History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - WEPA in the Morning - Happy Juneteenth!

Episode Date: June 19, 2020

Wepa in the Morning is your favorite Spanish speaking daily news show with fumare, bed head, and a whole lot of WEEEPPAAA!! Yannis and Chris give you June 19th’s headlines. Today is Juneteenth! Offi...cial day that commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S.A. The Cuzzies also discuss Trump’s tweets, latest mask restrictions, and if the word ‘Chief’ is offensive. Grab a smoothie babe and tune into this episode where Debo shares his Squeak of the Week! Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? Buenos noches! Good morning, buenos tardes! What's up, everybody? Welcome to WEPA In The Morning, the Friday edition. It's going to be a good, good show. Yanni, Papi, how are you doing, baby? I'm doing okay.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I love the beginning and end of our episodes, WEPA in the Morning. It's your little coke bump to start your day from the history hyenas. I love watching you dance because you reluctantly do it. Yeah, because the truth is, is I'm not a very good dancer at all. I can dance a little bit in a chair, but when you get my feet and knees involved, it's not good. Would you say that you're, when it comes to dancing,
Starting point is 00:00:49 you're special needs? You're handicapped? I would say I'm special needs. I'm a special needs handicapped dancer. And I just want to start off the show kind of how Giannis is always like, I want to say something earnest now. And I'm like, you FF, stop saying you're earnest.
Starting point is 00:01:02 But I just want to start off by saying, you know, I don't, as the history of the game is, we never want to lie to our fans. We never want to be the group of people that misleads you in any way. And unfortunately, we did find some news yesterday that we feel like we've been misleading you. I've been calling myself Lieutenant Lollipop, and Giannis has been calling himself Sergeant Snuggles. And I realized that I've been lying. And I'm sorry, because we found a dictionary of Sergeant Snuggles. And in fact, I am Sergeant Snuggles and Giannis is Lieutenant Lollipop. So let's just pull up this definition here. Let me just read to you what Sergeant Snuggles actually means in the gay
Starting point is 00:01:37 community of Urban Dictionary. It's a person who was horny in the military and he fantasizes about men. This occurs often when soldiers are on long bouts of duty and need comforting thoughts. They are known to daydream about sergeant snuggles naked, typically performing sexual acts. This is partly due to loneliness and partly due to desperation. Also, extreme homosexuality plays a significant role. The most commonly occurring fantasy is when a soldier imagines himself as the new recruit whom is trapped in a foxhole with the sergeant and then is ordered to perform sexual acts they in turn perform the acts and then proceed to cuddle through the long cold night in the sergeant's arms it is also notable to say that there is a real life sergeant this
Starting point is 00:02:13 sergeant snuggles got named after he's on active duty in north carolina and currently dating a fellow marine cuz that's me i want to say this without equivocation. The gay community is fun. It's fun. They're fun. Because they come up with fun, fun names, and they have a good time. God, they have a good, good, good time with it. And that was brought to me, that Urban Dictionary was sent to me by the great Dr. Andrew Agos, who's just, listen,
Starting point is 00:02:42 if you're in the emergency room in Chicago, just know if you're going in for an appendectomy or gallbladder surgery or a gunshot wound, that you have the doctor who's also, while he's doing great surgeries, he's also Googling the definition of Sergeant Snuggles. So you got to understand that our fans are their four letters, their four letters, and they're $3. They are W-I-L-D, and they are $3. I mean, how funny would it be If somebody comes into a Chicago emergency room
Starting point is 00:03:07 With like a gunshot wound And they see Andrew Agos And they go, while they're going Are you Andrew Agos? Yeah I'm a history hyena stand What's up, cuz? And they start coughing up blood
Starting point is 00:03:17 And he's like, what's up? You're wild No, you're wild Yeah, you're wild And he's like And then they're like, oh, sergeant What's my Doctor, what's my blood type?
