History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 80 - Medger Evers was WILD!

Episode Date: July 21, 2019

Chris is out of town again and so Yannis brings back Hyena Sergio Chicon to discuss Medgar Evers and get a surprise visit from Nora's Cupcake Company! The most unknown and under appreciated father of ...the civil rights movement. How he was wickedly gunned down by evil but inspired the most famous civil rights leaders in American History! Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? I can't hear myself in the microphones, but I trust and have faith that you can hear me because we are a really on the fly, in I trust and have faith that you can hear me because we are a really on the fly, in the moment podcast. Welcome to History Hyenas with Freddy Fettich's peanut head papas.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And we got the king of throwing hands back again. Everyone's favorite honorary Bay Ridge boy, even though he's from the L.E.S. Give it up for Sergio Chacon. Welcome back, man. Thanks for having me, man.
Starting point is 00:01:11 We got Mojiface here and, of course, we got Scrabblefingers Isis. Mojiface just ran out and he's taking business calls right before we do the cast. What's going on? That's the studio-related stuff. Oh, okay. We thought you were doing big deals. You walked away like, hey, I got a Hollywood meeting I got to do real cast. What's going on? That's just studio related stuff. Oh, okay. We thought we'd get you doing big deals. You walked away like, hey, I got a Hollywood meeting
Starting point is 00:01:27 I gotta do real quick. You guys can start without me because this podcast I'm going to be leaving in a couple seconds anyway. We have someone coming in at 315. Yeah, I'm just making jokes, EmojiFace. I know. EmojiFace will be opening up for me in San Antonio this weekend. Yes. If you're watching
Starting point is 00:01:43 on Sunday, it's too late. But if you're watching on Thursday when the comes out, you have two days. You have two days to get your tickets to Chris DiStefano's favorite club, Laugh Out Loud. Have you been there before? No, but he said in the podcast, he was like, I'm never going back there. Yo, it's dirtbag hot
Starting point is 00:02:00 over there. What do you mean? It's dirtbag hot. You're going in the end of July. Yeah. Texas is hot right now. It should be hot right now. It's a different sort of heat, like 125. It feels like that in your balls, though. It does. You know what? I went in August last time around
Starting point is 00:02:16 and that shit was like 120. It's like 98 right now. My balls feel like they're in Texas right now. Yeah. It's 95 degrees right now. You know, I've never been to Texas. People walk around with cowboy hats and like, yeah, you'll get some of that shit. Yeah. Do people walk around just
Starting point is 00:02:31 open carry AR-15s? Because I'm interested to see that. It's hard to find, but you can in some places there's someone doing that. Are there guys with guns on their belts just out, just on the outside of their jeans? Some places. Is somebody going to call me partner when I order a coffee? with guns on their belts, just out, just on the outside of their jeans? Some places. Is somebody going to call me
Starting point is 00:02:47 partner when I order a coffee? Can I get a coffee? And they're like, sure you can, partner. Not if you go to Starbucks. Am I going to see anybody chase Indians? Yes, but not the feather kind. The other kind. Okay, yeah. I mean, I've never been to Texas, so all I know is Texas stereotypes.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yo, mass stereotypes. Happy with the stereotypes. I know. Yo, am I've never been to Texas, so all I know is Texas stereotypes. Yo, mad stereotypes. Happy with the stereotypes. Dirtbag. I know. Yo, am I going to see some Mexicans in sombreros? You'll definitely see some fucking hot Latinas. Some fucking hot Latinas. Oh, God, I was in San Antonio, Charles. Let me fucking tell you. The fucking Mexican Latinas down there.
Starting point is 00:03:23 So fucking hot. Oh, mucho caliente. I saw some dirtbag shit in San Antonio. I went there three times over with Chris, but San Antonio was definitely dirtbag. A waitress, who I thought was just bloated, you know, maybe drinks Hennessy with no ice
Starting point is 00:03:38 every other night, whatever. I'm not judging her figure. She was pregnant. Smoking a stoke. Busting me down. I was like, man, a stoke. Busting me down. I said, may I have a cigarette? I'll bust you down, puppy. Oh my, yeah. You know what? Because I'm an anxious dude, I took that
Starting point is 00:03:53 bust down. She was wet and cold in the lip. But that's not unique to San Antonio, is it? You can find that in Springfield, Massachusetts. Yeah, I just haven't seen it in a long time. I ever tell you the story about when a friend of mine's cousin
Starting point is 00:04:07 punched a stripper I think I would remember that story I don't think so yeah so Springfield, Massachusetts Springfield is dirtbag too dirtbag
Starting point is 00:04:18 yo it's actually very similar to San Antonio in the feel really the club itself too cause we played at the MGM high ass ceilings, very like intimate. You guys get me very excited to go to San Antonio.
Starting point is 00:04:29 You're going to have fun. Oh my God. I like it better than Springfield. What's the hotel like? Is it just a holiday inn or something? What the fuck was the hotel? I think I'm going to have a full fledged panic attack. I don't want to go now. No, no, you're going to be fine. I found the audience to be mad cool, but then again, I was only doing 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:04:46 You got to do a whole hour. That's two audience to be mad cool. But then again, I was only doing 50 minutes! You gotta do a whole hour! That's two episodes of Seinfeld! That's a long time! Is it really that dirtbag, Mike? San Antonio? Yeah, no, yeah, the club. No, I mean, there's worse clubs out there. They put you up nice at the very least. But the area's a little
Starting point is 00:05:02 hood? Is that what's up? No, it's not really that hood. No, but... It's just a little grit. You can get some grit. It's off the highway. That's why. Yeah. So it's not like out here, you're not going to see people doing heroin or anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyway, this is what happened. I was telling
Starting point is 00:05:17 when you walked out, you take another business call. I know you're telling us it's Nora Cupcakes, but I feel like you got a big deal on the table right now. Cupcakes are a big deal. Chris is not here because he's in Nantucket. I think he's doing shows. I don't know what he's doing out there, but he's definitely drinking and posting stories.
Starting point is 00:05:34 He's burnt out there because his stories are mad shaky. His face is red. He's red on one side. He was laying on the beach like a seal. He's burnt on one side. Yeah, and he was laying on the beach, like a seal, just like he's burnt on one side. Yeah. And he sent me a photo of him without his socks and shoes off.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So, you know, we're really screwed in kids right now. I may post that on the Patreon. What a week on patreon.com slash Bay Ridge boys. We are giving you the goods. How many good behind the scenes things did you get this week? So many compliments.
Starting point is 00:06:05 People were saying how much they loved it. That's where the goods are. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. So we're going back to like 2003, four right now. My one of my good friends from college is from Springfield, Massachusetts. Springfield. It's called the city homes. A lot of wraparound porches.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I think that's where Smith and Weston's from. That's not what the episode's about. Smith and Weston, the gun That's not what the episode's about. Wait, Smith and Weston, the gun. Yeah, the gun company. I'm so new. Smith and Weston, the rap group. Yo, that's where Blue Moon's from. Blue Moon! Yo, first of all, that was the most
Starting point is 00:06:35 ghetto Puerto Rican shit I could say. And same Blue Moon, but why this shit? You can say. What were they called? Black Moon. Black Moon was, yeah, Smith and Weston was an extension of Black Moon rap group. BK, Best Style, Nordstrom Nav, that shit. I was a fan of Black Moon. I was a fan of Smith and Wesson.
Starting point is 00:06:52 But that just shows you how much older I am right now. They called them Blue Moon. Because that means I've just been drinking Blue Moon. Watching soccer and tennis. Yeah, watching soccer and tennis. I'm living in a real white world right now. Yas. Do you want to meet for margaritas,
Starting point is 00:07:12 Lina? Yo, how much do white girls love half-priced margaritas at Mexican restaurants after work? And guac. Yeah. Can I get some guac over here? It's so good. And let's go get some margaritas. Thank you. So good. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Thank you. So anyway. So good. So fucking good. Don't say fucking. This is so good. So good. So good. You train so many girls who like fucking go to Mexican restaurants after work. They're like, okay, what are we doing today, Stace? Let's go meet
Starting point is 00:07:44 I just ditched work. Let's just ditch work tomorrow and go to Bryant Park and then let's just tell Sergio we're sick because we don't want to ditch but it's going to cost you however expensive Serge is and then I sent him an Instagram story ditch boxing for Taco
Starting point is 00:08:00 Tuesdays do you still get paid if they cancel hell yeah but that's your time right there for Taco Tuesdays. Yeah. Do you still get paid if they cancel? Hell yeah. That's your time right there. That's my time. But I'm not going to be hardcore if it's like a regular. But the thing is,
Starting point is 00:08:12 is prepping yourself for things like that. So if I have a new person I'm working with, I let them know that if you cancel less than 24 hours, I get to charge you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:20 So it's like letting them know ahead of time because you just surprise them out of nowhere and they decide to fucking go out on Taco Tuesdays. Yeah. And then you're like, I got to charge you. So it's like letting them know ahead of time. Because you just surprise them out of nowhere and they decide to fucking go out on Taco Tuesdays. And then you're like, I got to charge you for that. Oh, I wasn't aware. I was really sick. We talked about this.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And I do it on text. Yeah, and they don't care anyway. They're just like, whatever. No, it's just communication. Make sure that's strong. Now, Venetia, would you charge Venetia? Venetia? Well, Venetia does would you charge Venetia? Venetia? First of all, Venetia does classes. She doesn't do, but Venetia is my home girl.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I like Venetia. I like her energy. She's, yo, when I'm on, when I'm working with a class, there'll be like 15 to 20 people there on a, you know, a good afternoon class. And I'll be bombing on stage, trying to be funny. You try to do a little comedy. I just feel because I get boys saying the same shit.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Because in boxing, keep your hands up. You know, pivot on the right foot. Elbows in. And I'll just be saying, yo, no elbows popping out with those chicken wings. No chicken wing dances. And Venezia's the only one giggling. And the other girls are like, what's he talking about? Venezia, she's mad dope.
Starting point is 00:09:21 She's dope, man. She got dope energy. She's in Greece for 14 years. When did she come back? Who knows. She's dope, man. She got dope by a G and that's, you know. She's in Greece for 14 years. When did she come back? Who knows? She's like, whatever. She just took a fucking vacation for four years. She's still doing all this work for us. She's the best. Mad dope. Word, word, word.
Starting point is 00:09:36 She's listening to this fucking on Patreon right now. So what's up, Venetia? Word dope. I think I offended Yanis the second time we... You offended me just because you know me almost 10 years. Probably 10 years. You still call me Yanis. Yanni.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yanni. No, it's fine. It's the other way. But you say it's fine, but then you correct me each and every time. No, it's fine. It's very passive aggressive. That's the way... Don't point with that finger.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yo. Yo, when you point with that finger, I can't take you sitting here. I'm going to point with this one. No, the little salamander finger, I can't take you sitting. I'm pointing with this one. Yo, the little salamander finger. It's not sticky at the end, though. Yeah, but I like it. I like it because it's your special thing. The way you call me is Yanis.
