History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - WEPA in the Morning- KANYE MY PRESIDENT!

Episode Date: July 10, 2020

Wepa in the Morning is your favorite Spanish speaking daily news show with fumare, bed head, and a whole lot of WEEEPPAAA!! The Cuzzies discuss new CAREN Act, Kanye running for President, and Franks a...nd Beans Florida guy giving bleach as the Corona cure!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? Buenos noches! Good morning, buenos tardes! Buenos noches! Good morning, good morning! Welcome! Hello, hello, hello! Good morning, happy Thursday! For me, it's exciting because where I live, it's garbage day.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Get this shit out of my house before the bears eat it. Yeah, it's what it is. Hello. Hello. I got glasses on. I got they're called blue light glasses because they're stopping the kind of radiation or whatever. Blue lights that's coming off the computer on my phone because I've been looking at the bolt all day because I've been getting headaches. And because I look and feel most likely I feel like my mother now why is that whose glasses are they well they're these glasses now I don't know whose glasses these are actually whose are they yours they are the weather girls glasses um but so these are the frames that I have but I do look like my mother and uh yeah, she uses them.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Why do you use them? Oh, she used them when she's on the computer. So yeah, so these are the frames that I have because it feels good. It's already taken my headache away because I've had a headache and I thought I've had the Rona, but it's just the blue light. Yeah, but are you sure the headache is not a hangover for how many wines you've been banging every night? Because make no mistake, cuz, you couldn't make our meeting last night
Starting point is 00:01:26 because you said you were underwater. Cuz, it's what it is. I forgot. I forgot I got trashed last night drinking wine the same way Amber Heard, Johnny Depp's ex-wife, has a wino tattoo that Johnny Depp made fun of. I also am going to get a wino tattoo. Cuz, in the Johnny Depp, Amber Heard saga,
Starting point is 00:01:44 I am Amber Heard. Yeah. And what is it? The Connors? What's your maiden name again? The Hitler's? What's the German name? Webb.
Starting point is 00:01:54 The Webbs. The Webbs like to bang a few alcoholic beverages. You guys like a few booze cups. Yeah. It's just in your code to pour yourself a couple of booze cups a couple booze cups and i never told you this all the men in my family have a web tattoo on their back and i'm the only one who did it because i was scared of needles when i was 19 yeah and uh you do have you do have some cousins you don't know about in another area
Starting point is 00:02:19 that uh yeah yeah when you look at them they're funny they just look like you if you just never pursued athletics yeah they just look like me it's interesting to see the side of my family that i don't know because they look like what i would look the guys look like what i would look like if i didn't have my mother in my life if my mother wasn't there to just straighten me out yeah your mom was always there your mom she was the head of hr she can cut people quick yeah the kindest person in the world she's keeping her dog alive but make no mistake once in a while all the good things she does to keep everyone up and a while up and awake and you on point and just chrissy i just yeah you know she's trying to keep you healthy she's trying to keep larry
Starting point is 00:03:00 healthy so but just once in a while she's got to just have a real quick spasmic outburst and then and then apologize to jesus for it yeah once in a while she just does it she just lets one fly and you know it's just what it is it's how and how it's how it works um yeah my mother's dog has miraculously survived he's like 17 years old he's been dying for the past 10 years and he keeps surviving surgeries so i don't know how to end it for this kid i mean i don't know what i need to do if i need to go put drano and his dog food i don't know what i do because the kid just won't he's been on the runway ready to take off for heaven for about 10 years and the kid just is not getting cleared to take off i mean he all he does is pee on the floor he's blind and he can't see he's barking and if his
Starting point is 00:03:43 barks were english if someone could translate from dog to English, the barks are, please kill me now. Stop this. I have no quality of life. Somehow put me down. But that's not what your mom hears. Your mom hears, help me. Spend another couple grand on my surgery.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Keep me here. Yeah, I mean, she spent nine, 10 grand on the surgeries when she could just be donated to the Patreon because make no mistake we got a new episode out of conspiracy cuties we're coming in from all angles now now we're doing conspiracies i mean how the fuck are you going to stop me now you can't because when you put on your magic glasses i don't think anyone can stop you you can walk in anywhere and after you look like a Democrat. You can go undercover now. You can go undercover. You can go right into Eliza Glazer's podcast and just say whatever. And you won't be, you're a Republican that won't be detected.