Starting point is 00:03:31 And he goes, FF positive No, no because i just want to take a moment to backpedal it and really emphasize because it really hit me while you were reading that the gay community i mean by the way happy pride month happy pride month happy pride month to you happy pride month to you thank you thank you yeah your holiday i want to just say it's your month. Just go for it. You got your Rudy Bakery shirt on because you're full. I'm telling you, you're put together by different elements that aren't supposed to be together. You were a mistake in the simulation. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I'm a glitch in the simulation. You're a glitch in the simulation because how fun does the gay community have? When you see images from gay parties, everyone has got their shirt off and they're really going for it, right? Yeah. When you go to gay dances, everyone's got their shirt off. They're going for it. Everyone's sucking each other off. Everyone's having a great time.
Starting point is 00:04:14 They got great names like Bears and Cobbs and Sergeant Snuggles. You go to a straight club, it's just guys on the side drinking a Heineken while girls are dancing with their girlfriends. The gay community has a lot more fun than we do, Baba. It's the best community. The gay community is 100% the best community. I love the gay community. When we start out, when the world opens back up again, I want to, I want to, you have to
Starting point is 00:04:37 prove to me, I want to give all our homosexual fans 100% free tickets. I just want to give you guys free tickets. We can't do that. No, we can't do that. Wow. Because everyone's just going to stay there gay for free tickets i just want to give you guys free tickets we can't do that no we can't do that wow because everyone's gonna say they're gay for free tickets yeah we're just gonna say they're gay for free tickets because because you're you're just a wild kid but you can't be in charge of marketing okay venetia you gotta clean that up clean up that statement yeah we can't we're not giving free tickets to anybody this is our career i'm sorry you gotta pay for
Starting point is 00:05:02 it it's the subscription model because we're gonna get canceled because if you don't think for a fucking second that the next t-shirt that's coming out isn't going to be sergeant snuggles you got another thing coming if cuz vanity market right now sergeant snuggles history and his logo that's the shirt that's coming out for july 1st i mean do we agree right here or can we just i know we're not supposed to talk business on the podcast but sergeant snuggles has to be a T. We could do that, but I also want one of the Photoshop designs
Starting point is 00:05:32 that our fans have been doing of Lieutenant Lollipop and Sergeant Snuggles. I want that shirt. I want the Lieutenant Lollipop and Sergeant Snuggles are on the case shirt. Guys, I just gotta say, I'm mad at Facebook. I'm gonna delete my Facebook because they're removing ads from my president they're removing trump ads for violent organizing policy yeah i just don't want them removing my president's ads here's the deal this is what's so
Starting point is 00:05:55 disturbing about this we've never i'm just going to be honest i don't i don't care i don't care what your politics are that's your fucking business i don't have what your politics are. That's your fucking business. I don't have politics. I'm a comedian. We make fun of everyone. We've never had as divisive a president. I mean, if this kid, can this kid, can he just figure out a way to just be like, you know what? I'm just going to say the right thing right now.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I mean, the kid doesn't add, and there's these clear symbols in it from old Nazi videos that were used to symbolize political dissidence. I mean, it's unmistakable. Some Jewish organizations hopped on it right away. And Facebook, who's been very pro-free speech in relation to the other companies, flags it immediately, cuz. Wait, so I didn't actually see what happened because I was late for a morning meeting. So he actually, Trump actually did use Nazi stuff in an ad?