Starting point is 00:10:14 No, but I remix it. I call you Yanni. I call you Yanni, depending on how I feel. I really don't care. Yo, but the second time I met, I met Yanni. Yeah. I, um,
Starting point is 00:10:27 it was at, you were doing, you were doing like a Chris Polanco show. Remember that? Like a St. Mark's. Yeah. And,
Starting point is 00:10:32 um, it was like, you know, and I was like, I might've been, I felt like I was hung over like in a cloud or something. And I was like, trying to strike up a conversation with you.
Starting point is 00:10:41 It was like a second time meeting. I was like, I was like, Oh, I didn't know you were Greece. I didn't know you were Greek. I didn't know you were Greek. I didn't know you were Greece. Did you say I didn't know I was Greece or Greek? Greek.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And you were like, it was like three minutes before you go up on stage. And I was like, there's a lot of political turmoil over there. Oh, I remember that. You looked at me like, what's this guy talking about? Yo, I remember that. I probably saw something on CNN in passing and decided to throw it out
Starting point is 00:11:06 there two minutes before you. Didn't we junk about that? We did. At the spot. Yeah. Yeah, because that was like, how funny is that? That would be like if you met Mike Emoji and you were like, oh, you're Mexican? And then you were like, yeah. I heard there's a lot of problems in Acapulco.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Or maybe Puerto Rican. Acapulco's not the vacation destination. It used to be in the 80s. It was, yeah, it was like a weird, it was funny. It was almost like you got excited because you heard I was Greek and you were like, I heard something about the country of Greece. There's a lot of political turmoil.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I definitely want to use the word turmoil. Like I learned that word maybe a few years back, but I rarely use this as I'm throwing that turmoil joint around. Yeah. The fucking, the way you phrase it, there's a lot of turmoil over there. He had a Yankee hat to the back,
Starting point is 00:11:54 Matt Winkley on top. Yeah. I'm a dirt bag with the way I wear my hats. Right? Yeah. You would, you look at me like this. You were like,
Starting point is 00:12:00 I don't even think he responded. You just walked through the curtain. Yeah. You know, it's me when you see a backwards Yankee hat and glasses on and a gut and whatever. Camouflaged shorts and some dope ass kicks. That's what it is. That's what it is, Bob. So
Starting point is 00:12:15 Springfield, Massachusetts. I was there. We're actually playing in like a summer basketball tournament, like a weekend basketball tournament. It was like three games or something. Three on three. I can't even remember. Maybe five on five. Me and a couple of my friends, my friends from college. So we went out to a strip club. They got two strip clubs out there.
Starting point is 00:12:32 One's called Mardi Gras in Springfield, Massachusetts. That's like the fancy one, right? But it's still, so you know, for Springfield, it's like, it would be like an F-level strip club in New York. It would be like a strip club deep in Corona, Queens. It's like the best striplevel strip club in New York. It would be like a strip club deep in Corona, Queens. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:12:46 It's like the best strip club they got in Springfield. And we went to that one. And this was back when I was in my 20s. You just go to a strip club in your 20s. And you never really enjoy it. Never really. After the first time, you don't really enjoy it. It's kind of like cocaine in that way.
Starting point is 00:13:01 You should know, sir. The first time is nice. And then you just chasing that first time, but it never really gets it because your life starts falling apart. So then there's this other spot. I don't even remember what it's called, but it was like a really dingy,
Starting point is 00:13:18 dingy strip club. It's like danger is looming. It looked like a... Every corner of that fucking crud hole. It was like a, it was like a dive bar where the girls dance on the bar. We walked in, it's completely empty,
Starting point is 00:13:33 completely empty. Right. It was so empty that when we got in there, like the stripper was like sitting down talking, like having a smoke break. Cause like it was slow and she got up. I guess I got to go to work. Almost like annoyed with you. Yeah. Yeah. I guess I got to go to work. Almost like annoyed
Starting point is 00:13:45 with you. Yeah, yeah. I thought I was just going to have the night off. She put her fucking new port out in a plastic ashtray and then just got up and started stretching her knees a little bit. Put on her heels and just kind of sauntered
Starting point is 00:14:01 over and just climbed up on the bar all awkwardly climbing up on a bar. It was one of those places. She had stretch marks everywhere. No lie. No exaggeration. She was like, obviously like a mom is a little sad. You know, so we sit down.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I don't know why we went in, but we just continue to went in. We ordered like a couple of Heineken's and we just sit down as me, my friend, my friend's friend and my friend's cousin right so we sit down at the bar they're playing some music it's completely empty there's like two bouncers bartender we order our heinekens and the stripper comes over and just starts dancing in front of us on the bar she's just dancing in front of us you know we're just sitting there doing her job yeah and nobody was into it because she was like you know it's broken down it's sad it's not she doesn't want to be there she's bitter it's a slow night
Starting point is 00:14:50 she's not making any money and she's got stretch marks all over her body i mean it looks like she has 18 kids i mean her body looks like a fucking like she was attacked by a wolverine yeah exactly good one and uh it's exactly what she looked like. And and then so she like the song ends. Right. And then she like puts her hand out. And and we're all like, we didn't, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:16 I was like, I think I might have given and then my friend's cousin was like, I didn't, you know, he was like, I didn't ask you. We didn't ask you to come over here and start dancing. Yeah. He's like, no, I didn't want you to come over. We didn't ask you to come over here and start dancing. He's like, nah. I didn't want you to come over. I didn't ask you to come over. I didn't want you to come over.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah, so then she kicked. I didn't want you to come over. I didn't ask for that. He was basically saying you can't demand tips. Right. So she kicks a beer. It was my beer, here's beer. Someone's beer.
Starting point is 00:15:46 I can't remember in a cup. And that was the type of bar it was. They poured in a cup so you couldn't have a bottle. Fucking weapon. Yeah. I mean, Springfield, Massachusetts is on some DBS. Big time. Dirtbag shit. It is fucking talk about house. It's block to block. You're on one block. Like, oh, this is a nice kind of look at this home. Then you turn the block. You're in an episode of The Wire. So she kicks
Starting point is 00:16:10 in her high heels. She kicks a beer on him and before like he stood up, reacted and he just stood up. He was a short dude to real short and he stood up and he just like Superman punched her and she fell backwards with her titties out into a trash can
Starting point is 00:16:25 I swear to you it was like a trash can filled with beers and ice she fell dead into that with her titties jingling and then we just start mobilizing and like fuck fuck and then like bouncers are coming and we're just like fucking standing off and they're just like pushing us out the door
Starting point is 00:16:42 but we're in a standoff until we're out you got away with that shit? We got away with it, yeah. Oh, because you're whitey. No, no, no. This happens on the daily with her. No, all my friends were black. I was the only white one there. Wow. Yeah, it was three
Starting point is 00:16:55 it was my friend who was black, his cousin who was black, and his friend was black. So it was three black guys and me. Damn. Yeah, and it was like, yeah, they just kind of shoved out. I think it was kind of like a square off thing because she kicked the drink. He punched her. Plus, like, it wasn't like these weren't
Starting point is 00:17:12 like tuned up bouncers. This was like fucking, you know, whoever they can. You just watch. Some guy was like, I'll watch the door for you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Guys got like half a throat. You know what I mean? It was like her uncle. Yeah. If that happened at mardi gras we would have got fucked up because that was probably like the the fucking city of springfield's uh
Starting point is 00:17:29 toughest guys were probably working security at mardi gras because that's like the a club even though it's the fucking it's a corona queens club for new york oh but you know they got a couple neon signs so you're like you know if you got like a neon sign or something you know it's like that's the that's the that's the hot that's the number one strip club in the town wherever's got the neon if you go into a thing and it has just like a regular bar fucking insignia it's called like you know
Starting point is 00:17:54 whatever like our house or X house yeah you're gonna see some fucking stretch marks on that night yeah so it was it's a wild thing. How do we even get onto that? Serge was telling me, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Serge was telling me about some story with a stripper. But anyway, this is what I want to say. You know what I figured out? Well, don't put that shit on me. This is the reason why we're talking about some dirtbag shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I don't know how I'm just talking about. I don't know how we got into that. How did we get on that? I think Serge punches people. So it just naturally. He punches drunk dealers. If he's strung out on that person. Yo, Serge is a different person when he's snow, when he's skiing. Yo, when Serge goes to the.
Starting point is 00:18:43 When Serge decides to go to Aspen For the weekend He's a different person Yo, every time Yanni see me high At one of his shows He be like that, he'll just look at me With his Yankee hat to the back And be like, yo, who that? Yeah, I'll start moving my car
Starting point is 00:18:59 Who that? Yo, I wouldn't be around, right? I'd just be zigzagging. People are like, are you mad? Squirrely. He called me a squirrel one time. Yeah, it's funny. It's funny. It happened like
Starting point is 00:19:15 15, 16 times. 15, 20 times. So this is what I was thinking. Remember last week we were trying to figure out like what would be. First of all, fans love you. Have you seen the fucking feedback? I love you.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Yo, it's been crazy. They've been blowing up. Patreon dot com slash Bay Ridge boys. We are fucking screwed in. You see how many times me and Chris plug that shit? Yeah. Like we just and it's we make it a thing to just plug it. Patreon dot com slash Bay Ridge boys.
Starting point is 00:19:44 If you haven't joined the matriarchy what are you doing but if you go to the community board it is lit up with fucking praise of how much people love Sergio so Sergio's Sergio is our number one guest and also our fill in but he'll also be here when we're both
Starting point is 00:20:00 here you know I mean it depends if we feel like dealing with him he's loud. That's when he talks. I spit when I talk. That's one thing. You ever realize something about yourself that you've been doing for years, but recently? Yeah. That's what I realized. I've been doing that for years.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Everyone tells me, oh, you spit when you like, on different occasions, people have told me that. I'm like, oh, now I can collectively put that together. I spit when I talk. People have told me that I'm like, Oh, now I could collectively put that together. I'm a, I spit when I talk. So Mike beware. I do too.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I do too. I spit when I talk to, I never been spit by you. I definitely spit Chris giving instructions when he's boxing. He's taller than me too. So I'm getting up there. I'm getting, I'm getting some height.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah. Yeah. So this is what I was thinking about. Um, we were talking about last week about if you recommend a podcast to a friend don't start with Pearl Harbor don't start with the Pearl Harbor episode
Starting point is 00:20:51 this is our recommendation did we say this on the podcast or no so we told them to start with Battle of Crete we did all that I thought we were doing that off air let's remind them if we did yeah if we didn't do it because we don't remember because we're fucking all over the place yeah start with like something like
Starting point is 00:21:06 Battle of Crete if you want to recommend the podcast to your friends start pick out a few you guys are connoisseurs you probably remember more of the episodes than we do start with like Battle of Crete or something history heavy a little bit Dan Soder episode is a good one Dan Soder is a good one that's a good one
Starting point is 00:21:23 Dan Soder is that was about the Great Plains Indians Dan Soder episode is a good one. Soder is a good one. That's a good one. Dan Soder is. That was about the Great Plains Indians. Yep. Dan Soder or Ari's a good one, too. Yes. Gaffigan is another good one. Yep. That was recent, right?
