History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - WEPA in the Morning - Lady Cops, Antifa and Statue Topplers

Episode Date: July 3, 2020

Wepa in the Morning is your favorite English-speaking Spanish news show with fumare, bed head, and a whole lot of WEEEPPAAA!! Yannis and Chris give you July 2nd’s headlines. The Cuzzies discuss... police clearing Seattle’s ’CHOP’, Vanilla Ice’s corona concert, and Facebook taking a stand against hate speech!Some more WILD headlines that will make you feel woke & dope and a happy kid getting you ready to enjoy the holiday weekend, YAAS! Happy 4th of July Cuzzie Wuzzies!!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody? Buenos noches! Good morning, buenos tardes! A very, very good morning to you from all of us here at WEPA during a very, very wild and at times dark time. But make no mistake, we are your lighthouse in the night. We bring that fucking Vamonos WEPA to you. Good morning. It's hump day. Happy Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Is it Wednesday or Thursday? It's Thursday. You're suffering from... It's what you're suffering from, a disease I like to call... And, cuz, you're 225. I'm 225. I'm having trouble breathing. I don't know if it's anxiety or if I got corona
Starting point is 00:00:57 or if all the cigars I've been smoking are catching up to me or if it's just I can't breathe because my gut is pushing on my lungs, but I'm 225, the heaviest I've ever been. I want to go see a doctor. Guys, well, we have, lucky for you, we have multiple doctors that listen to this show and while
Starting point is 00:01:15 they don't pay attention to their patients. Yeah, but Andrew Agos is no good. He's not going to even talk to me about medical symptoms. He's just going to make a meme of me of King Jong-un. Of King Jong-un? And yeah, and Agos is busy right now because everyone's getting shot in chicago and nobody's talking about it cuz all the weight you've put on i've gained in my haircut so what can you do cuz you look like jimmy neutron you're starting to look scary like a cartoon character i'm concerned about you i don't know how many fucking white wines or white spritzers you're drinking because you do drink like a divorced Irish woman who lives in Syasset.
Starting point is 00:01:49 So I'm not sure what you're doing, but you're starting to get so skinny that your teeth are starting to look like part of your face. Make no mistake, my routine every night has been having some garlic Texas toast with a little bit of tortellini, a couple of glasses of white wine, a Bud bud light seltzer and then i watch the movie now and then with uh christina ricci and i start to cry because i think about the old times and then i fall asleep here's the thing about you because that cannot be denied we don't talk about it as much anymore because we've been doing the podcast for only two years but it's a significant amount of time right what we don't talk about is that no matter how well you do in your life no matter what happens you are white trash you're burrow trash anytime
Starting point is 00:02:36 someone goes to a supermarket and purchases a bud light lime yeah deserve to be on the fucking back of a pickup truck whether it's in Queens or Mississippi. It's just what it is, cuz, yeah. And I mean, the fact that I fucking boil water and throw tortellinis in it four or five times a night is WT white trash, trash, trash. So what can you do, cuz? Listen, baby, I got good news.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I got good news and bad news. The good news is the police have cleared out Seattle's protest autonomous zone. The bad news is our good friend. Nowhere to perform now. Well, welcome back to the show. Someone called Chrissy Clarice Starling.
Starting point is 00:03:17 What is it? Go look up. Yeah. Go look up. If you don't know our friend, go look up our friend. Completely lost his mind now. And he's and he's
Starting point is 00:03:25 he's unhinged so i'm telling you listening just do me a favor put your kid in a swing and just push the swing and relax the greatest thing you could do as a father is just to forget about the world's problems a little bit and just push the kid in a swing because you're losing your fucking mind and okay you threw now unfortunately the guy you open all he wants to do is talk to republicans so unless you're planning on live streaming a live suicide on uh when you when you finally do over unless you plan on doing that i would just start looking up things real estate licenses and shit like that because because comedy's over comedy's over comedy's over i'm just kidding but no but you do need to seek mental professional help at this point.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah, I mean, you know, it's what it is. Yeah, they cleared out the Chaz after what? About a month? And then the black female police chief, you know, said we did it or whatever. Here's the deal. I'm all for women doing jobs that traditionally men could do or whatever. But let's be honest,, but let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Okay. Let's be honest. Let's just be honest. All right. If you're a tiny little female squeak, I mean, how the fuck did you make it to the police chief? I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:36 if you're going to be a woman cop, I'm all for it, but you need to be a bull dyke of the first order. I'm talking about a Janet Reno size bitch that shows up to help fucking with the perp who's in my house. If that little squeak police chief from Seattle shows up to quote the great Adrian Iapolucci, my wife is just going to say, I could have done this myself. Yeah. If you're a cop, if you're a female cop and you show up to my house and I don't for a second think you're Tim Dillon, then you're not a cop to me. Yeah. I mean, let's just can we stop with the political correctness?