Starting point is 00:06:51 Cuz. Oh, that's not good then. That's not good. Yeah, if you bring this type of energy, you don't even have to come to the morning meeting. This is the Christy we pay for. Yeah, this is what is the last couple of days I've been in FF. Cuz, you're just usually distracted. Yeah, I'm just it is. The last couple of days I've been in FF. Because you're just usually distracted.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Yeah, I'm just usually distracted. Yeah. Do you guys hear that? There's a blender going off in my baby's room. Yeah, I mean, it's what's going on. So what did he do, Trumpy? So the ad had these upside down triangles, which were used in old Nazi propaganda
Starting point is 00:07:21 to symbolize political dissidents that they wanted to crush. So Jewish organizations pointed it out immediately. And Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook took the ads down. So that's what happened. But like Donnie T, like we've said time and time again, what he does is something, you know, not good and does something like that. But then immediately, there's another story that comes out and it washes that one away because then he immediately tweets out two toddlers running after each other and it's some race baiting video.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Yeah, here's the thing. I don't know whether he's a troll or if these things are done on purpose because he picks Jacksonville, he picks Tulsa, he has this ad with the Nazi signs in them. But then he does something like, I don't know. But either way, it's bad. The president should not be trolling or racist.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Did CNN, though, really post a video that said that was a racist baby running away from one of them? Or that's all fiction? No, it's a funny ad. But the fact that I even have to ask that to you earnestly. I'm saying earnestly a lot today. I want to be yawning. I want to be yawning vocabularies. The fact that I'm even saying that to you earnestly
Starting point is 00:08:29 is a problem in our society, that I have to question if CNN did tweet that out for realsies. And I'll say, you know, it's nice that you're inquiring because you want to know, but just to give a shout out to you, I'll say it's nice for you to know because you're inquiring because you want to know but for just to give a shout out to you i'll say it's nice for you to know because you're inquiring but i'll be it um yeah i'll be it yeah cuz your favorite word is i'll be it and mine's perfunctory perfunctory cuz let's make t-shirts one that says i'll be it once it says perfunctory yeah so he made this he was trolling cnn um with this video
Starting point is 00:09:03 and it's real funny let's take a. You want to take a peek at it? Yeah, well, Pimp just played it, no? Oh, he did play it? Oh, no. Well, here it is. Here it is. Yeah, with the music on? Yeah, there it is.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Racist baby, probably Trump. I mean, he's funny donnie t he's a psycho and our country's on fire but he's funny funny funny yeah that that's the thing is you want the comedy in the comedy clubs you don't want it in the white house now it's funny you can't do comedy funny comedy is offensive so the president has just open season to troll and be funny but i don't know if he's trolling or not i want to bring this back i want to bring this back and i want to poll everyone here let's take has just open season to troll and be funny. But I don't know if he's trolling or not. I want to bring this back. I want to bring this back and I want to poll everyone here. Let's take a look
Starting point is 00:09:49 at this Laura Ingram end of her speech from the nomination party, wherever the fuck it was from, when the Donnie Trump rally before he was president. Now, it's going to keep repeating. Is that a Nazi salute?
Starting point is 00:10:04 Look. Look at the first one. Boom. That Is that a Nazi salute? Look. Look at the first one. Boom. That looks like a Nazi salute to me. Not that I'm a professional at Nazi salutes, but it does look like a Nazi salute. It looked like she was starting it out as a Nazi salute, and then she realized that she wasn't in Nazi Germany in the 1940s.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah. Let's ask Private Muffin Chops. Private Muffin Chops, what do you think? Was that a Nazi salute? Homeless Mike? Yeah, it looked like the starter one, definitely. Yeah. I mean, because you're wild, wild, wild.
Starting point is 00:10:38 You look like I just took mushrooms. I feel like you're the guy that comes, talks to me. Because I want to use your muffin chops and do pull-ups with them yeah I want to hang off your face and do pull-ups because and my and you know what you know what's you know what's the saddest thing about him wearing those glasses is he's got fucking gorgeous baby blue eyes Benatia Benatia was that a Nazi salute or was she I mean wasia, was that a Nazi salute or was she, I mean, was that a, was that a Nazi salute? Yes, it was. Wow. Yeah. I think so too. So it's like, and if it's, if it's just a troll move to get the left upset, that's, that's just as bad.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah. That's a fucking Nazi salute. And then she tried to cover it. Laura Ingram seems like she's like the new Ann Coulter, like she's hated as much as Ann Coulter was. Yeah, I mean, she's like, she's a piece of work. I mean, you know what? What are you going to do? News is dead. It's all op-ed.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Well, cuz, here's the good, there is some good news coming, is we can finally go to the movies again without masks. AMC Theater CEO Adam A. Ron, A-A-A-Ron. So you can make out with guys again. I can make out with guys. Adam A. Ron says their cinemas won't require Ron, so you can make out with guys again. I can make out with guys. Adam A. A. Ron says their cinemas won't require masks upon reopening
Starting point is 00:11:48 because they didn't want to be drawn into a political controversy. So they said, listen, we don't want to be drawn into politics, but we will kill 5% of the population, but you can come see our movies. Yeah, how do you think masks became a political issue? I think maybe it's because a lot of people...