Starting point is 00:21:33 Recent. Yeah. You can go with Battle of Crete's a good one. Start with a lighter one and let them find their way up to Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor. You dirtbagged that episode. I mean, Chris went fucking wild on Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor I mean Chris went fucking wild on Pearl Harbor it's all jokes
Starting point is 00:21:47 everyone gets it but he went wild yeah it was one of those episodes where we actually said on the episode like we were going to cackle in a bunch of places and we just didn't because usually when we go too well we just cackle over throw some hyena cackles that would have been 30 minutes of cackles I mean we yeah it was just we just went wild it was a fun episode
Starting point is 00:22:03 and yeah there's still it's one of those, you know, in like, you know, in like, um, something happens like that and it just, it, it, it, it lingers for a little while. Like, you know, that's the type of episode where like, it's like still lingering a little bit. Like you still see comments. Like you woke up the next day thinking about it like, fuck. Yeah. It's like a hook.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yeah. It's almost like that stripper story. Like the following day, you're thinking about it like, fuck. Yeah. It's like a hook. Yeah. It's almost like that stripper story. Like the following day, you're thinking about it like this, like in your mirror, like, ah. Exactly. You know? Yeah. And your boys are coming up to you. You were wild yesterday at that strip club. Exactly. That's exactly what it's like. It's like a wild night when you're on that blizzy.
Starting point is 00:22:40 You're a little hungover from the episode. Yeah. A little hungover from the episode and people like still talking about it a couple weeks after. There's still people commenting about how wild that is. It's like from three episodes ago. Well, we've done like two episodes in between there. So it was wild. But it was definitely hilarious.
Starting point is 00:22:58 So this week, we're switching gears a little bit. We're switching gears. We're going to cover not a sneak attack by the Japanese Imperial, whatever, uh, air force. We're going to Medgar Evers. And I love it.
Starting point is 00:23:12 It's appropriate that on the big screen, we got the Wikipedia page up. Cause you know what? Me and Chris are at our heart. We're just a couple of Wikipedia slots. That's what we do. We fucking Wikipedia. And then we talk to you about historical stuff that we have Googled or Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yahoo. Wikipedia couldn't be so wrong. It's just people who do Wikipedia. What's the type of person who contributes to a Wikipedia page? Anyone with the Internet. I know. So like, but what kind of like what motivates a person like that to be like, I want to contribute to the Alamo Wikipedia page? Oh, the same people who
Starting point is 00:23:49 would raise their hand too fast in school. Yeah. Is that you or no? Are you a good student? No. Yeah, I was not a good student. You're not good, but you're a smart kid. I graduated high school in three years and then didn't go to college. This is not an honor society in this room right now.
Starting point is 00:24:05 But I was ambitious in school. My first couple of years, I would raise my hand like that. I would do an extra wrist, you know, like that. Maybe even get up on the desk. Yeah. You know, it came to like spelling. I enjoyed spelling. Because you know what it is about you, Serge?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Deep down, you're kind of like a nerdy good kid. I'm a good kid. Yeah, but then you started hanging around the block and you had to put on a tough exterior. My do-rag. I had to get a do-rag. You had to get a do-rag. But deep down, you're probably, you're that kid who's waving the hand. Anyone who gets into the arts, we talked about, everyone who gets into the arts, like... Smart
Starting point is 00:24:36 dude. Smart dude or also... Smart young lady. Creative or sensitive kid. Right. You know what I mean? Like when you see your boys run away, they be like, yo, you still doing those plays? Yo, Serge, man, yo, you doing that plays? You doing that gay shit? Yo, how the hell you doing your one man? You doing your skits and whatnot?
Starting point is 00:24:52 I'll come when you see your skits. Yeah, I'll support. I'll support. Yeah. That's the worst way when I say I'll support. Yeah, I'll support your skits. 12 years deep talking about your support. Your support.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Because right now, this is not for, I'm looking around, this is not an honor society right here. This is for fucking kids who got C pluses who gave a C plus their parents were like you did good everyone knows about ISIS's spelling on the fucking Patreon
Starting point is 00:25:16 if you've ever seen me try to work out a tip at a restaurant I gotta pull out an app to do it I have no idea it's embarrassing it's funny that you say that yeah my parents would be happy with a C pull out an app to do it. I have no idea. It's embarrassing. It's funny that you say that. Yeah, my parents would be happy with a C+. My mother used to do my homework. My mother used to do their homework?
Starting point is 00:25:31 My mother used to write my papers, yeah. She wouldn't go that hard with the... Actually, she may have written the paper, but definitely, I remember doing the early morning, 8 o'clock, you didn't do this shit. And I'm like that, standing behind her with toothpaste on my lip like this. And Matt Jell on my head. I had hair back in the day. It just comes to the side.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah, I love looking at those old pictures of you with hair and baggy jeans on and boots. And there's always a snake wrapped around you. How come every picture from the 90s has a reptile on your body? I know, man. You love animals. Yeah, yeah, I do. I don't fuck with hyenas, though. I don't own a hyena.
Starting point is 00:26:04 You don't like hyenas? I do like them, but... We haven't talked about Trash Monkey the Hyena in a long time. Do you even know that his name is Trash Monkey the Hyena? Yeah. So you've been around since it was Trash Monkey. Yeah, he used to be out there a moment. Yeah, now look at him now. He's just draped on the... We used to prop him up. We used to put him in frame. Now he's just draped over. He's fucking
Starting point is 00:26:20 over and falling down. Looks like he just got eaten by lions. Hyenas are a fascinating animal, Serge But an exotic animal You know what I'm saying? Like I never thought Like, you know And I've always thought
Starting point is 00:26:29 That would like a monkey But hyenas They are not to be fucked with Yeah, no You can't have a hyena in your house There was a dude Who owned one of them There was like a documentary about it
Starting point is 00:26:40 And he It like chewed to his plumbing Here? Not in New York But in the US Yeah And like it chewed to his plumbing To Here? Not in New York, but in the US. And chewed to his plumbing through the kennel. It laughed all night. It would pee.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It would destroy everything. Yeah. And he had it for a year. Yeah. And they finally gave it up. And now he visits it at some sort of sanctuary or something. You know what's interesting? You can see when you watch these animal guys,
Starting point is 00:27:04 you can just see how much brain is the most important part in nature because you ever see how like we could basically domesticate any animal not domesticate them no that's not the wrong word we can't domesticate them but we can make them docile like pretty much sort of like yeah you ever see like there's this this kid what's his name max something there's a few of these kids that just like fucking put their heads in hyenas mouths because they've known the hyenas since they were babies. They do with panthers. They do with pumas. They do with lions.
Starting point is 00:27:32 They do with all these predators because they were raised in captivity. So it's broken down, broken down. So they don't know. They get their food fed to them. They have those instincts in the back of the mind. But these people are experts and they know how to sort of avoid, you know, I bet you they never fucking play with the hyena like that. If the hyena hasn't eaten in four hours. I bet you whenever you see those videos of someone fucking around with a hyena, putting its head in a hyena's mouth or doing that, it's like three minutes after they just fed a hyena.
Starting point is 00:27:58 It's probably a smart way to do it. Yeah, that's a smart way to do it. You do that. Are you ever scared your snake's going to choke you out? The other day, I took out my boa. If your boa decided to... No, they're not big enough. But if he
Starting point is 00:28:13 couldn't hurt you and your boa? Nah, man. They couldn't choke you out? They're not big enough. Could choke your cat out. Probably. That cat lives in fear. I feel so bad for that cat. They stimulate each other. Slow down. That cat has anxiety. First I feel so bad for that cat. They stimulate each other. That cat has anxiety. First of all, it was born in the Bronx where a girl just said
Starting point is 00:28:30 some woman was disciplining them. So the cat breeders, the Persians, she was like, they're naughty, so you got to whoop them. And we were like, what? Whoop them. I brought up because it was the last episode you said it. That's true. So you don't fear that you're going to get choked out by the cat. No, no, no. But
Starting point is 00:28:47 the snake's like, fine. They're not going to choke out the cat. You can't throw hands at a snake, though. You know what you do? So this is a I bet you Chris D would try. If a snake tried to get on him, Chris D would So if a snake bites you, you just put some hand sanitizer, some alcohol on its head
Starting point is 00:29:03 and it releases. Really? Yeah. So if you're ever in a situation, you're going to you, you just put some hand sanitizer, some alcohol on its head and it releases. Really? Yeah. Yeah. So if you're ever in a situation, you're going to Texas, you find yourself in a reptile hole. Yeah. And there's a snake wrangler. He's like, hey, you want to touch my python?
Starting point is 00:29:16 Do you want to touch my snake? There's a lot of amateur snake handlers out there. You know what I'm saying? You just hide it around with some hand sanitizer. Why is that? I don't know. There's the alcohol or something, the scent of it. But yeah, I saw a video of that recently. But back in the 90s, we didn't have hand sanitizers.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I don't know what you do. That's good to know. So most people won't be in a situation where there's a snake that bites them. But if you are at one of Sergio's dinner parties, and one of his snakes goes rogue. Yo, just have hand sanitizer in your pocket. Anyway, today we're talking about fucking Medgar Evers.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Civil rights icon. A lot of people breeze over Medgar Evers. The reason why Medgar Evers is one of my favorites is because I went to school in Washington, D.C. and he was a veteran who was murdered and basically a martyr for the civil rights movement in the 50s and 60s. But he was buried with full military honors in Arlington Cemetery, which is one of my favorite places to visit.
Starting point is 00:30:18 One of the best tourist attractions in the country. So many famous people buried there. And Medgar Evers is there. So he wasn't even drafted. He volunteered to go. That says something. He volunteered for World War II. Yeah, had to be World War II at that point.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yeah, was it World War II? Yeah. World War II. He volunteered. He fought in the Battle of Normandy. Yeah, and it wasn't like World War II, that wasn't like a time where black soldiers were welcome, right? No, it wasn't the best time to be black at all. No, no.
Starting point is 00:30:49 This was probably the this is like the end of the second worst time to be black. Yeah. Would you say like that? The worst time to be black in America was from like 16 whatever. Yeah. To like
Starting point is 00:31:04 1865. That was the first was from like 16 whatever to like to like 1865 that was the first that's the worst time it is to be African American and then the second phase was 1865 till about Chris Rock had that funny joke
Starting point is 00:31:19 till about 1956, 7 depending on when your town decided to start acting right. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, it always blows my fucking mind when you when you look back at this and you're like, damn, this was not that long ago. Well, that's the thing that I was just about to say. It gives me goosebumps thinking that wasn't that long ago. Not that fucking long.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And this shit was going on. Yeah. I mean, we've said it. And this shit was going on. Yeah. I mean, we've said it before, but it bears repeating like even slavery, 1865. Right. So what is it now?
