History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - Wepa in the Morning 6/12!

Episode Date: June 12, 2020

Yannis and Chris give you what's going on in the new this week, from JK Rowling tweets to America protesting in the streets! This episode are the headlines from June 12th!Want more Hyena content? Chec...k out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? Buenos noches! Good morning, buenos tardes! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches!
Starting point is 00:00:07 Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches!
Starting point is 00:00:09 Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches!
Starting point is 00:00:10 Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches!
Starting point is 00:00:10 Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches!
Starting point is 00:00:10 Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches!
Starting point is 00:00:10 Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches!
Starting point is 00:00:11 Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Buenas noches! Bu or it belongs to the people everything belongs to mouse people your show your morning show in the morning wepa in the morning it's back welcome to wepa wednesdays we're going to be
Starting point is 00:00:35 starting this puppy off again every day starting next week um we're going to have exciting deals for that go to patreon.com slash bay ridge boys. And we have all the information there, but baby wepa is coming back. And literally the goal for wepa is for me is Yanni long days to just go and me to just try to get them back. I'm just the whole thing. It's like a bull. I'm the matador and Yanni's the bull.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Yanni long is the bull. And I'm just trying to not get killed by Yanni. That's what we're doing guys. We Yanni has commandeered the ship. Just call me Donald Trump. I'm just taking control of the military. Yanni has officially left the reservation. He's insane.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Every member of his family at some point in their life has to be in a mental institution, and Yanni Longdays is no different. Yanni Longdays is headed to the mental institution along with the country, along with the world. But this is the message to the fans. Your cries have been heard. We respect you.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Here's what the deal is. This is the. We are the morning show with. Go get yourself a manscape lawnmower. 3.0 manscape.com. Use the promo code hyenas for 20% off. We're trying to sell the fucking lawnmowers yeah get yourself a lawnmower i'm a client so is chris make your piece look pretty here's the deal yeah everyone at the five dollar level who joined uh expecting to get wet by every day when you join we'll continue to get wet by
Starting point is 00:02:01 at five dollars in perpetuity. If you're fucking stupid, that means forever. You're grandfathered in, yes. I know there's a lot of people asking on the Patreon. You're grandfathered in and then on July 1st, babies, we're pulling what they call the Chrissy D Get That Money move.
Starting point is 00:02:19 This is a lot of work, so we respect everybody and you respect us, babe. So what we're doing is $10 a month, $10 a month from July. If you join afterwards from July 1st on, we'll get you the WEPA live. If you join at five after that, you'll be able to hear the audio of the WEPA after it airs. But if you are part of the Patreon now or you're watching this now, go join patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. You will be grandfathered into the $5 level until July 1st.
Starting point is 00:02:49 That is fully explained. It will not change. We're ready for the future. Let's go and tear down all the statues. Let's tear down all the statues. We have a lot of news to cover today. Thank God nothing's happening in the world the last couple of weeks, so it's been a pretty quiet news cycle.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yeah, I just woke up and said to my Twitter family, what's up, Twitter fam? How's everyone feeling today? How's everyone feeling today? Yeah, so listen, what are you going to do? We got wild headlines today. Let's start off with the husband of that woman, the new, now people are calling the white women who are acting negative towards, black people or negative in any way, just being, I guess, annoying white women. They're calling them Karens. So now we have the Karen,
Starting point is 00:03:30 the new Karen is a woman from a store, I'm not sure what state, telling someone to go back to their country. And the husband of the woman who is being called a Ken cried about her racist behavior and said she's mentally ill. But to me, Bubba's their bald mentally ill. Can we take a little peek? Can we take a little gander at this? I don't know what to say. I'm just so sorry. I'm just so sorry that this happened.
Starting point is 00:03:57 You never walked into that store thinking something like this was going to happen. I understand. I'm sorry for what she said. It was very hateful. It was, it's indefensible. But I just have to tell you this. It's her mental illness.
