I'd fucking love to have you inside me. There's some guys I meet where I'm like, I love this dude. You know, seahorses give birth, too. Can you look that up?
Starting point is 00:38:10 Don't seahorses give birth? So that's wild. Yeah, the males give birth. The males give birth, cuz. I mean, you know, it's not that stringent. I get it. The norm is most people are heterosexual. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Most act like this. Testosterone makes people act like this. Estrogen makes people act like this. Right. That's where the stereotype. That's the norm. That seems to me the majority. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:30 That's fine. Right. But we're not talking about the majority here. Right. You know? The world is not black and white. No. These are people who fall in these gray areas, cuzzy.
Starting point is 00:38:39 You know who's another guy, another transgender guy who we learned about? His name is Albert Cashier, And he fought in the Union Army. I love this guy. During the Civil War, which is fucking wild. Born a chick. Born a chick. He was born Jenny Hodgers. And he just, so he was born a man, born a woman, just legit born a woman.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Started dressing in male clothes as a child. She just was like, I'm going to be a dude. I'm just going to be a dude. And then during the war, she joined the Union Army because people were just like, this is a guy. And she fought in 40 fucking battles. 40 battles. And one time she overpowered a prison guard, a Confederate prison guard, because she was a prisoner of war. She overpowered them.
Starting point is 00:39:21 And then she just died. She died like everyone thinking she was a man, but she was a woman. yeah so it's like and then you said there was over 250 civil war one one um document i read said they yeah they calculated 240 people did exactly what she did i mean what about joan of arc or junday arc they say she was definitely trans joan of arc you know like we i remember like we learned in catholic school i remember i'll never forget we learned in catholic school that you know what a mighty and triumphant warrior she was that she would make believe she was a man just so she could fight in the french army and defend her country and you know for christianity and she was and that's and it's like yeah that's true but you know what it wasn't for christianity or french she thought she
Starting point is 00:40:04 was a fucking dude yeah okay she had the brain of a man and she was transgender yeah, that's true, but it wasn't for Christianity or French. She thought she was a fucking dude. She had the brain of a man, and she was transgendered, and that's what the truth is. That's what the truth was. And back in the day for doing that, what'd they do? They fucking tied her to a piece of wood and set her on fire, which is disgusting. But that was the scared civilization she was living in. And they asked Joan of Arc, why don't you dress like a woman?
Starting point is 00:40:26 She said, when I die and God requires it of me, I guess, you know, that's an answer of her time too, probably. She goes, then I'll dress like a woman. Basically being like, you know, here's an answer that'll, here's an answer that maybe will get you off my back. All right? Like, yeah, I'll do that if God asks me to do that when I'm dead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:44 But for right now, fucking call me John. She probably wanted to be called John. Absolutely. Or Jean. Or Jean. John of Arc. 100%. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And she was a freaking hero and a warrior. And look, these exceptions happen in nature. And what's so interesting to me is, you know, both the left and the right on this issue. You know, everyone quotes science when it's convenient for their argument. You ever notice that? Yeah. It's so funny. It's like the people on the right are like, the science.
Starting point is 00:41:13 But look at the science. You're born either a man or a woman. There's only two genders, blah, blah, blah. But then when it comes to global warming, they're like, the scientists are lying. The scientists are lying the scientists you scientists are lying because they want government funding it's like yeah you know you know if you look back at history scientists they're always the ones who are pulling big schemes over people those are the ones always fucking you know tricking us with their big
Starting point is 00:41:41 schemes to get money oh i'm happy liberal cock janiceuck Giannis has shown up. Fucking Giannis the lib. It's always good when you meet him going. You've got a lot of different people that live inside you. But then there's the other side, where the left goes, global warming! Look at the science! Look at the science! And then when it comes to the trans issues, they go, where the doctors go,
Starting point is 00:42:00 actually, look, you can call yourself a woman, you can claim your gender and everything but you know you are a man you have the male anatomy you are a man you're choosing you know at the end of the day it's a choice to take these test the estrogen or testosterone and what you call transition whatever these are all sociological right psychological choices. But the anatomy that you're given, there's two genders. And then the people on the left go, no, no, there's 460 genders. So they're both fucking out of their mind.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Everyone has lost their fucking mind, which is unbelievable because we're finally living at a time with unbelievable freedom. Right. Unbelievable comfort. Unbelievable mastery over our environment and nature. And we can't fucking handle it, cuz. That's why sometimes I wonder when Tesla was sitting there and he was about to figure out electricity to make the world a better place or whatever the fuck he did. Zach will look it up. We're history hyenas. I'm not a professional hyena.