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Cuz when you put on glasses, you're an undercover Republican. I'm an undercover Republican. You are. Cuz, and guess what? Speaking of Republicans, my my lord and savior after doing his Trump rally um in uh Tulsa Oklahoma a couple weeks ago Tulsa now is having a surge in COVID-19 cases which is only be only being reported by CNN so I wonder what the deal is yeah COVID is a political bug that is sent by the Democrats to make you not be able to open up your tattoo shop in Tallahassee, Florida.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah, because I'm having some lighting issues. Hold on here. I'm having some lighting issues. Why didn't you do it in the light? She put a Cinnabon in it. She put a Cinnabon in it. I want the fans to comment in the below if they think a good Lata 14 episode
Starting point is 00:05:27 or maybe Bay Ridge Boys episode will be about me and Chris going undercover in glasses to go find out what the protesters are doing. Well, maybe we'll do it today. That seems like a great idea. What was the meeting yesterday? Because yesterday, if you guys don't know, we had a meeting. Well, you guys don't know. We had a private Zoom meeting, and I was smashed, and I couldn't make it.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Look, the meeting yesterday was just about how well Mike and Venetia worked, how well they worked together, how well Muffin Chops and Venetia worked together. And it was less a meeting and more a bar mitzvah for both of them. Yeah. Yeah, it's what it is. They've so screwed in. I know that I have a friend in the government who's checking their names to see if they're applying for citizenship in Israel. And if they get flagged, we're going to know. Okay, so here we go. So the Tulsa rally, you know, everyone's getting Corona now. And I guess there is truth to it because he held his, Trump held his rally inside and the protests and all that were outside and they mass wearing mandatory in Tulsa. So now they're saying they're having a spike, but I don't know what that necessarily means. It's like, is it spike 20?
Starting point is 00:06:30 You know, are people in the hospital? I just don't know, but. Well, let's see. They reported 266 new cases. That's a lot. Bringing the number of in the county to 4,571. 452 deaths. So it's it's not good not good there are close to 18,000 cases in Oklahoma so it's not good anywhere right now and when people people who don't understand how this works or why it's important go that's not a lot of people you know
Starting point is 00:06:59 the flu and you know it's again it's about um it's about the health care system not being able to handle this and also you know you don't want you don't want your mom to die it, it's, again, it's about the healthcare system not being able to handle this. And also, you know, you don't want your mom to die. It's a spin of the wheel. How is the dog not getting corona? Because the dog is the patient zero for corona. Yeah. He's still alive. I mean, the kid's got, I mean, it's only the magic of Jesus.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I mean, the forces of nature have given that kid every virus and bacteria possible to put them down, but it is your mother's love of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary that have kept you out of jail and kept Larry off of an ICU bed. It's just what it is. Cause guess what? Alexander Hamilton, who everybody loves off to play Hamilton.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yanni and I have been to Alexander Hamilton's grave many times in downtown Manhattan. We some researchers said today that if Alexander Hamilton was alive today, he would be a right leaning Democrat. So he'd be a little bit like Yanni. Yanni's a little bit of a right lean because they're saying right lean. But when they say a right leaning Democrat, what they really mean is just a guy in the center they mean just a centrist can you imagine the founding fathers trying to create this country amidst cancel culture it's not possible and we wouldn't even have a culture we wouldn't even have a country i'm sorry imagine that if they were like okay this is what we're gonna do we hold these truths uh to be self-evident uh all men are created equal they're like wait a second all men yeah cis gendered people and what do you mean by equal because look at the equal pay scale
Starting point is 00:08:34 here women who are fucking not getting paid are at home with their babies and work work work work work and thomas jefferson's just gonna go, I fucking give up. I'm gonna go bang out my slave Sally Hennings and make some interracial babies. It's what it is, yeah. So that's, I mean, yeah, it's impossible. Now the founding fathers today, I mean, well, even fucking sexist and racist that I just called them fathers,