Starting point is 00:04:18 A year ago, she would never have done, would never have even thought of that. Yeah, you know, I don't know if she's mentally ill or not, but there is a decent point that mentally ill people do have a tendency to say, wow, the racist things. The other thing to be on the lookout for Black Lives Matter is old people. If you want to push your agenda, I would stay away from old folks' homes because those kids have been known to throw an N-word around or two.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah, I was on that guy's side and listening to every word he said from old folks homes yeah those kids have been known to throw an n-word around or two yeah i was i was on that guy's side and listening to every word he said until he turned into stewart from man tv i mean what the fuck it's still he just started to go i don't know i don't want to no i don't want to i don't know what the hell i mean that because when a guy cries it's just such against nature i guess that it just the voice doesn't know what to do. It's like, wait a second. Am I in a woman's body right now? Why am I crying?
Starting point is 00:05:11 Yeah. It's amazing. You're going to – there are racist people. There always will be. It's a terrible fact of life. But I tell you what, old people – it'll probably change as generations go on. But I have so much respect for those healthcare workers who work with old people and they just let those N-words roll off their back.
Starting point is 00:05:28 You know, because a lot of the people they work with who are in their 80s and 90s, I mean, you start going senile and a lot of your personality and things you're holding in come out. I have to say with great pride, both my parents who were in the systems, obviously, all the workers said they never dropped one N-bomb. Both my parents because you really are who you are when you're old that's when you show your true colors of who you are is when you're old because that's when you don't care anymore and you let it fly chrissy i want to come
Starting point is 00:05:55 visit you when you're old because i know i'm gonna hear some wild wild theories yeah some wild theories no obviously no the thing is with me the thing is with me which is a good thing is the Ridgewood has all but been washed out of me it's interesting that the Ridgewood it kind of at times just feels very much gone the Ridgewood is just it's washed away I think that what happened what it's very interesting what happened to me I think I was saved actually in a way by Father Bill because I think if Father Bill wouldn't have come in and plugged my throat in my ears with this fucking cock, I would have not, I would have heard a lot more things and had to deal with a lot more things from my friends.
Starting point is 00:06:34 But my Ridgewood friends would constantly yell things out and I kind of wouldn't hear it because I was just dealing with getting, you know, getting just throat cocked, throat slutted by Father Bill. So, you know, there's, I think Father Bill in many ways helped me, and that's why I am going back to the Catholic Church because I do think they do a lot of good. They do a lot of good. And here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I just want to say there's crazy people, there's crazy factions in all groups, and they're always the loudest, and the squeaky wheel gets the grease. It's unfortunate. But let me say a little message to our crazy fans who've been messaging me and Chris personally. There's been a handful of you. Shut the
Starting point is 00:07:08 fuck up and take your shirt off. We're comedians. If you don't like something we say, feel free to tweet us. Feel free to say whatever you want. But just know, we don't give a fuck and nobody else does. I'm not your family member. I'm not your father. We're not going to agree on everything.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Our purpose is to make you laugh. We don't yield any political power. And we ultimately don't care because all we want to do is do our little skits for the people and be heard. That's what it is. Shut the fuck up and take your shirt off. Yeah, one of the guys sent me a message saying something about like Trump, you know, your fans like Trump or something. Trump, Trump, you're not a hyena. You're a chameleon. And then I looked at his Instagram bio, and it's him with the ISIS flag.
