History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 73 - Chernobyl is WILD!

Episode Date: June 2, 2019

The Hyenas are back LIVE from Chernobyl. This week it is from Chris' apartment and it's just absolutely WILD!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WIL...D!Follow us!: πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ•πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈChris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈYannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ•History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? You're listening to the Bay Ridge Boys, History Hyenas, Bad. Hey, how's it going? How you doing? This is my name is Sean from Ladder 14. This is FDNY's first official podcast here. Yeah, my name's Michael Rooley, and I just want to shout out a few of our sponsors today. Smithtown Water Department, thank you for always supplying us with the water we need to put out the fires across the big city here. I also want to shout out the New York Yankees are sponsoring this podcast. And last but not least, I'd like to shout out Breitbart. Also, yeah, Breitbart News, we appreciate all the good work you're doing,
Starting point is 00:01:12 as well as Smithtown Water. Also want to give a shout out to Dante's Pizzeria for shouting us out. Also sponsoring CYO Kids baseball team, which we will both be coaching and umping this year. Also, children, you got a slice special. You get two slices and a soda from 12 to four. Half price. Half price. And sorry if we sound a little low energy, lethargic.
Starting point is 00:01:36 It's just yesterday was Memorial Day. And of course, Lombardo's pizza was closed. So we didn't have any pizza. We haven't actually eaten since yesterday because we only eat Lombardo's pizza for every single meal. But it was closed to support the troops, which we support. And also, sorry, we're a little late with this podcast. My wife, Colleen, was fucking breaking my ball yesterday because it was Memorial Day. We had to go to his sister's house for fucking barbecue out on the island.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Yeah, it's what it is. But yeah, thank you. You know, I got a Puerto Rican baby mom. I'm going to kill myself. So, yeah, I got what they call a situation with the mother i got a situation with the mother so um so listen to me guys all right so back that was um you know i don't know what happened there i i think we just did an fdny we did a podcast as if what it would sound like if it was an fdny so should we do fdny podcast for the patreon members only? I think we should do FDNY. We should do two characters. I think that's going to be a new thing we just do.
Starting point is 00:02:28 It's called the FDNY podcast, Ladder 14. FDNY podcast, Ladder 14. So if you want- It's just the boys sitting around a firehouse and just cooking. The funny thing about firemen is they're very tough guys that can carry their body weight plus 20, but they're also excellent cook. Yeah, they'll make a mean casserole yeah so go to patreon.com slash bay ridge boys if you want to hear more
Starting point is 00:02:50 fdny podcasts this is the history hyenas with chrissy d and yanni p and today we're going to talk about something fucking cute that's really not so cute but it's kind of cute well it's kind of cute because it happened on the other side of the Atlantic Osh. It's cute because it happened to our fucking enemies. Yeah, at the time. Listen, make no mistake. Chrissy D took his patriotism to a next level yesterday because it was Memorial Day. And he is a kid from Ridgewood who happened to be spending more than 26 hours in Ridgewood. So whenever that happens, the kid just has a few opinions.
Starting point is 00:03:21 He brings back the Bay Ridge. Yeah, I went to the Mets game. So anytime you go to Citi Field and you sit there for at least an hour with one of your friends named Debo, you're just going to come out the other side with some opinions. It's just what it is. And Memorial Day was yesterday. So Chrissy insisted that we go get American food. And he almost gave a snap and write to a person who was speaking with an accent.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Yeah. The thing is, just for one day, and that was yesterday, Memorial Day, because what Memorial Day is, is a day that we remember all the troops from the Revolutionary War till today who have died protecting our freedom. I just, listen, there's nobody with accents that have died protecting our freedom, only the boys.
Starting point is 00:03:59 So the problem is, is anybody who has accents, they were directly or indirectly involved in killing the boys. So I don't want to hear from them yesterday. Yeah, if you were if you were attached to an accent that was attached to a country that was attached to a conflict that our boys had with your boys at one point, then we just can't eat the food on Memorial Day. Yeah, I'm sorry. Sushi. Can you eat sushi today, though? Is there like a weak rule? I can eat sushi today, but I'm not I'm going to go slow with it.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I'm maybe just going to have a bite or two because, you know, unfortunately, the thing is, you know, nobody's actually ever told me that Japan's still not the enemy. So they're still in my crosshairs. So it's just what it is. Because you ever read that story about those two Japanese? Wow. Thank God you said in these because i just i i saw the tone you were talking and i thought you're just gonna end at the p yeah yeah you see you see the
Starting point is 00:04:51 thank god for the knees there yeah those japanese soldiers who were fighting in world war ii and they were in a jungle and then the war ended but they stayed for another 25 years in the jungle because they're they're uh they never got the actual direct order to stop fighting no i never heard it's a funny fucking Franks and Beats story Because I feel like that's what a lot of soldiers would do They would do Yeah Yeah, I feel like they wouldn't
Starting point is 00:05:15 They would Continue fighting until they got the direct order Because, you know, when you think about war You gotta say, the funny thing is Is that, not funny thing. But the thing nobody ever talks about is these soldiers were fucking high as hell. High as hell. Right. All were fucking high on crystal meth. No, because we were talking about yesterday because it was Memorial Day and we were on a ferry.