Starting point is 00:31:51 We're at 2019. This is how bad I am at math. So how long ago was 1865? 134 years. 134 years. Wait, no, I'm not doing my math.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah. So we're all, I mean, this four dumb kids, that's what this episode could be called. I didn't give anyone eye contact. I was like this. 154 years. You did it quick? I used the calculator. 154. So divide that by
Starting point is 00:32:14 two. What's 154 divided by two? 154. 77. Yo, so slavery was two 77-year-old men living back-to-back. That's how long ago. How fucking wild is that? It's not that long ago. Yo, how wild is that?
Starting point is 00:32:30 So that's like, let's just give that a personal scenario. So it's like some dude's born in 1865. He lives 77 years. So he lives till what? If he lives, if he was 1865, I'm making us do a lot of math. I looked away again!
Starting point is 00:32:48 People who are listening right now are going, yo, we don't tune in for the math equation. It's 1942. 1942. So, some kid's born in 1865. He was born when slavery ended. Right there. Or let's say he was born in 61, whatever. So, he he's born in fucking 1940 or 42 or
Starting point is 00:33:04 whatever. He's two years old. And then another dude lives is alive today. A guy's alive today is 77 years old with modern technology and medical advances. That's not that old. No, it's not. 77 years old man walking around today who had a parent who lived to at least 77, who was fucking born during or right when slavery ended.
Starting point is 00:33:31 How fucking wild is that? It is wild. It is not that long ago. I think it was like Louis CK had a funny joke about that. He's like, he's like, why? He's like,
Starting point is 00:33:40 why people always make it longer. He's like, ah, that was like 600 years ago. It's like, come on. Yeah. So, you know that was like 600 years ago. It's like, come on. Yeah, it's like, you know, that was 800 years ago. They should have figured it out by now. It's like, dude, it is.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I remember that bit. I mean, so many of, I think the psychological things and the, it's so recent, man. It's such a recent thing. So in a lot of ways, a lot of these people were operating at a time. I mean, 19, Meg Revers was born in 1925 in Decatur, Mississippi. And Mississippi is still dirtbag. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I feel like if you're black and born in Mississippi, racism starts immediately. Word. Like, I think you become aware of it. Like, I think if you're born in New York, you're like, was that just a weird, did she just cross the street? Like, you're like 12 years old and you're like, did they just, is that? But when you're in Mississippi, as soon as you're born, somebody goes, get out of here. Like you, you pick it up pretty quick in Mississippi.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I mean, that's just what's going on in Mississippi is racism. So he was born in 1925. I mean, and died in 1955. Right. So he was young. He was only 38 years old, 37.
Starting point is 00:34:53 He died at 30. Yeah. We're doing a lot of math today. Yeah. 37. You, that's young, man.
Starting point is 00:34:57 That's real young. Yeah. It's a guy popped. It's younger than me and you. And yeah, it's younger than the three of us. And I, I says, what, what, what, what will ISIS be when he's 37? He's either going to be the most famous rapper from Queens.
Starting point is 00:35:14 We're still here tackling certain things. Or you could be, yeah, you could be a part of this podcast. Either going to be huge or let's be honest, the streets might take you. Yeah. The streets don't really take rappers anymore, right? What? Yeah. Hell yeah, they do.
Starting point is 00:35:32 But not the way they use. Oh, yeah. They just took. What's his name? Nipsey. Nipsey. Triple X. Yo, but if the streets.
Starting point is 00:35:39 If the streets. I'm starting to again. Yeah. If the streets are taking you now. You might be like you might be you may want to choose a different career path man the lifespan of a rapper is like that of a Great Dane is only six years
Starting point is 00:35:54 yo why are the streets still taking rappers but the streets will never take Drake cause Drake doesn't you know Drake's right he doesn't really he hangs out in the T-Dot so what I'm saying is you can be a rapper now without the street shit, right? You can
Starting point is 00:36:09 kind of be a rapper without the street shit. Yeah, absolutely. There's not that real hardcore street element as it was back in the 90s, I think. I think you could definitely have like a more alternative lifestyle and it's like, I'm a rapper though. You can get away with it. Very fashion heavy, you know. I feel like they're doing like a lot of
Starting point is 00:36:25 drugs. Maybe that's what it is. Different drugs. I don't know. That sounds old. No, I think you're right. But I feel like they're getting fucked up. Like I feel like back in the day, motherfuckers probably sniffing and shit, but a little more behind the scenes. These guys are like sipping and popping pills. Yeah. Like I wouldn't be surprised if they're
Starting point is 00:36:41 shooting heroin at some of these cats. Yeah. They're like, these guys are getting fucked up it's very rock and roll-ish that's what it feels like Kanye West is like everyone loves Kanye people buy his album and shit but Kanye West the streets are never going to take Kanye West you know what I mean? He's like a mainstream
Starting point is 00:36:59 billionaire it's a different game but anyway back to Medgar Evers. Medgar Evers was born in Mississippi. As Serge said, he was a veteran. Volunteered, which is wild.
Starting point is 00:37:14 That's wild. I want to know more about that because I don't know more about that. Why did he do that? Did he ever say why he did that? Why would you volunteer? He fought in the battle of normandy too in 1944 that was a big ball yo that's a hard battle and it treats a high behind them no you know it's like straight battle like what are you hiding yo what are you hiding behind
Starting point is 00:37:38 in a beach war like you know like you're going like the fuck about that I want a rock or a tree yeah that's a good point you're just shooting at each other in open fields that's how mostly war used to be done they just shoot each other in an open field like you look at the Civil War like they just you clench it and see if it's like yeah you just walk towards each other you know like that's what white guys like to do they go yeah that's the fucking
Starting point is 00:38:04 rush man I'm just walking straight for you dude Yeah, you just walk towards each other. You know, like, that's what white guys like to do. They go, yeah, it's a fucking rush, man. I'm just walking straight for you, dude. Fuck, man. If we win this battle, we're definitely going to get some fucking hot latinos. Oh, God, I can't fucking take these hot latinos. Mucho cayente. Oh, fuck. So, yeah, he went and fought in the Battle of Normandy, was honorably discharged and came back to Mississippi, got married.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And this is a fascinating thing to me. This is one of the fascinating parts of the story. Check this out. So Medgar Evers is a civil rights leader, right? So let me just give you the quick synopsis. Medgar Evers buried in Arlington Cemetery. He was murdered. We're going to get into that.
Starting point is 00:38:42 He was murdered by a white supremacist. We're talking about the fucking 1950s right after Brown versus Board of Education, the famous Supreme Court case that made it illegal for segregation to continue from the end of slavery to the 1950s. slavery till the 1950s it wasn't a clean break that's the thing a lot of people don't understand it wasn't a clean break just like we learned i don't know if we did an episode on this we might have when when world war ii was over i mean this is different but it's similar in anatomy similar in anatomy is like after world war ii was over if you were a german citizen living in you got fucked like they got murdered it was just there was just revenge the point is is like things don't just end like world war ii is over and everything's just like, everyone's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:39:28 it's done now. Like shit still goes on. There was still people murdering people and things still happening. So, um, just, so just, just in that I'm drawing the similarities that like it continued like slavery.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Uh, I'm sorry. Like segregation was just another form of like keeping people slaves you know what I mean it's like third class citizenship they couldn't vote this is a motherfucker who served for his country
Starting point is 00:39:55 and he's unable to vote it's crazy this is Jim Crow the Jim Crow South the Jim Crow laws separate but equal but it's not. These were fucking states taking matters into their own hands. And we'll do episodes on all this shit specifically, but you get it. That's the setting.
Starting point is 00:40:15 The setting is segregation America, segregation South. The Jim Crow years. So this fucking hero was born, Medgar Evers. And he decides, you know what? He's like, you know, when you're like the first guy, or you're like that first wave, like the amount of
Starting point is 00:40:35 bravery that shit takes. He had his whole family trained. He had like three or four kids to like know how to wait if they hear shots, how to drop down to the floor and crawl to the bathroom. Like they were all, you know, it was part of living
Starting point is 00:40:52 with, you know, that was part of his lifestyle. His wife, his kids knew if they heard something weird outside, to drop to the floor, crawl to the kitchen. Because they threw a Molotov cocktail at him, at his home, I believe, correct me if I'm wrong. No, do a Molotov cocktail at him, at his home. I believe, correct me if I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:41:06 No, you're right. Yeah. I mean, this guy was always living in danger because he was at the forefront of like this activism. Yeah. And I mean, it wasn't like this a one-shot deal. Right. This guy was being threatened for years, you know. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:20 For the rights of his people. Right. And it was, you know, In the wake of Brown v. the Board of Education, there was a lot of these honks, these fucking cracker honks were upset. They were upset about it. So they started forming this, what was it called? The White Something Council.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And that's what his assassin was part of. What was it called again? Some White Castle. Some White Castle shit. White Castle. I mean, this is a branch off of the KKK. The White Citizens Council. The White Citizens Council was founded. He was a member of it.
Starting point is 00:41:54 The kid who we'll get to in a second who ended up assassinating Medgar Evers. Yeah, like Serge said, man, imagine that. Imagine living your life. People who grew up during the Cold War and stuff, they used to say hey get under your desk that's like everybody getting under the desk over this like vague threat of possible nuclear war imagine living in an environment you're surrounded by hostility and it's personal you're like hey if you hear something
Starting point is 00:42:19 that means somebody's trying to attack daddy right fucking this i mean it was so detailed i heard his wife speak at an interview and she said they used to always get out in the driveway of the passenger seat because the driver's seat would lead into like an alleyway and they said someone could snipe you there. So they had like a whole system
Starting point is 00:42:37 on how they conducted their everyday living, you know, like to the point how they got out their car. It's brutal. That's crazy. But, you know, I it's to the point how they got out their car. That's crazy. But, you know, I mean, this is somebody who served his country, came back honorably discharged as a sergeant. And then he comes back and some fucking
Starting point is 00:42:54 cracker kid who probably didn't go to the war and didn't serve his country is telling him you can't you can't walk around here confident. You're your second class citizen. And she said, I'm a fucking I'm a superior being, even though I got three teeth and work in a gas station. You can't walk around here confident. You're your second class, Sederson. And, uh, shit, I'm a fucking, I'm a superior being,
Starting point is 00:43:07 even though I got three teeth and work in a gas station. There's constantly living in fear. Dislikes her. His cat. That's exactly right, man. So I'm trying to figure out, cause this was a very interesting part.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Uh, here it is. So let's take it back. So Medgar Evers, um, uh, serves in the war, comes back, gets married to one of his classmates. They have three kids and they move to Mound
Starting point is 00:43:36 Bayou, Mississippi. I never heard of this place before. This is fucking wild. This is a town developed by African Americans. It's basically the FUBU of towns in Mississippi for by African-Americans. Mound Bayou, Mississippi is a town strictly that was developed by African-Americans, by former slaves,
Starting point is 00:43:58 by former slaves in what was it? 1887, 1887 by former slaves led by a guy named Isaiah Montgomery. And so to this day, I believe the town is like 98% black still. Yeah. It's population
Starting point is 00:44:16 is dwindling and now it's only got 1,533 citizens. Yeah, but I mean, how big was it to begin with? I mean, we're not talking about New York City, a lot of 14. No, but in 2000, I had 2,2 so oh so it's lost about a thousand which isn't that much but when your town is 2000 yeah that's half where are they going uh i see well i don't know i mean why why would you leave paradise i mean who wants to live in fucking mississippi you have to be born there and be brainwashed to not know. In order
Starting point is 00:44:46 for me not to leave Mississippi, you're going to have to have me living without a phone, without TV, and without ever talking. That's the only way. The only way I'm not leaving Mississippi is if I'm born blind, deaf, and dumb, and you got me chained into a basement. Who is staying in Mississippi?
