How Did This Get Made? - Matinee Monday: Money Plane

Episode Date: November 20, 2023

Paul, June, and Jason discuss the 2020 action film Money Plane. They talk about Kelsey Grammer’s performance as The Rumble, not realizing Thomas Jane was in the movie, the rules of Money Plane, and ...more. (Originally Released 07/30/2020) For more Matinee Monday content, visit Paul's YouTube page: to for tour dates, merch, and more! Follow Paul on Letterboxd: Discord:’s Discord: out Paul and Rob Huebel live on Twitch ( every Thursday 8-10pm ESTSubscribe to The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael here: to Unspooled with Paul and Amy Nicholson here: out The Jane Club over at janeclub.comCheck out new HDTGM merch over at to find Jason, June & Paul:@PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on TwitterJason is not on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a movie that stars two of my favorite characters from the real housewives of Beverly Hills and a wrestler from Raw. We saw money playing, so you know what that means. Now it's time for... How did this create? We're gonna have a good time celebrating some failure, not just being a hater. Could you know you wanted how did this create? Let's walk in the mediocrity of self-barrage. Perhaps we'll find the answer to the question
Starting point is 00:00:26 How did this get made? Hello people of Earth and welcome to How did this get made? I am tall, John, Sheer, Boy oh boy, we are doing another quarantine episode and what an episode we have in store for you today. It is the brand new release. I'm talking 2020. I'm talking two weeks ago. This film came out. It is called
Starting point is 00:00:46 Money Plane, and it has some pretty big stars, even if they're not on screen for a lot of time. We have in here Thomas Jane, we have Denise Richards, we also have Kelsey Grammer as an amazing villain in this film. And what do you need to know? Well, basically a group of thieves Have to do an impossible heist which is rob the money plane where anything goes But can they do it because maybe not everything is as it appears to break this down today We have with me my two coos, please welcome Jason and Zookus Money plane. Money plane. Money plane. Money plane. Money plane may be my new geostorm.
Starting point is 00:01:30 This has real geostorm potential to just scream money plane. I mean, this was, I mean, this was, I can't wait to get into this. I don't understand. I believe there are 11 people in this movie and that it is, this movie looks like it's a terrible, like this movie looks worse than like NCIS cyber. It is, or whatever that show, like this is, this was wild to watch.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Like how little was happening? How many times, okay, this movie presumes its audience is so stupid, it recaps the movie every 10 minutes. They recap what they're doing and where, I'm like, we gotta get into it. But do you tell, you said something in the beginning of this in your intro Paul did blew my mind was the lead of this movie Thomas Jane Jason saved that thought because You're not alone in the confusion about Thomas Jane
Starting point is 00:02:39 Our other co-host also had a lot of Thomas Jane questions. Please welcome Miss June Diane Rayfield. How are you June? I'm doing okay, Paul. How are you? I'm doing well. June, why don't you tell Jason about our issue that we had about Thomas Jane last night? So Jason, it's so funny you say that because, well, let me actually back up a little bit. Paul, I didn't even tell you this last night. But as I was looking in my calendar to find out what movie we were watching, and I would look at Sunday night, and I would
Starting point is 00:03:10 just sort of glance over like, oh, Sunday night is when I have to watch the How To The Skip Made movie. And the title of the, well, the title of the movie is usually in the, in the little calendar reminder. And I for, I think the last week and a half thought we were about to watch a movie called monkey planet By the way if that movie exists we are Chris Katan in Multi-planet I was Streading it and then Paul started looking for it and he said what's the name of the movie again? And I said oh it's money. And then I got really excited. Yeah. And this movie
Starting point is 00:03:51 was because you like a plane movie, love a plane movie. Love a plane movie. Oh, this isn't. This is one of the fundamental facts about myself. Passing your 57 type of plane movie like a like a thriller plane movie? Oh, I mean, we've talked about this at length before, but I have, I, the stakes of movies on a plane to me are so much higher. Did you say the stakes of the movie on the plane or the snake? No, she said the snakes. Bull. Did you say the snakes of the movie on the plane?
Starting point is 00:04:20 Okay. The snakes and the stakes. Okay, got to get those snakes. Maybe you're a little bit up. Sometimes the snakes are the stakes. Okay, gotta get those things. Maybe you're a little bit up. Sometimes the snakes are the state. You never remember like one of our first early dates was seeing snakes on a plane together, right? And it was so much fun. We were hissing at the screen. Oh, the high stakes of your snake date. But anyway, I really enjoyed watching this movie. When it started, we saw the credit come up for Thomas Jane.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And I thought, oh, okay, this is interesting. When is he gonna pop up and we're watching? And we're watching. And we're watching. And then I paused it toward the very end. And I said, Paul, where is Thomas Jane? And he said up, he's gonna come up the third act, third act, surprise.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And I thought, okay, and then I looked at the time and we had five minutes left. Oh, that's wild, yes. Okay, so then I said to June, wait a second June, I think that Harry is Thomas Jane. And to which you're like, no, no, we went on a deep Google dive. Yeah. To figure out, is that Thomas Jane and Lomba Hold, it was Thomas Jane. It was?
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yes! What are you talking about? That's what Thomas Jane. What? That person is Thomas Jane. That's hung? Yes! Yes!
Starting point is 00:05:43 What? Okay. Wait, so you didn't even know? You didn't even know? You never knew. You never knew. Okay, here's what I'm gonna tell you. Hey, I did not know Thomas Jane was in this movie until you just said so, okay? Like, I didn't clock the, meaning I didn't clock the,
Starting point is 00:06:00 the, the cast list or anything. So after the, after after the as the movie began and the four title cards came up for companies I've never heard of and then the I basically started fast forwarding until I started seeing stuff. So I must have missed that Thomas Jane was in the movie. So that when you just said Thomas Jane I was like who was Thomas Jane and then I instinctively thought there must be another man whose name is Thomas Jane Well, I went through that thought process to when we had found there was just a bit of confusion But no, you're telling me that Harry the guy who's like
Starting point is 00:06:42 Piloting the drone and playing video games with the daughter that is Thomas Jane from Punisher Thomas Jane from Magnolia That night's rather Thomas That is Thomas Jane and if you look at him online He is just aged. I don't think he's had any work done But I did a deep dive of Google image searches. It is definitely Thomas Jane.
Starting point is 00:07:06 He's just aged into this look, which is incredibly different. No, because you just say he's aged into this look and nothing else has happened. Like this is a natural progression. I disagree. Something happened. See, he looks like a different person. A different person. Because I know what Thomas Jane looks like.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You know what I mean? And this, the character of Harry. We all thought we did. He was a face that I was like, because this movie is full of faces I didn't know. You thought he was another face you didn't know? I was like, I guess this was sold on Kelsey Grammer. And you know, that's the money. That's why oh, I guess this was sold on Kelsey Grammer. And, you know, that's the money.
Starting point is 00:07:46 That's why everybody, that's why there's only 11 talking roles and they shoot the whole movie on like, I don't know what I was picturing for money plane, but I was picturing something huge and opulent and like a full-custody story inside of a plane. Yes, I was picturing something big, like the stakes were, you know, like big one. He said you can bet on a man wrestling a crocodile.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I was like, that's gonna be on the plane. But instead the plane is like a small, like a 727 that can only fit one poker table. And it's tight. But by the way, for that 727, I was, yeah, I was still lost about the geography of the plane. These people were popping around this plane as if it had multiple levels, but it like I never understood where they were going.
Starting point is 00:08:39 They would walk through curtain after curtain. I mean, this movie, like I wasn't joking. It was, it's a low-budget movie and they really make up for a lot of it by just putting a lot of different colored curtains to delineate different rooms. And at certain points, you're on a plane, but you're clearly not on a plane. You're just in a room. I mean, there's, there's a movie that is all broad strokes. And like the curtains, they might as well be like vault doors. Like if you pull the first class curtains shut,
Starting point is 00:09:12 that means nobody can pass. You know what I mean? Like if they treat those curtains as if they are impermeable by other people. Like it is, they, they, they, they, I'm trying to think of a comp for money playing, like what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be in the Kingsman part one when all the richest people go to the island to be like, we're going to be the people that survive the blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:09:41 and everything's open for business. I thought it was gonna be that on a plane. And if they put, they'll listen. They've put no money into the actual money plane. I mean, if we just go back to Thomas Jane for one second. Oh, please. Okay, because I really don't want to move off of him too quickly. So I know none of us recognize his face. And I'm not that familiar. Like I maybe saw one episode of. And I'm not that familiar.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Like I maybe saw one episode of Hong. I'm not that familiar, but I do feel like I know him. Well, he was also like around. He was given shot. He was in a rather development. He was in, he had a prominent role in bookie nights. He wasn't like I'm also ran. He was given real opportunity.