Starting point is 00:05:36 We were talking about what the boys were talking about when they would go to war. And you said, how funny do you think the boys were in World War? I think they were really funny. I mean, did you see that picture today on the historic Instagram account? It's two U.S. soldiers dropping bombs on Nazi Germany. And they wrote Easter eggs for Adolf Hitler. I mean, that's hilarious. Did you see that? It's a 10 out of 10. They said, happy Easter, Adolf. Here's your eggs. Yeah, because listen, the reason why political correctness is at an all-time high is because safety and comfort is also at an all time high. Because make no mistake, when you are in the opposite of comfort, when you are in the hell, which is a war zone, as my father described it as absolute hell, you're not going to really care about somebody misgendering you.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah. You know who doesn't? You know, you know what? Kids really don't care if you misgender them? Syrian teenagers. You know why? Because they're getting chemical attacks from a fucking warlord on the reg. But I understand how some fucking teen who's got everything who lives in their father's cul-de-sac in Pennsylvania could get mad because in their body they are female, but they want you to call them a male. There was a lot of people, a lot of comedians, open mic comedians and others who were upset because the Legion of Skanks got Milo Yakanapapich to come on to the Legion of Skanks podcast. And I just have one thing to say to that. What do you have to say? I have to say that just for one day, I would like to just empty the jails in the New York City area and let the thugs that used to move around these streets from the 80s and 90s yeah
Starting point is 00:07:05 just kind of frequent long island city for a day or two yeah then after the weekend i want to see how much you care about milo yamanopoulos and what he said and what he said exactly that's what i want to do cuz i'm starting to just think that jesus made me 61230 for a reason and that reason is to throw hands at cuts that's gonna be a good little promo yeah we're fucking screwed we're fucking screwed because i'm moving to israel yeah because why are you hugging a bounty roll right yeah because it was the bounty toilet uh the bounty paper towel roll is supposed to be the holster because we're laying on my couch which is all which just if you want to know the kind of couch i have just think of any front two seats of an Oldsmobile, and that's my couch.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah, I mean, we look like two kids in the middle of Illinois in 1956 right now on a drive-in movie theater date. And we're hiding from our parents the fact that we're both homosexual. We're fucking gay kids. Cuz, if we would have done this podcast before we just ate four slices of fucking grandma's healthy crust original pizza that was loaded with salt, I would have felt so much better. But right now, I just feel like a ton. I feel like Sergio hit me with a one-two. Because you're a sick fucking, that's what you are. I'm a sick fuck.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Because I got just a little fun fact about me. You got hands now. I got fucking hands now. But I've also went down and eaten two different girls' pusses in the last three days, and I don't have a sore throat. Because that's maybe because when your BP is normal and then it doesn't affect you yeah because you're is there anyone who goes in a rut this is look if you work at a ride aid there's two people you're going to see on a consistent basis who you're going to see my aunt eileen who's 86 who needs to get her medications and a kid named
Starting point is 00:08:41 chrissy d who needs to check his blood pressure it's what every day you're gonna see a 95 year old woman looking to return items and get save on coupons and then you're gonna just see me sticking my fucking arm in that blood pressure machine about three or four times pacing around the store another three or four times and then and then just fucking and then just fucking uh um taking my pressure yeah yeah i'm sorry, cuz. I got a little held up. I'm trying to stretch my leg out. Cuz, make no mistake, Sergio told me today and Paul Gassey told me that I got to get a little bit more flexible in my hips and ass if I'm going to be able to throw hands better. So, unfortunately now, I know we make fun that I'm Big Buck Chris, but I really want to be a professional boxer. I've just made a decision.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I want to quit comedy and do pro boxing. Yeah. So, I'm going to have to lose my butt it's what it is yeah cuz should i do that you think i'm joking but you know i'm being serious i think you could do you should do everything in your power to resist for as long as possible your body falling into a flintstone it's what it is cuz my father looks like fred flintstone your father's shaped like fred flintstone and your destiny is to be shaped like fred flintstone so if you can just ward that off as long as you can by throwing hands, do it. Yeah, because I'm a stupid fucking kid.
Starting point is 00:09:47 I got a $19,000 American Express credit card bill. I'm just putting too many things on my credit card. Because how does that happen? What's going on? Well, because I put. Because you got a situation with the mother. I got a situation with the mother, number one. Number one, I got a situation with the mother.
Starting point is 00:10:02 But I can't believe I have a $19,000 credit card bill. But the reason why I got a situation with the mother. That's number one number one i got a situation with the mother um but i can't believe i have a nineteen thousand dollar credit card bill but the reason why i got a situation with the mother that's number one number two i bought west elm i bought west elm uh chairs they cost two g's um then i i went you know i'm just a stupid fucking kid i'm just a stupid fucking kid and of course you know i bought i'm going to san die Diego this weekend and then all my all my upcoming dates. I just bought first class plane tickets because I'm a fucking dumb fuck. And then I'm staying at the Ritz Carlton in London for no fucking reason. And and and yeah, it just adds up. And then I got a situation with the mother and I'm on Seamless.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I'm ordering food on Seamless four or five times a day. Yeah. And I don't think the food on Seamless is the problem. You think it's the Ritz Carlton or the situation with the mother? The situation with the mother is a problem. And then and then. But the West Elm chairs, they got me good. But the West Elm chairs were a necessity. The first class tickets for Sergio Chacon were not.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Were not. Well, no mistake. You could have put him in the baggage cart. He wouldn't know the difference. It's what it is because make no mistake. I got a fucking I got a couple of Jews watching my accounts. So if they tell me I'm good, I'm good. Because me and you are just a couple of guys that like to move Puerto Ricans across state lines.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Yeah, it's what it is. I'll be in Miami June 14th and 15th. Shout out with Sergio Chacon and Angelo Lozada. I'm moving Puerto Ricans across state lines. You got to move them across state lines. And it's one of those things where, if I'm just being honest, you and I, we can't neglect the fact that we surround ourselves with Puerto Ricans and there are Puerto Ricans directly tied to our success. Yeah. I mean, you got Marisa and I got talking about the baby and her mother. Yeah. And that's given me both of us success. Well, let's just be crystal clear about something. We're both kids who
Starting point is 00:11:37 were born on the Brooklyn Queens Peninsula. Yeah. So Puerto Ricans were just a part of our childhood. Yeah. Puerto Ricans. It's like it's kind of like you learned at a very young age that if the saltine crackers were a little too dry or a little old, there's going to be an adjustment and a little discipline happened at the bottom of the neutral at the bottom of the neutrals. It's just what is if there was a little too much salt in the autos compoyo, somebody was getting disciplined. And that means I was and that means my mother was gonna have to run downstairs and try to hit uncle victor with a newspaper and then let me yeah because what would happen well no because actually what would happen was because there was a lot of time so what would happen this is your true thing what i'm about
Starting point is 00:12:17 to tell you yeah there's a lot of times where you know there they need to be some discipline down at the bottom of the neutrals because there was too there was too much some salt there was too much um sauce on the bending so um so the aunt eileen knows how to cook puerto rican food now yeah yeah so if you gotta make from mofongo yeah if there was a little too much salt in the mofongo um then there would be some discipline and my mother would be upstairs this is true my mother would be upstairs with a sam adams um going over my homework with me when i was like she was doing always. She would have just one brew. Yeah. She'd have a brew, a glass of wine. She was going over my homework with me and then she would have to run downstairs and intervene.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And then that would leave me upstairs alone in the apartment. And I would go. Yeah. And I'm scared. So a lot of times there would be a few times where she would I would be hiding under the under the kitchen table. And she would come back at that. Christopher And I'd come back under the kitchen table. And then she yelled at me more like, you can't hide under the table just because mommy goes downstairs for a minute. And I was like, yeah, no, I just, you know, I was just scared. And then I, and then you said, Ma, you don't understand. I'm only 12 and this is a house filled with women and a monster downstairs because I'm the man of the house and I'm 12 and it's overwhelming and I'm scared. Yeah. I'm just scared.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And the only man that's here is downstairs and he's drinking St. Ives and he's torturing people in the garage. I hope your mom never finds this podcast. Yeah, I hope not either. It's just what it is. Because did your mom just download SoundCloud? Yeah, no, Stitcher. It's going to be fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:40 So she's looking at the other podcast. Yeah, she's looking at the other podcast. She's staying out with Chrissy Stefano on Comedy Central. That's corporate me. That's clean cut Chrissy. But if you want to hear the fucking real me, the true me, then you come over to History Hyenas. And if you want to hear the real, real me, you go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and you better put on a hood.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Yeah. Wei Shanxian, Wei Shanxian. And if you really want to get to know Chrissy for a $2,500 level, you can just spend a weekend with him in Ridgewood and see what happens. See what happens. What you're going to do is spin the wheel. Spin the wheel.