Starting point is 00:07:49 So it's just like, what do you mean? Just people as you've said, Yanni, and this is very good point. Here's what it is. We appreciate the messages. We really, I really do appreciate the messages. But if you're messaging us at all, we look at you as you're probably insane, whether it's good or bad. You're most likely insane if you're messaging us at all we look at you as you're probably insane whether it's good or bad you're most likely insane if you're reaching out to someone that you follow because podcasting community it's become like we're all just friends here so if you message us we might respond but just know we think you're insane i mean i love the 1975 i haven't moved my monkey to a boy band more than 1975. And I've never messaged the Instagram of the 1975 or Maddie Healy or any member of them. I've never messaged them. So it's just if you message us, we think you're clinically insane. And so you probably either
Starting point is 00:08:37 going to get a double heart from Chrissy for me, or you're going to get an article to some liberal newspaper from Giannis. that's just what it is with us yeah i mean most of the people don't message anytime right most of the good stable people message you know fan stuff they say we love you whatever you guys that's all great that's all great you know how fucking crazy this is who you are you are that crazy woman in a bloomingdales who walks in and and tries to return who wears a dress for four days and then tries to return it with the tag on it with a stain on it you put the stain on and you saying that the stain was there and you're doing it to get a free dress and you do it for years and years and years and then you're yelling at the staff you're out of your fucking mind you're not a you're not a good person like you think you are you have a mental imbalance and you need to be on lithium put them through your
Starting point is 00:09:28 fucking air condition system yeah okay so here we go um protesters council member uh protesters uh and going to the seattle city hall last night and they want council members saw want uh they want her out and and i think it's council member so what i think is or the mayor somebody is black what what this the reason i found this story interesting is because they're yelling at their the the protesters are mad at at at black members of congress well here's the deal so this is se Seattle. Seattle and Portland, I'm going to just take a guess and say that the real estate value in those cities ain't going up. It may not go down, but we're definitely going to have a plateau. Seattle and Portland, I just want to say something. I mean, for the most part, you know, you guys do a lot of annoying things. And most of Antifa comes from Seattle and Portland. But I will be there October 9th to 10th. Christycomedy.com for tickets. So what's going on there is the Black Lives Matter protesters,
Starting point is 00:10:32 whoever organizes that or whatever, they're trying to, they filed a class action suit against the mayor and the police department. The mayor is a white woman. Yas, yas, yas yes and i love the fact that fucking karen's are on the road to history so karen you're no longer an ally bitch your turn white women you're fucking on notice so they're trying to sue her and then they're trying to sue the police commissioner who this is my favorite part is a black woman so that's what's going on in seattle um and the aclu
Starting point is 00:11:09 is suing seattle for unnecessary violence so they're just suing and you know these are white people because that's how white people handle problems they fucking sue they lawyer up and they get ready they just get ready they get in there and they sue the pants off people yeah we're living in in twilight zone now now where people are just getting sued. People are getting thrown in jail. I mean, listen, I don't know. I don't. That's why I'm just saying all I want to do is WEPA. All I want to do all day every day is get up and WEPA. And then I think we're doing the right thing. Because other than that, I mean, if you say anything for or against, you know, anybody, you're in trouble. But if you just wake up every day and you let the gate, you go one two three yes and you just wepa i don't think that you're
Starting point is 00:11:50 pissing anybody off here's the thing and i just caught you here's the thing here's the thing about you you're a sneaky you're a sneaky little sergeant starburst let me talk for a second lieutenant lollipop sergeant so by the way sergeant starburst lieutenant lollipop you can catch that on the tiananmen Square episode, which is coming out today. Go get Tiananmen Square. We went wild. Here's the thing with you that I just caught.
Starting point is 00:12:10 This is what I caught, Sergeant Starburst. Yeah. When you let the gay out, I didn't believe it. And this is what you've been doing. You've been holding it in. You don't want to let it go because you want to use it later to watch whatever FF movie or prance around and whatever ff moves you're gonna do prance around this planet i didn't believe it the people
Starting point is 00:12:31 watching didn't believe it you were holding the gay in that was fake i don't buy it do it again okay yeah i forced the gay out you forced it out cuz yeah i'm confident that i'm speaking to a full man yeah there it is cuz you know who's you know who's got it the easiest in this whole time of chaos and crisis because she's just a fucking chameleon then it's here then it's here could do it because make no mistake if if she wants at any moment, she can just get her white ass and turn into a Karen. And then just with the snap of a finger,
Starting point is 00:13:10 she'd go, uh-uh, I'm Venetia, and get her sales receipt from Rainbow and get into a fucking swimsuit and run out to a protest. She's a fucking chameleon. She's the real chameleon. Somebody messaged us and said the hyenas were more like chameleons. Venetia is the queen chameleon.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I just combined the names. Venetia is when she wants to morph into the super robot. It's Venetisha. And she just turned her microphone on now. She wasn't listening. No, she's never listening. She's, you know, she's just, I feel for Venetia because she listens to this. Her blood pressure must go up when she's listening to the show because she
Starting point is 00:13:42 just doesn't know what we're going to say and what she's going to have to explain to her parents and family and friends later. No, Venetia is busy retweeting J.K. Rawlings. Yeah. Venetia just is always on edge because she doesn't know what her affiliation with us is going to cause in her life. Mike doesn't have to worry about that because all his family fell off roofs. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter for Mikey.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Mikey's good either way. What can you do, Mike? I want to let you know, when you come back to New York, the pollen count is extremely high here, so you better fucking come masked up. You better have your inhaler ready to go. It's high here, too, so I don't got to worry about that. All right, Bubbies. Listen, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner will sign an order to ban chokeholds.
