History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - WEPA in the Morning - 2020 Year in Review | Bonus History Hyenas

Episode Date: December 28, 2020

WEPA in the Morning 2020 year in review! WILD CUZZIES! It's been a fun year of WEPA and we appreciate all of you for the support! YAAAASSSSSJoin our Patreon at 👇https://www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys.../

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, welcome to the best of WEPA 2020 year in review. This is the only good thing the Chinese have brought us. WEPA was born out of COVID-19, and what a year we've had, Yoni, baby. Yes, if you're asking yourself what WEPA in the morning is, it's our morning show that can happen at any point, only on patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, where me and Chrissy read you that day's headlines and we go wild we riff on it it's the best morning show because often we just wake up
Starting point is 00:00:33 we got bedhead we got fumare and we come at you live and we always work it and put one person on notice it's the only news you can find that's not fake. Wepa in the morning. Yeah, it's a relo or however you say real in Spanish. Yes. What's up everybody? Buenos noches! Good morning!
Starting point is 00:01:08 Buenos tardes! Good morning everyone! Welcome to the first episode of Weppa in the Morning. My name is Giannis Pappas. And I'm Chris DiStefano. Dame mas gasolina. Vamanos! Yes! We're going to do a morning show every day based off Giannis' morning show that he did on,
Starting point is 00:01:41 what was it, fucking Fusion, Papa Fritas? What was the fucking Spanish network that you did that what was it fucking fusion papa fritas what was what was the fucking spanish network that you did that they sunk 10 billion dollars into and then it just failed we're gonna do here every day we just rolled out of bed i got out of bed three minutes ago yannis is still in bed so what we're going to do is I have my ruler. Like we said yesterday, I'm going to measure my morning wood to see if Corona got on our penises. Take a peek.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I guess those are your history glasses now. Three and a half inches. Three and a half inches? I'm going to take my ruler and take a message. We're going to do a little morning here. By the morning, a little magic.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Everyone's got to do it at home. Oh, no. That's not a Corona Club. I have allergies. I am an inch and a half right now. Wow. Your dick's like a thumb. There's a lot in the news going on that we want to talk about.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Thanks for showing up. We hope you have your morning coffee. We hope that you got your newspaper out. You're eating your croissant. You're eating your bagel. Mike is eating his Frosted Flakes. Whatever you do for breakfast, whatever it is you're american we're not here to judge veneti is vaping veneti is vaping johnson the prime minister of england is in the
Starting point is 00:03:14 hospital with corona with the coco with the crown and he said he's on he's on oxygen in the icu but the thing is is i don't believe it could also just be political i mean a lot of these political leaders and actors and actresses will just say they have corona or get it for the story on their balls and then when they're done they just go like this this is the first morning show where a host has smelt his own balls i just made history it's just what it is that's a surefire way to wake yourself up it's like smelling salt from your nuts so do you think so boris johnson you think he's gonna get out of the hospital yes or no yeah i don't believe in the conspiracy theories i don't see what anyone benefits from it i you know i believe and there's too many people
Starting point is 00:03:53 who would know that boris johnson is making it up i mean the guy's going to hospitals i don't see what no no no no no i'm not i'm not saying he's making up i guarantee you he has it for sure but i'm saying to go to the icu do you think that's for, like, morale? Like, do you think, like, he's going to beat it? Like, you know, we can beat this. We can do this. The British love to do that. They love to say, you know, Winston Churchill always like,
Starting point is 00:04:16 we're fighting together. Yeah, man. I mean, all the news is just about the coronavirus. Now they're saying that the U.S. Comfort, thefort, the USNS Comfort's capacity cut in half to treat coronavirus patients. Like, you got to get the coronavirus patients on the boat and just get the boat the hell out of New York Harbor. I mean, can we just do that?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Can we load them up and get that boat the fuck out of here? They need to ban wet markets. The problem is, I think China has already outlawed the wet markets. I believe the wet markets are black market. That's the problem because here's the thing about the United Nations. It's a great idea. I support it. I hope it works one day, but they're sort of like a referee in a professional wrestling match. They don't really do shit. Like nobody listens. Nobody listens. People just keep eating each other with
Starting point is 00:05:00 chairs and they're yelling and nobody respects them. because i think that's the only way to really get rid of them is if you just take the physically let's get frank rizzo out from his fucking grave and let's have him start taking the chinese physically timmy yeah what is your opinion of this whole thing is the world over well you know what i think it's going to be a nice cleansing you know and not not to sound like a german in world war ii or eugenicist but what we're gonna end up doing is we're just gonna be end up creating the perfect race and the perfect race is gonna be people who don't leave their homes and they're and they're they they have all their fun digitally and they order food. And that's what's going to happen. You're going to have to adapt to this.
Starting point is 00:05:46 This is not going to be, I think, unless they find a vaccine or they find a drug that cures this thing. This is going to be nobody knows what the fuck this is. This could be like cancer where you have that it goes into remission. You could get it again. It could keep coming back. It could get worse. It could be a bioweapon. Maybe they turn on the 5G and we all fall to the ground and start shaking. It could keep coming back. It could get worse. It could be a bioweapon.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Maybe they turn on the 5G and we all fall to the ground and start shaking. And if that's the case, good for China, they want like at a certain point, you've got to tip the hat to China and go, you know what? You did it. You know? Yeah. Yeah. I think the only thing I'll say, though, I mean, if you look at the numbers in Sweden, they're saying Sweden's not that bad. I mean, what do you think about people in Sweden? Don't eat cinnamon roll pancakes at Denny's and smoke Marlboro Reds all day. And this we are the unhealthiest country in the world. I listen. I'm an example of that. Like when I was young, my mother, I swam a race in the Bay where we live and,
Starting point is 00:06:48 and me and a bunch of other kids did it. And our, our reward for doing that, my mother took me to an ice cream parlor in Valley stream, Long Island called Atkins and all three, four of us got a 15 scoop Sunday and we ate till we got sick. So that's, that's not fucking, dude, Sweden can handle, Americans are fucking,
Starting point is 00:07:09 it just takes a little bit and they're in a hospital. What about the people who need, who like need comedy work and who need to work? I mean, every week, like if the government was saying that people,
Starting point is 00:07:22 if they don't have $400 coming in, their whole life is fucked up. So how do we help them? What do we do? Should we get money from the Patreon? What do we do? Are you still plant-based? Yeah, I am. I am plant-based.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Let me tell you something about what plant-based has done for your jawline. It's made it fucking cute because even on Skype, Skype adds 20 pounds, but you look like a fucking skinny mini right now. I'm a skinny mini? Well, that's because I have coronavirus. What? What can you do? Yeah, I don't know what we're going to do because I don't know what we're going to do.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I mean, there are a lot of people out there that need the work at the comic strip right now, and I don't know what we're going to do. Because we've got to get the studio up and running from your crib. Now is the time that if it was up and and running we'd be good to go. Yeah, just me and you but unfortunately, you know unfortunately, I Don't know. I mean I want to build the fuck. I'm building a studio up here
Starting point is 00:08:16 I'm gonna build a studio on my own apartment. I'm gonna build the fucking room for the baby up here I'm gonna build everything because there's Jews on my windows. I don't know what's going on because everyone is losing their mind it's complete chaos it's actually kind of scary the only normalcy we have right now is wet by in the morning wet by the morning is the only normalcy we got i mean yeah at some point let's just i mean the country it's really just when they say the country i mean they really just mean new york city right i mean it's just like let's be honest here there's really no corona problem other than country, I mean, they really just mean New York City, right? I mean, it's just like, let's be honest here. There's really no corona problem other than in New York. So why don't we just fucking start talking about let's build a wall around New York City.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Let's protect us. And then everybody else get back to doing what you're doing because nobody else really even cares. This chemical, Chinese chemical bioweapon, they sent it right to New York. I know Iowa wants to feel important, but nobody gives a fuck, okay, Iowa? Shut the fuck up and take your shirt off and open back up. It's Donald Trump's nemesis. Yeah, Donald Trump's nemesis. Yeah! There you go!