Starting point is 00:43:00 I'm not a professional historian or a fucking scientist. I just know that Tesla did good things for the world. But I wonder if there was a moment when he was sitting there going, is it fucking worth it for these monkeys? That's how smart people must look at us. The way we look at chimps. Right. You know? Can you imagine if Elon Musk went to... Could you imagine if he was sitting on this podcast?
Starting point is 00:43:19 He would just see two idiots drooling. I mean, all he would hear is... That's all he hears. He can't even comprehend idiots drooling. I mean, all he would hear is, That's all he hears. He can't even comprehend how dumb we are. Can you imagine he goes to Staten Island? That's a reality show right there that I want the rights to. Elon Musk goes to Staten Island. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:37 So it's like people just have such a hard time with the gray areas. And they have such a hard time with other people's freedoms it's hilarious yeah they go like i'm fighting for freedom it's like are you yeah or are you fighting for the freedom that everyone who agrees with you and that's what you call free are you playing god and you just you know yeah you're one of these fucking woke warriors and you just you're you're just fighting against self-righteous bullshit it goes both ways people want everyone to think the way that they think and they can't handle anyone.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Look, if transgender makes you uncomfortable, you don't like it, fucking fine. Whatever. Fine. But you know what freedom is? You can't legislate against that. You can just be like, hey, I'm just not going to be around that.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Fucking, you know. Fine. Fine. But you can't go, let's make a law. You just can't do that, cuz. Don't happen. Yeah. You see that movie about, let's make a law. You just can't do that, cuz. Don't happen. Yeah. You see that movie about the Danish girl?
Starting point is 00:44:28 Did you ever see it? She was one of the first trans. She was like the first trans. Lil Ebby was her name. Lil Ebby. Like 1888. She was probably dull. The Danish are tall.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Danish. You got some Danish in you, White Wasp. No? You do, right? Yeah. Is that confirmed, Bardo? Yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Isn't it fun to see how we- That's nice. We love to not think about how that we're animals. We're fucking animals. We're Yeah. Is that confirmed, Bardo? Yeah. Interesting. Isn't it fun to see how we- That's nice. We love to not think about how that we're animals. We're fucking animals. We're animals. And that's why- You're just a hyena that's transitioned into a man. I'm just a Greek.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yeah. And some of the stereotypes about our peoples are true. It's just true. He hates us, obviously. Look at his beard. Yeah. He hates us. He grows that out of defiance for you.
Starting point is 00:45:01 You are Irish. You bury, you bury, you bury. Bury, yeah. That's why my blood pressure's high. Yeah, you bury it. You fucking bury it. And you're also Italian, which means you're the closest to monkeys that are here. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Because you're Italian, right? Yeah. So your knuckles kind of, you can't help it. Yeah. You're smart. You went to school. You got a doctorate in physical therapy. You're smarter than the kid who said you said something wrong on the fucking podcast.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah, whatever the crushes. But you're still Italian. So you've got to throw sauce on your face and walk around with sauce. I got to be like, I don't like Chinese people. It's not true, but it's like you got to say it.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yeah. And Bardo is just a Dutch wasp. He's got to get banged with a dildo. He's got to have his rat tail pulled. He's got to be six foot four or three because his people are tall. That's his breed. That's what you are.