Starting point is 00:10:23 He was the punisher in a full installment. So, I mean, yeah, he's a big star. I did not recognize, I didn't recognize the way he looked, but I also didn't recognize the acting at all. Yes. I mean, that's what was shocking too. Well, let, you know, it's hard to judge the acting because I believe that Kelsey Grammer,
Starting point is 00:10:44 our star from Heng Thomas Jane and Denise Richards were all on set. Denise Richards on set for maybe an hour and 45 minutes. Yes, she's done before lunch. You know, Kelsey grammar, an afternoon or a morning. And I think that Thomas Jane put the most time in probably at max day and a half. I wonder if there's any any real housewives of Beverly Hills footage of Denise Richards shooting her episode of Moneyplane. I would love. I think it was before, but there's another interesting real houses of Beverly Hills crossover because of course Kelsey was also on season one. One of the best. That's right. Because
Starting point is 00:11:21 his ex-commercials. I ex-wife one of the, okay, ironically, his because Camille's former yes, and the Ironically he fell in love with a stewardess on a plane Holy okay, I want to know something even crazier. It is it is I mean, I don't know if this is just like bravo lore But the one of the first episodes of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills features Camille grammar saying goodbye to Kelsey as he goes to New York to do a Broadway show and then grammar saying goodbye to Kelsey as he goes to New York to do a Broadway show. And then he leaves for New York and she starts the season filming. It is said to be true that on the flight to New York after he left her, that is allegedly. We should say allegedly, allegedly, allegedly, we should for very specific reason. This is a bit sash we do not have the total clearance of the bravo team behind us here
Starting point is 00:12:11 he met his new wife the flight attendant on that flight i think that that's true june i think that that is true true true great i mean and that's the heartbreak for those of us that are single during this pandemic we're not able to get on planes and meet stortises readily or flight attendants rather. You know, it is not a, that's the number one dating pool apparently. And I'm cut off from it.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Listen, I will say I did not appreciate hearing Kelsey grammar curse during these difficult times. Wait, it wasn't Kelsey grammar, June. It was June. It was Darius, a manual grouch, the third. I was eight again. Darius, a manual grouch, the third is his name and his nickname is the rumble. He also has a nickname. He, by the way, his last name is Grouch. So his nickname is unquestionably the Grouch, right?
Starting point is 00:13:14 Or Oscar the Grouch. Or anything that his nickname is Grouch. So why does he have a separate moniker that is the rumble? And then a third moniker? I thought it was the grumble. I think it's the rumble. The rumble. The rumble?
Starting point is 00:13:34 That's a weird thing. I heard it in the rumble. I heard it as a grumble, like I'm the grumble or a grumble. I heard it as the rumble. Oh, no, this is interesting. June, do you have a note on this by any chance? Did you hear it as specific? I also, I thought it was the rumble.
Starting point is 00:13:51 You okay, so maybe I'm wrong then. Maybe I was. But I think it's also because Paul was repeating that. So I can't trust myself. When he referred to himself as his last name was Grouch and then said what I believe to be was the Rumpel. I was like, okay, this is unquestionably like a work of pure genius because I don't understand any of what's happening right now. Better known as The rumble you had a lot of money to some very bad people
Starting point is 00:14:28 I'm not just a businessman. I'm an opportunist So I bought you debt and I own you Now you're gonna have to repay me that debt Those people would have killed you I Saved you resurrected you from the Now, you have to be able to trust those who work for you. Can I trust you, Jack? You know, you don't have to ask me that. Can we just get to the job? But man, Jack, it is one of the, it is one of the best reveals because this movie is
Starting point is 00:15:01 led by three actors who aren't as quite well known as the other three actors that we talked about. Adam Copeland who plays Jack Reese. We're talking about Katrina Norman. Is that the fun man? Yes. The man with the, yes. Man bun.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Okay. We're talking about Katrina Norman who plays the Bella. Guys, guys, before you continue, I just want to interrupt because we have crossed a very dangerous I have crossed a very dangerous threshold during this pandemic because I know I saw this I saw this Jason I saw that you had a man bun. I was like, I know we can't talk about the man. Too long. Right now.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Do you have a hand? I see it. I know it's not good. It's a little closer to camera. I'm gonna steal myself and take another look and put you on speaker. No, because you're trying to get a picture of it, you're gonna find that. No, I'm not. I'm not screaming.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Grab it. Just turn around one more sec. One more time. Can you see it? Oh, wow, Jason. I just started recording. I saw it. My hair is so long and it's so hot.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I'm not screaming. I'm not screaming. I'm not screaming. I'm not screaming. I thought the minute we started recording. I saw it. My hair is so long and it's so hot that I have to now put it up. It's great. I ordered hair ties last week. I was like, wow. I was like, pretty soon. This is going to get on really. So I had to. But by the way, even you ordering hair ties means that that will come in about a day or two, but then you'll leave it out for a bit because you are being safe about it again. So you're not even gonna be able to get through. I was planning ahead. So yesterday was the first time I put my hair up.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Anyway, I did mean to interrupt. We talked openly about the man bun. Yeah, how does it feel Jason? Well, I want to be very clear. I do not neither do, okay. This is what happened. I put and I mean this last night or yesterday afternoon, I took the the now safe from corn. They're put the quarantine that I put them in. I also microwaved them. I took a hair tie and I put my hair up in a bun at which point I blacked out. And I put my hair up in a bun at which point I blacked out.
Starting point is 00:17:10 When I woke up, I had purchased deep veneck t-shirts, turquoise jewelry and a leather cuff. Something is wrong. God, Jason, I also want to control me. Jason, I have to also say now that you've said this, it is interesting that in L.A. At mocha, there was a there was a stealing of a very expensive painting. Were you behind that potentially? I don't know, guys. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:33 But let me be very clear. I have wearies. I have wearies that the bun has a mind of its own, that the bun is evil. You know? Yes. I'm not sure. I bought a large floppy felt hat. I'm not sure why? Wait, not a spoiler alert, but when he does drop the bun in the final scene of the movie,
Starting point is 00:17:51 it is another shocking look. I've been waiting for that bun to drop. Can I ask, is that guy known in some other capacity? Is he a wrestler? Is he... something well adam kowland is uh... a canadian professional wrestler an actor or he is currently signed to the wwe where it performs on the rob brand under the ring name the edge and he is currently inactive due to an injury uh... but he was trained by wrestlers sweet daddy seakey and run hutch it's got it okay now it's so tough first of all the entire team is just But he was trained by wrestlers, sweet daddy, Seaky, and Ron Hutchinson. Got it.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Now, it's so tough. First of all, the entire team is just lifeless. I mean, so uninteresting. It's like zero. Zero going on behind the eyes. Like, at one's less charismatic than the next. They have no, and they have nothing between them. They, their lines are all red. So flat that I am.
Starting point is 00:18:45 But the craziest part of it, okay, but the craziest part of it is that of the three, it is insane to believe that man bun is coordinating, strategizing, able to think through step A to step B, plan A to plan B is able to use a computer. I mean, he is any underthought. I mean, he is supposed to be like Jack Bauer, like a bad guy version of Jack Bauer or that's
Starting point is 00:19:15 where James Bond or something like we're getting him. He's also like, he's the team leader. So it's basically Kelsey Grammer has, you know, the man bun is in debt to a number of people. And Kelsey Grammer has bought all of his collective debt and says, if you do one job for me, if you rob the money plane, by the way, then the words money plane are said upwards of 30 times in the movie. The frequency with which someone says money plane, get to the money plane, I'm on the money plane, I want my money from the money plane is like hilarious.