Starting point is 00:12:02 Why don't you ask Dr. Alchi Fauci with his fucking plandemic? Because he's the one that started all this with Pelosi. Yeah, I think it's because a lot of people... Why don't you ask Dr. Alchi Fauci with his fucking pandemic? Because he's the one that started all this with Pelosi. Yeah, I think it's because a lot of people were like, hey, man, maybe we shouldn't have shut down the entire country. I mean, maybe they got... It's sad to me. What's sad to me is that people with Italian last names,
Starting point is 00:12:17 you know, created the coronavirus. Fauci, Pelosi, de Blasio, Cuomo, all these people. It's like, you know, Italians used to be... Italian last names used to be the good guys. And now it seems people it's like you know italians used to be italian last names used to be with the good guys and now it seems like it's the bad guys yeah i mean it's weird to see italians with with uh democratic on the democratic ticket no yeah and it's weird but it is one of those things where as you've been saying there's always is a little bit of criminality with italian last name so i mean listen ouchie fouchie deblasio, there's just this criminality there. Yeah. I mean, you know, it's just, I think specifically Sicilians,
Starting point is 00:12:48 they just can't, they can't help it. I mean, I think Sicilians daydream sometimes about bank robberies. Cuz, do you feel, do you still feel like you got Corona from Berzio or you feel better now? No, I don't. You feel like you passed? No, I've been, I've been, I've been trying to work out hard these last couple of days because my body's
Starting point is 00:13:04 an emergency situation at this point. So your body's an emergency. Yeah. You've got an emergency plan now. Yeah. I've got my emergency contingency plan where now yesterday I kind of Michelle Wolf didn't overdid it. I ran and walked 11 miles. What? Yeah. And then I took a picture with Dave Chappelle to show I have famous friends. Yeah. You ran and walked 11 miles. Yeah. And then I took a picture with Michael Che just to show i have famous friends yeah you ran and walked 11 miles yeah and then i took a picture with michael che just to show that i'm friends with blacks and it's all premeditated and i'm soulless it's what it is i'm just kidding it's a way junction i'm joking we're having fun jimmy kimmel announced he's taking a break from the late night talk show what do you think of that i think it's about time thank god go retire Go retire. Play golf. What are you doing it for?
Starting point is 00:13:45 I mean, because if you got $100 million and nobody's watching your show, why do you... I would stop, no? Yeah, quit while you're ahead. I mean, nobody... If he just quit right now, nobody would care. You know, he's not in the news for anything. Nobody would care. He said wild shit. Who cares? He's Jimmy Kimmel. Dude, The Man Show is one of the funniest shows of all time. Obviously, when you go on, you know, ABC, you got to scale it back. But I think with all things considered, in the late night box, Jimmy Kimmel was pretty edgy and pretty funny for the whole time. He definitely was. It's just, I think that late night talk shows as a format are kind of done because nobody watches them on TV. They watch them in little clips online. So it's kind of like, it's a good
Starting point is 00:14:23 thing to stop because it's like, fine, he's got to move on to the new thing, you know? It's like- Yeah, and now I did a set for Jimmy Kimmel in March and I fucking bombed on Timmy and now it's not going to make it. Yeah, but can you get it? I could, I actually haven't.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I might as well just go rogue and post that one too. It doesn't matter. Nobody matters. Have you been contacted by ABC or NBC or whatever you did that pilot with? No, nobody said anything. Yeah, they don't care. They don't care.
Starting point is 00:14:47 They just don't even check. Yeah, I mean, you could get sued, but I mean, what are they going to sue you for? Patreon money? Yeah, what are they going to take from me? What the hell can they take from me? I got nothing here. Yeah. All right, but listen.