Starting point is 00:14:26 So that's fine. I understand. But then, I mean, how is Mike going to come? Another black mayor here. You know, this is a lot of you see you see a lot of progress here with blacks and positions, you know, as mayors and stuff like that. So, you know, although America is obviously a historically white supremacist country, you got to admit there's been a lot of progress made when you see all these, we just mentioned a black police chief in Seattle and a mayor here in Houston who's black. And he's banning chokeholds in Houston by executive order. Also, New York has passed, I think, has passed a ban on chokeholds and other, if you go into the details of the bill or whatever. That's good. That's good news.
Starting point is 00:15:15 That they've made illegal. You know, cops have body cams now. The thing is now, I think cops are just so under the microscope, you know, that this is going to be an adjustment period where cops got to learn how to walk a little more gently. I think I think, yeah, I think that getting rid of the chokehold is good. I understand that that might make it harder for police officers to take down someone who's, you know, they need to take down for whatever reason, if they're a threat to the community. But I think, yes, you know, defunding the police police i understand that there's a move for that and i i get the pros and cons of it but i think the best thing to probably do is just train the police who are already active or the new cops coming in as better policing and i think getting rid of the chokehold
Starting point is 00:15:57 goes a long way in that yeah i think i don't understand why cops are not forced to go to the gym. I mean, it's part of your job to show up and de-escalate and take down bad guys. And some of these fucking kids walk in there and they're squeaks. If you're going to be a squeak and be a cop, you better come in looking like Aaron Berg or Joe Rogan, jack the fuck up, ready to take me down. But some of these guys look like fucking fish sticks. Well, how come they don't, why don't all cops just get like free memberships or something at Tiger Strollman's Karate or something like that? Like, why don't all the cops know karate and Taekwondo? I mean, everybody is out there doing jujitsu. You know, Rogan's
Starting point is 00:16:38 doing jujitsu. Anthony Bourdain was doing jujitsu. Everyone you talk to is fucking doing jujitsu. Why don't the cops just all do jujitsu and this way they don't have to choke anybody out they know how to just take them down with the fucking karate thing i think that's a good point i think seriously no you would just offer some police reform right here all cops should know a little jujitsu yeah oh you should all know all know a little jujitsu and then i think that you know i understand at times you have to take out the weapon um but but you know hopefully that that stops a lot now, too. But I think as far as the chokeholds go, yeah, just do a little jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Because what about just jerking somebody off? I mean, what about if somebody's getting erratic, you just start giving them a little tug? Why don't you just start getting your hands on their fucking franks and beans and just give them a little tug? Because I don't know who's going to resist arrest if they're going to get a tug job. For me, I'd say, listen, guy, go two ways right now. You can either get tased up, and we can put you in a really uncomfortable situation,
Starting point is 00:17:31 and you can just lay here, and I can give you a happy ending, and we'll just go to jail, and hopefully you'll get out in 24 hours. What's the problem with that? There's no problem with that. I think it's a very good idea, actually. Actually, I think it's a very good idea because I'm telling you, have you ever seen those videos where, like, like guys those prank videos where they go up to bigger guys and they're like what's up what's up and then they get naked and then those people run away