Starting point is 00:05:11 Like if there are female cops that are that small, can you put them on like paper duty or something? Or maybe put them in the preschools as social workers, last care bears, whatever it is. But, you know, like this this utopia you guys think live criminals are dangerous people and if there's a five foot four woman that shows up to protect me guy you know we're both gonna get hurt it's just what it is both of us ladies are gonna go down yeah and we're a couple of women here talking to you on web on the morning make no mistake yeah we're females so we're saying even we're saying like we don't want our fellow sisters to get hurt out there so but listen it's what it is thank. Thank God the Seattle autonomous on the chop is now disbanded.
Starting point is 00:05:50 People are getting killed in there. I mean, it was only open for three weeks. I think three or four people got killed. So, I mean, what can you do? You know, Trump and the government let it rip a little bit and they're going to try to take it back now. They're going to try to take it back. And my question is what point though does the government just start opening up like you know start dropping like poisonous gas on them or doing something that obviously they'll regret and will be a story but i think trump's getting to the point now where i think he's getting he himself is getting unhinged where he's going to start shooting live rounds into the crowd soon yeah i mean uh that could happen that actually could happen we could have people we've been
Starting point is 00:06:25 saying there might be a civil war for months and things are gonna get bloody i mean it may come from the u.s government let's just hope this fucking virus disappears because this is if you look throughout history um you know mass unemployment this is when hitler came to power you know julia caesar this is just how dictators come to power putin uh you know king jung-un's pops i mean mao this is when you know because people start believing in this like uh power to the people thing and this uh the rich people are evil you know i i it's i it's not beyond the realm of possibility that you know jeff bezos ends up getting thrown into a guillotine they're already protesting outside his house with guillotines.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And then you have a strong dictator that comes to power. And his name is going to be Andrew Schultz. And that's just what it is. It's just what it is. And if Jeff Bezos does go on the guillotine, make no mistake, Chrissy D and Yanni P will be there. And we will live stream it for the Patreon only at the $10 tier, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Bubbas, here we go. That girl we were talking about yesterday well there it is here take a peek he's showing that's outside jeff bezos's one of his i assume one of his houses i'm sure i'm sure that's the one he takes the shit in that's dave chapelle i take a shit in that house because the guy's got three trillion dollars so his house not that small okay bubba so let's get to harvard now the girl we were talking about yesterday the tiktoker who said that she wants to all cuts matter, that she wants to stab someone. And she said all cuts matter.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Now she's been fired from her job. Wait, before we continue, I just want to ask Venetia, because I'm sure this is one of your friends. Have you spoken to her, and is she okay? Is she able to protest and whatever? I don't know. I hope she is okay. I i mean she had a good and you know a good point well but are you guys are you guys able to continue to do your black black op
Starting point is 00:08:13 uh antifa activities is your spirit is your spirit broken or are you still you guys still you still up um it's a little hurt but we'll try to make some more TikTok videos for sure. Okay, great. So you'll see her at the Rocks in Central Park tonight with a bottle of Rosé Girl work. Yeah. I mean, V's been getting smashed in Central Park every day. Make no mistake, if 4 o'clock, the reason why V doesn't respond to the group chat from about 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. is because she's fucking hammered in Central Park.
Starting point is 00:08:45 There's a couple of homeless guys that wait for her to come out and they share a paper bag full of Zippendale. Yeah, it's just what it is. All right. So she got fired. Did she have a response when she got fired? Or what did she say? Did she say it's fucking atrocity?