Starting point is 00:45:03 We should just... Mississippi... Shout out to our patrons in Mississippi. We should just... Mississippi... Shout out to our patrons in Mississippi. Yeah, there's probably some people right now going, fuck you, man. Mississippi's a great place. I'm like, yeah, it's got a lot of great buzz on the street. Your state's a shithole. I'm sorry. Until you
Starting point is 00:45:17 start fucking figuring shit out. I don't know. Who goes to Mississippi? I don't know. They got some good colleges there, apparently. Biloxi's nice, right? I guess. They got some hot girls to sell. I'm being mean on Mississippi, but look, it's the same thing with Pearl Harbor. You know what you did.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Here's the thing. Here's the thing. People like to get offended when you say stuff. But here's the thing. You know what you did. You can't be mad at me and saying something, okay? You guys did slavery. You did slavery, so you know what you did.
Starting point is 00:45:44 They did slavery hard. You did slavery slavery. You did slavery, so you know what you did. They did slavery hard. You did slavery hard. You did some dirtbag shit. You're on some fucking dirtbag shit. A lot of places down there are still fucking racist. You know what you did. Yeah, and it's almost like we're recovering from reading these stories. You know what I'm saying? I'm recovering from like, damn,
Starting point is 00:45:59 man, how do I look at this place from knowing all the dirtbag shit they pull? Yeah, like it's the same thing with... There we go. Thank you. But when you go to these places, it's certain, it's certain areas you got to avoid. Basically. It was like, there's really good people.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Yeah. It's called the state of Mississippi. I'm not saying live there. But when you pass through. Who the fuck's passing through Mississippi? People got to drive to Florida. Yeah. So it's.
Starting point is 00:46:22 You don't, you do not have to go through Mississippi to go to Florida. From New York. Not from New York. You go straight through the Carolinas. Just get your gun ready through South Carolina and Georgia and then get to Florida. Keep your gun ready until you get to Miami and then it's whippa whippa whippa whippa. The main thing, people there, there's not a lot of
Starting point is 00:46:40 wealth there. It's a lot of just poor people. That's where a lot of the hate ends up coming from. It's true. Yeah. That's, that's, that's,
Starting point is 00:46:48 that's a segment on our show. We like to call social worker emoji phase. You got to understand where people are coming from. You know, they, they're poor. So you can't blame them. What's interesting about,
Starting point is 00:47:01 uh, about Evans is that I didn't know much about him. You know what I'm saying? Like, I don't think a lot of people, I still don't. Like, I'm just like, he's relatively new to me. And like, it's crazy because like everyone knows about Malcolm X. Everyone knows about Martin Luther King, but he ain't doing the same numbers. He ain't doing those same numbers that he should.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Because he was like, like at the forefront, man. I mean, he was like, you know, the ultimate sacrifice, just like, you know, Dr. King and, and Malcolm X, but man, like you don't hear about him often. Well, he does have a college named after him. That's good. Right. Where is this college Medgar Evers? Where is that? He's got a college named after him. And so what happened was just to finish his story, you know, set the scene 1954 fucking Brown v.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Board of Education. So segregation is now illegal. Federal law. You can't do that. But the states are still trying to keep their freaking laws going. Right. So Edward, Edward Medgar Evers in an attempt to protest, much like, you know, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King probably, you know, looked at him as like a role model because like Martin Luther King did the same things
Starting point is 00:48:09 would protest these, you know, would break the law or, or directly go into gun, uh, proverbial gunfighters, so to speak to protest, you know, to, to, to show the rest of the world. Now, this is what I studied in school. I loved the American, uh, American Studies and History was my major. I was like, the thing I learned about Martin Luther King was he was always, he was a PR genius. You know what I mean? That was the difference between him.
Starting point is 00:48:33 He was always thinking about how things appeared. He used TV. He was a civil rights activist who was aware of how things appeared on TV. So he knew it was horrible, obviously, to get hosed and all these things, but he wanted it. It was happening anyway. So he wanted to be on TV because he wanted to appeal to the silent, what he called the silent moderate majority, the silent majority who's like not in favor of that, but doesn't say anything. But he wanted to because what he's basically saying is
Starting point is 00:49:08 and what most people know, here's the deal. Most people are just normal people. But there's these points in history where these extreme groups just, they spread because normal people don't want to get involved in crazy shit. Most normal most people are just
Starting point is 00:49:23 people on the subway who when someone starts acting crazy, it's like, if I just stay silent, he won't come to me, I'll get off. I don't want to fucking ruin my day. But if everyone keeps doing that, then, you know, that shit spreads. It's so funny. When you say that, it brings back to the story I just saw. I saw like these ladies
Starting point is 00:49:39 a bull dyke. That's wrong, right? It was a bull dyke. This is just a real New York City moment. It was a bull dyke. That's wrong, right? It was a bull dyke. It was a bull dyke. It was a bull dyke. It sounded like a dog breed. I got a bull dyke and a Rottweiler.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And like the strong out cracker. I mean, it's the way Jean Jean Button don't work. Chrissy's not here. You feel like you're on vacation. I get it. Don't get me wrong. Isis is probably thinking, you know what? I got a nice little vacation because Chrissy's not here. feel like you're on vacation i get it don't get me wrong isis is probably thinking you know what i got a nice little vacation because christy's not here but make no mistake fucking sergio just went in so it was a bulldog yeah there's a couple of bulldogs and couple ffs walking around why jong jan yeah and uh and uh and uh um and uh and a crackhead fighting over a metro cost is not the proper way to call it was a crackhead and they a MetroCard swipe. Crackhead is not the proper way to call them.
Starting point is 00:50:26 It was a crackhead. And they were fighting. It's a person struggling with addiction, right, Mike? Right, social worker Mikey? They were fighting. They were sore fighting with umbrella handles. They were whacking each other on the New York City train platform. And there was these people buying their MetroCard, not even looking at this shit
Starting point is 00:50:42 going on. And that's the way most people are. Most people don't want to get involved, but there's a responsibility. We all need to get involved in some way or another because not then. Well, don't get involved unless you know how to throw hands. I wouldn't get involved in that shit. I'll take you physically.
Starting point is 00:50:58 I think you, Isis, Chrissy, and even me to a certain extent, even though I'm probably going to break some, but Emojiface don't get involved because he's going to be breathing heavy quick he's going to try in the first second he's going to be like you know I'm out of breath I need my asthma inhaler are you a kid who has an asthma inhaler or no?
Starting point is 00:51:14 I don't carry one you need one but not up here in Texas I need it too because my allergies are way worse here they don't bother me as much you're looking good. Oh, thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Do you, uh, are you working out? I'm walking more. Yeah. That's walking is that's the old man's exercise. That's what I do every day is I walk a lot. Yeah. I worked out with Yanni and he did the bicep curls with Yankee hats in the back. And he goes, look at my childhood. I was like, you're just working on your biceps.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Why are you showing me your tricep I'm a DB so what he did he applied to Mississippi University of Mississippi law school and his application was rejected because of his race can you imagine living at this time
Starting point is 00:51:59 that was just on the it's fucking wild do they just say that blatantly? Yeah. That's crazy. No, I mean, this is not going to happen. But did they do all the paperwork and then reject you? That's funny.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Yeah. Like how do they do that? Yeah. How exactly? Because they got to be some sort of bullshit. You know what's crazy? Like after his death, they said a lot of people moderate, but mostly like street people got involved
Starting point is 00:52:25 in the protest. He resonated with them. But they weren't really fucking with him before that, but after his death, it was like, how dare you? That was a good dude right there. Now it's time for us to step it up. Unfortunately, he became a martyr and
Starting point is 00:52:42 inspired a lot of people. He's sort of like the most important impetus for what became the heart of the civil rights movement in the 60s. I mean, this is, Medgar Evers was the kind of the giant that set this into motion by doing what he did. And like I said, proverbially throwing himself into the fire, you know, into the bullet fire for a bigger cause, which is what he did. His college was in Brooklyn. It's in Brooklyn, McGriff. So, yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah, that's interesting to say, though. Did he just submit his application? They're just right there. They were like, are you serious? You know how we get down here. Or is this a joke? What y'all trying to do here? Yeah, like, I want to know, even though I'm sure it's DB, but, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:32 it's probably not as blatant as we think it is. It's probably like, they probably fuck with you a little bit, like, well, you got to go through these steps, boy, you know, and, you know, you got to give some time, you know, like, we gave you your freedom, now it's time, you know. How do they word that? They probably call, like, hey, like we gave you your freedom. Now it's time. You know, how do they work that? They probably call like, hey, yeah, we got your application.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Is this the Medgar Evers household? Yeah, we here at the University of Mississippi, we got your application. There's just one problem here. Y'all are black. So hopefully use that word. Yeah. I mean, yeah, they probably didn't use that word. But yeah, that's a good question. So hopefully they use that word. Yeah. I mean, yeah,
Starting point is 00:54:05 they probably didn't use that word, but yeah, that's a good question. How did they do it? Did they do the whole black and then make an excuse? Like, you know, we're full.
Starting point is 00:54:13 That's sort of like race. It's like condition. They just start to believe you're not worthy of this shit. That's what happens. Like, it's like systematic and it's, it's done over and over that people feel like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:54:22 I don't belong there. That's what happens with this decade. Like, you know, this time and time again, being a president, you start to believe this shit. You feel like I'm not supposed to be here. You know, and like he was like, no, you know. It's 100% conditioning. It's conditioning. And it's hard for us to believe because it's foreign to us because we grew up in such a diverse place.
