History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 81 - Equal Pay is WILD

Episode Date: July 28, 2019

Sergio Chicon returns to discuss the recent soccer climate. Yanni has some guests on and gets into the controversial equal pay for the US women’s soccer team topic. Too hot for tv! Wild!Want more H...yena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ•πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈChris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ™†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈYannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, websiteπŸ•History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? You're listening to the Bay Ridge Boys, History Hyenas, Bad. Welcome. Listen, there's a lot of dust being kicked up on the Serengeti right now. Welcome to another episode of History Hyenas. It is 100% chaos and fucking wild in here. We just ate Nora Cupcake's company's cake. They made it. If you listened to the last episode, you
Starting point is 00:00:56 heard all about it. Look, there's no mystery. We did two in the same day, okay? I know you feel, I know you're like, hey, Serge is still there. And although he's wearing a hat, it doesn't exactly look like an outfit change because got the same shirt on. And you see that I look the same and emoji faces is exactly the same weight.
Starting point is 00:01:15 So this is the same day. We're doing back to back because next week we got crazy schedules. Chris is going to Vegas. I'm coming back from San Antonio and whatever's happening, we're doing back to back. And we got crazy schedules. Chris is going to Vegas. I'm coming back from San Antonio. And whatever's happening, we're doing back to back. And we got our guests. We got fucking seven guests right now. There's just a bunch of people in the room.
Starting point is 00:01:35 We got the Nora Cupcake ladies are still here. Thank you. That was amazing. Thank you. And yeah, I don't know what's happening right now, but my whole body's tingling. Is that bad? You deal with that?
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yes. Yes. Yeah. That's called the sugar tingles. Yes. Yeah. There you go. So I feel like I took a blast.
Starting point is 00:01:52 I'm like, I didn't want to get a cigarette. I feel like I need a cigarette to make a baby. I mean, there may have been something special in there, but. I'm not. I may need a little CBD script oil to calm down. We just took our blood sugar right now is through the fucking roof because we just had a piece of the
Starting point is 00:02:13 part two. We call that pseudo penis cake. Yeah. Or, you know, cake on the Serengeti. I mean, you've been doing this a little while. Look how good that was. She was like, you came up with a name. I was like, yes, it's cake toi.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Cake on the Serengeti. Nice. Those slices were those weren't small slices, we just say. Those were hefty. The cake was delicious. So not only did it look good and wild
Starting point is 00:02:47 because like it looked good to us, but if you showed that to a bride, she'd be like are you fucking serious? There's fucking blood and hyenas on there. There's no way I'm fucking eating that. Plus I gotta fucking go box with Serge in 45 minutes. I gotta go to overthrow and fucking deal with Serge.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I fucking love boxing with Serge because he's so cool. It's mostly him. Like it's a great workout. It's mostly him.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Fuck yeah, you should try it. And then we can go get margaritas and Brian Parker afterwards. Yeah, they stay in the Lower East
Starting point is 00:03:19 Side. Lower East Side. Yeah. They'll go for drinks at Ghost Donkey. Ghost Donkey. Some shit like
Starting point is 00:03:24 that. Yeah. Yeah. You get, but you get some, you get some, you get some of the they're probably well-to-do girls. Yeah. They're well-to-do. They all do jobs I've never heard of. Yeah. Like I do PR. Yeah, you do PR.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Yeah, I do PR. Yeah, they all do that. It's like, yeah, I do PR. I stand in a stand. I love them all. Actually, there's a lot of good energy that goes to those doors but every now and then you just remember you can't be talking publicly like that because it's your business I was like yo honestly no it's all
Starting point is 00:03:53 good but I just hate when people come in and you gotta wrap their hands for boxing right to protect your knuckles and wrists people ask why do you have to wrap your hands to protect your knuckles and wrists but sometimes they come in like this. Like these other raps, they come like this. And I'm like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:04:09 And it's like a knot. It's just like, like, like they bringing me dreadlocks. Like you expect me to untangle that shit? And they're like, I don't know. I just washed that. And then you're just doing, I'm here because of your personality surge. And then I like untangling it and looking to the side, like with question marks above the head. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yo, I told you boxing has become like, it like the it's like so in fashion to work out doing boxing. We're going to open a gym. Why don't you come to a session? He boxed me once. Now we're going to open a gym. And he didn't come back. Everyone's doing it for a workout because it's like two in one. You know, you get to work out.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Plus, you know, throw hands a little bit. So then you can, you know, mouth off to the wrong person. Get beat up. It's going to happen to you, Chris. It's going to happen to you. Yo, he's confident. He's too confident. You're not that good.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Your hands are slow. You're talking mad shit. You got no rhythm. You look tense. You're going to get beat up. Most fights end up on the ground anyway. You're going to die. I'm just doing what he would usually do.
Starting point is 00:05:06 We missed Chris two in a row. He's just drunk in Nantucket right now. But we got we got our man Elvis who's finally made it to the East Coast. What's up? I think we're past our Mexican quota in here, though. We only got one. Now we got two. So welcome, man. We got
Starting point is 00:05:21 Christian Polanco. Come on. Yeah, hop on. Why not? Fucking let's, you know. Jesus Christ, we got a lot of guests today. This is like, you know what, dude? Now let's just talk over each other and scream. Exactly. How's it going, everybody? Good. How you doing, Christian? I haven't seen you in a while. I know, man. And we only live
Starting point is 00:05:39 like 10 blocks from each other. I just moved, actually. You're out of Bay Ridge now. Wow. Cooligans is doing that. You got that Cooligan money. No, because I had mold in my apartment and it was making me and my girlfriend sick, so we had to leave. Now, you have a podcast called Cooligans. He doesn't care about your hair!
Starting point is 00:05:55 I don't care at all. I'm sick. I'm going to cough all over this microphone. I just trust that you're okay because you're here. Elvis is here. Yo, mold is serious. Won't you rather have mold or bed bugs? No, mold's one of those things. That's like a new New York kind of worry. We have mold. Is there
Starting point is 00:06:12 lead paint? It's like, look, you're going to die. It's going to happen. The worst thing is lead paint or fucking mold is the least that could happen to you in this fucking city. He's from Sunset Park. He gets it. Exactly. Yo, Christian Polanco would have been scared of you in this fucking city. He's from Sunset Park. He gets it. Exactly. Yo, Christian Palanco would have been scared of you in high school.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I still am a little bit. What are you talking about? I love Christian Palanco. Yeah, but Sergio used to scare people in high school. Oh, stop it. Kenny Garcia said he used to get scared of Sergio. Kenny Garcia's a liar, by the way. Now, I love your co-host too, Alexis
Starting point is 00:06:44 Carreras. You guys got a soccer podcast, very popular soccer podcast called Cooligans. Now, I love your co-host too, Alexis Guerrero. So you guys got a soccer podcast, very popular soccer podcast called Cooligans. Now, what's it like to be the more humble of the two Cooligans? I mean, it's pretty... Alexis Guerrero can be arrogant! I think that it's a good balance because he can be absolutely ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Whenever we're in any kind of setting where business is being discussed, people are like, if they just meet Alexis, they're like, no, there's no way we can work with this brand. Yeah, and they're also going like, there's no way this guy doesn't not pay the rent of this house. The way he's talking.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Exactly. So I'm the more reasonable one and people sort of trust me that this is an actual endeavor that they want to get involved with. Now, when you guys start doing live shows, I assume they're all going to have to be in England.
Starting point is 00:07:30 No, no, no. You have American fans. Cause we don't shit about soccer. We deal with it all the time. We literally just got back from DC. We were doing,
Starting point is 00:07:39 don't lie to me. You're going to do be doing a tour in Nigeria, Brazil, Honduras, maybe England and the Brazil. I'd welcome it. Honduras, maybe England and the Netherlands. We were in D.C. We did stand up and we did a live podcast in Audi Field in an actual soccer stadium. So it was unbelievable. I don't think any other comedian has ever performed at a soccer stadium. It's only existed for like two years. So I think I can say it confidently. But no, there's a lot of American soccer fans that love American soccer.
Starting point is 00:08:05 MLS and our diehards have been following it for like 20 years. And these are people. Yeah. You know? No, I'm kidding with you. It's going great. And look, I hope soccer grow. Soccer's a beautiful sport.
Starting point is 00:08:17 You know? Yeah, I do. We just have a little bit of a scoring problem. Like if you're an American, you're like, I know how to fix this problem. We make the goal bigger. We get rid of the goalie, or we put a blind guy in the sidelines with a gun and he's just randomly firing on
Starting point is 00:08:29 the field. And they play with trucks. Or play with trucks, yeah. That would help. But it's getting more popular. Thanks to cool against. It is the most popular. People say all the time. Globally, it's like the most popular sport. Soccer is the most popular religion than any other, right?
Starting point is 00:08:46 So it's too popular. Wait a second. Not more popular than Islam. Is that true, Isis? Yeah, no. Okay, yeah, we confirmed. That's a dangerous statement. No, it is a very, very true statement. Soccer is not more popular. This is a strange
Starting point is 00:09:02 situation we got going on here. I don't know what this episode's about. Serge is still here. Nora Cupcakes girls are still here. Elvis is here. He makes t-shirts. We're talking about a soccer podcast. What's going on right now? This is a weird
Starting point is 00:09:17 roundtable of fucking... This is an absolute fucking wild episode. Check it out, man. This is a history show, right? I mean, 10 years ago, shit like this wouldn't be going on in a podcast. Like, it's just people from all different walks of life here. Which, by the way, I love Kristen Polanco's face. Look at that complexion.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Yeah, he looks 12 years old. Yo, he's got a beautiful complexion. That dude is a lot of water. Yo. He got mannequin skin. He looks like he's doing a real-life 21 Jump Street at Dominican High School. I mean, that dude, he's looked like that. I've known him for 15 years and he's looked the same. This guy's fucking gorgeous. He's 47.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Look at him. I mean, how young does this kid look? Yo, baby man. I've known Zurg for like nine years, so 15 is a bit of a stretch. But no, this is my face. This has been my face since we started, since I started comedy. Sir, I think you were the first person to book me on a show. Yeah, bring a show. I said you were the first person to book me on a show.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah, bring a show. I said, bring 30 people. You don't get on. That's right. Yeah. You are some dirtbag shit. I was good. You were good, dude. You weren't too predatory. I was a young comic trying to do it. Young comic smoking newborns.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And you had a hairline back then. Yeah, I was like that. We're drinking Hennessy with no ice. Yo, when I met Serge. Back when he only had one snake. When he only had one snake. Yo, when I met Serge for the first time, I swear to God,
Starting point is 00:10:33 we had a great conversation by the bar, but I swear to God, he talked about 95% of the conversation. And you know, Yann didn't like that shit because he likes to speak. I like to speak. I like to hear yourself speak. to speed. He likes to speed.