Starting point is 00:45:45 You're psychotic in there. You want us dead. You want to drink the blood of Greek and Italian people while your woman fucks you with a strap on. You can't help it. You just can't help it. You know, I mean, it's, you know, what are you going to do? You fucking shit into teacups and, you know, and we don't know why you have your customs, but you do. And like transgender people, it's like, it's just how they are.
Starting point is 00:46:05 It's how they're wired more. You know, it's just like, that's what bothers me too about, you know, when we're talking about like the history of this is like, how fucking dumb are we as a human race? Like, what does it matter if someone wants to be another, if someone wants to be another sex, if they want to do that, what does that have to do with me or you? What does it have to do with, if they want to do that, what does that have to do with me or you? What does it have to do with if they want to do that, they want to love someone who loves them for them, who gives a
Starting point is 00:46:29 fuck? Also, let's say it even bothers you. Let's say for some reason it bothers you. Why would you want to hurt someone? Why would you want to physically hurt? Insecurity. Or hurt their right to live. I just don't get it. It's insecurity with them. I mean, the people who are the most violent towards the LGBT community are LGBTs 100% themselves,
Starting point is 00:46:51 and they're just suppressing it. They're just suppressing it. Without, dude, I mean. Me and you, we're pretty comfortable guys. We're comfortable guys. And that's why we don't hate. I'm comfortable. Yeah, and that's why sometimes, you know, I do cross the line, I suck a dick or two,
Starting point is 00:47:01 I don't feel bad about it. Sometimes you got gotta just do it you gotta say there is sort of something to that argument of like the people who are the most comfortable with it you're like you can kinda it kinda makes sense with anything it's like if you have no problem with it
Starting point is 00:47:17 it's like you're secure it's just you can conclude that person is secure in their choices I went to an all-boy Catholic high school. We were all comfortable. Most of us. I mean, there were a couple of guys who now have come out of the closet. One guy I played ball with.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Were you molested or no? You blacked out. Yeah, I blacked out. I don't think I ever was molested, but there was a couple of times where I would go up to get the cloak for the priest, and he followed I would go up to get like a, like the cloak for the priest and he followed me and I just blacked out. So the line, that line is true. Brother Ferris. Yeah. It's based in truth.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Yeah. Blacked out. I don't know what that, I mean, I, you know, I've maybe had a seizure. Who fucking knows? But there's a good chance you were doing something with a priest penis. Yeah, it might've been. But if I was, I mean, you know, I did it for Jesus Christ. But if you blacked it out, did it happen?
Starting point is 00:48:03 That's what I'm saying. If a priest's penis touches your mouth, but you can't remember it, or nobody was there to see it, did it happen? Did it happen? Right. Or like you. If you were dating someone, or one night stand, you had sex with a transgender, because you really can't tell the difference anymore, would you feel like you had sex with a man?
Starting point is 00:48:20 Or would you wake up and be like, why didn't you tell me that? Yeah. For me. Would you get mad about that? No, I wouldn't. You wouldn't care? You're just like, why didn't you tell me that? Yeah. Would you get mad about that? No, I wouldn't. You wouldn't care? You're just like, all right, whatever. I mean, look, if there's a trans...
Starting point is 00:48:29 As long as I got no fumes. As long as I got no fumes. Look, if I'm with a transgender woman and she looks to me like a woman... Yeah. I'm in. I'm all in. So if at some point your fiance was like, I just want to tell you I was born a man, you're not asking for a divorce?