Starting point is 00:19:52 There is a legend in the underworld. Those in the know, it's called a money plane. Some of the baddest motherfuckers on the planet are on that plane, all craving action. Whatever you want to wager on, the money plane has you covered. You want a bet on the dude, fucking alligator. Money plane. Untouchable by any government because the flight always takes place in international airspace.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Word is they have over a billion in crypto on board and millions in cash. I want you and your crew to take down the house. Can I even just walk us back because I have a very hard time and I know this is a very simple plot but understanding the plot of this movie, not the robbing of the money plane, but the catalyst that what you just described, what like that is a reaction to the opening of the film the opening of the film. They go to rob a museum which is a straight up factory. This movie is warehouse warehouse plane warehouse warehouse backyard like that is like it is all warehouses. That is a cement. It looks like a prison, the museum that they go into.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And so they go into break into this room. The painting is not there. They escape with their lives. Because the security catches them. Yeah, it's a setup. But yet there's nothing to steal. So it can't be a setup. Anyway, regardless, you can't arrest somebody
Starting point is 00:21:24 for stealing something if it's not there. Like, they didn't do anything. But I have to question Paul. They didn't do anything. Yeah. But here's my question. Why go through those lengths? Why wouldn't Kelsey Grammer just say before the art museum, just say, hey, I bought off all
Starting point is 00:21:41 your debt, you have to do this for me. Well, that's what I'm saying. That's what I don't understand that the whole movie is built on this conceit of, I bought off all your debt, you have to do this for me. Well, that's what I'm saying. That's what I don't understand that the whole movie is built on this conceit of, I mean, that's just reveal it because it'll make more sense if we talk about it the way that we know it to be true, which is Kelsey Grammer hires Adam Copeland a steal of painting, which he actually already owns. He then takes the painting out of the museum, Adam Copeland goes in there and then there's no painting for him to steal. So then Kelsey Grammer is like, you owe me because I hired you to steal this thing, but you didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:22:12 All the while he's lying to him that he didn't, but it didn't make any sense. If it's not there, you can't, like, they should have done a setup where they steal the painting and then he was responsible for the painting. like the fact that it's not there doesn't mean that he failed. Sorry, I think the disconnect is the reason that Kelsey Grammer does the fake out with the painting is that so man bun feels as though he's failed in the job and feels beholden to do the next job. But wouldn't he feel beholden if Kelsey Grammar had purchased all of his gambling debts? I think that the point was this painting theory was supposed to cover that. So now he's in, he's in base, it's basically just better in the whole. He's basically drawing him in one step deeper so that he does something one step more dangerous.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I understand, I think I understand, I do understand that. But I guess my confusion is this, if you tell me, hey, I have a lead, this car, I want you to steal this car from me. It is worth thousands. And here's where it is. And I go there to steal the car. When it's not a car, is it? It's like a really nice. It's a really nice it's like a maxed out Prius. Yeah. I mean with spoilers undercarriage lights, souped up wheels. It should be like my Pacifica with all black jet black ready to ride the night. Yeah. Map black Pacifica. I like you rolling through town to the map black Pacifica with bullet holes on it. I got those decals on in that black. I do think map black looks cool. All right. So, Helen, you know what's amazing?
Starting point is 00:23:49 I just watched Robocop the other day. Sorry. I mentioned it last week, but the cars in Robocop, Matt black. I was like, wow, even then this was like a, the future is Matt black cars. They're hoping to understand. Paul, you do think they're good looking. I don't. Yes. Would I drive a Matt Black car? No, I'm conscious enough to understand that that is not a good look for me. But by the way, if you want, if you want that, you should have that.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Thank you, babe. I appreciate that. June is still supporting me after I leased a car that I hated. For years, he literally went through all this trouble to lease it, got all of the stuff together, picked out all the packages. Day one, he said he didn't like the car. I cannot go through that again. Because of how it drove her, because of how it looked.
Starting point is 00:24:35 That's a long story. That's a long story. It was a long story. I basically was rushed into picking a car because of a few life things that were going on. I didn't really give it proper thought or care. And I was going to talk to the one on the floor. Wait, is that when you drove a wood-paneled PT cruiser
Starting point is 00:24:49 for three years? Yeah. Yeah, the one that has the big decal on it says, want to lose weight fast, slim trim, and it was a water-based diet supplement. Yeah, that was a mistake I made. But all right, so here's my issue. And this is the question that I have. So if you tell me, still this amazing matte black car, here's the address. I go there and the car
Starting point is 00:25:15 is not there. I do not feel responsible to the person who hired me to steal the car for failing him because the information was wrong. I think you have a great point, Paul. I agree except that in the world of like crime people, you are saying you told me you could do this, you failed. So now you owe me the worth of the, you took the job, you failed. So now you owe me the value of what you failed. I guess I just would have preferred,
Starting point is 00:25:44 I would have preferred for them to be caught red handed. That would have been a setup and they could have gotten it back or they would stole it and then Kelsey Grammar stole it back from them. There should have just been something where they lost it. It's not there. It's clumsy for real. Because all it's really meant to do is make the man bun
Starting point is 00:26:04 and his team feel like now they're totally fucked they don't have any other options so they have to take the most dangerous job. It's a sui, the guy, Thomas Jane, who I'm now realizing his time as Jane, says it's a suicide mission, you know, like you're never gonna do it. Well, but now here's an issue that June brought up
Starting point is 00:26:24 that is a bigger, June, you wanna reveal like, cause now I had an issue with the beginning of this plan. The money plane, what are they robbing? They're not robbing cash. They get to keep whatever is in the safe, which is cash, even though nothing on the plane is paid for in cash. So why they have a giant safe full of cash
Starting point is 00:26:42 on the airplane makes no sense? No idea. It's literally money's not used. It's all in digital bracelets. So why they have a giant safe full of cash on the airplane makes no sense because literally money is not used. It's all and digital bracelets. To me, they should have just spent their money and used all of their tech people to hack into that digital bracelet system. The whole, they don't need to do anything and why? They never need to get on my plane.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Why do any of them? I mean, I guess not the woman who is impersonating a flight attendant, but why do either of the other two members participate in gambling whatsoever? And not even participate. They're forced into like, yeah, they're like, their first job is to get to the, get to the cockpit and take control of the plane. First things, the first thing he does, sit down and start gambling. Well, he's got to create a cover story for himself.
Starting point is 00:27:31 He plays one game of cards on money plane, which is this, it seems to be like a criminals gambling paradise. He plays one hand and he's like, I got to go lay down. And then that was his cover stories No one will suspect why he's got to lay down in the first minute of the flight. He's a child Traffaker. He is under cover as a human Traffaker and that everybody you know the setup is the plane is full of the worst of the worst and they can bet on whatever They want because it's international
Starting point is 00:28:05 airspace. International airspace. International airspace. Which is the most hilarious thing, which is to imagine that the mega rich and the mega wealthy are like in order to do our really fucked up stuff, we got to go to international airspace. But by the way, it seems to me that they're only flying over the United States or California because their other guy in the field is in a field and by the time they're like communicating to him, it's been hours into the flight.
Starting point is 00:28:31 So either that flight just goes from LA to New York and international airspace is like, I mean, where's the international airspace begin? I don't know. I mean, I did have a question as I was watching it, which was, you know, if crimes are committed on the plane in international airspace, like over the Pacific or wherever, who's jurisdiction is it, the like departing flights or the departure city or the arrival city?
Starting point is 00:28:59 Or just wherever you have your passport? I mean, these are great questions. A manual grouch probably knows the VDT. Listen, when are my question is when are we gonna talk about Joey Lawrence's hair? Uh-oh. As a bald man, that really upsets me. I've been tracking this for a long time as he was on a show with Melissa Joan Hart, and that's where it really started.