Starting point is 00:54:41 And it's like such a liberal place. Overwhelmingly liberal, New York City. So it's like, and diverse. you can't avoid seeing other people, but imagine being from a place, even if you're, I'm talking white, black or Asian or South Asian, imagine being from a place where all you see the circumference of what you see is just one thing. You're going to be small minded. Yeah. No matter, it's not just a white thing. It's like, you're going to be small-minded yeah no matter it's not just a white thing it's like you're gonna be small-minded you know what i'm saying like it's just what it is like you it could be a kinder place like let's say i went to some fucking small village in like i don't know cambodia or some
Starting point is 00:55:16 shit i could go to like a kinder place where they're a little kinder but still small-minded they're looking at me like what the fuck is this right or i could go to a meaner place where they're more they start treating me bad. Cause I'm, I'm different. You know, I remember when I, my friend Todd, who was from Springfield, Massachusetts, we went to. The one that punched a stripper. The one whose cousin punched a stripper.
Starting point is 00:55:34 And if Chris was serious, he would didn't give a gift at your wedding. That one. Yeah. It doesn't matter. But he. So Chris, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Wendy. So me and Todd, you know, he was my friend from college. We were roommates. You know, one of my best friends in college. We went and visited my other friend, Marco, who was also at the wedding. My groom was a tall guy in Montenegro, his home country. And in Montenegro, Montenegro is, you know, former Yugoslavia. There's no black people. They don't see. And this was 1999.
Starting point is 00:56:13 So it was like no internet, like no phone. I mean, the internet was there, but it was just starting. You know what I mean? So it was like the only other black person they knew was Michael Jordan. So they would just point at him and go Jordan, Jordan, Michael Jordan. So it's wild. They were being kind of friendly about it, but you know some people said some fucked up shit behind his back. It's just a small-minded place no matter which way you slice it. And I'm sure it's the opposite. You go to some tiny place in Africa, it's only black people. You're going to have to go, that same thing's going to happen. Yeah, same shit, right? It's just, it's a small-minded
Starting point is 00:56:35 place. So yeah, it's conditioning. Like up here, it's like, you know, even if you're from the most racist neighborhood, you know, even if you're from the most racist neighborhood, you know, we're a lot of 14. Okay, maybe you're from, let's say you're from Ridgewood, Queens in the 1930s before Hitler. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Or, you know, what's another racist area? Bensonhurst. All right. If you're from- Bensonhurst, Howard Beach. Yeah, I mean, Bensonhurst, there should just be a sign when you get to Howard Beach or Bensonhurst that just says, get the fuck out of my neighborhood. You know, so
Starting point is 00:57:07 even if you're from one of those neighborhoods, if you live in New York City, you are going to see you're going to at least be exposed almost every day or if not close to that other people, whereas these other places it's not even possible.
Starting point is 00:57:23 You're talking about, imagine that. Imagine being from a place like that. So yeah, it's not even possible. You're talking about, imagine that. Imagine being in front of a place like that. So yeah, it dictates your thinking. I almost don't blame them in a way. I'm almost trying to understand, like, how do you become an open-minded person if you live in a fucking place like that? Yeah, but not even, I mean, these people were evil, like, to want to hurt people.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I know. It's one thing to be evil, but these people are just fucking, just evil. I know know but people are evil you know yeah people are dirtbags people are dirtbags yo you know what man everyone gets on my nerves
Starting point is 00:57:50 I'm in the city it's not that great over here every fucking background every person different size they all get on my fucking nerves everybody gets on my nerves that's why I like snakes
Starting point is 00:57:57 they don't talk that's why I said like look hate there's nothing wrong with hate hate isn't good emotion i hate when people say just love everyone that has no meaning to just say you can't just love everybody because if you love everybody that defines the word love out of existence you know what i'm saying like
Starting point is 00:58:15 there's got to be the option to hate and like love you shouldn't just love everybody love is something you give to someone who deserves it after a long amount of time you don't just love someone instantly. It's always meaningless and unrealistic and a little utopian to me. Just like, just got to love more. It's like, no,
Starting point is 00:58:31 you, it's okay to hate. You just got to be more specific with your hate. You can't just hate group. What kind of fucking lazy, stupid person hates all hates people or things. He doesn't even know anything about. You got to hate is great. If it's specific, yo, hate hate is great if it's specific.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Yo, hate is great if it's specific, right? I agree. I don't like the I don't like indirect racism. Like, I feel like that's worse than a direct racism. Exactly. And it's like, don't you? How can you hate someone or something general like their race? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:59:02 Or like it's like you can let's say someone there's some in a culture and there's an idea in a culture then hate that idea don't just go oh i hate muslims yeah just be like hey there's this one idea in in the uh you know i do hate isis so that's one person right but i hate him individually exactly but it's like i hate this you know get specific you know get detailed it's like i hate this one thing that says this law in this fucking you know but then you can also say hey i like this another part of the religion says hey just be cool to people i'm down with that specificity is the key to being human if you want to be an evolved human you got to get specific damn right that's what it's specific what you hate and you can hate and like things like it's key to being human. If you want to be an evolved human, you got to get specific. Damn right.
Starting point is 00:59:46 That's what it is. Be specific what you hate. And you can hate and like things. It's not all categorical. You can't go like, hey, I'm all, I like all of this. I hate all of that. It's like, get specific. Wow, we got more guests and more sweets just walk into the room. Anyway, so we're going to change gears.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Let's just finish up Matt Gravers and then we got some fucking, we got some surprise guests who just walked into the studio and we're going to change gears let's just finish up Medgar Evers and then we got some fucking we got some surprise guests who just walked into the studio and we're already in an hour so let's wrap it up so he gets murdered right Serge eventually so he tries to apply to the university Medgar Evers then he ends up becoming
Starting point is 01:00:18 named the NAACP's first field secretary for Mississippi now you know if you're the first field secretary for Mississippi. Now, you know, if you're the first field secretary for Mississippi, you're living a dangerous life in 1954. So he helped organize boycotts. He set up a new chapter of the NAACP. And he he organized protests against segregation of city beaches, etc, etc. He did civil work shit.
Starting point is 01:00:48 And it was all basically under the umbrella of boycotting this local effort to stop integration, which was in motion from a federal level, which is why you need strong federal leadership. But I also see why local shit. Anyway, that's a whole nother thing.
Starting point is 01:01:04 So he gets killed. He gets killed. He gets killed by this fucking dude. And the interesting thing about this kid... What was his name again? Beckwith. Byron Della Beckwith. Byron Della Beckwith. I mean, we could talk about this guy for half an hour. Do you want to do another episode on him? We could do another episode.
Starting point is 01:01:19 We could do another episode on him. Basically, he doesn't get convicted until like, what, 30 years later? Yeah. He got off doesn't get convicted until 30 years later. He got off twice. It's fucked up. Medgar Evers was also doing important work like investigating, as everyone knows, the famous lynching of the Chicago teenager Emmett Till in Mississippi.
Starting point is 01:01:38 This is all the good work that Medgar Evers was doing. He was constantly threatened. He was almost run down by a car in Jackson, Mississippi. So like, as we were saying, his whole family knew the deal and everyone was scared. And then finally, this fucking asshole looks like a guy who would kill him too, right?
Starting point is 01:01:56 Yeah. I mean, imagine this is what you do with your life. Imagine me in this, dude. And he actually got caught because he was bragging about it in jail 1994 that's not long ago are you kidding me like yeah Edgar's was like
Starting point is 01:02:14 regularly followed by the FBI I mean this was back in the day when the FBI was trying to like derail Martin Luther King and the movement there's some disturbing shit that came up about Martin Luther King and the movement. There's some disturbing shit that came up about Martin Luther King though recently. I don't know if it's true. I'm just saying I heard the rumors.
Starting point is 01:02:30 It's wild. We got to look into that. He was white. No, but did you read about that? Did you hear about that? It was like there's some recording supposedly of somebody who raped a girl and he was laughing about it. They were talking about it. I don't know if it's true.
Starting point is 01:02:46 It's dark, but I don't believe it. And even, you know, whatever. That's the rumor is that it's out there. So you guys can sit down. I'm sorry. I mean, one of these guys should have said that you can sit. I mean, we're just finishing up on Medgar Evers. Yeah, I mean, we are just fucking not
Starting point is 01:03:02 good hosts. They were just standing in the corner waiting for someone to acknowledge that they walked in. I mean, what are just fucking not good hosts. They were just standing in the corner waiting for someone to acknowledge that they walked in. I mean, what are we doing? Yeah. Thank you. We got the lovely ladies from Nora Cupcake Company here. And the person who loves sweets the most is not here. So I feel bad.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Too bad for him. I know. It's too bad for him. I mean. Yeah. But welcome. Good to see you guys. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Thank you so much. Little backstory search. These girls, it's too bad for him. I mean. Yeah, but welcome. Good to see you guys again. Thank you. Thank you so much. A little backstory, Serge. These girls, they own a great bakery. That's me. Wow, he's doing a handshake. Wow. Professional. I'm trying to get in with the cupcake lady.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Yeah. You're in. Don't worry. 15 years. So back in the day, like, what was it? When we started the podcast, pretty much. Yeah, it was one year ago, actually. It was one year ago.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Like, to the day. To the day. Yeah. This is a weird left turn we just did for Medgar Evers. So, you know, everyone was trying to kill his family. By the way, the girls who make cupcakes are here. Yep. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:57 So Chris was like, you know how wild Chris is. This is fucking wild. So he was going like, we need, if somebody out there can cook us a cake in the form of a pseudo penis, which is like the strangest request. Wait, what's a pseudo? A pseudo penis.
Starting point is 01:04:13 For animal lovers, you should have been more well-researched on what a hyena is. Oh, a hyena. The females have pseudo penises. They give birth. It's wild. So anyway, so Chris was like asking for the strangest request, a cake.
Starting point is 01:04:30 And I was even thinking like he was like, if someone can make a cake shaped as a hyena pseudo penis, I'd appreciate it. And he kept saying it every fucking week. And I kept going like, who's going to do that? How's that even possible? What's it going to look like? Have we got one? And these ladies right here made one. We got a
Starting point is 01:04:46 little penis cake here. That was last year. Yeah, but last year. We had something different this year. And it kind of fell apart on the way here. Well, listen, we know we deserve it. You should smash it in our faces, actually. Let me tell the story. Okay. Yeah, the fans don't even know the story.
Starting point is 01:05:03 The story is great. So somehow Chris was talking to you guys, right? Cause I know I wouldn't have made this mistake. I probably would have. This is how fucking dirt bag we are. So they may look at that. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Look at what they did. I mean, look at that. So that, how long did that take? Uh, a while. We've posted that.
Starting point is 01:05:22 That's on our Instagram, right? Yes. So you could go look at it on history. History on Instagram and just scroll down to the to the cake. The cake was fucking crazy. Those hyenas there on the bottom are made out of sugar.