Starting point is 00:14:58 The Washington Post announces more than a dozen newsroom positions to be focused on race, including managing editor for diversity and inclusion. So there you go. Nimesh Patel is going to find a job yet again. I hit Yanni. Yanni got hit. Yanni got hit. Nimesh Patel, great friend of the show.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Go Google his comment. If you don't know him, Nimesh Patel, great comedian. Great comedian. Stepped in shit and opened for Chappelle. Good friend of the show. He's our muzzy cousin. He's a good friend of the show. But yeah, no, he's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:37 He could probably be the managing editor for diversity and inclusion in the Washington Post newsroom, which is, yeah. So what can we do? So a lot of community. You're going to see, yeah. So what can we do? So a lot of, yeah. Smoothie, you're going to see. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Oh, somebody's cute. I have a smoothie on. Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cute. Yeah, all these companies now are going to have diversity czars who let you know, like, who needs to be hired based on what. And so it's going to be, you know, merit is just one of the things that counts for your hiring. There will be diversity.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And make no mistake, nobody's going to be able to say anything to the diversity czars. They're not going to be called diversity czars, but I'm calling them diversity czars because that's where we're headed. Bubba's, it is safe. The boat is untethered. We're out in the sea and we goties, and we're swimming in a lake. We're swimming in a lake. We're on the water.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And it's just nice to be here on patreon.com slash bayridgeboys and have the History Islanders fan base here because it just feels good to be tethered in the middle of the water. Yeah, make no mistake. You are our boat, and we are in you, and we are out to sea. We have untethered our boat away from the mainland because Hollywood is on fire. Fire.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Okay, so we'll go to Franks and Beans, Florida. I'm doing the show here, ladies. Franks and Beans, Florida. Minnesota mayor calls for city to remove chief from city job titles because it's offensive. I mean, what's happening? What is happening? So now you can't say chief cuz. If you grew up in New York City, if you grew up in New York City, that was a term
Starting point is 00:17:12 of endearment. If somebody's like, what do you want in your bagel, chief? What can I get you today, chief? What's up, chief? It's like bubba's. What is offensive about the word chief? Yeah, especially when you consider that chief is an english word that we came up with to call the head of their tribes that's not an indian word they didn't go hey that's our chief we called it that we so what's the reason what's the reason that they even think it's offensive i mean what's going on here your first reaction was the right one what's going on scroll down scroll down so we can find out what we're going to change oh yeah she looks like a ball of fun. Yeah. She's fun. I would love to have her front row at a comedy show.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Then it's Anisha. Let me ask you a question. What do you think about the word chief? Is it offensive? Is it what is chief is good or bad? Where do we stand? It's Swiss miss. I think that it's fine, but it seems that she's just trying to win points right now. Yeah. So, but that's, But that's why I asked you specifically, because I do trust, because I understand, like, you know, grow up in different generations, but I feel like Venetanisha
Starting point is 00:18:12 is very kind of gray zone for someone from her generation on the lower side of being a millennial. So some of the things that don't upset us might upset her, but she also stands on a lot of things that do upset her also, that do upset us, also upset her. So I feel like she's a good voice of reason. So you can see through this. You think her saying cheap needs to be banned is it's just, it's, it's pandering. Yes. Yes. Okay. All right. Let's just go back to the article. Cause this is funny. I want to show you what we're changing them to the names to the new names are going to be some fun stuff. So if we scroll down a little
Starting point is 00:18:45 bit scroll down past her there we go so it's like uh the mic yeah so she goes a racial epithet and it turns into a microaggression so chief is used as a racial epithet and turns into a microaggression i mean when you hear chief in brooklyn it's two guys you know being sarcastic what's up chief i think one of the tiles that we could have the opportunity, they're going to change it to, keep scrolling down, gender neutral language. Scroll down, scroll down, scroll down, scroll down, and forget it.
Starting point is 00:19:15 We can't find it. We can't find it? I mean, Homeless Mike has got butterfingers. No, it's not his fault. I just don't see it. Yeah, but it's like, so what? Oh, because they're saying Chief is a male-derived word? Is that the problem?