Starting point is 00:08:58 What did she say? Here's her response. This is the video. This is she posted response. Did she post it on TikTok? I only want to know if she posted on tiktok with funny music and edits she did and mike will find it's her crying now here's the deal uh obviously trump supporters and right-wing people complained to her job and got her fired by because she said caucasity and she was threatening to stab them that they took
Starting point is 00:09:21 that by the way when you start when you when you say trump supporters and right-wing people i want you to start referring to us as our names which is americans yeah which is the true america which is the fucking union i'm not referring to what says the union army i'm not saying it pejoratively i'm just saying that's who who attacked but you know this is the danger it's like come on guys i know. I know you're My job. God, I mean- I've gotten death threats, rape threats, violent threats. It was okay. But now it doesn't make me a future. My future is entirely compromised because Trump supporters have decided to go for my life. God, this sucks. You guys suck. I'm too strong for you.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I'm too strong for any of you. All lives matter. Racist Trump supporters. It sucks, but it doesn't suck as much as systemic racism. And I'm not going to stop using my platform to advocate for it. And I'm sorry, Deloitte, that you can't see that. Oh, God. I can't even watch this pandering bullshit.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I just can't watch it, lady. I didn't see the second half of it. Use your platform and all this bullshit. Here's the thing, though. Here's the thing. Oh, my God. People should not be getting fucking canceled for the things that they say. I mean, and people should not be seeking to cancel people for the things that they say. I mean, and people should not be seeking to cancel people for the things that they
Starting point is 00:10:46 say. And not one person can say that they take seriously that she was going to go stab people with that. I agree. I agree. And on the flip side though, I also see it's like, baby, if you want to play in that world and you want to play in that doxing world, then, you know, don't be surprised if it, if the doxing comes from you, because the mob, if you think you're safe by joining the mob, make no mistake, you've made the wrong choice
Starting point is 00:11:09 because the mob eats its own body. That's the nature and anatomy of a mob. So they're coming for you next, Bob Bob. Yeah, they'll turn on you in a heartbeat. And look, I feel bad for her, too. But it's also like,'s also like listen lady you know i mean you're not in comedy you have not untethered your boat you're not behind a paywall on patreon.com slash very rich boys what do you think's gonna happen i mean these people the thing
Starting point is 00:11:33 is though if you have even the most minor of controversies in most jobs right now in america people don't want to be anywhere fucking near you so you just just get fired. There is no due process. It is trial by Twitter, trial by TikTok. So if you have a job to lose, then just be careful because those people that threw the paint at the George Washington statue a couple of days ago, which is a minor offense, I mean, you would get a ticket. It's like a graffiti ticket. President Trump has employed the FBI to find out who those people are. So it's real shit going on right now. So if you want to, you know, take a stand and you feel this is your moment, absolutely do it. But understand, there's going to be a lot to lose.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I don't want to see crying TikTok videos. Because you have to understand you're living in a time where you can lose everything. But if you want to risk it all, then do it. Then do it all. I got two things to say. want to risk it all then do it then then do it all i got two things to say first of all we here at the history hyenas web on the morning show can save the taxpayers a lot of money in the search for these two people because it's just it's zach isis and benedict that's what it is yeah out there as a couple bonnie and clyde antifa stop marauding in the night drinking and defacing stuff so just go get them secondly i just want to say
Starting point is 00:12:46 that the people who go after people for things that they said the level of loser that you are in life that you spend your time searching through somebody's shit or spending time to try to get someone fired it's like the only reason you're doing that is because you don't have a life or job or people who love you of your own. And you're a fucking loser of the highest order or a Russian bot. That's what it is. And I like when you start to make a point and you start to shake forward like this. I just have two words to say to you.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And that's brother's school. It's just what it is. And if you don't know what that is, that's we say brother's school because Yanni's got a brother who's in a specific kind of school. You know, but he's our boy. We love him. Shout shout out yanni's brother he's the greatest person on the earth he's the greatest person my best friend my brother nico your father said your your late great gay father said before he passed away that nico was the only one who had a good heart because the other two you and your other three dollar brother are fucking scumbags there's no question about that that my brother nico is the only one with a good heart and uh yeah yeah chris calls him my dad a three dollar bill because the guy painted a few paintings and that yeah i mean you know there used to be a day
Starting point is 00:13:54 where that just made you a gay guy it just made you a gay guy and the three dollar bill origin story somebody will answer this it comes from when yannis's father was fighting the korean war he said people these people are as queer. If you called a gay guy, you'd say they're as queer as a $3 bill. This guy's got his $3 bill. So now we call $3 bills $3 bills. Okay, speaking of $3 bills, the San Francisco Police Department will stop releasing mugshots of people arrested to stop perpetuating racial stereotypes. shots of people arrested to stop perpetuating racial stereotypes so now because they're not going to use a mug shot to fucking i mean wild how do you want to catch the criminals yeah i mean you
Starting point is 00:14:34 know and the police chief again in san francisco is black much like in seattle they are black i mean you can't get more progressive than that but uh this is his decision and this is our franks and beans fucking fucking stupid i don't know if we have another one but i'm calling it the f and b story of the day how are you going to catch the criminals if you can't release the fucking mugshot to the public or to the news i mean cuz it's what it is it's what it is if you think the sun if the suspect fits a certain type of description, you need to get people that also fit that description and have the victim try and pick them out. It's what it is. You can't you can't do it any other way. Of course, you have to get a couple of people who don't look like them to throw it off and see.