Starting point is 00:14:11 That's a new thing we're going to do. We just spin the wheel, cuz. Make no mistake. Because yesterday we fucking spun the wheel. We spun the wheel. With the dog and my wife. Yeah, things just happened yesterday. They got out of control.
Starting point is 00:14:21 When you don't know, when you spin the wheel, it's like a day. You just have a day. You don't know what's next. You just spin in the way. You're going to see what happens. You know, maybe you're going to get on a ferry. Maybe you're going to maybe you're going to go to a museum. Maybe you're going to get a lady boy. It doesn't matter. You're going to spin the wheel. Yeah. Chrissy, you know, your dick is the wheel of fortune. Yeah. Yeah. I see what happened. Yeah. My dick's name. I'm going to call my dick Pat St. Jack.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Because you just spin the wheel your spin the wheel means like you call your boys up and you go and you know what what do you want to do tonight and nobody has any good ideas you know let's just spin the wheel i mean sit down drink a few booze in the kitchen and then see what happens yeah we just see what happens and that's pretty much my life it's spinning the wheel yeah um but today's episode we want to talk about chernobyl yeah chrissy chernobyl so let me just, a fun little fact about Chernobyl. I've mentioned this before in other podcasts, but I'll say it quick. So as you know, I got super sperm.
Starting point is 00:15:12 And I've gotten a few girls pregnant. It's just what it is. And I like to go raw, dog. I'm Chrissy Chlamydia. So with that being said, there was one girl I got pregnant, and she was on birth control. And the doctors were confused as to how I could get this woman pregnant. So I go take a look at my sperm. They wanted me to donate sperm, which is fucking wild. You'd have to wank it into a cup. Um, but I did it. And then, uh, did you spin the
Starting point is 00:15:35 wheel to what you went to spawn the wheel? Yeah. Yeah. I just, I wanked it to, um, I wanked it to, uh, can you actually remember the exact thing? don't remember no i don't remember but i did used to jerk off to p90x remember p90x tony horton i used to spin the wheel and crank it to that yeah no no i didn't know that i didn't want to know that yeah well that's just the truth about me that's just look uh it's okay it's okay it's what it is i used to jerk off in when my mother would go to work to p90X It's what it is Yeah So Is that a guy? That's a guy
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah why would you do that? Cause You spinning the wheel At that age? I was just spinning the wheel Cause when I was 15 Make no mistake That's when I was spinning the wheel
Starting point is 00:16:16 It's what it is Yeah Yeah I got blown from my cousin Got fucking skull fucked By Father Bill Yeah And yeah I just used to put on
Starting point is 00:16:22 My mother's underwear But listen I spin the wheel I used to put on My mother's stockings And we should have hung out. Yeah, that's what it is. But I donated, I donated my sperm and, and they called me into the office a couple of days later and they said that I had five times the amount of sperm as a normal person, as a normal guy. And they asked me if I was born anywhere near Chernobyl. Guys, your fucking sperm is like China. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:53 They overpopulate. They asked me. Yeah. They asked me why it was, you know, they asked me like, because they were like, we haven't seen anything like this. And they said the only time they see stuff like that is from the nuclear radiation fallout around chernobyl holy fuck that's why you got weird tit it's radiation it could be a fucking weird tit cuz you're the
Starting point is 00:17:11 fucking toxic avenger cuz cuz make no mistake it is a little weird because you know my my i got two cousins who were adopted from russia and it's like maybe they fucking got the idea because my mother adopted me from russia and she don't want to tell me and i got radiation chernobyl tit maybe i'm crazy chernobyl tits yeah i mean that's a possibility except for the fact you look exactly like tony d and you're gonna fall into a flintstone yeah it's just what it is because you're shit like fred flintstone yeah that's what it is because that's maybe why you got a fucking weird tip maybe it's radiation tent yeah maybe that's why you're such a strange bird in a sick fuck because maybe it's radiation. Yeah, it could be. Yeah. Yeah, we're going to cover
Starting point is 00:17:46 Chernobyl today. It's fucking wilder than I thought and it was Chrissy D's idea and I can't believe that that level of a, what do they call it, a level seven or a level four nuclear disaster? Only two have happened. What was the other one? I don't fucking know. Japan, 2011.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Oh, Japan. Yeah, but nobody cares about that one. You're the enemy. Yeah, the enemy. Wei Shunxian, Wei Shunxian, Wei Shunxian. I'm kidding. Yeah, but nobody cares about that one. You're the enemy. Yeah, you're the enemy. Wei Shunxian, Wei Shunxian, Wei Shunxian. I'm kidding. No, but that was fucking crazy. I was in Los Angeles. And now we like the Russians because they helped Trump get elected. Yeah, so fucking thank you, Mr. Putin.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Wei Shunxian. Wei Shunxian. We're just kidding. Yeah. Cuz. Yeah. Tell us about Chernobyl. Well, Chernobyl.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah, I want to talk to you about Chernobyl. Yeah, cuz it's just real quick. It could be. Yeah, it could be. I could be fucking Chrissy Chernobyl. You also could be here for a short time like John Candy. Yeah, if you going to talk to you about Chernobyl. Yeah, because it's just real quick. It could be. Yeah, it could be. I could be fucking Chrissy Chernobyl. You also could be here for a short time like John Candy. Yeah, if you don't know. Yeah, because guess, make no mistake.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I mean, my father gambled my mother's money and I just gambled with the mothers of my daughter's classmates. So it's just what it is. You got a situation with the mother. I got a situation. So Chernobyl, it happened in april of 1986 what happened was is the ruskies they were down there because this is it happened in modern day present day ukraine but it was that part of russia back then um but it was the ukraine how old were you for that 1986 i was uh april of 86 i was i was almost i was gonna be two years old i was about a year and eight months you were
Starting point is 00:19:01 a cute fucking kid that was pre-molested. Yeah, I hadn't been molested yet. You still had a twinkle in your eye. I had a twinkle in my eye. I hadn't even had my first sexual thought about Dolly Parton yet. Cuz, you're a treat for the entire population of the American speaking world. It's what it is. Cuz, if you're from an English speaking country, you can enjoy Christy D. Cuz, make no mistake, he just speaks English. Yeah, I just and cuz yeah it's just it's just yeah so okay so april of