Starting point is 00:09:13 I mean, pe-yoing! I mean, wild. Is that Sean Donnelly? It might be Sean E.D., who Sean Donnelly shaved his face yesterday. Yeah, it's a little Sean Donnelly shaved his face yesterday it looked yeah it's a little Sean Donnelly I mean cuz
Starting point is 00:09:26 I mean her hair's fucking wild I mean you know I mean so would you what do you think Fumade or no Fumade
Starting point is 00:09:32 more but see this is what it is this is in this you know pre-pandemic in the pre-pandemic world celebrities did shit like this now in the post-pandemic it's like people like
Starting point is 00:09:43 yeah celebrity I don't care they're like shut up if you're not doing anything real shut up shut up shut up guys make no mistake you're you don't look do you feel like an ff because you don't look like one you look like you're all right i am an ff fog everyone knows that i'm a fucking fogger but i'm also an FF because you asked me what my fucking obesity index was yesterday. And cuz, I'm 5'11 and a half, 6'1 with Air Max on, but I'm 219 pounds. It's what it is. Your BMI is right on the cusp.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Don't worry. So is mine. Listen, you, I got to be honest with you, you got no shirt on. You got the Breathe Right strip on. Your hair's fucking wild. You look mentally insane. You look a little bit like Ace Ventura when he was in the fucking mental institution in Ace Ventura Pet Detective. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Yeah. Yeah. You look, you're kind of nuts. I mean, you kind of are losing it. You're going corn crazy, but it's okay, Bubba. Chrissy D, Chrissy Chaos, you know what the greatest thing about our new show is? What? Is that finally there is a morning show, unlike Good Morning America, that has real football players and real news anchors on it.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And the thing is, we spin the wheel with the news, babe. One week we tell you one thing, one thing we tell you the other. And the best part about our, sorry. No, just keep going. It's Yanni Biden. It's Yanni Biden. I want to reel you. It's one thing I tell you, another Biden. Yeah, I was going to say, it doesn't matter because we have one doctor always available
Starting point is 00:11:18 who's got a DPT in physical therapy and his name is Chrissy D. So if you come at us us we got a doctorate because we're married we got a freaking doctorate and make no mistake my little filipino hands will get inside your butt yeah they'll get inside your butt and if you watch our morning show wet by the morning you will always get a cutaway to binky probably with some sunglasses on in front of a green screen ice cream truck yeah there it is absolutely cuz we wanted to make we wanted to make a show we wanted to make a show that got away from the from the news because the news is is is disgusting the news is volatile the news is divisive the only thing worse than watching the news is Giannis' internet connection. So we created Wepa in the morning.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah, if you want to get away from the news by learning the news and get your news from two hyenas who teach you history, but you don't learn a thing, tune into Wepa in the morning with Chrissy Pappas and Giannis DiStefano. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Good morning, everybody. It's Giannis Pappas from the studio, which is really just my dining room table. So, I mean, does it even matter? Chrissy's in the bathroom. I'm in the bathroom in my place in Montauk here. I've been talking about upping the quality. You're banged up, Chrissy.
Starting point is 00:12:39 You've got a drinking problem. You're banged up. This is an intervention. I've gathered the matriarchy together to say, guess what, you're still drunk it's nine in the morning you're a german northern irish kid who can't handle his liquor yeah okay other than my liquor we drink it till about 5 a.m what can you do and uh you know i'm going live from the bathroom because my family's still sleeping but i'm here i but i even though i'm drinking right now i have i i have my family's asleep and i i'm we have we are as soon as they wake up i will have them make black lives matter signs i
Starting point is 00:13:11 will have them reach out to the local congressmen and senators i will we will absolutely stop racism out of east long island yeah because i'm just a little nervous with you drunk i mean yeah i mean whenever you get bagged up, you say, can I text the group chat? And I say, no, just text me, bubba. Chrissy Clarice comes out and the six shooters just start firing. Because it starts firing, but what can you do?
Starting point is 00:13:36 Everyone's sleeping out there. I got fucking bagels. I'm trying to get bagels, but there's no bagel stores out here. So that's I think the issue is normally I sober up if I have a couple of bagels, but yeah, cause I've been drinking too much. Cause are you sick a little bit? You think you're going to be sick a little bit?
Starting point is 00:13:52 Might be a little sick, but the good news is Idris Elba's racist TV show should be rated, not removed. He doesn't believe in censorship. Well, look, this is, I wanted to make it a work it girl, but Venetia found a better one, but I want to say work to Idris. Let's, let's just hear him talk. Cause I just, truck's not going to make it a work it girl, but Venetia found a better one. But I want to say work to Ildris. Let's just hear him talk because I think Truck's not going to make it. Now let's go over to the United Arab Emirates is trying to get to Mars
Starting point is 00:14:15 with what they're calling the Ambitious Hope Mission, which will be the first of three Mars launches scheduled this month. So the United Arab Emirates has a lot of money to spend on a nada. Because make no mistake, they're not going to be the first ones to colonize Mars. Elon Musk is going to be. Right, Chrissy? Chrissy's asleep. Chrissy is asleep.
Starting point is 00:14:42 This is the first web of the morning where Chrissy just passed out. I heard you saying I was asleep. Did you pass out? No, no, no, no, no, no. I heard you saying that they found sand on Mars or something. Pretty, pretty, yeah, that's pretty much it. What happened? Yeah, that was the story, actually, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Because, make no mistake because I was drunk yesterday. I started firing off some messages and a tornado ran through my talk. So there was a tornado that there wasn't a tornado watch. And then Chrissy got half of the bag. And then cuz just like, cause my great great grandfather, I've told you before is Jewish man. So I like to put Ben andryl cream on me i have a lot of jewish qualities about me that i love and respect i'm wearing my glasses right now to be in solidarity with brader ginsburg who's in the hospital but i do also because i'm a jew i do control the weather and i brought a tornado to the eastern long island seaboard yesterday
Starting point is 00:15:40 yeah cuz i mean if you and your baby's mama were cartoons, you would be a tornado, she would be a tsunami, and then you guys would just do this. Yeah, it's what it is, cuz. There's collateral damage everywhere. There's houses going up, there's mothers drinking brews, there's aunts throwing racial slurs. It's just what
Starting point is 00:15:59 happens. It's just what it is, cuz. Sometimes you have one too many Bud Light seltzers, and then you just DM some women you shouldn't be dm because there's one thing that's true about you that i know yeah i believe in sensible gun safety laws even though i am a gun owner and i also believe in tech safety laws for your phone there should be a safety button on your texts it's just what cuz well I've changed my passcode. Cuz my passcode was just constantly on my phone was always the baby's birthday. But so so she just knew what it was.
Starting point is 00:16:32 But now I've changed it to the 1975 and she'll never guess it. Cuz you keep looking around away from the computer like you're expecting an incoming Cinnabon. What do you expect? He Andrew Cuomo is one of these guys. He was always a good-looking guy, always in powerful positions in government. Do you think his wife
Starting point is 00:16:48 wasn't going to be a piece? I mean, everybody gets so mad. They're like, it's like, this is the reality of life, guys. I mean, it's a pandemic now. Can we just start telling the truth? If you're a piece of a guy
Starting point is 00:16:58 that's powerful, your wife's going to be a piece, and that's just the way it works. And if you're a fat fucking slob that wakes up every day and you got M&M shells in your belly button, you're just not going to get a piece of a wife, and that's just the way it works and if you're a fat fucking slob that wakes up every day and you got m&m shells in your belly button you're just not going to get a piece of a wife and that's just what it is okay and you're more at risk for a thousand different things and i don't know what the fuck you want me to tell you about it okay i mean post pandemic let's be a
Starting point is 00:17:17 little bit more truthful on certain things it's like life isn't fair so get used to that okay and it's never going to be fair so just get used to it bubba's i i agree with you let's just be a lot more honest in this post pandemic world i want you to open that door and tell our correspondent exactly what you think and feel about the situation just tell her well no i can't because i'm trying to get the iranian video clip back if if that was posted i'd let it fly but not until uh not, but not until we get it back. Okay, so the first story I want to talk about is, headline is from Frank Sabine, Florida. Florida woman admits to stuffing porn-filled Easter eggs in mailboxes.
Starting point is 00:17:54 So happy Easter. I'd like to bring one of those porn-filled Easter eggs because I'm going by my mother's. We're going to do a drive-by Easter by my mother's on Sunday and stay six feet away. What would happen if I gave her one of these Easter eggs? Yeah. I mean, I think you should have pretend not to know about it and film it for the Patreon, please. Yeah. Go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. If you want to see my very Irish Catholic anxiety-ridden mother get a porn-filled Easter egg from this Florida nut job.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Now, how do you put porn in an Easter egg? Did she put the whole internet inside the Easter egg egg if anybody's going to know how to do it mike mush is going to know so mike why don't you answer that for us i appreciate you just use pictures yeah okay okay pornographic images yeah i mean kids open that and they probably went so what i just saw three trannies have a menage a trois online i mean kids kids today when i was a kid in order to get porn you had to pretend like your father was outside and you were buying him cigarettes and 10 of the time it would work because it was very hard yeah and then me and my friends we would hold on to that porn and rotate it around between friends for like years no now kids all they got to do is be able to to put their finger on a screen and wow what they can see.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Same with me. I had, you know, me and my group of friends, you know, I was like 11, 12 years old and I had, we called it the Spanish porn. It was a blue VHS tape and it was getting passed around. What do you mean? What are you talking about? You and your friends also starred in porn movies because y'all got diddled by a priest. It's just, that's very true. But then what happened was, is I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:19:23 It's because one day I left the Spanish porn out on top of my VCR my mother went inside and started cleaning my room and popped it in and saw saw people getting banged out and then I came home from basketball practice that night and she had smashed the deep she had smashed the VHS into like a hundred little pieces and there was a little post-it note that said get this filth out of my house and then I had to go back and tell my friends hey I'm sorry my mother smashed Spanish point. And then that's when I got sculled. So it's what it is. Yeah. I mean, you know, there's consequences for everything, Chrissy. And you know what it is? You know, you got your stash killed like a drug dealer.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Yeah. You got to deal with the consequences because yeah, I understand why she did that. You have to smash the devil out of it. You have to smash the devil out of the house with the hammer. That's what you got to do with the hammer.'s what you gotta do with the hammer yeah yeah so that's that's that's frankie beats floor do you think with every blow she said a prayer i think with every blow she said a prayer and then i think every blow she was like i can't believe i had a baby with this good for nothing and then she definitely moved a couple veggies went into the fridge and cracked a few brews yeah cracked a few brews and then i guarantee you i never knew any of that. But I know every time I would piss her off, she would make the best chicken cutlets and mashed potatoes a kid could ask for.