Starting point is 00:29:24 I thought it was supposed to be some sort of like you know what something like let's actually not try and make it look natural. Let's try and make it look weird like the money plane money plane is run by a guy who's a real character you know he shaves his head in this weird way. Like he's got a, he's, he speaks in this mannered kind of voice, you know, this way, you know, like, in the, like, maybe it's a choice. I don't know. Well, I hope so. But I would know that that's the best case scenario. He did also seem like he was wearing lip gloss. So maybe. Yes. Yeah. I think he was maybe playing a character. Okay, interesting. My question for you, the more important thing, June, which I'm surprised that you didn't want to dig into is what's up? Paul, you said that you watched the Melissa Joan Hart Joey Lawrence TV show. You've been tracking this for a long time because you've watched the Melissa Joan Hart Joey Lawrence TV show that strike me as I'm
Starting point is 00:30:25 that first thing I would like to know a lot about that's just a truth all right well first of all everyone who knows me knows that I am a most Joan Hart Stan I she signed my failing math test when I was in high school which was a real treat for me you're failing math test when I was in high school, which was a real treat for me. You're failing math test? What did you say? Yes, because whenever you failed in school, you had to bring it home to have your parents sign it. So she was dating this guy from my school. So the one day that she came to my school to see what a real high school is like, I cornered
Starting point is 00:30:58 her and got her to sign my math test. And my teacher accepted it. I have never met anybody, including people who grew up in Los Angeles, who had more, who had more incidental interactions with celebrities doing their childhood than Paul Shea. Like it is, you interacted with more celebrities before the age of 11,
Starting point is 00:31:23 than I think you have currently. This is crazy. It may be very true. Yeah, she was dating this guy who went to my high school and he was a senior. And this is like Sabrina the teenage witch time. Not, yeah, that was Sabrina time. Oh no, Clarissa time is what I meant.
Starting point is 00:31:40 That was Clarissa time. And so she came to school to see what a real school was like. And everyone was a buzz about it and you know, following her around and everything like that. Do you know her door, she came to see what a real school was like? Is that the state of Michigan? Why else is she there? She got the tag along with her boyfriend the whole day.
Starting point is 00:31:58 So I think it was sort of like, oh, I mean, she wasn't there for like a talk or anything. She literally just came and hung with her boyfriend, which I went to a Catholic school, which also feels like that's an odd choice that they'd even let that happen. But she came from that area? Is that why?
Starting point is 00:32:12 No, I mean, not to my knowledge. No, I don't know how she was. Yeah, how did that happen? I don't know, he was a senior now is younger. I was like a sophomore when this happened. Cause I had to go to the senior floor to get her to sign my test, cause I was like waiting for it. I was like the senior floor to get her to sign my test because I was like waiting for it. I was like, I'm gonna get her to sign it. Everyone's
Starting point is 00:32:27 like, do it, do it, do it. And so I ran up to her right when buses were coming. And I was like, excuse me, such a fan, can you please sign this? And she signed it. I still have it. I think here in the house, actually, I literally do. That's, will you find it and play and make, can we make a t-shirt out of that? She signed it. I'm in Clarissa. Wow. Oh my God, you gotta make a t-shirt
Starting point is 00:32:50 of just the test. The fail, it's a, you say it was F? The failing test, it's in my autograph book from childhood, so I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will definitely, because I'm a little bit older, I missed all of Melissa Joan Hard and Joey Lawrence So mostly I know Joey Lawrence through his podcast Lake whoa Begon days, which is
Starting point is 00:33:16 Really just stories that are so wonderful Was it What's the thing? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I am appreciating it. Um, the, um, but no, I didn't, I was not a, I did not watch that show, but that show is a modern remake of who's the boss, essentially. The most Joan Hart Joy Lawrence show. But as a bald man, sometimes you get in these bald emails
Starting point is 00:33:51 and you gotta check out what's going on over here. And so that's when I kinda went on a deep dive, not of the show, but of the hair. Because there's been a- So you're like a bald, a bald, like text chain. I know, bald people will talk to each other as much as people that are losing their hair will confide to me a bald man about what to do. And I always say to them, I don't have the answer because I am bald.
Starting point is 00:34:14 This movie felt to me not to move us fully off of Joey Lawrence and this segment of the show, which we are now calling the ball talk. I mean, actually not even brought you to into the ball community. Jason, you're just flaunting your man by. I know I feel terrible. Yeah. Honestly, it's not a safe space to be bald. Listen, yeah, this is a safe space for Paul and it's not a brave space for Paul. Actually, Paul, I'd like to, I mean, I, we can cut this out, but I just want to state that when, when we started dating, that was when you officially decided to just like go bald, I mean, to start like buzzing your hair.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Yeah. And it took a lot, you know, look, I talk about my challenges in this world a lot, you know, but, yeah, I don't, again, I don't want to look to my bald friends out there at the bald community, you know the deal. So I don't need to, I don't want to look to my bald friends out there, the bald community, you know the deal. So I don't need to, I don't need to let you into our grouping anymore, but I just know that we're out there. We're strong. And we will just say I obviously, I am a big supporter of the bald community.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And I love the way you put your money, you put your money where your mouth is. I certainly do. Jason, how many bald trends do you have? You know here's what I'm I'm going to say and I and I don't want to be controversial. But I think baldness like I think it's a choice. I think you could grow hair if you want to Wow. Wow. You know what we better we better get off this because I'm going to get pretty hot under
Starting point is 00:35:41 the I'm going to get like a manual, Darryus Grouch, the third here, and get pretty angry. The rumble. This movie felt to me when we are with, on the money plane, when we are with the, not just on the money plane, but every single place we are on this thing, I felt like they were either in, in active production on or had just finished
Starting point is 00:36:09 or were about to begin production on a porno. Like this felt like- 5% Ladies and gentlemen, this is a representative of the house, it's my pleasure to welcome you to the money plane. I am your concierge, and I am here to facilitate your every desire for action and speculation. As you know, there are no cameras on board.
Starting point is 00:36:32 This is to ensure the utmost discretion. Rest assured, both you and your funds are thoroughly secure. Myself and my staff are here on board to bring you anything and everything that you desire At this point in time, I want to introduce you to my bookkeeper who will go over the rules of the house There will be no loud aggressive behavior which might disturb another guest or crew member They'll be no fighting no murder
Starting point is 00:37:04 No dismemberment. Unless of course those things are permitted within the rules of engagement for a specific event. This fell like the scenes that would lead up to porno scenes, you know, like that's how flat and bland and how much repetition of the plot is just we're taking over the plane and taking the money, but they restate the plot is just we're taking over the plane and taking the money, but they restate the plot
Starting point is 00:37:26 every 10 minutes. And there's not many twists in it. It doesn't, the plan doesn't get overly complicated. They pretty much pull it off with minimal interruption. I mean, it's not like, it's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It's not, this is not con-air here. This is not a big finale. It's like, it's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy.
Starting point is 00:37:50 It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so easy. It's so nuts. But the thing that's funny about it is what they are surprised about seems to be so basic. They've done all this research, they've looked at the schematics, by the way.
Starting point is 00:38:11 The opening credits of this movie is all these schematics and blueprints of planes, as though the plane itself has anything to do with being a money plane. It does not matter. Yeah, it's not like a special, it's like the plane is not Fort Knox. And that's everything that makes it a bummer. It's like, it is a money plane. It does not matter. Yeah, it's not like a special, it's like the plane is not Fort Knox. And that's the other thing that makes it the bummer. It's like, it is a poorly converted airplane. Yeah. Well, but that's what's so, that's what's hilarious to me about Manbon because he's,
Starting point is 00:38:36 he's surprised in all of the sort of, all of the research they've done in all of their prep work, he's surprised there's a co-pilot. That was my, I wrote that too. I mean, like, how do you not know there's a copilot? Isn't there almost always a copilot? That, I think there is, in fact, definitely always a copilot. I mean, it's a giant airplane.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Of course, there's a fucking copilot. They didn't, and by the way, neither, nobody seems to be really that good at fighting. They feel to me to be fair at fighting. They've gotten into a couple fights, but no one has any real finishing moves here. That fight in the cockpit is a mess. The comp for this movie is a fast and furious or a mission impossible, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:21 They're a team that's made up of like one guy who's the hacker, one guy who's the leader slash, you know, pilot in this sense. The woman is the kick ass, bad ass fighter, and then the guy on the ground, I'm kind of not sure what his deal was at all and why he was relegated to like ground duty because he didn't see because that would technically be the scene like a guy will McGillicutty cover name McGillicutty one of the hardest laughs I had that his name was McGillicutty McGillicutty
Starting point is 00:39:57 and said so frequently yes he was normally the tech guy but for this they switched them so I think the guy on the ground who was like the, he was a getaway driver in the first one. And Gillacutty was the tech guy. That's his usual job, is like getaway and stuff like that. I can hear it. So I think they flipped it. That's what he said. They needed a Gillacutty on the plane to hack the server on the plane.