Starting point is 00:17:51 yeah cops should just have a thing where it's like if a bad guy's doing something they just show up to the call naked with their dicks flapping around and then robbers want no part of it cuz like nobody wants yeah nobody wants to get touched by a dick between clothes that's not between clothes if i literally if i if we were in a if we were in a situation and it was life or death and i was about to get my ass kicked or maybe even killed and i pulled down my pants and la puss myself and then started shitting on the back of my balls you would run away so what if you just do an insane act like that and then that i know that we live in a society where you know that's silly but it's like what's better either a cop pulling out a lot of push and the criminals being safe or shooting them and killing a person who didn't need to die yeah or the cops got to figure
Starting point is 00:18:35 out with all this modern 3d printing technology somebody's got to figure out a gun that shoots shit because if you could shoot shit at someone they're gonna run home nobody likes to smell like shit and have shit on them so it like, that would be an effective weapon that wouldn't hurt people. That I think is a great alternative to rubber bullets and protests. Just shoot shit at people. Well, speaking of protesters, we found, you know, it's interesting because Donald Trump gets a lot of flack, but he does, he does have an eye for an Antifa protester. He's saying that 75 year old-old man who was shoved to the ground by the Buffalo Swamp Team last week was in fact a member of Antifa. And because he
Starting point is 00:19:11 was seen on the phone, this 75-year-old man, he was reported that he was in critical condition, but he was seen on the phone moments after he was pushed to the ground. And I want to get his cell phone records because I have a feeling that he made a direct call to Vladimir Putin's landline. And until I see the phone records, I don't know what to think. Yeah, I don't know who this guy is. But I mean, if you're a 75-year-old man,
Starting point is 00:19:36 you're a 75-year-old. Most 75-year-old men are walking around with a little cereal on their face and an open robe. And they don't know that their piece is peeking through their boxing shorts. That's the with this is like if the country was open this guy would have avoided disaster because he just would have been at a silver sneakers class just doing fucking sweating to the oldies in the back of a ymca and everyone would have been safe the problem is you shut the gyms down so now these guys don't know where to go and that's the same thing with
Starting point is 00:20:01 the protest i think people have just been cooped up so long they're going going out to the protests to get their steps in. I mean, cuz, what are these people's Fitbits doing? They've just been sitting there for hours and days and months. So now it's like, I got to get my steps and I got to protest. That's what it is. Yeah. If you don't think that a lot of this was a rebellion against the lockdown, you got another thing coming. I think we now know what happens when you force people to stay inside for three months. They fucking lose their shit and they go outside. Obviously, the George Floyd thing was horrible, and that's the cause of it. That was the match that sparked it. But this fervor has something to do with people not having jobs and also people being cooped up. People are frustrated,
Starting point is 00:20:41 and even the cops are also frustrated because the cops have to go out there. And it's like, imagine you're being a cop and they're telling you you can't go to the gym and you can't work out, but you can go wrestle with the crackhead in the Bronx. You know, it's like this type of mixed messaging continues. The who says, you know, that the asymptomatic people can't hurt you. They can't hurt you. Masks are good. Masks aren't good.