Starting point is 00:08:58 the founding people today, they would have a lot of work cut out for them. Somebody should do that. We should do that. We should do a sketch or a skit, as our fans like to call it, about what the founding fathers would do today. Because, cuz, make no mistake, I just want an excuse to put on tight, tight pants
Starting point is 00:09:16 and little pilgrim shoes and a powdered wig. I just want an excuse to do that with you and do a skit. That would be fun. I also think it would be fun to just let RuPaul or maybe some other council of LGBTQ people, I think they should have their own country, much like Israel has their own country, and they were given that country by sort of, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:36 a United Western Nations mandate with the British leading the charge. Maybe we should do a country for LGBTQ. Like in Greenland, you just call it YAS. YAS. And RuPaul's the president. And it's just, dude, it'll be, the economy will be tourism. Because, you know, me and you are going to go there
Starting point is 00:09:54 for dance parties and phone parties. 100%. I mean, the fucking phone party culture in fucking YAS is going to be rigorous. And their army will just be a bunch of guys fucking in dresses showing up going, wha? And it'll just disarm every country's fucking to be rigorous. And their army will just be a bunch of guys fucking in dresses showing up going, wha? And it'll just disarm every country's fucking aggression, cuz.
Starting point is 00:10:09 It's going to be great. I know. I love it. Speaking of aggression and Karens, Shaman Walton has introduced the Karen Act, C-A-R-E-N, Caution Against Racially Exploitive Non-Emergencies. The Karen Act out of San Francisco, and they spelled Karen wrong. Karen is typically spelled with a K,
Starting point is 00:10:28 but this is with a C. So what do you guys think of the Karen Act? I'll tell you what I think. I think you're on notice. Yes. You're on notice, bitch. Yeah, look, the Karen, whatever. I mean, listen, don't fucking file fake reports of hate crimes.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Don't do that. But if you do do that, we will not post a picture of who you are. We will not post a mugshot or any information because that has been deemed illegal. And we don't want to perpetuate racial stereotypes. So, cuz, how is San Francisco going to get help catching criminals if they can't post a picture of who they're looking for? The only chance that they have, San Francisco, right now is to hire
Starting point is 00:11:12 Lieutenant Lollipop and Sergeant Snuggles to come in there and start de-escalating. That's all they can do. Is they need a de-escalation maneuver, and the only way to do that is Sergeant Snuggles and Lieutenant Lollipop to get out there, get their hands full of lube, and start getting to to work because uh we got the green screen going up today mikey venetia make a note our new characters uh lieutenant lollipop and sergeant snuggles
Starting point is 00:11:35 we need care bear outfits and we are going to these cities and we're de-escalating no what we need venetia is any time any halloween that you've dressed up as a cop we need that outfit so that's the outfit we need to get on so if you could go back and find you know halloween 2011 when you went as a slutty cop that's what we need that's the outfit we're getting in on so what can you do let's look at muffin shops muffin shops looks like i figured out what muffin chop looks like muffin chops looks like he's been on a 27 day bender because the kid never changes his shirt or his glasses he just looks like he's been on a bender and been disappeared from his family for a month on coke
Starting point is 00:12:17 muffin chops looks like the kind of guy like if you do mushrooms or ayahuasca you start to see things that look like that yeah because he looks like he looks like an ewok that started shaving but stopped yeah he's fucking good dude yeah he looks like a ewok with alopecia with patchy alopecia all right but hey speaking alopecia guess what you can't get a facial in lockdown that's a new thing you're not able to get a facial in lockdown because of all the things. So you can get a butt one. Instead, you can get butt facials. So let us know what you think of this. I saw this story and I said, this seems interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Now, the problem is, if I was the one, if we were using my butt, I'd probably kill a few people, no? Yeah. Because you have a big butt. Here we there we go yeah you have a big butt and even more funnier is you're conscious of it and you want it slimmed down like a lady yeah like a lady i'm always like i put on weight but how's my butt look yeah you want it you always ask me if your butt looks big or if we go go back to that mike as always as always the place that you can get this done is in New York City's Chinatown. You can do whatever you want in New York City's Chinatown.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I mean, it's a fucking free-for-all under there. So you can get at the Sophie Pavitt Skin Care Studio. And you can get a butt facial. So it's a facial for your booty. Yeah. And can you scroll back up to her? Because where is her butt? Yeah, I want to know where she's got the same.