Starting point is 00:10:46 It's true. It's true. I liked Serge from the moment we met. And I liked you from the moment we met. There's not anything to dislike about Christian Polanco. Thank you. Except for his podcast Cool Games because I'm not a soccer fan. I'm kidding. I like the World Cup. Nobody's perfect. Nobody's perfect. No, I like the World Cup.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I do like soccer. I do like it. I think it's a beautiful sport. Yeah, and Elvis does make sure he makes soccer-inspired clothing and he is our merch guy and we put him in touch with you. So yeah, so check this out now. You know how fucking screwed in we're getting. We got Nora Cupcakes here, right? Which basically, I know how screwed
Starting point is 00:11:17 in you guys are. You do love us, but you're like, you know what? Let's bring a fucking cake. It's worth the amount of money for the podcast. You know, podcast is growing. We're going to get some good promo on this. No, I'm kidding. We just ate a cake. You guys can leave with it money for the podcast. You know, podcast is growing. We're going to get some good promo on this. No, I'm kidding. We just ate a cake. You guys can leave with it. You can have some. Okay. Thank you. And I am. I feel like I just did cocaine. Yeah. My hands are on fire. Are your hands on fire?
Starting point is 00:11:35 My hands are cold. I can't feel my head. I can't feel my little toe. Yeah. Can I get a bump of the cake? So yeah, you can. Nice to meet you, by the way, Elvis. Yeah. So Elvis from LA, from LA. Nice to meet you, by the way, Elvis. Thank you. You too. Elvis from LA. On the Volley. Onthevolley.com.
Starting point is 00:11:54 We're getting screwed in. We're getting our website coming, historyhaheenas.com. I'm friends with Alexis. Alexis, and you have Cooligans. You guys do your merch somehow with Elvis because it's a soccer site, right? Yeah. Elvis, we got in touch with you
Starting point is 00:12:10 through Instagram or something like that. I do all that to help grow my brand just through Instagram, liking all kinds of stuff. I saw what they were doing. You're screwed in kid is what you're saying. I'm a huge stand-up comedy fan. I go to frequent shows
Starting point is 00:12:25 out in LA all the time. And I saw what they were doing and I just reached out and said, look, I have a soccer-inspired clothing brand. Are you guys interested? And they were all about it. I've been sending them merch.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And then after a while, they were interested in making some zone. I was like, we'll do this for you. Yeah, the first thing he sent us was the Wu-Tang. It's the Wu-Tang logo with a soccer pitch inside it.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And everybody was- Can you legally do that? Do you tank shots? They stress you? Yo, man, not on the air, dog. They're nothing to fuck with. That's illegal! This is going to roll up on you while you're in New York!
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yeah. Well, we got soccer guys on here. You want to talk about the women's pay? We are going to. We are. We're going to get there. What he was basically saying is, this is boring. Let's move forward. Wrap it up.
Starting point is 00:13:08 We're 15 minutes in. We've only talked about Christian's face. And we're all doing Serge's voice for some reason. Everyone's just talking like Serge. Yeah, but look, we can't forget also New York Cupcakes is here. We'll do an open forum
Starting point is 00:13:23 about equal pay. But before we get there, because this here. So this is going to be, we'll do an open forum about equal pay. But before we get there, because this is soccer, this is interesting fucking shit. Interesting shit going on. We got some women in the room, right? We got two and a half women here because I'm half. There's definitely a lot of estrogen pumping in me. But so, and now Elvis is making our shirts. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:13:44 So our shirts are coming. This is exciting. We got, what are our shirts again? We got the No Fume shirt. We got the Witch Hazel shirt. Cracked open and cleaned out. We got the Coco shirt. Cracked open and cleaned out. And then the fourth one is going to be the Chris's Remote Deck. What did
Starting point is 00:13:59 we do? What did we pick for the fourth? The Hyena. The one, the Wei Zhong. Oh, Wei Zhongxian. Yeah. Wei Zhongxian. Wei Zhongxian. There it is. You heard it live for the fourth? The hyena. The one, the Wei Zhong. Oh, Wei Zhongxian. Yeah. Wei Zhongxian. Wei Zhongxian. There it is. You heard it live for the first time. We got a new one called Loud 14, too. We're going to have to do Loud 14, sure. Loud 14. We have a Smithfield Water Department
Starting point is 00:14:15 design also. Oh, we got it. Yeah. Shout out to Smithtown Water. Does anyone need water? You guys good? You want water? Sure, I'll take a water. Yo, Christian Polanco talks like a proper like if i called up i'm buying whatever you're selling people say people tell me i sound like alex rodriguez you do i get that a lot people are watching him do a broadcast and like man you sound exactly like alex rodriguez i'm like i'm sure i sound like a lot of dominican americans what
Starting point is 00:14:40 are you gonna do you kind of do that's interesting but he's not dominican though is he's puerto rican no he's full Dominican. Alex Rodriguez is Dominican. He was born in, I believe, Florida, but to Dominican parents. I thought he was Puerto Rican all this time. Oh, my God. This changes everything. I know. He's Dominican? Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I mean, there's a couple of good Puerto Rican baseball players, but I mean, the Dominicans got it on lock, dog. Dominicans, too, got it on lock. How about soccer? Is Puerto Rico Dominicans? There's probably like three that end up playing, but there's actually a couple of Dominican players that play in Spain. And there's always a big issue
Starting point is 00:15:14 because the Dominican Republic national team is terrible. They're just not good at all. It's a baseball country, but there's a couple of Dominicans that play in Spain that have dual citizenship and they choose to play for Spain instead of Dominican Republic repping where they're from. So it's like it's something that bugs me.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah, I'd be upset. I'm so mad. This is as mad as I get. So deal with it, everybody. I think Big Papi is why they're doing this. It totally makes sense. I get it. Today we interviewed Giuseppe Rossi and he did the exact same thing. It's just like sure. Do you know who Giuseppe Rossi and he did the exact same thing. It's just like, sure.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Do you know who Giuseppe Rossi is? First of all, I like that he just said we interviewed. He just bumped himself up. He's like, I took pictures. When did you become a co-host? He's like, we just, you know, we're doing a lot of stuff right now. We interviewed Giuseppe Papi. Dude, he's going to take over this podcast real soon.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah, I know. No, do you know who Giuseppe Rossi is? No. He was born in New Jersey to Italian parents and he was a great soccer player. The U.S. wanted him to play on the U.S. soccer team, but he chose to play for Italy and he's seen today from a lot of American
Starting point is 00:16:19 soccer fans as a traitor. They hate him. They can't stand, they can't believe that he, the fact that he was born here and basically rejected an opportunity to be an absolute star for the US team as opposed to just another dude playing for Italy. He chose Italy. Then he only
Starting point is 00:16:35 played about 40 games, never got called back in and people were like, good for you. That's what you get. We just talked to him and it was an amazing conversation. Why do you think he did that? His parents. It had to be. This is for the national team. you get. So that's why we just talked to him and it was an amazing conversation. Why do you think he did that? He his parents, his parents had to be like you. This is for the national national team. So no money involved. No, there's money involved, but it's
Starting point is 00:16:51 probably you want to play for it. It's a better team, more worldwide, more renowned. You're going to probably go to the World Cup, whereas when you're the American when you're an American, the American male team, you know, those guys are overpaid. I mean, let's,
Starting point is 00:17:05 those guys haven't even fucking made the world cup or qualified. We're going to get into it today. And we got, we got, did you play soccer growing up? Yeah, no, I didn't,
Starting point is 00:17:15 but I, you're a soccer fan, but I'm a soccer fan. Yeah. You play baseball a little bit. I played more, mostly basketball. I'm Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I grew up in Brooklyn. That's true. But I just pick, if you have Dominican parents, like at some point, your father was like, he said a baseball. Take a baseball and throw it. No, my I grew up in Brooklyn. That's true. But I just pick if you have Dominican parents. Like at some point, your father was like, this is a baseball. Take a baseball and throw it.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Let's see if he has an arm. No, he has nothing. My dad was not too invested in my life, per se. He was, you know, he just liked his president. He was a surgeon. He was around, but yeah. My father was half Dominican. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I didn't know that. I didn't know that. That's what you call him calling is actually a Dominican. Okay. Now, Nora Cupcakes is also here, but this... So we'll come to you. So don't copy us. Even though we copied you
Starting point is 00:17:57 using your merch guy, I don't want you to call Nora Cupcakes and say, give us a cake in the shape of a soccer ball. Yeah, receive some soccer ball with Alexis' face on it. Yeah. There's no challenge in that. You know what would be funny? It's like every cupcake,
Starting point is 00:18:09 every fucking podcast starts calling Nora Cupcakes because of Chris and starts going, we want a cake in the shape of a guy we fucked. And then it would be Chris. Yeah. Yeah. Wow, this turned out to be a fun episode. Oh, that cake's going to have a thick ass. Yeah, because they made us a pseudo penis cake.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Okay. Yeah. Now there, yeah, this is these girls. Do you guys meet at all? No, we didn't meet. These are worlds colliding. Did you know that you were going to meet a guy from L.A. who makes T-shirts named Elvis today? Weird shit is going on right now.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Did you know we're going to be putting you on the spot asking your opinion about fucking equal pay? You had no idea. You thought we were just going to eat fucking cheesecake and move on. I'm saying cheesecake because I'm coked up right now. I mean, yo, I'm on a sugar high right now. I'm like, this is looking at you like this. Yo, if my emoji face
Starting point is 00:19:07 falls asleep, call 911. Is that a Tribe Called Quest shirt? So this is one of Elvis' shirts, coincidentally. This is a Tribe Called Quest like that design. Wow, this kid's going to get sued quick. This one we're actually okay with. It's called A Game Called Football, and we released
Starting point is 00:19:23 this for the Women's World Cup four years ago, and it's just a game called football and we released this for the women's world cup four years ago and it's just a girl kicking it's just inspired by the colors from one of their albums it's a dope shirt yeah low end theory I believe it was yeah this is one of our more popular shirts and then like this one that I did is just like a run DMC oh I can see that yeah you didn't have to
Starting point is 00:19:39 explain that yeah that's a walking lawsuit on your fucking shirt no I mean as I mean we I do research a lot of explain that. It's a walking lawsuit on your fucking shirt. No, I mean, I do research a lot of the appropriation stuff that I know what we can kind of slide with. Wu-Tang's one of the ones that is just so widely used. Where would
Starting point is 00:19:55 Wu-Tang begin to start telling people? That's got to be the most popular logo in the world. Yeah, nobody even knows what the Pepsi logo is. Yeah. Yeah. That was a joke, world. Yeah, yeah. It's one of them. Yeah, nobody even knows what the Pepsi logo is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:09 That was a joke, guys. I'm sorry. So this is what we want to talk about, Christian. We brought you in specifically. I'm going to act like this was planned. This is all random today. But we were going to talk
Starting point is 00:20:19 about this to begin with. Where are you going? You going to the bathroom? All right. Whatever happens in the bathroom is going to be violent. Mike Emojiface just went to the bathroom. I would not want to be that toilet right now.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Whatever, the toilet's just going no. If a toilet can speak, it's just going no! No! Yeah, because it just might be It might be cake that comes out Anyway It doesn't work that quick
Starting point is 00:20:51 Are you coked up too? There's a lot of sugar I definitely feel so I shouldn't have ate all the frosting I think the frosting is what gets you I feel great That's like training wheels coke I still have most of it right here I'm just taking a bump every now and then.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Just snorting cake. He's just waiting for the sheik to come pray over it so it can be halal. It's not halal right now. Halal huwakbar. Okay, so here's the deal. Big controversy. Yes. Equal pay. Soccer. The women's soccer. Shout out to the girls who just won the World Cup.