Starting point is 00:20:30 You think if your mom did a Stella commercial for beer, she would say, Stella, brought to you by the good for nothing I had a baby with back in fucking 86. Yeah, 100%. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, nothing makes a girl grab nothing. She would go, hi, my name is blah, blah, blah. We're not going to say the real name for Ridgewood Queens.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Nothing makes a girl grab for Estella more than a fucking good for nothing gambling father who I made a mistake with because I was a Catholic and I fucking got, he was charismatic and he fucking tricked me. Now I got a baby with him. I love my son, but I also love my Estella and I need it. We are the history hyenas. It doesn't need to make sense, babe. Where Chrissy Crayons is, Chrissy's chaos is,
Starting point is 00:21:13 there's going to be a tornado, and it's going to come at you backwards. It's funny. De Blasio, a New York City mayor, De Blasio, had to break up a rabbi's funeral. It was attended by hundreds of people in Brooklyn. This is about the fifth time that the Hasidic Jewish community has had funerals. At what point did the police just start going and throwing ham and cheese sandwiches on the street so they won't come out? I think that time is now.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah, I think really you got to really threaten these people with cheese on meat. That's the only way that it's going to stop this. I mean, yeah. I mean, you know when a liberal kid like Mayor de Blasio, who bends over backwards to please everybody, no matter what, finally goes wild. I mean, he just finally went wild in a tweet, and a lot of Jews were upset over the tweet.
Starting point is 00:22:04 A lot of conservatives were upset over the tweet. A lot of conservatives were upset over the tweet because they think that it was anti-Semitic. But I mean... No, I mean, he's trying to protect... It's not anti-Semitic. It's like, we're trying to stop the spread. This isn't fucking Sweden. The doors aren't open.
Starting point is 00:22:17 So at some point, the police are going to have to start throwing ham and cheese sandwiches and holograms of Richard Spencer or else these people are just going to keep coming out. When I saw that tweet from Trump, from President Trump, it was tough for me because I love Dr. Fauci. He's a little squeak, you know, a little squeak doctor, and I love him. And I didn't agree with Trump retweeting that. But, you know, also anything Trump does, I got to just support. So it was tough for me last night. I didn't know what to favorite or retweet. I had
Starting point is 00:22:44 no idea what to do, so I was stuck. So I just stuck a toothbrush in my ass, and that's just what I do. Yeah, so what happened, guys, is that Dr. Fauci was interviewed, and he said that if Trump had listened to him earlier, it would have saved a lot of lives. And so Trump got wind of that, and now Trump started. He created a hashtag, FireFauci. So he's trying to get rid of the squeak.. So he's trying to get rid of the squeak.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah, he's trying to get rid of the squeak, but I don't think that he, I mean, because you know what I didn't know about the squeak, Dr. Fauci, is he's been the infectious disease national doctor for like five presidents. He didn't just come in recently. He's been, everybody knows the squeak, Dr. Fauci. Every former president said he's a great doctor yeah so what who do you side with on this one dr fauci or or trump because i mean i don't know because is the virus real is it not what's ridgewood saying what are the streets saying
Starting point is 00:23:36 well i mean are the people with the virus crisis actors let me know what's being said in ridgewood dr fauci is now warning of serious consequences if the U.S. reopens too soon. It's like, Dr. Fauci, you know, I've had enough of you two. It's like listening to a little fucking squeak. Why don't you just find the cure? Stop telling us this is what's going to happen and that's what's going to happen. Just shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Take your suit jacket off. Get in your wife beater. Have your wife start making the sauce and just start coming up with cures. I don't care if you've got to give us oregano pills in a shot. Give it to us because I'm sick and tired of, oh my God, the second wave and this, have that. It's like Fauci, either find the cure or, I don't know why on people's podcasts, like Tim Dillon said, I don't know why. I mean, it's like, you know, you're always on a Zoom meeting, just shut
Starting point is 00:24:18 the fuck up, take your shirt off and find the vaccine. Yeah. I mean, listen, Dr. Fauci, you've seen the movie Ant-Man, you've seen that movie with Martin Short, where the kid gets, we know you got secret squeak powers, just put yourself in a fucking microscope, take out a sword and a shield, and you take those Italian powers, and you go fight
Starting point is 00:24:37 that fucking virus squeak on its terms and end it. That's it. That's it. Just get your fucking beak in your mouth, get your bonnet on, Jump in your stroller. Have your wife push you to the fucking lab and go find the cure. Because I'm sick and tired of every day Fauci warns of this or this doctor warns of that or Dr. Sanjay Gupta in my ass. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:24:55 All of you shut up. Okay? It's like, tell us. You know what? It's like when the pilot keeps updating me on we're two hours away. Just fucking land the plane. Speaking of sucking on tits and estrogen do you want to work what a fucking work
Starting point is 00:25:08 work you better work girl Work it, girl. Chasing the race to the young things. On the runway. I'm a girl. Work. You better work, girl. Yas. Wow. Yas. Cuz, that was wild.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Alyssa Milano, who's the boss, is coming back. Everybody's doing reboots of old shows. And the truth of the situation is, Bubba, they don't work. But Alyssa Milano's a work it girl. Work it girl. Alyssa Milano, who is apparently the chairperson of the DNC, I don't know how that happened. She became everyone's political guru,
Starting point is 00:25:57 you know, with her previous experience of being a child actress on Who's the Boss with Tony Danza. Well, guess what? Who's the boss is back. Here's to another show that nobody asked for to come back. I mean, what the fuck is Alyssa Milano going to do in the show? She's a grown woman now. Is she going to be Antifa? Yeah. She's just going to talk about, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:18 some policies on the show and she's going to talk about how Joe Rogan's podcast is three times as big as hers. Did you see that tweet when she said, my god joe rogan's uh yeah you can find it muffin shop she said we live in a world where joe rogan's podcast is three times as big as mine and it was funny because everyone trolled her and said bash it's much bigger than three times it was so funny everyone was like three times it's yeah it's a lot I don't even know Alyssa Milano has a podcast. V, do you listen to Alyssa Milano's podcast? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Did you find a parking spot yet? She did listen to Carly and Emma, and everyone's really upset that they broke up. Yeah. Well, what can you do? I mean, let's get them on the show. Let's get Carly and Emma on the show. That'd be great.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Well, I'd love to get them both on the show at the same time. So she said, we live in a world where Joe Rogan's podcast has tripled the listeners as mine. Dear God. Dear God. And what did she say? A football team has to fucking Yeah. Yeah. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:27:15 A major sports team because their name is so horribly offensive. Yeah. Shut up. Yeah. Whenever I see her tweet, I just hear yas, yas, yas, yas, yas. I know. It's just one of those things. Does she have kids? I wonder if she has kids. I don't know. Does she? Do we know?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Most of the women, because I just think when you become a mom, you want to make changes, but you're just fucking exhausted. Oh, she has three kids. Okay. I'll tell you what, though. When I was a kid watching the show, I'm saying this from the perspective of being a kid at the time.
Starting point is 00:27:46 She was the number one piece in the country. Oh, no. She's a great actress. Who's the boss in her mood? They're great. I mean, it's a great show. Very talented. But yeah, Twitter is just like it's, you know, people are mentally insane on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah. Well, I mean, I disagree on the talent. I mean, you know, I mean, anyone could have fucking played Tony Danza's boss. I disagree on the talent. I mean, anyone could have fucking played Tony Danza's boss. I mean, I think they hired a bad actress on purpose because they wanted it to match Tony Danza. Yeah, Tony fucking Danza. Because Tony Danza was at the feast,
Starting point is 00:28:16 was at the San Gennaro's feast, serving fucking rice balls. And that's a true story. Tony Danza is the original Squeak. I mean, is there a crazier fucking squeak than tony danza because he's a failed boxer he's a squeak and he somehow became an actor i mean the kids want the kid has sticks though he's got a couple sticks from who's the boss no oh no i think he's got i think tony danza might have real fucking money hold on let me i think tony danza might have like real money let's on. I think Tony Danza might have real money.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Let's look it up because I swear to you not, he was working a stand at the San Gennaro Feast selling rice balls. Now, that could just be because Italians can't stay away from fucking street fairs. Not a kid's worth 40 mil. Okay, well, here's the thing. Those people in Long Island don't got to worry because Trump is definitely, even though it's a global pandemic and the economy is horrible, the kid is definitely going to win again because this is who he's running
Starting point is 00:29:08 against. I mean, Joe Biden, first of all, he eats children. And secondly, the kid doesn't know where he is. Roll the clip. Look at, the kid doesn't even know how to read a teleprompter anymore. He's 900 years old. Yeah, it's bad. It's actually... This is not
Starting point is 00:29:24 a moment for excuses or deflections or blame game. We're in the middle of a pandemic that had cost us more than 85,000 jobs as of today. Lives of millions of people, millions of people, millions of jobs. You know, and we're in a position where you know we just got new unemployment insurance so yeah he starts out by saying 85 000 jobs and then millions of jobs so the kid doesn't know where he is he doesn't know look he just has to at some point you just got to say you know what it's time for me to just be a grandpa or a great grandpa and, you know, find a chair and watch TV. And that's what you got to do. You can't run for president. There's a certain point after which you get to a certain age, you can't run for president anymore. Yeah, you can't
Starting point is 00:30:14 run for president. It's trying to make me feel like I don't know what's going on. It's like the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi are creating coronavirus to get Trump out of office to crash the economy, but then they're allowing Joe Biden to run against him. So I don't understand what the Democrats' actual plan is here. It's like, why not get Trump out of office? I mean, you're fucking up on two fronts. It's like something sinister is going on. I don't know what's happened. Why would the Democrats allow Biden to go against Trump if they think Trump's the antichrist? In America, who's got a dick on his arm and he asked the doctors to put it there. Yeah, it's what it is.