Starting point is 00:13:48 That's what Yanni looks like in underwear. That's my butt. It's what it is. So, yeah. So that's what we could do. Oh, did you do it? I'm wondering because I saw anytime I see liberal writers, I say Yannis is going to be involved in this. Liberal writers and activists sign open letter calling an end to cancel culture.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Have you signed it, Yanni? Have you been asked to sign this? No, I haven't been asked to sign it, but it's really funny because certain people who signed it started complaining. My dog's throwing up. Certain people who signed it
Starting point is 00:14:17 started complaining that they didn't know about the other people who were on the letter because of things they said. So some of the complaints about them signing it is a reason why you're saying, hey, I'm glad that they signed it. So people like Noam Chomsky who are saying like, hey, cancel culture,
Starting point is 00:14:37 left-wing culture is getting out of hand. We got to protect free speech and let ideas be said without calling people Nazis. And somehow this is controversial, as you would expect it would, because that was the need for the letter. But let me just say this, just to paraphrase a tweet I saw. Just give me a second, because this is good. I have it right here. The gentleman who tweeted this, his name is Mike Naya. And this was his tweet. He said, Noam Chomsky telling your left-wing activism is getting out of hand
Starting point is 00:15:09 is like Snoop Dogg asking you to ease up on the weed. It's probably time to take a good hard look at yourself. It's very smart. It's very, very smart. It's true. It's true. Yeah, so we got a big problem in this country, but what can you do? I mean, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Rudy Giuliani called the NYPD on Sacha Baron Cohen over a prank interview. That's hilarious. So Sacha Baron Cohen tried to get Rudy Giuliani on one of his shows, and he fucking Rudy saw it and sniffed it out and called the cops. Rudy called the cops. Is there any footage of this or no? Sacha Baron Cohen came into the interview wearing a spangly pink bikini. Because is there any more absolutely Poughkeepsie wild,
Starting point is 00:15:53 any more than Sasha Baron Cohen? Or is he the number one most Poughkeepsie wild guy of all time? He's a Poughkeepsie level wild guy. And I mean. He would be a dream guest on this podcast. Dude, he's one of the funniest I mean I think I'm pretty sure Borat is the hardest I've laughed in a movie theater ever yeah I mean because I mean you could just we could talk about Borat or we could do we could have 10 seasons of a podcast
Starting point is 00:16:17 talking two hours every episode five episodes a week about just Borat and keep finding new things to laugh at did you see it in the theater? Yes. Did you laugh hard when you saw it? I laughed hard. I laughed really hard. But then it's like things start to hit you after. Like when you see the naked guy running through it
Starting point is 00:16:35 and he fucking gets, he sits, he got a, that fat guy gave Sacha Baron Cohen a butt facial. Yeah. I mean, Borat is one of the most genius comedy and bruno they're both they're both hysterical bruno movie was good it was not as good as borat but it had really good points but wait muffin chops is saying it was a stunt for his new show the rudy giuliani uh uh thing what's the new show muffin do we know time it's showtime show right yeah it's a show though that's a great show when he makes believe he's the agent from Musad, that's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Yeah, and also the liberal professor in the wheelchair. I mean, the guy is a character piece genius. And he sees the shit like he probably sees the cancel culture as absurd, too. He's so smart and above it. The only way to really make great jokes about things is to understand it in a level that most people can't even understand it. Yeah. I mean, the kid is really smart. He went to fucking Cambridge.