Starting point is 00:40:21 That's what they needed him on the actual plane. But what I couldn't, is all the cryptocurrency was there. By the way, hacking that server was great. What I couldn't figure out is while he's on the money plane, he has to participate in a number of horrifying gambling situations. And he has no say. He has no say. And like, so he wins a poker game and then immediately, or I guess another man wins a poker game
Starting point is 00:40:49 and then immediately it's like, now we're playing Russian roulette and you don't have a choice. You must play Russian roulette. He's like, okay, like, he's gotta play, like, what do you have to do this? You're winning allows you to choose next event. Well, you know what I'm with Jackson.
Starting point is 00:41:07 But I can still enjoy a glass of vodka. No, no, no, no, no. Comrades, who wants something? Ladies and gentlemen, we have a game of Russian roulette featuring undefeated champion Mr. J. R. Crocket. You know what first? I thought to myself, that's Brave Man. Then I realized Mr. McGillicuddy,
Starting point is 00:41:34 that's not Brave Man, that is a man who's ready to die. Ready to meet the maker. And then after, after he wins Russian roulette, they're like, okay, and what's your number? And he doesn't know, and he says 17, and then it's man versus cobra. And it all comes up on a screen, and because he guesses close to 17 seconds,
Starting point is 00:41:56 how long the man will live, I was like, what is? But by the way, they didn't even have prices right rules, which is the closest without going over. He was the closest with going over like i mean they didn't tell him what the rules were they didn't tell what the games are at one point june and i were watching the second scene with the two men look like two russian men at a table on security camera and we're like what is this game and twenty one yeah what what were they doing you just slams an accent to the back of his head you know what i totally forgot about that is
Starting point is 00:42:22 so pointless it's so stupid. And I understand why it's there because it gives you the initial buy-in as to what kind of trouble man bun is in. But man bun's past involves being a gambling addict. Oh, yes. Like that he's such a gambling addict that that's why he owes all these bad people money, but that doesn't come into play.
Starting point is 00:42:47 No. That doesn't give him any expertise. Nope. It's not like the newer, by the way, nor does it create any conflict for him. Right. He doesn't trigger it. Right. He doesn't trigger it.
Starting point is 00:42:58 He's not struggling with like heading back in. Okay. The craziest thing, this is what I genuinely didn't understand. McGillicutty, first of all, McGillicutty will never be the same after seeing what he saw. Like he's not- McGillicutty watching multiple people die. A full life.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And has been a part of it. He's been like an active part of it. Very much. McGillicutty literally watched a man blow his fucking brains out a foot away from him and then is eating a full meal four minutes later? A full meal, not upset about it at all. So, but were these themes like man versus cobra?
Starting point is 00:43:31 I think someone was being eaten by like a piranha or something at one point in a that, or maybe that was acid, I don't know. Jun and I couldn't decide. And because this is the great thing with the movie, we couldn't decide whether or not it was acid or piranha because they never clearly state what you're watching, which is an audience member is confusing. But are those themes and games set up ahead of time?
Starting point is 00:43:53 Because I thought when you got a money plane, you could decide what you wanted to back. Yeah, like you would be like, I'm a weirdo. You know what? Let me be imaginative. I want, that's what I thought too. I thought the genesis of the games themselves would be done in person on money plane. Yes. Like they would call down,
Starting point is 00:44:14 like at a certain point in the movie when they're kind of, well, we get into how they have to frame Grouch at the end because I have a lot of questions about Grouch, his framing, but like they go, okay, let's go kill Grouch, and they start taking bets on that. They have connections to the ground to do any sort of fight that they wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:44:31 You would imagine they would have, I mean, by the way, when that guy is fighting the Python or whatever it is, the Cobra, the floor has a fucking witchcraft symbol on it. Did you notice that? Oh, I didn't notice that. Oh, yeah, the floor had that pentagram. Just like, what is this? Why are you mixing so many things? Everything, nothing, they were using like,
Starting point is 00:44:55 like even when they play the first round of poker or whatever card game they're playing, they do like a full on card montage of chips being thrown and cards being dealt and blah, blah, blah, blah. But none of it tracks. It's almost like B-roll of chips hit the table. Cards flip over. Ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta.
Starting point is 00:45:14 It almost felt like, like I said, a porn movie before, but it also felt like a Tim and Eric show or something like that. It felt like Decker, like a parody, you know, of something like a... Well, talking about, like, I wrote down a couple of things that all go into that, that Pornow Tim and Eric world, which is like, at one point, one of the bad guys just looks like a Ben Stiller character from the Ben Stiller sketch show. He's got like a big crazy mustache on.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Then you meet another character who's just wearing a cowboy hat and it every time that he's on screen Like a little like music twang like wow Wang and then like at one point Joey Lawrence says a line where he goes like We have the best pilots in the world and I know this because I myself am a pilot Fuck are we watching what is this but my my expectations then are well I guess at some point, Joy Lernt is going to fly this plane. Nope. Well, that's my question, though.
Starting point is 00:46:11 When they do decide to get out of their frame, Kelsey Grammar, and take as much money as they can and transfer the crypto coin to various charities throughout the world, who's flying the plane? Exactly. Dude, when they, who's flying the plane for the rest of the movie? Like, the plane is just, I'm assuming, on autopilot and will eventually crash? I mean, it's crazy because, oh, you're right, I didn't think about who's flying. And the plane is flying straight, which I guess you could maybe do with autopilot,
Starting point is 00:46:42 although it seemed like every time he wasn't touching that uh... that lever in the beginning when they were having a fight that plane was going down like they need to have his hands on it at all times so that's my question eventually was like what happens to the plane in all the people are all dead like including the staff and it's good and it's good let me ask this question how does money plane even make money?
Starting point is 00:47:06 Because there's only about 10 people on money plane. Well, I'm sure they take a commission. They take some percentage of these bets. But even I mean, I wonder if there are also like an auction, if there are bets coming in on the phone. Well, thought it would be. That's the case. I would never get on that plane.
Starting point is 00:47:23 But can I ask one more rug pulling out question, why do you need to do it in the air because it's not legal anyway? So why couldn't you just do this in a warehouse? Oh, everybody. Yeah. Oh, that's so true. It's like, here's the thing that they are. It's all happening. Cash is not being exchanged up there. It's all digital. Yeah, there's no, but there's no reason though. So in the middle of the, here's the thing, a lot of the, the actual crimes are happening not in international space. Only the wagering is happening in international air. The actual murders, the murders are all happening. I don't know in warehouses.
Starting point is 00:48:04 In that same, I love it. Like they tried to do like that fast and the furious, like the team meets in the warehouse beforehand. And in the fast and furious, like the warehouse is like kidded out with like all their cars and tools and all their computers and the hacker set up and blah, blah, blah. These guys have a single wooden box
Starting point is 00:48:23 that there's our team is standing around a single wooden box that their our team is standing around a single wooden box in an enormous otherwise empty hanger. Like they had all of the visual language, but none of the props, none of the dialogue, nothing. Everybody says every line has fewer than seven words and nobody says more than three lines at a time. Again, it was the saddest team. I thought McGillicuddy was the best of the bunch, but it was truly the saddest team I have ever seen. And the leather jacket on the woman, I mean, all of it was just so tough.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Now that I know it's Thomas Jane, you know, which again, I'm going to go back to this because, you know, Thomas Jane, I believe there is a degree of public knowledge that he is a bit of an oddball, right? So now it makes that right. Yes. What's the up to now? There's a, there was some story about like he wants to always be barefoot during all of his characters.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Yes. He's always barefoot. He's always barefoot. He wants them to be barefoot blah, blah, blah. And it makes now sense for it because I noted it a number of times. I was like, this actor, not knowing it's Tom Jane, but now that I do, it's for sure certain. He was like, you know what I think?