Starting point is 00:21:22 We had two of them on our show. I can't believe it. Wow. It was great yeah rose lavelle and ali krieger who were uh like our friends now it's crazy that's amazing yeah yeah yeah your pocket is doing great and you guys are both funny guys check it out hooligans which is a great name too because it's like a playoff of hooligans exactly soccer hooligans um because you know those european soccer fans act like animals yeah yeah we don't need that we don't need that here yeah no you know what i you know those European soccer fans act like animals we don't need that here you know what it is let me just say this
Starting point is 00:21:49 let me just say this patriotic pappas for a second I'm kind of fucking sick of like the other countries talking about us how racist we are you go to those fucking games in Europe they fucking throw bananas on the field they They do shit.
Starting point is 00:22:06 They fucking Nazi salute at soccer games. Yes. And then they got the gall to fucking lecture us. Get the fuck out of here, England. I agree with you 100%. They're much more racist over there. And then it depends on the country, right?
Starting point is 00:22:21 There's certain country. Italy right now is probably the worst nowadays. There's players that play for Juventus where they do monkey chants. They throw bananas on. These are superstars and they do not respect them. And the Italian Federation doesn't punish these teams. How can they not punish teams? How can the law enforcement not prevent that? I agree.
Starting point is 00:22:41 I completely agree with you. Italian kids can't help it. They're fucking Italians and just have racism. It's. I agree. I completely agree with you. Italian kids can't help it. They're fucking Italians just have racism. It's all I know. It's so deep in there. Italians just, they can't help it. It's bad. So what tends to happen occasionally
Starting point is 00:22:55 is that if they find that a group of fans start doing that, the next game they'll allow the game to be played. They'll find the team and they'll force the game to be played they'll find the team and they'll force the game to be played with no fans so the team can't make any money from any of the ticket sales although it's just a quiet
Starting point is 00:23:12 stadium and you know 22 guys are playing against each other it works sometimes but that's the only thing they can really do because you can't arrest everybody you can't arrest every racist so they have to punish the club and they arrest the whole country of Italy. Just saw off the boot, you know, it's gone. So that they try to do things. Italy has, it has been the slowest to kind of like eradicate it. But some of the other
Starting point is 00:23:35 England at least does a better job. The English media gets on, they put the photos of the people that yell at the players or if they throw something. So they try to do a little bit more. So you can I'll get I'll give some credit there. Yeah, it's so stupid. Very stupid. It's fucking stupid. And I hate that, that they, you know, because they always talk shit about Americans, Europeans. I'm like, look at you fucking animals.
Starting point is 00:23:58 They act like animals at the soccer game. There's bad people everywhere. Oh, no, no. Come on. There's bad people on both sides. Yeah, but I've never seen fans quite behave like soccer fans yeah i've never seen it there's a reason why they're called soccer hooligan i mean there's a reason sure but that's what i say like the fervor the passion and when i make the comment about like it's the most uh popular
Starting point is 00:24:17 religion is because this is people are radicalized you know when it comes to soccer and there's a couple of those people and they And it's changed a lot. And in the 80s and 90s, it was a nightmare. And it was really, really bad. And the fact that social media puts a light on all this stuff now, it's happening a lot, lot less. And you know what it is a lot of it too? I think it's like Northern European kids can't handle their liquor at all. They get drunk.
Starting point is 00:24:42 They drink up there. I've been there many times. And actually, they did this study. It's like Southern Like, they drink up there. Like, I've been there many times. Like, you know, and actually they did this study. It's like Southern Europeans can handle liquor overall better because they've been drinking liquor longer. Okay. So it's an actual thing. Like a genetic predisposition. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's like, you know, Asian guys, they haven't been drinking it long enough. So it's like... So their face gets red. Yeah, they're starting to be able to tolerate it a little bit. Native Americans... Yeah, but I know, like, you know, I've been drunk before. I never got racist from this. This is racist. And it comes out.
Starting point is 00:25:08 You're racist when you're sober, though. Right. So it's good that we know this shit. That's a great point. That's a great point. Yeah, you guys just act like animals and it's not fucking cute. And it's like, you know, you watch those soccer games and you just, there's so much, sometimes you'll see like a whole section of Nazis
Starting point is 00:25:25 in the crowd. And you're going like, are those Nazis in those countries? Like, no, that's our right-wing party. Like, their parties over there in Europe are like fucking actual Nazis. They have right-wing parties that are like Nazis. Sure, but Europe is very big, so we should clarify. No, fuck them all! We'll come back and
Starting point is 00:25:41 conquer your whole fucking town! Alright? Stop talking shit. Look, there are bad people. Just kidding. Yeah, exactly. We're we'll come back and conquer your whole fucking town alright stop talking shit there are bad yeah exactly we'll send you know who we'll send over there we'll take take all of Europe outside do a few things to you physically by myself I'll take
Starting point is 00:25:58 you physically yeah there's a lot of bad people that support soccer yes but there are overwhelmingly amazing human beings that soccer, more than any other sport, has this sense of community that I've never seen in any other sport.
Starting point is 00:26:13 There's people that, the people who paint the signs at games, those people they spend a week beforehand donating their own time, their own money. For men's soccer. And women's soccer. And women's soccer. And women's soccer. No.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I get passionate. We're talking about male soccer fans, right? No, dude. Like, if you go to a Portland Thorns game, they get like 20,000 people to support. The Portland what? Portland Thorns. They support, they get about 20,000 people
Starting point is 00:26:39 at a stadium to watch women's soccer, professional women's soccer. So that's a professional team in the United States? Yes, the Portland Thorns. The NWSL is the women's league. That's a whack-ass name. Let me just say this right now. The girls from Nora Cupcake Company in Middletown, look how many times I'm plugging you. We love you guys. We fucking love
Starting point is 00:26:54 you so much. I was just going to say, actually, thank God Chris is not here for this episode. Because if Chris was here for this episode, Wei Zhongxian. Wei Zhongxian. Yeah, there'd be fucking a chorus of Wei Zhongxians when we're talking about
Starting point is 00:27:10 women's soccer. Anyway, I'm just joking. Yeah, so you were talking about the Portland Sting Race? The Portland Cattle Pillars? The Portland Throws, they have a couple of the U.S. Women's National Team play.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Tobin Heath, who just won the World Cup, plays for that team. It's a great stadium. Honestly, one of the best soccer experiences if you ever get to see a Portland Thorns game, I promise. How many people fit in that stadium? 20,000. They sell out. Really? Correct.