Starting point is 00:30:48 He's got a dick in his arm and apparently he's doing Japanese porn with it because they blurted it out. Why did he? Why did he put the dick on his arm? What's the point? Because why the fuck not? It's 2020. Why wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah, he suffered a horrific infection in his perineum that turned his fingers, toes, and manhood black. Yeah, so he decided when I saw my penis go black, I was besides myself. It was in a horror film. Because when his penis went black, did it grow? Yeah, I don't know. That was a stupid penis joke about black guys having big penises.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I cannot believe. It's racist that his penis turned black and then he cut it off that's racist that is right but he dropped it yeah i mean this kid i mean this kid looks like a british kid this kid looks like he's on the runway anyway yeah it's what he's 45 years old he's your age this kid's 45 yeah he's he's yeah he's not in good shape for 45 he's not greek is what it is he's also wearing he's also wearing fucking Filene's basement Adidas. You always see what you can tell the cheap version of the Adidas that they got the filing basement store.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Let's work. I'm ready to work. I am ready as well. A little delay. Work it girl. You better work. Turn to the left. Work it girl. Turn to the right. Do your thing. On the runway. Come on girl.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Turn to the left. Work it girl. Turn to the right. Do your thing. On the runway. Come on girl. Work. You better work girl.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Work. I've been on my West Elm stools. I don't have to yass anymore. I get all of the gay out when we work. It's what to have been on my West Elm stools. I don't have to yass anymore. I get all of the gay out when we work. It's what it is. So let's lead it off with good vibrations. Toni Braxton, one of my favorite singers, reveals secrets to her flawless skin as a vibrator
Starting point is 00:32:34 as she holds device to her face. And it says bizarre video, but I say it holds her face an awesome video. I mean, here she is. Wow. Haven't seen Toni in a a while she also lost all her money something remember she had lost all her money that was a big story her face looks like it's made out of plastic too if i'm gonna be honest with you yeah i mean if you want i agree
Starting point is 00:32:56 with you it looks like the girls had a few surgeries to really botox down yeah let's watch this video but i do love tony braxton Yeah. Was mad enough. Say you love me again. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Pause it for a second. Pause it for a second. I really wanna see if me and you could try to sing good. You, why don't you try one and then I'll try one. I got some suck in my throat.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Okay, I'll try. This is the best I can sing. Unbreak my throat. Okay, I'll try. This is the best I can say. Unbreak my heart. Say you love me again. There comes with the tears in your eyes when you come into the night. That's the best I can sing. I'm not lying. I wasn't doing that for funny.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Am I a good singer? Yeah. Okay. This is what Tony said. Face tingler. It just tingles the muscles in my face and get them activated and working. I haven't used it on anything else other than my face. Okay. Just FYI.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I just take this and get the little ball here, which is perfect. Sometimes I put it in the freezer. It's really cold. I just kind of rub got the little ball here, which is perfect. Sometimes I put it in the freezer, it's really cold. I just kind of rub it and it just activates all those muscles, get them together. We are working today. We are gonna be chill today. Let's see what Sam has for me.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Wow, she looks good. Sam, I named all my wigs. So that's the look. And I would suggest long hair. I love a nice hoop. I think it kind of modernizes everything up to the face. I like to poke them out just a little bit so you can see one. How old is Tony Braxton, baby?
Starting point is 00:34:33 I'm all ready for my close-up, Mr. DeVille. Mr. DeVille? Unbreak my heart. Chrissy, I told you 2020 was our year. I mean, it's been a great year for everybody. You know, we didn't do so good, but we got about four days left. These four days are going to be the best year of our lives. Because you told me 2020 was going to be our year, and make no mistake, you were wrong.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I mean, we had everything going into 2020. We had sold out the Gramercy. We had shows coming up that were sold out. And then, frickin', what happened is Weishan Xian came at us in a different way and, through the COVID-19, flew at us. And make no mistake, Tim Dillon and Andrew Schultz won 2020, not us. Yeah. Do you think there's any possibility at all that this was a tag team effort
Starting point is 00:35:24 with Zach Isis and Mike Emoji face because of the way their careers with history, Hyena ended. I do. I 100% do. I mean, cause it was, it was,
Starting point is 00:35:35 it was certainly a hit job, but what can you, there were wild stories at 2020. I mean, we had murder Hornets. We had protests. I mean, the grit,
Starting point is 00:35:43 the legend, Kobe Bryant died along with ari shafir's career um it's just it's you know a lot of crystal we lost crystalia as well a lot of things happened uh you know we had people do we have the celebrities singing the one world together at home um i mean the last dance uh you you know, Michael Jordan documentary, TikTok exploded in popularity. I mean, guys, TikTok is just going to put a lot of people in prison. Elon Musk and Grimes announced their fucking babies, whatever the stupid name is. He's a psychopath, but he's a genius. Black Lives Matter is painted everywhere now, which is great. I'm so happy. I have to say that
Starting point is 00:36:25 because I have a show in contention to get picked up. I love it. I love it. I love it. Hamilton came to our home screens on Disney Plus. Hamilton, a show about Alexander Hamilton, which is portrayed by people who aren't white, but that's okay. WAP came out, broke the internet, you know, with the pussy like, you know, macaroni in the pot pussy, which is great. We have daughters. So future's looking bright for WAP. And, yeah, I mean, we still got a few days left here. There's a new strain out now.
Starting point is 00:36:56 So that's going to be fun and wild. I got the, did you get the vaccine? Because there's, the Hasidic Jewish community has the vaccine in Brooklyn. I could get you one. No, because I got COVID. I got COVID this year. That was one of my favorite moments. I wondered if I was ever going to see my little baby girl again.
Starting point is 00:37:14 You know what? And then right after I recovered from COVID, my brother Nico broke his ankle. It's what it is. He's at the hospital. But as Tim Dillon would say, where there's a yin, there's a yang. Or as I would put in Tim Dillon's mouth, where there's a yin, there's a yang. Or as I would put in Tim Dillon's mouth, where there's a yin, there's a yang. And he's getting the COVID vaccine because he's in the hospital with a broken ankle, and they don't want to catch COVID Fumari from him, the nurses. So they're giving him the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:37:36 So that's the good news. And I think that's what 2020 really is. It's manure that got absorbed by the ground and produced great Zoom episodes that we did from WEPA in the morning to bringing in a surprise celebrity guest for our live election stream. Hey, Bert Mattern, who came in, who doesn't like that name, but we keep calling him it. And he says he hates me, but he helped me through my insomnia. We had a great year with our producers, Binky and Venetia, Venet Antifa. You're the only person who didn't catch COVID this year. So I don't know if you're a secret Chinese agent. You still got four days left. I don't know if you're a secret Chinese agent.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I don't know if, like I said, the virus is just too scared to, you know, they just open the door and say, it's like opening an elevator door and just saying I'll wait for the next one. And they got me because I was happy, but it's been an amazing year where we have to thank the fans. Okay. We did an interview with one of the tiger Kings. Nobody cares anymore. So I don't remember who the tiger King is. Yeah. Jeff Lowe's or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Stephen
Starting point is 00:38:48 Jews. Yeah. Michael Epstein. I don't remember who's who. Michael Epstein went to prison or did his wife die? What happened? We don't know. Overall, we just want to say that Weppa, obviously, you know, in all sincerity, or speaking earnestly, as Giannis said, Giannis said, let me speak earnest for a second. A lot of times, I mean, I'm going to start calling him Gianni Ernest. He's Ernie Ernest. So let me speak earnest for a second. This podcast, Wepa in the Morning specifically, really helped me through the pandemic, has helped Giannis through the pandemic, has helped so many people through the pandemic look new york is bad right now uh if you during the day but at night if you love heroin it's a great place no
Starting point is 00:39:31 i'm still on oxycontin but yeah yeah it's it's wild there's needles everywhere there's barrel fires it's that thing where i'm hearing weird howling at night from hobos. Like, you know, like, ah, you know, that shit you're trying to, you're trying to watch the social dilemma. And all you hear is like, fuck you, Jesus government. S word N word. You're like, God damn. Yeah. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:39:57 I'm trying to listen to Tim Ferriss over here. Yeah. Yeah. That's well, you know, I'm watching cuties. Leave me alone. He's got a lot, you know, Tim Ferriss. I'm watching Cuties. Leave me alone. He's got a lot of good tips, Tim Ferriss. It's 5-1.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Yeah, I mean, the smaller the guy, the bigger the ambition. That's just true. I mean, it's just always what it is. Kevin Hart. By the way, how great was that Alyssa Milano thing with the police? Did you catch that? I didn't catch it. What happened?
Starting point is 00:40:24 Oh, Jan. with the with the police did you catch that i didn't catch it oh young she she called the police on a kid using an air gun uh because he looked suspicious in the neighborhood he was wearing all black and it's just this whole defund the police and then she calls the police when she sees a teenager shooting at a squirrel oh wow that is gorgeous it's too perfect. Oh, that's what you call poetic justice. Yes. Wow. I mean, Alyssa Milano, I don't know about you, but she's my president. Well, it's weird to have jerked off to a presidential candidate, I guess. But Obama was sexy.