Starting point is 00:15:20 But it's like because we're getting to a point now where the dystopian reality, the anarchy is setting in. And I don't know if four more years of Trump stops it or or or does it? I just don't know anymore. I don't know who to vote for anymore. I'm confused. I'm like, is Biden going to make this worse? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know anymore. It's fucking such a gamble. I wish we just had a candidate that was like, we know for a fact if we vote for this person, this will all stop.
Starting point is 00:15:49 But unfortunately, that's not Biden. It's not Trump. What's happening now is called throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It's like there's some very good things happening. Confederate monuments that were put up as intimidation to reinforce Jim Crow and to intimidate civil rights demonstrators in the 60s.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Those guys are traitors and they supported an evil thing. To me, they're no different in some ways to Nazi statues. They need to come down. They should be in museums. They should be in museums. We can't erase history, but they should come down. All the reform to try to stop brutality to for black people and other people because make no mistake white people also and
Starting point is 00:16:32 spanish people everyone are the victims those are all good things right now this is that's the fucking that's the bath water but puppets things like this. I just called you Puppus. Yeah. Puppus. Because you're Giannis Puppus. I'm Christy Puppus. I mean, fucking, you know, mug shots. That's the baby. The baby's going down the drain and the baby's going wah-wah. And putting the Disney movie on for the baby
Starting point is 00:16:56 is not going to save the baby. I'm moving because I'm brother school. It's just what it is. You're brother school because I am. I have coronavirus. I can't breathe. It's what it is because, make no mistake, I have coronavirus. I can't breathe. It's what it is cuz. Make no mistake.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I have my Zillow pin drop looking for houses within 300 yards of yours. Okay. Here it is. Cuz coronavirus patient suffers four hour erection from blood clot. If you don't think my boy Patty Fly Balls is licking the subway floors right now to try to get a fucking erection because the kid hasn't got one in six months. You got another thing coming. The kid wants to get get the rona he wants to get four hours of wood and then he's firing off dms to every girl he knows then it's here be get prepared to get your
Starting point is 00:17:32 hair sniffed by patty now let me ask you a question chris because i also read an article about coronavirus now affecting mostly people in certain in a certain place i can't remember where under 50 severely so and now it's giving you erections, giving people blood clots. We know that this is true because we have doctor friends who've amputated legs from the blood clots that are caused from COVID,
Starting point is 00:17:52 et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. The blue feet, all that shit. But are we being trolled? Is this virus a troll? Like, how is this virus affecting people so differently? Or is this just the media making shit up? I think it might be the media making shit up i think it might be the media making shit up and here's the honest truth here's why us at the history
Starting point is 00:18:09 is why we can always help you guys out and patreon.com slash by ridge boys we can always help you guys out is because you can either lick a subway floor or lick a dirty bus floor or lick a you know get get corona and get a four-hour erection or the other way to get a four-hour erection is you can just go to bluechew.com and put in a promo called wild and you can get a four-hour erection or the other way to get a four-hour erection is you can just go to bluechew.com and put in a promo code wild and you can get a discount on your fucking blue pills and you want to get a boner that way so bluechew.com use the promo code wild if you want to get your woodrow wilson up if not then you're just going to get a four-hour erection from corona but we have the answer to we have alternatives we're alt yeah yeah there's plenty of ways to get four-hour erections that way you don't have to
Starting point is 00:18:45 lick here's the good news though cuz if i don't know if you don't want to go if you don't want to go to the uh fourth of july party that you were scheduled to go to what we can do is we can go to texas if you want because vanilla ice is performing for 2500 people max uh in in in a city in texas on and it's going to be a July 4th concert. So yeah, vanilla ice who people say I look like, um, which is offensive. Uh, I,
Starting point is 00:19:09 uh, I don't know if you want to go. We can, if you want. Yeah. And it's controversial because you know, people there. Oh,
Starting point is 00:19:16 there's Mike mush in the back. Yeah. Texas is spiking. And, here's the deal. Vanilla ice. He did this probably this concert during this time because he knows 1200 people aren't going to show up because he's vanilla ice so he could just blame it on covet