Starting point is 00:27:38 You're not exaggerating because you're a soccer podcast. I am not. How much are the tickets? They just played. They just, NWSL just signed a contract to have, finally to have their games on ESPN, and they were on yesterday. When you talk about your podcast overseas, do you call it the
Starting point is 00:27:51 football hooligans? No, man. Whatever. I mean, that's like, it's called soccer. Yeah, that's what we call it. Like, fuck everybody else. Christian Polanco has a real, like, political, you could have been a politician. He's really in control and like, kind of just like no no no you got one of those personas
Starting point is 00:28:07 you work well with all types of personalities and you keep it in the pocket thank you thank you no but the Thorns themselves yes they're incredibly popular NWSL just signed a contract to have a bunch of their games air on ESPN and they it's growing it's the bump after the
Starting point is 00:28:23 World Cup is always huge and more people are interested in the league and really and then the male season's starting and then regular football comes back but yeah, it's tough when the NFL starts up again, it's always an issue but no, it's growing and it needs the support to exist
Starting point is 00:28:42 because the NWSL has been around for like 6-7 years and every year to year they're like we don't know if it's going to, and it needs the support to exist because the NWSL has been around for like six, seven years and every year to year, they're like, we don't know if it's going to be around the next year. And so people need to support the league if they want it to continue to exist. Now. So you,
Starting point is 00:28:53 sometimes they do a 20,000 sellout female soccer team in Portland. Correct. During a, just a league game, regular, regular season, no country pride at Nope. That's impressive.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yes. How many teams are doing that regularly? Not many. Not many. They are the best, the most like well attended. And it's in Portland. And. That's impressive. Yes. How many teams are doing that regularly? Not many. They are the best, the most well attended team. And it's in Portland. And it's in Portland. Are they doing that, you think, in Portland because they love soccer? Are they doing that because it's Portland and they're like, we're going to fucking support
Starting point is 00:29:16 you know, are they selling out the women badminton games as well? I don't know. Just as a political message. Look. I don't think so. But I political message? Look! I don't think so, but I've been in Portland, and they do love soccer. They love
Starting point is 00:29:31 sleeping on the street, too. They do. They're big fans. Yeah. They love wearing black masks and punching right-wing gay reporters as well. You can be homeless and kicking a ball around. Portland's a wild place. Yeah. A lot of different ideologies. Not a lot. It's pretty much just all left.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And boy, is it left. I mean, I'm pretty left. I go there, I'm like, I'm right! I want to go right! You want soy milk or almond milk? Which one are you? The Timbers, the MLS team, the men's team, and the NWSL team is the Thorns, and they both get
Starting point is 00:30:03 incredible, incredible support. So it's literally the Trailblazers and the Timbers and Thorns. And Antifa. Those three get the best. Yeah, great sporting events at Antifa. So, all right. So here's the big question. Here's the big question.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Ladies, we want you in on this too. You guys all know about this controversy. Is it a controversy? I would call it a controversy, yes. There's a lawsuit going on right now. They filed a lawsuit. This is interesting because you can explain. I'm actually going to learn a lot about this issue.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Everyone's talking about it. The women's soccer team who just won the World Cup. They are badass. This is their fucking third World Cup. Fourth. Fourth. They've won two in a row. Second in a row. So two in a row, four all together.
Starting point is 00:30:54 The 90, what was it, 98? 99. 99, see, that was amazing. Yeah, that was the Brandi Chastain. That was amazing. Was that in the US again? Yeah, that was in Rose Bowl. It was in Rose Bowl. It was fucking sold out.S. again. Yeah, that was Rose Bowl. It was Rose Bowl. It was fucking sold out. Those girls changed the game.
Starting point is 00:31:07 It was all amazing. She took off her thing. You know, when she scored the goal, fucking what's her name? The star who dates Nomar Garcia Parra. Mia Hamm. She was like the first star. She started being in Nike commercials. It was like she was like the first visible female.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And the marketing of her, she was a star. Oh, yeah. I don't want to. This was 99. Like maybe the Portland Thimbles are selling out now. Maybe they're fucking selling out. OK, this 2019. We're talking 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:31:38 20 years ago, nobody was watching women's soccer. The country came together for that team. It was amazing. But other than that, nobody gave a shit about women's soccer. Yeah. From your perspective. Sure. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Yeah. Yeah. It wasn't 1999. How popular was women's soccer besides the World Cup? That was like the beginning. Yes. Yes. I agree.
Starting point is 00:31:56 OK. OK. Now, Mia Hamm, relative to how popular women's soccer was, which was basically just like JV volleyball and then women's soccer. OK basically just like JV volleyball and then women's soccer. Mia Hamm was everywhere. I'm just saying she was fucking
Starting point is 00:32:13 everywhere. For a woman who had like a side job and then played on the national team, Nike. She was like in every commercial for like 10 years. Even past her when she was good, she was still in commercials. for like 10 years, even past her when she was good. Yeah. She was still in commercials. The biggest commercials, big budget fucking.
Starting point is 00:32:28 She had Nike. They made her into a star. Yeah, she was. So I'm just bringing that up. I'm just bringing that up as an example, because one of the big arguments is like there's no marketing. There's no marketing for female for soccer. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And so we need equal pay and companies need to just put equal amount of money into the marketing. Which is an interesting thing because we're talking about the marketing aspect that they have a problem with is not in individual
Starting point is 00:33:00 endorsements for the players. They can take care of that on their own. But that's not just an endorsement of the player. That's an endorsement of the sport. She was an ambassador for the players that they can take care of that on their own but that's not just an endorsement of player that's an endorsement of the sport i agree yeah she was an ambassador for the sport the marketing that they have a problem with that the women's national has a problem with is the the u.s soccer federation gotcha they are not marketing their games as well as they do the men's gotcha that is the issue that clears it up for me yeah that's very okay so this is all about what they're getting paid for the World Cup.
Starting point is 00:33:28 From the national teams. Correct. From their federation. Okay. And the lawsuit is between the women's national team, those players, and the U.S. Soccer Federation. Those are the two people at odds. Okay. Do you guys watch female sports?
Starting point is 00:33:44 No. No. Do you guys watch female sports? No. Do you watch male sports? Yes. You're part of the problem. Well, maybe if the marketing was better. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We'll get back to that. All right. So it's about that.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Now let's talk both sides. Let's do both sides argument yeah we're not going to take a side we're just going to put them out there because i to be honest with you i'm just going to say this now i really don't care about this issue i could care less like really i mean it's something to care about it is like kind of interesting but i know but i'm just saying that to protect myself i believe both i believe um women should get equal pay and also i understand whatever else you're saying. Yeah. And before you ask your question, let me make sure it is not a a men versus women argument.
Starting point is 00:34:31 That's not it's not like the men's national team is like, fuck them. I don't want them to get paid. That's not exactly what's happening. It's a little bit more complex than that. OK, so the one side, the the the what's your name? The one side, the, the, the, the, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:34:43 Rat, Ratapu. Was that a puppy? Rapananu. Megan Rapinoe. Megan Rapinoe. Megan Rapinoe. My favorite Italian.
Starting point is 00:34:52 She's Italian girl. The name is Italian. I don't know. Rapinoe. I'm not going to speak for her. If she is, we got, we call them something on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:34:58 Italians. And based on all the information you were telling me what they do in Italy, I'm just going to say she's a sauce monk. Thank you. So Megan Rapinoe, I'm just going to say she's a sauce monk. Thank you. Megan Rapini, it's just Italian. We're Italians because they like sauce. Okay, so Megan Rapini. Yeah, welcome to the history hiatus, Elvis.
Starting point is 00:35:19 It's the term of the 14th. We do things different on the East Coast. Over here, he's fucking having a PC nightmare in his head. Can't come here. Fucking L.A. doesn't work like this, bro. Yo, in L.A., bro. Fucking L.A. is going to go crazy, bro. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:36 All right. So, Meg Rapinoe is, she's like the spokesperson for it, but the team is suing the Federation in court for equal pay. Now, what is the pay you know, is spirit. She's like the spokesperson for it, but the team is suing the Federation. Yes. In court for equal pay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Now what is the pay based on? Just objectively. Don't throw in your little Dominican facts. I'm just trying to be Chrissy and Giannis at the same time. Dominican slider facts. Yeah. Throw me a fastball, not a slider.
Starting point is 00:36:00 El Duque. Give me the heat. Don't give me any of the fucking breaking stuff. So the pay. Okay, so let's say this. So the federation the federation decides what the players are paid. Like they have
Starting point is 00:36:15 a collective bargaining agreement. And the federation is just a council of people that run U.S. soccer. It's like the FIFA for the United States. Like a governing body. Correct. So there's like it's tiers, fifa for the united states like a governing body yeah correct so there's like there's like it's tiers right so there's the the u.s federation there's conca calf which is the continent right and then there's fifa right so there's that's how how it's layered interesting it's like a three-layer cake anyway uh very nice
Starting point is 00:36:40 i had a way to include the girls who are fucking tuning out because we're talking sports I'm just kidding they're very tuned in we're all equal girls love sports just as delicious guys so when games happen it's not the world cup right the US soccer will schedule
Starting point is 00:36:58 games like say a friendly between US and Mexico they play each other they play each other in new jersey u.s soccer decides and and with that agreement that collective bargaining agreement they decide like okay this is what is gonna you guys are gonna be paid now the issue what's what's going on with the world cup is that the and this is their claim is that they win the world cup right and for winning the world cup the, they make less money than the men just for like getting to like the second round.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Now that money is paid by the Federation. Now where does that money come from? Well, so there's the pot of money for the men's World Cup is much more than the women's World Cup. And the Federation distributes it to them. The Federation, yeah, the distributes it to them. The FIFA gives it to the federation and then
Starting point is 00:37:47 the federation will distribute it. Gotcha. And the men have to play more games to win that also, don't they? No, they do not. They don't? No. Last cycle, because the men didn't make it the World Cup, right? Last cycle the women ended up playing more games, even leading up to the World Cup.
Starting point is 00:38:04 What I'm saying is for the men to win, don't they have to play more games total than the women have to play? No, no, no. Including qualifying in the tournament? No, it's the same. I read that it was different. That's why I'm asking. I mean, it might not be by much, but even to qualify and then
Starting point is 00:38:19 get into the World Cup. Okay, there might be a little bit a few more games. There's just not as many teams. Yeah, but regardless, so a lot of times people make the complaint like, oh, nobody watches women's soccer. But in this World Cup, in this final, more people in the U.S. watch the Women's World Cup
Starting point is 00:38:36 final than the Men's World Cup final. Okay, but before we get into that. I don't answer the question. The women have to play five games in a single two-week tournament. The men have to play a two year 16 game slog across North America and South America and the Caribbean yeah but they didn't the number of games is not dramatically
Starting point is 00:38:51 more it's a it's a 76 to um let me see yeah look at the men played 76 getting to where they lost and the men women played 110 games to when they won okay so they played more games yeah so the women played more games to when they won. So they played more games, yeah. The women played more games. Yes, because they won.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I'm not saying they didn't play more games, but their pay... Part of it's based off of how many total games they're playing. The men do have to play more games total to get to the end. Okay. It's not really being brought up on a lot of stuff. All right, so you're saying the men...
Starting point is 00:39:24 Including qualifying rounds they do have to play more why why is that different because like you said there's more teams there's more teams okay gotcha okay okay i understand i understand okay so they have to play more games just because there's more teams yeah right now that could change but overall the women have played more games as malta develops a because they win in soccer team there might be more games yeah yeah we're depending on you malta. Are you guys still okay? We'll get back to you in a second. Germany won, right?