Starting point is 00:19:31 1986 chernobyl happened the nuclear reactor which was inside that city uh in the ukraine um they were doing some tests in number four nuclear reactor and the number four nuclear reactor shout out shout out number four nuclear reactor shout out smithtown water shout out smithtown you know what uh where the nuclear react i'm telling you when that reactor went on fire they instead of calling up all these other places i should have just made one call to smithtown water department you would have no problem yeah that's right and you can hear all about it on our podcast called ladder 14 ladder 14 fdny patreon.com slash pay rich boys've got a podcast coming out where it's just FDNY guys, Ladder 14. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Okay. So they started, they did these emergency shutdowns like that was just testing. And what happened was, is by accident, they shut off the cooling system for the nuclear reactor and didn't realize it. So it's like a big, big, big mistake, which make no mistake. The Russian government has the names of the two people that allegedly did it. realize it so it's like a big big big mistake which make no mistake the russian government has the names of the two people that act that allegedly did it but the two people that actually did it were fucking killed by the russian government it's just it's just ksos s lo ks s lo ks it's my shish yeah whatever the russian fucking cuz i know we don't have the
Starting point is 00:20:39 way sean cheating but i know we don't have zach but let's be honest but we do got fucking cute west elm chairs cute west elm chairs that fucking spin around. You can sit your ass on them and spin the wheel. Because those fucking chairs are kind of cute. It's what it is. I want to bang my daughter's teachers. Way Sean Sheehan. Because, yeah, so how many people fucking died as a result of this?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Well, initially, only two people. Before we get to that, how did it spread like what happens here okay so what happened was is okay okay so the nuclear reactor the nuclear the core of the nuclear reactor actually melted and exploded and shot radiation particles into the air which make no mistake will still be in the air for about another 3 000 years they'll still be in the air you can't even live in ternoble it's uninhabitable until at least 2065 and uh the particles that that shot out into into the air have reached as far as they're gonna go uh i think they're as could be as far as saturn right now saturn yeah you mean the other you mean the particles shot out through the air
Starting point is 00:21:46 the explosion was outer space and they're in outer space fucking wild wild yeah but it didn't make it to uh america because god put the atlantic ocean between us and europe yeah that's the thing i mean you could get particles out as far as saturn but you're not going to get past the atlantic ocean because make no mistake jesus christ put that there himself to protect the united states and the boys so there's two cities that fucking had to be evacuated right trinobel and pripyat pripyat yeah right and those are fucking they're still abandoned today but how come they do tour they do tours there because if you want to have tour guides with like radiation detectors yeah with the dosometers they're called they have that so you got to wear masks and you know sign all these waivers and i think you can
Starting point is 00:22:24 inject yourself with i think it's iodine if you take iodine pills or have iodine running through your system i think it it limits the um effects of the nuclear radiation because radio acute radiation poisoning i mean what that shit does to you is let me just fucking paint a picture here yeah so what it does is it gets into your system right and it starts to you, first you just get a couple of rashes on your skin, right? And it's like, no big deal. It's just a little itchy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And then what it starts to do is it starts to, the radiation starts to have chemical reactions with the cells, with the actual cellular level of your skin and your arteries and your veins. And it starts to expand them to the point where your entire body inside and outside becomes a pus bubble. Like it's filled with pus. Your body thinks it's got infection all over its body and it starts releasing pus. And then the most, the scariest part of the whole thing is of course you're going to die. For about two days before you actually start the like true death process, it goes into remission for some unknown reason. It just goes to remission and people think that they're okay. And they're up, they're out of bed, they're walking, they
Starting point is 00:23:29 could be doing jumping jacks, smoking cigarettes. And then it starts to get real bad real quick. So much to the point, this is the most brutal part with acute radiation poisoning, your arteries and veins open up to such a degree because of the cellular destruction that's happening. Mor morphine can't be administered the morphine comes right out of your pores so you have to feel every ounce of it oh my god and then you just shoot that person in the head that's what they started to do physical therapy is not going to do a damn thing yeah it's not going to do anything for that okay you're not going to get a prescription to doc going hey yeah yeah christopher stephano and on his friends yeah
Starting point is 00:24:02 it's the only it's the only thing it's the only thing unfortunately an oregano pill will not cure paulie gas paulie gassy will fucking debate that to the day he dies he would say that oregano pills is the thing that only thing that control nuclear radiation poisoning but i disagree yeah they fucking they the soviet union this was the ussr at the time and so chernobyl's in the ukraine Yeah, it's in the Ukraine. But I think at that point it was Russian owned. I don't think Ukraine had their independence yet. It was USSR. Ukraine. Shout out to Asghar Abayul. It's my favorite figure skater. Yeah. How do you know who she is? Because when I was a kid in the early 90s, I used to watch figure skating a lot with my Aunt Janet and my Aunt Anne-Marie. And my favorite figure skaters were Asghar Abayul, Katerina Viet, Favorite figure skaters were Ascana Bayou, Katerina Witt, Christina Yamaguchi,
Starting point is 00:24:51 Christy Yamaguchi, Nancy Kerrigan, Tanya Harding, Brian Boitano for the men, Scott Hamilton. I loved all those guys. Those are my friends. Guys, supposedly the total number of casualties from the Chernobyl disaster were approximately 14 radiation-induced cancer deaths. 114 radiation induced cancer deaths. And then there was 134 hospitalized survivors who died within the next 10 years. And an excess of 15 childhood thyroid cancer deaths were documented as of 2011. But make no mistake, right? It's predicted to be in the thousands because the wind carried the radioactive particles to France and to all these parts. As far as Sweden, actually. I mean, kids were drinking milk in parts of France and the UK and getting thyroid cancer.