Starting point is 00:19:28 yeah it's one of those things yeah a lot of these acts now they could just be like oh yeah we it's only half capacity but cuz make no mistake a lot of people's half capacities they're full capacity so what can you do who the fuck is going to show up to a vanilla ice concert who i mean 2500 if a Vanilla Ice concert, who, I mean, 2,500 people, if 2,500 people come out to see Vanilla Ice, then I will get a full sex change on this show for free, not even behind the paywall. Wow, cuz, you know, it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I did this thing,
Starting point is 00:19:55 it was called Whatever USA, Bud Lights, Whatever USA in Crested Butte, Colorado a few years ago, and Vanilla Ice performed, and he came out and sang ice ice baby and the crowd went nuts and then he tried to sing another song and people kept booing they just kept booing through that song and then he was like what you guys want me to play ice ice baby again and the crowd went nuts and then he played ice ice baby three more times in a row so in a 15
Starting point is 00:20:20 minute set he played ice ice baby four times and then the one song he did from the teenage ninja turtles movie and that was the set and people loved it so if he even attempts to do In a 15-minute set, he played Ice Ice Baby four times, and then the one song he did from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, and that was the set, and people loved it. So if he even attempts to do anything other than Ice Ice Baby, he gets booed offstage. Word to your mother. How funny is that? It's very funny.
Starting point is 00:20:35 He's only sold 84 tickets at this time. July 4th is like in 12 hours. So then he's going to fill up 2,500 very unlikely. What can you do? Because the virus update, we got a little virus update. There's a predicted surge in U.S. job growth for June. And guess what? It's not going to last.
Starting point is 00:20:50 So people are saying that the job, all the people saying we got jobs, it's growing. That's not going to last. They're going to close bars to stop coronavirus. And Trump says he's now going to wear a mask in public. He thinks it makes him look like the Lone Ranger. So what can you do? Trump is fucking wild. Yeah, I saw that interview yeah yeah because that's bro that's some somebody said that in your brother's school last weekend they said i look like the lone ranger with this yeah
Starting point is 00:21:12 he said you know he goes uh yeah you know i i wore i actually i thought it made me look pretty good it made me look like the long ranger so yeah i mean yeah he's just, he's full Franks and Beans, to be honest with you. What can you do, Bubba? What can you do? I know, you know, I know a lot of people love him. But at this point, I mean, the kid's mouth is just way too fucking slippery. And it's all fun and games when you have a booming economy and everything's great to have a fucking comedian as a president because the kid rips. I mean, the kid's a headliner. a fucking comedian as a president because the kid rips i mean the kid's a headliner yeah now when times are tough you just need someone who's measured and watches what they say and doesn't
Starting point is 00:21:50 just fucking throw threats at china you want someone who who said it was harry truman who said uh walk quietly and carry a big stick we need that guy we need that guy we need somebody with with a big stick and a fucking closed mouth. Wait, was it Harry Truman? Wasn't that Teddy Roosevelt? I think it was Teddy Roosevelt. You're right. Whatever. Take down his statue.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Russians have voted to keep Vladimir Putin in power until 2036. Because what do you think about that? Well, you didn't read that properly. Let me read that again. Russians have voted to keep putin until 2036 yeah any of our russian fans right on the patreon community board if you even did you even vote did you even get a thing did you just wake up and read the headlines that russia voted to keep him in power or because i don't do that's how funny is that do you think that russians are waking up today or yesterday and being like we didn't vote
Starting point is 00:22:42 did you know there was a vote yeah they, they're going like, thank God our democratic body, our legislative democratic body, our city councils that represent the people and our democratic institutions voted to keep our dictator in power till 2036. It's what it is. What are the chances there was going to be a vote against him? Well, I don't know. The thing is, it's going to happen in this country soon enough, too, because 500 companies have kicked off an ad boycott
Starting point is 00:23:11 intended to pressure Facebook into taking a stronger stand against hate speech. So, cuz, you're not going to be able to say anything or have anything at all. Because I know, obviously, hate speech is wrong. Of course, hate speech is wrong. But the thing for hate speech is, like, now anything can be hate speech. If you say I want an Eskimo pie, it's hate speech is wrong. Of course, hate speech is wrong. But the thing for hate speech is like now anything can be hate speech. If you say I want an Eskimo pie, it's hate speech. Well, this is the problem. This is the fucking problem. Let me say this right now. Here we go. Yanni Long is.