Starting point is 00:39:51 The men's? France won the most recent one. That's right. They played more games than the U.S. The two teams that won, that winning team from the men played way more. We just need to see. That's clear.
Starting point is 00:40:05 This is very intriguing. I think we're losing Serge at this point. You got to go, right? All right, so go show women how to punch. Well, thanks for coming. I love you guys. Have a good game. Follow Serge, of course. Serge and Chico on Instagram. Love you, Serge. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:40:20 We'll speak soon, Serge. The women have played 50% more games total than our men's team. Okay. Okay. So I get it. So the men have to play more because there's more teams. Essentially. More or less. Okay. And they get paid based on how many games? A little bit. A little bit. I think so. Yeah. Each team has their own
Starting point is 00:40:38 agreement, like collective bargaining agreement. So they're not, they don't bargain together. So they each have to, they each sort of have a responsibility to get the best deal for the team. Okay. Now, where does this money come from that pays,
Starting point is 00:40:53 that FIFA distributes to the federation that's given to the team? Sponsors, ticket sales, they have, FIFA handles all of that. They, so if it's a World Cup, FIFA handles all securing all the sponsors. They get all the money and they decide what the pot is. Right. So for the last for the men's World Cup, it was 400 million dollars.
Starting point is 00:41:14 And that was distributed, not all of it, but a percentage of it was distributed to the countries that made the World Cup. And then if you got further along into the World Cup and therefore win, you would make more money. Okay, now FIFA's been caught many times being corrupt. It's a terrible organization. That's a side thing. It's a terrible organization for many reasons. Just get your facts ready.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Get some facts ready. I want to know what some facts are. Go for it. So, no, I just want to know the numbers. I want to know the numbers. Okay, so now is this, does FIFA make this decision for all the teams the same? It's every team in the World Cup gets the same amount if they win. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yes, it is. I believe. What was the I think 30 million or 40? Why are you looking at him? He sells T-shirts. What was the pot? I think it was like 30 million dollars. Let's say like France won the World Cup.
Starting point is 00:42:05 They get $30 million. And that is split up amongst the French players and everybody. So that's basically how they have that pot. The main issue is that the pot for the men's World Cup is much more than the women's World Cup. If you win the World Cup in men, you make a ton more money than if you win the women's world cup right and but presumably that's because like you said there's more ticket sales more sponsors for the men more people more people globally watch the correct correct yes so that's why the pot's bigger yes so you can understand why it's market driven is what you're
Starting point is 00:42:38 saying yes completely market yeah if the market driven and the amount of money being invested that the sponsors are paying to get uh you know their ads on a men's World Cup and a women's World Cup are very different. Right. They're paying much more. Therefore, there is a bigger pot and more the more money can be given to the winners of the World Cup. You could make an argument they're doing that because they feel like the market's bigger for the men. Correct. You could you could say that you could. Yes. Because money doesn't really, as we know, money rarely has a morality. I mean, it's kind of like if there's a fucking void in the marketplace, everybody likes to make money. So someone's filling it.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Okay, well, whatever. Now, I mentioned that thing with Mia Hamm. That was 1999. I know who Mia Hamm is. I know who all those girls were. We've been talking about women's soccer in this country at least a lot compared to what it was before 1999. What's it like in the other countries? What's it like in the Netherlands, England, Spain?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Bad, right? The U.S. has been at the forefront of growing the women's game. That's what I think. Mainly because of Title IX. at the forefront of growing the women's game. That's what I think. Mainly because of title nine, title nine allowed, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:46 forced women, uh, to, uh, be, uh, how I have the ability for, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:51 schools to basically offer sports, uh, to, to the boys and the girls. Right. So that, that, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:56 uh, so the, the, in the U S girls were just better at soccer than in other countries. Right. So they were allowed to play. They were allowed to play England. Uh,
Starting point is 00:44:03 soccer was, uh, football was illegal, uh, for women. They said it was not ladylike. So they didn't let them play. They were allowed to play. England soccer was a football was illegal for women. They said it was not ladylike. So they didn't let them play. Yeah. So we're leading that. We're kind of leading the charge.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Right. Very much so. So the U.S. women do have in their favor is that they are. The strongest and most supported team in the world. So they're interesting. You wouldn't really know that by how the girls are acting. You know, it's kind of like the kind of new thing. world so they're interesting you wouldn't really know that by how the girls are acting you know it's kind of like the kind of new thing yeah it's like just 100 bash without any kind of like i'll
Starting point is 00:44:32 tell you why they're bashing you know it's it's okay to bash but then there's this other side where you never hear like i've been listening to these chicks i've been watching it all and like now i'm learning this and i'm going like that's fucking interesting you guys are getting the most support mia ham's a fucking multi-millionaire she was she was fucking she was fucking shopping at fucking c-town a couple months before the fucking world cup in 99 okay maybe not c-town but giant in maryland she's a giant and now she's a multi-millionaire huge market fucking supported sponsored nike athlete from a world cup and it's like i just want to know is that happening in other countries because the way fucking mary rapini piece made it sound is that she's like
Starting point is 00:45:19 we all have to be better it's like we're doing pretty good by the women yes but when she says we have to be better, she is talking globally especially, right? She doesn't want to crush Thailand 13-0 every time they go to the World Cup because she's a fucking traitor and needs to maybe be impeached from the soccer team. I love crushing
Starting point is 00:45:37 Taiwan 14-6. Are you kidding me? What the fuck, dude? Why don't we want America to be number one? We don't give away our secrets. What the fuck is going on? don't we want America to be number one? Well, OK, so give away our secrets. What the fuck's going on? I thought this was war. You can't. I thought this was war.
Starting point is 00:45:49 So it's fine if you feel that way. It's like there's both schools of thought because some people are like, hey, we shouldn't have been celebrating all those goals. But right now you're saying like, yo, flex on Thailand. Who gives a shit? What are we supposed to do when the American Dream Team, the first American Dream Team, am I supposed to feel bad because the team from Tahiti wanted to take pictures with Magic Johnson? No, I felt good every moment.
Starting point is 00:46:12 You know what it is? You know how nice it is? You know how nice it is? Because they hate us. Let's just be honest. Everywhere we go, we're a little like, they blame us for everything. It's kind of nice once in a while to watch Kobe Bryant just put his fucking nuts on some fucking italian player's head it's just nice once in a while to have fucking okay you guys talking a lot of shit talking a lot of shit you know blah blah
Starting point is 00:46:36 blah just to have fucking the admiral david robinson or fucking shaquille o'neal do you remember when vince carter jumped over a seven foot one guy? You're just going, listen, if you had any question about who number one is, we'll show you at any moment because this guy just jumped over one of your tallest players. USA! USA! USA!
Starting point is 00:46:59 I feel like that makes Thailand want to give up though. Like if they weren't going to give women's soccer that much attention before, they're definitely not going to now. I disagree. I disagree. But listen, we got bigger problems than whether Tahiti's playing soccer, women's soccer. I mean, why does Mary Rapinapoof care so much? And I'm going to know her name as soon as she starts treating our president with respect.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I'm just trying to fill Chrissy's role. Ladder 14. Ladder 14. It's a character piece. Even though the U.S. soccer team, the women's soccer team, is the most supported, it is not supported from the Federation equally to the men. I get that part. I just wanted to cover this part first.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Sure. We're doing this step by step. Okay. Okay, so I get it. So our Federation, the American Federation Federation is treating the female soccer players better than the federations of other countries. Without a doubt. Even European countries, you're saying. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Netherlands, Spain, Italy, England. I mean, there's certain. And you're saying our success in women's soccer is sort of a reflection of that by the support that we're getting. I think. We're leading the way i think the culture of of women's soccer in the u.s uh that helps as well uh because it's a little bit tougher for young girls to start playing soccer in other countries without dealing with incredible like misogyny and all that stuff but yes the federation um also we yeah we can give credit to the federation but also the u.s women's national team makes a ton of fucking money for u.s soccer so like that is sort of the issue even
Starting point is 00:48:24 though uh like yeah it's great and they're like they might sound like they're complaining a little of fucking money for US soccer. So that is sort of the issue. Even though yeah, it's great and they might sound like they're complaining a little too much, but it's like they're not getting their fair shake given that they're making the US Federation a ton of money and on top of that, they're not paying them because they're making
Starting point is 00:48:39 they get more viewers than the men do. Especially in this World Cup. Well, the do, especially in this World Cup. Well, the men weren't in the World Cup. Why should the women be penalized for the men's failure? Well, they're not being penalized. They're just not being compensated fully to the men. They're not being
Starting point is 00:48:55 penalized. That's not the right word to say. I'm just trying to control your fucking Portland vibe. Your emotions get in the way. Believe me, I'm a left-leaning kid, but things have got out of hand, Christian. I'm just kidding. I just, you know, I'm just saying, okay, so they're not being penalized, but they are not being compensated. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Commiserate with what? With their success. With their success. Yes. But is that success or is that earnings? Earnings. Earnings as well. Ratings.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Okay. You got numbers ready? Things like that. Trying to. Everyone just has different takes on this. Yeah, well, don't go to the New York Times because it's all bullshit now. Wei Zhongxing. I'm just fucking doing a Christian person.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I'm not saying that if the US men get to the World Cup final, of course they will most likely have better ratings and more viewers than if the women make it to the final. If it's like head to head. But isn't that sexist?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Whatever it is, I don't know what to label it as, but it is what it is. We have women here. Norris Cupcake Company from Middletown. There's a cake in there that fucking Elvis can't stop smelling. You want a piece of that, don't you? A little bit, yeah. Ladies, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:50:07 Is that sexist? That the men are being watched more? Serena Williams wants to know. I think it's a little bit of a reach, but... I mean, the total prize pool for 2018... I respect the way you did that. You guys got a business to think about.
Starting point is 00:50:27 You don't know the opinions of your clients. We have the opinions of our clients. It's a cupcake store. Yeah, so we'll just answer whatever they want to hear. Because that's what we do in here. We go for funny first. That's our brand. You guys sell cakes. We sell
Starting point is 00:50:41 funny. And on occasionally a little Ridgewood racism. Wei Zhong Shi. Wei Zhong Shi. Yeah. So the total prize pool for 2018 for the men was $400 million. The winner got $38 million. This is all correct. These aren't fake news. This is accurate. And then for the women, it was
Starting point is 00:50:57 $30 million total for the prize pool. $4 million for the winners. Whoa. Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm no mathematician. Wait, give me that again so the people can hear it. $400 million compared to $30 million. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm no mathematician. Wait, give me that again so the people can hear it. 400 million compared to 30 million. Now, what year was that? The last World Cup.