Starting point is 00:48:46 No, I'm not asking for a divorce. It's fine. Which is great. I'd be like, great, I guess we're not having kids. Save a little money. Adopt a little Asian baby. Adopt a little Asian baby. Yeah, it's like, I just don't buy the people who say, because look, especially now post
Starting point is 00:48:58 science, the way we're describing it post science, a lot of these girls who start hormone therapy early, I mean, they're smoking. Some smoke shows out there. Absolutely. I mean, Andrea Pedrick is a smoke show to me. Yeah, and there's a smoke show. Bailey J. She's a porn star? Yeah. Smoke show to me. Smoke show. But she does have
Starting point is 00:49:17 a pole, you know? Do you masturbate to transgender porn ever? I have. So you're okay if they... I've masturbated to a lot of different porn, Okay, but let me ask you this. Which I think is a problem. That's a whole other podcast. History of porn. Porn, I think, is wild.
Starting point is 00:49:29 I think it's bad for you. We'll do history of porn. I think it's a little bad for you. Do you... Do you... When you masturbate to transgender porn, do these... Are these people pre-op or post-op?
Starting point is 00:49:37 No, I'm not into... I've never... Yeah. They gotta have a dick. Yeah. All right, cuz. Here's the thing. I think I'm so straight... Yeah....that it makes me a little gay. Yeah. They got to have a dick. Yeah. All right, cuz. Here's the thing. I think I'm so straight that it makes me a little gay.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yeah. Because if they pull it off, if I'm looking at a transgendered woman and I'm like, they're hot, I'm attracted to her because she is a girl to me. Absolutely. Absolutely. So it's like, but then she's also got a shwee and it's like, but is that a little guy? I don't know. I don't care. I don't care. What I was saying before, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:09 I went to an all-boy Catholic high school. But I don't like dudes at all. And I was on the basketball team and like the thing was, like when a new you know, the new person would come on the team or like, you know, when we started to get comfortable with each other, I would be like, you know, want somebody to be like, yo, new kid, let me see your dick. And then they'd be like, no. I'd be like, you know, once somebody would be like, yo, new kid, let me see your dick.
Starting point is 00:50:25 And then they'd be like, no. I'd be like, what are you, fucking gay? Let me see your dick. And then they'd pull out their dick and that's how we knew they weren't gay. Because if you were like,
Starting point is 00:50:34 I'm not going to show you my dick, we'd be like, yeah, because you're a fucking homo. Yeah, yeah. That's what it is. But meanwhile, that's how straight we were.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Or they got a small peen. Or they got a small peen. That's another thing you guys didn't consider. Yeah. Because it's not easy to just whip out your peen if you're insecure about the size.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I'm not going to get fucking made fun of by the dudes. I'll never forget. We had a new guy come on our team. I'll never forget. This kid was 6'6", black kid. I won't say his name. Just a kid. I don't fucking know. I won't say his name. But I remember I was a junior. I was varsity. I was a junior. He was a senior that had come in from another school.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And he was a dope player. He was fucking huge. And I'll never forget me and a couple of my friends. We sat on the bench in high school. We couldn't wait for the first practice to end because we just wanted to hit those showers because we wanted to see if this kid had a fucking piece. I'll never forget. We were so excited. We couldn't wait. We could not wait until the coach blew that final whistle and said, boys, hit the showers because we were waiting for this kid's fucking ride.