Starting point is 00:41:02 But yeah, yeah. I mean, it's insane. There it is. I mean, it's just too perfect. Whenever the person railing against something is that thing, isn't that always the way? Absolutely. It goes that way with sexuality. It goes that way with politics. It goes that way with anything.
Starting point is 00:41:19 It's called Shakespeare had a little expression for I think it was called thou doth protest too much. There it is. We've all seen the homophobic pastor who gets caught with a couple of hotties under his desk. I mean, it's old as time. A tale as old as time. Now, let me ask you a question, because the left always accuses the right. I call them the fan base, because that's really what they are now. It's not really a body politic. It's more them the fan base because that's really what they are now it's not really
Starting point is 00:41:45 a body politics more of a fan base i mean because you know i mean politicians are like bands now or you know so it's like they're just following them like a band so do you think because the left fan base always accuses the right fan base of being fucking stupid but what they fail to realize is they've made uh the former child star of who's the Boss sort of one of their main spokespersons who they follow. Do you think that they're all fucking stupid? Are we all just fucking stupid at this point? Here's what I think. And this is why I stay out of the whole political thing.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I don't read. I don't learn anything because everybody just gets so deep into their side. It's like capture the flag. They just want to win so bad. They're not even looking at what's going on. It feels like two divorced parents trying to beat each other and they're not taking care of their sick kids. We're going, Hey mom, I'm coughing up blood here. She's going, hold on. Your dad fucked a porn star. Now he's tweeting about it.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I don't have time for you. I like that analogy. It's true. Yeah. The kids are, yeah. We're just left in front of the TV. They just handed us a tablet. Exactly. You ever go to dinner with your friends who have kids and like, you're always like, you're thinking like, Oh my God, these kids are going to be jumping all over the seats. They're going to, because that's how we were. We were kids.
Starting point is 00:42:58 We were climbing all over the seats, yanking on our dad's dicks, you know, throwing spare ribs at each other, Chinese restaurants or whatever. Cause we're so bored. But now you just hand the kid the tablet and i mean they all become like manchurian candidates they just kind of like fucking they're quiet and quieter than a monk i mean i know well it's one of those weird things where you're like oh this is probably bad for the kid but shit i gotta eat this wonton in peace, you fucking dweeb. Shut up, you know? So it's that weird quick fix.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And I get it. I'm not a parent. But I do love when parents do it. Yeah. It's like, yeah, I'm trying to fuck this girl, you know, behind his mom's back. Let me just hand him a tablet. He won't remember any of this. He was fucking.
Starting point is 00:43:41 It's like the neuralyzer for MIB. Just hand him an Angry Birds. angry birds yeah yeah so we got some stories i mean you came in with a banger i didn't even have that on the list for today's stories i mean you came in with a banger you know that that's exactly what you would you would expect from our reporters in the field because right now you're on the field from a park bench i assume i assume from a safe neighborhood, right? Well, it was. I'm in the West Village, which used to be like a nice white haven.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Now it's Grand Theft Auto out here. I got hobos hitting me up, and it's crazy. My park bench has been taken up. This used to be a nice area. Yeah, yeah. I mean, during the day, though, you can still get look new york is bad right now uh if you during the day but at night if you love heroin it's a great place no i'm still on oxycontin but yeah yeah it's it's wild there's needles everywhere there's barrel
Starting point is 00:44:40 fires it's that thing where i'm hearing weird howling at night from hobos like you know like ah you know that shit you're trying to you're trying to watch uh the social dilemma and all you hear is like fuck you jesus government f word n word you're like god damn yeah what are you doing i'm trying to listen to tim ferris over here yeah yeah that's well you know Tim Ferriss over here. Yeah, yeah. That's, well, you know, Tim Ferriss. I'm watching Cuties.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Leave me alone. He's got a lot of good tips, Tim Ferriss. It's 5'1". Yeah, I mean, the smaller the guy, the bigger the ambition. That's just true. I mean, it's just always what it is. Kevin Hart. Yeah. But I always wondered, like, those guys, like Gary Vee,
Starting point is 00:45:24 like, what are they doing right now? Cause you can't really put up a clip, you know, going, Hey, just grind it out right now, you know, fucking give up your day job and go start a business. You can't put those, you can't put those up now when people are looking for, you know, I mean, this is how you know, the economy's bad. When bus boys are white again.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It's true. It's funny. You always say this about how we just keep going back to like what we used to do. Everything's just a full circle and bus boys are honkies. Like even Facebook just feels like a small town. You know, you go on Facebook and you're like, Oh, you guys are just in this bubble. This is how the Civil War started. You're not getting out and talking to anybody.
Starting point is 00:46:07 You're not discussing anything with anybody different. And you're just in a small town. You've decided who you want to be in that town. You say your little quotes and quips and you like everything and then you move on.
Starting point is 00:46:19 And it's crazy. We just keep going back. The dog's off leash. So, okay, you call the police. And then that woman was saying that she was being threatened and attacked because the guy, if you read the article, the guy was saying that he was trying to give her dog a treat. And she was saying she doesn't know where the treat's from and she was feeling threatened. I mean, people are stupid. I think, Venetia, you need to answer for straight white women.
Starting point is 00:46:44 You're a straight white woman. You need to answer for straight white women. You're a straight white woman. You need to answer. You're guilty. You're all guilty. You're all problematic. Talk to us. You need to issue a statement right now on Wep on the Morning for this Karen. Her name's Amy Cooper because the internet is fucking horrible.
Starting point is 00:46:58 So now her name's out there and her job's been done. So issue a statement, Venetia. Well, on behalf of all white women, I apologize. I'm sorry. I just felt threatened because, you know, he was being a little bit too aggro with his binoculars. And I apologize.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I'm sorry. Are you an ally? Are you an ally? I'm an ally. Okay. Yes. Maybe the sun cooks people's brains down there. But if you want a wild news story, all you got to do is go to Florida.
Starting point is 00:47:30 We'll retroactively just give credit to the wildest story. The way we started, I think it was February, was Gilliam, who ran for governor down there and lost, and lost, ended up being found by the police, passed out in a gay hooker's hotel room who was on meth. So that just gives you a little context for how wild Florida is. But this is what is going on in Florida. People filing for unemployment are doing this. They're not going online. They're not going online and doing it during a global pandemic. They're actually going out. And here's
Starting point is 00:48:11 the aerial footage of them standing in line, giving each other coronavirus to apply for unemployment benefits. And if you look at these Florida people, I mean, these kids got three chromosomes, all of them. Yeah. I mean, do these kids show it? But is it because Florida doesn't have the capability of doing it online? Is that the problem? It's because Florida is fucking Franks and Beans. In fact, we're going to change it from what the Florida to Franks and Beans, Florida. Yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Franks and Beans, Florida. Yeah. I mean, every state has its own personality. And Florida is just the special needs stamos of the united states look at your house and he was but he was just jogging so it's like i mean you know what do you it's just like it's one of those things when you see it you're like what the fuck is going on why are human beings still acting this way yeah uh one of the guys was a former cop and his son and there was some reports of some uh burglary or somebody
Starting point is 00:49:06 burglarized and they thought this guy matched the description he was out for a jog um and uh everyone's seen it by now and if you don't see it don't watch it it's a real bad snuff film kind of but just know it's actually crazy i mean i think it's it's going to the grand jury i think to see if there's an indictment i mean i mean guilt i mean if you watch the video and you and you have any other interpretation except guilty and you know these people are already digging into his past saying he had this that has nothing to do with i when people do that it's like what does that have to do with anything everybody has a past and also it's like unless someone invaded your home it's like why does everybody
Starting point is 00:49:47 want to be fucking people watch too many marvel movies okay i mean listen i watch the marvel movies movies in order for the quarantine so there have been times i'm like oh i want to be iron man but like if i see somebody breaking into somebody's house i'll just call 9-1-1 it's like why do you have to get on a truck with a fucking gun and try to make citizen arrests? It's like, guy, you're a retired cop. Like, too much in this country. People don't want to give up.
Starting point is 00:50:11 It's like, just give up. You're not a fucking superhero, babe. Because also New York, New York, I mean, Governor Cuomo, the great Governor Cuomo, who probably is going to be the next Presidente, said that the latest coronavirus tally shows slows in deaths and new cases. So New York, we're looking pretty good. As long as this goddamn, you know, you know, who's could just stay home and keep the social
Starting point is 00:50:32 distancing. Yeah. You're talking about the J-O-O's. Yeah, but not all of them. Just the ones that they keep writing articles about that are having funerals outside in Brooklyn. What are you doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I mean, because those guys don't read newspaper or watch Gentile news, so they don't know what's going on. Yeah, I mean... They're going out there thinking the Messiah's coming again, you know? Yeah. I mean, what do we... Yeah. So there's a downtick in New York. Spain, which had a downtick, now has an up spike again. Where are you
Starting point is 00:50:59 seeing that? I'm not seeing that anywhere. Let me Google Spain. Yes. Spain. When you Google it, you gotta Google it. Spain. Yeah, Spain. S-H-P-A-I spain yes spain when you google it you gotta yeah spain s-h-p-a-i-n is that how you spell it exactly yeah okay because people from spain are pieces yeah they're pieces i mean yeah marcus all will get cracked open so is brother pow. Home prices are rising during the pandemic. So that's good news. I don't know why that's good news,
Starting point is 00:51:29 because I can't afford to buy a new home, but Benetia threw it in Tank's Good News, and it's her birthday, so I'm not going to argue. Well, it's good news for us because we own homes, and so that's decent news for us, but I don't know how long that's going to hold because it's about to be a Kurt Russell movie in about a week or two. It's going to be Escape from New York on the streets.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah. Because my basement's open and ready for you guys to hide out in the basement. Yeah. I can't wait to get out there. Yeah. So is that what the work is? You're furnishing your basement? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:52:03 They're doing my driveway out there. I mean, you know, there's Mexicans all over my fucking property right now. I mean, you know, it looks like the land about, it looks a few meters on either side of the wall right now. Yeah, your house looks like the Alamo. You got the fucking Mexicans trying to get over the wall. Wouldn't be a WEPA, WEPA 2020 year interview without picking 2020 squeak of the Year.