Starting point is 00:51:09 The last World Cup. That shitty team made 400 million? The total prize pool for the men. Every team that made the World Cup. Oh, sorry. I'm fucking stupid. Those 400 million. Compared to 30 million,
Starting point is 00:51:20 so it's still crazy. Yeah, okay, so. And then the winners was 38 million for the winners on the male team. Yeah. 4 the women okay okay yeah okay now politics aside let's say i just woke up out of a coma today let's say i woke up christian i'm just bringing to you this is not political at all this is gonna be very listened to podcast because we're actually doing this podcast just to hop in we just want to hop in the hashtag situation. This has nothing to do with history.
Starting point is 00:51:47 You know what? We're fucking screwed in, kids. If we do an episode on the fucking Equal Pay episode, maybe we'll get some new fans. But this could end up being interesting. Because, okay, I'm waking up out of a coma. I'm like, alright, what up? Oh, God, where am I? Chrissy's there. You have one of those cakes.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I'm waking up out of a coma. Chrissy's at my bedside crying because that's where he's going to be. misses me he doesn't know what to do with himself right he's like i don't know how to handle the situation with the mother what do i do i got nobody to hang out with yeah he's like when we're supposed to do a podcast with franks and beans i can't do it so i wake up i have a coma i'm going okay what's what's going on what's the biggest news and he goes okay here's the situation and he reads me that and i go i'm just being honest honest. I haven't heard any arguments. I'm just going like, that sounds about right. Sounds about right.
Starting point is 00:52:30 So everyone should be happy. That sounds about, that's what kind of market driven kind of sounds about right. Business, you know, if I'm a business guy, I mean, Elvis, you know, we could do this in t-shirts if you want him to figure it out. The only language I know is t's. Are you going to force Elvis to start selling
Starting point is 00:52:45 Cyndi Lauper t-shirts and say, listen, if the sales aren't right, we need to market it more? There's not enough marketing going up for Cyndi Lauper shirts over Wu-Tang. The kid screwed it. He knows what's selling. It's fucking Wu-Tang, not Cyndi Lauper. Anyway, I'm just saying I know the
Starting point is 00:53:01 numbers sound that makes sense to me. Okay, so the U.S. women are not saying that we should be paid the same as the men who win the World Cup. They're not saying that. All right. They are battling with their federation. They understand, of course, 38 million dollars and four million dollars is a clear, a stark difference. And how much of that that's going to be split. Again, I just want to say quickly, you never hear them actually say this.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I think it would actually help them to be a little more honest, a little more detailed because it turns a lot of people off by how like, you know what I'm saying? Most people are not as screwed in to you. There you go. There you go. Welcome to the hyenas, baby. We're a couple of fucking screwed in to you. There you go. There you go. Welcome to the hyenas, baby.
Starting point is 00:53:46 We're a couple of fucking screwed in kids. Most people look, they don't even watch women's sports. Right. And they most people do not care about the minutia of of how much they're paid and why they're paid, what they're paid. So it's difficult to get eyeballs and attention on the issue. If you're going over these very, very detailed specifics, they,
Starting point is 00:54:05 most people do not care. And I'm even explaining to you and you barely care. So yeah, I start tuning out right there. The U S soccer Federation has a total operating revenue for 2018 of 101.4 million. So that's total for both teams. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:20 But most of that's coming from sponsorship. Only 25% of it comes from like games. Yeah. Yeah. That sounds about right. So. But the women are are battling with U.S. U.S. soccer, not like not with FIFA. And like say they are making the point that the women's game should be supported more so that hopefully the prize money can be four hundred million million in the future. So that will take FIFA saying like, yeah, Thailand, let's invest, let's give them six, $7 million to start academies until they can focus on women. Well, why would they care about Thailand if they're only cared about the American Federation?
Starting point is 00:54:53 The American Federation is not concerned with Thailand. No, I mean, but the rhetoric that they're sort of putting out is really about growth for everybody. It's not really about the lawsuit. It's more emotion. It doesn't really, when you get into the details, you're like, what are you guys talking about?
Starting point is 00:55:05 It's one of those things. No, no, no, no, no. I'm just kidding. Kind of not.
Starting point is 00:55:09 No, but they, they want, because it's like the, the, the rising tide lifts all boats that they, I think the, the U S women are heroes to a lot,
Starting point is 00:55:17 not just American girls. And they're, and they're the most supported female athletes. Here's something weird though. Right now, the, they're, they are making more money than the
Starting point is 00:55:25 men for their games yeah part of that is because they get paid less so if they got paid the same as the men they would probably get make less exactly per game they make less money no no they would bring in less money profit um if they got paid the same as the men like one of the reasons they're so profitable is because of their low pay which which is bullshit yeah yeah they're not i don't think it's right but that's one of the things happening're so profitable is because of their low pay, which, which is bullshit. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't think it's right, but they're not being paid. They're not being paid fairly to the men. And when we're talking about specifically us soccer,
Starting point is 00:55:51 again, the women do make a lot of money for us soccer, but the, in general, the, the all, you know, all the collective bargaining agreements,
Starting point is 00:55:59 the sponsors, everything is, is so focused on the men that the women sort of get a little neglected. And in the, really in the last eight years, in the last two World Cups, the U.S. women have become superstars. Right. They're activists. They're they're in your face. They're getting written about. So now they and they and they're getting a better sponsorship similar to like what Mia Hamm had. So the main focus is just like, hey, you know, we're not getting our fair shake compared to the US men not the world and not
Starting point is 00:56:27 their pay structures are just totally different though I mean the women's team gets paid a bi-weekly salary guaranteed if men they have to stay on the roster to get their pay so it's just they need to be paid the same way it's not just like the pay rate yeah it's just how they get paid it's like it's screwed up all together to basically fuck them
Starting point is 00:56:44 over so whoever represented them did not really do a great job. They gave them like... And that's different from the other countries. What'd you say? This particular agreement is different from the other countries. Every country negotiates their own deal with their federation. Are other countries saying that they have a bad deal too?
Starting point is 00:56:59 Brazil, for example, is doing kind of the same. But Marta, she's the greatest Brazilian player that I've ever played. She's when they were eliminated by, I don't know who eliminated. I think it was Sweden. Maybe I remember at the interview, just pleading to like the fans
Starting point is 00:57:14 and the girls playing back home. She's like this. The Federation is not going to support us. It's going to be you guys have to keep playing. You guys need to keep. There's no more Martha's. There's no all the other girls that we're like there. we need you girls to step it up and put in the work because we're not going to make it otherwise.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Well, that seems like an organic process, right? Like more girls supporting sports, more girls into sports. Yeah. That's cool. I think a lot of,
Starting point is 00:57:37 a lot of the, one of the correlations that I found with why some of these teams are much stronger than like Thailand and these small countries. It comes to where a lot of the more progressive countries the more rights these women have, the stronger their soccer team. The Iraq national team is not
Starting point is 00:57:56 really repping their women. That's Iraq's problem. You know, it's... Look, okay. So it sounds like there's some issues here right and it sounds like when you get into the specifics of it it's like the federation needs to figure out a more equal way to distribute this if it was just if it wasn't such low if it wasn't so low-balled i don't think it would be such an issue it's just been so just kind of like i don't even worry about it
Starting point is 00:58:20 none of this is really in the rhetoric i'm just i'm just want to say that again it's more like you just hear this equal pay thing equal pay thing and it's very general it's like so they're not they're saying the federation needs to do something a little more fair and pay scale to each team and how they get paid in America and
Starting point is 00:58:38 and that seems like that needs to be done it seems like that's and it's plausible it's not just like you know the men are crushing it's not necessarily that it's like they they need to they it needs to be more fair uh i mean there's issues yes there's issues with pay but there's issues with like travel they don't they don't give them the the same accommodations that they give to the men and again i i'm only talking about specifically u.s soccer the u.s women have earned and they've made enough money to be like yo you need to take care
Starting point is 00:59:06 of us the way you take care of the men. That's really all they're saying. The thing is, they have a collective bargaining agreement that the person goes in there and they're like, here's how we want to be. They need to go back in there and just restructure that. Yeah, they will. Yeah, that's the real issue. So once that all gets done, if they agree to the same thing, it's on them,
Starting point is 00:59:22 not on... And because they feel like that u.s soccer is not like treating them fairly that's why there is a lawsuit they haven't really gotten into too much detail publicly because because of the lawsuit so i think a lot of them are but i mean i don't agree with that because like you agree to a thing and it's like i might make i might win the world cup but this is what i agreed to it's like you get you can get fucked over you can fuck yourself over you don't really read the thing. It's possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:45 What I think they're doing right now is campaigning for that. So when they start bargaining, so it's just, if they, if they just keep quiet until the next bargaining agreement, they're not going to have it. It's a power move. It's also,
Starting point is 00:59:55 it's also a great marketing for individual people. And you get on all the new shows when you have something to say. Yeah. It's a new thing now where if you come with a cause, you know what I mean? You're going to get some FaceTime. Sure. I mean, stand up-up comics do it right you say everyone's doing claptor and all this activism everyone's fucking doing it look yeah do what you gotta do yeah everyone's coming with the cause and like it's claptor that's a great way to put it yeah because what he's saying is
Starting point is 01:00:17 yeah it's claptor yeah what he's saying is he's interesting it's a it was a it was an agreement that they agreed to so it's like yeah maybe they should have been a little more screwed in about the agreement. It's obviously going to change. And I'll tell you why it's going to change and why they're going to get more. Because this is America. And at the end of the day, we got a lot of problems or whatnot. But we are the land of the free and the home of the brave. Yep.