Starting point is 00:17:31 I mean, the kid is smart. Smart, smart kid. I mean, I went to American University. I'm a dumb fucking kid. The university's only named my nationality. It's like going to say I went to English college. It's what it is. Because, yeah, I went to St. Joseph's College say, I went to English college. It's what it is. Cause yeah. And I went to St.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Joseph's college. I went, I, cause I'm, I'm a Catholic kid. Guys, you are, you are what I would call aggressively Catholic. Yeah. Now I didn't know somehow. See the thing with Benatia is she's able to shape ship. So I don't know where she's from. I think we do know where she's from. Can't say it.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Cause she's got the ability to shape ship. She's from Wakanda. she's from can't say it because she's got the ability to shapeshift she's from wakanda and she's from wakanda but somehow somehow uh venetia was able venetia venetia venetian was able to get into slovenia and get back in just 12 hours and light first lady melania trump statue on fire she lit melania statue melania trump statue inania Trump's statue on fire. She lit Melania Trump's statue in Slovenia on fire and then got back for the morning meeting of WEPA in the morning. Now, here's the thing about Slovenia. Either nobody in Slovenia who's an architect, I mean, a sculptor likes Melania Trump,
Starting point is 00:18:43 or there's nobody with any artistic talent in the whole country of Sylvania? Because make no mistake, that looks like the baby B-A-B-I made that for her arts and crafts class. Yeah, it looks like one of the statues where I can't tell, is this a before or after picture after it was set on fire? Like, I don't know. Did they set it on fire yet or not?
Starting point is 00:19:02 I mean, do we have any definite evidence that that is a melania trump because make no mistake that just looks like it could be any because it looks like they whittled that out of a bowling pin and just threw it on top of the hill i mean how do we know that's melania trump i mean yeah you know that looks that that could that look we got we got a real crisis in sylvania can we send one fucking sculptor over there yeah let's just get one sculptor over there let's get mateo lane over there for a week and let him start let him start sprucing shit up uh yeah because you guys got a
Starting point is 00:19:34 real crisis in art on the arts field yeah and our crisis is about to enter with the coronavirus because out of frankston beans florida thank god they found the cure for coronavirus they have a miracle cure a man is going around selling the found the cure for coronavirus. They have a miracle cure. A man is going around selling the miracle cure for coronavirus and it's bleach. He's just giving people gallons of bleach to drink and the coronavirus is going away because they're dying.
Starting point is 00:19:56 So it's technically he's right. If you want to be stupid or you are stupid and you feel discriminated against, there is a place for you to be free and not feel that discrimination. Much like New York city is a place for gay people to come and feel not judged and live free and work. If you're stupid, if you're Franks and beans, go to Florida and run free. You'll be not judged. You'll be around your people and you guys can have your fucking parties
Starting point is 00:20:25 and you can like firecrackers in your asshole and do and get eaten by crocodiles and just not be discriminated against for being fucking stupid yeah muffin go back to that for a second yeah it says mark grannon here 62 and his three sons are accused of marketing and selling the product named miracle mineral solution through an entity called the Genesis Second Church of Health and Healing in Branderton, Florida. It's always through a church because it's just kind of wild what churches do. Yeah, it's, you know, faith-based reasoning is always good.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It's just like, hey, don't look into it. Let's just cross our fingers and pray to Jesus and hope it works out. Yeah, also the Grennan's marketed bleaching agent can cause cancer, autism, and AIDS. So there you go. Yeah, no, you don't want to. Guys, if you're at home, you don't want to use bleach to try to solve the problem. You don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:21:16 You really don't want to do that. And then here's another thing we saw out of Franks and Beats Florida, but not out of Florida. And this is kind of like a story that I feel like would happen to us. Oregon, Oregon man driving stolen car crashes into woman driving another stolen car. So that's the United States we're living in right now. I mean, you could not, you could not. Yeah. Methamphetamine is a hell of a drug. It's a hell of a drug.
Starting point is 00:21:42 So could you imagine the chances of them both just stealing cars and crushing each other? And then they're going to fall in love and it's going to be great. Yeah, I mean, this is like a Scooby-Doo episode. Yeah, Bubba's. It's just what it is. So, I mean, that's just the world we live in. As you said, meth is a hell of a drug. Do you know what time it is?