Starting point is 00:23:35 There's something wrong with hate speech. But what that is, is subjective. One person's hate speech is not another person's hate speech. That's the whole point behind freedom of speech. That is what makes you free. Once you start regulating that on these super highways of communication and in person, then you're no longer a free country. So what these companies should be doing is regulating the fake fucking news that's what they should be doing we need to we need to focus on that because what has really spurned all this hate in this country and divided us is the news that's fake and these bots that are not regulated all these foreign agents under fake accounts pushing fake news that's the problem. Hate speech being allowed, you should defend that because that is the person's right. And that's the country we live in. And because it's subjective,
Starting point is 00:24:32 one person's hate speech is not another person's hate speech. That's the whole point of freedom. So this is slouching towards fucking fascism. And it's brutal. It's fucking brutal, brutal. And it's like I said, it's really disturbing. They focus on this, but they don't focus on all the fucking hundreds of thousands of fake accounts that are sowing discord in this country that I love. Guys, okay, so you got a little worked up. That was Yanni Long Day, sponsored by Snickers, Hungry, Why Wait.
Starting point is 00:25:00 We got to work it, girl. Let's fucking just get to work. Let's just get to work Because it's getting crazy out here We went a little late, work it, girl Cover girl You know what just happened? It was a cloudy fucking rainy day And then the clouds parted
Starting point is 00:25:11 And fucking yes, it's sunshine Turn to the left Turn to the right Do your thing on the wrong way You better fucking work Work Okay, so let's go to the first one A guy strutting around in his skirt
Starting point is 00:25:24 Lectures police on their ignorance of history and lack of education. And it says, hashtag vote Democrat. Let's see it. This is Chrissy D. Hey, just sit there like fucking idiots. There we go. There's Benatia. There's Benatia.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yeah, she was there. You guys go to clown college for like 26 weeks. You know a hairdresser has to go to school for longer than you do. Oh shit. Half of you don't even have a college education to be out here making demands about the people. I mean you can't even read a fucking history book and know where you work from. But you want to sit here and tell me that you're educated enough to make demands about shit you know nothing about you should fucking know better you should know better
Starting point is 00:26:11 trade it trade it to your fucking people yeah okay so he called yeah that guy traded to his race. He's got nice titties. He's got nice titties. She's got nice titties. It's tough, though. It's tough, though, when you put on a skirt, you take the estrogen pills, you get your titties going, you put on your flats, and you start yelling
Starting point is 00:26:34 with what you think are good points at the police, looking for a crowd reaction, and unfortunately, you're just bombing. You're bombing. The crowd didn't care at all. Nobody clapped. Nobody said, yeah, this is what we're talking about. They kind of feel like, I mean, this is just weird. You're yell. Even the cops are like you're bombing.
Starting point is 00:26:51 It just sucks. You're bombing. So what can you do? Sometimes you take a hot one. And to the white girl who said you guys are uneducated. You don't even go to clown school or whatever. Here's the deal. Being a cop on the streets of new york city is very very hard they keep us safe uh all the overwhelming majority of them do a great job millions of interactions every day again you know there hasn't been an incident uh in new york in a long time it's very hard to be a cop you know what's not hard to use your parents money to go get a liberal arts degree in english the language you learned when you were four years old so that that's pretty easy to go get a english degree right yeah go try walking the beat in the bronx and then tell me which one is harder okay sachet shantae well listen bubs
Starting point is 00:27:38 we gotta get back to we gotta get to the netherlands um you know because we've just been cooped up here we've both been cooped up, Chrissy. We got to get to the Netherlands. Is this a fucking double-stuffed worker girl? It's a double-stuffed worker girl. We're doing worker girl Wednesday on a Thursday. Dutch sex workers have welcomed customers back as the Netherlands further eased coronavirus measures, but they were advised to avoid kissing to help reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19. So you can't get a kissy.