Starting point is 00:19:28 Yes, and also, instead of chief financial officer, it's going to be like financial officer director. Yeah. Gender neutral and also non-offensive. We have officially lost your mind. And Venetia can answer that question because she doesn't have any Native American friends. the weather girl who is puerto ricans what are derived from tahino indian is saying that this is bullshit she's as i'm watching her cook huevos
Starting point is 00:19:52 huevos uh con some mantequilla she's saying that it's bullshit she's saying that it's bullshit that the name that chief is stupid right is that what you're saying she's mad at me we're brought to you by cafe bustelo we're brought to you by Cafe Bustelo. We're brought to you by Cafe Bustelo, as always. Now, I think at some point we should have the weather girl and the traffic girl on the show, no? Yeah, I don't think the traffic girl is interested. I'm not sure about the weather girl, but who knows? The traffic girl is not... Yeah, I haven't heard from the traffic girl in a while. Where has she been? She's in Long Island. from the traffic girl in a while. Where has she been?
Starting point is 00:20:24 She's in Long Island. Oh, the traffic girl's on Long Island. That's what it is. Because speaking of girls and fierce and strong and beautiful women, it's time for you to work. I want to watch you dance. Work it, girl. Sing the song.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Just sing it. Yeah. Turn to the left. Now turn to the right. Do your thing on the runway. Work. Cover girl. Work it, girl.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Cover girl. You better work. Yes. Because you were fierce right there. Yeah, I worked. Work, boy, work. We have here the beautiful, the strong, the fierce, the survivor, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala. She graduated from Oxford with a degree in philosophy and politics and economics.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Yes, girl, go. And she said for right now, when she's done, she's just going to Netflix, read, and sleep. So there you go, babe. You got shot in the face by the Taliban. Now welcome to Western culture where you just sit on the couch, get fat, and watch Netflix. Thank you. Congrats to Malala. You went through a lot.
Starting point is 00:21:32 But yeah, and won the Nobel Peace Prize. I'd like to see a celebrity boxing match between Malala and Greta Thornburg. I'd like to see that. Yeah, and I'd like to see what kind of job she gets with with a degree in philosophy uh politics and economic at least the economics is in there wait well what is malala i don't know malala story what what happened to her it didn't make the ridgewood times but um she she was a girl who was shot in the face by the taliban she was like uh and she was in pakistan and she escaped and was like became like a symbol of peace became a un ambassador and uh now she's uh
Starting point is 00:22:06 has asylum in england and oh good she's very smart she went to oxford and that's her and and and thank god thank god for that seems like a brilliant mind but then as she comes to the western world i just saw if you go back to the article from our second pimp she said you know that somebody asked her what her plans were and said my plans are are, what is, no, go up. Yeah, it's somebody's, oh, yeah, Malafa says her current plans are Netflix, reading, and sleep. It's like, that's just what happens. Yes, that's what, yeah. You checked out during that part.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Oh, did you say that? Yeah, you were gone during that part. Because I was still in worker girl mode. I'm sorry. No, it's fine because it's fun for the fans to see Chrissy blackout modes where you just leave and you come back. That's the best part about you is because you're here and you're not at the same exact time.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Yeah, I'm just, yeah, I don't know what it is. You're Chrissy Pancakes. Yeah, I'm just Chrissy Double H and Chrissy Flip Flops. What can you do? Cuz, the thirst trap today, I'm ready to go a little peon right now. The thirst trap is Keanu Reeves auctioning 15-minute date with himself for charity. Cuz we got to put in an offer. Yeah, so what is, how is he auctioning?
Starting point is 00:23:12 He's just, we got to, it's money and then whoever, and it's going to a cause. Venetia. Should we do that for a Patreon tier? Should we do Woke and Dope News? Woke and Dope News. So this is Woke and Dope News with Venetia. So Woke and Dope News? Woke and Dope News. So this is Woke and Dope News with Venetia. So Woke and Dope News, tell us what's going on here with Kiana, except for the fact that the kid needs teeth whitening bad.