Starting point is 00:25:28 So, I mean, it's just fucking brutal what happened in the Russian government kind of swept the whole thing under the rug, which is just what Russians do. And it's kind of brutal. But yeah, it was it's one of those things where like now, just now, do they have an actual concrete dome over the reactor? But I mean that took about 10 years to do it. So radiation particles were just spewing into the atmosphere for really like an undetermined amount of time. This is like the Russians' Pompeii or 9-11.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yeah, but it's even worse because some of the – I read an article that said people suffering allergies in new york city today could be a direct result of chernobyl like that's it that's how much like even the russian governments and the un are downplaying the damage of it like it's it's a lot bigger deal than you think maybe that's why a lot of people have cancer everywhere right yeah like why cancer's on the rise is because of this that's fucking nuts like russia should just be wiped off the map for this yeah but you'd have to wipe them off the only problem is you have to give them more radiation yeah so how do you wipe them off them i don't know yeah i mean the russians are just used to tragedy and death they don't care dude they don't even know how to smile they have no idea how to smile it was it was classified as a level seven event like i said before that yeah what does that mean it's uh this is one of the two
Starting point is 00:26:45 level seven uh nuclear energy accidents that happened the other one was um fukushima in japan in 2011 yeah so that's what happened so it's fucking wild cuz cuz. Yeah. It was called the Lenin Nuclear Power Plant. Yeah. I'm watching right now on HBO the show Chernobyl, and it's actually one of the most haunting, horrifying shows you'll ever see in your life. There's no ghosts or ghouls or fucking scary music or anything like that. Like, for example, the first day, the Russian government for 10 days didn't tell the surrounding cities to evacuate or that there was even a problem. They were lying to the media saying it was under control when in fact it was the most out of control it could be. I mean, people were bursting into pus bubbles and dying just from the cleanup, like the firefighters, because the initial explosion only killed two
Starting point is 00:27:40 people. But then every single firefighter that was involved in the cleanup died within a week. Animals were dying left and right, but they were telling the kids were going to school so the kids so when this radiate what happened is when when the radiation shot into the air it mixes with the wind and it actually looks like snow and the russian the government in effort to not scare the kids of chernobyl they told them go play play in the snow. You can play in the snow. That's fucking wild. Which is wild. So these kids were opening up their mouths and catching radiation particles like snowflakes on their tongues. Those kids aren't with us anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:12 They're probably all died of cancer. And then even if they survived, the radiation stayed with them and the children that they've had and the children born in those times are born with all radiation problems. That's fucking wild. 60% of the fallout landed in Belarus. Yeah, Belarus. I don't even know where Belarus is. I think it's, well, probably. Is that where the kid that fought McGregor's from? Might be from there, yeah. Oh, I thought he was a Bible study fan.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Yeah, wherever, all those countries are just enemies of the state, so let's just call them enemies. Yeah, that's just, well, let's just call them enemy country number whatever. Yeah. Yeah, so 36 hours after the accident, they finally established an exclusion zone and they started evacuating people.
Starting point is 00:28:50 They evacuated 49,000 people from Pripyat. Yeah. Which was the nearest large. Make no mistake, these were like small cities. Yeah. It would be like
Starting point is 00:28:57 if you had to evacuate Philadelphia. It's a big deal. It's fucking wild, right? Big deal. And the Russian government wouldn't do it because they were like, you know, they have a lot of pride and they wanted to, you know, appear as if they have everything under control. But like I said, everything was out of control. And this actually
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yanni figured this out. This actually led one of the big catalyst events to the breaking up of the USSR. Yeah. Well, the glasnost, which we'll do another episode about, but, you know, because the nuclear power plant and the USSR's energy programs or whatever was so secretive, this led to the openness that Gorbachev started to initiate in the breaking up of the USSR because this was a fucking huge
Starting point is 00:29:38 tragedy and seen as a big disaster and big failure on a part of the USSR government. This was worse than Rocky winning. Oh my God. Yeah, when Dra government. Now, this is worse than Rocky winning. Oh, my God. Yeah. When Drago went down, this is up there with Drago going down. Now, this is a stupid question.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yeah. But do you think Rocky drank a lot of water? I think he drank a little beer. Do you think that the U.S., that nuclear power plants, are their only purpose to make nukes? I mean, what are they doing? They give energy. You can use it as energy. Yeah, but so, like, should we not have them around so much?
Starting point is 00:30:11 Because I'm not a fucking scientist. I don't even know how to make a turkey sandwich. Yeah, I don't, yeah. Because we're a couple of kids that don't even know how to fix a faucet. Let's just keep talking. We've got a situation with the mother. We're recording the podcast on my phone, but I'm also texting the dude. Yeah, it's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:30:26 The kid can do multiple things at multiple times. Yeah. So anyway, this fucking, this was a big, eventually they had to evacuate Chernobyl. Make no mistake, Chernobyl was a beautiful, small city of about, they had to evacuate. They ended up evacuating 68 68000 people from Chernobyl. So that's 49000 people got evacuated from Pripyat and 68000 people from Chernobyl itself had to be fucking evacuated. So it's estimated that because of Chernobyl, there was about 350,000 resettled people.
Starting point is 00:31:02 So that's like a fucking war. That's like war refugees, guys. Yeah, I mean, you know, and the thing is... That's enough people to destabilize Europe and elect a lot of right-wing fucking prime ministers. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Unfortunately, you know, if that was happening, if there was no Atlantic Ocean to protect us and some of those refugees wanted to come here, it'd be no problem. Just got to show me papers.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah, I don't know much about how nuclear power works, but I know it has something to do with fission reactors. Yeah, and I don't know... I don't know what that means. I don't know what it means, but I do know that my father has anal fissures. And that's his true thing. I mean, he would, you know, just have, he would suffer from
Starting point is 00:31:35 anal fissures and you can't even sit on the ball. Yeah. I mean, he's just a gross guy to look at, but it's what it is. He looks like Fred Flintstone. Yeah. And there's nothing wrong about that. Yeah, and I got deep anger towards him. Okay, go ahead. Yeah, but it's in a very Irish way. It's what it is. He looks like Fred Flintstone. Yeah. There's nothing wrong about that. Yeah, and I got deep anger towards him. Okay, go ahead. Yeah, but it's in a very Irish way. It's buried somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:31:50 You'll take it out on somebody else. Yeah. Who says that fucking vitamins are just placebo. Yeah, somebody will just get a fucking left hook and it'll be clean. That's just what it is. That's what Irish do. They just, they push it down and displace it someplace else. Yeah, it's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Well, actually, I think the Irish hurt themselves more, whereas the Germans it down and displace it someplace else yeah it's just what it is well actually i think the irish hurt themselves more whereas the germans take it out and put it someplace else so you got a combination of both because you're a german irish kid with a little sicilian mixed in just a little topping the sicilian like a little pepper splash of sicilian but you're mostly a fucking snow monkey yes because i don't know how fucking nuclear reactors work or what they do all i know is that it's wild to me that people actually take tours of sri noble and they say it's spooky as shit because it's literally a ghost town people just got up and left once they were told how dangerous it was they didn't take shit with them they They just fled. So everything was left in 1986 exactly as people were living.