Starting point is 00:28:02 You can't get a kissy on the lippies, which is what I pay sex workers for. Just get little kisses on the lips. So we can't do that kissy. You can't get a kissy on the lippies, which is what I pay sex workers for. Just get little kisses on the lips. So we can't do that, but they will bang you out and do anything else, you know, in the name of Corona.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Because that prostitute looked like Sanjay from Game of Thrones. Yeah, that's what it is. Is that Princess Sanjay? No, Princess, who's Princess, Sanjay is the kid
Starting point is 00:28:21 from American Idol. I don't fucking know who is the red-headed girl. Oh no, that's Sanjaya. Sanjay's the fucking, Sanjay's the kid who's Idol. I don't fucking know who is the red-headed girl. Oh, no, that's Sanjaya. Sanjay's the fucking... Sanjay's the kid who's fucking on CNN all the time yelling about the virus. Don't see color.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I don't see color. I thought it was Sanjay. I don't know if she identifies as Indian. Sorry. Okay, here we go. You can't get a kiss on the lips, but she can use her mouth to give you a blowy. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Let's go to our quick PPM, our penis moment we have another karen this karen has actually pulled a gun out on people so the karens are stepping it up this karen's got the barrel of a gun pointed at uh i would assume black people um for some bullshit reason that's stupid and this lady needs to put her gun away and go the fuck back in her car and drive home. Here's the thing, though. Here's the thing, though. People are fucking tense right now. There's coronavirus, masks, fucking low unemployment, and then you got these crazy people here. It's a bad combination.
Starting point is 00:29:16 It's a bad combination. Let's see it. Yeah, well, let's see what happens. He wasn't here with the car. Call him. I'm telling. Get the license plate. Get the license plate. Get the license plate!
Starting point is 00:29:26 Get the license plate! Now! Cause you were never about to hit me with the damn car! You about to hit me with the car? Oh! Both of y'all put the gas on on me, okay? Call Richard back up to the police! Call Richard back up here now! Don't you fucking jump behind my car! No, I ain't jumping behind your car!
Starting point is 00:29:42 What the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck back! Jesus Christ! Get the fuck back! The thing is, you just don't know what happened before this. So I'm just going to say, I don't know what happened before this. But what I do know is this bitch watches a little too much Fox news yeah i mean cuz she's like the protests are coming to my car yeah and it also it's like and then she gets into the passenger seat it's like what the fuck you weren't the one driving why who what's going on i mean it's like you know she looks really stressed out she looks like she just got off of facetime with ted alexandro yeah it's just what it is i mean her husband was like babe get back in the car babe babe babe just kidding just kidding we're
Starting point is 00:30:28 having a good time we're just having a good time we're chilling we're comedians we make jokes it's what it is here we go july 2nd all right let's get to our hhfrd our history heinous fact of the day on july 2nd 1964 u.s president lyndon b johnson signed into law the historic civil rights act in a nationally televised ceremony at the White House. So Lyndon B. Johnson did that and then he killed JFK. So there you go. There you go. There you go. That's a very good HHFOD. And just to end it, I want you to I want to go to Hong Kong for a second and show you that there's racist cops out there, too. Let's take a peek at this police officer choking someone out and drawing his weapon.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Let's take a peek at this police officer choking someone out and drawing his weapon. Rest in peace. Rest in peace to Hong Kong. China, the future is yours, unfortunately. Yeah, that's an illegal chokehold. That's illegal now. That's an illegal chokehold. Yeah, you see, Chinese government doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:31:21 They're also the most racist country in the world. Yeah, that's a gun being pointed at protesters. Those protests aren't going to last very long yeah because democracy has crumbled and um because i just i just hope our world i hope the ideas that my people the greeks created for the world which are raceless and colorless i hope they persist i hope democracy and freedom persists it's not a guarantee don't take it for granted but we no matter if it goes we here at weapon the morning us two ladies we're here for you no matter what we'll be here if you want oh yeah no no what's going on okay sorry Thank you guys for watching.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Don't forget to subscribe. Also turn on alerts. More to come. Tell France. Absolutely. And go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys to join the matriarchal where things get really wild.

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