Starting point is 00:49:42 I think my guy smokes a pipe. Wow. My guy definitely smokes a pipe. I don't want to drop I don't want to drop to celebrity encounters on you, but the one time I did run into Thomas Jane Was it dealt with him smoking yeah, was that a pipe shop? Well, it was kind of like so I was a pipe club. I Have dealings in the pipe world. Yes, because a lot of my bald friends are also pipe entrepreneurs and stuff like that. Oh, are you a subset of the bald community is bald pipe smoker? Yes, I'm in a shark tank for pipe, uh, kuturma, uh, tobacco sales and things like that.
Starting point is 00:50:20 So I was in, I was in Las Vegas and I was going through the hard rock in Las Vegas. And it was, it smelled so bad. And I was like, God, I was with like two other people. I was like, this is like, what is going on here? This place sounds like shit. And we're like, it's that guy. And we look up and there's a man sitting on a bankette in the middle of the casino floor. Like, he's elevated way above everybody else.
Starting point is 00:50:45 No shoes on, smoking a cigar and riding the bank at like a fucking horse. And being super allowed, and it was Thomas Jane, his naked feet, smoking a cigar that's stunk up the whole like a casino. I've never been in a casino where I'm like, oh, that is the stink. Is Thomas Jane riding a fucking bank at? like a casino. I've never been in a casino where I'm like, oh, that is the stink is Thomas
Starting point is 00:51:05 Jane riding a fucking bankette. So I think like cigars and pipes are big to him because okay. Yeah. And I want to be on record. I do not like feet. I think feet are gross. I think we should cover them up. Rapid up Thomas Tom is saying, nobody wants to see your feet. I appreciate all of that. I want to talk about the flashback to Darius Grouch. I know I keep on going back to Kelsey Grammer. Kelsey Grammer, like literally after they have a full scene where he tells him the plan, our lead, Adam Copeland,
Starting point is 00:51:40 is in an airplane five minutes later and sees the scene again, which he's not in. It's just him doing the monologue of the scene in a different room. Yeah, that's how they have to find new ways to recap the movie, including showing you scenes from earlier in the movie. Like, this is... They didn't even show you a scene earlier. They reshot the scene with him not in it.
Starting point is 00:52:05 So his memory of it or his nightmare of it. Oh yeah, because he's not even in the plane. Yeah, because he's lying in bed. Reimagining that whole scene from Kelsey Grammar's point of view. The best line of the movie is when Kelsey Grammar says to his henchman, hold on P-roach. I was like, what is going on right now? Kelsey Grammer is a plus plus in this movie. I don't care what you say. I think Kelsey Grammer should win an Oscar for this.
Starting point is 00:52:35 He is bringing, he's bringing the heat. I did do a little bit of research. Listen, it's going to be a really weird Oscar year this year because so few movies got released I think he's got a shot Why why does the guy on the ground when he has his knife out peel a full banana See that why does he build does it's get let me ask you this to this to our audience when you eat a banana Do you peel the entire thing at once and then just hold the bear banana? Never. You use the peel as the holder. It's a burrito wrapper. That's what you use a banana peel for.
Starting point is 00:53:14 So I don't understand the man on the ground at all. He is extraneous and is pointless in this movie. Well, here's what I don't understand. The ending. So I was trying to really figure out what was the device that in the end we find out through yet another flashback that a man on his put under Kelsey Grammer's table?
Starting point is 00:53:37 What was that? Just a tracking device so he could send people to the table. No, I think it was a, it was, it was, I genuinely believe it was just a mic pack. I think it's a microphone so that he could hear whatever. That's why he's able to, but that's not how he figured it out. I think that's how he's able to know. Like when, when, when we were talking earlier about when he knows what Kelsey grammar said, even when he wasn't there, I think he knows what Kelsey grammar said because he miked that table.
Starting point is 00:54:07 But, but, okay, if that's the case, then why get phone calls from Thomas Jane, who's the one who reveals all the information? Wouldn't he know it? My, good question. I'm not sure, but that I believe is what we're, I think we're meant to believe that's a bug, you know, like he's bugged him but the way it's not about it's giant if you know anything about him Racking him. Yeah, well, it's a track in him. I'm moving But it's like this is where the movie falls apart because it's I mean
Starting point is 00:54:36 It's so it's so tightly constructed. This isn't really I mean I know we don't have tenet in the theaters, but we do have this which I'm excited about but the idea that he was aware enough to put a mic pack there, but didn't recon it at like, why at that moment? Because it didn't seem like he really caught on to it until much, much later. Yeah, we never, well, I think the reason, I think that, I frankly, I think that is because the is because the movie would lose its stakes. If we, if we, the audience know he has a bug, we don't have the tension of their inevitable double cross, which happens, you know?
Starting point is 00:55:18 So I'm actually going to give Joey Lawrence's brother more credit. I don't think it was a bug. I think it was just a tracking device so that they could locate exactly where he was. But he's always in the same place. He's exactly where they met. So you mean they could have just like a modest house and a very modest. They were had to have moved that table. That would assume like, oh, we got to get you out of here, sir. Let's get you and your outdoor dining room table onto the helicopter. Well, you see how much you care about the terracotta floors. He,
Starting point is 00:55:52 he, I mean, that, that terracotta floor stuff seemed improvised. Uh, I feel like, oh, that was so funny. My favorite part of this movie was there's a moment where he's first meeting, Adam Copeland, Jack Reese, and he's kind of confronting him. And as he's talking to him, he's like, you lost my painting, you know, XYZ, and he goes, I should make a fucking painting of you right now by blowing your head off. And as he's saying that one of his henchmen puts a canvas behind the back of his head, and he goes, I'll make a Pollock right now. And I was like, I love, this is my favorite shit of like bad guy movies where it's like,
Starting point is 00:56:29 like the talking of that, behind me, canvas, okay, yeah. And then I'm gonna say this thing. I'm gonna, I'll be talking to him. And I'll blow your head. And when I say that, you have to bring the canvas behind his head. And then that will just for the effect.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Like I just love that, like those conversations of like. The hour beforehand, like an hour before man bun gets here, we have to have a meeting. So we understand exactly the beats. What would have been cool is if you looked up and on the wall was like 10
Starting point is 00:56:59 bloody bullet paintings so that you knew the rumble means business. The grumble knew what was up, but that to me and then the guy then has to kind of sheepishly walk away because I'll blow your head off and he'll go back and then you know that guy's like, okay, I'll put it back. I hope I did a good job. I did the canvas thing, but you know.
Starting point is 00:57:18 That's by the way, P Roach, just in case you're wondering, P Roach, because I watched it with close captioning and was crying laughing. This movie, like, genuinely. So what did close captioning say about grouch versus grouch? Oh, that's a good question. I gotta look back.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I think it's, I'll look it up. I don't remember. But now, what, how did the end actually happen? Because I said to June like multiple times, like, so what, like like basically he plays a recording and he goes, I'm derrious grumble and I'm gonna rob the money plane. But he's, and then immediately,
Starting point is 00:57:54 Joey Lawrence is like, let's kill him. Like, but it was like, but he's not, he hasn't. It's sort of like, well, I didn't understand like how that was like, how that indicted him or made him guilty. He basically, I think it's that he kind of disrespects them and says, I'm above you and I'm gonna raw and I'm stealing the, I'm bigger, I'm the biggest,
Starting point is 00:58:17 I think the whole idea is the money plane, and this isn't true at all, is full of the baddest of the bad. You know, like human traffickers, drug cartel leaders or whatever cowboy hat guy is, I don't know, but like, arm's dealer, I think he's an arm's dealer. Everybody's like the baddest of the bad. And Kelsey Grammer's out there being, you know what, I'm the baddest of the bad,
Starting point is 00:58:40 and I'm gonna steal so that everybody's like, you know what, you don't get away with that and they put a price on his head. Got it. But that requires that man bun is planning this double cross all along. Meanwhile, Kelsey Grammer also, in the most bizarre way in an effort to keep him in the movie more, wants to be on FaceTime with man bun. The whole story. FaceTime with man bun Without the movie whether it's on a laptop in the cockpit or an iPhone duct taped to the foot to the plane and other plane
Starting point is 00:59:09 He's like it's like somebody who's like so needy and it's like well, no don't hang up yet Like I still want a chance he likes using code names like he there's a fun loving sense to Darius grouch the third that I feel like we could explore in another film, although he scar faces it out at the end. We don't even see him get assassinated. We just see him pull up a large gun and go, ah, with CGI bullets flying. And we don't even get to see him fall, which is great for your sequel, because I would like to see, you know, Darius Grumble continue his saga.