Starting point is 00:21:59 Don't tell me it's already time to work. It's time to fucking work. Mikey, hit it. Work it, girl. time to work. It's time to fucking work. Mikey, hit it. Work it, girl. You better work. Turn to the left. Work it, girl. Turn to the right.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Do your thing. On the runway. Come on, girl. Turn to the left. Work it, girl. Turn to the right. Do your thing. On the runway.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Come on, girl. Work. You better work girl Work Yeah Yeah Okay cause our favorite Fucking mayor
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah Give it up for Keisha Okay Okay Okay Keisha girl Keisha is
Starting point is 00:22:38 Is saying Fuck you to the governor Georgia Okay Go girl And she is fucking saying Mass are mandatory, okay? Yeah, Keisha Lance Bottoms has said that,
Starting point is 00:22:51 I signed an order requiring masks, which could set up a confrontation with the Republican governor, Governor Kemp of Georgia. And he said, fuck you, bitch. We wearing those masks. I got myself, I got coronavirus. Go, Keisha, go, coronavirus. Go, Keisha. Go, go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Keisha Bottoms, fucking seriously, if Joe Biden doesn't pick Keisha Bottoms, Keisha Lance Bottoms for his vice president, then he's not going to get my vote. He wasn't going to get it anyway. Because I want Keisha to be president. I want the White House to smell like lotion again.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's what it is. Do you think I'm going to vote for Biden? What do you think I'm going to do? Are you going to try to sneak a camera inside my voting booth? Yeah, cuz, I mean, you come from a family that solidly votes for the right. So you filter everything through the right. It's just- Cuz, when you put those glasses on, you're an undercover Republican. I'm an undercover Republican.
Starting point is 00:23:43 It's what it is. That's how I can sneak. Anytime I do a podcast with anybody who's fucking woke and dope, undercover republican i'm an undercover republican it's what it is that's how i can see anytime i do a podcast with anybody who's fucking woke and dope i throw these puppies on and i disarm them yeah you can walk in anywhere you can walk in to a reggie watt concert and nobody's gonna suspect that you're against abortion with those glasses on nobody's gonna expect it two bodies found stuffed in a suitcase by tiktokers so there you go so people just doing a tiktok video and they found two bodies stuffed in the
Starting point is 00:24:10 suitcase i mean what can you do they were identified as a washington couple that went missing i mean cuz getting stuffed in the suitcase it's got to be no good it's got to be no good but let me just say this make it as a warning to our production team members. You guys can get screwed in, but if you continue to get too screwed in and you try to take me and Chris's job, that's how you're going to end up, and it's going to be on the Patreon.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Just like this was TikTok content, we're going to put you as $10 tier content. Yeah, that's what it is. I'm going to stuff you in the suitcase. I'm going to fucking figure out a way to stuff Muffin Chops fat ass in a suitcase. I'm going to fucking figure out a way to stuff Muffin Chop's fat ass in his suitcase. We're going to fucking push you in there. We're going to fucking push those marshmallows in there. We're going to fucking push you in there.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Do you think you could even get my ass inside a suitcase or no chance? No, it's like trying to- You'd have to cut a hole out of the top of the suitcase to let my butt hang out. Yeah, no, I would have to really hire a butcher to chop you up into little tiny itty bitty pieces it's what it is because i got a lot of fat on my butt um you're a real problem for serial killers yeah yeah it's just that i think i think that's why i've never really gotten beat up or jumped or abducted or anything like that because i just i'm too much my butt is too much to handle they just move on to the next person it's not just your butt like if i'm a serial killer and i'm trying to kill you, and I try to stuff you in a suitcase to hide evidence,
Starting point is 00:25:26 your head, your skull is just going to stick out. I can't put it in there. Yeah, it's too much. Because Supreme Court says Donald Trump administration can let religious employers deny birth control coverage under Obamacare. So there you go. Yeah, this is a big, big, big story here, guys. So the Supreme Court has ruled that the Obama administration has the authority to let these companies say, hey, we're not going to pay for your abortions, girl.