Starting point is 00:21:02 We don't know what the fuck's going on because I went and got texted i haven't had coronavirus we haven't had coronavirus i haven't had coronavirus venetia went to a protest um so she's gonna get her coronavirus test this weekend and mike do you have coronavirus or not i don't you were you were you tested when i first got here i got tested oh and you don't have it and you haven't been outside since no not really yeah so okay yeah see that's the thing with all this stuff with the because now i feel like the who and whatever other organization is giving us the facts on the coronavirus because they saw what happened with the lockdown i think they're slowly backing away from it i would still be vigilant even if they tell you coronavirus is gone i would still wash your hands keep your ass clean keep the mask on because i think now it's becoming a thing
Starting point is 00:21:46 where government leaders have been like, look, it's fucking chaos out there. So let's just tell them corona's gone or you're not going to die from it. And then let society open back up because whatever Nancy Pelosi tried to do, to do this, which by the way,
Starting point is 00:22:00 shout out Nancy Pelosi. I don't know if we're going to talk about it today, but thank God you put on that dashiki, got down on one knee, and it was a miracle you even got up. And that's the true savior to me. And that's why I think you're a great person, is because you're able to get up. I mean, because what do you think of that? I know that it's not on the story list, but what do you think about the Democrats putting on dashikis and getting down on one knee for eight minutes and 46 seconds which is of course a tribute to george floyd's horrible death but i mean what do you think about that
Starting point is 00:22:29 i think it's funny because you always see the left eating eating themselves eventually they turn on each other because nobody can ever pass the purity test right so here you go something that uh if there weren't black people in the picture and even though there are black people in the picture they're still probably going to be attacked for cultural appropriation. Because that's what I see. I see cultural appropriation. I mean, that is not your culture.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Take that fucking scarf off, okay? And there's Chuck Schumer. Put a goddamn yarmulke on and hold up a menorah. That's not your culture. Well, okay, let me ask our international correspondent, Ms. Swiss Miss, Ms. Neutral, the combination of black and white, Venetisha, what do you think of the Democratic Congress people
Starting point is 00:23:15 kneeling with the dashikis on? So a lot of people are equating this to Trump's photo shoot with the Bible, which I think is funny. Nice point. And I think this is kind of similar. It's just, they could have done something else, but like, it's funny how they have to put a show
Starting point is 00:23:34 so they can get attention to pass a bill. So it's questionable. That is, but see, that's why I love having someone like Vanitysha on the show because she's socially distant, yet socially aware. And she brought up a very good point that what that is very similar to the Trump holding up
Starting point is 00:23:50 the Bible and it didn't get this kind of heat so there is maybe a bias that we're going out where we want to attack them but we give Trump a pass very very smart yeah I mean these are photo ops it's obviously cheap photo ops just going back obviously cheap politician photo ops.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Just going back to the cops. They didn't clear out the streets with non-cops. Right, right. They didn't clear out the streets for us first. Which, by the way, I don't mean to say that we didn't give Trump a pass because I know there was a lot of problems around that picture. And the biggest problem is, of course, he wasn't in front of the Catholic Church, so I don't condone it.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Right. I think one of the things I think about cops is I think it's great that we just came up with the idea that all cops should do jujitsu. All cops should be jacked. I mean, that's part of your job description is to kind of look like you can handle yourself. And I think the third thing is I think cops need more money, man.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Imagine going out there risking your life and you get paid what you get paid. I think we need to, we need some pay reform where cops, firefighters, uh, healthcare workers, nurses, all these people make a little more money and, and other people make a little less money. Those other people being politicians. Yeah. Yeah. They're, they shouldn't have enough money. They shouldn't be like in their mansions and all that. And the cops have nothing. Yeah. I agree with you. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:25:06 One hundred and ten percent. Real quick. Jiu Jitsu is full of jokes. So it's probably not the best one to teach them. OK, so we're going to walk. We're going to we're going to act like the who and we're going to walk back. We're going to walk back to Jiu Jitsu. Let's what I mean, what could they learn?
Starting point is 00:25:21 Karate. I mean, what should they know? You know, in today's world, let's just hope they learn some care bear techniques where they can talk to the person, some social work skills where someone's holding, you know, and it's like they don't have guns. It's like the whole country's armed. What do you want them to do? It's like let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater here.
Starting point is 00:25:39 We need some reform. But, I mean, cops do mostly millions of interactions a day. Most of them go good. So it's like I'm not going to back down from that fact. I mean, it's like most of the interactions are good. And also a lot of police forces in these urban cities, especially in the Northeast, are at least half Dominican or black or nonwhite. I mean, the Baltimore police force is majority not white. It's like a lot of these police commissioners are black. majority not white it's like a lot of these
Starting point is 00:26:05 police commissioners are black i mean there's been a lot of progress let's not go fucking too far can we learn a few things from the me too movement to kind of really pick and choose and not let the most radical elements in your group dictate everything can we have a little sense here can we have a little venetia sense venetia yes so hold on because we got to just move the show on because we've been going wild it's been yanni long days today i just fucking put you through a long day okay so let's get to our work it girl daniel radcliffe responds to jk rowling's tweets about gender identity uh jk rowling's work cover girl work it out what is it do your thing on the runway what work daniel radcliffe work so daniel radcliffe and now obviously jk rowling who made daniel radcliffe's a star is saying what what did he say exactly he says he um he he was he stood in staunch opposition to her tweet which has been called
Starting point is 00:27:10 by some media anti-trans now if this tweet is anti-trans cuz yeah and i don't know what reality is this is the tweet guys if sex isn't real there's no same-sex attraction if sex isn't real the lived reality of women globally is erased. All facts. I know and love trans people. That's pretty positive. But erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives.