Starting point is 01:00:39 And we are still one of the countries that respects rule of law above all else. Civil liberties. Are you sarcastic? No, I'm being serious. I'm being serious. You know, a lot of times people argue in a vacuum and that's a problem. I agree. Because only one side, only the negative is, is, is, is become salient.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Only the negative is what people focus on because people argue in this vacuum where they're comparing things to a utopia. And it's nice to remind people that, hey, yeah, we are leading the world in female sports. You know, Serena Williams is an American. You know what I'm saying? Like the American system supported that domination.
Starting point is 01:01:23 You know what I mean? Like she's an American. She's fucking making more money than most male athletes. Maybe she can make more. I don't want to fucking argue. She was also a black girl from Compton playing tag. It wasn't a breeze. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:01:36 It wasn't the foundation for her to like excel. Wasn't, you know, she wasn't pushed through. I didn't say it wasn't, but she's still a multi-billionaire. Of course, yes. With fucking, and that happens here. It's like, so I'm just saying, it's good to, I think people respond better when you just paint. People hate it when you just go like,
Starting point is 01:01:53 when you just fucking complain, because you're going like, that's not real. You're not, it's not real what you're saying. It's not real. You're exaggerating. You're turning me off because you're just going like, you're going up there and going like we need to be better. We need it's like, all right, first of all, when you you can mention we need to be better.
Starting point is 01:02:10 But why don't you start that sentence by going? We're number one. Not only is the soccer team number one, but the support system is number one in the world. So you can't be better than number one. You can you can get better than you are now. But it's like have some have a little pride in the fact that we're number one. You can get better than you are now, but it's like, have some have a little pride in the fact that we're number one.
Starting point is 01:02:29 We support our female athletes number one. You're telling me I'm not a soccer cool again. I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm listening to what you're telling me. You're telling me we support our female soccer players more than any other fucking country. That includes Brazil and Portland. Portland's leading the way in and Portland. Portland's leading
Starting point is 01:02:46 the way in soccer fucking. Portland's number one. So the solution is obviously fucking get rid of Oregon, make it its own country because we want to get rid of them anyway. And then they'll be number one and on their own. No, anyway, this is an interesting thing. So they, so ultimately
Starting point is 01:03:02 it sounds like they deserve a little equal pay and, um, but they're not saying I get what they're saying. It's getting lost in the message a little bit. I think a little people have a misunderstanding about it. They're not saying we should get paid equally in the free market to women, to men,
Starting point is 01:03:15 unless the sports become as popular as men, because that would be fucking ridiculous. God forbid, Giannis. I don't even want to think of a world that way. I mean, look, I support women's sports, but if I'm watching a WNBA game,
Starting point is 01:03:29 I'm doing it as a social service. No, man. I mean, listen, I enjoy getting on the bus with the players afterwards, but... They've earned it. They've earned it. And there's so much money that the Federation makes off the women's game.
Starting point is 01:03:42 It's just like, come on. It's just, look's just like, come on. You're just, it's just, look, you, nobody gets sort of gets upset when a wide receiver outplays their contract. This is sort of what they're doing. They're making their team more money than what they initially agreed upon. And they're like, yo, this is not, now it's not what we did back then. It's not going to apply right now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:01 So basically what they're doing is screwed in move. I applaud it. They're being screwed in. And then the other side, move. I applaud it. They're being screwed in. And then the other side, I got to also applaud. They're being screwed in. They're, you know, making themselves more victims than they are for marketing so they can get on to expand their sport even more in themselves. Yeah, but... Make no mistake,
Starting point is 01:04:16 Rapanapu is going to be on a fucking Wheaties box. She's going to be a Wheaties box with purple hair, having a shirt going be better. There's going to be a merch line that says be better, and it's going to be on onthevolley.com and it's going to mean the logo of some rap band that he should be sued for. I don't think she's
Starting point is 01:04:32 Paul Hooper. I get annoyed because people are always you know, the argument like, oh, they don't deserve equal pay and like men, blah, blah, blah. But then people are so comfortably like well, FIFA, oh, that's a corrupt organization. Can't trust anybody there. But then when it comes to equal pay, they're like, well, you know what?
Starting point is 01:04:48 Maybe FIFA's got a point. You know what I mean? They look on the bright side. They start to defend these corrupt organizations that we all agree are corrupt. But as soon as women want to be paid equally, it's like, oh, no, let's look at the market. And that's what's right. It's hypocritical. Yeah, well, the women need to get back in there, change that agreement. They're making
Starting point is 01:05:06 more money. They're exceeding expectation. The agreement's bad and that's what it is. This is basically just a bad business decision as or a bad deal as women's soccer continues to grow, which by the way, the United States is leading the way. We have the best women female athletes. Some of them have been made stars
Starting point is 01:05:22 and made multi-millionaires in sports that don't really deserve, based on the marketplace. No, I'm being serious. Respectfully disagree. But the women's leagues in other countries are doing a lot better than the U.S. It's growing. In Spain, Barcelona. So we can do better. Outside of Portland, we can do better.
Starting point is 01:05:37 But don't look at me in the straight face and say, if it wasn't for fucking Nike and it wasn't for marketing, Mia Hamm wouldn't have been a star. I mean, the girl could score goals, but they made her a star. But she earned it. Jordan, he dunked the ball quite a bit for Nike to show interest. Let's look at Jordan's fucking bottom line versus
Starting point is 01:05:53 Mia Hamm's fucking sports bra she's selling. But relatively. I mean, I'm wearing Jordans yesterday, not today, but I have four pair of Jordans. I don't have Mia Hamm's fucking, what does she sell? Sports bra? Why was Jordan able to become Michael Jordan? Because men have testosterone.
Starting point is 01:06:09 They like sports. I never liked players back then. Women like to nurture. That's what it is. They're not that interested. Alright, Gavin McGinnis, relax. No, no. Obviously that's a generalization. Obviously I'm joking. But
Starting point is 01:06:23 generally, the truth is the facts are more men watch female sports than women watch. It's true. Well, it's just true. Women's tennis is supported by male viewership, not female viewership.
Starting point is 01:06:39 For women's soccer in the US, I really think that it's just a support because one thing that a lot of people don't know is that the youth program in the United States, there's more kids playing soccer in the United States than any other country in the world. Yeah. Soccer at a youth level, the problem or the disconnect is that once they get like into like high school or right before high school, the kids don't see. Well, now they're starting to stick to soccer where before they're like, I'm six foot three and I'm, I'm going to, I'm going to try to, the football coach keeps asking me and I have a brighter future.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Now it's becoming to where the, where the boys are able to stay and same for the girls. Now there's a path. Kids are staying in soccer now more so than they ever have. And that's where I think it's just kind of like the, the, the tide is just turning. And like now it's just kind of like the tide is just turning and like now
Starting point is 01:07:25 it's just time to like they had a bad deal and they're going to have to just get compensated at some point. Did you guys ever want to play sports? I definitely did not play sports. I have all brothers and my dad's coach so I play a lot of sports. What do you play? Basketball, swimming
Starting point is 01:07:41 and softball. No soccer. That was the one sport that I quit. Yeah. Look, eventually, hopefully women love sports as much as men. That's great. You know, I, I like a lot of stuff that's not typically masculine. Okay. You know, like men, no, no, it look, it's like, you know, women are, everything's evolving. Everything's evolving. I, I just, I just hope that it has, I hope it's great. I hope everyone's equal. I hope women watch more sports.
Starting point is 01:08:11 I hope women get paid more. I hope that the soccer team gets what they deserve. I hope more people start watching soccer and everything like that. Well, it will require more investment from FIFA so that the games are marketed and more people, you didn't even know there was a professional women's league, you know what I mean? It requires that kind of effort. I didn't know it was a men's professional league.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Yeah, I mean, I barely even knew there was a male's professional league, so that's not fair. And also, it's a little bit of that, yeah, but that's my point, is like people need to stop with this kind of like extreme, like it's this one thing. It's not. No, it's not. I didn't. I don't watch hockey either. But guess what? I watched when I was a fucking kid and they beat the Russians.
Starting point is 01:08:53 I watched that one and I was excited and into it. Yeah. For the same reason I was into it in 98, 99. It's like I'm not as a man trying to hold women back. I'm not as a man like nobody's women back. I'm not as a man. Like nobody's doing anything. Nobody's really doing anything. Well, that's the problem. No, it's the solution.
Starting point is 01:09:12 It's really like, it's like people are open and ready to hear it. Like if you're like, if you inspire people and your performance inspires people, most people are going to hop on. But if you're going and just fucking be a negative, negative, negative, people are going to go like, you know, you're going and just fucking being negative, negative, negative, people are going to go like, you know, you're turning me off.
Starting point is 01:09:28 I would say more people have been inspired than detractors or negative people. Listen, this is a message to soccer cool kids, and I think I'm pretty right about this. There is no war on women's soccer happening. They have a bad agreement with the fucking, et cetera. But the public loves those fucking teams.
Starting point is 01:09:44 The public's behind them and I want to bang fucking Mia Hamm and the other new one Alex Morgan you can catch it I'm sorry
Starting point is 01:09:53 this is a free episode my wife is listening I'm just joking Wei Zhong Jing I'm just kidding I'm just kidding no the people love these teams
Starting point is 01:10:00 and it's great and they are I love women's sports I've always loved women's sports I think it's sexy as hell that women play all sports. Soccer and tennis are two sports that I think for women's sports
Starting point is 01:10:12 are fun to watch probably the most. Basketball, I just don't see it happening. Unless women find it interesting. You know what I mean? Because it's a high-flying sport. I like women's volleyball. I like their outfits.
Starting point is 01:10:27 But I also like the sport. Do you call the men sexy when you watch them play as well? Yeah, sometimes. Chris Googles them without their shirt on. Oh, Christian, I'm not supposed to notice? Is that the game we're playing now? Is that really what we're doing? Are we just lying?
Starting point is 01:10:44 Are we lying because we're so fucking Portland? I don't even see them. I don't even see them. I don't care. They could be wearing jeans. I don't see it. Are you telling me that's how you watch? No, no, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I'm just joking. Women volleyball players is a few hot ones. And you can't help it. And guess what? Guess what? Guess what, soccer fans? Women like that. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Women like when you acknowledge that you want to bang them out and cocoa them. They want to be cocoed. Everyone wants to be cocoed. While they're playing. While they're playing. While they're playing. Everyone likes to be sexy. It's not a bad thing.