Starting point is 00:25:54 So make no mistake, over in Ridgewood, in the house you grew up, someone cracked a brew in celebration over this ruling. It's what it is, cuz. I mean, Benetton and her friends are in big, this ruling. It's what it is, because, I mean, Vanity and her friends are in big, big trouble. Yeah, V. Listen, V, we weren't going to pay for it anyway, okay? It's part of your plan. No, listen, you, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:18 we'll pay for it. Just let us know. Yeah. We got it. I mean, whatever you and Zach want to do, we support your decision. Yeah, yeah. It's what it is. Whatever you guys, whatever you and Zachie want to do, I mean, whatever you and Zach want to do, we, we support your decision. Yeah. Yeah. It's what it is. Whatever you guys, whatever you and Zachy want to do. I mean, you know, I, are you, are you, are you secretly funding his rap career vanity with the money that we pay you? No, no, no, no. But I support it a hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Absolutely. All right, here we go. Here we go. Here's a, here's a nice little history and a fact of the day. If this is an HHFOD FCF because Giannis loves tennis. So it's an FCF HHFOD. And we did it for Gianni Boyk. On July 9th, 1877, Wimbledon began. So the All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club began their very first tournament in Wimbledon in the outer suburb of London, which I heard is fucking cute.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yes. This was the creation of a sport that was intended to only be played by white people. But then black people came and started dominating it. Yeah, it's what it is. Actually, I didn't know this. Tennis has its origins in a 13th century French handball game called jeu de paix i didn't know that either game of the palm i've been playing a game of the palm every night in the living room and so is yanni when his wife goes to sleep because would would you say that tennis
Starting point is 00:27:37 is fully charged or not i would say tennis is 100 fully charged yeah i give that a hundred percent because and that's why it's your favorite sport because you're fully charged. Yeah, I give that 100% because, and that's why it's your favorite sport because you're fully charged. When you decided that one fateful day in 1983 when you were nine years old to put on your mother's stockings, make no mistake,
Starting point is 00:27:54 you were given a 100% full charge. Yeah, and I was not nine. I was eight. Every year matters. It's what it is because you're an old, old kid. I mean, your wife's just going to have to get applesauce for your five-year-old and her 50-year-old husband. Because she's going to put a spoon of applesauce in my daughter's mouth
Starting point is 00:28:17 and then a spoon of applesauce in my mouth. Because it's going to be one of those things where, I mean, your daughter's going to have more teeth than you. So it's just what it is. Yeah, I think this episode's going to be one of those things where, I mean, your daughter's going to have more teeth than you. So it's just what it is. Yeah, I think this episode's going up. We're going to post this. We're going to put it up? Yeah, my wife just unplugged it because she wants to hear it.
Starting point is 00:28:36 She wants to hear the funnies, but they can't hear me, sweetheart. They can't hear you. Too late. So what it is, yeah. All right, Cuz, well, listen, that's it. I've run out of gas again at 929. Yeah, I mean, are you throwing hands in the morning what are you doing because i just got lightheaded from laughing so i felt like my blood pressure dropped and i could i could have gone down i could have pulled
Starting point is 00:28:52 the dl he'll be right here at the computer yeah i don't know cuz but i need to get i need to stop stepping on the scale and seeing 230 it's a big big problem i keep seeing 230 when i first wake up so that means throughout the day i must be going up to like 235 and it's an issue. Cause it's not as much of an issue that as Kanye West run for president, our next president is going to be Kanye West. He's a rapper and his wife is, is a, is a Kardashian.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Finally, it's going to come to fruition. So just enjoy, enjoy the show. Our boats are untethered. Mikey's making a meme of it. We're out to sea, baby. We're watching the Titanic go down while we play violins.
Starting point is 00:29:31 It's what it is, cuz, yeah. And I'm just gonna be under the water waiting for Lito to jump in so I can de-escalate him. We love you very much. And go check out our episode right now. That's out everywhere. Tell your friends about WEPA. Please comment on Instagram how great WEPA is if you love it.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Keep spreading the word. Thanks for the support. We love each and every one of you. And don't forget to work. And don't forget to just jingle at your desk right now to a little WEPA outro. WEPA! WEPA in the morning. WEPA in the morning. We're back in the morning.
Starting point is 00:30:09 We're back in the morning. We're back in the morning. Thank you guys so much for watching. We hope you loved it. Don't forget to click subscribe and turn your alerts on. And go to patreon.com slash payrichboys for more fun where things get really wild.

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