Starting point is 00:52:28 We did many Squeak of the Weeks, but who is our Squeak of the Year? I think it has to be, in my opinion, we got some options. Could we give options for Squeak of the Year? Could you give it to Tekashi69, The Murder Hornets, Donald Trump, Dr. Fauci, Joe Rogan. Who is the squeak of the year? I'm going with the ultimate squeak, the smallest squeak, the Hillary, the COVID-19 virus. Yes. I call it the Hillary because it's a nasty, nasty woman.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Yeah. It's a nasty woman. It's a nasty bitch. It's a nasty woman it's nasty bitch and that is basically an infection that is the squeak of the year is COVID-19 and and let's just give Hillary Clinton also squeak of the year so the COVID-19 vaccine and Hillary Clinton are squeaks of the year of 2020 how about the mayor of Portland I feel like this guy he had a little bit of a rough night, no? This is the thing. It depends on what reality you inhabit. The reality of reality or the reality
Starting point is 00:53:32 of what's become unfortunately sort of just left-wing narratives. And even him, him saying like he saw nothing out there. Here's... This is Ted Wheeler. Ted Wheeler, the mayor of portland and it's a tweet from a guy named andy ngo i don't want to say it uh he's up so here he is with the
Starting point is 00:53:52 protesters getting tear gassed um he's surrounded by a heavy heavy security detail because you know he's with his people so this is him getting tear gassed he's a heavy heavy detail and then let's look at some of the other videos i mean he's a liberal cock too right oh as liberal as you can get and here's him here's what he says uh happened he sees nothing um i can tell you with a hundred percent honesty i saw nothing that provoked this response it's nasty stuff okay i'm not afraid so there you go he's saying it's peaceful protest he's seen nothing that's provoked this response from the federal agents and now let's look at some other footage of what of what his pro the protesters are doing i had to say to him because
Starting point is 00:54:42 they welcomed him with open arms. Let's listen to it, Mikey. Oh God. There's been a tear. Yeah. Yeah. They just barely got him in to safety before he was attacked. They were throwing shit at the door.
Starting point is 00:55:07 So that's how much they loved him. Now let's take a peek, if we can, Binky, at some of the footage of what's happening in Portland. Yeah. There we go. There we go. So they're doing nothing to provoke this response. It's because they're hungry.
Starting point is 00:55:21 That's why they're doing it. Yeah, but, I mean, it's just peaceful protest. I'm sure these guys got permits. And yeah, there's fires. The federal agents set those fires over there, and they're trying to break into the federal courthouse. Here's the deal, guys. Federal agents have...
Starting point is 00:55:36 Yeah, here's some more footage of some peaceful protests. Look at that. It's nice. Look at the gross marshmallows. Yeah, I mean, there's footage. The footage is endless. It's endless. The media has access to it. They're not saying anything. Federal agents constitutionally have the right to protect federal property. They do not have to ask the city or state government. They just can swoop in and protect the federal property. I think that they've done, in my opinion, I think the federal government has done a good job by they haven't killed anybody yet. I just think at some point, I mean, there's some point they're going to get an order to start shooting live rounds at people if they keep burning buildings down. Unfortunately, that's the reality that we'll get to, which is like civil
Starting point is 00:56:16 war shit. Well, that's the problem. And that's why I think that's what I was going to say before. That's a little bit of why the police are kind of standing down right because they know there's nothing they can do if they because you can't just ask a suspect to just stop I mean they don't some often it has to come to some sort of struggle or you know so it's like they know that they're always going to be in the wrong so they're going like what am I supposed to fucking do and here it's like everyone nobody's saying anything about these rioters those are rioters and it's sad too because lieutenant lollipop and sergeant snuggles like you could go in sergeant snuggles but because i have a chest injury i can't even de-escalate the way i want to de-escalate because i got any i'm on the ir right now yeah no we got to get in there and we
Starting point is 00:57:01 got to start tickling some balls to stop it it's the only thing yeah because i give light kisses on everybody's belly button and then we'll see if they want to keep throwing rocks. We'll see. We'll see what happens then. We'll see what happens then. No, what'd you say? You said you want to kiss people's buttholes. Yeah, I will fucking. No, kiss him on the ass cheeks.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Oh, on the ass cheeks. Yeah, and I want to tickle. I want to tickle. I want to tickle feet. I want to tickle feet. And I want to I want to I want to I want to blow on balls Is what I want to do Let's remove the skin tag from my ass cheek live on the Patreon later Yeah, because
Starting point is 00:57:29 Let's turn you into a superhero called Ass Man Where you ask and you just come and you run And your ass just hits protesters out of the way Yeah Kanye West has been spotted Shopping for kids clothes at a Wyoming Walmart So, I mean, unfortunately if you're a West kid now You're getting your clothes at Walmart because daddy's went off the reservation
Starting point is 00:57:47 yeah i mean if you're a kardashian or you have no idea what's going on in the world these guys live in a in a hollywood bubble they don't even i don't even think they listen to the news they got no idea the kid is the kid so here's the deal. Is he promoting an album? Is he crazy for a pulse? I think so. I think he ran for president to promote an album. That's genuinely what I believe. And I believe that he's insane. And the Kardashians are behind it all, pulling the strings.
Starting point is 00:58:15 And that's truly what I think now. And it's, you know, I don't know if I'm right, but it seems like a lot of people are going to be interested in his album now. Right, well, yeah. Donda. You don't have to be a conspiracy, but it seems like a lot of people are going to be interested in his album now. Right. Well, yeah. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to see that the release date being July 24th and this all happening right before. It's a little bit of a coincidence. It's what I call in Ridgewood a coinkydink. It's a little bit of a coinkydink.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Now you're going to get the album? I mean, because Kanye West, he can spit. Yeah. you're going to get the album? I mean, because Kanye West, he can spit. Yeah, I mean, Kanye West running for president and saying all that crazy stuff about Kardashian and Ray J or whatever, because I don't let my brain remember that stuff. Whatever he said, it's kind of like us releasing
Starting point is 00:58:53 a Bay Ridge Boy trailer saying there's more to come. That's basically Kanye going, there's more to come. Take a peek. This is two minutes and 19 seconds though. When we talk about who we really are as guys and understanding that. So they're acting as animals. So they're the ones that are actually closer to animals.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Wow. Okay, we got it, Mikey. Yeah, there you go. Way to go, Nicky. That's the funniest thing he's ever done. It's actually really good comedy. I mean, I don't think he should be canceled. I think he should put that out as a special instead of the horse shit he's done in the past.
Starting point is 00:59:26 He told us Lansic he was going to run and I had hoped for this country, and now he's out. So I'm thinking I'm fucking on Zillow looking at places in Canada again because I, Kanye, I thought it was going to be my press. Look, I appreciated this
Starting point is 00:59:41 little manic episode. I mean, they should just once in a while, they should just take his meds and just spin the wheel. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. I like this kind of Kanye. Yeah. I mean, Kanye is a kid who once in a while as a national service, they should just take his meds. I mean, that's where entertainment, nobody cares about shows or writers or line producers and directors.
Starting point is 01:00:03 The new show is just called, it's a Truman show type of thing where it's very reality. And we just go in there, his medicine cabinet, and we take his lithium and see what happens. Yeah, the same way the baby flushed my dad's heart pills down the toilet is what we're going to do with Kanye. We're going to flush his heart. We're going to flush his meds down the toilet
Starting point is 01:00:20 and spin the wheel and see what happens. I'd listen to a podcast with Kanye West. Kim Kardashian, I know, got a big podcast on Spotify. I know she has a lot of fans and I understand, but I would actually be interested to hear Kanye just unedited for two and a half hours, say shit, because he would probably get himself into situations like we were talking about yesterday, Nick Cannon, who by the way, Nick Cannon apologized. Now he came out and apologized, but it's too late. CBS and Viacom cut ties.