Starting point is 01:05:34 The whole thing's edible, right? Yep. And that's the penis wrapped around the pictures of us. You see that, sir? The penis. And then those are the ears on top. And they even did the details. I remember that some of the ears on top and they even did the details I remember that some of the ears were chewed because as you know
Starting point is 01:05:49 hyenas haze each other and they're vicious and they usually chew each other's ears off so these girls fucking went 100% in on this so they came down and we were like and Chris goes oh shit I forgot the Nora Cupcake girls are coming after we found out we can't do the podcast.
Starting point is 01:06:06 So they drove all the way from Connecticut. Had we they had they were carrying this cake. That shit is not a small cake. It's also hotter than it was today. Hot as fucking balls. And we're not even doing the podcast. We can't even we can't even get in the studio. So they drove all the way down, not for nothing, because we took a picture of it and had a slice and everything like that we tasted the cake
Starting point is 01:06:26 but kind of I mean they were supposed to be on the podcast we were supposed to do this big thing where we were talking about the cake and did a whole podcast about it so basically we ended up opening the cake and eating it off a car hood how fucking dirt bag is our podcast that is
Starting point is 01:06:42 typical hyena shit though I would definitely you know how that they prep me like two minutes before I get up. They're like, that's the subject. I'm like, what? I'm not going to fit in the front. And then we walked around the city trying to find a home for it so it could stay cool till later, i.e. some restaurant enjoyed it or didn't enjoy it until two weeks later. No, we didn't take it and put it in the freezer at the comedy. So I
Starting point is 01:07:06 thought, yeah, yeah, that's what we did. So we did. We had a piece. We did have a piece, but we you also brought cupcakes. We ate those. Yeah. But yeah. And then basically we were like, we're like, sorry, guys. And you guys would be nice. You're like, it's OK. But really, you're going like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:07:22 What the fuck? We weren't. We fucking brought down a cake and you forgot? It was fun. It was fun. We had a lot of fun making it. We had a lot of fun bringing it down. Yeah, and I'm glad we took a bit. We made it immortal by putting it up. It was amazing. It was just
Starting point is 01:07:38 a funny incident that we were looking at it on a car hood. Oh my god, so it's matriarchy and that's so cool. I mean, they went all out and we opened it up on a stranger's car hood. Yeah. On the street. In 95 degree weather. We're all sweating to death.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Colin Quinn popped in. Colin Quinn popped in for a second. So it was a fun moment, but it wasn't exactly what we had in mind. So now you guys are finally here. Yes, but also I want to address the corporate sponsorship while we're here. Okay. Because Nora Cupcakes, you guys get, you deserve
Starting point is 01:08:10 a lifetime of free advertising based on what you did. I want to explain because before you guys got organized, we became sponsored. Screwed in. We like to call it screwed in. Before we became screwed in, we became sponsors at the $100 level. And then you took that level
Starting point is 01:08:26 away. So we couldn't see anything. So it made me choose a level. And at the time, the levels were like 5, 25, and 500. And I mean, we make cake. No, no, no. I like what's going on now. We're negotiating. I like that.
Starting point is 01:08:41 All I'm saying, I don't see it. Hold up. Where's the yarmulkes, Isis? Did you use them for firewood again? Let's. Hold up. Where's the yarmulkes, Isis? Did you use them for firewood again? Let's throw them up. We are fucking talking business right now. Not talking business. I'm joking. I just want you to know that we have always been OG
Starting point is 01:08:56 sponsors. OG. Before there was even tears. Yes. From the beginning. I mean, this incident, we've been doing this podcast almost a little over a year. Right. A little over a year. So this was like,
Starting point is 01:09:08 if this was now, we had only been doing it a couple months at the time. That's true. We just want you to know we love you. Oh, we know. That's why.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Yeah. Listen, listen, if you drive down two hours from Connecticut, in the middle of summer, in the middle of summer, Middletown, right in the middle. Yeah. Yeah. So right in the middle,. In the middle of summer. In the middle of summer. Middletown, right in the middle.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Right in the middle. Driving down from Connecticut alone would be like, you know what? These girls love us. If they brought a cake that they probably took 14 hours to make and figured out a way to have Chris's dream come to fruition about a pseudo penis,
Starting point is 01:09:44 we don't question your love at all your love is not questioned as long as we're clear it is 100% crystal clear and what do you guys do? keep the doors locked we keep the doors locked were you guys just waiting downstairs? not for like a second
Starting point is 01:09:59 not even a second you should have fucking rolled out a red carpet and there's been very good communication. So no, we don't need a red carpet. Mike's got it screwed in and Venetia has him screwed in and if he does any more bad designs she's going to fucking shit all over it again.
Starting point is 01:10:15 When he did a dirtbag design or something? Yeah, he did a cuties with smoothies design and she hated it. She goes, I think... First of all, her first instinct was to shit on it. She's like, oh no, no, I don't like it. And then she saw how we were all like, wow! And then she went, um, what I'm trying to say is
Starting point is 01:10:32 I think we should all love it. Do we all love it? Do we love it? Have you guys seen it? Yes. Okay. I want to see it. Yeah, show it to search. I didn't think it was that bad. So it's, yeah. It's actually cute,
Starting point is 01:10:48 but it's definitely 100% anime. Why doesn't it just seem like a woman there? It looks like it was created by a 12-year-old Japanese girl in Tokyo. That is what I was going for. That's me and Chris on a date. That was not a planned photo shoot. He was just walking around with American flag sunglasses.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Actually, his socks were American flag too. And it was like, you know, it was no reason for it. It was like March or whatever. It's always obnoxious to me to walk around with American flag glasses or socks. He's obnoxious. Unless it's July 4th. Yeah, he's obnoxious. And let's be honest, he's got a big head. He's got a big head.
Starting point is 01:11:20 He's got a big head. I mean, he's got like a golden retriever head. Like a good breed. Sometimes you'll see the dirtbag breed like a canine specimen. Yeah. So that's the design. Yeah, I agree. You know, I mean...
Starting point is 01:11:36 It's for women. It's powerful, girl. It is very powerful, girl. You just feel like there's gonna be girls like, hee hee hee, just giggling around. Yeah, that's how the girls are. I feel like that should come with a giggle. Yeah. So Nora cupcakes,
Starting point is 01:11:52 how's business? It's good. Yeah. Cake cake. Yeah. I'm sorry. We closed that level. We just got,
Starting point is 01:11:58 it got too much. It's okay. No, it's okay. We got too much. Yeah. We understand. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:02 But you know what? We will give you a lifetime free promotion. I just didn't want you to, I'm not asking for anything. I really just wanted you to understand where we were coming from. Yeah. I didn't want you to think that we were, you know, being cheap about it. No, we knew. We knew.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Look, if you never talked to us again, I would understand. I would totally understand. It would be like, look, it's almost like if my I'm trying to think if my wife went to full effort to do something and I was like, me, me here. And she spent like four hours preparing something for me. And when we got there and I was like, babe, babe. Yeah. Like, I'm real excited what you did. Like, can we just have this moment on a car hood? I would understand, you know, and it was like a two hour drive for her to get there with the things she prepared. I would understand if this didn't happen. I would get it.
Starting point is 01:12:49 I would be like, you know what? Yeah, that didn't happen here. So don't don't worry about that. We're just pleased that you guys are still listening. Oh, yeah. And how's business going? I mean, it's cupcakes in the summer. So we lose to ice cream, which is fine.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Yeah. No big deal. Wow. This is interesting to be very creative. Now, this is the intricacy, the intricacies of the sweets business. It's very seasonal. Yeah, and competitive. Yeah, tell me about it.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Sweets people are vicious. Yeah. Yeah. And you know what's interesting about the sweets business I've realized? Is that Instagram is now a huge part of it. Oh, yeah. Because I know my wife has a huge sweet tooth and all she does is peruse Instagram
Starting point is 01:13:28 and stare at sweets. Yes. And there's actually a few places that have become famous because they've posted. Yes. The one thing that comes to mind is that place that does the shakes
Starting point is 01:13:38 and puts the cake on top of the shakes. Yeah. That's purely Instagram. Yeah. So people want to go to a restaurant and take, especially girls. Take a picture. Yeah, they go, oh my God, step back and can you? And they want to go to a restaurant and take, especially girls, they go, oh my God, step back and can you? And they post and they say to their friends
Starting point is 01:13:50 like, oh my God, guilty. Fucking eat that. No. When we go anywhere now, like if we're setting up an event somewhere, we have like a food truck and all that stuff or if we're putting up a new store, everything has to have an Instagrammable wall, area, space. It's the only
Starting point is 01:14:06 way. And your Instagram is doing pretty good. You got followers. Yeah, we got some followers. We got in early in the game. You know what I mean? So and you're not like you're not in prime. You're in the middle of Connecticut. Yeah, we're in the middle of Connecticut. We're part of Connecticut. Is it again? Middletown. So right in the middle town. Yeah. Right outside of Hartford.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Yeah. Is that close to North Salem? Westchester? Kind of, right? No? No. Because you're in the middle of Connecticut. Yeah. Yeah. So is that a rich area, Middletown? I mean, Connecticut in general is rich, but Middletown is a good blue-collar,
Starting point is 01:14:38 sturdy. But it's still pretty waaay. Hartford is dirtbag. Hartford is dirtbag. You said it. Hartford is dirtbag. No. We love Hartford is dirtbag Hartford is dirtbag You said it Hartford is dirtbag No No We love Hartford
Starting point is 01:14:49 Hartford No This is what I want to do Search Let's go to Connecticut Get a fucking clam pie From Pepe's And then go get some cupcakes
Starting point is 01:14:56 Yes Hartford is dirtbag Because we did a show There together We know what happened At the show Some guy punched a cop It was
Starting point is 01:15:02 There was Latin kings At the show. Latin kings are like Puerto Rican gang members that don't exist anymore. They moved to Hartford. Hartford is on some DB ass. But it's also one of the fucking most white states.
Starting point is 01:15:18 If the aliens came down there and they were like, okay, show me a white state. I think you go Hartford right off the bat. That's the first one that comes to mind. They're like, show me a white state. I think you go Hartford right off the bat. That's the first one that comes to mind. They're like, show me a white person. You're like, this kid. You just go to Hartford or, I mean, you go to Greenwich and you're like here. And there's some kid with boat shoes and no socks and like peach shorts comes out
Starting point is 01:15:34 and he's got like Ray-Bans with a fucking band around them. And he's going like, what's that, man? You fucking, what's going on? Slightly bleached tips. Yeah. I'll meet the fucking aliens as long as there's oysters there. I need fucking oysters in a raw bar. White people love a raw bar. How much they love a raw bar.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yep. So business is good. Now, do you bake? Yeah. Yourself? In the beginning. Yes. Not anymore.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Not anymore. You delegate. You delegate. Yeah. Yeah. And cry. I remember you. She's. You work for her. Yes. You work for her. Yep. I remember delegate. Yeah. Yeah. And cry. I remember I remember you. She's you're you work for her. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:07 You work for her. Yeah. I remember that. Yeah. But you guys just like good friends. Yes. That's nice to be friends with your boss. Yeah. It's never awkward at all. Well, yeah. Surprisingly, no, no. Yeah. I could never hang. Not for me. I don't think me neither. You guys are good. We're good. Yeah. Yeah. We're actually partnering
Starting point is 01:16:23 and opening another thing. Congratulations. That's big. Yeah. Different good. We're good. We're actually partnering and opening another thing. Congratulations. That's big. Different concept. No more desserts. What are you guys looking to do? We'll make the announcement on here. You're breaking news right now. Break news right now. We're doing just a local, cool little dive
Starting point is 01:16:38 bar right behind the cupcake store. Real cool. Money's in the alcohol. That's where we come from. That's where we hail from. So we're kind of like fish out of water in this dessert game. But you're doing good in this dessert game. And you know what's funny is like Emoji Face can't
Starting point is 01:16:54 keep his eyes off what's in that packet. He's trying to listen. He just got his fucking eyes glued in on that white packet. He's going, what? I mean, I'm embarrassed to show it. It's melting away. It's going, what? I mean, I'm embarrassed to show it. Yeah. It's melting away. It's melting away. That was heavy breathing.