Starting point is 00:51:24 You wanted to see what kind of's fucking ride. And then he came in with a bathing suit. He came in with bathing suit shorts on, which kids did. You know, he's 60, 70 years old. I'll never forget. Like, I took the bus home depressed. And I remember coming home, and my mother being like, what's wrong? And I'd be like, you wouldn't understand, Ma. You wouldn't understand. Because
Starting point is 00:51:39 all I want to do is see this kid's dick. Now, it's not like I was fantasizing about it. I just wanted to see how big his dick is. I was just curious. But, you know, it's not like I didn't go about it. I just wanted to see how big his dick is. I was just curious. You know, it's not like I didn't go home that night and jerk off to his dick, but I remember being upset that I couldn't see his peach good deal. Is that wild? I mean, it's just, look, it's nature, cuz. There's gray areas to stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:00 You know, I really do, when it comes to sexuality and it comes to gender, I don't think gender, I do think you're assigned there's two genders you're assigned I guess with intersex you can kind of say three right I guess but when it comes to gender and what you what your brain is and what you want to live as there's gray areas and there's a scale there's a scale's gray areas and there's a scale. There's a scale just like I think there's a scale for sexuality. I think there's a scale for gender. I think
Starting point is 00:52:29 it's probably like if you did a scale from zero to ten, it's like there's a few people who are ten straight and there's a few who are zero gay, like our friend Mateo. I mean, he's gay. There's no way he wasn't born gay. One of the greatest comics, Joey Camasta.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Our friend Joey. I mean, these guys are great friends of ours. I mean, these guys are so, it's a no doubt about 100% true blue gay. True blue gay, which is fucking fantastic. Graham at the stand. How could Graham ever, how could he? I mean, it's like when he acts straight You're like that's unnatural Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:07 If Mateo or Joey or Graham Asked me anything About baseball I'd be like I don't want to talk to you about this You know Mateo was talking to me yesterday About his boyfriend in Spain And it's fucking like yeah that's what I want to hear from you That's comfortable to me
Starting point is 00:53:22 But then if he asked me What are the Yankees, you know, the Yankees get any new pitching staff? I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? It feels a little weird. Why would you say that to me? You make me feel awkward here. I don't want to talk about the pitching staff.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I want to hear about your boyfriend giving you the rod. Yeah. And I feel like gender is probably similar. There's probably some people who, you know, and that's what I mean by case to case and sort of like the scale. I'm sure there's some people who make more of a choice. Sure. And then there's some people who are just their brains are born a little bit more that way.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Maybe the science hasn't really figured it's inconclusive. So these people on the right who say it's conclusive that it's just a mental illness. That's not correct. It is just not true. They're still researching it. There's a little evidence on both sides. They're trying to figure it out but obviously it's something that's been here forever it doesn't harm anyone um and
Starting point is 00:54:11 when you say oh it's a mental illness look at the suicide rate it's like dude do you know how what kind of lack of empathy you have to have to just make that conclusion are you fucking god are you are you do you really believe you know it all i? Do you know how hard it must be to feel different and then be in a society where you're outcast and people say there's something wrong with you and you can't work here. Everyone's laughing at you. Everyone's saying you're different. Everyone's fucking discriminating against you and sometimes getting violent on you. You're telling me that doesn't play a role in the suicide rate?
Starting point is 00:54:43 Of course it does. Of course it does. Of course. What is wrong with these people none of you are smart none of you are smart neither one of us is smart okay you know who's smart tesla was smart you know who's smart a brain surgeon elon musk elon musk is smart somebody who can fucking make a car or design a building is fucking smart. If you're on the internet and you talk, you're not fucking smart. No.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Just admit it. Like we are. We're not fucking smart. And Chrissy has a PhD and he's not even that fucking smart. I'm not fucking smart, dude. Yeah, I got a PhD. I don't know shit about anything. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:19 If you can build a nanorobot, you're fucking smart. Yeah. If you can do cancer research, you're fucking smart. Yeah. If you know how to do science and medical stuff, you're fucking smart. If you can do cancer research, you're fucking smart. If you know how to do science and medical stuff, you're fucking smart. Otherwise, have a little humility to you. Be more of a questioner than more of a statement maker.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Like I just made a statement. Can I tell you... I'm totally being a hypocrite right there. Yeah, Giannis is going to blow his brains out tonight. Can I tell you who is fucking really smart? I'm going to tell you smart right now. These new True Blue Gay members of our Cusmunity who signed up at our Patreon page, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Thank you for your service. It's time to read the names of the new members of our Cusmunity. And these people are smart. Anger. Okay. First guy. I think it's a guy. And these people are smart. Anger. Okay. First guy. I think it's a guy.
Starting point is 00:56:11 S-H-K-E-L-Q-I-M-E. Shklemi? Shklemi. Shklemi? Thank you for your service. What kind of name do you think that is? Shklemi. Shklemi?