Starting point is 01:00:47 They cut Wildin out. They cut it all. But he did apologize. So I don't know if he apologized because he has future deals in the works because he's saying, I'm sorry to Jewish people. He doesn't really, you don't care. I mean, these people don't care. Ellen DeGeneres is canceled.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Yeah, Ellen is out. That bitch is on fucking notice. And that notice has been served your papers have been served bitch and you gotta fucking go back to where you came from you're over out so ellen's out um and she's gonna get replaced by james if they're saying either james corden sean hayes kristen bell melissa mccarthy or jennifer aniston so i'm really happy to see a lot of racial diversity in her next picks yeah and also all women. She's got to be replaced by a woman. So I choose James Corden. Yeah, it's what it is. I choose James Corden as well. So let's see. They should actually
Starting point is 01:01:35 have like Tiffany Haddish do it if she wanted to. I think if it's not Tiffany Haddish, then it's a hate crime. Also, how great would it be if we could guest host ellen for one day come out dancing to weppa and turn it into what we want oh yeah oh yeah i'm down i'm fucking down i would i would come out dancing to the work of girl music um and yeah i mean it'd be fun it you know i i actually i want to host jimmy kimmel everyone's hosting jimmy kimmel now it's funny how like jimmy kimm, you just have anybody's hosting it. Like it's like a zoom show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:06 It's a fucking on ABC. Yeah. I mean, nobody, nobody gives a shit about Jimmy Kimmel. I don't think a single person watches it. No, because imagine if we all hosted Alvin,
Starting point is 01:02:16 right? We would come out, we would come out to the weapon music. We'd have the baby running around in a Puerto Rican shirt with like one of those inflatable bats. And she just run in the audience, hitting members with the inflatable bat we'd fucking be serving tostones yeah we're going cafe bustelo all over the place yeah right we would have the fucking way Jean-Giang button and I mean we would take down the whole network in three minutes in fucking three minutes just
Starting point is 01:02:38 take it take it take it and it would be uh it would be good time yeah I mean listen here's the truth is like I don't think Ellen really even cares i mean you know people say money doesn't solve you know money doesn't solve problems it solves a lot of them um yeah she may not be happy but it's like what's the incentive for this lady to keep fighting just walk away with your 350 million dollars now go away and nobody cares everybody forgets then they'll get on whoever hosts it next james cord and they'll go after him in five years. It doesn't matter. Yeah. I mean, one of the funniest things I heard about Ellen is that when you went into her office, she had a gum jar outside
Starting point is 01:03:13 because she was very sensitive to people's breath. And if she thought you smelled, she would send you home, which is really funny. So you would have to take a piece of gum and chew it to go and even talk to her. She also didn't like being looked in the eye. A lot of this stuff is just hilarious. It would be hard for you to work for Ellen because some days you come in with fumade. It should be hard for me to work with Ellen because I'd be like,
Starting point is 01:03:34 I already got a guy partner with blonde hair. It's what it is. Yeah. Okay, three men have been rescued from tiny Pacific Island after riding a giant SOS sign in the sand that was spotted from above, authorities say. So these guys somehow got stranded on a tiny Pacific Island like Tom Hanks and Castaway, and they wrote the SOS sign, and they got spotted. So, you know, I don't know, you know, are these guys going to – like, how long were they on this fucking thing? Yeah, supposedly it were three days,
Starting point is 01:04:05 you know, I thought I'm a taxpayer over in Australia, wherever they come from. I'm saying, you know what? If three guys set out sale during Corona for some stupid Island and they get lost, like,
Starting point is 01:04:15 are we, we're not wasting tax dollars on finding them. They make them live on the Island and survive and film it. And that's it. Let's get some revenue back into the country i agree like well you know what do you want me to tell you it's like okay so yeah fucking find a way on you found a way on find a way off now but i mean again i mean you know we'll see but that might be the key you know a lot of these people getting evicted because the moratorium this may
Starting point is 01:04:38 be this may be where they have to go we'll put them on these tiny pacific islands or or yeah or we just start using drone cameras and start filming it and air it. And let's see the purge firsthand. And it's brought to you by Manscaped. First Lady Melania Trump did not take President Trump's hand while walking down the steps from Air Force One along with her son, Barron.
Starting point is 01:04:58 So there's trouble in paradise. Now they're saying that the Trumps don't get along. It's like they never got along. We all know she doesn't want to be there i know yeah i feel like melania trump yeah she won't take his head i love it watch what it is yeah get it off yeah yeah yeah get off me don't touch me old man because i mean he can't he can't look good naked it It's gross. It's got to be tough for her because she's still a piece. Yeah. I mean, he is that thing.
Starting point is 01:05:29 It's funny. It's funny that, I mean, she just doesn't give a fuck. I mean, do you understand how fucking frustrating it's got to be to be the both of them? She doesn't want to be there. And then he tries to hold her hand and she makes him look stupid in public. It's just like, it's a horrible situation that they both, but they, you think as soon as he's done being the president they're going to get divorced or you think they just don't know i think they just have an arrangement where like she bangs out
Starting point is 01:05:52 some dude and like he's just the president she just disappears they got that son and the son apparently is a young andrew schultz i mean i mean look at the kid. Here he comes. He looks like Andrew, because Andrew Schultz is a tall drink of water. He's a skinny kid. And that kind of could be. There he is, yeah. Young Andrew Schultz. Yeah, there he is. I mean, but this, he's the youngest one, right?
Starting point is 01:06:16 This kid? Yeah, yeah. He's the only one from these two. I mean, look at how tall that kid is. He's a tall fucking glass of water, good kid. And he looks like a good kid, this kid you know, he looks like a good kid, this kid. Yeah, he looks like a good kid. Isn't he, isn't Trump like 6'4"?
Starting point is 01:06:29 Yeah, Trump's a big kid. So that kid is like 6'7". Yeah, he's a big fucking kid. I mean, that's probably not his son. She probably banged out, you know, I'm in Slovenia. They're tall kids in Slovenia. Who's this fucking Eastern Hemi? Because, I mean, Because, I mean, Barron Trump could maybe play center one day for St. Joe's basketball, no?
Starting point is 01:06:51 It's what it is, yeah, because Division III and fucking sign-ups. By the way, we got to get to a What the Florida segment we used to do. Guy saves puppy from monster alligator while smoking a cigar. We got to just end it on this story because, I mean, this is some Florida shit right here. I'm sure you guys have seen this, but, I's break this down here you go this has to be florida if it's not florida then it's still florida man leaps into the water to grab a hold of his king charles spaniel and wrest it from the jaws of the alligator it takes several seconds until he's able to put the gator down shake the oh my god the puppy didn't suffer a puncture to its belly but Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Oh, my God, dude. The one thing they cut off. How do you get your fingers out at the end? Yeah. What did he do? I mean, he might just be so old school that he got a finger bitten off and didn't even mention it. Right. He's that he's that hardcore. Because have you ever been bit by a puppy? Well, yeah, it doesn't hurt, right? Does it? a finger bitten off and didn't even mention it right yeah he's that he's that hardcore because
Starting point is 01:07:45 have you ever been bit by a puppy it well yeah it doesn't hurt right does it no it does they have the sharpest little fucking teeth similar to like a tiny alligator a baby alligator like that dude they could lop your finger off clean do you think there's any chance in hell that that guy voted for Joe Biden. Could you imagine if they interview him after and he's like, so I just saw my little puppy in there and I just had to save him.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Yeah, he's like, I'm just hoping. He's like, what are you hoping for for Chris? He's like, I'm just hoping for a smooth transition to the president. I'm ready to fucking work.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Work it, girl. You better work. Turn to the left. Work it, girl. You better work. Turn to the left. Work it, girl. Turn to the right. Do your thing. On the runway. Have a girl.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Turn to the left. Work it, girl. Turn to the right. Do your thing. On the runway. Have a girl. Work. You better work, girl.
Starting point is 01:08:43 I just lassoed you in and kissed you. Yes. So our worker girl today is Melania Trump. Has not reached out to Jill Biden about the presidential transition. Fucking work, bitch. Melania, stand by your man. Fucking just standing by her man. And the phone call will go something like this.
Starting point is 01:09:04 It'll go oh hi is it melania yeah hi it's jill hi i'm a wasp oh thank oh yeah thank you your husband's great thank you yeah yeah do you think melania trump is the first former first lady who will pose for Playboy again. Yeah, I think I think she might have been a Russian prostitute that Trump married. Yeah, she is actually gorgeous. Yeah, I remember there was that rumor going around that like right wing people were saying she spoke six languages, was an architect. None of that was true. No, it was a complete lie.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Yeah, she speaks English, I guess, because she had to communicate to her husband. But before that, she had a career. She's showing her tits and doing blow. And her national statue in Slovenia looks like it was made in Janus' brother's school. It's what it is. Hello, Gildis Melania.
Starting point is 01:09:56 I want to congratulate you on the win. And now I just go back to raising Baron. It's what it is. So, cause so Baron is their kid. Baron is their kid. And Baron is, he's,
Starting point is 01:10:09 you know, the age of innocence. So, so nobody should take shots at Baron, but I guess for the fact that the kid is seven foot and someone should put a fucking basketball in his hand. It's what his hand. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:17 I mean, yeah, you could definitely play for St. Joe's. He could fucking play for St. Joe's. No problem. Division three.