Starting point is 00:32:49 They just had to flee immediately. Would you go to visit it or you wouldn't do it? No, cuz, I wouldn't. Would you? Yeah, I mean, it just depends, you know? It depends because I'm a kid who likes an adventure.
Starting point is 00:33:00 As long as you can put it on your credit card, you do it. Yeah, as long as I can put it on my credit card, $19,000 bill for Amex. And as long as there's a boxing on your credit card you do it yeah as long as i can put on my credit card nineteen thousand dollar bill for amex um i uh and as long as there's a boxing gym near by where i could throw hands i'd do it yeah as long as you can move puerto rican's into international waters yeah the russians love the russians love to throw hands they do love to throw hands and they just don't feel pain that often they're just not kids you want to fuck with
Starting point is 00:33:21 because i'm a kid who's really in the mood right now for a mini muffin. Yeah, I'm a kid who's really in the mood for a blue moon. I'm a drinker now. You want to drive a drink and you have to do it? I'd love a blue moon. Don't you have any Carlsbergs in here? Yeah, I do got a couple of Carlsbergs. Because make no mistake, we were out, me, you, your wife, and Hey Bert. We were out yesterday.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And let me just say this. wife and hebert we were out um yesterday and let me just say this hey bert for about two hours had one of his sneakers that was not fully on and he did not he did not remedy it yeah i gotta be until i said i gotta be 100 honest with you we were with heybert for eight hours and i don't remember one thing he said or did because but is that a sign of like someone who's a little got a problem yeah like why would you not fix your sneaker over the course of two hours? Mr. James Madden is truly like one of my best friends. And I fucking love that kid. But he needs to be in front of school.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Like you can't imagine. But from the back when when Brittany was walking and talking with him and he was they were ahead of me. It did look like Brittany's a special ed teacher and she was just walking with one of her students. Yeah. I mean, his headphones are too big. But you know what? He fucking he enjoys his life. And I fucking appreciate that about Mr. James Madden. He's the best.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I love James. And the best part about him is he's not sensitive at all. And he knows how to go with a good joke. Yeah, let's just do it on three. One, two, three. Hey, Bert. Hey, Bert. Hey, Bert.
Starting point is 00:34:43 You know what's wild about Chernobyl? What? That because the people have evacuated, it's sort of like the opposite of what's happened in the rest of the world. Because in the rest of the world, obviously, mankind's population has continued to increase. So we've continuously encroached on other animals' habitats. Right. But in Chernobyl and Pripyat, those two places, since we fled,
Starting point is 00:35:07 guess what's moved in? Animals? Yeah! Ew! Yeah, and they're thriving. So all these abandoned buildings and fucking shopping malls and athletic facilities and all the stuff
Starting point is 00:35:19 that used to make up the town of Pripyat and Chernobyl is now fucking full of stray dogs, wolves, giraffes, and bears. Oh, wow. So you want to go there because you're a fucking kid. There's two things that I know about you and I know them well. I'm a fat faggot. You're a fat faggot, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:34 No, but you're an FF. No, you're a kid. You love animals. And when that sun is shining that's above 80 degrees, you are prancing around looking for a good brunch spot. Those are the two things I know about you. Because you're a prancer and i also i really am a kid who just really appreciates how fucking open your kitchen is yeah you like my open kitchen we can have a dance party in it cuz let's do it i'm gonna name my kitchen mateo yeah yes i miss mateo yeah it's fucking
Starting point is 00:36:01 wild what happened over there yeah it is i mean it's like, go watch the show and obviously do your own research on it. But I mean, the things that we've learned, I mean, it's just so fucking wild. It wasn't until May 6th that the authorities decided to close the schools in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. So, I mean, you have to understand how fucking wild that is. I mean, these children were going to school, breathing in, this is the number, just so we know. This is going to blow your fucking mind. Breathing in radiation that was released at 100 times more radiation than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That's crazy. 100 times more, and the atomic bombs dropped on hiroshima and nakasaki
Starting point is 00:36:46 that's crazy 100 times more and they were sending the children to school that's crazy it's fucking wild that's insane to me yeah and while we're on it i'd like to say that we have an absolute cute new sponsor that we're brought to you by okay and that sponsor is called lakeside maple and they specialize in trail mix baked with pure maple syrup, cuz. So it's fucking delish. It's healthy. And it's cute. They got three different flavors.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Original, ginger chai. You want to stick that in your ass. Spicy. That's what I want in my ass. It makes a great snack if you're on the go in your car or at work. And it's something great to sprinkle into your yogurt or your salads they also make a trail mix butter which is a combination of almonds and sunflower seeds baked with pure maple syrup and freshly grounded to butter everything is
Starting point is 00:37:36 made by hand in small batches by fucking non-tuts so that means the people who make that are members of our Patreon page. It's what it is. Use the code WILD, W-I-L-D, at the checkout on their website to get a 15% off discount. It's lakesidemapl.com. So go to lakesidemapl.com. You can follow them on Instagram, Lakeside Maple. Go ahead, put the promo code WILD. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:05 By the way, that's the last $100. We're now going up to $500. There's going to be a new fucking tier. So congratulations to the ones who got in on the ground level. You're going to be grandfathered in. But make no mistake, we just got a little bit more screwed in because my name is Phillips Head Pappas. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:24 So, yeah. So, I mean, Chernobyl, you know, it's truly fucking wild. Yeah Yeah So Yeah so I mean Chernobyl You know it's truly fucking wild Like truly And it was just so fascinating to me We're doing the podcast today From my apartment so we don't have any of the Patreon names and probably a few of the sponsors
Starting point is 00:38:40 Were just going to forget Or say the wrong thing so How do you want to do this? Do we have even a list of the Patreon numbers? I mean, Mike Mush sent it to us, but the truth of the situation is I'm just, you know, we're doing it from our phones, and we need to just get a little bit better. Because it's Memorial Day weekend,
Starting point is 00:38:56 and we were really just celebrating the boys yesterday. Yeah, we're celebrating the boys. And guess what? We're going to have a very talented comedian as our next guest. We'll be Bill Burr, where we can line up. He's shooting a movie in New York, and he has agreed to be on our podcast, and that's going to be a fun episode as well, cuz. Yeah, it's going to be good time.