Starting point is 00:56:17 Maybe Israeli? Hebrew? Or is it maybe like a pseudo name? It's like a made up name? Or is that a black name? Like, yo, Shklemi. Yo, Shklemi. Blacks get original with their names. That's fucking great. Yeah. Shklemi. It's like a pseudo name It's like a made up name Or is that a black name? Like yo Sha- Sha-Clammy Yo Sha-Clammy Blacks get original with their names That's fucking great
Starting point is 00:56:28 Yeah Sha-Clammy Now we have Michael Lord Good name I don't know if Lord's his real last name No that's a wasp name Yeah Michael Lord
Starting point is 00:56:35 They call themselves Lords or Church These people are so fucking wild Church They just yeah My name is Michael Building My name is Michael School My name is Lord Michael Lord
Starting point is 00:56:44 Yeah Call me Tom Priest. Yeah, Michael Lord. You only dated a dollar, you wasp fuck. You own the universe. You own the color yellow. But thank you for your service, Michael Lord. Just kidding. Thank you for your service. Mark Blaker. Not Baker. Blaker.
Starting point is 00:56:58 He's definitely bi. Here we go. Yeah, 100%. Blaker's bi. His emoji is a yellow cat. He's bi. True blue bi a yellow cat. So, yeah. He's bi. Yeah, bi. True blue bi.
Starting point is 00:57:07 True blue bi. TBB. Chris Meneo. Oh, there you go. How you doing? Yo, what's up, Chris Meneo? Yo, how's your lawn in Staten Island look right now, Chris? Back in free service, Chrissy.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Fuck yeah. Then this kid's name is Anus. A-N-E-S. Really? Anus Hadjijovic. Or is it Ains? Could be Ains. It says Anus. You know what kind Hadjijovic. Or is it Ains? Ains. Could be Ains.
Starting point is 00:57:27 It says Anis. You know what kind of name that is? Let's see how good you are with ethnicity. Anis Hadjijovic is probably Croatian. That's right. Or Yugoslavian. Something over there. Yes, Slavic.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Slavic. It's a Slavic name. That's where the word slave comes from. That's where the word slave comes from. But we're going to do another. We got so many episodes. This kid's name is Joey Blowey. Joey Blowey. Joey Blowey. Joey Blowey.
Starting point is 00:57:46 True blue gay. So I got that. Joey Blowey. Joey Blowey. How did you get through high school, cuz? Thank you for your service, Joey Blowey. Next, we got Patrick Sadorzada. Oh, it's Patrick.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Thank you, Patrick. Patrick. Thank you for you. Hope you enjoyed the last episode. Here, we got a two for one. Damien and Jackie Wicks. Oh. Thank you. Maybe they're Siamese episode. Here we got a two for one. Damien and Jackie Wicks. Thank you. Maybe they're Siamese twins? Jackie and
Starting point is 00:58:07 Damien Wicks? Damien and Jackie Wicks. It's one account. That means they're married, cuz. Oh, okay. Yeah. Or Siamese twins. We don't assume here. We don't assume. Next up, we got Rosemary Roach. Oh, that's a true blue wasp. Rosemary Roach.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Yeah, just named yourself after a fucking bug that can sustain nuclear blasts. Oh, here we go. This guy's a mafia guy or just, I don't know, a DJ. Johnny Ace. Johnny Ace. How you doing? Hey, Johnny Ace. How's your mother's sauce?
Starting point is 00:58:37 Is this shit? Are you stirring it? Thank you, Johnny. Hey, then next up, no last name. This guy's just name is Joe. Joe. J-O-E. Thank you, Joe. That's Italian. That's an, no last name. Just disguise your name as Joe. Joe. J-O-E. Thank you, Joe.