Starting point is 00:59:41 My favorite scene is when Man Bunn is saying goodbye to his family and he reads his daughter a bedtime story. He's sitting on the edge of her bed. His wife comes in. Denise, she's there. Denise, she's there. And he says to his wife, they're just sitting there right on her bed. She's amazing, isn't she?
Starting point is 01:00:00 Well, by the way, that kid goes to sleep within. I think that kid is a narcoleptic because she? Well, by the way, that kid goes to sleep within, I think that kid is a narcoleptic because she is like- And certainly asleep. Her parents have a full volume conversation. Like, her parents have a full volume conversation about her right while sitting on her bed. And she's out for the count. I mean, she's amazing.
Starting point is 01:00:20 She's amazing, isn't she? I was like, what the fuck is this movie? I mean, and Denise Richards also says a line which is so great. So basically, he meets Darious Grouch. Darious is like, you gotta rob the casino plane. I'll give you one day to prep for it. And then Denise Richards says, like, a line where she's like,
Starting point is 01:00:37 I can't believe you have to leave with such short notice. Like, as a man who's a career criminal, like, what does she care about the notice? Like, to notice, what do you mean short notice? And they have like a brief chaste hug, and then she says, we're gonna pick this up later. And I was like, wait, was that hug like, supposed to be like, oh, we're about to get sexual
Starting point is 01:00:59 because it was like very brief and like sexless in its, it was not like- It was not like the movie, but I will not give you a lead. I have to say at the very end when they're reunited in that strange backyard with like different landings and a wood shed and then a pool and a dog, but when they are there together, both of them with their hair down,
Starting point is 01:01:24 it is too much hair. Yeah. In one shot, it is way too much. As a man who has long hair, I agree. It was too much. By the way, the final reveal, which is not even really worth getting into, is like they doubled,
Starting point is 01:01:40 I mean, after they've killed Daria Scratch, they steal back the painting and now they're gonna sell it, and that's how they're gonna make their money by stealing the original thing they were gonna steal it and that's how they're gonna make their money by stealing the original thing they were gonna steal because it actually belong to the area scourge it's revealed that thums jane has like found a lead on the stolen painting for them to get so much money
Starting point is 01:01:54 um but then when they show where the painting is it's in his backyard leaning up against a wood pile that you would have for firewood uncovered un unprotected, just in the backyard. This is a $40 million painting that this is how little the movie trusts that you're going to put together. What has happened is that that man bun who has stolen the original painting finally that he was supposed to seal at the beginning, we haven't seen it happen, but we know he has stolen it.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And it is outside next to him while he's on the phone so that you know, like, oh, he has the, it's like, it assumes this movie assumes that the audience watching it is fucking morons because every 10 minutes they recap the plot, the lines are basically the same lines over and I got to get to the, the guy says I got to get to the cockpit like four times in two minutes. It's so weird. Oh my gosh. And ultimately, and I, you know, listen, I hate talking about another person this way,
Starting point is 01:03:01 but man bun is so big. He's too tall for the screen. Like the scene where he's fighting that the copilot, there's just it's it's almost comical how big both of these men are in a tiny space. And when he's in a shot with another person, it's just so, ah, there's not an apple box you can get on that's ever going to make it look okay. The scenes where he's flying the plane literally felt to me like I was watching airplane. Like it's like a spooch. Absolutely. Like the comedy airplane.
Starting point is 01:03:34 It felt like it was purposefully like a spoof movie. Like it made, you know, like con air, like we can we have we actually have a comp for this in our pantheon you know con air you know the guys the mission is take control of the plane blah blah blah and you know that it's a lot of struggle and a lot of steps to do it all he has to do is elbow a guy in the face and there's so much like just like immediate kind of like resolution of the plan like boom
Starting point is 01:04:04 and then he don't know a copilot and then he clobber him a couple times and now fully in control and the same the they have to have a McGillic hoodie and uh... the woman what's the woman's name who is undercut their their muscle that like the not Gina carano bad ass they fill a blackuffle bag full of money that they have their action in three different scenes is to pick it up, move it three feet and put it down.
Starting point is 01:04:33 That's it. Yeah. That's all they do. They leave it here, then they go back to what they're doing, then they come back, they move it three feet this way, they leave it there, it's hilarious. How the full scenes accomplish absolutely nothing. It's so crazy. Oh my God. I did love them all jumping out of the plane.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Oh, yes. But they also like to they can't all carry that cash, right? Or did they not take any of that cash because it's criminal? They didn't take any of that. That was the whole thing. They just... They rob and hooded it. Yeah. I mean, the crazy thing is the fact that they were able to transfer all that money to charities all across the world in no less than one click. Like through Bitcoin. Through Bitcoin. But there was no like, look at how many ones number or checking that this is the right account or like, he made that trans that idea was hatched and it was transferred within 10 seconds. It takes me more clicks to get on this podcast than it did for him to transfer like a billion dollars
Starting point is 01:05:35 in Bitcoin to every version of- Unisapp. Yeah, using basically the most basic of tools, like an iPad and an iPhone brought down everything with like a USB hub. It's so crazy. Obviously, we have opinions about this movie, but now it is a chance for second opinions. But wait a second, there are no real second opinions about this movie.
Starting point is 01:05:56 This movie just came out and they're not like, they're not really worthy of reading, but I will just kind of give you an overview uh... of them but i actually have something instead which i think will be a lot of fun so far there are only seven reviews so thirty eight percent are five stars uh... you know you have things just like hey i love that phrasier was in this movie adam larence is of the best he should be nominated for best director like it i don't i can't tell if they're real if they're facetious but what i do have uh... this is actually found by nate kiley is some details about the filming of this movie that i
Starting point is 01:06:32 think will help a lot of us here it kind of get to the bottom of this so basically when they were making this movie they did not finish the plane set they first of all they didn't even have a plane set. They heard about a plane in Nashville. They ran down there to start shooting this movie in Nashville on this plane set. And they could only shoot into corners because the plane wasn't done right. So a lot of the movie, the reason why you're up against those screens, is just because
Starting point is 01:06:58 they didn't have a set built. And this movie was come up. This movie, the producers came up with this movie after playing Casino War, which is a game of chance in Las Vegas, Casino where you just play war against the dealer. It's not even blackjack. It's like, you have an eight. Oh, so that's a super basic game. Yeah. That's how that came up. And then this is the best one I love. So Kelsey Grammer says, I'm always drawn to guys who are a bit over the top. This is one of those characters. I don't mind the comparisons to side show Bob.
Starting point is 01:07:34 He is one of the arguably the greatest villains of all time. So he considers himself, this is an homage to side show Bob. And then this is the best thing about shooting Kelsey grammar. They had to shoot him all on a Sunday morning super early. And there was a guy mowing his lawn over the fence and there was a dog.
Starting point is 01:07:53 So basically Kelsey had to do all these monologues trying to get through them before a dog barked or someone's finished mowing the lawn. I was gonna say, did he have to ADR his whole thing? But there's a couple of moments where it looked like he was ADR. Yeah. But overall, I have to say for an hour and 20 minutes, I appreciate a movie that knows its place.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I enjoyed every bit of it. It was insane. It was stupid. It was big. I would, you know, I mean, I would recommend people to see this movie. I don't know. I had a great time watching it. Yeah. I mean, I would recommend people see this movie. I don't know. I had a great time watching it. Yeah, I mean, too, Paul.
Starting point is 01:08:27 I mean, it was just, it's quite a ride. It amounts to less than nothing, but the journey is enjoyable and outrageous. It is, yes. I agree. It is, I had, I was laughing so hard while watching this because I knew nothing about it. I just received an email saying watch money playing.