Starting point is 00:23:32 He needs some crest white strips bad. His teeth are fucking brown. It's apparently valued at $10,000, but now it's already at $16 or about seventeen thousand and now um and yeah it's going to take place the week of july 6th and what's the what's the charity what's the charity that he's giving a children's cancer organization that's so cute that's so cute but i think that that's a little offensive right now during this time to be thinking of kids with cancer what we have when we have the political strife that we do,
Starting point is 00:24:06 I think we need a diversity czar to go in there and talk to Keanu and be like, is this the time to be thinking about kids with cancer? Do you think this is the time to be thinking about kids with cancer? Because some of those kids with cancer could be white. And that's bad. Benetia, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:24:21 That money needs to go to Oakland for those nooses that that black guy said that he hung up, but the mayor says that they're racially bad. Wait, what happened there? In Oakland, the FBI is investigating some ropes that were hanging from a tree that a community member has come forward and said that he hung them up to exercise on them. And other people in the community said, yeah, that guy uses those for exercise. But the FBI is continuing to investigate.
Starting point is 00:24:46 And that guy, yeah, he's a black dude. Yeah, what can you do? What can you fucking do? It's a weird time. It's, you know, things go a little off the rails. Well, here it is. And well, the good news is, we got a good history on Interfactive Day,
Starting point is 00:24:59 good HHFOD. Today, June 19th, Juneteenth, which is hopefully going to be a national holiday by next year. On June 19th, 1865, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, home of Jack Johnson, with news that the Civil War is over and slavery in the United States is abolished. That's wild. So how wild is that? Is that living in that time, slavery was abolished months before that, but by the time the news got there, you know... Years before. Two know, what'd you say? It was two years. And then, yeah, they were basically still working as like,
Starting point is 00:25:32 but they were fighting the civil war though. So I know that it wasn't, yeah, it wasn't two years of entity at 1865. Well, no, I mean, they abolished slavery of Lincoln said the slaves are free, but you know, we, I think we didn't win the civil war until when, when did it officially end April of 65 65 i think it ended in april yeah chris is chris is right like they abolished the emancipation proclamation caused caused the war but so that that's why they seceded so they they made their own they were like we're our own country and slavery is still an institution so oh here's what ven's what Benetit's saying. Okay, she's saying,
Starting point is 00:26:05 Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was issued more than two years early on January 1st, 1863. A lack of Union troops in the rebel state of Texas made the order difficult to enforce. Okay. Yeah. Okay, so yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:17 But yeah, I mean, they were still gonna do slavery. But here's the thing. This is a great holiday. This should be an American holiday. Everyone should get this day off. Black people have been celebrating forever. I think these are a lot of the good changes. Of course, there's going to be these over corrections, but I think personally, my personal opinion is the Confederate statues coming down is a good thing. Um, the Confederate flag being abolished should, it be abolished, just like Nazi flag should
Starting point is 00:26:45 be abolished. It's the same fucking thing. That's what I believe. I think that's good. And I think this becoming a holiday is an amazing, amazing thing. Like Chris said, it's wild when the blacks have been celebrating this forever, but now if this became a national holiday, it'll be great. And so today's that day. So happy Juneteenth to everybody. You know? Absolutely. Everybody, everybody, cuz. You know, it's like we should all celebrate freedom.
Starting point is 00:27:11 The great experiment of America. I hope this works out, babe. I hope this fucking, we pull it together and it works out. Yeah, because it seems like the great experiment of America just didn't work. Let's hope so. Cuz, well, speaking of America, I want to get a true patriot of the show on. Is Debo in the waiting room or not, Venetianisha?
Starting point is 00:27:32 There he is. Wow. As I called him, he appeared. He's sideways. He's fucking sideways. It doesn't matter, kid. He's a sideways kid. He's always on mute for too long.