Starting point is 01:11:17 It's not a bad thing. I mean, Serena's a big feminist. I've seen a lot of her photo shoots. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. They're not in the library. They're not in Amish. Yeah. Sex appeal. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. They're not in the library. They're not in Amish. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Sex appeal. Yeah. They, they, I'm saying, I've seen a lot of these soccer, women's soccer players, photo shoots too.
Starting point is 01:11:33 They're, you know, nobody put a gun to their head and said, you know what? Act sexy. Maybe in some countries, maybe in some countries, but not the good old USA.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Cause we respect women. Yeah, exactly. We respect women to a certain point. And that point stops at women's basketball. No, it's a joke. Anyway, equal pay. I support it
Starting point is 01:11:53 in this context. Overall, if the market ends up dictating it, of course they should get it. Of course, yeah. You know what I mean? But right now, it's what it is. So, yeah. And congratulations to the women's team. Everything on this podcast is a joke. It's not a joke. Huh? Oh, here's not a joke. Yeah. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 01:12:10 You're just going to have to sit through this. 9th Street Auto Client, Nora Cupcakes Company. Another free plug. Thank you guys for coming down. Thank you. Where in Middletown is it? Right on Main Street. Right on Main, of course. Every town has a Main Street. Middletown, Connecticut.
Starting point is 01:12:26 You guys do weddings. You guys do whatever. Binges. If you're breakups. If you haven't gone through a breakup. Or you're getting married. If you're going through a breakup, just go Facebook a bunch of cupcakes. Yeah, put on Stella Got Her Groove Back.
Starting point is 01:12:40 If you need a cake representing the women's wage gap. Yeah, they'll do that. You guys actually will. If you did a pseudo representing the women's wage gap, they can make that for you. Yeah, they'll do that. You guys actually will if you did a pseudo penis cake, you'll probably do any cake request. Yeah. So go in there and get wild. Tell them the hyena sent you and whatever. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:56 It'd be interesting to hear like a fan go and get ordered a cake from you. That'd be fun. They find us in locations. They'll say, are you a hyena? We get messages. You do. Yeah. Nora Cupcakes Company. You guys were on to us early and we appreciate it. You were in as soon as you heard Chrissy Young, guys, we fucked.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Did you hear the Christina Hutchinson episode? Yes. You suck my dick, babe? So good. Can't get hard unless you suck my dick, babe. Alright, we're brought to you by Night Street Auto Collision. These guys are out there in Huntington, Long Island. 631-351-5300. These guys will crack open your car
Starting point is 01:13:27 and clean it out. CBD Script. CBDscript.com. Go to their website. Hyena's 15 to get 15% off your total offer. These guys, you know what it is. CBD oil. It's the best. You know? They got no fumes.
Starting point is 01:13:43 They don't use any chemicals in their shit. It's 100%. They got no fumes. They don't use any chemicals in their shit. It's 100% whatever they pay me to say. It's good for you. It's all great. Just buy it. Go to CBD script. They're actually at least offering a discount. 15% off. You put hyenas 15. Was that
Starting point is 01:13:59 the promo code? Yeah. Hyenas 15 to get 15% off your total offer of CBD script at CBD script at cbdscript.com. Then we got Vidora Rajpaska. He's a little comic who snuck into this level. Sri Lankan common in Berlin. Go to his website live from the
Starting point is 01:14:15 sandbox.com. Follow him on Instagram. Vidora Rajpaska on all his social media and listen to the Anything Goes podcast. Promoted! And then of course we love this guy almost as much as we love norah cupcakes um a lot of these people may cancel them be like you know all i gotta do is just bring bring the hyenas something what are we gonna do what if nutrition made fun that matt katcha shows him like i got you guys smoothies like can i just come on
Starting point is 01:14:42 the show no no your They're too far apart. Yeah, they're too far apart. This is only... Nutrition Made Fun. Matt Koch, follow him on Instagram, Nutrition Made Fun. His website's right there in the description. Go follow him. The kid
Starting point is 01:14:59 is great, man. He's got a lot of tips. He's become your nutrition coach and help you um get uh healthier and he makes it fun he really does i fight his posts i read them all i end up reading his posts and he really is good at what he does yeah kind of he he and he's uh he reels me in like i don't want to read them and then i end up reading because to be honest they're like eight paragraphs yeah and i always read to the end because i'm always thinking like this is a little long but he always says it in such
Starting point is 01:15:26 an interesting way. First of all, he lies and says one of my clients is down 60. I'm like, this kid's screwed in. He's a good marketer because every one of his clients is 80 pounds. He ever goes, 80 pounds. One of my clients was 80 pounds down. I'm like, you know what? Good marketing. Good marketing that all your clients
Starting point is 01:15:42 somehow have lost mysteriously 80 pounds. But yeah, go to Nutrition Made Fun. Matt Koch, we love you, man. And of course, I was about to say from the beginning, he's been with us. HealthyHappySmile.com at Healthy Smile Rock Hill. You know who it is. Dr. Harvey Spencer Jr. and his wife. I mean, they definitely bang in the office
Starting point is 01:16:05 you know my parents work together too but that probably working together and living together is probably tough yeah harvey spencer jr is one of our early space black dentists in south carolina the world has changed and him and his wife have a practice and they got next generation gaming for kids and adults. They crack open your teeth and clean them out. Um, go to their website. If I, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:30 I guess if you're in South Carolina or if you want to take a trip and you're a hyenas fan, do it and fucking film it and send it to us. Um, support all our sponsors. Um, even if you got to cross state lines to do it and make a video of it, uh,
Starting point is 01:16:44 cause you know, we'll because we'll take it and put it on our Patreon so we can make some money off of you screw it in our fucking merch is coming it's almost here so excited those designs are great thank you I appreciate you considering us
Starting point is 01:17:00 for it oh man you're the best I mean anything Alexis says I mean why wouldn't I trust Alexis you know what you're the best. I mean, anything Alexis says, I mean, why wouldn't I trust Alexis? You know what? You're the reason why it's successful. I'm just kidding. Alexis knows his pizza. Very much. And he's a soccer fan. I mean, we've been arguing for a while
Starting point is 01:17:16 and I love Alexis. He was invited to my wedding. He was at my wedding. That's right. Yeah. I'm sorry. We just haven't spoken in a while. We lost touch. We lost touch. It's sad. I was on your podcast a while ago that nobody listened to and we had to take that clip down because i was a little misogynistic on that clip that is true well it wasn't actually misogyny i was just i think i mentioned in the purse an ex-girlfriend yes i used to do a relationship podcast like maybe six years ago that yeah this was on yeah yeah you know what's funny
Starting point is 01:17:44 like our generation is the generation that had to learn the hard way that the internet's forever. Like these kids coming up behind us are going to be such good politicians. They're going to be like, you want to be on my podcast? They're going to be like, what's your podcast? Like, you know what I mean? Can I bring my lawyer?
Starting point is 01:18:00 It's going to be a more screwed in situation. We were the fucking generation that's like, yeah, I'm a big FF. And it's just up there forever. And yeah. So me and me and Chrissy, because we do this podcast can only get so big before we get torn down. But we'll always have a home and Nora Cupcakes Company. You guys always let us in and give us some sweets to make us feel better if we're sad.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Yes. Appreciate it. So thank you. On the volley dot com. It's coming soon. On the volley apparel. On the volley apparel. I It's coming soon. Onthevolleyapparel.com. Onthevolleyapparel. I always fucked it up. Onthevolleyapparel.com. Actually,
Starting point is 01:18:29 there's going to be a link right on historyhyenas.com. Get those shirts. Everyone's been wanting them. Listen to the Kooligans. Yes. Yeah. Follow us at Soccer Kooligans. And yeah, like I just said, we just interviewed Giuseppe Rossi. We've interviewed all these sort of American soccer stars that you definitely
Starting point is 01:18:46 do not care about. But if you are a fan of soccer, trust me, it's the funniest soccer podcast you're going to listen to. Yeah. And I love soccer. Soccer's getting bigger and it's great. And this podcast is getting very popular. So go support it. Go listen to the Kooligans. And of course, NAR Cupcakes Companies, thank you for coming
Starting point is 01:19:01 again. This is a different day, right? Even though we're all wearing the same clothes. Thank you. Thank you. And at ISIS, where can they find you? Where can they find you in 40 seconds? Should you hand out your mixtape? See the dropout on Instagram. Yeah. And come see me in San Antonio this week. If you listen to this Thursday,
Starting point is 01:19:17 tomorrow with Mike. When is this one coming out? Yeah, we never know with ISIS. Could be three weeks from now. We did two episodes today, so one of them will be out this week. Oh shit, that's right. You already did see us? You're about to see us. Thanks for coming to see us in San Antonio. This already happened.
Starting point is 01:19:33 I'm sorry. I'm sorry I bombed. Sorry I ate your chicken wings. I didn't mean to offend you guys. I apologize. I just didn't know that you guys... You didn't know the Alamo was that serious. I just didn't know that you guys, you know, if I said... You didn't know the Alamo was that serious. I just didn't know that if I said I got a gun, everyone was going to take out theirs.
Starting point is 01:19:51 But I should have known that's how Texas is. Follow me on Instagram at Mike V. Suarez. At Mike V. Suarez. And I have a podcast coming out in August called Yikes. Yikes with... But it's not out yet. So you're fucking plugging nothing. Well, I mean, who knows when this is going to be out? Yeah, that's true. This could
Starting point is 01:20:07 come out whenever. So whenever, go listen to, what is it? Onthevolley.com? On the Volley Apparel. On the Volley Apparel. Look, every time, this is what we're going to do, I says, every time Mike plugs his new podcast, we're just going to go, we're just going to repeat and go onthevolleyapparel.com. Go listen to
Starting point is 01:20:23 Mike Emoji's face new podcast at onthevoll volume apparel.com. Go listen to, go listen to Mike emoji space, new podcast at on the volume apparel.com. Just kidding. Go listen to a Mary Rapina piece podcast. Bye. αžŸαŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ’αžšαžΌαžœαžαŸ‚αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”αŸ‹αž”οΏ½

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