Starting point is 00:27:36 It isn't hate to speak the truth. I mean, there's nothing in that tweet that's not what you call objective truth. Right. And then she says the idea that women like me who've been empathetic to trans people for decades feeling kinship because they're vulnerable in the same way as women for example to male violence hate trans people because they think sex is real and has and has lived consequences is a nonsense right so she's saying that she loves trans people and what's happening to her is no good. And I just, it's hard to talk to, it's hard to talk to someone like a younger person who's
Starting point is 00:28:12 been taught differently in school because they just don't get this at all. But I think most of the people on Twitter who are men are Russian bots. I'm going to stick to that. Most of these people are Russian bots. Yeah. I yeah i mean if if trans women are women then what are women i mean it's like if you didn't have to transition to become the women so what do i call you what do we call the people who could menstruate like how would they how would they refer to someone if they wouldn't call like how do they tell you to get a pap smear if you're a trans woman yeah like i don't understand because i understand that you know like women who are born biologically
Starting point is 00:28:45 as women menstruate and trans women you know who have transitioned into women don't menstruate but i just want to tell a woman to like or like what about women who like what are we supposed to say like hey if you're born as a woman with the vagina no disrespect to the trans women community but you should get pap smears every six months because hpv is a real disease that could give you uterine cancer i mean what do you how am i supposed to say? I just don't know what to do. Or like someone who's giving birth, like do I, when they come in, like, hey, are you trans? Are you a woman? What do you prefer? Like, it's like the baby's breached. Yeah. And having trans women who recently transitioned like five years ago, and then they compete against
Starting point is 00:29:23 biological women in sports. Here's the thing. I'm just going to go out on a limb and just protect reality here for a second. You're never going to win the fight because you're just wrong. I'm sorry. You're just wrong. Trans women are trans women, and there should be nothing wrong with that, and nobody should ever discriminate against those people or violate their rights. And that's all there is.
Starting point is 00:29:41 But they are not women. They're trans women. If they want to be referred to as she, you're a she. But Benetia, she has a womb, and me, who's a trans woman, doesn't. Yeah, trans women doesn't, and trans women, and that's a subject that we can talk on and on and on about. But today the topic of the day is squeaks, and we have our squeak of the week on our one and only,
Starting point is 00:30:02 our squeak hall of famer, James Debo, Longfellow Deeps 31. How you doing? How you doing, Debo? I almost forgot. You didn't even tell me. Yeah, I'm sorry. I know. I woke up late.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I've been having technical issues. But here's what we're going to do, Debo. You're going to pick our squeak of the week, but we're going to do this because we're going to start having you. We just announced WEPA will be coming back every day starting next week. Go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. Get all the info. But Debo, we're going to always start out. We're going to keep you on your toes, and we're going to ask you to spell words. It's Debo Spelling Bee. Since it is Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:30:34 spell Wednesday. Go. W-E-D-N-E-S-D-A-Y. Wow! Somebody's been reading! Because it was that book. I'm almost finished. Well, it's the book. It's about the Mets, right? What is it? A coloring book? What is it? Yeah,, it was that book. I'm almost finished. Well, it's the book. It's about the Mets, right?
Starting point is 00:30:47 What is it? A coloring book? What is it? Yeah, it's a coloring book. And connect the dots. Now, Cuz, that's a sick hat. Is that a Mets hat? No matter what.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Is that the Mets logo somewhere? Yeah. There it is. Yeah, I thought you were out there fighting forest fires with that hat. Yeah, I'm fighting rice paddies out here. Yeah. Yeah. What can you do?