Starting point is 00:39:14 As soon as we get him on, that's going to be fucking good. Well, you know, while we're searching for the Patreon members, I'll just say quickly that, as you know, we are also fucking brought to you by um a healthy happy smile cuz you know who that is it's dr harvey spencer jr um and he's got a healthy happy smile if you want to get your teeth cracked open and cleaned out um what's the website do you remember i just go down to fucking rock hill south carolina and just say where's the black dentist's office yeah and then where's his teeth where i'm looking for my i I want to get my teeth cleaned. I want to get them cracked open and cleaned up by him or his wife, who's a piece.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah, you can go to a healthy, happy smile dot com and check them out. And he will crack your teeth open, clean them out from leaving South Carolina. Go follow him on Instagram to go follow them. It's happy. Their Instagram is what is it? Happy. Fuck. It's a healthy smile.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Rock Hill. Yeah. Healthy smile. Rock Hill. Yeah. Yeah. And as always, Vodora Rajpaska, the Berlin comedian, live from the sandbox.com for all his dates.
Starting point is 00:40:22 He's going to be open for me at the Soho Theater in London, June 24th, 25th. Come see Vidura Rajapakka livefromthesandbox.com. Because is he really, is you guys really going to link up? No, I mean, I'm just, if you listen to the podcast, I'm telling them, you know, to just come. Yeah, I mean, Vidura, listen, you just show up there because Chrissy's not going to fucking remember. And you're a wild looking kid, Fedora. The kid looks like he's been living off the lam for the last 40 years. Yeah, cuz. Okay, so
Starting point is 00:40:50 unfortunately, what I got to do now is you got to keep talking because I got to move my clothes out from the dryer. You go down. You go down. You put your quarters. You're Chrissy quarters. I got to fucking electronically get my fucking self down from the couch. Yeah, you do that. You do that right now.
Starting point is 00:41:06 We're also brought to you by our fucking boys who live out there on the island. You know who it is. 9th Street Auto Collision. Did you know I was going to bring my wife's car to 9th Street Auto Collision and he was going to open up the shop on Memorial Day for me. That's how much he loves his three hyenas.
Starting point is 00:41:21 What happened to your wife's car? Me and my father-in-law got banged up on brews And I couldn't drive Yeah So I was out on the island and I was just a drinking kid this weekend I'm bloated, I put on 10 pounds, I'm a fat fuck Alright, I'll be right back Okay, go get your laundry
Starting point is 00:41:35 So we're brought to you by 9th Street Auto Collision They're out there on the island, Long Island As you know, they're 133 west hills road in huntington station new york by the way huntington long island is super cute super super cute i would say it's actually my favorite town in long island because it has cute freaking trendy restaurants and delicious food i actually uh went out there this weekend. My wife obviously is from the area and we had a little hibachi with her and her brother. It was a lot of fun. Shout out to whatever the hibachi restaurant is in Huntington, Long Island. But let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Ninth Street Auto Collision is a family business, guys. They've been doing this for 20 years. They do not play games. They're the best in the business in that area. And I've heard that from no people, but I'm just assuming if they listen to our podcast and their fans, Yanni P and Chrissy D, they got to be the best because they do great body work and they give everyone a deal. That's just slogan. Remember that they're going to trim a little bit off the top for whoever you are, you're going to get a slice. So they also work with all insurance companies and they do towing too. Make sure you take down their number and you store it in your phone. If you live out on the Island, I'm not even kidding. Just tell them you're a fucking history hyenas fan and they're going to give you something off the top. Seriously. We love it when fans meet other fans
Starting point is 00:42:59 and when fans support each other's business. So give them a call. Put this number in your phone right now. 631-351-5300. I've already memorized it because we read it every week. So 631-351-5300. Go out there if you live on the island and deal with 9th Street Auto Collision and they will fucking take care of you. Now, who else do we got? I mean, I just don't know at this point because, um, we, uh, you know, we're just, we're just always in crisis. So we are figuring out our list. Yeah. Chris's washing machines going on. And, you know, Zach has a weird email address. So when I try to search the emails, it's hard for me to find because his email address.
Starting point is 00:43:52 By the way, send your Patreon draft videos to Zach. That's what we should have done. So let's just handle that business now. So Zach, what the fuck? What's your fucking email address? God damn it. Send them to, um, ZAC. Send them to The Real Picks. That's The Real E. This is how you spell it. T-H-E-R-E-A-L-E-P-I-X-Z-29 at gmail.com. I mean, could that be a harder email address to give out or remember?
Starting point is 00:44:43 So it's the real pics, but real with an E. So T, so you're ready? This is the email address to give out or remember. So it's the real picks, but real with an E. So T, so you're ready. This is the email address. T-H-E-R-E-A-L-E-P-I-X-Z-29 at gmail.com. Send your Patreon draft videos to that email address, and we will play them on the cast. We will get back to the Patreon draft. Look, we are history hyenas. We're going to get this all together. We're going to get organized. Once we get our goddamn intern going, forget about it.
Starting point is 00:45:15 But you got to understand, we're growing so fast that we're going to get a little overwhelmed until we get the right person in place to fix this thing. Yeah, so let me just be crystal clear with you guys. I know that there's been some problems. You know, some of the people say, I pay $5 a month, I pay $1 a month, you don't say my name on the pie, blah, blah, blah. We're human beings, we make fucking mistakes. It's not that big of a fucking deal, okay?