Starting point is 00:58:47 That's Italian. Yeah, that's an Italian move right there. Disguise and witness protection. Donate to Patreon. I'll donate to you. Note from Larry. Yeah. Next, we got Mike Vangelatos.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Oh, the guy is the Greek, Greek, Greek. Mike V. Greek support Greeks. Next up, we got Mark the Shark. Mark the Shark? Mark the Shark? Mark the Shark. All right. Thank you, Shark.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Thank you. Thank you, Mark the Shark. Mark the Shark. Appreciate it. Mark, hey, appreciate your service. Then we got Rafael de Luca. Que pasa, mi gente? Rafael de Luca, he thank you for your service, and he also, I think he wants to help us out
Starting point is 00:59:20 with some stuff. I got a message from Rafael. Oh, you did? Yeah, he wants to help us out with some shit. Like maybe, you know, make our merch. We're going to start making merch pretty soon. That's right. So I'm making t-shirts. That's it.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Is he Latin, Rafael De Luca? Rafael De Luca. I think so. Or he could be Spanish. His emoticon is a bouquet of roses. It could be Spanish. Next up, we got Nikki Randant. Thank you, Nikki.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Nikki, thanks, Nikki. Nikki Randant. Nikki's such a cute name. Nikki. Next up, we got Janine Villanueva Who looks cute She's got her profile picked up Thank you, Janine Villanueva Janine Italian
Starting point is 00:59:51 Villanueva Spanish Janine Villanueva And last but not least Teddy Tanzer Yo, Teddy Teddy I don't meet too many guys named Teddy Teddy's a good name
Starting point is 01:00:01 We gotta do fucking an episode on Teddy Roosevelt We do, you love Teddy Teddy Fucking Teddy Tanzer good name. We got to do fucking an episode on Teddy Roosevelt. We do. You love Teddy. Teddy fucking Teddy Tanzer. Thank you again for your service. Thank you so much everybody.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Thank you everybody who's just as fans of us, who's a fan of History Hyenas, who's a fan of the Bay Ridge Boys. We appreciate it all. You can always check out
Starting point is 01:00:20 everything I'm doing on Instagram at Chris D Comedy, Twitter at Chris D Comedy. Giannis Pappas, all one word, Twitter, Instagram,
Starting point is 01:00:29 all that good stuff. Boom. And I'm, I'm going to be coming. Uh, this comes out on Sunday. I'll be at, at,
Starting point is 01:00:35 uh, at Cleveland and hilarities, uh, March, uh, 29th to April 1st. Come through, check out your boy.
Starting point is 01:00:42 You got any dates coming up? Be honest. Uh, I will be in long Island. Um, you're going to hear this after that is unless you're on Patreon. If you're on Patreon, I'm going to be in Long Island.
Starting point is 01:00:50 The Governor's this weekend, the 23rd and 24th of March. And then I'm going to be, go to my website, GiannisPappas.net. I got a couple dates there. Yeah, and you can hit me at ChrisDComedy.com.
Starting point is 01:01:01 I'll be at Comics Mohegan Sun this weekend. So thank you so much. Tell your friends about us. We're going to be putting out our Patreon only episode for only members of our Cousmunity. If you want to hear any of those episodes or get any of the behind the scenes videos of our history
Starting point is 01:01:18 tours, go to Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and just be a part of our Cousmunity because we're just true boogays trying to make it work. I've had my dick tucked back this whole episode in honor and support of my fellow transgender fans. And by the way, if you are transgender and you're a fan of ours, hit us up. Send us a DM. Tell us what you thought of the episode.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Tell us what some of your struggles are. We'd love to hear from you. Also, there's a trans show on this network. Bailey J has a show on this network. There you go. Bailey J. She's trans, so check it out. Boom. Check that out to hear from you. Also, there's a trans show on this network. Bailey J has a show on this network. There you go, Bailey J. She's trans, so check it out. Boom, check that out. Check it out. Check out Riotcast.com for some other good shows. Thank you guys so
Starting point is 01:01:52 much for listening. We appreciate it. Thank you. Bye.

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