Starting point is 00:27:43 He's been watching Andrew Schultz videos. He wanted us to turn our phones. Pretty much Andrew Schultz is saying, turn to the left. He's doing a work it, girl. He is. Deebo, how you doing, Bob? Me, Deebo, Chrissy, and Patty Fly Balls hung out in a park illegally the other day. There's one thing I know for sure, that when you, Patty, and Debo get together,
Starting point is 00:28:05 there's one thing that's also at the party that you didn't mention. What? A couple of cold beers. Yeah. Now these guys were drinking sangrias and margaritas. Because we turned it to FF, we drank sangrias and margaritas. You were drinking margaritas like Democrats? Yeah, like Democrats.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Not me, man. I was just riding my bike by. I seen them in the park, like degenerates. Well, we were in there. We were in there. Me, you know, we had Delilah. There's a private park
Starting point is 00:28:30 in Kew Gardens, Queens, and we had, or Forest Hills, and we were pushing Delilah, my daughter, in a swing, and we were pushing our friend Chris's daughter in a swing,
Starting point is 00:28:38 and we had an open swing, so we called over Debo to get in the swing. I was bored. How you doing, Debo? What's the latest? How youbo? What's the latest? How you doing? How's the skies?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Are they friendly? Where you been flying to? Friendly skies, friendly skies. I'm keeping it grounded right now. You know how it is. What's that T-shirt? Who's on your T-shirt? Is that Sean King?
Starting point is 00:28:55 Who is that? Cuz, the luggage guy. For all my luggage guys out there. That's it. Straight off from barstool. Yeah, but don't wear that when the bar's open. You got to say you're a pilot not a luggage guy yeah i'll get another one yeah here's the deal you you know uh you know
Starting point is 00:29:10 the movie catch me if you can with leonardo dicaprio yeah i walk through that thing every day yeah i feel like remember remember in that movie like when his dad when he comes he goes his dad always goes like so tell me about all the flights you fly and he just keeps telling him yeah i flow over here i flew over there that's what he's really yeah but he's really doing it i'm not yeah dude it's crazy man you said the airports are lit again right jfk is starting to get packed yeah it's starting to get packed now all right bubba's well listen it's 9 30 it's what we wait for all week to you come on and be our give us our squeak of the week who do you got who this week that was under five six really stood out to you?
Starting point is 00:29:47 Oh, it's not a person. I'm going to go with Delta and American Airlines for banning alcohol. Yeah. What the fuck are they doing? If we need alcohol, we need it now. I don't know what's going on with them. All right. That's a good squeak of the week.
Starting point is 00:30:01 You've had back-to-back great squeak of the weeks. Yeah, those are great. I'm trying to keep up. I don't want it. It's all downhill from here, though. Now, what are you doing? Let me ask you, is there any way to sneak booze onto the plane and fucking drink in the bathroom or something?
Starting point is 00:30:12 Yeah, as long as it's three ounces, cuz. Put it right in the luggage. There you go. You heard the fucking tip. It's three ounces. Put your alcohol in a travel Listerine bottle, and you're good, right? I won't say anything.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Nothing. Yeah, you didn't say nothing. Yo, D-Bone, I'm going to meet you by the swing set at you're good, right? I won't say anything. Nothing. Yeah, you didn't say nothing. Yo, Deebo, I'm going to meet you by the swing set at high noon, alright? Meet me by the seesaw. Alright, bubba. I'll see you later, babe. Later. Deebo, I mean, how great is it we got Deebo checking in
Starting point is 00:30:37 at the end of the night? Mom, I'm gay. The audio's still on. You're an idiot. Look at his picture. Yeah, that was a great day when we took a picture in front of that. I mean, get out of here, Deebo. The show's still on You're an idiot Look at his picture Yeah that was a great day When we took a picture In front of that I mean get out of here Devo the show's over I mean cuz
Starting point is 00:30:51 What a wild morning show We have I love that Devo Goes outside To the backyard Of his parents house To do that no Yeah it's fucking funny
Starting point is 00:30:58 He's a funny funny kid Yeah Alright bub That was a good show To do Oh All right, Bob Iswa. That was a good show. Way up in the morning. Way up in the morning. Have a great weekend, everybody.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Way up in the morning. Way up in the morning. God bless America. Hope you enjoyed that episode of our morning show. Way by in the morning. It's the morning show with Fumare, Bedhead, all that. It's a little bump of coke to start your day. Me and Chris, the History Hyenas,
Starting point is 00:31:35 we do the show live Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. Eastern. If you want to watch it live or get access to it every day, go join at patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. It's our channel. Sign up at the lowest tier level till July 1st, and then it changes to the $10 level. Either way, go now. Go now.

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