Starting point is 00:45:35 We'll get to you. We'll get to you. Stop fucking complaining, okay? We're trying to give you the best content we can. We're having a fucking ball. Hopefully you guys are having a ball. You know, we live in this society where everyone's got to be a victim. You're not a fucking ball hopefully you guys are having a ball you know we live in this society where everyone's got to be a victim you're not a fucking victim
Starting point is 00:45:46 because you paid a dollar or five dollars if somebody read out your fucking name yeah and listen if you keep fucking opening your mouth you may get a german flag comment on your post what it is yeah and somebody's gonna tell you that he will beat the fuck out of him he's had a couple bruises and he's presently at shea stadium looking at his phone it's what it is And if you're one of our female members and you post pictures of yourselves in bathing suits, then just expect our hyena patron members or other members of the podcast to say you're going to get cracked open and cleaned out. It's just what it is. S-Low-K-S. Do we have a list anywhere or are we just going to have to do it next week? We're just going to have to do it next week because make no mistake, I got to pick up the baby right now.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Yeah. So it's time to pick up the baby. And what's Mike's email address? Mike's address it's what is it um fucking humpty dumpty at i'm a mexican.com yeah is it emoji face.org it's emoji face.it's it's it's because we're surrounded by franks and beans yeah it's just pick me up and throw me back over the wall at gmail.com. Yeah. Emoji face. I don't know because I don't even know if we got all the sponsors, but at least we got the new one, Lakeside Maple. If you're a sponsor and you haven't got read this week, we're going to get you next week.
Starting point is 00:46:59 So just relax. OK, we're going to get you. You're supporting us. By the way, go to Patreon dot com slash Bay Ridge boys for all bonus episodes. There's tons of them up there. Interview episodes. Stop being such a bitch. We're going to get this all worked out. We understand you guys are a little frustrated. Remember, you were also members on Patreon to support us. So, you know, just so we're things have been a little behind recently. Doesn't mean we're not going to catch up and we're on the couch right now giving you a fucking episode even though it was Memorial Day yesterday.
Starting point is 00:47:32 And this is kind of a fucking treasonous act for us to be working the day after Memorial Day. Yeah, we should just be fucking taking the day off to remember that the boys can't be stopped and all our enemy. Because listen, I know we're remembering, I know today's Memorial Day, we're remembering the men and women who lost their lives protecting our country and protecting our freedom, which we thank you so much for your service for that. But you got to understand, there's a fucking lot more of our enemies who fucking the boys took out.
Starting point is 00:47:57 So you could have Memorial Day every single day for the next 10,000 years for all the fucking, to remember all the fucking enemy soldiers that the boys took out it's just something that's that that's the way the cookie crumbles so cookie has crumbled cuz now we're gonna stop this podcast right now because i gotta take a shower yeah it's just what it is and i can't find okay wait hold on maybe how long do we get well we're 45 minutes in that's a good fucking episode that's that's a good episode let me let me just see his last name is was it mike swarthy or mike suarez what's his? I think it's Swarthy. Yeah. Mike Suarez. Yeah. Suarez. Hold on. Where is this? I mean, this kid is such. I mean, where the fuck? Oh, here we go. Michael Suarez. Oh, here we go. I got it. There we go. New patron and proposed schedule for reads. Here we go. OK. OK, so here we go. So we got Ryan Cassidy. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Brianna Kazat. Wow. She sounds like she's from Chernobyl. George Smith. Paul Martinez. Yeah. Adam. Eli True Blue Patriot Simmons.
Starting point is 00:48:57 That's two screwed in kids back to back. Eli Shall Cross. Another Eli. Three kids. AJ Not a Sauce Monkey, but the tens in cash. PPW. Yeah. kids aj not a sauce monkey but the tens and cash ppw yeah yeah that's not even a nominee he gets the award yeah dan lebazi yeah how you doing daddy miles whitney houston t2 texter ppw nominee but so not a sauce monkey but the tens and Tenzin Cash wins. Tenzin Cash. Krista Heflin. Yeah. Leslie Terry.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Hi, Leslie. Jeremy Parent. Yeah. EJ10314. We got a fucking cyborg. Adam Questel. What's up, Adam? Francesca DiCaldo. You sound like a... DiCataldo. DiCataldo. You sound like my way. But make no mistake, if you put a little too much cock in the sauce, you'll get Dicaldo. You sound like a – Dicaldo. Yeah. Dicaldo. You sound like my – Yeah, it sounds like –
Starting point is 00:49:45 But make no mistake. If you put a little too much cock in the source, you'll get disciplined. You will be adjusted and corrected. Kelly Choi. Oh, yeah. A little – Eastern heavy. An Eastern heavy on Memorial Day.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I'll let it pass. Yeah. All right. So thank you guys so much. Is that it? Yeah. Did we call Chad – Oh, all right. So thank you guys so much. Is that it? Yeah. Did we call Chad? Oh, this guy. Who's Chad Gelb?
Starting point is 00:50:10 He sounds like he's from... Do you know Chad Gelb? That's my friend. Oh, that's Chad Gelb. Yeah, he wants us to promote his business, but he hasn't sent us any copy. Yeah, well, you got to spend the money, Chad. A CPD script. We forgot about CBD script. Yeah, just hold the phone and make some noises into it
Starting point is 00:50:27 And I'll pull them up I'm texting dudes Hopefully you guys like this episode Run on the Patreon wall if you fucking like this episode or not Because, you know, we're just trying to fucking make everything better If we can But yeah, I mean, there was way too much salt on the slices from grandma's And I just feel like a truck just hit me
Starting point is 00:50:42 What was their email address Against CBD script? CBD script? I don't know was it was it just cbd no no what was their um uh what was their website yeah i don't know um i don't find it we got to do it now because we're fucking them up well uh fuck should they just google cbd scripts at least i want to get that going well you're putting cpd scripts you fucking yanni sundown i got one eye and i'm an inbred and we know that greeks are inbred you are an ff what is their fucking company name cd script is it cbd script is it script it's script s-c-r-i-p cbd alls long island is this it cbd script.com cbdscrip.com i don't know now you're plugging somebody who may be someone different that doesn't have hemp on the page sour gummies
Starting point is 00:51:35 that's down yeah yeah so go to cbd script cbdscrip.com uh for fucking all cbds and gummies and it's just it's just good. And I remember the only thing you need to know about them is that fucking their CBDs all natural. It's got no fumes. Just go. You get a 50 percent discount with some promo code that I can't remember. It's got no fumes like a Scandi. Like a Scandi.
Starting point is 00:51:58 And there's a promo code. I think it's history hyenas. Yeah. Thank you guys so much for your service. We're out of here. αžŸαŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž”αŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž”αŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž” Outro Music

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