Starting point is 01:10:21 No problem. Shout out St. Joe's SJC and y.com. Watch what happens is the motto of the school. And then, no problem. Division 3, no problem. Shout out St. Joe's. SJCNY.com. Watch what happens is the motto of the school. And then, yeah, watch what happens. Now you're on a fucking podcast. Yeah, and if you go to Methodist Hospital for an emergency,
Starting point is 01:10:34 just ask for Lukasz and say the hiatus sent you. Yeah, ask for Dr. Nose. He'll take care of you. Yeah, let's get Debo on. Let's get this fucking squee. Debo probably has not gotten one good night's sleep debo's debo's crooked he's figuring out yeah look at debo wow debo yeah yeah because you're upside down again no i'm not why he's calling him from work are you at work i told you
Starting point is 01:11:00 yeah bro i told you i'm warning you're a full uniform uh my first question is are you allowed to be doing what you're doing right now? Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Nobody knows. At least I'm getting paid for something. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:14 First question I got. Have you slept through the night and gotten a decent night's sleep since the unfortunate results of the election? I don't care. What? You don't care? election? I don't care. What, you don't care? No, I don't care. Bro, I'd vote for, if you told me the virus would be over tomorrow and we could stop wearing masks,
Starting point is 01:11:33 I'd vote for Hitler. What? Because you live in Florida. You say you go back in time every time you take a JetBlue flight down to Fort Lauderdale. I actually moved to the airport because this is going to be the only safe place to be in New York.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Seriously, dude. Seriously. Like Tom Hanks in the terminal. What, um, yeah, who do you got for your squeak of the week? Bro, any state that can't count. Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. They're all squeak states. They don't know how to fucking
Starting point is 01:12:01 count. They can't count. Even you can count. I can count. One, two, seven, eight't know how to fucking count. They can't count. Even you can count. I can count. One, two, seven, eight. You can fucking count? Yeah. It's what it is. Cuz, can you, let's, should we do a spelling bee? Let's do a, what word do you think we got for him today?
Starting point is 01:12:18 When we ask people, we're really pushing up on our own skills. So I want to know if you can spell the word diplomatically diplomatically yeah d-i-p-l-o-m-a-t-i-c-a-l-l-y wow i think he nailed it that you fucking nailed it here's the funny thing is he was spelling it and he was he i was learning how it was. I actually had my eyes closed just to spell along. Cause I could, I can't spell that word with my eyes open. Yeah. You know a word I can never, I can never spell difficult.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Is it D I F I C U L T. D I F F I C U L T. We put the F F difficult. And I can never spell it. Definitely. Definitely. What about cancel? How many L's were in cancel? Canceled? Two L's in canceled, one in cancel. You sure? I'm positive because
Starting point is 01:13:11 my fucking order of correctness is wrong. Cancel, baby. So where are you flying to today, tonight, when you hit the skies? Tomorrow, tomorrow. Where are you headed? Monaco? No, we're going to normalville fucking florida where everything's are you really going to florida tomorrow debo yeah man you think
Starting point is 01:13:29 it's a joke who's going everybody patty fly balls is going oh really the whole crew what is it is it is is it a jets game no it's just just to get out of this communist state you're basically flying to america which is florida now we're basically flying to America, which is Florida now. We're flying down to Florida to live free. That's what it is, dude. That's what it is. All right. Because that's what the 35th Amendment is all about.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Be careful. Don't try to steal anything at any stores because it's legal now in Florida to shoot looters. Yeah. Governor DeSantis said you can legally shoot looters. So be careful you don't accidentally take a Gatorade and not pay for it because someone will shoot you in the parking lot. You ain't got to worry about that. I'd rather die down there than die up here anyway.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Yeah, at least you'll die free. At least they won't put a fucking mask on you in the coffin. Like a fucking true American. All right, Bubba, have fun in Florida. I'll text you later. All right, see you later, bro. Later, Yanni. Peace, peace, Evo.
Starting point is 01:14:23 See how quick you can get off. You get me out of here i'm not even touching it i'm just gonna sit here you were at a rally this weekend um you joined uh groups of students and chanted fuck the algorithm in protest against the government's decision to use computer generated exam grades so you've been you've been chanting this a lot in the morning meetings fuck the algorithm uh you know and that's why we tag every video we do with andrew schultz to try to catch his algorithm wave so how was the protest how was it here protest protest was great and i just love this because we're at the point now where everyone's gonna you can protest and pretty
Starting point is 01:14:55 soon there's gonna be fuck pancakes there's gonna be a fuck pancakes protest yeah they're upset about the algorithm i don't know why because it's computer generated grades and they'd rather have somebody to give them a hug and hear their opinion you know and so they can just go listen this whole system is racist everything's racist you gave me a b because it was racist and it was also sexist and so this b doesn't work and this algorithm is also fucked up and everything everything everything everything is unnoticed non-noticed The algorithm is systemically racist. Yeah, the algorithm, they're putting the fucking algorithm on notice. Can we just hear the fuck the algorithm chant because it's real fun?
Starting point is 01:15:30 Because the algorithm is on fucking notice. Fuck the algorithm! Fuck the algorithm! Fuck the algorithm! Fuck the algorithm! Fuck the algorithm! Fuck the algorithm!
Starting point is 01:15:44 There just comes a point where you crush civilization so hard and everyone has burgers that like the only thing left to complain about is something that makes our lives infinitely easier. The algorithm. You want this Ikea bed? Well, then you may want this lamp as well. Fuck that thing. It's what it is. And I think most of the people at these protests don't even care. It's mob mentality. They just don't, you know, five years. Why did I even do that?
Starting point is 01:16:11 Why was I chanting? Fuck the algorithm. It's just all stupidity. But what can you do? It gives us something to talk about. Tom Cruise went ballistic on the Mission Impossible seven crew for breaking COVID protocol. So there you go. This is something we got to listen to and not talk about because this is funny.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Okay. Movies right now because of us. Because they believe in us and what we're doing. I'm on the phone with every studio at night. Insurance companies. Producers. And they're looking at us and using us to make their movies. We are creating thousands of jobs, you motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:16:52 I don't ever want to see it again. Oh, yeah. Ever. And if you don't do it, you're fired. And if I see you do it again, you're fucking gone. And anyone on this crew does it that's it and you do and you too and you don't you ever do it again that's it no apologies
Starting point is 01:17:21 you can tell it to the people that are losing their f***ing homes because our industry is shut down. It's not going to put food on their table or pay for their college education. What does that have to do with the movie set, Tommy? That's what I sleep with every night. Yeah, yeah. Did you push the codes? Did you order the codes? It's your f***ing industry. Did you push the codes? Did you order the codes? Did you order the codes?
Starting point is 01:17:49 So I'm sorry. I'm beyond your apologies. I told you and now I want it. And if you don't do it, you're out. You can't handle the truth. You're moving down. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Is it understood? If I see it again, you're f***ing gone. And so are you. So you're going to cost him his job. And I see it on the set, you're gone. And you're gone. Hold on a second. It actually came through that this was,
Starting point is 01:18:21 this is actually audio from Schultz Studio. Yeah! Because they did not follow proper This is actually audio from Schultz Studio. Yeah. Because they did not follow proper COVID-19 protocol. Yeah, that was, our cost was on the receiving end of that one. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I can't still believe, though. I understand why he's upset. I get why he's upset.
Starting point is 01:18:44 I get it with COVID. I mean, but, you know, he why he's upset i get it with covid i mean but you know he thinks he can control the problem with that is control it's like you these people getting within six feet on the set fine but when they go home you don't control them so covid's gonna have covid's gonna happen it's gonna happen the fucking irony and hilarity would be if fucking tommy c got covid if he if he fucking came in and was the one who got COVID, and people like that that yell like that, I understand what they're trying to do, but they have this need for
Starting point is 01:19:10 control, and I still to this day cannot believe that these PAs and these grips and these guys who are like tough guys don't beat the shit out of some of these movie stars. Like, just a fucking uppercut, just to one of them. Yeah, but you know know i think what was actually
Starting point is 01:19:26 happening is he walked in and um the production crew they were spitting each other's mouth and making out and so i think he had a good protocol to say hey guys that's a little over the line you know a little over the line yeah you have to spit in each other's mouth making out or something no yeah maybe one guy's mask fell down you know who knows what happened but tommy cruz was laying down the law who's to say they didn't set that up because Tommy Cruz just wanted to sound like a really great guy who cares. But, you know. See, I don't get that. I don't get that.
Starting point is 01:19:52 I get the other vibe. I'm like, I fuck this guy. I fucking hate this guy now. Yeah, I mean, he's a squeak. So, you know, he's going to. Squeaks are occasionally going to raise their voice. Yes. Because they're trying to add height
Starting point is 01:20:05 with their volume level right right and it's it's yeah yeah whatever squeak raises his voice he's trying to put another inch on top of his five five you know yeah like if you don't think ben stiller has raised his voice at a couple of crew members you got another thing coming and we have to do a spoof of that where me and you are screaming at Michael Abbott and Benatia like that. Yeah, 100%. No, you're fucking done. You're fucking done if I see you one more time. You're fucking done.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Because 2020 was a hard year, but I don't think it was harder on anyone than the neighborhood of Ridgewood. It was a sad, sad year at the end. I mean, it started off great, but towards the end, the mourning really kicked in in Ridgewood, Queens. Yes. In 2020, unfortunately, we lost a lot of people. We lost a lot of heroes.
Starting point is 01:20:56 A lot of people passed away from this virus. 330,000-plus Americans died, and we've mourned every single one of them, but no bigger loss to me than that of Donald Trump losing the presidential election and us having now to enter into 2021 to brace ourselves for communism. So it was COVID-19, communism, 2021 is what's going on. And unfortunately, we have to now just hold on. And I do believe, let me look into the camera and tell you this, the fans of WEPA, anybody who's been a fan of ours, I promise you that we will be here for the next four years and we will 100% stay the course and keep the faith until 2024, when our Lord and Savior Donald Trump will be reelected and reinstated into the presidency. I just have one thing to add, and that is allegedly lost. What's up, everybody? Buenos noches.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Good morning. Buenos tardes.

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