Starting point is 00:31:18 Debo, I know Chris told me you were out there protesting a lot. Yeah. You got any protest planned today? You going down to City Hall to protest the cops? No, I'm going to have the first protest in the sky in the plane. There you go. The problem with Debo is if he goes to a protest, I mean, a cop may pick him up and shoot him out of the tear can canister gun.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I mean, Debo looks like all you guys from Ridgewood, you and the whole crew, you guys all look like fucking undercover cops. If I saw Debo walking, I would say, I see you, officer. Because one thing is for sure, the service in Ridgewood sucks.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I mean, Debo's connection is choppy. It's bad? I look good over here. I look like I'm moving good over here. Maybe it's mine because I got the WEPA connection. Maybe because my connection is always a little WEPA. No, no, he's choppy. Do you even have Verizon out in Puerto Rico?
Starting point is 00:32:08 No. Well, yeah, they don't now. I don't know. But I don't know. Right now, no. I think it's Metro PCS. Yeah, I think it's extended LTE. Whatever Joey Santagato's fucking thing that he slings is.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Yeah. Puerto Rico's LTE out there. It's extended. This kid, Debo's been to Puerto Rico. He used to go to Puerto Rico for the day. That's what a degenerate loser is. Oh, yeah. He was like, I'm going to Puerto Rico for what?
Starting point is 00:32:31 $2 beers, right? Oh, yeah, $1.50. Medallia Lights, baby. Debo, Bebis, did you pick the squeak of the week? Who's your squeak this week? I'm going to go with those people who keep leaving the bricks at the riots. Antifa? Is that them?
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah. Yeah. Good squeak of the week. Yeah. That's a good squeak of the week yeah whoever that is yeah yeah squeaks whenever you go to the protest there's mysteriously just a pile of bricks that are just it's just a suggestion it's going like do you want to answer a question do you think the 75 year old protester from buffalo that old man who was pushed, you think he's Antifa? That guy's fishy, man. That guy's real fishy.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Fishy. He was up for something. All right. There you go, Bubbas. What are you doing today? You going to get on your bike? No, I'm going to go to work today. Oh, that's right. All right, Bubbs. Go fly the friendly skies.
Starting point is 00:33:24 We love you, Deebobo we'll see you next week later babes later yeah i mean you can't get off he can't oh there it is there it is what's this picture here i love that what's that it's chris that was me somewhere yeah deep throwing ice cream i forgot where was that picture taken i forgot it's just me deep throwing ice cream uh someing ice cream. I forgot. Where was that picture taken? I forgot. It's just me deep-throwing ice cream. Some gay ice cream parlor in L.A. Oh, that's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Big gay ice cream. Yeah, that you brought me to. Go follow Longfellow Deeb's on Instagram, Longfellow Deeb's. LongfellowDeeb's31. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Go follow LongfellowDeeb's31. Go follow him.
Starting point is 00:34:03 All right, I gotta go take a shit. See you guys later. All right, later, Bob. Later, bubs. There's Deeps. He didn't have any fucking watermelon this week. I mean, the kid's usually having watermelon for breakfast. He loves fruit.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Loves fruit. All right, bubbers, let's get to our HHFOD, our history hyena fact of the day. Today, in 1752, Benjamin Franklin flew a kite during a thunderstorm and collected ambient electrical charge in a Leyden jar, enabling him to demonstrate the connection between lightning and electricity. That's very good. That's a very good HHFOD, guys. And that is our WEPA in the morning, WEPA Wednesdays.
Starting point is 00:34:33 We hope you enjoyed it for two weeks. We're going back daily. You guys are the best. Go sign up, like I said. If you want to watch WEPA for the rest or however long we do it, you want to sign up now. $5. Be grandfathered in July 1st. It's going up to I said. If you want to watch Wepa for the rest or however long we do it, you want to sign up now. Your $5 will be grandfathered in July 1st. It's going up to $10. It's just what it is. We appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:34:52 And that's it. That's it. All right, let's... Yeah. Bye. Wepa in the morning. Wepa in the morning. We're back in the morning.
Starting point is 00:35:09 We're back in the morning. We're back in the morning. We're back in the morning.

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