Starting point is 01:17:13 You might have to sample that for a mojo face. Yeah. Yeah. Chris always talks about him breathing heavy. Well, you're on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:21 You're on it. Zach's on it. Let me ask you girls something. Yeah. Yeah. Do you guys like the team we put together? Yeah, it's great. Yeah. Yeah. You're on it. Zach's on it. Let me ask you gross stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Do you guys like the team we put together? Yeah, it's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Yeah. We got a good team, right? I'm sad that Venetia is not here. I know. We're in doubt. Doubt. Yeah. But don't worry.
Starting point is 01:17:32 She's fucking calls in and bosses everybody around. She should. She should. That's what she has to do. That's what we needed. Or else or else, you know what happens? Women drive down after doing a lot of hard work and fucking open up their cake on a car. I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 01:17:44 If Venetia was here, that would have happened in this studio and everything would have been fine. Right. Yeah. I mean, we talked about it on the way back that night saying, you know, should we just volunteer our services to organize these guys? Right. Or get them screwed in. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:57 You guys could have done it. You could have done it too. We're busy though. You know what I mean? It's hard. You don't want to drive down and have Chris sitting here going, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I mean? It's hard. You don't want to drive down and have Chris sitting here going, yeah. Yeah. His fucking jaw popping. What are we doing here? You guys are a lot funner
Starting point is 01:18:09 when we just listen to you. We don't got to deal with Chris on the phone like this. Yeah. Right. Mainlining frosting into his arm. Yeah. Now, how much does Mike's face for the people? Because a lot of people just see pictures. But if you see Mike, how much does his face look like an emoji?
Starting point is 01:18:25 I mean, I see it. I see the resemblance. I see the resemblance. But I mean, we kind of had like a precursor coming into it. So it's hard to it's hard to like first glance. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Yeah. And he's also dropped a little way. He's looking sexy. So as he drops weight and the jawline check-in gets good, we lose
Starting point is 01:18:42 the emoji a little bit. That's what happens. Yeah. It's just what it is. You're starting to look more like a person. You kind of got like a feudal face. That beard kind of makes you look like
Starting point is 01:18:57 a knight that's retired. You used to be chiseled, but now you just retired. Too big for the horse. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. So that's big news.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Congratulations. Thank you. And you guys are partners on it? We're going to be partners on that. Wow. So you've really been saving those paychecks. She's moving up. She's been saving the paychecks and dealing with me.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Did you guys know each other before the business? Yes. Yes. All right. We worked in a bar together before that. Yeah. Yeah. So Nora Cupcakes, Middletown, Connecticut.
Starting point is 01:19:29 If you don't check it out. First of all, you guys don't even need us because I see your Instagram and you guys, people love your spot. Yeah. And also the reviews are good. Thank you. Yeah. Now, Serge, you're going to have some cupcakes or are you still?
Starting point is 01:19:40 Yeah, absolutely. We brought a knife too. We came prepared so we could slice the cake. Nice. So Serge is going to have a piece of cake. Serge is. What do you mean Serge? We're all going to slice the cake. Nice. So Serge is going to have a piece of cake. Serge is... What do you mean, Serge? We're all going to have a piece of cake.
Starting point is 01:19:48 We're all going to have a piece of cake, but I'm just saying Serge is a healthy kid. I'm not that healthy. I just exercise a lot, but I eat what I want. And he smokes a lot of Lucy's. There you go. Yeah. Like, I'm just like one of those dudes that,
Starting point is 01:19:58 like a plumber with a leaky force. Like, I do the work, but it's like, this shit's not really working. Balance. And if you ever wanted to question how much he works, just go to his Instagram stories. I treat you like a fit bit. He will post you his running route like anyone cares.
Starting point is 01:20:15 I know that shit pisses you off. Who do you think cares about this shit? Nobody cares. But it's funny. Anyway, okay, so can we see what's up? I mean, Mike Emoji's dick is going puing right now. He's like this. He's looking at it like I used to look at bags of boo!
Starting point is 01:20:33 Yo! It looks like blizzy to him. What a fun episode. Yeah, I mean, this is, we did such a hard right turn after Medgar Evers. If you want to hear more about Medgar Evers, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys bonus
Starting point is 01:20:47 episode. We will talk more about Medgar Evers. But right now we're going to taste some sweets from Nora Cupcake Company in Middletown. Read these while they're doing that. Oh shit. Yeah. All right. We got our new Patreon members. As you know, that's
Starting point is 01:21:03 our tradition every week. If you join up at whatever level as a new Patreon members. As you know, that's our tradition every week. If you join up at whatever level as a new Patreon member at patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, you'll get your name read. We got Jimmy Pete's Pizzola got dolphins half price cuz. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. We got to put together this Hall of Fame team, who I think is led by that kid. Tim Duncan is the uvula. Yeah, I think that kid's number one I think it's Tim Duncan
Starting point is 01:21:25 Chris's pupillus yeah then we got Shmevlin Moyville wow that kid's screwed in Shmevlin Moyville that name gave me odds of them that was a tough one right there then we got
Starting point is 01:21:41 Tahila No Fumes Thompson nice Andrew Pace wow that kid is fucking wait right there. Then we got Tahila No Fumes Thompson. Nice. Andrew Pace. Wow, that kid is fucking weight. We got Eliza Nowak. Wow, that sounds like a girl who'd sign up for your boxing classes. I got Eliza at 1015, and then I got
Starting point is 01:21:57 Venetia at 1130. Then we got Ruben McFly. Funny. Sean, a couple Jews got to go. 2020, it is what it is. Read. So that's a good one. Then we got Jeff Boblitz.
Starting point is 01:22:12 Another screwed in kid. Jeff Boblitz. Couple Jews on that list. Couple Jews, couple screwed in kids, couple funny kids. Wow. Holy shit. Can we get that in frame? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:24 While we get that in frame, we're brought to you as always by 9th Street Auto Collision. They're located out in the island. 631-351-5300. You know what it is. They'll crack open your car and clean it out in Huntington Station, New York. We're also brought to you by CBD Script. Guys, at this point, you know what it is. Gummies, edibles.
Starting point is 01:22:41 It's CBD oil, and it's the best company on the planet. Premium CBD. Their stuff's got no fumes, edibles. It's CBD oil and it's the best company on the planet. Premium CBD. Their stuff's got no fumes, no chemicals. Promo code HIENAS15. Go to CBDscript.com Promo code HIENAS15 to get 15% off your total offer of your fucking CBD oil.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Also a healthy smile family and cosmetic dentistry. That's www.ahealthyhappysmile.com. At Healthy Smile Rock Hill on Instagram. You know who it is, Dr. Harvey Spencer Jr. Go down there if you're in South Carolina and you want to get your teeth cracked open and cleaned out. Salute to our inaugural sponsor every week. Live from the sandbox.com.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Go check out Vidora Raj Pasca on all his social media. Vidora Raj Pasca, all one word. Live from the Sandbox.com. He's a comic from Berlin who hosts the Anything Goes podcast. And we love you and appreciate you. Also, Nutrition Made Fun. I keep promoting this kid because I just enjoy reading his posts on Instagram because he's really passionate about it.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Getting in shape. Nutrition Made Fun. He's really good at it, too. He's really good about it. Get in shape. Nutrition made fun. He's really good at it, too. He's really good at it. Yeah. Nutrition made fun on the gram. And his website is right there in the in his bio description on his gram where you can sign up for him to help you. So next enrollment starts July 15th.
Starting point is 01:24:01 So that's right now. So fucking go sign up. Nutrition made fun on the gram. Lakeside Maple. These kids are most screwed in. Sponsors. Yeah, these kids are doing good. Lakeside Maple. It's trail mix because they got three different flavors. Original ginger chai
Starting point is 01:24:15 and spicy. This is basically it is a trail mix that is baked in pure maple syrup and it is delicious. Go to their website, lakesidemapl.com Use the promo code WILD at checkout for 15% off your offer. Now we got a hyena cake
Starting point is 01:24:32 and conveniently Emoji Face has left because he's trying to maybe went and jerked off. That might have what happened. This is unbelievable. Is this in frame? Yep. This is what is being seen Holy shit. Can we get a picture of that before we eat it?
Starting point is 01:24:47 Can we get some pics? Is that made out of sugar? That's insane. Yo, emoji face. Do you see this? You're on there, cuz. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Yeah. Yeah. So this picture is from the Lion King movie that's coming out this week so we covered the actors with the three of you oh that's awesome and then you're looking at hyenas and then we're just going to say that we did this intentionally, it was ravaged by hyenas
Starting point is 01:25:21 on the way here look at that that's all of it. You know what it looks like? It looks like Emoji Face was in the backseat with it and he just couldn't handle it anymore. He just couldn't handle it anymore. He face dove right into it. So look at this. The beautiful
Starting point is 01:25:35 girls from Nora Cupcakes Company have brought down this amazing this is what's called the pseudo penis cake take two. And look, Mike Emoji Face couldn't handle it. He just he goes in and handle it. This is amazing. Your cupcake company's got
Starting point is 01:25:54 third Mike is actually out there. You saw that? Yeah. It's amazing. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we can cut it, though. We have a nice knife do you have any we're actually not allowed to eat in the studio but we're gonna naughty how about
Starting point is 01:26:13 do you want to put it on these like already now yeah can we wrap this up real quick we're already done it's still filming so no no we're done we're wrapping up alright thank? We're already done. It's still filming, so I can stop. No, no, we're done. We're wrapping up? Alright, thank you. Yeah, alright, well that's it. That's our episode.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Thank you, girls. Thank you. Thank you again, of course, to our honorary Bay Ridge boy. Love you to death. Thank you, Serge. Thank you for having me. Awesome time. And tune in. Go picture our backstabbing. To hear more about Megarevers, you can search P.E.A.S. Thank you. Bye.

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