Starting point is 01:08:54 And I was like, I'm already in. And so every, and I received one that said watch monkey planet. Yeah. So every reveal for me was like, whoa, what? I'm sorry, it was more like, whoa, what? I mean, that's how I felt. I mean, it was like, I had heard about it,
Starting point is 01:09:10 but I did not know anything about it. I thought it was a sequel to Money Train, the Woody Harrelson, was it's nice? It's nice. Where they robbed the MTA train full of money. I was like, oh, maybe this is like a direct to DVD sequel or something like that. Or like Hurricane Heist, or any of. I was like, oh, maybe this is like a direct to DVD sequel or something like that. Or like Hurricane Heist or any of these kind of like whatever. I didn't realize it. So all that being said
Starting point is 01:09:33 through just the nature of pure discovery, it was delightful because this is truly a very bad movie, a very boring movie, I should say. It is slow and plotting and nobody can sell the tension or the state of what's happening at all they literally in the in the Russian roulette scene they're playing comedy music underneath Russian roulette like yeah as a fightpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp you know, Hurricane Heist, like I said, what a not geostorm, but you know, those type of... You have the mother fucking wrestler as your centerpiece. He should be able to body slam at least one person. He basically doesn't fight at all. He just has that like,
Starting point is 01:10:33 tussle on the cockpit and the, and his right hand woman in the film who has one of my favorite scenes of the whole thing. Like, you know, he's playing a child trafficker where he's that's the identity is taking on and they're like well what happened to that guy is like well she had a run him with him last year and the child trafficker is sitting in a parking lot in a park car she pulls up shoots him in the head and that's it like it's a like it's not cool at all
Starting point is 01:10:57 the way that she kills this guy like rocking out to uh... tunes in his car but just because we've mentioned her a bunch, her name is Katrina Norman. Yes. And, you know, and she has the most kick ass moments in the movie. Absolutely. She is the muscle.
Starting point is 01:11:17 And so, you know, even though it's not like the greatest fight choreography you've ever seen, she at least has some fun takedowns and some fun kind of like hand-to-hand stuff that is that all happens within the confines again of the money playing. I mean, and that basically that one hallway. And you know, I do have some issues with her because obviously Katrina was on, she was on castle and, you know, people who listen to this podcast know that I want to be the new Castle. So, you know, there was a part.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Is the hashtag Sheer for Castle still trending? I mean, it hasn't stopped. I got an email from Twitter. I should say I got a gift basket. You got an email from Twitter? Yeah, they sent me like, we've never had anything trend this long. And I said, well, you know, when theicop wants something, they are pretty adamant about it. So, you know, we're, you know, the, the whole, you know, the Rona is kind of
Starting point is 01:12:12 taking, hitting everything in the stride. So the castle reboot is not fully functional yet. But I assume once we get up, you know, maybe you could, you know what you, I would, I would be in complete support of is you taking an episode of Castle and doing a live read on Zoom where you get to play Castle and just as a proof of concept for the people. I think you're right Jason. I think it's for the powers that be do a zoom table read of an episode of Castle. I think it's right. I think it's right and I think it's about time that we do this. And it's time. That's the thing. It's time
Starting point is 01:12:45 You know because everybody's moved on right castle is not on the air anymore No, he's already that Philly and his the rookie now, isn't he? Yeah, he's done multiple series So we're ready to go Jason if you would join me as playing Have the air as Bizzito and June if you join me and June if you join me as playing a Cape Beckett I think we got this thing wrapped up it would be an honor the I mean listen guys if we can do this, the castle cast is up and running. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:11 All right, so every week, we don't, every week, we don't talk about an episode of castle. We do a dramatic reading of that episode's script. That's a podcast. Oh, man, I'm in. I'm in. I am in Castlecast. But besides promoting Castlecast,
Starting point is 01:13:30 do you have anything you want to promote? Tell people about, check out anything like that. Yes, I will do a quick plug for the Jane Club, the space and community that I founded and the recent connected Jane membership that we've launched to take. And are Jane? Yes. Can I just interrupt? I just want to be very clear. I found it in the recent connected Jane membership that we've launched to take and are.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Yes. Can I just interrupt? I just want to be very clear. The Jane Club has nothing to do with Thomas Jane, right? Nothing to do with Thomas Jane now. Not related to Thomas Jane. Not named after Thomas Jane. Well, wait a second.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Are you talking about the new Thomas Jane or the old Thomas Jane? Any Thomas Jane has the is any Thomas Jane related to the Jane Club? I just want to be clear. No, Jason, complete coincidence. Thank you. I promise. Yes. If anyone is interested in the Jane club and the connected Jane online experience, it's $50 a month and you can head to and use my special code insider Jane FF for $10 off your first month. And June, what's going on there is there are,
Starting point is 01:14:25 it's basically a place to hang out online because we can't go into real spaces. There's so much great stuff going on there. Yeah, I mean, more than hang out, there's tons of programming throughout the day. We do daily meditations together, writing workshops. There's tons of stuff for kids, music classes, Paul hosts a talent show for the kids on Fridays.
Starting point is 01:14:45 We do teachings on justice and race and gender and tons of educational experiences. So it's a really robust, incredible community that's part school, part bar, part spa. It's all the things and it's just been a real life saver during this time. And what about you Jason? The movie that I was in that came out last year called The Long Dumb Road
Starting point is 01:15:12 has just come on to Netflix right now. So if you want to see myself and Tony Revalori in a kind of Shaggy Road trip movie written and directed by the fantastically talented Hannanna Fidel and co-written by Carson Mel. It's on Netflix now and also I'm a voice in the new HBO Max animated series called Close Enough From. You're so funny. I was so glad to hear that.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Oh, thanks. It's the same folks that did the regular show, J.G. Quintell and all those folks. Really funny, family animated show, but definitely are rated. So it's, that's a blast. And I also want to say, and we, I think we texted about this. But last week on the, the mini, we misidentified the name of the first aid kit podcast that I was on. So I just wanted to make sure our listeners are going to the right place to hear that episode.
Starting point is 01:16:03 It's called the first aid kit, the host, Cernicol and BIM. And it's a great podcast. So I just wanted to make sure our listeners are going to the right place to hear that episode. It's called the first aid kit, uh, the host, sir Nicole and Bim and it's a great podcast. So I just wanted to correct that. Yes. And I will say, uh, one other thing that's important to, uh, to hear or understand is, uh, Jason and I, if you have HBO Max, you can actually watch us on the Chris Geather show. The episode where Chris sabotaged us live on air and gave us total control of his show for an episode. It was completely improvised and impromptu and it was awesome.
Starting point is 01:16:33 And on live television. And on live television. He abandoned us without telling us. He abandoned us for an hour on live television. And it is, I will say it is one of my, one of my two favorite things I've ever done were both with you, Paul, on Chris Kethards show. But the One Man's Trash episode,
Starting point is 01:16:55 which is the dumpster episode, which is available on YouTube. And the one that you just mentioned called Show Us Your Pets. So if you have it, it's your max. You have it on HBO Max. Go deep dive in there. And also this week I was on the Anna Ferris podcast
Starting point is 01:17:07 on qualified fund to see her again and always a trip to see what she's up to and interested in. This has been a pleasure. Another how did this get made in quarantine and it couldn't be done without our amazing team that is behind our zooms making sure this sounds great. That is our producer Cody Avril Halley for picking this film Molly Reynolds for organizing all the things behind the scenes. Devon our engineer, Nate Kylie for doing all of our research and July for listening through finding all the moments, trimming all the fat, doing all the hard work, and everybody at Airwell, thank you so much for listening. Also the Ghost of Craig Teen Nelson.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Thank you for all your brilliant designs. And Kyle Waldron, you can always head over to the T-Pub·Ak store to check out all of our amazing shirts. Our charity shirt is now down, but we raised over almost $8,000 in charity shirts there. So that was amazing. And our Gition Gert shirt paid for over eight hundred meals so pretty amazing all across the board and gission gerts is still raising money now the charity has
Starting point is 01:18:12 changed and but uh... really fun stuff so head over to teap up with dot com slash stores such hd tgm uh... bye for now You're the only one here, love!

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